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Morrisville Messenger from Morrisville, Vermont • 1

Morrisville, Vermont
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FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9. 1906. (SI. OO a Year if Paid in Advance I IS I. SO a Year not Paid in Advance) Five Cents a Copy.


2BZ DOE REMEMBER LEGISLATIVE LETTER. Last Week For Introducing: Bills, Much Important Business Awaits Attention. Montpelier, Nov 7. Just a little more doing at the capitol this week than committees fairly busy and the grist being turned out a little more rapidly, but, after all, only one of the really important matters finally determined. Capital punishment, plurality, the cattle commission, railroad legislation, and other things of tlie first grade, are still awaiting the pleasure, or dis W3 MORRISVILLE.

CM Boynton is reported, today, as gaining slowly from his recent illness. The condition of Henry Thomas, is imported, this morning, as a little more omfortable. Mrs Sheldon of Swanton arrived in town, this morning, for a short visit with relatives. Smith returned, today, from a week's absence spent in Montpelier and Waterbury. Raymond Darrah of Wolcott was a uest, Wednesday, at the home of his wncle, Ross.

There will be a special meeting of Mt Vernon Lodge, A next Wednesday evening. Mr and Mrs Leon Ladeau expect to 40, soon, to Boston, where the former will secure employment. Jay Paitlow is moving from High St to the tenement in the Champeau block vacated by Geo Brill. Mrs Myron Ainsworth of Hard wick was a guest, yesterday, at the home of her sister, Mis Sinnott. Bennett Eaton is assisting at the furniture store of Kelley Co.

where he will remain until after the holidays. Mr and Mrs Green returned home, Wednesday, from a week's visit with relatives in Fletcher, Fairfax and vicinity. Mrs Keeler, who has been spend-in" several weeks at the home of Mrs LW-Wakefield, returned to her home in Elmore, yesterday. Willey, young son of Mr and Mrs Kelley, who has been suffering from a severe attack of tonsilitis for the We still have the exclusive agency in this town for the Fort Stanwix Canned Goods NO BETTER IN THE MARKET at any price. Every can enamelled on the inside and not a particle of solder used on any part of the can.

This feature is something new this year. T. B. ELLIS, Grocer, Opposite the Earle Store, Portland Street, Morrisville, Vt. DLZZZ inni past week, is improving.

Mrs Freeman went to Johnson, yesterday morning, to spend the remainder of the week at the home of her son-in-law, Fullington. Angel of Wells River has been a guest, this week, at the home of Mr and Mrs A Smith, being in this vicinity looking up asbestos activities. Miss Nona Tracy, who has been spending about 10 davs at the home of her aunt, Mrs Fred Utton, returns, tomorrow, to her home in Mertden, Conn. Mr and Mrs Ernest Allen have recently arrived in town from Mt Auburn, La, where they have been living. They contemplate locating in this place.

Mr and Mrs A Campbell took an automobile trip to East Charleston, lust Sunday, to the latter' lather, -George Thev relumed theMiiuv-day, making the full day's run 97 5-8 miles. i Mrs Winter and (laughter, Cora, who have been spending three weeks liere as guests of the former's sister, Mrs A Swi'zer, returned to their home in St Johnsbury, Wednesday morning. Hall Cheney, this week, call es-pecial attention to their large line of candies. The fact that the firm is now -selling about 200 pounds a week in the line speaks well for the quality of the goods. In the news item bearing upon the plans of the Asbestos Co, given in this paper, last week, lie name of Mr Mali of Morrisville should have been included as one of the company's largest stockholders.

Leroy Eaton left, Tuesday, for Hartford, Conn, where he will resume work tn the printing establishment of the Travelers' Insurance Company, a position which he occupied, last-year. Mrs Eaton and child expect to join him a little later. At the Universalis church, next Sun-dav morning, Kev Otto Raspe will jspeak from the su ject, "R-moving the Old Junior Union at 4 pin, Senior Union at 7 topic. "The Happy leader, Miss Mabel Durkee. All are welcome.

