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Public Ledger from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Public Ledgeri
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I' 0 i ft 6 i i 4 4 VA 7 iis': 8,1 i t'. 1' lrn if (j, 1 in 1 i' 1 rs.v.i 'i y. cf Mui rcna F.n AtSD DAILT THAK8C R1PT. raiLADELrmA. SATURDAY.


WHERE PRRSOSS HA iWlStiiWSMte WITH 77ff! OFFC "WrM, fefi PLEASED TO CALK 1 the Publk Lrdjer.l Mksstw. EDtTdM: IVrmit me. through the roeJimn of ymr.vrid4r circulating paper, to riv Atmmoiv) tn the worLin? classes of the city and bnraiy of Philadelphia, to. call a town "mooting jmmediateiv.appoint committees, withont reap" to pftrty.roiitio, and endeavor, if possible, to tw monied portion of our citiwna. and thedull timo to come thinwmor.

Ifthegovera neat i in fault. I uppo the miflerm can pfU Sir ndtth wrii(if not, let them find out wbiro tJie grieTanre lieu what eauew it, to thiU'ih'; poor man iriay' ttvtkit noma', talculoiion hjw to jet Ui entuitig wewn. A Mechanic' approve the foregone nifjeation. Afeeiinijn bren froq ucntly held, in different part of the wnntrjr, at different times, for the pur4iow' of inquirin; into the causes oNuUtimrs, uii o4 Jeviwng remeJiitBal we have never been able to ascertain tluy had led (o any benStcial results. have prohice i ahun dir.o0 of inflammatory declamation, from orators whM pruicipul or solo ohjeot was jwlitical preferment.

They hate given birth to numerous f.tHh remloti(riis bnsed entirely upon Ue par tial vievvs of suporricial thinkers. Amltoooflcn have Uiey led to disgraceihl.deiJorable breaches of the pesce; to a prostration of all principles on which rcets good government, or even human ciety. Xnd.ailer all, the mwchief the routing thought to remove, rolled as before, prwtrating, rrniihing and its victims. We hjiVe seen meeting of mechanics and luhor ers in Pliiladelphra, for the purpose of mincing the prices of Did they add one pound to She public stock of food, or rednce prices a sin gio tent?" Did they bring to light a single ful idea upon the wihject of food, clothing, lodging or instniHionf Ko! Every thing wanton as) bellire havp teen similar meetings in New York, in were political aspirants iudulgcd ia etcitrnf declamation, instigating their hetirers a of all government; and we have seen these hearer. g'ladeJ by such inccnJiary ha rangues, destroying, in their wild, headlong, ani mal fory, flour enough to have ied the whole of them plrtotifully for six tnontht, under the pretotl hovjever, true, ih it it bi'l mgeil to monopolists.

1 We liave wien nitings of tuerchanta in tlie same city, to inuirefinto tho eaujunof, and devise rr mediesi'W the ditBcnlties before which they were filling like auirimnjegvea, eiidm; in ridiiujous, aMum TBironcppu4in wn aim humble khwingol'tha rod which smolo them, Sich result 1iave given isa no partiulity for publiV nieetajgs, as masitros forrdicavcring cs'j: ot uwae, or invennnj rcmeajes. ine 'public mind, throughout Uie counrr, I in a state ym way "well say, of intoxication. IbiliKtion ha abdicated, and pa.ion has usurp rA hr throne" Principles are laughed at, land marl are prWafced; and instead of expecting trim public meetings, we are almoaf sure of eilubitionof lawlew rtolcrKV, whenever two or three sre grtth.4rel meetings aflbrl lor orators to oasmend them to Create thp OVCltCiliCn' tlpOH whirl; thrymi? be home on the shoulders of Cut people, toarliUl Now does any reflecting (juii fc'Jpppse thew. men have more pa "tiwitiam than 'their objert it po' liticnl elevation, and if th could not oltaia it by jedin' they, woqld' s.wk it by starving the potipi Wv have seen enough of partii to twli faff and we correctly. lb jjnble Whigs and tones, adminis trjLtion aud opioeUion men, loco focos nnd tajaaiany men, all are alike.

