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The Hampshire Advertiser from Southampton, Hampshire, England • 2

Southampton, Hampshire, England
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THE SOCDETT PAPERS THE DESTBUCTIONOF THE FTY M. sUtfor on Wednesday eight addressed a TOPICS AND GENERAL NEWS. TH Bfckop of Worcester has coufunad. theArch-dsaconry of Birmingham, vacated by the death of Bishop Boulby, upoo Oaaon Knox, Bishop-designate of Covantrr. The MMDSanoa of the Arch- deaeonrv by Canon Knox vacates an honorary Canon ry in Worcester Cathedral, to which position th Bishop baa appointed the Rev.

Cress well Strange, Vicar of Kdgbaston. Tax Bream of Bedford la Tvf na seriously ill at his residence, Clap bam Common, and has to cancel all engagements for tbe present The Bishop of 8t Asaph has gone abroad for a month or two. His lordship was much in need of seat and change, not bating taken a holiday since his appointment five years ago. THE Bishop of Thetford has received two pre sentations at Newcastle-on-Tyon. One was from the clergy of the Newcastle Rural Deanery, and took tha form of massive silver candelabra.

The other was silver plate and a parse of gold, subscribed for by all classes and denominations in Newcastle, in recognition of his twelve years of life and work in the city. Much regret has been evinced Croydon by tne confirmation of the news that the Vicar, the Rev. George Carnac Fisher, has plaoed his resignation in the hanOi of Ifie Archbishop of Canterbury, by whom it has been accepted. The Vicar has been compelled to adopt this coarse in consequence of the illness oi airs. JTisher.

The hon. secretaries of the Bristol Bishopric Fund announce the gift by an anonymous donor of the sum of 1500, payable by instalments of 300 a year, beginning on January 1. Thus the sum required to be raised is now reduced to about 7000. BY the death of the Rav. Pereerine Arthur ilbert.

MJL. Rector of Thurlestone, the diocese of Exeter baa lost one of its oldest and the Deanery of Wood-leigh its oldest beneficed clerayman. He had occu pied the Incumbency of Thuiiestone for fifty-five years. 1 he Key. James Bliss, M.A..

who was intimately connected with the Oxford movement died in the latter part of last week, at Sydenham, aged 86. While in residence at Oriel, of whioh Newman was then a Fellow, the Tractarian movement had taken definite form and shape, and Mr. Bliss became an industrious contributor to Anglo-Catholic litera ture, editing the Latin and miscellaneous works of Bishops Andreweeand Beveridge. 1 he death is also announced of the Ven. Maurice Thomas de Burgh, M.A., Archdeacon of Ki Id are and urer of Kildare Cathedral, who was for thirty- five years Vicar of Naas, at the age of 46.

IT has been decided to perpetuate the memory of the late Bishop of Colchester by some suitable me morial. At an informal meeting of the clergy on Saturday, presided over by the Bishop of St Albans, a committee was appointed to confer with the mem bers of the deceased Bishop family and decide what form the memorial shall take. The committee includes the Archdeacons of Essex and St Albans, Canons Irvine, rroctor, and Stevens, and Mr. Jas. Bound, M.P.

Preferments and Appointments. The Rev. Charles Rowland Haydock Hill. M.A., to be Surrogate for the diocese of Salisbury. Rev.

A. E. Ritch-ings, licensed to officiate in the diocese of Chichester. Rev. Frank Whitaker Vining, M.A., to the Rectory of Kcnn, Exeter.

Rev. Joseph Heald Ward. to the Rectory of Silverton. Devon shire. Rev.

James Fraser, M.A., to the Ractorv of Eastergate, Sussex. Rev. T. W. Hardy, MJL, to the Rectory of Stisted, Essex.

Rev. Charles Bruce Harrison, M.A., licensed Public Preacher in the diocese of hixeter. THE BISHOP OF WINCHESTER AND HIS WINTER PLANS. The Bishop of Winchester, writing on Winter Plans in his Diocesan Chronicle, aays Slow a the progress sometimes is felt to be. and dis; as is tne tasK yet in iront, or personally visitmz all the parishes in the diocese, before I can quite suitaniy aeuver my prirsary cnarge, 1 mean steadily to persevere in it Sometimes the Question occurs if it might not be better to exhaust all the parishes in a single deanery and get them done with, rather than to pay fewer and leas comprehensive visits to each deanery in turn? Circumstances, however, usually settle this latter method without much power ot choice.

But winter, alas 1 brings dark mornings and short afternoons, and heavy roads, and often a sombre and morose atmosphere with corresponding if disappointing limitations. In November I hope to visit parishes in the deaneries ot Bomsey, Basingstoke, Alton. Alrosford. and Lyndhorst. Iu December, when the month is broken by tbe ordination examination and the Ember days, I hope to visit parishes in the deaneries ot Portsmouth and Landport.

The parishes here most not be rushed, and will take time. Southampton must not be forgotten other and single visita tions shall be worked, in as spare fragments of time occur, bat tney cannot be announced long beforehand. When the year is turned and the Christmas holidays over other announcements will be made. With the inside of a week all spent away from home it will usually be imperative for me te return to the castle for Saturday until Monday, otherwise tbe correspondence of the diocese will become fatally neglected, and important business, always cropping up. A BISHOP ON GAMBLING.

The following is a copy of tbe letter received from the Bishop of Chester by Mr. John Hawke, the hon. secretary of the Anti-Gambling League, in response to an inquiry whether he would join the deputation to tne no me secretary The Palace, Chester, Nov. 12, 1894. Dear Sir, It is, I regret, impossible for me to be in London on Wednesday next, so as to join the deputation to the Home Secretary.

But I cordially sympathise with every judicious effort to redeem our national spoits from the contamination of betting and gambling. I understand tbat the Anti-Gambling League does not contemplate interference with personal liberty. Fools, it recognises, mast be allowed to play the fool, forgetting that property is essentially a trust and also that, as the proverb bluntly tells us, wnat is got over tne aevirs back is generally lost under his Bat tbe League rightly holds that law should make the path of the knave as thorny as possible for getting at and fleecing his dupe. The knave will no doubt pose as the champion of sport and injured liberty. But from the cant of knavery, as from other species of cant, we must clear our minds.

Wishing the League judgment and perseverance in its manly, sportsmanlike, and patriotic cause, I remain, uesir cur, yours laiuuuuy, F. J. CESTB." EARTHQUAKE IN THE NEW HEBRIDES. -rzr? NATIVES TAKE REFUGE ON BOARD H.M.S. DART.

Advices were received at Sydney on Tuesday of a severe csrioqusse sou volcanic eruption at Am-brym, an island in the New Hebrides group. The aisturoanoe occurred on October loth, when several severe shocks were leit tnrougnoat the whole island Immediately afterwards the volcano, which is 2500ft! nign, was ooserved to be in active eruption. The lava destroyed, tne native villages on one side of the island, and a large number of natives sonant rrW on board H.M.S. Dart, which was cruising off the coast. The crops and property in a large portion of iue isiauu save oeen greatly damaged.

NATIONAL UNION OF CONSERVA TTVE ASSOCIATIONS. j.ue auuuai uiwauug ot uus oooy Dogan on inesaay, at rtewoasue-on-ryne, Mr. J. Rankin, presiding. Lord Londonderry was elected president of the union, in succession to Lord Dunraven, and resolutions were carried, declaring the necessity of upiiuiumg me House oi ioras vindicating the recent action of that House in favour of commercial reciprocity with the colonies demanding the prompt attention of the Government and rariiament to the oppression of British subjects, buu uie uuiuoiuusui ui osuts races oy tne Trans vaal government, ana protesting against theaban aonment of the swazi reoDle to thn Rnr Rnia and also reaffirming the resolutions passed at previous conferences declaring that the time has arrived when Parliament may well afford faoilties to worxing-men for the acquirement of their own nomes.

On Wednesdav. resolutions wnm mAnntmA damning the unfair pressure exercised during the past two years by the Education Department on voluntary schools, and the nnorsl tn nt it. Government in regard te education, declaring that uv wme naa amvea ror me question of the unemployed to be dealt with by legislation, expressing too opinion tnat no great measure of constitutional change should become law, without a direct and special vote of the people, and dealing with other su ejects. AN UNRECORDED CHAPTER IN THE INDIAN MUTINY. Mr.

