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Dunlap and Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • 3

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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HE 29 TH ftiotild nutake place he dilpatcli the other parts of r' Guilford Providence Martinique Shawls Womens cotton hofe M' ns plain and ribbed cotton random mar ble With a very great choice of printed calicoes rerally in hollow are Pipes bed and common in hoses and er A quantity of bi Iran' kerns WILLIAM LHAMOND Or PUNDLE MUKGATKOVD mwftf Jeans and jeanetta I otton drain A variety of fancy waifL coat Ihapes Muflin muflinet hand AT The above Goods have been purchafed on the very bell teims and they pofitivciy will be fold aheap tor Calh April 3 yfp Together with Get il Aflortmenr I Goods IromoncekV and in tERf Watch 17 dtf or London The Ship APOLLO William Matter A firong good vertcll fitted with convenient accom for cabin and fleerage pafiengers intend ed to fail about 15 of thir month and to return an early all Ship or freight or paltage apply to the Captain on board at wharf above Racex Tiiihm PiAMtiMn nr April 3 or Amftferdam (To Sail Immediately) The Dutch Brig NE HOPE Hans Savik Matter The greatetl part of her cargo being engaged or freight or pafiage apply to the Mailer on board at wharf between Race and Vine ft reels or to April 3 dif BOHLEN TO (And entered upon as may belt fait the AT large convenient Man lion HOOSE lately built by Mr samru Me redith nearthe two mile (tone on the WfTibiccon road togethef with iff acres of highly improved do ver land laid for the moll part lafl fpring good Stables Coachhoufe Garden and many other eligible Accommodations for a Genteel amily Anyfuch inclining to rent the Premifes will be pleafed to apply for further particulars to HENRY HILI in ourth ftreet eotf Several Tons of firft and fecond Crop well cured CLOVER HAY for Sale (South Carolina) The Brigantine HETTY Cbriflopher ClO'ler Matter To fail the Jth April or freight or paflage app'y to the Captain on board at Peru wharf near the Old erry or to JOSEPH WALKER Apcila 1790 AT 5 on Monday Eve ning the 5th Inllant there will be a etmj of the Hibernian Society for the Relief of Emigrants from Ireland at the State Houle It is particularly re quelled that the Member will be punctual in eir Attendance The Chairman will take the Chair pre cifely at 6 April I MATHEW CAREY Sec pro tern rench brandy of high proof and fine flavour in half butts Spirit proof brandy in pipes Mountain wine two years old in quartercalks Sweet oil in barrels Bed do in balketr of II bottlereach And roll brimllone Alfa from the Brig lean nor from iew Cafl ufn Tve Beer and porter bottles Crown glafr in' crater The JVigwam Tavern LB SITUATE on the Banks of Schuylkill Race flreet in theici' of Philadelphia there are on the pic miles a 2 Itory Brick Home with a Stone one adjoin ing both well fiuilhvd there i a)fo a new rame Hitufe 4C hy 20 feet built of the belt cedar and white fioilhed in the modern (Hie with ihowef nfcwo plunging Baths there is iikewile an excel jinf Garden well laid out and flocked with a variety of the belt grafted fruit trees with many valuable roots in the ground there is likewife an Orchard with 7 Summer Houfes neatly finiihed the whole command a beautiful profpeft up and down the iyfer Schuylkill Any perfon willing to rent it will pfeal'e to apply to WILLIAM BELL in ront be lw Market flreet who will make the rent low pro vided the perfon will fair wtf Sonnet on Divine Providence A Sfome fond mother views her infantrace With teitdernefs while Hie fees She kiffes one one clafps in her embrace Her feet fiipporting one and one her knees Then asihe winning oeflure lpeaking face Or plaintive ci explain their different pleas A look a word (lie deals with various grace And (miles or frowns jts love alone deciees frail mankind fo Providencedivine Still watches hears fufiains and fiiccdilrs all Wiih equal eye beholding each that lives Il heaven denies oh! let no meirrepine 1 lie but denies to quicken call Or feigning to deny more largely gives WANTED Asa Clerk in a Public Of fice a' genteel young MAN regularly bred to Mer cantile Accounts and Book Keeping his character as a man of probity mull be unquellionahle Enquire of the Printers April fl Slp obs Sold at Public Vendue AOn Third Day the ijth of the ourth Month (April) oa the Premifes Valuable Lot of Ground fitu atein the city of Burlington extending from Pearl ftreet to low