The troops are ho lest, frr ilicjf hif. I taek'. pnterilol in minding th pW Tho prliccrs are' what iuorlj w'oking gratify their own av anoe tr anbioon. TalK jsh ro ui oPthe dtfiattf 5 i fl I 'vtyif ir Svntous, or your proton, your lathers or yri.t, Mings, or your Jacquwt. They are all alike We would as soon trut one a another of famf '4' fundamnnial principle of lh.1 ftwn is not to be trailed, we would neither.

We. therefore jy to thff people, do 'not qwerobie in public meetings, to give to ivlf evking dei laimen sm opportuniry ior plifiiig opmiyo'ir cmltUity, and en iung your T7. t' anst wrh other, but stay at home, oiij yoor own' think ing. Do not allow stusop orators to tulk yMl into folly ia hall or ell, bjt thial ninth ey into wisdom in your i The rtitiars of th HctuaUoos ia business THm monied pmiow of ir crtizera" are no Wtrl, iuA with their frothy, decla. nulflsy rpnrt, nn" throw ito new light upon Ojenj.

We have too ranch bonk paper, and too J.tUe ca to rjpport it. Banks, by furnishing Uiewhol rircnlation of tho country, oonlrol ev ery department of husinew, a are able, by their aitema ffpansiom and con tractions, to prodnce f.rtiuigs pnperhy or rrsl as nay suit dieir own parpu. Hrre it tht whole difllni! tf. nre ia the grind cause. AH nVuuikm la eiehangi, iirha tmomrtt of Import and ex 1 ports, the priori of flour at IwnM eottoo abroad the sale of puhlis Lnlsor the wages of labor.

thrse arf rrxs fymptomj and confowe; sad whorver wretles with thee, is Ike the pbysi CMn who grppr ith the ywptxqs of his tienwwithut.ekig th fcuuset hieh proJuca opehohoulq attempt to keep hit floor dry by. wiping it with a towel, when the rain wai pnring through nolo in the roof. Let him eek whencelhe wiTer cornej, an4 stajririS holo. Oirrorrespondent tayt if the goYemment it in fault, he sufferers con petition for redrew. What government? Tho foderal governmentfT if so, wliat part of it? If the Jegislative, they are not in session, and no petition enn reach them.

Iftht eteoutiYe, bcaides the norelty of a potion to this brahi'h, think you that it would listen to one from a portion of Philadelphia, when sixtoen railnons elsewhere have on interest in tho caseL, AndJf it would, has the executive power to furnish lar bor or bread, to coin money, or to multiply or suppress banks? The difficulties flow from no eauso orer which the executive hat any control Would you petition the state government of Penn sylyania? legislature not in session; your governor has no power over banks, and other states are as deep in the difficulty as your Own 1 i "The poor man wishes to make tome calcula tion how to get along in thq ensuing dull season." He will derive no aid from town meetings, inflammatory harangues, frothy resolutions and riots. We tiy to him, seek employment wherever yoa.can find it, and if you cannot obtain ill that you ask, take what you can get. Rely not on strikes or idleness, but on industry and economy. Ifyoufiruimeohanic labor overstocked in the cities, seek agricultural labor in the country, which is Your health, your purse and your feelings will derive benefit from the change. Pursue this course quietly till election day, and then vote for no legislator who is not pledged to reform our banking system, by restraining banks from iMuing bills for less than one hundred dollars, and compelling them to koep their whole specie capita consrantly their vaults, or as much of it as shall cover their circulation.

Font Driving. Yesterday two of the police officers, Manderfield and Young, took some persona into Alderman Binns' office, whither we had the curiosity to follow them. A person named Colo was charged with having driven an omnibas through Chcsnut street, at nn immoderate rate, a few minutes before he was brought up It appeared front the evidence thatCsIe attemptod to pass another omnibus, the property of Mesari. Hvans and CalJwell, and that both omnibuses went off at the rate of from seven to ten miles in an hour. The Alderman fined both of dri vers two dollars and costs, assuring Cole that if he were again brought up for a similar offence, that he would bind hint over to answer at the Mayor's Conrf.