Reginald WUberforee, the eldest son and mograpner ot the riianop, says Truth, has iost iiuuuauou luwigauuni an nrecoraeu Chapter of the Indian Mutiny," which contains the following astounding story, which I am sure most readers will wish to disbelieve Just before we got to Lahore, a native infantry regiment which had been disarmed, broke away and a youngf allow with some fifty Sikbs was sent in pur-TOii a fhi the UP some 125 miles away, and tried to bring them back, but they would not come. He fired upon them, killing a good many of them, until bis men said tney would not fire any more, they had so ww fiuuw auu were a long way from any troops in a disturbed oeuntry. The officer was in a dilemma, he could net 1st the Sepoys escape, his men w2? to march them back to Lahore, setting aside all the difficulties of commissariat, Ac. If the Sepoys got to close quarters they were numerous enough to overpower his men He, however, managed to march them into a building, and when night came on he staffed np all the airholes, so tbat in the morning when the doors were onenoH th out The Black Hole ef Calcutta was repeated in the Punjab. TTninnist metina at SundT uionisfc meeting at gundarliftd Ml nel lad-asfisa Sinn in thm ftsnt that th nresent Government had deferred to the de- ingdom, the every other question, political or social rftnini, nf ftia nnltr of tha United Ki destruction of the national Church in Scotland, the paattal destruction at the national cnurcn in aog-land, aad the destruction of the House of Lords.

He was no rveatinjiaU -be believed ia Uu poliucal instincts or tne crrtnm mroon, democratic form of Government wouia suit modern nsauirements. bat he nevertheless thougnc lt necessary to point on the perils of extreme democracy, and the dangers arising iron assumption that one section of the community was the people more than anotaer section, ar. proceeded to deal with some oi tne aspec ot abour question, and to point oat the fundamental htots of the Socialistic method of considering hese problems. WRECKS AND FLOODS. LOSS OF LIFE AND GREAT PRIVATIONS.

The Barks and Hants line was flooded on Wednes day night between Hungerford and Bodwyn, and traffic was stopped. The water subsided on Thursday morning, and shortly after the first goods train bad pasead Savernake Station 300 yards of the embankment slipped into the Kennett and Avon Canal, leaving the sleepers and rails without support. Traffic was consequently altogether suspended. The floods are still serious at Christohurch, and houses which have never before been flooded are inundated to the depth of several feet Boats are being used to oonvey people from one part of the town to another. A number of cattle have been lost On Tuesday the rainfall was over 2m.

in twenty hoars. In the river Stour the rise of water has been nearly 15ft, and the water has extended for several acres on each side. Business is com pletely disorganised. The Thames continued to rise on Thursday, and the suburbs of Windsor and Eton in the vicinity of the river were extensively flooded. Some of the houses could only be reached by boats and punts.

Seven bodies have been washed ashore at Worthing, and information in the possession of Superintendent Long, the deputy chief -constable of Wast Sussex, leaves no doubt that all the men belonged to tbe steamer Lad an of London, whioh was lost in a gale off Worthing on Wednesday. Some wreckage has also been washed ashore, in cluding the staamer's lifeboat, in which a man had observed making his way to land. He was. however, drowned, and his body was washed ashore at Lancing. The volume of flood water resulting from Wednesday's deluge is becoming stronger at Oxford as it Hows from the upper reaches.

Late on lhursday night the water poured over the Great Western line, near Hincksey. into the city waterworks lake. causing it to overflow and to flood the houses in the locality to a considerable depth. Ho fewer than loO men were set to work to divert the current of the flood water from the railway line, and it was hoped tnat oy wis means iramc mignt oe reopened nuay. In several streets in the low-lying parts of Oxford people were compelled to use punts to get to and from their houses.

The mail for the west of England could not be sent out on Thursday night from Oxford. The floods sssamed a very serious aspect on Thursday throughout West and Mid Surrey, The river Wey, at Guildford, overflowed, and thousands of acres were under water. A considerable ot land adjoining Shalford Park, where the last Bath and West show was held, was submerged, and the river, usually about 40ft, was in this part quite half -a-mile wide. In the low lying parts of Guild ford whole rows of hoessa were submerged, and people had to enter by the upper windows. Grave fears are entertained at Dover as to the fate of a barquentine, the Elizabeth, of Bideford.

The captain oi the Ustend mail steamer, vuie de Douvres, which arrived at Dover, on Thursday morning, reported that he had picked up the Elisabeth's boat floating bottom upwards off Dover. He subsequently found the figure-head of the vessel. It is surmised that the crew abandoned their vessel and took to their boat daring the storm, only to meet their fate by the capsizing of the boat Several bodies ware observed on Thursday floating off the port but owing to the heavy sea it was impossible to reach them. A logger which arrived at Lowestoft on Thurs day reported having lest one of her crew during the storm on Tuesday, and the Halcyon, another logger, reported having been repeatedly swamped, two of her crew being drowned. The flood reached its highest point at Bath be tween 3 and 4 o'clock on Thursday morning, at which time it was nearly a foot higher than the memorable flood of lez, and was consequently the highest of the century.

The water invaded the electric light works and the gas works, and though it was pumped oat of the former, so that the alec trio light was burning at night, there was sn absolute failure of the gas supply. No performance could take place at the theatre, and all publio fix-tares were postponed. The water only receded a few inches during the day. A meeting convened by the Mayor took place in the afternoon, when arrangements were made to supply the poorer residents with coal when the water had sufficiently abated to enable it to be delivered. Hundreds of poor persons were on Thursday night Bleeping in schools and parochial rooms.

Belief parties were at work all day conveying food to the people imprisoned in the flooded houses. Some of the sufferers had been reduced to the verge of starvation. LOSS OF A BRITISH SHIP AND TWENTY-TWO LIVES. The ship Culmore, of Londonderry, Hamburg for Barry, in ballast, capsized and foundered during a heavy gale on Thursday, about eighty miles off Spurn. Four sailors were rescued and landed at ull by the steam trawler Swift.

Twenty-two persons lost their lives, Including the captain and his wife, who died shortly after getting on board the Swift. The Culmore was a steal ship of 1720 tons gross, built at Port Glasgow in 1890, and owned by Messrs. Thomson, Dickie, and of Glasgow. AN EXTRAORDINARY INCIDENT DURING A STORM. An awkward accident occurred daring the recent tie to en elderly amateur astronomer in ondon.

Part of the roof of his bouse is flat, and from that vantage platform he makes observations through a telescope. Just as he was taking his bearings a miniature hurricane violently swung the telescope round on its pivot, causing the long brass tube to strike the eld gentleman a heavy blow in the smaU of the beck, whioh sent him rolling down the incline of the roof on which the platform was constructed into a neighbour's conservatory, doing considerable damage to bis own clothes, skin, and temper, ceasing some alarm among the occupants of the next house, and upsetting promising array of cinerarias, with whioh 'the owner hoped to gain many prizes. It is understood a lawsuit is pending, and meanwhile the planets are neglected in Barnsbory. ASTONISHING THE NATIYES. The Queen, on Thursday gave an audience at Windsor Castle to the Swazi chiefs who are now visiting this country, consisting of Nrnganga and Llbokwana (Princes of Swaziland), Mhlonitshwa and Mnkonkoni (Special Envoys of the Swazi Nation), Maboon, and Cleopas Kunene, and were accompanied by the Master of Elibank (the Hon Alexander Murray) and Mr.

J.Stewart (the Government interpreter), and travelled from town by the Great Western Railway, reaching Windsor at half-past 2 o'clock. Her Majesty, who was accompanied by Princess Louise (Marchioness of Lome) and Princess Beatrice, and attended by the ladies and gentlemen of the Court, received the Swazi chiefs in the corridor, where a guard of honour of the Royal Horse Guards under the command of Lieutenant Fitzgerald was mounted. The officers and troopers were in fall uniform, and the regimental trumpeter wore his state dress. The martial aspect of the soldiers, in their red-plumed helmets, brightly burnished cuirasses, gold aigulets, and cavalry boots, with swords at the greatly impressed the Sooth African visitors. The ohiefs, who were introduced by the Marquis of Ripon, were highly delighted with the gacioas receptioo accorded them by Her Majesty, and, having delivered the loyal message entrusted to them by the Queen-Regent of Swaziland, took luncheon in the Ministers' Room.

They were afterwards conducted by Mr. Coll man the Palace inspector, through the Royal private apartments, tbe State apartments, and the library, the splendour and magnitude of whioh elicited repeated expressions of admiration and wonder The deputation returned by the quarter to o'clock train to the metropolis. TBE CORN TRADE. Tbe weather continues showery with a high temperature for the time of year, and often bright sunshine and blue skies between the showers. Threshing grain is not to be encouraged in weather of this kind, and the recent large sales of barley at 5s 9d under last November's prices is especially to be regretted.

English wheat during the past week has been in smaller supply than for any like week since 1886. The deliveries are 40 per cent, under the septennial auu witness to tne general disgust which an eighteen-shilling average causes. The fail in sales has now reached a point where it should begin to exercise a marked effect upon that average in met, out of sixty Srst-class markets, forty-three have been 6d dearer oc the week. The stock of British wheat at) resent in the hands of farmers KJSUr! ut 5,076,000 qra, as compared with 4,940,000 qrs. a year ago.

Foreign wheat is held for 6d advance at all the markets, bat buyers are not active at the improvement The stocks of wheat and floor in fifteen British Ports en November 1st now aacflrtai ntrl to have been 3,036,000 against 4.184,000 qrs. a year ago; in the French ports (including Paris), 848,000 (qrsi, against 1,440,000 qrs. at Dutch and uer man ports, aHXW against WO.OOO qrs. QN MEN AND THINGS. Dik Do yoa believe Schiller when he says thai the best woman is' the one whom nobody talks about Jack.

