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Public Ledger from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Public Ledgeri
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SCARPA'S Ml. FOrl CI. RE OF 1 r. A I tl CURE Tub FILES, ther ar Ointments, OP MATTER! hlvu, EnbrocViofi Wuk TkfM, wv FROM THE EARS! eat wafrtlowirif highly I cording to the tjy sn of It Bewstiepets, ar infallibl i mciiigutoa fxam a aewapaper priniea ui i ah pojsariane mow laey prureca inm Messrs. Murray A Ron are member! of the Soeiety Friends, tud are well xurwa in (h botiaeat coin uiiy.

44 Th uiider.igned, (genu ft Lockpnrt, from pes wl kntiwlcdgu of iu god efteru, can rreomnund Ihe above article without koiiia Wi wimui ma urn year aooot tTU eyortk aad la most It hs proved beaencud. One ease of Mn esar Mantling, (the wife of Joptha Baliouck, of Su waww,) entirely tars by rues. If th mueestul will call owns, we will lay before tkrai whai evUwnee we kava of in remedial qualities, and tau they can beat iag whether tons it or ForaaUbyDR JAYNrMBnathThiid atraci, iw d. a. UUMI'LK 1W North Becood trt, Fht Jidelrtbia.

j.OXwtri' 8W4VNF.S OOPIPOUND SYRUP'OFWILD CHERRY. rMiLAMtLPiiiA. I)oa Stfc. IMA. I fTJn wTaii Dear Sir 1 have bata alHwted with iaW enagb fur eisbl year, attended with tickling i deceived if ihev did wi bear in mind Ihe name of Dr.

tarerne. Therefore lha pnWw should be on their gtejrd, im ant kv aneuiies miliar paimea la them fi the original end geme preparation, watch ueiilyiwepered by VK. BWAYNK, vy. cm fn of Ktghth and Race streets, Philsilelpbia. I 'AM wooUrful wtrceas of Dr.

rjvrayns's Oompnand Hyrap of Wild Che'ry in earing Coughs, Colds, CONSUMPTION, Asthma, Prtmchtli, Liver Cora tUhrt, Weak Nenrea, Bore Thml.Bpillirnr Blood, sin hi tie Fide or Breast, Broken Consiitauoo, Ae, bt anparallelrd in the annals of history. Great esa IH waeeesmry tnnMsIn the original preparation at prepared by DR. 8WAYNR, corner of FJOHTH and HAC8 Bireeu, or of hi aatbnrlxed Agents In nearly all the principal' town throughout the United rwans, Aeint M. Phillips, WllroiiitrlfXi Brown, West Chester D. Kreb Brown, Poturill J.

lioa'e, Oermantown. rjJ CAM 1 1 the premises, aaAjufca of Elsventh and Market sts. TERbLuT. The owner tua hav her ch rM and provbig property. ittea fd inl.Tiri 1 FOR SMYRNA AND TUB PEMMBULA The Bmyrna, Ui ais and l'hildelni Smmbial Com tmnTi enftllaoe run Ikelr DAILY UNKof MAIL OAUHtW, llore wiinwngtoa, to ua anova aame rue; leavuig immediately on lha arrival of the I an whinb leave al n't'o A.

MIW t' ITyn NEW FRENCH FLOWERS, Ac! ho a ha Jiut received large and ereona purrhasiag Hau ot Oapa that money la tneu pockets tn aeai at.tna tieaa am ana tyj nort, fn. tM MARKBT Btrett, two dnort bebrw Htr'h. baV tFtats WARDEN A BROWH' 1 jsnss svufliri 1 TJ OBT fm Bundny evening, a large black CLOTH i CIRCULAR CLOAK CAI'E, llnea with black silk, either between th Chu'ek in Fourth street and Arch or along Arch lo BU'h, or la Sixth from Areh Noble strewu. Th fiudor, by returning lo No. North BIXTH Street, above Noble, will be Iltyallywamrded, jao ll "I OTT On cWndey afternoon, In (tang from Bat Ji lonwond and Biith hi Berontlt.

above Coatm a tOI.D PENCIL, set with purple stone, with the initial K. L.T. engraved oa it. The Under will be rewarded by leaviaf it in SEVEN Tli, fnar donri above Coal. I 'd i (T A It0id FKNCIL OAtSK, haVHig Ike let Lt ler 8.

1. to N. B. engvea ikerom. The hader wi1) be suitably rewarded by leaving It at the 1 lgerenV lw Itmr On otMisy, in Butuve, hmr Third tteet.

or Third, near Bprare, FIVK DOLLAR I NOTE, na th Farmer' Bmk Uucatler, with two or tarre asm written en ue aaea. 1 as aimer wdl eblige, by lamf it at No. 118 SPRUCE B'ce jad dte IT Oa Bead ry aflrraotm teat. In going from awik 1'. uI Race and Bi tth streets a 0ll Ever poist cd PENCIL CASK.

Tb finder will be liberally on leaving it al No II or B3 MARSHALL Firael.or ia BEVENTH Btrett, west side, fir bouse ietow Poplar rent XlABIaiBT On Benrlay evening, January 4th, a 1" (10IJ) CHAIN BRACT LET, with five The rh Bniai ai a v.i, 0" CAMS TO THE PREMISE, a week rAMKA NKWKOl'iNDLAND UOti, riik Bthrkiw YbitJWMr mum tiiv htm by mvim ekrpu, mm A lU II A 11 AlrM fitAWfl tHBrm Vav; 1 ixnrr SarxSv tar. Dee. Wlh, rtmrmTcV c4rkTF.RlF.RDOG. Thcfinder, TcT iiihim siNe PttfePRUCa SueeL will a IQwanUd.

faUSt' 2 .0 FiVci LKMAJIHS REWARD BaAAaaaai: Chrisinma da, liver eobwed WATF.R (iPAAlrll aboat six te seeea Bionth eld, bmps a 'itHa from jaaaansas ia hU sraaMert white ea hU Hirer Rtwd, one mile above the U. S. Arsenal, (near FraHlfisu) tea II receive in annve rewaro. jaj JaJ lt' 1 A LARGb NEWFOUNDLAND D(Mi. sHat ajuukt, CaiU Wa lb prenuruf Ik XdVaTCser the evening of the al alt.

The owner, 1 on proving property and paying cham can have V. I eWii.iii al WNorth SKCU.t St. VUf IOO0TD! WOOD Small OA A II1AIUI art rVrii.n diieasoi waia ika liver aad stomach, and it ia easily seen that oihtrrjetiu cannot reack Ika (Urtuur point of Ika disease; neither will purgatire ba of any aenrnnt ia aunt frequently from snots of ika to lb ureal, great debility, and ether dUagreeebto 1 n'" aw, But moat rotuaoi ruateeavwhrnl. bad become aaite aUrming, and kmf would aTmteued serine ecaqeee. 1 Brad trial of I Wlllln( rare her, bat aanai probably nearly all tka atedieine wkick are raeoaiiai lalial ai hertly ia ika paper, bid received no beneih what, aver, and bearing of your COMPOUND BYRUP OF Vt ILD CHKRR I releetantly eoncluded to auk a inai ot li, and in a my aiiori urn it cared aw en Urolr, ao Ikal I bay had no return of it, out feel avtek Mrangi iae aiing your iavaluable medieiaa, And yon eaunol any loo muck In iu favor, there arc jm many normal iuireriiuj I war, which hy the are your wuinpounu eytup wua utterry mifrni lie acxBaatntly eared, JJLUVS DlXOM, i eoriter of Tenth and Tearl tR.

BWAYNE'S COMPOUND BYRUP OP YlLD CIIKBRY waa the arat grenaralkHi front that waluaMe tree which war ever Inlrodaeed to lh pub lie and ample proof i efforded of iu mecM by the beit rf)Ud with Balun, Candtea," and MiruraM of Wild Cherry, not ona whiah prepared by regaUr phytician. elthnurb they bava aaaunKd the aaam of reapeetable phraieiaM io five earreoey tn their amlninu.n And (here la an ''iwrMwtnt'1 who hal enmc mil within a fewdayr with a Command Bvrno of Wild Cherry, elirwina till rhuer to the nrigioal aame, Ikat prramu mihl ba cura all pilU that IhudUeua dalea Ita arigia. The Herb Doctor preparaa a tenwdy which be enoexlera InsniWi, asd Stidt as Is anhieg where believe the feme, fi ba otTere it on the let of na emayipay it ukuIMIIA. 0LUOUri.Hirir.rv Tkia a certain rare ft. Liver Onraulaint and 0)e aenria, and if aurd wilk kU Aati Oatire Pills, never fatl in curing Iks Wuret ae Bleeding, Blind.

Inlernal ar Kktef.aal ruee, (Vith the above it uard bu Pda Oiniinem and Hatb Ucmctioa. Tbeea four pranaraiioM give iaMaerliaia aaae, aad tot all caaci 4 arrert and radieal cure fullow. 1 KJlea WainwrigM, Nurrialowa, Pa foldred 4 aajt? yaara with law aroaUeaume dawaea. tlha trie varioaa remediee, bat autairig wnald relieve her ia laelearl. kauaa Ika Uerb Diur lo gel cared; bar's being him nt Iba woataaece.

the Dod woald ajiii niter her with the prospect of aspealy eurej ha turd bar bw ladaia Blood VurBer would acnainiy as ska as tn bad and ad rtqaira sanre aieoicjiie ihs ase it rnukl eves require twealy hoiilrs to entirely remove the complaint. Al though thus duMocreged, fbe etwnneiKeil iu asa, got Ihe Purifier, with the arcomnanimeau, and ttranga as it nay aeem, two bottles roeetcd a rare. She fid lowed school irarhlng, but had to fire ap the school on account of her ill faealie, and despaired of finding a remedy. Now she is well only faturdsy, Jan. 3d, IM4.

wa received this account. Ktmy diy we (re hearing of Datallers carta by oar treatment i i Liver Cumplaiat and Dj tpepria eared bf slnilo buttle of the Indian Blood I'unher, asrd with Ihe Ca Ihailic Powder. Bsrrv. living in Kleventk street, 1 donrs below Lornst, tuld, this morning, Jan tb, lhal Ihe abuv small smouiH of saedictna bad cared him of ihe above romplaiau after suffering more than two years and ejpemuag I arte arnnani of money, without obutining any rali he was so reduced lhat he had lo live on hrrad and waur c.aild art rat at Bight with the fxtin wo fast wasting away; the raa dtcuie relieved hiia Immediately and rnshlrd him ID eat any kind of food, increased In fiesh, As. TiKdar.