water markon the Delaware there is on faid premifes a good brick dwelling houfe computed of 7 comfortable rooms with good cellar kitchen garden and the privilege of an al ley fronting the Delaware and commands a beautiful profpcCt having a high and healthy fituati on i there js allo on faid premifes a large brick bil cult bake houfe well conllrufled with two good ovens granaries and other conveniencies extending a coniidrrable length into the Delaware convenient for loading or unloading veffeis and (efficiently roomy far the (lorage of large quantities of bread flour or other articles likewife a good frame loaf bread bake houfe with one oven a good cellar fronting Pearl flreet 'now occupied as a tenancy Allo a Lot Ground made life of and laid out for a garden a (hort diftance from the premifes ex tending from Pearl flreet to the Delaware indofed with a good cedar board and pod fence I'he whole will be fold together or feparate as may belt fuit and the conditions made known bynames Starr or ll'illiam Le'chvorth in Philadelphia Tho mas Pryor Whitemarlh or the fubferiber on the premifes mo 2 lawtf HANNAH PRYOR The whole of the above property is clear of all incumbrances and an indilputable tuic will be given the purchafr it a national qhcflicncn one fide only Be recapi tulated leveral circumflances refpetling tiie louth erh operations undey General Greene and'declar ed that he never could fubfcrilre to the idea of af fuming the autho i led and unauthoi ifed He reprobated an excife ami declared that he was of opinion a di ret tax would be more agreea ble orthefereafonshewilheditcuullbepoll poned to a future day Mr Wadfwmth faid it was impuflible to feparate the continental fom the ftaie deb's He II led the fiiuation of Connecticut with lefpeitl to her debts what bad been paid to the line of the conlinchtal troops and obfervrd thit alnioll every perlon was faxed nearly two fpeci dollars per annum He argued from facts and imprellcd flronglyon the houle the necellity of alfuming the (late debis as a mdafure of common jultice and good poLcy Mr Seney then propoled an amendment to the motion for recommitting the 4th and fubfeqnent refolutions viz to recommit the 51I1 6ih 7th and Sth refolutions as as they relpecied the af fumption of toe fiate This not being agreed to the motion for mitting the 4th 51 6th 71b and 8m refoluti was put and agreed to 31 members riling for the motion which weie a majority of the ufe Mr Williamlon then prefented the llowin re folutionsand amendments of the liateof Nortn Ca rolina State of North Carolina in Convention November 23 1789 Refolvedg unammoiifly that it be recommended and enjoined on the reprelent rives of this (late id Congrefs aflembled to make application to Con grels and endeavour to obtain the following a mendments to the conftuution for the future go vernment of the United Stales agreeable to the fe cond mode propoled by the fifth article of the laid confliiU'ion which when ratified agreeably to the faid atticle (hall become a part of the confliiutiop and that the executive of this lla be directed to tranfmit a copy of the hid amendments to each of the United States AMENDMENTS ift That Congrefs thill not alter modify or interfere in the times aces and manner of hold ing electibis for feirtors and reprefentatives or either of them except wjien the legiflature of any Bate fhall neglect refit fe orbe dil ibled by invafi on or rebellion to prefcribe the fame in when the provifiou made by the Hate is fo imper fevt as that no confequent election is ha I id That Congrefs fhall not directly or indirect ly either by themlelves or through thejudiciary interfeie with any one of the (fates in the redemp tion of paper money already emitted and now in circulation or in liquidating and d'lcharging the public lecut it ies of any one of the Hates but each and every ft de fh ill hove theexdufire right of ma king fuch laws and regulations for the above pur poles as they (halt think proper 3d That the members of the Senate and Houfe of Reoielentatives (hall be ineligib to Sc incapable I of holding aiiy civil office under the airh riy of the United States during the time for which they fhall refpctiively be eleited 4th That the journals of the proceedings of the Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives fliall be pub li (lied at lead om in every year except fuch fats thereof relating to treaties alliances or military peiatiuiis as in their judgment require fecrecy 5th That a regular fiaternent