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Public Ledger from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Public Ledgeri
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PUBLIC vrn LEDGER AND DAILY TRANSCRIPT. miT.ADKI.rHlA, THURSDAY, MARCIIJJ. r.NCiiTi Aim niMit Ami aacceni acoo Qt tnow tnai at wiiisb government sjeriovm Id seeking th eoatrol of Central Ame rice. Tbeir object is Ox oomaund of the pu sage icim Ik Continent through Ltk Nicaragua. With a thip oacal through tha whole 'diataiuw.

or with a aval em of canals and rail oiW, ikjf win dlmtnUh the disuaoe between Loadoa aadCaBtoa.byths whole distance round Cspe Hon, aaa" will also avoid the danger of that very perilous route. And they will auoceed in thi project. The Central America! natto, if aatioa it maybe called, cannot reist thi at and Mexico is and will continue to be too Bioch disorganised to think of refuting it Be 'idea, British interest and influence will predominate in Mexico, and prevent any oppoal A ibia nmiiwf nf bee British null uj www) cannot prevent it, became the Ame unU ant nniln nMH ID nrflventive liuen cvnw mess tin that may involve a war wnh England; and with the majority, and especially with our leaders of partie, the threat of a British war will probably be decisive. The British statesmen well know how to make this threat efleo tua). By financial operation, conducted by the government through tbe bank and the great brokers, ths English statesmen will create large artificial balances sgainst our merchants, and large expansions of our paper currencies; and then, well knowing that a war would create financial difficulties, and pro trate our merchants by thoa ends, they will threaten war, and thus intimidate at irom any uoner use wwiw TWlaiul and Central America.

Having accomplished this great project, Eng land will be stronger, commercially, than at any former period. She will from Mexico, if be has not already, and before the treaty now before tbe Senate will be ratiutd, the session of and aloag tbe Gulf of California, from Lat. 31 to 23 N. This extensive coast must contain some good harbors, not yet explored. The beat of these will be selected for a depot for Tbe Sandwich Islands, In N.

Lat. SO, ars distant from California by forty five degree of Longitude, or about 2300 miles, lex than the distance between Liverpool or Bristol and Halifax Tbe distant from these to the Ladroae Islands, ia N. Lat. 30, is fifty five degrees of Longitude, about 3300 miles, or that betwesn Liverpool and New York. Tbe distance between the Ladrooa Island and Canton, in N.

Lat. 23, 30, is thirty five degrees of Longitude, or about 2000 miles. Thus tbe whole distance between Canton and Lower California, oa this route, will not exceed 8000 mile, Interrupted by two intermediate stations, with a distance be nreea any two points, not exoeeuing wai oer twees England and New York. The English wOl establish depots at some port in California, at the Sandwich Islands, at the La drones, an at Canton, well supplied with coal, and every thing else necessary to steam navigation. They 111 W11M IUUUUWW WM WUTSIt Island, distant only 1700 mites from the South en extremity of California, and only 2400 mile in the direct line to the Sandwich Island.

They will find ia Northern Oregon abundance of timber for ship building, and can import hemp from 'Manilla, and machinery from England. The diataace between Southern California and ths Gulf of Nicaragua doe not exceed 2000 mile aloog the coatt. Here then is a chain of steam navigation, which will give to England the command of the China trade for Europe and the United Stales. Our merchants must go round the Cspe, till they can build a railroad aoros i the Continent, to Lower Oregon or Upper Cali 1 1 i i i r. And eves if this railroad be built, will it enable us to overcome this competition Let us ace.

The British rovernment will seize the Sandwich Islands and tbe Lsdrones. They will find pretexts enough, and will overcome' all objection raised by other. 8hall sue object we have no concern with the Lsdrones, and the Britii will defy all European objection. If we object to their, seixure of the Sandwich Islands, they will tell us that possession is every thing, and we msy, if we choose, auempt to expel tbem. And if we should, their navy ia that great maritime nursery, Northern Oregon, would soon prostrate our eities and towns along the eoait of Southern Oregon and Upper California, and weep our whalemen from the Pacific.

Shall we ruh inte war amid such dangers? We say nothing about danger to our Atlantic eities, British fleet at Bermuda and Halifax. This British lever was somewhat used in tbe war of 1812, was eflectoslly threatened in the negotiations about the Northeattera (boundary and Oregon, and will be effectually tried in tbe est war. And evea without a war, our whale fishery in the Pacific will find a new and dkble, if not effectual competition, ia the aew British lodgments oa the Pacific chore and the Sandwich and Ledrone island. All these things am in the volume of futurity. They are clearly foreseen by British statesmen, Who are making, to accomplish tbem, every step suggested by talent, foresight, prudence aad resolution.

Many American politician suppose that England i la her old age, is declining rapidly, snd will soon become aa inconsiderable power, to be dethroned by the young giant of the West. We advise such reasooers to look at the best mode, ia national affaire, of looking so forward. This grmg itadrJ, tufraaud aatioa aow own aa empire oa wh eh tbe sun never sets. She owns aad controls thst India for which the Western Caucasian have been contending for five thoa rssd years, snd which ha alternately mad the i i n.k.,i.. i I.

Mi. ace, Egypt, Tyre, Sidon, Carthage, Greece, Borne, Constantinople, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Holland. 8he has endured as aa empire from tie expulsion of tbe Romans ia 423, or about 1400 years; and her people at home, 'whose intellectual aad moral energy has don so much, have now more intellectuil snd moral 1 energy than at say former period The failure of a few mercbaau, the tempoary embarrassments of the bank, the quarrels ia Parliament about sinecures, suffrage aad Church rales, will not overthrow the British empire. The aristocracy of birth and rank may be overthrown, re. Kgioa may become free, aad suffrage may beet me universal All the excrescences of tna present system may be cut oft.

Still Old England, with her geographical positioa, her in'er Bal resesvees, her inieliigent aad eaergetio people, her time tried jurisprudence, her free political elements, Vet long sighted policy, will eocliffM, a heretofore, to staad upright and to grow. And she wHl growth faster for easting en" the dead weight which have not prevented her from growing as she ha. And while 0 biigiana is ua mii yvuns of tbe West, bora yesterday aad prematurely Wise ia our ova concert are expending oar energies in mighty contest between Mistrr Nathalie! Winkle aad Mister Jeremiah Jingt for tbe PrwVeney. We are a great peop'e! AadEalaadiiaherdoUge! TheLvdChaa cellos will soon issae cards of iavltatioa to her funeral. TTs surelv attend.

Ko STxa Yet There was no intelligence of 'as Sieeucr' arrival ap to the cloning of the telegraph otfioc, ht ertoing, Tb Tiiait Tbe Unio of Ta say art, tonne preieod to calcu'at the tiiae whoa the vote up the 1 eraty will be Ulisa. I Thi Nsw HsJinBJM Stati Exxonon will Ink place oa the 14th Smioi Fiaa Chutis, DiLSwaaa Countt On Tuesday, a fire occurred at Chester, ia Benjamin A. Pearson's hat autre. A brick builing, belonging to Preston Eyre, opposite the Bank, was burned down. The corner building, on Main street, formerly occupied by by Mr.

U'rjch, as a tobacco and cigar manufactory, and the building adjoining it, were burned down, with all the stock belonging to Mr. Ulrica, aad the library and paper of John M. Broom hall, Esq. All the stock snd every artie'e belonging to Mr. Pearson was burned, Including hi book and tbe books aad papers of Mr.

Ulrica. LOCAL AIT AIRS. Nr. Clay miui tkt LaJUi.IIis Sftk. Tbe ladies fitched in great number to toe grand salooa of the PhilsdelphiaJduseum, yesterday, to have an opportunity of a pertonal iniroduo.

tioa to Mr. Clay. From 11 until after 3 o'clock, they poured into the vast saloon, which was. "fluring most of the time, thronged with a gather ing ot beauty and taahion, sues as 1 not otten looked upon." A bend of musio was in attendance snd enlivened the proceedings by a selection of beamiful musio. The ladies, under the direction of the Committee of Reception, formed a line of tbe fair candidates, and the ceremony of introduction progressed without the least confusion.

A number of handome presents were made to Mr, Clay by tbe ladies, including rings, breastpins and other mementoes of the occasion. Among them was an umbrella of most beautiful workmanahip, made expressly for the occasion. It was surmounted with a small bust of Mr. Clay. The number that presented themselves for an introduction has been timated at five thousand, snd this cannot be far fro the mark.

Among tbem was a val number of children, brought by their parents to share the honor they themselves coveted, and several of the smiling urchins were blessed by tbe sage of A'hland with peculiar fervor when told that thev were namesakes of his. About 13 o'clock, a member of the committee of reception announced that there would be a suspension of tbe ceremony of introduction for a lew minutes. Mr. Clay then took his post upon the platform, in front of which he bad previously been stsnding, and emp'oyod the lew minutes allowed a a recess to tne delivery of a few remarks suitable to tbe occas'on. Hi commenced by saying that he did not take his present position for the purpose of delivering an elaborate address, ss the occasion was inappropriate, and time bad not been afforded him for that due preparation, without which he thought it would ill become him to speak before bis countrymen; and how much more would it be necesrsry when his hearers were composed of his fair countrywomen.

