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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 11

Indianapolis, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i tdt'ely aaillod uton tho for aeufon. Ituaohaupt ha da Tl.led vtton and ItMii fot the rntertainment of the fair the lu vojcua the last tvv ear will ta fillo. iwtf womvn will dmlttd v. with ch man patron fraa of charga. The fti at tw tlta wiiiiiii will hav will at John ili'Omw'i New Vor tlanta, National Lioajni chdtnplous.i John T.

4rub, of thla city, control tha New erk club and he will hera with the taajo. 1 ir PROSPEMFiDBl OFi. BITTIilG OF HQDS1ERS WANDER, M'CREERY, THONEY THE FIRST MEN UP. 'CARR If. THE SLUtiGEiTS PLACE UfiEUP Or TEAMS T.l TO DAY'S CAME n'uUj.

Position. A. gfr O. Tboiw V. 'jueiaaer J.

Thorna Dickey Hnrt Both. Hallrdan Brry Carr Third Fisher Schwartx McG Thony McCWl M.Wr Center Nlcke.ns Bwander nMU V'acb. pin called at .30. AUefaana Harrow has not definitely de tlAed the order Jn which the Iloosfers khall Lat tMs yar. but hs has a good idea, and during th exhibition series will Kir hi formation a good tryout.

Swan fttr is to lead with McCreery fcllow Hlh are rod bitter; food punters mid good waiter. Ttoney 1 ood, furs hit tar. alJo, and is a rihtlndec, end tt an excellent man to advance the two Carr i honored with, tho fourth position, the spot where a tiUnun auppoaed to drlv urormd the rbrta. Ow'cen rr Kchwartx. wlli ba fifth nun up xn'J TallirLHTX t' to te Ni.

lackey trail iiullman and then torn catcher and pitcher, wlilchevar mvo.oay be working. Three Speedy Men In Front. Thla order put three spewdy tnen ahead of Carr and Carr himself not Blow, so that Schwartx and Hajlnuui will hav jtcuty of lackey should 1 it letter f' liit ytur, with th txfcfuH tl fur Mm. and it? I.retty aura will bo niovtHi up two tiotciir. uotu is a.

aiugr at iat ta alwaye ha btv utd ia In a arMj t'U to dtiv.a In srnt bajw runnra TUm tniffl atmriKth or tl pitcnera unknown iaiitlty, vept aa to r'lslter. McUf. in a fair atirkor uid MoOai la a Urnvly hnt r. Thla la all tha further MKf trwa on lre at tun it at tha prwient tint In tho lab ai with, tho onrit.r hero and iiifC ootnhif, thera la a ciiBjic tor a iia iwhul LAST PUBLIC PRACTICE. in, Old and New Players All Oct a Hearty Hand from the Fans.

fj) Uxt pubilc practlA. waa jheld at HVslilngtoiv Iiiik yeatt rday afternoon. era five or alt bundled fina lotkr It)' onrNThc intercut at thla early iU( Xivea tha'llaoaicra itoru)ic a haarty lupport' rrojj th tap of th Th ctty rii fur7' wlurter and Manar tom to hiiva tut tg elher a winnin roml.inniion,. Alf arrta ot cymltmota mr m.n i at i reaiaoot lun iiuuil yea ZerU.ty. on ti new piuyera aimed and the ixeitiit judgment aturWn! In rtftalnlntf th lail yrar'a ttii daj vlng of im thi year, i liooyy, Krhwarta, Mrtiea, Hii'i CAttJtlr' flttllniiiA.

tli new Jin. all a hntid for ihlr faat appear oi lc. bl I'reery; tfwander, Carr. t'U key. Kls'hec, nnt Atlennitig.

t.w. were tf t'liiU'ti'J atl'y catn to but. Th Kuimitt.ra oa th pitching ataff and the liv t'Htehet ir were Mttimii ltari tiw SiU alva tlu, playera Ihelr i iiird lecture tut team play bunday tii.irnu.g, Tuesday and Friday Ladies' Daya. Th Iridlanunolla rnanagement haa. dea Hurst: 9 Marvage Peru Club.

ISp Ul ta Tba InUUnacult NeaaJ PJCHUi April 1. Timothy llurat. Who Pianagad tba Tetu taaeball teain laat year and pitched the entire e4an. has sjust retwmei from where he lent the winter.

reorganising the j'rru clutv and the nrfl gama of the tti.eoi will ba tianda.v, April th teajn being from Vabiah. Manager Hn favor of th inter nrl'itu lenjKUe that haa ben talked thla iirmf. Tha prxpecttva (iu fir the ara Li.ipoi 'aru, Wabaab. HuitUngtoa and iiokomov i Two Games Next Sunday, i The ill split "up i iuto "two cluba tund vy. April nd the.

gula.r will go to Terra llauta while the colts ill open the aeaaon at'Andereon. Frank Roth 1 to ha ni.tnacer oaptain of the colli. ttUhouitU It la prsitlo ho may tKpi to Terr limit bmutuM of hia old LeuK'ie tl! lint tone, and. tr the cli rtay, another player ns.iv huve charge eff tha The Koth got the yotitistei in actKvit, In yesterday rrac tloo credltabla. Nlckena Lost on Circle Nickers, the Southerner, who looks prtst gixxi and ho.

hta an. Woellence chance of making tha pitching atalT. wax the ni5t one of the player to set lost In the HoohUvt netrtrKHj. lie took a little tsht wfing J.iunt yesterday moa'Ttinc be lore guJitg out to tha park, aii.l tha At on umcru attracted hta view. In atepptng around the eirvla ha.a!!pted tip on tua hearings, ar.d ha wax lata for morning pt AoiK a a cons.Q.unci.

