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Public Ledger from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Public Ledgeri
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LEDGER AND DALLTtRANSCRIPT. HULADELrilU, MOKLAY, JAN. 30, IMS. Price Of Advertising In the Ledger. tOM OneSqiwrloBT, t0 BOaye, 37 I 78 9 dan, Mi 3 1 00 tweek, e71 1 87 ,1 month.

3 no 330 3 6 HO 3 10 TO 1 week, 1 73 I 37S month, 4 00 700 3 10 00 WOO lyear, 90 00 1 rear, 40 00 tTT Flm taut, or last, constitute a Vire, and km liMti a iffm. If any advertisement exceed lei line, the price will I in einel prnjriruon. All ad Vertieemeita, without exception, are payable at the time uf insertion, and if intended to rserive the benefit of Iks country well a die city and district editiom of the Ledger, thev rout sent In bafors seven 'clock ia la evetiintr. Tun Powxa or fcuMirr. The Governor of New York, in his recent message to it legislature, present very comprehensive view of the "anti rent" trouble, and proclaiiuj'doctrinc which mutt elicit approbation from all just and 'enlightened mind.

As these troubles have been fermented by agencies similar to those which have done to much mischief in our Stale, a few remarks npon this portion of Governor Wright's uiesi age may not be useless. He begins Iho subject with aying that as a niieeiion about the legal power and expediency uf changing the relations between the landlords and the tcuants has pasted to an armed resistance to the laws involving danger to all proprietary rights, he will not slop to discuss this question, but will call for a prompt, rigid, uncompromising enforcement ol' the law. This is precisely llie tone which the exigency demands from the Governor. Armed resistance to law is cri minal, Involving the crimes of riot or treason, according to circumstances aud with persons so resisting, a government should never eossVssceud I treat. It should hold no communication with them, receive no proposition from them, listen to none of their petitions or remonstrances, but put them down with the strong arm.

All civil go vernment, aU legitimate authority is abdicated when a government condescends to treat with armed rebellion. Governor Wright intimates that the relations between these landlords and teoants, founded upon a condition of society no longer existing, are a proper subject for peaceful Inquiry: but he tars that rebellion must be sub dued before this subject can be discussed consist' ently with the rights and dignity of government Us it right. If the tonanls would be heard, let liiem disarm, go home, acknowledge their obedi' ene to law, and preii their grievances, com' pit ntt and petitions as its subjects, not at lit ejtu's or masters. Governor Wright next describes the power of Stjorllla. in reading mis portion ol ttit message, Were not a little gratified in finding that be fully sustained the doctrine proclaimed by the Ledger, nil during the abolition riots in 1S37, mlweqiieiitly upon every recurrence of armed resistance to the laws, and more recently during our d.aslrou riots.

We have always said that the Sheriff was the civil and military cora nituder of the county, armed with its whole power, the power of every able bodied man within it, armed according to exigency, to repel invasion, suppreet insurrection, and support the lew. of the Slate. We have raid thai he derived this authority from the common law, recognized in every State in the I'nioa excepting Louisiana, aud that this authority, in renutylvaiiia, was not abridged by iti constitution or any of itsttatutes, but impliedly confirmed by the first, and expressly sustained by several of the second. We have said that under tint authority, he could cull into the field every ub bodied citizen, and arm them with the club or the musket, according lo necessity; and that if the musket were necessary, he could call out every organized military company of his county, as part of hit poise, aud require all their officers, from the corporal up to the Major General, to exercise their several commands under hi orders. This was denied; objectors affirming that tbe Governor alone could call out the militia of the Stale.

Bui we insisted, and still insist on our first position, that all tbe military force of tbe county were under the despotic authority of the Sheriff as pari of his post and that whether he called them out as a eVriV potts, as constables and tipetavesior as soldiers, was a question for his d.scretion, depending on his opinion of the necessity. Were we right Silas Wright; Governor of New York, a man accustomed to weighing hit thoughts carefully before utterance, tars that tbe Sheriff it armed with the full power of the coun ty, that this power extend lo tbe control of every able bodied man within to be used according to the exigency; and that be hat no IMlWet AfV TMTlir lA from Ik ewuitiet until the power of his own county bat become Inadequate. Thia it all that we ask of Governor Wright for a full confirmation of our doctrine. Hit power extends to every man in the county, to be used according to circum ttiices in maintaining the laws and be cannot seekforce from other counties till hit own fails. Tins 1 equivalent to saying that be can command the military foroe of his own county, whenever he deem it necessary.

If the Governor mean that he cannot ask for tbe military of other counties till the tivil power of hit own county fails, we might reply that after this failure, he hat ttill tbe military foroe of hit own count led, and thould try it before be calls for the military power of other count ies. But if the Gover nor meant, a we say that be does, that the Sheriff cannot seek the military force uf othsr counties till the Ws power of hit own (ail, then we say that ibis tW power comprehends both the civil and military arm of his county, and that he must try both before he goes into other counties for assistance. Governor Doxa aim Tin Rhodi Islaxd La GrsLATra. We learn by slip from the Providence Transcript, thai the Honse of Representatives of the Rhode Island Legislature, on Friday, passed an tot to liberate Thomas W. Dorr, on oondition That be thould go before the Supreme Court and lake the oath of allegiance to tbe State.

The vote tto on tbe passage of the act 49 in favor, 13 against Tbe Warden of the State Prison waa empowered by the act, if be signified hit willingness to take the oath, to conduct him before the Court, The Supreme Court meett at KinrVon, on tbe 3d of February, and at Providence on tbe 14h of March. The act will probably be concurred in by the Senate. Ajm Gaoi.xB ExcmtKurr LaJtcaa Til. An anti rent excitement hat sprung op in Lancaster. An agent of the Hamilton estate arrived in that place last week to collect ground rent, when tome persons collected, formed' procession and waited npon him at hit hotel, but wet unable to procure an interview.

Tbey then resolved that they would pf men PUBLIC tv j. a at it tion. It was in the tain county that the meet Ew Y2M AoxictmAt feoaxTT. ingwu recently held, at which they fuh. amij meeting week fepateP.

not to pay any more siie taxes, unless IhTsiaie rf ome gunmen, should reform and JttmSa! fT 1 ttvetrrvwrnore hooe t. tnelocauoti for the Stale Fair and ZZ Show. The Fair will be held on the 16th, Nxw You U. 8. SmtToaAt caucus of 17th and of September.

Ih Deanomtie member of the Senate and At i on FrxWy evening, John A. Dix waa rw lWicTioii Tortv Miat Dix who bat ominatcd to supply ib vacancy oocasioned by iust finibed pritoa inspectioav low through Nth resignation of fcila Wright, and Daniel 8. New Jersey, it expected te nMaoraliae tbe Dickms.n that of X. P. Tallmadge.

Mr. D. waa Letrislature of' that State' on the subject of ht afterwiirds aomioautd to the sua office, (or I prison diseiplioe, ice. yean from the 4th of March next. Tri I.Tmrvr Drx rxi Em tificiiea the first inst.

has been paid to fhr a for. arf. trfll pa when d. manded. Tut RsTftOftrscron Labors of the scholars of Europe are frightfully great, and it maybe questioned if the wine amount of labor were bestowed upon subjects of iminediato utility (and we use the word iiijtt largest sense) whether much that is obsoure in moral and science would SMXtotttttidated.

