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The Opinion-Tribune from Glenwood, Iowa • Page 16

Glenwood, Iowa
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ADDITIONAL LOCAL. TUESDAY, MARCH 29 JAMISON CO. TUESDAY, MARCH 29 Will give one of the largest Ever given in Glenwood. He will have the entire his own New Spring" Ladies' Misses 1 and Children's From one of the largest wholesale houses in the East. Ladies should not foil to see this line of nobby Spring stuff.

MARCH 22 D. co. MARCH 11 JH If DHALuR IN Ine Home flade Can Cigars rpso wOU Ft "TS, Cream, IN THEIR SEASON UNION BLOCK SOUTH SIDE j- Glemvood, Iowa. -v Make these claims to the public'. their store the cleanest and best ordered in the country.

their jroods arc always musty old stuff around! As a result they C. V. York is building a new addition to his home. Blacksmith Crouch has act up an engine in his shop and is doing plow work from morning until night. J.

E. Way is nosv on farm west of Paul Haynic's, near the river, in Platteville township, and looks forward to a season of successful work. Smith and Humphrey, the popular ico men, have packed 1000 tons of ice for the coming- season's sale and hope to have enough to supply all demands. H. K.

Stephen has just finished the Four Corner school in llawls township, and, we understand, will teach the spring: term. His work has been successful. Frank Hodges, of Rawls township, lost his other bay liorsoi last Sunday. It die.l of heart disease. lie lost a horse about a month or so 1'roni the same Doors'' will bo tho subject of Rev.

F. K. Leach's sermon at Ihe Baptist church next Sunday morning. There will bo baptism in connection with the evening service. oomir.cml our venders to the county coi-respondeiH'e svhich appears in the OriNiox from week to week.

We are proud of tlie diligent corps ot workers who send us so nnu-li good i.i. ova 1 iv.imui. the host department in the paper. M. P.

Malcomb. the etnVient- farmer and fruit man who runs AV. .1. Davenport's place south east of Giouwood is quite enthusiastic over the outlook ior small I'ruU this season. Tiio days oi: the.

1 past two v.xv' harmuil, as mav.y feareil. inise of is ir.o The in CenU-r tiaue-i to boom. S. A. wero recent ly received takinjr an active interest.

as now good atul its litana.u'ers do not propose it shall ever become anything else. and wile went Red Oak yesterday morning to attend the wedding of Miss Klsie Byrkit to Rev. Kirkeiulall. Miss Byrkit is the accomplished daughter of F. M.

Byrkit the prominent Red Oak banker and Methodist, and has many friends through-out the. south west part of the state who will wish her much happi-' ness in her marriage. Rev. Kirkendall is from tho east, at what special point the OPINION is not informed. C.

V. York, the exclusive music dealer of Mills county, has been in business in Glenwood for three years and he informs us his trade has been steadily on the increase. Mr. York expects to place two more salesmen ou the road immediately and push his business as it lias never been dona before. The following is a list of parties to whom he has sold organs and anos during tlia past six weeks.

Ed Wilson, Jacob Butler, E. Howard, L. E. Whitsett, Thos. Shamblen.

Ellen Mrs. Strickler, of Emerson, is the guest of Mrs. Tubbs. Carleton Wheeler is repairing his house giving- it a fresh spring-like ap- peapance. Ah administrator is to be appointed for the estate of the lots S.

S. Hawker of Hastings. Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. W.

L. Tubbs entertained about twenty guests in a most hospitable manner. Rollicking games were played and some good stories told. On the morning of Feb. 20, 1895, I was sick with rheumatism and lay in bed until May 21st, when I got a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain The first application of it relieved me almost entirely from the pain and the second afforded complete relief.

In a short time I was able to be up and about T. Moreaux, Luverne, Minn. Sold by Wm. Skillicorn Co. I desire to attest to the merits of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as one of the most valuable and efficient preparations on the market.

It broke an exceedingly dangerous cough for me in 24 hours, and in gratitude there for, I desire to inform you that I will never bo without it, and you should feel proud of the high esteem in which, your Remedies arc held by people in general. It is the one remedy among ten thousand. Success to R. Downey, Editor Democrat, Albion, Ind For sale by Win. Skillicorn Co.