Wo are rejoiced at this enforcement of the laws, and hope it will operate as a salutary example If it do not, more severity will bo noees sary.for we must stop this intolerable nuisance of rajiiJ driving in omnibuses, which hourly put the, lives and lunut of people in jeopardy. In New York, it lies long been intolerable, and seta the police at defianc. Let us crush it here, bo fore it becoraea worse. We would here notice another nuisance among drivers of omnibuses, which calls for prompt correction. They ollen pratend to tt rangers that thy are going to Fairmount, tjle payment of the applicants for that distance, and than drop them in Chejnul or Market s'reets, near Broad street some other place short ot Fairmount, undor protehce of mitundorstanding.

We advise all rtrangeia thus inxiscd upon, to complain without delay at an Alderman's office. A few finus will stopOiis which haj tecome of GV4acnt Eyory citiwn should reinemlver that in' complaining of tliesa deliaqueai'iM, he acts forth whole community, and mulupllei hit own against imposition. of wheat imported into New York from foreign ports, during tho months of February nnd" Mitfc was about .702,700 bushels, and of rye, at th5 Mie lime, about 552,000 bushels, as by the statement prejtorod by Mr. S. S.

WCIure. This is 953 bushels, tLfllcicnt for 101,000 barrels of.hVrr, besides bran, Attrii, Ac. About half as much more, arrived in January, making the while arrival ia three months, at On port; barrels. If the arrivals at Boston, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, be aliout'the same quantity, have 82,000 barrels of flour, besides (be produce of oir own which we believe to htve been as great in the lust, as in any former year. With tuch facts, we cannot believe in the scarcity olledged by some presses, and we bclieye'that the Tate bigh'prlces wert entirely the result of combination, aided, and perhaps participated in by bank.

i The N. Y. Star sa yt that through the exislintf pecuniary embarrassments, 6,000 "insjon and carpenters, and other workmen connected' With building, hare been discharged. Such are the mischiefs em riled ttpnn mechanics by our banking system. Expansion lead to tpecularieas in ral estah, and to building beyond, the iraine wanta of the community; tad this create temporary demand for mechanic labor, which caxMe mechanics to flock to the cities from all qtfartcm and also causes mn to quit agricultural for nchanie labor.

A contraction C41owt, for it is rendered necrnxry by ebb of the lid netesMrity tnrxeedi its flow. Then ail building roues, and mechtnict are driven Crom employment and aist qmit mechanic labAf, or wait in idleness till the next expansioQ. If our monetary sy stem were rubsUnUal, not de ptfiAtof tpwt corporations nd printing presses! buiUing woulJ be regulated by the wanta of the population, and mechanics would ttA tteady employment Tht remedy, the only remedy, it to take from corporations the power of furnishing money currency. To this coocltsien will every reflecBT.g mind come, if not mlerrsted in the oon ubusm of Uvs ntvirious vnrvettry fren rc wv. tV iW'eA A iW A N.Y.

paper my that dpiti took plaee on Change, on Tuesday, between two pewonr, whieV i ra rear prning diwwtxoo to one oi were. rnr nimmiiy (0f our rhargingihe othrrwith bi eireulated a report" that" a certain merrhnnt fliiled. Hanhr' language wat and blowt wera passed, which led to the drawing of a piMol by on.of the.dvpwtonte prevented by tha bye ttandert from making use Here, taytthe N. T. paper, the matter will we pre iim, probably rest.

We premirae that hn it will rest but htrt ought it to rest Why is not the one who drew a pistol, for an assault with intent to comlniPriinrder, State prison oHence in York 7cr it where it might to rest. A Burning Jlruitgrooi. A poir of lovers pre ntnt diitmKI vm at the altar, lit Norfolk. in lh o( ceremony, $moh was seen issuing from the person oi the brideirroom. The alarm being given, the Parish Clerk, with the assistance of the wedding party, extinguished the conflagration which was mtued by a short pipe which the bridegroom hal beon using, and which, in the luxury of the moment, when called upon to go through the interesting ceremony, he had thrust in bis pocket.

Jfore Proof of the Scarcity of Five vessels fully laden with wheat and rye, principally the former, arrived at the port of New York on Wednesday, from different ports in En rope. Notwithstanding all these proofs that there is more grain in this country at the present moment than at the same period in any former year, the "respectable who aro under the control of tho rascally speculators, still insist that there is a scarcity in this article. Giro Slnrm The great storm at Edgefield, April Sth, besides uprooting trees, and blowing down chimnies and fences, nearly totally destroyed the beautiful Episcopal Churrh in that town. Half the roof was blown in, the chandelier, lamps, pulpit, Ac. crushed, and also the walls.