There are men who bodiea are ia the nineteenth century, but whose souls are C. 3000; they delve and dig into the ancient soil, and commune alone with departed sniritt. We believe that auch accusation, i be considered so, cannot be brought again! thia country; with the exception oT the perennial praise given to the "Blarney Stone" of North America, the Pilcrini't Rock, there la little reve rence either for the action or the literature of a past lime. We live and breathe in the present and place our becks upon the past, or upon such little history as we have of it. remember upon several occasions having attended dis courses of the Historical Society of Pennsylva nia when the speaker addressed more benches than auditors.

So little is the regard for object consecrated in history, that when Lafayette vi sited Philadelphia, the patriotic men of taste then in municipal power had the Hall of Independence regularly gutted, in order to put it in splendid order. however, the ornament were restored according to their original designs. The house of William Penn, in Second street', i as in no regtrueu as uie noiise oi iiiiutu ciuuu, or of anybody else. The place where the illus trious and immortal founder of the Common wealth simple and quaint in its architecture full of such reminiscences, is metamorphosed into a shop, ha been twice on fire, and will speedily go the road to destruction. While in Europe they are in one extreme, living in mausoleums, if we may so express ourselves, we are on the other extreme, and find no hallowing iuiluences in places or things connected with great historical events or men signalized in their country's history arid that of the world.

Next News from Ei aori. The steamship' Cambria, from Europe, is now fall)' due at Bos ton. As this is her first trip, there will he as little time as possible lost on her passage, but every means used to make a short trip. Maim T. S.

Skxatoi. The Legislature on Wednesday cbe tlie Hon. John Fairfield as United States Senator from Maine for six years from the 3d of March next. The rote stood, in the Senate, whole number, 20 John Fairfield, 23; W. P.

Fessenden, 3. In the House, whole number, 137; John Fairfield, 87; W. P. Fessen den, 4, Chat. S.

Davies, 1. Ma. Willis publishes in the New York Mir ror the exquisite poem, by Hood, The Bridge of Sighs," extracting iMrora Mr. Longfellow's selection of poems, entitled The Waif," with these remarks: 1 How long has thia been published and if tne answer oe many ne will be lost in wonder that be has not so much as heard of it before. Our taste our critical feelings are in ...1 L.

are fairly made part and parcel of a volume of ID Bridge ol Signs' should Have been received all over the world at once, and with acclamation." Now, friond Mirror, we approve your fine taste, and we do not remember whether the poem has been received, excepting by yourself, with acclamation" in your own city, but here, in Philadelphia, in the literary circles, and with all persons with hearts under their vestments, who read it, it nu Veceived with acclamation. We published it long ago in the Ledger, and it was put forth in other papers here, and was signalized in print as one of the most exquisitely touch ing, effective and characteristic pieces in English itcrature, before Mr. Longfellow picked it up, and before it was individuated as a marvel in New York. We should deem our literary taste a low ebb, if such a piece of inspiration were not received here with acclamation. Momroe Edwaim.

Col. Monroe Edwards, now of Sing Sing, it is said, politely sent his compliments to his counsel, the Hon. George M. Dallas, while the latter was in New York, and regretted that unavoidable circumstances, over which, unfortunately, be had no control," pre vented bim from paying his personal respects lo the Vice President elect. a a The CrroRTCNE Labors or Genu's.

The world it indebted most to genius in its portraitures of national and individual character, when seize hold of them before they are lost in oblivion, and renders them immortal on its pagea We have an example of this in Byron's Cbilde Harold. The finest passage of that wonderful poem, and of tome others which grew out of the particular condition of Greece, as the carcass of antiquity, untouched by modern improvement or the civilization of Christianity, would be wanting now were the poet to draw hit inspiration from the present condition of the country. Its transition state it modern European manner and habits lis pott roads, omnibuses, hotels, kingly court, and all would take away from the romantic features, and besides from the political torpor which suggested such passages at "He who hath bent him o'er the dead," Arc, and many of kindred beauty and sublimity. Sir Walter Scott, by writing of the Highlands, when there was enough left of their original wild peculiarities, and in the traces of a past era, to help him to his descriptions, rendered a peculiar service had he been cast at later period, or had be otherwise displayed hit genius, all tbe interesting traits of nationality which will enchant readers fur cen turies to come, would be wanting. Our own Cooper, loo, before the Red man was extinct, and white yet hit peculiarities could be copied, hat preserved in our literature life portraits of bim, finer and truer than any history can convey.

The ton of the forest will forever live in hit IIokkiBU CATAsTRorai. A mysterious sffair took place in Norfolk, on Tuesday last, which resulted in the inteationat or accidental death of Miss Sarah Brouton, a young girl about thirteen year of age, a niece of Mrs. Collins, whore sided in the vicinity of Fort Barbour. Mr. Col lint and her nieoe called in at tlie residence of Mr.

Hardison, Whilst on a visit lo Norfolk, whose wife it relative of Mrs. Collins. Tbey found Ilardison and kit wife at dinner, and while at the table, Hardison, (who appeared to be much ei cited,) drew a pistol, and aaid something about the intrusion of cats upon hit premises, and threatening to shoot them. He then cocked tbe pistol, which in a few moment more was fired, and tbe ball took effect upon Sarah, just below the left eyebrow, passing entirely through the bead, and causing almost instant death. Uardi soa went immediately to tbe Mayor and delivered himself up, declaring that the affair was entirely accidental.

The coroner's inquest, however, found the following verdict That tbe deceased came to her death by the iHtatdtd ischarge of a pistol held by William Hardison, while in a room is hit owa houee." Biw ct At lecture of Profesaort Weevil tad Henry, ia irfamond, mt Monday, there wt aa accidental erploe ion of gaw, which shook the building and the nrmi of tbe tudi eoce. Tub Defalcate)! of rax Cutxx or the House of Conors. The rumor of the alleged defalcation of Mr. MeN'ulty has been confirmed by a report made ia the House of Representative on Thursday, The report stale that after proceeding had been commenced In thia milter, Mr. McNulty had been twice summoned to appear before the committee en accounts, and that be refused to ober the summon in both In stances.

It states further, that a deficit of forty Jjv Ourutand dollars had been discovered in the conligent fund of the House. Tbe whole amount in the Clerk't hand had been two hundred and thirty two thousand dollars. It was discovered that be had disbursed one hundred and seventy two thousand dollar, leaving unexpended sixty thousand dollars. It was also further discovered that the whole amount of the fund bad been drawn from the Treasury. It had a credit of fifteen thousand dollars, leaving an actual deficiency of forty fir thousand dollars.

Of this deficiency there were twenty thousand dollar secured by the clerk't bonds, and for tbe balance, twenty five thousand dollar, there waa no security. The committee state that they had ascertained tlurt be had loaned lo E. J. Woodward, of Ohio, 130,000 to L. D.

Slainm, of New York, $3000, and Thomas J. Nurdy, cashier of the Coulumbus (Ohio) Savings Institution, The committee state that they are unable to determine whether those sums had been thus used for hit own use, but the account was obviously wrong, and in violation of his duty. The government, it is said, will sustain no lost. The securities are not only able and ready to pay the penalty of the bond, but all the deficiency that might be found to exist. Tbe.IIouse on Saturday unanimously expelled Mr.

McNulty, and directed suits to be commenced for the recovery of the money, and criminal proceedings against the clerk and all who participated with him. The Madison ian of Friday contains a card from Mr. Slamm explaining the matter at far as he it concerned. He tavt the check alluded to wat presented by him at the Bank of America. tome time last July, while Mr.

McNulty wat in xsew lorn city, the money drawn and imme diately paid over to him. It wat at McNulty't request for hit convenience that Mr. a drew the money which wat not in the possession of ibe latter ten minutes. E3 Tbe omn of the Sheriff's which ceased long since either to be or to be considered a newsrjaner. is endravnrinr a Utile notof iety for itself by almost daily attacks upon the Ledger.