I rather think it is the one who talks about nobody. Landsman. When two boats are in danger of collision, which one steers off and gets out of tbe way Yachtsman. The one that's mat psrlntod. How would the aspect of the eastern world be changed if a negro should drop a platter of turkey Answer.

Greece would fall, Turkey would be overthrown, China would be broken in fragments, and Africa humiliated. One title is not nearly enough for some of oar peers. For instance the Duke of Athlone has twenty-three the Duke of Hamilton has seventeen the Dukes ef Argyll and Bucoleuoh sixteen each the Marquis of Bute fifteen and the Duke of Abercorn thirteen. The will of Elisabeth Tudor, who died recently in Worcestershire, has been proved by W. Shakespeare, of Birmingham.

A stranger coincidence could scarcely be. Here is a recent anecdote for Church readers. If you please, sir, the new rector is to be inundated next Tuesday wsek, and I have come to ask you whether you will be able to be present" Cer tainly," said the churoh warden," and I hope there will bean overflowing That man, Ardup," said the man in the mackin ah," was as good-hearted a fellow as ever lived, but he was always in debt and hounded by creditors. Poor fellow he deserves a better epitaph than an unfeeling posterity will engrave on his tombstone." Well donned, thou good and faithful servant," suggested the man who had his feet od the table and a deep silence feel npon the grotp. Somebody has picked out rather a bad piece of laad-iubberism in John a' Dreams," in which the owner of the Moonbeam speaks of a member of his party as being downstairs Admiral Field on the last occasion on which the House of Commons went to a Naval Review caught a fellow M.P.

who shall be nameless so tripping, and instantly held him up to joneral ridicule. After that the ridiculed one stayed Cownstairs. A mathematician has computed the movements of a rider's feet while operating a bicycle, and has demonstrated that it requires less exertion to travel fifteen miles on a bicycle than to walk three miles. Little Dick's mamma had fonnd some tiny hole in a skirt whioh she celled moth holes. A few days afterwards little Dick appeared with a very large hole in his kilt Why, Dick," said mamma.

what have you been doing to tear your skirt so Mamma," said Dick, soberly, putting three little fat fingers through the hole and regarding it dubiously, I think this must be a butterfly hole. A peculiarity of the blind is that there is seldom one of them who smokes. Soldiers and Bailors accustomed to smoking, and who have lost their sight in action, continue to smoke for a short while, but soon give up the habit. They say it gives them no pleasure when they cannot see the smoke. Teacher Johnny, can you define for us the difference between caution and cowardice Johnny Yassum.

When you're scart to go out on a boat an' stay home for fear it'll sink, and the boat comes in all right it a cowardice." Teacher Well Johnny And if yon scart and stay home, and the boat does sink, then it's caution." Samuel was before the bar of justice for having purloined divers and sundry pallets from the coop of a prominent citizen. Didn't you know it was wrong to steal those chickens?" asked the judge. Yessuh, yo' honour." Then why did you do it It's dishar way, yo' honour," replied Sam, striking the attitude of a martyr, I jis done hit to take away torn tation fum de paf ob my neighbours, yo' honour. It is high time to ask Mr. Gladstone whether or no he intends to return to public life.

If he does not, we respectfally suggest that, sitting aloof from our mundane controversies, he puts us in no small difficulty by hurling, at brief intervals, a veritable apple of discord into oar -midst" These sentences are not quoted from a wicked Unionist journal, but from that erstwhile Gladstonian sheet the Daily Chronicle. They are apropos of a letter which the ex-Premier has addressed to one of his political supporters on the subject of the School Board controversy. Everybody is talking about the communication, but no one pretends to understand it the only guide to its real drift being the fact that the Progressives generally condemn it A discovery of unusual interest to arohsslogists has been made quite recently in South America a. snort uisbnuuu irom tne city ot Santiago, in Guatemala, a buried city been laid bare by the researches of local savants. This new Herculaneum is witmn reaon oi the volcano of Agua, and it is supposed that a great eruption in pre-historio times blotted it out, as it is buried under a deep bed of lava and cinders, whioh doubtless came from the volcano.

At a depth of from 18 to 25 feet from the surface, the explorers came upon quantities of cooking and domestic utensils in pottery, many of them covered with hne chiselled work and painted in bright colours. Glass vases of delicate make and design, as well as weapons made of silex were also found, all in a perfect state of preservation. Still more interesting was the unearthing of a number of extremely curious stone idols, in close proximity to which were found necklaces of jewels and a pro fusion of pearls and torquoises. It is supposed that the latter were native offerings at the shrines of the idols. According to the opinion of local archaeolo gists the buried city dates from the age of stone This opinion finds confirmation in the circumstance that a number of human skeletons have been found which have an average length of over six feet and a half, a stature whioh authorities on paleontology attribute to cne people of the primitive ages.

The other week Jabea Balfour was extradited and it was, with apparent authority, stated that he would be in England before Christmas. It is now stated that another suit has been brought against jabes, ana tnat a conviction would postpone ex tradition for years." If anybody in this country is assisting Jabez to defeat the ends of justice, it is to be hoped that the Government will make strenuous efforts to discover the guilty parties. Nothing can be done in Argentina without money, bat everything with it and the detective genius of Scotland-yard ought to be equal to the task of discovering whether any or Jaoez mends in Great Britain are operating on his behalf. Mary, Queen of Soots, because she arrayed herself in white mooring on the loss of her husband, was Known amongst tne scotch as the White Queen and most people will remember the objectionable title of Bloody Mary, whioh the Protestants be stowed upon her cousin, Queen Mary of England. Queen Elizabeth can boast of a long list of nick names, most of them of a laudatory nature, although amongst them we come across the name Bloody Queen Bess, evidently given as a set-off to Bloody Vtneen Mary, to which we have already referred.

Without entering into a discussion as to the charac ters of these two Queens, most people, we think, will agree that both, or neither, of these nicknames were deserved. Of the other names bestowed upon Elisabeth we find Astrea, Gloriana, Maiden Queen, the Queen of Virgins, the World Wonder, the the Virgin Queen, as well as the well-known name of Good Queen Bess." People who are not doggy bat visit the show of the Sou th London Ball-dog Society, now open at tne Aquarium, will probably find as much interest in one of the cages as in all the rest pat together. In this cage they will notice a Urge dog dwelling in perfect amity with a diminutive cat and the doc so far exhibits not tbe least tendency to rival the boa- constrictor at the "Zoo." The South London Society is entitled to great credit for this endeavour to prove the docility of the bull -dog. Nevertheless, I fear the effort is a vain one, for so long as the bulldog bears his present phiz," the great majority of people will credit him with an undue amount of ferocity. We have heard a good deal of late about the adoption of the knickerbooker costume by lady cyclists, and the obloquy to many of them have been subjected in consequence.

On the other side of the Atlantic the same kind of thing exists. New York has a woman's bicycle club, the members of which have adopted a knioker costume, bat have found that tbe path which they follow is, metaphorically speaking, not paved with asphalt Ill-mannered men and boys have been subjecting them to ridicule, and, like other pioneers of reform, they have found their lot a most unhappy one. Patience and perseverance are, however, boand to result in success, and in the near future the lady riders, by showing a manly determination to do or die, will no doubt live down the opposition. Why People Become 111 A clock requires the no le8 requires attention. for MOvsars have been the most i.

mdicine. They are a certain remedy Biliousness. Constipation. tsal restorative effect promoting the healthy action of every Internal PTME A ftoutbaerptoe 90, miles. Fares.

9 "rt- 34 second, 1 8d third. Keturn, 6s lOd first, 4s lOd second. South AjtpruK to ALsmnsn 7.30 SJt U-li 2.0 4J5 JO. Sundays 6.45 6.25. ALRBSFORD TO SOUTH aafPTOK Bit 7.U.

Sundays 11.21 7J6. 8.1 9.51 12.31 3.U rcia; bouthamptou, 274 milea. 6s Bd first. second. 2s Ud third.

Return. Fare 6s first. second. 4s vbird. Southampton (Docks) to andovbr town 7.59 JH 12.45 3.10 6.45 8.13.

Sundays 8.15 5.5. Southampton iWbst) to amdotkb: 7.56 9.55 12. LIS 6.50 8.20. Sundays 8.81 5.10. AKDOVEE TOWK TO SOUTHAMPTON 7.4 8.14 1LS4 1146 S.40 a.15.

Sundays tii blSHOPSTCRfc or EASTLBIGH) From SoutS- amp ton. miles. Fares. Is first, lOd second, third. Return, It fid first.

