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The Morning Post from London, Greater London, England • 2

The Morning Posti
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE MORNIKG POST, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 1, 1848. SKIBB ER EES FLA CM and feeding of horses, and the general economy of the stable. LITEhA TV HE oft times kindled, in order purify the air and avert the plague. Nay, even kites and ravens were to be seen hopping about the various thoroughfares, being kept by many inhabitants far the purpose of devouring the filth.

Nothing, indeed, could well exceed the contrast during Elizabeth's reign between the splendid, though somewhat barbaresque, magnificence of the mansions of the nobles and gentry, and the houses of the commoner sort of people. Yet still, although the houses of the citizens were tor the m.f nart and ill contrived vet everv now and then it unites the Progress as etter IMMIGRATION BODIES. TO THE RIGHT HON. THE JOHN RUSSELL, FIRST LORD UF THE TREASURE My Lord If the interests of labour and native industry had been duly attended to, in my humble judgment this country had not been in the unfortunate condition in which By the Author of i Hymns and scenes oi wmuiluuu, Joseph Masters, 1848 Thic i Rmall nnllei dBMsib, '7- some of them small collection ol poems, some uicm 0nn whirr, annarently are written extremely pretty, and wnicn appaieu Church who are filled with dejection at iwi mjf hands in verse had he eve lldS are looseu wim tuuuuu. SSSaislnotbeen totally incapacitated by the want of an snatcn uie wj nrinAotmn fnr oiviriP' that form to his pro- read, i The Wa but tent, a Iter ty acknow politica Hand and -will no Rand 'ippor being nough r.

nglishu of" (From the Northern Whig Oct. i Mr. M'Adam, secretary to the Belfast F. lt a said it gave him great pleasure to find s-, much in that district, through the exertions of others. During the last seven years the labouring most assiduously to extend its south and west ol Ireland.

An extraordinary had taken place in tne nnen trsue. mat tradn attoruea employment io persons, women, ana cnuaren. mere wa one tnmg cer they continued to produce linen as formerly, hy they would have been oeaten out oi tne market h7 tinental rivals Other eountnes adopted (jJ nery, as flax could be manufactured so much than by the hand, and Ireland recourse to the same instrumentality. If theo that, instead of exporting 4.000,000. of annually, they should aow be extensively consequence, however, of the energy and the merchants of the north, they could now piques of linen cheaper than any country in the wrlrl S1A also beat the French entirely out of the North arj(jV American markets.

There was not a par. world where the British flag fleated that Irish linen! not selling. If they continued on the would now be obliged to purchase a "om ranee ana Belgium uj cat Belgium, tiy the rti mnmtiwtiirp inn ItlMaenAn and ro-. i. couiu oe prouueeu cueuper luaa yain spun by hand labour.

They had iacreaseil facture to a great extent, and they had pjoej? their linens being consumed still more sxi several continental states. Instead, alw, 400,000 persons, they would be able to employ lejL 4,000000. They would have a3 great a linen tr as the cotton trade in England. It wai flax grown in Ireland was generally superior 5 in Belgium. The great bulk of flax impor country wag from Russia, and the averaae i nnn in nnn t- dutf i.uaaa iu Trv.wwu w.L a.l al Aninn1 lha tin now suffering from a scarcity of Irish flax in they were obliged to bring in ti from the Baiti were cargoes of flax from the Baltic, in Be 1 fast, i last fortnight, worth 6,000.

It was only farmers to make trial of this crop, for it wa t. than any other and, in fact, wan called in "golden crop. lhe profits they realised in Belgium immense. In that country it wa also worthy that the soil was inferior to their own, ini or 70 per cent, sand, it required a enriching to grow fiax whereas, in thfa they had to guard against the too great soil. The farmers should always grow dax and not after green crops.

It waa impossible fine fibre from rich land the fibre in Mich ni coarse, somewhat like that from Russia, i flax was exhausting but all he could a.s. Kla was a fiax -grower himself, and all the crop rn were as g'od, if not superior, to those from jr.r of land. He denied tn totC that flax impo'-: for other crops. Flax was also the best nur tor He would maintain that the value in j.jx enable the farmer to provide mere food thao nished by an acre of corn, or any other cr- one of the most nutritious sorts of food tr. to cattle.

In many parts of the north Ir England the farmers were growirs rix nnhle give the seed to their cattle, instead or oi in this neighbourhood would sell for 12 btwhel. sr. specimens he saw were quite as good lt.a regarded hemp, no person was aware of "hi er. rmou to which the import of Russian hemp was tlemaa in the north of Ireland recent. mi ih ment of growing hemp, and he found had from the quantity he planted as from the like flax.

The hemp so grown was to makers in Belfast, and they eoaaidered to the finest specimens of importei There was one circumstance of great im was well known that there was a duty ported flax, and it was clear that, abolished, if they could nat have producf- I flax tn other countries, they would have been coraplM Ia place, however, of a falling off in the prucU they had an increase, to the extent in va! two years subsequent to the this doty could be as cheaply produced in rvla- countries, and the quality of it was quite squal Belgian article. 780i. a ton was recently pwen produced in the north of Ireland. In Ma, icm were erected by some of the lan proprie tnere tne other day, and he saw ia stack the pr acres of flax grown on Sir R. O'Donnell's state jt of Sot, i Its wns de Mr an It is attempt maile Mr.

with one of i of Br; Free Tr; ospenty t' of lir Will A perio-; gdoui is i exten i-ion-i, An very saf- eriod whi1 our gftol ork ict desman, fits, labsol rd-ns, in a is very verty anil scribe (hit dured by to destit whelming complains, manufactur The farmers in that district were now selling cos' and. meat their rents and otht-r engngecaen'- wr. 'q that i leave them their other crops as support fur h-m- part' of the National Distress: its Financial Origin and Remedy. London Longman and Co. The existence for the last two years of wide-spread sevese distress is a generally-admitted fact.

Its origin is a question about which a variety of nnininnQ PTisf hut. the remedies DroDosed are so mul tifarious and contradictory that it is difficult for the patient cautious inquirer to feel hi, -ay I uiruugu mem wnii any wiwub.j "ur ft a atisfactory conclusion, the autnor or. tne treatise before us (who through modesty withholds name, adontine the motto Res potius quam has done much to dispel the mists which obscured the origin of the evil and if he has not succeeded in discovering the remedy, he has, at i removed many ol the atmculties tnat previously embarrassed the inquiry, ine autnor aenies tnat either deficient harvests or over-production, jointly or separately, are the cause of national distress, but refers it entirely, as the title of the work indicates, to financial origin. He exposes in a very able manner tendency of our absurd monetary system to depreciate property and restrict industry, and thug to injure classes except the money-jobbers and idle consumers. He advocates a free price for gold and silver that, like any other commodities, they should subject to the law of supply and demand.

