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Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri • Page 1

Springfield, Missouri
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4 .1 THE SPRINGFIELD LEADER THB PAPER TUAT OOBt J.VTO DVKItvd OP A Li, SPRISOflSLO HOUR VOL. LX NO. 223. iitrfd pnstuMce, Mprtngflrld, Missouri, st 1 ftrcond Clas Matter I ndrr Act of March I7, SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI, FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 12, 1926. 32 PAGES.

(JSft.TOiTO Missouri Weather Vn rntn hrmntn ENGLISH CQAl STHiKE MAY BE SETTLED SOON 'l l2Sl Government Sends Word" to Miners Situation Considered Hopeful. LOr'DOV. Nov. 12 A What dercrlbed an trie governments last, word to the oonl miners who have beeti on strike since May 1, with ft resultant loan to them of militant rif dnlisr In wages and untold Inconvenience to bumnen and suffering on the pail of householders, was the hnrdi of the miners' executive committee trirlhy Throughout Inst night end until 3 o'clock thi. mo ning there were onnferenrca between the cosl romtnlt tee of the Hiilnet.

the executive committees of ttte coal miners Thee grew out of a resolution adopted bv I tin mlfcrV delegate con ferrnce whirl) gave the executive line 'carte blanche to neonate. oonitn settlement of the strike without tmpes'ug H'tiul(itton with regard to hou or wages. Miners Smi I'otnmlltiil. d'sctt'islon were friendly end regarllett 11a being full of hope. The mlliem' ipir on leavng the cnnfercirf Mfxike in a rrjn otnnit'tnl manner, wih appare it tendency tie critical 'The mnu li abandoned ow 1 Inir to fog." was a remark' made by one of the miners' exe utlvei.

llie contents, or the government "last vord" were fontaincd In teru'tty memorandum fur peniaul hT the miners' rxeciitivf and ttten for, lai. submission to a delegate con letefve The nut. landing point, however, sere anlil ft) tie that the m'nera federation should Co Its utni'iel to bltng iiliotit an hufi.rdin' resumption if I work tiy nf dtfrtrt evletnenui lnfitfle a queetlnn nf lirrtire of wnrtt Wl'fr. tte government ae wtntfleM ttmt tne memorendum had been cmU'lled vlth. It wni mid.

It. urotild Intri'rtiii a. tUi In Iirovidlng mat irny dtatrlrt agree 1 uient niVtlit. erl'tilti certain llinlta t'ona, he frpeied from By national; arbitral empowered to modify ftui ag eement. tlonr Qtieatlon.

VYit niwnorandum of the govern mtnt whien Iiainrd after many 'Hour of dleeuaa'on with the rnlnara i in ft mine owner, wiu out to 1 i' mm ttn a taene. wnr. waa tbe Question of liutraw rSiitiii rhlnera' liottra of wnr Deyond ot eeven ho. ire deJlv, lit pHnrlple yewterttef. Toe oontltiirent qiiretloa nf dletruit tleBielue (ur both boura and a waa alao nonoedeO.

Tb memoran Onm embodies both theae points. While the miner ars Uitie oalled upon to abandon part pf their position, the mine owners undertake to nay temporarily In every dutrlrt ex rent Nor' hu.niierland. Dttrlngham. Oumberland anil Walea. the wages at the g.

nerxl ra'e prevailing net ire the e'rlkr beiran May 1. They leo uinlertake to rrlnmate strikers I otfere without prejtl to the nirri now working. Other matter" are mainly left for aettls itient ti? ltil't iwrtermt.ts. The "l.isl ttoril." When the inrn.orand'ipi was har.d bv the rfovrrtin.eiif. to ttie miners' In the premier's room in ttie honee of r.

tnmons. It tie ttie government's. was Istt word The Infe.enre waa me ner. lint ep I ternu, gove mnent woun u.rn..... hands or me The attitude of the rnembers of Ihe rnineta' enecutlva in the matter Willi the gov "ernment.

and that also of the mine owners, rernai: ed obscure thla morning The mine owners expresaed neither approval nor dliapproval of the memorandum The miners' were equally silent of fii lally, alihuogh aomo of them made remarka on ilirlr own behalf which were not regar ied wholly encouraging A I Cook, aeoieuiry of the miners' union said: Nothing a''r" me that s.ibstantlul progieas was made A geiileineiit has not tn reached." Oaliers tuniiae ritni. for a settle ticwi' aiione ment of th. coal CM.a Adam, house, a driiu ititio turn today when Ttllnk tinnmen Mlnlook House, menl torn Number in i the gunmen hud In Liowi lng street Indicating that tn twiaed. to fir upon the mayor'a mine owners were not In accord with but were mistaken as to Its ths projected terms of settlement. location.