Jan. Sth.lha Agent from Wilmington told of a rure of spppia ai'id Liver Complaint areonv a lie Powder. A dauahler of Joseoh Todd, living Wllmlnaton. br was viry Imt with Hie shove dis ease and an affoclinn of Ihe They tried the old school phywians, and she only got worst and worst ne tueo me aero oonort meuicine on yie terms of no cuts aa pay," and it rffected a cure. N.

Harker, of lha snme plaoa, was venr bad with pleurisy, and neither capping, bleeding, blistering, or the (troug poisons of the mineral doctor, would not relieve hua ia Ihe least i lha Herb Doctor's eniag Plaster relieved him immediately If in want lo hear of mora cure, come and ait hill aa boor at Ihe Herb Doctor and yoa will hear of na aeroas cases, for ihe food new it eomiiuj aver few minaietof aew ana surprising cares. The Herb Doctor has rut ptdilUhed tw PsmphleU of near a hundred psg'S. ermtsining very earful iv forma inn 'The two together be sr th for Ihe biw price id Id) cents, at No, IK) FILBERT Btraei, two doors above Klrventh. 1 bsl linei DKTf rJtfcR'8 hlAUIC HAIR OIL renders all: harsh, an manageable hair soft, gkawy and ftexi Ma, or autling mora lhaa doe Ihe keailnful moistura of lha scale, and it art only re moves dandrso. bat destroys lb as as of it.

It it wholly aalike all other Hair Oils tad Tonics, and ex tells them all la all their intentions and purposes. i Iu actma apoa Ihe capillaries and sores ef the scalp It pecaliany benaU, restoring uava and vigor of action, simulating the germs of the hair, and thereby Mndeaiw assortmeut of Wreaths of Fin I reing a wnea m. TLOERB for the Hair. Also, Wteatht and Bo irtiew'Miruii entirety tmeu A Dreasca, of a snperlor style and quality. fros from lh.

fatty, frying and other properties of umlwe BwaetOU, (the dialler is generally sold ander the aainos of Maeaasar Oil, Ross Oil, AnUqae llrfwTi i i "fi Oil.te.,) which deliiliuw and relax the hair vessels, rot and ar Up th hv, nusiag it 10 fall out, and bring na prerratinre baldness. Price and to ets. It is sold at a CHKBWUT, Matot i rnra. imvir KAtARKAblJt CLKEOK tended with BriTTtn or Dloob, Hmme Fuvaa and Nioht Bwists, by Ihe use of DR. DAVIB COMPOUND BYRUP OF WILD CHERRY AND TA R.

The young lady, the subject of Ibis cure, wa fiader. by returning it Bio. ill MfedaCH ANT p. rjavU' tmpoand Bvrup of Wild Cherry Bt in ei. win ne soiMmy iiww 1 1 E.

B. ul lhanks of the owner. hvSK TiF.VVARL lAlBr. a OoW'CURu CHAIN. Os aasde atlseh a watch aad fworll.

with Ihe iiriimU B. H. tn M. B. II enrraved en the inside nt the slide; tanonaed have btea dropped on Ntw Year Eva Fifth Bt.

M. K. Chateh, ar na Ntw Yrar nucning tat th Baltimore ear oa going la Wil ntingmn, Tba finder will receive Ihq above reward wrhrnvrnthm ihe ledger oBI' a bnviia SMAll SLM OF MuNEVf FOUND Th IX owner eaa have by applying al BW COUTH Street, and proving property, liB 41 fulVKU Ikk Bamrday vnina last, a HmilM maa ULO TH CLOAK. The owner eaa hav it by proving property ni ving fie UU advertUa nvsnu Apply ai Na. XH SOltTct Street, enrner of xthnreeU Jad tt Stmthv above a whisper The otragh wa parlW ularly vio lent at night, much a a freqaeaUy to prevral am from sleeping all algal.

These tvmptoau eontbtaed aaul ihe 1 reds Ileal early ia lha sprint of the year when I ens kin DR. DAVIS' COMPOUND BYRUP OF WILD CHERRY AND TAR. By I lima had taken Iwo botlle Ik change wa very Me, lha eongh wa loos said the pains in tba brtesll aamtht sine all lha srtsptiHna of tfii aad I eased takine the mediciae. side and entiiely well since lhal time, and have every reasna to believe the ear perfect. The only auaru I used in ermianciioa with lb Byrj, we ih appHca linn nf CrohHi OU to Ihe breast, anhedtreetlon of Dr.

WILAMINA NEWMAN, Corner otMJder no Master street, Nywember It, It. tVanownshin, The following are the ettaMunedAgrneies for die Garrutue. N. E. earner Ciaiie and Tenth stSjJ N.Hiioenaacx, Beormd tnd Cle; 0.

vaaghaa, uaeenana rewtstmim r. o. raagnao, Third and Race; V. Siiaea A Smu, Schuylkill Front and Fifth and Market 1 8. Bones, Twelfth and Chosnut T.

Gegan, Ninth and Booth P. Willlam ma 4 Sua, 998 Boa lb Beoond. Earua Joha Pick amu Lsamilw J. flish. tFUrsrlarun E.

G. Chan dlar C. Carlials Myer Haverstlrk. Her Dr. Ch.

Cook, foairi J. 0. DeLaooar. tmttilh Wm, Milnes A Co, 'Ty' i ROBINSON COLLINS fleaeral Wholesale Agents, i UsVliB BT MARKET btreet. VBIIF OF TAR AND WOOD NAPHTHA whk daily rerting saeh reraatkahia ear la PULMONARY CONBUMPTION, Aalhnm, BrnnehltU, Bptt ting Blood, Pain ia the Sid and Breast, free Thrnat, H.atrs oeee, PalnHailon of Ih Heart, Waooplng Coeglk Croup, Hives, Nersrm Tremi, Liver titan, plaint and Dwaased Thevafor beware if all trmikm Mrxrerea of TAR or NAPHTHA, at imiiation are abnud Mr.

8. P. Thompson Dear Sir Tie astonishing benefit hare nmierred from Ihe ens nf roar Com 'fsawnfirfinn "itii i svv Mnd MrnaM IIP RIM niPHIRa. IllinUI md of Tar and renneri Syrup Napktka, na amy l4iw Perry street. 3l 1 jj, inform von nf it.

I had been long tHIicled With a '1 Ti.VET CAPE l.Osr. 4NFlioLLAKRti 1 vwybo.uh, snaring were pain in lha breast. WARD will be paid to lha finder id a Child 1 Withgr Tli vri MVT rite i.lnut iik I arhlrk nil, 1 1 wh Uik Bundav mnrairsr. either ia Che nut street. heiwcen Broad aHdJutiipar, or betweea Cbaarat 4 MaikH ia Juniper street, nrum temrtting It to th V) waerwNa tHOIESNUT Street.

tt id) 1 RRWARD will ae naid for th recaxrery nf tMUtb bod a ly. named PATRICK BOYLE, drowned on the alt. th De's wars, JAMES BO Yl.K. 1 actory st bstweeo Siuuce and Pine, Bcbaylaill. 4 REWARD.

UOI.D BRAA.KLKT, T(J with Ibr bswpm ssnaea. raitrnae enain. ua i iv Boaday nvvnlng, esrweea ana 11 1 rvauweea Eighth aad Raee errart, and Bt Phillip's V. Chnrrb.or fr wa there aku Vine street to Ninth, iippritln MrrTrwnurm.The 6nder bv retarnliig it 4Nrt7 RACK Bireel, above Eighth. Will la five t' thove reward.

ist J') 1 OBP lVa New Yrt Night, a brown BEAD lj PURS, knit WHh tteet bead. Th finder to to the esnney, If be will only retara Ihe Ki perse, it UiT great valad lo th loser, an a family I tjraesm from a deed athr Apply in BUt LR'S AVENUE, betweea ThlrleenU) ana tonip. uand Sisraeeand Pine atreeu, No A faMt ifeil.on between Ih Ameri 'Pet I eSZtl umW. rjMaual atraaL nd No 18 North 'Kuveulh street, copy of record a JUDGMEN Perry unity, ra nra imea vy art, f.i 34, ia which was anveloaed la Bank nmet am mgw whUh era on toft ame, dated l3h fcatem aj, en the Bank of Uwwtowa. tV, abont BlOO ia ten sWlar of new pUt.

oi Walker 4' two aotea, new pUu on B4 biH Re yA and the bamae ia 84 and Oaoletof ihe hi i 1. rvTU or Ni 11 A RET St. "innu DtaOlllll 13 "'no IMT 4M tba 3d last a man POINT ER SLUT. She had amand her neck i.k .1.1 a na juiain n. lauin anap, www.

1 1 ,...1.1 1 Wkiiaaal will caem maraea wna hri tnw her 1 No, a Sooth SIXTH wtH be noerally mfi ilie UT On Saturday, the ITih nlljhWff an l. nniKTF.A DOll. irr. ,7... hi un.

,1.. 4. 111 south pIFTH Sirscl, below PRUNE Street, wilt bellbe 1 Ptr 'i it breaihinj lor oftppttite. I'rtnr vsrirai medtre without rneet, I heenme alarmed. 1 heard of your medicine, bui be ing averse to uettuw most anvenis I meairine, thonyht 1 would adhere 10 what I had been nsiag.

Finding my ettln wnrte, a friend pertaaded me to try a bo He of your preparation, tayiog he owed hit lift to lit virtues. I Immediately procured a bo il and commenced asing it, nod before I had taken two bottles I wm completely rettoree 10 aeaiia. ri.4lvfne Iheseneniof nthcra I make the above brief atalemeut. Any further mquirtes eaa be made at my rceidence, 118 Catherine street. nm, i a Fbahcu Pvost.

Principal Offtee, N. eoraer of FIFTH and SPRUCE Street! BoM a lax by Smith A Hoigson, Sixth and Arch P. Brown, Fifth and Choanal John Hunt, Third and Brown. Price 40 ru or six bottles for B'J 5. In RendiBg, K.

