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Public Ledger from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Public Ledgeri
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LEDGER ANDTRANSCRIPT: Wtdaeatay, Sept, tur. tha, Meaey Market. I i Wen, have another weekly report by the new Yrk banks, it ni looked fur with am eolleltaee, Bed as inrtWM ceuld rcsesatbly Bpeetr. The reduction ef lean st nearly BMUloa tad a quarter. u4 about million lee thai lb reduction ef lb previous wwt Nt Wlthatuidlnr Uil apparent hoidiat; ap la (at stringent policy ef lb bank, the reductloa mad bo doubt Irh with nearly mack everlty redoctioa of thro time the imount was, oa I ha larger basis of operation, three or four works ago.

But debtor ara squerted dew to pretty near taa lowest pe'at, aad do not blood at freely aa lormer ly, though the pressure la greater. The pecle lino has ken Incensed SI lha deposit oar half a mlllloB. The last auteowat comperes with I be previous one as fallowa psenaoa In Loans aad Discounts, Si 911,151 Increase la 8p.ele, 1 lacraaaota Undiawn Deposit. 9I7.HII Vecream Circulation, i Thli accamolattoa of eola la all very well: It lock wall la lha reran i. a.i...

'o have about tbelr respective hontas. But there la aa old adage, that area told nay he bony hi too dearly. The raduotloa determlscd oa by the wsae ia as a net wu Indeed aeneoaarv. But aeaae little dlacretlea It iequll In erecting thla. If, In Increasing tha eola a million, the haul do preclsi the value of their lease two millions, the cperatiea la a losing one, a as ooo mat wu io too fOBB 01 WO BSS ES.

StUI NUl, loesrwerrm wt beaks, of too ainck expansion, It I act to be et pererd, eaa be atoned for wltheot low. They will nave to coene down, aaa we presume toe are coa irsetlng with as aaa rare aa possible. The ae. teal supply of eola la beak oa the morning of 8a lardav week was ascertained to be 913,025,000. Os Saturday Uat, without anything from Callfor nla, aad with enly a trifling difference In the Sub Treasury movement, the average aula was 813, 65, ltd.

The andrawa deposit are looking up the Increase thla week being ever half a million. The total, however. Is atlll eight millions below the corresponding work of lait year. Including the sob Irvsann end clearing boa ae operations of the past work, tne following la the geseral eonpa rlaoa of the banking anovemtat with the previous week, and also with the cerrespondlai atalcment ef, NvSs: ta. fs laae.

rn. ir. saat, ij. nvr, Capial. Ixsuia.

did ITi1'? Ii7l5.v15 iiM.T:i n.J.lj KT.Mi.ftil Vi IS i i i 1 Tblls 3b Hpaaie, ation, ftmss LepaiU, JVW.I S5 tn.MS Jadraon. tiHAi a Hub Trasa'r, II.KM IS no 4tl 10,304 The week opens, flnaoclallv. onder a leas favor ante eeanaence tnaa ih eonaition or the banking aneveuwat here, aad the aeeeatiu from Europe of a eoailnned good market for en ton and grain, might have josltned It was reported yesterday that the bviks kid rente to the conclusion to dfaconnt to the amount of their receipts, discriminating at to su bor roners aa eaa shew themselves really solvent. Thla report was aabsequently denied, and we are Inclined Is believe the denial true Nothing den Bite, we think, baa been agreed open. Tee meeting of beak eScera, wa understand, wia for the consideration of a very different purpose.

Eack bank will act for Itself oa each particular cave aa It shall eaw ap, looking malniy to the bank'a interest. Thla course It forced on them. They hive so alternative bow, If they would maintain e. edlt and the payment of specie en demand. To thla Important and mist derlrabe purpose all tbelr energlte are now bent, and in thla laudable effort they ara deserving of the aid and tympany of every one having at heart the fair fame of the city.

The banks, some if them at least, have, la the past, committed moat egregious errors, of which we ahall nave aomtnln; to sty heies fter; but the ateaeat Is sot the time. The penalty of thoieerro ad fanlta of the tank Irg system are bow upon us. and It will rtqnlre all theclreulalioa and concert of action that eaa be commanded, to make the rain and stress that have bern provoked bearable. Above evervthlnc else specie pavmenu ahould be maintained, and we sincerely hope will be. The meat ef ear business men remember the homlll tlag position of Philadelphia, with alt Ite banks suspended and broken, from 1837 to 1411.

By ear Joss or the Imparting trade, then en affairs. Then, however. Phlladelohls was eurara wim ine presence or tne ailed states Bank, which 'n riled to our banks and capitalists a great majority of the rotten securities the West. We were loaded down with them, while nw vera was loiernoxy exempt, rsnw, near York Is the centre of rotten securities, in the ahane ef bogna stocks and worthless railroad bonds Wall street, with Its flash bankers and fancy stock brokers, kai Invited these borrowers for millions ef mosey. And what have they to show for It Nothing promisee sot worth a dollar In the hundred.

Fortunately, It It not so much so here. Besides, the country la la a moat healthful condition; ear great staple la la active demand at high prices, and the crops In every direction most pro line, Tha country, too, I richer In real money than ever before. Coin, as a circulation, baa, to a great extent, taken the place of paper. A suapea aloa of epecle payments by eir banki, therefore, would be as anwisa as discreditable, and we hope no considerate business man will countenance or favor any each suggestion. Tha law of tne State la wisely and atrsagly against It, and we are happy to knew that many of the officers of our largest and raneet Inlneatial banks are againat It.

Aaa whole, ear banks are bellewd to hare bees discreetly managed, aad the eoo sequence i thla belief la a generous confidence on tne part of the commnulty in their aolveney. Tba merchant, however embarrassed, that counsels a anapenalaa of tha banki aa a relief from hla awn difflrul'les, and as the means af aseaplng the odium of insolvency, neither appreeletea tee trae remedy for himself, nor the wide aad lasting lnjary that would reanlt to general credit. It la only the very short sighted that eaa entertain the thought of such a thing. There was a moderate business la stocks yesterday, and prices underwent very little change. Only some of loans, and aboat shares sold.

City da declined IX, selling dcwatoHS, and Nertk Penn. B. aa at MX. Reading Railroad shares opened at aad closed at it aa tanprev anent of per ehaieeathe closing amies of Mondav. Mlnehlll Railroad sold down to Stlst.

a decline of 1st. Beaver Meadow R. sold at 47. Oirard Bank shares declined selling at 8JK With the exception of Oirard, the local bank stocks were verv well an nported. The market clneed duli, with less exsttement among opera ors than nta characteriiea on iness loraevenu oays past.

It will be observed that what has been eeteemr the sound nnd rellatle seenrltlea. are gradaally oliklag little each day the result, no doubt, of tne very pressing eemana rormooey. noiaers noi being able to remllie oa tbelr notes, are forced to ue sale ei sock or ineir aioca aecorities as win sell. The Philadelphia, Wilmington and IHitlmore Stsuroaa company BBS tuia nay nnumi dead of two per cent, for the last all months, pay able on lha Ml of October. Thla Company la entirely clear of Boating debl ALKft AT Tk annjl EXCHANGE.

Beet, tCilyte lots new an anahsRasdR bvnJK do Kts (4 I ae on im do lots aflH lieoo wa ecitfR a 4 tana do lota si la Peon ts lot 47 to do do aa do ao 1 do I nton I 1 to aa Pens a lot hi do do at S'H inn do Luna laIR bSwa 1 51 oo au ns tB do do ri do do TJ do Pane aaah I ksoo do aash XI do Gira'd 9aJ do Far A Mse Bk it do Cora I Ilk Iota So is ao oca ni av prat is io WdoMinekll hi 1 da triwa Al to do EaadE anwa tdo ao do da a5wa Ke da as si BElWEtN BOARr, t'ltv Itea Peim RtalUs at 7 shs Penn 1 lot ao do elss a do Vm II do Navpraf ItllAHII. TMssaltasdlL Ida IV aa aa Sa As a pnaiND trtflityla lutaki eNPengs HijiiN PeraR S3 do dl prf do Ivnt, Id yi do 7 do Mmehill 9 do Uirard Bk Ida ekt lot do da 9 1I It sas neav lots ei 71 do Reading te do do letde do aV its as i as is de do Ude de Ik (nymtiaa PBICEH. P. M. Keawson, Stool Brwksr, 118 8.

Trim 84. Bid. Ask. I Bid. Ask, Pilled.

a t3n IwABiaR a is una a tsibtbov aw a 49 949 iK 46 aV 41a i Ha 9 Bs.1t ai a 79 '4 7 9 99 Psaa 'Ka 41 Mum CD 41 9 49 oaajlltae 9 a 9 rsf 14H1 99 9 moa CaraJ Guard Bank Market dull. Al.ra BIWCB "FONB BOARR. she Read aiwa 21 Itiaas Ra4w dK Th Dalle New sap naderstaad that the Raading Railroad Company last week dis cherfeA about three handred hand from th werkihoo mt the Company at Reading and Rich. Bond, aad are Inforsaed te dsy that the Moa. tsar Itea Company, wbe have extraalva works al Daavllls, have determined I peyef their band and elm the rolllnt; mill for th present.

Thl will threw eat ef employment seme tws thousand anew, aad with their families, at least six tbou stsd people will than ae deprived ef the mean of a up. port The, ad dee. th Bomber ef pereoa losing employ meat by the nispeaslea ef factories crashed aul by the faflnrm of several eommlmloa hewers, pnrseal a frightful prospect for th coming Winter. bear ttom Ohle that the BUM Bank and its thirty branches la that Stat are well sustained ander the untoward condition af agalra prod need hy the failure ef th OKI Trust. Their capital cembed undivided prell, 9U9, aad a bllbp rtcelvabl or loaa movement, almoat exclusively local and aoaad.of 1 19,01 They have tskaa from th Trust Ceoapaay at Cla eianall abeat la BeodJ aad anertgages, Bcretofere held by I'm Trust Department of the white will la aeevesM abeerb Ihsti ssrplus pro a at heme.

Thl statement we ceadense from a prl vat ienar tram aaedkcer th prlaclpal Sank at ColBBlbW, The reneat psrrksin af Stasi stack, ptiaelpally Wl.swsrls, teaaasat ra, Ohles, VlrKllas and ivaataa lov the Indian Departaaent, ameaat teaeailya mlllloa ef dllar. Th Invest meats made aaVat th dlraeteM Hoe. Jaee 1 1 n.psoa. Kecretmy tba later bar. Thai imleve 10 ti is txtent, ia apscu.tb prraaur a the money 11 set.

i rlrewlatlag avalm ef th Tate Cenaty Bank, r' 'W rera, wee rfase eeaeatptlaa at the aad FaraMna' Raah ef Albany, (tea ii, me ea Satnrdav. The hash en on of I old SsfHy Fund charter It rev is Bared But ari about glial Ot. secured Sfiop ul of Iikliw, aad the individual llabU. 'llvef tne itlrr for as ether 9 kag (Mr wiia loral km receJvaaie. utii mnj" "UICTl, Ft.

tv as s.bal i I ur markei I very dull, tioioeraar Oi'rlfe u.vd braudaattsst a UK. tmfm as ad ber, for free framed at Vi(b9 i per berrn, aaa aaary awanaw, ajk a le 9c. ve Hr at aoW Btlilne at 94 97 pel aaa Vera Jaanl bead 9 awmi. IkiH I aa 7 a tn HMawami ft llVltkl 7B rirnB'9a; As llaa eoarera, La etuevnew tn new vera aapesit (slancea. leaving aaaerated, a yet, ealy lb bills 9sf aeilartlea.

wkb wers pleded bars, Im preset! aa th Stst Bank aad: araach alieee.) sad 1 hv and tha sod for Mr. Mr. no tke had of by niei op law out out eirt With Sun 4M oal th to Sana The receipts of Wheat have fallea off. and prior have again allghily advanced, aloud rod bhrldtt SI 3 ll 35, and SI 4081 45 for good white; only few mmplea were offered Rye la held at lets. Cora ta aoareo, wlthamall aaleaaf ytUssj at 80 eta.