Player Must Report Promptly, Manager i liarrow Is Insistent on promptnexs of tha players tu reporting for Tractlca. Yesterday one or Jtwo the men were a trtn dilatory the ground. ad tHey wre lniortned the hour Mxy wr esaevtd to be in uniform and il "ik. There waa noth ing chilly about tha rail, bttt It 1 aafa to aay that lit tha future no ona will be tat without a vana vicuaa CENTRAL LEAGUE RULES. i to Carson Expected to Force Clubs Salary Limit.

i to The Iniianarvlt NewaJ TERRK 11AUT10, luvU rtl.l. TrouNa 1 predicted In, tho Central Leagua If the ulnry limit and twelve mea rule are not strictly adhered to. Carsoii's election was largely dvj.e to tits pleura to enforce thoso two rulea. Oanxel. of Grand Rap ids.

Is threatening to break both rules. The eight cluha of this league will all be at work next week. re Arrnond. released by Clucltinatl. threaten to PTajr Independent ball unless Terra xlaut in Cr'ies r'a salary.

tirand H.ArM.t is to iu.e Parton at short. Tho cirard lir.iJa t'ark is to be railed J.ovalty ark Ganxel loyalty to tna home town. There are routradietorr reports about Feeney and Farrelt, th Ontral pitchers, whn are prRctkir.r with tho Cincinn.Hti Ked. one Story b4ng that they will le returned to th muwr league, and. the AT Bingham's Say Sa It Vyom to Is up to President O'Brien, (xt th Amrir n.n Aaaociation, to grm Mo Hvr Irwn.

ol Kaiinaa City, or him em loye Crfeore ieau. a good call for lArr.erirg a ith' player In 'their own aa ociar.ion. Thera la a rulo on tb aaaocLa tion hooka for a fina tor auch actioa. Jo Gar. li almost pas, colored lad.

the lejritlrrxata ilhtwtHjrht champion. to it ail In. Tfca next clrr filtlit er woo with him la Ty likely to crniit out of tfce conteat with champion hip briora as a hare of the victory. A of aaebail atar will china at Wiuhincttm I'arle next wtex. Taey are weil worth looking owr.

'Arthur Iraln nay ttiat Cantllion tola from IpdianapoU. tut he doe not iruprm he a halt teal Xiaville. Irwtn It ttie mjw tactics In, holding Be Ca.itiUon dtd in holding bchafer got th player oiatiafid with the vlub to which he rtghtiuny awo wroritca do not make a ihght. arid the Arar an AeaocUUion wiU La weakened II Kaawi la allowed to hold a man aal ist all principle of organ! xed baaa Uail.

The booling tliafr Jabex TV'hlte la get tir.g from Krne and other "haa ben" will affect tins netting on tba Brltt White con teat tt little. Brltt on form la an odd on chOlcaLV Oolf haGa at St a doxan. Thi aiay check the fver ersoedaily tna duffer. ether that hoth fcare made good. Catcher treoit.

old to the Tied at the time Feeney wva acid, also by Terrs liatite. Is unoor.nlxxl to nave maoe gooa. TetxiU notltlexl Hou th Band that CoKuwell, Coffey and Ferguaon wm ra maJiV with xxiuixvine. which, mean inat Pitith liend luu a nice bunch of money by their aal. THREE.

GREAT CLUBS COMING New York Giants, Chicago Whits Sox and PI rat est Next Week.T In Ilk next two weeks son of tho bet pjll players la tho country will bo saao at thew "Washlxigtoa Park. Somo axcal lent attracOons bars been booked for tho exhibition season by President Kuachaupt and Manager Barrow. i On, Monday the Ntt Tork Giants, tho champions of the National League, will open a ma of two games. luggy Mo (Jit, one of the brainiest boil players in lte buaineaa. la at th bead of tna Giant.

and bim given th credit for New York winning of tha naa laat aea n. That hha a great club la unquea tiunci. butt tfeauia playing good bail individually. lhy work well together a a Two of tha greatest Pitchers ta baseball era on the Giants' twirling etaff. They ara Mathewaori and XIcGlnrtitf, who did the brunt of the twirling for team Ut season.

It's about a draw between thct tw men a to which 1 the bet tar labnian. Tioth will worked In tba two game Mere. Itealdea theaa two atar tba Glum hnva other good pltohera. Including Dtunmy" Taylor. Amea.

YVlltso and L4n demajt. Then, with an infield made up of sucH kr wn players as McOann. Gilbert. lhUTil' and Levlln. tha Giant ara string In that department.

For catchers Mctiraw hits a good, trio in Uowerroan, Iirennehan and "flandow: Mertea, Doulla and iirown maka up tho OUttleld. i Charles ComUker another of the en tin try' greatest twfwhail general, brings hta Whit Box. on of th stroaa tt of the American Leaaua teama hra on Wedneaday and Thursday. Among the piaytrs ot tne clan sre pitchers Owen. VValh.

Fttereoiu Altroek and AV'hlta: catcher SUlUvitn and McFartand. ithe lat ter, a former IIooilr. havlna come here from Toledo la IX. Jimmy Callahan Is liiymK nrswwae. its was nrxt known to lotMiier baeettall ana a a a memSi nf the Kanaa tltr tmm In tha lata 'IMTa.

lnhell another formor Weatern Leaguer. th uiuiiy piayer: utort Uvi. over Whora the National and American leagues nearly hud a aecond war, 1 playing on the in id. "Uucky Holmes and Man (tT li(Mnr Jones are the suburbanite. "JiK" Ixinohue and Le Tannehtll.

former Atnerlcan Association, stars, ars also with th team. tm Friday and Saturday. tha Pittsburg NMtlonala will be With them la liana Wegher, who la regarded as a better player tiuitv many peopla. Fred Clark, tho famous outfielder, I still man am of the team aird I'hlUIpe, Ieach. 'laJierty.

