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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 16

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i THE IXDIAXX'OLIS NEWS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1T1E INDIANXvOLIS NEWS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, lSXta. ssa' mm miw staaaiBaai eeasnsn (loot your Mamoudi i from an pertneM diamond merchant. 3 JF Three 1cijr New Engraved Vare ni.L A noil cifitt AVe sr showlPB a new line of dinner rirJ rSterllnir fHver. beautifully en 'Travri. And Invito lnpeotlon.

There ff noihlnf Jult 'or tt weddlns ilft ss a pfeee of this new ware. forset how many curafclrt rhHts.oC strUns flat wars upward from (o. I P) WCORyORATtO. N2 12 EAST VA5HINGT0N 5T. ot pop.

nlr and BICYCLES D.D ttt btcy. lla'Us cJe tokl. OCaa or payments. Ci Bro. B78 C30 e02 Virginia Ava.

hav th Adhi Use In th ily loS froat.rrtoes ts suit you. D. L. Root, iN4UV.ol2,s!. Erouoe Broo $tl Th THE BEST HAT tor 02.00 "ci 02.50 207 AiT WASHINGTON STRtCT OsBssit Crl ttse 339 West Waahlngton Street 1 Ths Scholar's All alzea, 5 11, thipped peaisre prepaid ou receipt of a Jeweled red.

whit or green. niinRuriH'eiwt uuiiutikiia sms. lnotanapolis. wr fjjrcrraortriw rm mm ft I 9 tat ear rrtaes. 8as 8as Tss atest Dm OALDWI'I 9t OOm WV: SHIRTWAIST SUITS 7.DG So Money Goes Easily you carry it about you.

But tlon by investina your money in a fine Diamond. Buy th Diamond from a direct fan porter, then you do not hav to pay th extra jobbers profit. r' I OJw Importer of Urn We Oil Cy Diamonds I Rooms 2, 4, ISI 2H. Meridian St. 1 ale Gr te al Wl.

1 Each evening a fresh list will be published and for eTerj listed at least three of similar quality and size will be on; Bale at proportionately low price. For rery Rajf sold each day aaother wtllbe added to the special bargala lot np until Saturday aooa. This enastial arraogement is mad by a stock which la at one tie largest and roost Varied erer In theAyres atore If you've a ruk want come Thursday, but If not cooTeaieat, then Friday or Saturday. You're bat to read these few specimen prices and sizes to Appreciate advantages all too.rare. KjaszaKdji Fugs 4.5x3.3 i.

sw All S7 4 1.U Karabagh Hugs '2h i 2.11x3.7 3.0 X3.10 lO.OO. Samarkand Hugs 4.3 0x2.0. 413 xZ.8.,. .9 ir Oan Hugs 9.75 0.75 ll.SO J. 4 913.50 I Uxi.7.

K.OO 15.00 937.50 37.50 PfuKabad Car pet jr g.tixit.s... 11.5 xl4.4.i 105.OO Verb end Hugs 4.10x3.0...... 5. 3.6...... 5.2 X3.0......

.4 15.00 16.50 SitK. Anatolians 5.0 4.10x3.9 42.50 5.0x3. India Carpets 8.11x11.10... 9.3 X12.0 235.00 9.2 X12.3 2CS.OO Scrap Carpets 8.9x11.1 9 195.00 8.7x11.10........... 195.00 9.2xll.S 105.OO Shir an Kjelims 8.8x4.8..

920.5O 9.0x4.5.. 32.50 Krm aruthah Cd rpefdT i 7.11x11.6. ...9360.06 83 X14.0. 495.00 res istrbat tr of C3. Dry Good Little Stories of Daily Life in ran reeic iinmane society la a uniqu orranlaatlon.

It a ho president or. other officers, and no, dated time for meetlntr. It member ar ail women, and 4ny wonian resident of th vlcThlty of one of th Fall Creek dumps ia ellstble for membership. Its object is purely philanthropic, being solely for th awppreaalon OX'th bestina of animals that draw th refus to th dumps, and It never holds a meetlnc until some brtul driver attempts by; chihblnx his animal to attain the tin IXiMible with bis load. Ordinarily th dump lis a very uiet place, but juat let a driv fr begin beiAlns; his team and the housewives: of th neighborhood congregat Immediately and open th debate at oner.

