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Public Ledger from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Public Ledgeri
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LEDGER. AND DAILY TRANSCRIPT. raiLADixriiu, wednksdav.seit. w. Kobw of TH Mail.

Tbe mini ninde up fneva for New York city, containing llie Rath. Eiiuira. l'ena Yanu packages, was stolen I nun toe cbithx, at. jiw jT.nriAiuu. p.jj jni Geneva, oti Tucday earning, tlie 20th txX TJiKSi BNomriios to the N.

York asdEbis Railkoao how amount to $1,300,000. Interest at lis pot oent. per aimum is to be paid on this subscription, until I ha Road is 'open to Lake Erie. The awn to he raised is $3,000,000. New Cakal Toua.

The amount of to!) received on ths New York canaU, up to September 1st, is $1,378,073, less by $64,374 thsu for the corresponding period lust year, yet there is an increase of .250,923 over 18 11, and an incronso of $103, 108 over 18 G. A Fact roa Ewt. In Arkansas they hsve "booh tu cring from long dry and sultry season. Rome person in the ueiglilwrbood of Fort Smith, recently Set fire to a pruirio, which spread widely and rapidly. It was iiuniedialcly followed by a fine shower, extending from went to, which satisfied the thirsty earth and cooled the atmosphere.

Fort Persons, belonging to Brooklyn, L. were drowned on Sunday off FlatlKxuU. Their names were as follow Eliss H. liiibhord, Jacob Mathews, John Mathews and Andrew Leske. The only person saved, Mr.

Wilson Road, was the only person in ibe boat who was not an expert swimmer. He hold on to ik bout MovTREiX is getting famous for religious sectarian fowls. Last week the Rev. Dr. Bums, who intended to preach on the wharf, was pre vented from doing so by a mob, when an affray look place between his supporters and opponents.

Tbo military were called out to allay the riot. Coxvictko. The iurvintbe case of Tillet. tried at Inverbeod, New York, found bini guilty of murder, but recomnicndcd him to mercy. He wanted another man's wife, and deliberately murdered ber husband.

NavaU The U. 8. ship John Adams not the Fshnoutb, as was reported a few days ago nd brig Porpoise sailed from Peusacola on the 27th utt on ft cruise. Coin. Conner ftiH at Poasa cola.

Frox Tin; Soith. New Orleans papers of the 1st instant contain nothing new from Mexico or Texas. A DisTRrcTivt Firs im Riltimors occurred on Sunday evening, in tho cotton factory of Mr. James R. Parkinson, which was entirely destroyed.

1 A Discovert, it is said, has born made'AL Florence, which will be good news to the af flicted. It is that the calculi of the human blad der can be dissolved by an eloctro cbetnical process. Execctiom or Jabex Boyd. JOov. Shbnk has iaatvwl his mrwint foe tlio io nf Tutm RnVnV fVMVM lAil of nilptU in PtiAOlv nnimh.

to be carried into effect on Friday, 21st. of November next. SmtNCCo. JcfTursoa K. Ilcckrnan, State Senator of Northumberland and Lrhiph counties, hu been convicted of assault and lattery and sentenced to $300 fiao.

Revknus at Boston. The amount of revenue collected at Boston during July and August, is $1,500,503, being an increase of over the same months last year. Wuousalx RaASTiNo. The Steam Hen," batching apparatus at Wehawken, was burned oa Saturday night, together with several thousand ducks, chickens, turkies, in all stages. Thi Fixali Oi rano Oitamm MatTIe Fanny, which was being exhibited st Albany, died at that place few days sgo.

Tkx New IYorr Steamshif Viroikia, wilh submerged wheels of a new construction, has provud successful experiment Tni Population or BrrrAtx is suted st 33,346, jgRiusl 18,213 in 18 10 an increase of 35 per cent. Tag Maim Eixctiom took place on Monday. LOCAL AFFA1K8. IV litaulx jm ilr. KalMmu Yeoerdiiy, brfnra AJdcrman Ash, Huiunl C.

Thorns and ir Fan war charged, upon lh oath of Mines Nathans, lakaa Um srevtuw vremn, and npoa which warranu were iamad fursheir anwt, wiin havinf euuroittad Um assault and bailerjr npoo turn oa Mnday evuint. The MMimony disclcMdihat Tnrvne had been paring kis addriaiws In a widowed daughter nf Mrs. J. Nathans, rMident with ka mnthcr, and thai repnrt prevailed that they had been nsurioL The mother, ia omeeruenoe of this roraur, sent for the defendant, to uviuira of him In the iruih of wso, when at the boose about 8 n'elock hi the evening, declined to satisfy her and the family apa Ox mhieet. and suddenly left the huane.

In abnut aa hour ha returned with Parr, when the subjert mailer of the previous eonversatioa wa resumed, which terminal i in the asauill first by Thorns with pistol, which Um witneam distinrtlr My was snapped once if not rwwe, and with which Mr. Naibans wa bnlrn about Uie bark, breaal and fare, and two of kis teeth broken off or knocked oat. Fan, during all this time, hoiduur toe anna of Mr. ttalhaas. and acting in concert with Thorns.

This wa followed by several ihruets by Thorue, with a which inflicted a severs wound near the left eye. From tbe leitiiirmy fives in subnance a above, and tbe nateovnt of Dr. 'reediey that Mr. N. had suffered froea fever all nifht, and that altbwrh be did am emMtder the wound (a ifselT aeriously dangerous, yel ml present the result sould not be eonjeetorMi.

The Akle ennaa derlined lakinff bail, and both defendanw were eummiiied fur a farther hearuc on Hrorday arit. Tbnrne was ar rested oa Hands? night and committed. The charges for which they were committed are fvr eMail and bsilery, with intern to kill) for msyhem tut im It and battery slid conspiracy loooniaul sa sult snd hsliery. Ntm tnftlln Burnt, Jmtmi CctAn company with a number of invited ueeu we yeetenby enjoy ad a trial trip on board a beautiful propeller boat, called the Janies Cage, which hat been aorchaaed to ply hetwaea Um city of New Irieans and the sugar puunatinnB oa Grand Ceiiou lievoa. fibs was built by Mr.

Bysrty, of Kensington, and ber model has been um wiv1 vi mci auiiurmiKBi ironi prrwsis wbops experience has taug kt tbem what are the renuniies of speed ia such vowels. Her engine and propellers ft front UM baud of Memra. Raeney, Neahe 4 Coot stansiogton, snd the celebrity they bars attained snafactttrs of sncb anirlea is fully maintain rranes of thia rpechneu of their skill. The arnws are of Capt. Lnpefs invention, and parfomad wjth (W ueual succeas.

Nutwithftanding tna stiffneas meidcnf machinery, the diuanra berwsea Fort Mifflin TnW. the Navy Yard, seven ssilss aoenrAng to I Ussier surrey, vraa ran ia 0N alroke, anl the ryliodar of inrJies. bhe is enoiuWtad Caoiain LsalTofEhodeWand. AU kerlrAm Baumiaetura. and in nriiii her fam ttoahg.

around he I ATi CtmtMUn an Ikt rsrSMViiaVj aW Catiast iWd At the staled saeetuig of thsK vvmiTniara tn rufflK Bcanota, yeelerday afternnoa eonnauaieatiua was received from tbe County Board, aacioetng Um resoiutioa offered by Mr. Grabs, and Tbe ecaunnnieaiioa was refsrrad lo a Committee of SSM from each bscuua, snd eoasots of the followiisr F. McCallmonl. L. C.

Crou tT lUmbo, and A. M. McPhersoe, ti.w What offered the foUosring resoln RsvirvenJTiai the late report of a msiority of a Cosarmnee of Um County Bnard be rarfevreafmi Kosv eud Commiita of Five, lo make report there al slrrnsd mseting of this Board lo be held on the lh um at three o'clock, f. M. alrs raa sd tsd.

sad ta rnthvwmg rends Cosasmnse M. Whanon, J. E. Mrtsilmout, T. traylar, and Ore, Jbiy fi Um TVa7d tan v.

ha vwr dee i md rl 1 ie h. tu. Mr hr Bealtsrvnral. 7 rillllsHllii, hsah (Wi JaewaThe Oroser held aa hMaesi last.r.ktvapooih boriv of a t. named SaW.nel Ii wwi secideBially ruwow tna weiaware.

inMlderaasa Bslesa.rea tobsj me a fur beating hat wife, and fur Us same offence. tied lo I of ba ly of asat the Id son ia fur Hut iMnmf.AUenaak Brager, en Monday, committed two colored bay, charged wilh stealing a bar of lead and otm tools nsn a shop at the corner nf Sixth street and Craunn's alley, He ale committed fi a further hearing a cob. tid man. named John Steven. alia Grover, on the charge Of stealing hone aitd wagon ntne Oerrsun ea Aunuli On Mimiav eveninir a man was taken into the apothecary store of Kit ward Hig gins, corner of Calkiwhill and Schuylkill Thin) treets who turn one ot tin eye nearly knocked out nr wnsi appeared In Dr.

W. M. Kern, whodraaard the umund, hi nve been a ahurpx nairnw noiitted bwtraBKUi. awl which severed a nerve and an artery. It wa dune, the Usui said, by an unknown perxsi.