Ufaumont all well known to lnd4nit. i nolla fans will be in the lineup. The cxhiuuon' gunes win an pe caued at o'clock. 5j 4 AndVrson Playsrs and Schedule. J5 tal to The IndtanapeUa Nawal ANWUON April it Is probable tha Anderaon.

semi professional tears will include tn Its llneip Charles Webb. oons and Wllaon. pitchers: catcher, ltyan; flrKt base. fitrlkerij aeoond Uaaa, W. Norton; thlrd lwwte.

W. Webb; left field. Fishery cK.tcr. Cox; right field. Kilter: diort.itupw Heck.

I tiitorma will he navy. bid, trimmed In white. Ga me have, been arranged with tha lHiesikeldorfera. of lndiananolin: Omi and the tiunerbaav of Cincinnati: Grays, of lndian. tpoUa; lilue 8ocka.

of Covtngtoc. Sydney and AVaahlngton CC 11.. O. I Frankfort. lagamport.

fihelbjr vUlo, and Huxhvllle, tots State. Connersvllle Club's Schedule. lpaolal to Tha Indianapolla Newaj CO.NNKItSVILLEL Ind, April 1. Tha Connersvllle baseball team will open the aeaaon of 1906 with tha Colts at Indlana rcia Airtl It The team will open the Lome Beaton Faster Sunday with th Blue Ucks or Cineinnatl. Marnvgar la Ru haa acortd i aate with nvany eeml prolea aional teama Th nebraaka Indiana will pUy two gamea hero IJecoraUon day.

Sviritz City Baseball Club. Tba ladlaaapolis Nawal swrrs citt. Apm a team bas been organised hero wtto th following officers: John Cola, 'man aer and captain: Harry Shelter, treaa uir. and lienrv rjaubiusneck. secretary, Hheitoa and Cula.

both of minor league ability, will form the battery. Purduo Squad Geta Tryout. tpacial to Tba.rndtanpolla.Kwaj' LAFATETTfi, April I. Purdue croaaad lota wlth the Lafayette high kSchool team again yeaterday. tantng by tryout with Purdu and two new ones ara being used In to day gama against ths aajna tram.

Results YeFtirday Games. At Jackwvnrttle Bxton Americans, Cincinnati NatlonaU. X. At Firming ham KJrrnlngtiam, Cincinnati Kationala Colts, At Augusta Detroit. Brooklyn, t.

At OincinnaUSt. PmuL "Woodward High; frchooL s. At Jackson, Mh. Kew Tork Americana, Jackaon. 4.

At Kansas CityKansas City, Chi cagvj Americas Ke ulars, ft. At New York Giants. Nahvllle. 4. New Tork, CDmeil, 3.

At Savajnnan SaTannahw Boa ton Nationals, t. At Near OrleansCleveland. New Orleans. At Little Rock nttaburg. Little Rock, i i.

i' Diamond Dust. Pat Bohannon has to Denver. Outfielder Leplne baa not yet shown up at Kansaa Ctty. Ift fleWer Coffey will ha turned back to South Bend by LouisTitte. Tha Cliloago American Colts won from Nebraaka yesterday "bv a score of to 4.

Pitchers Felix and Wolfs have been released by Manager Irwin, ot Kansas City. Fred Clark will give up baseball tn two years and dvola hia tina to his farm. The hancty pocket baseball schedule, issued by Sporting Life, have lust made their annual appearanc. The booklet oon tains group photographs of th teams In FOUR INFIELDERS i i 1 TfJE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS, SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1905. NEWS i 1 I Jf tho American and National league, with their playing dates conveniently grouped.

Thus etrT Lonla Kationals and Americans will i beerln a tn of secven irtng games at horn: to morrow. Joe Cantniotf Intimates that Bob Cn glaub mar be obtained from Boston and placed an first' for the Brewers. It 1 Intimated that Ccmny Mack fs stuck on Gen Ford and that bo will not waive claim to the tail pitcher if Detroit to turn him back to Watkina. It 1 probable that pitcher Manske will be lent to the Des Moines team, unless ha should show exceptional form, as Manager Can til Ion will have four regular pitchers to start wltlv. Jack Aiiderson baa discovered a new way to.

bit the spit bail the tangent, he calls It. As be swing bo put a little "English" on the bail, and twist hia body sd that ho is In a position to walk to the bench without waiting to sea who catchear the sphere. Jake Becklev la earnlna S7 a flay alouab lng about In tho mud aa assistant starter at the iraces in California. However. Jake is horrified to think that the St.

Louis club wants him to wear a dirty uniform. stand on th soli around first base and actually aaaodata with bail players for a montn. "There have been games and games. says Frank Bancroft, "but. after all the records have been dug ut and dusted off.

nothing can cult touch that old eighteen Inning 0 gama at Providence, in which George Weldman pitched. The fielding in that gam wasn't so bad. Jerry Denny had nineteen chances at third base, with out an error. Reports from ths Boston American eaaiD In th South say that pitcher Ses sion la making rood and that OJmstead. Joaalyn and O'Brien may play In th minor another year.

