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Huntington Weekly Herald from Huntington, Indiana • Page 6

Huntington, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

IV Wilson Brossuite EM! sits Our First Invoice of theso Celebrated Shirts in spring styles flre Here. Don't Miss Them. We Did Not Carry over a Single Soft Shirt from last season, so you are sure of getting nothing old when you come to us. BENDEL NARKS; Huntington, Indiana, Jan. 20, 190L Bbadlet Druggists, Gentlemen: I am glad to say that I am pleased with Graden's Chicken Cholera Care.

It paid me 10.00 for every cent invested; oar hens are laying more eggs than ever before; we are now getting two dozen daily from thirty five hens; and have not lost a chicken since we commenced asing it Tours truly, 8. Whitzob. BRADLEY Druggists, cor. Franklin and Jefferson Sts. The chewing tobacco "with a conscience behind it No Premium I Vetmort'i Bat scllion it mttku Mads only by WETMORE TOBACCO CO.

SL Louis, Mo. The largett independent factory in America. AND THE AMBITION THAT NATURE INTENDED ALL TO HAVE A Nerve Tonic and Blood Builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. By mail 50 cents per box.

6 boxesjf a.50xwlthourbankable guarante Jto xure or refund the money paid. Send for circular and copy of our bankable guarantee bond. NERVITA TABLETS NERVITA Clinton and Jackson Streets Sold by BradUy Corner Jefferson $1.35 GALLON FOR THE IN TUB WORLD. Will Restore Strength, Energy so PILLS so CT8. EXTRA STRENGTH Immprfiatn Resntts (YELLOW LABEL) Positively guaranteed cure for Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostration, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and the Results of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liauor Bv mail in Dlain rackaee.

$1.00 a box. 6 for with OUT bankable guarantee bond to cure in 30 days or refund money paid. Address, MEDICAL COMPANY CHICACO. ILLINOIS and Franklin Streets. i 1 aTS Color always uniform and Guaranteed for 5 Years: ABSOLUTELY PURC.

WCfVTHCR PROOr AND SUN PROOfY Made In 30 Shades In quarts, half gallons, gallons, sallon, buckets and barrels. Color cards on "ALBERT PIECE Rheumatism can not be cured by the use of liniments; they only give temporary relief. Rheumatic will give you a permanent cure. It acts directly on the blood and regulates the bowels. Ton will find it an excellent spring blood purifier.

Try a bottle. Sold by all druggists. 79tf Hair cut 10 cents at Ashley's. Price 4 Rosebrough will fix your tax ex'emptlon papers. Charges reason able.

No. 7, West Market street, ground floor. S41a33 tf We fit spectacles and eye glasses to complicated and difficult cases, and guarantee results. Eyes examined free. Dr.

Q. X. Z. Lane, the eye specialist. Over No.

60 N. Jefferson street dw tf Huntington Herald. Ma Btobtoia'i Botora. A visitor la lbs city John Beoh tUlo, who left nsrs about four years 0 to ses something of the well sod southwest. II li a skilled maoblolit and bad bo trouble to secure work whenever bo struck a larr city, lis employed for tome time la tbe atvj jards at SaaFraaeleoo and helped to build battle ships.

Tbe farlbeit eoutb be baa been tlnoe on hie travels wae at Meiloo City, where be scoured work and remained for some time. This gave him eioellent opportunities to obeervo tbe customs of the country, visit plotareique redone and enjoy many privileges that would not have been possible during a shorter stay la that Interesting and hlstorlo part of the world. The last stop he made was at Springfield, where be remained tome time. John will be here tome time visiting his folks on Llnooln avenne, and may possibly conoluie to settle down here. Bitten by a Had Dog.

William Del vln is book from Chicago, to which place he was called Tuesday morning by a telegram from his son Charles. The message requested him to "come at onoe," and rave no Information as to what he was wanted for. When he reached Chicago, Mr, Delvln learned that his granddaughter, a child of Chas. Delvln, had been bitten by a mad dog at Milwaukee, where Charles is employed as a telegraph operator, and that the little one had been brought to Chicago for treatment at the Pasteur Institute. The son was so much excited that he was nearly beside himself and for that reason telegraphed for bis father, The child was getting along nloely when Mr.

Delvin left there. A daughter of the owner of the dog was also bitten and she, too, was at the institute for treatment Both children, it Is any bad results. Host. Pay dash for Dogs. The assessors who commenced their work Monday morning, will make diligent search for dogs, as well as for other property, and they propose to en force the law, which says that owners of dogs shall pay the assessor for them on the spot.

