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Public Ledger from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Public Ledgeri
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

It' It I Pl'BLIO 7 LEDGER liNB DAIL TKANSCRIPT. FalladelpBla, Mender. WT. 18. IB.

PAarmaR BLAirre.Ti country kit recant waded, or rather Utreugh PrenV deetlel rontwt, ixrceded ky mm preceding it in ene and recklea ettnda of lb candidate. With Can Scott, Bom of kit opponent begin by repr awatit. him at detail tar to the goreraateat and a awtreler ef kit anjdtwa and at tba combat dhirkratd, thr tfta aaaoaaeal ki a ctaard. aith oa, Pierre, toaw of kit opponent, of tint tan who tr atkuatd of aolhiag, kowevw eoa ternetibl, beg ia a etyle (till mora reckltnj, TWT KM a rtard, hrpoerit eed gambler. Ha the ccmltot Ml prmoaged for tew aanatha, in ebould hart kad for.

ajarr and pockat pickiaf added at the aatalogu of kit mme. But Ikt eoatoet Bavin taralntad ia rictay of oca party ud a dfftit of Ika oiktr, mere Signal aad complete thin any tinea tha onta a aaaaeoawat of Ik Federal Oortramant, ail dtcant ayeopl begne bo aappoat that tk naq aitbad mld tto totiaaed With wkat they had got, aad gladly catat, fur a time, at Itatt tilt Ika atwly alaottd dauniatntioa ekoald ka orgulud, from Ika aa Ciaaa work of altadtr. Iadaad tk anal racklati aaxorur the umitt wbick kad ilaadarad 6ta. ruraa, aad faadard tk vry I rat to accrue klm of gnawnecanco. kad already proelaiaMd that It kad trot anMitk of poUtieg, aad iataadtd to rttirt from 4U politieel teld.

How that moat all decent twopl to aetoniaherl, oa tadinf thia ealumatoai eraadareoaaataetd, and by tht very eal tuit ion wao kad a recently proclaimed UMmttlrai weary oi tnetr low work: Vtrily aaith Bolomoa or aomaooay aiat, Bray a fool la a mortar, aad mtwlUaavarb wit." A Joaraal of Nw Hampakira, my of Oentral airo im oaaactioa witk tk rest aoatatt, Norartbalaaa Wat aominalai a ia altctad oi If ka livat, will aster tat Wkita Hoat watt klarek, earryiac witk kiaoa ot tha btat of womta to ba aalatrtaa of tba aaihwal auaaioa, aad to aaeoaatar a doablt ahara of tha ear and il Whiek aauall fall to tha lot of a Praaidant a wifa." JVaolbar ooraal, tk (rat that pat Into circnlatiMl aiaiMNT aaoat utMlrmprai of Gaa. Piwct, Maaouj, aaa aaat to roliowint com ntntary If abort wa ratondod at a complimnt to oaacmBtoaiy well daatrTol, bat moat wkwardiTaadblaiidtriiialyrrndarad. Uthtau "Vi fpoaof dtaliaahar kaahaad back aaadad ran, it waa cattainly aanat unkind and aniimtly. Wt aadarauad that taa Pratidtat t' aot aut drink at all aow a dayi." a baek kaadad rap I Thy witk waa bthw, laudator, tt tM tkoojht." Wt rantur to aiy 4hal tk wrltar kad ao lack lurking parpoat," ad that only tkot naaa onoark to eooeoir, 4artaia aad aaael tack a parnnat, wosld aataruit tha aatpicloa. Nw Hampahir doibtlaaa eontaint oouaaral, lika othtr Stat.

Bat aa it (ay a arraklar raUtiT malortty for Gtaarel 1'itrca thaa ay ftbarBtata, we aataaw tha bat aa aama iri dac of ih aatioMtioa ia whiek aa it kald whr it btt known; tad wa Iheaca infer that ao dilor ia thai Btala, kowayar oppottd to him poll tieally, weald tall atapid anoojb, after anck a boroagh popalar aaaaoaatratioa, to iaaiaaala aeh a thoromghly rafntad aalaaaay. Tharafara aaaa anoagh lor kia, wbifk do aot admit, it woald aara a littl oo arncl) eommoa awaa to nuke a panda of aaek Tk aaaartioa apoa which anmbar awwapapaf ia low anagh to tnaptct a back Mdad rap," la laal, Mm. P. it oat of tha bail ot womta, aad will hay a duubl ahara of ear and trtl at aiiatraaa of tha Praaidaalial Minaion. Dot far icdicaM lntaraperaae la karkaaliisd Agta tlaman, a aaaa with a miad acemaibl to laau hoaoraW aaatiaatat, woald anppoat that thia faa ft akar of ear tad toil would euue from Uw Inarm haallk of aa habitual inralid, and from tk fael taut, ah woald andtrtak tktat oawout dutitt alona, lattaad of being aided, lika tha wiytt of former Praaideat, kydatgbtar or aeicaa or cot or other femiaio ralalire.

Tk dutia ire oagk to a lady of ttrong eoattitutina and obatl health, aad thtreiora aasttaarily a rfaaM ar to aa iuraiid and ao, wadoabt aot, wa tht editor of th Portauwath Ckroaiela gentltoMB 1 wain a enau, aa oat all of which a ganti. tnaa woald atpact kia. Aad wa uadarttaad that th Praaideat al' doea aotdrmk at all aow dya." Umph A rou theraby iaaiaaat that did drink turn aa toraer day If thia iataoded for a TV fcaiadtd rap," it i aotoaly motl aakiat ia mottaan, aaeakiag aad and aoit thoroughly indicative of a bar JrZi L' i ana ui adviat all aack poor yinera, wk thua bit tie," to eoataat witk the rear at deaooatra tioaofaalaaaltad, oatragtd, lea T'1JZ. toa tf popular eaaaoa ataaa aad koaeaty, by a aatiuoa ealamaiM to wkj only tha aaalltat 4 on la woald kav Star Ca naini a ymj import aat dtoiaioa which h. oeeapttd tb auaao emrt for ZZJTl, Virgiaia, wiaking to aend eight Traaa, look thea to Nw York, haft BBttB amnrad Ww mmm k.

Kiim tha chaapeat aat Wpadilio roata. But while uere, tViaafl rJ tha mma arnanrail Ika Ml of aaaeat rerpm, directed to Ji aMamtm, aad rq airing kha ov" ay the eight alar were tatpriaoaad aad d. The retnondtat replied, thai they were Jeerty of ha wife, aot ukaa to New York 'W any iateatioa to remain, bat wkile ia ireaiif a i cm Blare Bute toaaothw.andeoaaoqnently aha waiaa titled le their eaatody It waa to teat legal title of la muter to the tlarea, aader 'theaa eueaaaatsacta thai the matter wa brought lata Court, aad th edge, after fall eonaideratioa, kaa ditcbaifad the ilaroe. No eta which hat yet keen tried ie eimiltr to thia. Ia th lediaaa, cited 0 tb trial, the alarea to traaaaia were diacaarred oa the ground that they were going to Pie 8 tale la the llliaoa eaae, tha deeiaioa luraed apoa a peial elauea of th erimlnal eodt aad la a aeeaeeaettta eaae, the tlave waa die eaarged because rolaataril brought iato a Free aetata.

ledge Pa lee, la titing thee eaaea, aay that aeh eeee deaa that the right of traaeil eaa be dednd from Ike proyitiua of the Coaatitatloa of the tj ailed State, reapeeliaf fagitire alarea, aad, where aa opinio wu upretatd, place the right opoathelawof aatioaa. Bat property, by th taw of natioD, kaa reference to laorcheedie er iaaai eneUduaga. II oa aotadaall a right of property ia aaaa, aad, tkarefere, a etnagw, though he any enueotioaebtr peat through tha territory of a aeigUbnr with laaaiaate thisgaa property, an aot eerry aereoae with him aa aaah. Blarery ie a eoadittoa eaUUiahed by the law ef the SUM, or ky maawipai law, and doea aot axial aader the law ef aatere or of aatioaa. The earn law, eoaeaqeaatly, which guaranty a wruagar' rigk) of kreaeit, alee derlarm aad gnraaliet the elere'l atgfcl to freedom.

Th right of a 9 tat to aim tawi for hied lag Ike hrlagiBg of alarea late it at a. aCeeted by tha Coanitatioa of the Called aVataa, Wherh the euaieaat law ef the lead la tfaraar be fufiltr from labor. The ranted tataeeeef New York era, ha hWoaaaioa, ri aad fjoaittr, forhtddraf tUra to he brought iatl the aetata. Taa anTharea KaraLerea, wbwh the aewpoM aura lew reowtrea the Departiueat place la tha aVaod of the aoatnaater for talt, will be reedy ia Jeaaarr. The eoatmct the (upplyof theea walopce aaea with Mr.

Uee. t. Neabilt, ef New Verk, aaa a to let till Jane, 1S57. A eer tap oadant a Weahjagtoa, to whom the Ledger TUtd fnt iatwauttiun, aaya the aemaed enre liaaa will oeiy eaptreede the ae ef the preaeut atteaaae ae far a aenoae may prefer Item which aa euppoad wall to to a limited exuat. The eoa uaa a to amy th wire of th euap, with Ih eea of theeerelope added.

Tto diferear i aot eel deteimiaed, bet will he rery uritiag The heat of the law wa aot to aaoerred th areeeat attapti to aaarfae with aheir bet to aJerd Bertaa waaaaag a), aa appeilamty of aeadaff taeW UMeneaietar mellf. witheat aay lafriafre eaeat upoa the reraauee ef the Deeartaeal. The exatract ariee at which Peaeilaeal la furaiaked, ana, Inraatoaae, a per tune; letter eiaa gl 7a UM eeVeiei aV pw turn with a eeaail aaV to Ihetr Hrtbttea. Th ae prieea, ef eoara, ia eddiUoa to th ralu of Saaeeaaai la Ceev Aica Ta Gercrnor ef eae mg te mtfjrt the eettl eg Etrtwtaa tahoeei aad eap.taiieta aeute, bar aaaVj a aantteaat treat of 0 aauhaa ef aeeae eeluvatahl umd. aa the eherea eOariaareuWlaeafarylf rj aa I ee.

a bell ef laa at tare aaaa to brtaaia! tkeAtl a ta toe Pertoe, la a rrage 'eweda eaelwey to leant ato tweeaaeaa, eed ttoraehua efpeet wetaieabU ta twelr beera, 7'ce to eea, ea two of th taeat aorta ar eVwathwwtd. TheEti kpeaS; dg theaUBtoaaef aaurreaw tyem the teuatry to the mrt, ee a deary, u. Jity hw toear eeuto net te taa der a that aha bet eaf tjenre Wit alrt rite eanth Ud tor eerad 4e iaein.aal runted ka ft ta vrfcoi etnry aefekvirnaa, and ti i ii ir ii i rr rrrl iiiiimaal. avrn waa vae aut A Mr I ee tr to Prttefcerg (ar ektaag The I bed Uaeed ttorea, ba a appeal a aa toa laeiie ay aha to a i aia lai id aae at ewder eelr.eed arrd to friratea fca way, he wm aa to toM a rev. Peevtee Rtrvate ef toe PaitUalpMe the taa tear tar, ehew a am ried i The rtrwe feaear reeehed aJy i ae t.

eeen wtiirtuar thk aaeeuo uu pi en ef geanp, give aeeka paeeee to eauaa t' f.T'uet Aaeoctarione. A eat of aont into reel te thee lodiee, wai decided ia the Ooart ef Ooaiena Pieaaal Reidwg. Itarom out uf Ike dietritutle of moair ia tba Bherir haadi, aliatd from the tilt of property belonging to a BMabtr of th Reading Saving Attociatioa, wb fed kougkt oat th aanuat of th tkaraa he held, I a premier of torn to per giriar, a anal, bond aad aortgag to th Aaaoelttioi. Bbortly afterwarde, hi tailed to pay ia hie aoathly iaaulmaaU and Lateral, and that forfaited kit pri. vile aa a aaeaber.

