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Public Ledger du lieu suivant : Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Public Ledgeri
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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ruaLiatiftu daili Rxr aaadaya,) At VHH LEDGER BUILD1N). M11WM aun lliu ami WWAlfi ate A UK IX. niWitlaMHiMinwlMtMV vit. tk. flu, Diautrta.

and ra wmnlnr Cine, VillaeMaiid Towua. tut i.rbKlvrs WEEK. la lha Carries Brtai eerved. l.liee. Village Towus.

lut BIX AND A tlUAR rt vwcif, amir rm rot MAiLiM. ran, loslh.era eaau Bmuiha, let gel aoilaee on taw. BriMirg. No mi pertsr anl hod, ar uaav, th omoe longer Una mm ft. NOTICES.


O. are rraueatd tn row. at HT. Hil THIri AeTKllNOON. 21i lnitsnt, at 2 o'oook, lo lib ud tht niueal otBK.WM.

VKAY. UroUiejtof lb Order are. inviiedto attend, mtU tt'401 THUS. DURELL, Bm'. JTICK HaKMoNIa rtACKED MUSIC I'llTV TIm fur lha HM il aav trnwillrtrmejiwoa THURSDAY EVENING, Minna una, ai trea ouii And CUESNUT.

MeriUeJiahua't great Oratorio of wnl be oomnirnsed All uld meiobcis and thoet IaoIm aid Gulleiuaa Woo wiah to join, ai invited to bo there. aa 3fHM rrfc cARiF. ro Mir rsnow citmbns. lAjf IbeMlawltjer, bsviiu irMlvsd lb notiiuuuiiaa EtrRECORDER OF DEED from Ihe Cos veolioo, rrtoeetfully aolioua lug auppon of the vmen of Ihia oily, plediing myaelf, if eieoted, to parfi faithfully Ibe dutieaoltiitiSio'U they have henher. ol.eiieol.ed by ma.

R. D. WILKINSON. PhiMdalphia, Seel It, Wfffc asil Ow'SH I TL'U 1 STATE AGRICULTURAL KKJtlBl TtUN AfriuuiturisU, Block Uraadars, Str niuolnglala. lnvtutort.

Muuitotursra and AT and all nTnm ara invited tu baaunia Exhibitors, the PENNSYLVANIA 8TATK AUKIUU I.TU nil SOCIETY will hold IU SEVENT1 SB lltmofiaPOW ELTON, West lUAIi Jelahia. it.Bi.mlwv tub and sith and October let am i. eo arting, (, tii dtiplay of Oaula, Honaa, SOmb, Strut twTPoairrT 1 AfrumllnnU Maohlaaa and Implement, BaL T. Kiell Bwcit. JKria, flawera tut Vatatablau tb Maobaoia ArU, Doroaa Huoaenold aod otbar Muubalvaa, Bturaa, Wara aroar la a(nlriota9aDd2lawoaT fh Is awKal work of a Ram, flowm, Malob will oonw tm Die firurtt of tha Etbibitioa, to whiob nan and jvutlu ara initad to aumMU fi tba araquuma.

VolaraaBilbaTira JTSnHtotk tbla bjioiblUoa fbadilferaut Railruad Corn yen we WtU oarry Stoo Ad araoiua to and twm tb Kibibitioa Am a eaarii, aalmaajfora, and wiTlaiu Czmrrua TulM tu tM rauwk at tha aaual liharai rataa. lm nf PrMnlnniaand ail wtUba taraauar apl'oUon to ROB' at tb Room of The 1 JJiStli" riMltara'' CUES nun iladelphia Sooiety fur At I Straat, muw oa aaiaetrwl frai't. Pa. Bf Amouliurnl SooiKy. COAL.

PURR LEHIGH COAL, PER TpN. Uuuaekaeperi oan rely in fertinf a pur aruol at 6 to 4 SO, at CAMERON NINTH id yard ilvi Poplar, aim nua. aei im eelb rtr'm pi. E. eor.

weirmana rw nmw w. muH VvDV IIUI1 umIMI nt I.KHIDH and 1 BOB I LKFlL COAL oa band, la BROAD iX Slr. rT MOWKL0 DORM AN. tllOKORY 0OAL. IV DOliD.

1 Brokea, Rn aaiBtor Wfee, and Uur at a toa. A trial otSia Jtntly ealehrataa ia! will oar roar etuu.m lor a wiotar leupply. jjUuaUb Ng? CallmrhlU Yard tra Broad K. OKea, 8. E.

nmf Third and Oraea. Orordjnbf Drtoh OO tli LBS. IS A TON. Bayer art Ourum Zl are mTilad to exwaui. our nook of Ix MltL Wa aell IM lb Lootnt IrjaiTaai II.

air tbaa retul deal era at sent leal. Alin, voad Tot rJlMauooa. raro.rjriu Alcana rini iVPt ETohton A Bic M40, IIVMINI (HIT A anearmr itnok of radaaad arlM. 1011 WALNUT St. aell 4M RICK PREiVKS.lMill r'a anka I ufaoturad ailMBoaupiPTri beio' lm'aBI EMBBOIDKRY.

Braidinr ard Btampiai. N. R. oor. EIUHTrl jd RACE, aeouad ririJt'lM KlEW STYLE OK COUCH, tXle Cbaira, Piaao 11 aadSuweStoola, at Hilt.

SECOND 81. IMt'W fc'CHtlL DESKS Mad la ord FIFTH rahwd. at No. Mis el lm'IW nOORts HLINDH, SASH AND SHUTrERS. by J.

IRTH A 1Mb and Mark. MMa' I MH BALE A food COUNTER I alio, lid PAILOalliirkT. ai 1113 SfAlNIi UAH EN BUrat. Hd 9t'U mil KAVK IS TO EARN. SLEEPER'S.

MAR 1 repair. I1ioIh "with lb leant araollualile delay. aa2 JCIHI MILKMEN CRAINS and MALT DUST SALE, at TAYLOR'S Briwery, VINE. FOB Riibui airaet. aan UOI.E LEATHER i toaurt puf enaiaia, aurta am tutAl ixreei nBaenad.

anil Will tfOR BALE A BKINOORP APPAR ATUA aul t' taNernra Pharnavnietiit, Ineaira of T. MH H1B PEROT A bill MARKET Bt, 11 81 S7 ENGLISH BRAS8CHAia NMU Kor apbul. atarara' aa. for atl by aall ftll JA8.LEHLBY Market ALANNK RENOVATES FEATHERS, awkaa JM. UwbaatseriigMaltn Hu, Haak and Straw, It LOM BARD Strt eei.

in nUsTKJUNa (eObUnt) attwdad to aburuat aotia. A. CAMPBELL, attlVlw'jyfl Rtoaaad Thirteeolk atrai. CHEAP SILK VELVET RIBBONS, all width. MGAiiCOYNkl, B.

IKCOND betuw jnmrtard. 1, LV. aalT IK'SI ft.USIO AT HALF PR1CA. Mu.iaai loatrumauU Aim Mail una at ooet. No.

IMS CHESNUT lbo Thirtotntli. eif27l JnO. MARSH. Agent. 14 A LOAM Phuiiahed SKIRT HOOPS, Japan Reed, l'llir Bkirta, Whalehooee prapyed bt oil he Skirt, at SLEEPER'S Jrlaaufaottyy of pretty Ladle Ura trellaa, ARRET on dour aboy Tenth, a I'M ON I Hare aaa tb a Shade of Bilk Me.

on! wet let', ia to SLEEPER'S or. ARRET on door ahoy Taoth h.wo't All Um go. ail A Wl 1OR SA IJi A tour bona ENGI and BOI l.ER. JT fur 1 altut BMdiam uted SMg. very low.

k2lr jf.4, A. REED'S. Ill North Bea eid lecond itory. flOOD NF.W4 FOR ALL I FLOUR FLOUR! FLOUR! at redua.3 prloea Ool Fkwroalr per bhl.i rtaenti per quarter of hundred, North Vaatara Cnaa Flow Sor, ELEVENTH door abov Pop ar. CHEAP ENU CHINA TIM 8.

A Jan aaurt Miitof Engl, CkinaToys. Garrma Fancy Toya, Whit aod Gold hand fgCypj. ete MARXKN A Wf lftf Irbieii 1111,7 IS Cr nutt, CTKAM ENGINI SI STkAM KNOINESI Kro 43 to bora tower, at rail need pri i an. Slide AAiaea, Maine maeaiae. Bai tJiiaii, at th hlinaiaery rttoing Ma aatt IA'llff Ingshrad.

e. a. ivoTTlwaVS Inventors merits most 1VPRAISE. SLEK.PER TKN TH aod MAR lKrrr inveabnPARAGON UMBRELLAS, but 'talked to long, ao load, and ao axpianalory, that me riaaSuaf raaat ia trail tally HARlTw A RE. WILLIAM MAULL A No.

1HI 3 MARKET above SixlMnta, offer for aala, hardware, Catlery, Building tiateruua. uoaeteiiic Aruaiea, Cquaraa, Caliper, ta4 lh krweet aaah prloe. Maaklniat' Stall Rtlea, I Of whin wa ollar eii iia'n kO NOt MISTAKE 'atiAo(ton fur adid i enjoy her beeuiil COPAKTNOR tHIP. Th nderaign dav entered lafoauearttierahi. a rider bar Ibia th atyl of MatiUIGAN DAI LY, and will awry oathtmaan faolaria of Water en "i lorva tad Oil PaaM Blaok iheo ineo Hani, nvew Pl I 1161.

TI1II4. MiUUIDA enx'li MICHAEL DAILY. Grwnr. Haa be bmoilil ap ia 3 ai hone. teniMl BMrn.

ine. La ing.Laiiea. Well.weorie, Which of thee oWrt prettieet I That 'a rather ll.kt. aat a rarner ll.ei karweaa tha tw. Walt, George, Ihal't uet th tkiog Jue'a idea.aa Vt at reee.

I lliiak jt the pew mat be avagnikeent. SLEEPERS, MARK K.T, have imported a It of it. noo oi it It'TH aajl eit u')m fliQ TAIMIRS A enperne artt! of LINEN A pEWING MACHINE THREADoa ipnnla All paw, her, from to Hit, Browa, Blaeh, Whit tad 'firabai alao Red. Yllow, Omnia and Bluj 7 LA1N0, laAjLNNIS rBRONVN rJ, Finding Sior, W. Pi North Nhird etreet.

JEWING MAOIIINR 8ILK 43ray't ar ail aowira, aaa aumoer. at KM LAil MAGINN1S A BROWN'S, no. norui 1 hire otreec AjEWIiXO MACHINK raitW far rVSimer'a, Uuw'a aid Urova tail HcUm'i Scnruaj LAINO, MAGTNNIS A BROWN'S, No. North Third etreat. cbJHllK.

MANIFACTURERS, and other, aetn. Sewing had IM Ueet Line Thread, Bui.aod.S i LAJAG, MAOIWrS A BROWN'S, No. so niorta rtiim caraat. BetweM Market and Arab, SLEEPER'S UMBRELLA WORK. MARKET 7 Street, )nt cfcmr abirv lent.

We full, a auati.irjr oar aatroM to a aae I Uveal, met a Amr above 1 reieeet Bi.t we fully ak attatii of oar ptatroM to a i of bar iuat raonved par oar wcrceonoeul other aide At nave juet reoaivet Luiti. i. ti arevailuai ehade. moat admira'ny adapted lighteal. noeeat oea.

gouiH, mmm I pretty LA1 ee uraoreiuM. wn a teet WALL PAPER I WALL PAPER arvita VV atUBtata to ewr wearier Fall Sovk of freeh la, laaiodina every variety of riraa oa.i MCA. at rally a per earn ny auar Uoaeir trygari awa ia th traci. iummdi leered City aaraTai worxmet, LONGSTR ETbfA No, 19 North Third etreef.