W. Kartr NorrMown, Monro A Longacre Carnale, Staveeana A Lsoeasler, J. Oath 1 Wi mington, Hnnaharat) Weal Chester, J. Marshall; Trenton, T. Hewitngs.

jsa xtr NOTICE TO BRAISS ruuucna. ror nua 4.SJ lb. 4 told BRASS and a lot of rid COPI'EK, al No SOUTH SIXTH reel. below South. Alan, at PKT RAUB, ial ROUTB FOR SALS CHF.AP A valaaliu and ntenstveRoawaa the DAILY CHRONICLE PAPER.

FBddra, Inqnira at rta riuwA TER Btrett, en doer below Bulk urrei, trmtk Urn. 'i I' I1W) a EXTRA BUTTER. nib Exlr BUTTER, rqoal ta Gotten. 1. In he tnd tb, ffjrX Jj.

no. i Norih 'CL breaat ami whrte paw Whoever will rciarnmtd I T7 to Ne CHE8.NUT Street, or C. W. MORRI, TCOT NOTICK TURKS ISLAND SALT, TURKS ISl A tu BAL.T, SALT tarobvsbeU mrwdbeha tnng fiom barqa Fairmrw.4, and btigi Fairy and CUra: for ale be P'cha in! Apply 4 Klf HOLA8 WALLACE, whsrf. UA ar Rao street RANDYr A Brandy, XJ bow UuiUnf I torn narque trniw, al th foot of Chesnul ttreet Intp ir 'cd 1 ia 'M WALNUT law il If It UEATHKRB wg ust.

wca vnrDi mh nam Maalilv. warrant cd at lor u. iaantndiat os ratis 10 aau iTlf GRAHAM, Na 3 NORTH WATERWreet market. 1 1 JAMES G. UIBSO.J,.

,1 ivKtll'L' Ulr M. heloW Nuith. bet rCBV) nrvt ntmrctfully 10 inform his friend, and Ih psWm generally that he hM .171,1. .1 nOu Uia tulieiu samlinaaaee of Ihetoar ll'ai in. ii.i.twvii.i v.

KAMI N11THH PoUtville Bank Note snd Drafts bonrht at on half per tent, discount All other Bomrrrni Panh nwi bought at in lowest dicount. JiANK DRAFTS bought, and pratit ousll ltd ftintipsl iti In Unloafo an nV r. ill it 1 oBik Thin irtu.v KiiT a i.i. ,43 BOARDINU A UeaUtuiaa aad hi Wife, or a Veral Btitfle Gentlnaen, can ba areooiiajodaled wilk good BOARDINU, at No. UNION Street, anova inira.

jao iv MhiVV BUARUINU HOI'bhV Two husia enaiaiii lv airaltnc with kr eltmss, ml a cimnnra, wna wjjuuaa tanra rewjoaame icrau thaa any such boaaa ia the eity. Apply ar the large Muutnev tar(hir oorser VlF tk sad PRCNIS saa iav BOAHll0 WA.NTKD. Aa URMSHKd ROOM, belweeaWsli.nt and Arch, and Piftk and Teuth ttreeis, by a couple of LADIES. A note addressed 10 D. Ledger o(Bc, slating hiralioa, price, Aa i will receive aliemioa.

)aft. It) OARDINU Two at three tfaaiksaea will bt aemiaaiodaird with BOARD, by apaWiatr at Na 70 Booth THIRD, ooooslla iek. i'lw L'Jl 1 111 Dill 1.1 l' 1 ao iinrraity patronizes, aer aeretotisra, ana laautre a ftnpenr tae emiiinaaitnai or tpwir tavors. yaa aie BOARDING Several Young CenUesMa osa ba aecj'mrrndsied with BOA by applying si No. 38 N.

FIFTH Bt, Tenwatoderata. ia3 3l AKK.W Biag'e Geatleawa eaa ba aleaMiHtly ao eiimmndated with BOARD, by applying at No. tl North MOUTH Btreet. ia.w TJOARUIMO. A UcnlLsmee.

aad hi Wna and 1) FoorBuirleOenteniea can be Dieasaa'ly aceoav mooated at no. at sruuus euecu anova Mrone. Also, aa Office lo LET. t3 3 TJOARDINU. A few Single Gentlemen eaa be ae etHnmodaled wilk HOAKUiiMu; besine armiamfUexicKi win Arva a itfiitw 4 is9iuawei eaesaei dsw.

I LI UI I r. a LllA I I Market street, mat side. i3 3l I I Market red, east tide. j3 3l RB. K.

ii. ItUUENT' I RAL HOLdB, No. Ki MARKET Street, for la aeesmmnda tion of liealMMuea and Famihes, Traastenl Boarders entertained from 7 eesU lo Bl per day. Two Wee taken eeowere rvim OARDl.Nti. A few nngi GENTLEMEN can be aeontamndated With BOARD by making immediate anpltestioa at No.

1X1 BPRUCE Street, below Fonnh, lower tide. 1 dia lm' FOR BALIL A CARDING MACHINE, with Cmdroaer end Picker, would be sold low for cash, or axebanged for Woollen Yarn, of from It 30 tut. Apply Mr. LEECH'S, 14 CHERRY Btreeu. JeVJt lEMOVAb lha sulwctiber has removed hU CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT from No.

I. In Baaerawh'a Big Btnr. No. StIO MARKET Sired, four doors below EIGHTH Street. i3 3t S.

aptOLLECI'IONaWTo Owner ef Real Estate, Physicians, Btiwekeeaera and others The tab seriber orTers bu services as a Collector end General Agi m. The beet references will be given at 10 cha ascf experience, F. A. TREUO, i jaj lme an noai revfiiit street. SELIJNO OFF AT COST The balance of oer WINTER STOCK, ennsUting in part ef Do Laines.

Cashmerea, from 99 cents tn 37 cents per yard, Tartaa Plaid and Chintzes, with a full assort ment 01 uonrry. irtovea, ee at ine vueap wore, n. corner BEVENTH and PINE Bl. lm 1iVKRY LADY should provide heoelf with a hot tie of K0UdSKLB TREBLE EXTRACT fa ins Hdkf AMANDINE, lor chapped hands Lip Salve; superior COLOGNE or present her haabaad or brother with a box of Premium Shaving Cream by railing al Ika I jMlira' Favorite Store. N.

R. corner of TENTH and SPRING GARDEN BtrecU. (eVtmhaie i WM. H. MAURICE ttreei.fith door below Bijitli.

ht3 3r JKW CARI'ETINGB, OPENED THIS DAY. ll Doable aaperfine. Fine and extra fine, 3S, V. (t, IB, IB, ft, til wool Entry am) Blair. tS.

31,371. nag anu usi, so, 4(, s. Floor and Table Oil Clothe, Stair Rods, Carpet Sindint. A. Persons ia want of Ihe above naaied goods, will find II lo Ihelr advantage lo call al oai'Ue voASLr man 10, No.

W9 Bndth Seennd street, below Pint IMPORTANT TO MERCHANTS WHOLE 1 BALE AUCTION DRY GOODS The tubae ther woaid respaetfally mlorm hu friend, and mtrchanu generally, thai he hat removed from No. HI North THIRD Bireeu where will continue to receive irom in importers, ana in kegaatoaiasppaar.ana as.i emiunaea maing fciV ionnS 3'nflTM wse earJZ heTiow lealiw iwo pft JSll damneeared I have remained WH MILES. Engineer, Millwright and Ma ehinaa, MAIDEN Street, npenaiia th N. L. flu Work, manui'aciiiret Steam Engine, Blowing Faos fi Mills and Foundrica, Turning Lathes, Sioott, Taps and Die.

Haa now on hand Tial't Patent Mill Spindle Boxes and Lathe for Btaat, Wood sod iron Turners, irom aiu 10 ra. N. Turning and Fitting of all kind. Pwliea mr atumiioa paid lo repairing Engines, and perfect talisfacliim given lor petformaoce of same. ja3 la CHEAP SATINETTB.

Satinet's, at wholemla 'prices, to close fall business: together with a Central assortment or rAUL ana vt in 1 r.n un IOODS, which wiU be sold very cheep. HOSIERY. very mw, Also, an excellent assortment ot rant; and STAPLE DRY GOODS, at the lowest pnttiM eash price. FOSTER A CO )a tmhll B. enrner Vine and Thirteenlh sts.

NEW FLOUR AND FEED STORE The sab acriber respectfully Inform his friend and the public, lhal he hat opened a FLOUR and STORK, at No. 33 North FIFTH, near ARCH Stn wher will endeavor to keen a umplr of the most Biemaiinpiy uemost 'itMIUMPHAN BUOCKHB joBUMPTIVEB I snprwed brand of J. remesaher thai THOWlnom utmniUiiu 1 Rye. tmexwaeai, 1 be delivered, free of charge, any part of the ity. twa rvll.l I Extra Wenched WINTER SPERM If nil.

wairaaiia ears aeannd and third aoa lities Winter Sperm OIL, very white, aad of AaSO, UtBU UIU, oem rennen, ua ia mm 7 Wwmi price, by. WILLIAM RO.NEY.Ja, Ul Iwe wo. IJU ptorta I hire anova naee. CAMDEN WATER WORKS COMrAN ro rewsu will be receivrd by the shove Oomputy at th eity of Camden, nnlll ihe loth ey or January next induaiv. for the erection of a Brick Building, 30 by feet, on the lot of the Oemaury, siiuste oa rtnmae atrw 1 and for a fllaam Ennne nf IB horse bailUmg hu eslahliahment, and aatde sack other arrangemenu as wtli anaM kirn lo nprily the in treated demand for hu PURE ALT LlwUOR.

and wiUeonstantly have on asixt, UHAI UHT AlJfor home coewampuon, BROWN STOUT. PORTER and ALK for snipping or aotiung, tw aapetinr quality, watch will ri with th best imported Uou.v. W. C. RL'DMAN.