Tk irtgtgea claimed the full eaouut of their aortgage, which Wa reeiated by the other creditor, apoa th ground that th pmnina paid for tht money win aiariou. After argamtat, th Court charged, aad the jury ao foead, that the Iraaaactioa, beturaea third partlea, wu a aaurioa oae, aad that the Aeeoeietioa could only reoorw the a meant of moaey aclailly loaned to th defredupt, with legal letorett, in i eae a Hi.Wa. H. Pit wuamoog th pueengwi by theBtaboldt. lie lui returned to thia coantry for tb purpoe of deliver ing the Count of Leture apoa Miialc, th proa pec of which waa iaeued during the put an miner.

Mr. Fry' maaieal tales la are well known among the Urge eircle of frtondi which ha hat la thia city. Ilia literary abilltiM are equally well kuowa to th reader of th Ledger, who cixnapoadeat la Pari ke kat ba for a number of yeare, aa well for variota other paper ia the country, He tntenda com meaee hit lecturea ia New York, at Metropolitan Hall, oa a novel plan. He will be accompanied by a large oreheetra and chore of vocal performer. We have no doubt that be will iavael Ih abject with eufucient internet to make kit lecture very popular.

Aa irru PrncvutiaN. Twetty tv knarred barrel ef Newton Pippin went at freight ia the I aat Europeaa eteemer. They coat tre dollar per barrel to freight charged ia oa dollar twtutr irecenti, aad they art eold la Liverpool for twenty eight ahilluge, or eeventeen dollar per barrel. Th expedition with which periahablt merchwdiee of thu deeeription eaa be delivered, eneuring itt good order, ha giren ria, thia aeuon, to quite on extenaiva traffic. Aatherearethnaaaadi ofacra ef wild landtiathia State and New Jaraey, which could be converted into apple orcharda without much labor or ex pa nee, the raiting of fruit for exportation at each price would prove a profitable bntineaa.

Indeed, the price for domeetic eoanrnplioa ol late yean would bring a good proul. Hos. Wm. L. M.xct i ia Ntw York, on hi way to Ih Wait lndiet, with kit eon, whoa health require changt of air.

1XCAL AJTFAIR8. rtlict Jffmirt A feault named Oatharina Onlf ney. wat arraiened before Mayor Oilpin, oa 8a turdar, upoa the charge of the larceiy of a quia tity of marketing, the property of a Cheater county farmer. The defendant had alao teveral othtr baaketa. belonging to pereona unknown, which were takea care of by the ofheera.

until the proper owner are diacorered. She wat committed to ana war. Officer Roaeell of th Conanlidated Police, ar reated, Satardujr, in Baltimore, a female named Blown, whom, it ia alleged, railed at one of the denote in that city, and inquired for trtnke, tuppot eu to eoniain properly etolen Iroen the ttore ol ueo. Heatoo, ia PotUvillt. on tha night of the Sth init.

Tb atore waa rntend by meana of falee key, and robbed of tOUUO worth of watcbea, jewelry and hue ruuery. iiumeaialely alter tne robbery, it WM elated thai a man ia the employ of Mr. Ueatoa, named A. B. Browa.

had varv laddenir diaae peared.aad auapiciont were aroaaed that he wa the perpetrator of the robbery. Aa aaoa aa th loee waa diacorered, the talegranh one we re aorted to, for the parpote of eat. ding iufomatioa to Ihit eitr and other nlaaee. but there it wat found that the eaTorta to catch tb thitl war baffled, aa the telegraphic apparatua waa deranged tua eequemlr it appeared that Browa had beea in the ohVo, had cauaed the diaarrufjenwnl, and then left for Tamaaua on font. Belure rearhiac that place, however, ha got oa board a canal boat, aad landed at Phsaixriile.

At that plact at took tb rare atd airi ved ia Richmond about o'clock on Thureday mr rning, when he waa arretted by the conductor of tlie train. Browa. few weeka before the robbery Ina oeea elandeafdely married to aa Engliah Uirl, belonging to Pot' (ville, who it wat nodoratood left Potla about the time of kit dieappearaaee. During tli 'Mt week, letter from Mr. Brown, directed to aer mother at Pottirille, happened to fall into hand of lndy of the aim name, who handed it over trr tne ponce, euppoaing woum ie the arreatof the fugitive.

The letter requeeted that two trunk, containing clothing, belonging to hereelf and huaband, ahould be tut by Adamt' Kxprraa to Baltimore. Tb letter waa enbee quently handed over to the pereoa for whom it wu intended, and the trunke being dea patched according to the rrqueet, oflieer Ruaaell proceeded to Baltimort, ao aa to arret! the wife, and aecare the plutder. Tbie waa accomplitbrd, and the etolen watcbea tnd jeweli7 were found ia tht pomtetio of th win, who, however, declare that eae ia in noeent of any knowledge aa to the content of th bundle, which had been given to aerbyntrhuiband before the left Putuvillt. Mra Brown accninpa nied officer Ruatellto the city oa Saturday, and the hutband and wife have both beta taken to Pot ta villa, to etand their triala. During Saturday night, the Neptune, Aetlatance and Reeolutioa tre companiea cane in eolliaion at Fourth and Walnut atreeta.

and continued aolav and riotoun nn te Race atreet. Three of the partiee, who far th name of George Walton. Henry Kearney and Walton Beach, Ware arretted and laid to bail ytnterday, bv Mayrr Uilptn, up 1 the charge of liot. Each defendant wu required to give bail iotXO. At the hearing of tnecaaM before Mayor Oilpin.

eater day morning, there were it pereoa eaarged wita varioaa oneoee. nmagnoui ine prerioua night, there wa aa anuaual ntraber of drunken per aona ia th atreeta. Yeaterday moralng two boy were held to bail by Mayer Howell, upon the charge of Urconiti eommitted at different placea in the city. The bo7i are both cot neeted witk the High ScbiHil, and here tofore ha giree proaita for luture ueetumeae. From their elatomeata there i ao doubt thy fell into bad company, and were led to tht eomnueeiou of the crime of which they were charged It it to be hoped the leeaou they have learned from their recent net will be ol math benefit hereafter All the etolen property waa recovered by otueera Hmiihand Sireepcr.of theNortliern Liberlie Po ut Mr.

Michael V. Wartman, OI rpring uaraeu, had hie pocket picked of J0 oa Friday evening, wane eiiODOinf taa opening oi wi opnng utiuru laatitate. Three ladie had their pocket picked oa Saturday morning, while making purchaaea in the Pe eoed Street Market. The frequency of thtee rob berire thoald prompt our police omcera to la oa the look out. Aa aged lady, a fewdaye eince, caught girl attempting to plunder her, and wu forced to permit her to escape, there being ao omew to take her iatoetatody.

A SiagaJev CJ. Ol Saturday, a hearing oa hub corpua took place before Judge Keller, ia which Alexander Robiuoa area charred with th larceny 10 tta of tV00. The facta were, that th aerated wae employed by Mr. Axdrewe, aa a raaaer lor hia nilor boarding home. A large eem of moaey, of which thia waa pert, wu eiaecd in the eare of Mr.

Aadrewe, who alleged that it waa pat la to a bureaa drawer for eafa keepiag. Oa th day the money wu muted, Mr. Aadrewa waa unwell, aad hi win want out, tret locking the eureaa druww, and the door of the room. The defeadtat, a abort time before, waa ia upper room, aad during the lady'e teaee, wu eeea to go dowa autre. Aeeorrtmg to the witaeeeee, no en eater the roea ta which tue moay wae kept, except a wouua who went aptr a pillow for Mr.

Aadrewe. Waea Mra. Ardrewteam home. fuaad the door locked, and the drawer locket, the had left them, but apoa th moaey, the abv uaoaal wu found te have beea abelrteted. Th debadaat, at dif ereat tiaee.

appeared to be worried at the iou of Mr. Andrew, end apoa one oecetioa, nid he felt bed If kad take It himaelf. Mr. Andrew eccuead him of having takea tbeaancey, aad after enaaa heatatioa, he aeaeverated thai he bed aot. He wae arretted in oauwoueace of ia formatioa kaviag hen conveyed to Mr.

Andrewt, by aaotaa raaaer of the koeee, that kad eeea ine aewupat ante eeiaeea mmaa aad nuea aotee. hi kit aoneeeeioa. aad had miat fealed treat liberality ia arreeina to ear twice for llqaer. It waa alleged taal whea the defeadant came to Mr. Andrew, he repreeeated that he ha atoaey aad borrowed email eea te eaeet kit immediate wear a.

The eeaneel for Robiaeoa aakedbr kia th rroeada that evidme kad keen of aid ta eoaaect the defer dant with ttoroeherr. Jed a kel ley remarked that the eae wu by ao eneelaaive, kat IM fact give i tviaeae wneie wave ov eeiermiaatioa or a jery The defeadaal waa aeeordngly remanded. R'regatMd Th yoaag lady wke died addalr oa Thaieiay aflaraoea, al th cor aer ef Ureea and cVreeih atreeta, wee Maria Btekal, who reetead ha Coete ttrret, BeaBeveaih, aot more than a qnar ef. She died I th a tor at tot eoraer. fie oa knew her, aad the Cor eaa wu eeat for, who, tta adding aa taqaeet, eeal th wely te Ih Oreeahnaa.

The deceit ad had aa beea ia good aeajthoaeUBMpn.aea eel aw ao neat he ha deetk, toft her titha'i heme viait a retelive. Ha kaeaee from aeme cm tat tobl of Tharaday, excited am alwa wita ike family, they eapeomng that a had eereoeeiy re aaetaea awav. Oa Pfiday, towarde aeew, they eeea em) iawaary tkoal her, aad taa ana tod eae beea el to retell' ia aeeetiea. Even the) caiitd ee very aavaaa aaaa, for faauly thea eaaeoeed leal aiat had gne to the kamae ef aeMhee retotlv a Crwea th aeef A aad the taeaeearer era eeat there for Mreaee af eaahaea aaairr of her whaeehowu Wtotoitoeauarerwugee, the laiaereeT the a etereu the eeraaef Vreae ilul, wae Ie etaretilp tr to eeedra death a a leafy to ewv kttirt. aatea.

where a wee take ill ead wear eke had died. The naa Inet aaa I pro. li It to tee ptiu, aa eaa toe toeerlrUea gives hia ef toe deee ef to I pereoa. fee raaliaad to aaleaieili leaiity la tue of ka A aa PVeriek Saiila, a ere Ha at the Oleerel eeee, tell tree the in ted Mary a tor bed 4uag, ragee wuiiag lee to Heepiail, eartoa' Veaerday afla aaaa. a litaf aea mimed Ml ally, area tajcawt a re al Peart eed aat it out el, aad aer mealy tarered.

wu earned hate to koamid tar. A. Caiieue, He 111 Ctotiiat mreet, ware Dr teeedaal eaaaiad hi eaiereel arerMto, week pror a a he rrei Via it a the tore eed a avrere ea a to kaa. he i Ii were dneeed. eed erWwwee IrHy area leemiad to toe reaewliaal Umfitti.