Iel. reviled. MA andlmf OLD BORDER WINDOW HADKA Wuk th lniMi Le eot them eelv Bit Riok Da'aaak. fne Certains ealy Sn nu per yard: gind Gilt Oenioea, ready Ui put up, only MB aeon; aui aeon: law vunaineeair CuxlaiM uo" tl to it per PaT TEN'S ah 1 MatUa arrnonw. New York Pane.

No. IM Chaauut rtreet oaa door aarf of Seventh. a21 lltPARTMENT OP HIOHWAVS. a'rrthr Ik" iJed Pmannie will berwivedJ thie r'aee arau uin eiar arm', cee M'l at ll ecew, the f.rllvnrg etreett With tnawtytl erreot, irooi ro tile, jo. oo, i jtopn.

War. d. j.ihtolr.1 a. ley. Bane tn re Wurl the wnteriawte be frtmiweJ.

mU hao he ajnaiilTi tK to work to be in a uiaintiU avw rier. aod kec in a auoaavaiiiti.ei twn fr.we tba n. II.IIV 11 Tti Chief Commit inner of Um he ay a. nICHARD Mmm.rTTfiiw, rvaiwjyTFH til grc. aflium ai hie en 'tee.

eg Irrr T.a Teu Hi I LL A wEOt" I 0 ui i 1 1 7IVW vnwrnt, fcr. Mua aid. rwii'i. Or. bia.

nnaaua, Crenna, ia Vaaas I a i f.r. rfpr th. aaaeraJ Ci i fi. fr re K'ne. tnruei ne, fci tirn Wa, bdiier't Km.

iiavm'i Ew, Ota Tartar, a. Cbocnatt, tr. aUliina. l' mi, e. I fnvnient Catb.

a realty enjoy her beautiful tMBUkl.l.A! Wall, tbat'a eillir auanga noteu itiowa, She aaaltekal n'a tti rtibl atyl. mht laeda, wnballawed a.yif'ia'eir. aad rut, led leaet, w. nivle attbpopaf bLI.PtR'rJ, TLNfaaodMARKKr Btraeta. eeA gt7t an ave ii i tiitwimiu'eai tX mm TOL.

XL1V. NO. 3. WAHTS. CMRL ANTKD To do reoerl Honaeworb I alf eoSUALLOWHU.LrX.

aaU tl A. ata at'tll WANTfeO Arud Woollaa and ik DYER. lr tHITw WAN I A balf IMWOOIIUM UPKINO 110ARUKr8traet, MB IfW WANTi A fina WASH Plaitini, Flutior and family Wajlimi.M lUt PINKBt. aafll COOR WANTtl At No. Iil4 UREKN Straat.

A I Yr woti Job Work, Apl bad PINK rent, below Kevenlh. aeiJ 9t'42a 'lt BH t) I'M A II fcitff in 13a aoom, I on A ra peca, and oaa ua Woojao wo' at petnr IKK BKtOM). ar24 2til WAN I ED By a an Colorta) Wen. a BITUA TIO. a Caohmaa or Waiter Bet oitr rrer CToeiivea.

A'tdreaj N.tlT 8 SIXTH St. ttU'va iiiiMnn i H'aJf plojmont. Appll ia SECOND, below Reed itreet. ea i A ED wo SHOEMAKER, oa Wometi'l wmk.u. work lb the houre.

Appljr at N. North SECOND Street, below Columbia ea tl'm ASTKb aeial ood COOKSand WAITERS A.n.ik.M,jr Kirmt.rale anal to Mf. MraOU KE'BOmoa. TH1 447 iinNTcn.liiluie'1 aotire. mtelll lent LAD, about yean old.

Aditreieiiowj wrilimt, "Lax," Uiooa iiw pa onraoe. rn rifipi RKI.Pt Oir. Men. B'yi. bet in oily 11 ft Plane.

O'CONNOR'S Omoe, A o4. It'S. NTELl.lENCK0FFI:KO'.ONNOR'Sfiat i. r.nii Mervanta. tba Mvt of Unlrerail A prolauon.

10 ARCADE. cr mut, anuw nixtn WANTED Br an experinoMl lady, 81 tua I TION aa Hnaeekteaar. Addreat 4 North I SIXTH Street, Phlladt. afl ANTKD Two GILln work oa TV luaa MERVINE Street, lour door bel. Triorrpeon.

wM li llfiM'l El) A MAN. to aell Reluwuiaad Hlfort ml PabllcatHm. Apeiyat tiu bbuu.u from 4 tot o'otnol. f. M.

as WANTED Bya jounitwIRL.aSITUATION ia a private family, Operator on a Sewinr, Ma ehiM. Plau addreaa, PATIENCE Blood'i Dee. palob. aoa lfaii 41 AN TED By a Heady, lobar young MAN, a SITU ATION to take oar of Horase. ami work ahnata Grat eman'a plae.

Apply at Afenoy. 930 FILBERT Street, below Tanlb. WII R'l WANTED A 6IRL todo gmaral HooMWorkt a ai od wnber id ironer, in a imll family; ware no obieot. Nob need apply unleea tbr nndentai ae. Anil af No.

173 ADDISON SI apply unieea uer anaenwiN No. 17 3U ADDISON Uielr leiill between Lombard and Plae, 17th and 18th. tt A OUNG l.ADY wauta ri ru ATION ai Beam nreuaid Drawmkini. She ipeaki both Oertnaa and Ei ilih wall, Apply at liiltO MARKbT Street, enove weiun. ie2l Jtl mm wi.lua BOOK 4 SET 1 1 TI.FD tip, o'jinj other Writing don, by addreia ln 13T CONtjRASS Street, will reoeire prompt at erti Jt'jW teiilton.

ANTF.D Waiter, at No 911 WALNUT Street, Apply betweeal M. aaa '9i A PROTESTANT GIRL wan'i a SITUATION aa t'iNik or ChAmbernuiid. I rival evar. in. pi I'l door eaal of Twentieth.

gUlMH I WANTED A SITUATION, to le to Ued Ttimininia Slur. Addraei Mabu. Blood 'i epaua, ae21 StJ10 WANTED A SITUATION aa Runner a Com meroiaJ or Bank lag Hooaa, by a midd! ard Mm. AddreeaJ.M., Blcioif i Deapatoh. att) WANTED A WOMAN, todo Houaawork.

Apply in FRANKLIN Suaet, trat bovM above Giraid avenae. aiM A'kW A GERMAN GIRL WANTED todo the Hooee wmk inaimall ramily. Apply in SIXTEENTH Street, fire door. blow Lherry, enat aide, tea 'M ANTVp By a iteady, ubr young Man, a 81 vt TUATION aa Waller in a private faitiily; Ma lvtotd any raferwo. Aikraa WAifEH, HkxJ'i xtr.raton.

ee.1 VVATKD llr a imgla Yiraag Man, a S1TUA IV TION aa Urorim ar Craohman a erivate buai anderrar'ditbe eareand management of no olyeo'itin to ttrwn or eonntry: the oanj of a garilm. Inquire No. 414 CALIAJWHI LI. Htaa TO BOOKBINDERS AND OTH ER3 The aub aortber Wiahea to reoeiv book, to aell oncora niriKn. Suoh book, a ar not readily axleaol ia 5U at IrrUer prior Other article of light mrolin iai will be uikaa tbe mine way.

Referaune wnl Iirrn.aul furiher uiformxUoa, by addraauiig M. M.O., oftloe. (J1 B'lng A It 'KUTABLK Young. ir. GIRL wiili.

i The Iwmi of ai iSlTO n. ATION aa ClitmhermaH our refe ret.o will be givr. Plmaaoall at II HI RAHPil rllERRY Sireet, between Loouat Sprue tod Ninth and irnm rreai. aea IAMILV SEWING tod STITCHING don at thrrerenua yard, oa Wheeler A Wtlarm'iMa aninea, Lad tee taujt lit al.i. Kntrano in OH ESN N.

E. ttiraer of teiind, aecxind alory. aea lw'8 WANTED A SITUATION by a young Man, aa Gardener, or to take oar of a bora and earring nd nak kimcelf gnrally ueefnl. Can give the hret reiereaoaa. A pply, fur two day at 834 CHRISTIAN ahov Eighth.

eeM I "ARD A rmd Hueemopruhia PHYSI01AN wanted in Hariett. I MMKi p. AiLlrM.J. M. ZAI.IER.

aell efts WANTED A BULK WINDOW. Aielv at Rtu VV key'tDry fJoodiS' riKTHaod SHI PPEIN BuarU. tell 3tiS A HOOK KKEI'KR would like to have Employment for Un EreoiBit. Aduree. W.

BIoikTi Dentnti h. 'aesl St st ia WAiNTED A SITUATION ia In houaa, Omo or Stnr. by liable Hik kMer. Salary aot i la anna Bwk a compttent and iw miieh ae ohieit a. the AddreM WILLIAM, ai lh.

Ilw OAoa. ael 3llrj 1VANTFD A Proteetant WOMAN or GIRL.M vv piai tjoraj, and to aaeiil with tb WMIitngand irontev. nieia nut aa ai wiieie Apply tt'M ltll VINE ftreet. MILK I MILK MILK! WBted a Purohieer for Irt tiwMilkof a Hair, of twenfe. Ave let of October tp lat of Mir, Adriren DANIEL BWEOE abort Oak, NORRI9 TOWN, kailgorntry Ctmaty.

aSI Slteet CASH PAID FOR RAGS Weat na of FOURTH Birert. kfrh Any below Piae. atll tt'M WANTED A food, praotieal MILLER, to go to Krniuokt. Apply to L. PETERSON, 9, R.

eomer of WATER and ARCH St a. Ml 4f W. rM tiMMAjy.wiw ean mg ap Ml 4t'l0 7 i DUUII. ITI'Pi mNTED S.eund.htnd FURNITURE. Th ighaat arm wUI be paid tor ail kiade.

at tld IDGhRoM, atiov Vie watt no. Mil CRACKER BAKER WANTED By DA "ID Moanl Joy. Lanoaater Pa. 14 TtaT HK ADV. I 1EN WANTED For th A merinu Army.

tta i atFRONTaod Washington 8u.ii. 2w PFRSflNAL. HtraMkMpert and other, having FURNITURE for rale, bed. MattraaaM, SUjvm, umh, will get the higheat erioe by addreMing a to Hlood't Liiapateb, llosra.ln, or No, ill 'RIME St. Mll IWll WM.

ANTED Any amount of FURNITURE, MU. Stove. Bed. MattriMM. to aandl Car lo th wentry.

To will get IA pet oeau neve tbaa rat will et ipea ueaianer AMtwa. Audrraa rJ.Jr bVig III llu't DMtauoh. na wiUxatlh vaiuaaf eoar Cxi wi'hoettmalil. 22 Im'tj i 17 YOUN 1 Carta of CI ateily, proa Jit and lothui StrMt, above I 17 YOUNG MEN WAN TED For to Mounted or in America Armj, in omcm f.y el.Hhiug e. Apply at No.

BIT MV. ruram MARKKT i r.igma. a ln'W fi' Bahc WANTED A HOUSE, for a family of re perwwa. wnnin anee miUBieo' wall ef in cl ranee. Rrnt from I no in aisn.

itaiing leioia and looatton, D. McKENZIR. I7elir irmor. eercf tt TTi fi WANTED Irravtedratelv.aarHnreniant HOIIHK. rvtWMn Third ma SeVMth.