Being opinion that high rates of interest and fluctuations the standard of value operate most injuriously on those engaged in productive industry, he proposes, order to obviate those evils, to substitute another constitution of currency.the definite and sole object of which is to obviate, on the one hand, the possibility of the rate of interest falling temporarily so dangerous a depth and, on the other, to render equally impracticable to advance the rate to an opposite extreme but which shall have the intermediate effect of maintaining the value of money, reference to a given class of securities, at an equitable average rate of interest, a rate rendered so permanent as to constitute what does not now exist fixed standard of value." Having discussed at considerable length, and with great ability, the advantages that must accrue from a monetary system, the author (p. 186) thus propounds his plan It is proposed, then 1. To ascertain the interest value of the present gold currency, taking the average rate of discount at the Bank of England in connection with the average rate of interest loans on the best securities, during the period between years 1820 and 1846 inclusive and to fix such average as the invariable standard of value in the cSrrency, at which, with reference to a given class of securities, it is to permanently maintained The average rate of interest during the period named will found, we believe, to be under three per cent, per annum we may adopt that rate as safficiently exact for the present object. Let us then suppose the average interest value of the pre currency to be three por cent. It is proposed 2.

That the State, through the agency of the present Issue Department of the Bank of England, by an equitable mutually rrnpminr with that inr ltiition obtaining thereby the coi.trol over an adequate prop rion the circulation (that of the Bank of England), shall so regulate the amount of the circulation as to maintain its interest value permanently at the minimum rate of three per per annum; in virtue of and in obedience to a law to enacted under adequate penalties, the effect of which be to prohibit the issue, except at that rate of interest only, and to require the issue to proceed at such times as a profitable sphere of employment, evidenced by the public demand for it, shall continue at the interest charge of three cent, per annum for its use at which rate also the interest shall cease and be cancelled on the return of the notes from circulation to the source of issue. Oq this principle of regulating the aggregate circulation, the circulation of other banks of issue (the present legal limitation of which it is proposed to continue), or, as the quantity of geld and silver should increase or diminish in nuKlia ld aduallT be auiemanted or diminished ia amount by issue or return, as the case may be, of the notes into from circulation, as they continud or not to find profitable employment at such minimum rate of three per cent, interest. Having secured the principal portion of the paper circu- lntinn thi' national guarantee far it valnf nr that thp TaiUl. 0I every note issued from that source shall be of equal stability with the nation itself, it would become safe and proper, ia order to abate the heavy loss which the country annually sustains in the deterioration of the coin, that and it is accordingIr designed that the issue notes (except only where other banks, under their present charters or powers, have that privilege, and during term of such charters), shall be exclusively the privilege of the proposed bank of issue whose notes being made legal tender, shall, in the hands of other banks, serve equally as coin for the redemption of the notes of the lafer. With a view further to ensure certainty in the payment the interest to be charged by the bank of issue on the use its notes as also to provide that the national currency circulation shall be at all times represented, pound fr pound, by an equivalent amount oi securities or coin, it is proposed 3.

That the securities on which the national currency be autnoruea to issue oe tne aeposu oi inree percent, uonsois, other Government securities reduced to three per cents, as to constitute every 100. oi the national currency, and mil na Panf PManla an1 at times of equal value the one to the other; both bearing per cent, return, ana both being equally on tne security the Mate. For the purpose, likewise, of maintaining the circulation Jz Th coia, equally with that of bank notes, of the same interest rmanently, ot three per cent. it is proposed the issue ot the natiunal currency be made also, at all times, in exchange for gold and silver coin and bullion, at the preseHt standard of assay, when presented for that purpose to the Bank. The effect of which regularion would be, that whenever and silver should ceise to produce to the owner three cent, interest, they must be carried to the Bank to be exchanged for its notes, which must always yield at least return; because, whenever the latter should cease to such interest, th'ey must immediately be restored to the Bank, to cancel the interest at three per cent, always running against the holder; and for the due payment of which the Bank would hold adequate protection in the power to receive the quarterly dividends on the stocks deposited.

If it now be asked, What," under the proposed modification of the currency standard and basis, is the meaning a pound the answer is A pound is a fixed standard and measure of value, secured by the State to yield the owner an annual return or increase equal to the average increase or return of gold, three per cent, per annum and consequently of definite interest or money value and purchasing power." As with the present basis and standard, the answer to same question would be, that A pound is a substance intrinsic value, limited at present to be a certain quantity fineness of gold but of indefinite, because ever variable, interest or money value and purchasing power." The work contains a powerful vindication of railway enterprise, and a draft of an Act of Parliament for carrying the proposed national currency" into effect is appended. Shakspere: the Poet, the Lover, the Actor the Man. A Romance. By Henry Curling. London Richard Bentley.

So much has been written on the subjeet of our immortal bard by commentators, biographers, and novelists, that, in answer to the first line of Milton's magnificent epitaph What needs my Shakspere for his honoured bones one might be tempted to reply A little re3t." We must not be understood as finding fault with the labours of those learned and ingenious gentlemen. We are grateful to Row, Warburton, Johnson, Ste vens, Malone, Charles Knight, and Payne Collier, for the untiring industry and anectionate zeal with which thev have several endeavoured to th works and life of this Dear son of memory, great heir of fame." We believe that, some season or two ago, a novel was published, entitled Shakspere in Love but as we do not remember that it ever fell under our critical notice, with becoming modesty and discretion we remain silent as to its merits. The nature of the romance before us is sufficiently indicated in the title-page Shakspere, the Poet, the Lover, the Actor, the Man." Truly a high and difficult one which might have deterred a writer less ambitious than Mr. Curling. However, he has been successful in sketching a vigorous portrait of our great dramatist, and we congratulate him on his success.

Still we will not go the length of saying that his Shakspere corresponds in every particular with our notions of the character of the immortal bard. In other respects we might point out some little cru- dities of stvle and expression which fonld paailv ha been avoided but we will not dwell on these imper- fections, as the work, on the whole, is highly merito- rious and full of interest. Mr. Curling is very hanov I1L! XT' in his descriptions. His picture of London in the time of Queen Elizabeth is very cleverly executed.