and account of the receipts and expenditures of all public monies (hail be pubiifhed at leafi once in every year 6th That no navigation law or law regulating commerce fhall be parted without the confent of two thirds of the memberS'pqcfaHMo both houfes 7th That no foldier (hail beenlilted for any long er term tiian four years except in timeof war and tnen fur no longer term than the continuance of thewar Sth That fome tribunal other than tlie Senate be provided fr trying imp achments of Senators SAMUEL' JOHNSON Pr fident Mr Sedgwick oi pofed the reedi bfthe loiego ing paper at that time asi: intei rupted the bufihefs of tfie day But the houfe ordered the refolutions and amend ments be read after hich they went into a com mittee of the whole on the re cdnlideration of the 4 5th 6tn 7th and 8th refolutions Mr Bland then role to give his reafons for dif fering frdm his colleagues and for approvingof the afTuinptiuii of the (rate debts He was followed bv Mr Butke Mr Juckfon and Mr Willi unfiin fpoke the artum'ption hut want uf room obliges us to de fer giving the (peeches of the four laft memioned gentlemen Wednesday March 31 A bill for regulating the internal trade and in tercourfe of the United States was read and order ed to be referred to a committee of the whole houfe on Wednelday next A memorial from the manufacturers of tobacco in Philadelphia praying the duties on th it article to be reduced was read and ordered to lie on the table Alfo a memorial from the manufacturers of fnnff and tobacco 111 the fiate of New York praying the duties on thofe articles may be reduced which was read and Ordered to lie on the table Adjourned till to morrow Reflexions not Unprofitable WH AT a ftrange contradiction is Man to him falf? He wou have other him yet wall not be obedient to that Power who gave him be ing He will loft noneoMyia authority He is cap tious with his Wife morofc with his Children ang ry with his Servants Itiift with liis Neighbours re venges all affronts to the u'mafi hu forgets all the while that he ii a man and is more in arrea to his Supreme Mailer who i fo very patient with himhan they are to him with whom he is fo drift and impatient Remember my Brother that difap pointments which come not by our own vices and follies are trialsand corrections from Hea en and it is our own fault if they prove not to our advantage To repine at them i only to grumble at our Cre ator but to fee the hand of God in them with an humble fabmiflion to his Will is the way to turn our water into wine and engage the greateft love and mercy on our li le 5 hi CaptTown in the fchooner Alex tndria arrived here on Thurfday lad in 50 days from Corunna fpoke within two leagues of that place the brig Sally Thomas Rufs mailer from Richmond Vir ginia all well On the 13th of March in lat 38 long 46 fpoke a fio 56 days from Glafgow bound to Edenton Carolina had fprihig her mart and was Ihort of water the violence of the wind prevented Cant Town giving her any relief i On the 19th in lat 38 long 59 fpoke the brig? 1 Tjofbua Byron Is now Opening tor Sale at his Store in Second Greet A Variety of Goods Which he has jufl received from London and Nlan cbefler Confiding of 1 XII LOW and beaver rtrnber might call up any part of life bull nets heNlr Page and Jtne 0ler numbers added a few words The qtteflion on Mr motion was now Yeas Noes Tuesday March to The memorial of Chriltopher Colles was read asfollow fotbe Honorable the Senate and Hotife of prefen tatives of the United States of America in Congrefs dffembled The memorial of Colles of the city of New York Refoeflfnlly fheweth TH AT your memorialift is now engaged in a furveyand publication of the roads of the United States of America in the manner of pads of England of Taylor and roads of Ireland and conceives that a fpeedy publication of the poft roa ls would be of confider able private and public utility and efpecialiy to tliepofl office department That although your metnorialift has already re geived confiderible private encouragement and is profecufing his faid work with all the expedition in Us power he is nevertfolefs incapable of em ploying the affiltance of others which the hiagni pideof the work requires he therefore is defir ws that Congrefs (hould engage him to perform 'that fervice as he can (by means of the contri vances which he lifts) perform it on lower terms Ibsn any other perfon May it therefore pleafe your Honors to take (be premifes into confideration and to fuch legs therein as to your