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Public Ledger from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Public Ledgeri
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Eoi.LAllS.rr.SMs. TwolMBMaBituta sBABa, Trt nr. rjrry.di tol. 93.

WARTI. AntTP l) ni't girl, whs sna erranti ACAB1VKT MAKER WANTED, at No. 441 N.BfcCONDSt. Jyl5 xt44 TTITAITKD A HKI.PKR, ink Hlulrnnith Phop. fnquir.Na.

(HRKKIV MltMt, IwtWMa Fira'th Fifth, Dd Hpruo. MO PimI. jjli Jt') WANTTCD omi.P, tn lrn Vtit Mnkini. wl Ukrn fur a hnrltioM, No. NINTH fiv.duonlwluw Nolile.

Jjl4 aM3l WAN la a Drr Ooodi CommiMion Hnan. la aoiive, Tnt.llifoat LAI), abuut 17 of Adiirou 130, Pott Jrl8 fM WANTKD A urdo MAN, who onlratand Prmic(. APPlr at No. 4T XOKI'K WHARVES, riOOPKRS WANTP.D. Two FLOUR BAR KKI.

MAKhKS APP'J .10 IM. I JOHN BUtPPARD. JJ16 JI'S lJANTrD lii a Fmily.o ADOPT hoalih; Femal. Cluln, in e. of at GKBUA.N Utwcen Koiuili ami KifiU.Jyli TITAN TFD ii GUN BTO'JK F.R at AM K8 14S Noith BtiOOND riilad.lphia.

IJ'tJz' WANTKi A tttra Norta FOURTH riVBS.fc PiioN .4 nua 1 MAtK0. APPH a nu. jwj ii ftohl. Fifth Wow Mafkat. JjllVSM Prmtiu, No.

1 UIWt. 1L mwo JOl TRNKYM ri CAiNBYk ad awl Fourth, I.ITMRRRS wanted im madiaoly idah'h ni tMtwMn nin mim.ii.p. wiNTPTI. AwrawTh rho uiMtrtta outtiua Btorii, and who cn aot aa Alinwu at ARNOLA), PKlUMl 1 Markatttraet. ANTKD Di a Yooni Mm, a SITUATION, in a Whivaul.

or H.iail St I. williuf to rftgt aiaae. maaif lentraiiy u.hiiii. in pr.iw ma "or furilitu Dailioulara. atoly at No, lit) ABKfcT Btraet.

jyla n'M nARDWARK.OAl.Kf.MAN WAN TKli Ona alio uadari'Aml. th. bo miii. awl oaa inQuenoa trade. Adtlraaa UAHUWAKK, llor jjjs JM TirAVl't ll A III.Adf Ami an APPRKN TlCh.

One who anna knowled. of tha trail, prrf.rri.ti, at tha Machine Cimlhery, Wll I.OW ft btt. Broad and fall. Eighth. Jyl5 i8 A MAN.

to Kun a Ftaam Kni una acouaintiil with ilia Mrindinf of I'ainta, loferiatl. Apply to KORKHT HHOKWaKKR H. w. twruar or Bt ou.M; aau wim.i trc.ta. lyl 8fao IHMiD UK AD nAKKR WANTF.D Hf A KXTON TKKNTO.N.

M. J. loailir. at No. CIIKtANUT Philadelphia, on Saturday, tatwera loawl Jo'cloot.

iriOAOII MAKKRt WANTKD A CoaahJimth. Tr inmer, and Whe.1 and C.rriata mak.r, to to VaahinttDtiilyi boh. hut a ootl uMd apply. imiiii uiri Jrt iviA di'aia VVUV. in ItALb Btraat.

jyu aia lxrAn rru i.a nr.ui a i r.1,1 n. TT Colored; alao, a food Hi IV, none a aood Iiaiw need apaln for aitoh the Apply At 8oaI. FIFTH aud J7 liar, i mreaia. ii i j' ji firiTI.TWA TIN and ftHKK.T IRON WORK Smlh riEtXIND abova Bhippan atreat. A (uod Hand oaa hava standy uiena.

Jyl itl WANTED A GIR I. I. between liand IH, toaamet tt in Httuaewnrk. Ciltirnd liul DraferreJ. Inuuira Ciar Store, NINTH Btieet, aUire Prima, Muya menaiLir, )ylS3C4l PR INTERS.

"Wanted, a pod Vntotioal PRlNTKH.oapalilaof lakiniohnriauf a ll'iok Job Offioe. luu In Bt. Li.uii. Mo. One acuut binietl to miAiuf co oi a.

and in every reapoot ooin prlein, mar hMlrol a pannAneir. iniaiion ann k'kiq by arpl)itii at Ladier Office. J'li Jt'131 1ITANTED IMMEDIATEI.Y Two eiperienead ry ta Journal men 1IARHERB. to to Treu Ion, j. Uoud will ba yl ven And aieadr employ rrent.

Inquire at Ni, EXoH.iNuB riaoe, of KtULHlCK Horr, jyij ii WANTED IMMKPI ATELY 14 tn VO OOOD WF.AVKKB, in alarie Woollen Faotory, 4A mMea from Pill bum ki.a healthy oount (nod viiri and atrady einplo)iuent. Inquire at No. 4 BiHAWHEKHY Btraa jylSryj U'ANTFD A PACKER OF CROCKERY, ki. Tonne well aualifietl, a liberal enmpeneatioa end parmanent ailuauoa will be iva. None other utedapaiy.

U. DnKnEY A SONS, jylA lw'u Ua North Third WANTF.D A do the General Hnueo woikof afjoiily tha country. Apply Imma diaielr. at 'JCJ AKIifcT Btreet, threa d'nre below WAN TED A BTI IVK BI.ACKKR.

'oaa that'oa darataada Jobbing preferred. Inqiitienf MaNKII.K Jyli JfJIO 3CI Mark.t aireet. WaNTF.D VyoUNO MaN, fin a vi holawla Orooery rltnra; al, Colnnan, I Waitera, BilDatmna ti Hank Runner. Car Areata, Cop) il, liar Poilera, tValfhinn. ko.

AOKNCY OFF ICE. No. 3 I.IIIHAHY Bt. An aotiv. Yoniii oannliiain a aiiuaiiohin a Dry ti, oda Cin.nua.inn Houie.

Btnraa, F'aotoiiM aupplied.yl4 IWI2l nfO BILVERHMITHB WANTED, a (rat rata I ATE WORKER. ADD at BHARP at SHARP fc BKO I Iir.lfB, Ui LIBRARY Bi. Jyi4 jriw WANTED TO RKNToa PURCIMB A n.w or aeoond hand PAKl.UR ORGAN. Adilreaa Box P.O. Jyltut'M ANTED Pive BOMIIIN WINDERS.

Apply IT at No. H4 North ttoh. FIFTH Bt Jyl4 St IH ANDKKW ALCORN. WA NTKD Two firat rate HEI.PF.R9, Apply at the I'lolid lphiaCartMiop. Bch.

BKCo Vn and HAMILTON Ble. JyU 3tm WANTFD Six r.ood MAPHINIBTS, at th. Machine Nu, No, 1 LOIIliE Alloy. ju at'jit r. p.

modonouoil V1TANTED A PJ.ACE, as Maker, in a Hotel, or any other put. piaoeor iiiAtiiiuion No ultino tion to lulhe country AddressU. M. 0 lelger IIUIOV, I1 3t'17ii fJV) A Lad, 17 years of age, 1 ihitolie lUillNDtolheCarpeiilering. Ca I in NEW TON No.

4, between Fouith and fifth and Carpenter end Washington. jylt 3tlto If A. NT ED A Ml'LF. HI'INNKRT irk a Bpimlie Mule. Steatlr work ami gmiil wages given Norte but staatly, sotier men A men with hutwn help prererreo.

Apply al llN DOLI'H EN KB', FRONT Street, rev t'hea nut. JyltSt'iw PANTALOON MAKERS WANT KD Any num" her of good Hands, eaa have ooiiatAnt enipov mei.t. at rood hi applying at E. MA.T LACK'S. lot MARKET Bt, Jylt 3i7 CITI'ATION WANTED Ry A Tonnr MAN, with en extensive acquaintance tnrotighoiit ths We.r, as Assistant Book keeper, or Ba BuTaaman in a Httk, Paper, or Stationery Pefrrence given.

Address B. Franklin nouaai. Jyl4 '4 TO kf AILRRS Children's Patent India Rub JiiigCiiMIIBforssl. by WM. H.

vVA 4' KINB, No. 3b BANK Bt. JylJ IWHl WANTF.D Srventy five second hand jl.N North lwa Willow, i 12 if 146 WANTED A good JiKirneymaa PLUMIIER 1 ona who evo aunt well reoonnueoded i in whom constant emplojinent will lie given, and good wagae, Apply ui EDOAK Z. BTEKVKR, Jyl 5tliS 8. oor.

Klsventh and Race sja WANTKD A PARTNEK. A Psra.Hi" having a cash capita! of ayvou nr gteian, wishes to asan eiata with sous person already established in ths nttfroantile or mannfkotunag hneinsas. Adtlresa EK CHANT, at Ua Lodger ORos. Referenne re II' WANTED A per an enmpstenl to taks shargeof a Cotton and Woollen Dyeing Eaia sliirt will given. Ac dress A.

witk rtfaranoeto Rlnnd'a Despatch. lylX MVu 7ifA NTlD Two nrat wareiiir a week, every Dslawar. r. OAI'II PAI.NTHR4: every Batunlay. Apply ti rara nounl v.

lm Jyll fa JOHN 8. HUNTER. po JKWEI.LFRS WANTKD Foar or fiv A good gwaeral WORKMEN. accustomeil to Stoas eilaationa btaildresang 8r BVfcNS, ti: 4 COURT A F.N HE, Mass. Jyllfli7 WANJK COOKS, Route Girl! Van t5 Va if" in Private ramiliss; wuaa, tn to i If Ain't enrage, no eharga.

Ra funmsodatlonsreqairedasBsual. Hett Vitna arid TV W1I KxeAw. fb XXl ty. is Distrust, WIUJAM PRIMROBK. JT" t4 Boats Koarth at.

YV A I r.u irtw AQKNT. In no allele that TT ia indispenaahls tn every family. Agents ars BOW nos ii 'tn sjt'nqj ny r.varr tioaa tea t'ttveil sMistaesmilt hr.r. i.kL.iJr Apply to II. BARLOW, No.

DOCK Btriet, eondatory. jykfwit) STIM'K MAKERS A.NTKD aly sank aaaaa wtaka Ul irri he work. Sanelea resnnd. SaiTiBlea ARNOLJJ, BrRlNGER CO. i r., 74 Market street. jeix zna 1 KC TO 24O0. ANTED TO PIYF.ST. tjl It' XI iheslnvs in enmt honorhe. antiveaeW trontabla ntmnaBt.

Ons a'readv aetahtished, and aa Battles tsartwer, deetrmrtts. klsmtraotnrirer rtr Lnmrtsr SOBlnsas preterred. Refereaoe givsa and required. Addrsas R. k.

Blood's Dsapateh. Jyl4 Xl4f Btrssta, Jylt X'tM KERB WANTED. ApplT. i.iititib..t eminu niau i ae Alsvs. a Hi) 0.

