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Public Ledger from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Public Ledgeri
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I i 1 ii 1 1.1 'I I .1 1 If I I II I i I IT BMC LEDGER, InD DAILY TRANSCRIPT." JAN. '4. will to lita two Houiee of th Legislature fet lUifisbttrrf efl2 VcJodt rohf, fend will ba rmt arougntoffitroItymfrTl. meat Exnre. We doubt sot ear TUilKwdin thimselve 'hot Inferior' to feny the in the point of speed With which hoy ana be Each paper of thi eity will to supplied with oopy.

which wiH be deliver ed to "them by Martin', 'mpenntwidant of juo cxooaug. wffr porjanl, it looked for with great ileal) tt Filr Ledger eoaUim it there for' be tmjck bff hd Tot feel 'tliWinte! of Ijarhrpl. the typfeenn be eel rit it tt sm. Piokitt JiotyrrPpJ bafe lumped labor with th dignity. thtly ii Kin! the sweat ef Ury fcoo hJf thoa eat bread." IfyttfVI the dutlpfeve human being" iUhi'i iacuUie for wagoodof the whole, and the duty of aM goterruaeata to protect Um.

laborer with head or head, to reader h(m secure in the dignity of hi labor, and, the rrtainty of it peinqoraciee oaly can do, this, aad no atate of aooiety ia democracy ra Which it Ja not done. Aristocracies profest to' divide the' rewards of i Ifebor unequally, land every thing) under which this ife According to these definition, banks, rxtrpornuoaa, moaopotie and exolutiye' privilege of fell kinds, high ebool for the1 few and. kW afbols foLthe many, all thing which tend, idireciry or indirectly, to plaee the many under the command of the few, to ofeoie honorary diahaetiomi antong Oocopa lions, and thus stamp some with (be seal of degradation, are riatocraeies, and fr violation of duty generally, and of that especial duty which stamps labor with dignity. All arista craoies fere alike spirit for aD stamp labor with degradation, as' their instrument for governing the many. Those beautiful lines of the 'i f.j JiMV.

ir Make maa a store, takes bait his worth away,) apply to all mankind, of all races, all colors, afl countries, and well agea The man who bears the stamp of degradation, whether bond or free, Mack or white, feel inferior to the man who puts this stamp opori lie feels a greater effort necessary to stand up before his neighbor aad 1 am as good a thou," than hi neighbor doe to I am better than thou." The mark of degradation lays upon him like a burden and bows his, spirit AU aristocracies have understood this, aad have therefore toea solicitous to degrade labor As agriculture and mechanical the creation 'of something with the hands, by cultivation or construction, must occupy the majority of mankind when Unuil ftoni lha vara life of the hunter, nil rsble declaration is very incaraalion of the laveholding aristocracy. Upon this declaration we shall make no appeal to the laborers of the free SMrti' rjMwtf commend iltr the free White tt; i UDorora oit me wave states, ana uy i thev aa nlensad rwlih wwe rot thaWKkWAiiabutAkurw reduoea them to beasu of burden Are they IwaneaeAfoUh yijW JKf wWptjhey dispkydeJenownavweyjr weuXidecea tolbelUa that they watt wr it prersr Then fetthem see if they do not; bear wnoeneoiousTyi ai ieni a i thot'ef memorable declfemtion' tnakeej'no mctionsof ijolorpa applio lui oVtr1nfW labef. end soys that the. ryir be etrWr At, then, white laborera. of the are not Hch endttgh to twit iire vpo thebor 'of othera, yotj must, your selvMba iwrW, fo a laboref should wy a dovt And what preventa this slav aristo eracj frVml eitending this'OwneTshrp over yrhite welj "01 the "power i yea ven new, aa fifoih a.

tn wJ And when white labor Shall bewffioieaUy Js'tto trmdency of tabof in. tto' eima'tipp 'of, fef Bistocrara, the will f4ha ajistooratlfl own, the with, out distinction of eolor, will be esarted. whitfe Greek andRbniah of fenriouitr enslaved aiiwnom uey dern times do not oopfine tlaTery loclor.The ownerabiji ibf eil. witnoeadistiiiction ife ta tendency of the the1 Uve' aristocracy of the 8c i noteoalare the white labbrereof the 8outhv merely because they eaiutof, fetid not because tbey irtmld ot. But wider, the; 'iiyrWluch degrade lbp)r VAti brate, danger, of in every 'ahaptj and Color, continually exist and ooutinnelly inr in i ii mn 1 Rxcxnt Euaxvioii or we find in Ue rjtwylvarsa oT the United State Senator recently1 elected, with it sketch of the.

individual an Ibeir pohtical position, from which we gather the following i JVW J2spAwa Cbarlea O. Atherton, a di tinguished jnemWof the mst and present House of lUpreeerJatfvea, been elected in the place of Wilce. (4em.) iCeMMOMwr. MsI. M.

NJea, formerly Serw tor, and afterwards Ifrstmaster (a de mocrat,) in the pkoe' of Valiams, (dem.) JWrra George Dayton. (whig) ha been re elected New Jersey, mil i OAw WiUiara' Allen, who ha repreaented Obio in the Senate during the jkat tit year, hai "8idaey Breeae (dem.) has hpen se. lected ai (he anccesaor to Mr. Young, also a de i V.J lr :ws.i 1 ff, 'eieclea. ivui it inutyj Co1.

Sevier (democrat) again rei present Arkancas. ff, A4m Baibv. a democrat, distin tinguithed for ctoqnence and ability, ia rd elect ed from Alabama. trttr'. kutu aritocracie have aimed at the comparative aa degradation of those AU who Uved by waa anJJmonrn theday, the labor of other, have, ia aU times, assumed Nullification.