The lame report aays that Manager Cantillon, of Milwaukee, haa asked for one of thews OJmstead may yet a Brew er uniform again. He wore It once several years ago the first season of the association un 4 der the Clingman regime. i TrT Hauto Players Contest. repafttai to' Tha tBdlaaaoolla Kewa TEJUIE IIAUTH lni, April 1. A gama by.

players. have. "been on th Terr Haute polo team this season with he ex ceptlon.of Iliggms, was played here last and the team composed of Hart, Miller, Coggshall and Mullen defeated a team composed of IHpaon, Har klna. Jladley, JVood and Karper by a mw of to 4., Hart scored, six goals for bis phi I TR 'DIVIDE TERRITORY PRESIDENy FQOR CALLS A MEETING FOR PROSPECTIVE POLO TOWNS SOUTH BEJND, AprU 1 Tho Na tional Association of Roller Polo Leagues will be organised at a meeting to be held in Indianapolis the second week tn May. The meeting baa been called by President Foor, of the Central and haa Invited the promoters of the Na 1 tonal, the Indiana Ohio and the officers the Eastern, leagues to be present, It Was originally Intended to' hold tho ron ference to day.

biit a request of President picklnaon. of the National, led to tho postponement. 1 The object of the organ Iration will be the dlvhdon and award of territory, so there will be no conflicts like that in which tha Central and Weatern engaged during the winter, which put the latter Out of business for th time being. i I By May It 1 expected that the plana of the National and the two new Indiana leaguea which will be formed out of tho Old Central will be fully matured, arid auch an organixatloh aa th National Association, will be feasible. I Among the towns which win be represented at the meeting will be Detroit, Grand Rapids.

South Bend. Kalamazoo. Jackson, Saginaw, Port! Huron and Bay City, of the National Leajrue; Toledo, Cincinnati. Hamilton. Dayton, Springfield and Plqua.

of the proposed Ohio league, and Danville Lafayette. Indiana rolls, Terra Hjiute. Kokumo. Ft. Wayne.

Marion. Anderson and Logans port of th Central. Eddie Devlin' Polo Benefit. I Indianapolis polo fans will have their last opportunity to see the Indianapolis team tn action to night when a benefit game for Eddie Devlin will be played at the Auditorium with the Marion team. Devlin, who was in the hospital with ty fhoid fever for two months, will referee he contest.

The entire proceeds of the game will be given to the popular Indian center and Indications point to a good at tendance, KENTUCKY, ILLINOIS, EAXiilAJf, BOWLERS ARE CLOSING UP THE GAP ONE GAM SEPARATES TH EM FROM THE MARIONS. FIGHT FOR HONORS IS I i WASDmO CXXBaV Plarad. Waa. LoaC Pet. Marioa 10 ti Itnpwtal 1M 104 tl Turner SO 17 Waahtmrtea 154 M.

North aide OoiumbU mm 71 S4 .461 National lit 4S Ill Craaoaat ltf Ml The Marion received a jolt at the hands ot th North Side In last night's Indianapolis Bowling League contests In tha shape of four short scores. Tho imperials captured six from tho Crescents and with tw mora weeks to bowl only one game separates the leaders. The Columbia took 'fonr from the Washington, and pulled th last named club from a tl for third plae Th Turners moved Into the position by winning five Xrom tha Nations la. Fifty one double centuries were registered. Peatl Haveliclc's 246 score being high.

The Columbias' total of L070 was high among the team marks. The scores: Marion vs. North Side. TURNxa Flrat Dlviaian t.W.Co'r JT tst' 111 ISO CoOin 131 lit 1U 17 IS7 RiJ 17 177) iurton. ISO 1M lit IMP 170 180 164 Pollard.

1S 16 179 IU SttS X14 Total SOa' 87x1 Totals. S2 123 tt 'Second Division. WKLCoo'er W4 J7 144 19 14S 147 10 176 lmr 143 1.1 iwi 164 ia 149. US Quill. i 1 lj7Evan 177 15S nionwn aix fcI Tbtaia T7'tl7 Imperial, vs.

v. I VASUINOTON Flrat Division. 33 C5 168f Meyer tot J7 Taibert .20 165 lfMiWeber 1 133 Wllhlt JOft 16S 17J Holloway JH 180 200! EUta 15 1S 161 Decker .223 17 Su9Keblar J2J 1X1 Hi Total 7 TCI Total 47 779 Second Dlvlalort Keeter 1S Wallace 1 MaioU ..14 16S llCoval. Sr.151 15 14 Fox 4. 135 171 Alexander 147 141 167 Buchanan 147 186 170(Elbreg .....179 13 151 Erdelmy'r 221 1S4 UOISchwartx 131 155 116 Total 870 1 91SJ Totals 767 7U 727 Columbia vs.

Washington. COLtTMBIA ALiTS. First DtvUioo. ''T Garstang ..152 175 Jill EJ. 1M 11 Vlnnoni ....167 211 til 146 IDS Hlckea ,..21 180 'roll McElwaln 15S rl 11 Kahto Ul aOld ...140 170 1 UaveilCk 1U 1M 215 Totaia ...3 4i 107o Totals MM MS Second Division.

Comatock 147 1461 Meyer 214 15S tn Stalnakar ...14 154 177! Klrkwood 159 ttS Its McKay 13iWechaler, ..171 1S5 1M Pfafflln 1U i ...171 HI 165 Griffith ....16 XU 216Ray ..15 192 ITS Totaia T77 8491 Totaia ..71 911 790 National vs. Turner! MARION ALLET8. First rMvialon. H. Slelken.

1M 182 1S91F. Schmidt. 1 177 28 214 144 169 211 221 11 15 166 197 A. 168 144 136 Rasaneld 176 183 1 85 1S3 216 174 Uuebel 189 190 172 O. Said i 16 175 17 1 805 8S9 260H 910 9 919 Second Division ft.

Slelken. Fletnins. Otddlnaa. 136 1S1 1S2 111 194 160 1H 174 lt 2 1S 175 U2 Fahrenbach 189 172 174 160 21 1S9 155 lil 224 lil IM C. Schmidt.