He says The houses in the heart of the city, like those in the suburbs, were still chiefly built of wood, or of wood and bricks. The poverty of their appearance being the more apparent from their being ever and anon relieved by the stately and massive building of former days. The dark monastery, the massive wall, or the castellated edifice were constantly to be seen amidst streets so crooked anrl and so dismal from the abutments overhead, that foreigner' now to enter Whether we quarrel with it or not, is still there, that the Pilgrim's ft, 11 nf rniman interest as the fact remains is of religion with odvpntures as summing and as surprising as absorbing as any ol those recour Tt nhvimi that Arabian Nights It is obvious that those recounted in the a work of nich this is. and so original, so power raar- nf nnPtrv than of orose. and would probably Lli-ll-'ltll UUVUlwi aw ductions.

This, of course, did not hinder them irom being at bottom poetry, and excellent poetry too. All they wanted was the mechanical frame and structure koimrr tn that nrdpr of comnosition. This utivug i frame and structure are attempted in tne very singular volume before us. We have seen that the attftmnt was justifiable. It remains to enable the reader to judge for himself whether it has been suc- cessful.

This we will do by placing before him a few! passages, first of the Pilgrim's Progress, as Bunyan wrote them, ana men oi tne same as me picacaaa anonymous author has turned them into verse. The work opens thus As I walked through tho wilderness of world, lighted on a certain place, where was a den, and laid me down to sleep; and as I slept I dreamed a dream. And behold, I saw a man clothed with rags standing in a certain place, with his face from his own house, a book in his hand, and a' great burden upon his back. I looked and saw him open the book and read therein and as he read, he wept and trembled; and not being able longer to contain, he brake out with a lamentable cry, saying, What shall do?" Such is Bunyan's opening paragraph. Now, the opening stanza of the translation, if we call it so As through the world'i vast wilderness I went I lighted on a place where was a den I laid me down there, upon sleep intent' And dreaming, saw this apparition then Clothed with rags, one of the sons of men Stood, book in hand, a load upon his back op'd the book, and when I looked again, Tumhlinnhavai nurl targ I well could track here may Till brake he forth and cried, What shall I do, alack The next comparative passages we will quote occur the 3d chapter of Bunyan's Pilgrim, and in the 3l8t stanza (canto 1) of his versifier: Worldly Wiseman.

How now, good fellow, whither away after this burdened manner Christian. A burdened manner indeed as tver, I think, poor creature had And whereas you ask me whither away. I tell you, sir, I am going to yonder wicket-gate before me; for thre, as I am informed, I shall be put into way of being rid of my heavy burden. World. Hast thou a wif aud children Now here is the veise How now," he said, to what place dost thou wend, Weighed down and hindered by thy burden sore Burthened, indeed said Christian, lo I bend, And ne'er was mortal man opprtssed more 'Tis to that wicket-gate us placed before, Since thou dost ask, 1 go, for there I learn Relief shall ceme from all I ever hore." Hast thou a wife and children in his turn Wiseman did say.

Yes, but toward them no more I yearn We doubt whether we have not quoted some of the i more ordinary and unsuccessful lines in this curious volume so that the reader may conceive ex pede Herculem." The better way, however, would be to read the book for himself. The Ocean Monarch a Poetic Narrative. By James Henry Legg. Smith, Elder, and Co. The awful destruction of the ill-fated emigrant ship which bore the high-sounding, but, alas vain-glorious name of the Ocean Monarch, is too fresh in the painful recollection of our readers to require aught but the mere mention of the appalling catastrophe to arouse their deepest sympathy and interest in whatever has a relation to her and her unhappy freight of 1 human beings.

Amongst the many calamities to which flesh is heir, none, perhaps, is so dreadful as that of a crowd of men, women, and children penned up in a frail vessel with an unextinguishable fire raging within, and an angry, inexorable sea boiling without. The heart faints at the bare idea of such a direful position utterance fails when we sssay to speak the thoughts which the contemplation of such a 1 doom excites. The poem under our notice is a narra- tive of this horrible event, the mournful details of which it has been our sad duty to chronicle from time time as they came to light. The sailing of the goad ship and her passengers lull ol iue ana hope and promise the first startling alarm of fire the progress of the all-devouring element -the terrible varieties of death the miraculous preservation of some, the wild despair of all these are subjects for the highest order of poetry but they are subjects which poetry, however intense, cannot heighten in description. The author of the narrative before us traces the events antecedent to and the catastrophe itself with much power and skill.

His imagination is fervid, and his thoughts have an original cast but he is evidently young in the poetic art, and therefore lays mmselt at tlmn nnan tn 1 11 a 1 1 1 vaA YntlfMCm HniCPVPr 1 i' i nimQPrimilv at zr the title-page, and when they read that the proceeds me puoncation are to De uevoteu 10 me oenent oi i the surviving sufferers, we feel persuaded that they will lay down the pen dipped in gall, and take up in its stead one immerged in the milk of human kindness. As a sample of the poem we quote the description of the first tell certainty of the conflagration: Kan round A low faint murmur, swelling as it flew; For now had gathered round the vessel's crew And many passengers. Abrm seem'd growing Rapidly there, as in each other's cheeks They saw an echo of the thought, and so They turned from each to each, seeing in all The same, same marks the pallor as of death That magnified the sense of danger, 'till Each haggard face and wildly speaking eye Woke in beholders greater agony As long as gazed they. Stay, stay, see the smoke In volumes dense ascend back falls the crowd! Water oh, water 'tis too late the mate Turns with a sickening heart: denser still The choking clouds rush to the purer air And with it, ah a searching, dry, hot breath, Like that of volcanoes, without the smell Of that they bear of sulphur then a burst Of intense heat: the helm jamm'd up, the ship Swings round but lo that effort now has fail'd Hark! now is heard the heavy sounding call To let the anchors go the scorching air Hath driven too the helmsman from his post Swift through the waters cleave the iron things, And soob the ship rides 'neath their fetters there The winds blow freshly, but they clear them not The vessel of that cloud, which steadily And endless pours its burthen forth, with heat Growing intense. The passengers now fly, But whither On their track steadily rolls The dense white cloud, nor turn they there to see The lurid shadow that rush'd forth, then seen No more again it comes, the hot breath too, They feel its power as they turn to gaze From the forepart.

