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Public Ledger from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Public Ledgeri
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ASP DAILYTlANSCEIPT. hilsdelphla, aleaday, RcwtosBbor 11, 1S48. baits oi National CaABACTBB Of ooarss we no lot estimate whole people by the behaviour of few. If we did, our owa national character wouM Buffer, for bad mea can be found in our oura country, nam every ether. Bat when wa perceive mleoon doet ta whole town, whole region, and nnder circa swttnees eminently fitted to excite human arm fethies, we fed compelled, however relsctsntly, to regard sack uteoadMtu Mr thaa accidental, to aasribeit to rm general camteo iffooUni national character.

CTht tut aeeoanti from England mentloa the de structioa by fire, of ths ship Oecaa Monarch, ess of the regular packets betwon Bootoa ana Liverpool, and of abort 190 persons, of 396 on board. Wheathe waa dtecovered the Teasel waa ao Bear ths Web out, ai to enable thoee oa board to mi tha eottigea en shore, and tha lahahitaats geslng "P0 fir roai their owa doors. The aea at tha mouth of tha Mersey, oa which Liverpool Ilea, waa studded, ai usual, with boat! and hipping and tha ateamtbipa Orioa aad Cambria, mot Canard's, steering foe Liver. fod, wwa la light. Tha commanders of then two ateaaahtpa aay that theyaaw tha ahipoa are and "aaawaageabla," bat seeing a Braiiliaa frigate Bear, they concluded that they eoald rendar ao eseiat anee, and ao eontiaaed their eoerae.

The only vee Bck that want Uwir awMuee, wora a Uttle yacht eX Mr. I ttUedaie, whioh saved Si of tha eefferere, a Hating beat, which aaved It, and tha Braailiua frt. gate Alfonso, which amd 100, aad tha Prince of Wales steamship, and tha American ship New World from New York, which eared 17. Tha London Tinea saeaha highly of Mr. Uttlri.le.ofthe eon Bander of tha tahing boat, and of the Marqala of lisboe.eornmiader of tha Briailian frigate, of ml OrenfeB and tha Prinee da Joinville, who were board of her.

It also mention! with great ap plause, Frederick J. Irvine, a aeamea of the A marl aaa ship New World, who awaa to the banting wreck, and with alias, aaved a daaea women and children, by towering them separately inti the boats. Oa retaming to tha Brizilian frigate, he was re ceived ea the quarter deck by the commander and aha Prince da JoinvlUe, ta tha moat complimentary manner. They shook his hand cordially Brained his gallantry in the highest terms, and gave aim a hand some gratnity. Of tha five boats lowered from the frigate, tbe Marqnia of Lisbon commanded oca, the JiAeede Join viile another, and Admiral Sronfell a third, and, with tha Braciliaa officers and crew, mada very possible eaertioa to save tha saOerara.

Tha Leadoa Timea admits that tha eiren instances place Us owa aoaatrymea la vary axfavoruble contrast WiU the foreigners. Hera la aa exhibltioa of map id, atolld bdifferanoa in the peasantry, aad of hearties, selfish eslearation hi the meritime alaaa, which wa ahoald probably find In ao other part of the world than England. Of aoarae are do not thai characterize all, or a majority, Of tha English population; for Mr. Littledale with his yacht, the ashing boat, and the eteamehlp Prince of Wales, all English, wwa prompt la rescuing tha afforera. Aad wa find ao faalt with tha wealthy sercaanla of Liverpool, who immediately made a liberal donation for the survivors.

Bat when wa see the country people "all along snore," and who tacrcrore mam Be a aaHaaj pay, laHaa, eapphed with beats, looking on ia stupid indifference, instead of awaking as tha rescue, end whan wa see htrge num bers of boats and ahips within eight, the month of the Mersey, remaining quiet, without hoisting a sail cr dipping aa ear, aad when wa aea two English ateamabips steering directly to Liverpool, beholding this awfal sceas, aad quietly pawing oa, wa behold widely spread influence, aa indication of general eharacter, an habitual selfishness, frequently drown tag tha voice or humanity, and steeling tha heart against human sympathies. Do we find any corroborative evidenes of this No people make war ao wantonly destructive sa the English, or treat prison era with as mach severity. India and our own country furnish the evidence of this ia appalling abundance. No people oppress their conquered subjects a cruelly. India, tha Canadaa, Ireland, tell deplore bis tales of this wickedness.

No people pursue their commercial policy with rash indifference to the rights sr happiness of other people. ThemiserieeotEe gliah mlaea and (actor tea, Ue milUona starved ta death la India and ia Ireland, by monopolies ta food. Bjalnly tall as that, ia English mercantile morale, principle must never stajid sgainst profit. The cruel tics of English social manners, a aeale of contempts from the highest to the lowest, the luxuries of nobili ty amid Ike squalid poverty of labor, tha exactions of a hierarchy amid poverty, ignorance, vice and crime, the horrible severity of the English criminal aode, tha multitude of peapera and their suffering la poor teases, are facta which prove aa extensive indiffer aaea to tha rights aad feelings of human oaten, a Widely spread adSshneai that exalts profit sbove Burma sympathies. What has produced this forbidding character The spirit of trade, aad the spirit of aristocracy.

The first, pushed to extremitiea, regards hamaa nature aa aaerely aa instrument of profit, maa aa merely a wncy makiag machine. The second, slso paahed to cwtremKiee, regards all superiors with servility, all Uferiore with ecu tempt, aad aa equals aa rivals, and Chaa aeca brethren ia none. Among each a people, boots than any other, ahoald we expect to find hum. Bity sacrificed to the profita of trade, or the respectabilities of station. Sack eases afford aa Impressive lesson to republicsns.

Til Poer onrica. A eommanicatioa whleh wa published a few days ago, in ralotioi to tha inconvenience experienced by the small aamber of wia mows mr the deaveiy of lettera at the Post office, and the few clerks in attendance, assumed that the Postmaster General could correct tha evil if ka woald. This, however, is a mistake. The Postmaster General is eontrolled by the law, which designates and emproprieteathe money that aaa ka applied to the sjrnptoysient af clerks, and every cent ao eppropri ated to tha Post offics of Ihiaeltyiaao applied, Tha Postmaster General aaa no power to amign sny more from either the general fund of the Department at the Treasury ef the U. States.

It la ont of the commissions arising oa postages that alerka'sakriea and other expenses of the post offices are defrayed. Tha Poet master General hue been of opinion that these commissi cms, as fixed by previous tows, were too small, la view ef the in creased business at the offices resuhiag from tha re aaeuoa of postages, and upon his recommendation the commissions were Increased by aa act of Congress paseed aMta last session. Ere long it is believed the commission (and at the Philadelphia Post twice win accumulate aader tha lew law to a sum cient amoaat to provide the requisite aceommoda ytons. We hope so. FonTzxASTexsnpepersofUe96thalt.ksve bcea received.

Aa expeditioa ia preparing as sat est from Baa Antonia to Chihaahua, with a view to snake a sarvey of the Bearcat and moat practicable route. Tbe expeditioa is to be ander tbe command of Cot J. C. Hays. Tha whole distance from Baa Antonio ta Chihaahaa Is said not mack to exceed 3CC miles and from the coast of Texas to ths same place the distance ta therefore but little over 400 miles.

Thia expedition to eat oat about the let of September. EA BnzaDiB Icana tranm la soldier warrants, is said to be on foot. Ths plan, the 8t lRejmbtteaaeayt, la to get blank ahUma, wUh ia aecompairylDilrtUref Joan L. Edwards, print i ia tbe same kind of type aad apoa tha same paper sa those printed at Washington, and then to fill them Bp strict accordance with the original aad genuine certificstea. Some of these cannot told from ths Original.

17. B. Brccas aaa TaaAsaar Noras sot TAZABLzThe Saparioc Court of the United States, in a ease which wu etrried up to that tribunal from one of the courts of fcath ejaroiiae, deelded that a.nuea otaica noeaa ere not taxable by States, aa Vailed States Treasury Kou, earns within tha scope of thai decision. Chief Justice Marshall delivarsd tths opinion of the Court.

gpi Catbquc Cavil cm, Key, atr. maiaMi, at South 1C oa, was burnt on Trtdaraigbt. Vahv at insarcd BtaU street for 143,000. Aa organ, hailt by Appietoa at aa exseass ef auoo, and a beautiful eracifix, by burnt. Ts vestments and altar furnitars were savsa.

The cease of this destructive fire has act bona eertaiary aeeertainrd. A Fti i h'ron, oa Friday, destroyed a stable i'r I raim has 1200. James wailing 1oett F. A. Rcneoa loses shoot S1W by hia ial bavin gtaxea fire.

Theeehoonerltaiiaa.of Her. rii tun. had hw foremast harnt rigging. sudsiors badly damaied loss SOO. Tie faremast af a man schooner, called the Abney, waa also karat.

BY JJUOWETIG TBXBfiBAFH fOK THH WaJC LED9EIU VernaeBt KlecUea. Boeroit, Sent 9. Returns from sixty nine towns give tha following Vote for Governor, viz Ooolidsre, (whig) 78 BiUinghsm, (dem.) Vt Bhnfter, (free soil) Total, 18,473 Ths same towns mat year stood as foUeWa, via Whig, 9,418 Democrat, i Abolition, Total, VlfiU Tha remaining towns voted, mat year, thus: Whig, Hll Democrat, U.001 Abolitkm, Total, 31,900 There has been ao choice for Governor, by the aeoDle the eeme result as the smt two rears. The market for floor continued firm, with Sites of 7U8 moetly common Oswego, Rochester, at to 85a C4 80. Cora was steady and infair demand! sales reached 14,000 buahels, at 66c.

for white and Tde. for yellow. Rye remained firm, with eelesof 900 bushels ai 80e. Mederate aalea of Otts were making at 36c. 40e.