Bnlttmm Yngett The fierman Bine imv puttj nf Baltimore, wlio were oa a twit to ihis city last ween, hare nubliahrd card in the Htuuniore na nera, returning their thank to the military ami eiti ena of Phibuielpliia dw the kind reeeplH and btapl table entertainineiu they met wilh hers. A Trm BUI. The Orand Jury yraferday found eighteen true bill; among which wa one against June K. Mnrtin, charging him with having commit td an asanflll and bourry upon Deputy Sheriff Mo Fate, in the Liberuc on Tueaday evening. t'Aorgr ConJjiborjr.

The Recorder yesMrdny comimtted in default if bail, I'hillp H. Clawge and John McElrsy, chargetl by Col. A. Christy with obtaining money under false pretence and conspiring together to cheat and defraud. Larrnif Xnti Hoffman was enminittrd by Alderman Hiancr yeatrrnny, charged with the larceny of a sivrrcign ami adotlnr, the pnipcrty of a man, named Uillaapie.

living in Perry street, Kensington. Utmifird Hie drowned man. on whom the Coroner hchl an uiqiinit on Monday morniiig. at tirern street wharf, ha since been idtiitincil as Mr. Patrick Ryan, a native of IrclaiKl, but who ha been fur many ycam a merchant of this city.

He was about DO year of age. Omitltd. Tbe name iof Jacob J. Snyder, of Moya meiuing, waaaccklcnUUIr onuliol yesterday in the Native American County Ticket for Assembly. BTtif KomiMtim.

Win. W. Italy, ha been placed upon the Whig City Ticket for Assembly, in the place of Saunders Lewis, who declined a smnation. Arndhtr UUiUrt fui. ThellarrisbtirirRiflcCorp is expected to arrive in thi cilv, on a visit, about Uie IDthinsl.

Smii am'MVirf. A suit wa yesterday institutul, at the inslnnce ol John II. tiore. Iwlore Ahlennan llirf ner. against John M.

Crop, Assesns: of Third Ward, fouth ark, rhargiiig him wilh having transceiulcil tbe powers of his oflice, in giving1 notice that the extra assessment would he held at the tavern of Mr. Mitchell, eomer of Fifth and tiernaui streets, when the regular Ward House is at the tavern kept by the prosecutor, at the corner of Fourth and Shippen streets. A partial hearing of the ease wa had, when it was continued over until to day. Henry M. Phillips, apcared for the complainant, and John Titus, lor the defendant.

Arrk Strut Tkturt. The attraction at this establishment is still nsiintaigcd, and the perforntance are well attended. Tht fUd CVnst Kmigklt, sn very successful, will be repealed tn iiighl. Mr. E.

8. Conner, Mr. Wood and Mr. Burke appear together. The ever favorite drama of Margaret Catchpole, we find, will also be acted.

07 Dr. A. IL Grimshaw was on Saturday evening elected Vaccine Physician of the Eastern District ot raring Garden. fFrom the Miner's Journal tS' Sis). II ID "The shi promts this wei'k bytlailnaal are Vi.tmt in.

and by anal. tr total lor the week 31. a) 07 Ions. Kails are very scares on the Cantl, and freight has advanced to NJ cents to Philadelphia ami iittiw ors, wnnan upwanl lend We beg to refer lbs editor of the Miner's Journal In ttolomon W. Roberts, 1'rcSMlrnt ol' the Schuvlkill Navigation Comtisuiy, fir iiu'ormation which will en abla ihera to enniratuct die above.

Iu the Krpn of ne, on beoall ot uses tbe following wngnage "The whole number of Srhuvlkill canal boat in use in IHla, has been about WiO which 77U have been registered as passing the Fairinnunt Iicks. Uf these, 378 are covered boats, adapted to the direct trade from Potuville to New York. Four hundred and thirty fonr are open coal tswta. snd 9e lime boats ant unsceiianeous." Her we hare tM open and 37 rm ered ciml boots, in all 713 cm! boats, say averaging Sh Ions. Now, further on, Mr.

Roberts says For several years alter the canal Was opened, the load of a eU boat was about ions, and the time required for a trip frura l'ottn ille to Philadelphia and back, wa abnot two week. A krire nert of the bnau now rarrv SO inns: ami the trip is often made ia eight dais. The increasing the load, and the shortening of the lime, are both important elements in reducing the expense of Irans nortaUon. The former is maiidy due to the incrmsed depth of water, and tbe latter to the doubling of the ks, and the improvement of tbe lowing paths. Considerable improvements have also been made in the construction of the hosts." If tbe trio is often node in eicht dill's, what its all these boats about Report asya the President uf the Reading Railroad Company ha bought there and sunk tbemf Can't we get diting bells, 6nd out where they sre.

raise snd nut them in service We could then do tine business in cl, and we niight which ha proved rather unprofitable, me see, 7 14 boats, making their trip in eight days, nr my even nine days, would be equal lo near ru nnats a aay, anu at as ions euch would (tve us 4.610 tons per day. IfVesx lc TamfkUinmM Emiarfeiimttfllu Brkuyl mi nengaiias, n. a. rae'i je. oi.tu, 41 and W.

C7 As to Uie estimates ol' Messrs. the ets ps of engineers of the 9chuvlkill Navieation Comismv. of Utile coM steam navigation, I apprehend it is hardly worm wnue, slier toe apecimeigwe havvuul of Uieir ralculatiiaw horse power, lo trouble ourselves with examining ihesi Thev asree an linlawith each other, thai ihev anf. ficimily disrreilit themselves. Their first publication, (which by the war.

estimated the curt ol enlargenRnt at T7 ji'oii(U estimated the cost of transportation to Philadelphia by steam, the lug ana parge sigetner hauling aw lous. at VI cents per ton, and anhsMling cents, making a total frnrtit 38 cents. Mr. Roberts followed in aecorilance with this at from In.W rem, including nnksuling. This is th assurance given also In tbe New Yk capitalist in the pri pectus of the agent id the N.

Cornismv." 30 rent ith loads of from 4U0 to ouu ton. (Hee Pnxnectus dated March on the 1 lib of March. Mr. Mil er rrmai. of wh irk the pnrpnrt wa Well known long before, assure inai tne irsnspnrwtMm will etas z7 cents, and Ike an wiia npwiini wm is oniy a un ference of cents.

It is just equal however, as happen, in what Mr. Miller nadies nut to be the difference between traisnortalum by horse power and steam. Waal the ase of getting ap all this machinery, and all these estimates merely to annihilate cents, when Mr. Robert and th New York ageul gal rid of it by a angle sin of the pen, snd just as easily, when they are borrowing yiatr mrsiey as if they were merely amusing you with a scientific diversion. Mr.

Miller, frisn what I hear of hlin. would probably have allowed smnethiiie in th way of profit over and above interest and renewals, as an indure nent lo ranilalist pulting On bnasx sud asnethnur also for tbe use ot ears on tbe branch railroads, and wartage and enst of reshipmenl, and tu assumed that 34 cents even (as Mr. KJIet does that 30 cents) wiaild he th regular treurht. kavinc the difference between that sum and the charge on the railroad as the clear portion of lb canal. Mr.

Miller shu reduces the bait lo sn sverari 170 ions, and raise their enst frota Mr. Ellet'aTs re of tl) which i ttJOO, In MJJOO. Mr. hllet esiiiaalr the consumption of coal bv the engine, from Potuville lo New York, at hai. Mr.

miner snppnses win laae ine same quantity from Fotisville lo Philadelphia: nearly i miles lea than half way. Mr. FJIet supposes the boats win make 40 trips, Mr. Miller 3D. Now, admitting that tbe result of steam navigatkm rat canals have been very brilluint.

we most say that they are exceedingly uncertain and if Ihey sre only hall aa much sues the estimates founded on them. I think it would be well to wail aatil they ars made a linls mors precise. Besalea. the capitalists of New York mar not quite like the appearance of the thing tbe "agent of the 8. N.

Conipanv'' being allowed lo nrgntiaie from the 1st le the Jlth March on one set of figures, (and 1 believe ever since.) while Mr. Miller, their eneineer. was getting up simther set, undoubtedly known lo the president of the ejmpany long before Uie 1 lib of March. The common ens I harre on tbe Delaware and itanian canal cost i sm. it serins to nr, therefore.

that SYJ.OUu is loo little for two barges of Um same tonnage, (one of them made of suibeirnl stremnh lo stand 10 yea racking of a steam engine.) Iiyether wilh the engine and propellers. Conaideruig, bow ever, that this corps of civil engineer have nienused their estimate XI) per cent, in about a month, if give thera ume lo write two or three pamphlet they win noany anna ap me truin. to loiiowing at we esumaie a oistinguisned arhinist for a trsin of onmeller and two barrea on the Dektwars and Raritaa canal Aa sngins of sunw leut Dower lo earrv I.D ksia nl eenl, snd two barge wilt I3S Ion each, fittJlrn jhw us: propeller. tfiUO susnrm bnra one third of a sua of coal per hoar, aad jr 4ft) loas each uip. 'j(iller ewunalas, at about one twelfth of a ton 50 tsw 1mnu'T tua necessary lo transport A locomotive of lbs Isfs asl Ik.

barns abtsil oae third ol a hat aa hour, and hauls "'speed of miles sa hour. Tbe time passing a hxRvii ualy 16 aunotra for a tae' imerval. between them 30 minutes, thera could be no great saving br leuing the fir go down while In ihevxk. tSnns ini. feisl means would ksve to be ased kKheep aa the steam, as there would not be much time Bstweea the locks In get ap the fire by Uis movement of thtboai A the matter still rest in estimates, so fara 4b Navigaussi Coeapaay are eoarerDsd, I will give, as addnaaile the ads above cited, the ndhiwnv esti of my own as sn offset lo theirs, which, if in judgment of any, it should be thought to sxeeed what might be fairly hoped lo be Um lowest reaauMa allowance yet, a is by Uie opinion of expevMoeed and araettcad men, would, perhaps, she huhrmsnS of esptlajlsts, be Ike lowest safe bas inrestiaeat.

