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Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri • Page 4

Springfield, Missouri
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V't 1: i I 1 hi, 4 Ik. l. CANADA EXPLORERS FIND BIG DEPOSIT OF PURE IRON ORE Millions' of Tons Available Without Necessity of Mining. EDVf ONC50N. Albert.

Oet If. Xleovery of a "whole valley of al most pure Iron, lying on the thorn I of Lake Athabasca" I reported by I the Bulletin here today The north lern mineral find la credited to Nor man C. Buttarfleld and B. A. But father and aon.

According I to the account, an analysis showed iMrs. appeared. "It aounda unreaaonable. but I have actually gained to pound In leae than a month's time by talcing Tanlac. and the wonderful benefit have derived from the use of this medicine la (imply astonishing." aald Mra, Rose If.

Brown. Ill Third Street, Manchester, N. H. "Why. I am so happy to be relieved of my troublea 1 can really never praise this medlolne enough.

Up to the time I began taking Tanlac I suffered for something over two years with a very bad form of stomach trouble. My appetite was ao poor I could raroely eat a thing. My etomarh would be so bsdliy bloated with gaa sometimes I was almost afraid 40 go to bed for fear I would actually smother. I felt tired and worn out most of the time and became terribly discouraged over my condition. I often had such violent headaches I was unable to be out of bed for two or three days at a Stretch.

"Four bottles of Tanlac completely restored my health and anyone ran see at a fiance tho wonderful change that has taken place In my condition. I have a splendid appetite now and the stomach trouble haa entirely disappeared. 1 can lust anything I want without ever tearing a sign ot indigestion. 1 VI Cams stsrert. lis the loclc lo usssy M.IJ per cent Iron.

The prospectors are aald to have neasurcd off esttmatea of 164. ('0 tona and relate that five million tr.n in the ahape of looae blocks are on the aurface of the (round tlore to th lake, ready for ship ment without reining operations. tond. KXECl'TRIX ArPOINTED. Oel Nelson appoint ed In probate court aa executrix for' the estate of Robert K.

Ar buckle who died laat week. The value of the eatate la not fully known to the court. It la laid the deceased owned a houae and lot on' South Market avenue. The exeeutrix wai not required to five1 TOAKCDTS 8H0B HOP Adver tisement. ose M.

Brown ed 20 Pounds In Four Weeks Time Declares It's Simply Astonishing to See the Wonderful Benefits She Has Derived from Tan lac Says Terrible Headaches Have Dis A I I 1 1 t. 1 I 1 Lai Mns. ROSE M. BROWX The best of all. am nover bothered any more with hearinuhes and this wss the greatest relief of all.

I want to tell everybody what thle medicine has done for me." Tanlaa Is sold by leading drug glata everywhere. Advertisement. HOME GROWN A I JT Big Red Ingrams, with the "Ozark Per CO and Bushel A CO Sacks Vd Free Come and get your winter supply. On sale at the Apple House, Haseltine Station. C.

A.HINTON PHONE 15F5 Specialist in Chronic Diseases TRICTtina and Oteel, Preetatle. Blad lee as lllmr trouklts, riles, Cw tale ae Restal allatssl Hervess Delllllr. Kkssmeil sa. CMarrk. I AiioMKie aaa su sa reaai nerveua, bum atis Oentte J.1sarr Plseaai aad WtUminl peeaMM (a me sag weaaeav I easier la mr erseiiei an ke latest texiaa.

sersati tseclare. bsetenes tks latset aad best essllaasn fer tee speeds esse ef dlsisae. ,,914, I' Th New Blood Remedy. Improved 606M the greatest achievement and discovery ol (be ceBtary, W. 0.

HOWELL, M. D. SJseriSt'tV McDanhJl Aa, Sprtafflald, Mo, Can eaath M. aad MeDaelet Ava lves Merrle Psegssea Cletblaa Ca TBDB, SPIIINQFIELD, DAILY LEADER WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 12, 1921. I NEW MOVEMENT 1 tlmt.

TO REVIVE A. Officials of Road and of Unions in Conference in 8t Louis. A conference of railroad brother. hood officials and representatives of tha Missouri and North Arkansas railroad, which suspended opera tlons several months ago conferred In fit. Louis with Festua J.

Wade, who represented St Louis Interests, In regard to the re hiring of union employes of the railroad who were on strike, when the road auspended business. The objeet of the confer ance, It was explained, was to as certain the cost of labor for resump tlon of operations. It waa agreed that Mr. Wad go to Chicago and confer further with International brotherhood officials. A Little Rock man who haa been active In the work of one of the brotherhoods yesterday said that the conference In St.