The law upon the ques tion reads as follows: And such persons as assessed shall pay immediately to the township as sesaor the sum of one dollar for each male dog and the sum of two dollars for each additional male dog, and the sum of three dollars for each female dog. The assessor is required to give a celpt for sueh money paid to him and report to the auditor. The law provides that any one who keeps or harbors a dog on which the tax is not paid shall be fined not less that $5 nor more than 20. The assessor also is to keep a record of all dogs upon which taxes are not paid and report the same to the prosecutor, whose duty it shall be to bring an action against such persons, who, upon oon iction, may be fined. Rural Eoute Begnlations.

Superintendent A. W. Slacken, ot the free delivery bureau of the post office, department, has Issued a circular of instructions governing free delivery throughout the country. It directs that petitioners for such vice be beads; of families, who shall show the relative population along the route, character of the roads, principal vocations of the people ana distances each one now has to travel to receive mail. A map of the 'routes proposed is required.

The petition must be endorsed by either a senator or representative in congress. Each route must be over twenty miles long, serving at least 100 families, and those desiring the de livery hereafter must be prepared to put up suitable boxes. These boxes will be entitled to the protection of the United States statutes. Rural carriers are not required to deliver ordinary mail to houses standing back from the main road. They may carry other business than United States mail.

Patrons are required to co operate by keeping the roads np to the standard in all weather. The maximum pay for carriers now la 500 per annum for a full route to approximately twenty five miles. The carriers are to carry a supply of stamps stamped envelopes, and postal cards, and must cancel stamps on all letters collected. Iwt Takaees Sail asi Sasti Tsar Lift) Awajw To Quit tobacco easily and forever, ba soafv Delta, full of Ufa, nerve and Tif or, wka No To Bae, tba wooder worker, that makes weak mem atroaf. An drogf lata, si box.

Curs fusrma toed. Booklet aad sampla free. Address Stsrunc Remedy Co CUosfo or Nw Yark Voyage on tls Faoifte, To the thousands of Americas wb bop om day to see the tropical land of the Faolflo, where the Untied 8tats proposes to eitend It elvtllslnf influence, It will be of much Interest to know all about tbe new Ameri oaa, steamships the Ooeanlo Steam ship Co. has bow la servloe from San Francisco. Bern very obolo adver tising matter, containing profusely Il lustrated descriptions of the various toon to Hawaii, Australia, Tahiti, tbe Orient aad around the world, can be bad by making application through B.

G. Hover, agent Erie railroad. Th Erie offers speetal rates to the coast la oonneotlon with these tours. Huntington Letter List. A list of letter remaining uncalled for at the Huntington Poet Office, on Sunday, April 7, 1901: Berry, Prof.

Beaver, Oeorge Cramer.Englneer J. J.Dalley, J. L. DeMosa, Mr. John Gray, A.

L. Lalntenauer, Mlas Alio McLlnne, Wash. Morris, II. Wm. Martin, Mrs.

M. R. Martin, Mrs Maria Roblnaon, 8. B. Ricard, John M.

Parties calling for the above letter will please say advertised. Scott Coli, P. M. A Fine Tmub. James Dumbauld was In the cltv pride over hi fine purchase, and he had reason to.

A5DBEWS. F. M. Cole, Special Correspondent. Mrs.

Wm. Bohannon, of Wabash, visited town Monday in the interest of her property. Nicholas Kline died at bis home in Andrews, Monday night, aged about eighty eight years. Ed was an old settler of Polk township, having resld. ed there for many years, before moving to town.

Interesting Easter services were held in all the churches, Sunday. The choir of the Christian choroh was assisted by the Ladles1 Mandolin Club, both at the morning and evening services, and the muslo of the combination was excellent and duly appreciated by the large audiences. "A neighbor ran in with a bottle of Chamberlain's colic, eholera and diar rhoea remedy when my son was suffering with severe cramps and was given np as beyond hope by my regular physician, who stands high in his profession. After administering three doses of it, my son regained consciousness and recovered entirely within twenty fonr hours," says Mrs. Mary Haller, of Mt.

Crawford, Va. This. remedy is for sale by Bradley Bros. April MrsrSylvia Davis took dinner "with Mrs. Betsy Hite, laet Sunday.

Mrs. James Brubeoker is still about the same. She is suite helpless. Levi Hoopengarnen started last week on his huckster tour. Be has a store on wheels.

Henry Hite and wife visited with Mr. Hlte's Mrs. Betsy Hite, last Sunday. The wife of Steven Lantis, ol Mar kle, was buried ia the new cemetery last Tuesday afternoon. Some farmers sewed oats last week.

