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Public Ledger from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Public Ledgeri
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LEDGER; 5V AND DAILY TRANSCRIPT. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH SO, Tixas Reports or secret treaty between our Executive and that of Xaxae, for the annexation of the latter to tba United State, be tin to multiply, and to assume the appearance of probability. If oar Executive Am aoted thus clandettinely upon "a aubject of auch treat imporiaaoe to the whole. country, the Deoole ought to know the facta immediately. They hare tha right to speak on the aubject; and if the majority forbid such measure, we have confidence enough in the moral rectitude of the Senate to believe that it will ratify no treaty for the annexation, or at least none with out the sanction of Mexico, and without a prohl bition of tlavery within the territory annex ed.

We know no constitutional power in the Executive to negotiate secret treaties with foreign nations, for their annexation to the Union for if auch thing can be done at all by the Federal Government, an act of Congress most be a preliminary step. And if the Federal Government poetess no auch power, aa we be lieve, then it can be done only by the Slates in convention. The defenders of such a step in the Executive will quote the cues of Louisiana and Florida, neither of which is parallel. Ia the first, the negotiation was with the French nation for the cession of its colonial territory, and not for the annexation of itself; the second was a similar negotiation with Spain. admit the power of the Federal Government to negotiate with the British nation for the cession of Cane da to the United But we deny the power of the Federal Government to annex the British empire to the Union.

A New York paper says that all the opposition to this project originates with Mr. Webster, and with the New England States, the same which so bitterly opposed the administration of Mr. Jefferson. We have a better opinion of the American people than ruck a statement Indicates. Is respect for solemn treaties confined to New England Is a perception of the mischiefs attending the extension of slavery eon fined to New England Ia regard for national character and permanent national interests confined to New England? We had believed thst the free States of the Middle and the West were quite as sensitive noon these points as the States of New England.

We had also believed that majority' of the Southern people were not less awake to such considerations than those of other aeotiou. Assuming then that no section of the Union is deaf to national honor and national Interests, we ask how, consistently with national honor, Texas could be annexed to the Union without the consent of Mexico Texas is a province of Mexico ia rtvtlt; and though we acknowledge the right of any community to govern itself, and consequently the right of any portion of nation to revolt from the whole, when all peaceful mean! of abolishing misgovern men fail, yet we cannot overlook the obligation of third parties to deal justly with the combatants. What then does justice require of us towards Mexico, in its conflict with Texas! Te let the parties alone; to leave them to thr settlement of their own disputes: to stats from all interference without the approbation both. We have made with Mexico a solum treaty of boundary, commerce and amity. Hex ioo has never acknowledged the independence of Texas, and therefore still claims it province in revolt and though we have icknow lodged the independence of Texas, sad therefore may regard it as a nation in relations between it nnd ourselves, yet we nost still regard it as a Mexican province is all our relations with Mexico.

Then if we ainex Texas to the Union without the consent Mexico, we violate our obligations to the Ixter, imposed by a solemn treaty, and snthorix 'it, under the laws of nations, to declare war. Is a war with Mexico auch cause a becoming feature for the (Totted Stales 1 We boast of onr political mission to regenerate the world. For one, the ledger admita that our country has such mssion, and advises every American citizen keep it continually in remembrance. But it a mission of fraud and violence, orjof judice and benevolence Are we authorized ti regenerate mankind through the instrumentality of free government, by going about lie the Mahometans of the middle ages, with the sword snd firebrand in one hand, and a vindication of domeatie slaverv in the other? If the destiny of mankind is regeneration by free government, aa the Ledger believes, we can accomplish or promote it enjr by setting an example of justice, of humanity only by showing that free government protects individual rights aad encourages national honor that free government awakens rulers and people alike to a sense of the several obligations imposed apon communities, aa well aa upon individuals. As a people, we have not always aot ed in conformity with onr mission, and by our delinquencies, have probably retarded the progress of free government.

We have extended slavery beyond the ground which it covered in the Revolution, or at the adoption of the Fede ral constitution. We have connived, through government, at aa invasion of a friendly power by American citizens, for the purpose of ex tending slavery. And some of the Slates have been indefensibly delinquent to their pecunisry obligations. As national these are deep enough. Let ua not extend the black catalogue, and thos prove that republics are no more just than monarchiea, by adding to our confederacy province whose revolt, for the purpose of ex tending slavery, we have encouraged.

But while Texaa should not be admitted without the consent of Mexico, or without a prohi bition of slavery, we, as journalists, should not object to such admission apon both of these conditions. The first would divest the case of all the wrong which now covers it through a violation of solemn treaties. If Mexico assents te this, no other aatioa can justly complain Mexico refuses its sanction, then every Ameri can citisea should oppose the proposition as fraught with wrong, and consequently with national disgrace. No American citizen whose conscience condemns injustice, tells him that justice is a moral obligation of governments, that governmental injustice involves national disgrace, and that the character of his country is as precious to him ss his own, will spprove the annexation of Texaa without the consent of For the other condition we should contend with equal pertinacity. While the slave Slates sre entitled, under the Federal eon.

stilution, to the exclusive control of their slave institutions within their own limits, we deny their right to extend them over other territory of the natioa without the consent of the free Slates. We admit that the retention of slavery by each of the States where it then existed, aad the toleration of the African slave trade for twenty years, was a compromise between Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, the Carolines and Georgia "on one aide, and the other seven of the Old Thirteen on the other. Yet we insist that this related to slavery at it existed tKtn, and did not contemplate its extension, But the compromise has been Violated by it extension over seven new 8tates and two large Territories. Tktrt let it be stopped. Because have violated the compromise ia these oases, TUBLIC must we violate further No! Let us leave slavery as ft is, to the slave Statea.

But let as say that ikm it shall be confined; that, it shall not go further. Therefore with the eon sent of Mexico, we should not oppose the ad misaion of Texas as a Tit State. Only aa province of Mexico, and through a oessioa by Mexico, can it be admitted. We totally deny the power of the Federal Government to admit it aa an independent An or ihi CoxsTrnrrioi.i Da met Webster baa been called the great ex pounder of the Constitution, but Joseph Smith General and prophet at Nauvoo. Intends to dis pute his title to that The General ha recently indulged the publio with an expo nitron of his views in regard to a great regu lator," in which he diners from Daniel, and believes that auch an institution ia not only not an "obsolete idea," but is highly essential to the prosperity of the country.