Hi colleague is CoL George sunerioritv over the Uborer. and have invarlai I uke the plaoa of Mr. Preston, bly preached "an i praotiied the doctrine coo den aed in asiagle line of Goldsmith, For thoae that UirJtnwut gorsra Our country Uios three aristocracle, two of which have ruled it with a rod of iron, and th other ha long tried to rule it and will rule it so whenever ufflcieutly powerfuL There are the aristoemcie of alaveholding, banking and corporate manufacturing the aristocracies of slaveholding eerppraikxis, ourreaey corpora, tiona, nnd manufacturing JJach i entirely aalfish and exclusive. Each trie lo rule the ma, to think for them, to direct their labor, and to take the greater portion of it proceed. The slaveholder degrade men lo beast of br deq, and allow them the lowest degree of sub istenoe, while he take the proceed of their labor; The currency corporation degrade th laborer to mere tributary to the exchanger and distributer, aad awa the exchanger ana distributer to day for th purpoae of robbing them lo morrow.

jTW manufceturing corporation, operating through aasociated wealth, that dynasty of modern Bute, continually strive lb make labor tJuf, for the purpose of reducing it to the will Of the employer. The perfection of thelirat ia now Jbtvd in our Slave State; that of the aeeond kaa been exhibited among us, and I now apparent in that of the; third baa long existed in England, and may, through the instrumentality of etas legislation, be ford, bly exhibited here, have almost conquered the second. 1 We most peraevere till we eon mW tbo trrat ina "'t' In speaking of conquering the first, the lave aristocracy, letns be distinctly understood. 'We make ne reference to emancipatioa, and have no "part or lot in nny cbeme of abolitioniaU. Tbey and the slaveholders may fight their own battle with each other, while we ahaU keep especially dear from the fingry and vindictive feeling of each.) Wa uterfero not with J24 caMtiont and (hall confine our effort, so mr aa levery concerwrl, preventing the alave holding ariatooraey from oonlroUing the labor of the free or the alave Sutos, and living upon fralt' without ecraivaleal.

wrong it the ame, whether the proceed of free' labor be eiaed by one aristocracy or another, and tWe turt we shall eoatend aa aeaiovaly again si the fVjmlnHi of laveholding ristocrci ore la bor, aa agaiaat that of onrreney or manufactur ing oorporationa. Xet free labor be plundered lo anppevt no i doctriaa. wiH eontider thee arntfoarecie separately. slaveholding aristocracy include aearoelymore thaa 350,000 waar. The) whole population of the alava State la about aevea milUoipv Of the, three milliooa constitute the poorer portion ef white end lha few free colored people, who do not own alnvee; two and a half million oootilute die slave population of tb remaining 1,500,000, not mora thaa one third are head of families, the remainder con, mhending women.

and ehildron. Of. how mall a portion of (he white aojmtation of the lava State, doe th slavaboUing aristocracy oonsistV'And the aoa slavehokfing white po pulation of the State, oonstituting two third, a much intereated in ivptnicuar the eVaai nioa of Jtbt slaveholding arisiocracy, as are the white popalaiioe of the fnt Sutea. Yet kvcoo iderabi thin aristocracy sppear in phywcal forea, it poeea and exeru all lha ntnl force of the slave State. It make fell their lew, eetablishea all Iheir public and eonuU theh labor.

Aad not eathmed with this, control the legislation of tbeTJnion, and live upon the labor of lha free Stales. safe our Southern bred ret who do not belong lo tbf ariBtoeraey, and yet eoaatltnla two third of the while porwlatioa ef the alav Stale, to think of 11 thi carefully and candidly, for we offer it to their eaidevntioa hi (he spirit of cordial fra ternrty. Let thea imjufr into the principle of (hi atatooracy. Aa caninent publie mnt from fe slave Ante, ha icciared, from i eaat ia the Federal Sa naas, that "the arena eondiiioa of the laboring ehu is slavery, and the capitalist ought atwaya lo ova the laborer." Thi i the pirft of all ariasocraoiea. Thu tu will arimosraciaa go Wprnev(heyiMindlhuthorofhMBeBpa.

resigned, having been choaenfor the remainder of that gentleman' term, and Io for six year from tbo 4U of March nexuT North CanlimsiAt. Haywood, tot many year Speaker of the House of Representative of North Carolina, a democrat, in the place of Graham, Gtorgia Walter F. Colquitt, a minister of the Goapel Cf'ttoMeuodistEpiacopal persna. sion, has been elected ht the place of M. Berrien, (whigi i Im 'i Twelve member of the United Suiee Senate, it will be aeen, hve been elected, making a change of fix vote in ftvor of the demooratie Prty i i) Monday the Presideni kept open house, and the levee hia maaawa preaented the ntual aoena of amusement and gaiety.

The attendaaoa waa very The day became mora pleasant a thehour wore the visiters continued until the hoar of three. The oorrepondent, ef the Battimore American asys, there were per hap aome twenty of thirty of the Whig memf bera present) and ptree' time a many of the opposition members belonging to the on or the other of the twe Houses of Congra. Ccnpi enoofe among these, waa Mr. Calhoun. The Foreign 'Ambsmdor, Charge de, Aflalre.

Soretarie of Legation, appeared ia 1 tha teeorationa and atyl of the foreign Coort they represented. The1 eqnipngea of oma of thoaet aeemed to be more than oully grand aad The PlBcer of the Army and Navy, fee rar aa they were present, were all ia uniform. The Cabinet Minuter wera not pro received hi friend at home. There were a great tneny eallerathre Th other merober of the Cabinet were probabry at home, lo to receive their friend, excejrttog Au.Mspencertl lor oovtou reaaons, will reoeiVe no one nl preenU Th citisen of (he ten mile qnar eearned lo bo out dor ing the day. 'j Mr.