Iia to it a to wee eea taierad toteeeatyt J' Weaver, bieraeaita. erea eiaitiad) to toe BaeerM ee xart.r, errto ba ke lejared ky ea ireitneal beea witk a etodg aaat aer. to vr aepaar a atrbt, et to stoat, ia Bwe' Tre)yef tk ta vw. We'aal, a tee Area, aarf ra taa eeee eer ka to Mavd ptog af ee keaj eg to Ctiaiae. a eew aterer, a aw aaaeaablf a i Mtl mM.

I Leeereey tea4, aad tag. f. 1 ameL aad a ed ae I rwaaea. Foieeft araeeer, a ea AaaeaM. mim.

I alrrrrel fr Thie In t.ip hi vmwtM bdohi e'ruiir rvarwaiy aiter totin. Bet bring apwardt of (M tout of taa (oodt, ltd the following aaeMd paatenatr, 103 ia amber iMr. Ilaldwia end child, Mra. O'Ooa aell.Miu, Sir. Hutchiaaoa.

Mr. Jaae Wm.Uray,Mia Uray.Mre. Miller and child, Mra. allien, air and Mr. Boultou, Mr Redman, Mudimt Vitlo, Mr.

Lawaine, Prof. O. W. Anderaon. Moot.

O. Uonrxildt. Mr body, r.mi HaU, bellera. J.roe Dene, Ool. Iughad, Mteara.Chat Miller.

Heary Hemming, W. "Beaneit, Barn." PeTerl Bokajtr, Terr, Jam OromdUe, Edward Crow d.le. Lawber I.yich, A. Gregory, V. Gregory.

Barlow, W. Gray, th Biahop of Pitteburg and four Made, Maear. leno Cereu, Kdwtrd V. Col ton, Ownabiem, Matthew Wilton, Hidermaa, Thoma Barber, R. Agar, T.

Agar, Florae Alta tboree, Htbeoek. Chu Piggott, Kemberl, George Bell, olivette, Miu Anna M. Uiffamaa, Mr. Law bar, Mra, Heary Hemming end child, Miu Bergeeat, Mia Julia Uvy, Miu Cttherine Ir. wine, Mn.

Riahtoa, Mn. John F.arp and ekild, Mra. Utilt, Mra.Urwa and child, Mettrt Red hara, Jem Bradford, W. Pritehard.Tho. Farther, John Earp, Pifcter Oaile, Riatou, Mrt.

Greea. Miaa Uwber. MreV Bradbura, Mra W. Bennett and two ehildrm, Mr. Hart and eoa, aad Mr.

Kllxgerald. CAergid ax'rt CtrnkttiHug A man, by th name of John Harm, wu arretted, on tturdar naorairg, by Joha Junkie, Deputy II. Marahai, oa a eharg of eountafeitlng tha gold eoin of the United Btatea. Wilton wu arretted al a houea ia Schuylkill Proal atreet, Bear Cherry; and a companion of hia, named Robert Davit, aliu Ro. bineoa, waa arretted at th tame time, by Officer William Seed, of th Mayor 'e Police.

Th officer proceeded together, to rank the arret! of Wilaon only, aad whea they got into the houea, Wileoa ran iato th yard ud threw a roll of not (eounterfeiu of Harritbarg ah, Lanotttar la, and Baler Banking Company dowa the aink. Tb note war after ward Behed up by the officer. Davit ran ont acrou a lot at th rear of th kouu, without hit coal or hat, and wa pureued end captured by the aeeietano of Officer Hick man, of the Mnrahal'a Police, who had been a tattooed at the back eid of the lot, to guard th pr mite. No counterfeit money of any kind wa found upon tb perona of th eriaonen, or about th premieet, except thoee fiehed ap from the link, Wilaon had hearing before Commietioner Heax lilt, and wu held in i H0 bail, for a further hear ing, tint morning. Ht wat alto brought before tbe Mayor, and both he and Davie were committed for further hearing.

MefearAale DealOn Thureday morning, Edward Heintxleman, of Columbia, N.J, left hit home In company with a young maa named Bar tram, a atudent in hit office, on a gunning near lion up tht Delaware River, and after reaching a point above Bordentown, called Duck lalead, an I apending teveral noun, they were about returning home, whea Dr. H. wat auddenly killed. Aftr he bad entiled the boat teed for crouiix the rUre lie gua wae picaen up iron in anore, ov tn oa a aaore, dv tn oa agaiut the aid of ally diaeharged, and a abdomen, ceuting ret, ana tne oner eta tailing th boat, the gun waa accidental! tbe content took elect in the death in a few mtnutee. Shortly after the prenn lure discharge of th gua, th dereaaed laid to hia companion, "Oh: God, I tm a dead man." Th remaina of Dr II were takea to Bordentown in th boat, and from that place removed to hia late reai dence.

Dr. Heintxleman waa a eon of Dr. John Heintxleman, of thie city, and had nnraued tbe nruetir of ait nrofeaaioa ia Colurabue and tha eurrnnnding county, with much tuccete, for the pail four yean. Jfreeieu'i DittMtbanut Early yeaterday laorn inr a diflcultv occurred Keaeinrton, belweea awe fireman, and aeveral pietola wae fired. Two or three peraona war vrounded, but it ia believed none wereeerioualy injured.

A young aau, giving hie name William Jobieoa, applied al Ih Penn tylvani HoeplUl, oa Saadny morning, for the purpoat ol haviag a piatol ebot wound ha arm dreaaed. Ht tta led that the ehet wu tred by a member of the Kenaingtoa Engine. rharrt of Violtnt AxauH Joha KiulTman vra charged, yeaterday, bef. re Alderman Ranibo, with atabbing a nun tnrough tne aanu, ana wu aeia to bail. i Mrxit.

th great aerformlat olown, apteara to ni(bt at th Waional C'teafc Bee him ana ''lu rf." Tux Klin ov thk rouxoia," th moat lueoeee ful ar aver written, will be eroduoed a th Arch Bt. Theatre to nunt, with Mr. June V. Wallaok, King Janice V. of Hootland.

Tux Guar Taorrx or Fuxxca axe SraietaB Dxitriat, ho have oreated ao muoh Momtioa at Niblo'e, in New Yoik.duntx the aaat aeaaon, will onmmenoe an trnxemeot at the Choanal Street Theatre to went. The ran alio Company will appear in conjunction with the Dancer. To Niout, Profeaaor Anderaon eommenoea an en tire'y aew eenee of hie eurpMSiag Entertainineaia. 1 he will 'att during the week, he lava thia oitjr, cn hie way South, moat eotitivelr on Monday next. Al there will not he another opportunity to behold hia extraordirary terror man ore, our oitixent would do well to lay bold of the treeent opnortanity.

Wxlch'i Vh grand Oaeratie Drama of Maeauiello, to night, with fcaueetriu Feat, all new. An immenee bill. I Hiiidi'i Satb Aoaix TxiCMrBASTl At the treat hre in Udenaburi 1 Only Depot, 34 Walnut atreet. AaatvAU axd DiriitrtK. Hundred! dail; Breaklael, Dineand Bueal one' r.xa&n Hot.

77 Uuck atreet. rin'r aa Rkat MaCalla'e nlandid Molukta Hat for Sand tvii. Cape, from 14 eent to I. ufta Maiket atreet, trat flat Utore, below Eifhta. Fqcalttt to all.

At the Creeoent One Price Clothing Btcre.l Market etrect, abort Sixth, they deal run the above niotlo. Their Mock ia th aoat varied and btat i lb our, and en oca the loweat. Soax Brit. Dr., Oouliet, No.

Sg North Elibth ttreet, eoove Chary, ouree every die eaa of ll Kree, without mia of oferation, even When apelttna aiie are Tieioie. rr.nTaiSQ. ofaverv variar. eat and made lath beat tuuitr, can alwayi be had at M. Txacr'a lacap uitHaint mww, No.

irtfi Market tt. To Severa; thru elorv Houaea. on Jefiereoa arret, above the Guard C'ollece, built in the beat aaa ner, will be rented at a verr Knr rata, to raaatota teranta. App'y to Martira Finn, Grooery Store, Ridg Road, above Guar College.

Mokit DaroT. M. Nathan' Money Lou OnVe ia at Ne. I Bank Alley, back of the Old Codee Houae Auctiou Stort, fvt rlouth Second atreet, tad direotlr poet th enneylvani Baak. I SArtna Fnn.

t9 Wilnat area, two doora above Third. Fire ear oant. inlereat paid on mooy. Open erery day, from (A. M.

to 7 P. M. Monday aad Thureday evemnga till tloo or lea paid beak ou demand, litereet paid from the day of depuait, i Arae'a F.reau TOUAVT ia. Wlthoat exMltlon. th moet deeenredlr popu ar remedy for Coal tie, Colda, Aathna, Brooohit a Con eu motion, and other eu I mo nary aneetioat, in in woria.

rrtoiu a jayne Budduig.M Wiani in itb WauTe. Th first ahreical want ueaeaed by oo weuba, it th want of euiiaMear ICIe to IMP warm, bu ii we war aeeeu uf in adiea wha they are to be purchased, would ear at Oaaroan'e oelemaied Bat and I are tore. No. 14 Cbeenut etrea. Ladiee will find Ruaitn Sable.

Ermine. Matu. Lynx, iMtnk and Fitch Bow, Ti ppeta, and eray variety end ety le of Fere at retao nabie pnoa. I Corns To ear a Ouch, aae Jaynt'i Fx pee to ran; to ear Brooohitta or Aetlma uaJaynEX pectonuili leew Croup, Bpittinc of Blood, or ia fao. uy Puimouiry Afleotioa.

uw Jaiae tipeourani, and if rebel eu had by uy urtkly meanl, you will find ii taint euel uu anioie. bjiu ai uaeana auet. 11 xtivvivm ii whet a I den re. bat how eu we he hapy wul earleriDt Irom paia or di teen. Hnwim rirtant, thereture, to hrimedie Ilk Dr.

Jeyne'e apeetorutoa whioh Bay re.y, and whiah when aaeiinialrrerl in JJoeina, lui un.up, A en ma, nroo chilia. or Ml a ruimoeary ananioo. it tore pro doe to a areata or leu extant th dutred relief. II is aa Jtya petiqiniia. wnewti arret.

131 Cmavrr Srllir Hart, parioaialy thna orTrd ht at nvoiruu a rttoaaeim, we rtr. nelowr, and peculiarly erntlmaoiy lauprai iou, al Dollar all tiwae. Wwourtna a Ntekereon'i oar Hara ar truly ttptrn, ubiiidi eieaaaoe, eonennir aae aiility. W.fcN. attend paraooaliy ea their ration, ttririDgtepleauall.aiitiniail taae.

Thar Stor. (aiginally aib.lhed ky Ba fc itM 139 Cbeeaut atrteC SwmvlB'l CtrvwiSToae, Cham! atreet. Mooed eoa above Third. Thi eetaoiial.ment eete brwe he tn ri at. knee of aealiit aad vav low erioMM wi CeeUeatoa't CkrUunc.

Wjm worth ef the I newaat etylu t'nu WtaRIIM Vau la IB Panliioie imte wa eTcnr to PLXAea. Rail kfinirirtriiie AttorTAVrnB have now in More, twotbnuauid eeee Vvvcre, Hr ei. Tuearr. laeenai.Tae My.lerraia.Veaitaaa axvd It a Carat for the traoe a heat i taper at re deeed pneee, imr eaekaeny eeepiuif. itereet aedrd lu pet mad toada, lnaa UteM tweet aai faet wide, Vtl CIMU, ol to earn waltaa.

