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Public Ledger from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Public Ledgeri
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ItDGK It TRANSCRIP11. 1'UiJLADEUiriA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 14. Th Meetey Market. 7 Tit loan tut itocVfcoldsrttfdM Tlaware ftanpsny, si tcet asset Ing aaldinlhia tj, without dtsssnttog voice, determined fund Ui Inter. tit common loan, bow sauMuiing loMatJ'ftrpaf'w" the ww issa.of boad id i frost 1M of Jsly.

The )st confessedly dss, ss iheamouui is, to Uia loaiihokkrs, It bat pmpar and honest that the eUrehotderi should freely and unanimously, at liar prodaorira by payiii im waste it. 'Tbtarl, howsvsc, eontrusx brcedly with the asaal cur of potiey of corporations, and re fleets the high aucormerned. Thai ompny hat been assuaged will signal abiUty, aad beaa raised liiw fVar )tu from tba lowest depreio to unumtl rosperity. Early eHppW i energies by a Uem Lows lb Randal baa," due ut the hoU an of the eonmoB debt, about II JtOO.030. receive! no la lam eatil lb back dnca aqaallad fit per eent.

of artnolnal A sinkine Ful as. however, created eel of the Company bund and thare, bought np In I UK IH V9 VVWiWi; law aanaP wvatai laa a Ut prwpeeu of Ihe Company brightened, and k) aow about doable lb imoaM of tba debt it waiBBBktopay. TUa eontlngent fund, by la praaent arrangement, will be freed from re traiM, aod my be aaad a lb ofieenof ike Company think aVmadTitable. The reeeipu of the Company the la heal year were 17,000, rem equal to the current expenaea and lh utoreM on iu entire debt, mcludtai buereal oa tba back intoratl ycaief day fanded by the ananiraoa vote of lb Company. All txceat of 187 ,000 the present nasal year, therefore, will 0 to the ebarebokten, and the recetpU Ikn far indieal taOOOO aa not aa over ettimaie for the year, eql to about au per cent, on the prwenl aelling price of tkanoek.

Tku ba bunaity of pur poa and good management placed a depreated though Important unproremcnt ja a fair aod flonriahing light In at Tba maiwrenent and meeeai of the Delaware and Hadaon Canal bat not been dierimilar to that of the Cattapaaka and Delaware. The Comptroller of the Slate of New York hu given notice that the loan Bade by the Stale In lt7 to the Delaware nd Uud toa CanalauBooninig to half a million of dollars, It to be paid at the office of lite company on the Ut January, lHt8. For twenty years tba Delaware and Hudson Canal Company paid Ihe farterett on thit stock with the strictest punctuality and in Jnly, 1837, after the antpfntion of rpecie payment by Ihe banks, the Pre' I ideal of the company, John Wuru, without hesilatloD, paid one hundred and nine dollars in New York city paper, for each on hundred dollars of in teres! doc al thai lima. We hope the duy is not distant when oar State, in reference to its debt, may follow lb salatary examples of these companies, and batead of taxbig ha own debt and resorting to tb disreputable asa of depreciated paper to pay its interest, will pay fully and honestly ia legal money. Tb sales of stocks yesterday were light Govern auat (a and U.S.

Treasury notes declined each. Beading R. shares rose; do. do. bonds j.

The taarkot closed very inactive. BALES OF 8TOCK8July 13. fJOOt fJS7 106(1 7 shs Mechanics Bk7 MK BeadRas'ao To. I 50 do Girard iU 13 MsksMecbauca'Bkx7 SO do do 13 do do 7 I 10 do A Mocks x6 BETWEEN BOARDS. tsmV STrNOs lOOths Head cash 33 lOUO Road (s 'M ou no i em op aaa do Peana Bk 313 (U Lehwk CI sor 84 SECOND BOARD.

iO0 8ehaTlkillNsva'4 AFTER BOARDS. 7i 100 Read 6s '90 761 ,330 shs Reading 33. 33. IsbaGiraidBk 13 ISO do do do do 13 100 do do 13 SO do Rod sM 33 SO do do do do aSd 33 bo3d 331 soSd 331 100 do SO do 100 do Hdo do Sd S3 do DM Vf SO do do (Sd 33, M0 do do 33, SO do US Bank At New York, great activity straights continue and th aapply of vessels as aow acaroeiy ia adranoa of lit neaanil. Th sxtpgenenta of Flour war probably on Monday not lest than bblt.

A British (hip was takes at 3s. and 104. ia hags for Liverpool. Also the Columbian, American, Reliance aad Be hoodiae, British, at St. and an Ama ricaB bark at as.

td. For London, la Mariaaa, American, was take two British ships St. 64. 3s. taU a MatUeaberg or at 3.

Od a Dntchmaaat the aama rata, and varioa sngsgemeais of portion of cargoes at 3s. td. a is. For Cork and a market to th British kingdom, two vessels were take at 3s. td.

and Ud and for the Baltie a Dana al SSa for heavy freight To th Continent, ther was not much doing Cottoa freight to Liverpool are now Msady at there bams; Bona offering. frodac Market Taeaday, P. M. Fura an The sssrket eontinnce ilae live. Small ales of Waster A at fresh imrad frana.

aVi. Cm JaW, gJi a tOi. No sales ofAptMstir. aVuinlTW, Praam, red fl 10, mixed tl Id, and while SI 10. Cant.

Peana. yellow, 70e. OaM tie a 4Se. No inaniry for Av. Watsaxr Sale ia bbto.

at 3e. Sm Snlesof 40 Bhdsof Cahaal a0cparl. PATtNT ELASTIC CARRIAGE OIL CLOTH, 00, 40, 40, 3a and iacaas ia width, which, dr staoothness, polish and elasticity, aaaaol ba aar pawed. Warranted to stand any climate witboai adbeting. Far sale, wholesale or tail, by the mna i sfatinnsrs, POTTER A CARM1CHAEL, ft Urn PCS North Third sued, Phila.

frioT.CON0nSTSAND THE LOVER3 6F 1 HOME MADE BREADFaauliaa who prefer f. rlo Made Bread, may al any ubm during lbs warm weelher nrocut the nasi Srm York, Pouvrrraiua Ohio Family Floar, of tba suet approved Breads, la small oaantitiee. by sending sa order to CAIXH CLOTHIER, Family FkwDssW, Wl tB No. North Fifth st. Bear Area.

NO HUMBUOaswammwaatofebaaa Cloth trw, Bata, Caps, Watch, Jewairy, Oatssry, taiaistoaVVbSai, ft. A aJI tietr vanery; will bod le neirkaiarestloeaUM tba Bomb (td ef MAJ'KKT B( Betweeo Thirteenth and Janipersas. The lrn lirinF bi that S9ars pay low rams, ard 1 aaa afford to aeUJieir goods si a saving eft bias) par to thepahlio wyS lm MEDICAL AID' Ajnieled. recoiled, ih only hand lath city to care all forme of certain disease, diseases of the skin, solitary habits of ynath, I Ihe old mtnioner, DR. FL1NN, 80 N.

FRONTSt, above Arrb. Brware of disappointment Apply to ih aiversally celebrated I'byssaasi, and yoa will be eared oa a wrinea guarantee, koaestlvand oa mode rale terms. Ltuere, pisn paid, nottceo. fc6 lm 'KfO tECEPTlON DR. VALERE ia doing at tbaburintwi ibat is la CLR1N9 eenata Se eret Disentrs.

On baudred persons cared perma aenilv wilbiu the Inst month. Primary case eared ia from ivc to ten dWye, Bad tba most aggravated ia oae lhird la umuU ume Ishsa by others. The Doe tort Medical Dispensary is al No. LOMBARD Strata, 3d door abnv Third, where all that eall apoa him will sseel with a etrtaia, safe, aad speedy aura at oqfhalt the usual charges of others. JylO lm DH.CVLLEN INDIAN VEGETABLE PAN A CEA saver fails lo eora Scmfala, Tetter, Caa oar, Ervsipelas, Old Bores, Ulcer, Merearial Dis aaasa, or any outer aomplaials from Impart sea of th Blond.

Afflieird, eaU and get Ihedooa BMtsnenosac. KUWAnV WihTO.v. 7rb tw rtOMsrfcststrset T. CHAPMAN'S AMERICAN AffCHTrTC COMPOUND. i( the most nosilive rtmedv for thosa Dawsaes which herclofor required th as of aisafreeaDie meaianea.

Yk nresent It pleasant eete, which leave no odor oa the breath or person, and ia warranted to contain neither Copaiva or Mareary any ehap. Bold at 120 N. SECOND "fl weoad and Poplar, 1, 8. Brown, Pottsville, jyto iwv CENTS A CURJnV A eara warranted foe eeels. Advtce rnuia.

This hmimhu Cine for tb ear of oertaia secret siinnrs. where sawn seem aiseaaes, waerc iled to prodaoa a eara. The has parforased what no euws I has aevw failed ia a single ia FRrCHBPECIFIC i i. i swu" oib aevw tauea ut a tint etanee to penorm a care in ss short a lime aa boms. 4 rrr utmiuur.

well tnowa or aatny veara at thia aty, 14 SPRUCE mreat. bataw TkuTZT salM with hai patiaaita ia Preach, eersaaa sad Ens lish, aad oatioaa hi gearsnlae to eara all dreadfa! aaeau aaeh aa Better, gleet, aalf deatraetiva habits, sjrsBtttrea, rhiatsaaiism, santw. aleera, aad all aeu eata aveaaes, wita a is new, uaaiiiMe herb prapsra. tion, imrnrte iVr Frsaee, wluch psrioras a radios! car ia hoar. I Dr.

L. eaa nrodoee aroofs. and aleer ut their most oustu Bale form, which ha has cared perfectly. hM lasw Tf TABLE EXTRACT. FOR RELIEF OF i.MtUJA eeruua eara for Denreasion, fimnl LMalitr.