P. 8 Ortiert through th IWofJice primtptly at tendedm. dli 3m IOLT1N0 CLOTHS A full aaamtmwri of Old Anchor aad other eeleorated itaaaps Bolting Cloth on hand nnd for mis. wholesale and retail cheap for eash, al BITTER'S old established B'dua JiothMoaae.o. BOrtran lllturreri, rry v.

aaVeratnr jaiu rxi DK('FrOR GRANT'S ELECTRO MAGNET 10 APPARETL'S The am umple nd e. eient ta theeoantry fi tbe care uf NERVOUS DISEASES. The Franklin Institute in 1841 and ISifi awarded to ihu Arfaratus the premium a superior tn all other. It has alao th reejiomwiidationa of th (rat physician ta Uts ettyr in amau poruvpte Boxes, li and IVeixca, oy ja. 01 11s nam, 13 for by JOHN C.

FARli7 aSJM'AI i tiaatnwna, atrtaat HEAP blJnKETS! Al0an'rimentof s. whiTNET, and 't i. TWILLED UIJtNKrTS, For ml at greatly vafwe frtrss. with a fall as anamntof w'oolLEN FLANNH BAILY A tAOTHER. i nuMtB N.

W. oor liUrtmmthMd VAXT5 CT fOR hTdAiTS BBS FIRST PdWK. ,11 WANTrlD A MTUATloM aa Pmmt ar fnrw ba whirh he east saoderasa a stress tsnet. Tba bast re wiailsiiJslioBS will be gives) for rapahilinr and iith fume. Address Joha," at V.

PAIMKRDOf. SN.W.enr. THIRD and CHKHNUTtks lw4 ANThU A t'KkNCa at Na li OLD YORK ROAD AM TfcW A A1H a do bovsawnik new waa aadeiMad weAing; referarea will ba ra quired. Apply at I7H oalk THIRD t. if i tirA.NTKD A I tSKWrvRd, WIIJLOW BONNKT MAKKR9 and FANCY aULU NrJU.

Also, APPRUMTICr Applyto THOA. WHITK, i IsJtv Na. Id S.ik Saenod Mm. Iawn eanbe eceoromsiailed wUh pleaunl and I TTANTtU A CIlsAR MAKe R. agreeahlu BOARDING, if imaiBdiaia applicaiioa is I pasasat will be give) wag HI HAUt, oxreel, avovo bigbth, rortk I two appceiiucr io ieraie ww.o jVt rrvj MH K.

TORAM kav J. in beca angiged ia keeping a BOARDINs) HOUsB for amimWnf veers, has sow npeord the brre and anmnkidiiau) dwallinr. No. lid Boath terisiiiaienl Travellers, at Ika old price, tenu per day. The boasa slisate ia lb immediate vicinity of the Baltimore and New York steamboat landings Mr.

T. aecnnwiedgea tae kind favors ot I Baltimore and Boaibern friend generally, who I ANIiaWAaatfcumpiwbed I 'OHEMaN AI4. Anrlr ia MAR BKT Bl 1 west of Btkaylkill ftk. Ja 3t I WANTfcD A good TiR and HAKg BaKML I nos Ire at the t. eornar af FIFTH end CHRISTIAN Btraeta, BoaUrwavk Oood MetewiaT rrqnirad.

i ihlWi WANTKD An APPRKNTICK lo ike Blacksmith basineas. Inqaire a JAMES WK9TB, FILBERT Wreet, aelow Mnia street. tt W' aNTKIV A few aulas ha ike ammiry.e AUK and ehildreat. Tka maa awe aadersund Ihe eare hnrsts, aad hi wife aa) Iba waskiac, iron tag and dairy wore of a mw huatiy. Aa AsnmuaarKnalim Ismllroolv aeedanaly.

Ad dress T. No. WALNUT Street, with re ferarea and where laey east saw). Jao ite WANTEU active Yoeng vus a popular Work ansoar Builderv Ma Chanlos end other, la Ibr eity and county of Phila delphia. Apply at No.

WIS. rOUItfH ISA'll I ITaMED la private family, where the wvb mg at pat oat, anvtrctaM wubiapj ascook on who andcrstand Cooking and Btking and is a good Irrmert Heat recommendation it be reonhed and liberal wages given. Iiqaire at No t) BRANCH Btreri. who eodersUJtus asaaauaetwing all kuala of lavlies' Fine Shore. Apply ooa, al ERSKlNE'8 BinM aad Shoe oMare, Wit ntSKIKisti alie WANTED A White WOMAN, as Cook, wno ran come wett reexresaacnaea, at rro.

CLINTON Bt above Tenth. lt WAMTKDwA COACH BLACkeAUTal. A good werkawa will tad ermslant emplormenl by af plying at waoaiwuu muk.vb, 0 lte f'. I George strew, hoveBixih. ANTED Two stout BO of se, to work at Box Una Maaufcrmrv.

rjoaioeest sbml 18 years Making, laqairtattbe eorwer of BEVENTH aad MARKET Btreeu. EeUaace oa Seventh street. Jae tie TAN Aa Aawncaa U1KU nut under rears of ge. as Waiter. Inqairt at No.

30 South Schuylkill EIGHTH ft Below Weore UT A tjENTo ANT 5 active, UilelluraulAlKN, XX of rood address, waabd to eauiirsai for a popular wurk. it will be necessary for laea lo kava aa oat filofMuBWViUwaia sash good securities, A certain disttiet of eouairy will be aassjasd each sgral. Reiereaee required Appty FLAOO A rahlinher, I iun 1 7B South Third street, ju opposite ihe Exchange AN UNFURNISHED CHAMBER ANTED In a private family. With BOARD, for a Oea tlcman and his Wife. Terms mnst be wdersle, and location eenlral.

A Wrers "BUStrt fS" al the Led ger office, tiaiing part tea Urs. eeo3re WANTED A While WOMAA 10 do lb Chsm ber wisrk and Waiting la a small family. Apply at th first nrick boas BEACH Street, ah ve Marlborough, opposite the Ship Carpaaur' Bell, Kerjington. je 3re LADY has a healthy, intelligent little BOY, be iweca five and six years old, thai she wishes in ADOPT to tome respectable parntat 10 bring ap as their own. A priesskinal gentleman preterred.

enable to leave thibtaise for atonihs, and hsr family TT UGH TKNEK, AJIVKNKY AT LAW. Flcasa addr MAKH, Ixer .4 with real asms, awl friends thoaghl lhal aba we ia confirmed and I aX ha REMOVED hu Ofllee to Na IB PRUNE I Hating where an interview aaay be had. Un incarabla Consumpthai, and that she could not litre much longer. The astonishing eSecU of lha atedi eine art depicted la her tuiamsnl. In the early partof the fall of WM, 1 wj attacked with a severe cough, which eeminued ehsiianie lhronriat tb winter, attended with a pain ia lb aide and breast, fever ia Ihe aAeriwons, evening chill and frequent atghl sweats.

I alsa Was afflicted with spitting or Mood fur several aaya. my much 1 wasao afeced thai 1 eoant srareely (peak eueiuiimablerefenaeesgivai. 'IT'ANTKD A YOUNG WOMAN lo work in a Linea Store. She most be a good Linea sewer, and bring a nmphi of her work none other need apply at No. Siih BIXTH Bt.

jiB lin WANTED Al Ih Fairmount Fsctory, SPRING GARDEN, a few POWER LO(M WEAVERS. AUo, a hand who it aeqnainted with Grinding Card. Apply 10 W. SMITH, al the Fee joTy. iaa raAfa BOOK KEEPER WANTED A sated! aged asan, of steady hsbtls, good nrcounUnt, eaa oh.

tain a permanent situation oy aaorrssing a ai ia loorer office. The mhtry small. hat It A MIDDLE AGED LADY wishes a AA. TION, either asSesjnstree or to suneiinleid in a Family, please, call al No. 4 Sjath NINTH Street.

ia It WANTED YOUNG MEN ia Dry G.aid and Grocers Stores 1 1 Bonk MMr I Waiters. SitaatintB) for Clerk. Balesasrn, Teachers, Car Agents, Men for atorea. Bank Banners, Cnarbmen. MERCHANTS' ITTrTCK, Pin.

I HH ART Bt. "A Barkeeper can obtain a good sitaatlon. Wanted 4 Cook, Chambermaids. It Hons GirU. 3 colored GirU, a Girl bf New Orleans.

rry Flores, Hotel and Famillea espphed with men and women al the ram test rotten. )A ijatie 117ANTED A SITUATION. A young DUTTOX, who it duly authorized Maetrta the I 7 ia nITvJBsaAk MaNT, VI who ha beear cmrdoyed aa Boaa keepet iaa large MUbilskssent for several rear, and who al preseut engaged ia th Retail Dry Good basiness, wuhet lo obtain a ailualma in a' Coanling Htmse iar Store, or an Agency, or any place where hit earviee would exaamauiaa living salary, tsooa reimeaieea Address Q. A Ledger hnVita WANTED IMMEDIATELY Twenty MA CHINI8TS, acemtraned Steam Engine Work, to whom the highest wage and cash pay men wut eegiven.

ALBERT 0. BROOKE, Port Carbon, sear Pmuville. Behaylkill eouMtr. hm Cte al No. 73 NORTH THIRD Bt.

rio 1. wiiUiit RICHARD R. DUTTON NoncE Th tnbictiber continue Ih BOOT and SHOE MANUFACTORY, al Ihe Old Stand, B. corner of SIXTH and CALLOWHlLb Mr sets, wher he sol kits slisr of sairooare. 3l LEWIS T.

VUTTON. 1 I 1. 1 aa nrkitfMiaiA a. co ia. "a aa WW ftltaftUA st aTsaaa.

power, to ne put ap enjoining mm oanuing 1 aoa sor 1 oa mis ssraaia. jwia aa.ay. twoeinca ramps, ior mrirm i i I A LL COME OUT CLEAN. by the font 1 snd for Ue erection of a Wharf ia ihe I A LUKENW CELEBRATED PATENT FA River uelawara. .1 MILT XV ASHING MACHINE eaa bow he seen ta The plan of lha Building ana irancatioiit win oa fu 0pim every week day, at No, 1(4 VINE Pie I exhibited on application lo ISAAC COLE, Esq dent of la uaupanv w.

Ulitv auav, nocremry. Decernher 33. 18I hg IOt PINK OIL, TURPENTINE, A The Bubwiber has removed hU works lo No. 961 North FRONT Street, above MAIDEN Btreet. U3 lwa run icurr.