Is Sd second, 4 Id third. All the trains from Son ibamjston (Docks) and Southampton vWest) to London, Winchester, Basingstoke. Salisbury. Portsmouth, Ac. aad vice verta.

atop at BisbopsWke. with the exception of the 8.47 and 2.57 trains from Southampton West to London, and the 12.39 train tram London to Southampton West. "UlsaOFb WALTHAM. Krom Southampton, 15 miles Fares, 2s 8d first, 2s second. Is 3d third.

Return. 4s lint. Sa miubiL Southampton to Bishops WALTHAM 7.20 8.2S 10.18 10-50 1.5 3.0 4.55 7 J5. Bishop's Waltham to Southamptow 8 JO 9.47 10 55 1150 A40 60. "DOTLET.

From Southampton 11 miles. Fares, Is first Is Id second, lid third. Return. 3s first. 3s 3d second Is fid third.

Southampton to Botlxy i 1.0 (mail) 7.20 8.S5 10.18 10.50 IL33 li 3.0 4.55 6.30 7.35 8.46 11.0. Sundays: 0.40 12.40 7.85 (L0 mail). Botlxt to Southampton 6.54 8.30 io.o 11.811.24 i.f 8. 86.0 7.28 9.37 1L24. SundMys 9.33 5.48 7.46 10.58.

BOURNEMOUTH. From Southampton 88 mile. Fares, 7s lOd first. 5s 3d second, 3s 2a third. Return, first lis 6d, second 8s fid.

third 6s. From Southampton (West). via new line, 284 miles. Fares, 6s lid first, 4s second. 2s id third.

Return, first 9s Id. second 6s 9d. third 4s 6d SOUTHAMPTON (DOCKS) TO BOURNEMOUTH 6.25 IX 12. 25 (mail) E.8tation only). Sundays 8.0 12 25 (msil).

SOUTHAMPTON (WKST) TO BpUBNKMOUTH 651 7.11 (Bast Station only). 8.4 6.14 10.50 11 .32 1.49 2.10 4.33 5. 4 6.43 7.14 8.17 8.26. Sundays 8.8 L17 118 8.17. Bournemouth west) to Southampton (Docks) L15 6 40 7.40 p.m.

Sundays 3.60. Bournemouth (West) to Southampton (west) 7.10 7.60 9.15 9.50 L15 1.55 3.80 3.505.106.30 6.407.40. Sundays: S.50 650. Bournemouth (East) to Southampton (Docks) 8.40 1.25 6.52 7.50. Sundays 8.0 3.55.

Rnr RKKMOr-TH rRaST) TO SOUTHAMPTON (WEST) 7 20 8.0 K.40 9.25 10.0 1.25 2.5 3.40 4J) 5.20630 6.52 7.60. Sundays 8.0 4.0 6.25 7fi. TSROflKRHFtrRST From Southampton. 15 miles Fares. 3s first.

2s second. Is Sd third. Return. 5s fiorJTHAMPTON (DOCKS) TO BROCKJENHURST 6JK 7 8 11(14 30 12.25 mail). Sundays 8.0 12.25 (mail).

SOUTHAMPTON WEST) TO BROCKENHUBST 6.817.11 8.4 9.14 10.50 11.22 1.16 1.49 2.10 4.33 4.37 5.43 6.43 7.14 8.86. Sundavs 8.8 1.17 118 8.17. BROCEENHURST TO SOUTHAMPTON (WEST) 8.5 8.28 8.20 9.54 10.45 11.48 2.6 2.34 2.40 4.30 4.35 6.5 6.47 7.1 7AS8.S5 11.50. Sundays 8.40 4.52 7.57.28 11.50. Bboceenhurst to Southampton (Docks) 8.20 2.6 7.62 8.35 11.50.

Sundays 4.52 11.50. YIDCOT. From Southampton, 64 miles. Fares, His lOd first. 8s 4d second.

5 4d third. Return. 17s 8d first. ISf 6d second. 10 6d third.

Southampton to Didcot 6.55 8.301.35450. Didcot to Southampton 7.45 10.30 1.25 6.30. All trains are first, second, and third class, and stop at all stations on the way from Southampton to Win Chester. and nee versa. The following stations beyond Winchester are called at en Button Beotney Whitchurch.

Litchfield. Burghclere. Eiehclere. Wood- hay, Newbury. Hermitage.

Ham pa ted Oompton ana pi on There are no Sunday trains. YM1NGTON. From Southampton, 20 miles. Fares, 4s nrst. 2e Ud second.

Is 8cL third. Return, 6s first. 4s lOd second. 3s third. Southampton (West) to Ltminoton 8.4 8.1i 10.50 11.22 1 48 2.10 4.33 5.43 6.45 8.26.

Ltminoton to Southampton (West) 7.43 9.24 10.19 10 S.5D 5.51 6.40 6.11. LYNDUURST From Southampton. 74 miles. Fares 1 fid first. Is second.

7d third. Return. 2s Sd first it 6d sec-oau. Is 2d thira. Southampton (Docks to Ltndhubst 7.1 L10 4.30.

Sundays i 8.0. Southampton (West) to Ltndhubst: 6.317.11 8.14 IftfiO 1122 1.16 1.49 A376.43 7.14 8.26. Sundays: 8.8 L17. Ltndhubst to Southampton (West) 8.18 8.33 10.68 2.18 2.53 4.48 6.18 6.59 8.6 6.48. Sundays 8.53 5.6 7.17 7.40.

Ltndhubst to Southampton (Docks) i 8.33 8.18 8.58.48. Sundays: 5.5. M1LLBKOOK. From Southampton. 24 mUes.

Fares first unnnd 91 rl third Patnra Sri Aral second. 5d third. SOUTHAMPTON (DOCKS) TO MILLBROOE: 6.257.5 7.51 9.50 12.45 1.10 3.10 4.30 5.45 8.13. Sundays: 8.0 8.15 6.6. SOUTHAMPTON (WEST) TO MlLXBROOK 6.81 7.11 7.66 9.14 9.55 10.50 12.60 1.16 3.15 4.37 6.50 7.14 8.20 8.26.

Sundays: 8.8 8.21 1.17 5.1. MILLBROOE TO SOUTHAMPTON (WEST) 8.5 8.48 10.15 U.ll 13.23 1.44 2.31 4.41 6.1 6.34 7.23 8.19 8.4. Sundays 9.7 10.53 5.20 7.38. MILLBROOKTO SOUTHAMPTON (DOCKS) 1 8.5 9.48 10.15 1123 1.44 131 4.41 7.23 8.19 9.4. Sundays 10.53 6.20 first.

9d second. 6sd third. Return. Is fid first. Is second.

9d third. Southampton to Netlet i 7.0 9.010.20 12.201.403.56 6.60 8.30. Netlet to Southampton 8.6 8.21 10.60 12.172.38 415 6.16 8.55. The other stations on this line to Fareham are Northern, St. Deny's, Bitterne-road, Woolstou, Sholing, Bursledon, and Swanwick.

The times of departure from Southampton are the same as abeve, but the 10.80 a.m. train does not proceed beyond Netley, nor the L40 p.m. beyond Swanwick. Is 8d first. lOd second.

6d third. Return. 2s Od first Is 3d second. Is third. Southampton (Docks) to Nursling 7.50 8.50 12.45 8.10 5.45 8.

13. Sundays 8.15 6.5 Southampton (west) to Nursling 7.66 8.55 12.60 8.15 5.50 8.20. Sundays 8.21 5.10. Nursling to Southampton 7.67 10.5 1113 1.35 4J3 7.10. Sundays 10.45 7.31.

PORTSMOUTH From Seuthampton. 27 miles. Fares, 4 fid first, Ss second. 2s 3d third. Return, 6s fid first, 4s fid second, 3s fid third.

From Southampton ma Fareham and Netley) 25 miles. Fares, 4s first, 2s lid second, 2s Id third. Return, 6s 61 first. 4s fid second, Ss 5d third. Southampton to Portsmouth (via Bishopstoke).

L0 (mail) 7.20 8.25 10.18 1113 6 1 0 4.65 6.30 7.369.46 1L0 Sundays 8.40 1140 7.85 L0 (mail). Portsmouth to Southampton (via Bishopstoke). 6.16 8.0 9.25 10.40 1125 116 4 18 6.45 9.0 10.48. Sundays 8.60 6.5 7.10 10.20. Southampton to Portsmouth (via Netley and 8.0 12.20 3.55 6.50 8.80.

Portsmouth to Southampton (via Netley and Farebam). 7.20 8 35 1130 3.85 6.30 8.10. XJOMSET. From Southampton, 9, lea. Fares, Is Sd xv first.

Is Od second, 8d third. Return. 2s 6d first. Is 6d second. Is 6d third.

Southampton to Romsst 6.50 T.50 8.25 8.50 10.18 11.33 12.45 L5 120 3.0 3.10 4.55 5.45 6.80 7.85 8.1S 110 (Wednesdays only). Sundays 8. 15 8.40 1140 5.5 ROMSET TO SOUTHAMPTON: 8.83 9.57 9.68 1L22 116 L8L38 148 4.26 4.60 5.31 5.66 71 711 8.45. Sundays: 8.28 10.38 6.44 7.24 7.83. Andover and Redbridge line.