194 16 183 152 XX 176 LEVEY PASSES PRITCHETT. Marion Bowler. Haa Thirty Nine Pin Lead on Imperial Leader. Marshall Levey boosted bis average last night while Pritchett wis having his troubles at the Washington alleys, and. as a result, the Marion boiler has a lead of thlrty nlna pins In the individual list of the Indianapolis Bowling League.

The averages follow: Players and Clubs. Games. A v. Levey; Marion .66 133 Pritchett, Imperial ..66 192 Peacock. North, Side ........75 1S1 Buddenbaum.

Washington ..........63 191 Holloway. Imperial ....78 190 Bryson. Marion I ..75 1S8 Carter. Marlon i .54 itr? Brinkmeyer. Washington 78 187 Fields.


FRINCETOM. iVTjrCENVES. 1 i 2. 27 .22. 73.24 May 19.

20.21 29. 90. 30 May 2 rmn wnw nrsr Jmx.A M. 77 June 22. 13.

24 June 1. 20. Zl Jon 28. SO July 1. 2, 1 taixo.

xvn lufrl 2b, 27 July 22, SX. 14 21 2. July XI. Ang 1. 4.

Aug JS. a. 1U. 11 St. 26.

26. 27 2. 1 BP V. 11. 5.S i May, .....14.

11, 13 May.A ,7. 1.1 MayJL 8 My. .22. 23, 24 xranfnnanM 6. Rraimxn Jufa 10.13.12 7.1.9 July Jm 22.2X14 xxajrosntSOW.

....4. 4. 4. BrOKTtSU Jaly 11.12 July v7. July.n.

AoX 2 July .22. 23. 24 4. 6. 7 A IX U.

14. 15 9. M. Sept .9. 10.

11. 13 A 2. 10. 11 Xtay ..7. Slay IX 11 15 May 2X 2X27 2X SO, 2 June.

7. 9 Jane 1X1X15 jemr 6. 2. 27 Jaoa 3. HOTXIXSTTLX 1X15 iawa Jujy fc a ...25.

2. 27 July 2. 2X10 Aux A 10. An.lX 17.1X1 Aux. 7 X' X4 fcep 7.

VUJ 17. 11 May.X. 2S, 90; 30 May 2 May 2X 2X 24 May JB. IX 27 Trv 1T Jua IX' 17.11 Juaa 2S. 2.

Jucy 8 2X 24 Juaa ...2. 2X 27 yAPCCXH. Joly IX 17. 1 Aox. 2 KAD.XHE July 22.

2X 24 JulyS 2X 27 Aug JX 2X 1 pt A. 7. 1 9. IX IX 13. .21.

29. 30. 31 BtpUJrXX 4 i May 14. 15 Maj 17. 11 "Um.r 1.

SB. 23 My 11. 11 May a 14, 1 17. Jan 1X2X 21 June M. ix 12 rvnttwtpnri Juna Tiuxcrrox.

ix n. 20.21 ix u. 11 tsmufAroixa JuiT xx. 17, IX IX 2S. 26.

27 IX 13. IX 1 1 Aug 7 May 1. IX 12 llay WV 3. St i May IX IT. May IX IX IS May 7.

i IX 12 Jane .,.19. IX 21 Juaa IX 17. 1 IX IX 15 Jan ......7. wwxra TINCKNJtira. july u.

Jul W. 2m. July IS, IT. ll Jiiiy ix IS Joly ...7. J1KWr i J3.

IX 28. 3X 27 3. tX 23J 17. IX 19 8. S.

la, FOR THE SEASON'S 'CAKJt. Pollard. North Burton. North Side ..................77 F. Taibert.

Imperial 75 Coffin. Marlon ........................63 L. Cooper. Vlarion Decker. Imperial ....75 Jenckes, North Wands.

Turners 66 Leap, Marlon 63 W. K. Coo par. .64 Busatt, Imperial 64 are tang, O. Seldensticker.

vCTlhite, Imperial Geo. Seldensticker, Q. Mueller. Turner .63 15 185 1M 1M 1S3 1S3 1S2 1S2 1 1S1 JS1 181 ISO 1M PEACOCK HAS 0QD LEAD. Edward Taibert and Klrkwopd Are Tied for Seeond Place." Jap Peacock baa a twelve point lead tn tho Individual average list of the Commercial Bowling League.

Edward Taibert and Klrkwood are tied for second place. Tho averages follow: Plavwra and Club. Games. Av. Peacock.

Burford cl 1W Taibert. Fletcher 7 178 Klrkwood; Kingan 1JJ Rraenlikl Burford SO 177 MueUer. Fletcher 88 177 Keeter, Ueber 78 1T7 R. K. Smith.

Fletcher 43 13 Matlock, Fletcher 43 170 Evans, Burford lfi MlUerv Kingan 1M Wlmmer. Kingan t9 167 Brandt. Kahn 167 Brown, Marott "4 164 Harms, News 71 164 I Slelken, Ueber 77 162 Kahn 75 12 Keller. Klnaan 161 Manufacturers' Bowling Averages. Nineteen members the Manufacturers Bowling hav averages of 115 or better.

Tslbert heads" the list by three points, while Wagner holds down second place. Rkpp, ot the Jenneys, is third. The averagee follow Flvera and Club. Games. Av TaJ bar t.

Atlas 42 174 Waaiar. Atkins 171 Rapp, Jehney 16 Geeting'. Xayeock 63 166 Raffenaberger, Atlas 49 169 Fleury, Laycock 61 167 Hunt; ComrQerclaI '15 Jcl Yeager, Atlaa 43 154 BosarV'Jenney 17 151 Relmer, Atkins XI 151 Waiten. Atlas 4, 150 OXFORD VICTOR III THE AlIHUAL BOAT RACE THREE LENGTHS SEPARATED WINNERS FROM CAMBRIDGE. DARK BLUE NEVER HEADED the sixty second annual boat race bo LONDON, Apr!) 1.

