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Montpelier Evening Argus from Montpelier, Vermont • 4

Montpelier, Vermont
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ly looking for board money which Is said SAW THREE PIER. LLHESia" I.UHESiCO. HALF PRICE SALE. Organdies, Muslins, Piques, French and Scotch Ginghams, Shirt Waists and Wrappers. Bill Black Japs Those rich gold color inside verv If you haven't had any begin now.

All kinds Grapes, Green Peas, Shell Beans, Tabor's Corn every day. Sweet Black Berries, Pie and Eating Apples, and Dry Sweet Potatoes, Peaches, Pears, Plums, Lobsters all the time, Celery, Tomatoes and Salad Cream Dressing. ROBINSON AT HALF PRICE, To Make Room for New Goods. TAPLINS CORNER STORE. CEDAR SHINGLES, ff Hst aft sr -mr And up A inUUSANL).

Rough and Finished LUMBER Of All Kinds. U. S. CLOTHES PIN MAIN ST. (Near WELLS RIVER R.

R. 231-se fdff nnivFOY THIS We are offering Special Inducements in WHITE MUSLIN AND LACE TIES. Our New Line of Cotton Underwear Is attracting considerable attention, and commanding ready sales Come In and look, the stock, over. The remainder of our stock of SMUT WAISTS to close them out. to be duo him, The young ladles of tbe Agathal club are to take a trolley ride to Barre this eveuina.

after which they will be enter tained by Miss Clara Adams at her home on State street. Angelo Scanipanl was recognised to the sum of U00 aa bail, this afternoon, lor D. Perlottl. of Barre, who la charged with larceny. Judge Mears was In the city today to fix tbe ball H.

Aja who had the trouble with Oscar Llndsey, at Barre recently, appeared in city court in that city today and was fined 120 and costs. Osoar pleaded gumy and was fined 15 and costs. Tbe funeral of Miss Catherine Lynch took place this morning from St. Augus tine's Church. Tbe bearers were Timothy and James Lynch, John Carrlgan and John Mahoney.

P. McAvoy had charge of the funeral. E.W. Laird, of Shullsburg, has been spending a few days with F. Laird, bis cousin.

He is on a visit to relatives of this vioiaity, being a native of Calais. It la his first vUlt here lu 590 years. Mr. Laird la a wholesale merchant Shullsburg and also Interested In lead mines. Barnard Town, of tbe poor farm, is still at work on his machlue for perpetual motion In spite of his 70 odd years.

He says he has It so that It will almost run Itself. He says he has been offered a ml) Hon dollars for tbe machine wbeu It completed, and has asked Overseer George Wheeler to pick out a pair of nice horses for blm so that be can drive out when the time comes. He has been at work on tbe machine for SO years. F. P.

Carleton and T. R. Gordon have agreed to try tbe case against the oocu pants Of Mr. Gordon barn, who are charged with breaking tbe city ordinance by allowing manure to Mr, Gordon says tbe stench is greater over the ordinance than about tbe premises. He says that there Is no more accumulations about tbe Bean stable than any other livery stable in the city.

The stable Is occupied by Frank Bean and John Majes- ter. James M. Boutwell has purchased "Colbatb," owned by. G. M.

Delaney, of Burlington. Tbe animal Is one of the fastest In the State, having a record of He Is under the charge of Roy D'Arthenay, and has been entered for five more races. It was entered In Mr. Bout well's name at Barre yesterday and war first In three straight heats in the free for all with a purse of (300. The best time was8.MX.

Dayton E. Jones was taken with an at tack of Indigestion this morning while riding on tbe electric cars to his stone sheds at Barre, and became unconscious. H. J. M.

Jones, his'' brother, was with "hirnand noticed his condition and bad him taken to the bouse of Mrs. Ellen Bag-ley near medical aid was called. Dr. McGuire was the first to ar. rive, and Dr.

Chandler came shortly after wards. Mr. Jones was unconscious about an hour. He was removed to bis home this afternoon where he Is resting more comfortably. About 33 members of the Tbemas club went to the Ferr-Inn cottage at Berlin pood yesterday, where they were the guests during the day of Mrs.

A. W. Fer- rin. Dinner was served ou the lawn. One of the features of the day was a minstrel entertainment, In which there were end men" and all the accessories of tbe old fashioned minstrel show.

Jokes were cracked and songs sung, and a delightful time had. Mrs. F. Lotre was inter locutor and Mrs. F.

I. Pitkin assisted on the banjo, Tbe members reached home about 6 o'clock. THE MARKETS. The following a notat ions of the lead inn futuresoa the Cbicaao Board of Trade were received by K. W.