Provisioni continued in good trade demand end nt full prices. Aluutt, Sept. 0. ReoeiotS via Ganal within tha nam larantr.fnnr hoars flour, 7800 bbla. corn, StbO bushels.

The fioar market oontiBBed firm, with mica of 3000 Inducing the varioua Western brands, at to a $6 U. Wheat The sake reach K)0 bushels prime Gene see, at 37,. nariey ltwo anaaeu esanged Undo at Oeta are ia demand aalea 10,000 bushels at 31g a 33c. Wniskey Sales 90 bbls. at 5j a 8c.

BaiTtMoaa, September t. The advices Berths steamer Hibernin have unset tled our market, and ceased hold ere of brewlstuffs ti advance their prices. Nothing done ia Howard street brands. Holders are asking B4 874 and some Be. There are buyere, but uosellmsst 78.

Bales of City Mills at W. Cora meal S3 37 rye flonrtt.lll. The receipts of grain are light, and prices have advsneed. 8skstdsy of 4S00 buahels al iaOal'23 ets for red, and I8S a 17 for good to prime white family fioar at 130 a 13S ets corn is steady, and prices ap. Sales of 10,900 bushes, at 03 a 61 eta.

for white, end 65 a 66 etai sales of oats at 89 a 3i ets. rye 71 a 71 ets. Provisiona exhibit no ehange prices eontinae firm, and sales fair to the trade; lard a eta. Groceries steady sugars firm; New Orleans mousses S6 a S7 eta Rio coffee 61 a 01 nee SI 87 aWpo, looibe. Onttoa is quiet sales smsfi.

Whiskey to firmer, with sales at 94 a 15 cents, in hhds. end bbls, PrrreBtrao, Sept. 9, 1318. The prices of flour continue to advance, with aalea at Ad to $3 06 The river his arrived at too low a stage to allow receipts. Bales of wheat, 70 to 7.

Oats, IS ets. Barley, 40 cents. Whiskey, 18. Lard, 7 to 71. Butter.

0 to lot. Cheese, 6, to 6. Rye flour, SJ 81. Nothing doing tn provisions today worthy of notice. Sugars have sa improving tendency, aad ao have moiaises, bat coffee is unchanged.

CiacniRATi.Sept The foreign aewa has had favorable effect on oar fioar market, bat tha transactions are very limited consequence of the difficulty of shipping. The Pittsburg bouts have refused all freights to New York, the canals, at Bias, oa acconat of tha scarcity of boats. Grain remaine unaltered. I hear of no axles of proviaiooa to daythey are held firmly. Sales lard at 8 cents Whiskey 17 to 17 cents.

Bales of cheese st 6 cents. St. loBis. Bent. 6.

The Steamer's aewa has ansettled our msrkets, causing breedstuffs to advance. The rivers are all ia fair navigable order for the season. Lata tnm Yarataa. Niav Obxears, Sept. 10.

By aa arrival frora Campeaehy we have received jtaeetaa dates to ths S7th alt, Tha whites have proved entirely sueeeasittl id all their encounters with tbe Indians. Tha State of Yucatan ia to be re naited to Mexico, the General Onvamment tn nav 14,000 aa an indemnit. Tha Imliana ka Imim offered a free pardon. sua mergers acre ere dun. rire Albany.

Nsw Yoat, Sept. 10. A very destructive fire occurred in Alhanv hut evening particulars not ascertained. Awfal Ceaflagratlea la Breeklya Oae ta iwo Hnadred Heasea Deetrsyed. By the New York Herald wa lean that tha city of Brook ryn, on Batarday night, wu met with one of the most awfal calamities that aver befel it.

At half past 11 o'clock, a Ira broke oat ia Faltoa street, ta a email rrama soaae, which qu ickty communicated to the adjoining bnildlnga, and In leas than an hoar, aorapm was ine spread of tha flames, the firs had raaeaen miooaga, ana arossed ap Faltoa to Cranberry street; It thaa pesaed down each of these atreeta to Henry, laying waste every house la its progress. Soon it crossed Faltoa at tha corner of Bunds street, the wind having changed, and all the houses from that corner to above tha Methodist Chareh were enveloped in tames. It then swept through to High street, laying everything ia its march with tha ground, and continued through Nassau antil it reached Concord street At 4 o'clock thia morning, from ths place of beginning ia Faltoa, above Henry, to Orange street oa tha south west aide, to Concord street and Washington oa the cut, not a house wee left standing. At least ten aerea of the very heart of Brooklyn are in ashes, and the destruction of private property is beyond calculation. Between one and two hundred houses, ths majority of them dwellings, with all their furniture, are demolished.

At five o'clock thia morning tha Ira was raging and taking aa easterly direction. A number of persons were seriously injured, and a New York fireman was killed. The fire companies of New York were in attendance, lending ell the nid ia their power. The greet spread of the flames may be attributed to want of water ia Brooklyn, the private cisterns, tbe only sosree of supply, being axhaastcd ia a short time after the fire broke oat. Mr mhonetio TELKemrii.

Farther Particulars of the Brest Fure at Breek lya, m. Y. Accidents, arc. Naw Yoau, Sept 10, 10 o'clock, P. If.

The flames rased with the areateat fair from 1U O'clock hut evening, until 8 o'clock this morning, wsen tney were nnany eaungniaaea ay Slowing ap several houses oa Concord street. The number of buildings destroyed will nearly reach two hundred, covering aa area of about fifteen acres, ia tha very heart of the city. The loss la estimated as kiga aa one miliios of dollars. The burned district ia bounded by FeJtoa, Henry, Pineapple and Washington streets. Insurances were effected in the following offices The Long Islsnd Company, ths Brookhra Company, the JEtna Company of Hartford, and a Paiiadalpaia Company, tha name of which is not ascertained.

The Utter company have 613,000 oa the Beptmt Chnreh. The Long Island Company wUI pay all their liabilities and have a surplus left The Comnenv will aiak their an lira wUI tW pay a huge par oontage of Hall's large building, FuHoa street, waa entirety destroyed. Rooms wars oceapied by several Odd Fellows' Lodges. Their fsrnitare, valued at 4000, was also destroyed. Tha building waa fatly insured.

The crowd oa tha Fulton ferry bridge waa aa great that it gave way aad maay were precipitated into the water. One fireman was drowsed and others were severely injured. Edward Crowley, of Company waa raa ever aad instantly killed. The Poet Office, with part of Batarday mail, waa destroyed. A Mr.

Hurley end a child were hilled by a wall falling apoa them. Another child had its legs awfully crashed by sa engine running over them. A detsehssent of marines, end sailors was sent from the Navy Yard, which rendered most efficient service. The names of AOS occupants of stores and dwel lins hsvs beea aeeertatned. The sufferers are moetly meehaalee, laborers and storekeepers.

A aember of thieves hsve beea arrested aad imprlsoaed for stealing at the fire. The ire originated ia Riley's Crockery Store, from the azploaioa of a eamphiae lamp. Fntara Niwaaa, N. JOa Saturday morning a Ira oecarred ia Newark, N. J.

The losses were a follOWS! Isaac Nichols, bars. insured tltt in the Asm rices Mutual Fire and Marina Ins. of this eity, and two in the Newark Mates! Assurance Co which will cover'tha lose. Jas Hsrgan, dwelling hoase, lose i00Otel0 Insured S900 In ths City Fire Ins Co. of N.

Y. D. Ves Ness, born, lo 675 bo insurance. A. O.

Price, school house, loss SL0O i insarcd ia Howard Ins. Co. Two Baocas of sa Earthquske wore felt oa Brooklya Heights oa Friday eight, about a qnarte before eleven o'clock. They were violent enough to raitls the glass aad set bails ringing. At New York waa asm felt, aad at Stated Mend, Newark, N.J.

and Bsfteneack. At Whits Plains, where a camp meeting la going on, ths people were very mac ulurmed by the strange sound which produced ths shock, which waa feat by every one ea the ground, and some ef the taats wars alatost thrown dowa by Ue vibrations, end at Harlem it was felt and heard by eeveral pereona. A PaiLABBLrwu Bcaooaaa oa Finn. Oa Tasa aay last the Bear. John Caataor, Capt.

Burners, which strives at Caariestoa from raUrdeipeia, waa eaa aevereatebe ea are eoea affar crossing the her. The eastern end crew made every effort tocztingaiah lhatiaSiag tkey ware net kxafy ta sacssad, bat tratddowa the Imtebea. Two votanteer engine ee with theerapearataspriMs4sdte her aa sisteaee, when tha fire waa speedily eatingalaaad, Ou SiaehsTgtng the earga Bat much resitajary as LOCAL AFFAIRS. PWadtlpMa Ytml rnni.Tk schooner John Ccetaer, Capt. Bomera, attsehed to Levi Eldridge Uns of Charleaton paeketa, which left this part oa the 87th uh was totally deatroyed by tra on the S9th, when near Fort Pinckney.

The eiptaia and crew were taken oft' by Capt Marshall of the steamer C. Veaderbett, which fortunately happened to be la aight Tha are originated ia tha bokt, which waa filled with aa assorted and valuable cargo of dry goods, which ia supposed ta be all Insured. Tia Cestner was the largest schooner belonging to thia port, havihg been baltt at tha ahip yard o' Messrs. Mitchell A Williams of a year Btnce, who owned one fourth of her. The other portions were owned by Mr.

Ceatnw end Cuptain Homers; aha was fully insured. It is reported thst she had a quantity of gunpowder on board, but if thia ia ao, it was shipped anknown to the agenta here. nVaamfrng Thia method of paying court to the fair is moat extensively practised al the present time. These are the nights, by the light of the moon, for the lover to pour forth sweet music 'neata the httice of hia lady love. She is neglected fair ana indeed that ia not new o' nights called from her soft repose to listen to the sounds af ths tinkling guitar, the melodious breathings of the flute, or a concatenation of sweet sounds from a variety of inslra mrnts in the hands of a club of youngsters, who help one another in the good work, and occasionally fill a the chorua.