M. BE. rtra. Advaaard VV anted. rig AMINrX, lit fTOXr ited i autsau tately, en ta.) aetwswa Altonna aasj 7 mm mmmm UI11M LI 11 1 a ara aqsv sbtM Bsa.

sa. Til jsiiwnaa. JB.S 1BJ" lTyZlIS WNTRD. fcv Laa.OBfc res. at.

WArrF.D rTT a a 4 rwanaa, a nn aq (M)a. aw tkeii it ri taea hbraaoos. A goad will VT a. J. a.

As. rhiiaisMsaia. It Osi.rex JyiJ lwaJ 'WANTPDlTF'RCHASlTrpenra Anretaf LaNO. arTh miieeaf a tel emta. I.sairs of F.N II kg A to'a the ER.9f 3 H.

Till It i ar iLAlFkLAN, 4J( P'loea Bt4Mj Alk INTtM lSEMT mntomm AttrSg iiiCy rem anVioa of ths Arwry. wood ear. eMhiaa. rsin. mi3 Onn1 LABORERS WANTED 4i a neWsow eiUUVJ trad, aear tbeeily.

High wagea. iMles dAilv fnttn iko riffle amvi.i, anui i uhtuu i was at eepj tiOlH) "JiPERS, JJEKrCVa. Raiirta. toaiascerars. auei ti u.

te. AbdIix. T' rr rn BIX CENTtt fA I woticbs. it FREK nu nr Aral WiiU WAniNOTON WORKMEN BUI Ll II? INO AfMOCI njiiTiuj Hi. IBth Inat, irv OFFICK OF TIIR KKNSINITON OA8 ILs COMPaNV.

tuij nth, ma. Th Dwd of lKSoor. of Ih. KF.NBlNiiTON GAS have VhnTlsiv deelsreil a DiTidrnd sf PIVK PER. OKNT.tfnrlh.

lulHix Months, on Mid is, which wH no paiu to rinognoiners, nr fetal reprs enlstlves, or tiler Wi lllKDA tli VWk tnat. I'KThH HaMIIU, Truurr. t)to, No. 39 IIL'KKN it K.u.iinton. rn thk nviom A'rit) votrbs op k3 THK PATRIOT OP PENN, nd Ih.Six'h anTfaTtni vm of KPRINO Rl)KN Th aiKleriinntd will Iwa Cmiiilai.

lrot tli Vt a Bomitation athir HKPHF.SKNTJTIVR ia tkm anst I iilnr. nnri ldl himtlf. if Domi at! indlecttjl, to dmnhnrge dutiMM a WJjI B. RANKF.M, Pna Dtatnot. OFPiril OF THK i RAII.K0D UOMPANY.

PHlLAlili.PHtA, lirt IliV ltM. Th. Nmlli InilalnMiit.r Fiv. Dol r.L. i iTi IA.UIAM UUiUill wilt til I "Uiiil I ilafi iitmih tl I'lJ I If NIIIIHa VVl 1 1 "1.

"II. I linn vmi "JH and thur umna, to a l. IUTBtrM.oa MONDAY, Ui. firai ummt. If tka lmtalmnta ara not aalii uneruallT will h.

aiibiMtril tn ih. MnIIT of Out) Pat Uont. per mnta, aa iwiairrd lh. Cnrtr, I loiarear, fniniuenn in. iMnoi ana nfOT.inor, will haallowatl on aTtmnti rnvi in Kdvanoe.

JrW taali OEORUE V. BAOON, TtaMorwr. GIRAKI) BANK, Philadelphia, Jnaa la. ua ItoWk will ba h.lii at tlia llaukini Houm, oa lONDAf, th.VKh lar of July Ijo'olooa, WM. Will I ul.millM, lor aoopii" waaa wi lor aoo.pvi to utmid th.

CharMf of tha iracw Ha.k. th. Jih dT of A. D. k.

Bf ofdMnfika Hoard of Dirootora, mCT. a i Houaa. an MON i "J1! at o'aloek. wh.n will oa imniiin aptaaaatlia A to.xtand tha Bwlir oftLa Maahaniaa' Baak of tha City aai tif Phild.lpliii SVariirViha BirH of nir.rtora. TO THK DF.MOCRATIO WH109 Or THK CITV AND COUNTY OF PHI1.A ry raapeqlfuIlT anwinnea In ml Lwiltli that I willhaaCAMI M'if dUUIM'VV 1.Q A til 1 i i.i If A rt 1 IIinfim'BMMI 81 laa liajiiinu n.otwo, ptotiom i rMMiva i.

for that ortoa. By tha Uonfaraaa of nation and a via Party would add. that my anrty at aitmt, and If tisa to irr it, arwall Mown, diaatiaraa tha aniiia which aaaydavoiva wa. a.iw .11., ahihii Vrr nuwth ronra. jatt la "cm niuiiiAan.

ar.n:i, NUTIHK Thm Annual Meetina of thl rwoeaiiinoeraiii ma ailah iivaau uai'w If hap II 1'llUPlNT will lu held at tha Ooanpaiy'tOfhoa, lot CH E8N Btraet, j. i I'lnlar IIIB11VI 9hia. ia anoonianiHi wua tha ahartar.oo THURH lAl, ina aiaa "I juir, wnn, n. ha aaraoae of elaotinf nine Direetnr. fur the aaaaiM Car, and totramaot auoh other baaioaaa aa aaay ha aararathaMaatirui.

Jail aatt A. BiOUMMIO.JtaiMtarT for ltfOtHJl'ITO NETTINU.all oolnra. KEI.LV JVl bhUVVN. No lN.BKUNDHt.,JylSt DAGDI oolnra. KELLY JU DAODKR 1 HE AN RO ECoND above (Ireen, Bad there ei four l.lAr..xr.on.

Iyl5 pXTKA BIZK V'K UNDKR lRTt JliTull aaenrlnHint or aula at J. WM. HOFFMAN 'H, 1 Norm Eli. I'll Btraat. Jyl4 3ll BRICK and TEMPF.H1N0 WHKKL1 Mlnufaatured HI FIFTH Btreal.

IniIow araoa. Jyla Sw'i4 B. P. MILLEII. AfTi BOXER TIN PI.ATF.!.

I and I for (lyTllirMAS 7 SOUTH WHARVKB. SlM RON PIPE" S.fMM) fWt 9 inch, lo7o00 do? 4 inch, Jt14 I1N Caindaa Iron AVutke, N. DR. BTOrJlER A RF.MOVF.D hia Oltioa to No. 441 WALNUT Hir.l, oo'th aide, I J'lt hoaaa waat of Rmad at reel.

Ottoahuura, 7 oll. Hn to au.1 7 to II, Y. jilt im CKLLINO OfF Tfi The BTOt'K cl.oTIUNii. FUHMBHINU and TatlM MINli UOOLiH, So tiECOND, opp aita Mary at. irw40 J.

EI.VI.N. A Ll.PKRBUN ARK HEREBY CAUTION FD A anmat purchaa ik or neeniiatina a IMOTK alfaad hy theauh.nnh.i'. dated A'Kiiat tli, at If nairrtha. Air of ltkrnan Potior, aa tha eame will no ba paid at maturity, value not hav HS W. A.

CLEVELAND. t)UR PORT. MADEIRA" AND BHK.MRV A WINErt Of taa auranaaa. Alao. Ilauneaia'a li WlNF.ia Of taa (raila.

fur niadiniiitl aa oiu oranuy, Tiaiaf a "it, ua drauf hi aatl ia Ixttlea nnnnin nr.) Oraoaraand Wiae Mvrohanta, 64 andtWl orth FuuMh ret. laaTaida Uaret.atRJ M. J) 13 Hw'ifl MOTfH AB laMlment of FIVE DOLLAR Al aar Share, on in aar Share, on ink Ceaital Block of th. DlltltV aadtllK TIR Pl.ANk ROAD will ha du. Mi NO 1 lath, i Bad pay.lile oa JULY lata, i NEW LIN, between tae kt.u'e lath, at tha bout i of p.

J. ana r. i IIIOB. BMil H. Traaauror Rldlar Tawaahip, Uilawara County.

II 14 CAVTION. HCROFT'S STP.A.M Hl)lK, Hnnrden'e Patent, Th. pnhlio ara herebv I'au tloiied aaainet Purohaeinf tie Uema Bream Gaititea. oa Htiardon'a prmaiele, eaoept trmae mannfaoiurnd by tha anbeeiilier, who ia the enta owner of aanl Pa Uat, for th. Caned Biaiee.

K. II ABHCROPT, Boetoa, Maaa. Philadelphia, Jnly 'ilh, l48. )yl4 4lM hHII.ApELPIIIA. ASTON AND GAP RILHllAhcil.WI'ANV.

Nolioe ia here hf (ivaa. that tVa arimnd inatalnnent of hva dollar, aar elnveoa the Capital Ook of tnia Company ia re aairad to be ya'd on or bforeihe hret dan of A mint next, at th. tirrtoe of Ih. Ctmipany. No, am sAnmn VOURTH hel.w Walnut.

Initalmenta not BaaMually paid will aub(ot in the penally of mi awr ent. per aauntu, aa bv law, imdlAil WM. WIBTEH, Treaanrar. XCCORDriilNSI ACCORDEONR Jual re aived, FIVI. HI N'liKED AcCORDKuN.

oenpriainf alyl. and doul. plain end fanoy inlaid Aoaia deona, Aonirdeona. and Flutinaa, ia (real variety, which will ha aold to th. trade abd anuBirT enarenanta a very low ratea.

Aleo. Gniura. vimiaa, a. at awraa fj tBtoraa Noa. Sa.

.11, .14, .14, 3laod Ml ANCAUE. juun At, uoLKviAm, Jylt tt'lU Importer. Carte maters )ffic'v, oirar'd Btreet, Pmiadiahia. July litre, ittt. Prraala la furjiialunc COAL Pr tha Uaitrd BtUra, to lie de'ivered aa bereafle eta led, ra Invited and will ba reoaivad Bt taia Offloa ald tha kith Inatant, via.

an tana broken aad aoreened, on tha wharf at Fort Hifllia, Pa. au tone hrnkan and aoreened, at the V. S. Araaiul, Sray'e Ferry mad. 10 tnna broken and aoreened, al the Oflloa of Cloth lofBod Twelfth and Girard atreeta.

The alwve to ha I tha beat quality Anthracite, Whits or Red Aeh CoaI, free from elate and dirt, Bad Eteo pounda to the tim, enhiaot to tha inapaotioa mn approval of the Officer reoeivmx it. Coromuninalwiia marked Propiiea'a for OoaJ addreaaed la 0. II. CKIIH1.M.IN, Jylt uM Major ami Qr. Mailer U.