The organ was saved. Iwlicmmt for IVwion Stephen Merritt, alias Wright and Randall Irving, free persons of color, ere last week of the present torra of the Superior Court at St Augustine, indicted by the Grand Jury for treason against ihe Thited States, in supplying the Seminole Indian with provisions and ammunition. They were arraigned and plead not guilty, and thsir trial was tiied for the present term of the court. A Very iJheral Contribution in Gmrjw. Thf Covington Herald of the 4th April say, that Jo tiah Flournny, of Putnam lounty.Geo, has presented to the Methodic Episcopal Church, as a donation, the handsome, sum of forty thouuni for the purpose of establishing another Manua Labor School, to be located in some one of the counties south or south west of that place.

JferT The commiHsioners of pilotage for iNew Jersey had their monthly merting at Jersey City, on Wednesday lost, and appointed six more branch incking the whole number now appointed seventeen. Thoy will meet on Wed ncsday, the third of May next to examine farther applicants. Success to them. Mr. Price, of Kensington, eanghta very fine Seal on Thursday last, at Cinnaminsoo, about nine miles above this city.

It lias not been ascertained yet what his business was up the Delaware, but most jprobably he was up eontequence of the prcimre. We learn from the' Lehigh Journal, Uut the Ixhigh Car.a.1 ii now in gool navigable order. Boats commeieed running on Monday the 27th March A number of Coul Roaw arrived from Mauch Cbuak and 13cver Meadow cod mines, at tho Lehigh Pasin, and a of boats departed from Allentown, loaded with whiakey, flour, 4c. for Philadelphia, via. Delaware canaL Very Good.

The directors of the Naval Lyceum, at New York, have given notice that they will forward teoled bags of letters and papers to officers' of the Navy aud Army df the L'nited States on foreign station, or in foreign ports generally. Also to officers of all other nations, A part, pf the altar furniture of the Catholic Church in Rochester was stolen by some villains, who sacrilegiously broke Into the church a few nights tince, and mutilated the A reward of V) is offered. Firt in Dedfutm Ma m. A large two story buildiEg belonging to Messrs. Coney Ames, Millwrights, at Mill Village, in Dedham.

wat burnt on Wednesday night last, together with a large stock of tool and machinery. The loss is estimated at 10 or 112,000, on which $5000 wat covered ly insuranoe. i Celeste behefit at St Charles Theatre New Orleans, was a perfect jam. She wat led out by Mr. Latham, and a wreath of rilverrftowers throws at her feet The1 brig Troubadoar, Capt Hall, of Baltimore, from Rio Janeiro, was totally tost Jan.

90th, on the bar off that port Captain and crew savea. TVo inches ef snow foil at Cincinaati, April 3d, making mow successively for seven tnontht at that place. rrom fht 8th to the 30th March, there were tent to Georgttown by the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, barrelt of floor, 521 barrrtt of whi key, and other minor articles. Another atw and elegant Theatre is to be built immediately at New Orleans, tht shares being all taken. It will be the management of Mr.

RaaselLwbo hat. engaged among his tUrs for the enrainr winw. Ellen Tree and Power. Mr. Robert Clark, engaged as Surveyor in the region ef the Grand Rapids, near Kauwaasoo, Michigan, died ef apoplexy on the alt A Gooi Cwjr hapenod to tee osrae ttrapgert at ome coying young dogt and mouaeyt in ineir i them, he asked "whether the women in their country never bore any ehjldrenT' thus reproving with proper severity those who lavish on brutes the natural tenderness which is due only to man kindAi Y.Era.

The Rev Mr. Col wn, in" his amusing Book on England mentiom thit practice imonij English women, and which he hoped, would not find ita way to the United State. But we believe it it our fashionables have a strong liking for John Bulla finery, though they contemn his substantial customs. We have lately seen ladies in Philadelphia, sometimes walking, sometimes riding, with little shaggy dng. rigged up in ribandswith bells round their necks.

These little dogs ore tho idiots of their rare, and posses none of the useful qualities which belong to the raatiff, Newfoundland dog, sbepherd't dog, hound, or tny of the full grown breeds. Had they been tho companions of little girls, it would have been well eneigh. But to see these object of solicitude to Indict who looked like tho mothers of families, made us laugh at a folly which, we hope, American women generally will hae too much sense to imitate. A'fto York Charter Electim. The election of Mayor and Aldermen of New York, terminated on Thursday evening.