It Is well known, of course, that auccesa with a mul team is only to be attained by proficient profanity on the part of th driver. The society recognlsea this, and merely cloew its windows when! the mules ar being encouraged, but hN profanity falls and the driver renorta to the whip be quickly finds himself the center of a group of; very angry and determined women. jThe colored driver la usually eulien and, pertiapSj defiant, but he surrenders almost at once to the. threat of telephoning the police. Occasionally a white driver ia more recalcitrant, and Is moved to defy the meeting, or, at least to argue the matterpoor fooL i Thea horaea are mine," exclaimed one angry drivr not long ago, "and I gueaa cn whip them if I want 'This land la mine, responded one of the aoclcty.

"and I guess no animal will whipped on It whether you want to or hot. Us that whip juat one more and will telephone for th bicycle police and complain of you, and all these ladles will appear in court a witnesses. If you' were not too ay to shovel off Ultle your load your horses could move it." The man looked at the society, each member pal and indignant, but firm. undoubtedly wished there was a man there so be could express tits feelings adequately, but he saw no yielding in the faeea fronting him. and (he did see th probable outcome in court with Ave women on the other aid.

He beoam meek and surrendered. While' the laborers ou a Qeurhboring dwelling jeered and applauded he laboriously lightened his load, merely spok to hi a team, moved to th proper spot and dumped his wagon, while the stern faced Judges as silently watched him. and then aa Quietly adjourned. Apparently the edict hat aone forth among th drivers, for while dumping Is of almost dolly occurrence, the society has not been called' In session for a con siderable Urn. HORSWELL ON THE PROPHETS Lectures to be Provided by the Cen trat Avenue E.

Church. Th Centrai avenu M. E. church ia providing an unusual opportunity for the religious people of the city. Dr.

Charles Ilorswell, for many years the professor of Hebrew, literature In Korth western University, has been engage to deliver six of his lectures on the "Message of the PropIet3 to thU Age." beginning Wednesday evening. April and con cluding th following week. includlns sermons on Sunday, j. At Chautauquas. conference and conventions where Dr.

Horawell has appeared be has greatly Impressed the people. lie is scbobtrty but has the ability to bring his to the needs of the people. The meeungs will be cKsed by two addresses by Bishop John H. Vincent, on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, April Is and 19. Day meetings will be heid th nature of which will be "On vernation on the rroblms of Modern Church Work, and Inquirv Into Spiritual Ldfe," Central a Venue church propose to pay all th expenses of these lectures and Invites the people of the city to i A doxen samples of the new composite brick have just been received at the Builders' Exchange In the Majestic building, and are ercittnjr much interest among building people.

Tnis brick la being prepared by' the Rochester Composite Irck Company, Rochester. X. aad it fo rrobable that a factory will also be established in Indianapolis. The exhibit is being explained to ail Interested callers. smi AS HAHY HHI AS VDMEH III POOR FARMS INTERESTING FACTS FOUND BY STATISTICIAN STUBBS.

SOME UFE RESiDDfTS Aa ioteretlna fact lxrni tor Cffare COrnpHed by iotvpb If Mef tM Bureau of SUtistlca. la tlt ti mal liav Vy far tb: lanrer rprewatfctl atDOBgr dependent pubwe clmrlty of tl poor terra. Alttkoncb th total namJw of mit in tb Stat wu.ollly cUcbtly ln: oxeee of tb total number of femalos in X304 the cumber of male to poor farms is mors tbaa twice tte number of females in these Institutions, the numbers befna XXX as4 JJE rpcUTlT. Tbls proprtion is sbout the same for betb. the whit nd the colored people, the males in each case belrx about twico as many as tbe females.

Of tba whites. there were 241 maJe and WO remajes. and of the colored. 77 males ana fe males. About one fourth of the eases.

808 ta aU. wers sent to the poor farm simply eauso of old ace; about 3s per etnt, or Ss4 In number, because of physical defects; one fcrorth, or M2 esses, because of mental defcts; 40. or 13.4 per cent, becaus of intecaperanos. and the remaining II per cenu or XO, because miscellaneous Larger Proportion of Negroes. The naurss show that while one wblt person out of every 7TS whits persons ta the Stat is an Inmate of the county poor farm, amosf the colored rae one person out of every 496 is an inmate of the poof farm.