I.t.ST. Ms! of letters vnuiiniiiii: tmcji.iU'd for in lln- fill-itivood iiosliiljk'n for tliu wiM'k onclliiK Moll. IT. I-SVJ. Andrew (inilier, Oow.

lor aimvn will plouse stale they liiivo bi't'ii u. r. r. M. a are The Grange Issued by Clerk Potter during the last week.

Name Homer L. West -'51 '( Margie L. Graham Joseph Gerards AJary YVassermanu 1 James Martin '( Rachel Hail A. W. Shauon Mrs.

Klvarotta O'Donnell S. J. IVitrni'tt '( Mrs. Mary Fierce Davis 4-i '( Mrs. 4( (I-ustav TV.

f.ansen --I '( Pauline It if. or should be. the highest aim of every merchant to please his customers: and that the wide drug tirm of JJevers Eshiemam, Sterling, CO. Manufacturers of Fine Cigars. Our 985 "Little Havana" and our "Alfonxo" the most popular brands hi 1 to-day.

Wo invil.o from surrounding towns to call "ml look at them; they will prove pi-olitahlo E. G. WOODROW. XXEJZNTIST. OFFICE OVER HOWE'S Glen.vroocl Iowa.

M. PLIMPTON, M. Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon, Glenwood, Iowa. Ofllce over Racket Store. Residence, three blocks north of northwest corner square, brick house.

brand in any store Robinson's southwest cornei 1 over P.ook Store, Glenwood. CO C. H. DeWITT, M. PH7SIOIAN and SURGEON GLENWOOD, IOWA.

Calls aitendod to night or day. CH'lice over Wm. Skilliconi drug store. Office Kosicluncc No. 70.

ills Loiintjf National Dank. 111., is so, jirovcn by the following, from Mr. Eshk-maii: my sixteen years' experience in drug Ijusinesd I have usver the or sold or tried a ir.edieine that gave, as good satisfaction as Cliambc-rlaiii's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Sold by Wm. Skillicorn Co.

To Cure 11 CoiKl MM One Day Take Laxative BromoQuiuin.c Tablets, 25 ct. a box. Sold by I. D. Redman.

ul Notice. In the District Court of the state 01 in for Mills County, (Vpril Term. A. 1SS3. Alice Timelier, plalniiil, vs.

Charles '1'Kaelier, clefeiuhuit. To SaiU Defendant: are hereby notified Hint there is now on fllu in the ntllceof the C.lerk the District Court oC Mills Comity, Iowa, the iietition of Hie plaintiff aforesaid, claiming of you a on the ot adultery and euicl and inhuman treatment, eu- iilainiill's life. Yoti are also notiiind that you appeal thereto and defend before noon ot the day (it the next term of Hie District Court of Mi'lls coinily, lo be begun and helil at C.leit- wood on tin- IDtli day oE April, A. a deisuilt- will be entered, against you and judgment ri'iulcreil thereon. Hated this ICtluluy of March, lf.08.

4814 WHIKI.KV Attorney for Plaintiff. over the whole stock of our store and you -won't ferior brand in the lot. Doesn't pav uy to but the any low grade And yott can't save money doing so, for our pricos are cut to iuuet any Package CoiTee .1. E. SCOTT CO.

and. Surplus. $104,000. OFFICERS Pi A. C.

A.I). Ass'tCashior. Tliis Banlv BBCBIYBS Desosits Regard to Amounts, di'afts on ih.c cities of the- United States and Europe. Leans r.joi in per 50 YEARS' EXPSFJEEMCE to a laro-e their stock frequently and are enabled to set along with a small margin of profit. Their proposition is plain and businesslike Sales are large, profits small on each item bnt 'sufficient in to enable them to do business rightly.

J. H. Breeling- Wm. Lilley, G. P.

Jones, Geo. Ilimel, Lizzie Allbee, Walter S. Jordan, L. S. Mossey, Jno.G.Flannigan, Geo.