JZ 1 1 DINT PORTER BOTTLESS of supermr qaaisy, at six dUm per groa Apply at tae uun VIIXB GLASS WORKS, Kcasirortort, er of Ue Agent, 8, PECATUR SMITH, No. 37 South Front 1 stieet. A DTERTlSintJlPi iouyr.TarpitsvVBrAFK. V11.AV aNDOIJJ FIHMSWM 1 1 p. A iy Merenanta, miinetamiu ers ana veatert i 1 B1.

generally, wno are preparea oappty wa aa 1 iom tr Mint 111 a aara a A armeksW nf w. n. rALlir.n. Beiaj 1 na sg I aTaBrwj A rent, at th North west comer nf THIRD and CHKiUT mreeu. uy Hsasaim inoa XaSTJTSS others tn his very repeoor ACCOUNT BOOKS, al Very low price, made In Ihe beet manner, and war ranted darabla andcr forfeiture of the pnee A re neraj aisorlsseat of Aeeounl Books and Paper for i loweMwboleiraMire.fcv EMMONS A GIVEN, artjoiniru the Navy Yard, PhiUdelnhia.

aW TwQ KIDMAN'S EAGLE BREWERY, GREEN SI The suhscriner aolieiu from ih pahlw a con Unaalion of the lilieral patronage which for auny years they have been pleased lo extead to He aeaiu kimseu of uiaopportanrty to UDiona a is eront frieau thai he haa ntended, by additional Meesrs. Clagbora A Bill, la tba AUCTION BI S1 NKABI woeld remieetfallr inornt the Csrset Mana faetarer that they com in in th Urge and well known AUCTION ROOMS, Nne, and 31 MAR KET Street, where they solicit ejoomrnmenta, ana on which ihev are reedy maka liberal eash advaaca I Their first Carpet 81 will take phaee the hitter part onnosiia the N. L. Bank. The oubitc.

eSDecUllr the ladies, are invited lo call and aae this wundwiful am chine, which will wash a doses shim, or etber clothing that amnant, petfecllv eieaa, without in jury, every Uasi mutate. every ramiiy saoaio have one, and aest only B1A nsVlw MUSIC STILL CHEAPER U. G. OSBORNE, IU Booth THIRD Street, haa lust issued hu No. I of the FLUTISTS MONTHLY BUOU.

for De cember. Il eonwtiu It popular airs, for It eents. All the former numbers of thu cheap Flute Work earn be foand by applying at th Matte Saloon. Batemen's New Notation, for the Flat, I the most Mtpleund 1 laieu a am nai ia BtaruiaT. inn stnw ana tears Accra de every leeriier.

raver, end will bepebliahedlaafewdtys. Joyfall o'er aha II be, Yeeng Highland Girl, and Yoeng Corsair's Bride, and Ih three miem ana mom popvan songs Halted. Tr rrtrrreloa tiaixipawe arm hoi Walts, and the two Ust eomonsTtionsof the Johnson. All the Cheap Pablieationa can be ft "aim 1 will he received bv the aotimsuriied. ant 1 1 Jan aary I'M, loid.

for lha supply of about gallons of pare 8PERM. OIL, to be delivered at lha Reading Railroad Depot ia ITtiaxdclphia, ta ouanti. tie of from 3000 MOO gnllon net month, roan Pebrnary IU Deceuher 31st, let. 1 .1. WUller OU WUI ue rertsai wut taw wniaa vaj Febraary, March, April, Noweanber and December and Summer Oil for lha balance th roar.

All Oil received, will ba eabjeeted la ihe aaaal teu of its puruy, befor. bong ct W. W. lIllArilM Sspt Ae. Reading Railroad.

Readiag, Penn Deeeamer tOth. IM. dJa lmj NOTICE TO THE PUBLlCT O.TIAUU ruA Any family, or families afflicted with thU arri roa SALfi Asa to n.i.T.T. DL1I.IHN0 U'TB FOR AI.E, OR TO LKT t)M MJ GROUND RKNT At RICHMOND, alrmgMde tee admg Railroad, near dm DrUware River. Apptyie 1 Be, VAN as tltmrrlKcvi hf lar Ho.

I Walmst street. I I i FOR SALE A valuable I'ROi'ERI'Y, Mtix jValsle la Third street, sarins ta iaieresl of 9 per eeai. shove all esaesMe. and will be sooa Inmraaed to It, and will be told at the aUve rale, with aa ia diarmtabl liilev H. JOHNSON, aundtie.

Ne Green atreeL i TOLET sisaj The fnar tocied Irr proW BTOR El ItiNo. A CHURCH ALLEY, a are) rate stand lot lb Dry (wrds Imfiaea. Appl Ike are. fet emtne I QHOl FOR HALE. Thai desirable DWELL.

1N0. No 3 Coaies above Ninth, mil beaeda great bargain, if applied Uw immedistalr. For particular, apply to it. in, halite 1 1J North Thirteenth wrect, I DFOR 8 A IJi Tke STOCK eud FIKfl KEB of aa OYSTER CELLAR, la a Central it' Itun. Inquiia at the Dry Uouas Btofa, 8.

mmiet NATH and KACKNMeta. MO QTHB first Three eturr BRICK Hoi fh ia 6UKKN Street, above Third, for RENT. It is nearly aew has seven mums, bath ronas, food yars, rarssn, newel '3 Applyallhebneae. I'M A LI. FARM FOR BALK Aboat lt) 1 I .1 II I TORENT A STORE Sf AND aud WAMK I 1 HOUSE and ROOM, situate In IIt.LI.ER TOWN, Niathampton eonnty, formerly owned by Peter Shaffer, The Store Room Urge and convenient, with Doable Counter.

Press aitw will be given any linse. further particulars, Inquire of SUSAN SHAFFER, owner of the properly, bow living ea ta premises, neiiorrown, or 01 1 ncni nuir.ii, am If Al weisiown, anova ine nm uat. to a large rohm a urge ROOM over Ihe Bwxe.No,l3i MARKET Bt Noithruat rorner Fourth, to t. The locality of ihe silaailoa being at the centre of basin, is tnch lhal it reader on of the most detirald pUeea hi Ihe eity, either fr Ihe Dty Gonds, Trim Bungs, or raoe traae. taeivre, aae ana ea lea st ve tlsa ixiores.

roveaatms given iraraeuiairiw. Apply to MESSRS ROYER A CRAWFORD, or E. PROWATTaLN. l.t llt A 1 ptm wi. itM iHVlin a NOTICE TO AGENTS AND OWNERS OF REAL ESTATE WANTED IMMEDIATE Ll.t oavenwm asoaern nam wr ar utrce snay DWKUJNG, siinste between Ds awa front aad PJ nth aad Ca'iowaui ana Area ru lor wbkb a moderate rent will he paid per annum.

References un axeontbeulMe. Address Y. ,1 FINS FARMING LANDS Two Tracu, "ziwTeoetsiiuiig S3 acre each, nf superior qaslily FARMING LAND, finely Timbered and Watered, and bieaud on a Stale Road, nt JeaVrson noanly. Price of each Tract, elear of bum to B7i, if ap plied lor tae couis et iae pre em wee. 1 SIIEAFF I JeB BlB No.

N.a th Thirteenth 'treel. CARBON COUNTY LAND. FOR BALE and tb Canal. ThU La valuable for us limber, and will make good farms when cleared. Title fully warranted.

nur nr euai lit, led No, None. Thirteenth street A RARK C1IANC! JifalTh rlTORE to lot and F1X1 URKB ml of lha eH known CHEAP BOOK DEPOT, No BUT CH ESN UT Street, nrmimla Jonea' WUh Ihe STOCK, if required. Tbu one 1 Ihe aant deairnbie an turns in the city Ataanaes of the Arcade For farther aaruoalars ply as above. l3tT ann kittw IWn t'Otf ao nl l.r. 1 renin ana 1 svvs flR.ii oa lha RIDGE TURNPIKE, ahovt five miles from PhiUdelphU Pur particular inquire ot UA lw No, South Fifth FOR SALE Thai lhrae Mm HOUSE aad OT, at corner BeheylkiU SEVENTH aad Street Th Suae now and ha beta fi Ihe Ut four ream kept a a Drag Stvref Ihe bowse rmilt modera stylet snsnranee Bernetatl for S'JOOP The dwelling will be rem if not sold by Ih first of February, Itrtt).

Apply lo either of the sotecribens JUNUECKICH. Oroeer, No Decatur street, Pkiladelphmi DANIEL FAGAN, Lancaster City. 1 j4 1t GTO LET The three Keied BRI0K HOUSE, No 4 Poplar Place, I which in Pindar ttrett, bmweea Beeoad aad Thnd,) wi Hydrant water. Real Bt par nmnth. Apply at Na SOUTH BI XTH Street.

MILK FARM IO LET A firm rate LlGRAZlNO and MUX FARM to rent, Ij Ll log ia Kings sing, aear the Bt Bell Tavern, about Al mil friam Ihe eitv, oawUtiag of aboat S3 seres of prima Meadow tad 17 aere tf goal UpUnd. Thr it anw Imngereeted apon the prem'sea a very oonvtairnl DWELLING, with Bars and Milk Bmue, with all char neeetsaiv lut baildinn for Oimveni enre. There uponthe pktce an excellent bearing Orchard. For further railiealara, call at Ne 1 rxttuni jrrtf inl Tha aannm ahin bsretof.M v. I NORTH ELKVENTH StraeL between Arch aad extraandaaoerfineFanulrFfoar, I I I .1..

'i aK a. nn. I 1.11.1 1 1 vitl I a IPiing amier ma ami tai a. aa a. av a vwaij.

iMJ'an. ana auuxn.vw al 1. Aimm 1m a I ll I iiau. t.w 1 I I iMdaMtnl Ilia arm WIU ne Bmtiea bv i.e. IH 1 tr ru ra nra ho Floor porehased at thu csUMlshtneirt win MX) RENT Four (ere id MEADOW GROUND, ia South wark.

ext. Apply k34t SUSQUKHANNA SEASONED WHITE PINE at the MUB1C SALOON, IIS StmthTHIRp street, LUMBER ef Ihe'varion also, good I dr lmj i. 8.. OSBORNE. I assortment of NORWAY, JOIST for eale at th n.vroif rxk.l.Cl) PROPtms l.

i VSlL CONTRACT SEALED PROPOSALS Ptaarmltm given (rat nf April K. vi. iAjy r.A, Eighth tL, above Ceihariaa. FOR BALE The OOOD WIU. and FIX LilTUREB of aa OYSTER In a antral part af the city.