Wnh a trade of MO.000 bast in lbs year l44 the largest week's bmundj, of rhe year was the wee ending August when tons of owi left the smning regioa. This proportion Would give for the urges week' business of an auiunl trade of 1 JHO.nuo of tons aa BsJJUB ton of Ibis trade, according to Mr. Robert, equal to 10 per eent. wsra brought on the rail read during the sewptwios) ssf asvigaiatawv mast add tea per eonl, to Uie weekly bnsinoe of the canal doing a liusiness of tons iuelf, which would siv us 3WI7 tons. A lug Urge Wiiukt take hours, or say foar days ol running lime, a day bawling, day for unloading, and dsy of delay in nadting arrangement for iu cargo, or say seven days when trade waa the mast brisk and would carry V.9 loos, Jess the am occupied by tbe engine aad fuel, or asy J04 tons.

Omiiis daily irregularities of Inule. a weekly basiness of tonroaMTenuire a daily eapaetty i TWO tons, in vessels emaigh to ship 7UUU luus every day. If the lug and barge could perform their trip in seven days, a number of barge capable of carrying tu.wo ton wisud be uttH tent tor the.vreet ly traile, nr any IrO tugs ami hurges, lo which sild 10 per rent, or lb mte under repair, and we shall have, Ji4 lugs and barge as the machinery iisressnry for the enlarged canal, which would cost, at v50 fi the two, bi.7;.hxi. This mcrelv lo tale the coal lo Philadelphia i but Ui thi we must aikl ism half a many more fitr the force which will be necessary to take a porthsi of the coal, according to Mr. Robert' alee, to th point of eonsnmptiist.

or my 102 more tugs snd barge, unking tug and barges, costing qiunng engineers aisl awisiani engineers; and in all a complement nf about 3.XM men to work snd maiKrnvre ihem nurht and dav. rrh tug and barge mgether, would get only tu pmpt tim ol' the trade. Tliose which ply from Potts ville in Philsik Iphia, might aremge about 5,018 bsM of cil, aisl pert'orm 10 trip each. I'pisi these, data, the following estimate will show the mat ot imnspnriaiiua per ton. Repairs, renewals, and deprecinlkai of en sine aist propelling machinery, 13 per cent, on MU, jo00 00 ReiMir.

renewula, snd decree let iou of Imal and barge, Mi(J, at per 87J 00 lutrrtvt cm SrtJUO, 410 00 Proht wtuch must be allowed to capital ist. unless the eomoanv furiushea the capital, per 310 00 Wage nl engineer, firemen, rnptain. 7 deck hands snd souk, st SJUO per mouth. months, M.UOOO Fuel, lit ton per. trip, st fi per Ion trin beins at the rate of one sixth of a ton per hour.

808 00 Oil, current repairs. e. (10 per trip, 100 00 I'nlosdiiig 3,010 tons, at 8 cetus, 401 00 (VS.H04 00 This is entul in shout St 17 ner ll. It wiaild seem from this, as fmm the more general Aswideration liefore presenteil, that there is no eco nomy on such a navigation in ine use ot stosin. Notk Tlicre have been this year on the rVhuvl kill Navigatiim ttrer experiments with sleanibisit' all of which have been anal failures tbe otd boats, drawn by horses, mule or jackasses, disSmriag th steamers in each rase how would it ilo to bitch on the Hmr Ciril Kagoierrs, Ihey have trriuVa the boat through in an increiliul short lime.

Mr. pamphlet my "The applicathai of tseam, and the substitution large onus, win reuuee he regular Jntght ita ioa ju ine wuru frtifhl including also the cost ot unloading. 4 Exorxuas EsriiUTM." Our country swarm with surplus engineer seeking employment. If writing down a rival work or unking captivating estimates will secure Job. you Can enlist a tboussnd volunteers st once.

The modern engineer driven by necessity In combine the othce of broker with hi Cmtrssion. Yisi have only to say. as yon do lo your iwver, which side you wished IHarkencd, and which rose colored, and you will find him prepared, wilh selected materials, to prove either side the best. If you desire nun to prove Ihsl ererv hushei ol wheal the farmer sells at one dollar costs him two, notions is more easy. He mikes a fia nudable array of pl sighs, harrows, horses, harness, wagons, grease, blacksmiths' wheelwrights' bills, Ar Might frost, drought, cockle, labor, manure, etc.

He shows how much per inch llamden' express charge for packages; how much per day one pay at the Astor House, etc. He finds a farmer here and there who has traded off a small wagon for a larger; one horse for a pair, elc. Them he puis down as worn out, destroy id in die txlsinca. Ami by rsluiaUiug so many bushels ol' wheut at 60 IU. each, at llamden' charges, and the farmer's tavern hills, a ks Astor Hoiute nothing is easier than to prove that km wheat costs hnn just two dollars a bushel: and plenty nf figure loving people will believe it all, attributing the ImI aisl happy appraranr ot the farmer to unhealthy dropsy and the Lethargy of disease The engineer is a highly scientific man; he must know certainly, and how plainly he figure it out It is by exactly such figuring, that the engineer of a rival company prove the cost of carrying Mad on the Reading railway In he fully fiair time a much as we who have been for years engaged in tbe business can account Utt.

If fitly cent per ion were offered by the railroad fi ten years in parlies who would take their machinery, (repairing ami renewing it) and carry all their coal between the mine and this city, every curlier, lowhmn the actual cm is of course nbviou. wraild rush in competition for the contract. And none would he more eater hi get etnployment so nrt fiiaMe. as these very estimating engineer. But failing iu thi system of tactics, new style of engineering has been devised, to astimnle sway the immense simsint nf business the general preference naserowneu upon ine railway lo snow the Irmpa rflry nature nl' this preference, I find it is alleged that all sorts ot' bonuses, allowances, ev ars mnde ht cot liers, in induce Ihem In give thru business to the railowl; that were it not lor these deductions from IIM quoted rates, tae ears would he htle.

Here ia srsnething new. ami, contrasted with the object of my present visit to the city, curiously contradictory of the eviilenee nf my sroses snd tbe equally delicate index of mv pocket. Since the opening of our local railways in Schuylkill county, mv tenants have kept up a etntimatt cry ot' tmlftrV Kmdint Xailnmd Cart at no liins hare they been aide to obtain one half their complement, though daily petjikming fw more at the full rhnrgea, knowing nothing ol'sny sort of premiums or deductions, snd asking none. At this moment I am renvsist rating, arguing snd petitioning fie ear for lbs want of my mines, ytekt ing SOU tons of coal daily. I offer the full rale a usual, now I want snow how these engineers' statements of the difficulty experienced by iIm Com pany inning Wore lor their ears at the quoted rales, can be reconciled with mv MuTerins laud thai of every collier in fchuylkill county) fi want of sumeient car to carry our coal ny ratlsray 7 The most gsnguwe estimates last winter hid need the OoirsinvTo prepare for the transnnrt of tons of ed.

Their business will overrun this va amoant an thai ibetr1 machinery will perfts more wiws inaa ineir own omcers considered practicable. And an far from finding sny difficulty in employ ing their ear at their rates, which they sre advancing every monia, ine company ongiit at mis moment lo be natking provisbei for rsrrving st least fiftv ner cen tum nf atkluinnal ustnage in 1IS. Between rival vnwk xane perversinn snd counter cketniiig ssust be exiisded an imelligcal pWi so ails make great allowance for tbe exasperated feelings of a canal, whose trade, yieldin to the improvement of the age (in eiaiunm with all the canal interest of Ureal bVilnin, i in astute of rapid transitkm in the new, more speedy and more convenient system nf railway Carriage. The most desperate struggling i id" oaime tspeeted. Hut the puldie is interested ia th vast benefits seeming fmm the new sistern and when asch nustalnnents are made, ealcnla led to vitally injur a great work and to retard ns progress, everv good citizen shonld feel called apisj tu expo ihefTsud.

4 Astueas. LatssT rsoai thi Ssat or Was Tan Latest Foamas News The Dollar Newspaper, fur thi wsea, contains Uie aad important infnnnatHm from the seal of war hue friaa rUuone late from Um erenc of the llelderbnrg DuSurbsnces late from Texas snd Mexico, sndsnntber of those powerful letter from our Brussels Correspondent, a well a letter from New York, BallinsHe, Ac. The tstory department i oceucdwilh the conclusion nf that eupital origiiaxl domestic story, eajled Tus Two CskmSstk," snd Um whole of the fcory colled Tbi CnASK," one of Uis most thrillingly dcsrrllied nauueal adventures wilh a Pirate that we have read for years. It also baa the nsual amount of original and elected Poetry, Miscellaneous resiling, Editorial, Market antieea, etc. cut.

AU it virions department are carefully filled, and adapted lo Uie weal of the great body of the reading and busmen public. It prof ewes be the cheapest family newspaper in lbs I' mid Males, and die wiguuM nf the truth uf their tsaut. challenge examination and comparison. It is sent lo single subscriber al osi dolls a per year, and to eiuh ai even a lower rale. To be bad at the counter uf the ledger single copies tkikx cist.