Pi lea. A. That invaluable Vrae atbia eaa be recoaaaaeodsd with pn6deac lo thosa bumrins; aadW deraJMteoasnt. Prepared and sold only at kuo WOOD St, bcaweem Broad aad Thirteenth, luwvv aio. iy tnr IT I I1CAL RELIEF Persons afflicted with iyrwa, Rbeannatiiaa, Fhualeaer, BadDi i'i, veatnesof la Baca, rains inDBtaaa rad, and geaeral dehllhy of th systeas.

are rev id aiply to DR.FLYNN,OaNortk FRONT aiove Area, an try on aottiaoi ta ateni. in, wi wui give annadiaterolHr. itisaBeav im fail to cur Brand, and arcassily taken, pin bo injuries Inrreaiems; a trial is salt' exirinte. Ope till r. M.

riO levO LIA FUhSU ikx wiuck traau oa i rt liwmsca, Drhiiuy, Dyaaisso, ta, and rt ioamsca, DrllilUf, ir rn rnr oi reuryoa tne syoawi. wrsv tre atrfi simt sy ast. ia.i.i, ev raww sMjn I at i ai va Arth, price SS onila; by whom dissssaa of I errry kind are trratcid and cared radicaiiyoa writ garanir. Dr. I has had auuerwae ia the I i 'w UiHiakani auaay I ears here.

Opea till l.AL hV im. rr4t LIST OF LETTERS FrMAINIf Philadelphia pucjt office, Jiy Lberl farm AimlI4. rertlmnenlf ander Ih ordwiof ll Poetmaater n. I a mwTopw or newpapera, of latter on PZrrV of the town or place where tka oSoa adreniMnf any be aitnated, kacrnf tkt tarpat wwdaaaa, and eaaa of queMlon or diapata aa ike amount of Ike etrealaikm of any aapera, lb edim of wfcifk amy daair tbi advertiunf, it aiaU daf futwitr nct'rt tetdmca, and to deetd anon tba few Nim qgu fataal WmiS.lS4S. Paranna applytna for Bdvertiaad Letter, will pleaM menlioa tba dale of tba Lia.

N. B' The Inland pnatage on Foreign Letter Bum prepaia ai uu one. LADIES' LIST. Frame Barak Adum Amanda AlenMary Altlmaa Rachel Preen tan Carorc) MeboaM A Xt annum Newton Elit Frearb Mary A FrHI Human Alexander Ra Filler Jane ehel ft O'Brion Maria HI I Otrden Mrs Amnonv Marr eh Lydia Archer Mary A Galager Emeune Palater A Adam Mr Getty Eleanor Ghecan Ellen Parmer Julia Bailey Charlotte Baker MiIm Maria Parker Parker Angel in Patton Mary iGillingbamDebo BaldersonMartha Banks Mary Barefow Mr BarteaER Baawll Sarah Bealtv Soaan A )Ony Mary Graham Elixa Payne HA Pr Mary PedriokBosaa beUP GraesT Marga Pearce Emalin ret ta ft PbUlips GLMr Behler Marg'a Price t. Berry Saml Airs BiddleJult Hurt Lovim Hsmpton EF Potter Sarah IPaltiCJ Binder ClhT Harrm Elixa Hsllman Harney Harper Bridget Hsifrtn Mrs Bomsa Mrsl Reynolds Ann Rommington 8 Baonrfoa Manr't BonmllRiehMrt Ringold Margt Risk Ann Bone Sophia Boyle Hannah Bradley Caih'ei Brooks Jano Broom Elizab Hanman Mrs Hearde Sarah Rhode Mr Richards Harriet Richards Sarah A Hall Heater HenderaonNancy RUfle Maria i Kiltenhouse Brows MarianaC nenanaw Henson Sarah Higbie Mrs Higgins Elixa Hinkley Elixsh Hawser Cath'e Brown Cecelia Brown Ann Brett Cath'e Bryant Ann Butler Calhla Roberts Anna IRobinsoo Julia Roby Hannah Knh Anna RoekarellowMM Burgesser Elixab Houston MargtC Roas Ann Cain Elizabeth Calfomla MCI Hnllinaaworih HI (Sailor Eleanor Hollihaii Susan SandvMim Camnane Rachel Hughes Mrs Edw Sheer Anna Cardwell 8 0 Chapman Sahra Clement Jan Clemore Mary Cooke Elix Cole Sarah Jane Collins Lacy Connor Mart'l jSherwood Emma Ingruham Ireland Mrs pnarpieea Shartinger Mary Shoemaker Shnbrick Singer Rebecca (i vina Mrs i lames Uohnaon Snrah Slavin Marv Johnson IMnim ft Conway LacyB Jones Ellen Smith Mary SpeareMrs Shock Stafford Marv A Cnuatle Ann reason Caib' CrossdeU Mary Cunningham Cutter A Cochran Mad DallatTBI Juuea A Uordoa Emma KrenHuldahA faeelman Susaa'h Kiehl Maria Sterling Elix KineaingerS 0 Kohl Laura Kingston Mr Stevens Stevens Cath Stevenson Stevenson Cath Stewart Ann Swett Adeline Dannar JastmaE Damaly Job Mrs Dsvis Martha Drbois Cbarioue Dehus Rebecca Desilver Eiizab Dohcny Cath'e Dorreil Hannah Dorsrv Bemch TangdonHann'hJj larxaler Jane Lawrence Eliza Sareetser Clem'e Lee Amest iLeach Eliza Thomnson Lloyd Mrs Thompson A Tilmon Msry A uora a Lioyd Lisle Turner Frances Dougherty Maria' Lovttt Mergaret 17 lira per A L.yona ntrs Unutead Mrs Dudley CassandrsjLrnch Cath'e Loveioy AmandalValentine Dudley HelenS Vanbeck Mr Dumont UottisaA Maden Cath'e Voss Elixab 3 Dunn Mr Dunham Maaee Mrs Rath Martin Sophia Warwick Waiters Jane Watson Jane A ptassey i.

ain'e a. iMerer Mrs Edmonston Ann Meredith Mary White Susan Edwards GeorgelMervine Elizab tWhiteman I Ellen Elvira A is Michel Sarah nVuhtman KUisna EnglesES Fsik Mrs iMitfim Mrs William Ann WiltianvooMary Minnen Mrs Moffitl Harriet Wilson emetine iMnnlgomerySMi Wilson Eli Mrs Woodward I Fsny Mary orris tun Ferguson Cath'e; Mount Elizabeth Mrs rena Kiizaoeu; me Fisher Cath'e McAleer Ellen Worth Frances Worrell Margt lemming Mr McGarvea Mary Worrell tna McClelland Mary Wreaks GESTXEMEN'8 LIST. A Clerk Terra nee Pish Jos FitehCept A Aeoni Wat A bins Jno Alberson AlsopSaml Apple JaniutB Alcorn Jaa Adams Allchim Goo AikrnsJB Allen Albright Jno Ames Mr Anderson A Arnold Dr Axe John Anderson 8 AshtoaSP Ambrose Joseph KluTtoa Clarke rurstner L. Foreman tetark Cole Jno Fry JeaseR Frame Foster 0 0 Conrad pryle Jaa uoomsa vapt Cocker Jno Cooper Win Costea Edwd French Hon Foster Chas FrueriR Coleman 8 IFordMT FalleaPB Franks Coldwdl Dr TL IColkrinsS French ICroweU Fowler Cant CB tToneaana irnn Caed Isaac Foley David iTawiora i ts AMemoa t. Albert oa Aiken Jno to rocker Geo Warrta 4C root well Cant JIGarber mate Aimer Advoeato Am Caller or DriGalagher Anthy AltrcaOeo Cabla HHIhuher Jaa Baam KurtM (Garwood tOssantimrsSK IGerriah Jra Cant Barron Cant iturry nr wemry wm.

Barker Earnest Baoa Jonah vuanirnj ypi a raeorga A tCulp David kribaoa Mr Baker A icailosj krlenn Barker Grill Root Bailey Geo Bailey Hairy Wnt Bailey Ja Bsuglt LB. Bacome A Baker 8 RarreltS Baintoa Barttow Davis Esq rGosbea Bhippea krordea John Gof David kOoagh Michael uavu raau Davit Wa Day John Uarey uowen wm a Davis BenJ Esq JOrandDivof Sof Dal IDanaOeo jOreerg OasUva UallaJHT DayRobt Uuoa LP Deal 4 Vaughn Devonshire Denning at luraut wm Oner Joha Bell tt jOraham Ja Bethel Becsley VI Braneil Ocaav Benedict I Bsaasr A GrierRC (Orima Joha Hrne Edward lieavey L. Esq Devlia DenbvO KHryJohaCJ ITatton Haalett Henry HsgmlrJno Hankins Cha Harwood Bennett Bigetuw, Moorc4l)ikll Walter AThvW OilIC Blair Jno tt Co Birkd Wat DoulirgWm Doangha Bimey Jno BshonWat uoyia mean Dot en Mania HalHinJohn Hawkiat niraiuif namivvi in i i llobbia Haawnt A IlaraJJC Hinrwarger Blarkwcll RCtpt bbekman Shal Dobhia Hon Dougherty Pat'k Douehortr Edw Harborae Mr Hurrisoa Joseph Downing A Potts Hawthorn Hall A Brother Hallowell Jno Harvey Jamea Hammond Mr 8 Bttrkee Jno Bisks Boyer 8 A Bonham Bond Geo Bowen Jan BordeaTR Downey A Dowell Ja Ooharry Fq DorseyJF Donnel'y Dobbin JC Douglass Jss DownunrSO HammellO Harris A ri Hall Saml Hackelloa BonrT BoylTJ Co Drinker Draker 0 racket Esq DrlngCapt Huert Jseob Ualhwrll HV BoweaOanry Haya Henry Esq HwdistyEliss BoydS ttarraj r. Harding Benj Vuwenjno BoatweUEl BoylP Brande BriggaNoah Bartord Tnos BrowaNH Brewa A BnaTey Aadw Bradley Brow Chaa Browa Oe). ira par m.u Doll lard Jaa HareJJEsn Darsannv A in Denning Duffy Dennis Kbart Joha Jr HawleyH HarnnmadOcda Hall Denial Mall Oscar Hall Dr HaUWL Hand Smllh Hall Hall Geo HeswssaCeani KaH Warraa Klder Robert Kider Oapt KvanaD Ksh iaaa Browa Jaa Brvant Tbot Evans Joseph Kldred Cba fleadersoa Clay ton HenrrWCEsa Browa WmCaptl KWredWm DllHatlMt df BrirgsWat Bryant Bradford AO Bruwa Mh Brewa Saml Bryant A 0 Bncgs t.