Adam received hi quietVd bcarula ble manaion, probably mere than a mourned Thore. The WhigmeoiberacfCongreee, Senator and Repreeenutivp, with very many of the other party, were' present' "1 There wera aaveral, othera wj kept open bone daring the dajrT The 8eortary of the Senate bad a table sprecd for the Senators and othera, aad the Clerk of the Iukim in like 'man nor, for all who called ppen them. The holydaya now over nnd. low week aad mora ef the nssiori gone now eome th iy nnl for tmiinaaa Y'! 9 1 ii i')ti; i Tax Oixeon TaaarroaT A ramor reran that oqt national government, through "the Stat Department," ia about to to Great Britain a portion of our territorial righla on the rcie eot er, in the term of th rnmor i. LOCAL AFI ik Mpaiwttt ttaajihe are the items of receipts and er, eudiiuii.

for the MtTUAourt Pat on New' Year's dav. which was jirepared for them by lh eocentrie Ceorga Iuudt Thej feast, aprear, eame off with echfeld wili. probably be by tha donor, of this bounty, aa aa epoch in their tx 01 Ktu'h OHpVilnPi)' IM K' a ahji CanrnHxtaiM TWafi. Walaon lUnoals, Market Mreet, balfiW 8a v', Tenth street, pooada line mUturpv SiM.i.V'io MrreakeaT sW'W'1 i J.i i.if pipf wi V'' Vuri i'i I.J. Boa bppS, lt''t dwf ririw n'(jim iVt tivaV4aenanataknvw I 'WBB'r''''f' 1 liJi1 apeekagrauad nnts, worthrfDoiArikia.1 Mr.

Traey, tW orangea, snd put the raisin at It 90 per box aellinr pnee, $1 73. Mr. Oiltaspia pat the ehsese at 8 el, perpomxl eJV ing ptiee. tets. i W.P., OiematstreeU) 0fir iiiM uwpp mtw The thing wwe wtnbted a la the Children's Aaymm, I I ,100 Wbinaw Ma ever toe 1W CUMrenHnanarfj 1 Otd Women's snriaj Ward, and ajsong ether, in all aboot MW Hue.

a nop whom th uunc war dhuribuMd tfelldren, the widows, the i warn, Boa we iiipum im bwjoc mr share. Th abnr took ptoee on the aeeond day of the pr seat yes 1843. i iJ HanrtJ XCxtre: The man who wa ibuhd on isaiuraiy morning nn nangea on an unyiv tree, near the Railroad, about a mile eaat or the Laxaretto. had in hi pocket a small book, in which the name ot David Barber wa written with a red crayon. He hanged himself with a chalk line, doubled and made strong for thrf par poe carpenter' rule.

Was in nia pocKer. Forleiui CtotktmnA Cwimtrtt 'formal decree of forfeiture has been passed upon the cloth and eassimere eixed for fraudulent im portation, and which were recently condemned in the United State District Court by verdict of mrie. Thee good, comprising six hundred nnd fifty nine pieces of valuable cloth and eaa simere, will be sold by the U. 8. Marshal, Isaac Otia, Eqv at the cloae of the present, or early in the ensuing month, at publie auction.

Board County Committiontrtr Tut Beard or cwo my commissioner, wa on Monday or ganixed, by the election of the following oil cer Joseph A. Pean, President; William Gilmore. Chief William BonU, Asit ant Clerk; William Fannce, Mesenger; Cbas Zellen. Superintendent of Public BuildW lit. Owens, Aitant 1 Rough Tour Uorus.r A horse attached lo an omnibus yesterday aflemoon, at Urn corner of Antra nun ainui treet, uippea and leu npoo the froien pavement with much violence.

a oar (treeuj now are, those who have horse ia charge cannot be too careful of their fety by frequently roughing them. Tkn Wt tkn The remarkably auld air of Monday continued until late yesterday morning, when the wind gradually freshened from northwest, nnd by noon it wa severely cold. With the great quantity of snow with we are known tone urronnded, cH weather, should 71 Alitor Doctnat.Wt learn that a ntmv berof person in the northern pert of the city are aerioatly affected under the apprehension of ue oeairucuoa 01 me worm in toe present year. Lectures are nearly every evening, and are listened to ly crowded audience Domestic trouble have in some instance been th resort of the adoption of thi We learn that on Sunday aeveral clergymen their discourse warned their congregation again! any alarm upon the aubjecU, Jkt Com of Milbf Aits Ttit trial of MO by Ake, the colored maa charged with murder' in the aaoond degree, will commence thi morning before Judge Conrad and Porno, in. the Court of General Srsaioa.

wp u. wviiuiib, uie Court of General Sessions, two prisoner ia th dock had severe round at nsucuffA. On of them got awfully bruised and battered before the digaity of the Court, or the physical power of the officer could successfully interfere. John C. Martin, wa on Sunday reflected by the Board of Director Supermurndent ef the Philadelphia i Solomon' W.

Roioru wa on Monday elected President of the Schuylkill Navigation. Company ia the plao of JoahuaLippinoou 't JV CuThuradev aixfet a Mack of bav. eon. mining about 9 ton, belonging to Benjamin Moore, near Darby, wa destroyed by are. The tabling and several ton of hay were aaved by the exertions of the neighbor.

was th work ofa mondiry. Ty f. 1 Lnttrtd mui Roiioi Monday Bight, the carpet manufactory of Peter MeAleer, on the Germantown Road, nemr Master street, waa ea tared by a false key, aad a roll of carpet taken away tmK CppnnVtWTba Jury in the ea of Edward Steven, indicted fur atealiag a eilrer. watch from a man named Hoover. ported ia another eame to tae Court of General Seaawo yeeterday aAernoon, with aif.

now on fcot a nl.a 6 I Telc' vipjipi cvTi man, was yeaiereay oroerea 10 ana onu 11 by. eaUbliahinf tha Columbia rivai aa the nertbern bonndary lino, aad abandoning tha reet of the1 territory as Great Britain." The diaeu ion la Congre upon Mr. Lion'" motion win bow lha Mel' in th case. do jiot. believe that our government will uneader nay of oar tmritotial right on that ooaat.

i LTT vaated Buk yostiir day, fend found it eaSoers bosily nWagedinth payment of the intereet oa the nix per cent loaa of the Uniied Suies, the lulere. on lb Treasury Koteaaow duo, and lao the interest on lha Tenaeadea Bonda. Oa trjiuiry wo bar aac lamed that prtm deeiromt rf nialdr 'meat ia fiit percent lofen of to Tailed State, can be sopplied with; anch aavmataa they may want en (ppliaalioa Ihg Caahier 0 the Philadelphia Bank, which matrnrtion kaa transacted (he bvuu'ne of the government alnce Jaa iMt i or Maaaacacnm meet when the ejnentien ef Governor will be i v. i iUuoiorj KxvrvAX Xae Methodist charch in Cnmden baa oapeneaord a rahgtou revival whkhhM added onehandred manihars lo the COagregatiOna ar in the of $1000. bv the Mayor.