J. Btrtver Jnvit, rrto dror he'ow Charoh. Woe. ISaedee North fume meet. I.

M'l iit't Lt rui VTlu The ereat aad it aeaaing rlieeed to rl ea Piil te the ureal evteeeoe ef their eae. ilenee. reoe.e try the awtai thea a their aaieboe. Ne eee wto to era eedrr) boa the Lie ena plaiet. or from ley of ta at aaaa arte ae fmea a aieaaered etwaef that aeae, to yet la laowaiaia reliel ef he Ined Dr.

M' lare'e Pi.U: ud tfeeetoty have work tear lei way iato pnealantf by tu oeitoing earn wkiefc tot ar var day aaforrmai Read tk klewtag i Fiotib. April to, int. WUJ A r. Aenib aae Ye wjl iaa ana a ef yur Pin, weyerad by Or. eee.

Tarpar ea ireadraaeaaf. tm(nrrm4 taemaireet. aixill a MAJtLLW, a raABt.awvea.C1ak i A all ia iato. Tear aw netae a eaeeraaiiy uaea ia ieie ef heaaatn. We aranetat eaia Inr ftlt aatrMUTy.

r. ll'ii. laai ia, v. eaira. J.t Per aaat Mall the prieeipal Orel Srore 1 la aly PlATBanOaaaarawrAL verf war hay, htraaaad eeaai, exeea web to ema eae auui.

are i ea arieiai v. tae nuea raw a Pre I'tae. iaewa ildiaga. law etnry, w. arte raara aa ar At ee re 'Idl I a.

tlv. Mr.tolearda,tw. JOHN C.lllhTAN wmwai iiv.vaua Hji ea. 3e M'ejttf ve n. eva, br lev.

Jna re, Mr. JobN tlllAi LtJllllOliaT. totdtteett av nival aiatiii Oa fee 1h hi aaat, Oapt. tUCA TAPP. kt Wa the taati'y are tor ta to ellea laeaa.

wae ea eae aniaa, n. he eil hm TtAmnui VrWaee top nererre. at CTTt. I Uaa at A ear ere tor Jed la itiitd. Tea.

ued (a aiar'ar. tie lw 'taa. eweaatea, a. ts.e ariaaeaeial laaae af to eae. are i anul a.

aaaa a fc ve TfreuFJth ana toeie On I iatl, enaeeaj JOH" SaVtEAJfR. I 1 aa ulaiaa aaat a WJ a ajaarev, mm eve Ka, Pane etreet. ka to I mma, a BJm'i oeott, Moat. Vitto Viltp, Mima. Vitte Vitto, Jr Mr.

Dyer aad lady, aad bretl ar tad l.dy. Meeari. E.Bmith, MeBartty, haat, Kugem Coloea. Chu. H.

Pea. eriiy aaa.e We tartha to rtwa. weeea era Oe fa ttern, KM A A teagata CWrWa eat kta. HeM if I ee ee. TunM attat kMi af ie toa te a i I We, wrri aifa to rte re i arw ai i a.

tee a. a le'avv a. aae ear eraatai ar a oaaw ef Patfcev Ml terre ar ted. onthellihlret.MiaMARUBICRBl, I th ath rear ol bet ae. Farewell, my eiateie, 1 an gotn ro rem, ro pnung, aao ao liomaa earir ove aoovt hath now thelhrvae, tha knur, aad tk of I'eenej Ivajiia Unwa, No.

Datirtitora 1 1 Tempemno, are rupeetlully invitee to atteml br fanerai, thia altanoon, at o'clock, without further KAM. fn.m the reeideooe of ha perenUji No. a erth Sax nth atrea, bajiw Coato to prooeed Gcd Fellow' Cemetwy. On the lh Inelant'of acarlet mver.OHRlSTp PHKR.aoaof Franoie and Unaget Connelly, aged I yeara7 monlha end I day. The reiat ivu and fr endt of the family ar reaeot.

fullr invited to attead hie futeral. from tha rtwdeec of kit parent. Leper' I Kiw, Heooad bet eeea Mama aad Placiix, Uua iMueder aftoraooa. at a 'clock. Wt RYAN.m.tkeMh year of hia axe.

lAlbaaj paten pieeeeeoey 1 he ralatlVM and IrlaiMla ar ruaeetlul attend hie funeral, thi allermnn, the Mh inataaa, at o'otook, f'oa hie uw reahleoe. ia akiagtim hawera Muter aim Jelfenuaa KaiaiaiUM, wtthoux farther nouoc. i rr theljth Inetaat, Mia. MARGARKT Pf.ZK wile of Lewie l'xe, Ihe Mil ea' of aer ate. The relalira and fnenda uf the tamtlr ar reeaeet talli invited to attend her funeral, Irom the readeae ol ha ana, John A.

Pau. No. Appl eueet, above Tkomaoa. fcenunjtoa, thia I Monday I alter aoou, at I e'ohick, without rut tha notice to prooeed 'oS'th TShmetant, Mrt ESTHER SOHOTIELD, teliotol the late Join, Bohokeld, of Iel. Th relativeaaod Iriendiara rw3tfuly invited to attend her funeral, Irom her late raaidenoe, on tmrhy Cieek, Ihit I Moudar I afternoon, at 1 o'clock.

On ih. 13th Mr. BARNARD MeOLOSKKY, ated(S)ear. The retaUve and frienda wt reapaotrully invited to attend th funeral, tnaa hie late rimdeno. No.

1 Northampton Court, Dillwje areat, above Callow kill, thia (Monday) afternoon, it 1 o'olook. Suddenly, on Friday, the lit ina nl, Mr. A KS ORN in the 63d year of hi! I Purunouth, ft. aaptra :aeop.l Hie rrieodeacd thlrierjdeof the family arereepeot fullr innted to attend hia funeral, froa hia late reul denocNo. IM Pine areet, to.

Burrow (Tieednyi ht ternoon, at o'oiool, wiinout lunner wnioe. ai Up the 13th inaunr, alter a I ELIZABETH HUMPHREY! On the lath inetanr, alter a lingering illntu. Mm, in tint tun year ot oa ig Dearert mother, thou heat left at. And thy Iou wedeeplr feel But it'e God who hat bereft He can all our wnowa heal My children nil I bid forewell. Year mother' gno in heaven to dwell; When thia lifeleaa corpee yo eee, Prepare for death and Mlow me.

Ba friend and aoauaintanou are ree pent fully invited to attend her funeral, froa her daualita' rem denoe. Mra, May Ann Hotl'na, No. Xai South Sixth treet, below morrow aiWuooa, lh at 9 o'plook, without furthw notio. "mf SOn the 14th inttant, of toarlet fever, 1 th Sd bi int. JOHN ma of John and Ann Boyd.

The ralaura and frierxlt of the la nil I are reepeot lullr invited to attend hie finerai, Irom the reaideno of hie parent. No. ml North Frnot etreet, above Place, in morrow moruina, id. a rl ri.r utflM. On tht morninc rningoi in Mm tnrtani, and Jan Cox, iged reart i mouth and oi Jam 111 rlkva.

The frietdi and thoee of the family we reepeotrhllr invited to attend hie runeral, from the dwelling of lie parent, No. 487 North tnti atreet, above Poplar, tomorrow afternoon, 16th inetant, at Funeral to proceed to the Woodland Cemetay. St On th 14th inetant, OERCHOM CRAPT.I Printer I intheM year of aitaie. (Burlington, N. papal Tbe fTtradeof the family are invited to attend hit funeral, from hie late raaidenoe.

No. Uaikill atreet, to morrow aftivnoon, 161 inttant. at o'obick. Hie Matonie brethren, and the Inderendent Order of Old Fellowe, Marion Ijxlue, No. of wiileh ht Witt a member, nnd lb Ordw ut liner are rapeoUulli ia vited to attend.

S4 Op fafurtia; evening, after a lingering lllneu. Mil. ELIZABETH Wit KINS, widow of the late Coa tanttne Witkine. in theh year of herue. Tbefriendeof tbe family are reepeotlully invited to attond her funeial, from the raaidenoe or ha eon inlaw, Jowph Rowen, No.

5H rout ttreeU above barton. Voutkwaik. to morrow mointnx, Uth "(In Murder, tstk Inalant, Mr. ABRAHAM mV WOLH7lntu4tkeaorhie. HiifrieDdnd thoee of I he (ami I ar invited to attend hia funeral, on Wedneaday morning next, at I o'olock, from hia IM roeidenoe, No.

14' I'm etreet, above Fifrb, north aide. On Setunlay morntnr.tne tain tnarani, at ma uweit ini, in Uramlywin Mr. JOSEPH B. GREEN, torn air ol Trenton, in tne 77th year of biaaae. Hi friend and tboe of kia hauly ar rarectfully ruated to attend hia funeral, on Walneeday tn im ina, th 171 inttant to prooeed by th tteimb aU Ed win Forraat, laving Arch etreet wharf, at hall eaa o'olock, to the New MeMing Houw, in fcwing towa hip, near Trenton, new Jeray, unuer in patiorai ohaneolRev.

Mr. Cooler. On th ISth tenant, alia I ibort bot arer illrrea. of ii.tlamnetion.f lb luma, Mr. DA MkL SMITH HAHKr.R.ued t3.

Hiifrirndeand the fnendief th fcmily are ratpeot fnlly invited to attend bie funeral, from the retidenoe of hie mother in law, Mra. Suiia Runner, No. ztf lonh Finh atreet. to morrow I rueenay i aiiamoon, atSo'ctock to proceed to the Odd Mllowe' Cemetery. On the ISth inetant, MATHI AS ana of Joha and Ann Maria TrinkJe, axel dj ear, 1 mouth and 17 dare.

Tbe relative and hiendi of the family are reapeot fblly invited to attend tbe funeral, from the raaidenoe of hit gmmlfalhir. Mathiee Dremer, in MarlhorouKh atreet, abov Oueen, Kenaituiton. thi (Muadayl altanoon, to'rlock. without furtber notice. On th iMh Ht uH UENEY, ia tha ltthyear of mi are.

The relatlvee and friende of the fcmily araruaeot filly invited to attend hn funeral, Iron the reaiilenoe of hit falher, Ilnih Heney, Nerthwut oorna ul Tenth and Thoiiipaon ttreet, to morrow iTeaadayl alter amn.M I o'olotk, without farther notioa. a23i On lb Itthinatant. afUr ellngerin illnea, Mra. MARY ANN BINLAP.wiNof John O.John. 1 be friend and acquaintanoa of the family are re tpMtfully invited to attend ha runeral, from the reel ImmU mnllar.

Mra. Marv lluniaa. CaJ lor hill etreet. thi aftauoon, at I o'aiook to proooed to Meohaaic' Cernetay. On th Itth Inatant, afla a Batata Illnea, Mr.

THOMAS mh jeer of hiaaa. The friend of the auMly are invited to attend hi funeral, ftom th rmdac of hi eoa. Job Utey, No. 17 Almond areet, thu morning, lb lith inatant, at 10 o'olook, without furUw notice to proeead to the Odd Fellowe' Cemetery, On the ISth inatant, of aoarla feva, SAR AH WRIOHT. intent daughta cf Alexander and Kltu beth H.

Keiredm ltolnd Uriare 7' On Baluroay, in lain nati dauta of A. R. and Sima C. Hortta, SK'Newark. N.

on the 7th ISAAC THOMl'HON. ued ea leua. formerly of PhiiaiM Bill. iui Health Office. Pnii AOiLraiA.