He has since pub; lisbed his Views of the power and policy of the government of the United States, in which he declares himself to be In favor of the abolition of slavery, by paying the owners of the slaves out of the public treasury would abolish all penitentiaries, pay soldiers who had deserted their wages, and tell them not to come back again believes it the duty of lawyers to repent and turn preachers, as it is desirable to have an enlightened clergy, and is in favor of the annex ation of Texas, Mexico aad Canada, when they ask it, and of occupying Oregon when the red man consents to the This maybe looked upon as the prophet's declaration ef principles previous to entering the Presidential course, and, unlike many politicians he desire to spread them before the public eye. It is evident that he intends to establish himself upon the largest liberty principle. i Mori Ddixuno ArrxiuxspED. The sheriff of Baltimore has been busy for' a diy or two paat endeavoring to prevent two excitable indi viduals from perforating each otbar with a pis tol bulleL The nartles are a Hunter, of and Mr. Carville Staasbory, late a member of the Legislature from Baltimore county.

The Circumstances which caused this quarrel hap pened aa long ago aa 1812, dariog the mcmois hie riots which obtained Baltimore city a very unenviable appellatiM. Mr. Hunter, in the course of expressed an opinion at the table at Barnum'sHotel, on Sunday, that the venerable Genera Tobias Stansbury was instrumental in causing the death of a person who was killed at tbs jail during the memora ble riot of 1812. Jfr. Carville Stansbury, a son of the General, haapened to be at the table, and overbearing this snguarded imme diately rose, deaied it, nd.

applied offensive epithets to its author on the spot. The parties subsequently arranged a fight, but a gleam of good sense 6rcing its way through their sanguinary intent, explanations ensued, and instead of ahoutist each other they shook hand. A National Momcmint at Washington A bill noWbefore Congress, which appropri ates stoat 150,000 for a national, monument at Washington, oe a truly beautiful plan. The measure has been introduced to the attention of tit House of Representatives by the Hon. Za bck Pratt, of New York.

The Washington Monument Society have now in their possession 148,700, and Mr. Pratt'a bill calls for an appro priation of a sum which, in connection With the above, it ia thought will be sufficient to com plete the work. The building or monument will embrace three stories. The crypt or basement is intended to contain the siatue of Washington, With niches for the busts of the Presi denta of the United States. The second store to contain niches for statues of the Qluslrious men of the country and ibe third to be a saloon or gallery for paintings of historical or national subjects.

The monument is to be 130 feet high, and of the same dimensions a the rotunda of the capitol, which ia 100 feet in diameter. The whole can be completed in eighteen months for $100,000 the material to be of marble, Til AMtaiCAN Mail Lima Coat ran Two of the cases which were brought against John C. Gilmier, agent of the American Mail Letter Company, the U. S. Diatrict Court of Maryland, for violating the Post office taw, by carrying letters on the Philadelphia, Wilming ton and Baltimore Railroad, out of the Yegular mail, charging for the same, have been consolidated and judgment confessed, subject to the stated opinion of the Court, in order that the same may De carried te the Circuit Uourt or the United States for the District of Maryland, for final adjustment.

Dr. F. Fiaher confessed judgment in hia case, aa also Robert F. Black. Three cases against Jacob Grape, of a simi lar'nature, were discontinued, 1 At thi Elxction in Bbbmsgtoh, N.

on Tuesday, of last week, for members of Com mon Council, the Temperance ticket triumphed by a majority of 67 consequently, no license will be granted to sell intoxicating drinks. LOCAL AFFAIRS. Thi MriTBAf so Mrsiaav at aix. Ths newspe pera of New York, for several days paat, have beea making a terrible mystery of the finding of the body of a female the cellar of a hoaas at the comer of Water and Walnot atrteta in that eity, which was formerly for about a year, by Michael A report waa apread that the body (bond was that of lb daughter of Mr. Roach, a young girl about tixteen years of age, aad strong suspicions war entertained that shs had beea murdered, aad by her father.

To counteract tbeae horrible sarpieions, the son of air. Roach, who lives hi New York, prodaeed a letter which he had received front his skater, who had accompanied her father to Philadelphia aboetlh time that it vai tald she waa mined. This evidence, which woeld appear to be conclusive, does not seem to aatiafy the police officers there, for soma of them persist in declaring that tha body foand was that of Roaanna Roach, the ydung girl alladed to. We copied, yesterday, from the Commercial Advertiser, a Mieaient evidently aaade by one of the police emesrs, declaring that is had visited Philadelphia for the parpoM of finding Mr. Roach that he had traeed hia antil within the last three moat, when alt trace of him was lost, and was believed that he was eluding the aeareh, having been alarmed by the publications in the newrpaper reapecting Ihs affair.

la justice to Mr. Roach will state that there IS not eae word of truth lathis statement, aad that there is act tha slightest ground for inpposing that ever murdered any body, maeh lam his daughter Ro senna, who is as fine a looking girl for a atardered eaS as we ever saw. They both called at this erne yesterday, and Mr. R. himself gave as the following information reapecting himself, which will enable Ua vigilant police ontocr who eaaa aero from New York to prosecute hie search more successfully.

Mr rat from eladlng any one's aeareh, Is la tha constant practice of going daily to hia labor, hs being a hard working aad Industpious Stan, having to support his faasily by hiadairy labor. He livt in a public street, No. 11 Lombard street, where he has resided for ihs last three months, tha lime that Ihs New York officer ssiaaed all trace ef bias. Be lived ia New York nearly two years ago, at tha earner of Water and Walnut streets, having arrived In that eity from Ialand about tha beginning of November, 1810. la April, 1943, be left New York aad same to Philadelphia with his wife and daughter, tba girl said to have beea murdered, and has ever aiaee re aided here.

Furthermore, Mr. Roach desires as te atate that the police of New York may at aa; time find aim at hia house, whea he I not abseil al hi employ meat, and that he win riedily accompany them te New York, with his daughter, to satisfy all salads of hia innocence, provided that they pay his sag snaas there, and pay him for hi lime while there. This, it ia to be pr owned, will be perfectly aa isfaetory to those faithful ngeals of public nwtiee who eaa sever find any oae thsy are in search at antil their eyas era opened by a reward. I Tiwmiin IhnmA larmselfWs held yesterday afternoon in the State House Y4, the osmose of remonsintinc against the ft the bill bow peading In tha House of RefresenmtJvee of this State, aathoiising the lloeuing oyster cellars for theaul of gseeuU4l appear that those for and against tha measure had, by some means, beea Invited, or eoneeived thtmtelve invited to attend, and the. result was, at the commencement, ooMlderabl confusion, which ended in the two parties dividing.