Th PaPm from Aal city received last evening, do not contain tha re suit of all the wards, but enough hat been re ceived to warrant the belief that Mr. Clarke (whigit elected Mayor; and most probably a majority of the Aldermen and Assistant AMer men are tio whigs. Fntal Affray. Mr. J.

Dubach, while in the act of preventing the departure from the wharf at Madison, (Ind April 1st. of Mr. James Ue, tgainst whom there was an attachment for debt, the latter drew a loaded pistol and shot Dubach through the brain. was keeping guard for the constable who had left. affray took place at Jule RoC ou the 12th March, between Air.

P.ingstaff and Mr. Kelley. It resulted in the death of the latter, who received 4 or 5 wound from a knife. Jame io aooluionist, has been found guilty and fined and costs, at Cincinnati. Ohio, for harboring the mulatto slave Matilda, the property of Lark in Ivuriic.

Amon the passengers who tailed from New York on Monday, in the packet ship Independence for IJverpool, were the Rev. Mr. Kirk, and E. C. Delevan, Esq.

of Albany, the two champions of the temperance cause. A member of tjje Virginia Legislature, speaking of his antagonist in debate, said tha latter seemed to have fallon into dclmivc of inflammatory uncertainties, and demogogurical excrescences. The venerable Robert Oihcsrt, I. has resigned his pnstorol charge of the Presbyterian Church, of the borough of York, to which he has ministered for forty four years. 4 Another "RetjxrtuhU Si.rprny" Editor in Limho.

Tht editor of the Mississippi Genius of Liberty is now in jail for stealing Jurkiesf Droi. On Saturday evening, April Sth, at Harbeck'a Stave Yard, East river. New York, at the foot of Clinton street', an Irishman named William Bradley was drowned. Paganini Coming. A Marseilles Journal an tvmncrs that Paganint has just lefl that city, and intends to proceed to America by way of Havre.

Since the cnlncnt of Boston In 1630, there have beenti houses of public worship destroy ed by fire, and some 5 or 6 partially damaged. Hard Ttmeiht'. lias reslgfle llie ot fico of Chief Engineer of Virginia, because the salary, $3000, was not sufficient Fire. Th Newington Academy, near Glou cester Conrt House, Vs. was entirely destroyed by fire on Wednesday the Cta Lost.

Nearly all the furniture was snvM. Banking A fictor in New' Orleans having received from a planter a large sum of money with order to invest it in Bank stock, invested it Lin a Faro Bank! Canton College. The Rev. Doctor Perry of this city, ha been elected President of the Can ton College, Illinois. The new College build ings are to be occupied next month, ti i 1 1 'Aa tfcieniFire Depart meni, The fire depart ment of Methuen, Maw.

consists of one nan, a lantern, and a tin all in a high state of discipline! From 1500 to 2000 tons of Coal had been ship ped from up to Wednesday last The income of the Mtrqoi of Westminster on tvLinH poinih per 'pay! i M'e know a yonng lady who hat to putkered op her' mouth by pMflunring axqnisito words, that when the hfgin to ipe.ak, you involnntsriJy stM9 forwsril. rtrvrfiii WCeire a kiaa mm het BosM Paf. Intdkniarity', Sname on you, M. Posff Vo if we txpectoij to receive a Lis from prsttjr 1 ay, wt tnonta onp forwtrd very tatunOnly: Sham. The wine r.erchantt are getting the "respecuble eiipennies'' to propogste the iM chlevotia opinion that chtnrosigne is cure dyspepsia and the inHuenxa'.

It is ure totgera" yate every ymptom of.bota maladies. A'rr or i.m. 'The Drvet take her. "An Ohirt rnrrrrAt the marriage of Mr. David Denpe, of Cleveland, to Miss Sophia Daniel.