Mrs Frank Ruder of Cambridge, came, Tuesday morning, to spend a Jew davs at tin; home of h-r sister-m-law, Henry Thomas, Mr Butler, who had been helping the latler since the last of the week, having relumed iiome, the previous evening. At a meeting of the directors of the Board of Trade- held Monday evening, tUa cum rF t1 fl-1 W.IQ voteil tn ini IDC -oOQDO- Have You Seen the New Garments? EE A fresh lot has just come in and are beauties, Some of the newest styles, made up from pretty cloths 52 and in fashionable shades. Garments are very reason- able in price this season, and if you get "Gans" coats, 5 you get the best in the market. We also have the same Er make in Misses' and children's. Our Line of Furs 52 Attracts a good deal of attention these days, 2 and well it may, for we certainly have some splendid 52 values all along the Hue.

We have a good, durable fur 52 boa for children for 89 cents that is pronounced to be the best in town for the price. Our Outing Stock 2: Is complete. There is everything one could 52 wish for in the line. We sell the best outing made for 2 10 cents per yard. Then we have a cheaper grade for 8 cents all good values.

52 There is an elegant line of German blankets for bath 52 robes and the like. They are heavy and warm and. come in different weigths and at prices to correspond, I New Dress Goods EJ We have some fine values in winter weights. 5S We are showing some 56-inch all-wool goods at 85 cts. 52 Per yard that are actually worth $1 .25.

New goods iu 52 black, blue and red and the popular greys. All good, 55 honest values. 52 A large lot of new fiannellette wrappere also just in 25 the "Ideal" and most everyone knows what they are. Sj B. V.

Y. HOSIERY Best value yet. A 3-pound 2g fleeced hose at 15 cents, or two pairs for 25 cents, is 52 something to talk about. It is worth your while to see 52 these hose, for they are certainly GOOD. Sixth District, 22 to Meet at Wol cott, Tuesday, Nov 13.

The annual meeting of the sixth district, will be held with Crystal Chapter of Wolcott, Tuesday, Nov 13. Several grand officers are expected and all members in good standing are invited. The usual round trip rates on the St are promised. The chapters of the district are Crystal of Wolcott, Coral of Morrisville, Riverside of Ilardwick, Sickle of Stowe, Mansfield of Jeffersonville, Johnson of Johnson. The program for the day's proceedings is as follows: 11 :00 a m.

Crystal chapter, Mrs Nellie Warren, will open chapter; reception of grand officers; address of welcome, Mrs Nellie Warren; response, Mrs Josie Pierce: dinner: 1:30 Coral Chapter, Mrs Minnie Steele, will demonstrate the business of chapter; Mansfield Chapter, Mrs Mattie Wilcox, will exemplify the ritual wort; review of work, Mrs Ruby Hawley, Grand Lecturer; closing by Crystal Chapter. OBITUARY. Albert Gobar. The death of Albert Gobar, a long time resident of Morristown, occurred at his home in the west part of the town, yesterday morning. Mr Gobar is survived by a widow and several sons and diughters, one of whom, Mrs Hiram Brown of Concord, arrived, last evening.

Deceased had been poorly all summer and his death was due to the breaking down attendant upon old age. lie was over 90 vears of age and a veteran of the Civil War. Exact particulars of the funeral cannot be learned, but it is expected that the service will be held at the house, Saturday, with interment at Moms-town Corners. Mrs Frank Cutting and Mrs Charles Boynton went to Stowe, today, for a few days' wsit at the home of Mr and Mrs 11 Billings. A Champeau is improving his Main St block bj extending the veranda around the corner to t.Le west side of the building.

A Way of Burlington is a guest at the home of Utton, today, taking a look at two line horses winch Mr Ution is training for him. Fred Sbeehan of Boston, who has been spending two weeks in town as the guest of Air and Mis James Hock, returned home, yetterday. Dana Le Baron, son of Mr and Mrs I LeBaron, and who is employed as an electrician in New York City, arrived in town, yesteiday morning, to spend a two weeks' vacation with his relatives here. Mr and Mrs Utton and daughter, I'riscilla, lei last Saturday morning, for Barton Landing. They will make a several weeks' visit at the home of Mrs Utton's aunt, Mrs Forte Bailey, and other relatives in that vicinity.