'Those in fawr of licensing oyster business, and adjourned, leaving tha temyeranee awe in possession of the ground. The lausr then proceeded with tha business for which they bad been convened with out further interruntlo. A number of eloquent speeches were delivered by 0. C. Burleigh, Wa.

Keller, Rev. John Chambers, and others. Scans lit tle excitement was created towards the end of the msetini by a pernio interrupting tba discourse of Mr, Chambers while ipaaklng of the evils of emigration to this country from Europe, but being only a verbal controversy of short eenUnaance, the excitement subsided and is meeting sdjourned. Tha spirit of tha meeting was decidedly hostile to the proposed law, and those present exhibited great enthusiasm aitddeteraunauoa. i Coamvsmiraas or Braim GuuwwThe Board met la social meeting on Monday evening.

I A petition was presented from a committee of the Colushia Hose Company, asking per mission la use thesre plnga of the District. Referred to the Wa tering Committee. The Watch and Lamp Committee, to which was referred the memorial of A. Gold, proposing to light the Diatrict with pine oil, made a report adverse to the petition. The sun Committee reported a reaoltnion in favor of extending the watch and lamp district, so as to take the portion of the corporate Diatrict lying East of too teat west ot Broad street, to be lighted sod taxed accordingly.

Also, a resolution to eoostract a Bow Watch house both of which were adopted. The special committee, appointed some time ajro to Inoairs into tha destruction of tha Falrmoont Fire Company's tender, reported that they could ascertain nothing to prove that the members of the Good Will Hose Company had been engaged in breaking' up the The committee reported a resolution for the drawing an order ia favor ef the Good Will Hose Company for the sum of (390, the amount of their annual appropriation, which was adopted. Tha Treasurer reported a balance ia the treasury. osl the tret of the month, of $13,771 87. The Treasurer of the Water Commissioners made a report of the expenditures on account of the water works, tor the month of February.

Rxtums or thb Bacoiro Waan, Brain Gumn. Judgt Edward Ranney, (American Rep ,) 393, majority 85 1 Joseph H. Levering, 307 1 Thud Moore, (whig,) tlO. iuye Oliver p. Coraman, (American 38f, majority 7J; Theodore M.

Towa, (dem. 310 John T. Nineateet, (whig,) 113 Ajmim David Uber, (American 377, ma jority Hi John P. Sekell, 33; John H. Campbell, (whig,) ill.

CvstfaUs Joseph H. Smile, (American Kt, majority SS Andrew Brume ker, (dem.J 330 Joaa Hibbs, (whig,) 827. Average ajority, Aa Allsoss CokstoucV CAts Ia the Quarter Sessions, yesterday, Samuel Pryor and Joel T. Thorn were upon trial for an alleged conspiracy to defruad Smith law and James Leet oat of S1000 worth of property. The property said to have been fraudu lently obtained was about tSOO worth of cans, and a tract of land in Virginia, valued at $300, for which the defendant, Thorn, had paid bonds and morta aies on city property, which tarned oat to be encumbered with previous mortgages aad judgments maeh beyond its value.

Mr. Pryor was the agent through whom the trade was made. The trial of the eaa. tha fail development of. all the eireainatancea for and against the proasesuon, lasted the entire day without being concluded.

i Aaaimorrni Piwcrron. The United States earner Princeton, Captain Stockton, from Waahlnc ton, arrived at the naval anchorage on the Navy Yard, yetterday morning at It o'clock. It is ex pected that she wDl be laid up antil some determination is made by the Government as to her destination. In the meantime, the fiagmeni of bar gaa will be hoisted out, and undergo an inspection by the nn in in lanauu tvuittw Tn 6aa car This body yesterday returned into the Court of Quarter Session seven true bills, and ignored one They have been assiduously engaged ia Ihs bills which have beea hid before them, aevea of which are for homicide, one having beea found, and the others are undergoing investigation. Jarraso MsntcaL CoUJm The Commence ment of the Jefferson Medical College, for the purpose of conferring medkal degrees, will take place at the Musical Fend Hall to day, at 13 o'clock.

Professor Mutter will deliver the Valedictory. Tsra Roust MoaauThia elegant and commo dious steamboat was launched at high tide on Mon day, from Yanghaa ft. Bon's ship yard, Kensington, Where she has been undergoing considerable repairs. Csanie Rcsuxr On Monday morning, a bold thief took from thedeorof the clothing store of M. Hyneman, in Second street, above Vine, a coat, with which he escaped.

Eonaut Bab Fivuiirrs. In many parts of the eity and county the footways are ia a deplorable condition, in eoaacqaeoea of the soft natareof the soil where they are paved with brick, and in many eases fur the want of uniform and thorough paving originally. In numerous places the bricks for many feat, aad even yards, are displaced by vehicles being driven over them, and by mischievous boys who take delight too often in despoiling the unprotected and un watched property ef oar eitixem. We have often wondered whether or not there are laws of the eot potations of the eity and county making it obligatory apon owners ef property to keep the sidewalks in good order. Appearances indicate that there exist ao such laws, or if so, that they ere not enforced by those whoa dory it is to attend to tha asalter.

Ws recollect, sots eighteen month ago, ef seeing upon a sidewalk in the District of Kensington, two or three bricks displaced jn a pavement. A few days afterwards, ws noticed some half doxeaof them out of place, and some small boys playing with them. Since then, from time to time, we have observed the number of bricks grow less aad less, sntll sow there are about sixty feeler the pavement entirely gone, and pedestrians are compelled to trudge through the mad and slush, or try their skill in walking the curb, at the risk of Calling eff on side or the other, to the disadvantage of laearess. This state ef things exists in many pans of our eity and eoenty, the great anoyance of padestriaoa. it should be remedied at eaee Rasar or oasts ms Ths dlseawioa of the on radon, whether persons of foreign birth caght to enjoy equal right and privileges with natives, was continued st the leet are room of the Museum oa Monday evening, by Messrs.