B. A. rpo CONf jfACTOR AND I P. 1 SCALED HOt)SALS. F.ndoreed Proaoaali tn Haildinr a Puhlia Sohuol Houee.

in the paction, will ha raooived hy tha amleraiineii, at tha b7l.p;:nB,X ntil Batarday, tha day of July at tn o'olk. A. baildinga PuMio rVihrnt lluuta la King emsoaa issnnip, on use LAOS mi oi 1st Barrel sjorssTavera. Plaaa sat he examined and assoillearinas nratainad at Us ObVm Lof SAMUEL BMIAN, Arohitsot, B. krohi tsot, B.

fh, s. annri iia ill ti fVJiti I mutes on Property, ihe faithl BarfurnuusAS iiT AOS work according Is contract. rtiMir.n i j. ri i Jyll tjytDJ rVo'y Ontmllers of Public BcbunTa. IkJOTICK TO RAILROAD CONTRACTORS.

at rroeoeaie Mr tae graoing, priogtng, am rr at tha Waatara Divibmm of tha Cuvinston aua VhM Railroad, will be reeaived at taa Otrioe of tha Enginssr, at Hayandntta. Cahatl ooanty, Virginia, awtwssa the and Jans nest. Tksy will emliraas ahoat 48 mils aeattont, hridgaa aver Twelve Pols, Guiandotteand Mad Rivera, and Tsnriel of or Itvai fast ia Isngtk at kits band of too Kivsr. Alao. betwssa ths Its and IMk iofl.lypeTt,profe rmrtoa, VirginV of thai portion tha a tha town of Coving axis will he reoeived at tht Covmrtna, trading, nnrtging arid araaonryo Tastsra DivisHia.

lyinc bstwaen wa ares nnytera nrm. im ibciris nrer, uib tassso4 la or II miles nf very heavy work, inolnding tmiok kewvy retaining wall, twa large bridissorsr Ja'traren'. nvsr, and errtraiMy two tunnels. Tae sossiiafal ktde Trill ba declared aa anon at raeiceol Afler the lAthefJnly. By enter of the eud of PaMia Worba.

CHAS. BHHAW. tThlstr ftaeiaaar Onwias4na and flit 1st Kailraad lines. jEIwhxiwti. wa Mar it.

1Mb. Jeal laa'ITt UaliftV1' COMPANY IIAN. Rrnfo vaaws whi aa rsoasTed at ths tJrtCns of to. 7' ion SfJfETW' WALNUT Vk xViil a Tisn A VH UlLi THOUSA ND ths r.a Irf WV" iMpMratwi if wwlenang fcwaUrT Cu1 bom Rsstkaxg to Hut tfcmd aisw of all i 7 "swa ta Ins na at a By a law ot ths rats. tnews Hrfrta, i ef the Owisaay, ara ax last tad Asew iweMT ysara.

At. issstmilsinsij trrfn thS ton OtMoeasv, a etnkmg Nsd of VMS, a mnmi rentta ai Pike ttmrA. Tha praneat etHMU are, tejieiy win, in. now ware aea at realty witswau. is mwm pwvnasa so wsuext 4t.

raaaainlrej Itty aatiaa in neaain i r. preseai It sonar, i ins av the latere! an Ihre Roada, aa eons of the Caaal would Btws tbaa a. thrae Roads, aasf ta insreaaa af las ealtrtewvsat aaad oa.j ptvy taa n. the farad. irada aasasd hy las eslirtesAsaat assa oa.j paj of working lite tanai, Tha CnisM ressrts ths right Pats tke waott tw aar part of a bid.

Tne who), aninasii a bid will ie rtennstt eataa. or ia tasr tpjatajawsta. payaoie aA Unrip dare' PaatftOois, iinti eittary sad ptiitseoxs of tha sOaaaJ.arw tae sTooiled sar'teaiart of tire Ixawx, aaa BSBBaaBpsliaeMata at lis ttraoeoi taa BI N0I.E SMITH, Meat tautal taaeaw. gas.

ssA TWaiasst or JiAI'OH tkhb yr nrrrt lfins I A th. FlWflli ant, Sn. Ths regular twaling lha houts of awsr i Matlak.No.t North CU'TH treat, ail o'ekiok .7 .4... will He, Ml aa II wtl n. tnra ear tie Omasa kT tsasas i Pva twnaa, rher fcavs to years tn rasu BHar Bar swat, interest, aad havs Cm, V.

e. ZT snetit mi interest nw Slav a nm rr' rr atMl aan 1 aarsa Btaa attn(ttl bT) IsaJi ITTJ inaatw raTka taa an aasaar. ket the fVel. Tae I'nm. Can.1 soctwta tka Readwt.

wiUj tee setivaarta IVata Caaais al portsrawsth, asv Plsme. tk mmiM. s. "I Lm asnstj wm swne. snMstn ss nt twd BtMil, an.

I BtrM' 1 Call TI irar TT I li; VV 1 A in I VV but i Al Tl) i and 1 i fclT. frosn all tax PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY; JULY MRU. LAYCOCKf INTKUJOF.NCR 0F FIOBTFoJi'll 8KVRNTH Rl.ona doorhalow watt aula. FaouliaaaaiUd witk Uirl. of paaiiy.

WANTlO A raaxitritu aa Balaamaa In a tirooery Bure: niuat ba w.U taaomiaeuded, and aeounti Aaajy to IT I VVW Jylar5 Cortwr of Siati and Jerlaraoa ala. IVANTEDtllW ro pamhaaa ona Tialf of a oaak payina Maohanioal Muainaaa, tar i. it. ki. money In toola, beaidea tn.

traua wall aatahliahad. Noaa aadapply axcapt kMaohiiuat. Addreaa iaoi.r iiirov WANTKD Aa HfHOI 8TF.RKH. onauiai na. aaarlMtknowlrdiaof aJl (non othey niird apply,) may a good aituation ami oori aranl enipiovrneni.

uy kiuimwiui and reaiJenoa, aad left at LtKr ooa Jyl 3f1J TO PH YSI0IAN8. A Oradnate of Modioln. aeveral fxperianoa, who wonld ba ailliri to do tha laborioua part oi ina iu.i, ran fiv. tha be uf rafaranoa, wiahea to into Uie Ofl aorna Fhyaieian. whoH bowneaa ia aatan aiva.maaavantiiallyio.acura a pratitioa.

"ia ba willwf to ao intolha country, but ally praferml, or, baviw inaaaa. wonld buy otraa pritnitiojirt wianini ui Hu. dalphia. JU'l WANTRD IMMKDIATFI.V At tha Nor Norriatown, three food PATTERN MJ)l KMi4TH0MAH. CORSON fc WEST.

WANTED TwmtT A0KNT9, to aell an eleaant and popular Volunia. Alao, a rare oliaoae fur Altanta who wiak to puiohaaa. Bohl. FIFTH jy2 2w'41 aaouno naiow cprasa. WANTED.

II eta. oalj for DR. NONREFF'B VA1.UAHLF.HEIUPK for reiaovini Fracklea Addreiw Box Hot, Philadelphia Poet oAo. jeau lm'T) WANTED 0 to work in tha Ewidi Rrownrlona 'uarriea, near Trenton, N. Jeraey.

Alao, lAllrown Stone Cutirra, and 6 xood Boatmrn, Apply at the Ewina Uiurnea, of CII KEEDKH, Bupenwlendant, or ALEXANDER HENRY, at the Htone Yard, near the Mare Hoanti, iiin, new jeraey, jvum dkjni JlWl Proprietor. OK RRI0KLAVKR8 A'D LABORERS Stl WANTP D. in the City ol Waahirutton, C. I will ive SSprrdit for IU tond Bncklar.ra, Rixl or I'raei Hnok workmeu, and dnr for Hil Camera, food mea. rtteady emplormant.

Ra rt ra tn Wm. F. Kender, No. US aloveTaalfih; A. D.Caldwell, Nairn and Brown, atreeli, and OjateiLuoe, Kaa.

TflOMAS LF.WIS, )tll tao City of Waahmilon, D. 0. 11 1 MEN ARK VVANTKD IMMRD1 ATELY 1" For I. ulit Company U. Artillery.

Muat beaiuer, lutellmeBt, and able bodied. Apply at either of the Reoruino Biatioiia, in MARKET tdreel, weal nt Boh. oev.ntb, or la TWELFTH rU, Uloyrliuat. jaa6 WANTED F.ATHK EDS. CAR PKT9 And Furniture, by JAB.

DON ElLv, St BOUTlt between rienalh and Eianlli. nurth aide. He will aay iu per ot. xnatt lor gooaa. Ian la BOAKUINO.

VACANCY for a few BOARDERS, at No 19 FILIIKKT below Niuth. jyl i 'M VACANCY a few BOARDERS, at No. 144 Nurth MrtTH Btraat. Jyl 3CIM TO LET Fnrnlihed Ixlyini R()OMB, f. Den tleiMn, at It) Buuth ElOIITII Bl.

jy 14 SfJSS F.NTLF.MVN' LODGING ROOMS TO LET, vj at INn. au BAirHiAi Btraei, nemw iinin jylo M'ia E. SL'PLKK. ypHRFF. MARRIED ad FIVKSIVGLE MEN 1 LAM tliiAltllcltenp, aenientl urneriy ny oni In at k6 MAHKhT Bire.t.

tulow Ninth, aniin aide. JylJ.f mWO OR THREE OF.NTLKMEN oan hava 1 HOAHDinaaimll fnni'lr room, bv aenlvinl at No. BO am) a p'ert'ant rrorit at No. BO North ELEVENTH pireei.aniva Aron. jyia iai PERMANENT BOARD VAN1ED By a ten I tlemAn and hia wife, in a eni Ate (hm lT where they ran hava the eumfitrle of a home, where thete are roomer noaroera pratorrou, Uliaid'a lii.patch.

Addreaa K. Y. (., Jyl TlOAUlllNG. with nOfWimmotUlinnl for a Genlle man Aid Wife, or two Gentlemen, with line uf South BIXTH Street, opp liHe pndrnca Square. jyl5 3flb7 PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BORD I EKBoanrw aeoomnioilatetl, at 1147 MARKET Blre.

with na'h, dreaamf ruoBiajd drawim room, rarly applioanun. JylS AN i'NFCRMSlIFDaaornd atory Front ROOM 10 I. I with BOARD, at vlli MARKET SI. Two GenOenieD, or a Oentlemnn and Wife, will betaken, to Uoaidout their F'uruiturein it.jlS lw'U') rjFNTI KMAN AND WIFE. and a few amile TA llrnllrnieo.

can I with HoA KD at No. 147 Fifth. jylt el'Si nToa Y'OIIVG IITANTFD TO BOA RD F.iiht MEN.inanw lloardinx llouae. ll'J NEW Btreal, near Finirth, yU t'Ju7 FEW GENTI.FMrN. or afjentlermnnnd hie ife, ran acoonimtnlated wua KOAKI), at No.

lot) B. TWELFTH tiaoi, above Pine, whe a they will find the eomftrta of a huuM. iylt ItlSII BOARDING hiaI Tiia FRANKLIN rfiUArUE. A Gentleman and Wife. Anl two tloiitleinen, can be rtoommuditiwl with HoaHIi, uaa of Haih, For addresa apply nt Le lger oltoe.

ll IWJ I TH I.KT Twn annirniehed ROOMS. Apply at a k'J AKCH Btreet, below Second. Jyl3 gfll DESIRABLE SUMMER HOARDING At lha OXFORD IIoTim, Oxford. oominnm eating rooms fur fnmi'ies, acceanhle by rallr iad and sti ge Uaily stnie leavea Psrkahurg at II o'clock, A. passing tl'roitKh Coohranville.

Kussellville, Hsreaville anil Oxford, arriving at Hopswe'l at P. l. Throusb tirkete nan lie procured at the Kail rad office, Schuylkill FIFTH and MARKET Blrettt. JylJ 15T BOARDlN'tJ In the pleasrinl visage of a.y Pittstown, N. whsra there are facilities fttr bathing and nehirtr, witn shruly walks and purea'r.