Oh say, why, why that shriek Again, again and now a hundred tonguea Open on that same cry, as spell-bound they Gaae to the alt, where through the thicker smoke Darting now here, now there, the liquid flames Envelop all the stern. Oh wild they shriek Aad shriek again, one word alone rings higher Over all sounds Good God the Ship's on Fire Incorporated with the blank verse narrative are several such spirited effusions as the following Above and below, The flame to and fro Leaping along, With forked tongues darting, Searchiag among The wooden beams parting. Brighter and bright Gleameth the light. The framework enwrapping Swift in their race, Like bloodhounds when lapping The gore of the chase. And shrieks with the cry, On the wild breeze fly, With the flame still higher, 'Tis Fire still, Fire A nrea nnrrativo rVr tVio nco rt 1 rK-rc .1 aa.

Ia vav av.a mi, uai. ui UIIUUBUCOl icauvao, as wen as ior an eiuciuauon oi tne text, is appenaea, containing all particulars of the destruction of the Ocean Monarch. Scenes of 1792 or a inie or itecolntion. liy tne Rev. G.

D. Hill, M.A. London F. and J. Rivington This tale of the first French revolution is very agreeably told by its Rev.

Author. The facts of that momentous era, as narrated by Alison and others, are carefully stated, and many valuable reflections are interspersed, which do credit to the piety and good aonic nf Mr "Will An Dllmrlim .1 prenxeu iu mc introduction states mat me proms cf the first years sale will be presented to a fund for building new school rooms in the Hanover district, St. George, rianover-square, inaer uiese circumstances we have uuiy lu cajiicos uui juvpc niou me worn muy uave an extensive sale. The Pocket and the Stud. By Harry Hieover.

Longman and Co. This is a manual of useful instruction, aud evidently av-ouat uMuys everything appertaining to the purchasing, manage ment, The and true at his fully least, a the all be of in in to it with a such upon the rate be be but sent nnd of cent, be shall per as th wo the and now thau such the of of in or all of and gold per that bear of or I I the of and and evidently with H-soeet t'o WitO i s)ri ia Ka amnnost them the dwe in2 of some ncn trader, which broke the uniformity of the general mass ft'S Drofuse ornament, and covered with decorations; tne niuui tiiHinnui frames in its windows completed the picture. Mr. Curline also describes with animation the nr Rliaaheth to the camD of Tilbury but perhaps the best thing in the book is the account of tjje nr8t representation of Romeo and Juliet, at which Elizabeth, Leicester, Essex, Raleigh, and Bacon are described aa being present, bhakspere played nis own Mercutio, and Mr. Curling pays an eloquent tribute to his merits as an actor.

We recommend our readers to lose no time in procuring the work, for thev will find in its pages the familiar names of Sir Hmrh ninntnn and Sir Thomaa Lucv. the old deer- stealine-storv. and an interesting love tale, wherein 1 figures one Walter Arderne, an especial friend of i Shakspere. shall look with interest lor tne continuation of this romance, which, in the concluding paragraph of the last volume, appear to be promised by Mr. Curling.

A LEARNED BUTCHER. (From tho Donetshir Herald.) The following extraordinary case was reported to the justices at the lata sessions for Dorchester, and subsequently the particulars were detailed in a communication made to the Poor Law Boird on the subject of vagrancy by Mr. Tucker, the chairman of the board of guardians of the Axminster Union, in the county of Dorset, who says, I have added this case of vagrancy, which came before the Dorset justices at the last sessions, as one perhaps of the most extraordinary which has ever been heard before a bench of justices. G. A.

Brine is about forty years of age, aud was educated in the charity school of Sherbourne, and formerly apprenticed to a butcher in that town. This man for many years past has made mendicancy his entire mode of living; and has made it his boast that he could go to hit town house (Dorchester Gaol) whenever he wanted a home. He is a man of considerable attainments, as the subjoined letter, written by bim in most excellent handwriting during his imprisonment in Dorchester Gaol to one of his comrades, will show. I have attached the copy of the list of his offences as laid before the justices at the last sessions, together with his present sentence, certified by Mr. Duke, the governor of the gaol.

From this document it appears that on the 29th of August, 1831, the prisoner was taken before the Rev. John Parsons and convicted of misbehaviour in service, for which offence he was sentenced to imprisonment and bard labour for two calendar months. In February, 1832, he was convicted of leaving service, and sentenced to three months' imprisonment and hard labour. In July, 1835, he was convicted of profane swearing, and sentenced to sixteen days' imprisonment and hard labour. In January, 1837, hs was convicted of vagrancy, and sentenced to two calendar months' imprisonment and hard labour.

In May, 1841, he was again convicted of vagrancy, and sentenced to three months' imprisonment and hard labour. In Sep tember, 1843, he had a similar punishment for a breach of the peace. In August, 1843, he was sentenced to hard labour for two months for breaking windows. In August, 1844, ditto for ditto. In October, 1844, ditto, for breakiag a bottlj containing wine.

In May, 184-5, he was sentenced to one year's imprisonment tor a breach of the peace. In 1847, he had two months' for breaking windows. In June, 1847, three months' fer vagrancy, and he is now under sentence of six calendar months' imprisonment, with hard labour, and to be once whipped, having at the last sessioas been convicted of being an incorrigible rogue aad vagabond. He was convicted no less than tea times before the same magistrate, the Rev. John Parsons.

Surely, if there had been as much anxiety displayed to reform, as there appears to have been to punish, this prisoner, he might have been made a useful member of society. At all events, thirty-six months' imprisonment has not done him any good. The following is a copy uf the letter above alluded to Dorset County Gaoi. My dear Friend You will remember my promise of writin to you, which I wiil now endeavour to fulfil. You are.

no doubt, aware that I am committed for trial at the sessions on a charge of vagrancy for being found sleeping ia a stall oeionging to Mark snerrin, tne outcner. 1 do not know what the issue of that trial may be, but I expect a term of imprisonment, and a corporal punishment by flagellation. The magistrate who committed mc told me no effort on his part should be wanting to serve me, of which I have no manner of doubt. It seems a pleasure to him to have au opportunity of vomiting his waspish and dyspeptic spleen at me, but I am invulnerably proof against it. The dastardly pitiful schemes he has recourse to only serve to add to his disgrace, and to protract the immortality of his shame.