Streets, lanes and alleys are ell alike, and each re ecbo with Believe me," Wake, lady, wake," Good night, love," or something ef tha Ike. o6t. A men, boarding at No. 101 South Water street, wse robbed on Saturday night nt his k'dsinta, of eighty two dollars. It waa taken from under hie head la bed, end suspicion wss excited agsinat his room mete.

Information waa left yea t. idny morning at the Mayor's office, where officers Knuwb a and Banes Dmeeeded In search of the mo ney, end nftrr considerable exertion, they found it, within ebout a dollar of the amount, In the trunk of the suspected man, whom they had eyhad previously ar He will have sheer reettd ana put tn the lock up mg mis morning. Half ife. The flags of the shinning along Dela ware Avenue were suspended nt half mast on Saturday, in reaped to the memory of Joeepb R. Evans, whose sudden demise at New York has been mentioned.

He waa one of our most respected shipping merchants. Brig Jfsr This beautiful brig has been healed upon tbe South wark Marina Railway, for the nur Ke of being coppered. She was commenced ia ew Orlcana before tbe breaking out of the Mexican war, for the government of that country, and waa intended to cruise along their ooait for tha purpose of preventing the smuggling of goods, which was extensively carried on. The war of course prevented the completion of the vessel, and she bee since been finished aa a merchant vesseL end week since sr rived here consigned to Messrs. Deland A Grant.

Her model hae been eopied after that of the U.S. sloop of war St. Mary's, though of coarse aneh smaller in her dimensions. Her frame ie of the beet Bra oak, and her sharp model warrants the belief that she will prove a superior enilor. tiamnag Accitlmt.

A young man, reaiding at Fran cnrvilie, ie reported to have beea seriously wounded oa Batarday, while oa a gassing excursion. He was ia a boat, witting for the rising of ths tide, with tbe muzzle of his gaa pointing towards him, a hea seeing chance for shot, he took hold of the wee pun, when tbe lock ought oa tha aeat end tha load wea discharged, taking effect ia hia abdomen. He waa removed to hia residence. Oar informant did lot hear his aame. Aeisr Accident, Oa Saturday afternoon, Samuel McNalry fell into the case pool attached to the Holy Trinity Church, corner of Sixth nnd Spruce streets, and had hie eolkr bona broken besides other bodily injuries.

This is the same pktce Where a similar accident occurred ubout tea days sines from the erch E' ring way, when three persona were precipitated to the well In succession. The erehinjrwus being repaired, when tbe hut event occurred. The sufferer was taken to ths Hospital. (s Camp JtfwMag. About eight thoumnd pereona visited the colored eamp meeting at Red Bene, N.

yesterday. The boete plied every hour, taking dowa tremendous loads. The eemp itself was small affair; there were eight tents on the ground, and a hundred colored people formed the permsment congregation. Of coarse, yesterday the whites greatly predominated la numbers, but they did lot in sny way molest the worshippers a result somewhat different from the common experience when these meetings are held in the neighborhood of the eity. Towards evening the great rash waa to get soma.

When the Gen. Greene arrived, nt a quurter put six o'clock, there wee a throng of about five thousand people assembled oa the wharf: these pressed oa board before the pesaengcrs eoald cot off. and ths oonseqaenee wss that the panning, struggling, jostling and sqseezing waa tremendous. There were two eurrenta, one outward and one inward, each striving for a passage, and tha contest was lively aad exciting. The go ahead people tar outnumbered the go off people, nnd pushed sad crowded ahead mnugru uu consequences.

ins uoat boob mien, aa was tnoagnt, to overflowing, nnd the excitement wea so great that it waa uuahed off when it bed about two thousand on board, leaving more thaa that number on the wharf. It was a saAdaa movement, and separate trtaads end married people, who would tela have beea together one lady lost ths baby, which, being handed on board before she got upon the plank, was taken off, leaving the anxious mother on the wharf. The" Eagle, however, was in sight and. the prospect wss good thst the remainder of the passengers would reach the eity in uhort time. After the Gen.

Greene bed pushed off, it wss eeea thst shs eoald hare essily taken five or eight handred more, so bugs ta this splendid boat. There wss eonstdorsble dimoalty la landing at her proper wharf, below South street, the tide being strong end the boat difficult to steer, la oaenoeof her heavv load. Oneattemot wniei rauen. wniat turning round to try again, the" Eagle," Which had followed ap, slipped into the wharf before tbe Greene. The hitter eoild aol exactly reach it, but was brought to ia such a manner between the wharf and another dock, ao that no one eon Id gel on shore.

The passengers shouted, booted and hurraed, and large crowds gathered oa the adjoining wharves to see. There the Greene stuck, however, antil, aeiring tha bark Lima, a aamber clambered over the davits at the stern, nnd got sabers thai way. Al hut ths boat reaehed the wharf a general rush waa made, friends met friends, husbands found wives, the buby was restored to Its mother, end nil went off, declaring they would" never go to eemp meeting again" a vow which they will keep aatil tha next time. JVarrsw Eiutpt About 1 o'clock oa Saturday morning, a small boat on the Delaware was run dowa by one of the ferry boats plying to the Jersey shore, and two or thrsejersoai ta it hid a narrow escape for their Uvea. They all however, managed to escape by swimming until picked ap.

Charge eLaremy. Oa Batarday, a lad named Jordan, waa held to ball by the Mayor, to anewtt the charge ef stealing a box of eigara. A'fes Yesaif fifes, A young maa was held to bail on Saturday br the Mayor for Insulting little girls at ths corner of Weinut nnd Bath streets. Swrrwd Sisfoi A awn, calling himself Jim Brown, wss commit ted oa Baturdsy for a farther hearing oa easpleioa of stealing aa iron ceaia and bor. As Sreemu Ths rope st the Inclined Plane, oa the Columbia Railroad, broke oa Batarday, while two trains of bardea ears were as irmuiia.

There was bat little demege done to the road, and the detention waa sot over one hoar and a half. Thia rope, we learn, wee pal ia use In March lut, and is to be replaced by a aew one daring the present or sassing week. A Fscmuy The rm ignition of Robert Tolsnd, has oceasioaed a vacancy ia the iard of Directors of the Pennaylvanm Railroad Company. AeUery Edward Norrla, a colored bub, was Committed oa Bstarday by Aider maa Sbermer, charged with breaking opea the truok of his employer, Jacob Phillips, residing near Francisvilie, and stealing 820, corns jewelry end snuff box. Sixteen dollars of the stolen property waa recovered.

CmnmiiuUt. Henry Head, charged vrith the br ersyof hangup, was oa Seieroay committed by Alderman Gaw, who also eomwited Edward R. Grave, a lad, for steaJii'g a eloth eep from the 8. W. Corner of Second and Sualh atreeta.

nasals FsgihUM Elias Jane Btnbblna ind wept Ine Thompson, both colored, were on Saturday committed by Aleerman Sbermer for engaging ia a regular game of taticaffs ia St. Mary street. Bsstaerars BsiAfmg ArasciaMsa Oa Thursday a preparatory meeting was held at the Sialhwark HaO, for the purpose of establishing a Building Association, similar to those already in existence ia Krnsingtoa and Richmond. The officers of those eeeoemtwns were present and made a highly Interesting explanation of the system adopted. The de awwa ea ue system asopiea.

rae ae every member shall ia eight years bos i ehmrly ha owa, without having in the wea euhjeeted to a higher rate of taxation BlgU IBM Betas home meeatime beea thaa they have beea ia the habit of savins rent. A large aamber ef shares have already beea taken; the whole Bamber of shares hi to be eight handred. Tht Jtssalighl Xisarriaa Oa Tharsdey after acoa, a large company of mdiee and geatiemea esa barked ea the splendid steeamoet Ohm, and partlei pated ia aa excursion dowa Ue river aa far aa tha Pea Patch, returamg te the city by mooaiight The Bieesures of the eccaswa were enhanced by the me swofthePhlhmelpkmBaad, ths msmk we of which interspersed their performances with quadrille as ate, which esmhied hvge nundmr of the exaareion iata to participate taUeeance. After eapper a eoa eert waa givea ia tha cabas by Messre. Qaayle, Guibeli, Boloeaoa aad Pulamr, and a variety of glees were sang by ths Oriental Glee Club.

Taear rangesnenH for the ezesrsma were exeeUeat, end afforded al who participated tbe greatest aatafaetiea. They reaehed the eity about It o'clock, highly delighted With ths pleasures afforded by the trip. Asssent Order areas' Tbe National Lsdrt of this Order waa organised ea Wedaasday, the et Treotou, Jbytbeeleotiosof the following eeVers: M. H. Netional Oread Master, Daniel Cady ML H.

National Depaty Grand Maeter, B. PBTOteytoai M. H. Natiemai Grand Secretary, A tTramd Cease ft tha benefit of Mr. Quarts wil take place at tha Chinees Museum this even tag, and a very great array ef eaueieal talent ia named la tha bid.

Mrs. Wetsna, Mrs. Tartar, Mrs. Grigg, Mrs. Palmer, Signer Otobeii.

Mr. Bran ton, Mr. Job a Weaver, E. Ckapmaa, T. Poole, the War seas, tha Virginia Sereaaeera, aad Mr.Wrmaa,ta Taatrtammh.alieeenaTheaethew ta soaae ef the meet posaier eonge, emeus, bauada and eeartetteev A richer bil of aalislslssisale is 1 iiispm prsscaiil ta the pahiis.