(SALISBURY. From Southampton. 28 miles. Fares 6s first 3s fid second, 2s 5d third. Return, 7s first 5s second, 4s lOd third.

SOUTHAMPTON TO SALISBURY 6.50 126 10.18 11.35 1.5 10 4. 6fi 6.30 7.85. Sundays 8.40 1140 7 M. Salisbury to Southampton 7.66 8.16 10.45 12.40 11 116 6.20 6.48 8.8. Sundays 8.60 5.5 6.50.

CHAWFORD. From Southampton. 8 miles. Fare UlOd first. Is 4d second, 9d third.

Return. 2s lOd first, 2s second. Is fid third. Southampton to shawfobd 6.65 7.20 7.45 8.55 9.8C 10.60 U.20 1116 1.15 LS5 10 160 4.50 120 7.30 9.45. Sundays: 6.45 9.30 5.50 6.26 9.0.

shawtord to Southampton 8.82 10.11 10.18 12.42 12.58 216 1 44 3.49 5.38 6.40 7.42 142 9.58 10.37. Sundays 11.53 1147 7.48 8.22 9.52. OT. DENY'S From Southampton, 2 miles. Fares 4d first, 3d second.

2d third. Return. 6d first. 4d second, td third. SOUTHAMPTON TO ST.

DENT'S 5.26 610 6.60 6.56 7.0 7.20 7.45 8.25 8.55 9.0 8.30 10.18 10.20 10 50 11.20 ILS0 lLSSlllf 1126 L6 U5 1.85 1.40 2.0 10 8.50 3.55 455 60 6.2f 6.80 715 180 8.45 1L0. Sundays: 146 8.30 9.401140 5.50 6.257.35 9.0. ST. DENT'S TO SOUTHAMPTON: 5.59 6.52 8.60 9.2 9.13 9.37 10.25 1012 10.86 1L7 11.51 1L64 12.84 1169 L16 LS3 1.47 186 2.53 115 3.24 3.34 4.0 4.8 4.43 6.18 141 10 122 6 31 7.07.46 7.53 7.59 8.9 8.66 9.11 9.59 10.15 10.19 10 65. Sundays: 169 Uli L6 6.178.4 8.16 1 89 10.10.

Southampton, 8 miles. Fares, 7d first, 6d second. 3d third. Return, Is first, 6d second. SOUTHAMPTON TO gWATBUKG 186 ISO 6 60 6 55 7 20 7.46 8.25 8.65 910 10.6 10.18 16.5011.33 12.16 L6 L351 0 8 10 -Si206-80 7-85 8-46- 9.80 8.40 1140 5.50 o.KS 7.56 9.0.

8WATHLING TO SOUTHAMPTON 5558.468.57 9 810 28 10.32 11.47 11.60 1156 1.11 1.43 2.81 8.U 8.80 3 66 44 6.14 6.87 6.65 6.18 6.60 7.45 7.49 7.66 816 165 10.15 10 51 Sundays i 8.65 12.8 1.2 613 8.16 8.36 10.6. rpOTTOh'. From Southampton. 41 miles. Fares, Is A First, 9d second, 4d third.

Return, Is 6d first, 6d second. SOUTHAMPTON (DOCKS) TO TOTTON 6.36 7.6 1.10 4J0 1125 (mall). Sundays 10 1125. 80tTTH A.MPTON WKST) TO TOTTON 181 7.11 tJ4 1160 LI L49 4.8: 5.43 7.14 8.3. Sundays 18 Ll7.

TOTTON TO SOUTHAMPTON (WEST) 135 9.89 1L4 169 127 24M12 fj16 7'6 8-U 8 66 1110 Sundays TOTTON TO SOUTHAMPTON (DOCKS) 1S9 124 8.11 1B6 1 L10 (mall) Sunday 5. 12 11 10. WATERLOO -From Southampton. 78 miles. Fares mM fit, lis second.

6s 6d third. Return, 96s first. 18s fid second, lis 6d third. Southampton (Dooms) to Watkbloo l.Om. 6.60 Ifi5 8.60 10.6 ll.0 11.80 18.10 L16 8.16 8.60 6.15 7.30.

Sundays 6.80 6.60 1.0 (m). Southampton (Wmst) to Watkbloo 8.84 8.48 (express) 10.15 1L16 12.8 2.66 110 4.62 16 7.21 Sundays 7.61 p.m. Watkbloo to Southampton (tookbi 6.0 7.45 9 1 10.11 i 11.16 11.46 12.60 145 840 AtfitB fct fi.fi3 Sundays: 10.16 12.85 6.20 8 JO. Watkbloo to Southampton (West) 6 bo 6 7 be 11.15 1180 8.28 8.10 4.55 6 JO Sundays I 15 1321 wATKBLOO (via Alton and 8.66 12.16 2.0 4.6 6.20. 846 196 Watkbloo to Southampton (via Guildford and 7.45 10.16 1.0 8.46 6.5.

SundayT: 9 6 680 The 6.60 7.26 7.60 8.66 8.60 11.80 11.46 1.16p!ni 9 01 0745 ny Md 1 tut he 10.6 and 7.25 trains do not stop at the latter place, ty 1 MOUTH. From Southampton, 68 miles. Fares 14s first, 0s 9d seconcl 6s 8d third. Return, 24s first 16s 6d second, ls lOd third. Southampton (Docks) to Wktmouth e.258.0 12 25 mail to Dorchester only).

Sundays 8.0 13JS (mail to Dorchester only). SOUTH AtTPTDN West Vminrmi 11 i i 1U6 L48 4.88 6.84 8 86. Sundays 8.8 L87. to Southampton (Wkst): 6.16 8.8 1010 1196 1160 130 4.60 6.80 140. 9.40 Sunday 6.25 145 Southampton, 12 miles.

Fares AM 7 80 8 i-15 10 116 150 46 116 MimnUy -6 E- Southampton to Wibohkstxs mrnnor iunwii 166 9 JO 10J0 L86 4.50. (DIDOOT KAxXWAT)'iSrLfi 29 ssiTOSi if)J7 10J0 1XJ2 L8 s.S 1 16 183 118 7 85 7 48 8 10JJCL9JL Sundays: U. 47 19J8 7.4T tt'Slfi uTua 8ouTHATO ntooor rStlwatl PBIN T1N(1 PBIHTING- MT I VERT DESCRIPTION OF PRINTING executed ai HANTS ADVERTISER OFFink, 89 HIGhI STREET SOUTHAMPTON WSiM floor afloat In graSSt the Unite 8W M.000 VT w'tfc. j3 31000 qra a year ago. ttnati.

United States continue to ship fresdTb na on rhn compared Australasia are not much for the next two dd totals of grain afloat. Sales of imnXJ" Prent the United KingdouT since sacks. The demand for bakers' grades flouMta. Utterly been exoeedingfyVouS The spring corn trade shows tbat all th markets are in sellers' favour The rii. bwta' "of caTsS BaQ "till tending weather grows colder they should demand, and there nni.

onnnn increase om all foreign countries. nZZJEZ h.i fflIM rthr i 'IDSeed tor linseed in value. The demand for hay is now end foreign sortsare not ily LONDON CORN MARKET. Wbdbtisdat Business at Mark-lane baa nnt h. tone of the trade Cps ttrmana 2S about the same as on Monday Thar w.L JmurQ supplies on offer.

English wheat sold luietlv49 rates. Indian wheat was stead Ns 21s; Dec. 21s Sd; Jan 21sM Lr 4ihU" wheat was disposed of at quite la te nu i steady in value and demand. Ther ar business oassing in barley at previous Tnrvl2oa were disposed of at late quotations. Maiw a-TT? aprevious currencies.

Beans aad peas were" METROPOLITAN CATTLE MABKgT THUB8DAT There was a short supply of beasts with oi really choice stock, i slow demand Vre F09 about Monday's prices. The top price wm i 4e 8d per 81b. There was a stood ihow JtmL to Canadian and American. For choice Rhiuk aood demand prevailed at former prices nth ea uiu iioiuny. jak uowns as ills to is list Hampshire.

6s 4d to 5s 6d 12st Lin, 1 M': as 2d 10st Down awes. 4s i io as km ISSHF. to Canadians, 3s 5d to 3s Od per 41b. C.iZZ and in. slowly at late prices, Bigbt English nuich TV to 20 per head.

Per 81b. to Oak the sST" slowly atlate prices. Eigbt English mil" ir utm. for 31 a. to uu tne offal follow Coarse and Inferior beast.

Hmnl annlif.w rlittsi la (W iti 9m 1U I XI 4s 0d to 2d ditto Scots. i. 7.7 Pfims bkssasML auto, 4S iva to iu coarse-wooi, idown ditto liv SrSS to 5s 10a prime South 0s Od to Os Od lame coarse calves. I. 4 "te, small ditto, 5s Od to 5s 3d Jar- hogs.