judgment ihall feem jkte Christopher Colles Jlew York 29th March 1790 4 This petition was referred to the Poftmafier general to report thereon Several other petitions were read A meffagewas received from the fena'e ami another from the Prefident of the United States lie former with the fenitis concurrence to the bill rcfoebiingtheceffion of North Carolina with an jtmendnieit the latter informing the houfe that tte jtrtlidert had gned the naturalization bill' lr'Wadfworth from committee on the (ill to regulate the trade with lie fbuth weitern Indian tribes reported and delivered in the draft of a bill accordingly Thattra leistobe guarded by troops of the Uni ed States who are to be ftationed at the frbn Der pods' and the efident or fuperiiiteudent is to divide the country into diflrich The order of the was then called for and the fifth refolution read refpedjnga modification bfthe domellic debts of the States upon which a confiderable debate took place Mr Lawrence moved for the houfe to go into the committee which had been yefterday moved Cfor by Mr Carto1 to whom rwas referred the fourth refoimiort resetting the atrumpiion of die flitedebt' Mr Benfon was of opinion that if the date debts ftmild notbeallumed it might be found iinne ttSary to go into any confideration ot a modifica Hitn Mr Sedgwick Mr Bland and Mr Gerrygtettlwitii Mr Benfon: and Mi Carroll and jHr tone anl'wered them Vining then remarked that this fubjeft was wMpdt which appeared more important the inure vriRbiewe4 Tfib great reafbns which gentlemen Sad urged againfi the afliiniption were that the irate ffiouid be previuully fettled but he tJbfted would not require a (pace of two tfie lettkmentt He observed thatfte'ffaie of De'aware in point of exertions to pay debt would upon companion (land high ygr than Maryland It appeared to him iblolutelythflary to afibme the debts before the lettle fa Why fhall we (top here? Is it becaufe fome fetes are agaiolt it I But he conceived it to be a gifixed principle to reduce the inrereft tiom fix to pec cent After fome fuither explanation Vining thought it was mors for the uiterefi of citizens than the creditors of the Hates It a Was a more liatiooal juft ahd equitable meafarewhiefohe thought he could make appear evident 3fo any perfon of common iinderftariding But he sbefieved if the (Ite debts weie nor elfumed the prefent leffion of would be protracted io great length and much cuhfufiort Mfow Are we or ire we not able faid he to fund If we wreatde certainly we fhould do it Should he con ceivtltc polity of not doing fprhe would be in dined to agree with the gentlemen on tiie opalite fide Upon lhe whole to come to a point he be lieved that fome of the propoiitions would be a dopted and others perhaps difagreeii to He idl ed to hear the arguments of th? gentlemen from North Carolina and wilhed the whole of tne bu Cnefs to be recommitted Mr Lawrence faid that if Congrefs did not af lume the fiate deot it might be found neceffiiry to modify the intereft of the continental debt at a low 's cr rate than had been contemplated Spirits and feines he obferved weie exciled in the Itates and if that excife was not allowed to Congrefs they 'may obliged to Link out for other fun is He it would be belt to recommit all the propo sitions lubft pient to the 4th After replying to the 1 vrgnmenis pi ine gentlemen num iupm fcjJKCting jhe mfilcafid etiates by New York and a Ylieioiiri hotrfeat Maryland Mr Liwrence con i' eluded by oblerving that if hi the iflite Ot this qtieition tne ailumptiun inoiuti notxaxe piacr uc woiiid give his aid to i bulinefs Mr Madifon faid that the event of the prefent qneftion was not fo mateii fl being remote from the final queition If we fh iuld not alfnme the fiate debts it becomes an argument without any f'fconcliifion Mr Burke thought thit the continental debts and alTuivption (honld go hand in hand together tvjrbeney wilheu the nuute nor to recommit any but tiie 4th refolution he wilhed them to proceed in the runfideration of all the fubfeqnent ones 1 Mr Vining made fome renurks upon local and fiate politics and wifiied to fupport the general cre dit Mr Bland replied to the gentleman from Mary land anf mentioned the number of iceiments which had been brought intp the by Virginia He faid they had from 15 to 21 regiments tlv fe ex fences were enormous and he alked vhether tne fiare of Virginia might not with propriety apply in future to Congrefs to pay her debts having par ted with hrr revenue I' Jackfon agreed