After on fusillade, th The statement said that If the angsteer speeded away The shoot miners should accept the terms of lnR about a a. m. fered by the government, the Raid ethelt'in gnncstera, who formerly win ministry would procred with leg mode their hredquartera at the may 1.1..M,,,, tn make them effective ec ors home, were driven out of Frsnk spite the mine owner objectlun. PM! CONSOLIDATION TErJTATIVELY APPROVED itflN. Nov 13 (A .1 ic.i.ils project for wlih iii l.ehigh aid New Knglai'd ici rs tentatively aiiproved omiy lliary ex amlners tepr rt to the In teistntc 'juiliir''' mrr.lslr,n In of ubttc Kuin io me ijiw po nl by some of the trunk line rati roads lnclu Vrt 'he Pennsylvania.

uuiti1'I'. the commissions us of finance, who con side ert the evidence, advised the, cuhilh" 'IT enwiiuiiiiiiatliiii of the ci la' ion. The Itr'adlng should be rerptlred to hold the line of the UlilKb and New open. Ihwunr as it ie i tor co onvraiioii other rnllrouda In. Joint shipments to New England, the examiner siip Ulaied.

Will bulM on your lot or sell you reenv.hiiiit home on monthly pay fr nhnn. I inrlils Moist, i umncr i ibl. Aaveril.ciuriih. Use fin for eJ.trnrllo 1 of teeth, "If It 1 t.i'ti. .1 1" Herman.

Deutlet, a. a. Bnuare. Ady, GREAT SOUTHERN CONVENTION IS BEING HELD HERE TODAY Business ScnslonB Are Being Held at Kentwood ArmB HotelDelegates Are Welcomed by Mayor W. E.

Free man Banquet Is To Bo Held Tonight. The Oreat Southern Savings nd Loan aaanetattnn it. monUg IU rm OUtl with ftbout delegates from agencies over the in mranaanee. nf the Oreat Southern aaeoclatlon. An lntetestlng program was prs lrhs address by Mr.

Bray this morn een'ed this morning and st 3 was given at the time on the lock this ftftemnon tb second see ipnrram which ws to hairs been alon of the convention opened. Tht occupied by J. C. Lyons of Kansas convention will does tomorrow ftr city who was prevented by Illness noon J1 noon I i.unr.nenn was glean for ths drle noon ai nentwooa Arms hotel by Joel T. Morns, loan sxsmlner for th Oreat Bouthem ft soclstlon.

Mr. Moms presided toast manter at the luncheon and the principal speaker was H. B. McDanlel her of "Favorite Bales Tslka" by th The nonventlon opened Oils morn, following salesmen: Ing st 10 o'clock with an ed drees of Ralph Rosenberger, Bprtngfleld; P. welcome by Mayor Freeman.

John w. Taylor, fit. Joeeph: H. L. Brl P.

McNeil, vice president of ths com tow, tmilt: J. fl. Harmon, Ht. pany, presided as rhainnan of th louts: Z. M.

Hetieon, Monet P. meeting. Hhelton, Bt. Lmils: Howard Ottllck. The following addresses were then Monett; O.

T. Tadloc.k, 8t. Joseph; B'ven: P. L. Moffett, flprlngfleld, and R.

W. "The PoeslblllUe of th Field." by.Nion. Carthag. Adrian Klein, of the Klein agency; A two act sales drama waa on of "Th Worker the Quahttes That th nrtbclnftl fturs of the ftftsr Bhould Be rwreloped," by A. C.

Mel pnvgi am. Th cheractera In I tne and Th: nwtr(i of the Profession." by J. A. Kennamer of th Joplln agenoy. Waltar N.