Oxford to day won tween th Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. defeating" the latter by three lengths. The race waa rowed in beautiful weath er. There was not A ripple on the water. and the wind waa very light.

Cambridge won the toss and selected tho Surrey side of the The boats rot a war to a EDlendid start at 11:34 but Bucknell set the dark blues (Oxford), a. slashing stroke of thirty six to the minute and almost immediately estab lished' a lead which was never lost. Oxrl ford was never pressed: and passed the ship at Mortlaks. the easiest of winners by three length.1. Time, SO minute S3 seconds.

1 With the Future Stars. Th Marotts and Rennle's Reserves will play at Riverside to morrow axternoon. There Is a letter vat this office for the manager of the Social Turners" Daseoaii club. Games with fourteen year old teams are desired by the Brightwooo iteaervea Aa dress Elmer Quandt, 2324 Gale street. Rennle's Reserves wish out of town eia me.

with aeml nrofessional Ad dress James Renniban. 647 Indiana ave nue. The Phoenix team, which will play at Brighton Beach every Sunday until the Indianapolis teservea return, wisn punti wtch teams Irom Martinsville. Danville. Greenfield, Anderson.

Madison, Seymour and Shelbyville. Members of the team are asked to report at Summerland rroundi at 2 o'clock to morrow after noon. Any twelve year old team In the city wishing game with the Irish Lad Juniors should address Harry Toner, 611 South iHMouri street The team lineup fol lows: Pough, catcher: McGinley, pitcher: Adams, shortstop; Callaghan. captain and flrst base: Sweeney, second base; Welch, third base; Conway, center field; Mullen, light field; Delaney, left field; Lynch and Toner, substitutes. WORK ON APRIL 19 SCinVARTZ.

KID SULLIVMI. GETS DRAW WITH CORBETT DENVER LAD CLAIMED A FOUL; IN SECOND. FINISHED IN GOOD; FORM BALTIMORE, April Before 3,000 People last night, at the Eureka AthleUc Club. Kid Sullivan, of Washington, and Toung Corbett, of Denver, fought ten round to a draw; Corbett's showing was somewhat of a and many thought that the Washington boy should have received the decision. The Denver lad was hog fat and his face bloated.

Sul livan, on the. other hand, was in prime form, and the only thing that saved th former champion froni defeat waa his superior generalship. Sullivan had all the petter ox tne iirxt six rounds. In the eighth Corbett ooened ud. and this and the ninth round had the shade the better of the battle.

Ills advantage, however, waa short lived, and Sullivan came back strong In the tenth, and tt was a case of give' and take until th tap of the gong. In th second when th fighters were mixing it, Sullivan landed a hard right on Corbett below the belt. The blow winded Corbett, and he was practically ouX There were great cries of "foul" from the spectators, but, not thinking tha blow was Intentional, the referee refuoed to give Corbett the fight and told him to continue. Decker Jobbed' Out of Decision. "MILWAUKEE.

April What Vt whole crowd called the worst decision ever given in a Milwaukee fight waa the Mdraw given O'Leary. Of Mil waukee, last nlsht. In his fight with Geo. Decker, of Philadelphia. Decker seemed to have won In a walk and the bettors on O'Leary had begun to pay their money to tn jjecaer supporters in tne seven round.

When the decision waa announced nearly every peraon in the building hlsaed. Jack Dougherty, of Milwaukee, got the decision over raiJtie liaker, oi Chicago; Billy Langlesa. of got the de cision over con suineia. ot inucago. Battling Nelson May Meet Whits.

I8AN FRANCISCO. April A move ment which may result In a meeting In tha near future between Battling Nelson and Jabes White, who Is booked to flg ht Jimmy Brltt, ha been made. In response to an offer of Charley Mitchell, who Is lookine after White's Interest, to bet that Nelson could not stop the Eng ishmon In ten rounds. Battling accepted the challenge and has posted $1,000 as sn evidence of sincerity. Nelaon said: "I will put White away lnsld of ten rounds.

If Mitchell wishes to raise me I guess can stand iU" i Ring Chatter. Willis Britt failed to knocks out Senor Roblcr. a Soanlsh bull fighter, in tour rounds "In private yesterday in 'Frisco. Paul Mlttaar. a liveryman.

blackened the left eye of Terry McGovern yeaterday In a Quarrel over money, and a horse. Efforts are being made by tho National Athletic Club In Philadelphia to match Jack Blackburn and Joe Uan tot a six round bouX The Cincinnati gym boxers win not meat the Cleveland boxers In an inter city tournament. They will close tneir work in bx xouia, Apru jo. XTartin Judre waa defeated by Rube Smith in Denver laat night in the sixth rortnd. He waa floored twice In the fifth and took the count five times in the sixth.

He was unable to continue when the Dell sounded for the seventh. KOENECKE V. M. C. A.

CHAMPION Ralph Varln; PusHes Hirn Crosely for "the Honor. Louis Koenecke won the medal for the all around championship athlete among the senior, classes In the closing events at the Y. M. A. laat night.

Ralph Varin nve Mni a hard I race and finished onlv six nolBts behind Koenecke's score of 390 OUt OI a po3ioio bw. ranrf im in iue i i i i scoring last nlghx but Koenecxe jeaa oi the night before was too much for bim to overcome. Cash, who had a good show to defend the title he won last year, did not narticinate because of his entering In the rhamnfonahlD wrestling contests at the association next week. jast nignt summane ronow: Tila Jumn Paul Lee. firsX hlght.

feet inches; Ralph Varin second, andLoula Itoenecae, tniru, Half mile Run Ralph Varin, first, 2:35: Louis Koenecke, second, and Holland ScotX third. EMMERICK IS WRAJHY, M. T. H. S.