Sessions, the following sentences were passed jin new, essauii ana battery, to pay a nne at nnd coats Ssrsh Wright, sweeny, to andergo four months' imprisonment. John McUonaia, nnrsiary. Kvldenoe was tn. duced, showing that tbe defendant waa a novice tn the ermmiisioB oneness of ims cnuraoter, anu a consideration of hie previous good behaviour, the minimum punishment of twa years' imprisonment was imposed. Emma White pleaded guilty of a charge of keeping a disorderly house, and waa sentenced to pay a fine of BS and the eoete.

Ann and Bridget Daly, charged with keeping a tippling hoase, were each sentenced to pay a fine of $20 una ensts. Samuel Beutty, assault and battery, to pay a fine of Si end the eoete. John W. Perrine, who pleaded guilty to aa assault and battery apon Woodburne Potter, waa celled up for sentence. The prosecution produced eeveral witnesers, who disclosed ths following facts: During last month the defendant appeared in the vicinity of the Merchants' Exchange having in his possession a eowskin.

with which be informed the witneeeea it wee hie intention to chastise the prose eutor for aoroe wrong which he alleged baa been done him. The offensive weapon he hid concealed In his clothing. About noon on the day in qucetion, Perrine wee standing near the post office window, awaiting for Potter. Soon sfter, the latter made hia eppearance, and the Witnesses then hw the parties approach close to eseh other. Some worde ensued, and they clinched.

Perriae then struck Potter a blow which eeueed him to full, and Perrine then Inflicted two or three blows anoa him while ha was prostrate apoa the pavement. Officer Bsyne. of the city police, then arrested the parties, ana book teem before Alderman Bulkley. A gentleman who sat In one of the omnibuses near the two man testified that Perrine was ths aggressor, sad he thought he saw him spit la Potter's face. Ho eoald not speak positively sa ta that, but such ami hia impression at The defence called several witnesses who testified as to the meeting between the parties, and that they aaw Potter rams hia ease, which ares made of Iron, nnd strike Perrine aader the jew that the cane waa somewhat bent in consequence.

They were of the oninioa that Potter bed struck the first blow. Tbe counsel for the defendant then celled upon the counsel for the prosecution for the prodsetiortof a tetter wnien uey alleged mr. rouer aaa ezaienea to yanoua persons, containing matter eawaaitea to in iere ins oesiness, ereail, una moral onaraoier or air. 'errine. The proeeeutioa declined producing eny lettera, on the ground that the notice served upon them wss ao vague, that no inference could be drawn from it as to which letter the opposite side desired to pat in evidence.

The object of reading tha letter arse stated to be for the purpose of mitigating the paiiehment of the defendant, by showing that ha acted aader greet provocation. Judge alley said he would admit testimony showing that the feelings. of the deferment had beea oat raged by tbe exhibitions of such a letter ia the hands of the proaecator each evidence eoald not be given to Jury, but he would heurtt for the purpose of satisfying the conscience of the Court ee to the quantity of punishment which it ought to impose. The letter was then prod seed nnd reed. It par ported to have beea signed by a gentleman residing at Cincinnati.

Tha testimony being closed, Judge Kelley called the defendant, and laid that the evidence proved that ha had violated the law by committing nn useaalt and battery oa the prosecutor. There could be ao Justification for any man who takea the law into hie owa bands bat he bed heard mitigating testimony, which went to show that a moral wrong had beea done tha defendant, nnd he would accordingly impose the nominal punishment of SI nnd eoste. Tea defendant was asm ordered by the Coart to give bail In 6500 to keep the peace towards the prosecutor for oae year. Cy Oa motion of Hoa. Garriek Mallery, Fi sutx SnxrPAlD waa thia day admitted to practice as an Attorney at Law in the District Court and Court of Common Flcae of Philadelphia Co.

Sept law. tf Tha List of Nsmee In another column, of many of our mom respectable buaineae men, who find it their later eat to keep Blood's Despiteh" Boxes for the eocnmmodaiion ef their customers. apeakarohrsMS in favor of the confidence placed therein. Spusmjro Piaaos. C.

J. WoLBsat A Co Ane tkweers, will sell, on Thuisday morning next, at tteir ball, at the N. W. corner of Chesnet aad Fifth 14 splendid end very superior Grand Action Piano Fortes. Thepsbliewillhsveampleopportnnityof ascertaining the euulity of three toe instruments, es the hail is now and will be kept opea daily till sale.

Persons ia want of a selected Piano are respectfully Invited to examine them. At Pauixb's Asiacv, persons amy idvcrtise at any lime, in eny section of the country, In eny of the newspaper to any extent obtain valuable information, and adopt sysi em at once convenient, thorough and complete. His extensive egeney, long exsensnoe end euthority to trsnsucl the business ar his principals are all important considerations to prident and Judicious advertwers. tnmu'i CLonrme BroBBv The proprietor in laying in hs stock of goods t'orhis new ettablisa ment, in Cheenut street, above Third, has been enabled to take advantage of the late decline in the prices of Cloths sad Caasimerea, whioh together with his faeilitiee of purchasing from the manufacturer 5na onponar, warrania mm in eta posing ei niauiotn ia at unprecedented low rates. Who need go shabby wbea ShepUerd eelle fine dress eoete at Bio.

superior easaimere pants at nnd other qualities nt even ivwcx iatc. Balenrfid naw ttwtmm ftlnfli Dr and Phvk Coals now on bsnd and ready for disposal, the largest and mi st beautiful assortment of new st yles of Fall and Winter Clothing ever before exhibited In thie eity. Those wishing to purchase superifr fitting nod well nude garments at a low price, ere Invited to call nnd make their seleetiot it the extensive wareroome of Cnae. Habkxiss, 149 Mabxzt Btreet, South east owner ut wirm. Loot OctTtob tin Liosb Do you want a eheap and well made suit of Clothing? If you do.

go immediately to the Lion Clothing Store, 339 Market five Awe befow the Baltimore Depot, where yon will find Clothing of all kinds, eat in the newest style, end edling at each low prieea as to astonish every ene. snow we can oner gre menu thaa any other house in tha trade. we can offer greater induea oe. J. McCrlDT, Ciibav CLomms.

For a fine, circular Cloth Cloak with French lining, the price is only 610; fine brown or black Over Sack 66 to 910; ifine French black Dress or 1 renrh Coat, made and trimmed in the beet manner, 67 to BIO Caseimere Pants, klMi Satin Vesta, 61.75; Woollen Vests, SI. These ere some of the prices st which clothing is now selling st the popular Clothing Store of Lippinaott. Taylor A no. am Market street, Sd door shove sixth. They are the only House in the Clothing trade engaged in Importing goods, and guaranty their prieea much lower than the lowest in Phiuxlelphis, and assortment much the largest.

They offer rare inducement! to wholesale buy gs. Ohm Grra ry a Faii TujAL. We s.k no more of any one than to give Db. Ja tux's Kipittouiht a fair trial. spd if it dun not care the vertous diseases for which it is recommended, awnrr and more effectually than any other medicine that has ever beea offered to the public, tec proprietor it Willing to undergo any penalty, however severe, the publie msy see proper toimpose aeon It has in thousands of uistsneee cure the meet inveterate coughs, eolds, Beth mas, bronebitia, bleeding from the lungs or throat whooping colli croup, and a very large majority of the most hopeless eases of eonsamplion when physicians snd their prescriptions hsve failed to give relief.

Aram we say, try it It will not harm you, but must snd Will do you rood. Prepared only by Dr. D. Jatbb.No. South Tkisp street Pails.

Thi 6IBATXST MnncmBov TnDAT. Dr.SisaMu'j Cmmmmt I Syrup of rTi.d f'Arr, surpasses by far, ell other Medicines for toe cure of obstinate Cooghe, Cold, Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Cora plsint. (pitiing Blood, Perns in tbe Side nnd Breast, Tickling or Rising in the Throat, Nervous Debility, Purifying ihe Bood. ft e. Nothing has ever been die covered which at ell (quels it inits harmless anilities snd its emai'ng power.

Beware of aparious srepuiutHmsof ild CLerry, Dr. Bwsyne'e istheonly genuine. Each bottle of which ia enveloped with splendid wrspper, having the portrait of Cr 8 warns ensrsved thereon. Principal etUee.eoreer of Ewbtb std Racs streets, Philsds. To Blames Eviuwrnaii if timn art sap.

Hers Ie recommendation worth having. Read the following correspondence and be convinced TciiAhKocx, Wyoming Pa, Aug. tt. Dr. 1LA.

Jtontoni Dear Sir Having acted ss stent for Dr. Wright for many years past in the eale of kis Indian VegcteMe Pills, nnd so frequently selling to past, snd to othere through yoar recommendation, 1 now ask roe, in Justice to the proprietor, to stale your opinion ue to the raise of tkese Film, with liberty to make that opinion known to the public. Very respectfully, A.Di'Bhax. Now witness Dr. Boaton'a reply.

Ths ilsiicj and capita la are his own i TfstHjUBon, Aug. Met. Mr. A. Durham: Dear Sir In reply to your note of vestrrday, 1 would stete, thst hsve ocoaaionally found it convenient to use tbe varioua Patent Pills vendrd in.

the shops; and while I em unwilling to Bay any thing to depreciate the valae of otbwa. I a free to ennfete that I eoneider Dr. Wnght'e Indian Vetetahle Pills nprrisr all ikni with which 1 em eeeasinted. I hve used them for many yes both a cm asm amiyand ia my practice generally, a id they here uniform proved mild, urana end cam in th'ir peraUen. The eare and skill with which these Pills hsve been hitherto manulsetared, ere, in my opinion, sufficient guarantee for Ilka good results in future.

Very respectfully, B. A. Botrroa. M. D.