Louis waa ar ranged In the hope of reaching an equitable solution of the difficul ties that confront the Missouri and North 'Arkansas railroad. He aald that the brotherhood leaders have expressed a willingness to do anything within reason In enabling tha railroad to resume operations. Labor troublea were blamed by officials of ths railroad for Its sus pension. Because of Its financial difficulties and Its Inabllty to pay the union scale of wages, the rail, road attempted to operate, with non union labor. Immediately It bora me the abject victim of a long series of acta of vandallara.

These acts were 'blamed on former employes of the railroad who remained In Harrison drawing strike benefits. Several of tho ex employes were convicted and sentenced to Jail hut this failed to stop the acta of van allam. Sentiment against tha railroad unions Is said to be very strong along the line of the railroad. Sev eral of the union leaders were forced to leave Harrison by a crowd of about l.tloo men. JOPLIN.

Oct. 11 Support of the Chamber of Commerce In a movement to have changed a report of conditions In the district traversed by the Missouri North Arkansas tlrosd. made to the Interstate mmerce commission by Prof. Wil am Z. Ripley of Harvard univer sity, Is sought by cltisens of Harrison, Ark.

Prof. Ripley was engaged by the Interstate commerce commission to inveiuRitia cunufuviiB reiuuva 10 it consolidation of the railway properties of the United States into a limited number of systems. His report on the suggestion of the Santa jr taking over the M. A N. A.

and operating It was In opposition to the plan and h(s reason have been attacked hy citizens alone the line. Htatementa Are Denied, Hrlefly. Prof. Ripley dot lared in his report that the M. N.

A. was a logging railroad; that It tranvers tee an Inhospitable section of the Osark region: that it begins no where and ends nowhere; that It could be of use only In serving tewna along Us line. Denial Is gwen toe4ew xttmmm declarations, and a mass meeting haa been held In Harrison, when resolutions were adopted, calling Gets It Corns ftimvla At A. JUST THE THING FOR THESE CHILLY FALL DAYS! Now, at the time of the year when it is too cool to be without heat, but not cold enough to start the furnace, our Gaa Space Heaters are just the thing to keep the living room or bath room warm and cozy. Clean, smokeless, and odorless, their use will enable you to postpone the starting of the furnace from six weeks to two months.

The saving of a ton or two of coal will more' than pay the cost of one of these heaters, and the cost of operation is low about 4c an hour. Come in and see them. They are just what you have been looking for. Priced up to $15 Terms if desired. "Cook With Gaa" "Heat With Gas" SPRINGFIELD GAS ELECTRIC COMPANY 19 nut mn CoJ for Cullnacs.

Moner Back If It Falls. Thlrlr a ronrti nfter you touch he rem lth thla liquid corn ranvr thr jabblnc atavliblngr pain ot ll slope, tor Ke wrn, htvri or ioft, ti' ten old or 'lr loon from thf trim fih nl noon you can rcei it nirht off with your ( pelitlCMly aa you trtrn. your Dltltat. DonH rorn Tont Tinrnn ac1 pamrr thm. Don't cut and trttn ttim.

lUCMOVD them with "flHTS lT." Vomtm a trlfla ut any drui piorft. MM, by l.swrenca A 01ucaB. Ai Commercial Department. Landers Building ermri i i i.jti ije Viva. Mexico! VI' km HLtMt ItWJ A possible future president cele.

hrates the 100th anniversary ot Mexico's Independence at a great carnival In Mexico City. Even now he stands ready to defend her with Ms life! upon coiiKresslonsi representatives Arkansas unit towns along ths M. N. A. to the Interstate commerce commission to reconsider Prof.

Ripley's report and give tlio M. N. A. proper consideration In the railways consolidation. It is probsble the Joplln Chamber! of Commerce will immediately give the matter attention and aid In the movement to havo the Snnta Fe, If that aystoni Is deemed the logical one, to take over the road.

COUNTY TAXES NOW BEING COLLECTED Collertloitn of rnunty and ntnte taxtn beBRti movlriqr off vd! thin moniltiK, and tuuny (axpayri call i rd on Collector illhsun with the cash Tiftccsnary to "put thum rlRht" with the tax book a. Yesterday was the first day when county and state taxea for the 1921 eoltACtlons ccutd made. Collector Qlbeon revetvlnic the tax book! from heav' eoujiy slevW Monday. Gibson Bays taxpayers, can' save themselves much time "atandlns; tn line" at the windows by vending: him their land description by mall and receiving stntemcnts of taxes before they come to pay. Whora the taxpayer in provided with, a statement of his taxeft the pnyment and the m.iklnir of thn receipt in ft Vi ntftV'imr ft MmhTf msfra df Collections will proajress wpII for a few days, tt ia biflieved.

and aft erward there Is pejiernlly a lull until about the Ja.nt mnnth of the ye or, when the grand rush starts. The taxes not r'd by January 1 will be marked, dcllmtiicnt. BIG PRESS CONGRESS OPENS AT HONOLULU HOVOI.ULTr, Oct, 13. The formal opening rf the Press rbngresa ot the world unnunl convention hers yoetorduy wss marked hy the rootling ff a message from President Harding by W. ft, rarrlngton i' Hawaii.