Currniso or thi Ijitmt tTTteopeTfine Dress and I rock Casts. Panlakam snd Vests, single snd dmble anlled Cassimerea, Pantahions of all shades, patterns and quality. A great variety of new Stvle est Overcoat, suck Oast and CWb Cloaks, of every quality, style and finish, from 3 to (Mo. Every veristy of Cloths, Cassimsres and eatings Ue piece, which will be mask lo measure, (ientie men who pay cash, will tud this one of Um most ex tensive shwk in thi city. R.

T. Psurntaan, 3fj ami 40 8. Third S3and 3 Cbeanut, next dots to the corner of ad and Cbeanut. fry There is a reruns refining infiueaea ks being Well dressed, that ehiaild haluce every true philanthropist lo endeavor lo plasm within the reach of all the means lo be well dressed. Thi great object has al length been sxrosnplishsd by Bissbtt A lug Market street, who eaa supply a wit of Clothing, rut and made ia the anas elegant saaaner.

nf superior materials, at priors that place then within th reach of alL Bcssstt A HuD of Fashion, No. Ivi Market street, hetweesi Film aad Btxlh. Purrsiss 0s oi, (successor to Iipnbirotl st 3d door above Stxih, having jnst finished the largest and brat assorted cut and mad has of Fall and Winter Clothing lo be found la Um Toiisd Mate, aad is sow amaMa in furnish wholesale as well as retail buyers with new ram, (bought al the present reduced prices.) si low rales than any other house la the city can afford sX Cosn.LT ToCl lTiaiT. Daniel Cretk. etOMsrkM street, corner of Decatur, has now finished a ksrger assortment eg rsshionsHe cubing then any orher eaUishiaent in th etry, eul and awns ia tbe very best manner, which he del crossed in sell at lower yrtee than can aOieded by any others ia the busmext simply for the plain reason that he bey entirely na casli.

A splendid butch doth Ureas Coat, fine Mac, Vest, ft 88; newetyts Fa4 Cassnma Pauls. fir. Ac. DB. Ssirti'a Cnvknib.

ttr av Pliur VW U. mwkm ai ta an bmluabl remedy Cuisnmnfsio, Coughs, Wood, snd nil diseases of the Lungs sad Breast. um ngnt ue savnt ny a timety resort this "eeWsTiied vrWh le daily aerforssins; such ashaushing cures ta ihseasee hitherto eomlered weuraM. The reams, is only prepared by Dr. fcweyne, corner Eighth end Race 8u C7" On motion of Wa.

M. Meredith, J. B. CuxraoN tm auliniltiHl to practice a an Attorm of the District Coui ft the City and County of Pnila delphisu Dtiiwa! its Rikkot Of all disesvie lo Which th huttmn Ihmlly i subject, non I more pro Talent than Dyspepsia or liHligestion, and notwiib. standing it frequent occurrence, ami dangensus eon.

eqnence, there is si arcely any other disease so liltl smthwrsoud by pbystcians general. Aavaig th many remedies that have been reaorted lb for tli cor of Dvsnepsia, none have attained a reputation equal to tfiat of Dr. itra'i TtgtinbU Com frmul. a medicine prepared expressly snd only fee the curs of this disiressuig complaint; and before a ingle bottle of It was odered fur sals to the pulie, 11 had been tasted ia ah extensive private practice for rigsi Mrs, during which tints it cured many ease of from five twelve years' standing, and after all other treatment hail failed. This medicine can be had in this city, at No.

98 fotith Sixth street, asis Pamphlet descriptive nf the nature of Dyspepsia, its causes, symptoms, effects, nay be bad at the same place, gratis, Rbkvxatusi, GotT and Tic Doclocxxti. A re spertald gentlenrw calle 1 at our office, as he aaht, inform that he had been afflicted for fifteen years with Rheumatism or Gout, and orcaaitaially with Tie Duutnareux; that he has been frequently confined lo hi room for nsMh( together, and often suffered the most intense ami excruciating pain, but that lately had been using th. eyas's AlUtmtit from which hs loliivl the most signal and unexpected relief. He says he fiwnd the ninlirine very pleasant and effective, and that he now considers himself Ihorongbly enretlt Dr. Jayne's Store is st No.

8 aouin i nim itreeu Tin Most CxsTAtt KKMsnr. Tsowuwi's rom pemmt ftfrop Tnr and MW A'apAiAa, in Consumplton, Oairns, Cokls, Ilnawhitis, Asthnat, Pain in the Sid and Breast, Bleeding from Uie Lungs, Sore Thneit, Hoarseness, loss of Voice, Whooping Cough, Ae. OlRre, Futh and fpruce, PhUadelphia. Price CltlLL tn FlVIB. WrigMt't adiea VtgelaUl Pitl an one of Uie best, if not the very best medicine in the world, for Um cure of Intermittent Fever, bemuse they eied all others in ridding the body of those morbid humor which are the cause, not only of all kinds of fevers, but of every malady incident to man.

Four or five of said Indian Vegetable Piths taken every nhrht'on fount bed. will, in a short time. make perfect cure of the mart obstinate case of etui is ami fever; al the same tnne tss auresttve or. grins will be restored lo a healthy lone, and the blood so completely purified thai lever and ague, or discern in any him, will be absolutely impossible. 'estiosw As rainy annnnetpteu persona are indue trinnsly engaged in selling Counterfeit Pills, the public should be extremely careful 10 purchase from none except advertised Agent, persons of known integrity, or at the Office and General Depot, No.

lot Raci ftreet, Philadelphia. N. lii all cases, be particular to ask for genuine irngai'i jsaua ragsteM run. Married. Oat th 7th br the Rev.

S. H. lliggins, Iliisr Hau of Boston, toMissSsiAa Saxtrr. ot this city. In thiscity.

on the Oth si Trinity M. E. Church, bv Ibe Rev. J. Mason, of Suivms.

CtEOBOI F. Masort. of (iiecn Ana's county, to Mis csabah, attkbsok, oaitgnicr oi inst. rwiwas, rq of Sniynui, Del. On the Mi by th Rev.

Oeorge Kemplon, Napolsom B. Evans, nf Maryland, lo Jsmstti Aasts, youngest daughter of Wiul Patton, Cashier ot Ihc armers at nicrhanHS' nana, ot rmiaiieipnia. On the 7lh by the Rev. Dr. Coleman, Thomas I.

Walrvt hi Miss Mast Ptaix. daughter of the late Ueorge Parker, all of Smith wark. OledW On Tuesday, Oth James B. Ticitt, son of Jntnes B. Truiu, aged 7 years.

His funeral will take place thi morning, 10th at 8 o'clock, from hie father's residence, Catharine street, between Ninth and Tenth, south aide. Suddenly, Mr. PATSirs Rta. in the OOth year of his age, from the county Cerlow, Ireland, and for many years merchant of this city. Hut male friends and Uie Members of the Ilibernia Society, are respectfully invited to attend hi funeral, from kis tale residence, No.

Ill Wood street, this morning, at 8 o'clock to proceed to Munumem Cemetery. On the Oth Wat. CotrxTtss. sged 43 yean. lib) relatives and friend are respectfully invited to attend hi funeral, from kkt hue residence, Na 403 South Second (treet, below John In.

morrow afternoon, at 9 o'clock, without farther notice. On Monday evening, the th int Mr. WlLUAJ. J. Ronisanrt, in Ihe Jlst year nf hi age.

11m Typographical Sneiety, and Ihe friends of the family are respectfully invited attend hi funeral, famlhereaidsnceof hi brother in lew, Wis C. Fry, No. 901 North Third street, thi afternoon, I o'clock. without further notice proceed to ttcrmtntown.e On the Oth in the 37th year nf bis age, Jons W. DcsxiUA.

The deceased suffered fie the last two year greet bodily eJllielKSi, but hi end wa peaceful and ununphant. The funeral will lake place lo morrow aiirrnonn, tth al I o'clock, friaa hi lets residence. Chris tian atreet, below Sixth funeral to proceed to King seaaing. On Missiay evening. 8th Assasam Ostab W.

Coatss, infant son ot Abraham W. Cnates, Jeweller, of thi rity, and M. A. Wartman, aged It days. ry vas DIVISION OF THE" SONS OF IJvJ TEMPER ANCE.

A Spsrsof ossaiasi wUI be held THIS AKTKK.NOON, st Oj o'clock precisely, ia the IhinMory Hall of Ihe new IbrttuuHt Litrmrf Ceensssg Building, loaeton application for Charters, By order. (lie) GEORUK CROUBY, 8. rrrai MERIDIAN SI DIVISION, No. 3U, SONS 1X3 OF TEMPERANCE Reanluiion to change the night nf Meeting, and amend Article By laws, will he brought before the Division THIS Wednesriav) EVENINCi. .10 lte DR.S R.Mcf lJ.VrtKlf, rr A STATED MEETINIJ of the IJJ ISTS1 and ENGINEERS' ASSOCIATION of Ihe City and Cieinty of Philadelphia will lie held THIS EVENING, Sept. Ihe SurnI Reform Hall, Northeast corner of SEVENTH and MARKET Streets, st 71 o'rtork. By order of JOHN WELSH, Presiilent. FRANCIS RElfJ.V.EeCy. .10 Its fy AT a large and enthusiastic meeting of X3 Dcmneratie Citixena of th flHST WARD. SFRIXO (iARl)ES, held at the house of Jacob rVellwajrsi.

no Momlay crrning, Mh Mr. JOHN MYERS waa called to Ihe Chair, and CHARLES F. MAGI'IREand GEO. W.DOHNERT ed Seeretane The object of Ihe meeting being stated by th President, tbe following geiitlcntra wws mmiinaied hi erre a Conferees hi form a Commnv sinner1 Ticket O.