Pearman. of the St. Louis aRent jr. then spoke on "Petting Houdini, Magician, Requires Secrets To Be Destroyed NTW TOWt. Nov ti.

(A Harry Iloudlnl willed hi magic eecrete and Illusions to hla other. Dr. Theodcr Frarui WetAs, known to the stage a with the proviso that the apparafue for performing them tie destroyed upon th brother' death. The bequest Is made tn a will filed yeeterday. The will gives the bulk of the sisge msglrlan'a collerrtlnn of books to th Library of Congress In Washington, provided th gift I credited to th dotior.

Th magician, known a an eipoeer of fraudulent medium, left hi books on spiritualism and ocoull ttatn to th American Boclety fur Psychical fteeeeLreh. The elz of Houdtnt'e estate Is not Indicated, but ht widow, brother and sister ars th principal benatlclajlas. iitbliiiD Twenty Six Shots Fired Into Woman Residence in West City. 11 Ills. Not.

1 1 I A Unidentified ginmen, be'leved by Franklin county officers to have been iii i early today fired Into two homes et wmJd n(tfd only West City, near here, In th neigh on more vote to have a clear mi 1 borhond formerly frequented by the for organisation, ovlded all rtval Bhelton gangsters. No one was the Insurgents vote as Republican" wounded. 'until the sen at ofrices had been Brwtly afterwards Carl and Bernle fined. Bhelton were arrested In Benton by He no tor Borah'a propoaal was made postal officials and takn east ward Jiy a letter to t'halnnan Watson. In tram, presumably to Danville.

Idiana. of the ttepuhllcan committee) The assailants fired from several on committees, after two conferences automobiles Into the home of s. witrt others nf th ttepubllcan Insur Msry Iinghran, a widow, whoa house pent group and with Senator Frarler, la next to that of Mayor Joe Adams. now wants the committee stand an admitted friend of the Bhelton. to which hla three years of aervlne and Into the home of Ous Adams, entitle him Benator Frszler waa one I brother of the mayor The three', thp fr Republicans read out of luinsea are on lota pany after the Coolldgo lard Tventy slx machine gnu and other bullet holes were counted In lin county oy trie siirriu uu attorney three weeka ago after the feud between the Blrger and Hhelton factions had become sanguinary For a time the sheriff's office kept a guard at the mayor' houee as he declared his life had been threatened by the Blrgers.

Two Nhellons Arrested. BPRINOFIKLD. Nov. 13. (A Arrr.t orTrm' indBffhle Bhel tor In Benton, this morn helleved to have resulted from special aesslnn of th federal grand jury here imenasy.

names oi uie iwi mrn ware connected with Inveetlga Df a mall robbery In southern II no! I'aes Airplane. HARMBBURCl, Nov, 12. (A fm. e.itiue lietwien the rival and Bhelton bootleg gangs devel ltjltli a nPW nietbod today when an airpne flew over th Blrger road house 10 mllea west ot nere ana nrop ped three oomos, one at wnicn rs ploded Wlteit It lauoeq iw yarus iriwii the resort. No damage waa done.

The Sheltons, who made no effort to resist arrest, were taken to Springfield where they were indicted by a federal grand Jury for alleged partio lipatlonln mall robbery at coiuna vllle. a suburb of East St. Louis, 27, 1B28, In which a C4 year mull msengr waa robbed of flo.000. the'hsd New Field," and W. H.

Bray save an address. FXTiZrSZJZx Haneater company of America snd a director In the fit. Lotus sgsttcy irom artenoins; tne convention Mr. Bray is one of the outstanding (nee era at ths convention and will give the principal ftddnua at th bsn 'aut this wsnlng. Ths afternoon seas i Jo clock this aftsrnoon this and were W.

H. Bray. a L. Ksnt and Mra. Mildred R.

M. Mack of Bprlngfleld. presl (fontlnned on Pag Fifteen.) I SCnatOr1 Reinstatement of 'Frazicr, Insurgent, One of the Possibilities. WArlrTWOrTOTf. Unf Preliminary aklrmlahes In th fight that loom over control of th sen ate In ths 70th congress hav beirun.

although th organization of that body etlll le a year away. Paring th eoeetblltle of a situa tion similar to that of threw years ero, wii'ii i van tnmvreents Ircuon ut a ft a ci ui. 4 powerful tntAiwtat aoniuioriie cotnmltte. aluioueh all other chrim nlonaTilpe seerw id by Wepnbllcens. ItWJt BorM l.