Nofrle and Arnh ate. HantBottoeieid Iran A A ye. Ail.lmee A. 1 edger Ottlo. MM St'an OOFF fnraaC Ninth! OFFICR WANTED.

WariterLarrrtRRoom. Ofloe, Arch itreet, between Foanh aad I reel i. or Sixth itreet between Market anil Caurrwhill. Larlger Ollioa tl Jt ve. VAIA.

PASHIONS Joeteaenerl. fi PAPER PAT TKRN, ai Mr. R. HrxipKR'S, (late E. Haiit North E1HHTU Street.

Haa. tinned Kim DO Wait! eat aod Bite. riaking and Cimeiat promptly attended to. eui tra fashionable bi cp0r the season. ON NET MATERIALS jf Oeded, Figured.

Grod Afriqnra, grodeNaplea, laokMoM, Bom ailata, Fntliak Crap. likui, ao. ao, rooted, Patina, Fncy Bonaet St ka, Tuiled. rrre anoM, mtreeti FlmMM. lffareell IMtaMaaadehMt r.

at WARBU TON'S, ae at HA X4) B. Seenad at. blow Sprao. MIi.linkrv noons iiifnrii Xll'IS DANNENBAUM haa removed lrm 141 North Beanad atreet to bio. AA Nrwfk UK.

ND StrMt. between Market and InAaeule (kalely eef ird by Mr. J. Juel.lwher be bet ow pjea Fall rwk SlBilONS, VELVETS. SU hS, FEATHERS.

Fraavk mam mn oOTireiner IC'iw in we nunnery L40, At. a fall line of Black Silk Velvet eteTUriiae' Dreai Trimming, all of which at Will aoaluiat to eel At hit mill k.w price. Baigiu. raoeived daily Ihenof krmt th u. da N.

"IMPW BetwMB Market and An, eaet auk. ,19. t1 HE MERCHANTS. Mr. M.

A. it m. StrMt, tu low alattrfid BMalmeal af ail aodWiatar iraeaed a iirvra Mil tWT n.RKI Bale aj MKRCHANTa AND DEALERS IN COR a ee ia 13, am invited examine lh Stock BllW fl. HUllU'N'd U. L.

X. aog KetoJ wami Warehouee, No. 13 nr arweamtt 'i ARCH St, below wthjtje lm'a WATCHES, JKWEUCY, dke. OPERA GLASSES, Aa Jnat reoet nvl, gplMakd M. ASSLER A lt lwl7 1 Nona iei Bt, bWrwAreh.

1 klOLJH CHEAP JEWELRY STORK 14 FIFTH rJtreet, below SprwM. KiMe'ul GET VOI WiTi ifEPAlREI). eery f7Jihe.a. at THOS. K.

SOLLID A Y'd, 9 it N.etb, Xr Raoaaed Via. tvt S4 ONLY Inr Mud SHKO. NiTACl.Ki;tolidfti.vr,Sl PuaaB God aod Bi var e4, at tha Maaafcetory. No, 1144 PiuU. IHrfwt.

Mllrw'141 GOOD WA Had aea, eva i lm4t TCH and orMat ver im rrum aiiJJit ami KW a. fJLAZED and SASH ni Sash LMMigri, aad Marker, et la' i. k). KKHIHk H. AF TM f)P BONNET AND VKLVaM ty aiiiio.S, bMi kwauna.

tty aasuiw. Mihy fRRRINO A OTP, jta4Mik tl H1 n.w, a I I I I LIC PHILADELPHIA: BOAltnlN. BO DTNO. fcomt ont at Mre. (E0 KEL8'.

11W CHK8NUT. below lth. wfl tlMl FUHNIHH KD HOOMtnlMtoaemrai farriile. No. Orowa below Pifll and Baee a tt'lW FEW (r ntlamea cu nntaui UOARDmairmll hniilT.

No. 1UJ GRKKN W. ua rfiM BOa VI Per wo reaaaoUbl MeohwiM, at til NorU TWELFTH at. ie.2 fi BOARD) NO A few Meohaniaa oan be BOARD, i flPTH and BaOWN.artl fcMH EKMANENrortrariiienrBORDriRB linen at 1C3 (old No.) 8, SEVENTH Htreat. i2j VACAMT Two lu 4JJCHK0NUTW.

int R'nma. wiitt HUAKU, below Fifth Ka t33 HOARDING wnntrd furtwoSnteri. wnhin Iwentr If ninuiea waik of Seoond and mode rate. Addreat F. L.

DUxJ'i Dm. VM T0 LET 1 Uenlln A fumiitied LODGING ROOM to a Ueailrmao Apply at 139 N. SIXTH lite PfaaklmSqnar. en zoo tIfPONn HTOKY Front ROOM. rilh BOARD.

for Mao and Wile, or two yoiuu Men, M. K. nor rTHlKii and umim aia. tax si tai PRIVATEFRENCH RE8TAURANT BORD INO for families ainil lanLlameo, 439 SPRUCE Street, Mow Bixih. aell 414 TWO aeennd atnry R(M)M3.

anfirnuhed, with Break Aut and Tea. fur one or two Oentlemen, in rimtt Aeamuf a Phyuoian. RefarerMM rxobaued. Apply at 14iT ARCH: I siren, oatween am or ana o'olook, r. M.

el I 12 raHE SOUTHERN HOUSE. Nta. 13JI and 1313 A CHESNUT Street, Uvian been aoniiderahly im arovedTif now revly to reoeive funiliie and unila per auna wialuaf eermaoeut BOARD. Midi al Studmui xoepiea. ni III OARDINO.

A few unile eallerata ma be ao ntHnnndatr with board, in a ermll, pritate tamlr. Apply at No. B31 North TWELFTH St. aal7 fM BOARDING For a few UenUemeo, at R14 0HER abrre Ninth. aeiikt'l ULEASANT ROOMS With BOARD, at No.

09 A ARCH St. al' KIAHDINO Married and Simla Men ean onwia Bond, at 401 PRUNE Street. aari imi F'URMSHEIi ROOMS TO LET. with BOARD, in a Frenoh family, Kit N. NINTH St.ieM il OIM.1N0 ROOMS for Gentleman, at No.

904 la ARCH Street. es.z roi VACANT, with BOARD.aeuiieof ROOVH.on the eeoond Hory; aiao, vaoanoie lur ueuuempn, ai ei TENTH Street, below Aroh lea atW GENTLEMEN'S furnished RuOMS. and VI bub. at LOCUST. 8u.

two dira below Unitarian Churrh. ae. H'U HIMMIINIUATINU and S1NML.E ROOMS TO LET I anuria Gentler and Fi auiiuee, wita Board. Apply at 1304 CHmNITM. I St'SH ARGE FRONT ROOM oa brat Boor, fr a ltmly.

W1UI DUHU. THIRDud SPRUCE. LiwitkBwwd. Alen, (or two Uantwoian, B. w.

oor. Sl 3f4 T0 LET The four eVt DWELLING, 1 aor. CHESNUT ajid TWENTIETH Bt. lake ia Board. Mil it'Ha STUDENTS eaaobt a BOARD.

at llll CHK.S lUic alwTt BvTanlh. TrauueM Bovderi Moranmodatad. HOARD WANTED By a Gentlemtu and Wife LP north of Arab and weat or Broad Privrite fnmilv preferrxl. Addreat Ladiar Olfio eell St'lWI A PLEASANT aaoondtttry Baok ROOM and alao aUiird atorv Front Room To Lt.witk BOARD. ni al 413 SouUi THIRD St.

oppuette St. Pete, Churoh at 2l 3fJS PLEASANT ROOM TO LET With BOARD, atNo.lia4CHESNUrst. 114 A SECOND STORY ROOM To IM, with Board. 1HI6PINBSI. Referenoe reqaired.

el ttlll) LODGING ROOMS err Gentlemen, with or without Beard. No. 190 IXCUST St. artl atIW PLEASANT woimd ttory front ROOM, with A Drar4 1311 CHESNUTStrMt. nil 3t 'jit BOARDF orGerrllemanaiid Wtf or tingle Gen tlnnan.

No. 4H6 "oulh THIRD. tti. afaa OARDINO Plerunnit ROOMS for a Oenllemnn and Wife, and Singl GauUairjan, 44i YORK Avenae, ahoy Willow Hreet. 1 1 Mi A MAN and WIFE and a few tingle Men.

can bo ucmrrtotUlea wilh BOARD, It 4116 LOU BARD below Seoond. e2l 3f2B4 BOARDING. A lentlrrnu and hi. wife, anil thre untie gentlemen, can beaocoranwdtted with ea tatitToutnnat am VINE Street. i tint 337 IODUING ROOMS TO LET to Gentlemen, w7 7 TIFTH Street, abrrye Sprtoe.

34 THREE GENTLEMEN oennlrt.ia BOARD, in a private 1 4 JO BHOWN St. 4t9l GM)D BOARD oath procured at Ml SPRING GARDEN Street, elll BOARDING can be obbunrd at No. 303 SouTii THIRDSt.leidour brlewSpruoe. eelr) 8f7 BOARpING For a Lady tod Gantitmao, at 131 ARCH Street, eei I at'841 VaCAN NTWwo aleaaant Room, with BOARD, for UaAM, at No. 433 CHESNUT Street, Irelow Getii Mith.

Mle M'SS SEVERAL GENTLEMEN ean be accommoilated with BOARD and liie onmfortt of a hom. at 94 Snith SECOND ahov Sprooe. 111 111274 BO A I G. Plauant Room, oc reuonaola trrma, fiy Gentlemen and Ftuiti'iaa: alao, Sir Biarden acoutamudated, at B39 RACK Street, lowTluid, Mil It'll AN UNFURNISHED front ROOM to Let, with Board, at Ml RACE St, Ml7 8tal4 PLEASANT LODGING ROOMS for Geatlemen; pa, bath, at 819 8. THIRTEENTH 8t.l7 flta A GOOD ROOM, with HOARD, fui two Geul men, at 9 N.

SEVENTH St. 1MH8T CLA8B plaaaant Rinmt, oan be bad at 1394 VINE Blreet, Ml lml3 BOARDING. Married and Singl Men obtaia a pwAB ir. aieoi rnunta. ou au.1 im'aa AY RUM.

in punoheom gMuin Bay Rum, Jut AJ rtoaived and for aala by C. DAVIS A CO, ST N. WharvM, tefl III it 9 irarvve, and I IT Water etreet. UTARCH. UBE NONE BUT THE BKST.

T. KINGSFORD SON'S STARi'H, fie le by grooora geaarally, and A LLEN A NEEDLES, lmi 418. Water and 9.1 S. WhAnrea. LROAD CONDUCTOR'S PUNCHES For U2S puaoiag obeok or tickets, a yery raperior artiota.

at L.rj)i,ar ct, ten tu Sit Market etret. IiHK AZL'MRA BAKING POWDER nakM bautiflii Bread lliht, gwat and nutrition, Bold try E. W. P. TAUNTON.

14 DECATUR an4 byGroMta. Try it eel lra41 flRlMMINGS TRIMMINGS TRIMMINGS' EIGHTH iao a nttoi IOPER'8 Emporium of FMbioni, No. MS oonatantly raoalvtng lh uiweit Trimuung. rrufM ana nmiona mall Railroad iRON suitaoi tv KJ oat, BBuaAMtured and rnatantly rw Ml by MUJUUjIlf K. PM1I I Fairmnemi Irvel Jt ae Jrniys Thirtieth ah.