President Winter 'Williams ef Columbia, In his annual address called upon the Journalists to "dis arm the typewriters of the press of 'tlio world," and said Hi much nn accomplishment limitation of armaments would he come a renllly. He also broached the plan of a "league of Journalists" dedicated to thn endlni; Of tccri't diplomncy anj liiipi rl.ilim and which would devote Hself In Justice and fair piny, sputisnrlnu hurmcuy and friendliness. The euofikcr derler(l the con greas was the oiilKifmtli of an In cresflng profrNsionel spirit among Journalists and said the incinhiw shlp now numbers J. 300 In more thsn SO countries. IN Jilt K.I) AOCirtB.MT.

Two women, making an overland trip from Vlnslow, to Springfield, were slightly Injured In an automobile accident at Monett on Monday aftsrnnon While crossing the Frisco tracks south of the Monett depot, tho woman who was driving lost control of the machine, which dashed through a barbed wire fence. The women were slightly, cut and bruised but were able to continuo tholr Journey on Tuesday mornlnff. BETTER THAN CALDMELi Thousands Have Discovered Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a Harmless Substitute Dr. Kdwards' Ollvs Tablcts thj substitute for calomel are a mild but euro laxative, and their one cn the liver Is utmost Instantaneous.

These little olive colored tsbleta re the result of Dr. Kdwards' determination not to treat liver Ibowei eomplalnte with calomel, I The pleasant little tablets do ths 'good that cnloniel does, but hsvc no I bad aftr effects. They don't Injuro the tcrth like strong liquius or calomel. They take hold of tha trouii: and quickly correct It. Why cure tte liver at tho expense of the teth? Calomel sometimes plays havoc With the Rums.

So do slronri 1 quiils. It la best not to take cal o.nol. Det Dr. Kdwards' Oliva Tab leta take Ita place. Headaches, "dullness and that feeling come from constipation aad a disordered llver.i Take Dr.

tdwkrd' Ollvo Tableta when you feel "luiy" and "heavy." Tbey Uraln and "perk the spirits, 1 and 80c. vlvorfie ruent. JURY INVESTIGATES' DEATH OF REAVES The coroner's jury returned th verdict last night that Elmer E. Reaves. Frisco car repairer, came to his death by an unavoidable ao oldent.

Keavea was killed Monday evening while ha was standing be tween two freight cars on a switch track In th yards of the north Frisco shops. The flag that hangs on a car which la not to be moved had been taken down, as It was fsw minutes after o'clock In the evening. Funeral ssrvlces, will be held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at nls former residence, 1013 Elisabeth street. Rev. W.

R. McOomack will conduct the services. Burial will follow In Orecnlawn cemetery tin dcr tha direction of the J. W. KHng ner Undertaking company.

Reaves Is survived by a wife. Mrs. Vergle Reavea, two children. Chester, eight years old, and Mae, four yeara old; a father and mother, Mr, and Mrs. J.

TV. Reavea, tU W. Grand street! two brothers, Albert and William Reaves, both of Spring. field, and six sisters, Misses Itody, Cladys, Ua and Nell Grace Reaves, all of Springfield, and Mra. Stella Pearson of drove Springs, and Mra, Ola Uertholdle of Newton, ICans.

VRTERAKg MEET TOMORROW, Plans for an employment bureau to aid Jobless local disabled veter ans of the world "war will ha made tomorrow night by the Springfield chaptor of the xltsabled American Veterans of the World War. The meeting will be at o'clock In room eight over the Union National land. According to officers of the chap ter there are about 10U such men out of Jobs here an an effort will be made to enlist the aid of bus! nesa men to place the men In the jobs which thuy are best able to The chanter expects a gift of shout $Mi0 from a private aource on TrankSKivIng day, and tomorrow night the members will probably decide to set aside about 1300 of this aa a revolving fund to muka ahort time small loans to tne veterans out of Jobs to tide them over until they obtain employment. wortD issi'B noxos. The St.