Uailey Com pany, 81 Main btreet, Montpelier. and kindlytransmitted by them to the Evkn- UiS ARGUS, Chicago Grain and Produce Marketa. Chicago, August me leauina futures closed tmlav an Huowirin tastcoiumn ot figures. P. S.

WHEATLEY MONEY TO LOAN. We will furnish you the money to get a home. The Connecticut Building and loan Association. a. J.

HOWE, agent. mtf PHONE 7-3. 815-tf WATEyOTICE. All users of City Berlin Water for power in Motors at the Stone Sheds, and all others who have Stcuni or Gasoline Engines or Electric Motors in connection with their Water Motors, must discon tinue the use of City Berlin WBter for the purpose of providing power. The long continued drought makes this requirement an uhso-lute necessity, in order to maintain an Adequate supply of water for Domestic Purposes and Fire Protection.

JOEL FOSTER, Supt. Montpelier, 18, 1899. 247-50 TO RENT. Dwelling bouse ith barn. All modern Improvements.

Very desirable location, corner Jay aud Loomis streets. Aonlv to JOHN H. SENTER, Montpelier, Vt. 840-57 Baked Beans Wednesdays and Saturdays. Also Hot Rolls and a variety of Pastrys.

4 Hillside Ave. Home Bakery. SOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR LOUR, A JiD I HAVE GOT JUST WHAT YOU WANT. MODEL PATENT, WHJtT SEAL Those two brands of Flour are all OLD WHEAT. I guarantee every pound.

The reason, I handle no seconds. C.H.Ferrin. Dealer in FANCY GROCERIES. Fresh Penobscot River Salmon 25 Cents Per Pound, Dressed Weight. Cod, 8c.

per pound Haddock, 8c. per pound Fresh Medium Size, 15 cents each. BERRIF.c; The Anlmali ErldenUy Knew That It Wi CIom Time. W. R.

Grandfleld realties on Berlin side on the old town poor farm which he purchased when the city secured the present one. His farm Is not over four miles from the city and probably under three on a bee line. Early this morning was out of doors ready to commence the day'a work when he noticed In bis pasture across the road three handsome deer, not 10 rods from the bouse. There were two bncks and a doe, all unusually good slsed animals, one of the bucks being a huge nna with m. arnut of antlers.

The deer were entitle salt in the pasture, where MrlGranfleld salts his cows, and although they saw hlra, paid no attention to him nor did they evince any fear. After Mr. Grandfleld bad looked at the animals a few moments he commenced to think of the "flsh stories" which cirou late once in a while, and of the cocking of eyebrows with which deer stories are usu. ally received. So he thought that be baa better have a few witnesses to demon it rate UUht Incredulous that be was no Munchausen.

Be accordingly called the other members of his family and Mrs. Lampson, a boarder, who went out and watched the animals for some fifteen min utes. A couple of the party with Mr. Grandfleld then tried to gr nearer the deer and succeeded In getting within four rods of tnem. although they were In plain Riant all the time.

Then the old buck commenced to trot leburely away, and In a few minutes the others followed Tbey dld'uot appear In tb least frighten- ed. stopping to browse under, a tree and drink at a spring, although they war fol lowed by Mr. Grandfleld and one of the ladles. Tbey finally disappeared tn the woods, having shown no signs of fear at any time. Deer are apparently very plen tiful In this part of the State.

Mr. Grand. field did not know but that hard times had struck the" deer, and that they bad made for the old poor house. HAKES BEET SUGAR. Former Vermonter Successful Business Man la Michigan.

President W. Wright, of the Cin cinnati, Saginaw and Mackinaw railroad, of Alma, was In the eity today on his private car. He visited the city last year, and will leave this evening for Rutland. Mr. Wright Is accompanied by his wife, Dr.

Lancashire and Miss Case, John H. Archmont and Joseph Whltooinb, of Chicago. President 'Wright Is a native of Ver mont, coming from the neighborhood of Chester. He Is a great admirer of Ad miral Dewey and says that it was because of him that he first visited Montpelier. Mr.

Wright Is erecting an Immense beet sugar factory in Alma, anew five-story and a half brick building, 1,850 feet long. Back of this Is the great storage sheds for the raw beets. These are to be taken Into one end of tbe building In their natural state, and in 24 hours the finished product granulated sugar will be taken from the opposite end. The factory will be run night and day, the night and day forces each comprising about 150 men. The capacity of the plant will be 125,000 pounSs of sugar per day.

