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Public Ledger from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Public Ledgeri
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

rUBLIC, LEDGER ay AM) DAILY TRANSCRIPT. Philadelphia, Friday, Sap. IB, lSele cr i Til Fxl. We trad Uit ell rBowitid shoal the rerwlt, however they any diner lAaraeetr. of Ike leteexpealiloe again Cans.

Aed wa bone that will toeellr entietod aboat the Brejpert of revolutloa that netrstoo Bpealah tmory end S.iealsh loa waU, to he doebtfal iliftof foren atirapt la overthrow Speaiiu atikorliy la thtt Mart Wa hM that the whole Bailee Bennleh aopeatioa, who ara a large portion of tka whitee, wueid te aaaalaMaa again iia nvnwi, a tat haat (mnawi tad reentred, aa a laat ra ailas tka Idaad another St. unlngo. We aeaals bm wv another wort oa ika aaoject, 1ft Heap wot MX Bad to keep ellve Ika plretf at Waa of Mn ImniiM, and to ante ea eicaeal Aaerlcaa aulities Aa aaek ttoehle etas altempu ara Bade, wa faal boand, la duty to wreoeatry, to tratk, Iwttca aad kimtnity, to tart theaa wllk derided coademBitioe aad in to doisgi we akall keatnw lime deserved enstlgitioa apoa the froai deader, tgilaat which ara oaedemeet ia Ikia aiieohief, oaa of tka means by which popalar udtnunt la to ba aaiotetned, and diraetcd to fatata eggreaiea apoa aa BBoffondlng aaOoa. New York aad Naw Orleans teem to be Ika kea4 qatrteti of tkia Bear attempt, aa tker war ef tka attempt which kaa brought aaek iimranry jaatloa apoa tka teraders. A partitaa Journal of Bl VW ul.

aw i vi, amus vsiogy taa cn aaw da kjna of Lopes, attribales kia failara to want of an.uura.rlaa. eoarae a and laat anareeiatioa of libartv aaxraf tka Cabnaa, aad la doing tbta, It denoaneea tka Speaieh government tka awat trraaaieal and oaaraaatra aow as tka faea of tka earth. It ad da that, wfcotbcT tka aaaaa of liberty ia Mil uaaerpr I (ana vied witk Lopez, reaaiaa to be teea; tkat, tht Mood of tka patriot la tka aead of freedoa tkat wa," wktch ateena tka MWapapar referred to, Would diehoaot xoar" AaMrieaa an seat ry aad tha ooaatry wkoae Isdependeaea their fcerolta healer ta not arapatkialsg with tka Creolea of Caba la tka daatk of Lopas. their ektapioa aad manrTi ltd ra hot aontlaaiBf to kopa that, froa kla inn MMli Wm. aft diftaata.

th VuWuIm ftt whoa tka aaaaa of Cahaa freedoa aay ba eoa dicted ta a aora aaapieloaa lataa. Aaotker ioar Ml of New York ia profaeelapraieiBf ikafallajitrr tad peaeraltj of tka Invadera. and la deaoaaolitf tha eowardlee aad traaekary of tke Creolea, aad tka ijranay aaa eraeity of tka Bpaaiaraa. it aaya at Loots aad kit followera were depee of tkafalaaro i ii i 1 i nkhriMftjwl mnA Alranlaftiiil Im 4ar am east to epaia, it kopea tkat aosa kalf doiea well anned ellpptra will be Beet for ibeir reaeie; and ia jaeul rauoa of tha raatr piratieai toriretUoa appeala to a nklgker law" tkaa tka lawa of na tkaa, to wit, tka law of kaaultr. Aaotker ioar mml Kt Virk.

vtli ta karaalaran (mob well pleaaad with tke idea of kavlnf Spaiaaad taa Vaited Btatra eabaoited aboat Cabt, ialiaatea tkat Lopet waa decoyed into tka lalaad by Spaaiah oacers. After denoBkeliii thltaa bwriblaveaeba ry, aaya taai oar oreraaent oagat to inquire iBoat rigidly aboat it, aad that, if it ba trie, tha Aaerlcu people will deaue terrible Tea oaaoe cteveral other Joaraala have proaaely praiaed aad taaated tha aad deaoaneed tka iifl eraeltiea of the SpaaUh goraraaeat, aad Uroked aaaaaiy panUhmeat. Wa perfretly aaderataad all tkia, aad call epos cyery reapeetaMe aad palriotia preaa ia the United Btataa, of wkateTer parly, to aid aa la patting It dowa, so fir aa It eaa be pat dowa by pitta truth, kjklillw Mutbaa All 1. a a l. and tha Bnaaiak Creolea ara aruaa ealaanlea.

to fated by arary iaetdeat ia 8paaiak or Bptaiah Aae rtaamhiatarv. Tka Hakaa I'fmiIm ar tnaanft. cieat ia eatrpriae or eoange, to aeek liWrijr by fun, wkcaerer they akall daaire it, aad aaaaot the Creolea ia ail tke rest of Speaiah A aerie. Aad wtat haa beea the hiatory of the Sptnlah Creolea ea the eonttarntf They iarariably oppoaed all artigs attempta to itaraa them, and arhea the proper lima arrired, aehiered their owa emaiipe' tloa wtihoaimifa aid. They drore tha Britiah oat of Baeaue Ayrea, twice kicked Miraaia oat of Tana Piraa, turned their baeka apoa Misa aad hia Eagliahaad Yaakeea ia eloaely wateaea aad aever treated the pirate LordOoekraa ia Pen Bat whea tbey felt able, lnu, to shake of tke Spanish yoke, they did ao.

Aad the Creoles ef Caba, If they aroald, and are able to take aoro liberty Uaa ther tot froa Bosia. will rise aa aad take it. Bat they hare sow ao ease intrntfon, and MMkaklw will uur Tkaa poaliloa, and are aitiafied with their 6sron)eat, Whiek hi prrgrenisg qaiu fast eaoagh for their taatea or wishes. They want ao ehtage, aad least ofali.aaehehugaaaieeesagiTethea Wadeay, aphaUeally aad totally, that IM Hpsniak gorera Bjeat ia Caba si tha worst frrremaient lathe world, haa tkaa tweatyyaara ago aM wwij nruy an his, congeal ucai ins Bpulah goreraaeat, of illegal ereoity." Tker hare axereiaed ao aora ae ferity tkta we aknald ia aiaular eireansiaoees, if ao aaek. Nor do wa tv.

twipateia those ealoa lea apoa tha invaders. Tke eaeera ei peeled to beeoaa great aaea aad great proprietors, aad tke anldiara relied apoa proaiere oraoseyaaa 1M, and alai azpeeted aarUer aad richer Mexican karveet of pleader. We do not bo Uera that tka Mood of tack aartyra will ba seed for aaek ealahUa liberty. Aad Lopes aad kia followers were eatited into Cake aad betrayed Aad oar 0 ntraawalt aad peo pit wlU take terrible vengeance for that We ad aire the olitiaal aad aoeiaf meraMlp which tkia anggastloa, aad will illastratelt by a parallel aaea. Tke Preeideat of the Philadelphia Baak ratly belierca that A aad wish to rob it, and will aii so oa good opportoilty; andhaaa be lierea, beeaasa be overhead tkea ia talking aboat it.

Ba eoanianiestes htaapprehenaiiiaato a police fleer, who aeada a ilaai pigtsa ia Ike shape of aa officer of tha baak, to tha inspected, teaaggeat tao practicability ef the thing. A aad bite at oaee. aaa agree aa meet the jwf.aa a tke baak at aud. Bight. They do ao aad ara aaaghu Nowwhstea saattigattd raaeal is tha Presideat of tha Bank, ia teatlng the truth of kia aaapiemaa aad apprehea aioaa before tha horaa ia audea 1 Aad wk a ditto end ditto ere tke polios bank uft ear, ia aetUcf atrsalsesleh spauot chMrea And what haaneeat alettes) of tteaekeryare A aad B.takeiog aa wiiisaglp daped lata a psniealar awde aT aoaa.

Brittle a Bedttated Aad what iifiy sisraitiir weald iaeplre tke Grand Jary. ia iadit lag tha presidaat, poUee oCeeraad clerk for eus epiraey I 1 Aad for Jast aaek a piece of rogee eslrkiag are ear Oorernweal aad people guiog to take terrible vesfesaee oe Baals Tan nil aorta of a gaeer aoaatry. Political The aoBauatloaa for tha OetoSef Eleetiwa asrrtag keeaaMde, the pelitielaaa ana rw aeey eeieakviag tae ehseeea ef aaeeaea ef the ea. rtoaa raadtdatee. Peri ha parpoae of helping Uvea aleag, are aepply the following dita, tnkea froa the eaead returns of the eteeusee ia IbW aad IsSI.

Tha rote for ttoectaor ia the 8 ile hi IS46 waa aa follows: luhattaa (Whig) 1 lywfrstreth (Dea lie m. Jaaaatoa a saeimit hi the Bute, Ml. la PfetledelaMa City aad Coeaty, Ike rote area aa fallows JuOnatoe, KSV01; loagauetk, lljm. Jahtedua'a aajity, tM)l. ia the foUowtag November, the vite for Preal.

drat, la the ftale, ams.Tsrlr, IS KM; Caaa, Vaa Bares, or Psna Bdl vote, Toiler's aasjority over Caaa, uyvt; over both, 7. la the City aad Coeaty of Philadelphia, Taylor's vote was Caaa, HUH; Vaa Barea, 077. sajnw mrnj vrvea van, vw) vver avta, Per the City aad' Coeaty ia tha toilewiag ware the votes reepeetlvely Par Diitriet Altfwn. Knaass J), tta 56 IJiekaraoa, Psv PrvUmaisrai a la Cimmtm fttrnt. Carpeatar, Visyard, Per CeaaKf iadiier.

Parka, Par Csatr garetyer. FasUxrod, 0.71 Bh lloroae, Caewif Caasaiiimsaisr. Caith.D.sVW Bheialina, Taa Italus OrBaaaV eight tha farewell pertoraiaee ef Marotstka I tali ta Opera will bo given, aad tkea tke eatira eoaaaay will eoas to Pkllsdelokie. Wa Joiee at the eloaa proxlaltr ef the opera teaaoa, ao fall of reiaing ead ete vatlog pleaeara to a large slaae of oar altlxeaa. Meretstk will sow preaeat ss Ika opportaalty of tadglng ef the ability of Madaaa Buss da Vriee aad Bet rial, aeitkerof whoa ka reappeared ia opera here.

Botk ara preaoaaeed adairaftle bet, ia addi. akatatheaB.weahaUaavetbeaeeoapllakod 81 vl, together with the retire strength of the eoapiay, aortataly the greatest ever got together ta this ooeatry. Maretsek dcaarvte the aaeaiavoas aad liberal eapport of all ear eitluaa. Tke eeapaay Will Moadsy evsaisf Lsiadl Last, which Bettlal, Betie aad BadlaU will appear a powerfBl east Ma. Miraaeca'a BaaariT Tkia evealng Mr.

Mardoek a bear It will take plaee at the Walaat, ad a very septal eBtertalaaeat ia provided for the oseaaloa Mr. will appear it the eoesrdy ef the Behoet for Beaaoal, aad BaskaspearVa Ceawdy of mMtwmmmm fwMwnum. a SSI WCSSOSa Will per for" a Hastes Otte. A kerm tirtaiaaeal anald at be praaraiad, aad the aaea wtll be a eroaraed heeaa, whsshu.ts wwnhv eater faUy daaurvaa. MHxs HrUBkay BiBim.