Thomas, Kerriaon, Earls, Campbell, kddiaon, Kiminr GiWer and Davis, ia the affirmative, and Messrs. Rankin. Ward, Holiingv head and Liard, in the aegatrva. Ths Seoul will he resumed to asorrow evening. CT Ths Fakir of Art Hill continue teentenaia Iarg companies at the Mssowie Hall every evening.

fj Thers is said to be danger of the passage or a law by ear Legislators granting aa outlet lock at Black's Eddy apea the Delaware Division, and soma ef oar citizens have become alarmed, and very justly, if there be say ground for the apptehensioa of sack aa enactment. Are ths people of this city and State awake to their true interests ia this mailer thers, eaa there be any real danger that oar Legislature, with tha State debt and credit hanging heavily upoa as, aa thsy do aad mast for a Jong time to come, sre shoes as destroy the vales ef and throw away, without equivalent, one of the most Important of the State unprovemenls, for the creation of which that debt waa sowrucisd sad. our burthens are imposed. If so, it Is bnportant for as of this eity aad ef aver; pan of the State to arouse eeutelves and see what we are about. Ia another point of view, too, thla subject vitally important to the people ef this eity.

Let Ihs starter be looked la by those of as wa desir aot to see this eity or lis business moved off te New York. LmnteaawUUWeirealaied. Every eilisaa mteieaied ia the City or State will sign them. We knew it Is toe saach the ease that "what ts every body's business is a body's, "i surely thers is direct individual interest enough by Ihiasansi ia this eity, hi fcheylkill county, on the lines of improvements between here end there, or indeed ths line of the Delaware Division itself, to move in this matier. Ws venture to assert that sin seats, if aot aiaeleesx twentieth ef ear eitiseaa weald be glad of aa epportaaity to siga a measorial sgalnst destroying the value ef oar Imm oh stents and retarding la prosperity of our eity tor Us beoem) of others.

Let the question bs tried. CX. The marriage announcement In Ledger, be twuen a young gentleman of Oermantown and a young lady of this city, it appeals an Uapo sttioa praetised apon oar clerks, notwithstanding tha utmost vtguanee a exercised at the office to tjmrd agamat saw contemptible In all such announcements, our rules require the name and reaideooe tha person bringing the no tice to the offios to be Written apon Its back, and this rule, which Is considered the best safeguard that eaa be practically adopted, ha been Invariably enforced for several years past. Indeed, so particularly and rigidly art oar rules is this respect adhered to by ths clerks, that some persons, aot accustomed to doing business here, and aot understanding their importance or the reason for them, fU themselves offensed by weir requirement, 'Notwithstanding this precaution, however, oar clerks save been sometimes Imposed upon in the re ception of notices from such as oonld be guilty of adding forgery and fraud lo their The ennouncmetrt alluded to above, purported to some from J. O.

Clark, Almotd street, whose name was endorsed apon it, and was brought to the office by a boy who gave hia Saras aa C. Cathrall, residing at no. ioo nnippen street. It may be useless to mention that, upon inquiry, after being informed of Imposition, no saeh indi viduals could be found at either of the places stated, It is arrnosl impossible to conceive the baseness of tha villain who eaa be guilty of crimes like thi, which sre without even the poor excuse of being prompts by any motive of advantage to himself. The object of the thief in stealing ia to benefit him self.

Malicious mischief, perpetrated without a live of aain to anyone, proceeds from Innate baseness of heart, and should be spumed and punished beyond any other dime short of murder. Cotvespondonoe of the Penile Ledger Haaaiame, Match IB, o'clock. In the House, the Senate bill to incorporate the Oregon Far Company was reported from ths Com mitiee en Corporation. The Tax bill ia now ap in committee oflhe Whole. Ia the Seuate the only thing of importance consi dered was ths hill to create a aew judicial district, composed of Schuylkill, Car boa and Monroe conn ties, which isnOWSp.

1 ri) ue Nxws mom Euaorc The Caledonia, with advice to the 3ih has been out 14 days news by her may therefore be looked for in day or two from Tanas Pom Sroais, two of which were written expressly for Ths Douan Nawsram," appear in this week' number of that paper. It contains also seven pieces of Poetry, three of wnioa are original. These matters, with a great variety of aews aad miaeelisaeoss reading, full ao line ef all the markets, a bank aote lUt, present am of reading, pontons of which will be found adapted to every taste, and, properly considered, conducive to every interest. The greet aim of the pub lishers of the Dollar Newspaper ia, first, to enlist the attention of the young, by reeding adapted to their taste and secondly, their interest once enlisted, te diligently ply the mind with substantial and useful information. Each aamberof the paper is intended as an epitome of the doings of the world a sort of family mirror, into which members of the hoasehold circle are weekly invited to look, and which they cannot wall lay down, without adding something to their stock of inforsaatioa.

It Is an essential adjunct to the schoolmaster, and an invaluable guide to the man of business. Are not these advantage worth tea times ths cost of a year's subscription The paper may be obtained at tha counter of the Ledger office, priss TJtan ctST, or the still cheaper rate of oae dollar per year. i mm AarsaicaJl Esttumiii fit Imtuttn an TXWm. A few days since, ws accepted the kind invitation of the proprietor, Thos. While, Esq and mad a visit to his extensive establishment in Commerce street, for the manufacture and aula of men 'a and women's Straw, Willow and Palm Leaf Hat end Bonnet.

It waa highly gratifying, we can assure the reader, and was full of information, connected with the rise aad progress of a single branch of Artfrin manufaetnree. We had repeatedly heard of thi Bonnet Emno rium," bat, antil we inspected Its various operations, and era sained it eomplax aaaehinery, confess not to have had lb remotest concept iun of the extent ef Ha mboc prodcinf mpmay of saw jwaabar of operative employed of the variety of it machinery in active use of the different branehe of the business ail going en simultaneously ander the same root aoref lac oroer, arrangement, newness, ana complete eyetem of economy in every department of the establishment. New England, with all her native talent and ingenuity, her daring enterprise and useful invention, eoimeeted with the cultivation of the Art and Manufactures, by which she is justly distinguished, and of whieh she has good rewsoe lo be proud, may boast of and exalt, in her extensivs manufacturing establishments ef her Amherst, her Lowells, and her Lynn but, In all bar rick borders, there is nothing to be seen alike end equal to thi (Spacious Bonnet Factory of ear eity, and per adventure, we might challenge the world over to produce anything to compare with on so grand a scale, and combining so great a cumber of branches ander one bead. We cam tot undertake to furniah anything like a detailed account of all ths various process connected with thi business, nor, Indeed, would it be Judicious, ss several of the operation, though not claiming the right of letters patent," belong exclusively and peculiarly to Mr. White' establishment, and are tha result of his sum anwevied perseverance and ingenuity.