Ttt B. is B.praeutionerof long experience, wet known in and area beyond i the Ilnee of Wyoming county. He is a graduate of the University of Penn By Ivan a. end igaly popular with Ue people among Whom he resides. A pamphlet containing a aamber of similar reenva meudaikms, and a qaantity of other useful titer, oe, N.

W. corner of Fifik end Bscs sueets. Wolxs Aim a HaLTsr Stosuoi are Incompatible. They eaanot bota exist at oae end the Basse time. It ie tkerefnra only wken the stomeeh is is a wsek.desrsved worms eaa exist to aniennuidertnle sx enu Bythefmely Tmit nmifmt Bad Fill; tbe whoia di geeitveapparatae isparmed and strengthened, end are teabeuedT" luo Kbf Wioi.i,,Li Olotuiiki Bociav BtTrKwr A Co Wm ulnrmDealera in Ready made Clothins.

it or nam. IBS r. pwcaaae aaitaote swrna i.r aami Whereever 'th prnp.a losetl thrm. the "Jl "'iS betas of superior order, eaU at Tower Ball Clothing BezaatNo. 168 har strvet, bet wees Fifth end a.xthT vast Cbxap Ittdutb, bat yet mire yatuv ta Z.

"very rTi.Ti!UT.'' Bt team oae of tboae vuluaMc Itenotains i a vast amrant of ialorauuoa, JFSPHrtLJf Bai.b and Tanmra ara asp CT arrival efiha knat, to saneerlhwa thrnaihout the eity and districts. "JL 1 Ledger Third at, satow Ceesnet. Terme. eta.

a nvxiuh, eaohiain Oeeeeaeeleeata, ffaiaasidjuif attAaeaaa Married, On Ihevth by the Rev. J. H. Kennard. Mr.

Jossra 14ms to Miss Maboabit Will, both of Phds delphis county. I In tha I (Ml. .1, A. D. GUI to Mil Illette, Mr.

ELWtBTBOn AST LlTTLX, Of Phils: Aju Cjtlku, of Fullsiiigtnn.Rueks eountr. (n Thursday venim, the 7ih by the Rev. J. Thomas Ward. Dr.

ALxxAhnxx R. CLABX.of Brides miss BJ i itiy tsVTow. this CUT. Dlaav OnSeiuriayafUrmioo, the 0th lust. Mr.

Mrxcaoa 0f 'Ud Hie friends end irqaaintsnces, and these of the family, are respectfuUi invited to attend his funeral, from the reaidenceof hia brother In law, Geo. Clopp, Lamb Tavetn, oa Tuesday liternoon, ikk tost, at Suddenly, ea the tth Mia Naacv Brums' The reletives end friends are reepeei fully invited to No. lunerai, from the realdenoe or her orth Second street above Franklin, this day, the Uth Inst, at 11 o'clock, A. M. to nioeeed to Ma On the 9th intt.Mr.

Robxbt Smitk, la theStthyear at hu ege. Tbe relatives nnd friends of the fsmlly.srs respectfully uivited to attend hia faneral, from bis late residence. No. 8 South Bch. Eighth street, this (Mondsy) norning, at o'clock, without further notice.

On Sunday morning, loth inst, Mr, Gio.Kzuuaa, BgedSSyeus, friendsand relatives of the famUy are reepeet fblly Invite to attend hu; funeral, fmm hia late residence, Sheet 's Al ey, ad door above Madison st. this morning, at 9 o'clock, a On the 9th inst, Aoim HrjitTxa, In the lOih year of her age. er friends nnd acqniintaneee, and those of the family, ere respectfully. Invited to attend her funeral from thcreeidence of her mother, No. Bedford st, between Sixth and Seventh, thia afternoon, Uth inst, at o'clock, wilhont further notice.

On the afternoon of the 0th instant, Mr, Jacob Brrnxn. In the 71st veer of his age. His relatives and friends are respectfully invited to nttend his funeral, from tha residence of his son. Intersection of German town Road and Sixth street oa Tuesday morning, at 6 o'clock, without further notice. On the ath inst, Mrs.

Mabv Fubasan, aged 79. Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited to nttend her faneral, fmm her late residence, Lombard street below Second, this afternoon, al o'clock. Without further notice. On the loth inst, Fbabcbs DorjuBiBTy. Her friends, and thoee of the family, are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, on Tuesday afternoon, nt 8 o'clock, fmm the residence of her sin, Pstrick Dougherty, in Willow street, near Lambert, Schuylkill.

On the atk Inst, Amanda, dsaghter of Ferdinand nnd Maraaret Ueisler, in the tth year of her aio. rae oieo; out aeain eouia scarcely cnui ner sniung beauties though she ley with cold, ex tended limbs for still her face loohrq fairer than theday. Thoee eyes, once eloquent with bliss, were closed as soft ss shutting flowers) yet such sight was ours. The friends of the fsmily ere respectfully Invited so attend her funeral, from the reaidenceof her parents, No. 144 Hanover street below Frankford Road, this afternoon, nt 6 o'clock, without further notice to proceed to Monument Cemetery, On the 9th airs.

Mabv Aaa Elliott, wife of Wm. B. Elliott eged years. At Frankford. on the 6th los, CATHAaiNB rDiLL, ssed 76 yean.

On the 7U inst, in Esat Whltelsnd, Chester county, William F. Oi'Plstt. eon of Henry and Jena White, aged years I weeks, and 4 days. On the loth Inst, Gtoaoi infaat eon of Milea A. and Elizabeth Loeeer.eged 6 weeks tnd 4 days.

Ontbasthinst, In South Camden, Jukxins, aged 11 months, and oa the 9th, BaMnm. Wau.h iged 4 yearn, children o( U. T. and G.Bimkina. HEALTH OFFICE, Philamltbia.

Sept. 9, 1M, Asttrmmw tt ts Cii amdlLtbtrtUt tf PUimU Asm las las 1A Abaeeaa of Brain 1. Lungs Apoplexy Cachexia 1, Casualty 1, Croup Congestion of the Langa do. of the Brain 1, Cholera lpiauium to, uonsuinption or tne t.ungs 13, trnvui sionsS, ofthe Head 5. do.

in the Brrast 2, Disease of the Brsin do. of thsHcart 4, do. 1, dcol Drowned l.Dyaenterv 10. Debility the Spine do. of the Bowcle 1, Brsin, Erysipelas 1, Fractal of Cranium 1.

Fever rs, suiusion on toe I. do. Bilious I. do. Remittent X.

do. Scarlett. do. phoid Uemmorhage 1, do. from Lungs do.

from Stomach 1, Inflammation of the Brain 3. do. of I jver Bronchi do. of the Stomach and Be web 4, do, of the Intemperance 8. Intumnsception Marasmus a.

Measles 1, Mortification I. Old Age 4. Ossification of tbe Heart 1, Bull Born 1, Tabes Ueaenterica 1, Whooping Cough 3 Adults (Ki, Children 14. Of the shove there were! Under I year, 38; from 1 to Lift toe, 16 to 10. 10 to ll 8: to to to, SO to 40, IS; 40 to SO.

10; 69 to (6, to 70, 16 to m. an to to, Total 1S4. From the Almshouse, 10; People of Color, II; front the Country By order of Uie Board of Health. SAMUEL MARKS, Clerk. faff STRANGERS in the eitv.

who wish to eee tbe ghpseiM. should go to WUA VLB'S UOW. CERT, TH18 EVENING. Ha offers UMimM imitabU SU ffIDGEjJfaHilfP oTif o. attheir Hall, comer of THIRD and BROW SUk, on WEDNESDAY KVKmNv, Sept 13th, 1WJ.

Punctual attendance ia requested ai basioeM Of importsnce is to be rrsnsef tea. sn if AiAviu CAtuwELXk secretary. tf. A STATED PESflOf IAS UNION of tie UNITED CSflON of the GRAND STATES, will be held on rUEt DAV 'AFTERNOON, at o'clock, at Acmperance nau, Aaistvotrecti oenrw oreen. sil lt JVB.

KING, 6T 8. B. rfhf" H'STORICALcOCiTV OF PENNYL IkS VaNIA. The loeiety will meet TH(t EVENING, at I o'cioek, ia tha ATHENAEUM BUILD ING. all It A STATED MEETING OF THE JF.P Jt PERSON UBRARY AND LITERARY ftrtfOCl ATION, will be heldTHlS (Monday) EYEING, at half past o'clock.

sll lt tr. WM. WIRT LIBRARY AND LITERARY UOg INBT1TUTK. NOTICE Sttted Meeting ofthe Institute will beheld THIS EVENING, et 1 o'clock. Punetual sttendance ia reaoestfid.

aa OA. cere will he elected to ser'e the ensuing six months ROB'T B.tlUA VLE, Vf.L,?L, I. IYATPECIAL MEETING OF THE GRAN UO? UNION D. OF of the 4tate of Pennsyt 3 UNION D. OF of the 4tate of Penn ima, will be held at the M.

W. HalL Cheanut 4 o'clock, THIS (Monday) AFTERNOON. sll lt M. W.BTORRS.e.P.1 vsn St, at s. fflff" A.

a or G. KEYS TONE LODGE, No. UsS lli A SUted Meeting willlieheld THIS (Monday) EVENING, at the new HaliALLEN atove Frankford Road, Kensington. Members are requested to be punctual in attendance, slt lf WILUAM WRIGHT, W. R.

9. A MEETING af the I'AT nKPIHERR only of the Order of PHIII' ATHRANH will leldTHiaiMondavlAFtERNOftV.atUn'elik. atlhe Friendahip Hall, corner of TWELFTH enl FILBERT Bts. Punctual attendance, as business of imponsnce wui nc transacted. 11 It B.

H. I'KIKBT. NO I ICE A Meetir.g of the eitixens of enaiy to inc 1 1 .1 II B. vR niw urove raru a.l?rKldl? Koihyve Wsllaee street, on WEO NE8 DAY Evening. 18th I 7j o'clock sll gtmw AN ADJOURNED MEETING of the NA TIliNAI.