Pioff (allot hvifti ad the area, a mk sd aired by the tasyseaallssi sa Wt ir Tho malrf Mile BUanot will aerfora fcvar aha. rasters, aad Es, area three, see ef which was perforated by kia rar two heaetea maaaasiilii awkta hararks. It a anlbd DP. s. a Tke eLhrrtsinaeaej are km M'lia RUertott beaeeit.

jte aias a Psasraest Pauaeaa Tka Bossr, Traaeeriat sarraProbatly aiseo has ds ef Waafchawei ae rbvf MsykMrsUef the UstM asataa haa vhdtad Bossoa. waeee reeostioa by the great asajoriiy sd the poeeUties kea Wee as gsaaasiiy IWa fraa eU blae ef party aatewaity sad faraiaa asssttlea. as tail sf Kilaid I illaasre. LOCAL, AF'AIit. Prllfeel AtefKfi The pell'ieaof Philadelphia ally a eoearybaoa assaassd aqaaae asmetuia leif.aad theeampaaa, wbiea will aeoe beta fU blast, proaaieee to be one of the aMatrxeioa that we have passed tkmagii for anaayyeva Pust.the Deaioaraia sneiia tbs Bare! noiaiaetlsoe.

thea tha iaally the Natives ast Ueoaraa tioa, aad plaoad beiore tha psop'e the ahoiae ef thsir party. Thea a Deeoeraiie Ooanty Coarse tloa was arid, a Irglalattve twkatfonnsd, and a la dayt labseqerntly, the Netiree did like vise, aa all aa the Wkge. The Rowoneera era the ant aoBtidaratloB, aed aaek party proinegod their eoavaailoa awre tnaa one aassioe before the ra ai active liokais ware decided apoa. At laacth the malt of tha de'iberetrooa of each waa atde pnb lie. The Deawerats aad Naiivaa ami anted eaa dida'M for tboae raapoaaible poaittoos, aad, whsa tka Whiga floa'ly ea eraiiaad apoa the ekeiee ef those eAieera, the Native aotnias tHBh for Connty Treaaarer and Coanly Coa aisaioner were eelioted for their party also.

The Jadieavy, whioh ia more important than all tha rest, waa left to tha laat, and tha Deao. eiati, taking tha edvaoea in the other aoainatioaa, were the hist to choose eantlaaea to III Ua kick aid ataltrd aoeitloBa of Jadgst of oar aevaral uiana. iney nominated for rreaident Jadgeof tha Diitriet Ooart, Bon. Oeorga Bharswaod, aad for Aweeiaiea, Hoe J. Fiedler aed Hoa.Oeai M.

Biroad for Preeicent Jadse of the Ooart of vwmnioB rieaa, it oa. Joel Joaea; tor aaaoeatea, 1. P. Johnston and V. L.

Bradfjrd, Esqi. The aaaoaedita aMveojent waa oa the nert of tha Na tives, who aiede ao Dominationa fur the District Vnart For PresldBBt Jadga of the Common Pleaa, thevsaleolrd l. w. D. Kaliay and Joerph Ailiooa, Esq AaeueiaUa.

iss new eoaveoei ana aoaaatea Bharawooa, riaoiey, ano J. uiark tlsre, Ksq.f lor uia Uia triot benofct Oewald Tkonnon. for Pieel dent JaCse. and Hoa D. Krllsv and M.

Rnnasll Tiaysr, lor Ataooiate Jadgta of the Ooart of ionwoB rieaa. The indeeendeat aea save aoeie oat with the fol lowing ticket for tke Commoi rieaa: rreaident. Uewald Thoapenai Asaooiataa, Hoa. D. Kallay aid Joseph Allison.

Thai, it will be aean that a struts adnigtara haa baea pierce toe pablia lor their sapport tnia isii a tttet to eonjeotars wbo will be dented Jaigee of ine voaaioa rieaa. The rtauvei are Bighiy inoia hint si ika notion of the Whig Convention for only Bcopting a portion of their eeleotioa. They aaa hoped indeed, ia aoaeoirolea hid baea aroaisad that tha Whia nartv would aanotloa the entire pro ardiagaof the Native Jadioial Oonvaotioa. The party mow a ae the "Worhine. Mea" have takea ap Judge Jonas and Mr.

Bradford, leaving the black lo ba filled at their aexl mretiag The aro henilitiee are, however, that Jadga Kallay will be their ether nominee. For the Lgislatare, three tickets, aa a fated above, have baea formed, and a fourth, noaiaated by the biende oft consolidated oily, will be pat lorwaio ib a few cays. The I men Whs Citv Deleaeiioe net laat avea lie at the Coeaty Coart Hoaea, aad organised by the aeleatinn of Genres Boldin aa President, and JohaC Dill and Jobs Marks aa Baeretariee. Tae Cntrant ion thea proceeded to tha nomination of a easoiaete tor mayor, wkea oca swut, r.eq., was anaaiannaly noainated. Tba Deaoeraa will not Dominate a Mayer la tha ally, aad the eoatret will be fbncht betweea the iriai or Mayor unpin aaa r.x mayor vui.

Whig rrmrsarioa The Whig Dale gat ae of tha Northera Libertiea, elected to form a Mayor aad UosimiMionsra' ticket for that District, assembled at the ContUtatioa Hoase, Third street, opposite the nail, laat evealng. John r. Bandereoa, waaralisdlotheehair.and Glwood M. Bmith.Esq elected Beeretery. The tollowlng tneral aomina liooa were made For Mayor Farmer Barns, Job! 0.

Wolff, John vonrae, uaaiei rox, Joan tsreiaiore. Coaaitaonera Flrat Ward OnarleeS Smith, CeorgaW. Koona, Thomas Fry. Second Ward Henry O. Frits, C.

Boekiaa, Oeorga H. Roberta. Third Ward John Dangan, George Hortar, Jaeob Wiltar. Foarth Ward Nathan Sparing, Joba nuiee, joeepa o. Dire, wititsm r.

nac ier, r. a Kavier. Beooe. Fifth Ward P. K.

Mor ton, J. G. Wolff. Joba Horn, Ladlow Mettheee Buith Ward Cbarlee Bird, C. B.

Smith, John G. Conrad, William MoFarren, Tnotnas Iredell. Berrnth Ward Joha K. Knnrr, laiiah Raid. Matthew Carterigbt, 8 Grieeemar, Tooa.

Hagae, Isaac Gibba. Georaa 6. Lower. The Conventioa then anjoarned to meet agaia ca Monday evening ntxt, for the parpoae of aelecting oae peraoa aa tha easdidats for Mayor, and saves lor Lommissi oners H'Atf Afsertag in Kictmnd.A meeting of the triads of tha present 8'ato Adaiaialratioa, waa hsld ialhadistriatol Richmond, last ersoins, and organised by tba clectio i of tba following officers Prsaideat. Dr.K.

Janvier; Vioe Praaidenta, M. L. Balkley. Geo. Kerkeralaaer.

Oliver Calken. Hugh Bood, James Bacnister, M. Johnson. W. Evans, Thanas Farrall, James Uonae, sores Blaok, John Bnntigano, William Wharton, E.

Desohenp, David Cromer, Joseph Williams, aad R. Heater. Beeretariee, Joel Rothermei, C. Graeff, L. P.

F. Tilson. A aeries tf resolution! were read and adopted, approving of tha ooarea paraaed by the pressat ex ecolire officer of tbia cmmoaweslth, aad itPWKlf argitg his olaimi to tha aaffraaea of the aitixene of that diitriet, aad tha State at iarae. While the re aolationa ware being read, adslegatioa froa Bridea barg arrived, preoeded by the Bridesbarg Brest Bud, bearing with thea a tranaparaooy oa whioh waa inscribed "Br.deabara it The meetins waa addressed by Governor Johnston. Robert Allen, and others, and adjoarnedat a aeaaonabls hoar.

Wttkintmm'i MmtifiruUtm Mxrisf. me ins of wotkincmea of the div aad aoantv of Phila delphia waa held last evening, at tha County Coart Uoaaa, at whioh reeolatioas ware paised, ratifying tha aominatioaa made by a committee appointed at a previoaa aeeting, aad laying dowa the principles or platform" of that party. Tka following ara tha Bominatioae Cnanty Benator, James Toashetone. AassmMy Joha Wilson. Joha Holland, Robert Bmyih, Thoaas H.

Peekworth.Wia Brian, leaee Reha, Barrett, Wa. B. Eokart, C. Harriaoa, Geo. tjuirt, Edward Kaox.

City Senator, Kogens Ahern. Assembly W. C. Biowa. Sam sal P.

Joaca, Joseph Williams, Andrew McDowell. District Ooart President Jadga, George Bhtra wocd Aaaoeiatea, Joha K. Piadlay, George M. Dtroaa. Coart Qaarter 8 asions sad Common Pli Prstidrat Jade, Joel Joaca; Asaueiatea, Win.

neny, jisepa Auwoa. The following are the principal po'nta of the atfora" adopted The freedom of the public laadatoac'aeleettiere; baitauoaof the qaantity of land whieh aay eitiara amy hereafur aoqalrs the homestead le ba exsaopt froa sale ca exeeatioa fur debt; the rxterav a of the Ilea law, ao aa to secure the wasee of the laboring aaea aaeomoro Biirrg oppoaiiioa to baeka, ahartered atna poiiaa of all kuds, end to every ape mc of special leeneWnon; the easctraf at of a geceal law for the tosTrporaiioa ef iadertrial aaaeeutMas; the vieiatioa of the tea boerlawta be erimiaal og nea; ao minor, aider thirteee yeore of ace, shall be employed ia tetoriee or wetkshete ef aay kiad tke ewaolidstioa of the aad districts ef Philadelphia into cue aaalet. pal eorporslioe. Jerfe i Csl(e's terter Is Ike Whtr CimmitUM. Tbeailewuig Meter from Jade Kelley exeiaiaa kia present puaiiioa a regard to the Wkig aosusa tHrai: Wsst PtiaiBiLraiA, Sept.

n( gj. Mr Dkab Bib Your note ef this date ia befs Bsc, abd at agorda aas aaea pleasara to give it a pioast aed frank ana war jtns tiae belee the Booptioa of the lets CoBstitetiaetl eawadmset, I sMnduted to my lamrdiate frietds ay iatentioa to letera to the bar, and aoald I bow, with a proper retard tear character, aid to principles, im my latirnat oacl paraar ait pWie importance, I eoald lad rwtie from the present Jadioial aoataet. Bat eauaot be blud te the fact that ether eoasidcra Iwbs than awre aeraooal eoavcaienoe have a eiaia BDoaav aotina. As yoa are wall aware, it was ay duty, as a BDvmurr me vonn at wainoB rieas, early last Sprint, to eaita ia a deeteioe by which the rstara of a eovaty othoer wee pronouaeed free 1 sisal aad vom. Beiore US preliainsry qaestloa la tha ease advntrd lo tka nrbl to ameas the petitina bed beea dieposed of, I waa informed by geatiemea, whose eoatTolline ialaaaec has aisea baea sbaui.

eat exhibited, that I would be held eewaatable, poiiiieelly, (or ay jadgaent. if it opened the etaa lo mveettgitHm; and brlore the inal decree ia the ease had beea catered, it waa apparent that it waa to be madaaa element a tha approaiking jedieiel eaaraer; and that by tha projected haauiatina of the members of the eoert by whoa tha dseisioa was the indepeedeaee of the Jadieiary to be destroyed, bet party, if ant aopa'ar aaaelioa, lo he in voted for what meet he regarded as a ttspeadoea freed aa tha elective fraoeiiee baierer might be ay laclieatioe, I felt that to withdrew atdar each elrosmstsnees, would be to aeoaieece ia a policy whieh I eoeld not bat consider ti desire o4i re ef the beat interests ef the eoa maaity. I therefore detenniaed to be a aeadidate at tba eoa ng eleetl and It waa ay hope that tba politicel party with whioh I had bees as toe, sled wsaid embrace the opportaaity, thai opaa te it, te crash it Its gsra a policy ao fatal. It eeeaed to ae a be important that this pohoy should reoeivs Its Irat and inal reoedhMioa froa the party, by a few aaworthy aeabera of which tha oatragee la qasetloB had beea perpetrated I bit that If the enerentioe ef that party, charged witk tke aoaina tsna ef jedieiel eSteers, ehoela, after a ea'a eoael. deration ef the facte, reject these desperate enea ssls, the itrtexle would be lerauasisd at iu eeteett while, if tke rtaalt ware otherwiaa, 1 waa eoeteat to retara to privaU life, aed exert my feeble powers for the referaneuoa of gricvaecoo, the iatredae tiea of whioh I had beea enable a aveat.

Ta tha arbitration ef that eonventioa, taerefnra, while refusing to tie with the secretary aay pledee whatever, I wee willing tacitly le ssbait. laaie. dotelv btlere lbs Bominauoa, however, oa I he laat dey ef the aseaaea, I waa I alarmed by a aamber ef frwide. members ef that body, that I had beea there ehsrgsd with having soil el ed a aoaa settee else where, aad tha tkia ehvge, eoepled, as it was, with partitas aspeala, oa the result ol the eteetioa ease, aheeld, ia Ueer eeiaioa, be Bast with aaeh a die eleiassr, aa woe thesa terelierefreaex. Meaeoee ecamdemtioBa the laportaat appeal they coeearred with aae la deelrle Braeeel to the eala jadgaseal af the oseveatioa.