But ia giving a general outline, whieh is ell we are willing to do, we may be allowed to my, that through the polite attention of the lady of Mr. White, who share in aa active oversight of a pari of the basinets, we were escorted through the several apartment of this extensive workshop, and had described to ua, distinctly, each and every variety of Boechanical operation and arrangement for the manufactar ef Bonnet practical illustration of each were gives lo us as we passed There we saw the raw material, the Palm Leaf, aa it come to thi market, undergoing varloua manipulatory and mechanical processes, antil anally ws traced to the shelves of ths sales room, transformed and moulded into a rich variety of beautiful hats and bonnets, inviting, by their attractive forms, the city merchant and the southern and western dealer. In effecting thi change, there waa, ttrrt of all, the soaking of Us material; then th splitting of it into fine strands, by a simple, yet very effective process i then the assorting of these strands, according to their different shade of color next, we find it in th loom, where it is wove into sheets shout two and a half feet square from the loom the sheets are removed te another room, where they are stiffened with a gam paste, and covered oa one side with athineoart material, which add to their strength from her they pass to the drying room; when perfectly dry, they are eat into various forms, suitable for erowns and mees, and the pressed wtih heated irons, which supply them with considerable poliah and smoothness. They are neat blocked uto bonnets of different shapes and sizes, according to the form gives lb pattern Mock, the tewed and trimmed, and being now complete, are put into parcel ef a doxen each, laid carefully suae, and sent down to the ware No part of tela large establishment Interested at snore lhaa tha sewing room. Her we aaw grouped together ia a largacwing circle upward of 190 yeuag lad tee, from dm sprightly miss of sixteen ap to the awre sedate end rerWing maiden of thirty, ell busily employed, plying their needle with great dexterity and awifmeat; tome, however, more expert lhaa tha rest, appeared, during oar slay, st leant, to and sa constant exercise for their lingual member and their mischievous eyes a they did fur their deli, eats and tapering finger but wa thought none tha lea of them for then tittle sen of playf aln.

They were, apon the whole, a delightful collection, full of vivacity, and exhibiting more kadostry, beauty and life, than we ever ssutembw lo have seen brought Ther In one eirela. But we are ides the palm leaf, saw a great variety of imported Hovte hejr, willow, Straw, Hemp, and ether msteriai, being mansfuetared into bonnet of every variety and kutam. from me fasfakmabla las serial aad Neapolitaa te the less expensive Cypress, sspin, zpayr, riorenee ana screw, Aiecri ano RaUings, Orocssiaa, Gimp, Shall and Bird's eye, down to the more si apis end lea expensive Willow and Palm leaf, Oottsg and Soaker bonnet, ranging price from two to oae sunoreu collars per onsen, laooeeftbe rooms we saw about sixty female at work on aa many looms, some weaving the palm leaf into sheets, while other were engaged on the bone hair edging aad ike palm leaf binding. On toe roof of the building th bleaching process i perform two exunKvt frame boxca, constructed for tba parpoae, each covering aa area of lea or twel ve feel square, mad perfectly secure and air tight. By this arrange! aoasplsi reraeni, taeeanoeauug lumeaot uusuipuur are eialv prevented from sjinorug those who are sogsgse ia ine puuuing.

The whole number of female employed about this manufactory is rising three hundred and twenty) two hundred and seventy of whom are at work In the building, and beside these, there are seventeen men employed oa the premise. Th girl sew try the single piece or doze. Those who are oe the loom weave by the yard, and when they become fully acquainted with the anohesoa which they work, they eae earn with industry, from S3 to S3 40 per week. A number of femai apprentice were pointed oat to m. Who give thair labor for a few weeks at a reduced price, or until they lean th trade, when they are employed oa the am condition as others.

la this, in maar other extensive manafaeturlnc establishments, the operators confine their attention to etsereal an ejsunei eranraes of ua rasinese ana it is aot more sun prising than it Interesting lo know, that common palm leaf bonnet, which anay be retailed for lairty eevea and a half cents, passes Ihroagb th hands of ne fewer thai sine different workmen before it receives the finishing touch! First, there is the stripper, ef the leaf, then the weaver, tha stiffener, the cutter, the presser, the blocker, the sewer, the bleacher and the packer. We eaa form ao ths smrmnt tf capital employed' in' this business, hut wer informed thai the aurnber of hats and bonnets, manufactured and sold from this establishment annually, exceeded one hundred and fifty thousand. Tha sales are neither confined at borne, nor era they exclusively jdwoad Both jUe city and the country trade are (applied from thi bouse and throughout the whole Suath aad Weal, lis eoromodi lies may be found in almost every towa and tnr while New York and further north, even the purlieu of New England itself, that great metropolis of Yankee notions, affords a considerable mart for It hats aad bonnets. i The whole of tall extensive business, both Its manufacturing and mercantile branches, is ander the entire control snd supervision of its entenrisinjr, proprietor and projector. TUomas White, Esq.

ill ha been bat a few years ia operation, and from a small beginning, by industry aad perseverance Ji has Increased and spread ml to as immense, and must continue to widen la extent and usefulness ts Hs ware become better known and moru sought after. Inviewofthia rapid inoreaae in all it departments, we learn that the proprietor contemplate building, and has already aaade arrangement for the erection of a commodious factory ia the upper suburbs of the eity, where hs iatenda lo have all the work separate from bla warehouse, in Commerce street, which Is now too small for the Irmnenat amount ef trade he ia eon ducting. 'I' I. I We left th establishment highly Interested with the sight of the variety of its aigenkms and multiplied operations, and with a feeling of pride that oar eity could bouat of Ihia extensive branch of American manufactures, of which, per baps, ha not its equal la every respect in this or any other country on tha 'i cm yrW. I.i Philadelphia, March 1844.