The Drowne building, recently damaged by fire, is rapidly receiving the exterior finishing touches. The two hii'jttt plate glass windows are in place and Levi Cross and his assistants have painted the outside, this week. Tlie condition of Small, who suffered a fail down the stairs in the Drowne block, Monday morning, is re ported, toda, as critical. Although no hones -vere, biokeu, Mr Small was badly buiised and shaken and a kidney trouh'le from Inch he had formerly been a suff rer was badly aggravated by the accident. His advanced age is also a discouraging (actor in the case.

At the meeting of Lamoille Grange, next Thuisoay evening, the first and second degrei-s will be conferred and all cnndiilales for those degrees are requested to be presen1. The meeting, afternoon, was largely at tended, the program, especially the talk by II Temll, proved very inter esting and instructive and the display of apples was larger than at the pie-vious nn eting. It is now expected that Evergreen Looge, EO I', of Ilardwick will eil-teitam Lamoille Lodge, next Wednesday evening, in pavment for the bad the former lodge lf-ceived in the recent membership contest. A special tram lor the return home has been secured, with reduced rates, and about 75 expect to take he trip, 35 of whom will be initiated by Evergreen Lodge. Among the extra clerks who are assisting in takiiik' caro of the crowds of shoppers at the Small stores during ihe big sale are Cairoll Morrill.

Harry Huichins, Mis Chas Small, Mrs Guv Campbell, Mrs Maria Tinker, Mrs Wilson, Misses Imogene liuibank, Flotence Chaffee, Flo eni Nichols. Mabel Wade, Gertrude Ilaskins, Edith Mudgett of this place and Joe Noble ol Ilardwick, LI Bailey of Peachani and Mr and Mrs Baumoel of New Yoik City. A good size circus crowd was on hand at A Small's throw-a-way deal at nine o'clock, Wednesday morning. In the event, Small was Hue to his advertised word ami delivered the gooiN, all riuht, "without money and without All good usable stuff it was, too, and while not charity lot a minute, some of it was caught where it was appreciated. Of com so there was some sciapping, particula; ly when four or five strong men all wanted the same trousers, shirt or coat, but all the mills were good-natuied.

As an advertising scheme this throwing a way of goods is new this vicinity, a fact, that cuts another notch in Small's record for effective originality as a pacemaker in Wolcott Physician Not Heard From Since Oct 15. The unexplained absence of Dr Gale of Wolcott since the middle of October has been generally known in this vicinity, but up to this week, out of regard to the wishes of his family, particulars of liis disappearance have not been published in the newspapers. From the fact that bo knowledge of his whereabouts has been secured, newspaper publicity has at last been invoked in the hope that it may be the means of finding further trace of the missing man than thus far has been obtained, if not the man himself. On the evening of Oct 15, Dr Gale, who possessed a large and growing medical practice in Wolcott, left his home by the mail train going west with the announced purpose of meeting his wife at Troy, where she had been visiting, in order to accompany her home. Before starting, he borrowed a rifle, supposedly for the purpose of taking any advantage of the hunting season that his trip permitted.

It seems that his coming to Troy was expected by Mrs Gale, but that if he did not arrive by a certain date, she was to understand that he could not leave his practice aud she was to return to Wolcott alone. While it is known that Dr Gale reached Burlington the same evening that he left Wolcott, all eflWc has failed to trace him beyond that point. Regarding Ins being in Burlington, the Daily News of that city reports as follows: A man answering to the description of Dr Gale was. seen by Adolph Tellier, who runs the mail wagon between the statk.y and the postodice, upon the arrival of' Burlington and Lamoille train at 9 clock on the evening of Oct 15, the sameday that DrGale started for Troy via Btiriingtou. The man Mr Tellier saw had a rifle and a dress suit case.