As there it neither truth, logic nor argument in these attacks tbey are only an insult to the understanding of it own reader, and as we have nut waat space, time nor incli nation to bandy epithets in reply to every paltry assailant without circulation, we do not ut iii any attention to this one is required of us. 1 1 7 Auo ucatauvios we can oner tbe print, however, for its own benefit is. that it shuuM attmul to that which has now become its legitimate, and almost ii not quite lis only, business, which it that of filling up with the Sheriff's advenis ments for the benefit of those who make a busi ness of attending on Sheriff's sales. Personal News. The Madisonian nt stys that the rumor lhat Col.

Benton will yield lo the force of public sentimeut and become an advocate of immediate annexation, on such terms as will be accepted by the Government of Texas, it becoming more extensively credited in the political circles everv dav. The Legislature of Rhode Island h. ssviisovu to grant the petition of John Gordon, convicted oi the murder of Amasa Sprague, for reprieve till after the final trial of hit brother Nicholas. uotU, the famous President i. 1 V1H against Texas.

The Whig Convention of County, bat nominated Robert W. Bowie, Esq. to fill tbe vacancy in the delegation from thai county in tbe Legislature. Two men, named Want and Brooks, iournev. men shoemakers, have been arretted in Cincin nati for robbing a store in that city a short time The money and Voods abstracti! fnm the store were found in their possession.

George P. Scarbury, Esq. has been elected by the Legislature of Virginia a Judge of the General Court and of the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery for the Third Circuit, ia place of the Hon. Thomas IL Bayley. The nomination of Mr.

Polk, (brother of the President elect,) as Minister to Naples, hat been withdrawn from the Senate by the President Cassiut M. Clay, it is said, will issue a paper devoted to Emancipation, at Louisville, in the State of Kentucky. Gov. Fenner has been acain nominai.l tnr Governor by the Law and Order" party in R. isiana.

i ncy also nominated Mr. Dimon for Lt. Governor. The nominating convention wat held at Providence on tbe 15th. On tbe night of tbe 9th the Franklin House, in Geneva, wat robbed of a gold watch and M75.

Tbe rubber bat been arretted in Cayuga county. Hit nameisGeorKeDavaliasCoIlinsaliaa Amiin Tbe trial of Susan Mails, for the murder of Eliza Moore, tome time last summer, now in progress in the Court of Oyer and at Pittsburg. Rhode Lslaxd agamst Texas. The Rhode Island House of Representatives, on Wednesday, passed series of resolutions against the annexation of Texas to tbe U. States.

CorxTtancrr Dollars, pertaining to be of the coinage of 1843, are in circulation ia New York, to well executed thai tbey are difficult to detect. The Isauox'Batio of Governor Shtnk takes place to morrow. He arrived la Harrisburg on Thursday. The Auti Slavery Exvot from Mabsachd urrn to LonsiAMA Tbe Legislature of Louisiana have taken up the mission of Mr. Hubbard with much warmth.

A very indignant message, remonstrating against tbe course of Massachu setts, was tent by Gov. Moulon to tbe Legisla ture, which was referred lo joint Committee ef both Houses. A very exciting debate ensued upon saute resolutions introduced by Mr. Wads worth. Aues.

By the following, it appear that the President elect or the United States, tbe Vice President and tbe Governor of this Stale are very nearly of the tame tge President Polk it in tbe 50th year of his age, Vice Pre. Dallas ia his 33d and Gov. Shunkin hit Soto year. PiROAnoN or the EroooFAL Theological Semdurt. We learn from tbe New York Journal of Commerce that the examination of the students in the Seminary in lhat city, relative to the charge alleged against certain member, ef entertaining view of a decided Romish tendency, resulted in the dismissal of two of their umber, Messrs.

Donally, of New York, and Watson, of Delaware, and in tbe reprimand of Mr. Henry McVickar. Mr. Taylor, of Connecticut, likewise Inculpated, has not yet received hit sentence, Previous to this movement oa the part of the authorities of the Seminary, it wat rumored lhat some individual! ia the institution were ia constant in I sr course and correspondence with Roman Catholic priests, with whom tbey assimilated ia all essential points of doctrinal belief; and that after finishing (heir cours of study, they bad resolved to manifest their (ailh by entering the priesthood of the Romish Church. Tbe Journal it aot informed to what extent tbe recent trial established these charge.

Tint lao Steajtboat Pioneer, Capi. Kirby, (hrretofora mnning between Philadelphia and Baltimore, via Delaware and Chesapeake Canal,) carrying tbe Uaited Statea Mail between Edenloa! and Black water river, N. Steamboat Exrtosioa at Mobile a so Lone of Lin. The steam boat Potomac coming from New Orleans, burst her boiler at Mobile, oa the 0th instant, by which a passenger and the steward of the boat were drowned and several persons injured. Capt Wilder, the pilot, had a leg broken, Mr.

Key, the engineer wat badly scalded in Ih face. The explosion wat owing alto gather to carelessness, a the following fact snow. The boiler were seventeen year old, and had not been cleaned for a long time, on examination, salt was found to be coated on the lower part of them, as much at a quarter of aa men thickness! Macvab' Second Coxkt was teen oa Saturday evening last, by Prof. Kendall and hit assistant, at Ih High School Observatory, very near ly in its predicted place. Since last teen in Sep tember, it hat travelled tome four hundred mil lion of miles, and still follow tbe path among too start computed lor it from it former appear ance.

Boiton. C. G. Greene, (Dera.) and Mr. Eliot, (Whig) candidates, for tbe Mayoralty of oi uoston, at Ihe unsuectaful canvass lost Monday, have both declined being candidates at the next trial, which takes place to day.

LOCAL, AFFAIRS. CoMjJimentary CorrpnniUne.1hG active amies oi Asnnel Prosecuting At tomey for this city and county, ceased in Ihe ioun oi uyer and lermioerand (Quarter Sessions, on Saturday. Before the1 trial of the remaining busiuess will be resumed, a new Attor ney General will ia all probability have been and the post which Mr. Green haa filled for some lime past, with so much honor to himself, benefit to the Commonwealth, and pleasure to those with whom he has been called to act in the administration of the criminal law, will be occupied by tome other gentleman of the legal profession. In view of hi retirement, the officer of tbe Court, on Saturday, addiessed him the following! note, expressing the feelings with which they have regarded him during his late official career, and their regret that this association is about lo be issol ved.

We give tbe note, with the reply of Mr. Green. 2 Ashitl flrten, Esq. Dear Sir: We, the officers of the Court of Quarter Sessions, having heard with regret of your withdrawal from the arduous duties Of Prosecuting AUorney, tender lo you our sincere thank lor the many favor suown on, ana our sincere wisnet inai you mav i i i r. ucuiiu, mo mau Happiness.

Babth. Babtle, Tuos. Helverson, as. Riddle, Georoe HorFirea, John K. Murphy, Heist T.

Smith, Ben j. Schlatrr. The following is Mr. Green's reply: u. vrw.v, VWIW.

lO, lOfcJ. To Messrs. JJartle, Riddle, Murphy, Hcl verso, Hofi'aer, Smith and Schlater Gentlemen Your note of to day, expressing regret at any withdrawal from Ihe pott of Prosecutmr Attor ney, gratified me exceedingly. At the otficers of tne (jurt, executing its process, you have had full knowledge of my official acta, and are fuliy a war ix us laoors ana rasponsiDimie. i bat, acting together, we have been able lo prepare for the disposal of tbe Judge, auch a mass of business at ihe dockets of the Court present, ia mainly owing to yeur exertions; and I cheerfully testify that, in Ihe execution of your duties, no complaints worthy of note have ever reached me.