If the weather is favorable there will be a lot sown this week. Enoch Davia drove to Monument City on business, last Friday, returning home on Saturday. Dillon Davis and family, from near Plum Tree, visited with Mrs. Davis's mother last Saturday night and Sun day. The Sunday school at the White church opeaed for the spring last Sun.

day afternoon with good attendance. Josiah Cooiman is the superintendent. Luke Griffith moved last Tuesday from the farm be sold to Baker" Pick ens, to Huntington, to seek employment there. Will Mauger moved from the house of Mrs. Betsy Hite to the house that Luke Griffith vacated.

A VALUABLE KEDIOdE Fex Coughs and Gold in Children. "I hire not the slightest heslUnor la recommending Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to all who are suffering from coughs or cold," sajs Chas. M. Cra mer, a well known watchmaker, of' Colombo, Cejlon. "It has been some two years since, the City Dispen sary first called my attention to this valuable medicine and I hare repeatedly nsed It and it has alwsjs been bene ficial.

It has cared me quickly of all chest colds. It is especially effective for children and seldom takes more than one bottle to cure them of hoarse ness. I hare persuaded many to try this valuable medicine, and they are ail as well pleased as myself rsr the results. "For sals by Bradley Bros. April Dr.

RoM tararM PTtk ears all StdMT tlte Iw aWtrw. AiiWIi 0 Cnn a Kcdol Dyspepsia Cure DfoeitJ what you at" Alas! ThatSpring! Some of will fee) like saving: "Alas! That Bpring Should Come So BoonP' If we don'tr lay in a supply ef SDrioff and Summer Foot Gear now, for the styles are all in aacs the prices suitable. We want to show von oar Ladies' and Men's STILISH HEAVY OXFORDS A. EINDLBB, weanesaayanapurcba.etWmTryon& 57 Jefferson St, Branch Store Paulding, at Harter' barn, a span I E. Washington St of black mares brought from Iowa, that am maarnf flnlant knlmili Tha team weighs 3,000 pounds and fj the price paid was When "Jim" I drove out of town he manifested some I So.

ii, dai Huntington as follows: Wo. dally No. 1H, dully No. dally EAST BOUND; WEST BOUND. llrfi7 i i am Km 6:43 pui No.

10, dally 3T am no. 7. anuy am No. 6, dally pm No. dally :00 pm O.

W. LAKE, Agent, Huntington, Ind. 8. O. Crake, O.

P. A. T. St. Louia, WABASH RATES.

Way Colonist Rates to Callforafa via. tha Wabash railway, on April Vth, DKh, 28rd and twth. These rates are very Home Roekors Rates via. Whbash K. R.

On the iwx onri Tuoxdsy of April, to alt points In the West, Houthwest and Northwest. Oneway Bottlnrs' Itatos vln. Wabash Ry. The Wabash will soil one way st le' rnte on the Hratand third Tuesday of each month to speclltR point In Alfwmtim, Florida, Weorgla. Virginia, Mlmtaslppl, North Carolina, Booth enroll nil and Tennessee.

PAN AMERICAN EXPOSITION, Buffalo Tlckrts for abovo occasion will bw sold on dates and with limits ns shown as tollows: Krom April UOlh, Kod flftean day 11 1.70; May 7th, 14th. 21st and 2Hth. vood tra days from date of sale, 11200; April HOthtoBopt. 80th, good until Oct Hist, $17.25. Forfurther information as to routes, connections, call on or address O.

W. LAKH, nAnnoAD Time Card la Effect March 11,1900. From Huntington, Indiana. TRAIN WEST; depart. No fl, Vestibule Limited, dally, for Chicago and the West 1:90 pm No.

8, Poclflo xpress, daily, for Chicago and tha West 8:20 am No. 1, Express, dally, except Sunday, for Chicago and West, err; 12:68 pm No. 31, Local Freight, dally except Sunday am No. 9, Chicago and Huntington oc oommodation n.r.7in77z9'J!0 am No. 13, Weils Forgo Jblmlted Express, dally, except Monday, ar 7:20 pm TRAINS EAST.

No. 8, Vestibule. Limited, dally, for New York ond Boston 7:10 pm No. 2, Express. daily.e xcept Sunday 12:46 pm No.

10, Chicago and Huntington, ar. :46 pm No. 12, for New York 1 :40 am No. 80, Local Freight, dally axcept Sunday 7:00 am Througn coaches and sleeping cars to New York and Boston. Train No.

makes connection at Boliver with Big Feurior the north. B. O. BOVEK, Agent. W.