Os 04 laEB" neat small porkers. 0s Od to 0s Od IMPORTS OF AGRICULTURAL PROnrrn An account ahowing the quantitieaof i. 1 agrionUnral produce imported I Vnto dom in the week fcndX o7 HsS toge her Quantities. 1893. 1894.

Animals living Oxen, bulls, cows, and calves Number and lambs Swine Fresh Meat Mutton Pork failed or preserved Meat Bson Cwt. Beef Hams Pork Meat enumerated, salted and rash Meat preserved, otherwise than salting Dairy Produce and Substitutes Butter Cwt. Margarine Cheese Milk and Cream, Freeh OalL Condensed Milk Cwt. Eggs Great hundred Poultry and Game Value si 5,773 2,332 182259 Tim 33,343 5.T05 52.505 5,780 12,548 3,714 2,588 lOJTi 38.045 2648J 85,301 7,735 294.383 8.115 mm 1J28 70.794 MM 14,549 3.383 3.841 11.383 47.014 19.231 3.6J0 8,781 278,774 8.448 3.178 28325 Babbits, dead tinned) Cwt. 1,357 Lard 25,642 Corn, Grain, Meal, and Plour Wheat Wheat Meal and Flour -Cwt.

1.095,03 853.389 217,018 389.358 887,457 282.845 187,844 34.410 78,173 79.121 sitTfl 508,871 27321 140.544 295.38 80.724 87.287 7,514 22,383 Barley Oats Pease Beans Maize or Indian Corn Fruit, Raw Apples Bush. Oranges Lemons Cherries Plums Pears Grapes Unenomerated Hy Tons Hops cwk Vegetables 15.098 75,31 T.H03 7,021 52.428 IA311 17,123 2. '23 Unions, raw Potatoes Cwt. Cheaumerated Value W.m 165.384 5,396 2927 1305 18,304. Not rendered in previous year.

T. J. PITTAA statistical Office. Custom House, London. Nov.

13. DIED STANDING ON HIS FEET. About an hoar before sunset last evening, Mary Gunsoly, a servant in the employ of John Koach, farmer living near Searsville, started out to drive up the cows. She had gone but a short distance along the road when she saw a man standing up against the stone wall or fence. The perfect nuist which he maintained, with the ghastly pallor of hit face, attracted the woman's attention, snd on closer observation the wot horrified to find that wot dead.

he at once gave the alarm. The neighbours assembled, carried the body to a house near by, snd summoned Dr. Coudict, who pronounced life extinct. The name of the dead man was Patrick Burke he was thirty years of age. It is supposed that he was taken suddenly ill while passing slong the road that he leaned against the wall and died instantly, his body being supported in an erect position by the wall.

After the inquest the coroner's jury rendered a verdict of death by heart failure superinduced by gastritis, or catarrh of the stomach an acute form of dyspepsia." The foregoing is quoted from the Middletown Argus of November 4th, 1893 an American newspaper. Now let us see what lessons the untimely demise of poor Pat Burke has for some other people who, no doubt, fancy themselves safe from such a sudden taking off. Mr. Thomas Hatt, of Widmere End, High Wycombe, Bucks, was a healthy enough man up to April, 1886. Then he began to weaken snd rail.

Why he should be ill he couldn't conjecture. 3o far as he could remember he had done nothing to bring it on. He felt surprised, as a man does at receiving an unexpected blow from behind. His nerves were all of a jangle, he had a bad taste in the month, and a sort of all-gone sensat'on as though the very life were ebbing out of him. His hands aad feet were cold aal clammy, and he often broke out into cold sweats.

Dark spots were all the time floating before his eyes, his appetite left him. snd when he did anything it lay upon him heavy and dull, and seemed to cause gnawing, grinding pain. 14 After a time." says Mr. Hatt, I had ipain snd palpitation at the heart, which I was told wss heart disease. At night my heart would thump so hard I could get no sleep it pounded like a muffled drum.

After a while the heart trouble got bo bad I wot afraid to go to bed, and uted to fit up nearly all night long. Later on I became so melancholy and nervous that I trembled from head to foot as I went about. I worked a little when I was able, but was always in pain. A doctor in Frogmore Gardens teated me for some time, but gave me no relief. I thought I might die any day, for I looked upon my complaint as heart disease.

I seemed to be walking in darkness on a narrow footpath between life and death. Tet the days, weeks, snd months dragged by I could only wait. It was in Ootober, 1896, that I first read of Mother Seigel's Curative 3yrup. I cant say I had any faith in it, but there wss muoh reason and sense in the published accounts of what it had done, that I got a bottle from Messrs, Landsdale and Chemists, Queen 's-square, and began to use it. Expecting little or uothiog, received much, for in two days I felt the welcome relief, and after having taken three bottles I touad myself in good health and have been so ever since that is, for six years.

Yu are at liberty to publish this letter If you think it might be useful to others, and I shall bo glad to answer inquiries. I am a chairmaker by trade, and in the employ ot Mr. Gibson, 81ater-street, High Wycombe. Yours truly (signed) Thomas Hatt, November 15th, 1892 Well, you say, how does poor Pat Burke's case connect with Mr. Haft's That's what we sre going to tell you.

The inquest showed that Bof'0 had no organic disease of the heart at all. hen the doctors out the heart oat of his body they could find no signs of disease about it. What killed him bo quickly then 1 Listen and leara. The heart derives its motion from tha same set of carves (the pneumogastric) that move the stomach and lungs. These nerves, poisoned and paralysed by acids bred by indigestion and dyspepsia, ceased at last to bave power over the heart.

Then what I It collapsed in a minute, and the man died before he had time evea to lie down on the ground. What a terrible thing if evervhodv is liable to a like fate who doesn't watch oat against indigestion. We congratulate Mr. Hatt on his escape. But it was long odds against him at one time.

dentistry. The most finished workmanship, combined with all modern and efficient appliances of this Dental Art. can be obtained of Mr. Coras. Surgeon Dentist (from London, 178, Higb-stree, Southampton, nine doors bsovow Bar.

over Booa 8ociety." Artificial Teeth. Those supplied oy YA are acknowledged to be the most perfect, and far superior to any other, embracing the latest improveawoi SS England and America the following being unobtainable by any other system elegance of appsaraime ana naturalness, combined with the utmost strength aaa durability mechanical lightness of the pes'? attainable degree perfect security in the mouth; saa a prices more moderate by comparison oan wr advertised. Consul tation and all information free. Benches. RAPHAEL'S ALMANAC FOR 1896.

Contains Hints to Farmers and Gardeners Birthday Information for every day ofthe year the Pate of any Child born daring 18962 When to Buy. Sell, court. Marry. Set Fowls, Seek Kmployment. 3 Ask Favours, Hire Servants, Deal with Others.

Speculate. Traval Hemovs, Ac Weathe- and General Predictions Farming ana other Taoles, Ac. JM pagea JrtceM, poss f. Foulsham and A Ludaate-aui' K.C, and all stationers andjwokstalla rTli It is (flops World.) probable that the Queen will soend the month of April at Flocence, and bar Majesty intends to return home through Germany, the Queen will again reside at the Villa Fabbricotti, with which sh was much pleased" last spring. I hear that hei Majesty is likely to buy this villa and its grounds, ou present Princess Beatrice.

There is tO be a numnriil anto in th nriwAfcs chapel at Windsor Castle on the day of toe lata Czar's funeral, which will be attended by th Queen, the Duke of Connaught Prince and Pnnceet Christian, Princess Louise, the Duke of Cambridge, rruuxsa Beatrice, and other members of tbe Koya Family. The Bishop of Rochester and Dean Elio" will officiate. On the afternoon of the same day there will be a funeral unrira in St. Georae's Chapel, with a special anthem. According to Dresent amnMmmt thfl marriage of the Czar Nicholas and Princess Alix of Hesse if to take place as privately as possible at St Petersburg on Saturday, the 24th, which is the last daj ben re the commencement of the annual fast, during which weddings cannot be solemnised in Russia.

The bride will be given away by her brother, the Grand Duke of Hesse, and is to be supported by ha uncles, the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Coburg. trince ana rnncess Henry of Prussia will be present at the wedding, snd it is noaaible that Princess Beatrice and Prince Henry of Battenberg may go tc St Petersburg for the ceremony, in accordance witl wi arrangement winch was made when tne i zar was in England last summer but this will depend upon the wishes of the Queen. The Czar Nichols has hi intention oi making the Duke of York a'Knis-ht of St Andrew, which is the first Order in Russia, and ranks with the Garter, tbe Slack Eagle, the Golden Fleece, and the St Stephen of Hungary. The ribbon is light blue, and the msiznia consist of a collar-chain of gold and an eight-pointed star in brilliants with a ome eagie on it which the Czar presents. Mr.