C. M. Caines, James Mariia, Wmj Pieresl. Wnv Wbalan 1, Francis MCormick. jr.

On motion, Michael J. Wartman was amioinied Jtukre irf the elertuai Jamra A. Hums sml n.u..n Piers 41 were appointed Inspector. After which sn' wa. uoiu, arsi ine m'i Hrw irst gentlemen were duly elected c.

M. Caines, James Martin, Wm. M. behind. Francis Cormick, jr.

aid Win. Pieranll. The proceedings were ordered to be published in th Times, Keyslotie, Pennsrlvanian. Ledger and Sentinel JOHN MYERS. Presadcd AS.

r. AGI IRE and GEO. W. DOHNERT, lr THE DEMOCRATIC CITIKl VM SIXTH ARI1 I. li a vt i HROWN Street, below KOl'RTH, THIS HMNll, SeptemlsT loth, el seven ckrk.

slO lte BKOWNF; See'y. IT?" I. CARPENTOR DAlTcfNT Uf SCIIOtll. Ladie and Gentlemen dcMrnua nf becHniiig good, eompetent and graceful DANCERS in a shun tine, will please call and view his new and excellent si) Irsnt teaching; also hi tss nf name and resideia. Mr.

Cab Wjctib ha a beauufnl Grand Aetirai 1'iaun, etpressly f.y the Ladies, duruw inter. His School has been neatly denirated, and is on tbe tra loor, convenient for young Masters and Misae. Mr, Carpenter's Book is now open for sub wriher. sial alrictly confined to the pupils and sub rriber. snd only lo the grown ladies and gentlemen every other rs.roresis.

nd Masters' Cotillion Par. tie will be strictly to themselves every other Java, evig. Polks Classes, fie Polka (nadrillca, wiU be mughl on reasonable terms. Observe, a good Psn VKssns oa the Piano ran have a good situation fev ealling oa Mr. CARPENTER, Ma sue Hell.

CUES. a lady or genlleman. I0 fy ys. tilK I'NDERSTfiNED lake Ihe earliest oppieianity gretefolly la ackaovrledge their indebtsdnesi lo the Firrrnen, (or their promut rxer ton mve oar property al the ire on Murder 'gut, eik last I Messrs. Rissdet a Canet's Sugar back of Jfo.

87 North SECOND Street. They feel aaard that anthimr but the most extra enlinsry and nntiringlalor enuld have arrested the prngreM of Ike names, when Ihe lursuion is snaii derad. To the firemen, generally, oar thank are dneend partieuhuly are we uslebted to the Vigilant Ijy. gin Corapany," as twing fist oa th ground aad hut to lew it. Th Perseverance Hose Cnanpany sserits particular not ics they labored faithfully, and were upon Um ground during the greater pert of Sunday.

The City Police and Night Watch are emitted to oar gratitsd (ur ihe protection they gave In the pro psny sf ihe serhhorhsod. and for lW pnisnpt sisr lion, ia ehsekuut several outbresks of Lbs crowd. wring Thudium, IJoha H. Palethors. W.

P.llacksr. Wat. R. Hanson. Wm.

Waiawrighl, Matthew Conrsd. slO lte rr js" THIRD WARD KENSINGTON. The 1X3 Demoerslic Citizens of Ibe Third Ward Ksn meet al the htaise nf Patrick Clark. Fn RTH and MASTFUl.oa WEDNWDAY EVENING NEXT. Ihe Iota lost, at 7 o'clock, la elect fi DELEGATES to form Giauuiaaiimir' Ticket.

Br ortlerjirf the IMeram nf B44. sw Tte Pert ef Phlladlalpbilaw sisi, SA 43a Sis, SA I7ss Wmmt, BA tm Brigs Arixne, MeCllatock. Irna, Mass; Ortavian, Doagliertv. Kewpist; sehr Salem. Tucfceraaatk Bn sa; Tmxilln.

Fhtsrers. dm lltgbee. Higtsse, Ns lucket; Mahnney, Melauehlin, Fall River; Odd Fellow, Morgan, New York; IMspairh, Corson, Pro. vtdence) strainer C'onestirs, Ktrby, Albany. ARRIVED, Kip Psrsiara.

Shank, Liveryinol, Aew t. Barque Elk, NVkwsnsi. and hrw Sulla. Bangs, from Won; sear Cmllum, Niehsss, fmsa I si bee. Mng Sarah WUhaias, Ts anoson.

Ciesifewsms, Brig MareHlna, siproul: schr Km. Nichersi), and Imn Jack, Riehsrea, from rVason. Brig William, Harding, frota Prssridenee, days. eVhr Matilda, Spates, VpnrU dare. Sehr TrilauM, McPerdl Hruhrennrt.

4 day. i xVhrs fodwe, Blsw, aad Uershl, Waite, York. i rv sss. HECOND WARD, "PR1N0 GARDEN X3 ATTKST10N, It KNOCK A TS. A meeting of the DEMOCRATIC CITIZENS of the Becsid Ward, Spring Usrih will be held at the Wari Hues, CAI.IXIWIII I.I.

Htteet, behrw Thirteenth, on THIS (We.ines.lav) EVKMNO, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of sleeting Conferees aisl formiiur a Ward) AteiclalMai. A geneml artsmlance of th Demncrst of Uie Ward it request By order nf the uswting of theethimt. slO ll CHAS. F. TOWN, ree'y.

IRD kill J(8 J. D. No. 8 North HECONIt direst, will open this morning, I esse of FOIXARD siitlrsly new design ami fabric, just received and designed lor this Fall wittr, nusle of uperh quality of silk, ami warranted da rable in fabric and color. st0 3lr FAIJ, TV'IJ 3 MOt'8.

DK D. D. EVANS, No. North KECOND Street, will open this day, several cartoons Fsll style Pari MOl'H. DE I.AI K3, just ktmled from France, aisl of superb new designs.

Rich, medium and very plain are lo be found iu thi assortment, in which he in vite tne isitie msn early exaiiunalmh. alO dtir IJiAll, 8TYI.EH DKF.W HIIJvSJ. D. EVANS, No. 8 North HKCtIND Street, will open this rase PARIS FANCY DRESS BILKS, designed this Fall's fnahiiei, comprising some perb designs, qualities and etMuhiimlion nf color.

Also, fi cases medium style Fancy Dress SllJfH, of designs and eondiiiation of colors entirely new and designed for ihis Fall's wear. Also, rase cbtace shinies Clros de Nsple. Also, 1 do do il Poult de 8ois. 1 Very dreirable gmla for Friend. stn 3l MOtS.

DK LA IN Ei D. EVANS, No. 8 North SKCON 1) Street, will open this nswning. 3 cases beautiful MOL'S. DE LAIN at and 31 cents per yard.

Many choice and neat design ft eliil dren. IO 3ltr CASHMIJtK b'ECtleciEJ. li, KVANsTTioT 8 North SlXlND Street, will open thi minting, everal eartntm Ombrs Sestded CASiiMEHK ECOHHE, of very choice cssnbinstinns. Alan, severid new and rich deaigmi Cashmere winw WW IHtUrSW. 1S MEUINtlESJ.

D. EVANS, No. Ntirth SECOND Street, haa received, and will rnlhi day, his asewtment of French MrJtl.VO C1XJTIIS, for Dresses snd Closkiiiga, of the rclebra led manufsrture of I'starb, Lupin A Co." trance. JITT WEI ED A hstvlso.ii assortment ta Shaded and Plaiu Pl'RSE TWIST, new style Purse Trinmungs. Ales Steel Brvuls, st reduced prices, (vat at E.

MASSEVS Cseos Trim. THIRD 40,000 ASII PLANK, IJUil JNO. NAOI.EE A SOV, slO rvattt Nairlee's Wharf. THE CAI.EDON1A. J.

A. BURD1CK, No! I II I'll L'i VI 'I ti. i (Wednesday) I rase Ombre Caiwiueres, plain ami satin atrinei rich neinlMl Tsrkm ShawUj super. French Broehe Inrig ami sonar Shawls; splendid new tyle Fancy Silks, (plendid quality, all whlths; black Silks, plain and striped, to which the sllention of Ihe Indies invited, sin ihe VIOI JN. A fine old Italian VIOIJN, which for richness and brilliancy nf bate i seiilom met with, will be sold low.

For address, apply at ths Ledger office. slO tfts) TXlll SAIX Two fresh IHIATS. wilh KhU one month old slsn, a PET BEAR, just from Ihe West. Inquire in THOMPSON Street, below Schuylkill Seventh: Thtsnpsisi street is above Poplar and west nf lined. sl0 at uerhepYklo, Not 13 North SECOND Street, flower side, shove has hist received several lots of Re.1, While snd Yellow FLANNEIA, which hs offers al very low price, vin 3, HH, 31 and 37 crs.

per yd. slU ie FAMILY FUll K. .) barreU Lcachburg Mill Extra Family FUM'K, a very superior article for family use, for sale by A. WRIfillT A NEPHEW, 10 3t Yiiw Street Wharf, Delaware. IRISH LINENS.

Just received from Auction, one rase IRISH l.VJf.VS, paper stained, which I will ell low to Uie trails. P. R. HOOPES, slO ltS) No. 3 Strawberry treet.