$33.66 to California. The Chicago and Erle R. R. will make cheap rates to western points onteaeh Tuesday up to April 80th. Anrll ul the Erie railroad will sell Home seekers' round trip tickets at very low rates.

to points In tbe west ana soutn ana on eacn Tuesday, one way settlers' tickets will be old at low rates to the West. Northwest and South. For full information regarding rates apply to Erie agents or write W' W. 8. MORRISON, U.

P. Erie R. Huntington, Ind. NOTICE OF INSOLVENCY. In the Huntington Circuit Court, No.

882 In the matter of the estate of Enoch, deceased. iiiutKbr clven that unon netluon tiled In said court by the administrator of said estate, setting up the Insufficiency of the estate of said decedent to pay tne oeois and liabilities thereof, the Judge of said court, did, on the 26th day of March, 1901, nnd said estate to be probably insolvent, and order the same to be settled accordingly. The creditors of said estate are therefore hereby notified of such Insolvency and required to file their claims against said estate for allowance. witness ine ciers anu ei of said court at Hunting fSEALl ton, Indiana, thlsmh day 1 of March, 1101.

MARION a. WRIGHT, Clerk. Commmissioner's Allowances. APRIL TERM, 1901. Wm.

B. Burford. supplies to Bertha L. us tanoe, labor at Infirmary A. A.

cranaai, "fi riniuoiu. Same, expense to Jefferson H.L4F. supplies to lau ana c. Sam. 8.

Nave, supplies Infirmary. H.C. Snyder, clothing to poor H. D. Shldeler, office expei ularv for Herman Taylor, offlca expense O.

8. Weeks, servlcea county assessor. Chas. L. Wright, J4 saLaec'y board 4314 8 KS 60 80 60 15 00 25 60 46 00 17 08 98 00 85 16 8S no State of Indiana, 1 gg HIUnwrifian auditor In and for county, do hereby certify that theabova and foregoing is a full, true and complete list of the allowances of the Oommlasloaer's Court at their April sesxlon, as tba aama ap nean of record In my office.

itaeas, my hand and the seal of rnVAL.1 the Board of Commissioners of 1 A. a irl ifflind at Hun tington, this SUi day ol April, W.T. WAMaUET, Auditor. Kitlci cf Aoiotsifit of Adalilf KamuM K. Cook, Kuwutnr' of the win or L.

p. Mini. an, dncaaaad, (hiiiik now van a Hpraner, a hiwuwr, nator. Klr aervb ftfm, thai lb uaderslfa. ad haa Imi appoint Atiiilnlt mtur of Ibe of Mraa llMlrt JofTxrana Uiwoaalp, k.

anrvaanO. lata of Ituattlntflua eounly. Mala aetata Is supposed ta ha lvat. SMS II fcN UV U. MOtui AN.

Aam MIICE TO dOH RESIOENIS. Hiai of Indiana, Huntington Chanty. In taa MuiiliuMtua Circuit Couat. January William R. Bwk VS.

Charles Million. Complaint Hm. Son lb plaintiff, by HpeneoK Rraa bfs attorneys, and bis complaint an Nil luitethrr with an affidavit thai tba aahl drfi.ixl.iit, Charles Mlltlgaa, la sot a realdmt of tba Mala ui Indiana. Notice therefor hereby given aald da fradont thnt unlaaa be aiadappnar oa tba iHthdayof being tba WUh day of tba April tornr of taa liuailngion clirult jurt, roinuK nrltif oa tba tad Monday of April. A. tbaoourt bouaa In if ua llutrion. In aaM' oounty and aiala and ao or demur to aald eumptalnt, tba aama will be hard aad dotaniilnad tn bliabaanea. Tba aama twlnw an action aooount la UaatlDyton Oounty, Indiana), In wltnM wbnranf, I baraant act my hand and a (Tlx tba (KEAI.) aval of amid eourt, at Hon iiBKUrn, tht XHh day of Marrh. A. IWH.

sua: A IUOK O. kJO UT, Clerk. SHERIFF'S SALE. Ry yft taaof a certified mm of a anu tiXMciition, Dnoraa to nie dlri'td from tha rlrrk'a office of tlM Huntington Olrenlt a eauaa whoroln EUum T.Taylor, Jullua Dick and Jiwol) Dirk ara DlalnlllTi. Land Mary J.

Inimnll and I ha James A. Arm. tronR Company ara difndaoita, requiring mA iiuuce the turn of on tbouaand. ona hundrrd thirty dollara and twentv one I cent rt, with Interest on Raid dacrao and ooita, i win ouioav ai puniM aula. tae bliiheit bidder, an: SATUBOAY, TBS 27t Dat A.