It would be didicult lo find better or more efficient officers than you have shown yourselves, and this, too, under very trying circumstance. I remain, very truly, yours, A. Green, A. Firs. The alarm of fire on Saturday evening, about 11 o'clock, was caused by the burning of a small shed, used as a batter's shop, in the rear of No.

South street, above Eighth. It originated by accident. Steamtoat Piont4r. The lenirllieiiinE and com plete repairs which this steamboat it now receiving on the Marine Railway bid fairtomake her quite a handsome and substantial boat. Her bull is nearly completed, and is coppered so as to prevent her from being cut by the ice, as wat the case during her last trip the present season.

A "IrtulUiomtUndertaiiHg. Much delay and expense has attended the attempt to sink a new pier in front ef the Ridgwny property, just below Vine street. It was placed in ihe proper position, tnd sunk by placing in immense weight of stone in it. but afterwards it slipped out info deep water, and in order to raise it again, it became necessary lo fish up the stone used in sinking it. This was done in a great measure, but it appear lo be now at far from being fixed in Die spot destined for it at ever.

It wat by some means turned completely over, so at to free it entirely from the stooe, and the timbers which were intended lo rest upon the bed of tbe river now show Iheir irregular surface above Ihe water. It, however, floats at high tide, and wat on Saturday hauled into the dock below. Sudden Dath.Vlt. Charles McGotry, deputy keeper of Ihe Moyameoaing prison, died at hia residence, on Saturday night, after an illness of two days. Tht Funeral of Ckarlts Wttrrf formerly one of the newspaper reporters ef this city, and attached to the office of this paper, took place yesterday, from his residence, in Second street, above Callowbill.

A large body of his friend and acqiatintancet were in attendance, lo pay the last tribute of respect to tbe departed. He wat buried in the German Catholic ground, with military honors, having been a member of ihe Wayne Artillery, and the usual salute was fired over his grave. The deceased was an indefatigable reporter, and hia talent were improved by a gooa euueauon. Military for IlarrisbHrg.X Urge number of tbe volunteers of tbe city and county will start for Harrisburg this morning, to attend at the Inauguration of Governor Shunk. Tbe following com panic have reported themselves for this excursion, and will probably all go.

The First State Troop, commanded by Capt. Betton ihe Jackson Aitillery, Capt. Hubeli; Trankford Artillery, Capt. Peehill Germantown Blue, Copt. J.

D. Mile Monroe Guards, Capt. Small City Guards, Capt. Hill German Light Infantry, Capt. Hill Philadelphia Light Guards, Capt.

Bennett and tbe Union Gray of Montgomery County, Capt. Martin. There will be upwards of three hundred men in this detachment, and, when added lo the troop under Gen. Seiler, at Harrisburg, will present quite an imposing force. Tbe command of the whole escort ha been tendered and accepted by Gen.

Roumfort. Burtfary.Oa Friday night, the dwelling of Jonathan Patterson, No. 3 South Eleventh street, was entered by boring a back'window and robbed of a clock valited at 930, a hat and a Da guerrotype likeness, the property of S. W. Trotter, a hangup and kniveeand forks, the property of Mr.

Patterson, were taken. The next morning a fellow, who gave hit name at Win. Sid dle, offered the cloak ia pawn with Daniel Stewart, who arrested him and look him to the Mayor' office. Tbe fellow waa committed. Surpttted.

Samuel Owent waa committed by tbe Mayor, on Saturday, on suspicion of stealing a basket, containing five pair of fowl, a pair of boot and a laMe olotb, belonging to tome person unknown. tht 8ttmfat Lopsr. Thi iron steamboat i nearly ready to go into operatioa. Her boiler tnd engine are put up and most of the machinery in it proper place. One of her propellers is attached lo her stem, and a few days will suffice to complete the other.

She ia rigged as a schooner, and tbe stays of her masts are formed of iron rods, fastened in a substantial manner to tbe iron of her hull. With her engine and machinery, she draws but 23 inches of water aft by 13 inches forward. She lie at tbe South wark Railroad wharf at present, for convenience of receiving her machinery from the foundry of Messrs. Merrick ic Towne, on whose premise she wat con ttructed. Aa experimental trip it spoken of, to take place at sooa at she it put ia working order.

Rum's Doing: The Coroner yesterday held an inquest upon the body of a miserable colored woman, named Elizabeth Bell, aged 4 In a hovel back of Seventh street, below Shippen. The verdict rendered wat, "died from intemperance and exposure." A Dtad Body Found. 0 Saturday, tbe body ofaaewlybora malt) infant waa found ia the grave yard of St Peter' church, enveloped ia old aewipapen. It was lying near to wall on Fourth street, aad appeared a if it bad beta throwa over. Aa inquest waa held upon the body, bat an examination made it evident that Ihe child had been still born.

Daring Loresny. On Saturday evening, between 8 and 10 o'clock, a show case, containing four halt and twe eloth caps, waa stoiea from f. a Yesger1 last store. No. 163 North Third street, A short time after the discovery of the larccnyr the ease was found ia Dillwvn street, with the glasses broken and the halt and rapt taken out.

A Rom. Yealerdav afternoon, about o'clock. row took ptaea ia Decatur street, ia which se veral individuals were struck. Oae of those concerned, earned ITlrick, was arrested and held to bail to appear thia morning at Die Mayors office, New Pvblicatioms A Tory TalnaW work being published by Langtay, New York, entitled Motl' Vslpsan's Operative Bargery. Thtarstvo lame, last suUUhed, eontaint BJ0 pages fe wilt pabushed in thrte volume.

The work, which it eooslderetl a classical production la Europe, as been translated from the French bv P. S. Towntend. M.D., sad it aagtMaled by several kuaxUtd pages of snursiy ntw matter, eomprltuur all the latest in prortmtnl la surgery ia America and England np to lb present lime. It it published under the super vision of Valentine Molt, M.

has beta earefully revised, entirely remodelled, tnd augmented with a treatise on minor eurtery, uioitrated bv ever three hnudred engravings, accompanied with aa atlas or quarto of twenty two plate. The work embrace all the general axioms, precepts and facts of opera live Surgery and Surgical Anatomy, essential lo an elementary treatise, aud sjrtlcmatitsd and arranged upon natural and well defined principle, la perfect accordance with the known laws and structure of lbs banian organization. Thomas, Cowperthwail ft Co. have tbe work for tale. Medical Lexicon, a eomplct vocabulary of defini lions of the technical terms employed by teachers and Writers of medical science, designed for the ate of students aud practitioners, by David Meredith Reese, A.

M. 1). A work of treat convenience. Sublithed by Langley, and for tale by Cowperthwail Co. Carey A Hart have reetived a handsome littles ruiunn enuiicu ne wan." ii contains a collee lion of choice poems by I6iiffetlow, James, Houthey, and other popular writers.

They have also received uonrersaimns on some of Hie Old roets," by James NtntssrrT or ax KinnuisicNT. The absolute necessity or en enlented Canal on the Pchnvlkill Na. vication ia not clearly shown by the Coal Trade upon n. In 1841 there passed down the Schuylkill Navigation, Inns inimt, 4111,60 14 447,088 Inlftlt, 388,443 By Ktmlint Kalrtadln 1R41, there passed over the Reading Railroad, 000,000 In 49,400 In imrj, 930,317 Ial844, It would therefore seem that the necessity for an enlargement exitteo on tne rsllroart, which has been done by laying a double track, and not in the Canal. I learn that the estimates for the present year, 1SU, By Schuylkill Navigation, 150,600 ton.

