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Public Ledger from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Public Ledgeri
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WMfe MM MlMfeliM.) llSt UW WOTO lost, lid bm persoa srrioasty waunaea. cut wi ibis i mu af uf kind eaaiJertion Dm part of lh Mtnf lUi iht Managne persevered, (aa until after swaset they seemed determined to do.) ia held lac their aseetiag; aad bad tba assault been made arbea mnma two or three thousand persona were Mhi i ho nail, tlie fata of the building would nmaaUr have been the hbm aad the mi ad ahuddera i ml tne 01 unman i bw" whose would have beea Burled under the a sraier rem of ibe HalL What would have been the (t' of ika Managers ia each a eM kaw mwM ham taiti64 iheir persevering firm nets ef 1 what waaU have Wa tbe feelings of iiutt perpetrator la laai outrage, wnea ue wtiac'a saa would have lighted tho tceao of their evarauaai? wbat wonia insa nave seen toe ieei iag af the iboosaode who passively looked aa thii mirage, aaa vnuneM laesr acuve co operation, wnea eras iavokod ay ia isuet Maaiairaia 01 im tr cut Sac mirtt neobably have ace a the mull of the eon tri which taamob waa permitted to attune. Now it tali a pa those whom too voice of ma ay hai ceuaaied aa saaiscieet or ImprufieaL Another day ansa iaflaaced by tola example, acting uader ajrfasJea waka air aot be easily removod, will aaal otbvs with evea leaa can as. or without any whatever, save popular and misguided ex i ciiemeat. la one city, tba nob assails those wbo ae ppael ta hoarding ap flour, so as to ea biace its price.

Ia another, persons supposed to be NQKt(4 ia aoaee aefanoui arbeaM of banking, are anibeut proof ar trial involved ia danger aadi uia la another citv. some unoffending females, worship fang I bar Cad after tba manaer of tbrir fathers, aee taetf aanctaary tsraora ay a lamina nu vuij amra taeir bvaa bvfleeiay at the aUdnight aour. Am th tnmUint raiaa of tbrir ooca bappy aad aamcrfat retneaaeaK Socb have beea toe effiscia of tabs witaia a few yeara. ia citlea bat little dutanl taai ram. Oar awa ciiy aaa miowm in oanerui and aaleea public opinion aball recover ita naaltbr toaa, aad aar citiseaa with one heart and hm aaai, nawe ia viadieaiinf aad aaeertine the aa nrtaacraf laa law.

it ia caey to foreeee that we aaaO aeoi kavo aaly to cbooae between the extremes mt that taaecaniy of Uia aad property wbicb flows (mm the avvcraaKBt of a nob, or Um more derradinc ataie at aecarity to both, obtained by the sacrifice of hbertj. Jo 'a 8. Wabhbr, Ctainaaa. A. rnocaea, Gaoaet HaoT, 10 Elliott, i Joaa P.

YVaTBiaiLL, J. riHiMoea, Ctmmittu ea PWire. VaJp 9d. 183S. AMJCDIZ.

A. Can of a letter addressed by John 8. Warner. Cbair aaaa of the Ceouiittee oa Police, to Daniel Neall, Ea fretiileat of tba fetard ox Maoaen ox feaa aylraaiailall: i. Sir: Toa wiU ere from theraeloeod Preamble and Pictatntioa.

that the Polke Comoilttee are required to exaauac iato aad report to Councils apoa tb subject at tba daetraetioa of the Pennsylvania Hall, on the Bight of tba 17h of May laat I am iaatracted af the Caeaaaiiiee to make ibia comaiunicaiion, and ao iaforaa yoa that they will meet for that purpose a the oth iaataat, aad if you have aay comiuaaica ttoa ta aaaka a the subject, to aJdreaa Your ooedieat servant, (SixaedJ John Wabrbb, Cbairmaa of Com mil tee oa Police, Eaclanaf a copy of the Preamble and Resolutions aaaed by Coaecila.1 LJl B. .1 sua4 SO. 1838. i To Iota 8. Waratr, Chatrmaa of the Conunittee oa PWoaJ i v.