Yieldieg tkia www, I addressed a brief Bote to the praaadirai ea ear, (he eely aae wnttea by aae stihat te hia or the anaveatioBr ra whieh, while dlsehuaiag all parti elpacisc ia the aeeataaiioa ia a seat Km, I seated leal sf Bet temise'ed there, I ahoeld Basest ae aavsrmatioa daewbere. Bad thai letter ben re otivrd and fairly eneeidered by tha soaveatioa. I eboeid have regarded It as blading ea aae. Bat while leusrs froa ether eeaeidaUa were read te tet hodr. ae waa aae srmitird lo rseoB it.

My friende were act evee eugered teataM fa eelsrteeee. aea ae ef tkea ca decerned tede tkia, the araal deat area aaa id kia act af areer, aad whea be at "otsd uaoc sai froa tha chair, be Wae silenced by the tarbelraee aad threats ef aaemhere'ef the acaveettea. My Oder te abide the eettoa ef that eeaveaiiea aeief lhae Be dead reyseted. It eeaeet he, ha the Buad ef aay hoaerable aaa, aa ampsiiiaaai as ay aiiayiaaea ed aay etaet I thai, ay dear air, (admveHr. br the aaiwr aaea.

eaaae ef terse tea Creel lm pliealed ta the aaeiaaehdy ana beat whieh eras the erua ef thia eotHwtvetay, te he reaerded as Mirer tsl mdsve. bead forth ta the aaaaeerty ae etaaaed WKh eeaeeawwa, baaeeaa, as a adga, I rated aVeteeeasaaaiMdiesatkaaf party leaders. Ner ia a lea aeoereal easy, tarwegh tea ae)eatarttlee, a will heeeeght tm aeks ay eeirat tae srceiisas rata laat eewihty as Bam, ea the ftlkaaafttto fivw. Waii, th btevwre seek ae armiratinn, I ertH drelrne coae i aad aa a aire to leave to ay Mov taeee tie etadica tka. (lv of sonel same, more dear to me than i flloe or aajioiemeats eat aomethiag more imporieie to we people rne parity of tee tv lot box, and tlie indeeeedmoa of the bench, la gale.

win abide Utetetalt Should it ba that I ao looser restate oa the bench, I will teiurn to ay post as a private eitixea, wherever tbetaav be, oad ia the eoaiotouiMaa that it will aever ba tralyeaid ni ane, inai laroeta rove of sue or tear of driest, I htrarded eltbtr ay owa slarte the iaatitn tionsef mv native oamoawaelth. Mcanahut 1 reroaa very Usiy, yonrs, Wn.D.klLtlT. J. O.CIttison, Eeq. ffrri Yeatetdavafternoon netwaan Ive and aix loam oil aaaafaotorv of Meaara Til tv oe moamona litae, a cnort citiaaoe aboe Kiohaiond afreet, ia the Dlatrlotof Rick mor.d, waa entirely deeirced by tre loee BIO Ola ao InaaraBoc.

The fire waa raaaed by tha boiling over of a kettle of roaia on tha premiaet. Tne veuuios was irre eiory eteae oat, aaa otiongec to 'he Thia terse eeMhitskmait had reoentlv beet Ittad for the manufacture of dl. Aboat four years aeon wae entirelv destroyed by lie while lathe oooupaney of Mr. Lenaig aa hia Cbemioal Worle. ill a alarm at at, early last ersnlng, waa eiaaae by a tre break tig out ia the Katie Prin'iag lak Works of Caleb Piece, teat of Front and Mow Greenwich aireete.

Boathwark. It waa axnacaleh ed with a trifling damage to the baildiar, too ax a cxrnuKierBaie quantity oi iaap n.aoi.ana oiaar me avriBiB wvia flsiirot ea. The Ire tboat be neat o'clock last arentna rcoatrrd ia a atableon Fadaral, bslow Ninth alraet, whioh waa alishtly daaased. rr B. Strtteeel Vtrk.

Tbesteaa dredge or A. B. Cooler, barns brsa anan ltd with a new dipper, of aaftclent length, will ne pat to work aext week. In drecxii In front of the basin of tha 8. Beotiocal Hook, for the parpoae of deepening the net of ue river.

The tan or tne new eraog'of maohixs. baiidint br Mr Cooler, for the to vera aaatlv aomnletsd. end the ensiuee and mi ehinery having beea received from Tioy, will be imaedidcly put on board. Bha will be ready for launching, all complete, in about two weeke, when aha will also ba pul la nemos. Arrangements have neeaaeaeror re mo vug us wreex ut a iifuier, loaoro vita eccme, waica waa sunu ave rvera aeu.

In front ol the proeeat loeetioa of the oaain, ana whioh was the real obstacle that prevented the recent attempt at taking ep the 8. Btetmahip Sara aao froa brine aueeeeafal. Thia llchter wea orisinallv sank off Catherine street, aad had baea healed ap by the same aaa Who is aooet re mate a aeeoaa Sliemsi to retaove it. I a drifting dowa towarde the flats bdsw the lavy arc, wun a a sow oa aimer iwe, tne ngaier baceme antusled in the chela oablaa of tha receiv ing ahip Expei latent, and was anally detached froa the enlote, and tank. The naval eommiaeioa that waa la eeeeloa In this city at Ine time the Baranae waa waiting to ba taken oat, reported to the Secretary of the Navy that there waa not auScient water is the front ol the basin, and la their opinion tha eoutraoiort of the dock were bound to deepen the bed of tha river by dredging.

The eontraotore denied their liability under the ecilract, there being ao apedtcatioato that tffeot. Aa arrangement however, beea entered Into with the departmeat, aad the eoatrae tore ara to so oa with tha reoultlte dredeias at ex pediiioialy as poctible, ao that a aamaienov of water may be provided for taking out a Una of cattle ship, leaving tba deeitioa aa to their liability to latere arbitrauoa. Tha twenty per cent, of tha eon it act unoe, wmot aim remaioe ia ine puone treaiary, haa not been claimed by tha oontraotera. aad, therefore, there ia ao ground for tht abeura rumor of the departmeat having stopped lie pay. nenl.

Tba treaaurv order for the balance daa, will, oi course, sot be laeaed at Washington, antil tha dock has beea tally tea ted aad approved by the Naval Commissioner whe will be ae.eoted to saptr intend the experiment. mperteal Diruira. The Coart of Common Pleas yesterday decided aoma Important qnaetiiwa, arising under tba act paeosu ai tne tat session, im Bosint tax apoa tha venders of foreign merohia diea ia thia 8 ate. The act referred to, imposes a ane apoa aay oae who anaii aeu try sample, or otherwise, ia the city or ooanty of Philadelphia, any tooda, vires, or raerohandiae, which shall be loos to a bb resident, who baa not obtained a 11 oe rise to msec aaeh sales; and one of the chitf question waa, whether thia act was intended to include, or would embrace oaaroou mwouaata, from the Stale of New Jeraey, and other venders oi tore its lanrioe or prooaotioaa iisuiariy auaaiea. The Court decided that Dili elate of merchants, and tereonawho attended oar marketa and the Ilka ware not to be auested by the law, bat that tha le gislature only intended to impose the penalty oa the venders of what ia ordinarily aaderatood by the terma "goode, wares, and marehandiee." Tae other qaeeiion was, whether person who was pro aeeatrd before a nwgiatrate for the penalty pre aoribed.

luti, could appeal froa tha decision, if smnet him; as tha ao' itaelf ta ailent on the aab ot. The Coart decided that aatbe tot did aot for. bid as appeal, and the action waa a qui tea one half of the penalty being given to the proeesntor, as appeal would lie to the Common Pleaa. Thau ara important qaretiona, and their eolation will re lieve the charcoal, peach, aad po'ato merchants, from Delaware and Naw Jeraey, of muck anxiety aou leer. iaarfscmr fictmi.

Anaaberof Snaoll saint lota were on Taeaday placed lathe exhibition room of the Art Union. In the rear of Andrews A Mereer's lookint giasa aetabliahment, ia Cheenut street, above Eighth, whioh possess a hixb degree of aierli, aad will no doubt attraeiatteatioa. They are the prcdsctions cf two yoang aad talented Gar maa artists, whe have recently acttltd in this oily, by tht names of J. N. T.

aad W. Vaaatarkaa borg. Thott by tht forraer, ooniiat oi a bandaomt piotnre of tha Catsktll Creek, a view oa the Brandy wine, and seveial other landecepee, which are very netaral, and diiplay equal ah ol aad teste ia their baadlicg. Tboae by the latter and yoeneer brother ara all cattle pieces, aed ara raaaarkabie for the aoeei aoy and spirit with whieh tba aaimale ae delineated. The largeet oi Ibeae ia a group of borers, atn, sheep, bulls and goats, waitina at tha side of river for the ferry, and ia aa admirable tpedaen of art.

The manner in which thia toenery ia drawn, and the deer, open day light ax. preased ia dl these pieturee, would form a atady lor aa artiet, while it cannot fail to pleaat tht tyt of tht least ikiiful. Afers xrr'iU The Uaited giatee Cooa sisiioesr, Ingrahaa, 8 Dtatrict Attoraey, Aanmsad, and U. S.Maithal, Roberta, were at Chriaiiaaa, yeeler day, and examined two enlored pa cone, who bad bren arrested oa weaueaaay night, at tne weian Mouniaine, upon sutpleina of having partloipa'ed ia tha raosnt oatbreak ia Lanoaater ooanty. One of the par tire waa dieohargrd tor waat of erideaea, and the other, whom offioer Kline recwniaed as one of the party that eater ed the offiaen ia attempting toarreat Piaokaey aad Nalaoa, was brought dowa to thia city and plaoad in prison.

Tha U. B. Diaulot Attorney reprteeatt the vl daily la whieh the recent aarderoecerred aa quiet, and only sine otioeta remaining. The Laaoaster ofhoare have all retired, leavirg the field clear to the ethocrt froa tha dty, coder Meat. Ellia.

Marsad Roberta atarted to Wiilamepori is lbs WKfllwa I IU.J, ia tWH Wl I whom the telegraph aiBuaaoed ae being in thai BeieboTbood. tie will remain tacts annl aaob time ea Pinekney la found, or he ia satiated the ramur of hia whereaboata it ineorreot. The farther examina'loB of any pereoea arrested at or sear Christiana, has bean postponed tatil Tatsdty of weoneeaay oi next wees, The SeMsvarb Fitrf About three huadrsd hards era now employed ia tha vertoee deoertmnta of Uit aetebliahmrat. The easting of tht thirty inch pipee for the City Gee wnrie, which ate to form the connection with the new worii now in progress ta Pansy enk, are soing east lha rate of tea per day about twenty toss ol mate1 being seed at each heat of the larneoe Aboat 4M pipea have already beea east, and the whole naaber required ic tiul). Tbey ara at preaeat atored apoa a lot oa lha floatb wart Railroad, it not being the intention to eoa nenoo the 1st ine of the main before next Serins Great progreea haa beea awde with the cosine ar the Savarnah atremahip, which ia to be far.

Bieked by Meat re Memes A Bos. The bed ols'e. whieh le to weigh 18 tone, will be east Ib a eoapit or weese ii win ee laei wag, 7 feet wida, aad the eoadeaaer bains east with it. renders 4 feel high ra oi pert. The cylinder Is already east and botes oat.

It is 7 iuchee ia diameter, and feat lorg the etrote being 8 feet. The boilers sre oa the Englleh tabular priaaiple, aad occupy aboet one third lees than tha siusl apeee. Thy ere two ia aaaorr, ueiet; i teei viae, if long end 14 IB height, with tour furnseee to each boiler. seeeM rem mndtr Ms al Lew Bieca the 1st of May reel, at whioh time the law Imposing a tax, or requiring a liaaaae fur the ade, or the rxhib.twi lor ade either by sample eard, or otherwise ia thia enea'y, aay goode ar Btarohia disc of tay kind or deeeripUoa whatanerver, for, or oa eceoeatof aay merohaat, Baeafsataiwr, or ether pesoa sot having hie principal, piece of basincea wiihia thia stare, thirty six lloritee have beea takea oal at the City Treasurer's Office. The sum fixed by the act of the Laf lelature rbr each license ia rhrec kerdred dellera, matins, therefore, tke aeg etsts reeeipte ea thia eeo aat aanaat lo the eaa of Ua thoaeead eight husdred dollars; whieb a a pretty clever taa ia favor ef tht fends of the Ccaaoewedib I rota thie aoeree.