I has that party lenders tier mil iteiiatur yna rraaier, North DaKota. to re join th Heoubtloan rank artwr two year of wandering In the senate est ion mure alno his banlehmnt from th party eounotl. Indlnatlona that th Remibltoane will make every effort to orgsnlz th nsw eenst also were found In the appeal made by Bene tor Ourtl. Kansas, the party floor leader, to ths Republicans of Main to elect on of tne'' November 29 to fill the vacancy rsuaed by the death of Senator Bert M. rrrnald.

o. O. P. on Thin lee. But even If the Republicans will jthat contest, their position at the helm will be precerlous hecsuse thev 47 new rongreaa with the Democrat holding the aame number, with two Independent scn.tor.

the vol w. UK flu, me ma OI1 ground that they 8trt In BATTLEBEGUN ran. INTHESENATE I ilon opened TTik?" I I I I supported the candidm of the late Benator Robert M. IFollett for the preaidency. To fill Vacancies.

Action on the auggestlon probably will be taken aoon after the present oorgress convene December fl. This committee on committees will ten fill vacancies on the various committees caused by the death of Benator Cummtna. Iowa, and Fernald, and by the resignation of Senator Oeorge Norrla. Republican. Nebraska, from the chairmanship of the agricultural committee.

If the Republican caucus and committee on commit teea reinstate Benator Frarler. and If thla action Is coi flrmed by the entire senate, further readjustment would nceaety, with ome' Republicans who have liken their seats sine March 14. 1S33. placed lower In the lists and so much farther from charlmanahlps. Benator Frar.ler now la a member of committees on banklnk and cur rency.

mines and mining, pensons i snd poslnffic. From the bottom of i each list would advance seve'al nuutbors towards th top and the de Istrcd chairmanships of each. MflMTAMA AUTO P.llRFAtl OPERATED BY CONVICTS HKT.ENA. Nov. 12 (A Montsna's experiment In using prison labor to operate It automobile llrensp bureou apparently has proven ureeseful.

With the peak of the year's business passed and 8.00(1 more care licensed than last year, th expense has been cut almost 80 per cent The bureau formerly was a part of the department of state. At Conway's you can now buy Mer rlman's famous psntry and candles. lUQ McDaclel. Advertlssmeut, I TAKEN WORLD COURT mi inn nnnwr IN AOnbHUVL ERY Springfield Officers Assist' ing in Investigation No Arrests Made. After smashing rear window to gain entrance to he building, mid digging through a brick weir Into the J1 the safe In BANK ROBB th Bank of Ash Grove, at Ash Orove, Mo n.rinck 'cd wt'h approxIm.Ufly flrtlMO in cash and bonds.

Although tho ennloeton which blew open tli safe awoke several resident of that city, the robbery was not discovered until 7 1)0 o'clock this morning when J. I'errvman, cashier, opened the bank for the day. Upon discovering the robbery. Caahler Perryman notified Hherlff Alfred Owen, of this city. Bloodhounds owned by J.

L. Wyslt, of this city, alwwere called to the scene. Sheriff Owen, accompanied liy Police Chief C. Boehm and Peteo tlce Chief A. R.

Batnpay, drove to Ah Orove thla morning and conducted an Investigation. Plngenirln's Necnird. Beveral flngerprlnte were aecured by the local officers and severs footprints also were found on the vault floor. The bloodhounds followed t.rfals jfor semis distance hut at noon today no been made In connec tlon with the robliery. A checkup or the low started thla morning after the arrival of the local orflcers, the bank orncials leaving everything untouched so that finger prints and foot prlnta could first be obtained I Bheriff Owen said this afternoon jover long dletance telephone tht ithe loss would tie around 1BB4T which te fully covered by Inn'irenre O.