lteeaW Friead: Thy letter, without date, en rtsaiat a "Uaeiatioa of Oouaclla dattd the 3lt ulL, eaajieatiae; lb Police Cosuaituo to iavaatieate and report the csreamstaacea atteociBg the destruction of the Ptaasylvaaia 11 all. waa Uua day received hhd I aad bef a aar Board of Maaai era with all practica aieapeea. Ill letter aaeatioaa. aaid Committee will meet oa the frh Iaataat, (to morrow.) bat doea aot alate when atr where aad adda, if wa have any coauauaicaiion make ia reJalioa thereto we miiht addresa the oaaaaiathee. Ia aaower ta your unexpected and unsolicited ia witatioa.

I am iaatracted by the Mararers to aay et arc ia Baaseesioa of auiea iafurmatioa ia relation ta the matter alluded to. which we would be willing ti fommaairsts if it be the quest of Cjuacila or of tho reaiMxtahla Committee or which thou art thair asaa; bat aa it would be of considerable leaftb. tbe tew heara allowed By yoa win oe too anort a period ao prepare it. If, therefore, yoa wish to obtain the aXsrmatiom. wa nastask lou ta allow ua a few etaya for that purpose, of which yoa will please to iaiorm aa.

Bieviag the iaformatioa we poesess ought to be laat before the public, wa are preparine a siatemeat, coataiaiag aa far aa practicable all that waa aaid or foa ia aar Hall daring the brief period of Ita existence, aad ahm the eircumstaaeea attending ita de avactiaa, ia order that our fellow cfiizsna may lee taat we did aot deserve tho treatment wa received float the moo, aad that we atf deserve that protee tioa from the city authorities which wo did mt re cesse. Kesfeeimlry tfciae, XUitiai. Niall, i rremoeai of Board of Managers of P. Hall. C.

Copy of a letter from Joha 8. Warner, Cbairmaa of toe committee oa roiice. tkiUitlfkim, ttk, 1338. Dear bar Yuur letter of tbe 5tb instant, in reply to auae of tho eth iaataat, was duly received yester day BMrmlag the au iaataat, aad waa uid before tbe Bata aaailBa AW SSthABB mm laotOMOlul an rnmmaarratt the following jieeolutioa It rr all id That waea tnia uommittee aojouras, aaa adjoara ta meet la the Chamber ol the Select at a a clock oa rrmay eveaing next, ua wn i.iit aaJ thai lha kfaaafeia of tba Peansvlvania eUil bo aotiaed that they ty attend ia persoa or br Mtunef to aaaka such charges or allegitioas as they aaay thiak I have the hsoor to be. jour's, Ste.

SMraed. JOHN S. WARNER, Chainnaa of tbe Committee en Police. i D. MtnthV.h, 1838.

Fifth dar noou.1 Te Joha S. TVarmer, Chairman of the Committee on fofacet Ihiae af to day is received, encming a Kciolutton the Pabca Cataauttee. informina ui that we mar actrad ia penoa or by attorney, la merrew evening, to make sock ehajet or ai we nay think OnTpreiidrat a oat of town, and of eourte we can mat eet the Board at Managers tvretber in lime for ahem at aaakc a rralr ta tbv aresent eoaimunication the time www auawed as is aa longer than that bich. we ifarmid thee, wan la Be loo short to prepare atascmraaec'tbemjucics webavc receired. rrom the Bemlwtiaa of Council, it appeared to ui aa rheagh tkry were aaxiaus to obtaia inforrastioa ia relation the waatea biea lary aught waa so awae out iron toy law iei er it waatd aeem thaarh am desired we should aaaama the arm ode af meruit rt, which it a character aae Haas i in hare aa desire to appear us.

af dMMayarhmaot doae kte duty, it does aot lay awpreca him. Aad oowever injorea we ra, we raienam no viaoicnve leenagi thme aba neglected aasapartm the riot i we shall leave to wehcr awm, aad as a higher power than man, the mode auaawimmimieareia. ahafl at oar earkirot aaavemeaee make a fall, fair, aadsohbs amuiaMat af that ditgracef ul outrage upon use lainniiiiaa1 right af lb peoote, peaceably to owreahar asm moisram aay subjeet af geaeral ialrreM whack ehrr may we proper; ahd aiU furaith each tunpeenuliy, (Sigara. SAAfVtL vTBB. i Cram the Committee oa Psliee.