Serieeifg Beraed Mrs Basal Bowers, living ia Church etreet, below Reed, while emoting a pipe, oa Wedaeeday afterBooa, aeatdeatdly eat fire te bar ekHhmg by spark froa her pipe, whieh, sot being Immediately dieoovered, waa aooa ig ailed ato a Mesa. Ba has band tare a backet of water apoa her, bat thia failed to ex'lagaith the Baaae. Ba etwee me ware beard by Mr. Aadrew ley, wae hepeeeed le be Reaaing late tha hoeee, ha lore ap a portwa of the etreet, aad. by CBveloplBg let In rt.

imo'herrd the fire ia a eery short time. The aafortana woman wae ae dreadfully beraod that ba physieisa, Dr. Joaca, has bet Utile hopes of her recovery. Pfrrewa'i Perse, ia taa elerier The firemen of the iowa of Lebaaoa a brad having a errand parade of teeir departmeat ea Tharedeyaext. The Wa.

Pens Hoee Coaneov. ef Kssstnatoe. have ae. espied aa iavtiatioa ta be Bieeeat aad Bartidneev Thia Coapeay will leave the dty ea Wedaeeday. Tbey are atakiag great preeeralioaa for the eveat ey a reoovauoa ef laeueppereteeaaeequlpmeute The tribe ef ladaae Bad the aeraoeators ef "Priceds." rrprvareurt that hietaieei eveat, the Peea Treaty," which have attracted ae meet at.

tret loa la eet adoaaof the depa tawat here, will be ia atteedeeee, aad ae deeht be eoaeidered is tatereatiag leeiarc ef the ee eettoa. PbaereJef a aTtee refseweer Tke funeral ef usee T. Wea, a volenteer a tho Mexiraa war, look plaee yeeterdey eftereoe, froa h'a taut reeteeaee, a Otter arret. KeaeiBgtoe. Thede si acid was a aeraSer ad Cantata Bases bt'a eoa peay.

which corps turned eat ea the ocetaloa aa aa aeort to the enree, cedar the Onaauad sf Cspt. The Seott Leslea. the aeabereor the Good latent Boss Company, orad te tho ceee. dee Col. Wyiksap.

Oaetaiaa Small, loort bred. BiBder. B'd ether eaweta beeneaiug a tha Paaey Ivaaia veiaa aar rrgiaarute ia Mexico Dry at reel tf tae WHWf The Wsahlagva Geards. asdet eoaaatd af Ceptaia Boffaaa, left for kit! mete ye east ay aneraing. Tea enree, while a lha sUy.

wae aeesetedy oala laiaed by the Git aaa veiealeers. aid ee thee? depana ex arsaeed thee high gratikcevioa at Ue cordial sal see which tbey had received, and Ue pteesaal SveeU whteh eeeem dararg their via is, steuMta Irfetave, A aether biaariful spsdaatef the gowafere the VMStia Reeks, will be paced a eke seat at the BevtieokeTel F.lhlUUoa, aed be la fuUgitery.tlMeeveetae; Thea arid be tee laat tamer teaity to raw this 1 1 1 mliaai fltai, as the athi A (revel PVertlMr. tbreHem Millar baa greeted ta Itoateif I ic pottery, la Oalleehlll at reel, belee ariie warraoeae, taa rroai ei wettm ia id lilea the first over aied ia tela dty for ibst parpnae The tilee are ar ibeb a think, cul Into largs sqaares. aad a malted bajetner by tae aeiaary prueea. raey are ct wuie eiay as aufeeiuree ao aa fiiva IheBaveal toaihaaea.

with ae rxeeadirslv ebee graiai Tney art differently aolored, aa hardened by tha bigheat heat aead ia tne aaureeiBreefearineaware. Tee aurlace pre cents the saaoo'boeae of glaea, and the eolora era vivid, bavins: lha appearaaee ef eeaaslltng. The iroai a not so aetisw aa aignt ee, oat aa aa ex Kr men' It ehowi What aay be done with this aa lal in oraeneatlng heaasa. Thsrt ia a fae ex teiditgsoroeelhe bulldiaa of a tsobnlosi deslsa, vis earthea articles ia eummoa aae, the character of whieh are not petorplible without eloaa iatpse tire. These oreamcau are aopmpriaie tad qalte Benctoms.

TH'i a 'ma cetoripti ia eaa ee it tbioBtd lno aay ships that may be drelred, and when laaiefel colored and glsged would faraieh auhetsntid and beautiful emhelliahaitnta for nany perpoeee in the erewios of baildlnsa. ITaisr. fTerai a JCiariaglea Tht Randngtoa Water worke were pal Ib opera'lcs yesterday af mons. ai woiked ao wall, tha la a few hoars tha lenhed baea at the raervolr waa filled aearly fall. Tha aeennd bun will be teiihed ia a short time, whea, if ne tcetdeet occurs, the eupply of water will be ample, aad will afford a treat relief to taa Water amriaander tne control aad man ass ariett of the districts of Spring Gudta and the nortnera laioertiea.

Awry Da Brfagi Sevrtag New." Thli ttgea freqeently verified In almoet every por. hob oi laeetty eauuieuioiu. i ne laaiciroama'anes that caaeed anoia thea ordinary iaMrest aad ex citement wae the parade, )eMerdar, of a Society turret by thebakere la the eppar Diitrlots. The turnout tnmherad about one head 'rd, accompanied by the Northera Liberties' Brail Bud; and, after parading tbroagh many of the lnolpsl atreeta, lbs BMmbereof the order took the Willow etreet oars, and went obi ef the aily a abort dis aace en a pie Bio. Each Dcrsoa dressed ia white Beats aad ahirt, wnh blue ueok nbhoa and white aproa, trimatd with blae.

A akaaf of wheat and No. 1" Were baautirullv Minted on tha anroae. Ia tha lite, Ioar of the members carried these loaf of oroerj, wbloh wat haadeomel) taoorated with rib euaa aae aninouu a Jtafireed raa Nine bandred tod fifty toot of raiioeditoa Imported from England, the ahip Iav ehlnver. for the Philadelphia, Wilmisgton and Bil timetc Railroad Company, hae rsoently been landed and stored on the new wharf of Henri. Mercer 1 eeaia, loot of waihingtoa street, Soa'hwark.

ArrMeei Jobs MoOee, a ltd aavaa years ef age, while riding oa the at spa oi ta omatiuu, yes terdey, ia Cheenut street, was thrown off by a aad dea lure of the vehicle, and be waa maeh braised oy tat all, us wit admitted late tht Hospital Aasiair Cefesui Gov. Johnston bat appointed rtsatey moaois, oi lAuimra vraru, aa sua at Camp, wiu the itek of Lteates ant Col ond. CAHbiR Arrsiti diravlt Ol Tteeday af. teraooe, two or three persona went Into the cake and candy itora of Mrt. Amelli Crangle, ca Taird Wrest, betweea Market tag Cooper, and toted ia a Tory BBseatlesnaalr maaaer.

whae Mrs. O. vaev politely requested thea to daeiet; vhereepoa oae of ua pany Baseee ttaotge uroac, very groeeiy aa. asalted her, aeised her by the ara, predpitated her to the floor, over stools aad table, with maoh violence, sad ihen fled. He wae, however, a tree ted aad held by Recorder Berr, to answer tt lha aexl term of the Coaaty Courts.

A uJmpI Act Yeeterdav two snortine aa. tleacn west oa a gundrg axpeditiot, Iwe or three Bilet from Camden, and finding gtmt aore Boarot tbaa they had anticipated, amused tuemaetvee a little while by shooting a number of tae fowla be iongitgtoMr I taie Collins Mr. followed thea to Camden, for the purpoee of having them arrested, uiey anaiiy aauaasa aim, wiuoai tae latervea. tioa of law. Gene le Prfrea Yesterday aoralng ShsrlfrGir.

rati toot to the Bide Peaitenliarv Jans Niohola aentenad to one year'e Impriaonmenl by the laat Coart, for the lvoeny of tHfroa Hra. Shallorocs, ofCamdaa. Cereiag Ths south tide of Bridge avenue, froa Third to Fourth alreels, is bang cubed with very pretty material. Aite Beilif tag Mr. Niohola hat oommenoed the ertciioe or a Beat britk reudsnoe, oa Federal, above Fifth etreet.

Aferrae KattVey. Meaara Bartoa Davia have Just completed aoma malarial imorovemente to their manna tulwar, at Cooper 'a Point, and veaaelaof uia terpen ate eta now os ortva ap with ease and perfect ealety. Aatgaa't Paint Pi try The ferry facilities, aad ewe, neioDgitig to toe naiga's roint oompany, are lo be cold at aaottoa. A ehartw wai sranted to this sompany laat winter for the establishment of increases lerry raciltliea, but aa some diaaatiefaa. tion eiieted with a put of tha atookholdera, they vers never unaae, ens toe asie, sat preeenl oondl tloa of things will, to donbt, be greatly ad vaa teseoss for sseh imorovrmcnts.

The Meaara Capewell, and othara, have offered glO.loO for the ferry and apnaratas, bat the proprietora valaed thea at gtxi.oou, whieh these gentlemen deemed lar urn axoroiiant; ano tne ooneequenoo no a. ferial altata'ioB baa bsea made in the arransameata for erosilng the rivar, ainoe the deoaaae of the proonowr, mr. jooie. Wkmrf ffweanaaataif Tba flajtutae nA Pklta. de'phla Perry Comrcny, la oonjonotioa with the Railroad Company, are a 'king materid additions tnair terry, oy tne exteniion of iniir wnarr into the river, ana the oooitruation of a new tlip at the end cr the ear hones.

Thia addition it to facilitate the erceali te la winter, br affording a better naas age way to the ears, and fur preventing so maoh unoeeeesry oeisy at tne preeent nip. JVrw FtmdvThs extensive new f.iandrv of Eliaa Kaighn, Esq it advancing toward! eomple tioa, and will be pat into ootralioa aa early aad pre oti cable day JTuteritel. fetae Mickle, of Camden, la preparing aa ably.vritten paper, which ha laisada praeenting to lae new eersay nieiorieei oooaty, eieuioeunf ineu long monceo ana perpiexins qucs tioa ef lha leeeitty sad settlement of Lord Ploydcn The efficiency of the author will, no doubt, render the paper entirely ha ii amply fa' miliar with the aiity tomes and rtoordt of tht psst." OP A rood flowing hand, free, rapid and el rant, poll' ivelt Uuiht to Udieaai.d beutlemen for Go to Urietuw, 100 Cheenut il Evening Claises. asTTbtiaerensed satronage that F.kku', lf'6Che tw atrtet, reoetvee, uowint to the of hia pictures. Price 81.

fl SO 89, S' dP, g3, Si and upwards, ire Root'l incee for the beet it) le of DatBrrreotypt luuaturei, iuih a au vnvtHiai Krtjtjf, Wmn mall I Dinar'" was the eielamatlon of Diftory in the ay. Bat no ot a need make that in ciuirt now a doe whi a Josxa' Exooann Doct St ia open for ill TnniBa The new Amerinan Trend of Valeria, or the Kmsi will be fur the Benefit of the eminent aotreee. Mm Daren ort, for whom the tragedy hu leee written, ane ia which lha as pearl aa Valeria and Lyoisca, thstwoaisera. Nxini.xi' CoMrocin'tiMMLort Pi.tiTin, a set ours or Huns in ths Baok, Breeet end Side. Made Onlj bj 0.

NeedlM, and Bioe ate. For ade by Drugr iete To BntTntaif sun Vgras MiarnAHTs. Grist Auttion Unit tt (Itntltnun't tieihiat Tomorrow awnint, Sept. Itth. at loo'cloci, comenaini verj reairaoie ussornneDi 01 una virrn U'te uver he, CaMtin Fanta.

tne Vesta, ho. i Auctioneeri, No 6 North Taird at. oatlii a uaooiaa, TI I.irra ConeninT. br.

the inventor tie beat re ndy fr thit fearful diseeee, whioh he ever beea offered to the public thai deunhes the ai mi town wbiea adiMtt diaorderta ilxte of that ifflecrient Symploros a Di'ttvd tt'tvr. PalB in the riehtiitt, under the idie vf the rile, increaaa on preaiuie. romeiimee ine pan lata tne leu aide Tne leimtisrareiyabjetc he on the imee the pain le felt ui der the it frt aueetl extendi to the top of a anm timaa ni.l.hMb. a L. left 1KB.