Coate. Phil, ItALDNESB PREVENTED. Slieddingofth Hair ar poem rely crareo in Kair WMka, and no pay nemAnd td unleM entirely oMeaful. Dr. ABENHEIMER, Proprietor of th Hair Predacr, 75 99 RIDGB Avenae.

below Cadowkill. Cutthiiout. Mla IAW DOUBLE ACTING SCREW CUTTERS, TAPS AND SOLID DIES, STOCKS, Ac Aa aaairt ment of the aiw kept oonently on hand hy th Ma uiaornrer, nr.Ltwtrv bakkowb, art lmI Churoh atreet, below Reed. llYOTTVILLB It Mmed work fc GLASS WORKS. Having re work for tha aeaariB, th.

Mhaeribara ar BiWMrad to axeout ordtre pared Is txecat ardtm f' MtlM of every demri Lon BENNERSACO lm'11 BT Bteith Front itreet. A RCHITECTURAL PLASTER ORNAMENT! (i ana uentr rieoee, uomie. Mot Frirte. Angle RoMttee. et.

linga, Orda oinlry tacked tad forwarded. Tat ma retwmnbl. A. nAMPHKI.I RaMMd Tha tMnth at. Philtda, PETPJIS A SH ROPE'S SELF GENERA TiN GAS LAM ie a rare neoimen ox ineenailv.

Tti 8 olTered to tb luNie the moat Monorruoal and ear Lamp la aa. kxaanuMaDd Mtiafy youreelvee. Agentt tea oairrae ail ui rsuuea, mineral inouoa, aumu men la offered. 01 193 Soalk FOURTH Street, Mle LStt below UManat SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MERCHANTS would do well tn call and nam in GROVHR A BAKER'S SEWING MACHINES, with latent improvement. They art taking th world bt atom.

To are oaa it to bur on, and to buy rme, totaoart a. oniton kx li ubi rjw tnMiy ri tel Im'ItT t. ROVER A BAR ER H. JX. CO, LV)R BALE A Honanatal STEAM ENGINE, SO horM power, 8 feat etrok.

ipring paoklagi aJ, a oa Dteui rip, neea, rraaa riau. bi I yard Warp Mill, with braai la. Carding MaohioM. Slide reat I big Machine, et. Apply H.

HICKEY, No. Oil UlAAitD Aytnat, aa, aaort Bilth atreet, north Bide. aexi ll i rrOFARMKJIS. i POUDRETTli PEVSSON'S Mlarnud renain tra fort i liter, CuarM, Iao to tret Privy Wiaeleaned al le. aeraalaa foir f) LIBRARY Street Gohlamitha' Hall.

No. 1'i. Manifaotnrv, Gray! erry unao, oemw inv.a aMirai, aa vvnoanvry Road, Gloeoaater, N. orw lafa ALL PAPER, WALL PAPER, WALL PA PER. Pwlor Paptr tt mbu per pum.

and BntrytM Boom raperMieano ttMouipw Cpvr etu wa reive" rotber aturt ia Philadelphia. Gtv taU. Mow la lot Uata to Mvt you Paeeni apenng dtn. REJ) A BROTHER, ar of IxwnoarU Utan Ml4 1r4 tt. R.

lltl. I't A HU BY. Puh Ca aot aomoh Pre VT lad, Sar what havt to oommunioal tod Dtawwith it I Wl, it wu tut at earner. But ore da above Tenth, Market at where LntU lot thai CntUmlgmm IhatwMMamvwraallyadimred! Sh a walk, bum 1 11 U. Went all priM pa' futory't mm bo Bilk wouldany wank id Mndwtoitl Oh theM MMh market SLEEPER'S import lh Beat Silk.

ah. thal'a the reaao it'a Miled ao uoh it do food la plaat U'l viaamaryaoa ah eriuer J.1 1'uf TO CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. Art er tina a taritod it la fvuwwuaj ttook of ttoa4 LUMBHR. n.crn feat 1 4 Yilkrw Plat Flora; Boarda. twa "44 I A4 Saitahl tw litlrg Strtm HUWiiuPPbTlkwtk Kn eut 14 SprtMjotat, rVelling lowfcreklt I Mil lmw Snath Pmat Street.

I EMBROIDER A riM ever orl xuwaaveMe KS. Tbt iarieai gtoet ofF.iahmvta Mfered the United ltatta, auMt tyoai Mefaelnrv of D.A, J.MaolRNALD 00. L8foirr aoa.iiTtw ag Ber jmI Jaenaet Caiku. I' abd Jawraet fieevta, and Jaconet Seta, and Luwa Sett, 'W pmartatan. rie CIXhUHt, e.

Roe and Lea Cralara. i'y Veil. wilt 'v wfogeiaer ok tee wrnat inylahl Met rraaartaf arm jaoretat rirtreta, arl Jeaiwet fneertiaea, a jaaiviet uaooa. Oal LOTj ef ll the atvrra.

HOORR A NAIRN fcAgWAtt, tad VkBrxtBttTttS mTT. A.W ml ta li no I WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1857. lFtlnruMi0l.der. Eraiarkabl Cbarecter.

Edttoki Li net a Uemi a amotitinner and leotarar iataeef ihMcial Sohooliof Philadelphia aad per ortTBc from the edvei tieemenli in the puli io print that a new cbawipion of mrdiojl p'ogreaaand rfforin wt.uld ive a ierini4 l.eoiurei ia illnitra of anma new tiatem of Anatomy and Pahiloiy, I frit natrained. from meretuuiivie of onruieity, to be arreent at thaakaw aa aa atbntive look woo in View I went prr frt to be emaiwd the lanoreno aiid of mine one of thr many muuHtetai.k wh brini termor and opp'oirium aeon the riular" arufeeiuon, hot oam aw irMtly Milled and tnatruot ed. I foui.d in the pron of the lrmnrer, Dr. S. Af.

Lt'diM. a fu.e i nam, of l'ut thir yeva ofane, tula, a Ihorouth niAvter of tlie rreal bwliirt oivu.a. ill lU.leinanUry ad junotaot phyiiloiy.aiatomy, Ilia newtvfa la im i.tu.1 .1, a m.nmwt OATV eonviotton to the mt biittttMl mmd. Heilou ly wartnidi thai veae'peti and uileuildrur tiitHliotluai are enlirtly unnoeaair in any oft.eofd.a aaee; tlat all oan be prnrented and reetinad byatuital le fcyiiemo treatment, embrtcirut air, exercise, pioper cloihinx, ample and nuiri chnj. liiod.

and theui. of wtor from lo toaboilinc temperature, apjlirri rxiomlly or nttrmtlly, inoon nro ra with iVolnml fnc'tni and lathi 1 hv inr, hi. rreal ydrouinnii, ot ate Cure ea taUiiment. at (tie oor uer ol Bpnoe and Twentieth fonnd il tNieof the n.vt ooin, 1 4e inbrmary inalttulH na in the I' ml, rdtn rat ly ippmnted hi every partietiUr for tbe mbet end ipeoily reiov.ry of Invalid. nin4tw ihe.ick il 'f omwdea with patirnt.

md anothar fon' eiory Uii dmr, adjoiii ini, will be ahorlly tekt and oonver'ed to the uae of tha '1 ty mainibcrnt I paiutinm, diwrwna, Ac, rxhil'i'rdat Dr. lAndea' leotureewere (ottenup rxpreeily by hiaiarlf, at xroat expenea, and aittiilier lorin le moei ottinpieie a.Nirnivuii eer pfuuuo uis UtJited SlatM. Tbt man A mi war impired from fane, ana are trniyntat inaiveiioui piroaoi nuinaa irwenuity, ibnwuii every organ, mnaole, arletit vein, nerve. with Hi oleerit hd.lity toiiature. The nmnikiri nerni only In require the breath of life to rake thorn livini human lieinxr.

I ulit id ra iiauly rroommeim ine attioruia ni meniotne uaiiriiu iew ot )r. 1 aulee louree, aa oalou'atetl to ive uiem a leeaer aaht into my.tertee aiid fiuiotiona of the hu man or.ani.iii, Ihftn nan t. laineil evon at in Deal eMOleal eoboi.1. of PhilulelBlii iliinli. the entile uavni eonier it aiutuee.

ine euoito, partiouieriy uie lauiti, mImi iUI.imI thM. twilliuit A. I MaotlrKlhem in arxial aroreta. without a kii wiwxa nf lluiw if.Mim.l bi 1. and rreet unliapyiree.

Motheia. wivea and dauxhtttra wiihin to pie.ervennd rretnro thoir heelih and lieautv. and efi jny a blinful career of life, eipwially attend Dr. unooa' rnvau leotura 10 uuiie. Great Rtdarliea la Price Artkar'i Self.

Bealiaa Frail Jar. From and after Una dtle, Aithvi'i PtrxxT Fiotr with Glaaa and Fira faeed Proof ei Ware, will he told at treMly reduoed erieai; lower even then the manv worthle imnatwn. el Art! u'e now in the market, ia order that the people may preHTT llietr innr, ana ur tarxe Piooa ne oiowu ID Store opto in the Ermine. AniHun, BrtH A Gii.xot, N. E.

oorner Tenth and 6ori at. Cchraa't Naa Vreexiag, Na WaitlB( Uvdraat. Thii Hydrant wutaa water Intn Hi fTonnd, and me. Iimii. It la ananle ia antiatrmotuai.

oheao. and warranted to Rive auufaotina. (all at 117 and 119 South Tenth afreet, earner of Genrr arrest, and as it In oeerutitin. It 11 the moat perlrot nyorant jet OHoreq to IM public. Warranted lor thre yeara.

ABTHDB, OUkHHiM tlL10T. Maoufaotttrart, Iwalm't Paoacfh aad YeljRUaf, nwiiior iMroiiTici. Swaim'i Pincx for tb our. of Scrofula and th purihtmlion of tha blnxl Swiiit'i VitmrtJot for Worm, aod diieaeM of th dige.tiv onana. ThftM Medieinee land aon are prepared at Swaim'a Lahoratory.

Seal Strtntk itrwi, eriete Cktmut, and M'dbyallrMpeotab'aDruggiit. IIt lltai Grtpei la Pta, at Jari' Ltdlet' nritaaraBt. TdiM and Renllam.i. I II Suceeri flimuibedal nu ttce. Oyiter.

Terrapin, Reed Birda and Rail. Ac TTand 7 a A'ch itre.1. LEDGER AND TRANSCRIPT. Philadelphia, Hrdaeiday, (epl. S3 1S4T.

LOCAL AFFAIRS. Peir lumf Tat Lorfe ia mark 'clock, yrtterdty tfternoon, wu find for hearing In the catc of A una Montague (known recently it the "Udy In blark'') and Mtry Thcmpaon both cbarord with larceny and with obtaining goodt under falM pretencri. At tbat hour, tbe uriorai i once pu.tion, woere the brarlng took ace, wit thronged with wltneuet and ipecu lori. The good, which were found at the houM, la the vleln ty of Twenty tecond ind Rtce atiecta, wer removed from tbe trunk, and ipread out upoa Ike tablet la the edlce, miking quite a dU play. Thrre wu large variety In the lot, eon.

listing of ihiwli, dteaiei and dreat pitlernt. am. bro'de. td collatiind underalwye. handkerchief.

glove, ttocklngi, Ae. oe Braiwitneaactuea to tbe ttand wu Mr. J. R. Cueelbrrry, dry good dealer, North Eighth ttieet, who teatllrd that Anna Montague called tt hit itore two or thtrt week, ago and pnrchued goodito th amonnt of about 17, which a lid wit tent to cany to her home ind obtain the amount of I he bill.