Browa EH BreokaJaa Barks Jaa Byrne BarrWmR Buckmaa JH BuahBarnatt Burnet Jaa Baekley Riehi Burke Mr Badd Isaac EstevaaSL1' Rllison A KIIh Hiram Evans Butler A HealhrFat Headrylra Hettenhaasm Hews Wot Harris Alex Esq HeadleHeary Heil Mr DM Hilman Jot 8 HiUBJrEs PaxBoa 11 Kvnna Jaa Esq F.llel Chas St KykeD bmerana I F.will Taos Hirst Chas A FanmanNT HitnerD Kvana Root F.milv Mr Hinea Henry ncsens retor HulGaott Edward Blephan lUBersoa VmA Saml Hilton I Hill Lather HildebaraJaoX Met DR. mi Joha FaU iHiaes David BaddThoa Fargaaoar Bock well BCarJFaaseCoandL'IcJ Herat WmF Em Hatloa Jaa Bsrsoa jHamphreyt 1. Osatpben Colia Carsoa Carba Carsoa CarbartS Carr Wat Camahsn8K inaiBsa Wand I tHaaaphreyaD HoatoaTho HagbeaJmT Haat Hankaawl HatTama Wm HoUiagabaadT' Hoaeh A Soa HawardRLS HowaUJeaK Fleming Farvol Tho iFaater i Oarsv '( ft CalmarWat Campbetl Jno Carauch i Carli Car Campbell BR CaverancbPC Chaff rs Crraa Clark Jno FHxvorsJd Jaa IFnck Fianeis Kinney Cha Hoooar Joseph (Fleacher Roht CjHoiau Thou) p. wwm I a I pa 6ee IHollaiCBAf Flesaing A Ptnley Futier Ja Uioieoaabe Saml ti Wm PlyatatD HowiVP FagaaEw Fargaaoa PoUJ Feaatjar f. wr tt rrr'iri JZilXfA fT I Chnf BnakinaUe iMcTick iter Wat Shay John tI.i McOowea MrNamee Wat Viiigcn onn a SiaunonsJa Sipe Joshua unpaon Wm ptmmon LtwiS otonlJB Bobmub Re I UMelMa jno Hooper Samaai WcWroy Mr Howell HoffOeoB A IT 1 Mmsss Jo rtkuuier JohaF Weeper Josh a Holland Jno Horn James McLaughlajt A a Meany McCauleyWm mgo eorga Ireland CP InsleyJohn A Jackson John 6 moaa oami Stephen SuHurhtat Cha iVlcKinly Baml McBride Jno McConneil Cha MeOowaaWm ISmiih Samuel Jennings 8 Jackson Geo James Jet JacksaaA Jackson Tho Smith Capt A I Smith Rev JH McMaater Jno McKenna Ja McCaU Edw Smith Smith Capt TJ Smith RW Smith Root McNamnra Pat McCrearrSS Joseph James Chas McKacbieyRobt smith Jacob Aaron Jame Stroi McClellaa 1 MeCablion Ja Smith Cot Root Smith Alexander I Jackson Chat Jaeksoa A Jenkins Tho Jackson Jet Jay Junes Wa Johnston Chat Joiner Henry Justice Jaa McKararber snuia unas a McFarland Wm Smith McCartv Chaa Small Peter Small Jamea Snyder David Snyder OeoR surder Root A McGinly David Mcgaigiyw McGil eryCptH McFarland Israel McGeeJ McFadden Geo McGoaKh Ja Spats Snadeav A Johns Rot JohnanaCbas Jnnea Stan Chaa McKaevet Capt SuueyDB steinmeu John Jimiaoa Harvy IJ McvormictB McCanly Jr Jones caicu Stanly Stsnsburv Johnson I McC'lesry A Johnston Wit JalianWmO Johnsoa McBruMTno Stemphina Jo A McManaaH McCoavey Jno isnuuet Henry Stalker Rev Noble Jos North Rent IStaehpol Capt Keen Morris 8 A styger St eui Samuel Brother Kellv Eaa Neff Jacob Nichols Wm 'Suckney Geo Kvonterfturoanen Swain Moaea Sullivan Keen Geo Keen Geo Bndd Kemp Robert Kimball CB Ken Chas Newbnld Chaa NarreiMM NintOK Smick Lloyd a Tsvlor Tbot Noob Tsos Naaghtoa Wm Neiil Bolt Orr Jamea Taylor Stephen Tensen Tet Kealer A Whims lev Teaf Wm Kane David Kershaw Jaa Tsvlor Capt Jo Ollivier Moo 1 albert jamet Taylor John Taylor Capt Jot Tama Isaac Taylor Capt Taylor Thompson Thumb Thomas Kemper OteJy Rich Keener SK Oliver Chaa (Vrood Jos Offerman Geo Koone Williamsl A Steel Kimball O'Brien John O'Connor Jno Keiner Jno Esn Kennaday Orchard Capt Hretix tl uq Kobler John lOrrae OK 1 Thomas Capt Tnompson Geo Talbert James Tifuey A Thompson Tiers A Thomas Saml Tiller Keysnr Mr Kain Wm Kimr Esq Pairson Ether PenningtonWLC Phil Jot Kiugbl A Vsnkirt Kaasimrcr EluuM PetrceCD Peter Theodore Pelil Keasill Wm.

Knorr A Pierce Perry Thomas JiwephN Kennaday Rev Pembertnn Israel iThomnsonTCapi Keyaer Esq Pereival Thackara James Kails i nos Kimball Tho Pearson Aug Pet lores Penibeimn Permynene Perkins Thompson John Thomas A Ogden iTurpiaRer Fx Tyson A Co WB Langhome La Forge LallyD Lantnc John Tracey Peele Raphael Turner Philnot Williams! Torbert Lambert Latimer tyVkinsoa A Co Tucker George Tornev Isaac Land is Wm Lsjirdon Geo La Rcintree A Lamb PhiUips Jno Teyle Capt Peter rerot Tonnnnier IPeterson Henry ASM Tor Wm reuy PaneoastSS Parrainore Landenberrer Townscad John Leighton Clias Todd Cant 8 LeighhmRev WBiParsons Cant Teripin Joseph Lvy a Bros a Leaiusn OA Parker 8 Tvaon rreiix Trennowan Parrot! Geo Patioa Painter Tho Lenrade Lee John Lenninx Root Lewis Evan Lewu Pendock LitbKOB Wm Tnulow A Turner Smith Pachell Jno Pagan Jos Tredsle Tucker Rev Ch Tinfant George Uber Geo American Mechanics Vanfleet Palmer Amos PalteraOB John Linward A Davirl Paddock Parke Jas LippiuctHt A Son union IJTU Lincoln Parke Job Parvus Rev Pickuo Csnt Lorane Matthew Loring A LongakerRB Lougcnstrin Lowden LongTWJ Low Capt A Louder A Loty Theo Lous John Piermott Vance David 1. i I. (Pidge A Pickering A rauucvuvii tiiae Vandeveer Jas Vidbritel Saml Walp John Watson A ricasania it Power Doctor Pdtt A Miller Potter Jr Porter Geo Porter A Powell Dr Price BT Pratt Chaa Prichard A WsshingtonGeot Waits Adolph Wayne JD Walsh Walker A Gille WarkWm Warner Wallace Lodges 1 Oof OF Nos34.1S.llM3. US, 17,01,33, XW, 3S, 13, bbo cm a i an IPublisher of Ame Wt OO) II, 0,1, 10, 4 and 40 rican Meas'r Pugh Levi a Walter 0 L.udentaict tieo Lynch liundeikine Jno Lyman A 80 Maylin John Mattbit Manooart Mag ea A Msiihoase Geo Walker TC Warner lata IQainn Jos fiaay Capt Wallace DM H4mnn wm Warner RB Wallace Jss Capt While John Webb Wm White Jot WestJoa WeibertChas vVhilallW Weil Henry wuamy Mr Randolph Ramsev Rakier Jo RanaJ MariaB Maeky LA Maries 8 MncBBley Imae Msnlev Chaa Kaimond F'Ttf ReileyJame Rhode Chaa Rhode Andw I Restelloh 8 RtlevFJ Webber Henry Welch Benj White Henry Malthias Cha Maximians 8 Webster Whitman Jst Wearer Maasey Chu Rhodes Banmel Naaieafr Reed EM Rhode CbarlesC RasatarBF Mager i Rich Weaver WF White Whiiaker Geo Wikwa Doa at Mason Reynold GeoN jr i. Maaotja Maasey Wm news a Reigl Wat Reed John Ea A Habile Martin 8 A Willing Tbot RKhardaoa Rev wuaoa WilsoaThos Willaird Marsh Tbot 8 MeceaRobtH RR Rinehart EdwJ metcnsnis utnre Richardaoa Saaali Wilaoa Matralfe Rev Kiiehey Saml i legate Pater Riee ev Tbot Wiley Edwl Mehary Meagher Meigs Saml Milieu A Bro MincbanM Miller 8 Milnor Gso A Milter David MillrrZL Miller Jno Jr Miller Miller Band Riley Joha WileoaBC Htcnarosw Richards' Roberta Wra Rodger Wrac RowlettPU Wihna Wilson Williamson Wilkinson Wihna DrO WiiadowJa Rowland Robbina Johjt Hock Joha WiUuunaon Joha Wilson CO Wood AT Wood Wm kloaeriTboaC Rodger IlenryE Mitchell EWO if oat mcna Rmledge Rush Dr Jame Wondaide Aaron Moore Geo Moran Jno Moor Geo MoTctonth 8 Moars Wat Moor A Allen Monygsn Jss Morgan Wm Morris Anthony Moor Wright Alfred WyattThad Yardley Tho Vonng CaptEbatl Young Edw Young Joha Young Geo lanl Joseph Schaat Jacob SangrenTE Schnebley Dr Scott Root HandereWraT ISchmackrrDavid Zlrglerjot ZaneZ Montgomery CB ifamuel Jolin morgan sot Mortt Thomas Mcer Jame Apargent Cant LB Araty A Navy.