Soma tin It li is der bladi, and i top of the ehoa der, and li eometimee HUM I kilt. Ill, Tbeibniaeh ia ejected with lose of sppe lis and a oh new the bow, la la isneral sre con re. eorn rneuuBiiira tne I'm. iiiiiee i wi'l in the I it ee of dternatmg with In. The hud ii troubled wi'l pata.

aooomtanied with a dull, beavr sense' ion i ski pari, rnere it gene any omiderabe I nmrf. BoeomMi ied with a aai, lot unm inn Oi bavi' loft BBdone emething which ounhtlo have uvea nose. wun nry eouga ia aornetiuiee ea at Indent. The patient aompaina of veirinees and dehlitt he ia easily eitled hie ftet are cold or ban ill and bcoomleinl of a ioilr anniuo of the ekia. Hia apirin are low; Bud ilthouih ha ia eatiefied that exercise wndd be beneboiil tonim, yet lecciMareely semmoa up fvrttludeeciouih to try it.

In fact bs distrusts evert remedy." Have roe aay or dl ortheee i mitoai? Call aid svrol aw a of Dr. Mol ane'a Pilli, Epnrei eai the principal Drag Storm In the city, ty Drvtiiats mpecnilly referred to Ftxottici XSSis, het No. 6 Soeth Front et, Citrrrmee Velvet, Bma aele, Impera! and Infrui, with the celrhrated Brd Berrmineter. Tspeetr Patterns, In I real variety. The trade aad the etorekeepera will be en, plied at the lowed price tar cash, a dty aooeptaacee, interest added, a the Carpet Hdl, 18 sad Be North Beoosd street, baiow Christ Chwah.

I a J. Bihitir Joxbs. PJaimnD'i Clotuius Sroai.Cbeeiivt etreet, ee Bond door ebove Third, Tula autablishment ia ode bratcd for Ibe desant eat, fineneee of tutlity, and very low prime at Gentleaaea'a ChMhiaf, $JMjat ws stcbt vo ytaaaa. Snow Por Citv and Country, af great variety of aieee, tog ether with Billets, Ctreelara, Billheads, Cera, pr aled in the beet Mile, at the loved prune, tor Ceah Apply to i Blown, Third Pienry. Il(erBuikltRe.

aiAKHIt ll, On the imh br the Rev Jaoob S. Kaaaiar are. vyiLUAM F.LUOOT lo Mise ANNA KOUTH, dlof Fbiltdelphie, 14 Ut woantnB.raienie tetr.rt. the Pev.Denl A. Flaedrin.

Mr. MK 111 in. FoBD.of Brandtwiat rlanrlred.Nrw Gaetle eoaaty, Dd MilXBR.of vVtlming ten. tel. ur ca A sr.

le.r i VM 'iir bmi, I'T IT .1 II I Mr JOBN O'HRIhN lo CNETfK, dauthtar of nan Ltrhs, rd ikweltr. tJ BIRD. Rev. LkVI I. RKE8R (tewer lnteDiin at the Me'h el em Steiha, MHhodiel Proteev ai Cheirb.

ib thia eilr, wee years ia renoine wul be ee erd from hie ate reeidenoe. ta wtvtHa airvei, sv I0BIB, ao paiiunsre, uie a KTueaw.w loetooe, lie tha Th JAbTFH ntRR.aeedll veara. HieteetiveeaaCfrwarKvelsvi ed attend kit tt ntr from kia late raiieaoe. No, sICherry etreet. iwkw pcveits, on ruereei aaeraaaf, angeuti e'eio, withoet farhwaottoe Oe the lata HANNAH A.MsCRRfi,daogh trr a aed Sarah MeCrea.

aged 14 soe'he. Tat trices aae rNetirae at tee fsaali areparrJea Ietl inviieC ta asraelMr funeral anet in Bertie etreet. betveee SeveBihai.disbib ana Leaiuaid aad Suaia, wi'hvvt farri a avtiee. Oa the Llbtre Cast. ANTHONY the 1Mb year of hie age.

fLexiitt a (K.lual Mobile tea i parwa a it aaa oratr I it mease eoa tataa a the ffasemy are raeeeotftiHy ll rrera the rendeaoe of hie VI tee a alteaal but fimaral botier.s aw. Caariaa ha I. Wood alraat halaw tiehth, ihieiPrrua,) aeraag, at te'eiooa, withaa) r'her aotina. t3" (a ibe PMMA M. BTPD, dtnghter of Uertfy sedAeee Bird, aged eanotitlie.

be friend, ef Ua Utui, tupntlalli taviteg te attvad bet feneral fioaher fc'b v'e re cetna. (rvilee arret aeon VN iloo, tha two e'ehiei. ti tlhIThtrretPM AtlGUeTA, Mdaosaser tfJiaeW ad fclisa IMeCa'dy xaeieiMivee eaa pieaee earnitr eve pamea nil BvibaawiaadhwlsaerBlteherpereate're Once. So a wet art reaAlia atrreie. fa la'aa oa Paitueay Bturavag, tt t'Weuke V'thoai ieru.1 Laaaura, in rwnbe ranteleveihe pets.

Jl fKfhlNK sTJoeepht'dl Klin jbt nea ia ihe.M erof hue use I ae lativea eiio ivt eae are rvepartiniiri "tri It A futiarai froM hae lata raa danae. Pto. let Ma ebdl atrret, alove pdar, as taiidat af weoot, tlei ii et el i o'okb, vnliuui faiber autoc I pro aodioUuirllillCemelert, tin in ittti riliur rvt, aeeoaos a uise be'ha thru ti'Neil Mereli tveeand Irleeal ire rsiproxrui1 invt ewj lend hisfuieitl tb a (Friday I olnak, Irotu nis tare rreioenrv, t.aowai ver twren Fiai h''nod PKrrnix and lis jund St. aad Ger aentown Pd. Keniii ib'B.

tin iae Tf insi altera protraoieo iiiqevt, wnioa he note wi'h Chiltinn leaitnatioo, M'l, MAR) UU LTF KR. iu lbs 47th rear ol her age. taini, oeer nun tea and ctiiorea. au, lie lolbe Almnhti ea It 'r chrorea dea loveene enotber Anlohertth ynoratrlieied fh'her. Heereitire aid friend tare teeeeotfullrhivitedto aim (I lha funera' from her hueiavrKi'a reeidenoe, IB Fourth TrmaiMnB, or Butrltr eflernooa.

nr ofot i. wtirmni lurtua nuuoa iu prvtwu loa of Henry and MnrnrrtSinion, aged axustha we loved haa lert oar nuraier For the dark aad ulent tomht Close ba eyee lo aihoee alwnler Faded ia hiata doomi Hear ei, SaHr, Toon blset tlm lonely tomb, Tha retattvaa anil ftienrtanr ihahimllf ara aaaaot fully Invited toe lend hit funeral from the eetdatioe oi nie i nriti in airae, rta'nw ine. inie ii' if, an wwf a at o'clock, without futtherooUoe to i Vinon Rnr ini Omund. in. Mr, ANDREW ROBINSON, in oay rai'erKtia aiao' prooeeti to tne any rati jerwui nie ege.

Hiafrlanria and and thneanf the It ini! toe my ere resprctfullr lavited lo attend hn luneral om the re idenor of i eon ic law. Mr, Robert eenia. Ridge Road, ad dmravePirrl'hatreetaon ntia aiiaaaMin.iiMa nia'i, wttaoariur. tbei tioliot. lla IhalAthlnte ftwnnnff bam nrttat'h ami bfarv ageo i leers, i motitne ana icaare.

Che relatives and frtendinf the family are reapeot rullr nviied a attend hia funeral from the reeideooe Sfhla parente. No. SH North Fighth ttreet, betweea luttonvotMiend Spitng Garden etrede, thu(Friday) tferiK on. at lo'olnok, without further no'ioa. le Ibe Pncnlvania Hotpiiel.

on Thure'a' evening, 11th it et Germany, eg ea oi jeere. VI the Mith Init Kiwreih IIRNR'ETTA MATILDA, dauehterof Dr Geo. H. aid Mary Bute, a the yadytir of berate. BwlaUwiata were ''For me to die Ii tain On Ihsl.thind., GEORGE P.

ABBMOXE, aged Myeare. Hia friandaarA II, fkm kmav Invited to attend hia funeral, from bte latereeideaoe. Poke etreet, ai a Hanover, tla Fndar llfiern win. ilia it'b at lo'o eok. Faneral to proceed to the hilad th Cemetery.

on Peeeyenk Road. ORDPR.No. I rne OrBoere of thaeeveral Oivi aiora of tie raeiee'iHated Polios will para oomrrend of Ibdr reepeclve Ueutenenie, thia Frl dav Alternoon at I o'c'ock, to par tlie laet tribute of Keeeot to their eeeeed brother. GK'IRGR P. ABHOR Ide Polios man of Uit Ksosinttoa Dividoa, wir nan ttnfA.

Poliormeri Alh rt Stevene and Charlee M. Clav of the N. W. Cit INviaioe. John Snulh and Hi ram Bennett, of the Spring Banian Diviewot Franait Hen'a.

of the South vark Divieion; Wm. Gtcen, of Jacob Uloateire. of tha N. I ihcl ra Division; and Jhn Roberta, of the B. W.

Clly Division will til Pali Bearari. Policemen Peter K. wiMetta and Charla M. Tip per, of the Spring Garden Divnion. will carve aa Bpe cial Air'eoBthanooasion, and will a reipeoted aad obeyed aocwdinily.

Hr command of JortN B. Marshal. A. W.BLtCKBURN.Bpeoid Officer. It nrB" WARREN DIVISION, 8 OPT.

VLB A Martini ofthe Division will be held THH (Frdel EVFNINS, o'clock, at tha S. of T. Hdl.SF.COND Street, below (ueen, third atorv. The Off cere of the G. I), will re inetitu'athe Divi iod.

Let every member be eanctad is hie etteid anoe. Belt lt'iM JUNIOR BlinlS OF TfcVipKAj0K iaMewihara.rCVeNIMnvrAB 'lOflW o. S.J 8 of will meet THIS iFridat) FVF.M NG.MV o'clock, at Ibe Hall. No. 44 N.

EIGHTH 'treat, to make arrar getneata for tba Parade oa tba SN inaUr By order of al ifWS JOHM c. MAGUIBArv, w. D. GRAND ENCAMPMENT OK TH1U70. i i ii iini i.

muii i i 1 reof theGRAND KNGlMPMF.reT villmeeJ for Parade, at the Ball, corner of SIXTH aai AIM KB 1 lreeta.ou MONDAY MORNING. Heat d. et I o'clock Thenihorriinata Enaampmentt. that intend parttoipating, will report to the O'and Mtrihd bv TBISlFriilsy F.VFNING,the 18th lnetat egt O'oloch, ai the Offioe of the Rrnd Seoretarv. ilXTH ktrectlldl.

PETBR P. LW, Grand Mirahal, aria.1tm Gratd F.Doamlment. 0 rsUwho THF MFMBF.RSnf ASHTaN (1 1.if Dfl R. No. ilftt.

i of ft. and main hart in eene itl, in vui, ii'e iH.oi dedication of ilia New Bill, corner of Tenth and St are raq tied lo meet at tha Hnll, corner of SI XT and A INKS oaMONDAY MORNING, red ii'itet loVnrk. earn trig CH AS M. BAKF.R, Marshal. FCIM NOTICK The mbera of laaTik'Dai ijHifiV.

ma inn i ti en notified to atler.d at the Movsmanlne Old Fellows' Dsn n. oornerof th ara b'iuth Bttete.on MONDAY MORNING, lo'oook, to join in ice exeroiaee uieuoani upon ine neoiosnna. eelb st'PO D. M. LOGAN, See'y.

I. O. OF O. P. The Memheti oT HaR X3 MONY ENnAMPMFNT.

No. SS. are a aur tm iv ni t. tna nan, auu on ta ireete ob MONDAY, the BA Inetnnt. atlo'olook, A to JoiB in the oercconiee of Dedteetins Ine New Bail.

Tea'h and South etrre'g. Memlie a of Uia Urder. whoae rnoampruea'a di aot partieipa'e. are oordtell lavited to ioia with oe ob that oooAsion. rntrormitv of diaea ia requet'edi biaeh eu t.

Maoh g.ovee. nr order. JOHN MoUipmis aelt tt'tt HiriMl, FRIF.NDSHIP No. 3, 6. O.

P. The Mem'Mri and othera of the Order wiehirg fo yarlintpate in the Ccremoniec of Monday next, in accoroanee wun tne mei innrnnri orders, wi inert at tha of A I PSandslXTil Six. at o'olook, A. M. Dark drees, white ovea aelt rli9 W.