10 answer the charge of riot and breach of the peaee en the day after Chhatma. aad aa attempt to Vwt9 lha apparatq of the Waahington Engine Comr petty 1 1 (Joimg to a Ball. i Mayor yeeterday held to beil Paul Browa'and John JlcKeown, (or violently eolering the ball room of D. L. Carpenter and breaking the These young men put th ball in motion against thunaelvc thi tim 1 4 Tk JUtultt of Imtommfrmmot Jndf Dora waa ongeged yeatarday aAornoun in hearing the can of the Commonwealth ecaiaat John Yeunc.

cpnrged with deeertisg hi wua Martha aa live year lh37. Tan parti are cauta eld people, thee have but en eon. aaad aboot 17 veara. wao waa nrougnt jorwara 10 leauiy ia me eaae, and the proof Uweucbout sppoand favorabla lo the freed ooadticC of the hnaband and agapast that of lha wife. Ia the trouble ei Ui old couple were clearly exhibited lha result of taaperanoa.

The case wan ot concluded nl flue i ay UttoU JxJ totum Sunday heboo. ExhtoHKa will lako alao thi wveaio nl tha Firm UmvamaJiat Charch, Lombard street. Xompormnot Jimiortmnmumu There ia to baa grand tnteUectnal wtertiamal to aight, at th Chineee bejoom Um the beoafetef 0 Waahau. ton X. U.

Sscietr. The many able womkon. nnnoomeoa, the merit In aociety, aad the low pnee of ttcketa, caaaol (ml to draw Jarg w. tu, OecL. lventttttrTht ordinanoea I the in, Libertiee PtohibiU person ol "yin i i nwalkmtiie vicinity me ruarix is ivr of eommodiliei andarach complaint iii i id eonsequence of the ninny viomuotisof i i v.

ane committee on i ar kou of the J' Qornmiasioners of that 1 Usui have inly instituted suit aasinstiudir viiii.ui for 1 th ordinances in this ottaaviM lUr. Edward D. Martin. Chairman wr, ha aeaat imlunitfgabtrinhU Tm Navai. ArrwuaTcx SrsTxaav A Wb Ingtoa oorrespondeniof one of oar exchange, peaking of Somen affair.

ey it, baa brought out theepponenta of the lApprentio system grealef strength thaa ever, and (hey only wait th of the. trial of Mr. Maekeoxie, to introduce some reoln(ionS oo the wbject iwbsbly for the bolitioo entire of the ytem an it auada "Beyond doubt, this Apprentice system a now conducted, i a bad one. There i no opporto nity for ad vanoement beyond the rank of sailor, or petty offioert and nenoe the diatiiaotioa prevailing among the boys. Ttry eootidet thenuelve slave for life, (and in fact they are,) and there i' no Incitement to honorable feeling oo ambition to palriotio exertion.

If Congres would amend the pre cut law, to aa to enable the Apprentiee to riae to th vary hjgbeet rank in the Navy, by a taithful discharge hi ouue. ana pnirKKio aerouon id am country theae boy eonld never be indue ed to engage mutinous iiscipnne ana sevne need not be relaxed a particle, bat only open the door lo promotion, and allow the Secretary sof the Navy to be the father to, inctssadof theauu ter of, these roan lad, and eremasr rear rou over, you wtu ana. uapuunn ano uommo I and UMinr oerea in me wno came into the rii into the rule of the Apprentice tyitemi bsueif by the Department, wiil not allow the enlistment or noy wno aa been guilty ot any crime, or at was destitute of monerT and most nrobabltdTed character yel it I. repeal the Victim of want and 'deimir. that many now on board the school hip, have been taken from the Hon of Ee luge, and are know to be of oulrageou deport ment, au tneee Doints inou id be careful iv ex amined, nnd the Naw should ntrtake more of toe cnaracter oi our civil inatituUoosnere I nouki aa mora demoerncy in the errwe.Ka; MisaoufeiTho Peraocratio' number of the Missouri Legishihire have nominated candidate for the office of President and Vice President rf tbo United Stat in the perm of 'Martin Van Buna Hot tha 4t oelee, nad, Richard M.

Johnson for the eaeond. They reconuaend that a Nauonai Convention be held tt Baltimore on the fourth, Monday of November 1043, jo the purpose of homtriating the "Demooratie candf 1 1E a An InroaTAirr Idaxi. Caax xpeoted lo be. tried thi week, in the Circuit Conrt at Wh ington. It i that of P.

Tsllmsdg v. Blair or Ri vea, for fe libel puhliahed in the Glob during the late canvass, upon th Benator from New York. Messrs. Key and. Marshal fib member of the House from Kentucky) are' tha counsel for BUir ic Rive, and Mr, Cox.

lha eounael for MrV Tallmadge. The ease will ex ciu Bfexxot eg Pxoios A triat for" of promiM of marriage took ptaofe in Cincmatl on tba 33d ul'wbich. resulted in a. verdict of Ihouasnd douara damagea. Th partiea were Henrietta Terry wWilliam) Terry.