Nov. IS, IMS. 1W nun li in Ikt Cilv end Lierriin nf FkUaieip, ie eia ie lar iea rimwi. ill DISEASES. DISEASES, 3 3 A be oca ptou Apbny Canoer of'Throat, Prone.

11 Canrne. I Hmorrfing Bowtlt' li Inllammalion, lnnan of Brain, I I S. fc Bowele Ktdneya, Cholera or mi a. 4' Paltoacum Conaump'a of Lang, Intern pa an o. Convulelon, Diarrbaca, I 4 Inanition, 1 i mania, Muumnl.

II Olaraotion BordaJ Dlemteofth HvartJ II 1 Old Al. I tPaiay, I Scirih, PSeriula, I I Small Pox, I I Striotureol Coloa, I Sttll Biwn. 1 i Tabu Mueatanaa, II luknowa. i' novel. Drowned.

Dyeentay, petaiity, unoa on Brain, Chut. Feva, reerrerai, pear let. fypbcmi, I 7 71 er tbb lion tbiii vn Cnder I year, UK rem tot to. From 1 to to to 7, tela toto to, eauini, ltotoUt, 11 is. I I to I to in, to I I to to to atoW.

Prom tb All 17. People of Color, Id. Proa th Country. I By ada of lb Board of Health, WM. MiOI.F.v'KY.ltwtl! ooor.

THE MFMBr.RS of KATKRNAL DI tjg if i trrt o. to be pei.cteai tntnar aiieamnoe nm noweyi r.r r. NIN6, Nov. lat. at 71 e'toek, haaiaea of lav pataneewill Mtwtwcine.

wnitoo arera nOIB II Ml P. nv irmo, o. a THE PENNSYLVANIA COM MITT KB (L5 OF THE ClkV HONLMKNIAL ASSOCIATION a reeurated ta ma at to Maya'i ttllinLaiWdlL LEWIS. Bo1 ltB Caainraa Co ex. oa Orraanauua.

ITS THE 8PR1N8 GARDFN SOUP SOILS C1ETY, Bverptriaf eg tor JjiuIiiio tf Peaatflreaie, Jri' tl. laSd Aa A eal Kieaio falwaity tr Manuar. to vv one year, va held ia Ror Ne. 4 0aalaka, Hal, mh inainet, wae th fcaUowia pemoo Tr knanimoueir weteo F. B.

AU JiAa M. Of lee, Oi. ben S. Pater, Chaa. W.

vnnertB JaauPt PbtlipM Tao. Jamu St Wcuial, Chu K. Cera, Ju. Chamber, Jo Conine, fee B. Dukeert, If.

Frdauia, I q. Iiiaaore, Ihi). Hvrirl, i ri raw. ipnoe. i Steel, wx.

a Pn.wktoe, D. Wm. ftotfto, 'andarrrr, Jr A. Heary Wtrar, Hi rare Mi'ia. A Ppeetol Meetia ef the Board ef Maaager wu bd a ptaee ea tto lit laet waa the fcN lee ie etAea wrr el" led, AMK PhTFRS.

Via PruKtort i BOtV IHtlMPPOil. Seaaay WMJl BTOChTO.1. Trreeaer JOHN H. DOH.NP.RT. TtoAnaeal Reaert eraie Ibw eBAMeat aamey had leea Baearre te pa' tneeaeila of tee ere Boa la Bet to won areat, aheve Tkirleeaa, bet tha farrba ajieeitme' ee mm eaeia i PaaeewflHagto eeaiel (to eraaay a aeeplvtog gaii, fca i th 1 1 Pa dartrg to arentp ef wtaa.

eaa era thea aan to ar ef tto ea re. UeMaraera, ft. TOCKTOI, ele rl'to ahw rnrwroN M.JP LRCTrRRBTO nail. e). w.

eeraa ef lTff APT! IN amen ai i iaa and fiPBI. ataauev e. renew tlftl 1 A i. ea i l)AY AVI W'W, hl lee. a be Ceea lea I aw af BAItiHN wPOiaiTWeJIpCOWrAeJY.

Jj vWaee.41 ta 'eeeeat lad af rTTkktotaa wteto tee TM, aa'a wot teeee To KAyTa bauelteiwl laaaa en'l mi Ve da toe iaw eoa ee ere a eaa a eaa intray uir" aeae4 to teeee per awi a.e ejJ lMa Itpi a KV 1 PBURei raat, fcato I I tot raeirfto 1. CAW LA f. et'l'. prana he anion hirmeo oa in ia flath now oneliijk In heaven Kua aaah li eheuall ireod union round eg. an to Baelety eea ipwaiiai at aaea a to i i tail rrs RtllOK OOMPA JYH NIJTB UT asnCaL a lL wm ve, a twrm pTFfHIA Ml Sfct hl.aTHf DY KVF Mvaa ar lea.

Tea a a to bad aer of te tl PnatBi. (to toa to adaa led ea. atO baLV.See. TRietwMilieael'l Halia ear eetoy ereeiee. 7 o'aae.

'tm CO of r. on Ih It be in rt A I 1' w.Ttt.; '( iKMnnuiTiii MITTKF. or im aU 1H fit affinal a iiTiiifriTkTtIa vuna 1 a Metlna nf i Ita Tm 1 a a uioar r.veaiai, nn in Wpii. frii kvkNin'oTS ') a lie) two Debgalei tnd one Coaler. enier am ire PJo'olofk, MlKIN '1 Waal Hoaae, FOUHTH W.beloe Hpraoa.

lirllitpuiK leetiag Dirlwi. iui aoea tleetaf Byordw of I WW IMIMtia nm. mill ll'di VAUk Wllll.ll A I I t) of I'll pRMtV. TIO Clf l.hf of VpaePOelaware Wad will atd will i ru iJ kf.held at tie Ward' Boat. IFENI.IN Onear I BVfe IN 7 o'olook, f.

the nf 4 vwDiaraa, io repreaeiK inevtau rune o'elrok. UDivvl rh.l.Mn tikl, noil iitt iriin.a ine Hixite Aam Hereela, lenl pereoa to irereeent th Uetnooratie Hartr of Ihia Ward mlhe 0naai City aad County Coofereuea foe purpoe if Altering the f'eant UuafereMe S' tern. By ada of ty aad County Cooler toe. a. nfihll C.

RATIf! TimrH l.tHHT PRO. CrM10N. THIBD A 11. NliRTH KR ERTIK8 An adioarnat meelina ef th llnter rified Demroracy of the third Wrd, will held THISlMooilayl EYENINQ, iMhj all o'olook, the been of AARON SILBKRT. SECOND aad TAMA NY St, to make amnfaeieat for a Tor oh Light Preoeaion, oa Wtdiieeaar evemni, ITth inet.

The Dattrieteof ran uarden, Keoainftoa, Richmond, Penn and th outer d'Mnote. farjraW to the above, will eaae tend their Martha! to a mating to held on THIKiMoouaj) EVKNlNO.atheCOH MISSIONKRb' HALL, N. to elect a Chid Mar. ahaf. nola lt'ai Snr JHK LIBERTY SAVINGS FUND AND LIS BClLUiNU AfSoclATlON will hold their pint Annual Mee ing THIStMooday KVKNINU, Nov.

IMh, at 7 o'clock, to tint Olhoer for the eiuu year, and In Iran the fundi cn haml. at th N. W. enmerol TENTH and SPRINfl OARDKNStreeta, third eenry. aelhU'r C.

VAN HORN, Seo'y. gr" progress loan and buildino LL3 ASSOCIATION A Staled Monthly MeMiug Mile above Aaoeiation. to reoetv dua, will be held at th Ftanklin Hall, SIXTH Htreet, below Arpr, third itory. THIS EVENINU, at 7 o'olook. few Sham to diaatu of no'a lfr K.

B. BOII.BAI' W.rarv. rWItT OF FHILADUaf MIA. tta ataia 7 1 1 tin tart i 14 1 xtea warn i AR Rl VED Steamahipt City of fcletfov, 'Vyli, Livapool, 17 daie with ne Bill Htneklar. Joiwiain.

New Vnrk. tdt. baaaenai lr, Jolmeii r.Lowry.Ji Sohre alnerev. Lbwrv.Jankamvilla. Fl.lrat Aut.

un, vino, uooo: ii i uo mei ii p. iuhi. role, Young, Stolen laland, I de; Lark in, Cburhuok, Wareiiam, 4 daj Sam) Lennox, Lennox, Albany. 4 del jiaruBiue nonj, raraa, aoanoie mra, roua nion tiilpin't Point, Md, di Sally Aaa Wataoa, Salem, Maa, Ada. Steanauiip Virtiaia, Teal, Rtehmond, it houra, with lb cabin ptanare.

Steeimhip hennehee, Clark. New York, 10 hour. Steamer St Niohulaa. Tlionipeon. lewre, 7 hour, with 45 paaangaa.

Famed in tli riva, above Dela war City, brig Harria, a harm bug and four aohra, bound upward. Steamer Wyoming, Sehellinia, Delaware City, boar, havini in tow Ih Udewata barcea, 1ml eu will Wheat, ami, I a tuba, fc Towed tiwreto II ban, loaded wuh merahandua, boaad fur Uavre de teraoe ami ue imarior. Bteai Thoma Jeffereoe, gel Ir, Delawar City, noun wita 14 lioewater htrie Wheal, lumber, leal bar. Me. Towed dowa 4 bargee, lane with awrahandi ar Havre de lira lad etaer part of tb inter kr.

Stoama Onada, O'Neal. New York, tl hra. OLUkAAfcU, StmmahipCity of Boeun, Clifford, Bnatoa. won i nuewaear tvnt tn eow, weuM wita naraa tm. layior, ttoetoni Lian, attein, neton oi niio mac.

loraaar, ijirerpmn, no, nnuwr vine. Cor mack, Paoaiubueouda market; Hiaok nrti mio mac. ttoraaa, 1.1 ley. Johiein Sehr Larkin, Churbaek, Wareliam; 8 leonox, Ltnnox. Newtorg; Henry Null, Oar wood Wilnung toa; hat Stewart.

Dennt. Alexandria; New Bdford Dtlmri, Harding, Provltlene; Matero.e, ung S'atrn lelaud) Talpay, Union; Koli peel Week. Hetato. Sari Coquimbo. Rilott, Ilt'awar.

Eckhart Oria, Yak. Steama Oregon, Fickle, Baltimore. Steaoaar New York. 10orrapondnoof the Philadelphia Kxehui. Liu ie, Nov.

IS A. M. Tbe uiling a tht ami of Hie tosma Nioho laa, for Pbilulelph I avail mi eel! of traeppnrtuuity to inform iou of the departire, yateroay aftauoon, of ihip Kalarraxoo, por Sannnali; bvk St Jamei, for Riod aahr Olearnr, for St Thome to rilia With the fleet detained in bar jor aiito Thure aocoant of rary windi and unfavorable weather. Two bark ur brut, and aoine hfteen or twenty eobooneri, eaued in I att nubt and ae now out ii hi. Wind light front the reetwiitl and reatha clearing off, wbieh la very Ih ok.

A. Pair ymax. Bt Tblwiaph.I Corrapondeno of the Pbiuuielpni Exchange.) Savajiaii, Nov. ib ia. M.

Th eteaa ebip Sta'e of Oeoreia. Capt Walton, from Philadelpbm, arrived off tr Bar I aat night, at lea o'olock, aad wu in ha bank bel re daylight thia morning. Onthtlllh ina at MP to leamthi Jame Adaw. bound tor Nw Yak. IT aula aoithof Cape Look Out.

tConeaaondeaoeof the Peblle Idra.l Hirtl UiACB. Nov. lit. Tub fcllowtn boat Laft ha lata moraiu. ia tow of theeteainer, dr Philaaalphia.