J' I I TuoKsoa'a Coavouan Brnvrov Tab. The merits of thia valuable preparation ws are glad to find ere beenming extensively known, and we sincerely trust that the hmumu tn lAamnaj who are smitten with that dread malady, avail themsulvr of the ear tain beuefit thi medicine will confer. In numerous instances, when all hope had fied, the patient has recovered by rising thi powerful remedy. ttailf See another enigma for city agents. rrmcipai uinse, w.

cor. or rum ana spree su. StmnsN Claiioniv There hi nothing more trying to th human constitution than sadden change of at aiosphai Heat rarifies ths bloody quicken the circulation, and increases tha nersoiration but when Suddenly checked, these humors which nan nffbv the akin, are thrown inwardly, musing coughs, colds, consumption, oimcuity or breaming, watery ana gamed eye, sore throat, fevers, rheumatic pain in various parte of the body, and maapcther Mum lain ta, ne usual lympajms eaicumg ewe. o. i WhrWi Indian rttmnUt JilU era a dellektful medicine for carrying eff a cold, because they expel f.omlbe body those morbid humors, which a a the cause, not only of the above complaints, bat of every BBaiauy DMiueai saaa.

Four or five of said Pill, taken averv nlehl nn en. but to bed. will in a few ears carry off the most ob atinate cold al the same time, th digestive organ will be restored to healthy tons, snd Ihs bloM so completely punted, that new life and vigor will bs given to the whole frame. For aale, wholesale and retail, at the Principal Office, No. lft Kace street, Philad.

Caution. A counterfeiter ara abroad, be pvticslaMa all eases, to sat VTHgaf Jadisa rcfwaei full, I Don'r Yon WiirT a handsome Coal and Panulooua, or Vest, made and finer cloth than yoe can get al the high priced credit store We will warrant them lo wear aa long. Bring Us eaaa, aad ws will put yoe into a tail in a few minute. All gentlemen who don't want to pay for slothes that othem wir out, but are satisfied lo pay fur thair wn, ought to call in and exaaaine thi extensive and anleadid as sortment. If yon prefer bavin your measure taken, and your cloths made according to your own notion, jruacaa bbt 11 none) ana wneu ineyaro erme, II you ara not pleased with them, you need not take them, it a.

paxPHsan, merchant Tailor, 18 chesnul street, door above Third. 1 To Caia Bums. Linotneott A Tavlnr will aell their fine Circular Cloth Cloaks, lined all throuh with Plaid lining, forglSj also, figured Beaver Overcoat, made in the best and most fashionable style, for tlO plain Beaver Overcoat for Cam mere Pant, at $4 Lyons Silk Velvet Vests, ta 7S Black Satin Vests, ti ts, Cashmere and Valencia Vests, tt astogl 40. Thisia th place to get well made and good filling garmenls, So per cent, below asaal prices. The best callers and workmen ara employed.

Oar assort merit is the beet and far the largest in the eity. Lrppineott Taylor, No. SOO Market street, three snore above Sixth. A SxaaoaaaLa Mxmclwa. Sand Sartanarilla it the moat powerful purifier of th blnod now In use.

m. raw eMuea win eaeetuaiiy pariry in or aanrnio namnrs, wnicn at mis season me sear an pear la the shape at eruptions, bilra. simples and pew tolas oa the face, letter, ate. It will also invigorate th digestive organs and affied renewed health. The medicine can be procured of S.

P. Thomson, corner of Fifth and Spruce street. a. try Incessant Legiilstion to control the law of trade, and constant ehange from good to bad, bad to better, and better to worse, la th policy of a nation, (or alternating between different system,) what Knduetive Indnstry most need protection" against, dasiry will protect Itself ander a settled acd pert manent national policy, wheihsv the lawn be enacted taeonformiiywith the natural law of undo or otherwise. At the United Slate Steam Job Print ink Establish ment, Ledger Building, we place our dependence for protection, ander any and all cireumatsnees, anoa oar ability aad determination to do Better by oar custoas.

ert, in point of price and qaality combined, lhaa any other establishment of ihi country or Europe eaa afford to do by theirs." All kind of Job from Ike Urged fixed pastil bill with which Cover a house, to the finest and nicest card ticket or label, printed in black or in colors, plain or fancy, at Ihe shortest notice. Died. On the 18th of scarlet fever. Edwtr. only child of Joseph and Louisa Dowling, ia Ike 4th year of hi age.

1 The friends snd relative of the family are respectfully invited to attend his fun oral, from the lesidenoe of hi parent, Ne. 313 North Fifth below Green, this afternoon, at o'clock, without farther nolle. On th 18th Inst Jaats MeMAtct, ton of Roger Ths friends of the family sre respectfully Invited to attend hi funeral, from the residence of father, no. unnan street, uis srtemoon, si 3 o'etoex, without further notice. 9 of James and Eliza Kerns, sged 4 months and 1 1 day.

Th friend and those of the family are respectfully invited to hi funeral, from ihe resilience of hi parent, north west corner of Broad and Kace streeia, al 3 o'clock this afternoon, without further notice. On the itf joan atioxa, in the evth year or hissge. Hi friends, snd those of the family, sre respectful I invited to attend hi funeral from hia late eel s' eace, in Msrriot' Lens, tetweea Fifth end Sixth, to morrow eiiernoon, at 4 ceiocx, witaout runner notice. On Sunday, March 17th, IMS, after five days' illness, Auxsjrmm W. Rim.

aged 70 Tear. 11 months andireaya. His friends, end those of his family, sre respectfully requested to attend his funeral, from his late re sidenca. No. South Sixth street, ihi after nasi, el I o'etoex, without further notice.

I Oa the 17ih assxaibs, infant daughter of Jos. and Adeline Hafty, rr A UPKCIAL MEETING of the JOUR NKl'MEN Bt.DDL.KRS' and FURNITURE MAKERS' AeWOCIATlON will held at C. B. REfci' Enniskillen Castle, I PTff' Street, above Prune, TBI9 (Wednesday) EVENING, at 7j o'clock. By order of the Recording Secretary.

v. rr uu. 1 rrr ATrtisiioN, tuk wholki Aa ml. IW feenard Mmtinn of ibe faanaTtvaais. Sooutt ev Jotrumssw Csmmn Maxxa or PnounaLraiA will he held THIS TKHISO.

al ike aoe of Zouusaa, Pmsi houi, LSTITU OO MT, which ik member ar pvtiealarly requested to be punctual la aticading, as business of the utmost portanee will be laid before the Society. it iiius. w. EfHuwii. secretary.

DISCUSSION. The dteusiioa of the oues. rion "Ought person of foreign rth to eniov tha same right and privileges, a native will be re ttmntonTHvaauAJ o'clock, at the Isstur. Reset tad tkilmUlpki Mnnnm, GEOKGR Street, below Ninth. Admittance eeats, Nn charge 6w Ladiee.