The Men age ya tha foUowing facta, war dicloed on the trial The etalatflT hat We taarviml in Jndg Barton. Th tppointment i nnqueslior bly unexoeotionable, nnd will be calculated lo give general atifriian The eourte of th Le. gialalure, in i(erenee lo tbia Court, ia get to be ocertaiaed. Etreata okrjr occur an. tender It otir abolition aeaeoeaaary.

Wahnliee." The above id taken from the Evenimj JouroaJ of yesterday. What re we to aaderetaad from the intimation contained ia the hit two tinenf, "Event wpw ocmu." 'What doe it mean i Pfeorxssoa JoMnton ia ia Wahingtai'kcti ring apoa eotL pf trtt entrusted with the duty of eonduQting jChe upwhaent oa eoX feufhor ized by aa aet of Congveaa at the aat saaaioa. The experimenU have beea bstitaled witi the view of toating the relntive Value of tha va Nxw Txas'a Dai Nxw Yox waa calav braled mm Monday a naoal.ia that eity, by feasting, festivity nd( Tiaiting, Tha publia place 01 MMineaaand ue ioregenernUy wr cloeed, aad the newspaper office iaed nop lHH 4,1 .1 vKJtATfcw uvv iAreeBegroearnew confined fa the Woodbory jnil, New Jeraey foy violating lha grave ia the Camden grara yajd. Two bodiedwere oM py then ia Pkundetpaife for anatonuoal perpoac for vx dollar. ingry ov.

ii. i Fbom Fixtrba A Tallah that Col, uacbcocfc, now operating against th fngiuva Creek in the Weet, ha acieedd in baptgrina the nruvcirnl chief, and evral war rior, and in htdiicmg the whole of the, party tp come ia and emigrate Weet The' party bar about xnurrnannMaVatojpoJity note, animating to wvwoMujie4 en lbS3Juh at Jfw Orloaoa, at the gu honae, ta prenencf of tberurtat uanrnttlee Beeood Maniri npiilv. fi w.Y r. 1 xn 1 i. I 1 a has haw fee prMa, and eoataaw eh ernrthmstioa of ack Hmica aad Aboaaegn, th Mo (Corre poadoiesefthe Pnblie Ledger HABiunia.

o'clock. Jul 1843. Gxktlixu Tta Donoeratie Bin)tirf oi.lh Ij hi iuir so nomiied Hen tckB. Wri (rt Bpeakeij il. neotad, 1 not an indu iloii A an) aabie4pnt vote.

ThJ tejilatare will euoANu tO 'nwrrow, and the MM( Will proha My be dtllvand at nooa ea Wedny. 'mmtmm and lb and Tat XbmTTwta wUTOfkiiswa. tbor are Two nnl UQiii next dir. in Irm rf M.ii I orrent stxniL in front of lixeitrcmneSt are I iii mm aw If Txi.ii rr 1. mA it ik I vi Hall.

equally liable with the leasee' end, it is the From if tetahoaWkam iKf, iX 1'T i jj Durinc tk weak Cuiw tioute, 8 39 Wtm Ottwe, ''i jt nte i iy.m on 1 V'Mayor'a i 00 '8 a 4 wtig aj ilit II, Colleciion from sundry peraona, 33 44 Jiiw Wf fc: ln tun H' wk ne eaj i 800 Am ralsJPuwfe CaJtaa.frATeiipdy's, Areaj rt 4IW. PAplkqt avvk, uiiavb PPIWIP), do do do an ac jinm do iwi do 'iwe i i Pjn do I French design or ihe 'Chahmanof the Wrdmltiee to tinue his efrort against these, la erdcK ffi luaiiy apate fh Juuaanot. AmotntmitjJamtM Hnltahan and Williat L. dray have been appointed CWka in the 01 bob oi Meeorder of ueea, inwpieca John A. i attaint a iiim.Th Mayor yeneraay con ham from thi' atom of Hiurh corner bird street and Cvniea allev.

't inoMMiniesteraay tbe Uorenerneia an in Ueat in fieventh suact. below Shinneav on th body of MaTTliamltton, colored, fiO'yearV pi age, wno uied anadenry. verdictiea, cau JYmiv'1 am not run up uie river auace last oamruay'i onirKM. i'etaiona Jer the benefit or lh bankrupt kaa were tied on Monday by the tW do i Ai rptoM ay; i KwmgDetonrPhiluelphU rgeB. Mef4 do 1 sueotmngwj, teor, of the Itite Amu of Meeteor Bennett,) i i ipiiixi'MU it jtHI fi I kw affehxf Alfred WL ColUna, late carpet roaj OUIenlM XUHM and detenu 'ureata.

131 "a poowlaaf fptndidpppij'i! i 10 etl barrebi ef gist 't n.l 600 in ml giagat Wpid Wood, Ghewetstraet, mI poand ef mokuaea. eaadyrifton aUs. MundaT.Mtayeuettraew vr' su'lW 73tintonoBpM, er aavinf banks, (or ckiU arm, iixph law, ninpni im 3 euv lo eaeh pat ia them, i 0 I upvitl 10 Hauwoi WwanmJry bneed rffcel, uu bteidaatai amense, frit iWTKtill w4 ill II nuuoturer. of the firm of Collin ic DudleeH Harry Connelly, Jale manufaciurer, nowageolil and Randall Ualehinaon, of' the late Arm of Uulciunonor8tamp, brewer. LaneaaterUoon ty Isaae Hrvth orivener Cheater Coonry William JcFarland.

Adam County Jtre ui hh onwjiaiu iQBCOimat. iioniuunpiua vwua ly William K. romp, drunrist. of the late firm' of Welch, Poms Trick. The fcJlowing nen sons rjled.theippuooo yesterday Jacob miller, York Ooimtyi Edwin G.