By Reading Railroad, 860,000 I am also informed that the Coal dealers acknowledge ea advantage in the use of care despatch, leas waste, of from IS to 37 cents per ton by railway over the Canal, at the same charge for height and toll on both. If this is en, mar we not fear lhat any additional capital, invested with a view to enlarge the Canal, will be sunk, particularly when we tnd that Mews. Baldwin Whiuiey are now oaiiaing tor ina tissuing tympany aix wheeita engines, of the first class, that with ease will draw one hundred five ton iron coal cars frmn Pntuvills to Richmond in twelve hours, containing fiOO tons of coal, and the cost for wear ana leer, wagrs of men, fuel and oil, will not much, if any, eaeeed Blttt, or SI cents per ton, which is only equal to th lowest twnaaieof the advantage of doing business by the naiiuray. BA.tu.iN January 18, 1843 Sssrtoi OaVr The detachment of VolnmMi. dcr the command of Biitradier General A.

L. Roumfort, eoeapoeed of the following eompaniee, via rirst mate iToon, cantain Jackson Arti Captain Hubeli, Prankford Artillery, Captain ehell, Oermanttrwn Bines, Captain Miles: City Guards, Caplaia Hill; Monroe Guards, Capt. Bmall; Union Grays, Captain Martin; Philadelphia light uuarus, nennet; itertnan Washington Ught Infantry, Capt. Binder Montgomery Guards, Lieut. AlcMaiiua, will satemb I eauumed with knanarka and blankets, oa Monday, the SUth instsnt.

at scvaa o'clock, A. in Broad ttreel, the right retting on vins, uispiayuic rtouin, to last tne eve ror Harrisburg, to attend the Inaugural of hia Excellency, Francis R. Shank, tiovernor elect. The companies will take position in line in the manner datimaisd in this order. Mr command.

Jobs Mils, A. D. C. iTT For the Public Leteer of Saturday last, th name of 130 lownt and cities in this Plate, New Jersey end the South and West, are tri van, in which newspapers are published fur which V. R.

Palmer ie tgeut, end for which he receive edrsrtitemajiis from ths business portion of the eitv. This doe not include the numerous towns end alios in New York snd ths Eastern Statea for which he ia also the agent. The same advertisement will anoeer in this Doner on Wednesday next. Koch of the readers of ths leriger, es desire to invite tbe custom of the country, have faironpnrtanity hf selecting such distrietsas mar bast it their several kinds ef trsds. Ths seen', ths pa pers, and the terms of advertising may be sesa at his Coal Office, No.

St Pine, below Third street. 4 ITT No Rremrr Eucal Dr. Swmrnt's Comtmind Simp WM Chtrrt for Concha. Colds, Consump tion, Spitting Blond, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, uver complaint, rain in its bios, Breast. e.

imiy genuins preparedly Dr. end Race sts. Ma Oliddos's lecture this evenine at th Assem bly Building, treats on the strange chronological result established by the recent explorations in the Tonii. a mo rut ihe Pyramids. Civilization, Arts, Sciences, and extensive Commerce of the ancient Egyptian, proved by tbe mattrmli employed ia pyramidal construction.

OctM AXsOtrens. It should be remembered thai cough is always an evidence lhat some impurity it knees hi tne lungs, wnten, not speeany removed. will so Irritate those nelleate orgtne as in produce fmunviim of la laagt, a disease which We all know th ateh reef tt mwrnmptim. right Indian vegetable fills are a safe, easy and certain cure for eolilt end roughs, because they carry off, by the stomach and bnwele, those morbid humor which, if deposited upon the lungs, are the cause of the alors dangerous complaints. A tingle 25 cent bnx of Mid Indian Vegetable Pills ie generally auffieienl in makes perfect enre nf the most obstinate cold at the tame lime the digestion it improved, end Ihe Wood to completely puriBed, that aew life end vigor are given In the whole frame.

C7" IWert Csnvrtiti.The pahlle are re sportful ty informed thai medicine, purporting in he Indian Ptllt, covered with a tmmUrftit fuvtsgrepW laM, sold by S. Reed, druggist, corner nf Gsy end Saratoga streets, er W. Iloiloway, No. It, corner of Front and Baltimore streets, Baltimore, era est tht (meats Wrirkt's Mum TttaiU Pills. The only agent in Baltimore ie the Rev.

Isaac P. Cook, book seller. No. 70 Baltimore ttreet, from whom the genuine medicine can with certainty he obtained. Principal Office nf the N.

A. College ef Health. No. 10 Race street, Philadelphia. N.

B. In all eases, be particular to ask for Wrirkft Indian TsgtlotU tills. 4 motion of the Hon. George M. Dallas, Jobs Ilmn To.

was this day admitted In practise ss en Attorney nf the District Court end Omrt of Common, Pleas fur the City and County of Philadelphia. Svi Alt Yoe Ca Miiehell't Geography and Atlas, Olney't Morse's, with sll the School Books la ass. Give es a call, and see how nmeh yoe eaa tare, at Thorny tri Cktap sWt, Sixth end Arch streets. 00 Cr The extensive sale of Clothing advertised to" take piece on Twidae, Jam. 21 it, by Myers, Clngborn at the store of LirrmrnTT Tavlob, No 00 Market ttreel, it postponcsUintll Satnraay ntri, Jon.

sJU. The goods may be examined by catalogue, from Wsdaesdsy morning entil Friday, aooo. The sale will commence at precisely half past o'clock on Saturday morning, Jan. 45lh, at the slurs of Lis sserca Tmylsr, No. BOO Market street, a doors above Sixth.

1 ComrtmKaYlo. Hum. tduors At eoughe, eolds, eoosumption, and other pulmonary diseases are sow prevalent, I would reeommeBd lo the com munity Dr.Javm's Sivsaorsmto praparatiun which I have used for years In my practice, end have never know any thing which Would so soon curs coughs, colds, troop, bronchitis, consumption, and other disease of Ihe tuiift and throat as thi medicine. I aa persuaded, from what I have seen of the good effects of this Expectorant; that if it were more generally ased, that thousands ufjjraluable live might annually be tared. KespewfiTtly yours, A Pbtsicu.

P. SDf. Jsyne's Offiee Is ia Third ttreet, below Market .44 A Lamb Balb or MtfAt we it ht eegrrtjsl Bisrbtt A No. in Market ttreet, stga of the Striped Coat, are really selling off their wieter stock of Clothing at surpassing low price. The stock consists of on ef the tanet laatyeut, best made, end largest assortment ih United Stale, of Cloaka, Sack end Overcoats, Dree and Frock Vests, te at Btsarrr A No.

19t Market eueet, between Fifth and Sixth etreel. Cwra Cuias, Bmtsj Corns, Ottnomu, fewttlseait aad rtatt Tke assnrtsaent eontist of several the) na rarmaws, of ta latest and Brat approved MT( Ths Cloths, OasaimMes and Veningt that the above Clothbw ie atsde from have bee selected froca the New York start et, within th hue three weeks, low. er that good, of the earn style end snake have ever yat sesa bought for. They Wr been snad tp with the greatest eere by the tanet experienced workssea. Tfe etstrtmeal ia est finished and will he opened thi ear.

Berert ere invited lo cell mA The eatraaees to Stnxnraae't Clothing EetabJit merit areWChesoat street, and 0 and 9r Boath Third Hsur leelf Oa the 16tk by ihe Rev. Mr. tannery, Josa B. HoeeeoB te Miss Mast a. twtamr, both ef ihie 2b the tth inet by the Rev.