CONSTABLES SALE At DKI.MONT CtrT TAGE, aear Ihe Inclined Plane, will be sold THIS DAY. al 4 o'clock. P. the Bar and Futures. Tum blers, Wallers, Tables, Chairs, one Horse, one Wagna, Ae.

Srised and to be sold fis rent, by iu ire t. w. At N1 IITICli Wberras, Letters ol' Administration hare been granted ta Ihe Estate of JOHN BVl'K AN. deceased, have been rranted ta ths suhsrsilicr. all persms mdrbled lo Uie Estate are requested to make immediete paynwnt, and those having rht net against the same will pn snit them In rsiritiA ni Ailmuustratrix, stn lawOwe South at.

above Schuylkill Thi d. CillKA? AU'ACIIASI J. MK Hit FIELD, So, I 13 North SECOND Street, hrwer side, slsn Msrkel, hare received a lot of ALPACHAS from Auction, tne sis gbasnr, which will be sold hi cus tomer al 37) ets. a yard, worth 50 et. FRENCH AND LABELS, rVp.

Odogne and Oil Labels, Previa fit Isilsn's Extracts, for ml by LOUIS C. BAl iaWACHS, (nanrter, 170 Msrkel street. I cannon my customers from being mislead by any person styling himself Sole Agent nf the above Ex tract, a "Prevost" nnv Lubia'' have any exclusive agency in thi country. Orders taken he Extract cheaper than by any of Ihc other Intpsiers.slo ul'Mr piiEAP Him AND BIMCK ALPACHAS Jiist rsre.ved Atietiisj an assorlmcnl nf IRISH UNENS in half pieces a great bvrani by ih yard or piece. Also si assort incut of Dark Colors and Black Gkssiy Ab pachas.

extremely cheap, hi which we iaviie et lention al ibe N. W. corner of EIGHTH and UV CCST StreeUk sllKk TVtrtlOSVe. Ihe umlersipned. hsve trausTerrrd il all Ihe dels due the firm of HINKU; Jr.

A Grocers, corner of CALMlWHILI. and JI'IJANNA Street, to Peter Hinkle. arsl James Tram, who will continue the busuiea. All pereai iudebted will settle their account st their More. JACOB ESHER, WM.

HHIKR. CARD Tlie anhscrilvr invite the sllrnlion of his customers snd friends in general, to a frrsh assortment of Fashionable FALL GOODS, just re reived. Gentlemen ecavmncally disposed, can have their Clothing bssdV as snfrr a cheap (ros rasa) they can purchase tbe same "reon mad," ut sny nf Ihe rknp tlnkwg Mrnit" in lb rily, with all Ihe Ivaiitnges of srsfs, eawify, trmrkmmmim, ft. which fashhsMble customer work nmbwldetllv niwases. WM.

IfctViT; elO ltes comer of Qf. 000 CEDAR SI1INGU3. JrJ.Uyy fret long sod inches wide, now landing and for sale, in has In suit purrbasers, al lbs very brw price of seven dollar per thonsand. uirenf HENRY CROSKEY. si" First wharf below fireea st.

LjiOFfiUTEkRn. A THER8 have rereire.) a bugs assmiment of all the new styles of RIBBOSH mm of Ihepettem have been Batnuisetured to order, expressly their trsde. Also, per last Steamer, dew end desirable, style of While, Fjiglnh snd Mourning Pbud Rib km, unpisned by mi other house. Milliner supplied wilh single Trimming at the mine rate a by Ihc box. 10 llS) No.

tia fTIESNPT fu IVKW WlfEA FUll liquet received snd fTJ mmrw xirs nut superfine FIAM bbl. mid half bbU fiw Family and Bakers' uae: Flour, lor mannfaclurera, loux sent to any part of the eily free nf charge. IQ SAMI C. WHITE, Sixih and NoMe ets RIBBONS! RIBBONS A aplendid assortment of new styles BONNET snd CAP RIBBONS. JxANTt'A and SATIN RIBBONS, just opened, and f.e aale al low price, hv nrjia, rcounsi st 1 rWhnnf Tr.A by lb box or feUu.

AtaT a gen.ntl sssorunenl of fresh ms. th, Uiwest Whnlesale prtcs. EI.l.WOOD SHANNON Eleventh snd Cbasnut ft. NM a'rFbBCh shws sTeTVri aUKd cii 1 No. North FOI'RTII Stret "b.v.

2K "rnnwnl of ISDIA RVBBER 805.onsiaimg of Women' Figured, in the original eases. Im. Pbua do. do. do.

do. and fig ieleaned in small cases, si Li do. do. Men and omen's Patent Rubbers. Do.

do. Sandal hsITlT.LJ' wui sold at the lowest market price. slOndne GOIJ) LEAP Nietheast corner of Ft MR Til and ARCH Street. The cnmer.and vvler. of OOLD I.EAF, tTjh eosaesdUi.

tmrnumetur, iTartete and will havs a nprdv constantly on hand of the best essxItlytkeiMket at CVrnJi J. A sharsof pslromge is respwtfully siteT Nurlhtau corner of Puurth and A J. 3. r. mac oa Fourth street.

in sje AV LP'e! NEWAND CABIi I C.i.f "rest dsssn. dnrM VlW sem resnsinsbl. terms. Call and see a wi NEAT STYLE MOI SSFJJNES l)B LalVp CHARI.I ADAMS has ju resved Kvvu siyidl "Terreii at the etyle MolSSWJNia ELAINE stS" kim' New seesorialde sssrk mwm lT arrtve th AkGAiNhfTh. i w' H'HARI altVOt No.4Urset sUeel.

DRAY FOR SAI.R. Inquire al Ihe Snrnr Ilsi hnek of No. RACK St. slu lts) ORE CHEAP MI'sTol llul lMiii i. mrk Ksurs of ths CjhhmIml h.

IL I a a. 13 cent, 0 RECENTLY ftxof Riimance snd Reality, by T. Arlhnr, S3 ets. The Man nf Portwne, by Mrs. flore, tu et.

a r.1?. iel', Caroline Ps hler, 3 CIS. i 1 i Twenty Aim from Ihe Bohemian Girl, srranred for the Flute, ISj eent. E. FERRET" CO 68 South Fow th street.

NOTlCEve ISAAC DEI'AS, NelTf)rtee; having advertised thai I have left his bed aad board mMM szewss, I am cranaellwl, Uius emnradiel iiur hut wilful falehssl, In refer Ihe puNie In the Re cools of Ihe Court of thi eounly, which show that I Wa driven fmm hi ide by hi unmanly and brutal condiai. My proceedings for a Dtvoscx were pending and known to him when he inflicted Ihe bat cowardly blow of publicly advertising a dutiful wile whom he had most cruelly outraged; but instead of meeting the recital by witnesses of the many wrongs of which he had been guilty, be has fled the country, leaving his vennmous advertisement a his trail like himself, made up of falsehood and malice. ia a insAl il.s.s Mr.l rtn. BF. WEYMOUTH, SI feVmih WATER hs on hand and offers fin sals at kw, and on as favorable terms a any other htaise in Ihe trade, Uie following merchandise, vis 30 Boxes TiaSseon, seaetetl.

WHajkhTrinsladMiHiias. Id Pteto Rim Sugar. 10 NewOrluan SO Hid. St. Crux MBiursJavaCtsTce, 30 lagiij tik).

150 Packages Teas, awaie t. 3 Pipes Metier' Swan Gin. 10 Hulf snd SO casks Seignette Brandy. BiettmRum. 00 Bbl.

Am. Oin, 60 Am. Brandy. sWIw Ttajether wilh a genersl assortment of Wines, Spices, Simp and Candle. Oil, Chomilale, Cigar, ate.

FRENCH LABELS AND GENUINE KX TRACTR I ease Isibin' genuine Extracts, SO lavors. 8 Prevost 's genome do. 30 new French Perfumery I Abel, for Sachet' Oil, Cologne, very cheap, at the Great Depot of 1st bel and Perfume rr, IS South FH RTH Street. in lwr A. K.

OTP MONROSr Impivter. ID A Sole Agent of Mr. rreni, I eaiitioa the Trade again! the purh article hawked about. LEIDY A BROTHKJtH Hl'SlNVJIS ACADEMY, No, iw North SIXTH Street, autwe vine, unpen fMryeatf Aremag all persons wtmuns luisnns oou sm pmrrimt insirnrTtnn in WRITING. BOOK and ARITHMETIC.

Each branch taught separately. IIMl0ir PERCL'HSION CAIIt, SlTW AND PENCILS, ee PerrtMsion Cepe, OD, TV, Slate 4 eask HlaM pencils, lad Pencils all qualities, 1 Flute, Vjolins and VWi Strings. .10 French Straw Sacks. Just received, and for sals by ts.

L.C. BArERBACirS, slO tsieer 170 Market etreet AMNCY OFFICE No. 74 ClSSSniTTitre: For the sale of iVU HAl ELU eelebreud TlIUiTARTlCUAeompring th. a alcu assortment of ih kind In he found, and al price ihe most sanderats. Th Jtsssf impart a natural and beautiful btoota lo the pale cheek.

The JMrdirsssd jVymps Srp is a rare emollient. The A'ee reasM hnpart a ynnlhful while and delicate brilliancy to Ihe complexion while Ibe Dtpilnicrt PstesVr safely snd readily removes any unseemly growth of hsir that may diminish Ihe attracrions of a fair face. Sold at 74 CHEMNL'T Street, eorner of Exehange Place. 10 isl3er lyfl'SIO FOR THE MILLION." BAP Ll Jlflffr. Jnst published and for aale, at BER FORD'S, 17 CHEsN L'T Street, opposite Juno' Hotel Music fmm Fry' Opera of Vmnon, Parts I.