I orlurtlier rmrlicuUri, iiiquireofMis. WILI.lAMB, PinSTOWN HOTEL. JyU lo'114 PLEASANT ROOMS TO wrth or without IIOAHD. for Man and Wife, or Lady without Chi'dren, atJN. EIGHTH Street.

lonatmn delightful. Jy II et'TJ GOOD HOARDINtl, with pleamnt RnomaTean It. obtained at No. no Boulh SIXTH opposite the Waahington Bitunrs. tvaj PK A and ANSI EN TBI A DE aoiHimrnodttKl st theN.

W. corner of PRUNE andFIFTUBts. Entranos on Prune at. Jy7 iw'a4 A FURNISHED SINOLK CHAMBER, wtlh Board, for a Gentleman, with use of Hath. Reference required, luquirsat Nu.

31 UNION Street, auuv.Beoond. jy4 tw'4iri BOARDINO. IJentoel Mechanlot can hava good BOA RO and pleAaajil rooias, with pnvi.egA of hath, at 4d ARCH Btraat. Je lm'ltS EPISCOPAL noSPITA L. lloe.rd PatianU rs ecivrd at IS' per weak, with the advantage sountry air, and the lirst medical tttsndanoe.

la quir. ui Km, j. a. i niLun, upitoupai mu, anire ti nev, j. i.niii No.

14A WALNl'TStrasM. laii wi EDUCATIOII. A TEACHER in a first o'aatSehnol inthecitr, would like tn obta PKIVaTri TUITIONS during lha bolidoi Can imituet in Class os, Mt llieioMus, ar ike English bisnchss, thorough1 tied oan give 'ha hitaesl referenoes. Address X. Lsdger Oftoe.

JylA 3t'5l rRiNciPAi.of th. A Male High Scb of tha oily of La oasler, Pa. Th' rintliab itranoliee, With tha Mathemalirs. Ivslin. Greek.

German and trench. re tauiiit ia tha Bcriml, hy lkr4 TeaaWs. The Principal teaches tha languages, but must be eapalj. ol i ving instruction in al i tht ot her branohos. I hs fehool will open on Montlst, Angusttth.

As iriminetinn i.f applicants will Uk.eaoeon WED EA) July srtiTff at Aa reanleno. tnsunileraiined. hy in further Information will ba liven. None hut pereor.l iiitendmg to bnemBslvaa parraauantly to lbs business rr teaerung ntedspply.

THO. 11. BI RROWhtt, Ch'n Bup. Oim, Uncaater, July II, usa, )yl4s ORNAX F.NTAI, PAPIER MACIIF. ACADEMY I Meters II A KT LL of 47 1 HRO kD WAV.New Yrek.thrhrst saecstfal ewahtishers in America of a proper sya'em whereby thie IsMU'ifal art is ItrurgM lo perfeolion.

won'd ressec: fully infwm tha Cititaiis and Strantera of Philatislphiaaad vmh I Bity thai, I the tames aohoilaiions id numerous citnen', they tuive otijeoted tn open a Mrso of their popular Stiidln at "hKISTOW'a WRITING ACADEMY 100 CHEtNUT St I kiraahtni t'iTieonly, l.Lessed llentlett en viihiiur I to avail themeelrei of thu rait opportunity, will Plasaa tt. I at lh. Ktuilko aed renelae tmm. mmm ai.d learn all particular, nn TUESDAY, Julyltlh, nt as anon aa post Ida, as tn early aepheatinn will b. newteari ui insure a ehance.

Tenrn, (. Ihorouih and siiematieal Insltaotiona, inolnding hlatensls, tin, ittdranoa. )yl4 4fl NOTIC TOmY0UNOMF.N7VaLM: ths self hrated Miiiniaa and Violinist, will lsara any young ft as to slay oa tks Vinlm, Flatsor Gaitar frr tl.orall for Alan, Instrusiion in Magieaod Naenaeaney. I BARKER St, weet sf Behuilkill Fifth. N.

ti. Apparalaa pw Mtgie fnr aasaad soorsUr. i sskiJtXA CT( rCK A lifv ALE a Shos ahe, 1 ELP fll above Rasa. iylJ at JM HYtiRf'PATH PR. WEHER'9 SPRING WATER Ct'RK.

it ieat th rfaMartleTp Ttt PikllAtfkla If ewf saaxtaws COLD opened hv a 1 1 41 A Tk LAN K. aa lee aortal ataated na i ae appar rnt i All speliesUtoas tad Istterrt addrtteed ta DR. Wf, PER the laeiitaimi, ca at No. it ELEVENTH Street, rtilad.lta.ia, (hit City Eat aim I IfT Dr. Wader rradtiitetd ra frtrwataT, tats Rest dent Phisicianof Ihetlrsnas Musoisin Watef.Cs'a.

1 14 ysara' axpsnsaos as a Hrdropatkua Pky si eita. Psrtieaiar atteatina giraa to Obststn ea, aad Fs JT'4 tfr DISSOT mON orrrO pARTNEBSHIP. TH OWID "Wll ud PtRiJIVAL, HhiLNkR ia this day duaJtsd. The rus'rtese f.f the lata fires wilt ha aett ed ths tdertigaed. to whoM ail aVsbu 'o ths late rust are he raid.

JJAVILI WOOD. PhiladelTn a. Jaly 14. IITS, wu TT Tho basiaeai af AWNINO, Bad of SfflP Pi. Ml COAL, at PaiUoeiHua, will ksrsafter be aondueted by jy; tl DAVID WOOD.

DISTRICT OF RICTfMOND. ORDf WANCR. Be it ordained and started by tha Commit osertiad Inhabttaastof a District of Bi "hex. wat, ia the eirtv of Fhi'aaal phta, ia hvrd of rais etrarrsaseeBit4ed. That karealter Ihs Clark of taa Beard he asapowered in eeaas the woeg ui th is ss ag of tVw na t'ert i ktrntM of lass, al that whenever tha partiee sarillea tu the ke 1st, tad ks ie hnetv aoltsonsed sad esapowued ka MtsJtltsle Ik worg beaisw." leto aa Orditavtsea, at llek soaat, tkt sta.

day of Jaly. 4. last. vVILmAm H. WITTR.

rWdest, Attest CB AR l.LS B. PKALE, Qrrk. jl'Hl pIEfARFD SUPER FfllrSPBAT OF LI MIS, a at ia to. usruvoa aomittr, ill, eepeeiailT besat stal ta tnraapo aaa other ma erupt. Agents run i N.

44 WATER BtreK, aaa) 1 Street, onraar of D. sr at. New P. B.MIN BLE. N.

al.AKKET Pkihulphia. A rertiliaar srndooisai aVI tret inaaeaiate oaeotser kaat PerwvuMiltesaa. wuh Ike ssltnkataa af Be Ihe tt Btoek mors kutiag ut tba aul. TkoroaruJl tested Bad fi.und In saneataaa realite tWetpresatsoaaisjail treatotw an bar. already triad It.

Tae beat evseaent aftb.suitaa ssreaiy lastsMBaTdiawat I his sae avw the saat year. Pot ap sa bars ef Ihs.i tar ret aaek. Bsvera will ease ba aaruaar than Ht, A Sq Hu of ii a the anil a the the ba of i I I I I "wr araaa asna eswa taw nr rasrval. a j'S. Caa rse tad T'teulky taWstast jam eyases' a LEDGER AND TRANSCRIPT.

rkiUdalahis, tatardAtf, JalrlO, LOCAL AFFAIRS. Mm FrrHHttu Thm markata wara ranch Ketiar aupplied with ftuita and rag.tahlaa aateroay at aay parud of Uiia rear, and tha proaiwcti indicwttd aa onnanally aoud to day. Piicea wara bh. TbaaakiaK ratoa wereae I II wat SirioinBleak per lb, lialdal loUlbn. oaM, miaio.

Beef, liaifr. Potatuea, aew, S. Pntatoaa. baak. 16awul.

Dried Pork, uaia.i 10. Snlad, per head, lal, Srrinc Haana, hawk. S'nt. Hania, (eity sm ad) 14.1S. (wesiera) nn.

Beef Tonriiaa, tOnTS. Veal Cutlete, BTib.Ual?. niton, ear lb. Tain. Kadnhee, per kunon, Tomatoee, per lcali).

Oniona, lai Knn. doiea, Main. Trip, per M. tueumbera, per drm. taio, new, pr boaeh, A 'blie, pr head, ail.

Chiokena, par paty.7a8li.l Bpnr.l" lnl. caU, Via. per e. IOeU ilalibul, itaee, lalS I'erob, I. Hiack Fih, per lb.

torn, Rork Fih, HI4. BiftCrAbs.prdox.7Vi.tll. eacn, las. aeokJilaii. hernea, per tinie, Curranu, al, liooaehernea.

Rail. Mulberriea, per iv Dorrenarnea, mi: per 9laVl, Baeplterries. pplrs, half peck, Vpnoola perdozen, 2fi, iiHJtliea, encb, lai.JW a'arnxions, iter, per 37. I'cnohe. pr peok, li' ljird, per KalJo.l blaoklierriei.

pr. qt. Sal earAtrork retnmi.tfioafra. The uieetiag I he arrJ aa held on Thureilay eveaina. A pennon from lh.

BhiHI.r Hoes Company, ask an advance of $5W, to aid in the construction of new House, was referred to the Coinimttes on Engines and II. ae. A reaolutionpaaaadby tha Board of Police, raitinr; pay of Ih. Police lo tVISU par annum, was read filed. A motion was made tn approve of a plan for tha Rreil street Culvert, presented by the Culvert Coin nihiee.

Upon this, adthate eiauod. which was cut short by a motion tu postpons. Th Culvert Comiuitiee presented a lirrje proposal for the t'otislruction ol a Culvert oo Bixih atreet, del ate si sued, the proposal vras openetl. when it proved to be from Wm. H.

Dale, who offered to do work forBISU. The proposal was accepted. And Culvert Cominiitee was instructed to mate the neceaaary eoalrart, specifi isicr; lliat the work should tomi'le'ed wuhin a certain tfne, with approved aernnty ftir tha faithful parfiirmanceof las The B'rtet Cummittee re porutl tha cleaiuiuK the streets could be performed by the employment carts and nun for Ik. yearly sura of Sl30U, aad recommended lha adoption of the following resolu tion KiS' lrrd, That from and after the eleventh day Aurust unit, the tune at which the contract wiih CliArlte Ope. for the eUansina; of th.

will expire, the said rleansini of the streets, lanes and lha District, aa alao the vajhin of ihe arkeis aih) mnoval tif rt al anhes anil garhAse. shall ba dons under ttieumntdiaie direction of tha Buper inieudent of Police, by men and carts in the erapluy of the Dn'rict. Afler a tlela'e. Ihe if 'lotion was amend 'd hy in aertiuit ''Buperintendent of Btreet Cleaning, tu be elected." and aaopterj as amcnuea. A bill for Settees and Mat Irenes for thePtlic Station Hoiias, amounlug to SlUl, was ordered tu be paid, after a delate.