W. Perryman. fsther of Cahier Is president of the Bank Asn itrove. i ne nans is on or th oldest banking Instltutlona In Oreene county, having been In bull neaa for mora than AO years. Tn thieves worked for more than an hour lnsld th bank before they nnauy otaw open tne tare inside the vault.

Is believed by officer. After gaining entrance to th two a'ory bank building through a rear window, th thlevea took tnough brick out of th vault wall to nabla them to get Into, th vault. Th robbery apparently was wU yoanneei, aw rh cb levee arrred out anfe rrcV! to perfection. The i i.f nyff hy Ann iMUbmia ut tu Investigation was made of the note at th trma. Th bank Is lex sled on ui mam ar.rert in A ciiwiA.

Ali kind hrATjr marhlnory ffval aprlnirrf)d Motor Mvaiiln Vo. Advrtlemnt WATCH TOE THESE FEATURES IN SUNDAY'S LEADER FANTASTIC LOVE TROUBI.M OF TIIE MfJBTC MASTKR'a PRETTY DAUGHTER Papa offered them feme and riches If they wouldn't marry, but they chose romance. Why the Maestro said, "Bless you, my children." NEW REMEDIES FOR THE STARTLING INCRF.AMB IN CHILD MABJUAClEa Why womeu'a soclcUcs and other aoclal organlrAtlons are agitating for atrlcter laws and the end of celebrated "Orct na Oreena." PUTTINa THE MII.I.IONAirtE "BUTTER AND B'iO" COUNT ON A SCHOOLBOY'S ALLOWANCE Why. "The Biggest Heart In Europe" has to he curbed Hi order to save tho family fortune High light In a sportsman a spending daya. HOW SCIENCE IB SOLVING SECRET OF THE MAOIC IN "SILENT BOUNDS'' This knowledge la now being used to direct ships Into harbors during foggy weather How a snowfall Is measured Poison peril In home brew and other facta from aclence and life.

THE LEADER'S SPECIAL PAOE FOR YOUNG 1'IiOI'IJC How to make a "Buioker's Cabl net" at home Two short stories. "A Visit to Jack Frost's S'udio" and "Down the Oaiden Path" "In Far Away India. a picture to he colored with crayons, pux xUea and new games. "THE BON OF URIAH CI.EEK" A coinp.etc short eloiy written by Fannie Hurst, the world'a highest paid abort story writer. AND WIU.


MR. DOUGH AND MR. DUBB. THE KATZk'NJAMMER KIDS. In The Sunday Leader and The Leader Magazine i AGAIN CENTER OF President's Endorsement of Senate Reservations At tracts Wide Notice.

WA8H1NOTON, Nov. 12. (A Mixed feeling on which approval seemed to predominate were tut pressed today In senatorial comment upon President Coolldg' yeetersay at Kansas City that there would he llttl prospect of American adherence to th world court unless th nation now members accented on ths sens! reservations. "Mlghy good ao far as It goes." ssy Senator Borah, Republican, Idaho, who led the group of la senators In vigotwis orrposltlon to American adherence, even with reservations, but Senator Rruee, Democrat, Maryltnd Haunch suiiorter of th court with afrguardlnK reservations, declared that "the world court will tirvlv this valedictory." "Hlerllng "Fortunately for tho country, the president remalne a sterling American." aald Senator Moses, Republican New Hampshire, 'member of the fqr I elrtn relations committee, "nnd no heifer occasion could have been found for the concluding ricclurtirji if th president' addrees than Armistice Day, which marked th culmination of American par.lclpal1o.i foreign affairs. "The preiiiucnt's npeec.h sets th Inlet for the Amerlrsn attitude toward world events, and 1 with him In declaring 'that the deliberate action of the senate In ratifying the rirotocol of the so called world court marks the limit of American entanglements In old world politics Senator Walsh, Democrat, Montana, who helped phras the reservations ind waa leader In the senate fight for "attftcatlon, aaya "the prentdent'e "beech accurately expresses the attitude of the senate." Benator Hwanson, Democrat.

Virginia, whose nam 1 born by the reservation which aroused world wide discussion and disinclination on the part of some member natlona to accept them, took virtually the aame attitude aa senator weuh. Paris Mars No Chang. PARTS. Nov. 13.