He could nut, however, refrain from expressing, in few words, his grest trbligation and eord al thanks for theen thsxiastio testimonials of welcome that had been showered upon him. It was now forty one year since the first time he hsl visited thit fine city, snd every subsequent vait he hid bees the recipient ot toe greatest kindness, the most liberal hospitality; and he could truly say that he had never visited tbe city without pleasure, and never left it without regret Upon no former occasion, however, had he been toe subject of such aa enthuoiastic and general welcome aa during his present Visit; and he begged his fair hearers, nt accepting forlhemfelves his heartfelt gratitude, to be the organ to convey to tbsir hunudsj fathers, and brothers, his cordial thanks, his lasting gratitude; and assure tbem, while life endured, he would never forget ue msrics of undoes lavished upon him. Bv the laws of civilisation and christianitv. he said, different duties hsd been assigned to the two sexe, and marked line drawn between their different spheres of action. To belong tbe steamer rraliiies of life the cultivation of rtbe soil the prosecution of war, when unhap pily me calamity ot war solids toe und the conduct of tbe publio affairs of the country belongs also to the duties that devolve upon us but when you reflect upon the eares that beset our path, or bear the calumnies that are heaped upon the occupants of high places, you will have no just catre of complaint that your sphere of action is different.

To yon be'oog ths domestic duties of life, to rear the young, and to impress upon their infest minds the precepts of religion ana morality to instil teelings ot patriotism snd love of country, and above all, to prepare tbem for future usefulness end honor. He continued, by saying that there was no irieconciiaoiiuy oetween tne condition end spheres of action of the two sexes they bar monisd beautifully together. He referred again to the many obligations of which he had been the unworthy recipient, and coooluded with an earnest appeal thai it should be the emulation of both sexes tn produce lbs rreatest amount of good, snd that it should be their joint effort to render our country great and glorious our children ornaments of society, snd the whole people screptable in the sight of God. TV Srkuw'iM Waur Cms. Yesterday.

Chief Justice Gibson delivered the op nion of the Supreme Court in the case of the City of Philadelphia vs. Tne CominissionTs of Spring Garden sod Northern Liberties. Tbe decision was in favor of the defendantsand the Court order tbe injunction dissolved and tbe bi dU misred The grounds taken by the Court are these: The use of water flowing in its natural channel, like the use of heat, light or air, bas been held in every civilised nation, from the earliest times, to be eommon bv tbe law of allure, and not merely gives te the public like the me ot river or port, which is sunje to municipal regulation by law. The domestic of wster are its natural and primary one. If it be common at fi at, it must continue to be so whilst returning by its natural chmnel to the ocean.

No one can a right to tbe aggregate drop that compose the masses thus flowing, without contravening one of the most peremptory laws ol nature. The City claim under the Schuylkill Navigation Company tbe grant can pass no more rights than were given to tbe company. The 15th section of the net of incorporation gives them the right to use the water sessss from the river to propel such machinery as they may think proper to erect oa every land they may have, with authority to lease or sell such water pover. A grant of the water power is not a grant of the water fur any thing else than the propulsion of machinery, and does not exclude tbe use of tbe water by any one ia a way which dots not injure or deerea the power. It is not a grant of the property oa the body of the water as a chattel.

Tbe rvpoodest thererore cannot be restrained from taking tbe tree and running water of a river, or for anything bet a nui an by decreasing the volume and force of the current. Conns of Equity will not enjoin against a nuisance aniens it is a clear case of injury, lathis case there is no Injury or nuisance. About two millions of galluns ere taken from the river daily by the respondents, whilst from one hun dreJand fifty to Ave hundred million gallons at the tsois lime are tumbling over the dam. If the population of these districts was te benome ss great ss that of London, but forty millions would be consumed daily. Equity will not interfere where the psrtie can have the remedy by an actios at law.

An abstraction of water for dome tie purposes is tot technical injury to the eiwiplainanl's water power, aad this whether it is diawn irom tbe pool or tbe si ream above. It ws the intention ot the legislature to give the ernipssy the mooopoiy of the power inci dentally created by their works and by no means 10 ceprive tne apiras owners Irora their right to divert tbe stream for purposes of irri gation, leaving it afterwards to re.tura to it natural ehsanel. Bv giving the company the right to sell the surplus water power, it was nut intended to apply the stream for every purpose to Sis exclusive see, asd to debar the inhabitants of tbe vil ages, eitte or farm, oa it margins, from using its water for cooking, inki ig, washing, or any other dometie purpose. Tbe inhabitant of tbe district have a right te dip water from the margin of the river, or to transport it to their houses, nnd by rreoiing water works, they had only chosen a better and cheeper plan. For these reaon the Court think there is no equity in favor of tbe com Slamaa'S, and tberelVve order tbe injunction iseolvrd snd bill di misaed.

An iMtnttxmr Cm. Yesterday, before Judges snd Parsoe, a minor, emey Za'igmaa Kraus, was brought ap oa a wrtt ti habeas corpus, at the re'atioa of Philip rang, who erayea for sis discharge irons tie custidyof Maj Harrie. of lb United 84lee marine euro. Ktus is aa indentured apsn e. tico ot Mr.

Frank, whose srvi' be voluntarily left and ea' isied ia the seri of ihe shore, aril yotuota rema srd in tbe later ap to tbe period of the csoeiitioa a the writ at la time the enlistment be swore that he shot 21 year ot age, and was scoo.dingly accepted as a recru Mr. Pe tit. United But District Attorney, urged thJ Kraut be reauaoVd to tbe stidy, uutier tbe oVcish a of tiol Jusiirai Tilabm a ia the Suprrsxe Const, ia the tmm nf tbe Co a rnoa a th vs. Rubbtaana, 1. a.

fc la wtia (be opisi. a of tbe (Vairt is lork f.4lows The babres empu is tM ease mimI oft the affidavit tf Abraham PoUiagrr, aader the etof Assembly, 18th 1783. It appears by the return that Jonas Ro was enlisted si soldier in tbe srmy of the At the tints of bia enlistment he wa a minor, ab iva the age of 18 year and bound by an indenture of an prenl.ceahip to Abraham Poliinger, but it was not st bis request nor by hi desir that the habeas corpus was issurd rat the contrary, he is well satisfied with his situation and wishes to remain in the army. The object of the act of Assemb'y, was to secure personal liberty, not to decide di'pote as to property. The Court, 'after examining into the facta relating to the case, and into ths cause of eonfii ement, or restraint, is to bail, remand, or discharge the party, as to justice shall Now here we can neither bail, remand, nor discharge, because there is neither confinement nor restraint.

Tbe pwty wishes to remsis where he is. In short, it is a mere dispute between the officer and the master, who claims a right to the service of his spprertice. The case is, therefore not wilbin the provisions of tbe set of Assembly." Tbe decision also points to the civil remidy which tbe master msy have against the officer who takes the apprentice away from his sera vice. After a hearing of the facts, the Court refused to discharge Kraus, but advised Mr. Mann, counsel for the master, to take the case before tbe Supreme Court, on a habeas corpus, for the purpose nf having the decision referred to by the United States Attorney reviewed, and to as etrtain if auch is hrld to be the law now.

Mr. Pettit remarked that proof having been adduced to show that Krau was a minor when he enl Med, it wss very probaMe thai he would be discharged from tbe service by tbe government. Philadelphia BUaek Worl: The want of an establishment of this kind haa been long felt in this City and County, on account of the ex pensei delay and inconvenience of sending on Shirting, Sheetings, Drillings, Arc to Providence, R. snd elsewhere in the Eastern Slates. It remsined for the iterpriing proprietors of the sbove named works, Messrs.

Goodall Co not oily to overcome the discouragement and difficulties wh'ch had proved insurmountable to others, but to show the world that in this repect, as well as in every thing else produced in these diggina, Ph'lidelpnis, skill, enterprise snd ingenuity, still maintains her proud pre eminence. A an instance of this, the above firm obtained the only medal swsrded for bleaching, nt the last exhibition of the Franklin Institute, specimens from the Eis' ern State being also in competition. Their Whirling', Sheeting. Drilling, Canton Flannels, Warps snd Table Diapers are reallv beautiful, and in tbe two latter articles, they have made sm improvements as to defy competition. Their establishment is a three story brick building, with stone foundation, 00 feet by 30, romantically located oa the banks of the Wis hikon, between the thriving and populous borough of Germantown and Manayunk.

Gtrmantatcn OrdinaHttt.Kn ordinance providing for tbe leisure and killing of dog running at large, without muzsles, in the borough of Germantown, went into effect oa the 21st ultimo. Another ordinance, for preventing gates snd bar from twinging outward, over and serosa the footways or pavements, wiihin the limits of the borough, was passed by the towa council. Committed. Charles Green, a colored lad, Mi yesterday morning detee'ed in the act of carrying on some wet ciotnes, mat nad jneen hurg out to dry by poor washer worn a in St. Mary street He was committed by Alderman Sbermer.

Antthir Attempt Foiltd Early yesterdsy morning, a burglarlou attempt was ma te rub ihe house of Mr John K. Graham, No. 1 Franklin Row. They made noise sufficient to irm tbe family, and a watchman wa also attracted to tbe spot, but tbe burglar notwithstanding managed to escape from the rear of the premises. They fled in such a hurry, however, that they were unable to secure sny of their plunder.