to tbe gcrs afthe Pcaacylvaau HaO. at a sanuac at tbe omaottee an Felice, held on cto mh mt Jaar, 1SJ8, the feaeaiag Heioietiea wai avW mr. That the Board of Manarert af the Fean lywaam Kahe iar to attend at aa adjourned at of of mmlnv nt lliim Damniitrrr. la be bvlu on lUfMla)' rvt iiiiir st o'flock, in ibe Srltct Council ChsHibrr, io pre ia Ihll lominlllte iucn eiurn tlw niK Wrs poMeu, or si may be obtained by tbero from other. In order to enable this Committee to the ereuniitinmattwidinr ana eonnrcieu with the dritructioii ol PeniHVlvaiiia Hall.

Clij Hall, June MM. Ta the rtnard of Maniren of Pennsylvania Hall ntlenien, I am imtrueted by the Comniiitee on Pimm nflh Itrlwt lilt ('ullllIKIII COIIIIClll (if the CitV nf Phll.rfi lnkia. tn forward In uU tVVT of the SUOVe Hnolution, and to iuviw your atilace and that of any wiinettti you mi am iiamraDic iu uunvr, )u order to enable thii Commi" to msk the invetiira Hon rHVrrrd to tbeml snd 1 am itutrucUd to add, that if you dtm it propt to be attended by yotir eoumel on that orcauoiL you may alio invito their attendance. The Committee will ineel on Tuesday the Uih initsnt, at o'clock, P. lln in the Select Council Chamber.

Very rwpettfully, your obedient servsnt, H. KEATIN'O, Secretary firm tern. Addrewed to Uanitl N'esl Prt sidtnl 't tlir Board of Manarert of the PcnmylvaaU Hall. F. Coinmunicstion from thw Comniittc on police to the LUyor of the C).

At a meetinf of the Committee on Police, held on thelth of June, 1838, the foikiainr ftetolution wai paued. Retthedy That the Mayor of the City of Philadelphia be invited to attend at an adjourned merlins; of thii Committee (to be held on Tuesday evening next at I o'clock, in tbe Select Council Chamber,) to give to thii Committee such evidence ai he mar himsvlt ai may be obtained by hitn from others, in order to enable this Committee to invettiraie tbe circunuuncei attendinr and connected with the destruction of Peimirlvtinia Citv Halt. June 8, 1838 To Jolm Swiu, of the Citv of Phila. ueipnia. Sir.

I am instructed by the Committee on Police of the Select and Common Councils of the Citv ol rhilftdelDliia. to forward to Tou a eory of the aliove Resolution, and to invite jour attendance and that of any witnesses you may deem it desirable to adducej order to enable the Committee to make the mvettiKBtKM referred to tliero; and I am in ttructed to add. that if tou deem it prorier to be attended by your counsel, you mar invite his i i. tii auenoance on me occasam. i oe uutnnuuee win meet on Tuesday the l'ith instant, at 8 o'clock, 1.

in the select Louttcu Llianiber. Very respectfullr, your obedient aerrant, W. II. KEATIN Secretary pro tern. Philadelphia, Qh.

Month 12A, 1838. To William II. Keating, Secretary iro lera. of tne roiice vxHTinmiee, Respected Frietkl TIij last coramunkatioii, invitins us to lunitsh to the lyomroittee of Councils, this evening, any information which we may poesess relation to the destruction of the rcnnsylvania Hall, nas been received. In our letter of tlie 5 tli bit nut, we slated our intention to make a public statement of that disgraceful outrage.