(A President Ooolldga's speech at city se vere tn rrsmcn press remark! to nay, enows tn Washington admlnls tTscion vli. r. rrf nnxntie'1 oy ire ol ma ein. lUme at laaat a lar aa foreign Mleut. aw concernd.

Its at Ticoaw ja.rrl llmll rtoo of tievai sinisinent, tne dent ouea and th lnipoewlbllltT of th senate to annus arnenament to trie reserva tion proposed for tb ntry of th united mates into tui court or in ternational fustic remains un changed, th papers not. Ixindoa Paper Comment, LONDON, Nov. 12. (A Reference by President Coolldg to debt in hi Kansas City speech, and bla Htatement that the Unltd Btata would enter the world court only on the terms the United Btatea senate desired re attracting spirited note in the editorial comment In the press todsy. "The speech." sy th Times regretfully, "must virtually destroy the expectations confidently held out a months ago that the United States would adhere to the court.

Detachment from the court. If It be comee definitive, must be chiefly attributed to mlsunderstsndlng and wilt be a symptom of the wide divergence of outlook which still sepa lei the new world from the oM." The Dslly News Is convinced that i he United States "will be Impelled before many years hsve passed not only to Join directly In the work of the lesgus of nations, but to concern herself actively In the affairs of Eu i ope. for th American people are building up greut economic Interests here which will mske permanent loo la'lon an impossibility." "President Coolldge," says th Dally Chronicle, "ha a perfect right to be about payment of debts, but nothing Is to be gained by debating 'to ethics of the matter. The sooner 'he debt business can be settled anil implied the sooner will mutual re ipect between natlnns be reslore 1." WEEK END RATES IN EFFECT ON FRISCO MEMPina. Nov.

12 A. P. Mattheirs Hvlsion pnasenger ngent of the Frls Unes. vesterdny sdvl.ed the Chnm of Commerre convention dtvls'on 'hat special week end round trlr ates will go Into effect from points the Memphla trade territory be rtnning Snturdav. These rates U' ffect the territory both east and cst of the Mississippi river.

From points In Mississippi a far ninth as Aberdeen a special rate of ii per cent of the double one way ate will be allowed on all trains striving In Memphis on Saturday. The rmitseugers taking advantage of thi HS lieclal rates may leave Memphis on my train prior to midnight on Bun lay. A rat of one and one fourth times he on way fare la provided for nil joint on the west side of the river far aa Thayer and Hoytl. Mo. This TTltorv Includes Caruthersvllle.

lythovUle, Jonesboro and way xiluta. Tn special rate will materially Increase the number of week end vigors In the' territory affected. It ti iredlcted. The shopping facilities, mnusement features and other attraction of Memphla will draw patron: all over the territory where the Aeck end special rates apply. Fresh fish, oysters and poultry every day at Conway' Market, S2n McDanlel.

Phones 610. 017, 6BS, 607 Advertisement. Drugs fur laat at Knlghwn'g. Auv. ATTENTION DeadAt 1 Traia a ''sw Vc lnrpli DANVILLE, ILL.

Faiwius Republican Poll iAv. 0 Years. I3 A) 'Unci Joe" Cannon died bora uxn at th age of BO year. In ttaa rambling brick mansion he had built for hi brld many years ago. life slowly ebbed away from th old at teaman, who Iron handed tactic In congress won him th tltl of czar of the house back In tb days before hi fall In 1910 Th same dominant eplrlt with which "Uncle Joe" ruled the house of representatives so many years waa summoned by him In his fight against old sge.

He continued his dally walk downtown until physlclaiat ordered him to replace It with an auto rlrle. and In recent weeks his radlng mind and body had not permitted him to leave his home. Ist May. however, he attended a birth. lny party given by Danville Kl wanlttne honoring hie ninetieth anniversary end portioned the big rake among Hoy Scouts, and In he broke the ground for St.

James Methodist, rliuri li. which he Jolnrd after retirement from congt as and where he sat in the pew Lift lute wife! JOSEPH CANNON ODtTIN 'AV; ii. 1 run on. Tourist Funds Are Used In Restoring Old Papal Palace AVTONOM, Prano, Hot. tt A Fund gleaned from tourist, mostly Americans, are making posslbl ree lor tlon ot th hlstono palaea of th Pope hsr.