Emit of Real ErtaU. Building lots List evening, Wm. Frsnck, Auctioneer, sold at ihe Exchange, 8 lots, being a plot of ground on the eat side of Charlotte street, above Poplar, he longing to the corporation of ths Northern Liberties. Each lot was 18 feet front bv 03 feet in depth, or thereabouts, and broutbt $915, $903, $900, two tSOO, ZTJ0, $783, and S760. Ominbut for Baltiman, Messrs.

Shaffer Sc the omnibus builders at the corner of Washington street and the Ridge Road, yesterday shipped to Baltimore a spleedid aad substantial evidence of the superiority of Philadelphia mechanics, in tbe shape of aa omnibus built for the aorotnmiHUtion line plvintT upon the Baltimore and Reicterstowa road, capable of eontaininr ghleen persons. It is called the Star of the west and ha on either fide a beautiful paint ing of a fema'e fljure, by John Soreevea, an ar tist of coa iderahle celebrity ia hi line. The interior of ihe vehicle is luxuriously furnished with scarlet velvet cushions, Tkt lnvtigat)t Cosaisurs. Tbe commit tee of the State Senate, composed of Me. sr.

Johnson, Darsie, and Btreeter, yesterday commenced tbe investigation of the alleged judicial abuse of tbe Court of Common Pleas, Orphtns Court, nnd began their public sessions in the Common Pleas Court Room, in the State House. A number of rrspectaVe members of tbe bar were summoned to appear before the com mil Ire, and test fy their knowledge as to tbe following Interrogatories 1st How long have you practiced law at the Philadrlph a bar, and what has been your op portunitiee of observing the practice in tbe Court of Common Plea and Orphans' Court of Philadelphia county 2d Is there snv unnecessary or unusual delay on the part ot the Judgr of the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia county, in disposing of tbe bu ine of that court, or tbe Orphans' Court of the said county 3d. the business of tbe Court named ia tbe last interrogatory furnish sufficient and adequate employment tor the four Judge now oa the bench i 4th: What is the extent of the patronage of tbe said court ss exercised by tbem, sod what, ia your opinion, is the value of the same per ainum to those' who are the recipient of lis favor? 3h. What is Ihe practice of the said Courts wi respect to the sppointment of auditors, eiaminers, enmmbaiooers and master ia rhsncery, snd sre sny of ths Judges is tbe prsctice of conferring such appoint menu noon members of their own families, or near relatives. If so to what extent flih.

What is tbe practice of the safd Orphans' Court under tbe several Act of Assembly, respecting the sccouats of executors, administrators, guatd ant, and trustees, by which persons Interrated in ihe estate are authorized to appoint auditors Does the practice, or do the ru'es of the Court uneer these scis, enable the Court to retain the power of appointment 7ih. Can you refer to any rase in your ewa practice, or within your knowledge, in which, after tbe parties interested ia aa estate, or other matters before the Court, have appointed or nominated a competent Auditor, Examiner, Commissioner, or Master, when such appoint nvBt or aominsiinn has bora stncltea out by sny Judge, aad tbe name of aa other peroa inserted If any, Mate the same fully, and at hrrset Sih. What is your opinion of tbe present system respecting tbe spp in'menta or Andt tors, Eiaminers, Arc, and does it ia your opinion require Legislative interfeieneeT 6lh Wnn'd, invoaroniai'ia, a reduction of the present members of ihe Com.a Plea Judge to the number of th ee, produce anusual delay ia the gdmini traiiua of justice within the jurisdiction of said Judges, or would such re ductioa anrvasoeable labor upon the remaining Judges 10 h. Ia the event of such reduction, would the duties and labors of tbe th ee Judges, he equl io. or arrester than the labor aow performed by tbe Judge of the District Court of Pbnvas'phiarouotyt Mr.

bason, the Chairman of tbe Committee, presided, and put the questions itnatim to the dVponetitsi, and took down their respective aa swrrs ia writing Tbe following gestlemea were exsmised ia tbe order ia which Wteir Barnes are snvee Wm. A. Porter. Ph Hips Jos, O. Clark Edward Insr.ihsm James Hanna.

Henry J. Williams, Su George T. Campbell aad trph A. C'sv. To ihe first que tine there were, of coarse, VSPrms SQ Wrts mAn To tht second evfina 'he depoaeat aa swtrvd that ihr President Judge Wm d'Utory is dispeine i the baosetM of tbe art, oee of them eyins that, be had wai'ed opoa Judge King five tear foradrtsiooia a a ia which he was ronrened aa eosjs et.

Bat tsrre wa a frorral. expre si a i4 opiaioa ia vo of the promntaoraadLb riouHeeut' ad re Panel in deri i. as ia ad cases brotuht before bun i To lb thud quest loa ihere wa a fneral ex Cpssin if opinio thai tbs) f'Rir Jndgvj the ck were aot mas if lb btisea of ths Cwuru was propetiy transact. almost all st 1 tbe witneses believing that two of the Judges ought lo tit ia tbe Court of Quarter Sessions. To the fourth question, it was snswered by tbe deponents that lha patronage of the Court Wa very great, but none of them had.the means of ascertaining the preois amount.

To ihe filth question, tbe deponents snswered tbat tbe Jur'gea appointed Auditors, Examiners, Coo mist ioner and Mast ia Chancery during alternate term, snd that Judges King snd Parson were in tbe hsbit of appointing relatives either by blood or sffinity for ihe perform of such duties. As to tbe Judge Campbell and Kelley, no such objection spplied st far as the witnesses knew. To ihe sixth question the testimony was, that ia consequence of the Court requiring tfndavits that the parties who suggested names for auditors, eisminers, tie were all tbe parlies in interest the law pa that subject hsd become a dead Idler, and several ot the witnesses said thst they hsd ontbat account ceased to reoora met ny one for tuck offices, beesuse they ex pecttd that their application! would not be attended to. It was thought that under the rule and practice which the Court have adopted oa thia subject, tbe Judge, for all practical purpose, rttaia th power of making such appointments. To the seventh question, a majority of the witnesses stated that they had no knowledge of their own, aa to whether after the parties interested in an estate have appointed or nominated a compe est auditor, examiner, commissioner or matter, such appsin'ment or nomination has been stricken out by any Judge, and the name of another person inserted.

One of the witnesses, however, ststed, in the case of thtf U. S. Ba vs. Lippincott, that a gentleman had been appointed at tbe sugge tinn of the parti a. Judge King said he would revoke the appoint ment snd rppoint person mself, whereupon tbe gentlrman first named resigned.

Almost all of the deporien's hsd heard ot cases in which tbe Judges had refused to appoint persons who were nominated by the parties in interest To Ihe eighth question, the deponents stated that the system was a good one, if it was properly conducted, but as it was, the publio bad no confidence in it, and in their opinion it did reniiiie legislative interference. To the ninth que tion, the answer of the deponents showed a diversity of opinion, but all agreed that three Judge were suffio ent lo conduct the business ss it ha been trsnsac ed. Wi'h proper attention to the business of Ihe Courts, and the employment of two Jude in the Quarter Sessions, it was believed that the four Judges might be required. To the tenth question the deponents unanimously replied that in the event of the reduction of tbe number of Judges to three, their labors would not be equal to those of tbe Judges of the District Court, whom they agreed in say irg were overworked and under paid. Towards the hist sn additional question was put, ss to whether tbe Judges hsd appointed incompetent persons for auditors, ice.

To th it was snswered that they had in many cases that in in tricate matters, which required a lawyer to set tle important questions, laymen nad been appointed. The eommit'ee adjourned st 3 o'clock, and will resume ths Investigation at 9 o'clock thia morning. Tkt iVstr Ttltgrfk Lint Workmen were yesterday engaged in placing the posts along Third street, above Chenut, for the aew Tele graphic line from New York lo this city. Mot Iwiprovtmint. The two building east or tbe new banting hi use, street, above Third, are to be torn dowa to give place to more convenient and appropriate store.

The work of rating them will be commenced la a day or two. Collator' Ofiet, Phtladtlpkia and Columbia RaUvap, March 7, 1818. Tbe following snows ue collection at wit omce Afstiet gaassey. Ptwr. Ttoai.

10.S38 60 8,061 80 1,047 IS 10,323 II UtO 3d 10,609 76 tS.746 47 39,31 f3 36,688 64 I 403 68 i Amoairt st par hurt month ending res. st, una, Whole sat sine Nov. 30. 1847,.. I Same Urn lat year Increase, Dr.

PsiV Extract Coft. This article bas been recently introduced to public notice ia thia city, and from the favor with which it haa been received, bid fair to become very generally used. Sramm't Fair. The fair for the benefit of the Sesman's Friend Society, now holding by tbe ladies at tbe Chinese Saloon of the Museum, bida fair lo be exter lively patronised. The object of tbe society being to ameliorate the coo di'ion of the seaman, deserves not only tbe approval, but tbe support of all our citizens.