W. WKfcKS. Warehal, ffug" moyaSTknsing LOnOK, No. tm. I.

O. UL3 rt O. F. The mmhen rrf lbs Lodie are re uucerenrnireei ai tne nan, oorner or Tr. TH and SOUTH Stream, ra MONDAY MORNING aext at omocs sreciaaiy, prepare! a joe ia tas lar ae erine oy.

Membere of the Order whole undgegdo totlntnd paredirg. an it ted to mi with ne Anaiiliiurned meeting nflhe Lodge will ba held oi BATI RIMY KVF.N1N9 next, a' e'dook, ti make the bnv arrangememt. Pimm nil attends oe le reqneeted. litt WM. A OFFERMAN.Seo'y.

I. O. OP O. P. Tha Gnuid Matahal rnede Ibe fbllowiiie aanointmanta aa Aaaialatit iaralialBt Franoia Ciintor, I Cliarlea Sharp, Claiia.nB.

Davis, John Brewer, Joe. Fvana. WM. o. ALLEN, G.

Mtvibal. PAN'l, RURiniM.I WM. M. RFlf F.V, A Meet ine lha Msnhali and Able wi'l he kaM TBIS EVENING al the SIXTH Street Ball Be oritur; 'a Offioe. Panotud altsi dance is Deervrnry.

sett ll aia rrtfl OF P. TbeMemlaweofBHACKA IL3 MAXN LOrGK.No 343, in'endtnt to Pa mlenn thelldin't will meet at their Hall, corner THIrDind BROWN Streets, at o'cloak in the MORNING, from there to oo ed to Franlrf inl Roavi, above Pi aicix etreet, to receive the BANNER to lie pre n'ed tn hem br P. John O. Uh'e. an offioer' flbeR W.

behalf of tha ladiee of Ke and to be received by CharlM Corkill, a member of the Lodge. Memhsre of tha Order we re ipes'fblly invited in pertic pata with as. Br order of et yt'im HA LrS CO I LL, Mirehd NO 1 ICK. The ledisiof Kcnaintba ara reepeet fb ly Invi ed lo he preeent at the Preeentatioa of tba NF.W BANNF.R. rta up by them end tobe pte ar.ted to Sh crr axon 1 odgt, on the in) 'netnnt.

at 1 O'oo in he MOR ISlNG.on PR ANKPHKD Road, above ho ntx afreet, tv order of 1 he mmirtee. DEMOCRATIC FXP nynvE oom i3 ITTFKof POI'THVARK. Art tdiocn Id meeting will he held THIS I Friday I EVENING, tt 7 o'clock, P. M. at th ua of WM.

VKR LY, FOUR FH and HTANI.F.V Htraeta. Pe. msnan otnca wi'l be electee, and imanr'ant hniinaa trnos lot.d t'f w) PA Ml) LP. FLOOD. See'y.

Ts UlMBsRDWARD AnAdjrm'redMeet irt nf tlie Vt big Cilii na of Lomlnrd Ward, Will be held at the bouae of Genres Armatroni, oornnr of THIRIFFNTHind lM HAR THIS I Friday EVF.NING.atl n'clook. Ponctaal atend ar.a is reaueeted. ee buauiea ef Imeoerenoe will he Cam before 'he meet rt (I11TJ MoClRTHKY. ILS Jou crdM Vrd will be he iXIWKB. IlKLAWAtK 'ARU.

Al! Ad eetireof the I) MOCHA TP nf th fti win ur iiviM i 3 ritri ii'ivj, v.uomt tho White Bee Hotel, comer FIFTH and Cg Btieeta. eeleet Ward OSioers, to besuppiwted at the next general eleotioe. hip It'l 1 rprtf LtrtUf alii ai I 1 i EC MASS MPKTINI1 OK THE PRKPIWTS! OP I HE CITY OP PHILADELPHIA 'V I wrrmit at at fee Coenrr Court llonte, oorner of SIXTH end ON DAY next. t7d innttnt. al 7 o'eliok, P.

CHKSNl'TBtree The Whiief the City of Phi iMtelphia, and all o'ber Uitiseni, wi'hout dietmn oin ef ptv. fa oible to the eleclioe of the Roe JOHN iMtelphie, iDdilio SWIFT, the I'ntne ard Com hdntioa Candidnte lor M'ynr, end a I'rion Meniopd Tick fo Coanctla, will aeaewible ia Town Meeting tt tba above time and piece, IB order to aopt the aeoeesarv mawuere te erure en nverwhelrmrg vote at lha aming Election order of ttsCtnimitteeof Arrangmenle It t'Ml WBIG CITY DELEGATION. the llg Union Whig Ddegntion of the City ef Psile dVy tn net ths County (Jourt Houaa, Thewdar eve int. Georie BoldiB. waa aalled lo Ibe ChejJoha C.

Gill aad Joha Make wereippotuted tin niouoe of Taomai E.Crowal', the Dele gat war I Into a nomina inn foe AVOR when Tt voice were pre ed for te Hoa. JOHN WIPT, whi was declared lbs runimni nomtaea nf the Ooavea lirn. 11 tOROB BOLDIN, Uhilrmaa. JOHN C. nTT.L.( autwatariai JOHN MARKS.

BeoretariM. AN APJO rD PF.MOCRATIO AHWCIATION OP TUB TU1IN f.lRFRTlKH. held at the Hnveeof 'rter Britter. Conies street, ebove Fourth, It wae RestHved. That we carder ane ceiare ne pro reeriRga pabliehre.

aetheaoune of th'e Aieoeiattoa, onlheever.its of the letb leeteet. Bull and void lac movrra and votera sot heir membere nf thie taeoae Hob. sod therefore eoatrary to the CoutttuLoa aad ReeivVd. That we aomlniaa, Btreeeblr to fwwier aa.aa. a eer.didale for MaVCIR.

whea WILLIAM WILKINSON, the preeent Demna efc hlljor, was Bnanirrooe') aerere apoa wine ceaaioau. Rteolvcd. That thesepmoeedi: be puh'iahed. Wat. UANNIBt Chairmaa.

WM C. RICP.f BLw rfeel THOB. Bl'IR. tclt UTCT FIREMAN'B PIR. Tha Udiee of Ger otaotowa intent soicinii an.

aaay eaa 'ul Articles. dunrjr the rhrietmes Btdire, for ett of the Gb.R ANTOWM BOSK CO. nyoraeroi um trauau' va. wit M'M J. B.

BOWMAN, See'y NrtTirKThe Creditova of RESTORB. rARTKR are recee reti to attend a tK INCJatSt lift, ctit rt r.urun mi, i i I 1 It I L. i U. Tula iFridevI KYEN1NO. the 1Mb last half pea 1 CCoev.

eeiv irr aai MKCHANICS'CEMETERY. Thaobeas UJf ra I OTS ths pnaair are ie ba had it thia ferret y. frioe, fit. ine wnt tnetaea. APP fto R.t.ELLiui l.aee'y.

it If 1 ft Itt Wood ttreet. ltrve ieralh. fajsa Tflg rOTTAGR BUIUHNO COWPA. IlB V. AT BhVFBLY.

wi'l meet a VIGt LaNT FALL, ee THIS RVENING, Beat, ltth, at In'i kk, lorecavc Uieduafn tha aoeia. gav njaa ia Lha I'Ameaat'a MiTA. aa Bfavtwilia tied, eh tn Iret front by IM deep, will be ami lo be itta bidder, eed the Stock of Ua Compaay will ba takea tt pa a pa asset. ceia ll'r WM. J.

MOB iB. Rag. yvtniCK WetHeraonvthaBlllnt.AOr PRANKLIN APSF.MHI.V.Pta. 1. af OIKlh IP B.

for Ike haaalifar RKATH. ereaaatad br thea re the aw Ine ef our the tea Vrt atoote, no, ot Aattaat Goat tCPrtJlA aSSFMfiLV.ltt FETING af Ibe MANASKRS of i IC givra bv the GOOD 1N1 1 NT i V. A. ins itma are. Taaaaav eveeii e.

"ep. 1 a) wee Brai veC. That tie Uav rt of the 1 eeaeaVy he, Baal tt hereby tradend to big.OLoP,oe thsCsad ne enaaaar IB wbtob die Psraiilnd las Refreaa gteeaet das, fie bar enadad kwnM 'he Managere eene eense ie watoe eaa aranina las efreaa Beraet dea. fie bar wmdad tawvee 'he Managere aoMC the Pne Niet a Mr. CO Lr al AN trl oa, law, sad to the I ediee Bod fc eat lean a wk i aim aal tne rarry.BMtxaWwawtJhawai'ae'ttreiraiiafia tf BOVTHWARE TO AlnOX Tbt Dli Iriot tieeai've rorrrmi 're wtl' mas' I ai Br' R1 V' F0I1HTH end rr Hlreet.

Por ortaasastine. Bail It NOTIflF, Ba eil he Jvt ito ma Aeeirry i will rne feirinriae iiu laitt.tie held ne MtiVe. frf UlV AFTKRMiUN Beit, CLAIIKfON BaIX. the oihiusidle'elok, at JOapPH HPigfiVirVe'v. ee'P Leller Mags at vnx HBBORasTs' aaeBAMei.ritLipsT.paiA.

8hipMay I Irat an is, Deean. pool ewm Ship Wealmoreuual, Still Anhur Tallmt Eirk Jobu Farnum. jemletoo I it trk Veaaaue Wileoo Lumire Got, 1 rk Rlnaa An. Fnnlaa. imirarl.

tSMrB Mrlf be aware, Marlndoe, aima Bui I tow it' i'er, Hewitt. em Philadelphia Beard ef Trade. imtl K. Sroiti. 1 Wm J.

UoetMy Cenmlttet. Oeobub Mt Hum PORT HP PMH.AtttbFHIA. iss nam 144 'ie eared 4 Mies wiTllt ARRIVh.U, Ship Superior, (BrlMaioJ, Lo id mder Jl da. Buke Lolumne, Browe, Lcjtbora, di Delawars, Levis, Boeioo.toa Iirui miri.rMMiey, doutob, ail ueievere, uw iup ii.uo,uui nnocn owair, orioa. do, i Amulet, BpoUord, New York, Ida; ol vnun, Nichols Mb clue; Nanoy Ann, Jio be, fortina.n Id tamutl tfaitldt.

Walls. iv oe. uhi a thello, Bwedi Torlen Rio dt Janeiro, 4da rortoi Oram, (KM uole, nt iniirui. aai irr Grot on, wever. Bangor, in da; Jerome, Wtllard, Port lano.Toai I noe rentier, naaer.

ooawa, a mvr Miseietn, Hater, rues fledtiiid toai in Mean. e.oo.rKii a eiauoer ra, run new rori.auv, 1 mi en oe Bam, ww, vupi, oaa, rown.IIall. PruvioVioe.tdatBuali Ivwich. 4 dai Thie Vauihaa. uith.

Hartf ird. 4 Herchaui (Jarey, Vienna, di A nsaiereoat imirev, rv utven, te. Rariea New Jaraev. M'Cav. Jaraet Cltr.tdm Rsuhsh, MUI, Niwark, N.J.t dayt; Joo Bay hh.

Steamer Pennerivaala Rebel linger. Delaware Cltr. inure to which piaee aha towed on ill bargae, out with merchandise for the interior, and brunt III ap iu ouiere. laaea wua nour ana mm oar. steamer tt.

Nicholas, Whitak at. liveware Break Waier.l hours. On the diwneard try biirded lbs brig tt Been, Hsmer, from Nsw Orissni for fhila JoePlogger. Btr cwro eontteied of coraaiei porter aaaka, which latter uapt. B.

had cnnve)ed Lewee, whither he dm proa jed to euer pnuMt the veeael and the ooro will he toul loss; ths litter is Insured in New O' leans. ULstAKKU, Bart KieiVos, Pnulhaa, Deuserara. Bohr Vinoeio, I Spool Minor, tinidad, Pot Spain; Abs't. Rantdell. Chvlestown.

Masa i Mary Mer hon.fprague. Trovi May KllV Smith, Bridgaporti A Siiiipeun, Haakill, Boaton; Jao Raymond, Bourne, TSrusil, baynnm. new Yorti A Nendenoa, Godfrey, do; Lariaa Jane, Ketoham, Brooklyn. BaiajNew Jersey, M'Coy, New Vwki Richard Eaehab, O'Neill, do: JO Iter man CHasmeru union, utajsooi, mill Steamer Kmeire. I AT man.