McMillen, Peter Tiedermann (Kingsbury Piano) NOTICE. TRADE DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Anvono sending a slteteli nnd flescrlption ran? nulclcly ascertain our opinion free whether 1111 invention is probalily Cnmnmninn- tions strictly conflfloiitml. Jlimrlbook on Patents sent free. Oldest aecncy for Geciirinsr patents. Patents taken thrnimh Bluiin Co.

receive special notice, without clmnjo, Improved Farm, two miles froru Neola, Fottawattamie County; price, $30 per acre. Small payment down, balance on long- time. Good farms to rent, low, to good, cash renters. APPLY TO LtJONARD EVERETT, 1 6 Pearl Street. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA.

A hanasomoly Illustrated Lamest cir- vulntlon of nny soientifio Journal. Terms, a four niouths, Sold by all Tiewsdpalers. SGIBrondway, Branch Office, Wushicuton, D. C. To Said Defendants: I Produce bought.

Goods delivered. Store on west side of Square. GLENWOOD IOWA. FOR SALE! Onion Seed, Seed Potatoes, and Nursery Stock. Call on or send postal for price list of all kinds of Nursery Stock, Seed Potatoes, and Onion Seed, to A.

C. SABIN, 47to Glenwood, Iowa. West Side, Glenwood, Iowa 35C to the Expectant Mother is exposed and the foreboding and dread with which she looks forward to the hour of woman's severest trial is appreciated by but few. All effort should be made to smooth these rugged places in pathway for her, ere she presses to her bosom her babe. You are hereby noUlled that there is now a uetitioii ou ille by salrt plaiutllf, Lester Howard, in till- office the Clerk ottliu IMstriet Court of Milts County, Iowa, claiming of you the sum live hundred and nine dollars, with interest thereon at, per cent, per annum, payable senu- aniuuillv, from the 15th clay or February, A D.

1806, as money due on four promissory notes, executed by ll Uipslier, A-. Owens and Emma Owens, dated the 15th day of February, A. IX 1800. One of said notes being for SIN) and three of said notes being for $133 each, also claimmu reasonable attorney fees as provided by said notes and the sum of $4.50 paid as taxes, and asUinc also the foreclosure certain mortgage executed by the said E. Hipsiier, A.

Owens and Emma Owens, conveying the following described real estate, to-wit: Southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section tliirty.flvo (35) township sevenly-one(71), range forty-three (43) west 5 m. in Wills county, Iowa, and praying that the equity of redemption of all the said defendants be forever barred and foreclosed ancl that any lieu and Interest each of said defendants may have in said raortpiiKed premises may decreed junior and inferior to plaintiff's mortgage and for such other relief as may be No money judgment is claimed aiUinst defendants S. U.Koauh and JSancy J. lioacli. ov particulars see petition.

You are also notified that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the said term of the -said Court com- lit Glenwood on the 10th clay of April, BOTH ONLY $1.3 189S, defaiilt will be entered against you ancl juilKinent rendered thereon. Dated Tabor, Iowa, March 9 HI Attorney forriaiiHiir. 4S14 MR. Please tell the people that we are at all tilles ready to furnish reliable abstracts or titles at reasonable prices on short notice. And that we have a certified copy of the Government Land Office Records of Original Entries and Patents for all-glands in Mills County.

Fiills County Abstract Co. J. E. WICKHAM, Manager. Nervousness, and so assists Nature that the change goes forward in an easy manner, without such violent protest in the way of Nausea, Headache, Etc.

Gloomy forebodings yield to cheerful and hopeful passes through the ordeal quickly and without left strong and vigorous and enabled to joyously perform the high and holy duties low devolved upon her. Safety to life of both is assured by the use of "Mother's Friend," and the time of recovery shortened. "I know one lady, the mother of three children, who suffered greatly in the birth of each, who obtained a bottle of 'Mother's Friend" of me before her fourth confinement, and was relieved quickly and easily. All agree that their labor was shorter and less painful." JOHN G. POLHILL, Maoon, Ga.