The ndmirsbly conducted "Sailor' Home," in Front, below Piae street, it a witness that tbe proper rep have been take by tbe eociety to accomplish tbe objects which characterise this undertaking st among the noblest of our charities. A beautiful little periodical, called tbe Sea Shell edited by Mrs. S. J. Hale, and published daily by tbe society, during tbe continuance of tbe fair, is (or sa'e st tbe post table No.

8. Among the regulation of the fair we notice that ao raffle are to be made. Mr. Clay hat been invited, aad will probably attend the fair thia evening. Arrk Strut Thtatrm.Vtm entertainments at the Arch to night The popular piece of My Boy Tom, e'lo, with Mr.

Rica ia tha principal character, Choe cbn tub bee, and tha new farce of Nothing. Walnut St. Bltngy will appear to night in Asmodeut, in Le Diable Boiieux, and will perform tome of bar finest daaces. WtJsk'i National Circus Mateppa to night at Welsh's, wilh soma entertaining ring per forttianre. Min W' BmtJU.

there will be soma sttrsctive performances St Ihe Zoological Institute to day and this evening, for lbs benefit of Miss 0 belle. The snimsls will bs made to perfom their be oa ih occasion. 'BlitM, who hat not had many oppnrtsnitie to astonish thepubHe thia week, will give sn entertainment oa Fridsy night, and oa Saturday afiemooa aad eveaisg. Hi trick are the best perform of any we htve ever seen, and be never faila to amuse and instruct The youthful clasa of the publio will find his per formincea on Saturday very interesting. Ittrttig ErkibUion.

The exhibition thst proved so altralive oa Thursday evening last, oa tbe occasion of tha opening of Arch Street Hall, is to be repeated this evening for the benefit of the poor. Among tbe objects displsyed W'll be two baby jumpers put ia motion by live babes. Coal. Broken, Fat, fttrve and Nat Cost, of tha bant snd tfarahla Whits Ak, aixi ths softs hints of Rett snd Uray Ash, tsar be hsd at tb'samt afters, gtt to to 64 is of tM lb, at Palmer's, AS Pine, and Third and Cbssnat I Blood's DtsrsTrn Omen, 4 Bou TUri will beirsfur bs kept nsva frosa A. elnek.

P. M. A II parsons having hasiness tsarsw th esa asllst any teisuVh) receive Ik attest bf desirable. I To Faun, as 'On to ait hi to AreH arrets flat, and tskr tneeki dm Yna will never sveainak vs. portamtj ot witaesninc sank a enmhiaauoa of ds liahilul aovettMs.

fresirssroatsaret. Pa. fwva't Vtaotrvatv Th moat nVaal rrsneds lor Wtvnts. ssai eftiMrn or adalis. Urss nowttihe rtmi tltaowehtfisslinatasr.with the srairsit 4 Asmum oa aeb fin, a sn his stasia ars.

nbte4brT is (main. A erssjt s4Tsjit Dr. Arayst't fmm'rkf has nrsr all oOirrs, Is that it is fmnrkaiy atesswH in the issto. that lha raw is sseH enTaus." Bwvw." friaaiiwl Office. eoTBtr of It this snd taes slreXs.

OsIis rws Dr. Swmmt' Cimr'ond AV ws) Of H'd Ck. rr. Tli turd rm has pare its taoa ssiivsatlsrlke issnaiakitraiaYhalaMkavsrRrih6 in vaia. aad all hop a eere ha ea ctvm aa, WkKksaast aJalnit arwvtaee all Uul ifcrrs fcss, asss' ti asps." TImis bst ao mad rlas ewrt beat disenearsd, tr sa ike earliest Mrs the yrrseni aav.

that rsstivea so ssar aaliawUn in "Caatks. CoMs, awassMHisi, Kaiirinf rvwL Patns ia die fV aiwl Braaat. Lirer Cnsiiplunt" A as isw ir al vrr t.W trmtj. TkesnsM Is pr Prat) ssily btP. wvaa enmev nf Kmhtk an seaati WiM Cts ry araparatinas Mnt firti.

boas and iMtariat," wlibnai bit SHwr. i BaAVTTTvr. Rats, te oparae Fsstnesj, sot ep in a sawa ssvle, ssay ha ba4 at fmaa one i.itwa ttn.larslna lha si la akosra asyl kaaTT rn stnres cw faamy! n. laiaaii nn I " TTr i i ir.i i. i arraaf, Isnry TWraa wlu.

a .11 srnU aot raf rat asau il. Uai.araptoikaMstav7. fj Atrvrrt a Tssrasaara naafadXl of tk Arup et Pslasrr, Tkirt aad Ckai, sr bera a ca ae af tk mm paa rsof tha srkssr wajatrv eat aa aa a tar raaKrinroraMtv aat a aa aad ttsaroask srsst vt sdyrTUsttg. ttrsntVistr Nam of trrraafltarntay Futa4isa VVuvsa raiaa. Oaata iUaivai cua i.

th f. wo ia sVv Wa a. l'a) sad lnl fVaia, a it, vsnna tt do, at tie, JET i "bar wkk a sat al7 nnai Drraa ial Pr Ctmm. Cm aa aa Paaav piai.auainliH Inw ariaaa. Msaiafmaar trsssaraapinaiiaiiMarat, sad ssaai anM to a aa akeaSaas a ssssa.ra Na York, sat thara sllatrf' arfcs ant aU ants Hta ttlk jT ktan a.

alll nsrmNl a. kaiaf asaj 4d ataae ina. sw all wa le twus, ali aaJI mmfti at tae rwMaaeir iia, wmum. wtsfaavv it mrnnm ayars. aa ayara Fats saw tlNun aaioa." Tm 'nasirt and kuaita SVumaa a ru raMaiiu.a4.t 4 aMaaiaHMs tasH sna a or munc raa alM itiiia th enaar aaimristt Ue av tSmvisusi lii at Lsalrss HaiWiaa, Third atr.

a I'n nasi. For at hHmp Otieani Oilman's raia Fssatoss roa Atrn.varaa' SiTSiSaJtSTtUT Alau. asw style nfUdaV mIih Oaaa.lwfciek Ikaatlea itat of pamhaarrt la rrasraied, assartni thrnt that kis prices a suck aa will plea a all who mar favor list witk a vtut kmng as low as art offered ataar eatsMiskm nt la tse stur Irj. raiLnOroo, I lot Ckeanut bet sretu Id aad 4 sis. ICwnrrsj or thi Itbst Utvls sjt Ftsna.

CVxh ilrrsaand Prwk Goals, Clotk CIk eoats. Ba incsa Coats, Haor Barks, Panls, and Vrata. o( dark and lisht ra, nf avert paUern and stsla Tkls aaMTOBeol of Clotiint kas born got ap with a grrst dral of for city saint, and is as sal to any lokint that voa eaa gal aiad to yoar Bieasare by any easioanar tailor in tk euy, Th SorUscot eoosiJ nf alxMit fMl irarmeiits. R. T.ftHaraatDj Merehanl Tailor, Next door In the nauer of Thard and Ckaanat st.

RIarrtra, ftp thetlib by tke lev. Seo. Laev. Tnotut W. Josa.

nt this sny, to Ktaacca B. tr'OLLUTOit, of Ot tower Msra Pa. On Tharsday eveniPf the Stth alt by the Ran Dri Pemaie, Jsmt sVataBT, Jr Msa Aoeaia, daftf ttl 6u01rsy Csnshurn.of gensiag'on. Died. On Wadnrsdav nomine.

1st Inst. tUaia. dsathtar ofJohaand Klizabcth tMcmu, iathastbisarofhar S(. Tha rrlatlvaa and frienda ot the family am ma nam. fnlly invited to attend ker (antral, from 'he rcsideura ol hrr father Buddon'a Alley, Fratay afiornoon at So'rlork.

wnkoui fnnhrr notice, On Tuesday BMtuiJJl.KHa eil.aUBf ArsSsvur, Her relative snd friends arerespeclft'ly invited to attend trifnaeral, from therasuKwcaot ker su.Hana, Brnnrti Itrvri n. A Ian troec. first kouaa above Frank ford, on Bauday aAstiwutu at I o'clock, without lartser notice. On tha lat iasU Eixsx HeCas, aged 1 year and ami tbs. Th nienda of tbs family are respectfully invited toaiirnd rnnenl, fnan ths rtwdrnca of her father, in Hedri.rdsuert.nrar Hrosd, inau, .1 a'.

Lm.1i. aiiili.dii I HtthMr niaiM. On the 1st instant, Msav DovaintBTV, daaghterof Usntel snti mars uostnarty, st I yrars. The relaiivesand frianda ot ihs family are ressest fufiy tnviud tuatiend funeral, frosa ih residence ol hrr laihe lhour) IKMifiHriy, No. at Vuis street, aboveFnttit On ihewh Asa Cossai.u Bas.ata.dtathter nf On.rga II.

and Huiuuh Benner, ia Ihe lllh year of hrr age. Thr relatives and friends of tha family sre res port faly uiviird tu auritd her luneral, rromlha roaiJriwa of her pareu a. III Duke street. halw Paleter Kl rtilat alloiuouu, Kl 1 Qiaos, Wi'noai ir aer amice. tn Tuesd mot nine, ater a linteruig ill.

n.H. Iakw Will, in lha 9.d trar ftf hrr era. Hrr Irtnidt and those of the family are respec fnllv Invite pi attend herf aiieiat. from theresi.ienceof her father, John VV'ter, No. 17.