Jos. H. KemteH, Mr. OtoasR W. Gmt of the Northern Liberties, to Ml Saba K.

fovjrtnntnrim. Oteel rjT, 17ih but, Maria Govbtt, daaghter of the late Waa. Goveu. Her Mends, end those of the family, are partiea. huly invited to siiend her funeral, frore her lai reai.

dseee, No. 44 Filbert street, above TweHla, this aftmioAa, at o'rloeh, without fanhev notire Oa ihe IBth Mrs. Cavbariib Mtrbb, ia the flM year of her age, thos of ih family, are respect fally mviied te attend her foneral, froa kerlaie to mor row aAoraonn. all o'clock. I 1 I uie sria tum sir.

Catbaiwi Det yea re. 1 Her friends, end the of tht fatally, are particularly Invited to attend her funeral, from her late re skleejce. Joaee' street, between Sohoylklll Fifth end Sixth, this afternoon, at a o'clock. On Saturday morning, 18th Jotavsrurt, daughter of Joseph aad Miruua Brobsoo, ia ihelitbyear of her age. The friend ef the family art respectfully Invited to attend her funeral, from the retklenee of her parents, eoraer of Beeeh aad Ueast streets, 8ohuylkDL this afternoon, at 4 o'clock, without further notice.

On Ihe lthh Anma Bbimlb, Infant daughter of Joeeph and Elizabeth Harvey, aged 9 months and I day. On the 19th Instant, ta tht 47th year of hit agt, VHABLB BJCUROATVi Hia friends, aud those of Ihe family, are respect. fully invited 10 ettend hi funeral, frota his late residence, Federal ttreel, above Tenth, to morrow after boob, at 3 o'clock, without further notice. Al her resideuce, at tbe Falls of Schuylkill, on Saturday, Mth Mrs. Mabion, wife of William Simpson, la the 74th year of her ege Her friends, and those of the family, are respectfully invited lo steel the funeral, al Uurel Hill Cemetery, to morrow efWnoon, at 31 o'clock.

ft. On the 19th MaBV Emma, vouiuresl daurhter of Joseph and Mary Ann Winner. ThefrleniUothefamilyarerespeclfttllvlnvHedlo attend her funeral, from the residence of her lather, No. 348 North Third street, below Green, this afternoon, et 1 o'clock, wilhoat farther notice. On Saturday night, at 10) o'clock, Jams WilUaM, on nf John and Angeliue McGoe, sgod 1 year, II month and 13 day.

Tlia friends of Ihe family ara invited to attend her funeral, from No. 90 tryprus street, this afternoon, el 1 o'clock, without further notice. On Saturday morning, Mr. Joan HaTSVRN, in the filth year of hi age. Hi friends and acquaintance ara respectfully invited to attend hit funeral, from his Isle residence, in Cnrnenter street, near Eighth, this afternoon, el 1 o'clock.

On tbe 101b after a severe Illness, Mr. Obobob B. MnwiotT. in the 46th year of his age. His friends, and those of the family, are parti ca larly invited In attend hit funeral, from his late residence, No.

Snmere' Court, opposite the Commissioners' Hall, Snuthwark, to morrow afternoon, el o'clock, without further notice. On Sunday, 19th inst, Mobdicai Lyoxi, lath (ttth year of hia age. His friends, end those of the family, are reepect fully invited to attend hi funeral, from hia late dwelling, 8. W. eoraer of Pine end Fifth streets, tomorrow morning, at 10 o'elonk, without farther no Ure to proceed to Monument Cemetery.

44. On Wednesday morning, Uth Mr. J.Cbablb G. RiTTsra one familiarly known a "th Ledger man." He was the pioneer of syatematle reporting for the Philadelphia newspaper. In bis vocation, he war Industrious and Indefatigable; and he had the fecat'y of communicating the lore intelligence of the day with ebflity and precieinu.

He waa tbe Bather, besides, of many article of prose aid verse, sometime of rare humor. Ilia death wee happy and resigned he was prepared for it and his departure it si neerely mourned by numerous friends, who knew and appreciated hie worth U.t.ilaxns. HEALTH OFFICE, PatLADBLntu, Jan. 1. IfllS.

InUrtnrnls ia ULi Citm mmt LiAtrtwi PkilaAtimki. frsm Iks IUA it Ait ltk Jsa Apoplexy 1, Asphyxia 1, oum uroup iongesiioB ot ies uing 1, no. of Ihe Braiu 1, Chiloroaui Connmntion of Ihe tang Convulsions 10, Constipation 1, Dropsy of ths Head 8, do. in Ihe Breast 1, Disease of the Brain do. of Ihe Heart do.

of the Spine Drowned 1. Debility 3, Epilepsy 1, Erytipela 1, EolergeuMiit of do. Typhoid Fungue Heemotadee 1, HrraorraAge iiwih 1, inniuiuuaituo in me Drain 1,00. et toe Bronchi do. of the Lonrs S.

do. of the Throat do. ef the Perivmatam of th Pleura lutein pe ranee Intuesuseeution Maraames OM Age Palsy 1, Still Born 4, Tubercle of Brain Unknown Varioloid I Adult 38, Children M. Of the above there were: Butler year, 31; frora I lo to to 10. 7: 10 to IS.

1: la to SO. 1: HO to 30 to 40, 40 to SO, 10; 40 to tO, 0 to (u.j, iv Kino, total iuu. From Ihe AltnshouR, People of Color froa in uountry l. ny order of the Hoard or Health. BANVUi r.

A1AHB9, UlerB. fTa REUOIOUS NOTICE Service may be Us3 expected THIS XrKNIXO. end dwing the uoceeding evenings of this week, In the CENTRAL PRBSB XTKRlASCHVRCH, COATE8 Street, near Fourth, eommeneing at 7 o'cloek. It (Vy HANCOCKIlALTSjilPPfcVftTe Lkjf NINTH The RBT. MR OUIftl.BY and Hhera will address a TSMPKRASCK MKSTISO, in tbe abovs aamed Hall, THIS EVENING, at 71 o'clock.

The nubile in enteral ara Invited to aitanaf. Come me Come ell and help to mil the Temper anee Ball. Hv order nf ihe Executive Committea. I rT3 COMPLIMENTARY MIUTAHY and CI LkJ TIZENW DRESS IIAI.I jlT HAZARD HAI.OOS, on TUESDAY EVENING, Jan. Ust, fug Ihe Benefit of CAPT.

FRANCIS JORET. ,7 NSJAOIB. Mat Miller, O. II. Watts, Keegan, G.

Crnsunan, W. Saunder, W. Cannint, A. Preall, M. Canning, D.

nnylilit, C. Rown, 0 B. Cullin, Murray, J.SctKt, J. Fitzgerald, J. Gntfia, A.

Iwg, W. Snyder, J. If. Bender, J. MeKeown.

P. Brelly, MagilkW, fl. Grimes, J. S. koBlL J.

Fiupairick, R. Berry, J. Sullivan, W.Hanssll, O. Ucsuon, E. Harper, Harrahetner, rreeil, t.

Ilurat, A. J. Iltllman, R. Pond, E. 8.

Coyenlale, u. iiens. H. IIOin.TKR. FUmt Menu nr.

J. Cook, J. Hilton, J. Friberg, J. MeKenwa, As wants J.

PRE ALL, 1" Seeretary Board nf Mrtsgera. rrf IN CONSEQUENCE of tbe greet number 3 that Coo Id not get into Ihe Saloon nf ihe TEMPERANCE HAM. 'THIRD Street, below Oreen, the Rev T. HUNT has consented te Lee ture again THIS EVENING, at 7 e'elock. On Ban d.iy night he will speak ia the Saloon of the Chinese Museum, et 7 o'cloek.