There were XJT76 persona In the county homes in 1904. Ill of whom war colored and X.160 of whom were white. An other way of atatina the sam fact is that while the colored peoplo eonatltut onlr 2.1 per cent, of the total populatioa the State, colored people constitute X5 per cent of the por farm population. Th reports from the counties show sm lnl.rMtinr rtfUuiltleiUI. In WtTM COUntT there are two inmates, accorsina use report, who are in the poor farm "throufh hr lanneaa in uuio county uwb on man who was put in the poor farm In 1S42.

when he was nine years oia. uq tuts lived there continuously for slxty thiv ui: and In Boencer county there is one woman, thirty four years old who been inr the poor poor farm ail her ORGANIZED TO BUILD TEMPLE Masonic Association Incorporated with Capital Stock of $150,000. Under a law passed by th last General Assembly, allowing lodges of Masons to form a corporattoh for the purpose of erecting aMaonic Temple, article of "incorporation have ben filed with the Secretary of Stat for the Indianapolis Masonic Temple Association, the purpose of which is to construct a temple for the use of the lodges here in the city. The capital stock of the company ia $150,000, dividf Into 8,000 shares of the value of (50 each. The directors of the company aro: R.

K. Bennett. John W. Holtzman, R. M.

CofUn, Edgar 8. Miller. H. T. Conde.

E. V. Chy. W. L.

IJynes, Tsadore Fiebleman. J. 3. Boos, William lra pler and E. J.

Jacoby. Supreme court. Abstract "of Opinion April 4, 1905 Real Estate Commission Written Contract. 0527. Charles M.

Zimmerman al. vs. H3am a ZhrDdnr, Allen 8. Anrniea. Montgomery, J.

ili A written contract for the payment of la real estate cominlaslon which docs not name tb amount of the commission further than to the amount that has been and Is now understood." will not support an action for such commission under taction S29a. Burns. 2) a written contract with the purchaser of a farm that the seller will pay the real estate broker a specined commission can be enforced at the suit of the broker. APPELLATE COURT. Pleading Offer to Prove Measure of Damages.

(239. Thomas Mtllinston ts. Maraaretta 0Dll. Marlon 8. Affirmed.

Corn stock, C. J. (1) No reply la necessary to an answer of p.cUl denial. II) An offsr to prov is essential in order to save any question for review aa to a ruling of the trial court excluding; oral testimony. (S) The rental value of the house during the time It was unlaw ful! detained ts the proper mtuun ox damasks In an action asainat a tenant for unlawfully holdinc over, ana recover possession.

Jury Challenge for Cause Assault. 620. Isaac Brooks vs. Jennings county Agricultural Joint Stock Association. Jen ninsa C.

C. Reversed, Roby J. U) That a juror of the regular panel has srved as Juror In another court or ins county or at an earlier term of the aam court within the preceding twelve months Is cause tor cliallan, but not that he has served in a different case at the same term. Persons who visit a county fair or other public place In re.ponse to general or special Invitation are entitled to protection while there from assault by the agents and servanta of th person or corporation extending the Invitation. Lis Pendens Notice Dismissal of Suit Purchaser's Knowledge.

5171. Aetna Life Insurant Company st al. vs. Jacob Strykr Pulaski C. Affirmed.

Myers. J. One who purchase lands pending a suit to establish and quiet title thereto of which a lis pendens notice has been recorded, takes subject to notice of th rights claim by plaintiff, .1 1 hough such suit 1 afterward dismissed, tit On who foreclueed A only against a remote grante of the murt gageor. without making th mortgagee a party, took title subject to be declared, void at th suit of said mortgageor after deed to th grant agalast whom fereclostir was bad has been setg aald as null aad vota. Gas Explosion Tenant's Injuries Prpxirs tte Cause.

i US. Huntington Liht and Fuel Company vs. Albert W. Bavr. Wabash C.

Afflrmed, Robinson. P. tl) Where th gross negligence of th gaa Company's agent caused natural gas to ac rnmiiiut under a hous and the owner thereof procured a plumber to fix th gaa I niriM. mho. in looking for ItnllM Br rinrer.

th bev bed t' hunch ery same) xeucrs uaei all ther lives t' jeven alt anything fer somethln tfXi ast th" ones ait ketched on some ourn fool fer nthin scheme. This 'ait quick rich" euslness will aims thrive ex lone people nat wort Th new brass torches 'ronnd th put ofns et lndynoplus look quite any. We XIsv Been Hers fSteee lSe. ear work uatt be tnlshty Oae. Now, you bad better st in line, for sow Is the tin.