1 WM, i. MULLbN, Chsinssn. I rrf" AtTEVtlON, JOURNEYMEN WE5 WAINERitNow is the time lo aesert your righW An ADJOURNED WK.ClAL MKKT1NS of the U. B. SOCIETY OF JOURNEYMEN CORD AIMERS, (Men's will he held TRIS (Wednesday) EVENING, Ma ch Wlk, aiMelnek, at the Adelphl House, Booth Fifth street, below Wei Bat.

Punctual aueadaaoe ie tequcsted, as boslnes of nnportanoe Will be kid befare ihs meeting. All thee who are not members ere United 10 oome forward tad join. By order of the Sneiety. 1 nrJO lt J. FRENCH, Secretsry.i NETISuI.

Professor SHAW, et the aoanl mous renueut of the large and highly respectable as dienee of hast evening will Lecture on Phrrenlvyi ihe Urtnn Resrn tf the CHMESK MUSEUM, THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, st 7, o'clock. To lest ihe truth of ths science, on oflhe audience will be Phrenolorieally examiaed, and various experi ment la Phrcno Magnetism wilt bs performed. Among other subjects of the magnetic bUenecaa African Girl will be thrown into the somnambulic state, snd will manifest the unctions of ftmrahan and ISms, to a manner truly aaumishiag. A inal of lh magnetic power (emmeetly saeeeestal en Fiiday evsaing lest,) will also be made apon tae eadtenee. Tickets 134 eenl.

al the door, aad at Mr. Cotoa'a. KKty Chesnut streeL jie LETTER BAGS At PHILAD. EXCHANOR. Ship Shensadoth, Wsst, vv Liverpool.

March Bhlp 81 Louis, Teal. New Barque La Plata. i 1 Monievldeo and BnenrsAyres, anon' Barque Ellmbeih 1 Havana, anon 0 Barque Josephine, New Orleans, soon Br brig Qoeen Victor la, Port Spain, soon Br br Ig Ga xelle, Cox, 1 Bermuda, use sj Brig Rebecca, Brevoor, Madeira and Gibraltar, soon Port of Phllarlelphitsw i frm iWasa, SA OmStU. a Cm H. WaUrfli'SSia OLRARKD, Brigs Ferdinand, Caiero, Naples; Wa Penr, Tay lor, Botton; schr Currency, Richmond, West Indies; Neptune, Sieans, do I Indiana, Arran'S, Nw Ynrk; Thorn Benton, Meeker, no; Republicau, Bkarp ARRIVED, U.V USiteumfrtgat Princeton, Stockton, Brig Proxv.

Graeie, New Orleen. 30 dsys. Pehr Port Deposit. Bark, Havre de Grace, 3 days. Shr Meridian, Allen, Grenboro.

3 days Schr Arkansas, Tyler, lodafrom Frankfort, Me. MEMORANDA. i The barque Oxford, for Matansast Nashua, for New Orleans, brijra Tom Psine, for dot Bnow, for do; Loeer, for Pernambueoc Wathinglon, foe 7 Mobile; Larch, for Savannah; scare Issue Jacksnn, for West Indies, end Baltimore, for 81 went to see from ihe Breakwater, 17th Inst. Ship Venice, Dunlsvy, tailed from Nw York on Monday, for Liverpool, Brig David Duffel, Williams, at New York on Moo day, from Wilmington. NO LARB Uug.

Ce JAS. PATTON, mJO Jie Third wharf above Race Mrset, FEATHERS. CO Bars anterior qnslity Southern and Western QBBSK FRATHERS, warranted 1 fit for immediate use, for tale hs lota to suit pur chasers. by N. H.

1 U.t 1 a No 3 North Water street, jmhiQ lme above Markt. ri 1 HAY FOR SALE, and pert will be exebsnged for a good Horse. A boat fifty Ion of good MEADOW HAY, by th singls ton or stack. Apply toR. U.

EVANS, Storekeeper, West Philadelphia, about a quarter of a mile beyond Market Street Bridge. ii MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE, OR FOR THB PURCHASE OF GROUND RENTS S30OO, and kUOOO, to loan 00 good aecuritiea, HS per eenl. Also, sundry small sums of from gJUO lotiaOO, sit per cent. Apply to 1 HBSlRY B. ADaVS, rnUOtte N.

W. corner of Walnut snd Third sts. FOR SALEX lotrf PArjAOBrOAJtSwiliba sold low. Ales, 10 Wooden Mantel, Closet Door, of ell site 1 Mahogany Banisters; a very sandenme Front Door; one Sish Door, an a pair of Venetian Doors. Persons in went of sny of ihe above 1 article ere invited to call, ss we will eerlsinly dispose of Ibcm a bargain.

JORDAN BROTHER. 1 mao ai 181 North Third street. SALR or FURNITURE, AT 357 MARKET STREET. ABOVK NINTH TO MORRuW, 3 Itt, at 10 o'clock, will he sold, by Auction, to furniture of a family declining house keeping, consisting of Brussels and Ingrain Carpels, new style Mahrgmy 7 Chair, Sideboard. Centre and Card Table, Mahog sny Bedstead end Dressing Bureaus, Mapls So most of which hsv been in ne but ten month.

11 LB MA8HEY, No. 103 SOUTH THIS Street. below Walnut, would invite the aiteotinn 0 the Ladie to a splendid assortment of PORCELAIN BUTTONS, just received, of all colors and ttvlet to fashionable for trimming Spring dresses. Alio, iargs site Jet Baiiont, for gentlemen's als Steel Bead nf all number I Purse Materials and Ornament of all kinds; Zephyr, Flos HHk and Che nille, end all Fancy and Staple THlMMlNdS. It BRUSHES, Ac AT AUCTION At the Store No.

tH Nona THIRD Slreei, above Wood On SATURDAY MORNING, al 10 o'clock, al No. 1B North THIRD Street, will be (old, at Pab'le Bale, the STOCK of a Wholerale and Retail BRUntl STORE, comprising a general assortment of Com. moo and Fancy Brushes, wiik lot nf Brushmaksrs' Materials. Also, a superior LATHE. Ths whole to be sold positively snd wiihoal reserve, by If C.