I suppose Mark Sherrin means to carry on the crusade which his deceased brother so long and so successfully waged against me. He had declared eternal war, but was cut off in a moment, and sent to his last account with all his imperfections on his And who knows the destiny of the immortal spirit It may be, for aught we know, imprisoned, in all the hellish perpetuity of confinement, in those doleful regions where Ixiou for ever turns his wheel, and where Tantalus in vain endeavours to slake his ever lasting thirst with the water which eludes his lips where Sisyphus, with unavailing labour, rolls up the stone which eternally falls back, and where Tityus feels the vulture ia-ce3santly preying on his heart, which, as fast as it is devoured, is again renewed. But methinks 1 have indulged in an unwarrantable and uncharitable strain. The pertinent remarks of the poet rush across my mind, who says There is a spell by nature thrown Around the voiceless dead, Which seems to soften censure's tone, And guard the dreamless bed Of these who, whatsoe'er they were, Wait Heaven's conclusive aHdit Qttartes. My dear friend, please to give my beet respects to the indomitable Mr.

Aldon, and to Master Robert England, to Charles Edmunds and his copper-coloured Majesty James, King of Thornford likewise to your brother John, and most especially to your father and mother. I owe them the debt immense of endless gratitude never can I forget their generous kindness to me whem I worked for them on the railway. I omitted to tell you that I had been ia Yeovil for two lys prior to my apprehension. Davis, the man I went to London with, called upon me at Sherbourne, and wished me to accompany him to Plymouth; but to this I could not consent. I promised to go as far as Exeter, but did not intead fulfilling my engagemeat.

We stayed together two days in Yeovil, when I gave him the slip. He would not stay an hour in Sherbourne. The reason of this is obvious. 8o you see in striving to escape the whirlpool of Charybdis, I struck upon the rocks of Scylla. And now I must close my epistle.

Farewell, my valued friend, for the present, and believe me to remain, with the most sincere regard and respect, yours, faithfully, Georgi Ats.in5 Brinb. P-S. Davis is become an itinerant quack doctor, and has hopeful shoot with him (a son of the Emerald Isle), apparently about 16 or 17." The arrival, National Guards at Dover. On their the Mayor of Dover, aeeomnanieii hr man. members of lated them amidst the the corporation, received aad coneratu- the name of his fellow-towamen cheer of those assembled.

How full they appreciated this compliment may be conceived from the fact that shortly alter they had recovered from the fatigues of their voyage, a procession was arranged, and the body properly officered, and preceded by the Etat-Major, a grenadier of herculean proportions, marched through the principal streets to the residence of the Mayor (W. Cocke, Esq.) There they were invited to an andience, and their Chief de Batallion, M. Mauduit, and the principal officers, were introduced. Captain Bomange Hubert, who spoke English, then delivered a speech, in which he expressed the gratitude of himself and bis comrades for the hospitable reception they had been honoured with, and concluded with the hope that" Good Old England," and his own beautiful country of France, might henceforth live in unity, like two affectionate sisters, although under differeut forms of government. These sentiments were received with loud cheers by the people of Dover and the National Guard assembled.

The officers were afterwards entertained at the house of the Mayor, when several loyal and patriotic toaats were proposed on both sides, mutually complimentary to France and England. Nothing could exceed the kindly feeling which appeared te exist between inem ana au classes ot tne community. Every o-j i Ul "ULC luw" an port was examined ANGLO-SAXON ANTIQUITIES. One of the most curious and interesting of the many discoveries which mo- uern researcn nas made in this department of our national antiquities was communicated on Friday evening to a meeting of the British Archaeological Association by Mr Thomas Bateman, of Yalgrave. This gentleman, it ap' peared recently opened a tumulus at Benty Grange in Ky3flrK- had ben deposited a human body, of which but little remained save the hair of the head But in the situation here the head rested were portioas of silver binding and ornaments from a leather cup which had been decorated with four wheel shaped piece, and two small crosses in silver.

There were also two enamels upon copper in silver frames; and towards the foot of -heVive the remains of a helmet formed of ribs of iron radiating from he crown and covered with narrow plates of horn upon the top was a brass plate, and surmounted upon iWlfcffiS! I uh? ir0n Wlth bronze ye. there we boar Mr R-m UJt UPP eare a to De iron mail armour. The firem8rlifd' was a prominent animal in the mythology of the northern tribes. He considered the accident. About three o'clock on Thursday V-he night "hmen Rationed at Duke street heard a heavy crash, followed by moaning from a back area in

On proceeding to the place from 7- uy a rau irom tne roof bOUSe. It annpura rViat tha l- il rnnf tn VZ'ti engaged on the i rr- "rau, auu tnat R3nfi lDS mTent' a88isted in "moving him to the sufferer, who withaUmoIhi ffSPSt Vennal, appears to have SLiTS Al 6 Uld pre rlound" 111' HeS .1 dls the' roof of ho 1Vi iwm Of the the nuna bo Dcenmaii hia a-- uu leu 10 tne ground from a hpiohr Part lead fallin along with him. "cuuersoa anu M'Lormick whn r.r,r,-,l v. I I 1 I I I I I I I all men must now admit it to be placed. There is, howeyer, something worse racumo it tn rlm tted and that is me warn.

u. i nur-nannlpd I decision, Jiitner threat Bmain is ur i uul If your Lordship hold the former opinion and your pomieai faith compels you to hold it you are bouad to originate some great scheme of emigration, and to aid in its promotion, while yet the country retains the power of granting the means. It were useless for the Government to expect individuals to carry out such scheme unaided, with the daily depression of funded property, railways, and every kind of investment the public have quite enough to do to watch their own affairs. Under such urgent necessity, permit me, my Lord, to offer a plan of emigration, which I cannot but thmk if spiritedly undertaken, would prove eminently advantageous to the mother country. When clearances are making in the public offices 1st, I weuld recommend that all civil servants discharged under forty years of age should be sent out oimihlP settlement, for the purpose of nlottinff out distant localities, where a complete telf sustained emigration body should hereafter be transferred; 2d, that all such civil servants between forty and fifty (if duly qualified) should immediately be trained and prepared for the guidance of such bodies;" and 3d, that such emigration or colonisation body should comprehend as follows 1 Capitalist with bond fide means to the extent of 1 Government guide (discarded from public offices).

1 Clerk under him. 24 Ploughmen and farm servants, including their wives. 12 Bricklayers or builders, hod-men, (fcc. 11 Carpenter, slaters, glaziers, married couples when practicable.) 60 Horses, cows, and poultry household utensils or every variety ploughs, harrows, and such implement as well as temporary huts or tents, would all and each have to be furnished. In this, as in all similar matters, experience alene can determiae either the numbers of each class of operatives relatively that would be required, or the amount of capital necessary to sustain and employ them.