For address, inejaUa et the LedWeVa). lw i FOR SALE Tb STOCK. FIXTVlES. wia A IICTION NOTICR. TO CARPET MAN0 I 1LF.ASF, of a WHOLtaSALK PRUli JL FACTURF.RB Theaabsoribers, wan suereed I LTsHMENT Loraiam one of th beet In Ih city bow doing a asf snd profitabl bustnesa, which eaa be increased with cam sal.

fmek light al present. and well select cd. The only object in disposing of it is last iss present owner hat aot anrTicient espHtl tnenedaet lo Ih best advantsre. The imrehaser will ba grvea the Barnes end reaideneea of some eoaiitry awrtoaaera, who will eoatiaa MBatrenlxe k. U.

kia a awtaaHed. 9at Aariaas InffV. maiua, please addrem DRUGS, larmwh the Ledger ooMe, staling wnea ami WBore an interview eon oa and, which shall receive immediate and eonfidentitl PUBLIC SALE7 The subscriber willjrj, dim ne of his ororjertv in Conco iruatZC iha ColumhU and PhiladeliihU Railroad, sixty nule from Philadelphia, on THURSDAY, bia of January, al one o'tjock, P. on the prrmiaes No. I.

A of Ground wilk larginone WAREHOUSE, SSdelbig and Cros ing, Urge Platform Scale. No. a I aritli a Dwelliiur House. Smoke and Milk Hiaue, Para and Csjibouse, never failing well of Water, no. 4.

A 11 tarcapim aw Mimm Vard. ThU nnaMrtv well known, and as a basi eaa aund md sarMsacd by any ua the railroad. Will also be antd at publie rale, iwo new Carriage, ihereiaf revv fine, with extensiim Inn, auiuble fiaj cthrr oae or two braes; Iwo anull Wagtma. Should ha Real Folate be atdd. then Ihe folhrwing rmmerty will be offered al private tale: eight Cars, stock of Store Goods, with privilege of leas of Slor Hons for rms or more yssrs.

The attentitm of the subscriber eatlcd to hu lev errtu ia another qnarter, therefore great barfaias ha loMat Tes ass em Oar 01 mie. a mwtTfl OCU. TO. uinir.c Ja3 4t FURNVdliUi LOIHilNUcV TO LET, iitiiiii .0 1 dTnce, mar find sorb by armlval the WARREN FARM AT PMIVATF. 8 VLWUl rJ HOUSE, WALNUT eireet, ortwomi cignia new I 1 ta sow a Bargain, an mm aaia aj Ninth.

Term Bjoderattv 1 a hoot 19 Ultl W. D. OUlJ ya5 AW Swrars. Cofm Bmeea, atouasea, uiu. run, Bail.

Cause, Buuor and Igv. always oa hand. iv. SOLOMON RtAfS Sl Weu rbiladelphu. ROA 0 TR KK EXCH A (4 A EbTAU RANT BROAD and rHr.iNUTStmeta.

jamf3 h. Mccormick wm. BiiiMB, tVmriet.ra: DEXTER SPIRITS OF SOAP, for xtraermf "rem, Dry P.I.U. Tar, Vrn, VVwA. fwn rir itof any airoew Bow al No.

I PoaiA I Ti btreet) Huuesipaav 4. nruni PARLOR and CiAMBER, adjoiniiU.oa the I sernod fioor, iA two upper Rooms, partly rai aaHahte for Uchelor. IpplyloTlRS. DAYTON, Snath SIXTH Btreet. na iww TO BE l.K.Y Aa ALE PORTER and 0Y8 VTS UnrflR la a nmaUp aeiahbm bond, doins? k.

lb mwvwi ri 7d bestacm. The areseel oeoupier (nag Into the country For panicaUrt, Inquire at the MECHANICS' HOTKL.WATER St lieJow Walnnl. or iJVFRWhOL WALNUT and WATER, Streets. GFOK BAU if Bbull, rao. waa ARCH Btreet, Bt Aut front, with doable back bauding, bath roam and Stable.

Asm, to rent, build bTr Fairameau 0. the Bch.ylkiU, Oa by 3 feet, (o stories Mgh, aaiUN. Iru a Anoryto saw tsa 1 in sr. a im lam el Lend, rnawie aear. BHELPOT HILLf BR NDYWIN HUNDRED, ai .1 rwkiama.

within abnet Iwo BLANKETS The mbarTN ha ea hand rod Gtf Wilaxotgtonj maa mil nf th amnrtment of Re, and WbRney BLANKETS, pl" wUmirnra. nrj Balthmtwa RUIroad, which will be aow st redaced priees, Wmlor Uoud Bla Ball Tarern, oa la Great v.llr Tanspike, one nnd ah.tfm.l the Deta. Amvr.u I Bl Ottd BI S911B OS rSO aseipam. iaaW Nn. 1SI Booth Sew aad street.

are a th ee ssnricd STONE HOUSE and EOOK HERE FHiH TEAS, uf kinds, Jest I Kiuhea, Stone aad rnaae nara, nprmg ao, ah Blame, chmrie. ai in mm at arabi. the remaindor Woodland ndivuVmia eetsfielda, all well watered, and u. awodatnlaatfenllraniinn, harinc been limed ml anmered wusnaaratdv. Th sltwathax high and healthy, the steambuai a vsaauls, ahmrailnasd ears, he ssaw from taw bjonteuinr.

hwillkesold bargain, aa the ewuer mtcndrmrring miha Wrst, wwaraatrat amy be bad immwihstely, or tm tba Btb of March next Fv ms wwhing to vtaw tbe p. will tall aa PATRICK MrH UoH. rrerdtaf Mt Marh WlUaiiia, Dl. "XVCTldX BALKS. WOliBeAr dk.

HCHK.NkaS. AiM 'rs PHILAHKLPHIA AUcTIOl MART. CARPENTKR fOURT, CUKAWUT Street, bei Thard and Fiwrth strreia. SALE OF BUPMI. FURMTl PIANO, Ac; At the Mart, will ha ja NewFamnnm.

Ftmw Forvs. ftmtjj Waie and Waiters. Also. OOW aad MhT Alau, a aseond hasd Lvt Wt fc. BALE IN SPBIMJ C.tRbEN arRttCT SITERIOR HOI 'BEHOLD Ft RNITVRE, ELE wfl'i sarn t.iiirbfi.i'f, fX WrJNrBOAY MORM.NO, at 114 la Bpiiiig GreV street, N41U1 sidr 6vediib.

low reventh stieet. will be a do. the suiM rii Kumi. rare rx a gntuemaa oeeiinuig aoaeteeptng, all iT waie wu natnmaetared 10 urdor by air. and hetpal to new.

jrHj dt 1 STOCK OP FA.NCV liOOI Bssp STATIONER V. ON WEDNESDAY KMMI, a 7 in iuv. aro vaoanrt mrees, arhirv wto ne sld Ihe balance of the stock uf Messrs. npraiil A derlmiuf busiaoie ao tti i i. LOaO, AaHr.

A Oiraer rf ARKKTand LbOATUd He, stsirs. 'Bile on "lUi UAk aad Wc.u.efPAY Kwni J0 7l int nf a I tree amurtnrat of B(K)K, is eaawitien. laomaa mi aw un rveaamtiv rreinntr, (i0 QI.HrS.NU STREET WAKE ROOAtaj TO naiowum aii.uii.AL works, rix RENT The upper Frord Roma of No. BL Mey Midwifery, Lihai Bu Caper's do, each It by feet, baodaimely fciiahed. Rent mide Anatiuny, Go de's 3 adj Medicine.

vota. rate Dewecs' Practice, vols, Coxe i.uifMtuutrrrx, ifir liMMlnnmii. tl. I TO 1.T A asalera smsiIi ibm auir Brirk I UlBOUBB, in SrheylkiH Beveath street. "Nieih nf tsfcx rry, onoante tka Frsssida' korying groomf, with balk hiaaw altaehd.

Rent dMt per annnm. la miiim nf 1 hum rsiaiviian No. tM A cade e4 FOR BAI.K. OR Wll.u BK EXCH ANUKU LlFOR CITY PROPERTY A beaetifal anv ncrtv. an sated ia the Village uf CARPENTER'S LaNDLNG.

N. twelve nule distaal fnea Philn deinbia. ana nr ooeapied a a Pai'it Hjum. Anv uthanaalioB respec'ing It can be bad by making I lean a Hal MARKET a few door below 1 ghth street. The propel I will be Md a bargaia, an apea aeeommvuanug let m.

jo endue JOllAi I.KADKKA'I KM, Jr dh, CO ARCADE AUimoN ROti.W, aticeiM afaiWsVg, (C'satr Stssss,) fftuujmu! favL r.y tsaairnr nteatf fa BALK OF CLOlHiMi i THIS KVFI.NG. orlork. win sHI at oer Warrnairos, aa luvoere ef NEW RKADY MADK ClOTIIIMi, wm tapen ei mi aa beii 3 pair Black Cloth Fame, pair Plaid Carsr' mere isp.uia iviiiaeit IttrMmer verla 7 Prtot Chith Oaiia: II) Green bans Jackets; I Pilot Cloik Ja kdt, Drawt Nuns, Col ars. A a. BAI.r everv WKUNEBDAY and SATURDAY MORNING u4toVVuc.

bVEirfi Llarreaof nir4 IJiNtk 1 BAIJiA Tuesday, Wedimadav, Friday and celardiiy, wiTh BOt'BE and BARN, stteale the Rirer I at oohxh, P.M. Bales at Dwelbaga, Heal Esute, Bchoylktll, al POINT ttKaJb.b, rassyeak Town seta. Apply 10 w. r. vutif W.cvrnercf Thud sM Cheaoiit streets, )s4 3 entrance ea Third street.

1 Btivhs, Assignee and Adamnharattea' sale prraon ally attended 10 on liheret terms. JOHN LEAD BI LATFR, Jtr MlfiDI.KTOM. 4l MOalCB At THAN. issUr, No South SECOND Street, above Waloet Fl'RNITURR BALFJt. Furniture Sa'ea ar held 11 eelarlv on everv TU ES.