1901, or A phil, between Ch hours of H) o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock pi ni. of said day, at ho door of tha eourt house of said Huntington oounty. Indiana, the rents and profits for a term nol exceed I seven years, of tbe following de erlbed rual ettato, In Huntington oounty, Indiana, to wlt: A Dart ef lot No.

4fi In Drovor's subdivision of a part of section 1ft, township 28 north, ran go Mist, beginning at the southeast oor ner of sukl lot; thence wiwt on south line of said lot to thealliiy; thence northwest along tbe east sids of said alley thirty seven (87l fuet and eight (H) Inches; thence eastwardly to a point on the west line of Balamonla awonuo fortv four (441 fmt north from tha south Hue of said lot; thence south on said west llno of said avenue to the south line of aid lot; (the part of lot hereby conveyed to tie designated as lot No. ono (11 In Black's subdivision of parts of lots 44 and 45 In said Drover's subdivision), In Huntington coun ty, Indiana. irsucn rents and proms will not sou lor sufficient sum to satisfy said: decree. Inter estsnnd costs, I will at the same time and place exposo ut public sale tho fee simple of aid real estate, or so much thereof as may be sufltclttut to discharge sukl ducreo. inter stn and costs.

nam sine win ie mane witnout any renei whatever from valuation or appraisement luws. A fiONZO A. CHAN DAL, HhetitT of Huntlugton Iud. Dated April 4, 11)01. Hponcerr.Branyau 4 Spencer, Att's for pt'f.

4018 Notice: to Heirs of Petition to Sell Real I statc of ladlama, Huntington County, 88 n. kj. morgan, Aam or the estate of Sarah Hedrlck, vs. Gharles Hedrlck and Geo. Hedrlck.

Saturday, No. 94.1. Notice to heirs of petition to sell real estate. Notice Is hereby given that H. C.

Morgan. administrator of the estate of Sarah Hed rlck, deceased, has filed his verified petition to sell tne real estate or tne aecedent, ner personal being insufficient to pay her debts and that suld petition will be beard at the April term, A. 1001, of thclrcuit court of aid i 40tS coutty, Notice of Witness my hand and the seal of said court, this 1st. day of Aoril. IH01.

MARION 6. WRIGHT. Clerk. CircultJ3qurtpf Huntington Co.i Final Settlement Estate. SHERIFFS SALE.

of in the Huntington Circuit Court, January term. IHOl. In the matter of the estate of Sarah E. Me Kelvwy, deceased. Notfce is hereby given that the undersign ed, as administrator or tne estate oi uaran.

E. McKelvey. deceased, has presented and. filed his account and vouchers In 11 nol set tlement of said estate and that the same will come np for the examluatlon and action. 1001.

at which time all persons interested in said estate are required to appear in soldi; court and show cause, tf any ther be, whj sald account and vouchors should not be approved. And the heirs of said estate, and others interested therein, are also hereby quired, at the time and place aforesaid, to appear ana make proot oi neirsnap oi oiaim to any part oi saia estate. Done March 2H. 1001. CHARLES E.

NEWCOMB. SEAL 40t2 Witness the clerk and seal of said Huntington circuit court. at Huntington, Inxllaaa, thla 2Bth dav of March. IWH. MARION O.

WRIGHT, Clerk. By virtue of a certified copy of a Deorea and Execution to me directed from tha Clerk's office oi the Huntington Circuit Court, In a causa wherein Gilbert E. Burs ley, Frank K. Swaftord and James M. Mo Kay, are plaintiffs, and Allen M.

Taylor, Sarah O. Taylor, and Thomas G. Smith, are defendants, requiring roe to make the sum of two hundred ten dollars and forty seven cents In favor of plaintiff, and thirty seven dollars and fifty cents in favor of defendant, Thomas G. Smith, with interest on said decree and costs, I will expose at publio sale, to the highest bidder, on the 87th Day A. 1901.

of April, between the hoars of 10 o'clock A. M. and 4 n'oirwtr p. nf mid (lav. at the door of tha Court House of said Huntington County, Indiana, the rents and profits for a term not exceeding seven years, of the following described real estate.

In Huntington county, Indiana, to wlt: Lot No. eight (8) in Griffith's addition to the city of Huntington, Huntington county, iriiwntaand nroflta will not Bell for nffl.iont mum tn ufT said jlecreoe, inter ests and oosts, I will at the same Urns and place expose at publio aale the fea slpiple of said ral estate, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to discharge said decree. Inter est and costs. Said aald will be made with 'relief from valuation or appraisement laws. Sheriff of Huntington Ooh Ind.

Hated April 4, 1L Franoe at Dnngan, Attorneys for Plain tl ff. Kodol Dyspepsia Ccro lAQttXs what yoa eat..

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