RKPrmr imnfiiTiniy dui T. 1 1 1. I Til lu Kiiiiiutiun i tn fiilrrt Street jfall, corner rf SIXTH siil HAINES atreeta. Business of importance In refer rnee to the approaching Election will be aitended to. lilt ll.HIITrilV B.

SPRING AARnlTN. Tha TiVUnTM KTM fJONFEREES to nominate a Commituimtft1 be held THIS (Monday I EVENING, at 7 o'cioek, at the Liberty Hotel, TiiSY's, COATES Bt, above Eleventh, to enter on their duties. By order of a kuaber of the Delegates. Seytembcrllth, ima. sll lf ffB FOURTH WARD, SOUTH WARK.

The lAii Csss snd Butler Demoeretle Assosiation wiU nuet THI4 EVE.M1NS, ll.h instsnt at 7io'elck, at R. T. Carter's. All good Democrats are nrrently requested tn attend, and toaid in the thorough organi zstionof the Ward. Several addremes maybe ex HU6H KELLY, President Joshua t.

reeretsriea. all It MR.UUAYLE'fl BENEFIT CONCERT takes nlsceet the CHINESE SALOON. THIS giVKNinu. witu a Billol unpreceaeuted st tract ion, including all the choice talent in the city, with BV Mm Us Ar af Maitiau and the firgiaia Sen mWrr Come one, eoineeil. sH lt Beeas.

STATE CONVENTION or ths FRIENDS 13 OF FREE SOIU At a Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Friends of Free Roil, (ap poimeo si recent meeting in me uninese museum,) held rniurdsy, September tth, the following reslu tlots ere adopted i Rrsr.lvrd,That the friends of Free Boil and tha Buffalo Nominetlon In the eny and county nf Phils delrbis, ire invited to aitmd the eesstona of the Cm vention to nominate freaidmtial KlecUirs, to be held in READING, oa WEDNESDAY, 19th inst Resolved, That Benj. w. Richards, fkomis Ksne, JiHiaa Wymea, Dr. William Elder, L. Maklke, Dr.

D. Skerrett, John Ashton, T. Caven der, W.J. MuUec, wm B. Thomea, George Cuanell, (met Rohoins, N.

P. Brown, D. L. Miller, ir Villiam Candidns. Robert P.

Kene, A. H. Rosenheim snd i Ilia H. Dennis, be imrnittee to cast the vote of the eity end county of Philsdelphia. Resolved, Thst the sbove committee hare power to rill all vacancies thst msy occur ia their number.

By order of ths Committee sll lt JAMES J.ROBBIN8.Bec'ry. nrtf" PENNSYLVANIA HoBK COMPANY. M3 NOTlCEj A Stated Meetine nf the Company will be held THIS (Monday) EVENING, nt 7) o'clock. By order of sll It THEO. EBLINB, Bee'y P.

H. Co. SHOULD AULD ACQUAINTANCE FORGOT? It's to be hoped not If all I Vl.F'H awf aaw tritmti will ka at Uu, i ft ytHE SALOON THIS EVENING we miyexps tha hoaeefiUed to suffocation. a otlws Us beat eo terninmentsever given et the Museum. el lit nr DEMOCRATIC RAtlFJCATIONMEEf IfS TNG The DEMOCRATIC CITIZENS of the City end County of Philadelphia are requested to meet in the Lower Saloon of the CHlftKSE MUSEUM, on W1JJNE8DAY next, 13th inst, at half past 7 o'clock ia the evening, to ratify the nomine 1 lion msde by the Demrauo State Convention, of MORRIS LONG8TRETH, the Farmer eaididate for Gtrvermr of fennaylvania.

and tn axaksarringe menta to secure lis triumphant election. Several distinguished orators will sddreas the meet big, whose names ill be ennouneed hereafter. A splendid Brass Bend will be ia attendance daring the evening. By order of tha Democrstie CommiUes of Arrsmge. mem.

an at Sd story room NOTlnK Tne Mansaara of Ik. rJlmnll. ascuury Bed to TH EODORB G. GAUrJi will Meetins at I o'rlook WF.nNk4n.AV EVENING. Sept Uth, at No.

114 VINE Streetbe dw lain srrrer. so St" fVOLONS TEA Baparirr (Veah received. ELWOOD tHANNON, Sll lt Tea Dealer, 63 Cheasut tTOR SAIRCHKkP SIX new forty JRAft I tuna. iB.nTii.. Sll I IB EASE SPOTS, OIL SPOTS.

Ae. Havs you Grease or Oil Rente ia year Carpet? If eo, ealL and with fifleea emits buy a cake ef PAK HXVB tRBAt and OIL EXlklCl manafaaaared aixiso ioolyby A. W. itAMaadtALEBta, VY, corner or 6U ryj A MEETING" the Male Members of PHI 1X5 LADELPBIA PKOULnR MIMiO A890(H AtlON w.ll be held THIS EVEMN8. September litis.

etTioVock, et tbe N. corner NINTH aad VALiAir, miAj su mory mom ss It' PlIBlin HCHOOIA An EXAMINATION for in AS1TAM' TEACHER, in the West Philadelphia Secondary School, will be held at the School Houe, tnbATDKDAY, thelrHh at P. M. IslI tt JOHN qilrTTvriN; GREEK sod FRENCH LAN. A GUAGES Uught in the evening, from 6 to I o'clock, at WM, J.

KELLY'd Academy, No. 164 RIDfiE ROAD. Terma, is Per mouth, in ad an at iniorm tne eiixens or runaaotpniB mat ne is rexvimmeneed tn teaeh the PlaNO, VIOLIN, FLU IK and GUITAR. Those wishing a competent teecher, will do wen to glye bim I oil nt CHARLES DUMMIES Music Store, HOT CHES NUT HiimI. Im.

1l.w TJ PARENTS AND LOVERS OF MUSlC A Flaying on ths Pisno end Sinning, (or Guitar and Binging.) tauibt in elames, et tb a whole year. Pereona wishing to examine our mode of instruction, which hu been in successful operation with several classes, sre invited tn attend tha lessons on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Saturday ufter Musical Iniiitute, Northeast comet of NINTH and ARi'H Bis. Applicants wui ne received at any tuna It no. 1 1 North Ninth street, above Race, ra er im A. MAY ft W.

WALIEr rEH A LADY who haa had eeveral years' experience AA, in leaehms.deairM to riwwiw mi. Iim, ramllv aa wajrorra ana supus, six or eight youig males, to instruct in nil the branahes af tnthr with all the econinphsbmenta usually taught in schools. Terms for BOARD, including light and fuel, 6150 per annum, fx sums on the Harp. Pian Guitw, rrrncn ana tm'icing at nmuerate prices, young ladies residing in the country desirous of perfecting themselves in sny of these asoomplishmenil would find pleasant home without the restrictions of a reguiui

rieaseBppiyno.avsBrRlJUKe)t, Chore iweiun. ell 3f BECKER ft CANNON'S INSTITUTE FOR AO COUNTANTS, B. W. ear, of ARCtfand atk sts. ABI oruJienea lauint are ni.

wa ami. UlinmbHyiALi AUlUMGIlUi Open Dally, except Baturduye. aii ttir CROIX'S COURSE OF FRENCH For Uadiesand Gentlemen, Mo eommitting to me moryno home exercises. Apply at the French otuiir, no. in riL.DE.iit Direct.

en irt tTYf NlNO BCHOOL. R083' MER0ANT1LB Us INSTITUTE, NoTioO CHE8NUT St. Is bow open in the Evenings from 7 till 9 o'clock Writing. Book keeping, end Arithmetic taught ia the most thorough snd practical manner. sll ltr MA.

ROOT'S D.VGUERREOTYPR GALLE i RY, No. 140 CHESNUT below Fifth st, pen fi.r visiters, from I A. to 6 o'clock, P. ours for children, from 11 to 9 o'clock. sll lt AMERICAN MOUS8ELINES DK LAlNE, fell Styls.

EVRE ft LANDELU Fourth and Arch streete, havs leasts of good styles Mousseliaes de Lsine, at 1st, ls and ie cents per ysxd siso, new style Fill Cashmeres. sli ltf A CONVENIENT. iVEkEDLiGHtWAGON', Driver, WANTED to hire a witn occsaionsuy, to nsui una distribute a eleanana portable article. Address, with terms, Driver," Ledier orBee. ill It riX) MlLLlNERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF A STRAW BONNETS.

Any one having a Preee IngMachiue tnsell, of Hnwsid's or Lodie'smake, STOCK OP 600D8. RYRE A LAN DELL. FOURTH and ARCH now in store fins sssortment oi II ra Xsw Goods, sdspt ea to the approaching season, laid ia with much ears as regsrds fsbric snd style sll ltl ffHEAP FUEL LEHIGH COAL SCRIP FOR BALE, by which the buyer will sivefrom 75 ets. to a dollar per ton. WM.

ft WaSffl ft BlI ll hird street. k.XJKSAl.E CHEAP A Into! HVDR ANT CABESL av Apply in MAIDEN Street, opposite the North ern uoenv wss worxs, warn tney era sept eon stsntly onhsnd. sll at ART UN.1QN Or PHILAJ)ELPHIA, twbserip tinne to this Institution will be received by S. ill be race by. Pen thirS'i naii, io.

ri ueesnui street, 10 South Fifth street end renmnrton. No. B1UKKUW, Agent for theUlty, No. no B. ea.

su SOLDIER8 AND MARINE6iATTENTION! Bi in in ut ducharies snd save delay. Bounty Wirrants, Pentionr, end exlnpsy procured. Bounty Warrante transferred by JOHN H. FRICK, Notary fubhe antTPenaloa Agent No. 731 DOCK Direei.

su st EC. LEWIS, Iste from Mexico, has eommenced the TAILORING BUSINESS, at RIB NOBLE Street, below Sixth, where his friends end the publio are invited to call. Clothes msde end trimmed In the nest msnner sna st tne lowest prices. sll lt A CA CARD TO THE LADIES. 80 per cent, eee bs n.

saved by orderins roar ui It rrsmes snd Kes evea oy ordering yoar ing, it the manufactory of C. DEWEES, No. I43 crxunu nireet, oeiween tiocx una Boruoe. over wuiiama uiino Dtore). au ii UDER AND VINE6AR.