DAY and FRIDAY MOeUM.NG. al In eluded in these mica wnt he fiwnd a teneral snort aieniot seotma aaaa raraitare I (an lamiltr nliaV qsishing la seheeping. a well a eveiy variely ef superior navuefacturea aad elegant new Furniture. Vuruig Uiwana aexl work we will have ananlitv 1 of fiatated Furniture at our iles. ttD tjclB MONEY I MONEY MONEY Peraawin waal of money, from one dollar to laoasamU, eaa be ac eximrnridatrd by tpplyiiig al Ihe annntisg nana of the DM vtatee Hnea A set km 1 Store, as mnooy will SCM venred Hherally apna Diamnnda, GoM and Silver Plate, Watihrs, Jewelry, Guar, PaSoU, Wearing Apparel, Merchandise, and Good of every description.

Pi tvale entianca from Bank Allay. All baat na trsnsnethin stiieily cotintlenttM N.Vlter'si JOHN JO.b,n. AVCTlOn AND COMMISSION VFRCHiftTt B. W. Corner ef FIFTH and SOUTH Bt.

A CARD. Ts Srsf aurs, Adaatm'tiramrt end Av. stvnsss J. JONKS will eaect sale it Real Kaiate. lliusieBoMt rarntlure, Llnranea, all kiwis of 1'aisJtml I'ronerty, Mocks, McrcnarHtiie, and rawauruker' SWlMa.

nn tka anoal reaanaiahle Inrma. BALES OF FURNITURE AT DWELLINGS lie will attend lo sacs of Utsisehobl Farmture at Dwelling Honsea; or who may ma wish la how tale at tkeir aoesre ran 0 acconumaiaiej at lac Aaction Store, enrner of Filth and Btauh am. Uasfe adtrHrea will 14 mail en eimsignmeau ramltare, and ototr umws, lor priv it or puniia sale, Kvaninc Bale will be held On Monday. Jihlar aad Satarday Evening. ZtmOH two TRACTS one innttin.

1 tmiesig Hneaehnld arniturt, will nc acid en lug (09 acre, and 430 anrra, near Maneb Chunk 1 Tuesday, Thursday sad Belarday Altcrmams, the Auctina Store. etfVtjatit IBA AO NATilANha Avrrmn and commission No. 133 NORTH THIRD Street, opposite Branca, uetweta it aae ana viae, i I MONET! MONEY i All persons in want of MONEY run be aecomme dated by applying lha AUCTION STORK, 133 North THIRD Street, (opposite Branch,) aa nwney ts far almmt any kind of bimnemi baa a fene Show I liberally advanced la targe or small am" arts en it window front, on Ckesnnt street, ana two in we 1 parmrit, Gold end Sdver Plate, Jewelry. Watrhea, I Meretuuhdiee, all kind ef Furniture, Hardware, Ckahing, Bedding. Gone, Ftncy Artirlea, and every description et gntaia et vatne.

All ameieawiuoe eareiaiiy ana aaitiy asps aayM)ngth ef tinie agred aeon i rrivaie uouniuig aouae ine Boeona story. All bntinem Irsjisaotiuns strictly confidential. ry Those persnna who ar ia want of Money Bill find greatly U) their asrvantag by aspiring al lb Aaetion Btore. arm ly AMUSEMKNTS. jf ttrH(U ST.

TU EATRK lessee, Mr Re Ton; Stage Manager, Air. ttaoeaaia lltu 0, a New Play, called v. FLEUR DK MARIE. After which, a New Cwntdictra, called THE ARCADE O'Slaek, Mr. Brougham.

Tecooemil with Ihe Comn al Karreul the CHAPTER OF ACCIDENTS. irr First snd Bd Tmra, 8e, Pil and 3d Coanmenee at 7 o'clock. ARCH BT. THEATRE Drem Urele, and 3d Tier, 13 1 Pit. Vii Commenc all be fore Mr A.

A. ADAMS will appear. I HIS KVRNINa.Jaa.AMaruria tTratedyof i BERTRAM Bertram Mr Adsms. i Betweea tka Piece, DANCING by Mia Carline asd master vrnoa, tr.l.lL alio will, 111. mt tmw HONEST THIEVES Tragne, Mr.rSww.

To eimclnde with th ncceasful piece, called Ihe GRF.F.N MONSTER. Harlequin. Mr. W. Waad.

WAUNUT BT. TU LATRK Dree Virem, ete: Oreheatra Seal and Private aes. 74, ana uireiea, ais( rn, a vaimmanra ai THIS EVFJNINU, Jan Oth, will he aeted a Nw NatWmal Drama, entitled the PRAIRIE BIRD; Or.Chitduf lb Dcmwarr. War Eagw, Mr Wailack; Msiitga, Air. lravi( avrig nald Brandon, Mr WheniTey; Saddlebags, Air.

Chtwimn: PraWia Bird. Mr.WalUk.. Betwaan the pieoe, DANCING, Aa. i Pmvks the Drairat, the Farce u( P. T4 Or, The Man and Ihe Tiger.

mTATIONAL THEATRE an CIRCUS. II a 1 1 tvaxuit, piaiaia as iaw rna, wumgameiil of md swna the RIVERS FAMILY THIS EVENING, Jan will eramraanee wtth Napoleon's Mamemkes; L'Arta Im ien. Trait a fat a Tort by fir ermantr rxer flee on Ihe PoUndric ladder, by Master R. Rivers; La Tatantale, by Madame Maearwe; rmta sue raar lem Act, by Mr. T.

V. Tenter: am at ret 1 actum ana Elewaac. by Levi North. A erutie and gymnastic Ballet. Altar waien.

a grana 00 niTBM aiijaicir ntitled THE CHIL DREN OF AIR, by the Riven Family. To eo eredewrth HARI.EUlTN HUMPBACK. TaHl LADELPH1A MCSKUM AND GALLERY OF FINE ARTS, (late Masrmie Hall,) CUES NUT SueeL The entire of this esublishmenl is now ocei tvery dav brilliantly illuminated every aighu Alao, attrae ive ami oeitgauat etueriainaaeniai EVERY EVENING, owis'ing of Ih remarkable and elegant potior manree n( the and 111 Vocal Eoterlainmenu of D. W. WARDEN ((mutelt Party tMninenctng eaca evening, at aau paw i bx Admiuanc lo tk wnole, eenu tswraaai orfe JMv BATiLKOF NEW OR LEANS.

Th Anaive. aary of thU treat victory will be rwleb ated oa THURSDAY EVEMW next, Janwary Bib, by a GRAND MUSICAL FES1IVAL, Voral and Inalra. mental. New pw former of distingaUhed mlcnt nf ihu eity will appear also from Beliiianre, Nw Ym nnd Biatn The Ctmmntte ef Arraagmneni are determined thu shall far meet any prevtoa Concert given al lha Masenav The prhm of tickets will be 5 evnta, nch admit a Genlleaata, a Gentleman nnd ldy. or Iwo Larljrw.

)a lt THIOPIAN KRENADERS AT THE LEO TURK ROOM oTB LHliXhi tt JLttJ.U. FOR FIVE NIGHTS ONLY Entrance ia GEORGE Street. Ta hwtt txi eeat. Dam oorn al half pasi rammeneing al I o'clock. Com tracing oa TUESDAY EVENING, But Una.

For anrucuura. at i rograwm Pwenadcr eomprUe Messrs. JEWETT. BAN FORD, laVLL. 1 1 ....1 jVVlw DEAVES.

Thlf OSCOW SALOON, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, 1XL e5aTnerTF.NTHndCHI'JUT Btreet. rtrat amearance of MR. BKKI. LINK, the iniaa table ds nrwior ef TRIC CHARACTER and VENTRI LOf) VIST, who will Appear every EVENING THIS WKEK. mennneetion with lha CONFLAGRATION OP MOSCOW.

Dooraopea al 61; lo commence al auiu 1. 1 1 I 1 Aamiimno a eenia, iiiimtai aa'i aawrai. i 1 A hnv TENTH HrW A trdendai eolUetioa Fi.VTiiVeJS, MAHBLM B1ATVMX MOUTH, asm CASTS, at now open mr risamwanet. Adnwtntnee at ev fJl endiv TIE END OF THE WORLD! Thu great eri eiratl PAINTING, by Anelll, Bow open for a wiIm at ARTISTS' FUND HALL, CllrNUT rVrert, above Tsntk. Daring exhihitum in New York, and mors recently at Masonic Hall ta tbw diy, attracted iisatrnil wowd of admiruor visiters.

All geee that in sublimity and effect ma awn oaasrd by aay Painting ever uhtbtted tn lha country. Open from o'clock A ttU IB P.M. Expiana non given ra m. ana 9 r. m.

Admittance cetita. rfM VtlKtiEjl AND FRINltK I'fiHlat and TA. r.LS. VELVET RIBBON, nd ovwy eth ef Bind. 0.

MAXLLL dlV lnr No. 1TB Btmth Boa4 ft, below tjt. .1 .1 4 I ip li 4 1 tut v. li iHiiit 4 1 I 'J. r.i ItiSis t'f fib 11 'A jt' 1 I 1 IiV TIlKMlLOr LIN.) CutrmpimileBie ef Ike Paldia Levgj.1 THINGS TH NEW i Molliur, I o'clock, P.

Ms Oaren'yfaqiui'Vairl'ataled by the develop maile ia lite lloose Reoiexniahrea, oa FrtiUv and iauV br Mr. Aiiajca sd wnpi iaa none, oi eiaa paitus ana quit a renewal of the war peaie has been Ihe result. The rkk nmrkel waa sBthtly affectsd by it Ihu morning, aad wnald, perhaps, have bsea mnr ao bl JVaT the esMmsi of tb leernl eurnering opersik a in Eras Htilnaid, whirb eame to a head ua Saiaiday. Th fads ia thai operational m.inlr (a 1 annersland them) that a pnaaiaenl broker ia Wall street had sold lima immense aaanmire of lha) ssnea, whK con at eroiMed to falaj by stork etmrertrd fear f'S tnm hh) Ih company, hieh ha kld. Thiasknrk Ike purebasrrs declined lo reeaiw.