North Twelfth st'eet, on Thursdn sa Alarch, at I o'eluck, V. wiuoat I fharnnlli.a. a On tne aMb Mr. Gxotot MoLBttm, lathe 86th ytsr of his ate. The relHUvessnd frlendt of lha family are respect full invitd toaitend sis funeral.

Irom ktalatnrasi. drurs, NikSTT ttiia'h Fourta street, tliislThursdtr) murnint. at So't'oik, wuhnal fnrihsr nmire. tin TiiaMlav aflnrnmai. tha 9t Di.ts.

Infant daughter of jobs and eaiaa Task, la the sih year of per age. Tha relative and friend of the family are reaaet. fatly invited tuaUend ker funeral, from ths retinenee of her father. N. W.

oivner of Trunl aa I Pise stmsts, thi Thursday afternoon, at I o'clock, without farmer nonce. On PatontsT evening, th sit. IT PottitrrtLD, dasihtrr of Uenxy and tiarah ataiUt. ia lbs SU fcar otarrrgs. Then, mother, place without a tear Thy ehi'd beneath ttwud) For umi' again inoa mratat not here, Thoa aha.t in Ha van.

with Tktfrieujsiof the family art respectfully Invited to atiand hat fenan the reaideiieaof bar arano. father, VYm, Pnrtetfinldi in Lebaaon street, above Chrisiian. this (Ttieraday; sfternouu, lha 3d I yoior. wttnoat rartner notice. ryus sriv.iiDiisi 13 MOOHE will de ivtr tha Th rd 1, cinra ot 0Tmire on A'rtatar rm.i," THIS EVENING, fat the Ball of theSrc nd InxleiMndeni Chores, eorner of El tin 1 an tfUXfunwouil OU.

Buhjeot KIm.l,T RihS Its mh it FAITH, HOPE AND A ftlsted Merlins of UNION LOUUK.N 1.1. A. oTof O. I. of O.

will be bold THIS (Thurtdar) EVF.N avil o'clock, in ihe north roim. II O'Cioct, in me norm rom, mira tlory Ti rem pert nhi lts ertne nail, ittuvt, netow rrni. w. tiiuna sea, k. rrS BEAMENf) F1.IB i0 (IOCIETY FAIR LkJ ri open at Ik UUNKSeS MUSKUal.

AUniittanct 111 ecnit. FriandtorSoameaareinvi ed lo call. mlij 31 srsfjsa PACIFIC DIVISION, 8. OFT A IkS I EOT' RK wtllbearlisrr'd heforeihs Divi Stun THIS thttr Hall, OKKMAN TOWN Rad, ahove Breond st'ort, br Hrother IANiEL 81 Tka 0.

W. P. and graiid offiors will bs presrnt. The O. dm generally are 10 yiiedtosmnd.

II MQ8E8 VYAULOVY. R. B. WORglNO MF.tCfl BRVRVnt.RT niimfi a iuniar Nit v. nr tha iij and Coaaiy of Philsd A MisaVaury HkRMO.v wil te delivered THIS iThtraday) KVENlNO, at fNINO, at ranaa trail.

o'clock, at t. ai tna oprtng ntraen ROAD, above Callowhill in 1Kb rera. hi tna ttav. Porter, and alsi Address will ht delivered WWB.J. Msllen.

Uta and Hubert B. Armttaga, titer which a collection will be taken ap lo aid In funds of the SoriM. The pal tend. lt REV. C.

DAN oh le am (aviied to at' nrff AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTHY Prof. IL? JOHNWIN EltiHTH I KIOTURK will delivered THIS fThursdayl the Ma seeai Buildup, MN1H aadOKORSt! BireeU. ai Ti o'clock. aa it' rrtj" CiU Meefinjr of If 11 vy. will oe arid st IN KW MaHKETUAL THIS! fowsday) EVENING, at 7 o'clock.

Jtuaiiieaiof inpuria ee. slii UhO. BECK.Hee'y. U. O.

OF 0. kmeetini "nf the NEW UOl LODGE, NO. S. will bt held; THIS KVK NlNg.atjtoVinet. at tbe eorner of AUH XTC and CALLOWHILL Bis.

Aa Klentioa for Oftmara lo take place. Cnarlar members will plea eoaie l'. au ail outers waa wiaa to aaaoma mera herr. mbS lt rr ORDER OF The Ukjf ebarter kavtn he been irwlra for tha Oso ls Hon, No. 4.

of Ihe Unl irt of Pkilozaiheana, the appli caitasre hrrel.y mHihed lobe present THl4(Thura aayi in r.Hnisur, half past I o'clock, al the Native Ametiran Hall, RID6B ROAD, between uutKsiw oa auaopring innien s. mh If M. 8 BISHOP. D. P.

8. SITS TAV1 OR MEETING. THk WA9HINQ 13 TON AND TA YUIR UNIOM. at formed in th Court Hi Ban, on ihe Soth of Beptemoer, anu tha Blt to ihe Stat Convention, will meet at their In ARCH Btrret. ahove Six fc, ia th saw ing, THIEVF.NINO.st1o'cloek.

ADA Vf DII.I.K B. Chairman. 1SAAO WAYNE ULWIiMK, Becreiary. tt nfTf rTT8flB TOJHK VO rKWrt of LL? NORTH Mtri.HF.RRY WAR (t foPHER KHAIL offers himseir at an Indep ndmt Ui dioaleKeuieonieeof nrjsnn't sal ward, at the enauina War Election, and if tlenled Will arfism Ihsduiictof lkenW fsithfotly. B.h It CHRISTOPHER KHAIL.

OF NORTH MUL Ukjf tfrrtHY akuai sue resjaet of a nnm nrrnfmt fi lends, i have ennasatel to ran usee Inda. aendrnt Cancidate foe the office of ALDERMAN, at Inr ensuing wara nieerton, ana sine lea, win per. form ihe duueeufueiirnce wilt flelitr mbi lf JERbMUHHAN' sSBURRY. rrsjjssi THIRD WARD, NORTHERN Li HER wv 1 1 AWAKE A IteBting of die Ciiiaent HIRDWaRD.N.X wihout disttnetfsjof ill behrldo.BATlTRpAY EVEMNO, tna ofUiaTH psny, win oe net ba tu KPt i the 4th instant, st 1 o'eka at Ettl fc'ieruoppoaitaDuka, to nominate aoii.bls nmu for Uit different ufheas of ih Ward for the Mirck jjlerltan. ma St fTV THIRD WARD 8PRI8 GARDE.V.

lVJs jtrtjeurnsd Jf rrmfof IDs Deiaoeratie eitt teiwof TkirdWard, 8 6 will be bald sttha Ward w. cana nf NlvTH and GRKtN 1HI8RVENINfl.MarchS,lTo'loe, Afeamal aiunanee At res seated, mhl If CHA. B. Ses'ry. Inf THIRD WARDIffENSlNOTO'tV A ms paraua lertini as laa uaaiouHt Alt; SnZr NHof the ward W'M he helaat ihe mseof iHN CARROLIoa THIS iTharedsyl KVKM 0.

Wsrrh d. itO. at 7 o'eloek, to make arrana. mrnis tor ma ruig aciioa. or or aer of in ueie tatetof ltT.

mkt Its rnr' Bmff.j ant attraction. The LL3 FRIKNIVLV HARdOVlG AKSOCIATION, of lAt.Tbi.mss' Chared, reap Bilyannoanee to their rrietdt and th public, I hit with tha ass stance of st'ssenf the most admired aad effeeura Vnnal Per f'tmrr of lha any. (who have kindly yidantaered Ifceir trrviee th oecssiun.1 lajeihnr with John sisi'sl'nrivsilrd Bans', th. will perrnrm in the ttxivrChar Fl TH St'sst, below W.iaut. THIS (ThredyIsVENIN.J.

Marsh a spl udids ee tioaaf Beientthe Pteert, fro the swat eaeoritral eassotrva. Mr.J. Voos rr will preside Ilia Org n. Dno totiea alia' nek are enmmanas at a taarier before t. Admitaioa to Bt ttj Cluldraa half.

"ia. mhl If fTf" FFftAD'A WLLFOFOF ME0IC1VbV. .1 CMMKNCFMKT. ThaDet'Mn7Di0 TOR OF MKDiCtvR will be conferred arm a Gr itaarre of ihe Philadelphia C.4lrge nf Modi elnelH fThur da iV.VENINO, o' htsreh.aty th Upper AalormoT tk0ia Masnast, NINTH rVrers, halow Chrenel. Tka Vldit.iry Address w.ll brtVliwrrdk' Pn.fessor H.OIB4'N M.D.

The taiblieares Hineei'tiilf mvl'ed I attend. Psiladelphav. Feb. St, Its. mhi tttr fnr DiSTRICT OF FFft.

ltI CY OP TH8 DIHTRICT PBVV, ATTFND EOU LA NOMIN ATION. Th DMca ierititrasof ihetns tin Pens will m. at a the Market MONC DAY KVENINO next, Marek k. at tPeloek, for la aarpiaa maktn ananiamenM tn temr Mia SleetHm nf the Ticket sjnrmiatt by lb Deirg tlet te seppnyied et he ensaing aieetinsi. Tha mee im will be addressed by Horn W.