Osarars la fair supply. New lawar are ealllB at a eenta, and Penna. at 97 a We per buahel. Cievaxsn la quits soarro anull sales frees, Irsthaudaat9tks7if per 94 lbs. Timothy bring lag I3a3y per tmahol.

Of riaimed the market to hire tad it la waotrd. WHiehiT meets a steady Inquiry, at otnt 1 1 ball, and 94 cento In hhds. 'Reported tor the Pahlt Ledger 1 V. B. BIHTRICT COVRT.

Heet. a as. dlti rase of Wkmrfatt. Knitkti Pririti vs. Taa Sksmrr Sin of Urorits Thia was an aeuoa bireuvsraolaimnswhaifMs TnelibollaouareUie owneraof thadotk oaona atdaof thasua lawhiohthe Ktaio ot Oraniia waa aoouaiuraad to mnr, when at Us Cocnssny's own wharf the other aids.

Whan ae moored, the eiaa I the steamer an ohstrusied the duok blsaiin Ui the llbellaats, that It srersnlad infroaanf veasiiaaoddesrivfd the lilMllsnt or tneuesot nisaooa. The irsaoudenU denied thei iialHlitr tc wharf sse to thetx ent osimed be liSellaat ifulf whsrlaael, and submitted to show that the seats la sue osaai oaa pay ooo half whvlasa. 'lha Cnsrl hod. after art ment. thai tha rse.l"nte were liable fat foil whvla raa anru krlsra (93 aw day SM decreed aeoordiintly.

Djoaaao ka iilMl Mntm. and John ten fur ressondents. rerl'r raaewta va. Taa SKavuai's rtry a 'Xiraaneajal. This was aa aotminaabiilol ladii antids Wiipsed aa iKS'd said vessel.

beionairaT to the rnKsi Steam NasiaatHai aud trad ni to Norfolk, Taeveserl waa sui.k at hr wharf in this city, frwn aomaoauao ui knows, nod lha louda in question wors damaaed. and Una auit la broualit to reoovw namaeet aiainst the Ctimpany aa oominnn carriors. Afier tha owe nao oonn pan if ariuod, it van ooutiauad until humify next. t()IMtVN PLF.A Jvfri Vtommm asW s(io. This Court was etirssed to day with lha arfumaut of exorptions to AoHilor's lopurts.

NISI PRIUt). Jnafn Wayward. Id tba oaaaof fmvM vs. Axhrnltt ut nent forahnnas and he. Die jury relumed a vordiot tha plain! Burton and 1).

P. atrown for alamliff, Semi for defeodaot, Wm. Coifrt vs. Thomas CoMmll Thia it aa notion brought to reoover dAmssea I elander ua words, alleiedto have been spots br dsfendsnt nuncariinf pltiiitili in his husineaa affairs. On trial, "'ujlw Wm.

Hirat fur a ItintilT, andJrrill and alios detanrlant. WUaRTF.R Hrfr. Cmrmd. LtrtmM Csr Niwosnor A Kvana, nro ariFiora of the Use a Hotel, in Arab street above Third, wrre darted withseliuu hqu wnlroutlio oai, Nrwo'tfner, who was p'ooediai trial first, wssao ajutttf d. hut ordered to sa? thsonsts.

The other partner, tw ml nJ u. vioied, ar.d finrd a.Haiui oats. From irs avideima it kPeared, that whea the ward aiattlile viaitel the in aoc rdsnoe to nta duty amlertue law, ho saw license hunt up as is required by law. and he returned l.n.u. fuse.

On th other aidn, it appavnd that ih) de leMsn'a lind reaalarly applied fur lio tme, and 'he aame hern cranted, but i bey had not taken lha oertihcste iioenss from the Court, and had not huu( it up in a i trnie inaotni p'ouout ace in t'eprniiiar a. aa required Hie Astof Assemrtls, until me two we. kao. and until after tha hi'l Uadlieen found hi tha Mrsnil Jurs aiauat Them The licenses f.v heourrent yoar com rs from ilie stof May. Itwsaa'oal, that in lha alenoa of the oertihotte of ii stise, tramnj and hung is the hu om, they wws under tha terms of the sellim without lieensM J.

OuieruridKO was oot.victed on a ohate of selling liquor wuiVut licenrf aiil hned aim tnd oata. lMnio Ham waa ouovioted of as Una liquor with lioenae. Jamas allsrtv waa onoviated of aelnns hannr with. lioera. uaorse Pleifler aleaded auihv to a II ns liaimr with.

lioense. m. CsrreU wu eonvtotod of aellieg liquor without license. tt'ntenoes in the above eases were df rrad. Li'x! Cav.

Thaoaasof JoshuaS FlAteSar. nharved pnhliKhinia lilwlon John was oum rrmnonl. Klerclior at tiie publisher of tha Isaily tnd Mr. Stislwao is theauitoruf the Daily Nw, both of It'll tv. The aliened libal in questi is an articie ii'sarted in the minimis r.f the latiy Sjn on the ol iusren last, and la said lo he frian a newa Cpr puNiahxl in the utto'ior of tha ate, ntilsd the i ickliaven Watchnsn.

The article has to solitieal mattera diirnw the last fall imps no. The I delrnosdeny tint the puhiioatios la liosllous, and al i lese that it waa i iiMiahed aa a part of the cenrral point I temptim news, and in which there were no mill CHtusor impnipar mo'tvoa, beioit a matter wholly connected with pontics. Juri out. District Attorney Maim ami jarne looper lor roe uomuuaiWHA lh. atal ooo, i Collev and J.

w. AihTir ad f.y thedef, ndw. AUCTION HALEeJ. TBOWAI ak SONS, Aactteasere, Nca. 139 and 141 South FOURTH Street, fa le o.

I 'ir irard street. HAVDWME FURNITURE. LARGS INTEL AND PIER MIRRORS. Velvet Carpet. Uaod avmChandliera.

t. hint and II lain war. THIS MOKNINU, At 10 clock, by oita'ocue, at o. lint Qirarri street, brlween Market and Cheanutaud Elsvanihand Tvelfto th sours Housei'olil Furnitur. ao.

sniitj Sale Nos. I aud 141 rmth Fourth S'reH. Sl'PErllOR FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD PIANO OK TBS, Frra Plain rrora, BraasaU Car 0N THURSDAY M0RNIN 9. Atap'olook, at th Auontm Stve, an extensive a ttinment of superior Beoood hend Furnitur, Mirrors, Bruieels Carpele, Alas a Masonio Breastpin, with Brilliants; lasts aria Billiard Ball, lit; i Celt's Revolver. xVits C.

C. MACKEV, AacUeaeer. No. 919 MARKET Be. between Sixth and Decatur, VALUABLE BOOKS AT AUCTION, From a Prtv te Library, THIS EVENING, At o'clock, at Matkev'e Auo.wa Ro an.

Ml Market street, above i reet. BLANK BOOK 9, PAPER, STATIONERY. A. Full and half fciurd anks, Wrrin Paper, Enve lopes. Mem iradlum Btoka, Slate, LxsUuus.

Ao. IC7" Caialoturs are ready. aeAltJ SALE'iOi REAL K. TATE, STOCKS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, MERCHANDISE, Aa. Will attended to no very reasonable term, at his nacuoa moons, sir mstsk ecreei, or at aar ouer aiao in the oily or ooaniry.

ao aait Iheauavenifl BUSTS. la lmi WOLBERT fc ftCOTT. AacUeaeer, No. 4.11 CHFNUT Street. Wemvite the nartoularattanihsi of snrohtear lanreard eleyant sativtment of Frenoh and Sootoh Embioidwiea, tnk Velvet Ribbona, Bonnet Ribsuoa, Ik Lane Vsila, French Artihoitlt, Alan, Embnudered Mulin Curtain.

Alai, Ladies' aud Genu' ailt and wool uintletsand Gkives, Alto, Gent' Ridint Gauntlet Buck Gloves. Lailiea' fine white oottoa Haw. Alio, an invoice Fancy Gove, wnh aireat variety of dasira lie Millinery articles, tienra' Linen Biaimi, As ba peremptorily id THiS DAY, by oeialutuo, OumtneneinE at o'clook arecissis. ST. ETiENNE SILK VELVET RIBBON.

Alra, li earun St. Eticnne Bilk Velvet Rilibons, faattdKSS. aaHfla EMBROIDER I Ea, MILLINERY GOODS. THIS MIIHNIMU. At IS o'clock, will be aold.

by oau ofue, on a liberal crrdit. a teooial asvvlin at of ohoioe FRENCH AND 81 OTi'H EMMRi'IDERIES AND MILLINERY GOODS. May be exaiaieed earlr on the momirar of ml. SI 9191 KPFClAl. SAI.K.

UV CATAl.tlliUt. OF THE ENTIRE BALANCE OF sroCKOP A WHOLFJSALK JEWELRY HOUSE. By order of the 1 xeeuu. Wewill sell ON THURSDAY MORNING NKXT. 4th 19 o'o ook sreoisely.oa aeoountof aa esuue.

Ut oath, tn utir uaisoeeoi (took of a whole mis Jswslr House, The xuude will anaaared for examination, with ostaimue. early oa the nvmua of the sale, xl 4t'lia) ISAAC NATHANS, Aaetleaeer, THIRD and SPRUCE Streetr, Saiearoom eormd at ay. entraooon Thud strset, CONTINUATION OF bALANCK NOT OP FEREDat Tueltv's Stleol Forteiiad Collataralt, THIS MORN IN 0, Sept. isd. Al the Salesroom, omslstint of over SloUuf Geat' auperior Fall and Winter ladies' upermr Fell and Winter Cloihinc.of very desorip'iiai; Beddutf isT every deseriptism; and Goudi if vry desortation that is usually fuadataPwa' hrkei'sSsl.

Tn attentioa rf Dealers and th public aa raqanted to atitud, as blips of Use haaal qua ity ol foudasv to be old. eO US OEORGB W. SMITH, Aeel'r Corner of SOUTH and BARRON Street. 8 ALT. OF BOLSr llOLD ANIl KITCHEN FURNITURE, Featlnr Beds, Bedding, BrasMls.

In train and Rai Csrpetinc. S'nvea, As. MORNING. At o'olock. at the Aaotioa Stors, om prints; a lary aaugeaeraiaeottniarit.

asct sat SPECIAL AUCTION NOTICE. 649 LOTS or I DEEM ED COLLA TEH AL9. I Arts p.renptory Sale of Watohea, Jewslrr. Guns, asUBlOBl inurumenis. earey a 1 aa ON TH UK SDAY MORNING, The 34 ik instant, at to Auouo Store, ranpn inx in biivpb isr vlntrt a WIaV 71, 'Ten.

Tlx verv tueeriiv Ensush God P. tent Lever Watches, enea laoe and kunttnc cases, hr th nriat at proved malt era; fin Hi rer do Go and Stlvw Ia pins. Piiv wuar'ier aoo lener vrwerew. i i di i tp li win ur rA. LRY, of vrf GUNS.

Eiifct soterior doable uarrsl Stab and Damascus TwaaGana. mi rptuinr.Ti rs. Thsa fta out Mjluaa. timtara. Ana edaona.

Flsti BU.kC.kl. A 'so, io aair extra laif ana heavy riDoon Douna Bau kat. Also, aeverai remnant or tfraiMU, train an Kat Carpatiw, A. N. 8.

Tn (mm ids will ba oaea for xminion early oa the morairtof sale maa u'MJ FAWNBaoKKH'S KXTKN I VK SALE. ON MONDAY NEXT, ftth Instant, of LaI'ea' and Gentemra'l PALL and UNTtR CIaTHINO, B.s, Oims, Bd CloQuaf, I. Br derof ROBERT TURNER. Br. ear.

aa st'lB Teeth a NOTICE EVENING ALE. ileantrv Sn'urrlav Even nr. at 1 o'clock, at the Aaotvai Stur. of sry, Waiohae, Jawei, ry, Chitluna, asekwpuai Artie aa. Hosiery, Tnra Bai M'sl C.