"ml W1 n4 'he onosiHidAted stock ol (whtrb they had purcheecd I thoegh it ruawl u. emerHioatfld The lier dsspnm vaa rafWred tn fas Aura, Ihu samnlng rtferred 11 to a wasuniHe reet apon in a few days I eudersuuM that several athsr bruher are simiUrly sliaaied, and that a eompomiam wi I probably be effected, tbrwgk not withoat heavy hoar toe sellers: that of tk arineiaal onantw near a qaaricr a mi 11 his, waiea a esa sa wuaoin uaapiiuj. lue an air aaaca lata so at town. vur wuri at rrenerrfi 1 1 maims commencea na Jauusry term with a calender whack avloded chugs of high way robbery 4 forgsryi burglary grand lareeny S. IbaMoraing New eame oat Due asnrming ia a aew suit of type presented to ditu, JiAa L.

CBalltvan, Esq oa New Year day, bv one kandred Irieuos, al a erst of 1 JI00 This a Sew 'Year gift worth laneitnag. Mr Webaur aad Mr. Cashing are both our ily on hu way la Washington. Willmm Harper, who wa bit week eoavletcd of the ar inter ot John Kempp, was tbu saoraing ten iarced by Jndg Uaionds to exaeatcd ea IhtMtll uf February next. A rang of extensive hrfc Wilding Brooklyn, belt swing In Ih Slate of Indiana, waa totally destroyed by fire thu morning, with KO bale of hay, ana several laoaanna namem rye, watc wwe on storage in them.

The former belonged In Mr. Lang worthy, who had BititXJ insurance vn th lo Bites Si A Co of thu Tb bill nf mortality for last week present (be moderate (rgrega'e of 167 death men tl, women 41, bot 48, i.irls.47. from eraeamplha 17, do'psy 13. lever 17, luAtmrostioa 3n, small put M. Aa'dher day alaeart suitsWe for May la tempera litre bright and elondleaa, shining apoa draw ing eni our laMumtweg la luii laauuar and creat Our markets dav nrnnl aathintT to not.

Ihimgh tb quotalhau given ia my hut are well main tainrd, the trawartious hav beta so limited thai it un scaieely be siaid thai aay bosinem ha been dona. Tsasiaci market nttaui tany, and price generalfy fell Pennsylvania declined Kss tarty as mai Bank i rarmera Lmea storrtt 1 1 nraoiug 1 tM Boston i pt or tvor jj Lama; Island Btoningtnn IJ Eru Railroad 10. FSLX AT TBI PT. CX UCUMX WOUVU PI 00 put 1 un O10 7s WI HUP Praoa 8 1 SJ.SSJ Ohio 6s HO fu 7t gmta ky ie, HI tn IllinnU ea 7o 351, is I she State Bk UO Vicksbnig 71 300 A Ttusl I0J. 10 Bis Mom tn ail, IPf Ml Bostiia 15 Erie 70, 71; 10 Caa ton ooj, 9t 300 ar ivain 17 ou moeawg st aas HI Utica A Bchrn Read ffi li lalsnd 47.

to Pauereu IB, ti JNot A nor Bnxine Boian 5f3 ItlinoU Sol SSI 100 Mohawk, slO tt, 10 Nor A Wur Canton, SO do do, an w. 37. CO.KU (tUAu variety of the bam smalitr, adaaussl amass and suss as ih savaral nses, fur uue, a( 1 ine anaiw raws assess, ay V. B. PALMER.atPmert (ylb lYi N.

W. sawnei of Third tUrerLaad I and Chmaat. 1 CH LKi I OO A The Mlweriber1 Yard en WrLIXiW Strwt, ttma Yard West of Broad won. Omct, Nn. 78 North THIRD Btreet, All Coal delivered on the name day it sathered; etch Ion waminiid tl lb.

nlt lm McflAHET A CO. Lnli.t, LaSHitsU AN1 sMiAVhUt MivA DOW COAL, of the beat atmliiyaad al I the venous uxea, fat sal at No. North FIFTH Street, above Raee warraated tM Ih. to the am. dlm i WIUJAM FUiRINB).

sptOAL I high and Behaylkill i all th superior sorts and sixe for mie. delivred. ria.0 iba. te the ton, at the lowest cash price, by th rmsTlva nu 1 oat company, umee, noiaouta i ttinu ex. avm.9nia if TiwevT aa P.

BOONK, Arroimv AT Law, Nn. SB Bimth BEVENTH Btreet, above Wstnat. Mr B. aUo aa Agent for the rerevery nf Pe hwm dlMsx INDIGO Th aauaotauer receive, audndora 1 sale by lha re, BENGAL and MADRAS INUIUU. IVUHUnibh, aaiaAnr llftoath Front sire CtLtiAKd? CLOAKS! CUIAKA! BeUing of nt CostMRS M.

M. BRYNAN, No, 111 Bnmh SECOND Street, haa ea hand a Urea aad elegant arnutment of French end EngtUh Merino, Buipedl adPmid CIVTH CuOAKA, aaade hi the bm maa nar. all or wkleb ska athng at an. ll I WHITE OAK Hogahaad and Barret I ljy Vv dl STAVES. good article: nil by Kmko.XS UlVfc.t, Adjoining tb Navy Yard.

RATTANS Amoned b)UwH IssbrelU and Chair Makers A Urge alwava na hand, al low wi market pric. SLEEPER A FENNER, taw marlet street BALI A FAIRS AND PAMTLsat served at lb lowest rale, hi tb beat manner, by A. B. SHAW, No. Ntarth TENTH Street.

Pnand Cake, Lady and Aliened Cakee; also, Blank or Fran Cahea, ewnu awe 'I XJ LOA.a iiM MoarOiub A aUM ef IW svd mw nf Bllxia and ala vrl Urger aaam or In let na grtwad rent, LOTS ia varou parU af thau)y aai uuuieu Apatym JUhit tunu(vu4 JaJ 48 Snath Foarth Street, heck 1 GIL1.INU TWINE, LINES, AND fJOTTON SEINE ml rkeap, by dta lm SPRrcR Srrwet Wharf. GREEN AND BLACK TEA Fifty Cbeew and ha'f ChU BLACK TFA, swahrwring awnaina Chalan, orange Peehna, xlm tan Oeoong, Ninrvortsr. As, Ae A Uo, a Urge ssairtmsss) ef frsah BMLKN yjtrK of Extra Fute, Mssliam and Ciinamu aak tles, tor an at reaaowa I dlS lnr iBTteaaby WILUAM RONEY, Jr. Ne. ISBN Tstot strwst, abase Race.

rfVbETH! TEETH! 0 LA DD. Bex sua Don 1 TrT. No. TS ARCH below Tenth, aerfiarma ail operation on the Teeth IB Die beat amnnar. Tarma P.agging with Gold, 30 els bwertina best Teeth en 6Hd.

9 0ea Silver tar rivet, BI UOi WhoUBeta, Bs aa Kxtrarttng, 14 eta Toouaea neatly eared uiiAsnt cAwg. All jaraoon war ranted. (Xahrar BALLS AND ARTIES eaa be aaprilted wilhvery atwrkw PORTER. BROWN STOUT. ALE end CIDER at the efcnrtett ami, by lesrvinir thetr order at the BOTTLINtJ KBTABUSHMKNT, Pta.

B4 SOUTH Street, bmweta Seennd and Third atraet. BlU'ttluv iviun. N. Porter BottU for sal ia hwre er email eeantnUa. di3 Hal CHEAP BOOKS Al EVANS' BOOKnTOKE.

No. North SECOND Street, wher yen will find a large aasonmH of BOOKS, suitable for FH KKNTS. sarh aa Aanaals. Bibles. rarer aad Hymn Bocks; Jstrenil Book of all erscriptKios; fine larga Family Bible, only SI; School Book, very rhenpc Blank Books and ll other Books, 10 lo per cent, eheaoer than can had eltewhara.

ACIRCULATINO LIBRARY attached mlh Store. Remember, a) thara for kmking. a law 1a.i MAOHliMiM'S. Jaat receiveal, tuge aaantt am nf William Bravea A SVwa'i arleoraled Fll erhich we sfer fiv mi al the lowest aneea. Alan, an hrvotee Foatert" heat V1CF.

wmghtna frem lb. SHIPLEY A WARNER, No. 71 Market street, BAws Worth atdev. ahnva Samnd A SUITABLE FRKSF.NT FOR THE HOLI DAY9 VIEW OF TUB FAUB OF NI AGARA, after IUraTTencrpe by W. A F.

Laa genheim, nt Bubluhcd nd lor tale al tx per copy, at Ihe Baxaar, and at dM Bwa KxehtmaTa, 34 eWy, Roosm at and tl. nn per cent CJ STt BAVFD NEW CIOTH1NO TORE LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS The beat place an boy well mad sail ef at HIRSTS, (PRACTICAL TAILOR.) No. SB North THIRD Btrtjet. He baa th neweat sod maa fccbbaxaM mock of CLOTHINO and th kapet rant ia the eity, doc th hat in em hlnaelf. and eaa and will rheanar tor ease thaa any other 1 UisbJwent.

Ctothuif aatd rdar Ul Ih beat Uishawent. Ctnthuif aer. li. at SB. IA Dro and Frock Coat wi MONS inform the adrmrer of BnePICTl RKS that he be REMOVED from th tM aat, aear Third la Cheanut, 11 Clil.n 1'.

beioW Foarth, Snath sule The mperiority of li .1 and ether advanugea he poaaeaant ui hat new wilt enable him even to urpm th Pvturaa he tibmined the firm meaiai Um haat i uf Ihe Franklin Institute, for UTU and am a. l.e a "re kUfrieudsihatao pome will perfect mustaetvo. M. Na. tat Chetoal, bo.ow tT a lm) V' JL tlL: li I I.UL.

idLtmon a si jf. w.rnr and nwy iNorth nam, rHiinai raia. The mbseriher hat eatainogi' 1 a li the parnoae laf a irunn lot he 1 1 medium Uinn' wnn a a i 1 any part of Uil I 111 i4 1 1 psuicled at d.aian' fl V. 11 1, dar tit provine iaf i trwettui'V i a Buy ia 01 rs v. 11 bis A ii V.

V. i are brs, i aei '5.

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