A. 'Baker jew eller, Philadelphia Fhilip and, shon keeDeri 'Philadelrrhia: Samuel M. late firm of Grier grocers, iafterysrds; ciwb uunuoKUon Lifiuniy, now oi rouaue. pnia: John Weutemani miller, york a I I ill "Mui fornuil Iroaaan f.vti. 9 ditlafuUhad PolUh.xiUlaarptla eonpneno la this Ciiya teries of LeMnrat open RvM si and PoUM, whtefewUl prov peculiarly biiereMi Ing to hVatbW'tiont lb lntami ibeyalf ra.a aM.ttVpa 'l.

A pdukk! ijm siamiiaaan fpugam UK U9mjmr OUtWUiy jn triotism. Major Toehnan ha record iihtUlM eonwllmeat from varlodi Mtwy Boeietiai and pubj UeBpting aU'coUoiry, anfkshptaddrrpiad tad of our ButitecUlatiupi la thair halla KBut rel1jj wareeordad ih met that the XajlaMtbr of NW naropMlra permitted nuh lo taka part MaeeapMM anon a land bW wrong nTheohtaate hia Lcctar i nk aotd ihemtrttKefltUieAaMi'aad to axpUta ih meat portant evenuf la th HiMory of Poland. Major ka aephew of the pejaiwt taoara. gVrsrHMkl! Bfor th peUah.IUMlttiioA, iJvwyerU during th mohaiea vaa a rerrlerthr vomrwci wa vie rrMdetn of thsWi Iftmil rnuwa. yn unrmi OUT ouau WIH a.

ProfeMor City each ef eoploas be graa iilhifulAfd, Mivct raikitk pnblie. muiTliiH Vf fcunurt i Tax Maoicu Maw ana t4aMToe mUiUti InielligoMer ile Ipptod in tntar thtntNHtiSti the title of the Medieal Nawa and Uhrary, pd will eonmia, iddilioo to rnUealtoaeooa. awdiralirpplUi ganee, repon. W.alinJeaJ leetarea, (aeeeeewef the) different readies achooU sad hopHsKViiS'hotlcel of easei ind opcratioM bt those inMilaikm publiikat by Lea )V '8 nh i ryn. OaiAr rUlj.

CkHh'iaalnpad Ovwecu; a nw atyle of Sack Ceuv.liaaA asd wadded su throarh i tanre apMrtntpnt at a aaw styte of Vaata. fce. BhsDherd. tha Tailor, la akout ia ekMaoaikislarg stock of Wunw CkNiofvtiwki lh7 would worth ai aactloa, aoeordinf it, kit ml eoslnmatthisaeaaonof the year, which anahlei an lo offer his enatoiner a new style of food mk spring. Hn prr)l Hock BM kaa Mleclad wiilun feta hut sixty day, princioallv from lha Naw Ymk ul Philpdlilua aiid a great many are awn bnportaiiaa.

They bar beea eat and awda yk baal ruiadarphia workmen, and every garoMMu war' ranted lo Mas well mad ibca nakai i oraw. The only object a ha for offering rood at (bar, daead briet is lo anablad la brina out Wm fooda hi He wUkas Um pablie. ladivsallhair minds ef Ih prejudice against CkxklngaoU mtaii ut tH frrhlnaaril I uimJ rnraeta.1 viotning in to tailed Plates. C4PpMjttt, third door bov Third 1U ITT Waaknepl el the Taptk.wkik uLlm7iJuL' lk oaupi of Tool bach, a removed about rlraai nutaa by Wkeclei iTembarry TooU creataa healthy mme aetioa in th waich retard decay ef th Taeth and keeps uftm healthy.aad Ukswiae we ogrenflH, nieeaing na nonnaai or Uta (iuaa), tirrhiena the Teeth when loosen ud by wiapi of the uupk, urraiiaDiy seepa leatn. tHun and Month healthy and entirely pleaauu.

JDepot, Ka. Cheanat street. A liberal dMeoanl ia apuletolhce Bruom, Rmtrmirr onisa Pmii gtrjemfly bepa witb yawalrwr. srratehfapr. mia ia thaimipL Ui.

I gaar, rdduteae. and wstling about lha rrgioa of th Navy atoerpu, and oW nplraQt rrroplofm. fTipw rwi are ana 01 uBen 1 medicine rath world tat the ear of fevers, bacaua I lny parve frera body ihoae norbid baraonwhjeh arathaeaaaaef every malady Ineidem ro maa. In ail ea of fever roea ioarto eight of Wrig utiaa ro Htat wntm't rifptsMi FuVrshoaM be taken everv ika prw 1 ppun, nirni aita Born Inf. plan, properly earrlp ear, wUl, la a abort lima, iubdu lha avpt violent attprkaf fmri pi ikiaiu ik I rrMlve organ will btreatnred keelUiy tone, sad ooovtoipit pnnppB Mai nvers, a well mm ppppwp, win dp onvan iron in body, and health aad vwar will be ctvea to tba haU fr.mi rr ojomft.TU pabU are raepest.

fally MnMid tbat aMdiem awporung be Llaa 0 Faandmld by aamad Parker, tn Third ua tenuis Writhe. tediM TegataM eWU? "7 urnj againpi inainainoa 10 pnrcbppi anp aaoen adi Head ma mu In VW tphSTpilkT mJml wrighf indlaa The eaJy edte hi Ph Iradalphht, devoted exdaJvcrV la Ilia aT ik If L. ki VT ami pueet, 1 rZZttl WMrv tH Ltm jfe oneratiee fe. Hoca, In F'iFTH ti bapmLoraoard, ea tha "CoBTemoo. of 8kW nuns, ai um eoneliuiaaoi which sem candidates will bo baptized, Fewi frc and the publie are kindly fawiiod waltma1.

lie, nr luiiuiArkuooL tixtwiAUo: riou kind of coal, particularly in rehttioa I Com their ernnvrativepowora. (w'yTTv' dj raoaeat, in BoMmth Belt I mf U. fmmfit "PW, CA1MAM.I.K BWWJt, canrtppH CeWraojaw, THU Adraitiaoa a Collekot will to takes ap I aZT atlha DORCAS SOCIETY kmm4mZ'mZ rrj PCHOOt. OMBARD aVreet, Hxi. Foonk, W.IL by x5 raiTA4WV, ann wlyHAah' pan 'dee.