Meisra. Rickardr, Thumpeon, of Second Ward, Thompson, Third Ward, Wilkine, Hook and Paul, vt ers appointed a CinnmitiM to ctafer with Colonel Millar irlativs to Ute purthasauf th Washington slretl Loi. The Bueet Committee was directed tn have Almond sliest, between Front and Almond sinet, relayed. An ordiisnrs presentol hy Mr. Rickards, Sxlnt; the tiu.ef..i lha eiwionuf all Uie olh ers of the Corporation, excepnngilime fixed by special aclsoftlio Aaeembiy, In take place upon the third MontiAy i April, the day of irganizing the Brd.

Read lha first time. An oidirnnre for fixine; a aland fur furniture cars and rxnrrea v. aeons, waa ralltil up, but tha Hoard pending a motion to insert aouih aide of AvAfchipgti atrebt betweea MayameDalng RoadAsd Second atreel, iuaioad of the point of Moyamea.uig Road. Folia Mmterf Yrsterdny the Mayor Anally minn.iiteil John Brown, upon thechargaof frging two chrcks on the llsnk, of on 'he tcuih of June He will A wait a rnu.n lion from Gov. Fori, of thai Bpencer, tha colored man, chnrfed with the drath of Buan Bfience'.

his wife, in Small aireet, was veatenlny coimnitted to prison bv Alderman Mi'Garry, ti await the arrival in hyity of Mr. Kecd, llie Attorney Gerrrnl Tho Coroner's in quett at'ribulrd tho death of wife to na'oral cautra, tut ts trieie is evidence l. ahfw thai the acciierd previoualy tlireatrncd to kill har, and d.d actually brat her, so that she had to carried into the crliar, where the couple lived, there re evidently snmcient for a proper judicial Irsac eol.iretl man, who had absconded fr, a vcaeel tifler reccmng hit advance, was sr rentd in St Mary street letttrday in irning, by olficers Neti" sod Neias. with whom he ha ados.e rate tcullle. lie wu at latt quieted by au anpli rnti ti of lollies, aiid Indged un buanl ths vesrel he deierted from.

On Thundny, the house of Mrs. Cochran, in Juniper itrrct, shove Pine, wnt roblieduf lent ta etui syiu m.d 10 hv a follow who fn red open a Itaek lata, ii ant window, during I lie ahsenee of the family on to Red Hank. A portion of (he plunder cntiited of sonic Missionary collections for the Bell in SuldA) Brhi'ol. Wm (inri was yesterday rfmmittcfl by Aldor. man Larry, to tnawer the larceny of any nuraler of ep Uulders.

An tuairtineiit was yesterday recovered by iHicers Nell and Blackburn, and there are noWAMnmng ihe cianutuf their owntn aletut twenty, ('fall size, and every deacription Ha was removed to prtain in coosoqiienec of an ntrsek if mania, ranted by recent indulgence in ardevi spiri'a On his war to pria he was continually atlliclrd wih Ilia (teller that theboyt were climl irg up ttep tlddrrt to get into the vehir'e tn Thursday evening, Miclael Downey do dat hit hoiiie, lack of Sixth ttrcet, above Catharine, it it currently reported, from lire rll'cctt of inmriet received litres or for weeks ttinrn, at lha hnuUi of snot her man dining a an the at a diaiillsrv, while wru ng their tun, for swill, to be mod aa food for Iheir cowt 'mth being milkmen. 'The jrontr hat l.een in f. norm of Ihe attending this cnee. Tut it it litlieved ii rule no iiivaathration. The ners.

who, it is said, inHtoted the injurtea, hns left llie city. A Medrf Sort's Th'anat McConntll hu just liul completed a buildibc; in Gerirnn sirest, below Third, wtit' m.iy rrrtsinly lie ca'led a livery itshle. Ihe is by lfv feet, si.d the building has a tasty fron' of prrsrrd brtrk the entrances beirg throogh three arches, the centre one being the lngneit, ai that a I ad ol hiy rat, lie driven in. The front ia onli two stories, out tha rear pisr lion divided into three Tne run na roctatnt stalls for thiriy enht horses. The second tl KT ig appropriated exc utvrly to up over inclined The thi'd 11 is a itole rie ro, for hay and feed.

The hav is draan up by mrn. if a patent capains of raising ton of hsy by horse power in three lifts. Ths stall room n.uto etri with lint thirn floor hy means of two hntcbaays, immediately lienealk sky liglni with asshes inox ing on pirols, allow leg 'hem to I nened fin vrniil.tit n. Tli. hay ia thrown down the hs'rh wa s.

instead id into racks, tnd Iht horsei ral front front ha in which the hay i. pla ed, alter first having tha dust removed from, it. The grain bin is arranged with a rl or like a hopper, causing it to pass hi ihe first flour hv moons of a pipe, until the Inn is aoiirelv emptr. The building tkroaghout was con airurtcd by Charles Mclntyrs Canoiu CirrwuKiae Thoralay evening. Mr Ri bert M.

Mcnsioin picked up a snail be1 1 in the Tieiaity of Tenth and Shippen streets, ths ex's ri r.f which washrill antly col ired lis exvninxl it rather enrinnsly, but could st ascertain of what It was composed. At last he dropped it in his porktt, when in a few momenta lha bill exploded, and sat but clothing on fire. Mr. Joha Hill, a frrmd with hint at tba time ia sndrarnring to eilioguiih the fire. I ad his hand tttrerclv buratd, ths eornpiii'tn siiekuvg lo km fingers as if it was hlazint; tar.

Mr. Mi Meiamin ssrsited witlnmt injury tn his person, hu waa aiorh dsniagetl. Tins was pmhably ihs result of a trick played off hy tsne adept ib the pyrnttrhnic art It should 1st a warning, to sth aot to bt taken in in ths earns way. A susnl ef Ceal rraaipsrtrd ea the PatlaaVf. hia aad Kfarfiaf KaireeW, daruxg tks week end uj i.ursuay, aiy it, tOM.

Tubs Cwt. 10 l.atld IS 14. 09 IS From Port Carbta, Pottaville, Sekuylkill Hsraa, Clult.a, Total Rw week, Previoualy this year, Total, 754.M 71.714 Aaeigariea Tea tn tkt week axtdiag 1 huraday, Jaly 111, lei: Taaa. Cwt. Frost Port Car boa, lull it P.tarille 1.411 Ot SchoTikill fisvea, ILIOH ut Port Cliauet, 1,1170 UJ Total f.

weak, Prnuaat kkis tsar. Total, tw.oio US 14 SIH.WI It It A in I "MIA 11 To asms Urns laat year, A Derrdesf osaeereiswar Tha mnea neeonusd by ih C.nrt of Over and Terminer, ia tks Ciaaty Baildirtgs, at Sulk and Cretans! ttrsets, has during ths week, bssa lk atxtkly elttandaad. rraovarrd. Iks amid work aaa lava raw est, aad tat wails cs Ttred with a rrtw antak. gieusg to Iks whs ie plars a light Bad wkoiet.sss appaaraar.

BsfrdThs packet thin Mary piaasaal tailed yawsvdav pxasming, fa LurarmJ, with aa tleerats uassiateia aad a valuaols eargts ejoasfsriaiaw ILSuO ksssks a wraeat. tbM karrsls uf (uw, aad 47 paaa sf ea aavekasdits. JWaarti Tks CnrrsBsr. yastsiasy nsnraiag, keM sa aoneat at Iks Cuaary Prana. oa arsiy of Ja.

asps Feterwsj, wbn died tks day hafraa ta ba earl. tie taa MM lsara at as wataaca af aMWita, WOMrwvw ana wttk thi sa lag to taks bar ids. Verdict, ieatk Aeaeasbly, af Boalhsrarh, by Mr. llltst. Tkf FeSra PVertst Tne fweaert is tb ttsemtc Bar aeea esio lead, ead sea) will raa mr.iarly rsii.sapam, tfaaasa, aaa tat attar.

a OtwrMsrbaal WcLtatVia was aevwilT Btst, oa 1 swear amraiaB. sy sslag rsa orw by ebassxsal rtlatk aad ratsatsaa atneu. 1 Saaerrrfastt FT rare sad Jf il Iwtreti ewdiag Jaly It. ftirreit nt WHesg pioaTatJ31j do. Ryt tot) a.

Cera Maal, bit. 1853. laaawartAt hhrk walar tn aay tks new prow psllar aksnahipi Anapa will ba uwnchad trorn tha ehiv yard of Tnstd.a Bueley, kUaauiaua Cap'aia Davtl L. WUoox, who dat isaa Bjotna; ia anmsed i tar as a pionawr ahip ia the Auetmiaa trade. Her dimeeavaH ars 154) feet oaj, ski feet besjn, and 10 fest depth ef hold, with doahls earim, having cylinders of 34 inches in diameter, and 39 tnehaa stroke.

Her aoachinsry kaa beta built at tha Peon Works of Messrs Reanev, Nenhe A Co and iamoatlv on board. Tha hull of this vestal has been BY ennatrurtrd ondsr tha unmsdiats snperittsmlrnes of Capt. Wilcox, her owner, Bad ft1 axesilenea or ma teriala. and laalrninia, prola' lv sorpaseea any ateauiship avsr eonsiructad at Una port, liar hull ta a solid masa of timber, from stars to stem, and from her keel to the of Bar plank sheer. Hey raatemngs ere en'ireli of coppsr, with diagonal iron bracings throughout.

Her bow ia ornenentad with the cti of arms of ih. Brats of California, bsaiiti L.l.i executed by Mr. Fox. Bbs has been eparred by G. II Mi bitaon A in a eiyle that eaaa be surpassed.

Bhs kaa three roasts, rigged with fur. ard Aft sails. A pleasnrs yacht, of exquisits model, has been built by Tcaodors Btreley, who has earned her in compliment to Captain Wilcox, and will lie launched day. Quits a number of sailing yachts have recently been constructed in Kensington, and it taai pec ed that there will soon be trails of speed between them, in order to ascertain which can carry iff the palm of suteriority. Her model was prepared bv her builder with great ears, and ha is can hdent of her proving nertelf ths swiftset Ik at upon tne tJeiawars.

forlsanK JJiicewre. Between 14 and 1 o'clock yeatsnlsy morning, the rear part of Garrett's jewelry alore, Cheantit street, near Fourth, was discovered to lis on fire hy ona of ths compiwitors in tha North Ainciiinn ollica, who promptly gave lha alarm. Capt. Bennett, with aeveral of the others attached to the Southeast division, wors early on the ground, and checked tha progrosa of the names, with but trillug damage, wnhout the aid uf ihe lire companies. Ths door ia the bark part of the store wis much burned, and lha timely discovery of the kre undoubtedly thwarted the designs of the iacenduvy.

a soon as tie watchman of the stora was aroused from his slumbers, and saw tha danger the valuables ths store were likely to be exposed to, he quiokly gathered them together, and locked them in the cases. Thf R'arna (imard.K new vol nn tear infantry company has been formed in the Second Brigade, under this li'le. It is to be attacked to Col. Small's regiment, and is computed of young merchants, cterke and storekeepers of ths Northern Liberties and Kensington, sons of whom are over twenty 6va year, of age. All of them are activs ami intelligent, and seem determined to fi.rrn a company that will scjoal the bast In the division.