After mVttina off the train he was seen by Mr Tellier on the platform of the station. Further tlnui that noth ing is known of him. had an hour to wait before taking the evening tram south. He disappeared dining that hour. Word was received oy Frbt'ulwles Jones of the University from Mrs Gale, upon her return to Wolcolt from Troy and a quiet investigation was made in Burlington for the missing man, not the slightest clue being found, however, as to his whereabouts.

The police was given a description of him and Dr Gale's fatiier came to the city, investigated hotel registers, looked up boarding houses, made in quiries from old neighbors Mid others on Henry St where Dr Gale and his wife resided while he was attending the medical college, all to no purpose. Dr Gale was a large, powerful man, and was a notable athlete. He was of quiet, retiring disposition, a gentlemen in appearance and demeanor. He made many friends in Burlington, during his residence here, and news of his disappearance was received with surprise and regret. OFF-YEAR ELECTIONS.

Republican Successes General on State Issues and Party Majority in (Congre3s not Impaired. As the lesult of Tuesday's elections, Charles Hughes, republican candidate for governor of New York, defeated William Hearst, the democratic candidate, by a plurality of 01,109. In New York the rest of the democratic ticket is probably elected, aud that such is the case is probably duo to a large number of democrats voting for Hughes. The New Yoik legislature is strongly republican as heretofore. In Massachusetts, Gov Curtis Guild Tr, was re-elected ovei John the democratic candidate, by nearly 40,000.

In New Ilampshiie the republican candidate lor governor failed to get a majority, but as the joint assembly is strongly republican, he is as good as elected. In Rhode Island, a democratic governor was chosen but the legislature remains republican. The result of 1 he congressional elections throughout the country, shows some democratic uains but the present republican majority will trot be effectively dimmisiied. Death of Beryl Cecil Jones. The death of Beryl Cecil, five-months' old daughter of Mr and Mrs Wallace Jones, occurred, List Sunday morning, after a few days' illness from bronchial pneumonia, against which medical skill and nursing were of no avail.

Funeral services were held at the home of the parents on Park St at 1 o'clock, Tuesday afternoon, Rev A Smith, pastor of Puffer Echurc' officiating. Included in the many floral offering which surrounded the liny casket was a beautiiul bouquet of white roses from the six babies, who with Beryl were guests at Mrs A Smith's brownie two weeks ago. The remains were carried to Hyde L'ark Center for inteinient in the Whitcomb family lot. The parents have the sympathy of the community in their sudden bereavement, especially as fears have been entertained regarding the remain ing daughter, Ha, who has been suffering from illness in which many sjmo-toms of pneumonia appeared. She is.

however, now considered past all danger. pleasure, of the lawmakers. The bill providing for skilled supervision of schools, by means of the uniting of neighboring towns and the financial assistance of the state, has passed the senate and only awaits the governor's signature. If the expecta tions of Chaiiman Hulburd and his associates on the committee on education are realized, this piece of legislation will greatly strengthen the educational system of the state. The bill providing for repairs on Limioiile County court house has passed both houses, so the repairs are The house has passed the grade crossing bill without a ripple of opposi tion, a measure calling for the abol ishment- grade crossings at the rate of r.Va year by the railroads of the state, the towns and the state treasury being called on to share with the tail- roads in meeting the heavy expense in volved.

The treatment which this important bill is to get in the senate can only be guessed at. Another measure which has been up several times before and always clowned made a suceesslul trip through the lower branch and is now "up to" the senate namely, the bill removing the $20110 limit on savings banks deposits ex nipt trom taxation. Ihe house evi dently took the word of "the gentle man trom Cavendish that the passage of such a bill would keep money in the state and be beneficial ail around. One of the latest bills creates a state highway commissioner, calls for a high way supervisor in each county, and appropriates $50,000 for improvement ot Veimonis roads. Others piovide aiN-T'itural courses lor certa'n schools; hold Corpotations liable, under pre- scribed for injuiy to their employes; calls for a single penal board of three to look after state insti-tulions, one of the three to he purchasing agent; appropriate $19,309 to compensate towns lor freeing toll bridges over the Connecticut and to help build new bridges; mand the niompt testing of cattle coming into Wimoni make a change commitment fees; allow condemned cat'le to be sold in Massachusetts markets, under regulations, and compel quick report of sales to Vei mon cattle com mission; provide for centralization of small schools; providing that standing timber sold without the land shall be taxed to the owner thereof, with no deduction for debts owing; punishing municipal officers for neglect of duty, etc, etc, the list including a large num her of trivial measures.