Tl.i Deuee has taken her for better or worse. Jacuh Trav'pr. Jr. a lad of IS. was aeeidentalle drowned from' on board the tteambotl Le2iala wr, at iioasnn.

ism wee. Tho ifiners Journal say, that the Blie Moun tain Daa it so fnr repaired at to perm4 leaded boats to rws. The navigation isniw Eelfavad to be in order along the wools tine. Loi of a thip by Lightning. Tht brig Mar; 1mis.

from New Orleans, arrived at Boston Monday; with the oflkert and crew of tho thi; Condidus of Thomaston, Mea new vessel i 3J0 ton, on her first voyage, with a cargo bujet cotton which was itnick by Jighi ningnnd totally consumed or) tha night of ih Slst ult. Tha M. I came up to her, succeeds with great difliculty in rescuing her offioers ati crew, but twenty minutes before her masts lei over her sides, und tht was completely envelop tn in names. a uoioy oi succor nail an Wi would have consigned the hole to destruction JPromth IVcwsrk Advertiser ofyesterilay. Charter OAnrr We sobioin a list of the cii eTicers elected nt tho charter election ol Mondst For Mayor( The.

Frelinghuysenj RerordrA James Dawn; Cltr Clerk, Abraham oners. If. Brucn. Anron Young; Chospil rreenoiocrs, nmun iiaisey, Wiliiatn Steven Surveyor of the Highways, Edward Jor, RJ cnaru sweasy. AtDttSII.t.

North Wahl John II. Stophens, Robert Bak win, a.t Ji. i rniiinion, piasca waru. rav nn iin. iui VV.

(yoia dit. Abijah P. Elv, Reulien Edmonds. West Ward Abner P. Howell.

John YounJ Charles T. Day, David It Crockett I South Ward Thomas B. Pierson. An WhiJ head, Oranire W. Kintr, IXmiel Price.

tr UBSTirATIO OE C08TIVE.XEK8. Oo.ti.. ness is ka untataral stats of the bowels, caused fa ahatever is injurious to tbs digestive organs, fa immisto conwquraces ar nausea, bnadxhe, of appetite, tut. but it ultitnats eonsqwoa prrjatnt with "every ill that flwh is beir to." TlJ doomposed parti of the body, which are throws hi the blood into the bowels, are tbre detained, iavd of biinif evacuated dailyrln order, therrfwf prevtnt any evil ennsr qneoces resulting from tb. accumulation of impurities, it will be only aeon to purje'the bowels well with Brandrstu Yr(ctaV Fills: a medicine which for luikineM aadru7 NOT1CK Ia purchasia tbs Oranrsth Fills 4 morh csrs csnnot observed in svoidinj stores, as in msnr tt ttmnttrf, 4t Fill arssoK Dr.

Bramtreths OtnVes are 169 BACK STREET 43 C1JK8XUT STREET, l'hiladelphia. slJ ti if TEMPERANCE BKKKFICIAL AMtHXTJ TIOV, WEJTERX BRANCH. No. An Adjoiirs 8lstM Mtfetin of this Asorialion will heMi the factors R.vm of the Mclbortm Epiinpsl ChnrJ in Schuylkill Third sueet. TUId EVKNlNC.

AH 3 13th. at o'clock, tor ih purpose of EL Kim OFFICERS. Yu YtLYSTOy UX.Bee'y.' al5 t(! Vjr NOT(t'E. 3ARAH ARAH I nrsch at PETEB iI KLET, below CallowhiU, on to morrow eveni Service to emmcnc at half past o'clock, a IS it If NtUCEKIJJER LAvVRE.Vfli k.vke, an ou insnionea uhii Miaisisr, a nl thin in this city, will preset ia lbs l'nivsrsJ i nurca t. allow mil street, mi weea ourtaaodFi: itrti, on LnrJ's Day (toraorruw) at 3 o'clock.

P. P. 8. It is likely that L. ti.

will driver a lectun the siib! church on tbs Wis as of the Timos on a a cream. al3 li I.IUKkTY AND txriKPKVrtpV The rowiilxTS of th PENN8VLVAN1A AND Of rrrnx no hakue mtenn rirint their nwi GRAND FAXCV. FIHEMENU Mlf.ITART CVTVSXS ttU on the 'renin of the 3d of MA at JlLliJJUiLnUXOXrifthjUeetbcdw Ticksts raa hs h1 at the follvn in placj.1 North uoerty mews Koomn; jobs umn's, Adelpni IIo South Firth below Walnut; Wm. Dubois', KoJ rond street, r.pposiu? Almond; Warpols's. Na Ion, corner of Frims and hwanson strset Mm nsrsa's.

corner of Fifth Catharina strmrtm Mr. Taylor's, ftrea maker, SonUt Third street. N. D. Those wMiia tickets had better make BtmlKatioa.

as the aumber of tkketa is limitmL Mantsers. ft Cbsa, Porter, Chat. John, Wm. B. etlsr.k, Wm.