All I profess now to do is. to enunciate a plan (of the simplest character), guarding at once against the frustrating tendencies of selfishness on the oae hand, and the folly of hordes of paupers attempting that to which they are themselves utterly unequal, on the other. As already hinted, I can spe bo prospect but utter pros-tratisn for the country, notwithstanding all the high-flown expectations of many, unless either Free Trade be ex-changi for Protection," or an effort be made to colonise nn KfTmp Proat national nriiiciDle. Nay, I cannot but pro fess astonishment that no such plan was ever devised by the Protectioaists. While snmanv nr-aee" nrokssins advocates are relieving the mnnotonv of the nrestnt times, and cannot but ii.flueuce monkfr.fl with thefr resolutions." it is only fair to assume that the Royal Navy could be spared to aid in this great work.

But whether such be the case or not, I read the signs of the times altogether wrong, if the mercantile navy of England be not, ere long, better employed in emigrants than Manchester cottons. Trusting, my Lord, these few observations may stimulate whatever party may be in power, to act at least witn decision and consistency, am, my Your faithful servant, Chelsea, Oct. 27, 1848. A Cumbrian. THE STATE OF THE THAMES.

TO THE EDITOR OF THE MORNING POST. Sir The nurification of the river Thames will not be so -a matter a he editor of the Times supposes. His remeiiv is a most extensive sewerage. But when the cesspools are full, what is to be done with the surplus filth He savs spread it on the land in the suburbs, and raise food. Here, Sir, I smell the cockney.

I know a case of a proprietor cleaning out a very moderate sized pond, and spreading its contents very thinly over his land, and he gave all his sheep the rot. What, then, might be expected from the effects of London manure spread year after year round its population The truth is, that manure of this kind is absolutely hurtful until mixed with a large quantity of lime, and left to mellow in a heap exposed to the atmosphere for a year at least but this would imply a degree of expense that would render its use quite impracticable. Upon hungry soils, such as sand and gravel, it may, indeed, be beneficially employed, if immediately ploughed in, for maneel wurzel or turnips, but in no other cases and the use of it London for such purposes would be too insignificant to be worth mentioning. Yours, Agrkola. HOP DUTY RETURNS.

An accoant of the duty on hops of the growth of the year 1848, for the undermentioned districts, distinguishing the old from the new duty i Districts. Duty. Essex 1,058 18 4 Hams 15,273 2 6 Hereford 22.292 13 li Lincoln Oxford Surrey. 1,821 13 Hi 20 15 9i 139 14 9 40.006 IS 6j Old duty at Id 12 20 per lb New duty a' 8-20 per lb Additional duty of 5 per cent, per Act 3 Viet. c.

17 22,237 10 10,436 3 16-20 6 4-20 1,932 19 8 40,006 18 6j The returns from the remainder of the districts will be published as soon as received. S. S. Syne, Accountant General. Excise Office.

London, Oct. 31, 184S. Advertisement. To Holders of Policies in THE EUTTABLB LlFB OFFICE, CllATHAM-I'LACE, BLACK FRIARS. Those persons who will be entitled to a bonus at the above office, if they live to the year 1850, are respectfully informed that this a ldition may be secured at the Hand-in-Hand Life Officf, upon the same principle that was so successfully adopted before the last division of 1840, upon which occasion the representatives of those who died received the amount that would have been obtained from the Equitable had they lived, and the survivors received back 94.

out of every 100. paid, instead of losing the whole Dremium. as in an ordinary insurance. Those parties who wish to avail themselves of this arrangement are respectfully reauested to sienifv the same to me, without delay. Robert Steven, Secretary.

Hand in-Hand Fire and Life Office. I. New Bridce-street, Blackfriars. The rates applicable to the different ages, and all other information, may be obtained at the office fiom the Actuary. A Silver Cradle presented to a Mayoress.

On Saturday, oae of the wibe saws" of ancient Liverpool was illustrated by a modern instance," by the presenta tion of a silver cradle to Mrs. T. B. Horsfall, the Mayoress of that borough. The following description (which we quote from the Liverpool Albion) tell its own story The cradle is a fairy-like model, of the value of 120., and is a beautiful work of art, placed under a glass shade, forming a magnificent ornament fr the drawing room.

The general form of the body is that of the nautilus shell, which was chosen as being appropriate to a seaport town, on one side of which is chased, in high relief, a group of figures, representing a mother placing in the arms of its father their new-born child. Supporting the medallioa on which the figures are placed are two angels, with expanded wings and issuing from beneath them, and under the medallion, are beautiful scrolls of poppies and lilies, emblems of Sleep and Peace. On the top of the scroll or apex sits the Genius of Liverpool and at the foot stands the Liver, the ancient bearing ia the arms of the town. The cot rests at each end on axles, so as to allow it to rock backwards and forwards. These are passed through the stems of two large seaweeds, or lavers.

At the bottom of their stems are two sea fish, resting on a richly chased ground or shore, strewed over with shells, coralines, fachi, and other marine plants and objects and, at the base of the whole, which is of an oval and indented form, on one side is written the following TB 51MHIT OP LEhBXbl. Gif Leverpooles good maior -J evcrre be Made fallie rre inne hji yere off maioralUe, Thennr sal be gift-ell, bye ye townmenue free, Ane siiverre cradle too liys fair Whilst on the other side is engraved this dedication Tint silver cradle wa presented, by a number of the Bar-f esses of Liverpool, to Mary, wife of the Worshipful Thomas Berry Horsfall, Mayor, to commemorate, according to an ancient Wend of the town, 'the happy eTfiit of an accession to his worship's family in the rear of his mayoralty, by the birth of hit daughter, Mary'CoJ, on" the 11th of January, and the opportunity is taken of hereon recording the universal approbation of his wor ship's cduct during a pi-nod of great national peril. John Holmes, Chairman. R. C.

Gardner, Treasurer. John Smith, On the back of the canopy arc enchased the arms of Liver- pool, with its Bupporfand significant motto Under which are emblazoned the impaled arms of Horsfall and Coi. In thp inturinr nf th cradh: are a iiiiittri ss and pillow, made of exquisitely finished filagrain work Mrs. Horsfall replied, in an appropriate speech, to the complimentary addresses of the deputation. The interest with which this ceremonial was generally regarded in the town of Liverpool may be imagined from the circumstance that a frosty old bachelor, of some note in the borough, was thawed into a multiplicity of compliments, and that he actually handed over a slip of paper to Mrs.