Joseph H. Reynoida, rl Kenaingtoa, is ths projector, and will di ubtlata be the captain ol uie new company. They meet tonight at the aimory, in Thiid sirsst, above Wood, to adopt and sign Uieir Constitution, and elect aew members. Caiingx Attaibs. Ci Ceart The Myor's Court for the city of Camden, will lie held on Ih.

fourth Tnetilay in the preernt month. Ctmsiderahle buetees will be disposed of, aa a number of interesting cases are to tts acted upon. EUtttd.Ki the Annual meeting of the Dia'rict Grand Committee, I. O. of of Camden Di trict.

Wm. A. Morrell, F.q., of CamuVn, was elected D. and John Hyde, of Luog a eoirung, Bsrretsrr. Mrr'tag Tha Directors of the West Jersey Railroad Company held a meeting yeiterday after noon, at Mr.

ElwtsM's hotel. Ca.mlen, for the pur pose of ct.aaiileriijg lha dirferent routes whhA they are eurveyug for their beiwec i Camden and Cais May. They reported the survey in a favoratle alare of progress, and re Ived to put the road ander cunt: act so sot.a as the linai rou ia determined upon Tkt Faikion. This fins steamboat will be placed upon Ibe ferry thia morning, for the purpoee tif carrying ihe New York passengors to Camden, in place ol (he Wtihitigtr, which is to be takea to Borden town, where it will be thoroughly and substantially repaired. Wliag Up.

Th. Camden and Philadelphia SlramlH at Ferry Company ars filling up their duck, telow Federal street. Correspondence of tha Public Ledger. Visit to Ferry ouoty Warm Springs July 7, lt5J. As I ara one amongst ihe many in tha city whi scarcrly know where to go to spend the summer, to gel out i Ihe heat and aa I had aime business, a lew days ago, up tho Juniata river, in Milllin county, on my reium I concluded I wuuld peyavmttu the Perry County Warm Springs.

And I must say that 1 was much dissannotnted, for I never had any icoa that there was such a beautiful location in thtt Stale, with tuch advantagea: anna am or eight cot two alike. Bathing it moat delightful one large plunge pool, twen'y feet tquare, tbree and a balf fret deep. The mountain aranery ia delightful, whilst thestream ot water called Shot I ni, nus creek, arlorda very "nliul1 nns laiting and ntniug; in the roe.ui that a iterant ran spend a whole day nn and ho Ihe thade all ths time; Ihe walke are delightful, and you need not goout into the broiling tun to get into the thade, hut rtn keep in it ronitantly if a person wishis The home is large and airy, anil liberally and well kept. 1 fetl assured that if aome of our cry folti hid any iura of tuch a location in Penotylvauia, hun dreds would ttitrk there tn tnene me iiiiuoier, anu such ailelighiful tpot for fhmilieB and fn the youth to altuut upon Ihe hill, and up and d.iwa tha reek the tilt around the coumry, I am told, are delightful, and, at Mr. Otter keeps a.

one trees and Teluctei, hit In atden can bo act oiuinotlated with ndetof aliout four milee, to the lop of a mouo'tln. The scenery, of Cumi erland and Perry eonntiet excels any older in tha Bute hy far. There it alto a rock mar llie springs, called Moses' Rock, which is qnito a curiosity, as itcoatsins water the yearr.imd, and no one ran tell where it comrs from. The distance from our eity should not re tn object, aa one can get i here in a few hours ride. 1 see ths proprietor hat given a full disruption of the mute in ihe Pennsylvania Inquirer.

I expert tn qiend a few weeke there, and shall bt pleased to tod many of the city pei pie there, aa the Uarding la modera'e, but tlx dollars par week, bathing included; at least I understord the fare to, when up there. PlIILtDELPniAV. Correspondence of th Public Ledfsr.J Tks Strike oa the I'artnxe Rallrattrti HiiLi.iPATsni'io, Jnly 1'Jih, lfW. Mxaagt F.niioKs droit you a line to day, to iiilonn you that the Canal Coininitu Bert, Messrs. Moriwin and Hopkins, with their Secretary, Mr.

Wilson, haveOen here fi several tlayi, mvestiiat irg ihe cauas which tnduerd the strike among the Wt rkn.en on tho Al.etlienv Portage Rtilnsvl. T'ey have been very active and iidustiioui, 1 1 forrtt cut thu thing to llie lot torn. Tfn have taken a aninvnt i and wrl adjouru in a few daye. to meet agaia in liarrisltu g. tocoiupleta the investigation; and as I uiderst.d Mr Morrison, the Prrsidrat of the Hrc, ihey in'egd toaakea full report to the ptthlic, wiih the ns taken in Ihs ett.

This, 1 llr, u. Inty i mieiiu pi. si. tut f.vie, aad Ihet ask an lnt.1 I'gtnt puhirt to determine where the fault lias. There is uo'hing occurring here, of aty nouy.

Mr eh in hs gi r.e tu the Delf. rd Springs, to I recruit hut v. anted health. fFnrrhe Pnldic Islper Iliaw Urldge Slgaals Mltixs.

Editoxs Grntlem.n: Permit me, through i iur ci l.tuiiis, to sutrgett very snnpiseon li it sin to guard agaimt ths reeurrenr of raiUoaJ arcidenta in crossing bridges at night, rix theerec ll. nof two large aud dittinctlighia tev extremity of the draw hu being plainly visible to Ih an ginrer, will show at fitst tight any change in Ihi potitionof tha draw. If tha construct uia of it is such as to tender the two lamps Ineufhrieat, a third on placed on tha landing, so ae lo present a regularity in their appearance, will, I iLnk. wi'h Jiu suggestion the Leilger, to approach a bruise alowly. obvutle any further ntuutif fa such laiocn'al Ie eccidenu.

Even if it bt deemed aeces tary to provide other aad nvee edertiv regula tiona, tbsaliovs filers, lo niy tuindo obieetrnu. 1 oars, Ac. X. For lh Public Lodger.) Independent eaxlldatlea Ticket. Fee Aiaaieri aad AiprsMaisnres ia (At Ci'y aid I saarp.

Now, that th Pre udrat ass c.sia and gone, aid trteref re, is a ogonar," let sa one nwa address ourselves bt th business" in haod tae son 'I illation of the City and Districts ia cos nuuiciptlily, one Philadelphia. I Will grnileroea who have tx fir eased a determina lioaUiaign le call, addrtss Box 7j7, Poat orhee, I'hiledelph a The call will appear ia a few days Txcrxftxa." CtLTroxxix Ptxtrsitso A reverend gentleman holding forth to ths ainneta of PUvcer viile, on a late oc ssion, closed hit address with the following exhortation to hit hearers lo lot ten thnr rortr rriiigt "And now, ail jq roorcKsais and. aaawr ax chsi.twt, aad tradere and miners aMaortora aad lewtere, and and saqatrsa sad aad enlonels, and esp aina. ye indaeaeta uf every eiafl, postraasters. tx postsatswa.

assutiat Bosa tnaatera. aad ya tfics eea kare, ye lattlionls aad landladNi, ya aartina nan, )a ra sp of Flarsr nlet all of voa ap to Ik new rhnn na Suadar. Yat, ve bowling a'urv mea. Reservoir men. aad ya Fmpire, ye Booth Fork mea e.wne, from busy rare awhile forbear Corns tread the mrte of ina eaaetisary.

and oting unto the lad ytiur God a errtag geVd aad litres aad prscieat (Atagt." Bxats Tax Boston Sups The Marlboro', Md r.sxetteer has the foil iwiug notice of a rthenomenon whu exraeda anything which Btatna raa do in raising skids, or icatannd in showering catfish. A teaesr sOon Oa Thtrsdsy last, oar Tillage a vssired by the ramtt kabl phea imrao of a asr wor fJ al orrtw It appeared lo bare keen re. eealy thrashed, ao grata bstrg fused a Ike heads. There ass ao wusd Uowiag at Ih Uase, nr tt migkl testily ke urrpeerd that was bkiwa Croat euaet aesgbhor'a tWeasuM yard, ll was rttiMs a treat dsns see shore Iks earth befsre It dteriadsd. Wt P'lsam ttsat si raw was tsksa ap ia a wkirt Snaat Stesa Ctor at Peae ir Caeraut 1 I reaorta that tke island had been ratted with very beery raise ap to that ea, wssck kaat Basely awt a twit) ia asgw atakunr.

The small qsanuty fXaafBrtitred waa of aa mievtnr quality, aad tkt prtree rait hhtk. Bereral veearlt aad ia eon scare left at ballsat. aad ofbrrt war unsjctad 1 ewiaatatat exsw ism nsrasa. Potmrs ra Tirmiij At rmtha ci al. fmad Bh ri 1, TZ 7 1 Twn dens st 1 else ni Isa Cosim a roemm tk.

wksetarg imt, sad barm rsVel IWksdaie, fivuw kra site eaaa. Ta wvettsj ars wof ti aataiiit mrtsaa. awnvg tb tat. btary rtnr. at tb.

Norta, ud aao area si a pea nee ia a ra Teat of tar al 11 rt roa tee ae. Or perfcs lary rsaad more straw al Ik. thaalkey wasted, tad wrbeytbrew it rwbcetd. 4 PRICE ONE CENT. MAGNETIC TJELEORAFaI kam mi mp BrDff lo liners VXVa SllSlSVWVl.TOUI,.iyf j( trTaaBiTie Tax.tAsaj flyrtfti, Aa.88CasiWarri.lIur4w.)( rrern Rl.

Rtcsrwciw, July 14 Ths sckarasar Teaa'ins trrivad ka Hasraytcm Ruada ysstartkty, days frana Coetlinrnodor McKsev Ter, tsft Ru, oa tha nth, New York iluenoa At res was so 1 1 til kinds antpended 1 Tb St James, cf PWlaeVlrmia, and W. G. Lewie, of Boston, war in tha nun of aim. "Tr fax MBHWiwt mrt'UVW WWm aMIati light. ThscMpwuib rstrimsdsr Shnkrlrk Iternvnl.

July IS Oommnd ore Bknbriek has hrlt aero for Portstnosikv Naw Harnaaksr, where be ill aesum tha eorauiaad of ihe tqaadrua ordered to the Fishiag Bsius fla ia accmupiaiad bt Lieut. Henry W. Lewis and Col. J. 8.

Ciuuunj aam, hi. Secretary. J. D. Ward, of North CaroNna, who Inlignantly declined a BthjO clerkship In ths I And OnW, and subsequently accepted a tl ptsat in ths Treasury Deparloiatit, haa beta ramovod.

Tke Cryttal Palace Relara of tha President Nxw Yoax, July 15 Th Crystal Palace waa opened to ths publis this murnutg. Thus was a Urea attendance. Ths 1'resideut leave, to morrow for Waihingtoa. Thu evening he attenda the banquet at the Metro politan Uuiel, and tha entertainment al Cattle Gar den. Arrival at th Daniel Wekster.

Nxw Yoax, July 14 Th steamship Daniel Wrbtter, Captain Churchill, Arrived thu m.trning irnm ran juan, wnirn ptace tne ieu(on tnt om put orings no later news trom Ths Prouwiheut left the earns day for New York. MarketaT Nxw Oilxaxs, July 9 Tha aals of Cottoa, during tha week, reached 9.4ta bales Middling, 1(1 If. Block C7.30D halee. Th prices tnt lower graasa Bar advanced to nines tht receipt of Ihs lialt le letters. Tobacco is firm.