Tbe lad wu UkrntnabonM la the wten portion of tb eily and told lo wait upon the ttep, while the thtwl, one of the trticlet putehtaed, wu ihowa to a friend la the neighborhood. After waiting for iome lime, tbe lad returned to tbe The thtwl purehiied of Mr. Caearlberry wu found, by officer Rutiell, at the noune In Twcpty eernnd atrer above Ract. It wu Identlflrd by Mr. Cud one of the young ladle In the.

tore. Mr l.aac Cblim, whone dry good itore it In BptlngGirden Hreet, identlSed Anna Montague hiving rilled it hit plft a abort time ttnee, ind obtained xotda to th amount of between twenty and thirty dollar. Among the article! got it thlt ttort a i piece of black illk, two embroidered collan, Ive peln if Hocklngi, ud a lot i aewlng tUk. A lad. named Jamra Lee, wu ent with lbli ptckagt.

ind he teatiaed that be wu taken to hour In the wuttra portion of tbe city, the other lad hid been, ind left on a door tlep while the goodt were taken to ihown lo a friend. After remaining! lime, he Inquired if uch I perton tt he bad accompanied (detcrlblng the lady In black) wu realdenl thrre, ud wa told that the wu lot. Mr. Chlirn recovered iboat to wain oi nil good, at the boute In Twenty tecond atreet. Mr.

W. 8. Rliggotd, of Market itreet, Bold a mall bill of gooda to of th defendant. He recognized Mary Thorn peon, while tbe young hdy In th More, Margaret Thomu, Identified Anna Montague tb ete tbt told the good. to.

The peraon who purchaaed them wu permitted to bike them oa prouilu to tend the money. She uld the lived it Nineteenth ind Cherry. Several ether ibepkerpert were eumlned, tmong them Cupar Rhrn ind Martin Lauer, French leditt' thoemtkert, from whom Thompeoa hid mid purchase, without, at wit alleged, tha meant lo pay for them, and hid obtalmd lha trtclet on promlM to rnd the money. At thattor of Mr. Wagner, Arch itreet, Mary Thorn peon bad mad purohter a udgivthBameorMrt Davit, uylng that her reeldenee wu In Cillowhlll atreet, above Broad.

Robert Mllllkln tritlflrd that Hn. Tbomp toa had pure bared it bit ttore, tome monlbt igo, a anitll atnouul of goodt, A boy weat to the houaa lo get lh mouev, but It could not be paid Tbat morning ibe bill had rjeea arttled. Tbli wu tha ii but the teetimony agtlast both thede yendantt. They were committed to take tbelr trial on the aeveral charge preferred. Ann Montagu la quite email la tutor, young ud of pec table appearance th dream la a full Mark ault, what i known mouralngdreM.

Mary Thornton I eomputtlvely tall. Sht doea not dreat la Yeeterdiy, before Alderman Etiett, three men, who give the aamei of Georgt Jobnion, Waller Edgeworlh and George Moreiand. were charged with hiving entered th yard) of lit reeldeoce ef Mr. A. E.

Hotle, No 1014 Sprac efreet, with felon loo Intent They wer aeei lo en tar lh yard! by a colored woman. Bad wer ifterwrarde found poiic secret la tba yard, la which a brae ant bll and e.adl ware dlacovered Th former had brea need upoa the beiemetil door. The prlionert were held In SiotO each to anawtr, and wer committed vagrant. a mioaie agra rrmaie, aamea jeannetle Tiy lor, wu before Aid. Enea.

vette div. on tb char of mltdemeaaor. It It alleged that tome two rrt age, Mrt Taj lor obtained from Mr. Joaeph Green, dry goodt increhint aorth Blxth attoet, about utu worth of goodt by faum repreaenu. Uon.

Ball la V4)0 wu required for her appear met it Court tniwer the ebarg. Tha fl.N friWete. Ala I mm kmnna the maae benevolent InitltnUoo la Philadelphia. Ihat of th Pena Aiylum for th Indigent widow ud ilngl women deterve the lotic ind pttroaig oureiuiea. incananagtra ot tn inatiiutloa for aeveral yean hack have bee a wetktag hard la anlet way te extend It aaefulneM.

It wa rlgl Bated la I860 by a few benevolent women, who formed themaelve Into an inoclatlon called tha Relief Satiety, for Ihe purpnM aiding aged wMtw aad atngl womea. Tb fundi collected were paid out to tbe moat deaerving but thoaa lawtMIrd flndtitg that their tfforti would be mora DeBeaciai ay eitaoiiibiBg a home, they rented a heoaeat Fruklla aad Crowi itreeu, llted it as la a tomlorttblt Bianaer, and tiled It with old women unable lo take ear of tbernaelve. A fair for the braefltof the houMwu held la lhSt, which Xtv tha aoclely BMana to extend It aaefulnen. a let of Incorporation wu I ben obtained, ud th Inetttutian fully orgxnlied by th eiue irweteevi a no twenty lourmintgera, and alar that tlm they hive had 17 eld women la tha bom, of which lumber 3 hav did, aetng It ia tb lattitatloa at tha prreeal Urn. Tb appll.

cut law become autnerooa that tha wiaaagwr have beea com relied lo purchu th aid Ao.Ua tTtaaaioa. at weal lit aoa ttreext, which la aow hvlag Itted ap (r tha im of th Aaylam. Tha hulidlag 40 feet eqoare, with a lot 70 feet eq Here, glvlag ampl reowi far lha aoeoMnruxbulM af 3 worm n. Through the kladtrm of a Bomber of graUnnen, engaged la varleu klndj of buiinMe, lh manager, tare bee enabled to paint, paper, Introduce im, water, Ae Iim afup, and by the lat ef October, iWlamale ef lb homa will be removed to their ar and mar eeeafect ableqaarter. Tb aeirehaae the balldlng hu at eacreelty iwvetvea ttt society la debt, B4 Wlthataadltg, Mr.

Cooler, who Mid th property, deducted llUAl frea tha artglaai coat, ud Ibey ar aow depeadeeil ape, tbe heoeveMwit of am elty. AU pen dealrlng la mate wtrlbwtlaa ra do by wwdlng leaving meeiey ar goodt at tb ttore ef Bat to A Lining, Arch etreet, er to Mr. Mixabeth Can, No. 440 NottArnirthttraat, lbva Pplar. Th following BeteeM havt rrnereonly roalrl botrd totbeetjtrrpruerp.per for kwoee.

Bn'toa A Laatag, Arch atn ex, and Hawaii A Bra.Chei tut tbeelj David B. Dkkeraoa A Rex. Na 7B Uaera etrret, lot paulag aa paper; Peur A Jha eea, Blith atrMt, a beet Arrb. kMrfaea magaj Kelly A Rtee, Aer etreet, near Tetlh. ptnmblnr, kWrldr 43 Strawberry itreet, 97 ytraa ear mtlntr, H.

S. Beerdraaa, eaffe. Ira and slated knlvr Cearad Bald A Boa, Area etreet, WWW Sixth, SIM la kale, (erka, Peter A. D.r. Clwaa aad MMWeer.

Mttia la bmbIum: Mr. ktrr, doaatltaiACAa, MUhcok aam ell SU all 3D ft lkdgee. atreet, rarpenter wmk; Mr. Day, Qofea Hreet, building font: Divld Oarlton, lumber merehaat, I Richmond. RSO; Mr.

Kniard. for tha 'PP'T rrirt; Mr. outline on paper; and Dw A kit tjiwea aid MarlborauKh at'Ctto, two Ut hUe brad; Orne, Cbrant attaet, carpeting; J. Jer.e. atalr erptj J.

mre trne, Cbranal atrent, loth Tbe Anlum wIU be epenrd aa tba let Oct bei for lb (aapeetloa of the public. Sell end Krai Enatr. The eale of rki and Rral Etalat the Exr.hanr, la evening by TbomuA there waa a drrldtd Improvcnient In tec bid for ml ritatr bidder. Iielng quite plenty, ind nearly tL properllri offetrd b.vln been ld al ftr intra rnoria, no "ever, wrre hj1iii fw ns tl lUt dlnp; a pnrt htarr or bidder. Tb foiloWiiiK wae iLt reeult of the rale 3m ibaret Ultard Bank Stock, anld al fromfMV( to fh afcare of Menmi.tlle l.lhraty Sln khold 8 a on St.

Theatre, Sll; Ituhirt rbimatipi.iA Kicbani: uo ana tMI Scrip Drlawate Mutual Safety per cent Fliat Mortnne Cuupoa Bend, Lu tein ue, aouueaa, per cu, i IMKi Flint Mortfn Coupon Bond, North Oar bor dalt Coal Co 9 per rent. There w' no bid it are of lliu Academy of Mtiatc. Greenwich iB'pioveineiii aia itaiirona nuwr ixonie HiitH Co Bank of Penn Town.hlp, ard aeveral Mber kind, of try In tenl relate the following aire wr de Two brlrk dwelling, bakery and ttahle, to Cbrl.tlan at and lot, feet, together with a lot In the retr. 17 by 57 fnet, rich ruhjret to a ground rent of S5 three alory Drl a dwelling, No mo fx jonu.i., and lot If by hH fi 4,450: three atory brick dwel. ling, Ninth and lot In by 03 tbrer itorv brlt dwrlllng, No.

'114 South Ninth atieet, and lot S3 by 90 fert, S77IWJ three etory brick dwelllni, No. 04 SUvrna atreet, Camden, N.J, and lot 17 by lot) feet, Mtnl; thn alory brl.k and dwelllne. No. Ili7 South Eur bib atrett.and lot 16 by 81 fret, lubje to a ground rent if asci pr annum, imio: toe oi nearly aix oa tbr Ridu Tnrnplke, betwrea tbe eight at a nine niueetoiiea, ermi im aro ao. 'o.

Ltktgk Canal Tradt SUlpjied fof th week enawK repi. iv, ino 1 yi MitJCH ForWeekPrevlo'ly Total CHIKX. roat. real, Ttmi. CI, Sunimlt Milieu, Tunnel, No.

3, 8,175 ISSUO.iW 08 3M (Ol S.3I8 OH 6,7113 li Room Run Mlnet. 4II.UW ill 40, 1W It 19,917 19 E. Lchluh Mlnet, IM A. Ltthrop'A Mh'al P. and Dual Coal 9,107 lit 1,107 II urn cbcfii Spring Mt.

Mine E. SuL'trLcafdo. Coleraln Stafford do 1,870 (XX 81,491 Id, 131 Od 17,516 OA 11 33,995 09 5 0 11 610 II 90,991 IS 07 7.071 00 7.ICI 00 13 10 8 318 01 M0 15 1,108 1 1,331 05 65.9R5 00. 10 4i 4KS 17 4h 774 03 l.tit inn 1,507 151 N. Y.A l.eblnh Col 99 11 Herman pemta.

Co S. Spring Monnt'n N. Snrlnir 071 17 PW II 'US 01 Beaver Mead. Co. rtan kh.

Haileton Coal Cranberry Mine, Diamond Council Ridge, Mt. i'leiuant Coal aoeteolT. 3 tin im rv il 09) IH.7I3 19 TO 1)04 01 Sl.O 11 5,37 17 HI I III KJ.1U! it' i si, ov 3uok MouittilnCo 3.U7 or1 49,138 0 700 051 Si.ri OS WH1T1 HlVItt. Wllkeabarre Wyoming Hartford 700 OS 18 18,084 08 00 R.tHl uv 719 14 14 Total, 30,089 19 Cerarr SlMf laid Tb corner none for a ew Proteatint Epltcepal Church, to be called the "Emmanuel Chinch, wu laid on Ihe Rt. Rev BliboD Potter, at Halmeetiurir.