Haitimara. BteaaiwOnwdB.O'NaaVNsw York. rxt TiLiotirs.l (OorrtsBoudeaoa of the Phiiedelehit Exehangc I Tht hark rhecepeahc, frtimTioliiii brifl Toledo, ouuiriiuHi, iromtne r.wwarc, oame miiui in Knit I. and tenevs ib the Riuuletead, la conuaoy wi'k nut fifty sail, most of whom wsat out last mght, bat returned at noon lo day, on aoenua ef advene winli 1 he tarhe Thoa Da lett. for Laiuaira, went lo aea on i eetuaj nirenoon aim in toaaiieraiwo, tne jno rar mm, lur ernaaiUiao, Wind liilitfroa N8 WakA, Hottow, (Onrreemmdence of the PubUe Ledrer 1 tMiBLSeTun.l ept.

I7. Arrlved, ioar NonU ay, Fhiltoeipb a. tidied leetadai Colanma, Pai MMaifiiiia, (Coerce pood acre of the PubHa Idrer.l Obacs, Sept. II, Mgl. I i eansl koala Un kM tkia r.

delphia, ia tow of the ateemer. They were leflened tad coutnied aa fnl lows, vis i Wei Muee, wheel 1 A Wrtghii Ftir Trader, oata and wa to lott, Hoflmaa Cot Prudence, wheal and corn to A 9 Cutell a Co, Cast Holder, lamhar lo ft BeXni rttiwpeonmir yours. J.A. CHR SALK A verrd Dearbora WAGON, Apply at 811 VINKBt. altst CH)R BALR Prima pOSrlKN ftUttURTby 0.

MoAf.nAN. tliMllKKf MlrllT iweiuoaiiq i nineeaia. wit It'll. UalnIK BUTTFR, A alebr a. tr an a aaa.

an Mlh lt'lll 4I Mlrket iliove plinth. OlIVK CtMF.TKRVCHOIOK LuT In thie ft'unehieiC'eeieierr, foe sale, tiro is. 194 ll' Mi irn BlBj wet pan t'li lire asttai au B. SIXTH Belliel Clturoh it im'l LXIK SALE An entirely new MRI.ODK'lv, of fine fori, new ity'c. oaae worth 7 will ba ao'd iot e.

jnuiirwaa o. j. LAwier trmoe. tt't on CViR BALB Pourl.OTS in Odd Pelowt' Ceme a.rJJi,ncd Price Riteaoh.

nerFIFTH ad iflNK Stre te. nlh lt SliLFLh BORD iUKld felloi.g lh heeej hrnea p.eoee. la Irat rale order Fur ale chase BKVFNTH etreet, lliird do ir below Shippen. Iftfij F'l HOSS1. STEAM KNGiNK.vithtu horee Btii in gondordrr.

Can be lean JOMKsr wait wot aeu y.e ban dOMBi. alpt gt PR SALK An excellent Stewart Iron SCREW PRKsS. Also, a Brer ra'e. leria od ve. cheip Aply94IB THIRDSt be ow Boulh.lfltS rai.B tine a tiA tiians tor a Grocery til Smth tr nuit rss se'S ll irn IRlbU GLUaSWarmtid genuine, si, JOHN C.

HAKh A CO, Wlttlt1 No. lOO Notlh Thirl JHfcATKEpiJoTlON IN TEA, ann a large ftwh stock I nit reoet ELL WOI 1D8HAN CllriSNUT Cf, CENTS. DAGUKKRi.6rVPc;8 tax" put IB complete fiw ewnta, 4 1 1 en and WABL ar. I entire r.ievenm wptereiqe. "11 If lt '8 SHAVING AND HAitt CUTrlN'S ELEVENTH Bind.

sei gtt Vll'RPMY'B GA9 IITTIN0 sod FINIKHInT A'l MARKETS! where orders wi'l be received em, promptly attended to. str TiAGl'EHR FIFTY AJ In our neat atile. warranted cerrcot and durabla 87 1 N. BECONP St. above Willow ie lt WATER tJLKK TRtSATMENT Dr.uAOHEr, be nnnanllaj dai I a tTiil.ia wlt w'r FRF6H ZEPHYR AND larTt aasorlniant of tha New Rultona f.

I lir.Tr'J.Ka "aiV reectred a l. nnnrni nut, ininirrn, leil li lMi TiAGpEBBhOTVFKB. A. vVIllIaMu' oie AJ aad beautiful Pic'uree areetill drawing erowded mom Hia Uilleryistwg ARAB St. thsfirat one below Twelfth, aoatb tke aelt Hr BEY COME THEY COVE all vniiouf to IHaTI Otlaini IhOfifl vfaRIM ItiaU Art BVfuBria.

t.lrm at tha VAN LOAN GALLERY, lit CHKSNU1 asli 11134 NEW SMOKED BALMON. Vay aipenor new Smoked Salmon, reoeivitur datlv from out mwa eUMB, IWt WIW Vf N. H.bRlNAMkl'll eioon no. I N. Water abort Mvket.

BITTER BUTTER I Prwh Goehea Butter, ailaba IJf labia reoet vol end for ale by a. liKOWt, aim ynl tor. Sixth aid Bu'togeood ita. A LL Kir. LS tf EMttHOIIifclf IF.

K.l LACrio 1 wil he found ahaaesl HIIB'I'III'H rpiJTHand SPRICK, Alao, a hvie Stick of a laiv amniw, viwmf. ef IS H'lUI CAI AFLOAT JOOO Banks IJverp oiT Ground dieobergiut lOm Berlin, and for lots VJ eon 117 a. tlKKB, eelh Itr'IM No. SS South Whirrea. LAMPS, The larieet at thanweet PTiees.will befoun lat XII MtRKKf St.

Fluid and PINE OILattbeloweat maaufaoluree'a prtsee. ai'it ot p. rt. WIMWI ttl INFANTS' WAISTS, AT Si ANOTt Varr rd and sold maoh below their aotuel va ue, a' the Laot and tmDioway Biuret noru kihhth to. aeiv ii at.

n. witK.v;, rVAGUFRREOrV PLtL llic neat Amill per AJ erne lo take eaa aow set a Berfaot Likaaeaa at A YVII.LIAMS' liaUry, MARKKf Stren, e'l'iitt. ae er rrf riARbS, Tiiketiind ill other kinde of Priming dune in me very mei mnnoer, ex tow prices, at A. BCOTT'B Printing Ofhoe. IS BUU80.1S Alley, poataoi i.neerui aireta, a'aive I niiu eeinit'lrl TUE SUCCFSS fip I.ANT.UON A 1 GUFRREOTY FISTS, No.

144 CHRfNUT opposite the Theatre, ie owing eotirelr tt their preiiiiiut rioieres arc route artanuool tome many moiee wno inrotig tneir rootna tuutr. wis H'lIU 0 pun of the beat breels of red and ware SHANGHAI FOWLH, of the Maran, rarwna Diiwy nj iae l.a Kll ia. om Roeton, and for Bale a. US Wl li'ilnttoa Jl Hittxt Btreet. VINEGAR.

Wanted Cider Vlaegw.oi a uperior gullity, warranted, IS used, to meet the appro ballon the purohaeer, Bhippini prderi promptly fe mi wnr aaia ov KH1IL, MATHIKU, sell oalfr II Loa laud bslow Beeuad. JWAGW Ft JFRMON, ATTORNEY AND at Law. at rHNHov I'tfidatathe proeeca'tna of elaieie lii root hoot the different aitiee aed towns la the ailed Sta'ee and Europe. eaie tt'ftj rf)R ADMISSION TOtPARKEVILLR WATCH CURE, near Phridalpnia, atp', tt the iNsri TTJT10N, or at No. It LOG AN IWUARK, Pdients who g'vs finely sotice, will be viaiied br tbo phpeieaa, and takea to ue laatllauos nx a caatet.

eeiv a a PINB FOR P.St COAL lean and not mixed with air other kind, as ie dwaya done ia etner rarda, (Vast ally oa head all Pises, prepared extretiit or Ull IiiRAELR; DEACON, arw, Droaa, oaiow cat Kiwiull IveBt. OaSoe. Ne. We'nat a act, lit lwla) ReeHleeee. No 111 Raoeetreet.

Orders left tt eitbet p. ace promptly at'euded to, 4 CENT MUBUNSi 4 Browa eeuta 11 east Collars Thread 1 Aa. aatt. emrik la Cdieuse, ti. 7 and fivmerly Ut I Striped Shirtii tl lood Csatna Flaaaal.

SI akeetlne and BAirOa. tiualiaa. Lineas, RilJoae, Laoea, Suks, Shtwle, De Lames Caal Met iiHiee at BURTON'S, IM N. BECONP St. all "rH TO THE FIREMEN OP PHILADELPHIA.

si 1 bandcane Palanag of a HOrlK CARRI ASK will reszaiiaieu at riaios a risen ner rlrewery, rrtt R'raaL. belweea Serrvid and Fraal. Nohla ana low rrows riiu tun ane. btcii ri, BKUA the tad laat. All Cotutealee era reaaee fe Ir isnted.

to eoate lad lee the earne, aa istrorlhyaf their au wtwa, MtM a saw d' lee. ib additioa to ba already extcears taeort aentrf FaV PiliVw CHEAP RIDGIX1VKS. i. T. D.hai arte log Jiiee' Kid Glteanf the bet eaality.

for IH eeata. FRENCH WOPKKDCtlLLAJlB! A vary Tarta nsentiment, ry cheap. PALM CAJtalMhRB BHAWLsL tuuBshrtl article. PI.AIN CENTtl CABHMERI BBAWlA vide be ders, vert It PLAIN CArtl IRgg Bad TtflBET SHAWIJI, ta treat vtiioty, daily. wtH'tPA aow epee.

riew itoo reanvca DKPUY. dl North K'fhth etreet. pet alae a Jose kneaatB mt The Haul ot Penee, i rseta keriat made a aew laeaa a roet.n taa or met laon isa'wm, eaue and iae aeNie WtSIVOTI ll EAUWPnJ, nsawlahta.AMiUtlAal. Watamumt Dirt at. lOl AND in CENT MOUS8F.LIN ng JH LAINE8.

Tie oheaped Goodiiu the oftr, sew dilee ard fine aualittee at HORTER'H, W. corner of FOURTH and SPRUCE Su. eelir.M pAlTION BTOLKN NOTKa Oa the tl rst of A sr net laet TWO ONE HOIJ NO Oj.LAR PCrBT NOTTS.of the BANK or KN vfv.KiA a a.a i a a. i i a bearer, were eteies Ireat Aaraat rwi wamtevee feoee last ao ir.a,e fee A wfj ajlvaMnggip FPKP KDlLt OP A tiTFS.Jfs I'P A 2 F.IN STOPPED AND Wlli, BR bnl8 TKO. Iksreawd baenowwe nterrd ae, thareewe, rrwead.

HtJjy' ae yea eelMrbohavermie 011 if a a XlMt 'eh af VVat.tottie VAN 1. IA1 flj. eci.ol suns, N'rryB etr eftpeteg ee Here, eeiiaSsi I'OIOAI. rSTRUMENr8, of all snnds, beet lla Plniare. et Jl T.

itl t.t tin oi iiift Al kuvim a mv Siafeh r. are 1 Wai'ilS trt ll RTnOhM ARK wai, tlit'l BI wv Btiu nria 1 irru, r'repia. ryii iewaaknia la tkaa A a a MIL Vl'ld Ofth' I KB Ii F' virtue of auodry wriieef iTifn ff 'l 'ii xArriRDr (I. RNOON. rVpieahe, i wh.

igg. o.eiJk ae ITi, "ootnaoi SIXTH and iNt7I ht lal 4 nU) I A AVa ttF BVa T7a.TT i i sLfx A Lee m9W. wt aoa ramnianao IW tlaaliiaa aa w.te rd Pti'w Erg Uh TiJi.I: oroiogCM neree, ou. ta ijaa, ia CIS. M4iswlneafsav at lei) .11 nta Brey ve.

and Blank Pa Dutlitr MoiseeliBM. S71 ioj eta PBILADELPHI A MolTS iNG HTORR, 1fl' No. Sllurh eL a iINTS PaINTo heap, rt lien ever. fifOla Fiwioh Glean, froa It ec ear i ia ken irenawiet cod lie per aj Greens, it to Ul da. ure V.

and.Fhiia. Chrotne Gtaane.s le aot Pant in kagi. 7e per lb Haastab Vhite 1 eed at manofaoturera' arioea. rre rrej ou ne wniie.liurewa larorUtioa. fint Milla i Glaa.

Put'y, Ao. Fire Mdaierpronf Pal t. Paint Oil. from Its terisiloa. Par ede by JOHN LltCAB A CO iaa aidirtl aitd.