A bill which newspaper men are specially interested is one preventing recovery for newspapers sent after the subscrip tion has expired. Up to date an even 500 bills have been introduced in the house and about loO in the senate. The revision committee still in hand nearly 100 hills, to be introduced this week. The lull requiring the redemption of all rebate checks given on trains has passed both houses; so has the bill in corporating he Home Telephone Company, a million-dollar corporation I hat is stai ting out to do some! hing; and the bill 1 1 prevent fraudulent sales by merchants. The house has passed a bid putting park privileges within the reach of the smaller towns.

Amonir the "funerals" may be mentioned the bill to repeal the law making Sunday a close season for huntii.g, the bill providing for a distribution of tlie two per cent insurance tax among the towns and villages, and the hill to lim the term of imprisonment for mioxication. Quite a number of other bills, of no general importance, have been killed. The regulation of telephone lates, and woman suffrage, called out "full houses" last night, at public hearings; and at a meeting in behalf of a "greatei a society with that purpose in view was organized, with Lieut-Gov I'routy as president and Hon Page chairman of the executive committee. NOTHS. The Vermont Association of Boston, expected to visit the legislature on Fnda.N, is not coming.

Gov Poctor was 40 years old, and the general assembly shook his hand and congratulated him. An important bill, strengthening the railroad commission in their dealings wi the railroads of the state, is looked fur tomorrow Thursday). S. Lawrence Bapp. Last Sunday evening in Bakersfield, occurred the marriage of Fred Lawrence, son of Mr and Mrs Geo Lawrence of this place, and Miss Grace LI Bapp of Fairfax, the ceremony taking place at the home of an aunt of the bride.

Kev Mr Blount of Bakersfield was the officiating clergyman. Mr Lawrence recently completed his term of enlistment the army and returned to the home of his parents and there he brought his bride, Mouday morning, to reside. Opposite the Ellis Store, 52 52 Portland Street, Morrisville, Vt. 2J 3 Woman's Club of Morrisville as a con tribution to the expense ot the stone watering trough recently placed at 4he foot of watering trough hill through the endeavors of the Woman's Club. News has been received in town of the death of Joseph Perry, which oc curred at his home in liViidonville, Sunday, Oct 28, alter a long illness of Bright's disease.

Mr Peny was for a Song time a resident, of Morrisville before moving to Lyndonville. He is survived by a widow and several sons and daughters. A Brigham has recently purchased a residence on Main St in Waterbury, which his numerous friends here hope is not an indication that he will leave town. Mr Brigham sa-R that while he is as yet undecided whether he shall move to Wateibury oi not, he shall probably take a change for a time from his farm work. Miss Josie Herrick, who has been the guest of her parents, Mr and Mrs Chas Herrick, since completing her engagement at Ex Gov Page's office in Hyde Park, left on Tuesday morning for Boston, where she has a position as stenographer.

En route to that city she made a short visit with her sister. Miss Bertha Herrick, at Nashua, II, Mrs A Whitnev and grandson, Harold Jaynes, Mrs Olive Gilbert and Miss Alice Gi)e started on their western trip, Wednesday afternoon, the two former going to Lincoln, Nebraska, and the two latter to Chicago. Mr and MrsCJ. A Gile, Mrs Ida Churchill and Mrs Otto Itaspo accompanied Miss Gile to Waterbury, omg by automobile, and George, who accompanied Mrs 'Gilbert to see the party off, returned iu the auto. The Season for Warm Goods Is Almost Here THE cry will soon be for Warm Goods.

Jack Frost is once again getting the best of Old Sol, and the earth (or at least pur part of it) will soon be carpeted with snow. We have Warm Goofls Almost EverF Style TO FIT almost ANY POCKET-BOOK Give us a call. The Shoe Man, Portland Street, Morrisville,.

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