1. WOLBERT Aact'rs, PHILADELPHIA AVCTlOlt MART. (19 Street, betweea Fifth and SiAth Ma SPI VMIIIl (ill. DAY AND EVENINii EXHIBITION. superb imprated Painrinta to be sold oa To rnnr sBUM.

nias us examined all thia oar. and in Ih Th r.Trainfi emii eu whinh thaatlen'Kvj of all adaursraof the beautiful ait, at respects II Invited. aaO lt PFCIAL PFPEviProRY SA LI. 109 PER TMPORTi Oil. PAINTINO.

oal tiii'BhiiaV morning NKXT. The ttth st II o'clock, at Arab street, be Iwasa Fifth aeal Sixth, espavmr Paiounes at Oil, Beeeted a Euro a (erdlemaa bevin mnoh si peri no, expreaslf tie aavkM. Since their arrival, they have ail been order. Now te eexi tHj "ETH CH IN A. I.

A 8 SILVER fLA rr.W wane. A.u A.iLr jonryu, CBIfllY HillKlN N'R(T. Th TVS at o'olo k. ai No. til Arohotreet, aiameasMirtaaeat ot the aoove ana aooo.

Mtr be exAwinedeariyoatiienarsvnBtnfsast. ettMi THOMAS BIRCH, Aae'r, St mmi ill CHKSNUT ah. Sixth, (af 11909,) I Saw at S3! street. I BTOCE OF CABINET FIKNITUKB, ski THIS MORNING. A'He'dock.

at t1 North Seoisid t'reet, Newern i berwem ('eT Sofas, I roar a aad poplar, will be sold lari (took of Faraitur, Djbsbiisi of avsry d. ur, eoiripnsirax walnut and Baanoeany arior ruoaira, neoeeaoa aoo ITsrrie 'srv 'i eor i ti peerefauaiana isuub Peat sod Winljr Chair, A. fU U'tn JAMES A. FREE MAR, Aaetleaeer. 999 WALNUT St.

above FOURIai, Fa' 4 Wslnnt Street. ehTva Poorth. F0B1T1YE SALE i LEG A NT PI a NO FORTE ON THI'HSDAV MORNING. At ne'eiuch, will lie i at tn AaoticaHrieewita Ui AaoticaMnreWit. at assy eoaoera.

fiaff ortt. ft, aad 1oe n. Also, one 7 eetave raaavva. an aMMBi asAOsum Kosavmel have. bT Chteheriae at rVWen.

Roaewend Piano Fnrlo, by kukstrt. May be esasalnei tej IA day prertvaj te tv. BaAipuaiUr, sstvidj wnr rrtot the feet H. of A AUCTION HALES. MTKRS, XAWHORN Aaetteaewa, No.

W3 MARKET Street, LARGK POH1T1VK BALK OF CAsirBTS. RU(fH( akf3t H19 MtlltrsiNO. Bpt. at inH o'elook, will baaold by oataJryaa na six months' credit, about pisosa eelwdid el rat Tapestry Br nasals thrae e'y euparnne and tn loaraia, Vauitian, List and Ra Carpsta, Floor Clothe. Kuan, Btatr Poda, oinbraoins a oaoioa assort meet of superior (oiaia lor etty and country tales, wsioh mar be aaamined early on the moniini ssla.

asl Ai'att LARGE POSI IIVK 8ALK OF DalV OOODi, 'eillRTs, DrlAWKtS, An. ON THliKsTliAV MOHN NO. Seat 'h, at lo'ckxk, will bt porenipovily aold bv siUHVU'iin e'a ufouuw i aiivi iw psosnava and lots of British, Fronoh, Gernavnaod Amari jan Iry tiwds, laite asanrtment of Hruadclotha, raeaisnarea, Vestinat, aalint. VrlraU. ttitck Silks, Gicahaana.

Mariroes, Wool Pla'da. Alpaoaa, Chxh, Vet rat and Silk Mantillas and Cloaka, Ao. diairn Saxiair Wool and Marino "hirtt aid lint sr. rs Prlka Cashmere and Merino Hose) (loves; Osuaileta; AniileAe, Alao. 0 doBi Heil.

ilnv and ItlnA rne mwul hIib en isjinei nma anu lira vera, io ttnna nan ael ShirU and Drawer i all mneliin mad and regular BIS. Alan, Ki oases Klsok Italian Sewinfa; oases heavy Coatiot, Fanot fa'ainterea and not Sauna, ad x2N LAROK AKD POTIVE SALE OP BOOTS. SHOt An. ON FRIOAV MORNTNfl. MJ.

at 10 'slock, will be aold ma credit. ahout 9041 paokaaaa Boots, Shoes, Broxana, Qui Hats, iap, Tmvollirui Bara, fine nnd eeneral swvtmrnl of rash Goods. Bum Shoes. emliraoirut a olSHa JOHN PRENTIS, Aaetleaeer, BKUOND and BUTTON WOOD SucMitaru W. FRANVK.

ALE OF FUhMTl'RK, As. TH IS MOKN1NO, Atltn'oltck at iheauotioa abva. Second and Bat tnnwi'd will be and, siarceasanrtrnsnlof Fuml turs. fiotn familltadeo ininehonskeeBin: also. Hn.d.

Shies Dry CUaevaie, Pistes. Ao. aejl llj LARCF. "il.K(iK TV MAlK CLOTHING. ON THURSDAY MORNINU, At in at the auction store, will lit mM.

a vwy larreasroilmerit of new our Su pDnurepsa, ran'a, vent, rmci sua, shirt, Drawers, Dry tinoda, Boors and Sows. OUNS. Also, several Doable and Suujle Barrel Guns, Pistol. Ac. esJIlt, the Prnailsea.

HKALKSTATK. TOREK STORY BKI" DWELLlNfl. ia North SECOND Street, hsl Diamond. ON FRIDAY, Sept. SSth, l57.

at o'o oi in th afternoon, on the remises, will he sold, all th a certain three sb ry Brick leaanat or teneme and kit or oos of (round therennui lakMin, situate no th west aid of a Seomd tirati, at thediatano of st feet outh ward ore th aoath side of Diainool street, tn the Dia of KetHincina, otmtainirji ia foot or breadth on laid Seamd street, 14 leet, and ex'anliuf that breadli Irtm'h or depth westward, batween parallel lines a' riant snaleawiih the said Sod street, 121 mo es to Philip sirs t. Suhjeo to a yearly ffrouad nt of 60. Clear of all other intntthranoes. Title and aibtedi terms ouh. Ifidraot water intro iueed tn Second and I'hillips street.


THIS MORNING, At the auction store, at 10 o'olock. will he nld, a Eneral arortment of new and seaxkl aauii Furniture, irrora, Carpeu, Ac e2l Sr Cianprisint rnanosany Drestint Bureaus; martotany Sofa, wain at Sofa Lotuwee, walnut ovi att Chair, Card Table. iiarll top Wash'4anus, Bureaus, nwhn tany Jeru.y Lind lldaiaads, mshorany hich pot Bed ateail, Feather Bwla, Mallrrsas Mirrors, Carpets, Ao. GROCERY FIXTURPS. A'ao, a lot of li i ooo' Fixture.

Caddies. Bins, ato. Hi RSF WAGON. HARNES. At II ikI.

on Uorsaand Waeon, auilablefiva fsmtly or express. Also, one Qo'd Hunt its Lsver. extra iewlld.g 3tt ADDITItiNAL THlS MtiHN'NG. SLPEklOR BOOK CASE. VKMT1AN BLINDS, CARPETS.

A'o. on luserinr Mnhoiauy B'k Cass, Venilian BIiihI. Centre Tallies, Innram and V.nttian Carpets, uperwr ee ner reos, niaiirnssM, an. wr.a Ii Sale at 40T Ntli NIN TH cmnr Willow. NEAT HOUSKHOI.DKURNITURE.

CARPETS, MIRRORS, MATTINGS, BEDS, REDDING. Ac OnTHUI SDAY MORNING. At 10 o'clock, will be a.ld, llie neat Household Fur Btturs, Ac. ol a nulp deol'nin bm)sekeepin, coin pruirg tire iiaual variety Pa'he, t'haiiitier, Dinmi psan end Kitchen Fnmitur. Houaekeepmx Artiolea, Ao.

Can bos en at a. o'olock on rrung of tal. 2t Sale at Noa. 9 3 and 3S5 Cheanut secood story. LARSE STOCK ShWING SII.K, BUTril.NS, Thraal, Silk Curd, Oailoun and Buiding, by Caia ON FRIDAY MORNING.

At laoVook. will be aild by Ellia A MnUuirhlia, bt'se ttnek ol Satin, Silk, Broonde. Grenadine, Valval, juuitarv, rponing jnsan. aiw raniaitvai usuons, BiNDIM), TWl BRAIDS, Ao Also, a laite aaaortment of Coal sad Vast Bindings, Mohair Rrauls, Cords, Uallona Sewing Silk, etc, tne tok of a persnn qiuttuai the hutines. Caia'osaea will he ready ad th stock open for examination on Thursday motaing at le o'olock.

sea il DUTILH, COOK A Aactleneera, No. 194 South FRONT Street, PerempUirv Sale. 109 B.vGS DAMAGED RIO COFFEE, THURSDAY MORNING. At 11 o'clock at Ih Aaotkd Slur, will aold for aoouuatof whom it may oonoarn, Mbaes RioConee, iiahily daaaviadoo ihevniwenr importation. OOLONG TEA.

half sheets, neat Ool.a Tea se2S lt No. South BKCON Market. STOCK oi btl'tKiUHHc rUJV MAi)8 CLOTH THIS MORNING. At I o'etosk. reeislv, will be sold without ret reserve.

BMoek of the assH superior readr madeCwthiM thai hasbeea oitried thia Beaton, eanprtsing hna Beaver aioth Overoieta; ha Cassimer Bi on un Doeakiaai'd FanevCaasimere Panut an all ailk Val ark Drawers, usury, Ban, Jaokau.ete Also, a Ukxs ebnek of Dnmastie and Dress Goods, Rdkfs. Cnuon Husiery. Faaoy Trimmims. tmbrot deriea, el. ed it Th attention of pn'Ol asavt is Invited In th is ml.

NoTIO 10 TAILORS Entire Stock of a Wholesale at Retail Cloth, Caaai ni re, Sa met aul Veetins "tore. HIS I Wednesday I MOM NINO, Sep. JM, at Itio'olook prsaissly.will bs H. without tseerve. a lari aasortinent.

oanpr siny about 9 9 pireea t. lot ha, black plaid acd uu" Cessimeree: plain ad mixed Satinets, KenUnky Jean, Csaamerets, CotUma Hvaverteen. Conla. Drill Lussya, Linens. Brown Hollands.

Vesriess, 4 Thsaltanlloool Tailurs aud Rstailers It Invited to this e. sezt lt'aot riTZPATRIUhV at Aacueaeera, 604 CHKSNUT Street, abrrre Sixth, lm Stl.E OF FANCY GiMMiS. TH IS i dnrsday I MOM I G. Ti ounimenouw at I o'olock. will bsso'd.

9 larseacd fneasaurnnentof lAdies Cshas, Raoti'Milet, and Wwk Boxes Pearl. Velvet and M.iroooo nasmai Butk.klnaod M'vuooo Purse. Gold Pens, sod Peoeil. Snvr Putted Uuuda, Ao and a variety useful and fancy articles. a ltt7 PALEOF 9TATIONE8Y, Ao, TttUiWsdJiOBOay) EVkNING.

sommeneinfat 7 o'o onk. will be rVd, 9 uutsaesrutmentof Uetrer. No's and Cap Paper, Envelope. ank Bonks, Portfo Hav, Sorap Boika Aa. an, nivoiem of buck I aad miaealianaoni BMrobaia iae.

senVlflom T. L. ASHBRIDE Aacl'rs, 1334 P.IIIHK A venae, below Waliaoe. BALE TRIMMlNtiS. TOV8.