mi man inaneu muant wataoa A Montgomery iqnenains laiarani MeGreger Danl Moore David A iSctternera; Chas Barron James Campbell Neat Norru Morrill A Co ISchriderbavea Morgan Myers Leonard MyersMJa Murphy J8 Murphy A Murphy MulayTbo MarpLvJa Inchroder Henry Seiser Fredk HberidaaPatk Annstron Joha Wcheafer Joha Grav Wm MsionevJn helton Joha Shonrse tuilca Wilsoa Vsn Hum Df Wm L. somas Joha hhard Philip A Sua mm HagnerON Frost ZantitngerZP Wee MeMallea BlackNwek 8 C3 IStawohna McMallen fshor Aadw MeDennott II Jacob McLanaThoaPt HoraerDrOIB l)lx 3ttj GEORGE t. ASTROLOOV Th aahsaribcr having Jaat sr nvsd from Sweden, aaTer his scrviosa lo th ttizena of Philadelphia, He has been aoasalted with bv Bll the crowned heads of Enrope, and ana joy higher reputation a aa Astruiogut than any one living. Removed from N. W.

Comer of Eighth and Christian streets, to No. Sotni ELEVENTH Stroet, (even doors below Chmnat where will be found from A. to 10 F. M. will answer all qoestiona eoneerning Law suits, kUrriasea, Jrnr nTi VoTares.

and ill eoncerns of Life. Fee Laldiea IS cents Gentlemea SO. Nativities ealcatated for Ladle from SOets. to 01: and Gonta. from fl to $3 each.

Jo7 lmO CW.RQBACX. DR. A. J. VANDERSLiCE, from Holland, ra SneetfuIlT usfurssi ha frienda and Las ll .1 L.

Ail Wt I mil 9 aaaas, aineinaaii inat no oares rues, raauiaa. muatnum Gustt, FHa, Stcaneas of the Stoaaseh, ryareWDeaf. aasssa rmsu rest Ur. V. will ssake no eharrcs far the above diseaam.

or dmsanil aav iar. wiiWat sffsetsig eosnpJets eara of th asate, cost of medicine axeapted. OAos hours from 7 A. M. to P.

M. Residence 110 South THIRD Street below Gsskill. We aide. 1 Jel lm DR CUMIN'S INDIAN VKGKTABLE REMEDY, WITHOUT MERCURY OR BALSAM Ocas No Pav Tha medicine hi a ssfe, errtaia and permanent ears for Secret Diseases every sure, lat rerastatioa ia aarivallad. It pieaasm lo li taM, kmvas su sdnr oa th braatk, and aeeds a as those well know who aav tried it.

Sold by JLOWAAD A WALTON, lyS lm). 370 Market wrest. A FPUCTED CaCaaf DR.H"Akl51 IX. WICK suit soniinaes, wuh his asual aod mos sairaorduwy saie eaa, ia th radieal oar of all dia asaaof th skia and thoa of a private nature, of wic ail easss of a rtesat orlgia are eared froal aa taa oays, wuhoat raatrirtioa a to diet or wjeotsmvaad withoat obooxiosa drags, aad also araatrra aabtuj of youth, which. HBot rsMora lathis Uraa, not eoly bgel sarins a mmri to amii lim nM hanrimesa.

bat sriv rise to a iHHYZSlll hawaioaa and devaaustmg affae. anoner sr lalar end at th premature aad awful daatraetioB of both atatost ascrecv nlm riPlkUondoato, irU lat I. for sale and to rpnt. TO BE LET A email STORE in Cllr Nlrr Street, a most tlgible location fur aay huul awnea. or soarcss, anpir at ine iv omoa, ivtntt FOR SALE The STOCK of Retail Grocery Lj, Store, a good basinet stand Bouse and Store loUt With txtara eonulet Stock light.

Ismmlrj th 8. K. eornsr of Bsbaylkut EIGIfTH and CHERRY Sta. Jyl4 lw f' THREE HANDSOME and CONVENIENT LJ.CHAMBER8TO BB LET. to a quiet and respectable family, al 86 par month.

Inquir at E. M. JON Tea and Triimninta establishment, N. E. cor.

FRANKLIN and GREEN Sta. It13 TO RENT A HOUSE, silualed in Lombard, JLiwasl of Schyl. Sixth street has (tor apoa th Arst Boor was aaed bv the last tenant aa a Grocery Store I also a yard, with vdrant. For further par ticaiara, ITS. inmiiran TllnMAg P1TTOM.

Xoaatard, weal of Schl. Sixth street, or at 130 South Front tt 0 FOR RALE OR TO LET A laree, well built and aonvenient three storr Brick DWEU UNO. with two story back building, marble mantels and whit eoarbie front, with a hug yard and ky orantmthe aaaae, aituata oa Broaa oeiow rar riaa, above Burroughs' Church, on of the inesl ailnstions at th district of Spring Gardea. Also, a neat and aommodioua three story Brick DWELLING, with Bauble front snd lai it larrs vara. with vdrant ut theaama, situate on Marshall street, above Poplar.

Apply to W. KVANDEVER, Twelfth )yl3 3t sd door abov Parriah st 8. 0. aprofitable bCs1Ses5ToOaT il The advertuor, ia consequence of having otiier msragemont to attend to, a desirous ot sis nosing of hu FRINGE and TRIMMINGS MANUFACTORY, now in complete operation. This would ba a favorable opportunity for a person with 83,000 getting into pleasant end profitable basinets.

Tba proprietor would have no objection to treat wna one or two skillful operatives, possessing dred duUsra. aa ha would he Wlllint to re ua a lew nun rent tbrm the merkuiery, and would sssint them considerably with order from hi Store. Address Manufactory," IwU.r nAW. ivlJ at A RARE CHANCE FOR SALE, on of the best PROVISION STORES in the city, where there hi a very large and genteel business esta bliahed, and now doing an excellent business. Th purchaser will only require about (ISO to bay the Fixtures, and Immediate nosscanon will be siren.

For further partieulars, inquir st the N. E. corner a r.a.r aiKi ornvvo i FOR SALE A SLAUGHTER UOUSE snd mVEIJJNG A three story brick, 18 by 30 to IA 11 I V. 11..... ihrM JiW.

Itcu nuumi to u. iv, wm "ui wr brick ftlsughter House and 9taie, it py as leei, faille Yard and Cartway paved with pebble. Inquir of the subscriber, oa the premises, POPLAR Street, above Thirteenth. GEORGE KNORR. QAiso, a LOT OF GROUND, on the Northwest corner of Popl and Thirteenth streets, 37 feet 0 inches on Poplar, and 70 feet on Thirteenth street, with two three story brick Houses, with one suiry brick Kitchens, on Thirteenth street aiid a oue atory brick office, 10 feel square on the corner.

Alao, iwo LOTS OF GROUND, on Carroll, above Thirteenth street, 18 by 80 feet each, to a back sireet, called Caldwell street One of these Lots has two three story brick Houses on lite back end, inteuded tor court kousea. i i tirm ir. innt'wn I A1SO, ILVI UF UKVtlll, rwn, between Eleventh and Twelfth and Parrish and Brotrn streets, 64 fret by 84 deep, with two three story Frames, with Kitchens, and two two story Frames and two I wo story Stone Houses and Stone Stable. All renting for 8329, nd the rent low. Insured for S3, 100.

For particulars inquire of the subscriber, in POP LtAit, snnv i nineenin street jylO tw GEORGE KNORR. dFCR SALE. A first rate F.TABUSH MENT can be bad in Ihe Cur of Readina, Pi oonsisiing of two good Billmrd Tables, doing a good business, (and the only ones in the city,) uresis of an Eaurtg and Drinking House. Any enterpris ing man who wishes to esublisk Itimsetl mar Bear, by Brmhring soon. H.

Reading, No. 77 FIFTH 8t Jylf 3t jOt NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS, wishing on Oofth moat beautiful BUSINESS SANDS, oa CTlESNUT Sireet, either as Fancy Dry Good or ny kind of bnriness. It has been successfully occupied for a number of yean by tba tarn person. To an approved applicant almost immediate pajscaaion might ba given. A not soar cased to B.

Post Office, would meet with prompt sttention. jyt eoaim sti. FOR SALE The STOCK snd FIXTURES 3 Ul 1 I V. BMJ run of eouBtry and city custom, situated in Market sireet. To any person wishing to engage in lha abov business, tbi i a rare offer.

Address A. ai ine Lieoger omoa. jris 44 TO LET The DWELLING of th new Li modern built House, No. 114 North Sixth street, near Race. Inquire at th UMBRELLA STORE, next door above.