Principal Scores Omcla Is of A. Meet. Medals were presented to the M. T. II.

S. athletes that won places In the re cent 3d. A indoor meet yesterday morning at the school. Emraett Plerson. who won the 440 yard handicap, received a gold medal: Elmer UhL who took second In the pole vault, received a silver medal, and Captain King, Bates.

Crawford and Demming. of the relay team, received bronse medals. The cup for the winning State high school relay team was pre sented to the school, making the eighteenth won since 135(9. Professor jt mmericb, in a speech, scored the T. 'C.

management for the faulty work of the officials tn the recent meet, and declared that no team from T. 6. should ever enter again In a meet given under the ausntces of the T. M. A.

i. Al'ey' Pickings. The Washington Sprinr Bowling Leaaue meeting will be iieid next Saturday night at the Washington alleys, instead of to night. A team, from the Marion Bowling Club. composed of L.

W. and W. K. Cooper. Marshall Levey.

MeJ Knot and arl Mattock, will roil a plotted team at viUe Tuesday nirhX A return match will be rolled on the Marloa alleys April IX. IHDIAIIAPOLIS ATHLETES WHO'HAVE MADE GOOD LADS WHOSE MEMORY IS GREEN AT LOCAL: SCHOOLS. MANY STILL IN COLLEGE Memories of students of the Shortrldere snd Manual' Training Ugh schools dwelt fondly on the names" of fellow eiudent athletes who have won honfcrs at thehome schools and In ccllege. What stirring thoughts the names of Frcnxel, Kittle. Krull andKaylor bring to the minds of Training School supporter.

Theae naqne recall th days when the red and white never knew defeat'and Shorlrldge was the eeslest sort of proposition. Shortrivlge students look beck to Coffin. Scott. 'Dean. Clark, Payne, Hare.

Shank and GIpe a the athletes who laid the foundation to the present success of the blue. All now have passed on to the college athletic fields. A acknowledge "Berf CofTV th moot notable indianapolla athlete ever to gain hi eollere monogram. Coffin wa captain ot Shortride tstm eve raj aeaaona. andt then went East Cornell, where he wa captain of the coll.

eight for two seasons, in addition he UiJ star wrk as full hack and lie was mentioned by Walter Camp for a place on the All Amerlcan In Not far behind Coffin comes the porr lar "Pete" Frensel, who captained Cornell lust th year before Cortln stroked the eight. Frenxel Is still loyal to the red and whit of M. T. 1L B. John Kittle.

"Dick" Tolla and Max Wiley have alw won athleUo fame at the Ithaca i At Princeton Alfred Ogle. John Son and Lehmsn Dunning hav won the and in September they will be joined by. Walter Gipe. Khortrtuae'a beit all round athlete, and. Chilton Johnson, who played on the JSo3 undefeated elrve.n.

At Wisooiialn Maynard Allen, the old Shortridge tiaspball captain, is behind the lt for the varmty nine, and Waylapd Master is tlie hurdler and broad jumper on the track team. Coming nearer home the follower5 of high school favorite finds illis Coval, Frank Hare, Floyd Pavne. "llexe" Clark and Phil Hill, the boat athlete at At DePauw Is BlAtirhard MrKee in track and basketball work, while Howiird Shank. an old rlay mat of McKee. la holding down left end on' the football team.

At Wabaah. Earl Rld.lle. who played mich a steady forward tor Butler all th laat season, was the best forward whomever wore the Hhortrldse blue. At Purdue, Krull, Jloldson. Kaylor, Illrrch and Peck haa won prominence.

Kaylor Vai president of the College Athletic Association, while Peck and IJintch both captained teams. September will see a number of the bej)t Bvthletes In the city entered at the conn try' leading college. lrlneeton, Yale, Michigan. Wisconsin, Indiuna. Purdue, Wabaeh.

DePauw and Butler will All get several promising' men. Purdue Cross Country Run Club. (Special to Tha Indianapolis News.) LAFAYETTE, April 1, Th Purdue Crosscountry Club, a separate organisation from tha 'AthleUo Association, and organised to develop distance runners for the track team, has elected the following officers: President, llearn. ex captain of the track tram; captain, lliu kie, who wa ion year a memoer ot Cornell track learn and Croa Countr Club. The club la composed ot twenty five men who are being trained by Service, the former California runner, who de feated the Eastern distance runners In 101.

Th first try out will be held next Saturday over a courae of three mites. About twenty flv men will enter and th leader will have places as distance runners on the track team. A dual croim couutry run with Indiana I contemplated. HEflDRICKS COUNTY MEET. Athletes In Annual Track Contest at Danville.

Special to Th Indianapolis News DANVILLE. April 1. The annual field day exercises of the Hendricks County High School Athletic Association are being' held at the ball park here. Nearly every bit school In the county Is represented In the different events. The inter est over th county Is great.

Ther are twelve events on th program as follows: Standing broad jump, running hop step lump, 100 yard dash, shot put, mile run, standing high Jump, running high Jump, distance throw of baseball. 100 yard hurdles, pole vault, quarter mil run, half mile relay. Last year the meet was won by rorth Salem cbool, Danville being second. Ev erett Kurt, of North Salem, made one more rxjlnt by his own efforts than the entire Danville team. lis is at the State University this year.

Lemmel Knocks' Out Donovan. "EVANSVILLE, April 1. Mike Donovan, pf New York, was knocked put here last night by Kid LemmeL of this City In. the first round. ini i nn Moi 1 "can cure your nervous nervous debility, i floating spots before the eyes, headache, backache, poor memory, threatened insanity, loss of ambition, tired conUpai tlon, nervous trembling, despondency, sleeplessnes, wealt rnlpda anl blood poison.