Knaesa, Fa 1 D. Pnethertv. Esa L. H. Hurl hart, Es and tjaatavat rmak, (in Herman.

I Lat every mostai in th Dtstrint art and. a there a an effiet being made bt soma few demFuraee te tinrniM ihe pans, aad to deems taose was) are so nathmr faard. DlrTR ICT OF r'FJW DEMOCRATlONOsn NATI'iNttl hr Desirfa mia DeTetatnof tke Dir tnel of Pena met at tbe hneea of Jacn Psi ltn Ra rt rkorsday evaai mg, Feb. stth. for ike purpose of aoa).

saving a ticket, tt eaaa aid by tbsr wrst party at lha anau ingSar sne eeiioa. The mil a. called and tka bran fen, on tautxia of wevrg Eaker, tM I was aai.tmnael KranhsrS, Tk.i, aresnisMlAtnltamttysadasjtios the Sa'i a Ira please Ihesssrlsra in auppst ikeaemi Bstwsv. them f. II as hi wk a tst my.

On sinnitf tiwra Hasiik fcs d'lTif a ii arneeeS vf.ralka lies as, ahirk waa aaswimoaaly aad ts when le Brst ar aad Fart Were apadiad less; wheat, oa majutiag lha stowine wrra rand ha aainatad fur Ua SVAS arvt nf the derscerarj ia! ih Dauiou Aiiiamr ftaoc Seal. Judtr Tsoasa i'. Ds is. r.aatulea tieorie Biltu g. (Eattil BeOrgt 8 taw.

CvTa. a ionert Joha Birsh, Jsekaoa rdlar.Ss kU tTaal rhnT 1 i'retis isaaa WsttuttOaV, Thoaua reps 1 iiireeTi lw. Willum R. B.m fuaar CtStr I'l wa rteva 8 ma i Oa bssmb ire da asa, ivuium B. erp m.

at illaa a sdlettraad wttfc three Yn, rbss them J0EN a. NICH0i bO.1. aWerutry. kSf tlOlV. HALL Will new I nir I u.j Nl t.

st li o'elis In ihs Ms. um Build. a ma If Floor Mnger. trmmM ARtNES WANTED FOR ALL PAR fi ILs OK THE VSORf. Mstlns Goirdsfur U.

iVShlpt which srd now fitting uat, and wit) sail sm fie fferrni iiaU.sis, ri tuire tha opentni of Rendr voasfiira short time, lot the siilisimenl of men for ths U. a. Marine dims. AWa bodied men. irom It ut 16 of str, will be receiveo.

i so a ami poaia parutoi i wiwiu ar Men of war.andatihevarnJtNavl ation. Tser a. aid. aliahrd.aiHl fed when tick, go.l care taken ofThrm, and paid Ike sme as if tkey wore doing duly. Menses reeeir prite mister, ano are eniiUrd lo pension ot support la Ih Nsval Aaflvun, thasameat I).

I. Beamrn. Ant foriber information will be) riven at th Ren drr.ous, No. VV ALN UT StrarLTor 'iwyte ihs Kt ehsnge,) and at tha SORREL HORSE HOTEL, eorner of FRONT and LAUREL Strela, N. 1m j.arWjLlAMS.

Cspttln Marine, tn ehate of Recruiting. If, B. Two Dollars will be paid to sny person who brtngs a reemit that is sraep.ed. mlit lmt Pert et Philadelphia. fiaa JUatt, St Sam St I fltgh rfalsr, 11 99 CLEARED, Prigs Rnwena.Wilain.

tMuayra; Jm Cowperth tile. Brrviair, Aitttuaj Mall, Lews, B'oi; 'hn Leamirn, TownseiHl. Providencrl Stipe ToaU tw otki eaml Psrntrr. Neal, Newark. ARIUVEO, Brig Ma'unora, Ke.

drick. aton, days. Brki LaoiiUh, Smi h. Richmtsid da) s. hr tSarah Lasinia.

Disirll, Citndril, 1 day. fVhr Martin, PumelL OalaJen, 1. 1 day. rchr Bi hr Jertsuisk Lnuug, Tuwaeaud, Proridoncs, 4 davs. Srhr Fupeih, Tianlin, New York, 4 dirt.

rVbrrsuil P.rnirr, Nasi, Ntw Vori.tdaya, PliirJiaojdnjl CMiR Ni A gasnlity of TO1AC0 tNKTS a TisuLESrnnsitiiiii ot aower'ut rressea. a oom p'He Utiausa Cutlin da vanei of oilier articlm. Apply ai No. Ji N. eECOXDStjmhi fus tZ 'OUNTRY MERCHANTS wi'l Und a fu'laort m.nt i I sdirs' Bi 1)KETKI VtVllNliA at MRS.C.

MAAWKLa'tSNO. 1T B. BKUO.U Bine doors below al reduced priert. ffihl lm" $1,000 to oh ot; b' athSnf Wtlnat tireet, near Filth. IflfaOim of BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, from iwu.

rai jcr ey. ium reesiven ana or sstepy CALEB CLOTHIER, Family Flour Dialer, BJhlins hlNonhFiftuet. CLOTH TRADE Being well versed in Ihe trade, and havina a lareeeustum. I wish tiiaoniiant arith a gemTeman who haa two to fir thousand dollars. Addiess r.

Leciar onie. miit it' ARM CR AIRR. ihleen Cane Bial ARM i CHAIRS, uae a shott tune, wi.t ba toll low. If pp'ied for Kioa A. McDONOUtiH.

miiri IIS Bout second it. NEW fciWrIhart Newspapers, for which V. B. PALMER is th Agent, win bear in mind that the Arenrv la at tha N. W.

eanerof TH 1 and CB ESA UT, where all orders thoaid dirccud. mhs 14 GRASS BrlED.Clovsr, Timothy, llerd snd Orchard Grass Seeds, ft ml in lots to suit pur mhl St ti. E. eorner South and Water stt. I ETTF.R PAPER Vwy fond entll ruled, ER.

Vwr fond tu.lly, rail m. and CsP PAPER. Ac, eqaai DARRIN9TON MURPHY, Bt Junes' Hotel ei 7 pa 171 set res cheap. BARR BihS lt' Cheauut Bt Jones' Hotel. CJlNGniMS FOR IM CENTS.

WATKINOM A HALL, 7t 8oak SECOND 8 reel, lure re eriVrd Iwo mure lly leso'rWarA aad SrstrA tfiagkam, it lv cents tjard. The Ukt hat as vat been sold for lew than cents. mhUt PERFECT VOR fjesj bOLLA Al IJt J. a TkNNF.N rd WatlS i3.l alA aitl UL'ni It a. ai w.

eorner of Callowhill street. Miniatures of ill titrt taken and piaerd in Lorkets, a large tsaaiment of which are kept constantly on hand. PortraiMof Ihe aged or deeetaed utkea al their residences, ai To coaisas. eric i copies tstea irom ruuitings, Kn ratings, or mguerreiHypes. vpta lot Visile's Ir a o'clock.

A. until suusst. mhj lsi It YD WIDE G1N0HAMS, AT IM CTS. WAT ii KINSON A HALL will open this morning, a lot of the above Olnghama, eunsidrred the best qaalltv and stik that have ever amn offered fur lea than A at 71 South SECOND Sutel. mht li M'CLEES OER MON'ftD AOUERREOTYPES have re eel vet the kighrat prais from Artiaia and finm tka pub generally, and at tke bus fsirof the Frsnklia Institute, were, in the Committee's re inerNia tiMtnmi frrarauotaers, mawithsiandin the display comprised tka beat trees ,4 aiiiatr iMgaarrnaa artists.

i Btreet, a. b. smntr ot cifhth, so ooti swiw D1TUMINOUS COAL A small lot of aWsTtS hashU of biiammuut CO AL for tale, at 1 eta. par Dasnei. tuauuv in ISAAC HARBERT.

Jr Office Liter Uo lias Work, a kilt ataldss i'rsrt, below Front, I)RAZILBU6AR. 100 has7firH eutlity, for atl by CHAS. ATKINSnN, buI It N. E. ent ser Ooaih aad Water tta.

ELTON ROSER9. Jk New Susre, opens on lerrtay nrtt with a new aad oompfele assortment af(Auriion) Staple aad Fancy t'KV UOODAend tklMMINOS, cheap fur cash, at N.9U Nmut FOURTH St. mtl It A OOOU SHOW CASE FOR BALE very eh a ap, VP fa. por retail tw ini at. Apply at SM CHKSM cppoaila Jours'

mhl CEt aTEi.Linu iirr. ms Advertiser hetng deslrou of reiinaaishint business, wilidianm mot har avail of reilnaalskint (sJreted Block of mapla snd Fancy Dry Goods apon. ed Block of Bui nahla terms, a i reaaunania irrnir, a' a aiara rrm ine Dure ana el bug. Apply No. IN.