Thar were kvdena and eocuHgned follow, vi: Prudeace, waeat oora nd aad, to A Cattail a Cj A Cunniniham, whtw, to an; a. ruiton, wneat ana eaea, rae, Hofjnan fcCoi Paleetin, do, tn dot Swan, whett. Anur. fce. to Ale Neamt; Anu Francea.

wlaai and iron, to liar net, Nairn fc vrMtvnt Stag and Far erp, Jr; A Rbawn, I am bar, to Young, Shiatnaa fc Co; 0 Janwe, do. to Bolteo fc Cattel I Clutik, oolo Willumei ptonaa Light, Tour, fce A H. rtOCTOK WM. K. BLAKhHLEK bu rem ire1 to gwriNEBt noit Ti to rvAGL'KRREOTYPES will be toku tor 171 et.

VJ eueh, for three dare, ted mtielaotioa waranUd, it BA1l.EY'S, 19S CHESNjJT Street. Jf7 1LBT RECEIVED A UN of Dotted SILK9, of va ioub otnore. r. j. nLii.iuai, lola llMH 37 South Second etreet.

PINE NEW CROP YOV'NG HYSON TEA a th lowat whoi I p'tce SHAF Ifie FLLWtHlD NNON.CbrtnulSl. miiRrHV A euantttr of Bif 1 TORCHES tor tela chap, at 13 VINE Street. netow inn VELVET RIBBONS Uy the b. or aeon only, al if. ri jam, no'Slt' 44 Sonth StViod a.

IS DF.SIKKD The LIKENESS of maiden, fount a to lair; or pwtnit taa, leeorl to m.ltll.a'S, SF.CtmO abov Ureen. nolSt 4 ERMANTOWN TELEURAPH. la tk grnt reiio mi tee roaau tun papa gou iato tim'Wt eray family, Baling it a great aavertiant toeet. P)R BARTER aWOOO worth uf rueatnr PAINT, dry a it oil. Machaalut of all ued taken in par aoorw tr.

moon impatoa. aoit itr A Fl I.L BAND oaa bad it th N. W. corner Ai nkw MAHae.raBd hii.i. hi lo attend in Democrat ie Parade oa Wadneela) rea aril, aoia it re) rvANCINO.


rVANCINO BROOKS' NEXT PARTY at log lJ Nat SIXTH Street, will he giveaoa THURS DAY day. EVANINU. let laitiat. laatead of To enl )tri7 ONLY Md CENTS FOR BURROUGHS' tmeea teay Bwtidt of realtxit fma to tu pa week to tk ee if eitha a. Audiae, pr pJd.

Box It, Philadelphia Poa ethee. ao I a 'tig I J4 FOR kvto lb, ef Pa SoheylliU COAL. 9 low dliad. Sa adrertiaemea THOMAt K. tRll.f.

nolt lfW Pin urea harf, Scaaylkill. PERUVIAN 01 ANO. lfePerunu0aeo, A lending from eohr. Mary and tlirihah and Adnaa. Inraaieby TtiOS.

W. R'JA, Boie ni ie Boata wnavea. Ol CEN Cwm (iarvta, lit ley nd Children a Liard aotn luie" Want. BI CEN fS 'nira (iav, lit eeatoi Ltdiee' i cent laria la lun UiVHrHIVK, ee North Eltktk below Chary, BLACK VARNISH lHrrle ray eapenor.kir a by MILLER, TYLER fc ak'M II Nell dixU at. Alea to hb'e Brtght Phip Warn ah.

FRli'at'F, TASHELft, BI TTONIt AND CORO. If ina Viola red to oota try H. MAYNARb, fin. ho rtnrtk rot'KTn nn. 4H Boetk SECOND SI Poek.

eollWlto TAJEW SPI FNDID Frenrh led Owm LITHO IN ORAPHK, X.RAW1HW8 arm llfcSUiV, of rverr kind, import ard IfT m'e. tl Nt IM rth SIXTH Bll I ool Hr BI'BERT SCBWAR. LIGHTS AND SHAlrOW'Ref Anwrieae Ulm ar eianeiulr portrayal, daily, at I be Old Btar Da ira.potito ihxTay.lta MARKET mreetVl K. luTmrnot Ttaih. Frteee aU aot ll't GOSHEN lim'l.

hae J. rt. SfcRK', tZOUn? 1 LOW HILL Si rea. Alee, evte aeeorttov. reah Grocaiee.

I ET THOSE aua come wto teyer i AJ An laa wko nvwara I VAN Loai, IhAfBaramrpAa, bee rati ted from Chema area, le ke aew en time, Ne, lea ae toor below Stxia, aeeoad etorr. It'u No. I AICH ClLNtY DEBTTl Ordere il hirer ef th Etoe Ooa OtW, Sebeel Teetov ac4 eat, aaea et eueet. While' Beodi J. flt lfl EADIErV Fl RV A uteri eitanimi it.aaam BWiariMaaaa.

PtrpTP.R fc IrfchH tRD. Third tret, beeiw Cheeaet. Ala. art and varwt etee Ba aed (.. Leaate' tut era owned.

100 a Caatru'! Faery ie er eai a a iHt a a OLA boy lets off TH PucUiwiMtji Bi i anuria a aa kattar tea tbir eea, Bmeeweeat toertia mm tto eaae Aj Ui Ha wan toe? ebeer taar Pieterea, eaeh totoetor froaaeeu team gram WkeUI ere tto let) eeoeiea. eott li'tto TJATT N'S' ATTI R.VS! PAPF.R PaT TKRNS. W1I eeee U.4 aarane. a ee eeda ee tea a Pea eru eaeet Sty mm, Ceae. Attain lea.

Ledae'eed th.jrrea fwm. teeiil lae I aiavainua a I ui I TtNTHSt. aeliefiiT Nona TVjoR RflTNs rxM)R spil44 yS a em t'ff er nnt'i fa by. M. mHu lA fc BRO Bvidiog f4wfvwad Tee, atari Pee Mi TeeapeieJ fcevaa'A eed ibS.

WLl re'riB) JlUof glhBPICfi 1KV A ea ef Pjet. rag mmm eeee every ear, a the ef ej IOA. IWaerreaiaa. N. I to AfccR St eae i baew a it, etared aary.

A eareea puiaid till ee la roar, at an am from eaa a eree aau) to cWaa Ftft STOkK a In erii. bad toe i an aa a aae rae wu toeew et tie he 7a y.tkere iSK.Na mm i efae'a Ba eA Bal i oa I ia6il' Ai toed erIi otreeaa, kiw wo, a toy, nrl hte wart 194 eea ma Wi eaa to el ee vtll iva i a at mi to! Mae a lea tm fceavf yr eed eettol I hue. Iru mmm lereeaaut BBatat't. lakuriw' A 'k3ft a of a 1 in ea jrtjaj jrUTIt AND MU a Wiliten, Imr and hrettohtciat alJ I'n 1.0(1 nuU ltU air mteaetai. I lWV ktdUlkHkMkflO, tWyf tt'L tiittataiiatMal, iit'Pl "N'p ff' mreolip; 'fal.

II Va MAVaarMiia at Im a tti 6 TOR RlKRKr 1 heirkiUhriHiik thiIINTH I fiK jt, ai i mnte aeiMehetrlli liven, Vr tlhatapain Oie tfVTHlrir rtf ewel. nw taltU, ai a.Wfr lie. launharti omow ronM, eeealeta. fWler1 I wineeaed Dyrurlu. noli Iter tr On if, Plate.

KlitVP.K. thtr Hn of I ai aalur of (llaaa.a.1 wet exoMlem of Pie lurribrONBDOtLAt upwartre. ahould pr. vent the people from baritl Wl oanl Piovuvu. Alter thia.

will lake no uotia oi lw earn rwna rt. KVAIHA. tl thoee a ho do erao the art. Il a jPWDirara now, SHI birird Row, Market above Ufa, tXJRK PALM AND to Litoaps. j.

fc; uKATrapet It re puatoinan they Palm, AhnMd, TolM. can far eeaalied with Fil hit aidaiegated ot a tueaior euatitr. at Hraaandlndla Worklof (1 M. KLKfN. a IN fc rN, No.

la MAHtfAKKTTA llowMll.hetwaa Front and BeoomfV nnW It'TIT THK RETAIL PRICE OF CO KB, af the City Oaa Worka, ke toen redueed to live eent bueliel, at trie it may bt proouratllhr by th iini.eluahel.orla any lager iiuantitiea Soup Sot cieuea, aid otbw BMvwnt Institution wrll bt enw lied tor Diarihutiea to th Poor, a litoral diaoouag from thi ptii nolt lmT JOHN C. CKEISON.Rrir'r, ADIES' FAWCT FURH. My atook ot Fanop Li Fur fie Ladie led Chi dr ia now oompleta, balm oae oi thelareeMaed baaaanrtmentilobtlound' tine or any other city, eueh It Mude, Boat, Violo rinra, I'elaien, Cut tie, ka all good rntnuflo turrd by lb nae eomeatent workmen, and aid al lea prior then by any other Farrier la tbeeitf at JOHN FARK1RATJ Brent Central It at. Cat. and Ladtea' I nrDtpotrN Be MaRKBT dtreet.abov tithth.

ao M'r DA COSTA'S; TOOTH WASH Bang "tb plea elrr ofrii day, ie rommndd br emiuent Dentiata, lor the Teeth, aad tor bleedu and named Wkite, Deatia. ii Walnut etrat. F.liaha Towner nd, Den tat, Loo aat areet, between com. rixin an revente. 11 Whlenla.

Ml It Ilaalill. 1 1 Arnh alra. Prepaed by OA utrsrA, INE Street, anu lor uaa an wrueteia anu oineri wit ii ERINOKS FROM THK UllKAT SAl.kL NEW Snug Brown. Chooolai. Tan, I lee, OrMM, Indee, Oltr, bite and Hiaok, llnjb Colore.

EYKR fc The 1 edict can now beented with MaiauM. Cloth end Vlvat. unit Ill CRANBERRIES, APPLKS, O.NlONri, 0HSi, I IIKKNL Pubtd. pttmCraalrria. tio do do Appl.

do do Oniooa. ntiliuth do do, bulk. Kobaie white Bean. I'O do Pea Nut. Ion buehl chanul.

ut reea ved aad la mle by NATHAN NPTI.LtlvliH, nol No. North Wharea. rvimuil.l TIHN OP PAITNKRSH1P. Tb Pwlueribit harlnfir uiatiu betwua Iheeuh anbaa la thia day dieailved by mu'eal mant, and ail parana indebted lo ead arm, ar requeued to nni pajmrni, aim iihhw nartna eteitne wttt pr tbemfiir attlemetU to UEOKUK VV CARK, irewnl JOHN CARR, a. Ida UtSOjJIV.

CAKK, The aubecriba rmneotrVTllr rMaaa hia thaaki for the literal eatniew extended lo th late Inn, and enliclte a tonlinnuoei th atma boa hi frieudeawl tht public at 131 North THIRD St. uol H'4J tiKlt. yy. CAHH. fc Store forth al of CHEAP CAHPKTINU, ie atill In full hlaat.

at tba N. E. oorna of EIOH rn aad MARKET tta, 1 heir lineot low wieed Cupetuui now fall and beauttlully uaoriadi lew edition. aunaieing tilth lew patterna, at em ttantly totng made. Irr.K I A t. PL YB, in brieht oolon, (i A I NS, KN ITIAvS and DA ASKS. tli ami LIST CARPETS. FLOOR OIL. CMlTHS.iatllwidtka. T'tether with elegant atook of kae end low priced indow SbadM, Han, Hate, Siair Rnda, ho.