All forms of Purest of medicine. Come at once delay 18 latah Call or write. All letters answered ia plain envelope. Office hours: 10. to 12; 2 to 7 to 8:30 prri.

Sunday morning 11 ta 1. Offiice, 7 Ea3t Market Street Oyer Carlla ft Leaaes "ilc Ster ELECTRO MZOIC INSTITUTE, GOOD FORM For Men and Women Fr Sals By PAUL. M. KRAUSS 44 Cast Wash'lngtoa Street Nothing More Pleaslag Than I TMJ a4 Tr OS HALE AT ALL JACOD METZGER a CO. track screen CONTEST WITH lf4CIAWAG LETE3 VILL CC ATK DEPEr.Di!:a (Spe tal to The In luna LA FA KTT K.

l. Lc flie lius made public t.e Ur 5 tr.i' schedule. The finat met. Mch i with Indian.i, is l'xked uff.n aa a one. in almost every, evevt I'nr 4i Indiana hAve good men are evenly matched.

In the poll vault. of Indiana, and Glover, of Purdise. iikui i'r uprcni icv a vf reioru. l.iuth have hX eleven feet s(x indie. Um d'r.

threo Inches belt.T tf An it at i im iii ri i i 1 a i of Purdue, and MKIer. of ii.n..i. Stvt great exhibition. ai, a record may be the ouicnnie: are dej.eri2inc on new mer tlio but Purdue hue three rei h'n ti In rode Jul ard l.k to hold their own In Die m. in i ri i 1 .1 i I ni eis.

in tne uiartr mil 1'ur'i it jl ier nna In llun i i hom xnn. 1 two fat men should ut up a jrniy im. In every event tha tw moi are cU i ly matcMed. The li lule Miy ln'X at May 13 lUlnola at ljifjeti, lert7 atj mujr Mil higli avhool IJlI.I.Vlt Mav tl rState intercollrfrii't at Ulixim Inrton. June 5 CrmfVrenos at'Chlcjigo I i SHOOT NEAR Cedar Spring Gun Club to Have Tourney In June.

IFioIjlI to Th Indlanaills I RICHMOND; Ind Apiil 1 W. It. fiai Vr, prrwldent of tha Cedar Serine" Gun has announced a' spring tournament for June 6, i nnd 7. The prorrain aa errand im ten events each da.y, a total t.f 1 i ir gets.iThe Isst threo eveni. on ncli's prgrtm Will' be for the tn purura to a iung ur f'j." novelty A 'feature tl.O rim a cah prlxe.

for the Uh iivt rmi the tournament and atiot; 1 fur tlio low est average. STATE FAIR RACE' CARD. I Secretary Downing and Superintf nd ent Claypool Announce It. Seci etsry lHiw itlng ami Marc 8. pool, sur erjntewdent of t' menu have announced ll.A of rni'ea for th Btate Putr n' Tti entries Will clo IX llfilt It.t cfi red imi a.threa yenr tld trO' tifid event ari tlitee year oid trot for ll Of i Amerlcua.

'ilia i.iil iA'; Hcjili in tier li TiO trot for ttiree nKU, purse pace, purse i trot, puri 4 lies day, SeptmtMr' 13. S.30 trot, purKe 17 pce. $7i; tro, pur, 2.1 ac. utia Thursday, S' rtniihrr 14', pace, purne Jv: 2 Vt trot, tir f. Of free for all puiee $1 (Mi; II I old trot for Hex AmnK iiH colta i t'Jiou purs A).

K'i't' mtir 15. 1:40 pae for threa yenr oM. 1 8:13 trot, pule $: rice, pur free for iUl Hot. pur! ll.u. Franklin A.

Defeats Greenwood. Hpertal The In New GREENWOOD. Apiil l. ThS Franklin Athletic di fi nl.l tl Greenwood Grays at tu i pi.tca fterd afternoon by or1. run.

i li a ore; A. A. .,...2 0 1 4 0 0 1 0 I Greenwood .....8 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 Bat terle F. A. 1 fol.hlna a ml How.

man; (J, Bowman and Kiaolon. l'm1 pi re hie, i Columbus Hljh School's Lineup. iit, April l.CoIuti.I,u1 tilth school baaehall team lned up egsJuei Edlnburg this afternoon Pi lis nrnt ir 'ni i Of tlie year SS follow: Uir i nett Hooke; eeco'i'l batse, 1 1 mcoe A ri I r. i son; thlrd ba. 12riiet King;

Neal pitchers, lliTe. i coiiy Jtfry Ilenderfon; JJa.rl itud) ii rixht neia. nyrora rioia: i i ntcr iii i i. Jilph Wlnana (captain)i left field, Kouco Williams. 4 Turners Defeat All Ctar Team, Th South Side Turners won a basketball gam from th San'Jer' A1.J BUri at the South Fid Hall lut by a iK ore bf 2S to J3.

Th team lineua, wna as follows: Turners Position. All FMrn rin i. Ht.i rnml Almuri Schawl Warner Kline I)vker Kalter I The World's Greatest Specialist in all Chronic and licrvouj Diseases. of Men and AYoraen Dr. II.

A. Johnston. Treatment never falls. Consultation Cures guaranteed. Permanently located.

Catarrh; dyspepsia, tronchtls, liver and heart troubles, stomach, kidney and gladder diseases; all diseases of the skin. IV in Indianapolis, Itl. 1 CLQSET SETS tllCKCY HIGH DALL DALL fsJo oi le sptrklinst SFe anion FIKST CLAPS BARH HOle Dletrttm ffmu tlthar lh0t 4U7.

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