1 ime has not permitted ua to ptvpare such a document, and we may doubt wheuier the period, has yet arrived when the history of the short existence and destruction of the Pennsylvania Hall, would be diapassionately read and coolly decided upon. Of the time and manner of making such puutication, we request to oe permit ted to judge hereafter, according to existing eir cumstarrces. la respect to the call for information in relation to tlie investigation of the conduct of the Mayor of the City on that occasion, we have only to repeat the views contained in the letter of Samuel Webb, dated tbe ah instant. To furnish such informs tkm would involve the necessity, in justice to that officer, of substantiating it by itnesaes, and thus we aliould eventually assume the office of inform ers and of prosecutors. The office we liave not sought, nor do we wish to be "drawn II HO IIS CA ercise.

Our noaitiao is aimnlr this. we erected a Hal for lawful objects, and used it only in the exercise of rights guarantied by tlie constitution to all American citizens. We built it under the pro teciion of the law, and trusted it to the protection of 'tlie lawin tlie heart of the city and wlien we had been assailed by lawless force, and were threatened whli its repetition, surrendered it at his request iulo theustotrV of the Chief Ex ecutive officer of the City of Philadelphia. It was not protected, and it perished from the assaults of the mob and torch or tlie incendiary. Whetiier the Mayor of the City had the means under his control to protect the property, and did not exert litem, or waa not lurnnneu whii uuevjuuie resources for that object, we eonceive can be readily and better ascertained from other sources than ourselves.

llcspectfullr thine, fSiened.1 DANfEL NEALL, President qf tlie Board of Jlanagert of the Pennsylvania Hall, H. To John Swift. Ma vor: Esteemed Friend: The Managers of the Peaasyl vania Hall are about to commence tbe dedicatioi of their Hall today. We had engaged Saturn I Bairy and Gerthom Ciaf (two of the silent watch) to act as door keeptrs. We have this moment heard that all tbe silent watebmea have been ordered by thee to repair to the Bute hour, at 4 o'clock.

Wa would respectfully ask permission for these two men to re main at tbe Hall, to keen tbe boys from making a noise by running in and out of tbe Hall duiing the exercises. Kespccttuily tome, i Sifraeel 8MriL Wtaa. Stk mm (A HtA, fcft. PkiUitlmkie, Stk mtntk 171. I8M.

To John Swift. Mayor of the City of Philadelphia Esteemed friend, Last evening the Female Anti Slavery Society were holding a public meeting ia the Penn'a. Hall, situated on Delaware Sixth street, between Mulber ry and Sassafras streets, whilst Angelina B. Grimke Weld, of Hoath Carolina, was dddreising tbe meeting, our house wasanaulted by a ruthless aiob, who Broke our windows, alarmed toe women, ana ais tut bed the meeting very much, by yelling, stamping, ana tnrwing brick bale and other missiles tnrougu tne windows. The audience consisted of more than three thou aand persoaa, a majority of wbem were lespeciable and iutellieent women.

la our invitation to thee to attend tba opeuing of our Hall, (dated the 4th day or ibe 4th mouth we mentioned that we should hold public meetings oa the 14th, I5tb aad loth of this men in. ve bow beg leave to i a form thee that tbe Female Convention of American Womea will meet in the saloon of the Pennsylvania Hall at 10 o'clock tbia moraing; tbe rree rroduce Convention at 8 clocx, and toe convention of American Womea at 4 o'clock, this af ternooa; and the Methodist Aati filavery 8ociety at o'clock this evenini. To morrow, the State Anti Wavery Society will meet at 8 o'clock, and the Free Produce Convention at 10 o'clock, i the morning: tbe Convention of American Women will meet at 1 o'clock, aad tbe Free Produce Convention will meet 4 o'clock, in the afternoon aad tbe Feaesylvaaia State Anti Slavery Society will meet at 8 o'clock in the evening 5 and we shall coal! use to meet in our building from time to time, asaccasioa may require; and we sill apoa Chief Magistrate of tbe City, to protect as aad oar property, ia the exerrjie our Constitutional rights peaceably to assemble aad dlsruse any sesjeet or general Interest. Kespeeiruiiy taiae, ate. Pirned by the direction af tbe Board of Managers the Peanvylvania Hall Association.

Signed.) Dmai Nsal, Prest. of tbe Board. i Attest.) Wiuua Denser. Secretary. We herewith enclose a written placard, numbers of which were posted up ia various pans ftneeity.