Built In th ourtnth en turr, ths ranvnia struotur which has beam the rldoe ot several Pontiffs, fall Into decay dur ing th Nineteenth century wnezx It was u4 a military bae raek. Poverty ot th taunletpai traasury had made It lnoi.ii,a oe'ir on a and aoon betiveen a franc was raised. 4 I In I UH e'en. on a i Jug tn mion vmlicy. OF ST.

LOUIS Royal Party to Spend Twen ty Four Hours in the" Mound City. en at uie matiuu id greet mo ruj ai party but thousanrls were ready lor 1 demonstration when th visitors isf during motored through the business the noon hour. A 121 gun salu' marked Marie an trine Inta the city, after which I Muvor Miller and his reception com nillleo officially extended greetings. Tours the I ity. After the first period at the queen's hotel, the party began Its tour of the Jjuslness section, stopping at Bt.

I ouia university to meet th student. Prince Nicholas was detached from hla mother and elater for luncch today, being the guest of th Youg Men Chilsllsn association, while Queen Mary and Princess Ileana wer guests at another affair. A visit to Washington university. (f ontimied on Page Ten) 8J; vision, eyes Inflamed and Pile heavy from lack of lp. Bight dimmed slightly.

Hearing show vldence ut loss of acutene. Doe not react a quickly to street noise a ha did yesterday. Ht physical condition Is a good as can be expected although 1 stiff and aom Joint wolln I from sitting In a cramped position behind th wheel for so long a time. He worries over trifle and 1 Imp (Ceattaaest Pa: Thlrtwea) mm mm jyULLII I1I1IIIL GUEST i occupied tu uifiiy yrors i III since July. ST.

IOUIB. Nov. 12 A P) Bt. A cold contracted In July gave him inula claimed Queen Marl today for much worry, and It wa then that he 24 hours with a long program of en took to motoring Instead of wulklng. tertalnment.

but which provided for The first tiwllciitlnn tlmt his condi several rest period so she might hsve tlon was grave was given when his plenty of relaxation after many days daughter. Helen, was summoned home of almost continuous traveling, from Europe hurriedly In September. Only a few hundred persons gather He rircllncct several Invitation to appear puhllrly In the weeks preced Ing his death, but his gteotent regret was oertiMoned bv his Inability to iiek at a school houee near Antmno lis, where he msde his first public apcech as a sriioollKiy. the first since he voted for Lincoln In Cutinon fnllen to "ast his ballot if week ago last Tue 'lay would have gone tn the polls, he said, but a long period of rainy weather prevented. On the iirokc of 12 at noon today, "Undo Joe" peacefully breathed hi lort.

He simply slept away Since about 2 o'clock this morning It hnd been apparent that the end was nenr Dr F. Wllki son. his personal physician, whs called at that hour uccatis Mr Onnnn wo having dif 1 on Puge Ten.) i NEWMAN ON EIGHTH DAY OF HIS WORLD RECORD ENDURANCE TEST Drive Will End Saturday Between Three and Four O'clock In Front of McCutcheon Bro. Motor Company on St. Louis Street: lUisser Newman still gam at the vheel of his Pontlac.

and started out his morning on the eighth day and lap of hla drive In which he I tempting to set a world's record or endurance driving, handcuffed to he Wheel of his car. He la scheduled 0 finish his remarkable drive Satur ay efternoon between 3 and 4 o'clock 1 front of McCutcheon Bros. Mnlor Ills condition Is a follows: Tem txtraturj uea, respiration 32; puis Age of 90 Mm vY I 1. Mil. ISTICE D'i 0BSE1IEIS LGHEfiT SUCCESS Parade Featured Afternoon Program Airplane Raid Presented Last Night Th marl spectacular military demonstration ver given In 6prtn field was slaved last night when mimic bombing raid was presented a a part of in Armlstlc Day celebration.