The inc at tire xerdata wffl sever tmereailng to thnae who wrtnaaml the ftwawr ErtrMtmi. t3oi of A rjirtl Hettinm KENSINGTON J.f"' 11.1. nf Will txih.ld TIU8 fVt.i.i.. lJAY) I.VI.M.(i. fur Hi.

a aopung cnae mwt. Biainbert JOH.M T.lmOV The eternal year ef God are IV rule Errorj Woai And dla amid lwr of the rf Jp A SPECIAL MKK'fJNO of the KR AN KLIN IAJ TYPOiRAPlflCAl. Aa ocl ATlO.v will be held THIS (WfcUNl HlY) AiOHM.U,ih inal i rtciot the ha IX 'of the rn Ahjoa. TlttV, corner of FIFTiJamT Nplflif Hirewa, tit Ink tnio eoiitidaratica In atlojnpt rurw tuck i it to doej flia witff In 'Cjl of lL rt.Ni,yLy VANIA iNQt'IHrW." PONCTrXt ATTGWAWCR tAJWESTLY ttBQUBartuJJ.Mlr IH CEO. BOND, Prwidrl.

rfp N5TlCR, i A'ra Meetrtigof tlie UiTKOUA. ttr "FRANKIJ CEMKTfcKY, bald on th id ef January tha tbllewiiie panon war duly aloeted Manaters for the eruuinf yea Dr. Benjamin' 'Japney atephaa fJi aitiHi, C. Wolberti'Ormen RaeeTjohn AgnaW, Bandolpk Wi Evan knd William Haveratich. ') no Lr fina Co.

gf ya a Coneitrt of Vocal and liuua. pa Monday Evening, Jan. ftt, at lha ChiaaMfcWooa.inadw tie direction of Ml. H. Wth.

ly. A uimbal ef diaiimroiihed VeealiiU wars In the variorum nee exeedinly finn Th Trioaanc by MiisHoiily, Mr Walherly and Mr? Parvinladawirvaijtof gteat nraia. ww iufomV ed this waa Miw fimil.y'a appearance. Laad Wt, ansa paanj snauiaVUHU 17 tiwuiiMpWwq MrMt pieces. TiLi (H) W.R.

rr MAJUEiJ. ItlCtliMAiN, OK fUinfeiNiiy IIP Mini ilifnll ii ikp laihli. 11 deUrwa Coume of TliREK LiicTlIRIlfV at iki Mutual Stmt eommetwiinr TO MORROWi (Thuradar! KmWH at i i .1 avajaat 'l rfeg nehey rvpuia ansew uHPr. eonmniiy wits the "i vk. vohipi, eillMllli Ledy and a Gael I a a.

fUnrla Tiakau. as each, Teh bad at th office o(nirrtntipi ef the rlallaiHtalth. door. MR, R0jS(ft3fpeee 10 deliver tsorva oi ih fifth Pntbvttrimn Churih, InAKClt TO MORROW (Thtind.yi KVENINO.Ihr' 0th liiUant. it? o'eWv' ieet will Ultutrated by upwards of aO'BtilllaiillV Tw'AAtititA ai th fabbal'h Schooi Union, and Ih poor the Cborch, tilk Evetv? ing 01 in ijeetura.

Aaiaualon ia eent. Jj IT DEMOCRACY, VAN BUREPf, AND THfJ INDEPENDENT lam." "I't inded writhe la 'wmJl wnrahiravM Wl A MASS MKHTISft at (ka Dmi. is n.i vx pan vounrr i ruiaoeinnia. favorable the) aosaiaalioaof MARTIN VAN aw ei ia emoeriie BanabUean of Ue I'niort (tatrfeet to ft deelaiat of a Neiiouel Convention I lor the JnitfttOmt tw and IhoM rreai and runda ajmui arineiplejfor whrek Ike Democracy ia; a.itlHda'r of "Tn, wlU be held on the TU ef Janmary at, ttaeCmnaea Mnanirau, corner ef NINTH and OBORoa ia xpeeted thai Ih lle. Taon H.

leetea thai Ue Hi. Tan. H. htnJ other dlatiimkhpd aiip arai ou addrM tfM meeting. By order of the eeneratOor.

IttMof Arrangement. KNOCH CAJtTER, CUlnna. OEO. W. DOHNKRfl 9tti9mt1m.mi fj tttf i PpTLpattrnu, January 3d, IMA rr7oaro THB committj from rum WAMUNOTON t'IRE CO.MrMiMwu! Inansww to vaa pof avdav.

mh fivaaaaeeopMef tk disarent feeble whlefe have ea SrSiftl! eomranipi, I ehearftilly eab. mil lb fcUewnur. wbMh yon may saa In any vray ye my think a dvvVoprrpetfny, ...4 i W. K. AflaiMKAD.

JH A rejards th fefht at the Inspector's Ehwueew I WMueycwttaea. Mr. Patrick Loan vna urackby svral perpm, wketbar mambars of lha Franklin or tM It ia Mora thaa I can aay, bet tbey wera so oelled. Tber ware several blow at rock by diAereai iodrrid wua, mui Anally Uk Conmbt Wilkw. wiaiT, SMianee of the wttans, soeeeeded la emailing any tber Srbtuif that s.ibl..