U. WAfHIWsTON KEED, 1 WM. WORREI.U Commiifee. lit. WM.

CUMMINGS, rr5 "DO RELIGION ANDTSCIENCE IIAR Ik3 The discussion of (he above qoeslion will he continued THIS EVENING, al Ihe Social Reform Hall, N. E. comer ef SEVENTH end MARKET Sis. Admission 3 eenii. lie rrs BY REQUEST, It.

PVMROT. sTss, s3 will Lecture on WEDNESDAY EVENING, inst et 7J o'cloek la the PHILADKLPHIA MCSBllM, egainsl Ihe eviacipleeof the Native Americans and partly ia reply is recent Lectors of Peter A. Browne, Eso. Admittance 13) eta. pO MO) rV Til "ft ft ATTWTtF.TK) A RT) wilt aee liJ THIS AFTERNOON, el the BICHANOK.

et 4 o'clock, in the Ror i opposite lo thai oera pied by Ihe Board nf Stock Broker. jaao mwF3cr SAMUEL WEBB, Seey. Port mt Pb.llaAalplila. 8s tuti, 7 lint gets, 4 49m Jf. 1 A t9a CLEARED, Brig Sua, Suow, Boston; tears Meready.

Some, Montegn Bay, Jam; North Carolina, Millet, Wilsaiugton. Ninelte, Daly, New York; O. DeKmght, Norfolk, ae.j Elitebeth, McClean, Ball more; tleamer lrieason, Claypole, do. MEMORANDA. Barques Anna Reynolds, Mslthews; Alabama, Rsnleit, and brig Pearl.

Ryder, hence et Blon en Thursday. 8cbr Lllea, Boon, hence at Wilnwtgton, NC. oa Monday. Lawae, Del Jen. 17, 1843.

A brig, name unknown, eeae injrssttrday afternoon, and proceeded np the Bay. Tnereare sow at the Break water, nina fore aad aft schooner, outward bound Wind a W. and Weather thick and rainy. Yours, A. Rotor Wear.

pARPENTER SHAVINGS rent per load will nam, oelivered et LKE'S ICS 110 VS B. corner of BOHIKLKILL FIFTH and CHESNUl1 Rlreel. jtw at UROOMAM.MES, TICKETS, nuMSAh, carwCcircu uitna, mijj.i,e executed with Beetneet fj1 sow prices, third etory, Ledger Building, enuenee from Chesnut or Third jao w'whwejasisial vv wiAJAn Wl MUKTGAGE, by WHITE A BACOff, Jeod3tB 10 North Seventh street. WO EDGING WEAVERS 10,000 yaidttuperm Eaatera Strew Cord, for tele in lots to suit naur tatsers. B.

WALTON, ll 4s) Snath Second street. FRENCH AND ENGLISH CASSI MERES AND CLOTHS Frost the atoet eeiebrated taanafae toriea, )nst seat red and for sale try UPPlNtXTT A PARRY, Dealert ia Cloths, 7 North feteond et Also, huge exeoruaeat of TRIMMINGS, fur mar. Cheat tailors. y.wO GRuUNU HUST FOR BALt A MnshaTef (rroaad Rente, frota BI8 7a Is 9110 par an ata, wU eeewed by Brick Buildings, tale. Apply BAhfUEt W.

PAlX, 130 91 1 North Sixth street, below Are. PLASTERING LATHS. About i0006Kn7for A and VXflOO best quality Calais Flattering LauLa. for tale tow, ia lots to sort purehasert, by Bee Wharf below Market Street Bridge, awae Weststde ef SeasjylkUi: rWlt! Bl'aWllfitR preparj ntsommudno af lUi! OJV ia aay euentiry. 5LM Las or tkeeka, at kMead oosit.

th PoeioW. Pom th tomatry er O. UNPSET. A Ura. aetm of Jl Bv KEEN 4 SON, ih nnauB ni DT 1' 1 iJ uiiib low, by the aieeo nit 4 4 Shirung Linen, cheep.

4 4 aad Blaaehed Shirrme Mutlli Al Ihe of GREEN ead FIFTH Street. fUttO i. HUCKEU T'taiierr' ETi.0" ublU Teeth oa tee 171; JTI Pding. eeats; coaapieie 91 DR. HOUPTS.

34 Can Street. residence. No. TO Anote street, above Fooler. TVTO CHAROB UNTIL THB HAIR 18 RrV 11 BTflURn are the nrirtnal larma an which BKAL'8 HAjRRESTOHiTlVB epplied and'' AVENUE Personel reference ghrsn a to It snceete.

reniHlyaaia Depot POTTER, 71 Loewt sueet, Philadelphia. Beb Agenta will be eppoiuted throughool the State oa application, posi paid. lO lw IN l'KKtM will be published wilhout delay, BISHor ONDSRDOtiK'B STATSMkST. A Stalemeiit of Fact and Circumstances eutuieetsd with ths recent Trial of the Bishop of New York. Pamphlet form, price 11 oenu.

Agsnis, Country Merchsuts. and other will please send Iheir order without delay, to GEO. B. APPLETO.N, Publisher, It 14 Chesnul under Jones' Hotel. BARGAINS iff Wimlrr at r.Juad priess.

Flue whit and red Flannels, al 85 cis. I English and French Meriuoee. chean Dc Laines and Cashmere, at luw price 1 Ulanket eheap Huli aetls and Caati meres end Clothe Calicoes, et 0 cts. UtUllUt, V. D.lll I St 3l No.

Ut N. Second above Vine. TrOTIcTfirirAWKEHSAND 8H1NNER9. it Any nerson cauiht Ssllinr Mtat Coum, Fro dust from sny cart or wagon, 111 that portion of the Plstriol uf Soring Garden between Vine and Coatta iret, Inclusive, and between Broad and Schuylkill I Front street, will be detl with according to law. They will, therefore, govern themselves j.M ai WO'TTCE.

Utter of Adiuii7llratioii lo the Esiile At ol FRANCIS WOLFU decensed, hnvii grauieu to tne unoersigned, ell persons indebin lo the estate are reauetted to make immeiliata ouv'. ment, and those having claim agiiint I the tame, to present them lor payment. JOHN MARG'T HUEH1JI1K1F.K. Adiniiilslratris, hiO lawow Cor, of Hace end Sixth streets. COMPOUND MILK OF HOARHOUNls Forllm euro of Cough.

Coldt, Atthme and CtHituinplmn, prepared only by J. CLEMENS. Chemist, ami for sale byMVM RASTER, wholesale and retail, at No. 4u RACE Street. Alwr RASTERS ELS RATS COVUH i REMOVEb lrfNor3 S.

CHARLES Stiset, Baltimore, (east side JAMES B. WL the Inn of Wevnr, Cannon st Co inform the public iliet Ihey have sue 5o ti" AUCTIONamt COMMISSION BUSINESS, end beg leave to im preas upon the atindt of eonsujnere and others that Ihey have removed to the WMnmodiou Warehouse. Ne, 3 SOUTH CHARLES Street, lo which is at taehed a large Carriage Repository. The business will be conducted upon the tame lih. rsl principle as herelolore conducted by the old arm Persons having unaallled business with the laic firm of Wever, Cannon A will please eell et the Coaming Room of JAMES S.