15y special arrangement wltli tlie pnbllsbera we sire enabled to oiler the OHANOE JIIDH KAUMlsit, tlie lenclliig agricultural weekly ot tlie Central West, in club with this paper, at an exceedingly low figure. TheOiiANGHJiuiM ITAKjtKii Is remarkable for the variety aiuf intevestof its is iincloubteclly tlu best and most practical paper of Us kind Sucli as Lin Stocli.Dsilry- ITS HM FEATURES, Tii.j'aii'jH—' i ii 'n Poultry, Market Garden. Jiifr, and oilier topics, written by practlcii a.iKl successful farmers, Rnpploinonteil will illustrations by able artists, combine toinnki Kliivitlimble TO those The Latest Markets ami Commercial Aptri culture tiro features iu which Tan i'AliJiKU is unexcelled. Bliovt. i a 1 J.I1 esfc Fasltioiis, Fancy Work, Vho Giood Cook, Pur.zle Contents, Library Corner and Younj; Folks' 1'agei comblno to tills lietiiivt- luent of as much value interest aa of the Special i'ainily Tapers.

PRETTY THINGS In furniture always attract lovers of the beautiful. Of course we -j expect to sell more of these fancy articles during the holidays and gathered a large number of them to give customers scope for selec- Eye, Ear, Hose anil Tliroat, Will ha at the Office of Dr. DeWitt, GlewwootJ, Friday Afternoon. March 18. Diseases of the eye, ear, throat and nose; that should have medical attention.

Granular lids, inflammation of margin of eyo lids and eye lashes, petrigium, or flesh growth on o.yc ball, cataracts, inflammation of tear ducts. Errors of vision corrected by suitable glasses for eye strain, headachhs, irritable eyes in children. Cross eyes, diseases of optic nerve and retina. Catarrhal deafness, suppurating or running ears, chronic nasal catarrh, enlargement of tonsils, chronic or granular soar throat. APJ83 All smuliiiK tlielv subscriptions immediate, ly, uiiiUsi'Oiii 1 clubbing offer, aru vitli ilio AMJ'JiKJAJf JST Yfiat- Book nnd for 1'lila great book CDO pages Is A Cyclopedia of Pmgross and Events of tftg A Guide to Markets, kefing and Prices, II, is Treasury of Statistics, revispil to clatu, for Farm or Hume, and Olllco or Kacjlory.

A Reference) Work ou Every Subject PeruUniiit; to Acrlculture, Industry, Conimerce iincl Jlnrkets: PubllnAflairs.Economics and Volltic-sj Houseliokl Ecluciitiou, Keligion ami Society. Sl.OOI'BKBOTTLE at all Druer Stores, or aent by express on receipt of price. Containing invaluable information ot interest to women, will be to any addrees upon application, by THE BRADFIEtO ATLAUTA, DR. T. M.

BURGE, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, Cileii-wood, Iowa. Office, Buflington Block, North Side. Residence, 2 blks West of High School. is also mi Aliimnnn of Calendars, tha Astronomical Data, Hints lor Munlli, Dates, etc. QAMDIC rflDV aAlWrlt UUrY IU Farmer, magazine rurin, will bo muileil to you by BiliU'BSHinjs thoOBANUJS I'AKMBIl.

CUicii(jo, 111. Our SPECIAL Offer: The OPINION, Orange Judd Farmer and Almanac t'o Those remaining on hand will sold at reduced prices rather han carry them through the eviod of stock taking. Their beauty of design and uiish, or their solidity is none the ess because the cost is reduced. Glenwood, Iowa, Dates for public salea for auctioneers 1 C. ancl T.

G. Dyers be arranged at this oiiice. The OPINION sale bills are, tho cheapest and best to be had. -f -It Call and investigate. F.

M. SHBIVBB, MECHANICAL in the Dyer block, northwest corner of the Court House Square. CJlimwo'ocl, J. 1898 Harvest Excursion Dates. JiHuiai-y is, February 1, Feb.1 viuii-y is, Muvdi March 1R April 5, April ly.

One fare plus for round trip. See undersigned for all Jn- formation, etc. J. L. WATERMAN..

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