SMITH'S DIX WORKS, 2W ataaa ave. Both phones All leadinr plaoea serve ye oid faahioaed MtdiMa XXX Ale. Tfce TJrausht of i Hrht." Brewed by Madiaoa Brewlnr Co. Bottled, by HABICH CO. Phone MM.

I FaBcr Cnrrrna. 4 Sfeosment Removal! Sale of Piano. Btesuai HeattnsT. We are equipped for this kind of weri. Bart ns make you aa estimate.

KKUSS DEWSNTJSa lH i i f) As bread feeds the body. Satin Skin Cream applies nourishment to the skin, Furniture. Carpet and Steves. WILUia 8, 141 Whlnton 8t I Thee. ConaeU a Ce, Plumb and HeaUn We do it risht.

Both pnonea. za s. Kineteentb st. Morten Place. Cbaa.

H. Tjimm Repair Gutters. Spouttns and slate roofing. 0t Uasa ave. Smith's Dry CTwaalag.

Sprlnc and summer garments for men and women our inpecialty. S30 Mass. first square. Established 1SS. Both phones.

1 Wegman Plan, Cariin A Lennox, Asents. 5 and S. Market Fast Time to Detralt via take Era A Western aad Wabash Roads. Xsare IndianapoUa 12:20 p. Arrive Detroit I p.

m. FOR APRIL The, Diamond! is the birthstone for It's significance is innocence. We have just recei ed from the cutters one of the beet selection that ever entered Indianapoiia. Tour inspection solicited. J.

P. r1ULLALLY DIAMOND IMPORTER 28 Monument Place Stomt'm ars Yow Monms ox iron bs for men or women liey are! tatiui and have been reduced 60c to tl.00 in price for that reaaon. Hut ton ori lace style, in the popular tan or Russia calf or the patents. Dtout'o 9mMlf motion or Monmy Bmmh i r. i i r.

f. EtLUBU orxictaas ft in A. B. IV1EYER CO. MANUFACTURERS OF tohevva 'Plia Leading Architects Specify It.

MAIN OFFICE: 19 N. Pcnnoylvania St. laMUUbUUkiUUilUaUtiMilli SI EFJlCQUmilS F02 COMBS Tease aad Wig Makl.x a Specially M. E. Pbeian, intwnist imiiniiuinir Big dosing Out Sale I have lot of 4 la Fa rait are, Starea, tbe gas so that th resulting exploeion in Refrigerator.

tc which must at one Jured a tenant in th hous who was in Factory 1 "rices So second hand goods. no way responsioje ir pm. ew moae S37Z. ga company Is liabse to ucn tenant ior damagea 12 The creation of such a con dittoa aa would probstbly cause an explo Mian was a proximate cause of the explo sion. notwithstanding intervening surentriea.

Proof of th exact agency which lg Dlted th gas was not essential to a re covery against the gas company. Overland In a Prari Schooner. Special to The IndianapoHs New. WABASH. April Mr.

and Mr. Jonathan Hurd. of Whitley county, will start for California early in May, in an old prairie schooner. The trite wiU be one of pleasure entirely, as they expect to return In the same way toward the end of the rummer of 1506. after a visit with nephews and nieces near Los Angeles.

They will do their own Cookir.g in camp, night and morning, sleeping ta the wagon. They have no Idea how long the trip will take, but say they have a year in which to go and a year in which to return. Following in Footstep of Father. Special to Tb Indianapolis Nws.J CORTDOK. April a.

Jaeob Shickel left his borne in rranklin township, this countv. a week ago. bidding hi wife good by. He has not since been beard from. Ten years ago his father, a wealthy farmer.

dTpeared in the same and was never again heard of. although inquiry as continued for years. AHDERSOn STORASE HOUSE 717 Cedar Street i IF YOU PAY MORE than we charge for repairing your Watch YOU PAY TOO MUCH. Main Springs 50c Cleaning SOc Crystals; lOc All wck gmareatred for year. FLETCHER U.