3 price each. S3 ct. Music from the Bohettuaa Oirt, ran I and price each, 93 Getns fmm Ih Bohemian Girt, arranged Ihe Piann, pit Beauties nf Norma, i Music of KjhioputnSerenailer, Eleven of Lover's Songs, S3 Nine favorite Polkas. 1 Mekalie nf Ireland, 8 nng and 3 pieces, JJ Moore's Melodies, containing 8 of Moore's Sig stul Balbuls, S3 Melrllies of Scotland, II favorite Sisigs anil Rsllnds. S3 St S3 S3 S3 Thirteen Popular Waltzea.

Foorteea favorite Gnlbieades, Fnartren eclebraled Marches, Twelve popular ((uicksleps. Seven Mainnrkas, "I Flute Music DO Air from the Bohemian Otrl, 14, Russell' rVmcs, six popubur Songs, The above, and all Ihe ('heap Music and Cheap Bonk received as mm a published, and fa aale a above. tl0 3tr "IS THERE NO HALM IN GILEAD f' Jer, 1 8, i. ll will be oUcrred that A Vm4 asks the What is ih query with as Why it is, I Ihev sn CaJomrl The inference is self eri. deni.

and at praeiicallv rereired st th MEDICAL NjtlJC'Tim. lVf HEI MATISM inafhreffeciiMlly plying at the MFiDICAL STOK No. SI Norih SIXTH Street. The pohtie will lake wKiee that the Specific add fi Ibe shove disease hi trarrsMed Is rrnicrr. I0 MtrtTe Thefeepest OAs bi'the VnTieei States to have your TFJ replaced I al 1B HOt PTS, No.

A CllatM'T Street, who eras ths first reduce tbe prices in this rity. snd will insert Ihe be Teeth on Gobi f.s 4W; on Pivot, SI. Other isprrationa eqnslly hsw. The emir mUsfartion given In hut patients, for the hut seres yean, is proved by tbe immense number Inserted by him animally. Complete sets in all case warranted, fvW.

UO UnWrtl ISTARH BALSAM OK WILD CHERRY Tktn it as nth Iking a Aril" ks the history of thi Wimderful BAIJAAM. Evidence tne mm rrss vinnng evinVne that so one sea doubt fully establishes this fart. For the ake of brevity, we lest the following fmm thousands. Imae Plait. Esq Fshtor of Ihe PneglA'epaia Eagle, one the mr4 inmiemml paper in the Stale of New York.stale, under the Buiknrttv of kis mm name, that a yosuuf lady, a relative of his, of very delicate fnnaiHutinn, was attacked ia February, hS.

With a severe cold, which limnnhately produced spilling of bhasl, enugh, fever, and other dangerous and alarming symptiuns. Thrungh medical ireatment and care she pnitially recovered during summer. But on the return of winter she Was attacked mors violently than al first; she became ararevly sbls In walk, and was tr wMed with cough, rhtlls and fever every day, and appeared to be gang rapidly wilh aeusssnplinn; st this lime, when thee was no sign nf iinptiwrmeiH, Mr. Plan procured a buttle of WlbTAR'tl BAIJtAM OF WIIJJ ailWH which she Im. snd it sctn Jngly restored ber.

She got second, end befiwe it was half taken, she was rretieed to psrert ktjtlik, hich she has enjoyed to the present lime, without the slightest symptom of her former disease. Mr. Piatt a) "ihe rare came under my own nhser vatksv, and I ranma) be mistaken ss the facts." AfrmK fm F. BROWN, eorner' Slh Slid Chftsnut atreet; 11. Pprsgne, 31 N.

Fourth atreet; J. Hopkins, corner Broad and Cbeamt; P. William sou A Son, rtar. Almond sud Second sts and F. Klett A cor.

Second and Callow lull street. J. Glsh, I sines si er. Pa. IO.wrVJ1r HOW CAN THE HAIR GROW while the roots ars clogged wilh scurf and dandruff Scurf ami dandruff are caused by suppressed perspiration, snd ar a certain sign that the vessels of Ihe scalp require Invigorating, so ss to enable Ihem lo throw off the moisture which now dries and hardens on ths surface of the akin 'Thars i nothing that will on this half so effectually as JAYNE'S HAIR TONIC, whieb, by promoting tbe healthy aircalslina of Ibe blood snd atrengtbening Ihe vessels of the kin, keep lbs Hair always ins perfectly healthy tale.

Prepared snd mid 1yDR D. JAYNB, I SOUTH THIRD Street, I'hilsd. .10 lmy THINGS FOR THE AF FLICTED! THE OVERTHROW OF PAIN I The subscriber beg leave to inform the public that be ha just arrived in town as a Special Agent for the eclebraled medicine known as BARTINK LOTION, and during kis stay is desirnns of extending th ban, fits nf this mreJ liable remedy to all lb sufferers nf disease sud pain, and particularly In tbMl whose oer ttinala esNnphunU bar bevesofor defied the powers of sny other specific. In all esses ef Rhearnatisrn, Gout. Swelling nf every eacnnttnrv, Burns, ScsJoa, Chilblains, iSam, Bunions, Us ration.

Fractures, Cats, Cnntnsions, attended wnh tanWmaalinav Poiannnn Bile ena Stings, or ether exwrnal iunirie nf what name or kind soever, it Insures a rapid and infallible eure. ll conquer the most obstinate Erysipelas, Lumbago, Glandular Tumors, Telle ur Ringworm, ks asmiat wilh other malignant euteneoas eraptmns, with equal farUity; sad ia adtlilsna to iu wonderfully energetic healing qualities, it pose use th remarkable faculty of instantly expelling all sense of pern from Uie region nf spptwvuinn. In addition to ha efficacy in tendinous enrnplaints, and as a general outward application, ir is no less valuable in many eases ss an internal remedy and ia case of Cramp. Colic, Sea Sickness, snd similar vio. knt derangensems of Ibe stomach, It stand without an equal.

la evidence of the virtues rs the Lotion, Iu wide popelerity in New York, aad Ihe numerous renin rale of it astonishing cores are proof aifncienl bat for Ibe purpose of a still more ptbslential lest, ihe undersigned ie willing lo apply personally oa all whn ars skeptical taT ita powers relying slone the success of Um application as hat claim for reward, snd be likewise guaranties to refund its price ht all rase where Um use of single buttle dues not effect a cure of Uie specified complaint. LetK, therefore, who are afflicted with any of the ebove somplaiuts hesitate lo avail themselves of the present offer of relief. The expense of the e.tpe riUMH! hear no cosnparw et hi ihe value of its benefits and a feelmg of doubt should svs allowed to act a a barrier In ueqhap th only chance of evnslliug fiw ever a Aowrrous affcetimi or disease. Price of Ibe yWJ VAIAtTlJiraet. alfWondlme N.

JI Frn ih psculier sad penHraiing energies nf ths Iitkm, Is pmllr enseaeiisi when applied to the iiiju.Ic of Ih IIDRHK. and male. In all cam of wslli1MM and xlernal effect, and for Cmino, Colic Quiusy, rVs Thriaxl, Ua k)aw, Fist Mia. Prte evil, Mange, Ae, hvi th only reliabl ruuedy astaut. NEW TJABPrmNftR, JUST Diaibl suierhii Nw Carpeting.

Film and fine, 3i, 40. 44, 40, id, 03, al) Wool. jUk t'. Fbair and Tab) Ol Chslis, Swlr RotU, Carpel Dimllngs, a. Parstms ia want of th above nauwd goods will find It their advantage to call at slO ttttf CHARLJ A STIIARTH, Ne.

810 South Seound etreet, below Pitw. A SYNOPSIS OK POPEHY, AS IT IH AAD AS IT WAS. Bt Wuxux 11 A new edition. Price Ml nisiis For sale by XIEBKR A 3 ledger toipi sllti Bllikllllg, THIRD Street. ulS4rs TIE LADIES' WOHK XABIdi BOOK, I OUXTAI.1IXO CLEAR AND I'HACi'lCALLNSTRUCTlONll J.

P1AIN ANt FANCY NEF.DIJiWORK, KmTTiJtu, and CsoTt Hrr. With nuinereus engravings, illusarottve of the varimis stiu hes in thtsw useful and fashionable euiio lueuts. Price 60 cents. For sale by ZIEBF.R A CO, 3 Ledger Building, mttnna Aiil n.1 ransn. BIO ISIOAra.

fpOYS, itlD 1K1IXS. AND FANCY GtWDSj'usi reeetre.1, otMO do. Kid Doll SOUU dis. joiiiled do. 000 dos, French ancy Boxes, ease Paper Masks 93 aswirted Toys, alt prices 8 Tin Tiers, do I 'Wax Doll, Doll Heads And for sale by L.

C. BAITERSACHS, slO loyer 170 Market street. EEA'niEU LEATIIEH! Ciiaar sua wash The eulawriber ha lust na eived ami on haiul, a bug assortment of LEATHER, such ss Harness, Di Nile, Skirting, Sol, t'pper end Splits 1810111 Japanned leather, logelhsr wilh all article in ths line, waiea as wtM sett low ue rasa or approved tinner. C. A.

10 till No. 1.13 North Third rpEETH TKKTII 1 S.s pour Tuik i'mw 1 TEETH Plugged with Gold nr Foil 30 ets. Extracting Teeth S3 et. inwrtint TttiK on Pur OoU east Strer, 81 to tW. Othce No.