NINTH au rohf aJOJt A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BTAMP8, for Ariifieisl Flower Manufaatnries, miy be had ck'SR by app'ylng at lha 8. W.eutaat ELEVEN TU and ARCH Suss ta. mhs lf $500' TO LOAN ONMORTf.A'tE. to mna ti N. E.

cor. Tth and 8 prtng warden its. A MOST PROFITABLE BUBIN8S. suited to a Tk. ana or faniily, or ma, in tan city or eoa ury, for sale for (30; Rio will he liken in Ih goods when, Atrly at No.

to Boaik FOUR TH Sire t. If Ut pury sahUi BTKRLINfl on her Msjmly's Treasury, ctv 4 OV ut AIM Dills, at thing bi. For ale by mbs ar r. MAI tON. 134 Front street, abura Race.

DFOKFR'S INSTITIJTR FOR ACCOUNT. ANTS. 8. w. corner of EIRH TH and ARCff Pit, is open dst and evening.

Iimm tina given in B(JOn WRITING. Mr. B. kas art or seulrd many city fi' m. and kas prepared in VRll oung men for tne counting oung men lor tne counting u'mse.

TINO. Ths SYSTEM OP PEN VfAN SHIP to toeeeasfaily lautki in tit HIGH SCHOOL, it tanaht at the Imtitute. It impsrto a tiyle of Writing tt rapid as i rrauoed by ant business, wsile every rites la erntriu made hmea a Drann'a wrirma will aiwayapreenttht sama appatrane. Furinforma tloa, apply si Ih Uisiiiut. mhSHi TO'EP Cl'RrB AND LOVERS OF FINE MUT.

1 TON. ill be 'tsosrd fo sa'e. on SATURDAY, Msr th, 181, in the SECOND Sireot Mar art, below Pine at Stalls andM Ifteea krsd of the choicest MUTTON, of the BetweU nock, raia by U. kckstirn. in thamstaof Mew rter.and tw.Bly five head fed by Major Riboell.of De aware ly.

ill be said at sm rs 'it is tin; by CHARLES TH0RA8 BCH.NEOK an CHA8. J. PUbH. ahtat K.d WIDl FRENCH GIN6H Juttre Orlvrd.lOUIyirJs JtSprmt amis i I eas Jrany Lind aids, fn Ladii' Dri awa, it IS e.B'1. wnrihSS: sard whle Mima, de Lan.

si si cents I hsndsoene Spring Vhw'tea. at 6( cents, fast "oral Bsri'g Oingbsma at ISA cental Mialina. blrarBM aa brown. fnaM 4 to lit aanla. whn Uaala and rssailVst J)rKPH A RCH A A Ul.T'S ehaas triien 4 in earns, wnnn fore, to.

417 sours llts. Nude. Its IJIJCACHED AND RRI1WN MUHI.INH. hr piece or Tf Prrssis wishing to purrha Mas Una witi find a larger aanaimeni, and at meeh lower i a. a' iaia aim icwn rrv wo.

Bshftfr N.E. corner (if lllh and Mnriel ill. RD WIDE Li.VENft, FROV AU0TION AI ISi and tt srnts. Psmillmin warn of ehaau I. ta rns may are a very good artlHe.

fall yard wide, war ranttd all linen, from 1M tn JS eenis, at mat Tr arcs ana rouiit ttreets. DRY GOODBTelOW COST, to ekasi th hW neeawithia las waaks. vLtineca. Flanala. Wcol.en Cashmere.

Da Lat ana. French and Fjialish ChiNixna. Ginthamk Calinoe. Olnvaa. Hn.

awry. Trimminga; Hlack Alpaehaa. ltf. S4, S7 and tl ernls srv art; tsured A In baa, fur enrt eenu per yard; Red Fiannew. Hi earn! Twiileel Beents periaroi Hackahaek and HirdeyeT iwel inr, I Linen Sarcting, II ecnut Shiriiia La nana Bt, ri.

4V, a and Vi wots; theeiins Mucins, tl, a. 1, II. I3i renu per ysrdt Shirttnt Muslina. ii 7, 1, 11 snd 14 Call early and save awai v. rnst si atl a.

b. w.sor. rutttandB. oaraea. EAS CANTON GOOD AT COSTPRtCF.

The vnwtriorof theTeeSbire. nnrnerEIGHTH nd fcN UT Str rts, bsnag in Irava tka aiti on ihe 1st April, Will rinse oat entire slock al COST 'MIC! A chance how offers to the sran'inf 00 DTE A and other anirleeai cost price mhi lr ROtsv MFBCANTILE IVSTITITTR No. 1W CH FMN UT Street, ahove Third, sac aid rr. ia aow opea day and avmiiii, for gtailsmaa whs wish tri i ARlTHMaTTTO. Tesma Mat who wtMl tnha arenamal for tka enasi At tnsaa season, are mfirraisn thai the mnth4 of 10 Mraeuosi very tanroagk and eipednioes, bing eat ea laird tn prodai a the tacat aaiiafaat arj resal'i it Ik ahuruat puanbla time.

mbt at WM AIL PROFITS AM QUI CI BALES. Ws will opea thai av! iS aaaorlmenl of the tipRiNa rrrrwTTiWL Ihathavaaera off rni lha season, at tha assraaa dtoud low prie ol 111 kn ts i 'ysrd. 4 UOl'BLK et'arLH Uttl lii KB. Brawn aid White, beaaufal elf ia. KaAliak awe wem mw.

hi 1 viwwi, 1 Cad II ranntn nnqHm Rerlvrd Ikisd lots.4 tAMaa eolort. tpbtadatat 'e 4 v'ngi ems, at lite. MUUK Mi I B. nk I.AlSfFSL tmnr lntt.f lanaeaprmt skadr ttod Laiae. ati fi.iriBl wtiirs ti 4 Bleackld L.

Cbjtk, tl 11 4 aaHlata, St. 4 4 n. lead 114 Kaira Hatvf do ika 4and 4 An. I lathe rkeu el It, rape ClntkShrrrrag.l tares wktaezu aHatvg tlHrekt do, Se. u)wl muaui sis kirtWetriwusri, by kathaeut.

SarveTir s.atsal 11, 1. I nd rs na aA laEArnriiTiviisH 1 na si Una aiami ft) sVm a Ldi' uuimi' whith uirninj himk. wsiia tattat noar, at ,14, tt a ltf eeuia per pair, lasas fuuus sjs saeerd ar i w. mab rt a enw t.U neomd awmt. fhn lar icroi jwr A'lsr.

IsWif Csalk Maa in. atA 1 ti fiapiaow MUtt, aakS U' 4. m. FELIX'S EXTRACT COPFRKr ja .1 ik. nhlia la rasaenifOI Invited 14 this whonsomeaud emm mioal ariie'e, tie Kttraai of ngrc Nowitr wsaliy suhrtttuta it hrriuhmiUs fi an il trlltsrnt tpproval, hai on) thai, while elosely rrsrmliles eianmna CisTan UlBi', lly kja very irutn ricser ana mire 1 ne say medteul authiiritv hai assrrud tnst insertion of evarg varirly laTuflre isdirrcisda'drflf to the nervosa if tern, tnd thst suoeui'C cspnale of acting soaatr teiically canms hedn iiuteiif ni xlouiar ipi rUee.

The Fsirsd nf Outl'e It Prepar. front atMf, ttae enry Riaaa.Csrmts Molasses and Bsgar. fiae. ivtdenily nra nuiriti'ms, and far iss Mima Isttrtg than ihenrdmary hererate, Moreokrr.ihe Kt Iracl never pronucea sonny, us at aa mm a itmmm p. the su mack.

Fall Siretltvu for preparing aeeomtaar each N. if Bs being kept ia am 1st plats, the Rxtraat Is spl to become hard, hat IU virtu irs aot '0 th (rail impaired. 1 1 nan be haa In pnekagM al truss to '4 eenta each, snd In who purchax to atal tun a liUral ditovant wi hr T. KAMEna W. corner Sixth an Ohrrry streets.

Or Wm. Athrnan, SM vs Coaies sL Chsrlrt Snviler, Tnirte nih snd Clark. Drettist, Ridge R'd and Wallea streets) H. Rrtdiih. W4 N'fih eond reel I Thoaut Hrixvts, N.

W. corner ntSttth and Pine sis. W. K. E.

cisncrof Pinhitand WwhtnitoeMsrkelt H. B. Fear ton, turner of Sec aid and Mead Alley, mhl 84' C1HES OF HFNRY CLAY'S DA0UERR "JO TYI'F. PORTRAIT, taken from life, hr W. F.

LANGENHEIM, Kit). ti ttnty. fh suk tcribrrahsvemtdesnsiigrmriits 10 eopythit much admtrrd Portiaii hy the tiagaermntype Mneess, and invite Ladies snd Griitlrmen, who wish to procure eupy, to xaminetheoriginal now exhibited at th ir ria.nisinJadd iheir nsmes Ui the list of suhsnr bers. Cnpie may ba procured at from three lo five dol lar each. mhl IT i UMCTlTBOXES In Shell aad FanVrtia I'l t'ava, play in a variety of popalar ails, lust reeeived and for isle at the lowest aricea.


No. 14 CHEri.MUT Btreet. ve renrtived Kl.L, I Set.oice Assortment of Marble Clucks, saitibl for ining snd chsmlKis, at vsrvJsw prisrt. Also four, six, snd cght airs inlaid Riaeavmsi Musis Botes; aime of Ihtm of eni.roly new wist 1 inai, wilh selest tuncs. mhl tmhsiyr OAYLR'S SALAMANDFR SAFES.