ROE, Jawtlsr 103 N. lUlnola Street. 1S tth 111 In is Stawab 13 For Easter Brides TVhat shall It bet It" Is not sixh an easy matter to decide what to give for a wedding present. Our suggestion is A Dinner Set patterns ar here, and about 35 of ar ern etock you may select any number of pieces ycu wwh be matchedyat any Urn. Her are a few particuiany good vaJues; Frencb China IMr.ner Set.

pretty flower decora Ch Field HaVlland SoniTthre patterns, with heavilj 71 .50 stippled gold bandies, complete for a ic piec Haviiand Co, French China, a complete let of border decorations, with sage green leaves, stippled handles, 40.00 complete Lime China, border decoration In cream. Jwr IT gJdTnandlea in gold, fancy gold la patterns ou the shoulder of platen, fancy gold center, complete for a pece set Breakfast Sets, rn Royal Meisen Dresden, bia ana wm raS Royal Copenhagen, blue and white. The are two of our open tock patterns, ir(Dimsiim A splendid selection' of Hte. Dfshes C. Y2ffc nrt F.

Cuns. with tso el Kaater deco JTUf KJU ruttons, from 1.K upward. Charles May MONKEYS FOR PARKS i Cage Monkeys, Media size, $100 doz. Fancy Cage Birds, Macaws, Cockatoos, 4c Talking Parrots and all kinds of Pet Animals. Gold Fish and WARD'S BIRD STORE 21 E.

Market St 1 IsdlisipoIIs, Indians er Go THE GIFT STORE. 29 31 W. Wasn. 5f. JfcsOers JSrrdUsfi isaacisfiea.

For To morrow "rri IN THE CLAYPOOL vS6.00vlb':SI2.60 savo'd oA any Suit nere to morrow, and no charge for Alterations. Covert Coats $1.50 to 37.S0 saved oh any Pervert Coat here to morrow" and no charge for Alterations. GROWING DCTTER EVERY DAY INTMC.tLAYPOOL R. R. Far Rlaa4 Come sbo hear ne Talk FAI.K THEATEn 11 gg: II Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 7 8 ll MttlMM A.

H. WOODS, Presenta Theo. Kremer'i Latett Succesa FAST LIFE IPJ WEls YORtt 4 Acts and 12 Scenes Introducing ElMQLISH'S To Day Matinee 2:15, Evenings Ssc5 Henry W. Savag offer Oeo. Ad Comedy THE cowrrr CHAIRMAN Nisht X.S0.

Matinee n.Ou. PC IS KirhU Xtw Vsrk IS Mltats Ckicaes Weeks Sestea Weeks fsflaaelstla ti e. 26o. T1S;" April fr 7 81 Tic, Ho, PARS1FAL As presented in Kngll.h by Henry W. Sav age Company.

Peats ready to day. Price tl OS. ILU. COO. tZ.UK ttSo.

9 WEST WAS HI MOT ON STREET Spring Clothing fer Meat. Women aad Children. i Bny NowPay Later Peoples' Credit Clothinz Co. Wash. St t'sstairs.

lost Clofliing ron LstAtTi3onrr at TME dBDE WmmX WaMsgtn, Cor.biwar St. April 3 As SAWIMY IKENSTEIN A play ol th people, for the people. Thrilling climaxes. Wonderful situations. EnrysfttT 6t tas farx.

nits 1Se 2fte s0c. issssy ItsHs CaylMW i Tka fas Slrf. OPISRA MOUMB W4TS0K, MOTCNIIsa SIS ESWAI0S Gesar Bailey aferpby illard Hughe Musical TH Mm. Avecy rs tmr Mr. aad Mrs.

Harry Jaa. P. MeDoaald Antrim A 1'etere Aalmsted tfetor Mattes Kvery Day, Prices like, tOc, tie. TIICATCn April 3rd UltlUUfi. VI UbM I 3rd TIE CS, ffssssti Am Cear Convicted Without Crime conurycixu moxdst MATiVKsJarkiLM.

rkEB slsr. Wess.lsy Vlskt. IJU tpr. Cbsirs rlcws tec, lllr sfst. Is.