Horsfall, on which wb penned the following results of his cogitations over that morning's chocolate May the beautiful design of the cradU be an emblem of the dear little cut. Thoufh in ittelf fragile and fair, yet, vhia in fairy shell is launched on tlie ocean, Tht paper Nautilus, with beak of snow, Careers with silver prow, "Sot stormt, ntr tempeti fears Guided by Him whose way it in tke sea, And whose path in the great waters." Irish Sanity. The Cork Reporter states that lt is a curious fact, and most creditable to the officers of our lur.atie asylum, that out of nearly four hundred patients there was, on Saturday last, not one person under restraint." From this, it would seem that Paddy only ceases require restraint when he becomes lunatic. The Whalers. On Thursday the Alexander, Captain James Sturrock, jun arrived iu Dundee with six fish averaffins between 55 and 00 tuns of oil.

In the after- n. a arri With f.llir EOOC, luc jaum. uap'aiu fih averaging 43 to 5') tuns. I he Pnncets Lliarlotte loi 1 i -ol-o uih fiur fish rr-r-Unnprl tn hr- trom 9a i tuns -rtli 'lii'ittih Daily IF tVtair fnr a mnmpnt B. 1r.

mot0 on which it hangs Dy me waters strings echo principally with the most mournful Here is a specimen Ot'E MOTHER CHURCH. Though thou art lowly now, Pale and discrowned, Laying thy holy brow Faint on the ground, Traitors deceiving thee, Scorners surrounding, False teachers grieving thee, Feeble hearts leaving thee, Cruel hands wounding Though the storm hover Frowning and dark Though the wave cover The walls of thine ark, And Hope's sweet dove for thee Bring not one leaf; Mother, our love for thee Grows with thy grief 1 What if her word may be Void of command What if the sword we see Drop from her hand Shall we not fear her Dare we forget her Cling wi the nearer Love we the better Let our thoughts only paint What she hath been, Meek as a lonely saint, Crown'd as a queen Where she lies dumbly, Gather we humbly Kneeling, and say, Powerless and lonely, Speak, whisper only, We will obey 1 No idle sigh for her, Ye, who would die for her, Nerve ye to live for her, Suffer and strive for her; Pray for her tearfully, Hope for her fearfully, Let your tears rain on her, Till each foul stain on her, Pass from the sight, And there remain on her Robes of pure white By the dews of thy morning, Holy and soft By words of sweet warning, Utter'd so oft By accents adoring, Daily which rise Where spires upsoaring Pierce the dsep skies By Him whose mission Gavs not in vain The awful commission, Remit and retain!" By the life which thou livest Ev'n now in thy shams By the food which thou givest, We dare not to name By the gifts that are in thee, Power, faith, aud purity, Seek we to win thee From sloth and obscurity; Answer our loyalty, Waiting and weeping! Put on thy royalty Rise from thy sleeping Take thine old place again Where stars are bright, And from God's face again Drink deathless light Rise and subdue to thee All as of old, Those that were true to thee, Those that were cold Children, who pained thee, Tyrants, who took thee, Foes, whodisdain'd thee, Friends, who forsook thee. Yes, all shall gaze on tbee, Showering their praise on thee, As those pure rays on thee Visibly shine Earth, now no home for thee, Then shall become for thee One mighty shrine, One vast community, Known by its unity, Truly divine Call ye this vanity, Work never done, Which poor humanity Mars ere begun Nay, no despair for us! Think on Christ's prayer for us, Lei them be one Ear to the thunder dull, Sense-bliaded eye, God still is wonderful, Christ yet is uigh Some lines there are. however, in this nttie esiee- tioa, of less elegiac spirit, and of less threnod-like tones. give a portion ol another piece, entiuea, as it should seem, after the family motto of the writer and a right pretty motto it is Clarior tenebris" CLARIOR TENEBRIS.

For many a year my sires have liv'd Unnotic'd and unknown, The shadow of a quiet home Around their story thrown; But the motto of my Father's house Through ages past away Was a war cry on the battle field In the old Crusaders' day. In peaceful though inglorious times Their blaaonry was this. The sunbeams breaking through a cloud, Clarier tenebris." But when on fields of Palestine For Salem's shrine they fought, The Christian standard wide unlurl'd, But its saintly lure untaught, They left to those who dwelt at home The old armorial shield, What time the symbol of our faith Their high emprise reveal'd. Henceforth upon their knightly shield And banner'6 silken fold, A sable Cross on shining field Was traced, bedropp'd with gold. But the motto was unalter'd still A word of steadfast cheer, Yet many ton'd like Eol's harp To charm the listening ear.

How might it nerve the youthful knight For valiant deeds in war, What time it cheer'd with tenderer trust His own betroth'd afar And had it not for elder hearts A deeper, saintlier lore When clouds had veil'd the sunny shine And youth's bright dream was o'er When the bravo knight had fought his last, And stretch'd his steed beside, His flesh and heart were failing fast As ebb'd life's erimson tide. then, while fainter on his ear His comrades' war cries fell And his dim eyes no more might trace The banner borne so well, Those words might waken in his heart A thought of bliss in store, And far beyond death's shadowy vale A da rn ne er seen before. There is something very sweet in this, lt is most unobjectionably simple, and yet not without a spark of the diviner heat. Indeed, though there is considerable inequality in the poetical merits of the various lays in this volume, there is a merit of another kind common to them all we mean the hne spirit, ft sentiment, the love of yearning after what is eternai) th what is noble, the passion for what is i true, ana all that preierence ior spiritual tilings wnicn is so rare iu this age of the pocket. We think that those who may be induced by what we say to beguile am Vinnr in tnp nprucnl nf triPRP nnrp nnrl trmrhinir I an hour in the perusal ot these pure and touching lays will find themselves amply repaid in the pleasure they will reap.

The Pilgrim's Progress Versified. Complete in Two Parts. Parts and II. William Edward Painter, S42, Strand, London, 1845. The Pilgrim's Progress," we agree with Mr.