CHINA VASES, A a. THIS MORNING. At 7 n'elnAk. will he so.d a larse assortment of rannv Tnmmmts, China Vases, Aooiirdsuos, Toya in Bjxs, and useful Houeekeepina Alleles. Also, sisju gruas nua sou bias.

ma re us THOMAS BIRCH, Aaetleaeer, No. 914 alv Ninth. aaa 1m9tt SUA A BAILT, Aaetleaeer, No. 1093 MARKET Street, at. ve Tanth.

LA 90 SALE OF SECOND HAND HOUB HOlX PURNITURP. superev Feather Bails, Hair Katlretaes, Lunktnt Glaae, Intra in Carpets, Roll as Carpets, wi'h a lams asturupent of Parlor, Cbambsr and Kilohen Furniture, THIS MOHNIN0. alio o'olock, at (he Auction Store. 102S Market at, WALL PAPER. Alao, a hoot arc pieom of asaorted Wall Paper, ia lou lo aud yrchasera.

aaM kf419 Sal at No. S31 Market street, between Elfhtk Bad Ninth, at th Eacl Hotel. ON THURSDAY MORNING, et. 94. al lao'nlook.

wil' bs a ad th antir Hsne boid Furni'ure, Bar ro'in Fixtures, of th Earl Hotel, S33 Market atreet, Onjsi.tind of 40 Bedsleada, and Straw Chamber Incrai Carpeu, toxina Uiaawa, inaira, vvaau siariua. aBasow wsrs, Oil Cloth, Rm Carpets. Chins. Crockery. Bod Glass war.

lArie Ll nimt room latnes, wits in usual ae urlaMntcr Kilohen Firvilnr. Alan, in woond hand ChaiiaVr and other Stoves. BAR ROOM FIX I CRM, AATNINJ. Ao. Consist i ng of Ana Chair, JJeeaatert, Tumbura, Wmsa, el.

A Ian, en larva A amine, ate. St414 BOOKER 4k MARSH, ABMrtlsnssra, No. 991 North THIRD Street. BALK OF ELEGANT GOLD JEWELRY, Et'ararf a Bankrapt, THIA MOBNIM4. Seft all o'clock, at th Anc'iett House, No.

mi Nertk Third eivnansiiie M.smitt. CaaMoand Enaaielled rar Hlnia. Hi east pins aul Bracelet te mat oh. Plain and ChnaexT Ear Rinas, Breast pi oa aad Bracelets, vent's, snarl and orner fine. sis.

aibq. 99 DOZEN wILT L'EPINg AND OTHER Corny isuif Huntin and ayua hmrl 1'Epiam aad art vvatcnea. aoo Very heavy Beal and Sirnet Ruaj. diffsrent pas tarn. BM St TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS AMD PEDLARS.

SALE HELD EVERY EVENING, a I Ik, AmnlMim U.sSl Uftl NWtA THlRDM below via, eorameooin veuisk, viti kVaxa, Seosa. Hsfdwars. Urt ls.ds. car sell net, buns, uio Bat, sink it, iewslry, Oae. Triaduk Whits, stnefe mta, Olove, Ciotas, Ceesiraeres, Linen, Musiia, Smrta, Drawrs, SospTOrrs, Thread, Cotton, email WaimFaaey Goods.

Puekatud TahSCsile Ks nors. and a fall Bast sirs as I of ftuvds, saiumtt fat every AHsonW4iTa4sdMeaarented. eU 1mt Sheriff Sale. sud. THIS ivVedneadtvl MORNING.

Rent. x. Ian. at hto'el iek.t No. if Boeth Eutblh treat, )re Wsl'at.

th entire Monk of a Retail Bk an luiimi Dtore, eumprunng the sd tt'411 BT JOHN BATLIS, AartteeHWr, 199 ARCH threat, betvaea Third and Feartk atrnta. North sto. HAL18 EVFJIY EVENlNfl, Al 1 'inok. of Hoot. Shoea, Han) rears, Ct1ry.

Wstohss. Jewelrv. Hiaterr, Whip. Traaka, Faaay Sonne, As. GrsidaPaoked., 4 baobabs far eyenvd elty aeeey leas, nvtereat srtrtee. seis rwt NATHANS' rrlaelpal Leeu Of He, B. B. wreseaSlkThl and RACE Sts. AilBAAalers LOa.V USINESS IS CONCtlf tRATBb al lAit Qdoi, MONET be Uauied ia avis or email mrmaas.

tnaa one dollar I thaisaouA, a bettm larauliataal ui MO LOAN ED oa Gold am) SUvtr Plate. Plsv rieosa, niiwioat ail artiniesof vats. RAMI' EL NATHiNa, Aacrt. er, aud LOiV BoathlHIKD below nut. Feat at eety a.

rit dorws hewrw the Laos fBtiVA i at I re aad what ISAs9aSt via Bad at rsdssed tJrZtH tit Wsustaa, lry ara ssoorls, walotiea, Jewetry, r.rwiiuf Ineuuaaants, Dry wr.sla, Clothin, wrwiea, lifa, barev Caliery, Fancy Artiao, Fwuuara, Id aj. I II lM.MUrs. and aet lm I 4. EDUCATION. AYOUN LADYdesireia SITUAT vats InetruulrMS ui tlu the TION as art oily, I or a Teacher of lbs tnslieb hraooln la a anvats BOttlOI.

itiw 'w wcbis, jjeos.y upflt BeZl II'al EDUCATION. A LADY who ha had txpwiaaee inleaehint, deaireaaSITUATION is a S.W. No orteotiona to leaving th otty. Ai at No. i THIR ENTH Bt abe Msrfc.i.

ssxflil PK.NM ANrJHlf AND MKgCANTILK ARITH MKTIC O'l ONNEL Book Koepof la slltule.S. K. eomw EJOUTU anaAitCH Street. upen nay ana svoiin. skoj ii PIANO, Melodeon and Siasint, AT tl ER M31 N.

TWELF I H. Term moderata. xl Ht'lj 1S8 A. DUHELU Teach of the Piann. at emu per Tssm.

ARCH St. elf3 MR. J. C. OEHl.SCHl.AGKR, Professor of th GFRMAN, KhK.N' and ENGLISH LANGUAGES.

Arithnv'in. Alaebm, keepinf 810 South TWELFTH below Waiuut. ll lm'W wprino Garden Kuaii and Collefial ACA a Iif.hl Hoss.aor. KK11ITH and BUTroNWOODSt ees. Cilone furni hd iratia.

teai lm al F. DO.NLF.AVV I.O.N Pr'pat. MADAME MINA BELLAK resumes th VO 11 CAL CLASSED at 5par quarter Oct. 1st, Also, Private Ltaaunt given, above Hprvoe, 1179 South FIFTH St. sen ot'ftai IAMFJI BKM.AK, Teacher ofth PIANO.

979 Smith FIFTH S'rect, sh Spruoe, e3l ut TEACHER. Wanted by a rooanl Grail unte of Col lere, SITUATION a Taohsrs aatisraorory reference siven: plao no obj South preferred. Address TEACHER. Box tftl, Blood' Deep. sai Sfm fllANO AND VOCAL MUSK BY MRS.

J. I bRAIN. U49 8. ELEVENTH St. al st'I31 G.

SUTHS.t'manist of St. Paul'a, Teao'orof lk Piano and Sinsina. Annie at ItilS ANN Street. ahnvs 12th. beww Lotobwa.

terms nwdarate ajl ltfat THE PIANO. GUITAR and SLNGING Prof H. 8. COLMAN and Mia ARI MAN. ReeHeooe.No.tf9 SIXTEEN tauiht he IAN COL SIXTEENTH diMvabov Filbert.

MSI 1W 87 A drer YOUNG LADY who ha had xperianos ia tetnh Inr. desires a SITU ATION to laatruol laii unu Andreej ren, t'a give unexoepttonabl ruarenoe. it PINE Street, above Fifth. vr Stl31 111 WALNUT 8treet. Aneiest, Modern and (UI Oriental laaguases.

Th Eistliah Trantavtiun prepared. Ltasnna ia Bohools and private sowaea. sel etH PHROHR. Teacher of VOCAL MUSIC.

Mad. R. Roiir.Toaooerof the Piano, No, 1 POWELL Street. eel lw'85 READING, WRITING, Anthmetio and Ksvcliah Grammar, Tansht Day and F.veninr. to Idisa and went emen, 4a naaith.


Piano Tuning, alallfw IliAIMO aud SIISGINI1 TAUGHT by Mm L. M. 1 SHAW, 304 S. TH I RD. below Spruoe.

tvt" MISS FANNY HEKO.i. Voosi InsUaotMai, SPRUCE Street. se at at ITALIAN. reach. Spanish and Latin, by Prof.

lEStreet. 17 7tey 1 DE SPRUC VIOLIN. Plain and Guitar instruction. 0. MUN ZLNGER.

9i CALLOWHILL Si. sen Iw'ill A New Fualaud Laily, of much expo 1 iisnoa in trohn on the PIANO and tiUI TAR, wishes loth am BOARD in a pti vets family, wher Muaical Instnictim will be taken at eaohanso board. Will hehappy to inatrujt a few more Sob aar their reatdarcra. Reference liven aid required, Fm addresa, inquir at th ll( UlfiM.eJI iaitltt YOUNO LADIES' INSTITUTE." Wilm uveTog Delaware. Numbw limited to ihinv.

Nextaaa awn oiimnaence aril Mnakrfay tn Struma. Board and Tuition, in Knaliah, (IW per aoholaati year. Musis, Frsnoh and Drawinc at enifeasora' priosa. Catal jfsas sonraraea as rvsueas. Auun SUSI eiMlW Rev.

THOS. M. CANN. I'OKlhSI'S SINGING CLASS For Ladies aral Gentlemen, will mime no oa Ootoher 1st. 1 erme ner ausrter.

serslils in advanoa. F1F TEFNTH No. Ill, Arch. el7 lw'3 ff GERMAN HB vna PI A NO, byJ9. ALTHOFP.

Aiidres ix 14s, Pt omoe.sll Mia WANTED By a Lady, a few PUPILS, whom ass woatd matniot oa the Piano, and attend at their residenoea, Address Ml 910 TEACHER, Leiliw Olhne. MR. WM Irl Italy, propose lo INSTRUCTION ia auah as would aoauir a Bur Italian Rrleand tnetbod. Applioamios may marl at ih ubi Slur K. L.

WALKER, 149 CHKSNUT cKreet. aeir F. HUEHNER, Teachw of th Patoo, Violia, Flute, sins mt, mo rm r. st. a 7t A CADhMICAL DEP'T sIHvciN J.J.HARRINGT NICCOL LKUkk.

MANKET St. Sonars. opsn sept. v. a u.

NGTON. Pria, IteiHINT HOI.l.V FRENCH AND ENGLISH 111 INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES. Thl Seminary will be re opend fur th reoaptiua of pupil. snkK'N HAY. Sept.

14U. cirouiars. wita ratereoore, mar ns had opmappUoatioa at the Softool, WHITS Mount Holly, or at 71 CH KSNUT Philaos, aai6 lm'3 A. PERROT. Prineipal.

THE M1SSK3 BUCK'S Roanliu. and Day Sokua, 1411 SPRUCE Street. Osnslet ooursa of is atruots is Eniliahand Freooh, tut youm LadiMovar 14. 9 per term. I9 Im14 WADAME r.

DROUlN'Sand M'LLK EM ROS SET'S FRENCH and ENGLISH BOARDING and DAY BCHOOI re opened (he 1st of September, Bt 40S 8. EIGHTH Street, below Pin. Classes art fivmed far youns Indies who wish to lara French per terra of ive raoeths.aslt 7w34 US A N1 KS sonar of Musie, 909 8EVEN ill TEKNTH Btiset, above Rao. Terms derate. eei Sw'TI PIANO, GUITAR and SINGING LAURETTA THOMAS, No, HUT MARKET Btrmt, xwM4 HaLL OF S' ST, JAMES THE LESS, near Fall uylkiU, PhiladV SELKCT BOARD AA ol Hoki INU SCHOOL FOR OYS.