Justice Barnes, who is at present staying at Westgate, where he went after his return from the Engadine, is not likely to return to bis duties this term, if at all. He is suffering from a general breakdown of health. His absence, especially in the Admiralty in vision where he was undouhteaiy at his best is very generally regretted by those who practise in his court Mr. Diggle corcmenced clerical work in London as a Broad Church to Canon rremantle, and first joined the School beard in 1879, as one of a hopeless minority. Between 1882 and 1885, with Colonel Hughes as whip, he managed to snatch more than one important vote, and in 1385 he supplanted Mr.

Buxton as Chairman. He began public life as a clerical Liberal, then became a Unionist, and is now Chairman of the Marylfboce Conservative Association and a layman. Mr. Lockwood has resigned the pesition of stand ing counsel to the Jockey Club (in which he succeeded the Lord Chief Justice), in consequence of his being appointed solicitor-General, and he will be replaced by either Mr. Char es Mathews or Mr.

H. stretneld. The late Jiaron Martin as for some years standing counsel to th Jockey Club, and the post was bold for a long time by Mr. Justice Hawkins and when he was raised to the bench general retainer was given by the Stewards to the present Lord Justice The King's Dragoon Guards at Norwich afford an example of rapid promotion. Lieut.

Colonel Lawrence, who has succeeded Colonel Douglas Willan in command, obtained his commission in February, 1876, and at 37 years of age is at the head of the premier line cavalry regiment of the British service. Major Forbes, the second-in-command, she son of a general officer. Failing to pass his examination for a commission, he enlisted, spent six and a half years in the ranks, and at 59 years of age, notwithstanding the time lost in the ranks, is senior major, with thirteen years' commissioned service. Even in the old days, when money had its purchasing value, promotion rarely came to men earlier in life than it has done to the seniors of the gallant "K.D.G.'s." (From Truth. Her Majesty will entertain series of "dine and sleep guests at Windsor Castle during the next five weeks, including numerous members of the Royal family, some of the Ambassadors and Foreign Ministers, ana most ot cne cabinet.

I learn that the funeral of the late Czar is to be closely followed bv the marriase of his successor. both ceremonies being intended to take place next wee, so tnat tne European Courts will be repre sented bv tbe same personages on both occasions. unless the wedding is strictly private. It is well known that both tbe Queen and the Emperor William are exceeding anxious to get the Imperial marriage over and, for all reasons, both public and private. it is highly desirable that the Czar Nicholas should be settled in this respect as soon as possible.

It seems high time to inquire whether the War Office have anv intention of srrantins' medals or clasns to the men of the 1st West India Regiment who cook part in the expeditions against the Sofas and Fodi-Silah. Not only were the hardships endured by the troops on these occasions, and the energy and courage displayed, equal to anything that has been recognised by medals in previous West African wars, out several oi tne officers engaged nave long since been rewarded by suitable honours. Medals cost nothing in comparison with the value which is placed on them by soldiers, and this is in a special degree true of native troops. On the other hand, the with holding of such a recognition of merit, when it has been well earned, is apt to provoke a feeling which is far from desirable To those curious in French journalism it may be interesting to know how the respective journals of that country stand in point of circulation. Here is the list 1.

Lt Petit Journal 2. Intrartsigeant 3. La Libre Parole; 4. L' Eclair; 5. Lt Journal; 8.

Lt Figaro 7. Lt Matin 8. Le Tempt. There are three curious facts in connection with this list First. no one in England reads the French journal that has the greatest circulation in its own country.

Secondly, the editors of the second and third largest circulation are fugitives from justice. Thirdly. Nos. 1, 2, and 3 have together a circulation greater than all the other papers in France put together, and they preach the creed that we are the deadly foes oi tneir country. Sir Charles Lowther owned very large and exceed ingly valuable estates in the West and orth Rid ings of Yorkshire, and he was one of the most generous and considerate landlords in England.

He was a Tory of the old school, but he was far more interested in social reforms than in political affairs. He was a truly religious man, and was an ardent and munificent supporter of many Church societies. Sir Charles was intensely interested in all schemes for the advancement of educational facilities for the blind, and his efforts on their behalf were untiri He was a charming companion, and his genial kind ness ana unbounded hospitality made him a universal favourite (From Vanity Fair.) The Cxar was very reckless about himself during the latter part of his illness for, though he had been warned not to get out of his bed, even if he felt better, Professor Zacharin found him up one morning. Much surprised, he asked the Czar what doctor had given him leave to do so. His Majesty answered: "No doctor; it was done at the com mand of the Czar." It is not unlikely that the German Emperor will be present at the funeral of Alexander HI.

which is expected to take place on the 20th inst The marriage of the new Czar is. I bear, to be celebrated on the 26th, at which ceremony William IL will also oe present. On his Majesty the Emperor Nicholas 11 oecoming eTandsoa bv marriace of the Oun. Empress, he will be offered the Colonelcy-in-Chief oi one oi ner majesty's cavalry regiments probably i Lragoon truaras, wno are just nome from a long tour oi foreign service. The widowed Empress of Russia, according to the strict etiquette of the Muscovite Court, will wear aunng uie nrst six months ot her mourning simple dresses of black flannel.

They are made high and plain, with sleeves in what is known as Charlea VI style, fastened tight at tbe wrist, bat cut wide and loose bo as to reach the ground. A train some three yards in length trails from the waist, and broad collars, cuss, and streamers of white cambric con wast with tne gloom of the rest of her attire. The costume is completed by a cap la Marie Stuart, tne material Doing crape, and a band cut into poms to nt tne shape crosses the forehead. A crape veil shrouding the whole figure is used on cere monial occasions, hat a shorter one is substituted tor every-day wear. All the toilet accessories are.

Of course, black. Except as regards the length of uie ixaiu, ujd usnas i mourning diners in no way from tbat prescribed for the Grand Duchesses and the ladies belonging to the four upper grades of tbe Court circle. Lord Lonsdale has presented the German Emperor with a stallion, named Blue Blood. The horse was shipped at Parkeston on Thursday last by the Great Eastern Continental steamer Vienna. Prince Bismarck is suffering very much from neuralgia in tbe face.

He is ordered to masticate hard food and to drink strong wines in small quantities, which coarse of treatment does him considerable good. Count and Countess BUI Bismarck, who have been at Berlin, have retained to Hanover, where the Count holds tbe office of Regirungs President. Prince Bismarck's sister, Frau von Arnim, Countess BUI Bismarck's mother, of whom he is extremely fond, celebrated her golden wedding last week, she being IS years younger than he. UTTERING COUNTKRWeit oorw Th Maple. 29.

clerk, who has mt urvMd a. trm nt i servitude for corning and was on ticket-of -leave, was sentenced at the Liverpool Assizes on Thursday to flv years' penal servitude for being in possession of twenty-six base half-crowns, and uttering one at Liverpool. The prisoner made an appeal to the judge to give him another chance, but his Lordship said it was useless. DE. DE JOSGH'S fVin Oil.

Dt thx Wasting Disxasxs or Children its XFyiCACT is miEQD allbd Dr. B. C. Croft, author of Handbook for the Nursery," writes I have tried Dr. de Jongh's Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil, and find that it contains all the Dvomrtlaa Wih rm affloacioua Dr de Jongh's CHI la almost a specific in many of the Diseases peculiar to Infancy and Childhood, and I have seen marked benefit produced by its use.

Patients prefer it to aha PaleOuV andaUsto retslt more conyorkably. gold only in capsuled Imperial Half -pints, 8s Od Pints. 4a 9d Chiarta labv W8-, Sole Consignees, Anser, Harford and A BIB FOR TOTES. In any case (says The Tiawri) what a party majority does another party majority oau undo and when on Gorernirjent is bold and cynical" enough to declare the Constitu tion abolished, another may equally venture to affirm that it still stands. Bat, as Mr.

Balfour ob serves, with a just insight into political ballooning, we have yet to learn tne terms oi tsu irouieuuuus resolution. They will in all probability depend very largely upon the reception that Lord Rose- bery promise meets with in ine country, imosw programme, like its predecessor, is simply a bid for the votes of a dissatisfied section of the Ministerial majority, and the siae of the bid will oe determined ultimately by the probable magnitude of the sap-port it will procure. wwv tub SOUTH-WEST OF ENGLAND FLOODS. Considering all things (says the Morning Pott) our islands are remarkably free from such overwhelming rainstorms as too often visit various parts of the Continent, nooaing nuuureus ui winre miles of land and carrying everything before them. If a table were prepared snowing an tne nooas nf thp name which nave occurred tne British Isles within the past century we should probably find that they would average about one every two or three years, and in any particular quarter thev would be much less ireqaenu ins soum I 1 AS 4 estern counties oi nngiaau are pruwuij mo lisble to these visitations, because so many the disturbances from the Atlantic make for the district, a triangular region the interior of hich is hi country, where the niener elevations intercept the lower clouds and so attract a deluging The local nveru.

which, alter an, sre notmng more than brooks, are utterly incapable of imme diately conveying away to the sea any unusual quantity of water, and the consequence is that the low-lying lands are quickly submerged. AUCTIONEERS' BENEVOLENT FUND. The donor of the 500 guineas to the Auctioneers' Benevolen Fund, for the purpose of founding another annuity, is 2Lr. Woods, of the firm of Christie, Manson, and Woods. LION TAMER ATTACKED.