Mnonniov nnsspsses the merit of beiner one of the few allegories in which the personifications introduced display in a vivid manner the characters of human beings and this, no doubt, greatly contributes to 1 l-Ll-1 1 proauce that amazing interest wnicn tne oook excites. But, beyond this element of interest, we are not dis- posed to admit that the merit of this "merit" extends. It is of course essential that a work purporting to repre sent the manners of society and the character ot the world as it is should contain a very pervading element oi ouman imeness. uut it is quite anomer question whether it be essential, whether it be meritorious, nay, whether it even be allowable, to invest things wliifn nrp Tint mpn onrl tb rrr or, tVirtiifrh rViaav 1 7 ewvaaa human with thp TPrv Air arm armoornnw firm phn. 1 .11 7 t.

lotici, in uio uuuuol uriuii, ui uiai niiieu ujcv ai Into this question, however, it is unnecessary UI I is in a to Ol mar. accurn for theca to I quence, qu rn The firt table to the avowed in; Fret-donn direction to the maxim the best rui aain, Th aO circ.iuw labenr." "philosoph one dared th epithet ctndiary. Whether his intiueti cheapnei: now rfetiuci known 10 Bradford aad other they 'hemst have to bli was possible the the price ol useful -ranc" 0. know tin1 Mr. Will: which has from me.

stream ot i country in Dsanufaci ur The tradesmen have kn Law was benrtit of ma cla-es. the Bruii: resolutely inslU. Skives. I'h ffrue, they hut Uicy rev I likt a sw tte, refuse poor rura. I Fellow-c of the folic form corri mcir wiumcs.

i uey snouiu aiso remetnur 1 1 a i be turned into money earlier than any otu- would be worth from 40. to 12iV tt flax to Belfast from this place, the cos v. be much less thaa on any other crop -speaker produced a specimen of tUx grown Sir A. O'Donnell, and said, it was It was their desire to have the flax ban south and west of Ireland, as in Belgium country they could not get the people 1 1 work, and where they were- paid by the p. sure to scheme, leaving half of the flax unscut.a-occurred so universally ia the south nd that they had come to the determination, cases as the smali farmer or cottier, wh) pr crop, io employ mm scutcning oniy.

there honesty and integrity among the labouring south and west ot Ireland, that -uch a scutching was sare to fall to machinery will only do fer this partot scutching by machinery was al-o ttihg I 1 being cheaper. The preseat condition ot lielgnim proof of the fallacy of keeping up a forced ys: hand labour instead of machinery. There wasgr that country, in consequence of the ng caused by Irish competition the foreign rk they had beaten the Belgians entirely He Hi poor weavers of Flanders going ragged thr and begging their bread la the north much less taxes to pay than in the suth, aud chit paily owing to the employment of the peoj branches of the linen trade. In the lai they not only supported their own poor, but ri 1 for other parts of Ireland. He would a i nection with cambrics.

In 1325, tor '-very 1 Freneh cambric sold in London there wer Irish; but, iu 1845, for every 1 ,000 Freucb pieio were sold hi, 000 pieces of therish. Worcester Autumn match has been made for to morrow Mr dinal's Nieee, 4 yrs, lOst, agst Mr D-trtus Slay 6 yrs, 9st. 71b. two miles, o0. The Effects of Free a i ing at the Sheffield Town Hall, wet the sttt the forthcoming municipal elctin 1 (hitherto aa ardent and stanch trader himself in very equivocal terms on the -ur when speaking on the question of marls exportation of the raw material.

Mr Pi -r In a highly re.pectable firm ia the Sr. rti therefore, be to be coraps-t em fair opinion of the practical results uf Free his branch of trade, at least, is concern 5 he say Why, that Sheffield lik i min hi. character, with regard to the pi tides, especially in Oa th i. 1 raw material steel), by mean ul which I enabled to manufacture for themw best hands into the bargain, Mr. r- dingly.

Free-trader as I am. vet I the propriety of its being proceeded with. nd proved that the present system of ep to the trade of the town, there to be effected." Yes, the shoe is beginn.r I Pearson may rest assured that be it aot feel, the smarting effects of Free Tr.ide in better than a year ago, Earl Fitawilliam I recantation of Free i'rade at the Cutlers will deny that the trade of Sheffield ba the operations of Free I'rade. Leeds I The Hon iton Bank. At the Bankruptcy on Tuesday, Mews.

Flood -Honiton, bankers, came up for their last There was a very full attendance of the cr Hirtzel, the official assignee, read a very 5 carefully drawn up report, in which he -statements made by him the meeting April last, and the opinion he had then more than from tis. id. to 7s. 6d in the ultimately realised for the creditors. fact, that the more the accounts were inv .1 omplicated and erroneous they were many persons who had been returned a.

U. themselves not to be so, while other had t' be creditors. He nex' wen' on the separate estate of ChrU- I separate estate of Ubratopher estate of Harry BuckUnd tt estate. He guarded himself Si as to trie sum that aid he confused state of the boriu certainty but he express I could substantiate his claim, as he -do, against the seDarate oii-at. nis Flood, for the debt due bv Flood in dividend of (5s.

Sd. in the noafld 01. i'-" paid. Mr. Cox asked whether Etw D3U aay information as to the sum posed lo have been m-Wrl an.i h.

ject of a long investigation Mr. Pa" 1 statement which aDoeureJ in thu IV. mar un error had been discovered which v- had been sent by Mr fiew. further information on A. missing cash, lie had no WOUld be DrOOer to mpnlinn that the assignees had no doubt at abstraction of that money.

The reference to that particular matter, .,1,., hi.l 3fU "uc mim, anu au tnat tiad Oeeu his knowledge. A good deai of iue ia is if inv plaint I 1 other re of fiWhen th wy wealti secret; win Cha fsm a pi leuer wri follow M3-1: f4 Foil em be IV) JU' ed id mi -ki 2l and n-. tkia JJJ" -'me. P'on of the Particularl fj ndment "'led to 'he ug ypqfacturi 2f?" th; jrUrr frc for lab Zkff' 8 W( wfch nave 1 ill nc JWlWices ui willing tne "aoands 'retches consequ from Mr it would not be for the must. fhc mating to xh rther at this mome.t sene.nt rmX( r-wamen' are ariito.

3') shu Chroniae Clebicai. ports ufv fhe Bishoi' of 1 aitirl in a naaal II till' th field aad the amusemenu of the wori to 1 compar-iaie witn the Uhn.tun pastor believe that their minister are men Chriscian character was thereby the judgment day they would have having pr.ferned cwu pktasura to It leads tne and I "JISli rjV -11 a In a all -they aded their wTay amid8t damP and wd, "6 erU'J London t0 vale of death. Ir the especially dismal mm'. lab the Tttieui were cuusuwpuon anu pestilence, that bonfires were fere.

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