A rWu fegbl at the toV, nr of Tea ik and aVace atraau euioanMa, words. 5, um aatwaan ntprabpr at Ik twn eannaaia. the. atmiklr having two merabar to lb Wamiacioo' en. Th Irei blow that waa stniek was oyvtU Frank On memberKaod follow IrvpThwaTthe mmeeony, Otpt rf tbe WMupjnwBbp, Mternuif frora ebaaeh, utewipted to tap tttrtbe pro ega, bat WM jnjared bv over th Tt wiuj 11 horn by Franklin marnW.

retara hif, Uw FranUi ppW bv tba earina aeuM, imu Moadayand ToaedaytaUewine I kaowipilwi.abo t. wenld loll Um at laaal aa half aa hour, wid WlbTy; djd rnaonithwy wa batwera tbrej and km IKhw, Uaild jadfe oaic rung mora tbaa praopplUa ZH think I oaa gie fcS! turn lppwnaioa siartea out Arel 1 lix after rtaar uJlhWr bU a Pmt, FMugmg 1 wer, eon raw mi rAasiral street, la eanaMe of I aad two lo la Wanklnrion'f themselve to abide hy the nomination, to Jb I "n7 BoafeieVTiniHrapi I SI. Brond aad CaUowhilt and made by that Convention. OO 1 in ev yo.WPCT i Roir tp.Rlrrn tbey fobi bud 10 for aW tW ihn2 On Ih Jd by tfe. Rv.

Tlpiophita. fCii Um PHy ma Jway. Th Cnaaiaa Pi vra, A. M4 PrmdpalT the 'eni haiTeiJ tv. p.

TT' 1 or tmdni Wrk fef Am iU. owarrAnn, ercanv INedU thalhade.aml Mnlert va, a Widow With two children. AAer the dec I ht Barafe Hreet, below Bedford. KawinttoT of the plaintiff1 husband, nn mtimaey eonv menoed between the present panic, aad a ch04 was ue fruit of ock intlmney." i III I VH f't) uamnuL QawioinWndg Fanona, be of President Judire of thi Court. 7th ri au.v,i! On the fed biat Lha aoTZ rr xr f.

Bsarmt nrotrr. Her friends and aoqnamtaaeee ars reppecffullyii Vitad to uend kmtmutml TiLa raotlc. rm, vtuww repi, oove uierrv, Kea On th 3d ind, tnt skipM aaorl of scarlet feyer," Mau totnu. hter of Vm ad Harriet Cluuoa, ia. Um year of kor aire.

tomorrow afternooru it 1 o'clock. wuWi fuTikJ tor On the JJ Inn arm ELiSaSSM, only daaih. ref Wm. W. aad Kl.aUtk Rd, tlmZZSZ Th rehurva and (ntocftTlT.

.1 jerry iavfead loattand her faaaral, from ik. raetdaoc af lieyed, ha consented acoept th nppoinlmeirf I zZtZ' above Per an 0, this mm ea Mwa an Uuabath KobeA afJy 10 and 10 day, 14 anoraJ from hi taiher'a ip iilai.i a I. On tba'td hiii, Mr) Joint Piraan, ia th iOti yw 01 aiaag. i pe relattvee and frlendioftae mmi rj BAPTISM OF PAUt A DHCOtRSR 7 DIEkllllU. PI Wban nar tha enraar Hmi T'T 7.

twoorttaS iTfliTSSl Zi ZaLtT" 1 1' "din, kT1 rwivenient In rranauaneir femTfeandre andotkerd w. aTinc nd swearing' bZtllu, 5" wouU Noil; eow over (heir heads; MvpraJ of whom ae kmnrn 1 kM albortt a of lha dietnet eoght 10 bars otiffd. fAbou three in the arternnon and IWvd w' bira la tbahenaa. Who dS C'iTS 5.

TO awo pvataat tin ry ar lavUe I dot on lha fonT. I.i. aauena is ranerai, from bla hate rendenee, Na 7 th ncin oat of the boaae, Vkea Thowork iZrTT' Wfuiiyf k. T. as not i tnowa their by mom iniimal frienda.

Brige Ua, Bangs, Bcaam. a.L. 1 awaiL in fact, each Men seldom wtlneaaed in thia rin wm. 1 LETTER nxnn du.i 7. 1.

7 IIUU.1UB, rtapIia.Marba) New Orleai aoaS M1 PT kllaelolpntaa i. Mitk i. HloS burl 1 1 Bear Arkaa, Tvtar. ran. ford, moraix)a7 Llrarpoot, wa badhi at fn, lo bt had at tha etor af 11 uiu I AtBtTkepwi auikaAj laM at.i.

1 ti rVMih Srnne tim, 1 i Z. 1" I man. froa, PhjhpMnhi mvana. I i.uai ipiiapm niJC amvafl. IIT A BXE AGKNTf MX wm Saraaea TUIg I ckXJL.

ai la. KVF.NLNd. SoaUweat eoraer af UECO.VD aad TAM A illy iuMad la auaad aad pnieuaia. A mZ iocuoa wiui It WiiinnTiiv IA Ttn afUAal 4 a rr OT XtCJJO'i oa fapJ Brig Ouve, Ihawe a NB. Mtk aX rpO LOANp dlA'C rmuMAXB DouuMs tm lOBatiataepT Monire bVp Mt a 'vi lt pio.

41 Nortk of Kufn Mmv mf iM nOrrCK I Cftrrrr 'I nnrrrc I fTT BEXJAMTN FRUKKLTw TFvrprn a Crs a BEFIClAIrAlJmolw Bit ,,1" )f i Ulrl' I. Srw SApo WuL. Iwaae 'wUlT kill 2 Vaar of FIPTU and QlXUN, this 17 mTZtZZZ ggri uhu. rJL'rrT 1 VJeevpiinin0 tar of GRFriA flTvii If a AJ 5 nfeVXT, keratary, and lha aiyla eaperirar a offered tw aala hoi Tw. rVhwSut die.

will pi mil end 4.7, VV IH hlXXI.VD ijp. 1 A(8VVOa i PnUl.HHTII I a.7" 7 1 Will he hold THH Cl Z2? vt I pM I mT tgayn fcbf Faavilira jS i LieVtkaTi I ar Cogoa by the wgulddo well weallanda W. rehilog brra. .1 I Sontfe rRONTftrMt. AUX, MVJtrtyriUahhry lar Tpjurj.

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