At Leeds Fair on Wednesday night a lioness, called Sultana, attacked and badly lacerated her keeper, named 'Canny, fie is, however, going; on welL It is stated that the lioness had previously killed three of her keepers. FOOTBALL ACCIDENT. On Thursday after noon, on the Queen's Parade, Aldershot. Private Carty, of the 5th Fusilierii, a well-known Army forward, was nhvinff with his Comnuv team asainst another Com pany aim wuen in cujiisiou uis iok wmi urujLeu below the anes. tie was conveyed to nospttai.

A PAUPER LUNATIC'S HOARD. At the meeting of the Islington Guardians on Thursday morning the Clerk reported that, on the clothes of a lunatic who had inst been admitted to the workhouse being ex amined, a deposit note for 600, another for 106, and 13 in round secretea. FATAL QUARREL. At Borris-in-Ossory County, on Thursday, a farmer, named Michael Hvnes. was committed for trial on a charge of having murdered Patrick Phelan by knocking him down and kicking him in the abdomen, lne parties nad Deen onnaing together and a quarrel ensued on the way home.

ASSAULT ON A MAGISTRATE At New Boss Quarter Sessions, on Thursday. Patrick Gogtrins. tramp, was sentenced to three years' penal servitude for a murderous asBault upon ueneral JNapper, J.r who had sentenced him on a previous occasion to six months' imprisonment. The accused had twice been in penal servitude. THE IMPERIAL MARRIAGE.

The marriage of the Tsar LL with the Grand Duchess Alexandra Feodorovna will take place very shortly, probably on the 23rd Inst, with as little ceremony as possible. One reason for tbis is the precarious condition of the Cesarevitch. the Grand Duke George, to whom the Dowager Empress is anxious to return as soon possible. THE SOUTHEND MURDER. The jury at Chelmsford, on Thursday, convicted James C.

Read of the murder of Florence Dennis, at Southend, on June 24. The prisoner made a speech, in which he asserted his innocence, and said that at the time of the murder he was fifty miles from the snot. Mr. Baron Pollock said no one who bad heard the evidence could doubt the correctness of the verdict. He sentenced the convict to death.

FATAL PARAFFIN ACCIDENT. A young girl. named Martha Grey, residing at the Queen's-buildings, Drummond-street. while pouring paraffin oil on the copper fire, on Thursday morning, to mate it ourn, set uer cioxnss on lire, hue was at once enveloped in names, and was so badly burned about the body that she died a few minutes after admission to the University Hospital, uower-etreet. THE SUDDEN DEATH AT A DENTIST'S.

A verdict of death from misadventure was returned by a uoroner jury on eunesuay. at tne inquest on the body of Mra. Lancaster, the wife of a Liverpool archi tect, who oied whilst under the influence of chloroform at a dentist's. It was stated that Mrs. Lancaster was in gooa heal tn at tne time, and naa previously under gone similar operations successfully.

factory QiKiiB uurtNT. A hre broke out on Wednesday at the British Xylonite Works, macKinios'ii-iane, iiomunon. a large number of girls are employed here in comb and brush making, and wnen tne nre oroae out they became frightened, eight being ournt, one or inem seriously. The fire was not otherwise of a serious character, ard was soon e-rtin. gnished.

Beds were then fetched from the Infirmary, and placed in the works, where the girls were aitenaeu dj nurses. CURIOUS INCIDENT AT AN ASSIZE COURT. An extraordinary incident occurred at the opening of the Liverpool Assizes on Thursday. Mr. Justice Willi at the conclusion of the charge to the grand Inrv.

fonnd that there were no cases to soon with, as the prisoners naa not oeen orougot xrom vvaiton uaol, and the calendar was not ready. It appeared that the prison governor naa oeen notinea tnat tne Assises would com mence on fnaay. leieonocic measases were sen tin the prison, and after considerable delay several prisoners were numea to tne court. KILLED BY ELECTRICITY. An inqaest was ld on Thursday evening, at Taunton, on Warren Upbam, a pupil at the Electric Light Works, whose death took place at the works on the 8 th inst The Jury found the following verdict: "That the deceased met his death accidentally from an electric shock, and the Jury wish to add that greater care should be taken to insulate those parts of machines and guards from which dangerous shocks may be received, and a safer system of ouing the machinery should be adopted if possible ol.n (hit th Ininlo linn itnnlilniM THE ELECTRIC ACCIDENT IN CANNON-STREET.

Referring to the recent electric explosion in Cannon-street, Alderman Bell, Chairman of the City Sewers Committee, at the meeting of the City Corporation on Thursday stated that the accident was caused by the confusion of two high-pressure cables at Bank-side, in consequence of whioh a current was unintentionally put on to a cable which was touching the ground, and which caused the cable to break down the resulting sparks igniting the gas which leAtwi in tbe boxes. The shook which killed a horse would not narm a numan oeing me ooaxa or lraae inquiry will DO UD1U UB AUHIBJTI FIERCE STRUGGLE WITH A LIONESS. An exciting scene occurred at Great Bar wood, near Black-ourn, on Tuesday night, during a performance at Days travelling menagerie. An African lion-tamer, named siantana, entered the cage of a lioness, and the performance went well until Montana, leaving the lioness at one end of the cage, went to the other end of the cage to prepare for the concluding incident. For a moment his attention was diverted from the beast, and suddenly she sprang the whole length of tbe cage pinning Montana in a corner and seizing him by the thigh.

A terrible struggle followed, the lioness dragging Montana round the cage, trying to throw him down, put he clutched its mane and managed to keep on one leg, thrashing the beast with his heavy whip He freed himself once, but the lioness seized him again. Montana then beat her off with an iren bar, red hot at one end, which was passed to him, and managed to crawl, and exhausted, through the cage door His clothing was torn to tatters, and his leg fearfully lacerated by tbe animal's teeth but he refused to have a surgeon, and dressed his wourds with a remedy of his own preparation. THE SWAZI ENTOYS AT ALDERSHOT On account of a storm which raged over Aider-shot during the greater part of the day, a ceremonial parade of the Cavalry Brigade and Royal Artillery, arranged for the Swazi envoys, on Wednesday, had to be abandoned. In place of it, however, the riding-school of the 9th Lancers was visited, and a class was put through various equestrian exercises in the presence of the six chiefs, their sttendante, Mr. Murray, of the Colonial Office Mr.

Stuart, and Mr. St Quenton. After lunching at the Royal Hotel, the visitors drove to the Cran-brook Gymnasium, where the young soldiers under the direction of Major Oreatrex (Assistant-Inspector of Gymnasia), performed a series of free gymnastics," as well as some exercises on the horizontal and parallel bars, at which the Swazi envoys showed their decided approbation. WHAT IS LEGAL GAMBLING The Anti-Gambling League sent a deputation to the Home Secretary on Wednesday, to call his attention to the womanly of ignoring illegal betting in the racecourse rings while raiding less influentially patronised betting -places. Mr.

Asquith, in reply, said he thought County or Town Councils ought to have the power of prohibiting or permitting racing, and, where it is licensed, to subject it to control in the interest of public decency and order. As to the suppression of gambling, any remedy proposed must strike at the root of the disease and not be merely superficial. So far as he was concerned, he was prepared to enforce the law equally, but he must first have an authoritative definition of what the law is. SHOCKING CONFESSION OF A MOTHER. The circumstances of an apparently deliberate murde were disclosed on Wednesday evening at Bow-street Police-station.

A well-dressed women asked te see the inspector on duty. On his coming forward, she stated that she wished to give herself up for the murder of her daughter. She said her name was Julia Lee, and that she resided at No. 65, nenmngioB-roaa. ene aaaea mat uer aaugnter name was Florence, and that her dead body would be found concealed between the mattresses of the bed in her room.

This statement having been taken down in writing, Detective-sergeant Ward proceeded at once to the house indicated as the place where the body was lying, the woman in the meantime being detained in custody. The sergeant proceeded to the bedroom indicated, and on the bed being searched a terrible sight presented itself. Between a flock bed and a feather bed was discovered the body of a female child, apparently about three months old, and, from the appearances, giving every indication of having met with a violent death from suffocation. CAETEE'e Lives pills will positively curs torpid liver, and prevent its return. Tbis is not talk, but truth.

Is lfd. British Depot Holbora Viaduct, London CHOICE DULCEMONA TEA. "YOUNG" "FRESH." "INVIGORATING'' 16 110 2- 24 per lb. in packets only. Agents Everywhere Fxim-CLAaa Qbocxb WTiolesale only IU, TJppxb Tha itaS-erKxir, Loitdok, K.e.

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