The beets will all be grown by the farmers in the vicinity and will be the best crop which they can raise. Mr. Wright and his associates will probably pay out $20,000 per year for the beets alone, and tbe yearly output of the fac tory will depend only on the size of the best crop which the farmers raise. The legislature of Michigan formerly passed an act giving a bounty of one cent per pound on beet sugar, but the busi ness has Increased so enormously that the act was repealed, when the State saw that It would be bankrupt if it continued to pay the bounty. MONTPELIER ADD VICINITY.

J. Ward Carver, of Marshfleld was In the city today. 1 Miss Maud Daniels, of St. Johnsbury, is visiting in the city. Mayor J.

H. Senter and wife are visit ing for a few days in A daughter was born Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McBride, of Barre street. A.

F. Stone, of St. Johnsbury, and I P. Thayer, of St. Albans, were in the city today.

C. E. Pingree, of Des Moines, and W. W. Stevens, of Miles, were at the Pavilion Alderman J.

G. Brown Is in Boston on matter pertaining to the contract of the new bridge at More's. The old post-office building, which was recently embellished with a new coat of paint, Is being penciled. Mrs. F.

A. Hobart, who has been visit ing Mrs. her mother, of Clift street, went back to Boston this noon. Mrs. General Chilton, of Richmond, and Mrs.

E. V. Maverick, of New Orleans, are stopping at the Pavilion. Francis J. McLouglin, Rev.

T. J. Mo- Louglin and tbe Misses McLouglin, of New York city, are at the Pavilion for a day or two: A party of Seminary hill children en- Joyed an outing at Dewey park yesterday, with Mrs. u'Grady and Miss Ward as chaperones. Mrs.

G. B. Dodge, who has been very ill for some time, was removed to Heaton hospital this The trip to the hospital did not appear to affect her unfavorably. Daniel Moore and Richard Moxley left town rather unceremoniously last night, it is claimed, and Henry C. Smith isanxious- LINOLEUMS JUST RECEIVED.

J' Ifyou want something tor service buy a Linoleum. SPECIAL VALUES AT and 60c. yard. New L-ot of 25c Oil Cloths 'Just Received, 24 State Street. Blanchard Opera House TUESDAY, AUG.

22. EDWIN C. JEPSON'S ELABORATE SCENIC PRODUCTION, DARKEST Russia Now in Its 7th consecutive year of popu lar success. 'PRESENTED BY A GRAND COMPANY OF CAREFULLY CHOSEN ARTISTS The Greatest Play Ever Written a Russian Theme. Brimming on With Comedy.

Strong In Scene and Story. I Prices 75, 50, 85. Seats on sale at Ehle's Book- Store Friday. 246-50 WORTH- KNOWING ABOUT. The best of everything is' worth acquaintance.

Possession may, or may not be de- elrable to you. That point you decide after you know. Pre-eminently best -in the house- warming line is a FURNACE QRA STEAM OR HOT WATER HEATER that will maintain an even and desira-ble temperatare at all seasons. We know how and what to nse, and will i be stlad of opportunity to explain if you will confer with us Peck Brothers, 60 MAIN ST THOMAS WOOD CO-'S Teas and Coffees ire always the Very best in quality. CHAPMAN SOLE AGENTS FOR MONTPELIER.


GLEASOW Blue Berries, 12 cents, 10 boxes icc.reu urau morning ana nigbt. Vegetables. N. Tabor's Celebrated Sweet Corn Fresh every morning. NATIVE GREEN NEW POTATOES.

New Onions, 5 cents pound New Beets. A cents rwr hiinsK Celery, 20 cents per bunch THERE'S A DIFFERENCE IN REPUBLICS WHICH QUITE MARKED There's also a Difference In COFFEE Which you will Appreciate when you use our WHITE HOUSE BRAND. Packed in one and two pound cans. The Finest Brand of MOCHA JAVA. TRY IT 35c.

per pound Marvin Sherburne Grocers, WANTED All kinds Dye Work. Satis faction guaranteed. A. C. OILMAN 79 Main St.

CAPITAL CAFE Watermelons, Pineapples, Oraiiges, Apples, Pears, Peaches, Plums, Bananas, Muskmelons, Canteloupes, Green Corn, Tomatoes, New Potatoes, Summer Squash, Green Peas, String Beans, Cahbage, Beets, Cucumbers. i CAPITAL CAFE Telephone 176-4. Black and Tan Low our Bargain Table. and bring you out to try. small sizes in High this week.

this years goods at $3.00 shoes at $2.25, $4.00 shoes at $3.00. weather shoe made. Montpelier, Vt. MISS L. S.