Twenly.tbl Wird. Tho new building It to oc. cupy the tile of the old one, which tra erech in 11 31; It will have I front of 46 fret ind depth of 70 ft with i rrreei chancel of Id fc and i projection In front for the tower, which ia lobe 66 feet blub, Mirmonrited with i tplre 611 feet In belyht. Tht building will be cou.lrnctrd of red lu Ater Ihe b.i, uroB which wuengrav.d Emmanuel Cuu'ch, Hnlmeeburg, Twen'y thtrd Ward, erecbd In lull and rcnullt In 15," bad been placrd In IU proper poaltion, tbt Blthop ttrurk I be lh rice w.lh I hammer, lud "In thi mine of the Father and of the Son and of tbe Holy Ghoat, A mm, I lay the corner atone of I building, to bi here em ted. ouVrlng to God, by ihe name of Emmmuel Church, to be devoted to the wor.hlp of Almighty God, agrcably to the principle.

of tie Episcopal Church In tho United State la doctrlnrt, mlnlttry, llthnrgy, rile and uetge. Other foundation eta no man lay, than tbit It laid, which It Jetui Cbritt. in whom we have redemption through hit blood, even the foigivrneii of tint." The church la to be erected under tbe aupeivUioa of Mean. C. W.

Hiirlto, Bower, Wigner, ind Crltpln. PkiMtlfkim Tradt Salt. The forty ninth Philadelphia Trade Sale of Bonkiwu commenced on Mondty, by M. Tboma A Son, it their auction itore, Fourth itreet, below Cher nut. The attendance of bidden it quite large, ud the bidding, yeeterday, wu tpt lied.

Up to lut evening, ibe following Invoice had been dt.po.ed of S. And rue A Son, Hartford Derby A Jackaon, N. J. B. Llppineott A Co Phllada.) Stringer A Townee nd, hi turn Broth ra, A.

8. BirnM A ind Cbirlei Scrihner, N. I F. Bell, ud Jeaper Haidlrg A Son. Pblladi Tbr Invoice of J.

Harding A Son lncludtd quarto blblet, medium edition, line edition, lllumlnatrd edition, family edition, iupei floe edition, new laxperlal, and miny other In. Th Invoice, of Phll'pe, Sampaon A Boalon; Pirry A McMillan, Philadelphia: Morton A Grliwold, Loulivllle, ind aeveral otbera were The tale vKll ccntlnneill tba werk. B. I't tenon 'i exten.lve Invoice will be told on Saturday, together wilh that of Willi! P. Haurd, of tb la city, ind number of other pub Habere.

Th gentlemen attending tb eel ar hn.nittbly ntrrtalned, In the building, each day, with Inner and Ira. Mttting Start Martial Ofxraftri. In accordance wilh previout notice, a doxen young ledlea, operator! upon aewlng machlnw, met at Franklin Hall yraterdav tnornlnr. bat Denoo tppeailng te art In tbe premier. lugtMled by tbe dveitlernient.

tboee Dreaeut cam to thecenclu. ion tbat tha whol thing waa i for the pur Doer oi erring now many young laaira oouia De brought together. Whatever other motive miy have Induced the call. It certain! nroved nn.uc. reoful.

Tbe ltd Ire present walled till after II o'clock, 10 o'clock being tbe time idvcrtlaed. The Hall had been tngaged, hut not paid for. It la due to tha ladle who wer pietent to ny, that lory naa no prreonii grievance 10 complain or, bul had eome merely to tee whit the muter wu. Tkt eaiylreel Slan ig riralfaraJ Mxkiki fr.e Thlt eihlblttoa eommrnca at Pewelloa on Tneaday next. Every effort hu beea made by tha energttle Prealdent md Secretiry, Aitlitint Trea urer and other omcert, to Induce tbaa interested to give It their tapport.

Mr. John lArdor hu beea Ibe Chief Mtrabal for the ocelli on. So far, ever tfty farmt ra have mad ntrlM of hone and cattle, aa follow! 61 head of cattle, HH.wlne, la.heep ud 74 hoiati, ind have been er gaged for torn (0 head of cattle which hive tot yet been entered Tbe Secretiry It aow ready to Imu teatoa tlckatt al Iho offlc af th Society, CheanutitiMt. Ceaf over th Uhlgh Valley Railroad, for th work ending Sept. II), 1867 Spring Moun For Wttk.

Prreieml. Tetai. tain Mine, l.tiix 03 14 90,764 IS E. Sugar Leaf, l.HyrJ Tx.lhM 00 73,918 Ot 7HI 97,309 IS 9b ,091 04 Cour.cll Ridg, 1,409 09 47.3 4 09 4M.t"3 07 German Pent a 0 307 19 0.3117 19 ColeralneA Slafd, 9'3 17 SA.70I 13 37.076 10 Dobbin A Debl'n, rWO 15 0 7,014 1)3 Hitleton, 1,374 01 0 00 AlcCray A 607 14 4,719 01 6,179 17 98 1 OS 3 U) 334,809 04 Carrtrtitn. The amtewient li ur Daner of vea lerday, that Jam Lad low, Eeq tb Democratic candidate for Judge of tbe Court of Common Pleu, addressed th meeting la the Flret CongreMlonal Di.lrlct on Monday evening last, wuanihttike.

Mr. Lud low did not apeak oa th ccculoa referred te, and we understand will not during the present campaign. Hltown conviction! of duty ire, we think, tuttalnrd by lb univemt tenument ot tbe ptrty which placed, him la nomination, tnd by that sound publlo opinion which pervade the eommualty, and wnico wenianua last a caaaiaii tor in Big ui reepoci.lble cfflce of a Judge aot appear publla ipeaker on my political occasion. Jtrg. Lut evening, about 7 'dock, a Ir broke out In th building aew la oourM of erec tion, Intended for tha new Episcopal Ho.plt.1, Wt PblUdelphl.

A large quantity of lumber Wat destroyed, and tbe Hnaplul tuetatned eon aiaeraiiie aamage. it it iiiuaua a to ttetmont Pluk Road, west of Montgomary avrnue. Th heavy rala which wu falilaf at lh Umt rev Bated the tpretd of th tune. mantes aarf Brwlr Raurtad Th CommiMloa, hiving obtained Use required mount of tubtcripttoa to th stork, hav advertised for a matting tb etoekbolders, i be held et Tamils' keteJ, al Mllford. aa Saturday, tb third day cf October Beit for tb purport of electing puriuaal to a prorltloa of th charter, Ae.

Kfrlm Rrlwflf TbeTaberatcU Church, Eleventh atreet, tear JrffrsMi, which wu troird by Ire, ea Bonday algky, Jaanary IHth, lo47, during lha prevaeac af a tever mow ttorm, hit bsea a far completed that service were held I bet ea Bus ay last. Th building will a eatltely earn pi. led la a abort Una. Allf Ttl Early yesterday maralng, a yoeng man, In the employ of Mr. ioha Hamlusa, CalUiwhlli atreet, diuppeared, aad al tha Mm tint a cue mt torglcal lactraateat ad a eid watrb dwarpeaied also.

Th mlMlag ir lie I art valued at S156. Tkt Arfiy af Utuit Th ballet Iseraaaes la latereat, 111 tb perfsraser grew aeere par feet by rei ailtlo. Th ballet It really a beast if reprraentalloB, ard I wwrth teeing, ibe wjaet Bir aloreal apectacle af lb kind tw pradoced la that city. "a 'a et treat Taaalrt Th perform at al th Watawt ar. et aa axeellMl shsrseier IM Blake ar capital, Lsetee, Mr, Hoey aed Mtot Ganaes twatain their part with great credit.

Two uaualng comrdlM thl vlng. R'atailey'a Taistr. Tie eld nagaafle dmaaa af th "Brigand" will urn revived at tb thla ever tag, Mr. Davwapwrt playlag lharharacM, ef Ihe Brigand Jh lliw Ctou" will lis be pttforatd. reereetMr Kena4 Wllkiaa.

fb dmvM1 veralM aad Sskpeaa mlajie. wlU glva kla ret eaiawtalBBeral la thai etty thai eveolif at tb Romm, Teath Bad Caaaast etreeu. Tba pirAaatifMlJMe ea.lg I I ray ltd Mitt reaaeeely vrlH appear, tbl evealag, la aew draan tailed tha Life af a Wamxa," la which th to tald tab vary effteUv. Saahed tve a gsad nrkty la ajghi, of Alt ever pspBiai ten DOT i be li do of PRICE ONE CENT. Aaerhrr it'tinwtrd tlmiriA ika frerwtaalear) Rarlreed YeMerdav.

a vounrr man. earned Derr. thtew hlmrelf la front of tbe locomotive attacbeel taatraiaof can aa It wa paavlnfr the comer rNiu.u. ninm airerm, on tree rotiaoeipam, Germ.ntown and Norrletown Railroad. He wa caufbt by the row eatcbrr tad dragged ethtar fret, but wl'hout belnir hurt.

The engine wa mowing very alow at the Urn, and aa mob at the engineer reverted the engine Derr wat dttf grd oai by Mr. Schrnrk and another neigh no Wltnreaeei toe ercorrrnre. i ne yvuea, man acted deliberately tad drternilnrdly He wraa aundln al the corner, hie hat Ivlnif upoa the t'rp of thr itore, and in the trail range np be tmrk nicot ana tnrew ninieeti oa ine rreca. betlth ind Want of rmployu ent art Mid to have been the rane of tbe dr.peiate act. Would It nc ldvlntble for inlelar to rhoow eome other rnrde ef imklnf their exit frovn tbia world than thicwlnx tlerr.ielve In front of railroad ear, wbeirby Ihey endanger the Hvet of other peopl? ia ainrui enoogo4io rage one a own urej wu wbrn lh crime of murdering wantonly a balf ten other pet It add.

to It, the offence a ttimet an unpaidonablc enormity. We put tb fact to Ihsconildeiition of people tiled life. icidran A lad, named Cha' lei CooBor. while playtfg yeiteiday near Twelfth and Fl'twiler t'rre'a, fell down' tnrt fractn ed ate of hit arm. He wit txkrn to the Ho.

pi tel. John Robmer, carpenter by trade, wu ad. mltitd Into the St. Joerph'l Hotpltal yMterday, with aevrre Injurle. rtuaid by failing flora a bouae en wblrh he wu it work.

Philiiilvki Grays. The ttrget practice by the Philadelphia at Belmont Cottage on aioraay. rraultra tl roiiowi let rrue wu won by Sergeant YouDg; td, Pi Wale Levi; 3d, to rivate manning. Stiddin Drain A man. aamrd John Rlrhl.

died luddenly lut evening, tu Third atreet, above kuI iVum. lk In Boia an inqutat oa tu noay CiMOtll Arviiat Dr marrnlir CotVonr tiea. Th Democracy of Camden eouuty have laued a call for a convention, to aatrmbla oa Tbtmday, October lat, tt Mr. Matlark'a hotel, Haddonaeld. The bn.lneM to be di.poard of la the nomination of candldattt for tbe Stale Senate, Araembly and Cotooeri.