Jyl3 3i A GOOD BARGAIN FOR BOOT AND LlSHOE DEALERS AND MANUFACTURERS. i (tbsoribvr wishing to retire from business, offers for ml the STOCK, FIXTURES aod GOOD I II II assorted stock of Retail Boots and Shoe. Hons and Store also to rant, and possession given iraroediaiely. He ha been doing business ia that neighborhood for the last 17 year. The whole or sny part offered oa good terms.

JM). 1MAYER. ivS lw 84T NT Third t. abov Callowhill. eyta, SEABATHLQ TbHOUsEoailaxsvii'i Beach.

Caps iienlopea. is aow open for vuilers, where every attentioa will be aad in their wants. Tba bathing is ansarpassedwita the ocean ia full view and breezes al all times, mike ii a drsirallr plao ft health and rojoyment. nrdin mnomis. jyS lm DAV1U LuPLAM) FOR BALE A two story HOUSE on Ihe West sid of Delaware Stalk street.

Crst boas uth of Parrish; 1 Parlors, Diuhur Room and Kitchen, four Chambers. Inquire ua th premises. Terms enay. ty4t sytik FOR BALE In Camdeu, X. apoa very i favorable On three story Frame Hoase, oa Biidre Avenue, (Railroad) Two two story Frames, aearly adjoiaing th ahrv.

On three story Frsase, oa ick Is st, almva 4d. On do. est Berkley, above Fourth, and ssvaral vu i. her offerei are all new and wall built, ami, with the exception of one, srs within three minutes' vr Jk from lb ferries. Apply lo ISAAC WCKLE, Coav veyancar, URIDGL AVENUE, abov Elwell'sHo tci, csmaen, t.

jyd lw FOR SALE Tj Babscribers, iotendWM L3 relinquish business ia Ih city of Reading, now offer fen sale their sntlrs stock of DRY GOODS, together with a LEASE of the Btor for a term of year, i Betr stuck: at exoetient oroer in tmst ncs (tsnd lb best ia th eily i th store beaaiifully iniahed, and, with the eou wing room, it seven ir Ihree feet ia depth th cellar well ealculatad for Dry Gtxxis or Groceries, Having had the iargest raa of custom tor year past, they Bauer uernselves that they can hold out (real inducements to the purchaser. Any desired information will imparled by th sab erihera in Reading, and they would give reference r.r nr.L. kaiulku ft no. w. ami b.

m. BUNN. No. 74 North Third street, and REED A uav, ito. 177 aiaraet sireet, fhitaa.

J)7 lnr O'BRIEN A RAIGUEL. fii LI IT Tho Third Blnrv of the lame BUILDING, al the N. E. oor. ii CiEOKGR and iTH Sau.

a bv feat ia size. Anolv to JNO. BORN, 1 8. BROAD Bear Cheanat. ielO lm LOTS Larg and (mail, oa Chesust, Jtr anove Bcboyinu EHxta.

ana treorge, anor Schaylkill Foarti tl ft saleV JO lraO A D. CASH, Wo. 80 Walntt tt FOR SALE A three story Brick HOUSE, koi irotn. ea oca. zucau st snore inerrv, rm suviiata, io im 11 North GTO RENT A CO UN TB SEA two milrn from th city, near Gray Ferry.

Inquir ot toAAv. i tits, ta maxuc." srtc aurw Bray's Ferry Road. JcOO lm aH) CAPITALISTS AND BUILDERS For Sals, a IXrT OF GROUND, (itaatcd oa th West side of Third (treat, scar George, Northern Liberties, 77 feet front by 117 feet deep, II its eapaal site (nr a Church eoaid he issprovsd an a to pay good interest Will ba sold low hf applied fortooa. IjMvnta ei uV praaaiaeA tet) N. THIRD Street teOO Isr 0 IMPORTANT TO PHYSICIANS A vary desirable COUNTRY RESIDENCE, aboal 1) a from lb city, is acw offered for awl.

It hi tna led ta tb audst of a thickly aMtled, wealthy atat rapidly isnproving aeghborhooi. It ha beaa ecu pied br a Phrnciaa Tor a aambor of ysars. Th praetiat it worth aboal 81000 per anaant For farther part mlars, atosirs of N. H. POTTS, Oowie, anoar.

tt. B. eeenar of SEVENTH Bad SPRING GARDEN Brrssts. iyt Ow forsaLe ob reasonable term, two Ihre Jslory FRAME tars ander theea,) aad LOT OF GROUND faydraat WBter the yard clear of ail livnmbraay tiraala oa th West aid of LANCASTER 8t, abov Reed, District of SoauSwark. Lot 18 feel front on LAooas larai.y 03 feet deep.

Inquire in FIFTH second hoass below Federal, fWest (id.) leaS lmi 0 COUNTRY PLACE For SALE or lo LET. asw aad beanufal DWELL1NO, at Olnty, Bulet north of th city, oa Ih Second sires tampiks. Tore line of Omnibuses pass lb door. For tersja, appry to SAML. O.

FORD. Je30 ln.O BANTSTREET, NKaB HIGH STREET A LUABIJi BUILDINO LOTS FOR STORES. A LOT OF 6 ROUND oa Ihe sasl side of Bank atrset, 83 feel south of Hisrh street, UN feat front oa Bank faraet by aboat SO feet deep, la ba aaad ia lota t. ww tt ILmTS 1 aars near Foanb. tea 3a T.

auMsi mi rutusuU FOR RAIJt riR TO FF.NTA thiaa Briek DWELLING HOUSE, with Back Baud aa th E. oraer Cheanat and Schaylktll Seventh st. Apply R.T. KNIGHT. No.

100 CHERRY 8t Rant 0400. JTt tw FOR 8ALK OR TO RKNT A haadsoss New Dwwung BOUBK, fat Woubary, N. J4 0 BeefremOaaai Rem low. Apply to JOS E. KAV.

SPRUtG OAKDFJ4 Strath (toof balow MU, W. bob, Wooobory. fw ra ayth TO LET Th large Ihres slory BRICK UDWELLINS and STORE, with FUtaret for Grocery, rir. of 91 band Paasycmk Road. Apply to T.

BARNETT, opposite County Prison. )yft ft)K KALE AND TU REN I 0 FOR SALE A twotory UOVSh, and LOT. AO bv 100 feel! silnsted in mill idea, aa Liu si real, terond house west of Third sireet, ot) reasonaUe loqtur on th pro Blisca. i J)13 3i FOR 8ALE A threslnry BRICK DVEt; Li LING and 8TORB, 10 feet by 80 feet 0 Inch Seep, at thN. W.eorncf of Fraiiklluand Union tts.

Lot 83 feaiS inches in depth. Apply tl No. 181 APPI St. above George, N. or No.

400 North FIFTH above Btowa. Jyl3 3w FOR'BALEA RETAIL DRUG liciblv located, eornmaudin a first ml bust uess, will sold a bargain, Hie proprietor being a pgea in a manuiactartiu; outinesa. Address Dtcas, Ledger onlce. jyij Tt TO LET TWO or THREE large ROO.U9 L.3TO LET, ia a Irst mla iiuelina, aiidjinssrs suiggood light. Apply at No.

North THIRD ClariclF VTSlpN I FOR SALEA BARGAIN Th 8TOCK FIXTURES of a GROCERY and PRO B1V1D sa Aa SsB0sa saaaatk haasiiataasB. a Ifltrivj (71 vn tltai'l at mio vmmm trvimts tsaaaj, STORE and DWELUN0 TO RENT, and imme dtate pnaseauon give. Apply al tba more, on BROAD Street, abov Cosies, next to Burrow' Church. v. jyl3 3t FOR dALE The aoJ FIXTURES of a Retail Groeery iaaplraaant neighborhood.

Slock Ughl. For address, apply al the Ledger Omce. jyl3 lw asth FOR SALE The remaining STOCK of a LI DRY GOODS and TRIMM1NGSST0RE. Th stand is wall astsblikhsd, and Ih stock will be sold a groat bargain. If applied for Immediately.

For sd dress, apply at the Ledger office. jyl3 Sf asti TO LET The SECOND STOrV and CEL tiLAR of tb Store, No. 34 SECOND StM be twaea Market aad Arch. jyl3 3l JS STARCH FACTORY AND CORN MILL LiFOR SALE OR TO RENT. ThsMachuiery aiMi unplemeiila of a Starch Factory, iu eomplet order, ready to go to work immediately, with a mill for grinding com meal, with Iwo run of stones, com kiln, Ac, iu complete order, wilh a Steam Rngine attached, to run both (larch factory and mill.

To any on wi.hing to engage in either butiness, or both, th sbove offer inducements rarely met with. Thettarch niade al this esinulishmeiit lias a large run of eastoni, which oan be retained oy any one engaging in it. All information necessary to the nrniiuf io ture of Ihe starch (it being made on Ih English plan) will lie given. Any further information cm be obtained, cm application to JAMES D. WHETHAM, Front street, above Market.

Or on Ihe premises, No. 740 North FIFTH near Oerroaiitown road. jy8 3leod "IMPORTANT TO CAPITALISTS AND Z1ZEMIGRANTS. 8070 ACRES OK LAND FOR SALE 103S Acres situate in Jefferson county, Peiinsylvania, mid off in kits of 1731 acres each; the whole excellent Timber Land; and Spring Creek, a navigable and never falling stream of water, run through the Eastern part of it, affording several tile lor mw mills, nr any other machinery. Via Acres situate pan in Jefferson, and part In Elk counties.

This tract is also bid off in lot of 179J acres euch. All of which i covered wilh Ihe finest liuilier. such as Pine, Hemlock, Wild Cherry and Poplar, and wrll watered; several brancbea of Spring t'rn run through the whole length of it Tor whole of this property will be sold Inrgaln, either iu lot as laid off, or in die whole, lo suit pur cbasers. ami is worthy the attention of Cspitaiista and Einiirniiiis. For particulars, apply to SAML.