with the gentleman who Called this a great national queftion but he Margerv Robeit Lyncher mafter from Glafgow bound to Rappahannock Virginia our 40 dais On the ill inftant arrived the brig Philadelphia' Capt Strong in fix days from Charleftbn ith whom came Siewart Mr Mr Byran Mr Rtidulph Mi Ri chardfon Mr Daughty two Mr Mr Dublen and others The brig Hamilton Cant arrived at Cork in 32 days fi om Philadelphia Bofl'n March 22 On iiduy lafi arrived here from Yarniuli'h Nova Veolia Capt Ruins Uriry The day preceding his ai rival hedilcovered a fchoo ner on the ledge of rocks called the Londoner fpars and malls gone and all hands fuppofed to be drowned The above Ichooner is thought to be the Nabby of Salmi Arrivals at New York March 31 Brig Rfhecca St Thomas Schooner Hope Witmore Port au Prince Cleared Brig Amelia Lewis St Cmix Betfi Wallace Ditto Schooner P'ri nds Adventure Parker Shelburne Sloop Sally Grifhng Three Sifters Allen Hudfon Packet Coffin Poli Office Philadelphia April 3 I790 (Letters for the Britifli Packet will he received at this Office until Tuefday Morning the 6th InUant at haH pall 8 ci A Quarterly Meeting of the Society for promoting the Abolition of slavery will be held on the 51 Inllant at 7 at McctirigaHoufe in nnth ftreet Wi far Jun 9erVy oThe Members of the Society for the Relief of poor dillreficd Mailers of Ships their and Children are defired to attend a Quarterly Meeting on Monday April I79C at the uluil place in Lodge alley at in the £ve ning c3The Volunteer Company of Ar tillery is rkfired to meet on Moniar next the fifth lidlint at 9 in the Morning at the State Houle April I JaxtMiAH iskik Captain GREAT efLftf om Ample caufes A certain gentlemen tom time joculai enter tains bis friends with a fhort na ration of hi court Ihip the refalt of which is briefly that he ob ain a hanslfomc woman and what he ih'iulit a gaol a handfame fortune limply by a candle To elucidate which belay that luch Was hl inviti cib mo lefty be could not tor the 1 fe juf bi mufler up courage falficien to put the qvejiton to the lady even aftei a three months atten ance till one lucky evening when afte his mo lefty had choakcd hirn into a fifteen mtillt: fllence as he was i ut to take a final adieu he obieivcd the candle wanted frt'ffinf which office lhe undertook bu alas! in the execution bringing the inftument (n doubt accidentally) about the tenth of an incn low Ihefnafedit and with it the modelly vinsfnuffelout Lover we all kuov can fee befl in the dart and as if the extiiiftion of one flame can light up another our hero availing hin lelf of this propitious moment boldly made a tender of his band which was tende'ly accepted fo that before the light of the eandle was re lumineti the bargain was ftruck and the panieshad figned fealed aq delivered! Thus miy a fate in a pair ot and tbudidaman reap the coniforta ble acquifition of a wife and thecomfortahlezeqni rition of three hundied a year (imply Jnuflitg a candle 1 Benjamin Harbefdn Coppei Tin Plate Worker ACQUAINTS his i iendi and the Public tnat he has rCW'Jved hit Work Shop from late dwelling houfe on the north fide of Market (Ireet to thefhuth tide of the fa me ftreet between ifth and Sixth ftreets afew doois below Robert Morris tfq where he now carries on his bwfintfs in all its various branches in Copartnti (hip with his Son and will be much obliged to bit former Cuftnmers and the Public for a continuance of their favours allur ing them their Work Ihall be well done and on the 'moll reasonable terms April 3 or Kingfton (Jomaica) The Schooner 'loleth I GVrt MafttiS A remarkable faft failing vcflel ha good accommo dations for paftengvn and will 'fail on Monday of Tuefday or paflaft only apply ntkftCap' tain on board at whar or toAprif 3 3fp TH1 MAS MACKIE Philip Nicklin Has lately Landed from the fnow Oriana from rance and Spain OR SALK at his ORES in ront ftreet York Madeira wine ot vintage 1787 in pipes hoglheads and quarter calk Teneriflr wine in pipes Wine vinegar in do plain and inlaid Italian marble flabr of various'fizes Italian mable figure em blematic of each quar ter of the globe Red white lead ground dry nnint rln Do in boxci fqaared 8 Vcne'ian ted do by 10 Qween ware add trd ge leaa in Incets mined Queens ware in crates af forted in plates dilh Glaf ware afTorted is rafles Anda (mall quantity of' A few cbtfls of ii tea good and large houlc coal He bat alfo on Hand London paitignlar lmu don market and New.

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