Aiililerv rrtina At tn election, held teidajr, at tb hotel of Mfeara. Paraotut A Smith, lnic W. Alirkle, Capiat of the Camdea I.lgbl Artillery Corp, wa, unanimously cboeca tr neri ci ine vamaen orignae ln Strut Leeter In eeo danot with 1 reo lutloa paM al tbe taat meeting of to lity voun ell. tew patent aombioallon burner hat brea plierd unn en hoadred and Ifly of the atreet lampt within tht put week, which bu beta the meani of Imp'ovlng them to aiicb tn extent, that tot ll(i nt given at ine preerni nme Ttirul to mat niinuuea ny an eignt ioot ourner The Ceatral America, Wrack. Btsltwitnl Claia A.

JeAnte, lag Bar Alien The following itttement made by tht ctptaln of i he hat Ellen On tht night of Saturday, the lltli ltut on oar count lot Falmouth, England, we were ill aurtled by lh cilra of Dtr.ont In the water. 1 wu below at tba Unit, but iuimedltiely ruined deck, and to my titonlthment I dlieovered of neraee. mi i. wrtf. 1 Ib ihem.and WIUV Rl tWIII 111! WDII Ol )n a few mlrutei tuccreded la gttUng four of them uu "ro7 hot one of whom could tpeak, being pel feclly lenteteM from.

exhiuatloo. picked up another thotlly after, who ImyrittUttaly crltd out, here la my wtf Olve aotne thlng to ut I eon 14 aotlatrn from any of then from whit vessel they wer wrecked or what dla t'er bid happened. A flet our esertloni had re lulltd in the rescue of ten perrtoni, tmong whom wu Capt. Badger, who wu found Uiallng upon a p.ece of board, wt weie inf.rmed by him that about Ive hundred perton were drowned bad four email boat! oo my veseel, oa of which I cauwdto be lowered Tta moment It truth! the water tlx persona arlxed tnd upert It la at tiffljttlng to get In'o ll th were aJ pi iked up, however. 1 1 ben heaved to, aad ran dvwa to lb: Are where Ibe leaner bad gone down, it iar aa I con Id locate It from Ihe intemenl of tue pu ngen.

I lucrreded la rraculng many wh were floating upon plecn of tbe wreck, tnd after the lapse of about three houn, had mved fotty Ave I tfierwirda tncounle ed four more, and torn lueoredtd In getting Ihtmon board. The last two men were Mr. Brown, and another who name 1 do not remember, who were found tisvlng upon two doora lathed togetner. They wer trat discovered at three e'elork In th morning, but Immediately afterward, they naaecauiiibly dla if prated.

At Bin 'clock I mw them again, ran dowa for tbem, ud threw them a rope, which they caught, but could aot retail. After making on or two tackt, they drlfttd alongalde, and I fot them aafely on board. Among lb puwager rescutd wta Mr Euton. i lott him tt on time, bul loon came icrou him again. 1 threw him I buey.

which clutcbid tightly, ud we thea drew him a board. A the morning id vanctd, ud we found ouraelves at a cooalderable dlatartc frem the place where th itaamer unk, I bte dowa for II again. It wat la Ion. 74 13, lat. 31 63.

1 trat took ao observation al8 o'clock ia th morning tnd tgain al noon. I law tht echo ner apoken by tb Central A met let before the want down, ud do ntt think tbe picked up any pueengera. Alter picking up all the pert out I could Ollcover, I ufbd for Norfolk. On our way from Norfolk to thlt oily by Till rood, tht people along lb route, and particularly of Philadelphia, who had congregated al tbe de pola ud itatlcna, wtxe loud In their threat, agtln.t Mr A ah by who catfie la the aame car with me, and aome even proposed to lynch him ot tbe a pot. I do not think tnal any blame can attach te him, ufrom ill 1 could lean, thire wu no further need for him ob bond tbr ttcam.hlp, ifur lh ea glnea had crated wotk ng.

wbit citiaio an to Vilioul tatoxtii raoroDNogp. There bu beea so lack of luformatlorl la lo what trtnaplrrd on board tbe t'aairaf dmtrira aftat tkt itrmfirta, nd Ihe wafer had trained the mat tery, pulling out lb tre tod eaualiigthe engine to ttrp. Individual pewngera, male ud femile, have told tbelr aeveral atotle of what happened to tbem ud the part each acted in tbe fearful Men which preceded Ihe of the ttmruer. but three tttremrnw. though full of Intern! In one ra pert, throw a light upo the mate of all the mil chief They were all elme oeearvert of what traa i pi red under tbelr own eyer, bul for the mnat part they were neither iklllrd lit nautical tffatri, ot In the tn) Met Im of tbe tog Inedepai tmrnt, ro that with tbe absence of teatlmony from practical and experienced met who were on bond, little progreMhad been made np to yesterday la aererttlnlog tbe raueeeof thedlntler Captain Hadger't account la a clear ud practical on tt to tbe riae lad pro gresa of the ttorm and the varying polities of lha ablp In tbe trying ordeal throng which ihe pasted, and thla la fully eonirmed by the eta re men I ef lb arcoiid cdlrer, Mr.

Ftuer. But neither of the, pet sou Know laytning to woere in aource or the leak wat until the furnace hid bees tub mergi and the great motive rower of thtihlp wu parlted. Then, when th veaael wu oa her beam end, eveiy an knew that a large qmntlty mt water cam In ironnd toe ibaft, ana thla, II appear, wu tbe only lace wbeit blankets and tbr appliance were um to keep the wirer out Varlout tl eor let ire pro pour tb ctuac tnd leurer of Ibe leak. Maay of toe putengera, well a. aea men, belle v.

tael a butt wt. atsrtevi by Ibe i talnlni ef IbeaUIn tl la clear, they lay. tbat the leak maat have hern ainewher la tb bottom of tbe ahip. a. the wa'er waa over tbe cell Ing before ah wu hove down on hu beam rnd a.

After tbli oerurrt tad the m1 wu labor Ing la lh irnugD ol ine tea, ine Mai tacreuen very rst. Mr Roberto' theory I tkal some ef Ibe rid f.gavt arete left opea by fh paaeenger. Ibe fferenl ttate nooiataad that tbesrent bod of water ante, rd llongh them. Hethlnktthe iMkigearouad lb tkaft could be only trlllog. Thla hie I not bora eot by tbe fact thai larir nnantltleanf Mar kef wer need tt Mop tbl teak, hut they war forced back by tbe water.

Mr. rater ud Ctptala Badger ire of tht opinio tbat tbe foremut. after It wu cut awav. dam aged tbt planking by being forced under and agalut the thlp'a botiom. A Ma captain, whoa Judgment la tuch matter It eenaidered good, iome in cswnjrciio pipe werw aroaea.

in mala pipe, bllg lajertton alrttalu te.mer, ufrom ell ten Ire be li dltneur, by Whic water tuopiica to tbe boiler rtora lha ore by mean, of forre pumpa; tbeepealag I throagh lb botiom er bllg of tb tblp, lh ess aay be, tb pipes being aeeured hy laitgea. Irmly faatraed I lb ablp' calling A eeeeadary pit it generally lneerted (hreugh th aide of lb thlp, below water Hoe, I tbat It eaa he used la eae tbe ilea mer It tabore, to guard Igtlnet tb orbing mud mt lud int tht boilers. Aithes eeoMctloa pipe are liable te be broke by th heavy laborlog of th I a gal wind, Ihul ipMlag lb veasai the dangar af tlnklag, aae dera Improve nieata Ib el earn star binary have tup plied a valve lor th latlde, aad a gat far tu utaldacf tbeM large opeali either ef which ras be seed Is aa emergency lo ahot mt th low ef watar lute the pipe, sr. If It be broken, tut tbe There la amahee pipe by which wattr ttdbchargtd from th coodrasaf (at tb Os th Central America, I laid, ihsr wm a sjiMBt ahu llBgvff ihe lew ef water thmith thrM pap 1 if broke, and tb tuppnel, tie la. thai e.

or pMiMy botu ef thaat pipe nay bar brea brakes Tim their tiagwdurleg Dae heavy at ratal a ef the ahlp. Bore orur lee, howevrr, woaJd kaews Imoaedietely I tb F.nglaetf it wta4 mm Rood the thlp, tad ttsp Ihe tew wvev law tb boileia Mr. Retatrtamy. probably, ea the tuteasenl the teg I seer, that tb water eaaw dowa tb hate he, raulg art the bollerti tad fiyee. la pteof Ibe fart, that It wu hot th met could set wark la II, ted veer thaw drive est of tb rrtg las reset.

Two eleven roe pampa, however, would Me fret the ablp, la epilt fU lAla, had lh tt Int beea kept ia Bvotloa. ttrriiMVixo ITiTlWgVT Tkt RvestBg Jraraal baa ravmrnusleafrd Vy a Mrs) pradeat th PoUewlBg Interesting atatemtat: Mr. B. el well, a of th Baaarsgers picked Bp hy the hart) Elles, Asm Ik wrerh th 111 fslrd nr eg letrai AaMtlre, InParaM ate Ihat a wu ItMt I peeled ef a boat aloe hear, daring which Hum tusulned himself ud frrtatf ssada af gold dust ud eeta, be. leal areusd him, with th aid at a baaard wwe asxkai wis.

auaat (Arte ral leaf hsa picked ap, he MVS, wu B4 It th Wat eihtii.trd, hut tell aa if cm id eaally have tuettiBed himself tweaty. four hour leader. He mi he wu, hy aome meat, haarktd aewaeaid with saav axbers, a bent thre an I note Refer the tteaBtSr dlMppssred. be weed vrr at tt bow, aad aatk aaaa at la 'the bra he cum to, the bows the i Mill vtalble, bet at thla UsOsm heavy ara heshe rve her asd ah diMpaatawd fraMaikhl srever. At th wewt dwwa, Oateatd of tbe haver eyrH grttrd his abavalder.

A Ml not tfitr, aad tbe ia; tera at the tvalsr wu eeveatd withtra glrag af af hatassa halags, lima la grwapa, (IlBui aaA twaaxUlaf wlU OacA otaer. lo each trea to tpl was for no He in hi Is ud hla the tnr rrlcrt at Advrrtl.lM la th Ledf at. TWO LfP 1 Mr. 0 Fnr Lumt, I day, I dart, data, vr e'i 4 Mr. I .1 ayi S2h, Lraarar tdrtrtiarBterit hj txkat roMitiaa.adalitr MyaiMeM the time ordered.

AdvMlieteaeala awat MwMtredbyTelneAP. M. team thote whs eaald net twlm, er thaat who eettld, but had lott tlarif prMMOtsf mltd, auk r.aecomora Ftom thai momett all wm quiet, at out beatt, exercl.lng tbe reasoning facul with which he wu endowed, taught each mean ef tupport etat wtthla hit reach, Tbey apehaearaglgly Match ether, ud ill Aestvl be Mved Th pieaenc af th baik A. lie ia red thla hope mr. i.