MACKEY, Anet'r. UMBER YARD REVIVED. 100,000 feet of 3 4 inch White Pine Box Boards, at tit per thousand; gS.OOOdo. 4 Inch Maple Scantling feet of Hemlock Boards (0 000 feet of Hemlock Rail, 11, 19, 18 and 30 feet long, with an assortment of all kinds of White Pine and Hemlock Lumber and Shingle, at tha comer of MAIDEN and FRONT Streeia, Northern Liberties. For tale by mSO Jweode JES8E RIEfiEL.

Tbe frfset JaiV ranes srd TVuii Co, Assignee of th Kstste "THE NORTHERN LIBER TIES, KENSINGTON AND SPRING OARDEN SAVINGU FUND SOCIETY," have declared a dividend of van nmcmrv. oal of the isaela of aald Mite, which will be paid to legal claimants on and after th first of April next, at Ihe office of Ike Assignors, No. 433 NORTH COND By order of the Board nf Director. jn30 eod7te JONa. ALOEN.

Ca.hier. LOOKING GLAeWriB. JOSSPH ll Ndtt, Ho. IN CHESNBT Street, below Eighth, offer for mis, at th lowest Cash prie, a large assortment of superior French L0OKIN9 CLASSES, framed In the best manner, and most fashionable paiierna, of various xes, witalilefor Mantels, Wall or Piers. Also.

Portrait and Picture Frames, oaklings, Carved Gilt Tables, Ac, constantly on hand, or mad lo order, st th ihortest notice mao 31 rTEETH TEETH I' TEETrl r.arly attraT A lion toyour TEETH will sav them. DR. LAMBERTS operation on ih Teeth ere warranted to equal any In th eity. Prices, vis Best Teeih inserted on Gold Plate, Si 00 Superior Pivot Teeth Inserted at 1 00 Plugging with Gold or Pule, SO te 73 et. Fxtrseting nrilk sat (Aird raa pain asaal, 33 OFFICE, No.

North N1N fH Btreet, three corns above Market. 1 PENMAN8HJPW. Kli rcque ts those gen tlemea thai wish to Join ths EVENING CLASS whieh is now forming, to meet et MR. LEWI School Room, FOURTH Street, below Choanal, rm MONDAY EVENING, the 3Ui st half past 7 o'clock. Aa afiemoon Class for LADIES is now forming, to meet at No, 331 ARCH Street, between Sixth snd Seventh.

For Term, Ac, apply al the Room. mKi lw MERCANTILE WRITING, BOOK. IBEP1M and ARJrfMfnC srparats or together. Th MircanHU Syxtrm cocfnrm to the routine of the Merchant' Coanting hoase, guarantied more thorough In one fourth the limn, and superior basi aes style of any other method. A Lnlifitau nf ability given each qualified Accountant, which will admit him into any Counting house in the United States.

Ladies seooawnoda ed. Pur tuition, apply to T. McLANaHAN, Commercial Institute, No. 81 Suath EIGHTH Street. m90 3ir HATTERS' TA KE NOTICE Understanding thai a SDUriou article of sVauTtrWaShilii im mmlli.

is he maiket, purporting to be of mv mnufscturr. I hereby state, ia jastioe to myself, and fur tht information of the trade who desire the genuine article. thai MKSHRS HllTrB a. D.DU.M rv HATTER GOODS, Nof32l North THIRD Etreet, '7 ra lorru struei ine line, wao have sold my article tinoe October, 1814, where here after It may be had whole ale and retail, al my prices. mJ0 3te JAMES PAR k.i Cherry between Eleventh snd Twelfth.

rpHK FAKIR OF AVA8 GRAND SfJIRKES OF FASCINATION, and 'MltlNO, Mart 30A Aa mirodnetory lecture, and xumta wua me nei'gious Miiurai ana poiley of th Ancient snd Modern Beet of Peidt snd Hmdoslan, will he introduced during ihe evening. Alto, twelve beautiful experiments of ihe pre. tended miracles of the Priesit and Fakirs nf Bedah, Siva Vishna, Jos. Juggernaut, As, Ac. The plat tiitm Im it.H r.A...

1. it. i .1 iMnuui i vi wv inner aiiai vi me Great Temple of Ave The tniree wilt oonlt nf three parie the first and last by the Fakir th Second will consist of Kbalastlner Exercises, Grecian Games and Equilibrium, by Hassan Ben Able Ticket cents, which will admit Lady end Gentleman. Extra ticket for Ledirt twenty fire Cent. Yoaiha ander frmriei rears tweaiv fiva cent.

Doorsopeaal 7 o'clock, and to commence at half Mill ril AMb. KUW WVIIblUUn Will 1 Vfin3K. For particulara. see billa et the Hall, and principal Hotel. i B.a0 3i fitviieON's EMBoiSED CkVLhi The sub I JF aueeikM si.

Tst la wajsisvxiip. PUISJ ucau) nlrT IJlC aVRitJ Ul aVilyAJiT BON'B MMBOMEJCARtjSltUhlt eity, have just received fat manafacturer'a nriee) a larva and splendid assortment of a'l the different styles, (ui'aNa for Vulting.and Orname.iUl Card of Invitation for Balls, Parties, Ac. Alto, large size Embossed Card, for Printing, and aew style Ko Pipers, beautifully embossed. HOOAN A THOMPSON. Stationers, m) onte 10S Chesnul it.

tmwffilZ pecifully announce to Milliners snd the sub Avlie generallv that ahe i nrerared to ezeeuta all order for Wbuening and Pressing Straw and Leg born Bonnets, In ihe best style, at the shortest notice end oa Ihe moat reaaonab.e terms, et her residence, THIRTEENTH Sueel, third door above Wood, west aide. Philadelphia wt0 3i rYC From Misiigoroery County, at Ihe Suble cf CwAmim. Kaatrsa, NEW Btreet, Sign srA leaijA. between Third and Fourth streets, five elegant young BLOOD BAY HORDES, kind lo harness, good action and lofty carriage, calculated for either addle or harness. mQ0 3t JUST AgRIVr.D AND Fok SaLCI FIVE beuuurul BLOOD BAY HORSES, from eixteea to sixteen and a half handa b'h fhevareof the beet blood, spirit end action.

and of very high carriage. There are estoeg them tnme 4T the best saddle Hones iso, a aenr ef beautiful JKT BLACKS, fall sixteen hand high. All these beautiful animal arc perfectly safe and gentle in alt harness. Inquire ut the Sign of the SORREL HORSE, in FOURTH Street, aear Vine. m30 3t.

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