REINlIARI), Lelsuvm, Pa. SA.MU ENSMINGER. Mnnlirnn. Pa. fir In HIRAM II.

RE1.MIARD, Sigu of IheSwan, RACE. Ph.ld. ie4l sw4wi TO LET For the season endina Uth Septem i ma. i i. iiinm South FIFTH 80 by 31 foal, with dresain room and refreshment room.

The as of a kitchen can be had, if desired. Apply oa the premises, below. texj wietw EXCURSIONS TO GRAY'S aEiScJCFERRY are made every MONDAY, TT7l.TtsiMY and FRIDAY AFTERNOON, by Strnmboat CLIFTON, from First Wharf below ARCH at TBtxx o'clock, touching at rirosm inr's Ferry and Almond returning earlr. Ticket lx, cenis i or ins inp. jyvtw ncuas rur oiaiiuia.

rvsi FENN aad DELAWARE CITY, a. ian wt 1 i Kamaavun. tt wu a a hwusj tmwai aiidSatarday, Rettrnlng the opposite day. my3l 0m i ii bj pukt cLirr i uin and ta kl3XAQVk RAILROAD The en ui road from Port Clinton lo Tamaqua, having baett renewed with heavy iron rails and good, substantia! bridges, wilh all other improvements adapted to the use of locomotive engines, snd tb regular hosines of the road being now resumed, a PASSENGER TRAIN will, on and after TUESDAY, 13th leave TAMAQUA daily, (Sundays excepted,) at 8 o'clock, A. Mk and arrive at Port Clinton in lima to connect wilh ihe downward train from Potttvilla to Philadelphia Returning, will leave Port Clinton on the arrival of th Philadelphia eara.

and reach Ta maqua for dinner. A Freight Train, with merchandize, will also leava dairy. WM. WALLACE, reasurer ana secretary ot untie Ben. nay.

haii road snd C. Co. lyO lm, SEA BATH I 0 FOR LONG BRANCH. DEAL AND MANAS UUAN Onsnd after Monday. Jan 38th, Passengers for I he above celebrated watering place will tak Ih Camden aad Amboy Railroad, Invery day sxcrpt Bunds rt,) si o'clock, A.

rvainui mreet rerry.i no xtignisiown, (wnar Breakfast will be in readiness.) and from thence but stages for et ther of the above placea passing through th plesasnl tills get of Free bold, Gutuneok and Ealoatown, snd arriving early th same slernoon. JSsrawg tjuijres wvl leave th abov plaor very morning few Hightstown, wher passatigerl will take the Camdea and Amboy Railroad Line, arriving ia Philadelphia by e'elock, P. M. Th Prupriatnrs of Ihu) Una pledge tanas SB If SB to fanush good and pleases sisfee, gentle aorta, anal aocoaamodaling driven. A reasonable quantity of baggag will allowed to each psssengsr.

Extra baggage taken at Btoderal prleea. A bag gmr wagon always in rsaoiness. JeSt laa, Far from Philad. lo Long Branch and DeaL 83 00 Mansaouan, 0 Freehold, 800 ghutown to Luog Branch and Deal, I STAGE PROPRJETOR8. R.

M. SMITH, Hirhlstownj N. RUE, Js FreehoM; WARDEIX, SHERMAN A COrLonc Branch; COOK, FORMAN A MsnasqaajjT ar PARASOLS UMBRELLAS AND PA. TT ASOLB, of th latest fashion. A large aa s' sortmerrt at 8HARON SLEEPER'S Maaa raetory, No.

S44 MARKET Street, on door abov Ten Ik. Every amcw pertaining to his line of bosi Bost aatd a order and rcpttrad, witk great ear and arsaAtch. )l 3mT jCJ. FAIRBANKS PATENT PLATFORM linu wun i tx a large sCaVmeni of these telebraied Scale for mla bv A. B.

ORRIS or D.O. PROUTY, 1044 MARKET Bt Philada. Also, Hsy, Coal, Railroad and Canal Scale reeled at short none, tat th atost perfset aad durable Bxanaer. PBrehaser ar eautlcsied agamet a (parion article offered at Fairbaak's Scales lb genuine oan be had only of the authorised Agents. a odlo3 3 PLATFORM SCALES OIBSON tt DAVIS (Snoceaaor lo Elliott A Gibson) continaa msnofaetara their anrivalled Platform Scales ia great variety, at th old Scale Eaublhilunent, MELON Street, Bear Ninth and Coate and would all tb particular attention of Coal Shipper! and Dealcra to their Barrow and Cart Scales, a superior aruclet alto, then? Hav Bcalea.

All guarantied a a matter of course, and if ant rawing satisfactory, may ratBTned at any time. Osier scared i our of Ice, No. 10 MARKET Street. apl0 od3rn GIBSON A DAVIS. DR.

LAN GOLF, No. 74 8PRUCB Street, below Third Il ia poaaml lo eradicate all secret a Well a inveterate eases, radically, withoat memory or balsam, including some (elf destructive habits of youlh that dreadful practice sends miserably to untimely tombs, If not restored at tins to prime vigor. Whatever Dr. Langolf promise will be performed with strict honesty and moderate eharg. )el8 lm CURE, NO FAY! A CERTAIN DISEASE CURED IN TWO DAYS Tkt mo romsdy for pain ia Ih loins, recent snd caruni af.

faction of th kidney, disease of avaL kness, Ae. Psrao at wh by mduls ins? ia a secret habit, haya emailed oa themselves eow stirationsj debility, should anpry iiataediately a DR. K1NKEL1N, of lbs Philadslpkia Medical Boas, Ua oldest institution of th kind ia Ih eity. OSea, N. W.aoraer of South THIRD aad UNION Street, betwsea Spraee and Fine, 1 squara from tksjE.

CABng. This MEDICAL BOUBK wa astabHthtd a Bam bar of ysere ago, lor th sappreasiMi of qaaeksry, etng ao many parsons, wttaoat aaowiaoge, sr ehawaeter, who ant arl rat llisaaiaai ia tka pablia papers, that aa iasumtioa of that kind wm highly asosssary to praveal th aihietsd, speeiaily strangers, from faluog into th hands af soma st Bkilfal wtsC, who, Hist sad of oaring, Bug hi send his victim lo aa Bonaaeijr grave. Theresors. the af giotsd shoald ahaa th Baraeroas avattadea phrst usee who know nothing af th praeuee atadteiaav he cnasaii Dr. Kinxaita, who eara a rasia asa ia tw ar thro days, aeaordiag lolbs tat of th paliem, withoat th as of mweary.

Ns am ia rati rtsaediea are assd by Dr. KuAeii hit msdioiaa at palatable and harmlest, and all paUeaai hoa oraMy ahielded from area th possibility of knar discover sd. Ha who plae kinasel aadar lha ar a Dr.KaXtay rsiigioaaly aoafid ia hi honor aa a gss tleeaaa, an eoafjaieatly rely apoa hi kili a a phyat esaa, and if hs is not speedily raiievad ao rwaanarsi tion will dssnanrled. Tabs PsrtataJar Assist Yawasj BteB wb hr to tared meanssivat by a etaia practice Indulged ut a habn freqacatly learned from aril eomnsuons, or at ehooe lk effects of whioh ar aigkilv feit, ovasi who asleep, and destroy kAltntod and tody, shoald apply iBtatadiaisty. Weakneaa sasd eoasuiatiuoai do aaliiy inunesuately cured and Cad vigor restored.

AA atttert post paid. Taa JVsi Dr Kinkelia baa had greater prat tiee ia the above affections than aay phyaaciaa ia lha U.S. He abo poaacssea ss adramiure orw sH others, from Ih fact of km havug stadied In Ih great hospitals of Karons Taoaaaoaa ia Philaodphis caa lcs tlfy that ard Ibeat after every other steam had failed. Benarat rnran for privets eormltatioa. Open till, P.M.

Msdicuk) forwarded by addrraaing poat faid letter. tyU uytM 1 I CAR from TltfRB aud WIUW Mii" Jstnet to FAIR MOUNT, al 1I lo ci. A every hnlf hour after on o'cl icx ri till dark. tl4 3w FUNK, Proprietor. I frtiTR vVToitclTRSiON to BRIDKhBl'RO The Sleumer PA TH IC.

Cant. L. P. Burton, will mnke reiruls' "In in Ih (lawe iismed beautiful villa, on Tt'E DAVP, THURSDAYS and SATURl) Y8. living Arch (ireel wharf ul 4.

Sf end 7 oVlork, itching r.t Brownuig't Fvrry. Fur for lliset. iuriiwr, 10 fCiilt. Jyl3 GLOUCESTER FERRY From NOBLE Street Wharf Th TTTTmndioui Steamer STRANGER will irsv Noble tlrecl wharf al 3J 8 and 0J o'clook every aflernonn, Sundays excepted, coininencing it U.e Uth July, for Gloucester Point, one of Ih mist plcunnt place of inort ill the vtcmUy of Phllsdsl phia. Returning, will leave OUsujesler at ihajn termrdiat boor.

Fr 0 ris. acb way. Children rTrrarTTlileamboXlSl Twill run reguUrly from tlie second CSsTsWToMBARD Btrret lo POINT AIRY BATHS. Far for the excursion Oj cts. jcsS lmQ Lairri r'Ott CAPE MAY, DAILY.

TJi SW OHIO and ROBT. M0R lus "oria a daily Jin dxtween Phildlphm and Tb Morris leaves Dock street wharf every Hon day, Wednesday and Friday, and the Ohio every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 81 o'clock; A. and returning leave Cupe Llandou oppo liiedss. Fare 03. msalt snd earring hironicluded.