ANU FACTURED N. YORKThese celebrate) Safes, which are all made of wrought iron, and line wilh a perfrrl non conducling enmixailiiai, no snawl ben aaid in their nit'Oi licm, are Using the ereee dtnceovir all other iiivmiiontrortncpnarctioaof ho, kr, raisers, money, Ac, againal firs and ihinve. Tfeir ej.ieti.ive ia elu ihoetlie of New Yiwk. New Orleans, Buffalo, and otker different Plants where Agenrirs lave hern appointed, has indaeed the sub scriber tnettalli.hs Branch their silain Philadelphia, belie, mi that the discerning auhlie aril truly api reciate the merits of a good arlioe, by ex lending their patnnagn for the same. Al lhae Safos are entirely diffeicnt from any 1 heretofore ofler eaior it minis miy, ihs punue generally, and particularly thane who rrquire lha security whioh (her fiord, are invited in rail and examine them.

A laige tnd general aa rtmeni. sniiahln Bankers, Jewell. Ria md and other offit, fur sa sndorUeriroetd for Safes anvdi r.ina liriev iriilll Ml on natal. SM PIPER, Agent, EE ut lo Dock street, between H.muid and Third. A I nitnAtiun riiAtc running immune it.

mutm, usuaiti Agent, WATKR SU, cwYurk. rahMfr A MAGNIFICENT I porT. Thspropi EVENING SHEET. Tbi AMMilTrt rnprlrtort of th BA URUAY resneeifullv sail lha attnntiim uf tneir trienossnn tie puntip, to tbe sl aumber of thnr ENLARORU PAPER, tmur this day, Tse POST sow obtains the equivalent of ElOHrta ae columns of reading mailer lean hefiaa, and presents tialy magiufioetil spiwaranee th head pteoa being Saiversally griaviajiced Uta atost leg uu vr got as 1 Amaiica.

The eimtrnts of th Mammoth Poet, fexelesrv of the editorials, of which it hecomrt asi cani.i be sised. ws think, for Interrat, variety ai solidity. Ths object of th pmcrtatnrs being to auk the Post brilliant W'ibout being JtoiAu, intttae iva without being duU, Interetiina tiioal hetng mon wtthfmt Uing vulgar. THE tALISM ANS. Tha rtt portion nf an extremely initresting Original Tale with thi atms, Opens Ihe hrsl number ot the Mammoth rust.

Ilia a story ansaipassed fo the nearness of It plot, Ihs straige and txciling nature of us uioidrnlt, and grscefulntMof itsnanaUim. TheRamian Peopls. Thl Is graphic and oat Instructive tnd interrsttng iketah of the People of Ruwst 1 snd contains info, malum which resile will find Hi d'fiicull 10 aroeur fnan any otbrrstmrcts. A Tale of Caprice. elbowing how a yoaag Wldovr Wss wooed, Willi, lo siid ssai woo.

Portrait of 0 diaal Fremont. Portrait of John tiuinay Adamt W.U a btegra Ladir' Emlirllisnmrnt, a mnet learned yet enter. tsin, ng sceoat 1 of ths dress, ornaments, manaers, Ao Of ladies tn sll sgrs. How Joe Dunkiiu' Fonr ran his legs off A stsl. tai hamorouiisary.

itiriea'iurai Aisvanmmt Agrteiitiral Sclanae, rpthof Minnie, Age of Ca'tla by IheirTeeUi and ias, njs reseaita on Iks etune Urouud. A shea rn. Ac, IH.inicul ars. Deprtment Whitwssh oa Fruit reesi Belrcl Variritesof Beat F'itnZt'mol I of Amienti and Neeluinen, all "nimpaat hhir good la all asesausiBy Wiioriala Tb New Jarritory OarNew E'gle 1 lead Pipet: Fiction 1 Horaee at reals 1 Air Tig. Oranancai FnnersiiUiai, Ac.

Ls iter rom Captain lHtnovaa to th Kditnrof ut Ftwi, relative lo a sin jiurea on Ihe secern glveo wo AmerioiaOlfieara, bra in Sll HI Our Bonk his Memoir of Joseph from ykieh wa sxlrset a st singular aeoount of the pre Fortn Teller, 10 her snd hereompta loi'il The Hitinry of theOiromlietf, Ao.'t Rights An kar on the runts and laws relative pi Wvmen. br aaanunent Isaal isntlemso of hueitr. aaaiajneni let! Si.nglor lbs Pope'i Heslth 1 Humhnldtsnd Old Ken sack 1 A Ftmilr RssemUancs) Fat and la Coa NewYnrki ha ktarW 1 lippinni rlrtk Lc; Terms tt per annum 1 sinala smalm Ksiesnf Adverttting One sun ire, una liwcrtioa. l.

DEACON Singl. eopies etn be bad of Btbs ZIEBkR Ledger Building. sTrtifcf. M. A.

lvsS.Br lug evao mn im Hiirhcm na in a iki irom tor tMrl NO, 11 diaf dVivuujr 0TO mtiiSt Ptiml RiT BA trnD tTTIS tniiiie at jn mmuK Bt.baso neat. mhl l.w aj. lll WI IlUinilD B. A ro lk A tlrof Normtn Jrlton grays and msiehni. eooung a rears old IT s1' nsno n'ts, to be tha Stab's of WM.

I THIitS. tsL RACK Street, ahov BeeondT appar sua I aht I JJ FOR BALK Four Hrwses, Irs on horse PlJto DWARD C4.L1KN, tnhrsf nr si ths 'not of WnlowiL BAI.K Three HORSES" 'laTraT ftrkmsn st eHM a i. nJ BYmmtntM tW Hrnfraami mm at the I the STAR HOTEL. HARMON COURt.s i a 1.9, atsui tail feet pa tbs boom. IS feet oa lha an.

1, 14 ml BA I tt A IH IN Hi iLI A A CO. Sill itvIiilriakail lik lir tdiL.J. To fx FrSi, with Stars. Loft, or act ihlSt FOOITrrTJia BchrJ PRESTUi lis uant oi nperior maieriaia, eom MtBaaalMi.l, and anil al.i iiat ArolyayaCONAWAV.oa board, at VINR Street mutt asa aa BUNPNESS nissassst, rsaaasJndasrisd ZjyFwba.

young, octliit, iuspruck Sireet, between Fourth and Fifth, with ona denee aasurrt the pablte thai there la marsely any dtt aaae lu which knal lander and beaaufal organ, the eye, Mbfect, dtie not yield 10 hat kaattne sosl sua 11. mi wt nJ h. nriincwu r. iiwwa uu mh tt FOR SALE. A im Jnst launch ad.

bail! of Ihe beat materials, earrvu. tnt tnea. Itailahla fnt fTa. Sll or River Navwatioa I ealaataled 10 bs riegad at Apple to Wat. CAKM AN HOv, sthS endlt earn Saw Mi Camdsav PENNSYLVANIA Jllj 1H SKASONJ PIONrKR AtD FXPRKA4.

sCKFT 1JNR Trt PITTS HURG. The tr.3: ling public it reereetrally lefora ed thtl the fist trus of th son nf ih'sold snd favorite Lint will leava on WEDNESDAY, Ihe Ifsh Inst, at IA. 10W" uuiio aepaa, winier, re. ttUATS hav kssa added 10 th Line, sasl all sre aew and ksadaom tr furnished, with rceei: rrfareiicai wUaaoaaftirtand eonvesnen a nf TrHWeila For farther lnforsjistH i.upplyai UseidaSttMiihad OFFICII, No, 174 MARHKT Bt. rl'sdcjpbia, Msrck 1, 1141.

mbt tw SPRINft AWRAN9R wi MANYUN TOWN aaa NORRlaV Leaves Philadelphia at Kl, and Uavat Nerri towa at II." and. On Sundays, trips marVrd that, omitted. Levea Philadatpbla at 5a ,0 1 to'T" Geesaaotowaat 7t lit. Oa raud.ri. trins market tas, nl td, Osatrarrfs Tlraals Prt rs Nederad.

Uermsjiunvi, its, CSJ Irea, ft. ring Mill, do. It, Norrt wn. an sV. L.

Os ieil Tfeistt fsfaaW, A srMuSsaaf. mtlwsses bmve ike Kxehame for Las a at nsni Bata hefor ihe suning of ihs ears. Hnniaya e. asmlil 8 C. HENZKV.

AiesTt. JVr BOAT FOR fltl.K. A ggt tide water CANAL BOAT lot oal 'chasp. Atmlvio nM 4. Willow ureal Wi.rf.

1 TIDE WATER TANAL BOAT th fiia, HAa k. av amarla hv ai tha f.ll,ia.ina linaumai ai na vvair a a i. nija a long. 14y fl wide, and full feet es, luik Seek. and every respect ell haill, and of tka hret at.

7f As 'k an a. wa BHrcas rr usn. 2 ioijft any ai JAM'S VIITH WHULESALB 3 CI 4Hs1KNT. So. wnera m.

be ad Ib ta a issarimeMuf uLOCASevrrtsTtred sa 1 ill fi i ii.

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