Numbai of Boy Umitedto twenty tv. uwiie. Refi eleraooe The Hum rov. Aionw me, u.vH LLJ). REV.


EV. o. K. MilprissisiUL ROF, L. Addrsai Rev.

B. R. 8M.YSE oi oonnyi Wl4 IA't MALVUNA SMITH, Piano Fort and Vooal Musis, 8. oomw SEC ON DandSWUTH. asH lia'7 M1S8 V.

P. BROWN, No. I90T PINK Street, will open her SCHOOL for Pusil. betweea Jth Mas of four and iburteea, tax the lto8ptmbw. For tsrast.

aestr as atarva. san is vsaiL'' aiMli rnlTU HIT ALL have re oened al Boya, af 448 N. FOURTH Street. ll wx7 MR. BISHOP'S 8ING1NS CLAS Ldie on y.

MiHHlats aad Thundnva. at 4 P. will eeeeml.U) iy. papa. wa.

Vooal Atademy, 1909 Fl Lr itr.n i Street. Beit in Aoademy fie Boya, East of 33 North 1 ELEVENTH. All deaominatiotis admitted. asm lfl'14 W. WU1TTALL.

IOUN BOWER, Teaober th ELEMENTS and praotiea ol Vooal Maaio, ilven is Serru Bel Im'S narlsBaad MR. HENRY 0. THUNDER, 939 8. FOURTH ha rmuiaad hi arnfaaaunavl praetioe. Irrsa ieaauos liven at St, Auiaaua' Churoa on Wednes dars and Saiarday.


No. 1198 MARKET Atrast. will re open mi TUESDAY, Sept. I. lra'94 ITALIAN TAUGHT BY JOSEPH AM TON 1, 191 1 SPRUCE Street.

ee7 lmal PIANO. M. HERBERT. Tsaobet 'a the Piano, 909 ARCH an. ad.

Tanaa mderate. lm' 1M 8ii SPRlcef kMNl'TBa. sel JINGiNG AND GUITAR SCHOOLS AttaDded. A i BISHOP. 1909 FILHERf St.

set lea 1 14 SPANUH LANGUAGE Bt Prof. GOM EX nauv andiradaat of Old Spam. No. 19 CAST! Btrmt, lm81 MISS E. BROOKS and Mrs.

J. E. HALL win tke ilnlia oTtkeir INSTITUTK FOR E. HALL STITyTK NINTH Str. YOUNG LADIES, 81 Boats NINTH Street, oa the 14th iaataot.

akl swial artll'VU I.AIIIEaV ACADEMY. SPRING GAK I DEN Bums, alve tenth, north aide. The Fall I 1,0 ejHeasher E. T. BR Session will 1st.

ao sw'l BROWN, Prmeipal. T119S. EMANUEL.TFACHEROF THE PIANO 171 seal MARY E. BISHOP. Puuio Forte, Voaal Anadeeay, 1909 FILBERT Str.

a lmia yiENNEY, Ma. W. ha Sis Brofaaalmad A QU' iea, riauo, shuui, meiu 193 WALNUT Btreet, myth aids. ana irrraa. ra Sw ti MISS 81MP90N.

TEACHER OF B1ANO AND ill sex im st A 1 A DAM AIL A NT. Will nam Frenoh B.avd TI mt and pay BClIfMfL, Joans lavntna, at lia'91 Sinn ANIl MIHH ANDREWS, Toaeaare of Us 1I Pan 19 SPRING GARDEN 8U Bel lnt'W WM. 8. COOLEY, A. wil Rm hi Claast aal, Mitlhemaiioal and Earliah Private BehooL fep.lst.1119 MARKET BCfltranf Baild.M Im'sl BJWitiff Raot anu Vm aad Tmth and Elevmlh at, aajl lm' fiOMEZ DENN AVENUE 8CH04) (UE SCHOOL, FOR BOYS Naa A SIXTH and 1 auaa lm'M THE MISSES SIMPSON will re ope their Selioel on ON A Y.

A. 91st, at tie 8, fiTonv. 81 hi aadCtiATESSts. aaSI lm'm MK8. GERTRUDE J.

CARY will reeame Ih 111 dwtie of her SCHOOL It. Mtk.t bar rear feaoa, 1393 SPRUCE Piia. aeJI lm'IW (CLASSICAL LN8TITUTE.DEAN bskrw Lav sus OpaaAns.H. J. AIRES, A.

anal Imla1 PrasnipaL Rf ISS G. BANDGRA CHER OF MUSia HI 493 BomhTHIRTl St, BS77 lm'4 Brnad. MHS.FITGK lrJU RAI.D, Teachar of Ensliak and ItaJiauSine iny resumes her duties na Sept. 7ta. eeA lm'sai Rf F.DlCAL CARD.

Dr. KFNNEDY haareeanved lit mm Broad an streets, lo WEST PENN BQUARki, beiow Market IXt 14 KINDLING WOIU. delivw three boaee far 1 tea buxss. I three bnxm III iuar barrel a is on, 16 eaves ser barrel. Orders throats Deamtoh 9Honlylfi rrenptly attended to.

CONOVEK RAN EY. lf siiUTH and SEVENTEENTH. aax7 FRECKLES, armbam. Pimple, Uvaraaota, Tan, Skin worms. Fins, Warts, as, will be prfetly mredwith my SneoiliraV elm no say istnaaded.

DR. ABENHEIMER. 991 RID4JE Av bskrw CalioWBiU. Plea piaswrs that. saHa IAfM TO NERVOUS BUFFER ERnV A Retired Cler fywavn, rsenesd to hearth a 9 few day, alter paay year of sum mOerins, I aaxions mak Eowb th aseana of ear, VV ill asnd Ifrssl the pre rmpnptioa seed.

Direct, the Rev. JOHN M. A te al a I.I,. erill.Tllrv tsenrWIva. et.

CITIZENS AND BTRAN0ER8, LOOK TO YOUR INTER ST. Th best Hah Or 1 the world la JONE ORIGINAL NATIONAL DYE, levant uhs. it uysa messnlsr, an win aval Bsouy an OtfRT dl Exunastvely ased in that soaatry SA. al he W. O.

Ul.L. r.laAv WW Boaul TH faieaet. ea. leal of Dmrneea, Pains an) Noises ia the Ears, aw astss, BAlJieVsl FOR K.A )ACH wsrmnlAd to Care. mm Pay.

an. 'TOOTH PRESERVER," (nr IM asmk aud serrrstnent Cur of Tiiaoh, Gamtmna, nti aaLAtiu tiitunk" avwt enNi te Pain the Fsce, Nearaleia. v. t'HIENfA etuaj fAU a Av TOOTH PWV WUKIt." rrnlKuv Tseth tins as A ev UORaiCAM VEkei Fl FOil Onlv pneitiv Wrrsi Destroyer, 3 "Ca NALMA'q Liver Coatpsvlnrs. Bx, "AeTRACHAN TLI1mknT," kt Raewsaatarsa, te.

PlJte fl HeAtvnna. Laas im iinmi ivKi.iirilil'r'v r. 1 DURAND, TU Cheanutt HukN, Tiurd and i bib i as aeaily Mediaiaea, lr. i 7 inn Brows, i sin is thess Family Men. sum, Isr.

sb heiMrwiu preaai Rmwiisa fie any Lmbcs h. ie Jierssse fr em Ts Wtrm wrtmui. Vt. I 8T A RIIM.K a WrAi Uisjwkii famsrsswnliu. iA'st Ton BALI AND TO RENT.

lfOOMsTO LET Pur eenUemm onl at man. w. n. EVEN fH aul FILBERT a i1 LET Neat HOUSE, lolt BUTTON WOdt) St i iar rard and taa, Instl thsrs. Xt irt'lHt IANPENTER KHllH P'lia HAI.K.

bank of rnUNKSt, bat, Foatth and Fifth at. ta tln A8T0RK LRT N. I BROW Streets. FIFTH and asn Xt'tlf TO l.rrr 9 seousd tory oosamsmoatiisi ROOMS, at 1019 FEDKNAL Street, aewx 0ff SALE Th BTOlK, F'XTURE i and LEASE, for these veers, of a (Iroaery Sbir, onrnerof ELEVENTH aadOXFORD.l Tfat TO RhNT Aaeat HOUSE oaOrdea street. a jyesp iitema.

ait moorn. Appiy so mo wsiit, rorLJtH 1 and FIFTEENTH a as culare. aodre, CosL. OtV PABTOw A nniiHR Tn l'T O. PART OF A HOUSE TO LET Tn a ma'l ramils with is Apply atbST THIRTEENTH OiWmri.

IM14IW 9kabM sttert, below iates, lORENr TwosI I tOOMtoafaailly 'Itbout ehlldrsn. Inauira 1AT RAvaLlis Avenue, beaiw Hancock. STO fjandPn iper STOCK AND FIXTUR F.4 of a small Oroasry rrovisuia stors, 1909 PiSARb Street. Rent, a WILL UK SOI. ll Ij.w GOOD WILL and Filters of a Bread.

Ptaand vaae naawp, appiy i lean, nm rn st i a OFOR BALE The STOCK an I oe Cream Saloon aud LOMBARD SI rent. and FIXTURES ConfeotionerT, 1S33 HMt II 0TO RENT Aa Unfurnished ROOM, ia Rao stret, near First. Addresa, with reference. A. Led ner fit oe.

ta aftl 4S FOR BALE GOOD WILL and FIXTURES riof a Grtro Sior. TWEN TY FIRST nonse above I.miud, west eiU'stal til JsR. IINE aiitS lari yard, with hydr at No, 9) rVOODBIN "V'eet. betweea ejwt WHapIom eiil I and Seventh str seta. Fur further particular, inquir oi nirnrsm art i ti utrit, e8t 9tTl No.

4 Hi Vine itreet, below Fifth. DTO LET A desirable HOUSE, N. Fifth street, above Poplar, with double hack buiklinta, and modern eoavmwnoa. Apply VU CHEa 1 NUTSlrwt. ma tt'Td FOR SALE OR TO RENT Th 91 leaaonal KtSlDEW UE and ORioea, TOT SAN J.

hf. GIIMMKV A HON. M8L trSJt'tS South Fourth met. 0O I.EASE for a term of year, the PROPERTY, 914 Nmlh runnim throuth tn a back street For particulars, app lo JOHN YARD. 977 RACE above Euhth.

mtt t'3 TO LET A td BUilNESS STAND and DWELLING, with all the m.iem impnivoments. No. 7SouthSeoivd street, beluw Suurh st east side. Appy ai34S SKtlONDSt. tea lit jti FOR SALE faa and Kixtnresof a Ions tjlalilisbed GROCERY STORE AND DWELL aBta ING.

This wan opportunity aeldian met with lur an enter pr imi man, aa it lean unallent locatHvi, Apply on Hi premise, No, 10J7 SOUTH Street, halow Eleventh. 92H Stlll 1 11 RENT Two new IIOIlMelS. Ilintema alv Fourth; hot and oold water in th kilohen ai sas all thronrb the BMNiaee. Ths rent of one Sir, No. For particulara, ttquire of ALEX.

OGG, cor. FIFTH and CHRISTIAN 8M. tl lt)l dTO LET A PART fifA HOUSE, entrance. No, IS FAYETTB Street, srivata natwasa inth nud Tenth, below Aran atreet. C8KJ A.

KN0WIE9. eyre. A GOOD BARGAIN TO LET. a PRE fl PIE and CAKE BAKERY, wiiiiawell fitt. aa Stors.

mi'aU tat a tmfeotiisiery. Dint a AD. fitted nary. DilnxngniNl WALNUT Street, reaoy moncv onsiLaea. Apply la anov Fourth, Ca4ea, 21 St '4 SAI.K.

OR BXCHANteK gitH iswof REAL FSTaTE, fie aa merest ia a Dry Uond or Fincy Store, wbr to tan leuaan or kia wifeono be uaelul. Addrem Oftue. a at'ail dTO RENT A In, new aaadera BOUSE, lainim all th talra tmproveaient, in a ueilblioTbood, andeonveiut to otuni'msae. To id truaxt th rent will be low. Asntv to PF.T.