Clarified Uhamptlgna ider, of superior guality; also, Cider and Pick ring Vinegar, by the hhd. of bbl. Shipping order! nnea at tne snorirn police, ror saie or sll tn7r ML MATHIEV.IS Lombard et PLAID SIUS Beeutiful style end guality, just received, et only go ets. per yerd; u'so, nsw style Argentine risins, si xc era. per ysrui a spiswiia as sortmcni of UUuk AlptBSi, ciruf.

H. PLATT. sll lt Seventh ind Green streets. RMANTOWN TELEGRAPH Buslne pso oMhe pie una others wishins to nvul taemee vi exteimive elreulution of this paper, es en advert sing medium, will leave their orders at SI DOCK St, It BELT BUCKLES. JAMES E.

CALDWELL No. 140 CHK8NUT Street, have received a very choice supply of Gold, Enamel. Silver, Steel, end Gilt BEl.TBOCKLaBAothardesirakle Paris aney ana va pie ATtioiee. sii tairir Li WAN CA) A CHARLES WEIB S3 Yard, NIN akraac. third ward ahowa Pnnlar.

ra yarn Philadelnhla. Coal of a auaertnv attalitv. aranarel cxpreaaly ft family nee and Imp utvl cmnr.aon' stsntly on hand, for sals st the lowest cash prices. It nTU TRADE. UO PER CENT.

lAVED oe.ket Books. Wsllets. Bankers' Csisea, Portfo Boevfte. fte at SJaUTH'SjaUaafaoton. oi OHKS NUT Btreet ell er7armwfta READER, should you this dsy.ut your dwelling or place of business, be favored with the receipt of "BLOOD'S DESPATCH" Card and Circulars, yoa wiu mtuee wa scrHiiar uw oi tne eara.

a eaa tne eir culare, hind them to friend and pocket the eerd for iniure reference. ill lmyieir TVAGUERREOTYPEil Mcdl.KI 'Jt A GRRMilfil Af reapeetfully inform their friende and the publio that they will reopen their splendid new establish merit, No. 198 CHESNUT Street, Boatheest comer of Eighth, about the 1st of Ocbiber. Their friends can bud them st SO, WALNUT Street Bel. Fourth, aoulh side, 3d story.

sll lfr lOS ENTSa on hand a I LOOKING GLtSBI rABLISH ivu iUtou Eighth. Sow on hand a hirgc issortment of superior French irrors, forMsntels, Walla, or Piers framed in the st mam er and moet fashionable styles, both plain and highly ornamented. Alp, Looking 6lsss Phtes, of all sizes, which may be selected and framed to order. Portrait ind Plot ate Frames for axle at the lowest inn prieea. Bil 11 UNDATED BUSINESS CIRCULARS are oV OR THOUSAND, Vrith care sod Judgment by BLOOD 8 DESPATCH.

at sach low Istis as cannot fail to SUIT ALL who amy desire suca Business dime. OKieinK. QaanrTTnHivTir N. B. Orders In reference to the abovedropped ia "Blood's Despatch" Boxes, (sea LIST in another eoiumni receive prompt personal attention, in an panaoi ineeiiy.

su tmyietr JC.ftW.E TABER, rrspeetfally calls the st lentinn of the trade to their choice and select nil Mil iMVBV dnitnj niiuiTii via Grade Algiers. Gro de Afrie. Vi'torleand Albert.B'inne' Silks. Colored and Blue Blaik Velvets. Uncut do, do.

olored Setttne, Bonnets Ribbons, fte, hey would paitjpalarly call your attention to their nilin.n, I. MnA Sm Imh A I ncj WW cau WVUI brge eseortroetit of French and Amrrlean Ar'i Flowere end Feathers. J. CTft W.K XABE sll lm No. 168 Bseont ftftl FALL DRESS GOOLIS.

J. JTHUCKEL, corner of FIF'IH end GREEN Streets, hss now open a large ssaorunent of Drs Goods, eonsuuing tn part of Changeable Silks, eheap. Rich tripe Si ks. ynsnsvime caun ue buene. Satia Striped Casmeree, Dcleines new etylee.

Scsilet. Chertf and BlueDcUlnes Silk Striped Alpacas. Ginehams. Cslinoea. Wide Black Buka and Satins da Ckeaegfor Msa tillss.

sll lt WIRE BRIDGE HOTEL JAM fS H.McSOR M1CK, (late Broad street Exchange,) Baring taken the above Hotel, (formerly in the oceupsncy of Mr. Barr, east end of the Wire Bridge, Feirmoantl would reaMeifullf ecu a tint hie friends end the public generally, that he ia prepared to furnish them With the best tbe market afford, In ell their vsrietiee. In season. The bar and vaalis era well supplied with the best of maK and othw lienors, Mineral Watera, Ac. The proprietor bee slso sttaohed four first rite Bowling Alleys, whee gentlemen disposed to enjoy Ibis heelihy exercise eaa recreate.

rt. Bieaia at an aoura. tl eodtw lATA CONVENU NCEil BLOOD DESPATCH has Boxes st ths txtrmu of the city. end Wbarton streets. South wark, and roalar.

Norihera Liberties enth and Christian. Moyamenaing, ipayisui i aire una iixIkillTliira and IjnajtaaraV from whioh Luuri are Ukan the POST OFPIRR fo timtiuuk tot, at 7 and la A. M.t and at aaeT 6 o'clock, P.M. WAMpsi, For pre paTaont tt a. a dozen, er Tfte.

per hundred. su tmymtr ur riue, b. bia Ttt Bt WAS BTOi.EN. Ust nlihtt Bage RAGS, anH Bags PAPER 8H Vlix Ga. msrked A.

t.New Hope, wse sto en from the wharf of the eabaerthere. A liberal reward will be pa for suck information as WiU lead to the recovery of the property. Rag dealers and purchasers sre res nested togivs ss Informs uoa, abt aid they be offered for sa le CAIL1SL8 A HASKELL, STlI Bt No. 4S North Wharves. $50 WA RD.

as STOLEN from tbe premi Sea of lha niaht at th 1.1 or tMb of Asgast lam, a coal seventy nine pounds of seventeenTsnd. a half cut SIMGLE WOOLLEi YARN, in the grease. A reward oflfty dollars will be paid for such infurmstioa aa will lead to the det, tao tion and conviction ef tbe thief or thieves, and the recovery of the Yarn. Fifteen dollara will be paid I the tbr tbe recovery of the vera, of ia tha tioa log aay suit. DBAp all fir Newark, Delaware.

NOTatT With the STi Ten pin PU SS and the kaae DISSOLVED PARTiMER SUlP STAR BOWUN0 8 A LOON, and ksve nouingaumtetewtih iu JOaaM V. RINK, To taiccouiai. a wmv g. ins OLOL'D'S TOO'lHAUH DslOrSare wwranted to eare ths ssoat violent ease, irtiruiarty ths jump imt Issihee1,) IS one minnie, without uilury to the teeth or gal the breau. impart'rg abwudeli(htful Iraxrsnos ii south side, below h.

BJQtlC ICE. To ing betws ed by mi thoa The PARTNEK3" P.keretoforeex weea LOMG ft kiniKAM ia thia day Lt tat utuai consent, aii iwrarma aavmg Claims, ana inoee lon mroiu pmase make pay menu nimauasau.w r. mwwaam. eu 6t SAl: Three first rata fill. I.I IHIt TA.

HI nppilli) e. rnniiuuiai E. FREYMUTH, No. 0 SOrTH FIFTH Street up sll 4tr TOY AND AN OYGOOnS. Greatest variety st lowest Brtoes.

Mcesni Oolla, Trum Sari a UlvaVm A til avau laa aits. l. pf 64. 6 10, and gjn. Also, 6 Fancy Bisketo and Boxes, A la Us' or O.iods, AOCnrdenHia, Bonbon Pa Art'des Ac.

miw Ao renny tna mum wjm wm. TILLER, liuportar. No. COMMER0I aiiamyw the names of i Druggists and uiai 7 uio pwemana moat respcctalMS nd Others, In the city, who find it to thaa to keep Bleed'! Vttrtath Boat for tha Bill. 1 1 IB.

IO KMJ.BI NIAOa'a 1 l.l U.l aoavemenoeandeccxiimimdfitioaof their ouatomere. ana ecouawauuw TBLOOD'SDESr OF' ATIONR rtw VINE STREET. B. W. aomer tth, Horme i's Drag Store.

JJ tth, a Ront's, lltfc rAsPs'rirBgforo? 'li MoCurdy'sDry GoodgBtora, STW. aor. Wuck ft Mulford'i firoesry. autvn.

BIKKb t. UK BiHhlj if, r.aeaourn I Ji.pinooti'i Book Sbire. N. W. 6th, 8.

E. 6th, Wright's Ind. Veg.Pi ui mora, jonn's vroc wetrv. W. Tth, yondnramitk's Drag Store, Ith.

Clem's Groonsr. W. loth. Needles' do Needles' do. 19lh.

no. en, oat. troeu, ool S. aor. td, HuihesrSroeery.

I.W, 6th, ColWs do sin, rarriansirrugotora, No. below lOth. Marahsll's do N. W. cor.