FLOOR, Montpelier, Vt. jutujHioes, cents per pound. Peaches, Pears, Plums, Oranges, Bananas' and Apples. CANTELOUPES RECEIVED DAILY. EVERY ONE GUARANTEED.

Watermelons are now at Telephone 121-3 F. M. mr sva av WEEK REAL ESTATE. Bargains in Dwellings and Building Lots. Variety 'of prices.

If you are In want of a farm can suit you Property of non-residents carefully cared for. lojtf A. J. HOWE, 43 State St. Halibut, 15c.

Der nonm? Blue Fish, 12Jc. per pound Mackerel. Extra lanre. 25 cents. for $1.00.

Red Raspberries. Black- No. 1 Cucumbers, 3c. each 2 for 5c i Butter Wax Btjans, 5c. per quart their CORRY'S Market last Saturday," but, will remain' of and Hear Her.

BAILEY, another so? The Hypnotized Lady Was aroused from her, sleep Opening. Closing. 71 71X 73. 81 19 1 im UK 8.30 8.331 S.30 5.2S' 5.10 5.12 On Exhibition SHOES For another week in the window, where she will explain to MARKED DOWN. the curious who call, the value Ladies that can wear a No.

2, 2 1-2 or 3, WASHING MACHINES AND WRINGERS. will find Bargains in Shoes this week, on Don't Fall to see ABBOTT ood Hand Sewed Shoes in these styles UT or $1.15. Come early as we do not let them We also have some HEAD OF STATE ST. MONTPELIER, VERMONT. SHIRT WAIST SALE At 79 Cents Each Tan Lace Boots for Ladies.

$3.00 and $3.50 shoe closing at 1.98 Mens Tan Shoes all Marked Down prices. $3.50 shoes at 2.75, Sept. Wmur Dec. Wheat Skpt. Corn, Disc.

Cokjt, Sept. Oats, Dec. Oats, Sept. Pobk, Sept. Lard, Sept.

Ribs, New York Stock Market. Opening and closing quotations todaj ou leading stocks; received bv A. C. Gil man. correspondent of F.

A. Rogers (In. Ames Building, Boston. flew xork, Augutit 18. Opening, closing, Peoples Gas, lalX 121 60 mix tsx no 58 48 49.

306 40 98 139 Sugar, 160 Burl. W6i Fed. Steel, 59 R. Island, Manhattan, iio Aher. Tobac, 133 Atch.

65V Bb'kltk. Rap. 111 Am. Steel Wire, Con. Tobac, 49 Mo.

Pac, 49" Mktbopolitait, 205f Int. Paper, 40 eifc" Y. 139V New York Cotton Market. New York, August 18. Sept.

Cotton, Oct. Cotton. CXAtlMFIKIt WOTIOES). Lost, Found, To-Let. For Sale notices, not exceeding a lines.

2( cents for first insertion and cents for tacn snoseouem insertion. A lazv liver makes a lazv mn Rnr. dock Blood Bitters is the natural, never laiuug reiueuy ior a lazy uver. Wanted Traveling Salesman for our Wholsale Department. AduIv for terms with references, L.

L. May St. Paul, Minnesota. 247-8 Wanted. A man of good reDutation with some knowledge of busiuess and small capital who wishes to engage in a neat and profitable business.

To the riirlit. party good inducements will be offered. For further information call on or address, Emery Lawrence Building, 83 Maiu Room 2, Montpelier, Vt. SfUNtf IS DISEASE ACCIDENTAL, Incidental or providential' Do microbes fly or float with or without guidance? Can Bacteria elect where to lodge? We advise consideration of insurance and its possibilities, as a much more profitable study than to hunt for answers to the above questions. Nat'l Life Ins.

Co. of S. S. Ballard, Genera. Agent, Opera House Block, Montpelier, Vt We offer 450 Waists made We never offered better Bargains, come and from White Lawn 6ingham, ook for your size before they are gone.

All sizes in those Grey Canvass Shoes for P. K. MadrasEtc men, most popular hot rice $1.15. B. M.SHEPARD CO, All this season's goods aud all Offer New Tapestry Curtains, 8eau- sizes, 32 to 42.

These waists sold tiful Willow Rockers, Arm Chairs and Parlor Chairs, White Enamel Dress- from $1.25 to $2.98 each. They must be sold as we don't want 21 State IRS. J. B. DILLON, SECOND Blakely's Block, ers, Chiffoniers and Commodes to go with Iron Beds.

COME AND SEE US FOR GLEASON'S CORNER, Montpelier. carry them over to TEMPLE-McCUE.

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