NGILL DRURY, 1390 POPLAR aruv Thtrtei Ih. ma a iit 0H)R8ALE PCtrY. old a UMishrd stand. 8. W.

oorner of FOURTH and CARPENTER St. Tkr stones hish: has tola rooms ss Hunr. and sus plie with all the mndern enoveniMOBa; taa, a and 4d watsr, kt eaea ranxa, furnaoe, bath hnum, etc; in yam and srarae. i or Lertas. apsis on ths premises.

ea arau jo3. stevkNi, a tent. D. FOR SALE OR TO LET A four tt ry tnubls Brink HOUSR. (uiiah fivaSbrr ami Itierdins House.

App yaltt. Vv. of SOUTH BlidSWANSON Sis. MD SfKt GOOD WILLinl FIXTURES of the old Fltal'iishedlnvwa Snwui for sals, No. 9I1N.8K aauLcOND 8trat abnva Raoa.

Inauus oa the sra xl MSU rOOD WILI. and FIXTURES of a Sa Score. a tor mi. ell 8PRLN9 GARDEN dt.sM tt'SM AHtillsE. ba of No.

1000 Parish street, above Tenth. Apply 394 North THIRD St. aV1 OFOR SALE STOCK and FIXTURES of a Grocery Suae, 1711 LOMBARD Street, short Seventeenth. Stor to ml, 2l 9t4l 11 TO RENT A HOIfHK and STORK. No.

IM sorts lent del. Inquir ot JlrMEfH K. KAY, 1091 SPRING GARDEN Street. sel tS 7jFOR BA LE Th 8TOCK aad LEASE of a Uurv uoeda stum. Apply at io, 9019 CALMIW ILL Strret.

sell 179 a RESTAURANT FOR BALE firs fhses A first class Restaaraat, on CHESNUT St. Ad ireas RESTAURANT. Blond' Deep, sell St'JII QTO RENT Frsnkford nevd and Clearfield a thrse story Pltaas ROUSED and Stabls baok. Ineuiraof PHILIP 9IIRRICK. II 3147 141 aew No.) N.Tsird street.

FOR SALE STOCK nnd FIXTURES of a I I small Groom 8. nv. ar, of BROADsnd llLlVK ru esi stieets. and art af Ho Satisfetorv vm Urn aellinf out. aau at ii JA ARAHKCHANCK FOR HAL ST Th Stock.

riGl will sod Futore of a Beat Greaary, Wm awaiand Liquor bk rs. Raat varr low. Apply 49 tir.n.nnrs ru oxi i 4. Kim hack A bmI STAND tie a Urouerf Utnd Proviaava or Drui Stor, Honse and Stor in ood or. or.

B. E. omaer of TWELFTH and rUrLta stresta, aou termi easr. aaxi at in BOARDING HOUSE FOR SALE Neatly Il fumished. and dnima aavinshnsiiwm: ssnteellr awaVkKausd, and will hold from fifteen to eithteen sKaiders.

Atreea tllJA loin, rosi emoe. X' at' 17 1 m. i in 1 0 nr. iniwii uieA.ieMjf vvj aenerof pilwyaaad Green r. Jnquiraof JOHN M.

WH TILL. Ao. 139 HACK, above Fourth or Arohsf, aatl at la BUSINESS STAND TO LET Stor and Dwell int. No. 917, North aul of FRANKLIN A vsr ua.

west of Stomal osauaiul ths Markst rent JSH per tnnum. s9t 9flt9 Dl sjahuo uvni ii.v. ROOM, aeooe atory, hands. ssely furaithad as sL uul hwl nuwi. eilh hh ll mA u'i i inr.

nnuuuslrieiwn smt Is roost Im inollraisn. t9 FOURTH Btreet, Sew Ite. ex at fz sdA TO BR RENTED. To bs rented aalil Marea 1 Il JrVh, Hie. that valuer PROPERTY, two mile ssnmii from Camilee.

knowa ss Pntoni Estate. It comprises a larte Mansion, Stablinf, Greaa awase, aerl MvkstaL, aanr Sixtk. Caselea. WANTED. A TEN A.N For the hast part of a three story Buck DWELLING; faa, bath, te.

ia on neotloa witha family aowliviaa is the boos. Nob nerd spp unless tkey will five from In ia rant. Beat lifrsferenos, and bars raid rurbtne, la quire on the premises, No. 'J SuaU TENTH Stre betneea Shippea and Pilxwaler. ae9l 3t'5 FOR SALE OR TO LET The neaanful mo oem an iuniiva vm Hi" in sei rv LACE Street, two door east of Tw.ifth, in cmb loroar and ren etewifk onnvmimoea.

1A ISi lest deep to Citron at set, toli laqaire oa the pramie, men UI at'lDIi ft Til HINT I HttP. The arts eoond atury ROOM sod CELLAR of tit Store. N. W. eur.

nor of TWELFTH aud MARKET Street. Ap ply in thtor. mai ta TO LET A HOC8K, Ueerie itreet. Br. Udwelluit sM of Twentieth, taa, bath and bank iHiiWlnr three sfwies.

Reskt SeW, Inquire No, ii HOUSES. Jstsstrse West uf w.onlr 91 per mneta. At. TO BE LET Twiithrss eti UtsuMmsnt and inree mom, i Eleventh, Sooth fPilsw.ter. ia i ritswsiav.

unit mt see monta. Applr tnj H. CURTIS A SON, Real eataU Brokers, 933 WALNUT third door FVtat of Fifth stll 317 At. TO LET A fine, kvrxe ROOM, nitaUe far 9 vvriUDi Aaamy Aaslt LEE A WALKER'S, T99Cheiutrreet, i 9taf" ft FOR RF.Nf Tliraivmntthre storp Brisk DWELLING HOUSE. No.

Jl Wsahirwln at FifWalh WanTwitk drronle bank bend last aad od pSaw rM.pii. aetl St'WI rVventeentk Hreet, below Green. THE CHEAPEST OFF ERED. Three brink HOUSES, now rented for ft ftt annaest pries doat ufall ammbrail. Apply at 39 EIGHTH Bt.

ael QTO LET Th larte eWs OP PICE or Store, 999 Sooth THIRD SUttt, oypotiU) pear, aril J.T EN NENT. FOR SALRNeafaiodera DWELLING. Wi'h deuMe baek baiMirur, No 6nT North Thirteenth itreet. Apply IMS CH ERR St. texi sfaei STONE QUARRY TO LET la Mantua, Tweeli.faarth Ward: aim.

asma'l HOUSE, If sored.) Apply CHfcKBy n. a as ew A VUHKK.ITI BV BRICK HOUSE, 814 lisAAtanuviM. For 91 Pnslar street, for e. and uweieasy terms. For mmm ear lieu particular, apply 1914 COATE8 9trat Al 9f9j9 si TO RENT TV bv.

and cmrvmient HOUSE, l3ft.W. orirriw of Front and Unioa Mreete; reoeatly aVnaipaaersd and halh. tea, kdehm rarsre, s. Apeip 339 Sooth RONT Street. 9 St TO Re NT JEW fl LING, 144 North I an kin of at aad bakiv TO Re NT JEWELRY STORE aad DWEL nllifllH rtraet.

eaia' te lelinquiaS be ines. WARE, eSI ait tHtLADKLPHIA rRf LLI BAL A A thrm etorv an at uw'f fw ieeniMi its fees, on ninth Sideo an. Side of Locust street, second hnaee east A ppl I A. it. LK VI I nu 1 1 mm IERT Streets, nr to JOilN W.

EVER MAN, Phi adelshia. sx wtw TNTa uj ilord Morv FRONT IT ROOM rprainr nriev, rvw lb Dry as axu A. lil Nca IS SEOoNaI tUmt, nsarw ui krwki llli. 9S9I 9I 9I9 a. ROUSE md 8T0RB TO LET, No.

T9 UfALlAlWHILL Bt. above fcrmtn. rarrc ulurss fi aai low Bam, a aamli tek afF an ikimlA. Al ereu aaesikea. Bell St aba.

FURNI1 FURMTUR1 SELlAlNtJOFi ''ZJll Xno. 1.1? waLTnLTv, TsraA. ii tte) VINEGAR FUTABLISRMRNT FOR SALE. e. 19 ROBINON Strset, bstwaa Parrimand Pofsar, aad aevanth and tatk av Kev neat CPRH iMIe'i wiiina PRFVATR FALFr A WOUS and sSho.

la HAMdlt uoesuw illettl laernil.swwi inil emrrsi SkAU mad. BMW the ai aeeiy lH'H'6i. sin i.ajs, Imnj AARON 8HARPLEM. F.NT A ROUSE and aarea af iNAlliAN iht Art 'Bi er 4t9 is rvia uis as FOR SALE A FARM of Bt teraa. ate e) a.4 1 aesl reqiiirsd.

Th handout" ar Be.nAid. low anal esf, le eetw it tvimf OAs. Ase'y st Mue nlMKIVt' nM hvstn. mm, fc rf sssf 1 A KT st ami 13 e'AOt, a tahvy awain. St As) DTO LET A UrresstiA HOU SPRUCE ret.

nerve Twmty mm. No. 9194: moms, yard snd hydrant. Apply lJ. AN ALU next at nr.

Rant pe aaauh. R7 So. aril '4A I FOR SALK AND TO RENT. 17OR SALK CHEAP As nW awaMlshed COAL YARD. ApslrattWiSonihHlXTiiSt ll 3t6 TO RE9T HOUSB and STORK, 909 NINTH Birtot.neer Ro.

quiral ilT, aarl 'ISJ TO LET el and third to" ef STORE I INo tjlSouUtroURTH Btreet. aVmllf.r. svai lej teEU, asMdUEEN Btreet, Kmauntoa. asil R'xn FORI Dm1 FOR SALK A EST AU A ear (he Nw fuqiora ua ia oornw ot ihick mat Streets. TO LET On Groonr) Rent, at low rate, if applied tally, Lou on Sixth street, Twenlv 'fhuil Ward.

THOtt. MASTERS CLARK, 999 North Tsntk street. OR SALK. USAre HPAotf WOrV eated at rhe healihv and R.MirMkin, Eted at the healihy and flourtshint vil at of Kllioot? is 14 miles fine tu, ,1. tre offervd for sale munk below tbeir value, la the ai.danf an individual who eta five tha bullosas aw ROM atlmtion, it aaa he mad very proltabl.

Thw two werful Trip Haminer. Rofla, Fumaeee, and a two powerful Trip Hammers. Rolla. Fumaem, and I resuisits Maohinerr, with amp I water sower, and oaaa, whioh eaa be renewed. Thefaatory ia la lull ('PaUon, aoS ha orde hand te aome tp Bow 5.2.

pBrtisular and terms, A OUDK8LUV8. Nn.A1anMkfi...iM, u. LfT7" This is the tnlv factors of tbskind aaitk sa timm ind aaith of riiiisdelphia, and there is aa amp market for its pro mil andw mi'en and In'h, wi'th hot aod water i rent Apply ELEVENTH aad teuu i n. Bail 3181 1yO LET Three desirable ROOMS, with ia. As ply at "Oil 8, TWELFTH Street, e2 GA BARGAIN.

Th STOCK and FIX of a Fanoy Goods and Gantlmea's Fu Store, for ml oheap if applied fivosw aa TURK8 utnlahui the sro. prietor Is about mharkint mto auolher business. Rent ff Store and dwell ins low, sod down a kne business. Apply at 010 N. SECOND aovPolr.

kx Jt'm OTO LET A LOT and OFFICE, on TWEN TY FIRST Street, between Cnmnut and Market feet front, by 4N frnt dptk Apply No. 1411 Hi CH KSNUT Str 1. ma at '43 a Tt C9U f. a fi xi" ant i Garmaa'nwn, OonmwofPRICEsndHANCOCKSts. inquires! taa irui cuts, Beuna jour of Kit in iiepot.

net Mtu st'iu Rent FOR SAI.R OR TO I r.l A.hU frnnt RKSIDkNCK. N. W. atw U7ukin.i Seventeen hat finlhed ia the rmie auwr, with ail modern ounvmianoe. Applrto T.C.