Boon after nightfall th powerful searchlight of th Soard coast artillery, anti aircraft, was put Into op ration from th center of th) square. Th powerful ry of th light swept across the aky and th shrieking fir siren on th exjuar snd at th corner of Jefferson avenue and St. Louis street gave warning to th city that a bombing plan waa out on it raid. Th plan soon we Illuminated by lb powerful i searchlight as It floated Ilk a gnal liver bird overhead. From time to time firework would dropped from the plan a It turned and.

dived and eluded the narclilight. Tho city had adequate defense tot a aoon as th atrplnn was "spots ted" by th light a larae antl alr craft gun boomed forth, and tnachln) gun alao were put tiito action against It, all of ooura ualng blank ammunition, but giving adequate) demonstration of th method of de fens against an enemy plan. Truck loads of local guardsman alao wera stationed at strategic point and opened fir against th Irplana) lih rifle. Whenever th aim Ian waa caught In th powerful heua of th eearchlighl It waa es posed aa an excellent Urget to th (UfanM force. Thousands of peon! aaw th mill tary demonstration as othef features of th Armlstto Iiav Dm.

gram which opened with a hug pe iau yesveruay arternooa at o'clock. Extenslv Parade Held. Thl parade waa participated in by many different organisations, Uie eluding patrtotlo and mllltarv new ganlaatlona, tb schools, clvto club. tratsimal, musical, coctunsrclai and labor organisation. A Urge number of gaily denoratad vry eiueeuv noau gav much Interest to th naraaa.

rha pared started from Commercial atrawt and Washington avanua and. It aoout aa minutaa tn ia i. vms una, ssajor llsck.nllvsly, IV mar. aha! of tb day. led th pared, 1 a wi imiowaQ nv American.

uo cor. lofflolala. Including th poltc depart mens and others, also wer at tiia Cm. VALLEY CANNERS MEET HERd About 100 ownbon of thm MImouhT TaJJty Cnnr' Maoctation mi Uim firnoon th ChMbr 0 Com mrc. The fnerftl altutIon wm cIIsciimM to determine the euiount of tinsol tomatoee end the beet method to market three Market prices wrr dlacueeed end rfmejderatlou alno wui glenutovethr iven to it her inn tern of Interriftt 'O the Industry.

The MiHawnirt Vallry Oanners nwv jClstlnu has ubotit 30 inembers fmnti fMlaMmrl. Arkiuieae and pastern Oktae hutna. ti. T. Brown of llnrrlson, in rreidertT TTf tnp or.fctc.ron HhitIs of Pmtrle drove.

Ark la wf rotary. I) Maaeey of SprluiriU'K. Is a member of the executive gtim mlttee. BERLIN'S DIVORCE MILL WORKS AT DOUBLE TIME BERLIN, Nov. 12 (A Bcr llnera are rushing to th dlvorr court with nearly twice the fre.

qtiency they sought tlMra tilbutiifUi before tne war. At the aame tlm the number ot marriage. Vorces in i ae mtsuin sn "i'ii 3B.000 In the year before th war to 39,100 last year. INJl'HKl) MUN IMPROVING. A.

J. Chllders and Will Oosa, wh were Injured last Saturday nlgnt when th automobile In which ihev wer riding, collided with a sti cat st th Intersection of Grant and Division street, were reported Improving steadily today at the Burge hospltaL Mr. Chllders probably will he sufficiently Improved to be temoved to his home aoon, but Mr. Uoua siutaiite.l several broken ribs In tha accident and will confined to th hopitia fur several more days, it la PHYSICIAN DIES. POPLAR BLUFF.

Nov. 12 (A rr. Ira W. Beybold, 47. of Poplar Bluff, widely known physician, died suddenly at hla horn here that morning.

Death was due to heart failure. Dr. Beybold had been 1,. good health, apparently, but had suffered allghtly from Indigestion dueling Tiirput iew aiyx. Funeral irran.u ment axe lncumplat.

BCOl'TH MEET TONIGHT. regular weekly meeting of Troop 3 Roy Scout will be hei i is the Men' Blbl class room of ih Bt. Paul Methodist church at 7:80 o'clock. Senior Patrol Lender Kenneth Coffelt, who has been 1U on account of a minor operation, will be present tonight, make a specialty of handling, and selling Fresh Fish, Oyster, Poul anrf ChMu Olteen CI Wit 'Ogatar Oa, ffeoog 40e. CsM.

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