Uth, Biddle'a firngSlora. N.E. "juniper, Downs' Shoe Store. fi.w. Wkarf, Burr's no.

)u SDOve mn, Asuum utouiing twore. no, ars, pes. sin, wm doos wore. KE.oor, Bch. 8th, Clayton's Shoe Store, fioh.

hh. Simes ft Sou's Drag Btata. N. Bob, id, Atkinson's Grocery, ft. W.

Boh. Frnnt imee ft Snn's brag Store phEkniit erTR.KK'i rs. sin, ftate Mouse. ijuranu suruimora. Smith do Parrish'l do Brmihunt'g Jo ISimee' do saver's ao 7th Pattnrsnn'a do VAI.NIIT HTHIi'VB.

erf, loodgiiod's Hotel, Sroeery, 6th, 6th. 6th, water's Hook Mo Allister'i Builuing, aula en Blair's, Drug Store. Itranoa, ihibii a uo novel I I'e do PnilCK RTRRK'r. i Tth, Whiver'sDrug Siors, ta, iota, yiaru's urncery, etn, iicsaier oo B.E. eth, MoDonneU'i Dreg Store.

M.B.' i.nhr TTiiMrinaon'l do N.E. Bch.6d, Yarneirsur LsrneirsDrcgStora, SOU I IH STREET. I. a UFA etan'e DrugBtora, o. above UtB, I do UT.anr.

ISth. A len'a i w.eor. da PROMISCUOUS. Ho. laSN Bd.bel.

Vin. lMN.Id, bcLVlne Wstsim'sBajIcySheafHotsJ, IBS abovs RaecMatliaon'a Buck TnaiT HO S. fid, below Union Allen's Drug Store, tat above Guahill Hedenborg'i shoe tore, 41 N. 8d. below Arch Parker'e Exchanse Oihna.

lot B. aa. dci. vrainui yunningnam noos at to N. tth, below Arch Harmsteud'e do Store.

i B. cor. ar ana uociisi orowns 0.99N. mh. above Market Ims j.

S3 e'sBook Btora, Imail I id below naeo rat yneater Hi I.W.aor.Bch.9lh AGeoree Nimlinan'i Drug INJJl" STRICT NOR TUEl BKRTIES. aor. Front end Green, Pryor'i Drug Store. vv. root wiu dtowb.

nnorr ricrie oo est side Second, sbove CsllowhllL Lsmh Tavsrn. fdo below NoMe, Red Lion Hotet aor. and Green, Shoemaker's Drug Stars. rroni ana Brown, norm st ricne's so Id and Coatee, Hiibenauck'a bo ana ropier. aCwVlu'ffert'i olile, Lukcn's Flos aa ana mi and Nolile, Lukcn's Flour Store.

end ureen, neelet Btora, QsndPoTlsrSli tth ind Noble, So im's let's nowdea'a El oa ina rv ooa, veiavau nfJ iirid green. Bower'1 4a g.W.eor. Front Chrlstisn.Chrlstlsnl's Drag Btora. wm. side ad, opp.aimoria.rv i iismeon i no.

E. eor.Sd sndMr. McDrsth's do. K. ear.

anaipary, neransw ao, eor.Baarto vyparinn, Hcuiy a ao, mnA rTiitkMrin.HiltkW E. ens. 4th and Carpenter, Herder's do, k. Waakinatonand Parker. Notaon'a Aa.

In. IS Paaavunk Road, ab. German. Pile'a da. fcB.

ymik 4a. go, B. E. eor.MhandShippen.KiidufiVa do. S.

E. cor. ath nniTSbippen, Weber'e da. hi. rngnt.

Uth and Xnnnana iCZ pi. R. eor. loth snd Christian, England's do. OAee, No.

South BUTH Btreet, opposite tha Whig Reading Room. Each of die above stations ara designated by Saufi Signs, reading thusi The name. Blood, always in red letters. ell bnylTfr tlfIO TWO GROUND RENM of BkJOO SiBmbyJ mmWiSr' ill It 103 Walnut strent gaQnkfl TOINVK4TinswctlsaeuredGROUND ftOUVU RENT; also, leva srd 6 110 to loan on Mongaga. Apply to JOf.

BBARR H1 at" W3 south Third sreet. ttt I7f SEVERAL SUMS of thia emount A I vv, (aea, lo invest in tin re mortgage ic eurltv. WlLUA alt It 10. smut Btreet NEW SHAPE PALL Bl.VNEr. Udtea wishing a besutiful style of mart 1U find a full assortment Bt the Philadelah ia Bonnet mar Enfaetory.

Also, Bonnet Frames and Crowns of the iteat and moet approved shapes. Millme'S furnished et Ue lowest esshpriees. THOS. WHITE, eli lra 4 1 B. Second, shove Chesnat cut side.

calL BE'ORB. PURCHArilNH! I CALL BEFORE PURCHASING I II Wh.7 a ZZt amount of useful and saving knowledge is contained in tbeae three almoin wnrda. Hi I.H ft CUNE, Wholesale snd Retail sroVE DKAL North SECOND Street abva Vine, andS4S MARKET Btreet above Tenth, proprietors ef two of the handsmneilstoveesteMlshmenW lathe country, desire to inform their friende end the paWie that they are display lug tb is seasoa sn sssortrnenl of iTOVKS, hitherto or et present unsurpassed or quailed by anyestablahmentin thiscily. We, there ore, wi.h to impress indelibly apoa your minds to emit effort 9nrfhajrhte. lll mwAali SIXTY DOLLARS REWARD Stolen, Monday butt from opposite ths Bute TTUon SBta a.

In Chesnat street, email Black BOR! with bridle and ass wssbuckskia guilted. Tbe baek. fi ur white fast, bald I'si saddle. the aeat of which irsa hd very sore be Hon fees and glass eye, of low eaniage. end a natural pacer.

Fifty IMleri will be paid for the anrst rf the person who stole said Horse, and Ten Dollars for the Horse, ftuMIe and Bridle. JOHN SLAUGHTER. At lie Hed Luon Hotel. Hotel, above 6th, all tr sterlet street 14th, inst mile Bests to karneas. beat I in free lor all pacing horses, Jsmea K.

Polk O'CIOCB Jamea wan names Knannke. Thomas Davis do. VilianeDoy. all FOR SALK A BCH JONER, aa liable lor ft'aa Oyster BoaL row buildina on theeaeaaa iiMIT wharf above the Union Glaas Works. Kan linftooSI reetlong.oa deck) Ig feet beuni 6 feet 6 inches hold; irina rSLaa tons.

sn et lfcl ,3 ft HI KELT, ira a. PIC NIC EXCURSION AST EXCURtlON or THm SEASON TO RARTRAM'H BOTA NICAL GARDEN, This Exeu'sion Is nt the request of many ladies and heads of families who wish t) enjoy the winding patriae ihis mesmirtent retreat, which is sitastc neur Gray's Ferry, on the bants of ihefehsilkiU Rrver. The Steamboat WAVE. Capt )rvue, will make two trips on TUE'tDAY, Sept IX. Morning Trip LaaveBruwnlng's Perry at I o'el k.

Arch street at a quarter past end first wharf abuva Almond at half past l. Aflcrnooa Trip teava Browning's Ferry at t. Arch sr. at a aaarter ptstt, and fiiet wharf above Almond at, at half psalf o'clock. RetaiBing, will leave at 6 o'clock thas effort ing partieal providing their own pie nie) aa opeoftaaity lo spend the whole day at Iba gardens.

That aething msv be wanting to add lo the pleasure of the party. Coleman's Band of Musis hu beea engastd to plsy popular airsea the oeeastoa. etieaamenta ana ice uream ou a larii. ara for the axaaraion at eenls I children under IS. half oriee A GRAND MOONUGHT EXCURSION, eh the lal of tbeaeaarm, will be msde by the tMeamboat WAVE.

Capt Devoe, to that del. thiful retreat, A CONY, with Coleman's Bsnd, braas aed suing ma sie.on TtElDAY EVENING. Boat l0, leaving first wharf ebuve Almond street et( pmtj o'clock Areh st at I before 7, snd Browning's Ferry at 1 O'clock. Returning, leave Tscoev at II Block. Poai lively ne genlieaaaa will be edaaitted on board Wi'hcut a lady, aader any eirauawtaaeea whatever.

Fare for IhsExsuraiop.fS cents. Reireahments can be had on hoard tbe boat sll tf FREBSOU. COMVPNTION 3 To be h'ld at READING oa WKD.KiAY. H.M.,,k. hum.

PHILADELPHIA AND READINO BAILROAO. pararms deairous of aitendme. the a bo re Cwivea tioa.eaaoiamtiekeeet6eaeh.oa epplieatioa la the eaaeraigned, each ticket eatitlingthe hauler tn a Kiaaass ha the train which haves for Rsadmt at P. ea the lf, end et 7 A.M. end xl P.

nl, oa tha l.uh and slso to a Basses ia either af the trama rataraing rataraing Snant of tbe Coavenoun, which Uaias arrive in I'rai bdeiplim Ut and ui r. M. ApptmBUon atisketa to be mtda from 10 A. fit. la P.

aad lorn 4 So tP.M. ALB. EDWARDS, 6an. Trsnse. Otert, s'i ra waiiuu avt mciPtB THIN vvu a la're I aonmentof iOLDana8iLVr a WAT' ajslaalS WW am aaa sfitlat ft f4.

BF.COiSD eoraar of Quarry. AH fraated teas whm Vhay ara sngr inJ I I BjgT .1 akaasB SaaVsasT. saM PaLA tTlLVsaRAI. 7th 6th, loth, bX jra. 6NH MUNCftEf) DOLLARS Adirfft IZTPlPL'Rr'E Will be given st the HfJiuTINa a6E2YpARK COURSE, oa THIIBSriAV..

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