TRIPE, arM 9t73 W. or. Sp't Oarder a lath sts. eTfllE FRaN SALE Th GOOD WILL and FIX IER of an "Id HetahllaiVn1 Fatine Htsral if FRANKLIN a VENUE MARKET, abov Filth atreet. SiaJlaNie 99.91.99.

Apply as above a B'ata TO 1 ET ROOMS, tuitsbl. fur kslr. a Phyaa. m. own, a Dentist, or a small family, witnoat oaal drea Apply at 803 Norlk BROAD St.

IVQR SALK, CilEAP Three LOTS, ia Odd Fr low' Cemetery. Insoirsof A. L. 8HA rpUCK, SIXTEENTH Mid VINE Street. eil 9t'l9 l.

'OR SALE A PEW, ia the Church uf the Atoae menu Rev. K. euahnjoed and oarneted eomplate; price only fH), inquire atfto, I'te vii a seai afitn mr. DFOR SALK ThsSrOHK and DWtl ft. W.

or veer of Green and Linden streets, make aa exoellanl stand Ac a baker. 1st oula laqatre at 1939 UIRARD Avenue. en at a QTO EN Ths STORE and DWELLING, No. 13119 Looest street; is suitnbls for a Bieudina Hous. Apply at 8.

E. our. of SEVEN 11 aLa ptpiAR. Mi' st'ai TO LIT A three story Rriok House, ct lira nui street, aaar I weauata ishl rrN'ma. si halh.

hot and sold water. A sols 9104 CAI LOW HILL, asar Twenty hral. Rent eW. a St'lftt FOR BALK A MANUFACTURING BUBI I NhSS, rsquirin auly a small capital. Toapee mislaa desirous ol Muatin is a pleasant and protita bis bosineea IhiB st a ears nppurtnity.

Tba artiolo ba tensive omnium ption. and th profit are larse. rw hs anitita Br uvve. an intervww. with partieuuua, adiirem JAMKS JAN W.

ei 9tltJ I timoe e1 e. FOR SA SALK OR TO RENT A Steaat SAW I 1 MILL aad HtvL situated in ths pi N.J il aanaiaa: of rwiuwrirv. Ti. J. F'r partisuiar.

tnowir of JOHN K. HAM MITT, T9 PENN Kenainxuat, or of CHA8. H. DEAL. Bear the pramiess.

ss sVw SAI.R Tba OOOD WILL. XTUHES af a Unwary Stors, now doiaf wuiasaa. For addraaa, apply tk ld aePtflU lr 4)mM. SALE STOCK. GOOD.

WILL and fR ES. oi the Provisimt Move. No. 1 Out ARD Street. BS'ldt'lHl 0 FOR BALE CHEAP An n' ssU'tlished TURNING sud JOHMING SHOP, kuitahl fanny kind or w.ek, with oae or two Latest, is on of the est buairm parts ut th ally rent low.

Ad dr.m Turner. Luer OkVas, mil Iw'Wt wiv 130 SPLENDID GRAZING AND A a aj utpiitaaia ia jaapw osaty, IimIiajia. he eWle. This sniiets yi sis rspklly, and there le Bo ooaatry la wield better adapted to Stnok taktuai, whil th ail kinds of Grata. Ills wuiis uM bkhi is s.esaa ev both Prairie and Tilwr.

A Railroad is aow is antra of natraetav aail will raa 'ithm a raw mum ol thews nanus, rar onset rt will i of Ism laiins. Purehassr i dree JAS SPEH. on 'ER, oar of Bareroft, Beaver A 40T MARKET Phil mlMt4 ej TO BOOT MAKERS. For Sale, on reneem fj terms, at fnesnnsti, the FIXTURaM of 9 a. (rat elasa Hoot and Shoe Stor, of iwfv ysar sUandine, with Lsass: hs bam doing a bur bustaaaa, A.

SEIBERLlt'H, mli iw'l Carter PkiU, svas. TO THOSE WHO WANT amk hr BVveVmsnt mthe vVmt. GIKlD IJINIM. walfl ai tsdi ad aaar Ihrivins lowas, to uobaax Uvt treoda, at regular whuleeai priosa, A letiw addressed to Til. New Castl.

Dsla ware, will be attended to. TOWN LOTS TO UClxANUIt la the way. lei sj FOR BALE A brink HOUSE, wit k4i)m. Uat ia. la Edwin str est near Rid.

Poplar atreet. Call at No. 19T Ni sa Hisvl and urth FIFTR Btreet, aftnva a set sr. h17 trim QFOR SALK A irst ciasa CONFECTIONERY, in Ueorietowa, where a mah ban new of bVhvi per annum, has beea Avj tor vs tnaa 9 yetra. The Hi am a ay ba boon at, leased, or raseVd.

a desired. For tartieukra, aaii ARNY1 CON tl HON FRY, or apply to J. J. RICHARDOON. 49 MARkUbTr Street, Phila oslphia, asli re'UH QOFFICEMTORKNT AtNu.

999 WAIJ4UT Sua. tv iJU. aaariairasvy fcsieoed. and ens aliaaiwith luht. kaal.

and othar Aps iy ths armnasw, C. A J.FALUiN.aru W. I. rtAI.I. Asnat BSl HKO.

lCB.1" THE WORLD'S lf3a awarded A. BARKER FAIR. MINIMIS. swarded A. BARKER as dal for i ACT1N first srs deljiir the mieiiuttyand timplieityof nuiDOURl.K ACT1NG PUMP.

Tm Pump ha aim received the remtum at variooa State Attrioaltaral Pahilntma be In th Uailed Slate. mi li to 1DE7 A BARKER'S PATENT finNeAtiB tuv PUMP8, far ale SEVENTEENTH 8tT, beiow Sprsce. 1DCW FARMERS, MANUFACTURERS, and tOOi all ia wast oTa PUMP Uttlt fieklt to at cut of order, will find it tn their advantsis to oal I and eiamia A. BAKhVERa PATENT Imu purohaa Ing, mH lm47 avFi ASHIONAHLR RAT STORK. MA ROT A LLARET, French Hattsra, 118 8 EIGHTH.

"eurner of Ueurd, bskrw Choanal, retail. wa ieeaiaa Itt'lS sv SLEEPER 'f Rtifnllr emhelia A Richard' On SI.EEPKR'S MsnufsntonnflKht emneiianed LAliiES' Uttiitt on dree above Tanth. o. ranoh UraW Dnia Coooera. aslfc WALTER HURKK tiffin Makar and rnraiahi ins Undertaker.

EIGHTH on dors bkrw Chriatuto, Everytkiuf ia my una furnished eww enj Umvawi mia.sw,.s iu fJ9. fffrfli NEW and second hand PIANOS, nt low pnoe. ere me at tha Man aotney, 49 PI. KIP TUSt. Isrll 9tntl FREEMA An.

W' mmi BPLENDIDT'iNED PIANO, with Inv frV AotBsi, for ml, vary bmr, at 194 IH I 'EIGHTH below Race, mil U'ZB ess" am THIRTY PIA. iNOS tn rent i fv sale, LEE A WALKER'ST T99 Chemal strait. pptiiitl MEIX riTtllTfl I iaj A FIN K.LODKONH The treuest vwiet uradatioa North SIXTH mreea, KM MACrvU rr A PR IOH. assart men! of PIANOS foeaxU ths New Wararaona. No.

31 Nurak INTH Street. Beji 3t'3Ti SEED, GRAHAM A RUTTT. Wl ssj AN AS frnteerV AN ASSORTMENT of naalimt agraid ANOSat vanoue price, at tn snb I Wararooaa. Nik fil2UCHKSNUT Btreet. (31 afluo) A.B.

RAICHENBACM. ass' H. GOLDSMITH tt1t that II I I'ul the established 1 H. GOLDSMITH rmpeetfuMy snmHinm eieots riA.vun oa riAXos I I hoaam of thi i itj iifflo. sinew her.

Fur pari ion 'art inquir at the ofno.N. K. nr. TENT and chesn li 1 street. seil 644 yf H.

GOLDSMITHS GEN NOjlslj th beat Nortaaaal aorasy ei At H. Ootdemiih's Piaan Ataney is rsarsntly In be found aa isevtmemt of th oelrhraled Gold Medal and Preminm Pise' ma I by Knalm A the best by S. Trial her M. Strskoaoh and G. Sattsr.

Oold smith has alwty oa hand Bosbielar Schmidl's Pusnpe, ansa sued by any in Mi nantrv. If in need of rod seonnd bsod Piano, mil at H. OOI.DSM ITH'S General Afsaey fi lbs sale of Paors) aid Menna. Northsaal eurner of TENTH aad CHEHNUTSt. mlt 9t't Be FOR SAl FOR BALE Th fiaaatatoakof Sqaare PIANOS, at red a9 prioss.

A. BIRflPFT Tl. elt HJI'tJ 13 B. Seveels war. of Wain at.

FIRST RATR MEADOW PASTURR. IWflntv Horses. Abb twenty Horses. Apply to HODINht, krwer aid Market Street Ft rry. eji ia FOR i sees, fr afWhcULV FOR SALE A pair of MULP.9 and Har rov war.

I oi Bt weu oroxm. No. 404) F.RT8L. above Poplar. era Bt'kA A FOR SALE A bob tail hay HORSE.

eirM jL ve year osd, 14 liAadt kith, warranted aruad and i iiui la dotibt or suajl htm. Tn be maa for three dTys. at toe erahlet of JAMES DOYLE. 48 PRUNE Street, beiow Sixth. Bod Inr tha want of Bse.

a VI ry mmariar Family Hurt I every speot. ea FOR SALE A in Bay HORSE, wsr AllsAind lie! hanila hiah. years out. eaa Lot a mils m. tela.

IA nut aliaid of kaen mntrvea ts family Burst be has ao qual I aad onl fie went of as price (tit. Also, a libi Camas arm naresss, astrsAi a aew. Apply at rr I' mim mm REEN 9. ell 91 11 Sft FOR BALE A Cheanut brows HORSE, Jvcvw I kAAxis Sirs, tail, 7 ysarankC per felly sound and recti ia sinls ad doabi haruiitu. of (real power, a hue bavelier, ana) eu be re leneoetelrtri a aa ann.nally nehmily horse.

To be aeea at W. KENTON'S Isvwy Stable, east aMe of BROAD Strsst, abuva Pupsw, bewe.s 1" A M. aad 4 P.M. Mrta TV FOR BALK A splendid hay HORSE, as. tisae Its.

Asp at wnwiTkM a iaa it. ELLIS' staiee, IsapiAMry wrest, set! h'm rv FOR SAl A yes) "LaCTJ WAGON, with a enod ren of HORAkt aid ana a a. Inure of Mils, on the Nnrth PiTSlvAnu Raili rrmA InA.ire iA PATR ICR MJ8 i na TE St below Uaneook, Kenainxtoa. eal tfatl AV' FOR Alart black ti K. six yenrsod.

warmnted sound; aisi, aiitnttas 1 MMnlaa tr be ared ''V sUrs.a.(.waAte PINK IV tietow Twema. aetl Bfuai CATHA aa. wri 9. niili ,1 AAee.Ait. Inns tail.

IM kaada Qa hna. 4 vers4, wsrranted nand and kisd In me, a eerteot lam. mtm, OAS be mansred nv the FTZmU ser 1'una tm. lie rll.HI At (il Vi irs, BLR. a iwmnve as aAseJatm.

na I aii. fil4r ltjsktiAvA4kB9b mte tw rfAL pri ni Fancy pioronii. ISO. kia AArad sijid m.i.I,h 1 1 i I A fX. US hiwa mi viouanriB.

BA lias HI II1J9 Avenas. MARtitlALL A 8M1 TH. WM. P. SPICFR.JIP.NTHT.