Ferreil, J. Wioalow, fl. Marrtv, II. Wbitler. llsisrJ's flae CotiJtoa Band is eatsaed.

slS ol yrruij.wsi turn un.uu rnmii TIZEXS BALL. The Club ha tha honor nonoes to ths iMiMie, that their Brut GRAND FA and CITIZENS' BALL will he rtrea oa the Id MAY, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Johnisn's celebrated Cotillon Baal, wit atw appropriat Cotillons, composed eiprmly for orcssion. i Tickets to had at Falaskl flouse, ti street; C. Bakor's, Jefferson VViprsm, Fifth asi PhMnnt VmrVi I Mwa Raamis lrvino IJ inj Room, ThirS, above Vinef J.

Taylor, CwKtsl Tturd, bulow vvarpows, ivavai ins; ftffWn i Ninth aa3 Locust; wecamrt. iofi taJ Manars. 7 i jttahajert. W.Dohns.1, P. Bhaw.

A. JohrisoD, E. Thoapsoa. T. White, J.

Rogers. alt tni T'tr UNION. DELEGATE NflTICE. Ap Adloufaed Meetinsef the tnios be held at the oomI plaee. oa TUESDAY EVE.VI NEXT, at 9 o'clock, rtfnr lusl attendance is recraW aI4 3t JOSEPH D.

MILIAR, fcc'f rrt A trf ATED MELT1NU of the UOBIN Hi CLUB will behcl on MONDAY eVeninf, April at nair past 7 o'clock, at tae viLUA.ti TELL TEL, Raw, abore ThirtesoUl street. Fuactsa tendance of the members is reqscswd, as bii Isiporianr will be transacted. ti. B. Person winhior to becomo members of Club csn do so.

by atteudinjea that evonin. alt Jf G. W. ILORIDGK. rVcl '0Ai iVs iwid st IJO MAIiON.

nn tl eyeSiBf of tha 8i APRIL. Ticksts may he had at Mr. VTbiuH Hotel, ia orris' alley, from either of tbs msH 1 inanarerv Henry 7.. eocre K. Baartt, Jacob Orabesstioe, Henry Disaton, Hearv Brsc kla.

Enoch Hsadrer. Thomas McOula, Tho. Ilinkle. al4 iTt LIBERTY AND LuUALITY. Tbe Mem" tL JACKSON CLUB.

No. of Fhiladelnha. tend rivi'il lhir rtrn CRA.VD FANCY. MILITj and CITIZEVS" B.VLL. tt GrILLOUH 8AIH Firth, below Wtlaut street, oa the of MAI.

Tiekets to be had at Mrs. Flaairsnis. Fifth rafYHrin? Sumnil Millw'o. Thirtsealh tad Rie, Roberfs, Race street Oyster Housec lounjs, Ntws loons. Third street: inane raoaipswi.

street, shove ths fjemmiasienert Halt Maaarerf. rVaalaif. 1 Beatheai Thos. Rsrsrd. al1 NOTICEED fcl TpRREdT EENEKf ftrkrmr mT rst.

ron( ot Pmladeu Fersons desiroos of bewtrtrnf member of tlw will pteaae rasa application sewn p', andemrned art the Cocasaltlee to reerivt typ for member hi p. j. rwaiin miiwki nwmw If. B. The ftrst BtatM Mechn of the sbow sortetf betd on the 1st UnfvUy moriv at' the bouse ot JOIlS DIXO.V.

Jt. east sorbefofllth sd Buttoawood sts. whrt caau rbr membership ctmyr'y TOOTH ALMS, 1 itvujww a mJ ika Vast Mini WSITSated tS trie, sad wholeaoas la rrery part of the andrsma. Bold or ealy by the Brwe yK tOt PTne svrwri. kww urn, mu mt vsrM i brr suned.

asrnt heW "Tlf Wamteritf rVearNer." itJ.

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