Baltt of the week SI100 hhda. Salsa of Coffe, during; tie week, vtaaj latt Klo, af tj BtncK TifiUO baga. Mubilx, July SaIcs uf Cotton, during Ihe week. I USD tales. Receipt! 0000 bales.

Exports 2000 Inlet. Stock 20 (AO bales. Rcip't at all rkiulhern porta feat uuu bales ahead of laat year. From Havana Iraprlitacd Anierlcana. The Havana correspondent of lha New York Timrt ipeaking of the slave trade says, that threa American seamen, of tha slaves Jasper, wlm had been deceived at to the diameter of the Toy tga and the vessel, and inveigled into ghlppiiig on board of her in New York, on attempting lo get away from the Teasel, to avoid a worse late, were discovered without difficulty, and ar now in tha Tacoh priaoti, to be made the acapo goata" of this expedition.

The three men succeeded in getting; ru puss Can San Antonio ia a small boat when they ware cap. turwi atd rcalucd twenty eight daye on board of a Bi aiush vessel uf war. The fact was anaoancsd hy the Cnplntn General tn Judgs Sharkey, bef tie th character of their past service had been revealed; but hs declined tnking charge of thom, it is sxHt, fir tht reason that he did not know how three Amen can at amen could be in that vicinity." Bock it tha report circulated, now Ihtt the Judge is not her ke can proliably explain it, if he thinks it uf ttfiucient consequence do o. The Jasper left this port, wiih har cargo of rura and negro trstting odt onboard, where the obtained her register from the American Consulate, by order of Ihe Secretary of State, and arrived ia New York, withnut its being displaced. After ml eaaa from her liltet tint, on examination before the United Bta'et Commissi.

ner, she prepared to carry out the purposes ol ber Bpaiush owners one ot them being there present and she closed her fittings for the Coast. Doan A Clark writ the shipping master. of hor craw; and thoy can stale, probably, how nsvny Americana were shipped for there are fears that aorna of them hav been ailu away with, not in Hi dua course of nv ture, or of African Ctset Fever. On the De cemtter, the hark Jasper cleared from New York fur Sierra Leone, Edward Towntand, plain, (given in tha American Consuls', Capt un Watsr nian.) and, after being two days out, twj Spanish passei gen who were not kuuwn to be on board by those who had thipped for au honest voyage, made their appearance on deck, and created much uneajt ncaa in th minds of the three American ataman The names of the three men ara Harvey C. Park, of Palmi ra, Wayn county.

William Alkina, City of New York, and Wm. Fresburn, of Philadelphia. Tht re is no doubt that they were innocent, and lhar aper getting on the coast and being ahan doned by their captain, there waa no opportunity tor en ape until thev arrived on Ihs coast of Cuba with their cargo. The American Commercial Agent, Wm. Robertson, Esq in ehargw of ihs American conrulals, haa ntked permission to take their declarations, which will he denied him by lb.

Captain General, for fear of implicating taatimimy. At or rtr na Chics, oiui roast of Afnca. 4U0 mile from Sierra Leone, the Jastier was transferred to tha Spanish Captain, called Curtsy, as thai men giv Ihe nam, aud the mats, Diomsia, anil near this point lha American caiiiain and ma a left the vassal. Ad ditional crews were tlto received on brd at this punt, and the real purpose and object of the royag for the firtt lima wu acknowledged by tht prepare, tioa made. From the RIs Grande.

The United States traaiport tieauiship Fashion, from Brans Santiago, armed at New Orleans nn Ihe 1t bringing ths Brownsville Flag uflhaiiOlk nil. We extract th lluwuuj itstnaofnewt froui the F'ag On M' last, the following perant appeared he Tore ll.e ('sited States Court, under ihe indict merit i havn violattd ihe neutrality lawt of ths United Btatot. viz Jose M. i Carvajal, R. H.

lord, E. Hord, A J. Man, A. Norton, K. U.

Trimble. Bound over to the January term On ihe 16 hull was received by Capt. Granger, of lha fi Baligtvdle, op p. me tne Mexican town of Guerrero, that a party of fifteen nr twenty Indiana had crossed ths Rio tirsnde from the Mexican side, about eight miles his post. He immediately despatched a party uf men to follow their trail.

Tha troops overtook them whilst crossing their animals; five Indians were killed on the epol, aims fiv or tix wound ec hi rses, arrows, Itows, gaps, blanketa, Ac, were taken from tliem, and tli ae who acBl iwt't ths river entirely naked. It would appear thai thee Indiant were fully aware of Ih presence of th 11 illts at Bellsvule. They travelled one hundred aid thtriy six mile in thirty nut hours, despoiling the ranches front ihe place of their ertasios dowa to Jack FA triti't tancbo. They rtuiroed by way of th "ona. Troopi art maiiinnallr (rririat? at th Mtri'iui Wns on this frontier, aad in such anmber wt hav tavtr before seen oa this lins Military rnvamp ents are also lieiag established at Dninlt un th Rin Grand, which hava hitherto not been m.pdered uf tumrient traportaac tu be guarded by custom ittst gnnrdt.

proprietor of a banking et'ahlishment in Ca nwrgo iuts been Consulted upon a contract baking bread fur ten thousund men It ie reported by pas Bcngorsrsreitly arrived from Rio Or and City, thai opiiiions aie freely expreseed on th tuber tola aa to tha validity, in Santa Anna'a opinion, of the maty ol peace, the same having bean made and raMh during hit absence, thut creating a qiestmn at tn ths necessity of complying with its nbeervance. Tha odiviae mission'' of Banta Anna to reclaim ihe best importance of the Mexican territory it also alladed to. We do not take upoa ourselves th retpontiluli ty tn suggest what policy Suta Anna may havs in this movement on the conirarv, we give lha inf. matt, a leaamilsr uf fact. Ws ctaiceive tks Republic of Mexico eaa have no enemy in thia quarter wtiac preset ea rrqmreg surk an sxtsasiva ma met yet the opposite frontier is assuming at war.

like aa aspect, aoc reports aa to Ihe hjarl of thut movement a en rsrreal ard an eorrohnrated, that, lie i hay founded siihsiantauly or otherwise. Ws deem the quest uis a public one, and calculated lo interest, if aot adect, the community at largo. Tux Dxatiot Sixctt Applitos The Boa ton T'Bi. script speaking of tho deal of Samuel Appleton, one of the oldest, most opulent, berug Tolent, and public apiritcd citizeue of Boston, tayt Ut has lived a most useful and honorable life; aad tlihoogh fsr many vsart hs haa lssa withdraws frota ths active arenee of business, yet But charities hav been poured oat wiih a lavish hand, to chaw th hearts of th efflirted, to aid ia movement (ar th welfare of atrietVT tnd to build np mstltolions of rearnins; Hit charitable xtauoaa fa maay years havs exeeeded twerty Ire th taaand dollar! per aa num. While he was disiicsuuhad Ca araat rena.

rtai'y of era acier, and his cisarius ware extatdod ith treat ha had rmerkah practical gins seers naatistrta wuh a dis erinoiuuitai aid oemnd lodrmaof Im'v snrorwinar I Mr. Appletoa wu bora ia New Ipswich, June tU. He wm. tasrefuta, 67 ytart of are.

Wars aa, at ysart aid. be lassgru tea ol ia Temple, N. II He ar.erward went to Mima, where resided bat a abort nm A Per pasting a veer Ashbontham. he removed lo ia 174, and roa atearrd business. He vras ma Joued by but brother, Hot Nat laa Appleton, aad the firm of 8.

A N. Appleton waebaaj kenwaas esse of lbs stoat aonorsnie, snterpruieg, sat exieastv ttsresatiis kriosae ta Ntw Eawtaed From 170 to two, raased murk of bis time thristd bnt ao mateanttle earartsnenlseoold rrsks kirn fttrrst hit aalivsaul, 1 anu no praeeare ot oosiBoeo wne anowas mtavierw I with hie interest ka Ramos, his adopted til)' ot lis rkari labia ussiltatioas. Mr. Aptdeaat learss nn chddrra. A widow Bed a large etn of other rdalrvst, however, will swat his nieraiiry dear.

Tai 8. eatoer Prutretoa ptutt Cant Reary, Jaly 7ik at 4 e'eluak. A. af and aacbnrsd of Port Csassiia am, P.r'smoaik, at Me'etnek, P. M.Jaly 11, asakntf the raa ia (awdaya Bad stgk krea koara.

Darina the wbme of this Isms, wttk too ext eptioa of a trw hoars, th carried all the Bleat. fa breex oa naeetsr. taove tbaa atx tants I Bang Uerald. Txt xatAratc Oititi es a SrsssreF.ig. lish taster, evaerva aa ImptrtssM unjtvwttesj at ta grtueai ng ate aew a as) tngan te seeew tares eerker, tae Daks of Wellmrtim.

TVs kawxsgwetwa ruantnaa 4 root ska to ia of Bach law aow, came ia was and ths ft' It. His aad had kor hav ta tha in I I I 1 Si ol I sad aavktog I TmmTl.t"rJmmm I ecald ret aa. and with avert antr a af east a tt of a etmuastairau.a from the top tae eoairia jstta has) allowed tke asatti snnstsdt of "etna her," "aasa bar, ahead," toko disnaatad with. 1 Aa kxekra of anna at Blared ea tat ma red a) ptaeaa aa tae aot, too wars atolind tkare, eta af the pre and. ketag Barer esmKlea wt room to.

a ly ead tflsetivrly. 1 Naw 'OlLtiat DwttaT tba week sndiaf she td mar tker. wm tT7 aeaixa New Or least 1 ef 1 yrtlow ssrar, T. tMj. a' ifr.

rli jr afal r. 1 Prices AdTertiaiiif in lbs te)(ar. Sir SSit 5 1 1 a so I aa I aa A Dorrt CxaxctWiB, Dr' bar ia law diacorarsd that the Tr.i aura LI 1 kankermg her daughter, that good nut lady 5 did k4 so Trail ahrral giviag Wr eteertrur r' a prints Jhsrs wsrs alraady two stubM mVs, tae) li'aitsd atea, aad saw was aaruua tkaxO rwswv arouia suppwi sa.iw. it was plain i Vi.nHi. aenuid usmimuI fos tks, Sktnnoes 7 a flint, and 'htt was rather a doqlttfol rkxaca.