Louis und San Francisco railroad company, filed an appli cation yesterday with tha state puh service commission for the prlvl ege of Issuing 12,122,000 of 6 per cent prlor llen bonds. The main purpose of this project Is to reimburse the company for betterments Makes Mo Brook' BuiimrmHk lUaat Mamh tha IK I purest and moat excellent dry not contain "tonics" of any kind, but does contain ouch purs ingredients aa dried buttermilk, special Imet Mmps, Ilnaeed meal, ter Amsls, and d'xihlos rs production when fd to hons. ltdoubkarrowUiwhenfsdtoeluclu, IfrsMas' BottmrmUk Mesrf Waa) em tsini twice thaamoont of protein contained in main fwtis. and when fed alone; with rmtn, nulcs op the denclerr ef white, makinsmstensl iscidnjr in all grain feeds. I'ood it dry.

keep It before bsns aad chicks at all ntitHtntfd bj KMStCTT COMPTON ORAIX 01 neenilUe aprnisaeM, He. ft. Seott, Kasaa, i I uuijnPjaavavjaaaiBmM This Renewed My Strength "Lyko waa my health's salvation. I waa all run down, had no 'pep' and was slipping; back tn business, but this wonderful tonic soon made me well and strong. It will make new man of yon also.

IMD TMOrcalOtncrslTOfilt puts new vigor into tired, listless, debilitated people. It relieves habitual constipation bv resrulatinrr the 4 bowels, aids digestion, increases the appetite and tones up the general system so that the bodily functions become normal again and then new strength and vitality return. It Is Pure Lrko gives yon the laxative tonic nroper ties el Mleeted dm as compounded undev the sapervlsioa of expert ebemiiti and Is always taeted ai to Its there peulieT value before leeVincoarlsborstories. Ak Your Druggist Get bottle of Lrko todey If ra feel the need of good laxative esala. ucsssaa ia orUrinal aackaces aedy.

5efe Mammfactmrtrt 1 LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY New York KaaeasCJtr POSTER CONCERNS TO BOOST FOR NORMALCY DETROIT, Oct IS. A post er advertising campaign for tha purpoaa ot "selling prosperity to the country," has boen decided on by the Poster Advertising association, In convention her. Dele ON BASEMENT Materials: Tricotine Suedyne Serges gates Voted to donat. 1,0.00 worth ot advertising apace to carry to tba public inosaagos design to promote a general business revival. Members of the New Tork Rotary club have underwritten tne cost of lithographing, and distributing tha posters.

The campaign is to ba conducted during December. January n.l February, A. Prnal Mn tovw Than gMirbwt.1 SALE ffTh I ON THE SQUARE Color: Sizes 16 to 44. to Tntoirr to riBftsioir. i BOSTON, Pet.

li. Tom Gibbon of St. Paul, and Hugh Walker, of Kansas CIV, light hearywolghts, met hera today In a tan round de clsion bout it wm thslr fourth match but lha first In which they have fought to a decision. Want Ada ar nnd Inexpensive. Navy Blue Brown Reindeer African quick, resultful ON SALE IN THE BASEMENT 300 Winter Suits From a Prominent New York Maker Closed Out to Us at the Greatest Price Concession of the Year specializes in high priced garments.

Beautiful all wool Suits with Beaverette Collars, and coat tabs; plain tailored models, or garments hand embroidered with silk braid. Every Suit made with heavy silk linings This is by far the greatest suit value of the season. A wonderful collection of regular $39.98 Suits on sale tomorrow for Any Nccessary Alterations Will Be Made Free of Charge. ST. I.OUS SAN WtANCinCO BY.

IO. NOTICE AUCTION SALE UNCLAIMED BAGGAGE AT FRISCO PASSENGER STATION, Spingficld, Mo. Friday, Oct. 21, J21 Trunks, Suit Coses, Grips, Boxes, Baby Cabs, Bicycles, Overcoats, Eainooats and Miscellaneous articles. Sale starts at a.

Oct It and will continue until entire lot Is sold. J. N. COHNATZAR, Ps.w.nrer Trnfflc MenwrT BULBS A i Superior Wants Superior want ads are an index of things that necessity demands, things that must be accomplished at once. Impelled by emergency in many cases to sacrifice homes, 'automobiles and numerous other articles of value1, it is no wonder that Superior Want Ads are so imperative so immediate in response for emergencies may only be met by promptness.

Have your want ad in the next edition of The Leader. To Id erown in water Bloom 111 I During ITolidays JIJ nnH Doz. 75c II 227 SPRINGFIELD I SEED CO, 1 PHONES 228 403 2.1 Boo Thorn Plaplayed Our Know Windows Tonight.

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