Boa th east wnar PI TH aa Aiim a.i.. wat. aeXs St a mam vinnipi, aiiaiy ITMiidji i.BaaBBSw IlL'Tkl VlLUKSI S. lfikp sbp5HrES tmm I IflflU Ukai L'AaT A 7 w.rv.r rsfvinii. nnnAll ANn A FOR

betweea buk and "tt tti t. Ti. Zi Bad li.riAos Via! "JfcjJ.ft Maala T.eea. for sale at Ue fJoMordvilU, NurssrT bi ik i i.i.r.,.'' 1 r.AMER8. 8A VINH OK IA JIB a PATENT CO MANORS. tarn wJuinla: atrateJ ottsT. lo Utt Airwi AinouTturaT Publia. It i.

urslo na mi iy ths rw mmmi or smav ot oar own Farmers, i srele MB TaT ssjaaa asb 0. i. wS aT ww" I wVUiiiora jptrm 'Jolfd. lie he JNO. MIFFLIN.

auie A mil tw 140 1 barvaa. abnva Walnal at. etLPlflF' "444 BALE A iplaadid, new GUNNIN9 rn.iv tn mi and all errni ta. lnAuiras 444 Nnrth THIRD 7kirT7'lI 0k FOR 8ALE A8LOOP, nut yet hoat Utu iHtaaxlaoapacitV, snd tK nitty art aurq' tuii oi runesuw ureek. Chaster.

Pa. aai EDWIN JWIN FORRReTrRRNTna FOR TRENTON EVERY DAY.t Dimuays exospiaa. i rraau aad Bristol, i'Oi ceits. xo stat Bar lnsnai nnd ttriatot. I nans Strainer EDWIN FORREST.

Cast, MoVakta, leave (or 1 ren too, louohinc at Taoony, TorrasdAi. D.l D.l. I I i n' tooowa sevss Arra ot. rrsarr. Lrnnti soatk TVmwa, M'taiay, Sspt, tueeilay.

a.jht VVlsoBiIsy. 9t.A.rV Frlilay, MAJunUv. SB ZJ'muay,, Tuesuar. j.aia UM Whirlay, 99. uursuay, at, ke Friday." "SAWd Satunlay.

Siuelay. Rapt 77th, to Biirlinxton and RrUtoloaly Leave Arch St. Wharf at M. and IP. M.

I 1 sasa wkAi Uriarlnl mt 1 1 iAa A RJr IV ts iVsT m. li The Boat leaves punctually at the hoan named, I trial Burl intioo and Briatiii on hour laurmokt Fraitlit sol Hone taken on reasonable terms. sen lmt JAB. MoMAKIN. Proprietors.

UP RIVER STEAMBOAT RKOU LAR AND EXCURSION TBll'a. he ui a RICHA learnureu RICHARD STOCK ftsN RD STOCK TRENTON, HBTneony, T'vriadals, Bevwl', Burlitstion, Bristol, FsJfsoo, RoUhss' 7wrf aai jatruMtiown Betweea Phibvislphia, Burlfnetna and Britnl. Ua Trie al IV A. A 1. mmA II.

1. A avT" ti m. wowB inn mn. f. m.

v.iu 1, rs, v.iu I ni tietwesa Pkiladelphia and pvcaclown. Uf jtlp 91 DsP'M. bnw Trip at Far In l'nuwn, Baaala, Fare loburliriiasi and Bristol. Kxnuraui to Burluvitoe aud Bristol, 39 Freiihis at low rates, RefrsaArnentanabrBMa. mlvT4 WM.

H. AieaC jr sm KXCUR8IONS. Bridmbwnx. r' vfn, Rivwma, I'ainepaak, Proerm esd atamBBBBBSBBkJeknan. asae JIaLs Ureee.

And bAok. pvers aximintai 9 aad afierno. at I o'clook. Btesa from ARChfUmt VVaarf. Sua.

days, half past A half past I. seit lxt'lvi Saturday mora ins. at 9 o'olnoa. PiAsaa bjt Uovi tmirna and Lsipsio, sssBat at Smyrna LAailuax, inner oa hoard. No bill waiaat this Bra willb paid anlam ordered by the Opuin.

4 UA' 489 jess, THE STEAMER TH08. A. lAF4 rA0AN, Cspt. C. A.

fyTer, will rw I mdailysxoumnimtoBURLfNGTi MOR Ruktwa I TON ana RISTOL Mavuiit Pkihulelphia, Cheanl si wrewfj 7hi o'ohwIT toaohittf al Mesar tee's wharf, Kaaaina ha. Rstamms leavas Bristol at A. M. A lea, leaves Choanal street wharf at 9 e'oJooS t. 7U and HrsMiii ni 9 P.

M. etnypusj mek war at nrrmdale, Heatle. 's wharf, Beverly and EOsewalee. Fair, saah way, I2H aaUl axoarssua at ami. Freajht bvkm ai nwratea.

Baasias CHhKTEi BWASBBaasaaaaBtBZKPHVR and PIONEER, os ler Monday. Sept. 71a, res a fnl nu rrtrnet wian i Leave Wilmlnstoa a Far to WUmuKUsiBst. raters trls tickets aanss. Chmter or Hint Ik sa tot ret ara kip Uokat 99 Sanaa, Break fast and Dinner pre rated aa board Fretak taken at aeaal miss.

Be li BBas at TUF.sbAY. THURSDATand SATURDAY, at sk o'olook. toeckin ai New tssHi. ueiaware buy, aaa run rma. nstsminc ta altemais day.

aeJA Im'tw UP RIVER DAILY KXCWRd SKINS I Ths sew and irauniio tttsaener JOHN A. WAR IVR. CaaI. J. Craw, leavu Briatol every day, (Sunday saospiesj al JU o'elookTA.

P.W. RataraisaUavea FhilsstsiphsvCHrVNU rBt, 1 aadko'mk, P. M4 WiaoAAs each way TsrrssdiaMley'( Wbwf, Bevevly and Burlinetrsi. and m4UoA arm down, at MatAree't Whari, Kanautftaa. Fare aea way, etA.

Fjoarsnm, aanta, atr Im'rn hoar, from I A. M. to fio'aloek P. X. aad Hat saint.

IM: taeneterv Bud iicaca aad Mamrank. IxK. Oasnibaa leave aha Ful enanee and Fainaonnt every two minat. awi onfrlra 'kiJ'A A ISToA 5 OP BnAi PA LL ARRANGEMENT. IW.

OaSAdaftw ma let Sep leant th car will kev PtaaaltuB BIIMand US, A. Ma(sP. M. Leave the Statma, N. K.

oomw FliMeetrthsnd I Mm. kt Uet, Pkilada at a Aad Uammitt.iL Lav Philanelphat at 9 M. and I Psamslsnaat A. M. and JOHN THOMA JOS.

I. THOMAl H. JONES BROOKE, ympwmtendsnt. tsient. ml9 1an WEtiT JERSEY RAILROAB JERSEY RAILROAR UftweeaCAAIDEN and RY, Tnauat leave mbs com rArqYji WOOllilUK Tear PhlledelphBa, Waliml atreet wharf, dally, (fmnoay uospted bat 9 and II A.

aadL a 94 I P. toppin at Both Carrsisa. ekasesaisT, Pim Gfrvel WeitvTlle and Nor Wisidbarf. Leave Wnidbnry at 1, aad 11 A kU tad I P. He atoppuw at th soots plaeea, rare from 'hiladelshatto WoridnanCaentB.

paeeenters km Salem and Ceiharvul lv IB SM 9 M. baub Pne Aba re rhA and II A. M. hmln. For Wmaistnwn, Bwadmnofoiaib.

Gil tab nr 9M Blackwood Iowa IP. M. tram, aas imt aitnanu nnirrnn, tins. BELVIDERE DEUkWARa ocept Sands ytl. at 9 o'olook, A.

M. and i 0'ook. P. MT, Lamhertvill. lesainttoa, KasUsv Bsividere, nor! all ailermednvte points.

Tn mwnuay lias oooneatg directly with lbMa.wari tawkawanna and Waatsta Sutua: vYllkeabarra, Aa abb. Eaeton, mi wuMerarm, "I emaai Bend, Fn fjfit mkm uVoesh with dateatoh ait ins aoove points at For BBrtieuiar aad raiee, meaire ute CompanrB Franht 01 lea and Amuuv Railroad ai am" TON RAILROAB LINE rrma Phi. BNrtlHaM nl taws, S.VU. I eaiwai At 1 from KtmiBftcA daT9f, I 9 A. m.

vat Camdta Bed Jtnty CUy, N. I AOOIWIB11M I A. Bad As.AMcmimv 1 A. via Camdmaad Jwmy CUy, Mnra kni Mall, 1A. hysbrnmbcal "frwrbw.

vmTaemry I BssfAmiErt. 94 camua bus jarmy iruys 9m 199 9m 119 add fsuadsa aad Jam Ottv. Rvsv i r.via 1 1 P. AL, val ObbbI. 94 Amh, Aee, 1st asaasi eiamlH kit AI9P.1I, imelamft tdalaeal TbIF.

hl LJMranadAllr. 911 other Bonderi TuKm Unm stop al the fTtnelatl StsTion eu Par Beividsr, Iamob, Flemtnui. AsettA M. 9ad 4 rrm rvainw avt wnerr. For Wat Gap.

I Gap. Btmasiabari, Sorantoa, WlJVeehsvt est Bnxi, at I A. kL, vst Dss war Ibsstrnae, Great 1 lAokawani lAeuvuol tn nasrvs ssimeu, FreswsdtlAM.lP,M. Far Brtptnl, Jfventrsi, A.MWandlP M. WAYjLlNE fur Palmyra, Ranoooaa, 7 mmttZkw wm kationa at I K.

riAIri VFcesaBef Ikteva. JAnewaiil ti. Pass wars srs frem lujaayUm yLmaa tt their wsarii appana. AU Baa sat vr ITaoAa i to be paid PUfc Uie tbeb raaeiaiaibility Tut Baepwr teSI snood. I Jul antne laMe lor aey amvsat btyund l', siewi PENN8YLVAVIA RJ VIA RAILFOAR GAilVif ta tl, Wl, iiuag aeesa PAST SMlUKAf rFor aa p' waataad Northwest, Imvea itKiiewd, No.

UI 4 pieet, beiow asoaai, evwy skoriuac si I (Situuays sxeeptaaj late uSrousji hy Is by I fiMsbarf. Ff FI wautie, 'H i 19 1 I art. ad 4. id Keenibiiet I auro, it: Cur, i'l Ui; Bii PV ia mad "Li "A A Ji'lf Lmisvilia. 91: Iai, i Or eesa, semunrlii.

sTl m. lemis, e. SAl a etner is lits esv EirHtyp a JlZ'lmA Ke. HI iMIenaV pnC'f, FAT ICOrww FT, Ti ud. liatoritiievi a Jf feriama Bruout F'aw nil.

ixat BfA. Nc RACK hmM. UdlMltta't rtnmiiai BtraMimeu TRkES Apple, PMtdt aPear, Cherry, NtiXuwTras5 evs oho, varietiesand iart nowth. AirT a rr veil 1 rf A TRATKD BLOO0 FERTILIZE and I lodid Sttamahip CITY f)F BALVlMOHrZ Capt. Host.

Ltitca, mi ins from NEW YOJikC V. (M. ijt. isoTTat i57ookisXIa PaarddNorlillivav Railway, Far. allowed New Turk.

Pur paaaH, apply JOHN G. DALE, masaBBsaAaasmHKYT 'at iw ARCH Street, ad UH o'olook, A. iSunda. exospted,) Salem at tW o'oicok, P. at Chester, Henna rov.

Newcastle. I lei vara City. Buujaf f' Odseaa, Alluwaya tnwn and Bridtetoa meet thia boat, etle xw jraaa. STEAMBOAT BALLtNJN FOR VaAI'WBaMVUNI. Ihnrer.

Uia. Perm, Deuiwar Cit and Naw' Castle, jmlre NUT Aims Wharf. A verv Tusalti Thnrsdas Bsid WISMAHICKON. FALLS AND Wbs RjAAtnera leave Aintrjanuit and Par Bndf9 Ula. lui Wieaa A 1 vvea avti.

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