I maBt.rrarai. Nsk al ai IPd all at nil i7. ibnve iranjt n. i nooo ac tons. Lead, aad other colored a ground rp, outer.

wit fttr Pain i KsoGllODS. Uood bargains nuy aow Ich Printed Moutitlaiiiea. uj III and 16, nKW styi.h nwRaa Bonnt user Printed Peraiaa la launee. Ill aad til. rm i.k rthinl mm lu rrwianitiiv, iniataniiia, tt TOBiei it DtUSft maroiaa, Wlfu.

ana ilivwnt, WOOLLEN PLnNNELB. Red. Whits and Yellow, tt 311 and Jrl, pupef nenrinBing a ana, ei si I to tn, MUBLINS still sell at lha preeent Ve radioed pnece. "A UsI BROTBriR, aio.wfr N. W.

ear. Twelfth and dirketsta. pmHPSwp; Bailding Hardware and Tool Store, No. tny MAR I KT Btreet, betweea Bevenih aid Bithth. lave dew I Urrained froa tba dntt to devote the ir a i I.

BUlllblNGRW BU Builders and o'hara mar, therefore, expert Is find a no. vox niAKBKir act me oca arm only aoaB ajiantliaidiatheoityofBaUdiiig Hard vara aad augooaaaeiivwrra pnayiasiy a tmj pan OK as auw rdiatrlotcfreeof chute. Poroaiua a Dob paia aaa eve ty the beet Poroelaia Anobi aeecriatiua, Ageoay I ine w. D. Mil 4tT HE CITY POST.

After yeaa of unwearied aa ertioa. the asdsraiaad have aaaaaanad la astaew 'CTTYPOBT. which, Be a prompt fui rdlebic raediara rbr thedenV vcry of all kinds of baaueaa staeaaaee, iMad, aav (Ail eeweiry. Their etturtt have beea) appreoiatea ny tne ruwie, aad with taw ami rar tba to acouiniTioilate, DESPATCH trill, oa ART AiTit ixrTsaasx Ista jravkg FIVB Dtl.IVh.RlKS DAILY, from til their boxes, howaver dleOAOt, I be tmrrutM an mea oi eaataoier ana staataal, tag prowivf eaat rartal delivery te eeriete. ire eowi ara aeneioiea as aatriere et i Propel store of Blond's Dtapntoh.

i At, ut a IVtira. OA ttuath OAA. 1 at. it A rt I r. nf irtn i CHARLES ROCHERSPKRBER, sell ocftV CILVKR'S MINER ALPAI NTS are the wrmoer hJ of the etc tour itlw reach forte barrels day aaa yd tha ordere pour ib.

hr is Lhisf 1st. Im Dan. will do ai niuoh palalng ent Ibe. hilt lead, and eosis lea thai one loiirth the price. td.

It will astkc a psi ieot ating of atone is two Woks. BJ. II worki aa free tod mr aa White Lead, tad la firs bmeeee datable. We are daily receiving Testimony In favor of this valudile Patent. from dl eeoiioua.

A fraotioil ealatera Who hae seed it larielj. writes uaaa fiilloest Meeere F. a R.i 1 ueed Uie Suver'a Mineral Pkih Bint mi, ard belie ee them heiop rior ba anything of ttie kind yet dilooveied. Tliey work free, tnd cover en ttnwHaM lurfaocdrrint with utditt oulty. BLd making.

In few dare, a p. ifeot coaling of Tbitvalntlc Miami Paint la for sals, la hwittr snavU tuaulitiei, by the ao a net nti. FRENCH A RICflARDB, WhnleeaJa Punt and Glai Daaisrs, W.cor. Tenth and AfaihM da. Also, for axle by Rea'ee A Baker, N.

W. corner of Third end Branch atrwla; PHILIP PRICK, No. tt Clawnui etreet, corner of Exohaoge Place. Diugguis bihI Pautori ara iav.ied to aead la their erueti. eeie jrr si er.

it ttlU HALE. A wall aecured irr deamnele 5N of am Apply to ii uDfirl sJnJUU GROUND REN I' of ssi to a. a u'l wll lml it. i ix na a P. omxer Ninth and Pilnertsts.

II I VI TO INVEST ON MOR1UAUKianda.oaaiida7aua laGronnd Ranla. hi. JO' KS.Cnaveisncer.' ii lea Cor. Walnut tad Suit its. 2SE i EAT Seed Wkeat.

of sup vine quality. Red aud White, lUlt M.tyed Ja itura tod for tale by 0. IKH ORE Til, WerdiouM, witt ii cs o.i ttneenei 1'ieec. rt rt t' FASHION HATS ere now recii at VI DAMAI'S One Price BAT STORK, No. 4 ftRYBt.

Th nre really baeutif.l, as is teaerdll known, they are aul.l st anew the very ajweei mis 11 AT IT AGAIN! Tie eaffiae Hat ll.n ssLonBliaee lo alverliw ihs beet HAT fur Three "Dollas, Bi4 O'BYRNK a PaRK, North EIGHTH Htree pronounce lite eaerliua a humbug. Thee stoutly nfin'aia that tlie beat Hit could ait be made lor three dollara, witneul boing the Unonwof tn wagea. la proof of thia, they appeal te Ban prao iicalhat buu ufaoturer la Uie United nHetee. it It fag THE FINEST BAT ONLY TB REB DOLa liLARS. 'l be New ifd Oomeanv'a Fall Stt'e of "HATS are bow rend a for lenoty and dura bililr oombmeal, eaanot be surpassed.

The Compaay beg leave to inform the pnUio that, ia ipue of all toiition. I bay Mill continue to idl the local Hitt fur three dollara, and have but one qunlity ad one prioe, Ae the mud cimvlnstni proof of their la rile the puUlo to edi aod ejeinine for ih maevee, J7EW HATCOVIPANYr eelt lt cor. Cbeanat and Stxia els. CHEAP STOVE TOR Taa alaael. ae hers are daily bare are duly reoeivint from their finiadry tha bneet eworlmtuit of ''miking, trhir.aod Omoe Sloveem the citv.

We have a lares numta newai.dbeeuiilnl patiwu, lo which wa in vile Ihi at tentiCB of turobateti, NORIUS. H'RRISON fc CHASE, sdtosi7r DM Marke'. Street, a'nrellih. mm EVANhV FIRE drUvgihts' PR esheJ PROOF RAF F.S. LS'ff land SEAL PRKMHKI eir tia'eiiig poses, as, ttEH.

PACKI NO LEVEfiB. i i REFR IGERATOK8, for Masis, Butler, Miik, A WATER UOOI.r. IIP). ror Bioree, Hotel e. Dwellings, PilRTAHLK BHOVVKR BA TllS, alaetod for TS woiuoiuor warm water.

ll cvinn. ee'l iHtr ei noaia Beeona a. I'W njg HI Hum VN Bsweenaa ate. tfiw Stihiee oon er of SI I and "Ca4 Au aC7 fcc, Bazaar, ninth andukor'ir tr f. Aaolloa Sale of HORSh n.

IJAMH1 tiAur.0, (,. ania. SATURDAY MORNING rnenctrf at joy o'otoex. an Bartiaauwa a uela tofae rw Ne poctpnaement on ancrmnt of tha wenthsr. seie nr a.

CrpHOHS mWr (ng kn A vary auperHtr aarg bar RSE.dx rear! di.areM bottom, aaii kiad loeinsleand ooible barnaaa. ae ia an. theearldla. Bwd for went of ee woeld oe a valaabe femily horae. Apply a' SILAS YERKES' Lira a below Seoond street.

ae 'lR ax POR SALE i)W A Kos RORrTTwa TPi Family, a pnrsle ben'lernaa. oe Phyneiis, aa Tl seven yeereold. parleotli kind end gentle te tint le or double Ijarnew; a so, a ana travaileri Minds I tne travaileri etande and eol 4 so el; fur tot of a ane and plea wunoui hHohmll aerlectlr eout of ate. To a wrtoa ia wsot Mnt Horaa, thil opportunity la I rare one. Apwy at 841 WALNUT Vutt, ee 'oalljg ax POR BALK A Brown HORBRTahMt Ig jL Tl handa high, leatle end or eaddla or In hameee.

frt Hold ml Jor want of bm. Apply lo DR. Mb LI. OR, HUNTER Birset, Can be sees at Znas street Stables. wit It'r An OU.VI BUJ will raa TO DAY.

from Third and Wwh agtoa atresia, tnthe Arwnai. fjr the arcomeo hel'peralitei. wit Ut7 a HANDtrOMK. LI4HT OARRIAGH. U' for 'out per wine, eilvee mounted and ia Im utJ sood order, tr ale to be ceee el VAN Piflh street, below Fine.

wil ttT7 a aaa CHANGE Oa and after SATUR wDAY.tothrasrant. the ar of depar aaaaaaart Hure of the eteambnale PIONERR cue) WU1LLDIN, Itw Wllminstnr, will he7t Iteteedof A. VI. The other boon will remain ae heretofore. Mnt SI DAY TR I SB UP THE jP WytPEtAW AW At El VUNDAY, Pepeap liat.

IML Steemb al THEN LB, will leave WALNUT St. aaaaaaaaiat I TON.Oeptaia HIN WhwfM a enarter he'ore Bud Poper etreet at D1 deck, A. for Tacony, Hevwly, Burlingtoa, PlorenM and Btrdeatowa. Mara, leive Br etoi, B.wdeli I LP.M.. Briatoi Iae Barlinxlue mt tadJaeawiysisl.P.M.

AriMJUUONWl vtn leave waiaut etrea ernar tt r. Kir I aooey, Meveriy, Barliartoe aad Brie toi. RF TURN, leave Hnetoiat 1 1A, BarUatlea MP iandjreormy at It, P.M. tf The iitau will dog at Pop'sr Street ca the 0 clock Uip Bpaad I e'elock trip dowa. Excarsun to Burdentowa, t7 eta.

Fere ea way, a EiesieM te rnreaee, Braulol, Bsrliaftoa, BsverlruidTaeoBy, I Fere aaek war, a 1J a Eiraraioa to Mosul Ediy. Ft laneb wae, I7 NEW PHILADELPHIA. Cept Anew, fw Ta aney, Beverly, Barlintb rti a unanar JTrH. Wha Laeauaxt'B. Retera, rjetorei.

eg. P. fom Poplar etreat wharf. stave nntcH tt a Faea sarh way, lltceeta.

a Be ta BT RefreihaieTtiot Brd. "vAtHINMIi.N.IJipt. Heath. fv Brii'eeb ev aad rxiarnoo. at ie A.

a oet. r. troec vv a UT a. eherf.aed ei.e tt Poplar at, waarf, tea simrtoa, an metre Patera froa Taooap st ItM andtr. Bndeebirg aaiaatoi eLar.

ptrt (or Hie Eleore oo.o.ily 11 eeata, tr Exrarasua Ttekdi Raiaraingl I axed by either Bat a rtt i I PHIIJtDinLPHIA AND JlBlll IJvfim.MyflCB; Ti3 pa BWJwaIarr6Kktl Vhiiere iiWlBl tl ND NFVT die the Red a al it atee ever Ike Heeerneaok Rirae. Ta weeb Paeteaeeia lb Htesige will hod it a wsenevseiset City, will re eoairee aa uaaal, eub.aot to the Inlae of eVeneii tearaene I he emw ine of ibe Faarpgwiaaa Deflate evl the lltotentauk In ee. vt ai at a at n. gi wt. awtan et4 A ait, tv Rant CRARLe HINll R.

AxatS, Fhila. Bi4 Treat oa Railroad Co, wlt twt CT TLEf scf'Ri o. pv ItTB PaTk 0RADUtri4 riiRKTRUSBi L. PWiee. i4 yeajs standi eea D.

Feeiamee. Iwe nrueee, arwi He at rfr" ttL ax FOR StLF. Aslrtiig.dirk Per HOReK. "tSft suitab for drauiht ordr vinj; I ysartold, AXri tad Bafeot'y sound Will be cold tiuaedi a ver! low price, the owner hsvlrg ao fa tber v. at rtinai LOW Sta.

17 WS expeeiiM ee io isae iae laeMaei aea aaaonv aett ad Lime vie Cemaeaaed P'kdl pbav WalBVt elieel Ferry, IB A. and I P. MTa aad New Yotk, Ptrr Ne, 1, Bear the Ballery, all A.M.aad4o'eiroklP M. That ad A at aed I P.M. Uaea vinJereaw i i.

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