Sanson Tickets 810, meals and carriage hire extra. 6. II Agent. 8 The Hue Steamboat GEO. WASHINGTON (Baltimore Line) will make a few trip in plae of the Morris," while the hitler is andergoing tome alteration, yia lv irsi THE STEAMBOAT EXPHr53.

aSSSizrCBpt PAYNE, Isavaa ARCH Sireet nail uu atuiiuftj, tt wuiwj i at 10 o'clock, for SALEM, DELAWARE CITY and I rial (ii4srnta imlsa iilmi a rrlkl days. JyO lnr BATHING AT SMITH'S ISLAND. Oar eltiseut are respectfully in uiinrd II.KI Ih neat ana popuisr liliis nieamer JOHN SMITH pile regularly every few minute from in nrst woari ueiow turjj.xu etreei, to th Itlsnd opposiis, daily, until 10 o'clock, P. or th aonveywie of paasengers. Fart for lha whole trip, both way, bathing included, only 0 cenlt.

JyO Sl aJTJa, EXCURSION fOBRIDEI 32Smil Tbe Sieambiml KENT EXCURSION TO BRIDICttBUKfT will make trips every Monday, Wednesday an rnuay Afternoons, from ARCH St. Whan, at 31 o'clock, touching al Almond street and Browning's Kerry. Fsre for Ihe Excursion, 10 ets. JyS Sw STEAMER COHANSKY FOR BRIDGETON, GREENWICH, oA't PENN, DEL. CITY ana Pitw VMS tun, Irares ARCH Street Wharf every Tuesday, Thursday aad Saturday morning, at 8 o'clock, aud Bridge ton at o'clock on the oppnaiie oays.

Stsgc connect witk the Boat for Mlllvlllr, Port Elixabelh, CeJarrill, Newport and Dividing Creek. ays Sot M. L. GREEN, Csptaln. FOR CANTWELL'S BRIDGE On and after Monday, Jane 81, th DiwmuoiM savit ivji v.

w. ARCH Street Wharf, Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, at 0 o'clock and will leava Canl weal's Bridge at 8 o'clock, oa Ih opposite dive storming at Chester, New Castle, Dehvwar City and Port Pea. Far SO cent Cbestsr at eeots. Dinner provided oa board. Freigai carried at th lowest rate.

Jean trysTe FOR WILMINGTON THREB TIMES A DAY Steamboat BAL I A Vl ru i lASJITW IT. TT SllMMllT, 11 daily, oraarfap (xrisWd. at 7f and o'clock, P.M. Leave from Cheanat St Wharf and 11 e'elock, A. ve WUmirsrtnaat 7 and 11.

A. and I o'clock. P.M. FarS8ecK. To Chester or Hook tS ets.

rtwengora for th BRANDYW1NE STRINGS take Coach ea tot Wilmlngtoa oa th arrival of sithar of the boa at. aaySO tf, FOR BURLINGTON AND BRIS TOL. Tuna a Day. Steamboat rou CHHSTi mreet sari oauy, loonoay xeeDted.) al A. M.

and 8 o'clock, P. M. Leave Vrauoi at 7 x.a1tnttr,a. rare tag cm. asyv iif FOR BOSTON, vu NEWPORT an FAIXRIVER NR ITSTAiM ATIND RAILROAD LINE Oface, NO.

WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Composed of th sBMrior Crst alas steamers, of treat strenrtk sod peed, particularly adapted to th navigation of Long Island Soand, ruining in connection anth th Fall Hirer ana wia votosy luuiroaa, a asa rare i amy S3 aules to Bosum. Leava pier No. North River, Bear tkt Battery, dailv. axeeot Sandava.

Th new Staunor BAY STATE, 1 000 tons bar. then, Oapt. Joaeoh J. Coanstock, Tacsdayt, Tlltr. dayt and Baturdaya.

at f. Th. Steamer MASSACHUSETTS, ION ton bar. the, Capt. Willaua Brown, oa Monday, Wcdne days, and Frtdaya, at 0, F.

M. Thras eastern are fitted with slat roomt, and every mngeBMm for lb security and anmfnrt at naaaMisnra. wbn ara aflisrded bv this mala night's rest on brrd and oa arrival at Fall River, proceed per rUulrnad. reacaing thwum aarty lha toi lowini momimt. or II they prefer, rcmala on bmrd and lake Ibe asaVmn Waua train, (grttuig breakfvsl on board If Uiy wish,) waieS leavrs si si r.

at and arrives la Bixuiii al about Of A. M. A bargag master attached to each steasww, who reesire and tlcke lhbsggaew, and aceonipaniee the mat to its desuaatioa. A sua mar rant In eonnsrbuA with tb lin a and from Providence, Prstg to Bdsina taken al th mm rate as by th other regahu lines, aad fcrwarded with rator aXMditioa. For freight ar passage apply board, or at th eaVe of the Lin, at th eorna of Washington street and Battery Pmea, New York, or at Nat WAL NUT Ot, PkiUutsiphia, ap stairs, where a phut of Ihe etbia amy ba ssea and berths secured.

All goods sent to lha mbteriosr forwarded fre Worsts or oom Bi atria t. w. DOWNING, Ag't, ielMar No. 8 Walmrl Mr, Philslla. mHltih Foa ALEMt DELAWARE CASTLE, A T' Steasibimi CLIFTft.

Lure the Snath tide of ARCH 8u Whan, every Taeaday, Thartdsy ind Bwiiday aaoraing, st 18 o'clock, tor Saleat, Leas. war City, New Caatla, Penat Oroya, Book aad ChsAer. aUtareing, leava Salem every Monday, Wednesday and Friday sanniirig. at o'okiek, Inawh tngsa above. Dinner prrmaed sa beard.

apl? lm FOR SMYRNA Steamboat NA. POLEON leave tb first wharf be. low AKCH for SMYRNA, PORT PKNN, DR. l.lWlDVr1TV.M NVWCIBTID DAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY Bxornmg, at 0 o'clock. Returning, leaves Short' Landing, near Smyrna, th following morning, at 8 e'elock.

Dinner cm board. Freight aakeaal low rates. Blsgea wilt ia readiaast lo snavey ptascngors from lha an4uig to Bmyrna. mhSl ti) r'Jlw 0LOUCE8TER PoRt FERRY. sfifj.jbaiC Oaa of Ih boat, of this lin leave the brat wuarf below Cheanat Street daily, at 7, A.

and every hoar after through th day, P. at which lim th hut boat will leava lha city. The trips from Gloucester will also made every hour, the last boat leaviag that place ai P. an til further aotic. Touching each way at Almond Btrael, excephng oa lb last trip down.

Far 01 eent Bach way. frlO ilP B. T. McMURTRIE, Agent. jAl FOR PASsAGK ia Packeta awesrTLU SIVERPOOL and NEW YORK, aad Remit, toner to Romp, v.

B. PALMER i Agent for. J. McM URRAY, N. W.

Corner of THIRD and CHE8 NUT Bu eets, Id story, Phuadalphia. )r3 aiv oe asiuir Shlnt nBaaas. it's Whimey, Shsrhan. Henry New World, Capt. Popeam, Corntah, Traak, 8kiddy, From Livt FmN.

Y. Jan 00. July 11. H. to.

Aag. tl. 81. 0tr. 0.

tt IL tt No, afts PASSAGB FROM LfVERPOOl In the 1PBILADELPHIA LINE OF FAl ICKETS. kkring Liverpool the lxi day of every moalh. Pas. a ma eeruneaisa goos lor atx aannina. Annlvat the 1.4 k.

OOPBACO frx FOR BROWN'S MIIJAon after the 1st of Jaly, BRYAN'S LINK OF STAGES leaves Barling, toe regularly daily ea the arrival of Ihe I o'clock Boaa from the dry. Far through from Burlington )cI7 Iib Vy JsRISTOWN RAILROAD. AlaasriaiJi aad AsmAaum. Lrave Philadelphia at 0, aad. Do.

Nornstowa at 7, 11 and 1 On Bends jra, the traia at 11 from Norrlstewa, and fA hud Iraia froat Philadelphia will etauttei. Lsoves PhiiadsiDlua at 74. 104. AO lamil I and 7. 4 VO.

trernauMowa Oa Sundays tbs trips at 4 and I a I will he omitted. Oaatihaee will heave tb Exchange 83 mine tea before the ear Mart, (Sendart excepted.) fed ly FOR BAZZARD'S BEACH. BREAK, dJJh WATER AND LEWES, DELAWARE Tusiast Bailing pacAet schooner WALTER, Capt, WruuM HiTcaun, for flaxxard' Beach, Breakwater and Lcwea, DelSTrsre, will ommenee her ngtbtf trip oa WEDNESDAY next, WUI yontuia ruun daring the Sammer season, leaving FINE Street Wharf every FnitayTsud Lewes ever Tsesdsy of each week. Ta W. at well kaowa for her superior ailing ha excellent abin ceomasdlioa, which has baea fitted ap witk very attentioa to th comfort of pasnrers.

Far each way, (meal iaeladod,) 81 SO. ChOdrext aalf price. For Baruealart apply ia ibe Oantsta oa koarior to F. BURTON, jm lmj Bl South Wharva. A MEDAL AWARDED BY TH" i 'FRANKLIN PI8TITUTK TO T.

W. MATrSON, No. IM MARKET Street, he lew Stub, for ha superiority in the MaauVacrrta of TRAVELLLNG TRUNKS. A Urge aaeanavmt arswmntly oa hand, at the Jaws prism. pit em gjft JOUKFH BF.RNHARD A CO, BELL AND IryTJRASsJ FOUNDFJLH, No.

WO MARKET keen eoBatantlf on hand BELLS fmat lo low poindii and Bpwards. Ama, Mineral Water Appn for manufacturing and Bottling. Aam, Brsst Brahaa, Wirhra and Measarea. All kinds of Brsm and Lroa Work atushed, aad Caauum Asm la Useie style. Bfr 3sr PR.TOWNStWD'SSARSAPAniLLA IAssna.t jjlfaSTh'aavr Hrdirnw WtrU i Thit Exlrsct is pat ap In quart bottles tt la rial (font rsMnwr, pleasntiter, and warranted superior to any mid.