WfcVER A CO. end have It arranged. jSO lme ORPHANS' COURT BALE OF FI RS, Ac. Ilv virtu of an order of the Orphens' Court for Bal Utnnre Coenty, the subscriber wiU expose for by ealalogujtnth. hibe bidder, pert of Ihe BHARP Street, Bear Baltimore etren, BeTlimore, where the deeeaaed carried on business; sale lo eommenee tl II o'clock, A.

M.j consisting of the en. SVifrt i Xl" wn'eh Brt etime spleu did Muua, lately liilthed. Termsof teleere all sums under KM, cash and all ram over BM, on a eredil of mnrilK for sp preved endorsed notes, bearing lulerest from the day Catalogues will be ready for delivery on TueeJar OEOROE A. STAMP. 1 Jt WM.

WARD, Auetionew. LOAN OYviCVAVTHORlzEU'BiTAW ftllifi iMINOR Strut, Sunk serfe, Hres rfeert aVrtet, PetfaabiuMo, BlUN OF THK THREE BALLS. U. MiiW Street ruiwt th to th, between Market end Cbtsnul.) OftVe o'clock, A. M.

lo M. iiONEY AO'AnCBD al on interest of six per cent per annum, iron up lo gin ooo or more, en goods, wire and tuerchaadiM, told and atlver plate, Welches, furniture, A. No iamilie reside In Minor Street, nor is there enr other place of buet iu aurssi open attsT aighllsU. The eniranra na ce private, ana all iranaa urivata. iranasctiiins are held tiiruy ennnueniiai.

jY lwrib JIvlMoN, AT ElUTTfH AND CUIi'Sta; THE TWO BANDS, TKs rraETIIIOI'IAN 8ER1JX ADERS end V1R. OINI A MIN8TRWJ ell Ihe week. JOHN DIAMOND, the best daueer in th world, has left Ihe Masonic Hall and returned to hit eJ OUi BILL DICK MYERS' BAND, led by Ih renowned "OI: HULL DICK Re member there is now no other band la ih etty, con tcQueally jrou may rest esanred THE FIELD IS WON. DR. ITENRY, the moot wonderful VENTRIMKll'IST living, will nntvar PROP.

SCIIWElOllob'EK ta hafCaK The prepriolor, in that offering ths greatest nitrite tloa in ihe city, solicits a continuance of their na Imnag. 1 llvVri' 10HS CrMlM dancer Sp'iSHtW'il1 MyFM vm DR. HENRY, the tnoat wonderful VenrriloonUt end last mA least, PROF. BCHWEIOIIOFFER, Ihe Nstaral Magician. Ol'irS MYER wiU "veral wU1 LOCOMOTIVE Parqneite 35 et.

Beceas 13, eta. rVUMtW UFK OF NAPOJit)NtheliSnrV 4r7 e'Kiir ander Ntpoleon. A. rii.VZ IT. "I eh Perl tl tttat received.

Th i Columbuu, Magejine, for rebrnary, Arther1 Magaitn Febreery, 7' l.f?,.MB"1 ft January, Mr. Ilall't Stttnhee, No. 7, l.ittH'e living Age, No. So, The Kaights of the Seal. No 191 et.

') et. cts. lUi eu. A et. The lleaihen Mythology, by paeh, The Drop of Blood, or the Meideu's Inlets.

fie. Rescue, 1'JA et. move, ny Areky Mm The Actrees, the Flower Market of Pur ie, 19. et lest and beet novel, 94 et JtJ ci. ao eta.

cts. cts. or Major Toehmtn, 111 Th yetene of London, part 9, I'jl Imsiealtilte, by The. Wood, Jo' Th Whkr Almeeee lll cts. eis cts.

131 eta. VKBRETX COH, Puhrlshere' Hall, j8n.tMh7 101 CHEtWTTBu rpHE ARTS AND MISERIES OF OAMBUNO, Published end fur sale at 3 LED6F.R BUILDING, THIRD Sueet, near Ches nut. Priee AO eeule. Morton, er Smiles snd Tear, a Story of the Fal and Present, by W. B.

English, 13, cents, Albert fkntraoria, or the Midshipman'a Revenge, a Tele of La ad and Sea, by Frank or eater lli cts The Drop of Blood, or the Maiden's Rescue, by Charlee Bailey, HJ eeeat. Th Real nature ef tht Electric Fluid, explained snd illustrated RBnieroo facts, by Jasnee Glenn, ltUeents. 1 WnrM Repnaltory for Deeember gt a year. Single copies els. sTefit'eul' t( Fouraary a yeer: teet Uf by Mrs.

V.ry Clavers, ml each Th Myeteriee of London, No. 9, 131 el i n. tMeve Memoir of Arcby Muure, a Tal of the Sooth, tt eta. andering Jew, No. 13, Wlaeheeter't edl tkm eenu.

Mery Wilber, or the Deacon and the Widow' mor7 6T lirJham 3 et. Smith's Weekly Volume, No. 3, eontalulng the eommeoeesnaat of "Ta tafliaawwaaa iaFgypt" Hi, Hoyles Oemee, aew edition 0 et. Bumn Life of Marion l. Agents and the trade euppliad at puWthert' priree.

it iali aew end cheep work aa too es issued, by O. B. ZIEBER A 3 Ledger Building, Third street, Bear Chesnut. Ageate for Harpers' Plclorial Bible sad Parley's Cebiiiet Library, la 40 38 eie. eecb.

)W M.ir4 CREAT BARGAINS IN FUFBt'l Tb anlence I eflb STOCK not told THIS PAY, et Poblie Sale, el ibe Store, 47 NORTH SECOND filrtrf, will be disposed ef at Private Sale, al Ism than A notion price, during the eoming Weak. They meist of elegant YNI, FITCH, MA TIN, fs. yiO ltiter DO NOT DELAY I Coneumpiloa, Sidtling Blood, Obstiiiete Coughs and Bore Throat, Pain In the Breaet, DiAealt Breaihing, Broaohitie. Ahms, WhooplBg Coegh. sp, Pelpiutioanf the Heart, Weak Nerve, Liver Complainl and diseased Kid l'eallr "red, by THOMSON tl COM POL'ND STRUP oV TAR AND WOOD NAPH THA' Prtodrsd Ofnee, N.

R. eoraer of FIFTH end SPRUCE Bsreet. price 10 eenta, tit bntUe for WtM. Beware af rmllatione. yjn Ultr CANPS BARSAPARILLA islh nv aerials re Bk Chrome Bheaa liua, Obstinate Calaneoas Eruptnaas, pint pM er Pestehn.

en the Face, ttronie rTEeI AV. 1 fieri! and SPHUCB lFlr P1VB DOLLARS REWARD STDtKJV, oa the night ef Friday, the 17th met, from the resMenne or the enheerii er.n ORSE. ahoutasieVtline ii k. his feheei. Sopposed to have hoe taken by a fnek 't a ivpeolin nwvi and all reasonable charges wiUbe pa for the ryoveryof tbe horse, or sock tormattua tt will lead therein, by i.

WAAC R. JONES, One mil Utow Rtrbv, na the Chester Rrd, or at Wo. IN North FOURTH PhilhA tao at SUFTRIOR MINERAL TFJCTH, eeasel ia er taraaee, and tor the parpnaeeof mae Beaiunn, he aainral eataa, iaaer lad at th foUowia' redan ti ehs rwm i Teoh. na gU pies, Bt; onailvarpiaiaor pivots, Bl. Ten aer Tseth, or hmkea end deearyed ones, tiled with Tooth Paste, end wilhoat Use treat pain marie aWU sad aeefal for aseetVatina.

R. CHAMBERLAIN, Dentist, hCJB tflftje 183 rpnsee St epper seit aear SiaIi, KELH.

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