3 NOnTII NINTH Street, six doors above Market Street. 10 lt DR. MMBERT, Dentist. SeWaSI) CHEAP PI BI.ICATiONS. Fur ssfe' nt 3 LEDGER BVIU)1NG, Third street, be hiwChcsniil.

Songs nf the Campaign, 8 fiw S3 et. The Man of Forums, by Mrs 51 rt Mrsura, or the Wamlsring Heiress, 181 els. The Uteet Foreign Papers. F.vslyn, or a Heart Unmasked, by Mrs. Mowsll, vols, each S3 ets.

The Admiral's Daughter, by the author of Mosul fjoret, to ets. Henry Russell's Stwigs, Six for S3 ets Utteil't IJvtnff Age, No. OT, I9J CIS. The Repnsinn of Romance for August, IS ets The Musical library lie September, IS et. Ths love Match, No.

4, IS ets. Ths Cultivator fig September, 10 ets. Tbe Knicksrboeksr for September, 30 ets. life in London, Pari ISrts WhiteNunotlheWildernrsA, IS ets Th Genius an.) Character nf Burns by Profeetnf Wllson, (fonoine No. SI of Wiley 4 Putnam's Li hrary of Choice Reading.) Price ill ct.

Th Swetle in PragiMe or Tbe Signnl Rm Wtt A Romance of the thirty years' war. Pries S3 els. Van Cain's Detector fie September, ct. Korporal Wizard, by Professor Ingrahain, IS1 ct. Harper' Pictorial Bible, No.

37, price S3 ct. The Whit Slave, or the Russian Peasant Girl, (forming No, flu of Harpers' Library of Select No. vels.) S3 els. Ths Hotel Lambert, or The Engrsver' Daughter, Tats of Love and Intrigue, by Eugene Sue, price S3 els. Agefits snd the trade supplied at Publishers' price.

With all new and rial a works a ssm a issued, by ti. B. ZIKBKR i 3 Ledger Building, 1 Tldrd street, below Cheanul, tl tNn ufJlitrpr' pieheial BtWe, Worms' WimMsTTwoiililiTnT mnvs these troublesome snd duncerous Inhali lanl of the Stonsn and Bowels which often mnd sr ls lives of children, use JAYNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE, certain and sale prepstatkm for Ihe rctisrval nf Worms Disimp. sw, Sour Stogiach, Waiitnf Appeti Inluutile Fe vrg and Ague, and Debility of Ih Stat nosh and Bowel and Organs of Ingestion. Prspxeed only at No.

8 Sank THIRD Street, Pbilsdelphm. Price eta. per tastl. sin lmj VSPEPSIA VSPEPl TIC EIJXIR an effectual remedy f. Dy.

pepsia and all dissssis resulting from a eimdtliuB of th Stomach ami liver it i a powerful Tonic, eombinad wilh mild kuative prnpertMs, strersrtlMnins; the slonavh, opening and rtsuudng to all th seer etir wis, and giving proper lone and actum to the Whole digestive organs. It ha eared IWep aia of apvrarda of twenty year' standing, awl will a. fd to gtvs permanent relief in every rasa where ttm dbine will be of any avail. Prepared only bv CLARK, and fur ml at No. North FIFTH Street, Fhiladelphta.

lO taSttermtuwAf Pamphlets giving a full description nf Dyspepsia, cause, msaptonst, Ac, with mimerisni refarenoes, eaa be nhisined gralis by spraying as shin e. KTTERKR'S MAGIC HAIR OIL. give the hair bnaniiful ebsa, snd mclinetil hicurl; snd, wholly anlike any other oil, It never rl the hat or boanet in lb least, and it penetrate the minutes, ptees, giving the dry and withering bulbs new Uie and opening the capillaries, and securing that healthy haw and sctl'St so accessary to lb preserve or pnahtction of a fins head of hair. Price 30 cents sobl si North FIFTH Street, awl by Storekeepers generally. IVuifir R.

lili COKI)lAle fie the cure of Dtarrkre, Griping rains Cholera Murfau of Aihilt ami Summer Complaint of Chiklrsn. It also (tves relief to I bus femnlos who sre subject to lever pera.bcal pains ami is need to regulate the Bowels isf tnfhni when shemternl during Ih lima nf teething. PrM eaO cents per la Sll. FT sale by Frederics Iktiiern, snruet Chesnut snd Fifth I On. Melkir, IU Walnut etreet) Fred Klett A ennd and ChUkrwhill streets; wbnissale aad retail by Santa st thmse, lMnnhwest aivner of Twslflb and Cheanul streets, la New York, anbl try Mllhae, Raahtrat A A spin wall, aad other reeem taUte Ihwgghits.

epsredby U. K. WHITE, rilll I rn Hudson, N. Y. 10 n.r CsONrH MpnoN TONSI MPTION TJfO.V POM rOHPOVSD aYRVP TAR AND WOOD It APHTHA.

The Portland (Ms Advertiser This medy has becsmnre snresesfitl lhaa any nvslieinewe havs ever knows its numerous cures in CakwiBB Iwst, SjHtting Hlisat, Pain ia lbs Sal snd Breaal, Bnsichili, Alhuw, Obstinate Omghs llnvsruess, sre Throal, lalpitation of the Heart, Whooping Cough. Croup. Nrrvmi Tremors fie. Inillvulnalauf th highest refnectabitity in thi rity hear ample lee Umony lo us power and enVacy in ibis class ot' die Jbed ti afteviiag T. Bolden, Tavitennn, N.

we eared nf profuse Spitting nf Blood. Coogn, Hectic Fever, brought on by a strain end heavy biting. Hannah Hewitt, No. Mary streef was in de dine for (ever years, pnmnunred Coneumption by her parsK uuv eared by twelve bottles, all other remedies having faded. Morris Hrsahrn, Bnrdenlown, suffered two year) wilh violent cough snd pain ia th breast, cured by a few bottle.

Mrs. Miekle, nf Cemlen. of chrnale sough snd ef feci inn of lb lungs of nearly SU years' Mamling. J. Robinsiei, nf Trenbat, cured of Cdtisninptioii.

Robert Wslson, 101 locust strset, cured of Con snmptirst he iinprnred from the moment he eten Btenced using the Syrnp. Thi invaluable and well knows remedy for sslo al the Pnneipnl Office, Northern eorner of FIFTH and SPR I'CK Strrets Horn, Third snd Brows, Sixth snd Arch, Tenth sod Race, and 80 homiH streets I. Gisb. Lancaster; Earl, Readmg Moore A Long acre, Nisrrisiown Dr. McPberson, Harrisburg Stevenson Carlisle Edw.

Bringkura, Wiluung font T. HewliiutsTreiHoni J. M. Allen, Chester Morris Burlington, N. J.

Price 50 cents, or ix hot lie for 30. Avoid all imitations. tlO uelf DEIJGIITKI'1' RIVER EX0I SON. TO BURLINGTON, BH1S DKNTOWS. on THURSDAY, tlth bisl at o'clock, by Stesmlmat TRENTON The Trenton, lentam Itsster, wilt leave wai.u nt. TlII'RSDA AFTERNOON. al So'eba for the shove puce. Returning, will leere Bdrw town at P. and arriv ia Phihxoelphja atom "I Cclnrk. The New York Bay Excursion isU snd In Band of Music will return wilh the boat.

Excursion to Boruentnwn snd remm. 37 Do. Burlinevsi and Bristol, and relars, ti Tea will be srovided on bawd. sl0 WM. H.

GATZMEK, Agent. hcv sitVAV THIRDStreet, sjirive Arch. HORSE inA 1 fr fllDL II. T.lfn .1 1 1 1 1 I ir V' i BTABLLNO for day Hursc. Ojod tud tltenlive Hostler.

i FOR PALE, a HORSE ami HiiWeismiroe tor a Ph) icwn 1 I txt VW1V A hiM ILm. Im Vkl sias riL.oiv. i onbsr, the wbsde will dd very ebesp. Call smet yost warn a Dwxain. a ILVfiK SPOON MANl FACTORY TH, salMcriher eoniinue to maniifctMre Sil JrXver Tslde an.1 Teaspoons al WO N.

SECOND Street, eorner of New etreet, at very reduced prices, whnlassle snd retail. .10 tnaos J. FRIES, GEORGE W. MET. No.

311 aT7 1 MARKET Street, sbovs Eighth, emf linue to mnke Buftrim rA and i BMnmtkt' B'Umm, of all sites all of which he will sell on the most cnominnistin terms, I0 Sns) III A kei.kl H. SIIIUS. Ill 'L high, rears obi; perfectly gentle in i i.i m. fmm and MSum I r. lleet suigie tm u.w.s i warrairied sormd snd dd ft an Isult.

Ihe owner having no ti una. Aopiv st me imr. BIJkCKlU4(HY AUey, nrsi rsanic ir. reet. sor FOR SALE From Ihe Osiatry.

two fine tXBAV ItOllciKK about IS baada hish, oasj 7 a.tliei kerSrearsoW; to r.lL'Ll prntwilraliM rvaev uowh iu mn Calbm hill. sMl Ste J. PBOrr.Kt.l FORTA OnC pa1' Irooo wi k.l. hkh. six vsnrsold; nue LUh.

pair ui 11, yesrs old. Thev can I 1 wrh'Hor sad se these. nititnlXIM iM ritlHIllsirefff. reranna sl0 I i i tft vu t1 Mil I VI I.

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