Th patron! ef thia Stor hae doabled itulf withta a very abort tiaa, and th eeoret of ilul tuocea ia a detamiLatioa to tell teei leeiit, el rrp I me im, nolk denwd'r 4. 4 LYOitS ALL SILK CLOAK VELVETS. Fane Blaoka, Soul Bn'vrnf, to uarnet. oral Purple, la aad Ureen. Oar max Veiveta, eolored and blacka.

1 1 uiaca, a ba, 6)41 Purplea. roeu. tirea. an aad Owneti. RE fc LAN DELL, rournaeoi A rah aratta.

K. fc L. eralrr eellini Shawlt ahaae. and Mllini all lb mor uf toara. The stock hand al prewat la well veil ta amaiiua a tavaw.

bokmii pVlLDlNe RtipWAIKA I'' RXCi.lSlVELY rkf tan iiikmrel of lAl X'lae re ikt WARE AND TfToC STORK Lariul rnrnd Male Knee Ml rt'iael re Mr Vmtuil Mnlil VVM. Mod I llRO No. ST MARKET abov Maaulaaurwa' Depot in lak of ill klndn. Weri anted ua uy Premium Pororuua Knob, ora loo altaaa Si Ira Plated Hinta. ho wilhlhe oomplrtlaatorlmeat of all the aider paitaMiathit line.

Bui.dera tad Dexlaa are ia riled to call tad ex amine our took. Catalogue eeat by mail, if deelred. Hot Air Regiileraia Veatilalora, at Faotory Prieea. Praoa at a dtatanoe. who wtalt to orda Ooode.

and dair aa eetimate a parti a detcriptioa, eu writ te MeCLI RK fc BRO and all tLlormatio to Uoraiaand aiea will re give try return mul. All order pet up under the immediate tuptrvliiog ot tn firm. tf Call and ai, nol5JMr 44 niB RIGHT MI'BT TRIUMPH HRR RINO'S SALAMANDER SAFR. in th Oral ire al ueoobura.Wa. the uuareieDd hanni lawn I'aei at Ih opaning ol oae of Sik C.

rJerriia'arVil ifa, in th Btor a Iawrecte, ata th treat tie on tha IMh of Otfuher. areira loaeinowtengtinia ilie creaiai tnaiatii wttav vr yet wnneewd of a Salamander Sat. TU fir it In tu etmea ol Ataaa watroat a lav miond H. 8. Humphrey fc wu much kntia' than tu ear aha mrt of tb bernl dlttnot lit atu any be i ex iiermied by th awi tuanlily of al, eam ihene, and i rba tombuatible nnuta in tne drui etwe.

One of the fret of IheSale wuanuraly burnt oit and a iiuantitr oi iron ana naiiiwert meitea together in aie Bolid togrmt wu in mi, a. niHWtii itudingall paper wu reeavd eetin aid th wriline petlectly legible, the vaaaiah nude reviB nwvB aoioBonea. PmalD J.C Barter. Collector Port af Ordene betg; Oeorr Robineoa, Polmata, do.i Hu brounk, Agent Etna Inwrnao Cwapiay of Hertlordt Edwia HolbrookiH. 11.

Vay, Ateal tor Aiaert eaa Ine ranee Cat W. Pardee, General Aiant, Kin. Hartford. Imuran ce H. Friee.Ue nerai Aaeat.

NnrtBWM'era fmuraaaa Co i U. hi Chapt. Ateal Sain held aad MaruM aad ProtacUoa, of Hartford, iaeurauee C. Tne above ie aautha amnag tht arwry tertlmotiili whieh ar alaaat eneetantlt beifta reoeived in avi 4km of the great tutau rity of Baring' Bafaorw tl otaa ia a rea art are, JOHN PARREL, aoit afla Walaat atreet. niOPOSAIJt FOR RK.VTINlf thrwhoi a ANY PART of the GIHARD riUILDIMU, recently aeaed in THIRD Streot, below Chaeut, will reweivrd aittl SATCBUA V.

tkgh at o'clock. P. at theOffnw. No.S. FIFTH St addrad to JAMES HU TCHINSON, Areat ef the finer Ktata.

Thi building, uetigud ia th Italian or Pelledlu la aehiieetae, by Mr, N. Bran. Artoilea, aaa waoree eeoa in eupaiaienaeaoe, au aa eoa areeted ia lae moet earafal and entetooliej marma witkjxa aeuaiai ae wmkrrauuhie. Th front it built of Omrwelieut and iton, wra yioh window dreea eed eiou rowuiBg awoe, aad ay vwp ana ia tu to' aeta, and Ik interior to bee divided end erraae! la I auuina aa to eoodeo exeeb a peeiile tb eoeexrt eed am th taeeia, while a th aaaa lima due recad te pud to it aehiieetoral daa uachiieetamiaaula. All the fconen tarauia out the beiidiu a well irbteu, hot ar geeereiM ia th eel let i trrtrortaoed in each, aad vti latiu will bt pertorawd by artiloial exeane.

Proviaiua to Bee eeee tm a lileral (apply of gat; water had ma iieMB ar itoradaeed into teak a orv. TM krt, eeetad aad thud ataiu ar divtaef im to tn BP pa eeee wan ureal tM ral maia eoa war aa lordir. to a tu im etairway, la tkaa araal etnria, Ih erbou eu ni' itfcaehntka. Mteteformaeetteaioma, I IrM atory linae iatotwou ee eaoa ear, aad tto fad etnry aaa tar ottia oa Itoaiarib aad tve ea the aalk aee. will eume lired, enatue ere need bee era, led with adiaaing water aleea aed wae toeia rnnae, toe wbe' I ewng a moat eoaplrl ard aotnuiiil aryeetnaot.

Tu tkird aorr eiltm naaa. TM Pant etorr direled iato (net atn rooee, Tue Id atoryeamaw of oaa laee eLoav elueh. beeioea the wiedow aeh aid aad Iroet, to Bedilio! liM fenm to kilibla eeea meet lueeare. I lavrxaieaai a the fair war a uob. ttot ne raeoareaieeu will ha xea tieead by pauerig Itoefceu uaaparai twee a il.

toe a aeviaeH Waeoaea to to, art iea ia the Ittef rrm, eureaaw U) rVT wataa aee ot tne uiiang. Pkilaae.pha. he er. ma, it eo't eodUl CPARTANSBl'RiJ COURT ROUSE. B.

C.Oel IJ gt, a Or Swvrae DeaSiri am la rtoept at yew Family Madia, aed tor kad taeOpaw Initr. a COM POO na. aed am happy a retort to yon Ua wae aaul araibet to rata vein aa mmmm met tTore em Yaw aawWeia are trail vaia am, aed will i eataad totaweira oa tral. Very reeaeaf.ilp, T. M.

BUWlAt, D. Pvhaaetial dene or th aeeerfrcmir pre. peniaef Li Iw A VNK'S FAMILY MEDICINE aeedair eeeenatfroa all aat of the waw. Ian rwiry.dft aollt'r SCROPILAAND OTBkR CHRONIC D1S kA M.aTV tnama auln fraai etvert labed to l. a.

M. 0 New Haraa. Coea i The bu bam met bp prWiilra, a feew Hevea, tm tmrnt tarty rare, aateria a Una pane. Seia Dr. Tyar, I here tVaieaae baareraav aeetiea bewa wae prof.

Ira tret etaiad a. be eoee ea eew roc moat. He prtiw led lttn reraeai ee irre ai lorea ii a aew eeaeeea mmmint ertie i 4 ti i praam, kw tu ear a Se ol.e aed Leu eieeaaw. riv.t eenee taia OT Baton. WbeWaretla ut Awerwe aaea ti4 aad 11, lewaed tl ea pet eah i leneaa, and aeaj taalau ng e'M i ba fceiekia aeet ib oh v.

a uiw.a aea Kba4 a lee ear al Bu le tal ea Cteel earn Ta Ra Rea i i iimi.eda er.4a. Tn. lM eae mt toe eeeee af taa eil ee a aa laeeiied WIlXJaM FRABrKUN fc09 It' t1 rae. C1, V. im.TT fc auiNa, r.

It Nato COS to 'eel. Areata fr puaaipewA.ead G. arai Agertageta levied aaa a wemrr A'OTira Menu a tow rree to ti nee tl bvared a tha Ci i 'tin ee ta by aat ef A arin temr ae iej. ttot Otoe ar at te I a a ie aaanaa I aa eaa, rr.aa le to hna, I 4m BaATRABTT. Mto, aarai ft MeU I fi VIURAa ar Si4 al axel aew aaeex.

a T. t.TI ox gT pa Aaaa a 1 feIVaaweiea. UlltoMUea, Hj A I to an ing a i eity fa in be at I 4avytwMMrwllr Featoara, la Baga ma Mass H. HHA ai ailT a nai r.aml 7R cOLBRir aele aolkf ao.iirio ath WaiaitreetV. IOU) PKrtS.

NB. fronuunotd kg oatoi fc CfM Ilk Uf penal euenh BIVIIIV kat an (VfElr TIlKIR MON rr CiVitiv urrii i ne al klnM k.l am Thi it no, isnouia tin iaBHnodinui buiWmg rwailCK Streeti. BOU ilfiudottan Pretor nAeaatred te er event other pretuurilone iur tutorine bar. ia outoal aoihw'r Wo. tiVfarPsvxth it reel.

B1E'L1HI ACvTvXtJfWNDhS' toobtiit a rlTy good DAUUhHRKorvVC oe par a'ajrjrrlo, anil by pa atll rlt nclftl'r lppult Meeonre HalU, tfJHKAP LOOKIJTt wee North Seeuod Pt. aheyta vlaey Oflara aaaxla. al th loVrat enah aloe atilaMlid hPtomd Bt. ahevi Via. aeurtiaHef OriuueaitaL'Ma.

Olll Fnmto Look. Blaalk, evilabi fur MantaU, fleraf Wiia, he. aolS da 'r IK BU7FF.RIN0 OOCJrrMONRD by temam. Colla, other oauwa, rmM be avafwl ami alghta to aaMwi aad aartor many Wo umoa, i Road, an id ana by atmoal ITvrr Itreulat. 1 ceaat etrile bottle, or thru buttla fa eta.

Bolt ita PATENT hROLLDER SKA'T SHIRTA tEi mil of BhiiiB, now aoknowledtei the beat Ittinr article made, are axelaaivcly aeiefcraured la MTte by III lubewteer, who ar KtfWwd to til Muntry or trade, fc BOOTf, i Beau1 Store, Beri ddtfr Itt CTheuut etreet, Bberastrentt, DIUCNCU LOOilNO 0LAH8 WAR EH I aHffl, 8. NATTi No. IBS CHE8NUT Btrtat, Oppoelt tht Aoeto WARhiilOlitiaV Anrtoea, nevatnuN, ihct eai at ta lew jet (am hue Bortinut of eaeerla FRENCH UMlKINO OLAr rFS, Framed inth newaat and beat att lea, amiable lay MANTELS, WALLS OR PIER aIA todjf DPINN MUTUAL L1FK INSURATItJlt COlfe FANY.OftH NC.eor. THIRD end DOCK (ttreet, Phi. Chua Perpetual.