Mya, wnen tse veaeet wrerei atvn, ww elMpeat urand bstb tog by Bus trurgllg lit. HI graap wu Ihe grasp deapalr, ud Sort bit were MtVeleut to break hit bold. witshllgrd lo lake hold of the man 'a arm and preat dowtwnrd, while, by the ererUo of bi airsngtn, nearrw up, arm oa tag, aae hen tbe ether. Thla egret to frea hi mar If frees anfortueate companion took hits down, be tblnka, twenty or thirty feet. The latter eontlued cink to watery gray, while he, mar forta Bate.

lose totheiutfee. cam up Ib the midst era group, teveraist whom atlxtd upoa him, and in Iheiratruggleaters from hi body hit life preserver ud hli iBlrt. Ho Inally (urjeeeded tn freeing hlmaelf from them, aw am away ia aearch ef aoirethiag for tap port. He found tbe pleet of beard, I which alla lon hu bees made, ud which, in the ead wu the. eiMiii of Mvlng hla life.

uyt thai but littler Sort la needed to keep a man lloat, ne piiMiaus preaa nee ef mind, ud let wawceoi jitdgasesl. Flight, he ttlnka, aot only weaken a pen en, but atrugglTog Boduced by It tend rather le tlak tuartin nim. am reianiti ia ewnn tome tupport he found hit beett weighing heavily rjpoa stopped aad deUberatoly draw mem on. nr. u.

wiguauuiversw pwaBtae. Mr. C. tin that wme time previous to the tsat cttutrophe, he wtt datlreat, with otbera, te ees itrnct a tloat, tnd went Is March ef taelt for la irpeae, but neither laait mar amratnura were am hoard the ahtn Tba fors aad fV schooner, uld to tv brea teas sear the wreck, nd I which hopes ar enterta'aed that Captain itertiaoa may save sees uvea, wu aittutcaiy ecwat 0 3g r. ti.

lays, aooni ni ire. annau. vmivim veaael weni down, he wtlneewd the partlag be twrea two twin brothers, aamea tjaesy. 1 aey mbrscad ear other la Mara on deck, uylng that each car of biiiimii tay a. as mcb other a tnal adieu.

SubuquenUy they werepicaea up by the batque Ellen, where be witnessed their meeting He alao uw two named Herri, from Missouri, about th Mm time. They each had about $4ouo in a valiae. They brought their vallM aa deck, placed it between tbem, elaeprd bandt, taking teat either tide It, and la thlt potlttea weal dowa with tb toastL Mr. Mnihtt he put hlagoldM hlai la siach a way Ibit he cou lu a moment, iciveve nioawu of Itt weight, la the event of lut proving too much for blm to Hiatal. He 1a a siai of undoubted coolant and on rage ud lb Hawiat these qualities unarra kina rroviaeacaa, sa undoubtedly owe kli life.

.1 vauirtiks. AtcihMT to ytta ByaAwaaltaa Nbwto. An ttcWetil oeconvd oa Boturdiy Bight, mti the Albany Kikkerbockerlo tba attaBiet I tua Newton, which time very sear reitxtlrg Is fetjful tontrquencet. On her way op, ud when Is th vlclnily ef Bntteihlll, In the wildest part of th. hluhlaldi.

ibaut 10 e'cloch a terrible cruh wu beaid, followed Ay a meal trlgbiful "pioeioa. Hon if Iht pattengert hid retired for th nUtht, and wkra Iht ee" T. IlleU stale rooltii md bertha In tb wildest cenfa isdiet in thrlt sight clothM, mea half an. dteased ill hurry in u. tecute part of the boat Every ea Mppoeed the ooller had butat, ud ex.jec ted every BMtneMt bt pea in airam.

a plaint reel ui Colgrov Mon made tbelr tnpearinc ara tb ulooa dock, and quieted the alarmed and excited peaeeagera by luformlng then tbat tbe danger wu ever. The eaute of the aooldeut wu ascerulnrd to he tbe breaking of tb walking brim, which fell with terrible crub, breaking Ihe pi. ton rod ud ttariligtb cylinder head, which Mew effaad cauted tb tiploeloa. Fertneately the tngiaesr, Mr. Rose, aa aooa aa he beaid the erath above, abut off th iteam.

and In thn arty nrevaalod a fearful explnalan tad a frightful rtlimliy Fut tn GiottiTowx, Tbe whlikey ettsbliahmeat of Henry W. Blast, la tite. getown, wu ret roved by Ira mm Sttard Bight. The Wublagton State aya, that tiu bar rrla of whlttey were la Ihe bulldlmr at the lima of th Ire, and that nol more than about 40 bar rtia were uvea. 1 Da tjaratrng eriae aarrem of wbltkey, ind th running of th bluing fluid lata th river, wut light to behold.

Th turtec Ibe wattr wta coveted with I blue Same, and th Potomac looked oa Ir. A Bostaa Backet. IvIkaT eloa by, had to push ent Into the atreem tog fsar ot living aiirrounaea. wun in aevmriag etejneal. BegueA DoniUy'tcoalabrd, about tfty feet long, wat embed to the grrnnd by the falling of tho eastern wall of th buUdlBga; ud tbent loot lb, of prim Montgomery hunt tnd iheuldera trf bacon, which were thrown out of the windowt ud doort, were ctrtled off before they touched the round Ihe price, toeentt per pound, bid I won eiful tendency to buoy them up, A lrgMlu ind tehlag apparatut, longing at Mr.

Tinrl touuiy urauoyee. Moil DiBaog it TBI Gxti Th aarqut Fame, from Rio Janeiro, loi Balllmoee, ex pet traced a heavy sortbeatt gale, off Cape Lookout, N. oatb loth Intt which mo ra creastdtoi hurrtcw. Oa th mornlag the lilb, off Cap Fear, whll lying to aadar clow rtefed atatntoputl. wu throwa oa her beam eadt, bid tverythlog from ea deck wathed verbeard, nd wu obliged to cut tway foreavaat, which, to ether with nuintopKailanlinast, atila, aad every hlog attached, wu lott.

Oa Monday sight, to tbe Bottbwtrd of Cape Hatieru, exchanged tlg Btlt wilh ahlp, which had loat foretopmast aad malbtopgallani, tupposed te bt th Banshee, frsta Rla to Haiti mote. A Niw Biidui. Th ill way Guide atyith dlrertora of the Onai Wetteta Railway hive determined upoa Immediately eonatrurtl ig aa Irea brtdg upea lb tubular or gilder principle, ever tbe Niagara rlv.r, al tb (org beto the whirl Sool, aa tb pteaent ttldt la unable to aocorame. ate the enotmout IratBc dally ptulng ever the frot tier. The coat will be between ud S760.M.O.

ud train will be tbl to eroea at a B(eed of forty mltoa aa hear, waervM ever th prratat btld th ipeed must aot xcsd two nines per sour. Anvica rot IB Tinas I have wntvbtmv tbat th prtaent bead wind" lief bultrmparary ehararier, ud the only way to Buret ll la mutual ud klad fan heart re Let kiwi wh es aid sot ef hi abuadanc do M. Avoid all uaeailed Itr panic" making. wh aid pan I la I had clilien, ind ibould be te regtrdtd by all good mea. The only right way whea toe wind I eoatrary lo do Capt Cnttl advise, at yarnt eaa cios aam esog at it." ne WBesi il tairti, a uarv ine varoa sstx at "I go ''ahead" wuh txpacl.

eacg of mt put. Bakx PiaTBOTtn ly Flit. Tho batk Joha Bird, from Rockland. Me. arrived at New Or leatt ea tb loth last with AJ eatka Ilea, wu dlarverd to a a lie, ud aetwtiAatsadlag Bronipt ud energetic effoitt uv hat, la, wita i carg, a total low.

Th anfortunate vessel wu owned hy Job Bird and otbefa ef Rerklaad. ana eonaigna BteMra. ireevy a rarweli of New Ofleant. Thei ww ae laaartaee ea Ik tcseel or cargo, valued, tbe fortuel al SaOUt, Uo Utlrrat SU.OUt. NuT.ra to Miiitiai Oe md after the t6th Set meat Intt lied lie hi ef the Batumi ootor will be thuwa, al aa eUvsilo at fast ahsva nieaa low walar, freaa th tower ef a sew light bottw a Dutch lalaud, R.

1 whea Ibe pretest temporary light will bedlaeeatltued. Tbit light will) viiibl ill trsaiad the lie, ud may seen frem Its deck ef a veesel IA feet absvt water a diituce of 14 uutieal ml tea. Tns Lati Tbe brig Ellxabeth, Capt. Howe. II Xtw York, from SavauMh, Georgia.

ra rrt baring ex per ieced heavy gale from the loth to 14th let'tnt, veerlag frera N. B. I S. la JalltudrS'J ud loogitud 78. Oa the 14th, al P.

ptMrd ahlp ef about liKW oaa, la UI. 33 iog 74 30, with lopmast ud foremotl head tsavirBlly watvrWged. Saw a aa Aa rd, tor uy beat la eight Fitit RiiLtOiO AcnoggT. Oa Friday bat, the irai ef lb engine of a paeeeager trala the Cincinnati, Peroaad Chicago railroad ww brvkea, near Plymouth, Indiana, Ibrowlag th asgia. It nder aad baggage car frsm the track and amitk ing ptasenger car.

The reman wu to easily eruabt that he died la trw mlattes. Sena ef th paatesgera weie alightly Itrared. Moll Rmnao it BiLTiHoat Oa Meaday if. leraeoa, a folitlcsi club wu parading la Baltimore, Md a Igkt ecrurred betwrestwaeppMlag Eangt, In the ceursesf wklck Henry Gamble wu idly wsutde by ball la th leg. aad Archl bald McAleer slightly Inland by Richard Dary wu arretted, es a chary at ahostlag at David Houck, ud held to tatwer la AjoB.

Molt SsooTixe IB BaLTiaoii. Md Oa ttuS day Bight Jeeej Vtrker. whll tnndlng at the deer of tbe Kalb la Baltimore, Md waa Ired tl by in pwanwt aaknewa, with a Bioatet, iiugt ireiu wuie et tea am tear, Inflicting vry severe, tad II le thought fatal, woaad. clue to the perpetrator of the act tu beet dbwovered. Taa Moa roea lion Cowrigy hive determlaed I pay eff their laborer fv la a I ether) aed el ees tAalr Rolling Mill at Daavilla Thla will threw ut of em plot treat eernetw tbouMad mea, ud, with their familtt it lent all Ihoutud peooi th iitural rtMhof at the arlfl ff udlhe war ape tatiraea Tsal boit RiM RlacotM Sulltvaa't Ithlsd, I.

C. whkh ww barewd dowa April 1Mb. Ie7. haa bees tebulli. aad a lied light hat been ahowa else tbe lat Sept last tbe arc tf lllumlaa'les of wtira aa i eegreMaaai to aeill si na focag prase 40 feet those lea tea lavsl.

F.T.i Jaar A at, whsMisai least emp'aytd by Spauldi A Roger' Cirrus Cos. pan rum pea i. om a ttory wiaaow, While lb4 leg aadef d.tetsst revsvaa, estheaWbtof las It met at talMSsWa, ai4 dteA af I rest hi lujuiles. A Cat it Bcocaoaxu oa is aight at tb 14th tt sees tlliaia eatorad lh atahls of William Adams, la llmlngto Twnblp, Lawreaea ceaaty. Pi aad tut tf es aid tb fac ef a valuable bene.

Lew? OYtiMili, Willi na Caihei weod. atv Hvt ef New erk, wu wsaked vrbord frota lh top gallut foterattl of th ateametiip Nub vl lie. tha 13th taat ea her paaMg treat New wr a vtmriesiaax, r. u. Ciibi haw Omasa.

La here av Base 49 aiu.der aad hoaticuiM It Oilraa. I dnilng tb pest rigkteea rei. A great may persona ai. bav dmppes'tsl, wo art lappttHd te have bera raat. Lrtsasa Dosavre.

Tbe N. TVWMt at tea. uat Jo rh Ostsrl CotV. 1 nisei? lmmT ihe Ulsrl, i.aieviTM.t Ptra Te SarBarroe feeaty itlaZtlT, ihibatiea. wm Is krad it ty Tvad ud Wednesday, th fttof.

1 tA'aav titter BwikTwaatt did they hav ka (be Aik rrstewwi rlra..

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