If aa ofjeethin was nrgod try a Troald ba na ia whew there wsrs bag two aritllag sfB ee tha L'aitad how eaa a printsr hop to gat a wiJa wkaa tke prtteat rantas asowt tat aumkar bIJ07 :0 TBB WlBlll SlSlsntSfSSlSwS wmJSwO inraiuiraiintlwappoialnastits. Toro aaiTsustt of iha or lassr, wsre aptilicaaai tor th aasna oaVew California. By aawnccKleat the otaer VViaiar indiiciad lalo th mysteries of tba Coatoai Hiaias lifts ths appohttss thxasghf Wat all right, thing went ia twiwtnmgly aatil aftavwonsx, s.iaiaspp aiana, taai tae aaoaal ea)" and aa aa as sdista Ifplaaiiiai took plaea; so right ue' was pot ta, and th wsvrag Was. pat ont.and it waa said ky taoa who wart) eaizaat of tks fact, that baa i ha la' tsVi taa bacamakaowmtokiai, a taors tassriaaa Wuttsr eaiakti wagtv irau ''d ihrJ.7Z' or. rwia ia aaTarnta.andaala4rt.i ntviirants moment, sprang; to th gmaad, wllkuat njory snssr su BSISSS1 UT SO th little CBdtiasr Buck a worna.

dtAwva. a hastala, I srtVrf kP TBI Erptct or Bab TsrtraA ken, aatat. Shontn, wa btlwrrs, wssssat to tks Hnaaasf Bawxes jugs tsr bsing e.iecernad with tha Pansy buy nt roa wi wunsr tiK. sarsrpn .1 I l' mt ther pretended aehadgnrt. InCutiitwhartaa HO I OSI UI USSlU BW IB JtWIMfl Sjp arotarrW.

Bad kant him at hie old vocation. It Isaratod thai tt toy gave hi mother ssvaral oViilari whick ka aad stoisal while the waa lyiaa? draak, he robbod bsrf sad lha pleastirata'ipeaduif tdts frsjt ku wa ktwt sisrA. (aies. 8 ExxceixB. Joes Brwslla was axscnlsd ak raw ontskiria uf Stockton.

Aa immense crowd wis raased the He confested that hs had eoaa muted aa am. tint of eruns ia Calif a nut, aonVieat by' ermdeomed lint to death fifty time. He aaxt 1 was a resent tr nf aa onraaixed bard ng robbers, la whtas aeai hs ofTtred lead rka oAcara. lit Ud be aaatsted to th eart. aad trembird noieslif when tb pe waa placed around hut aaek.

Tba 9 crime of which he wu etiarictad was tha nwrdag of HU Janes, alt a year atto. Tna onto Tax Law. The Ravmna Staraaya that Judge Hnmphie)TilU (a Demooratu: raarabar of la' Ohio CiinttitutlcnaJ CtatvtatKai, and at pr. tent Jtnlga or an Ohio Court) hu arcidsd the taa law of that Stats, to (tr aa itrafsrt lo haaka, taaena ttituiioaal and mid, oa taa groaad that lh Coasts intion oaiy authutuud ths lgislatara kt tax aaska uolhar pmpsrty it taxed, but that that law tax them much mors than other property. Tata Built fios ths crowbar law.

a BiBTH rLxcx of Clatox Sitg Urrrthaa orTert Clay Springs Farm, th birth phves of Henry City, for tale It a in Hta rvw coaatr, Ta ahoat tweaty nnhia teat at Ricaeaoad. It aagret hava eaaa bought five ysart ago fitr hair its pint ant vara. Owing to the ass of calcaraua naaai ta." aad raa) example Edinuad Rama, who rasuda ra tfcak county, old far rot have btaa atmblad taxi qtailrtplesl value. Political PoiTt Th Northom Light, of Hal lowell, chaJlengta creation go matrt a rhyat lor Stebhings Ona of tha admirerg of that aero teat the fo lowing 1 'Ran. lour voleea, boys, and pit; Break through all entangling wabbtaant Open wide your hand ana taowiti Put I mXrnmm mmA I.

a V.I. DovaLB Tiaci oa thi Baltixioxb abb Oatt Railboad. The Biaud of Duaeiotaot this Read havs anthorised tha cntutrnetioa of on haalrat milet cf "second track" oa the lint of th imitate ta of th road, iixty mil of which tr to ba laid Between HaJtirrort tnd Cumberland, and ftnyatuaa) wast of Cumberland. Fifty nulf 1 aadar said rno lutit.n ara ia pruceee of rnawtrueiioa. v.

Tita Naw What. It itl tabof snaral rev mark, tayt tht Ntw York Conner, thai the qiatiirsr of new hire wheal which hu taut far beta hrieaxait to maikat, it exeetdinply The grata Mrwaar. fuller, and heller npaed, than ha hsaa kansa tor naay years. Tht quality of lour BUuitcuufroatH, it, mntt thtrtfort be very fin. Co.qvilTt.

Tha Cathnlie Mirror tayt: "Atsnasj1 tl ferrale convent of Romanism ars Mrs, Ripley, well known her retautifni translatiot of tsar 'Glories of HercyJ Mr Metealf, lady of fadg)' Matcalf, of Btst.a; Miss Macomb, daughter sC Gsa. Maoomh Mitt Scott, daogh ter of Oea. Bontt, tnd Mist Dana, daughter of HUard ti.Daaa, that poet A Valiuili HcixuffB. A lady, who lost aar husband, not long tinea, by a railway acaideal ixt England, surd the rail weycon panv, and raconrei almut 1170,000 damaeea. Tht rUmai war calca lated oa Ihe basis of hit prnfeasrotal incnrm, and ths) avsrig lngik uf We, aa dtratastratad by Uf sa turtuos tablet.

.3 A Posrsttsrtx ht Salem ooanty, while panliaf onl a Vary uaeertaia supraeriptiti oa aa Irish stt i ter, Jsostely remarked to aa inlet ureal ana of Rrta. who stood by, that tha Irish brought a hard sst of tamea to Uiia cuatiy. "Ah I replied taa Irithmta, "but thoy git diviliak tight harder eaaa after they arrivt here." A i.ak. A man nemsd Collins, died recently at Phtesrvills, Cnliftania, who had been fr tors lata a tuppoeed objeetrf ebarily, aad had often ctostveef dosalKtsanf kd from tke minart, ia eaassqiisaea etf hit preestdrd destllultoa. Upoa strippiag asm.

gar burial, twenty ssvaa ooacts ef (iddul wanfoaavA in kit boots. 1 BtALt in thi Boitox HiimimI af mbtr gat teals, uf vary la go six, har beta atea ia the uaaer harbor, Bottt wiihlQ a fsw deyt. They art quins, thy, though tUy can be appr.achtd while they ara cat AM letaxaut.taaf snouaa to navs a rids ball rtaeh then. 11 I Ai.abasia In a letter tVom New TiseV wlekJ W. Wslksr, Iht Wklg aormnee for Oovernnr, da lines ths proffered feasor Th Moatgoenery Jnar hAi (Whig,) rteotuaueada the support ef ilnatl Natal Htslliokxci The Uailad stMitcs a thip Relief will tail from tha Bronklya Navy Yaaa.

in a few days, ft Rio Janeiro. Per. at wuhing ka forward lettrrt to their friends on Ihat stalioa. oaa do to by this Ttatgl. 1 GiattT Battn, of Ptlershoro', N.

ia ttated, ia perfectly relitvsxl of a pamul disraetot HTonteea ysart' stantlimr, by a reesnt anrglcal operation It eontulsd in th rewmral of tu Wf hmmorrkwidal tuamrs, tf tjinj tai lletttotbT bat arrittea a latter, hi whlck ka advocate, the enrtatiBcnoa of aa or touts as sal, wiihoat locks, serosa tke Isthmus of Danes, asi Bar aaiatsnee to pins is oa th Usif sf baa Miguei Beat Cuptea. Sild or Itos Wot gg. TV Anehtraai I row Workt ia Mar) land, with laxvte. katldirnray aad Isae.

prove menti aiiarbed, sitaatrd la thm county, rsre add to Willtant B. Clarke, Kan af rJaitiianre. got Ihs tore TT?" A Naw tmapersnce aVhtk it ieanihad by the Baa Frtaeiero liar aid, composed of "tkree perttofrnng beer aul two uf water graai, thick taad with a lib. lit a Caae hvtlueai chau CiLirotvn Cxopg Th wheat aroas ptinastt ahoodantly. It ht aud there will be teat Mjaa) bosbsis on the Stasislaaa river, la Calaveras, tke) wheat crop aud to be ever hat kith, with hsada tix and a half hk kaa long.

7TT NowttiATtt roa Srranirr TlvornuW has recsnvtd Iks karhast aumhar af vote ia BaJif more, on a Norm eel ion Elect ma. aad was tasrvtire declared to bt to Lasuocralie aaiuwt lor BOsraf of that city. rnisHBB A trara ka Chawat; ersanty. N. York, wu hired tu bury lha cloths of a assail aua attttas.

Inalead of doing an, pat them upoa kt kuk taxt now nek wuh tb diaaasa, Hat is sixty sol bus par roa is lb trrwa nf Columbia, Ct mietitii aaraong lbs aaw auilA, arersuaosd la tVes par tbottiaiid. BoBiowiso Tacxnta Tse ritixsas of Vincent, borniwed a British rannoa of their asigk bora al Kingitot, with which to eeiebrai tha ilk ofJolr. CttABLii CiLtwxi.1.. eaa of taa saost 1 mediral mea of th West, datd reesntlv, at I Tills, Kearurky. He was a swesxtanaa aalkaT wtt wail kat at ta kr pn lettiua.

BcnemoTst Astbobt. Esq, hue C.B. I 1" ZjiZl CLttttTB Tht thai laixtatktt haa tad tested bat dagnu of seal Baa Fraanmu. At Cahtmat.aot one dev it rood al kw, tha aaxt at ke, aad ike aaa. Iln) ta Ike taad.

t. mAH Iscttisg The aoaalatkai ef gaa Fraav rtsco. kt bow Bix year agro, tke Cat if. rasa Star aaastanesd its populaxioau keuag 3x1 asaktaand itainrraaag at aatvaiiataailadi Qrira Psattea. Tke rsf taa aaa.

wasrk tatJed from Nrw Yerk na Use tilth waa rVd by the Arabia oa the ad hntaat, osT the Bail navy, 11 muss rroia uverpooi 14 as vs. wm ov armwttraal erne euapeadod, km ksaxt asy tieaetal. Taa MtaitTia yd tttrw. Oot 'araat Ot aaa. ear asrwtv Bp ad sautster a Mnieei, tr lived at Caerlartna.

B. aa Biaaxr. tVesa vVaasa. rsass a the aapi ai ot the ii iniiasi Naval. The (rtrare flanauk at aow ready lb sea at Uoaport, tad ealy wattrag erdere aad saves lief tattrers ken ail resorted unaaslras Taa BaTTLa ran Baraa was eilstrstsd aa Moatreai ea la Wth.

Iperaeaai aorat' a btu tojosrk ka ansa, tiatdf tajaruaj a "rml'ta Lax) Tna avTsettTta 'CZZ, V. I rt real erty be I arvwrastry Is eak rate. I AT A raarrvrrioa of pipbjf grem. tret so pantea aw paved 1 Ml flTTvl I keeallad rt otaaalef aa prrvrttT Twcvaa'a rtrwa, to wntaaat sa sasntasi. is wtnarwaar Parts Cistttrt has ead a sae mseaaii Ith wsrt af bat ttawaat.

La Pesaas, kr oaa truss mea en 'ace. CnrsTAk PsLaca PbMrt, ka New Yrt. Bssstort 141 perassa. T.attalisai ia WUIaawrw ot tollwiu.MtfTsaaxtthtdafg PV A Albany, yd laat weak, ntkoaL "whn. 0 JsyaallB dasgsr, nad kt ta asstaat, tarnwitw ear hat an abawl oa taa aide wtJkTtaa tne wo go i tit atn a.

i Aaa 11 sr. wT 1 ee A saamaxJtTAaaaks 7 Vi it 1 I.

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