Il cures disease without ewnatfag, parg irrsttiag, or d.Wiinliag Ih patient The greal beauty and suptrinrily of this Ssrsapo. fill over ait other remedies ta, whilst it tradicaiext I disess il invigiwates the btaly. IT P1JIFORMED LAST YEAR MORE TfLiNi 14,000 f4 care of Rlieuinalisia. 4 iVt 4 LOW) cur of Dysnepsm. cure of General Debility od want of wi tfoim Energy.

8,000 Fetnal CntnpUlirtt, (ill oyer curetof Duanse Of th Bh" visi Ulcrs, Scrofula, ErplpeUu, Fsilt Kheum, 1 trtises on Ihe Fuot, A Ac, together with i numsraus suae of CoMMimptum, Livr Complaiut, Bptnal Affarihms, Ao. This, ar a wars, raaat appear imedilna, hut bay letter! from physf eians, and our agents, from all pnru of th Ih United Stales, informing us of extraordinary care. R. Vast Dunkirk, Fi our of th most respeetnhl Druggist in Newark, New Jersey, Informs us that he ran ra fer hi Store I han on hundred and fifty catet iu that place atone. OPLNION8 OF PHYSICIANS.

Dr. Townsend It slmosi daily receivint ordert froal phrttcian in Ih different part of llie Uuion. This is lo certify that wa, th andertigned, phyU suaa oj wssuf save, la aaiasroa rxsrt, pmcriued A. TU rvfj SARSAPA R1LLA, and believe il to csie ot the aum valuaM prrnaraliont of the Saraaparilia in th market. It Tl 1 tt J.WUaon,M.D4 P.E.Eiiueudorf.Mi.

The followlna I from on of Ih most rssnec table physicians on Long Island. viiuirvsT, amy iw, loao. Dr. Townsend Dear Sirt It ia with utUfactioa that I my to yoa, that I hay recently witnessed, in everal cases, th beneficial remit from your Ex tract of Surainerill. Bsinr erynured in thtpractica of medicine, I hsve prescribed it iu several cases, and never wtinotii oeneni.

in removal niiianes arising from a deraiwrd stale of th direstive ormu. lean. dice, Ac, il far exseeds any thing of the kind vc pet ore onerea to in paoits, toa win piea scim iwo uozen, o. JMspeciruiiy yours, 8. C.

M. D. SCROFULA CURED. Thit certificate conclusively proves that this Bar inarilla has perfect control over lha must ohstinata disease of the blood. Tars persons eared in out boas i annrecedentrd.

inner. uuiMiiKcn. Dr. Townsend Dr. Sin I bay luenletntre to In form yoa that three of my children have been cured of tli rVruful by Ihe use of your excellent medicine.

They were afflicted very severely wilh bad sore; have taken four bottles; it took them away. lur wuicn lew uijavu smiw uvcp uuilgsuoil. loursrespecuuiiy, ISAAO W. CHAIN, 100 Wootter tt. New York, March 1.


McLean, member of the Lorlslature. and late of Iba United Stales Navy, has kindly sent as the following csrUncate. It tolls its own story KsaWAT, Jan. 33, 1417. A year tine I was taken with th Influent, aa my whole system left in a debilitated state I whs induced lo try Dr.

Townsend's Suranpaiiila, and af. tor taking two or three bottle 1 was very mawa relieved, and attributed il entirely lo the Hid Hnrsapa rllla. 1 have continued taking it, and liai that I im prove every usy. iMiievetlsaveal my lile, and would not be without il under any oonsideniuun. O.

W.McLFJIN. DYSPEPSIA. No laid or medial ae ha aver been ditrovared which ao nearly resemble th gastric Jaloa or saliva ia deoomposuig food and aurngtheoing the organs of digesthai, aa this preparalioa of Srsarills. Hans DaraBTMXHT, Albasv, May 10. 84 J.

ur. loirnseno cur I nave been anieted fur ral year wilh dyapepaia in iu worst forms, attended with sourness of stomach, kiss of appetite, rxirean heartburn, mid a greal aversion lo all kinds of food, and for weeks (what I could eat) I have been ratable to rtia but a email portion oa my stomach. I tried the usual remedies, but they had but little or ao effect ia restoring tb complaint I was induced, about two months since, to try your extract of Haras pnrilla, and, 1 mam aay, with little eonlideno bat, after suing nearly Iwo bottles, 1 fimud my appetite restored and the heartburn entirely removed and I would earnestly recommend ihs ase of it lo those who hav been ajfiirted as 1 have bono. Yours, W. V.

VAN ZANDT. TO MOTHERS AND MARRIED LADIES. That Extract of Saratnarilla has beta expressly prepared ia reference to female complaints. No female, who ba reason lo suppose shs Is approaching that critical period, us lam ir," should neglect to lake it, aa tl Is a certain pre von live for any of th asmerous and horrible diseases lo whieh fa male ar subjects st ibis tna of life. This period jmv is driasvd ftt srrsral psart sitaf lAu sasdi sum.

Nor is il leas valuable for line who are approaching woBjanhond. as la ealausitad so assitl nature, by quickening th blood and uivtgftraling th syttrm. lialeed, this medicin is invaluable for all the delicate dltcase lo which women re suliject. II bra Ifc whol aystem, renewt permanently the natural energies by rsmoving lb impuritie of. the body by so iar stimulsting th tyiiera ss to pro due a su! sequent rclaxatvat, which it th ase of niol uicdiclaes taaea for fetratl wcaluKs aud Unt nte.

GIRLS, BEAD THIS. You hay pal oomplexkais. dull eyes, blotches on tic fare, rough skin, or fracxlos, and are "out of tpuiat" ase a brntls or two of Dr. Townsend's Sar It will qleans yiwr hiood.rertkrva th freckle end blotches, and give yoOmtmstkai. tpark eyre, an spoils, and beautiful eompicxinn alt of which ar of Immenss vslae lo aassiarmd Iodic.

6REAT FFdALrT MEDICINE. "Dr. Townsend Saraaparilia is and peedy care for incipient Corisu motion, Darisi ares. Leuoorrhea, or Whiles, olsniuatad or dilieaU Men. aation, Inctatlinenc of Urine, or iu voluntary Out.

eharge thereof, and for Ihe general prostrsiH ot lha ystcaa oo Bauer whether th result of I oh stent eaaseor paaeta, proCA a by irregulari.y, liiuossM imgnr.1. mg effect! ps humaa frame. Persrau, all weak S2 "Li benonv. ro. bust and fall of eeerry audsr lis iiiauence.

It Uam dialely eounteracet tha nerrelassneas of th frame, which it Ih great cause of hanennaa Il will aot expected of as, is esses of ndellcat nature, Waxhibii eertifieate of cares perforacd. bat wa caa assure th iflicied thai hundreds of ease tav reported lo as. Several oases where lami lies have beea without ehildren, after adnc a few bottle of in valuable mcdiciiie, hsvt bees blast Wilh healthy of ipr Dr.Trnaataad My wlf being really distressed 7 Tk" mnd ility, and tntcrmgm. tlnuallyby paia and a sensalam of bearing Vvrn, falling of lha womb, and wilh other diaWuTiies, aaj having knows ease wher your medicin has effeov great cares, snd also hearing it recommenJrd for such eases a I have deaertbad, I obtaiMd bottle of yoer Extract of Saraaparilia, and followed Ike aires linos yoa gay m. in a abort prrhid il removed her omphunla and restored her blth.

Being gVVlefu. atkaowledging and recommending loth publi. MD. MOORE, Cornaf ofOrndIiuit. Albany, Ag.

17, UM4. EXTRAORDINARY CASE. Dr. Towrisendt Dear Bir I have beea afSkied with a terrible (wading or hnnrk oonr ni for many yssrs. Il waaiUimally growing Urw sugar end was very or.

baleesfT 1 TfJw 2S tie of your medicine, when it broke and duehlrVnl l. 11 ffrow better, aij I av the Pleasure lo siuiouiica thai has healed an. aod that Ihera is very bill of any aear laftrk biri aa extrdinary I haya (era yoa aTgotTS drawuur ae 1 eoald itaU ThaJ11i5oBr aboel correct aad if yoa should ehonaa. voaan Uberty to publish wilh the serUhorMirZ! 4ni.VluJ? 1 "'J'rtt' I And the aesertptioa at very feeble eoraporsd lo tha actual ran. Mxrc.U.tS,,.

yr. Townaond Sarmpsrilla Exorsat Owm maim vwiawnrrs taaraaoa. obliged iottt me axrenaiye Maand for Dr. Tovrnssnrf'. til out a Baaaiiiol cab tha anrirur fre! o( rt the eirr a quart.

I. na.u rsat ar RHEUMATISM. Brv Mr Terry, one of the oUrei aad aaoeT reapeeuWe tawyeri in Ifaxlford, OmnVTh! 1 have ased one bottl of vo a. apartll, nd find it i. excellent to effeTnot.

ehronie rhmmatie pain to which I am taaeJrvLI a tamry scversl ye re agTSTeSl! Seyawar. 1 have oonvemed with tw Bole Agnus for Philadelphia, Dr. nrrvst and Lunula. firm gnuine nines, put ta tmJrmaTl fcol.lca. whu contain a "rnTwTS wrrtea signatnre of 8.

TOWNsFVn.ii am blown ia th glass. Dt. DY OTT. id mcrautne eonsH mmJ Ti inin. a rut an la m.

a. snnra, corner al ruin sirscui; inoasier 8nn Wilm.ngton, Fxlwsrd hi7S tf hs A Co. Csrlule, 8. Elioti Harri iZl to; 8 8. Ilaiu TJnHmala prmeipel maiea, wast Indiea JeMyw.

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