AilVla Profit drvided aaonia the Pa toy bolder! eray rear. The aril truly Mutual Comgeny in Ih City abate, Ob fetal rn. DANIfL L.MILLRR, Preeldeet. RaMI KX R.tirilfcK.slVa f.haiitant JOKf W. ilORNOR, Seeretary.

xtanirAL biaui aae. Pdward I Pianeui I dead Bartohorn, M. No. 441 Walnifet ainey Dmiin at. wo.

mi aat aee la atuetoee al the oftewf the Oomtaav. fra I to P. ailA mwfctot'r 8U0O K. CARPrWTEH, Coaveyaacen aolMfst lot Walnut etrea. Uf IUUk TO INVtST.ia Mortaeor Urot dpIalAJv Benia, ia lama of ai oooaod uprj Aiplyte E.

UKLFENSTkTIN, Uroaud nM. Ml'JdrlT 114 Aa etreet, tielow Sixth. TrXi fiflA IN CASH TOLOAN IN LARWM URSMALa, ANOUPITB. ra want of Meeey, from on dollar to Ihoueukla, eaa aeeaarwidMal on liberal Uriea, money ia Tanoed on Stoeha, Diamond Wwobea, Jewelry, Dry troxia, ureuriee, maouanu lleddtna, aid ttoodi of evi THANH' Old eoraauf'TRIhlTaiHt SPI rYo, I ('eaoak to the aaa Coxll, Ureaaiee, Maokandi, Farailure, Clothing, Momv Uu OtrVo, Ijf, IfHttlK BI. omotaani wamg till e'eloo bt orceina, Pawn Pawn la want ef mnaT, wto 0 not Uriah mtS i the olio, will rlauo eeod tbetr idatam by poet, aad UMoaioe, will tby will bepaiBereally alteeiled to, bolt dl' All buu neat traeiuotlon etrtalr txmldeniial.

area. l.auiKn' raf.mwti Bir.n intra. it the Dreet Ceuiral Hat aid Cap Store. Hit waAMABBET Street, abov Eirhth. My aeaort ait of Ftn Mont era ie the tarreet ia tM etly, an etrlenf Boaoeta dlnerea to thoee nld.

Ae a aerai Jhintamee my noaneie eein tee reaj rreuc I oay aea a eaii to aauaty na iieti iou. BlA tt'r rea. O'llVRrilp; fc FAHR. HOrnivK AlaU. HFACTTHERS.

aorur and RACK hrtriBB, all th hut gualily aouae eulored Fell Bo net, at tl aoig mwfcfiat! GENTLEMEN OP TASTE and FASHION never fail to palronia BlJlYIMK'S MODEL MODEL MAT btohb. en re. Mutiin career, wnere the looat eieainl and tabaUalml Hate we larnlihrd at the loweel priae. BOl lt'11 SMALL PROFITS AN THKM Te tto Blaa that BNTY.or Lm.THE.SI fc cn. nav eel I at gnod taken.

telnauee a aond trad. They Ball a' taken, telnauee a toed trade Hit aa inr Bl br the eiwlaet Hatter. bat rerf aad blow aeuut lka. Call and examine lor ouiaaivet. ud ir Bofwhat rHHntu.

am i our ow.aajeooi4ao DAVIS fc CO ton a niiuD a ibiuv vwoi. mm UN CHILDREN'S PANCY "ATS AI tUOreat VlCrn ra HAT and CAP Bluer. bib STOHK. MAR KhTStrea.nmive km (ixhik. Thia Btor nar in hih.

Thi Stor bau th fhvrnt nwi uf the Ladiee who wtah to Mrehau heauiiful aea taett hoxd aear lor etuldren rath aire ar very low, aed thia mueh aa iinmene aeamtment ol ilylaai.daattMnatotelot(rua Alltoatoaailed, notn in itieeanu aueioy. "ra VRNR fc PARR'S OXK PRICH Rti.eanerof KlUHrrl CAr TOM ead RaCkTi Vk.1 tltlK ntraale. th ubll Wll rill neaaatiwita thirty, boeeillr and liilr. Moeey rMur4. aara.

any artiala Paw ll'K aeu IB aWlC Bat riOll mm IE tmntwi itf trwrt. V.Vmn .,) tnd rrjijr of HaUMd Caaraaheloandia tbeirauiliihrenl. aot it by tlm of prate, H.N FA VXFaeai, mmt lb eabi world lo bnanoiMU't to. luu lae HAT ana ufulurad ht JOi RFIRA. No.

114 MARKET Street, above kiikth. ud ahj a the low ft of gt, la aapaior ia alylt tnd beuly of ftniah, to any ao la the etty. la pubiia ar lavite to call and ax amine for them tlvm. A laiuortmaiof all Iheaiiuof Boyi' CA FS, wmateaili hand. aoig aVr TlVFRttHOEs I OVERSHOESTOVER OR08 SHOES! A an and etiealnr aaortim a Lad tea' ad Childrtn't VEHSHOES.

from eta. to 1. wt nav ao jutt raoei red irom raoturr, H' aaa a our raiani rwneaie, a vary ua ht artitit nr adiaaad Miaeaa. at theold aund. UOOD YEAR Rob a Werehouee, IChawut rr et.

nolf tt'tl belwee Seoond aed Third, 2 SHADE, ORNAMENTAL AND FRUIT TREES, EVERGREENS, fce, inltAbli Inr planting Ih eant uava. A lawral laaon went lllieeliove, of loni nee, Iur eel at MAU PAV'BNuraery, Ruing bob village, tear rtnana phux. Mlt ti'r TEETH Whol. aete, i' i art aaa eaullf kiw. I EIGHTH kidi Eft.

Uentiet.N. L. muf EIGHTH atdi OREEN Sti. aoit Ifltt iBeDlTMANLFYTSOKO'vPRNTmT rto. lv south thim rHKn rn si.

reraoni dairli Ainlwal Teeth, or Teeth fcllecL eitba with air Oold or Stiver, will be ealietM by calling. All opermKiM done in the bett atria and waioMiieu, wiw Tealh oe Si Ira Plal. al I warranted, troiu nuia, et eaoa; riva, oiie. Gold, tl to i Pivot. eenU.

Extraatlng, at cent. Toot bae he cured It'lto iS RAPP'S SUPERIOR CUCKS Waka iemii a Htmaei, at arpnea, Cloekaaad dMriy tion, ierrd aolt et'r na. jr. xrr, VMRaeeSt. FOR BALE A anrttntit of i.pvl t.

iwand euoed hand PIANO FORTES, lad tl oetovu. App FIELD araraHareaial ReddiM Wlrahoea. Att ixiiatt St aotihaio. ao.h tw 111 a FOR SALE CHEAP A 7otave Roee feV afword PIANO, nearly new, of hie tone aad IIIIf'sniBh. at Lot IDS, Ateeoie Building, comer TEM end CHKSNLT S'a.

ailtlfltt ELODEONS. Oraa'i ethaetyl EwfgrMelodeona. al at tu Muulettwy, ut" urtaiAiiihtmrra. nolUH'r A. P.

HU0HP.S. aau a MEt)DEONS. Anothrr uppiy froii RtWFli fr.rk.jeet leoavit MKi.bjiEOf rr i'tauoht. a. warden.

Tenth rlrca, tolow Walnut. TIAVin P. MOORE. PCRNI.4H MOORR. INI UNDKMTAkhR, No.

109 VINE Street, be Nima, laieof ll Areki'rea Bolt Tl A. IHXIKKV fc SOt. I'NOERTAK rir. Ne North THIRD S4 ahnv (,., end No 117 North SECOND Mreet, alia Frinklt Aveaaa. Hear, Carre.

aad a 1 aila furaiakM al tb abort eotioe. aolA gt'Tt SIMONwtRTLAN DTjmJ IS HH(t UNDARTAKKR.RI a. THIR rEEMTh! Stieei, above Ceuoul. Mr. w.

will give hit peraoaa al teat lie I th entire daal of laerment, fce oa the erwt reeeoiaikl towel. he the hewlaoiaeel I Heare in ta eity, ennetrtd a a raiBd ky htraeelf.aad drawn by N. Bran, hie. Aay uimber ai Cerruaamprlied to ada N. B.

Lead CHIiie tlwaye on hud. Bill 11 'r MaCORMU'R, UNDERTA hTER, Soul SIXTH Street, below Hauee. Heerea aed Cerruw ea, wilt every iniuiU, furataaed at the aatrtea aetie. aoit ga, CAST AD SHEFT UKN AiR tlGHT m7l WOOD BTOVFB Of aew and a aam pat AmtI lerua, ul viry ehrap. at ARKKT t3St.ltllt NORTH, CH AeK fc NOR fti.

I RfcT Street. a ll'gtl Amu mal AwTPSSTUvaA of elegeet en, id, i al apprei fBarl Bxtiara, for ale at low wioa, be l.oaib), PARLOR Atu MALi nr. TH. lr nj ORTU, CRABE NrtRPPf. blVr Maaa etreet.

ar. CAST A SHEET IRON Ct 14 ale. aVlCOtb STOVtlt Of aee eed dee hie pea. xWfi eaad i ainbera. Grr exie.

Terywny NORTH, CHAB fc PIOBTH, RlllirNt BO Ifl aaa. A 1RW nd BKAVTiri rue taeua PARLOR v1 Uielaa a P'or na aa! tfral. a Sr fdORTht.C AfKkNO.T belt llTI "uRRaTsaLK OrihlVE 1 Tto am. pC 1 Mr Ko a. a 1 1.

ia I hre tuo eie "I avoui ee FAR lrc will to ate witeaai rwr bi umia re eMet 4 eTTae. toeato. toeto to toe Beau. Ceeu urlg, ted tetoa yea Bee. JvT will be aid wiUeejt lae ti a a areata re a.aa a aoltefr t4 TrnBAV V'HRwaAJtoT retof SlmtTml QXrrt'e May to aaa at Bum Beret Tta I a lr.

htetrigW i Beat, kern at three, hetweea ituk Me. a Payaxaxa. eo't 'H JA arww B. KFt.LT, rVA to CHt ti WIlv" ieSaT ad Nrt 'mml pff. lb NotbeJ 1 any Hi II a SPk CR 1 1 K.

OOma oi i ntntp lM M'f tm. IXaMoND PARLOR STVr TvVO pwTafZKS. A moat ixeeHeet Caat It a e1li4abir, eeat ia deeira. aid eeonomieal trXei. Ova thrw bundird ar la aat eiiy.

For ea' bv NORTH. CRASH fc NORTH. MAI ma HfNTISij PARK CfrtR AVll ''l''t Nrr. It, at a) lk a a3rX'" Trotemeueay.btkpayato'r,. I cfra rut a ai.w nui a Na IraketeaaB lai, B.aoa aad bt RxariTTANrpS T) RliA.v fc 'oFFHeV eafcua ClhlT Srraat.

i I Wee tog toaeed ina toar Siitna I an. nl gag ear lawn toe aaA at. aaea I el at Bll area tear aaa ia ue I M'td ua, aetbi g.uWAkueV, ItbHI) fc Oftaj age I I SCFffRhw SRVkRBd.Y twl atiaataed; yo rioto ll aend yee Faea troieaeua PR SAI I reaed ejaaa aaatae. keel tto eeoeoeeer aed eheelUK Ber aer L. ee to.

aaa. aim. Fa eueaeir mt mm laaetoui eereaear' W.e aae MAkHAtUaaebtoveaaama, Batto'l.

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