EMPIRE TIIESTRE r.r.'&t OXK WEEK OJaTi CoanineJag Minaay April 3 Matteea Daily Keery Klsrht THE UTOPIANS a sia toiitseac SHOW Prfees tdmkeina, le, 14c, SSe, Next week The ttrtgadtera. TelepbeM Xew fj If TOO M'n wantt good liw right up todati pew I asp in aa at iiai 31. SO to The Urgest stock to select from. F5 A IN3 21 and 23 S. Illinois St.

YAKDALIA RA1LC0AD CO. Vlnccnncs Division Vet tzl FfTecklv Arril d. ThroiiKh coach wiU leave Ind nnapolls daily at 4 p. arrive Vet Baden p. yrenTli Lick Springs m.

Hemming through coach will leave French Uck rrtnes dally at a. Vet Baden a. nv; arrir Indianapoiia aj m. Excursion ticket on sale daily to thes attractive reeorta, Kr particulars ir.quir of gent or address W. W.


ICdlelrrs'snlGcSinstHErduura; 1 lint CstfltJ YOIinEGUT lABDWIlE CO. SS.IZ9 U4 tssl WtikUctSS tL California and tho TJorthwcat Vry chp oo wsy rates via Illinois Contra! Railroad March May 10 Inclusive. Through personally eon 4uctd xcuraion leers from txtuia vtll via Kw Orleans: from Chicago via Colerade or New Orleena. Ask lecal Ticket Agent tor further particulars, or adre W.

t. L., Kj. KO C. I TIs a orlous alter.

AOS Sprinit SuSta are worn now. rrt tls Important that oa coU ays a pprinR overcoat. Is on l.aiul. Important, too, evra Csa lisbtcst pprlns tutor RnniK'nts nro "all wool" fart ia. they mint be "all wool" to to llht.

Clothing, Furnlshlns, Hats and Shots H7 L. Merabera of the Merchants Association. Tares rebAled under their plan.1 The enormous increase in our sales doubles that of any March in our history. ft Pfbof PosItWo fl GuIdD fcr Others PALITV I STVLEG PqIbGG Talks. I ADoeal.

I Ca lit Appeal. Wlgrl Stick Laun. Ole dry Blueing 426 New needed Raisins, packg. Best Ixms Rolled Oats, per 2ic my .2 Our Three day Sale the Best in the Market. ior Tailored rnnn Lhn H.

V. BOGt American Ball Biu lo pac AC'. German Sweet Choc Qu olt 00 Oalion rail Beat' (Cp TablCBirup I3U SBBJSMF S. A Y5rnniilntnri Gurror Frnci At this sale $18.50 Suits go for Ol At this sale $20.00 Suits go for: At this sale; $22.00 Suits gp for: C1Q.CO At this sale $25.00 Suits go OO.OO At this sale $35.00 Suits go for. CZO At this sale $8.50 Suits go for.

QaCO All higher grades go at proportionately lower prices. Members Merchants' Association INK'S Faft Refunded Ug Cabin Mine Meat. 'WW WfcH.rBaksr Brsk" inp rant n. NW Tack Oil Oip tfardines, can uw GTflriD'ARiJ TEA CXCgZZYJGO. 15 Great Money Savinc: Stores IG New PrlvaU'Escharge.

Old Ition. Wain 0 1 The davs of sadden showers are at hand. The best protection from them Is one of our Cfsvenette Coata. Comfortable, rainproof snd entirely proper for dress or street wear for, almost all occasions. Cravene tte Coats Ws'effer a choice srrav trnr rrow.

of guaranteed ralnprr'f craveneite. hi ad JnouK belted. colVarless; twolr wo'Olora. "live and gray. These ",47 V.allv tMU, Blurs.

IUt It you com to morrow you can buy on for only. Covert Jacllets 312.00 1 1 1 ...1 tnnmis In Jackets In 1 I'l many oT cur higher priced mat: v. lues Il'iO male of tw st qual ty covert, with mtrimSi xZ. devldedly mannish ehou 'rfthPor wTthout coiura, VV'' law ii.ieanlssii SAtirl. LltY 1" av4K artiM TS 'Jit coats Tnd a perfect perfect n.rlm.i Of coat as we have ever Tlia nrlte la oniy TV) i shown, fjiji A Mawachnsetti Avenat.

at Dclawart SL i ConT.nUnl Credlt T.rm..

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