So tar as we bare seen, all appeared of beta the aame handwriting. Our MimumiKe will also niraiih thre with the hame of one of the ring leaders of ths mob. u.m. Frlen John Swirt. I have last now been informed that my residence, No.

307 Mulberrv itrel. is to be attacked by the mob this nithU 1 1 he re fur call apon the Mayor of the City, the Aldermen and'Coastabies, to protect me ana my property. (8lined 8uoit Waaa. Addressed John Swift, Mayor of the City of PhiUd To the Mavnr of the Citv of Philadelphia fir. Tbe undersiined.

Hook and Job Printers, No. 7 Carters' Alley, having learaed from taaay persona wno nave mingina amona ine mooocrsM ourini ine last two days, that our olftce will be the first object or attack this evining, aava oeemea it proper to ap priio you af the faet.inannueh aa ths city and eoun iy kre lesponaihle fr the pmperty thus destroyed, We ourselves decline any attempt to protect iKt property, which exeeeds lores thousand dollars in vsme. Kespeeiruiiy, voura, MiaaiRiw It Gomm. 'ifaee ir. Jtfit 19(.

18M. Addressed Hea. John Swift, piestnt. PhiUdilpkim, Xmt ISO. 1838.

To tho Ma vor of the City Dir. Undersiandinr that aa attack By a mob baa been threatened unon ineomco or tne rublicLedier. situated at tbe corner of Dock and Second streets, for ths evening, we eoasMer it our duty to inform you of ibe apprehensions numerous reports of such inreata are likely to create, mat you may take such aieasuiei aa may be oeemea necessary ay you. aa a conservator of the public pear, to prevent aa out rage of (he kind. very respecuuuy, Your ob'k aervaaia, 13 o'clock, M.

8w4in, AaaLhdc Simmons Addressed to Cn. Joha Bwm, Mayor of Philadel phia. Mayor's GiBce. Jyl8 ll PUBLIC a LEDGER, AND DAILY TRANSCRIPT. PHILADKLPHIA.

WeilNKSUA Y.JULY Irt. 3. Ou CiTYThe Boston Journal complaina of ourriry, for permitting gaming tables to be erected on the Fourth of July, on ground opposite to Fairraount The Journal ia right in holding tip to public indignation, this scandalous outrage of law and decency, and the acandaloua neglect of civil authority in thua permitting it it noon day. But the Journal ia wrong in imputing tbia delinquency specially to the city of Philadelphia. The place in which this abomination waa exhibited, is beyond the territorial jurisdiction of the city, and in that of another corporation.

The Journal is not probably aware of our municipal offliction. The county of Philadelphia contains several dis tinct and independent corporations, among whit are Philadelphia city, the Northern Liberties, Penn Township, Spring Garden, Kensington, South work and Moyamensing. Each of these has its distinct municipal government, and all of them constitute that continuous and contigmout auccesaion of streets and edifices, which, to stranger, appear aa on city. Philadelphia pro per extenda from the Delaware east, to the Schuy kill west, and from Cedar street (pronounced SoulA street) south, to Vina street, (pronounced Wine atreet) north. It therefore does not include Fairmount, which is north of Vine street, and much leu the public gaming groundivUiKl still further north.

Fairmount is the property of the city, but not within its territorial limile. Fairmount and the public gaming ground are within the corporation ef Spring Garden; conse quently the duty ef suppressing this abomination devolves upon the authorities of that corporation, and upon the Sheriff! whose jurisdiction covers the whole county. The effect of this division of jurisdictions is ex ceedingly injurious to the morals and good government of the whole, especially of the cityi for it leada to jealousies and conflicts among their different governments, tending greatly to encour age disorders. A rogue may be chased by a con stable to the southern side of Cedar street, and then turn round and laugh in the law's face, secure in the territory ol foreign country! A mob of ruffians may assemble in Kensington, Penn Township or Spring Garden, make a descent upon the city, accomplish their lawless purpose, snd when chared by the Mayor and his officers, may go in defiance from the north line of Wine street. Should our authorities demand from those ef Southwark, the delivery of some violator of our city ordinances, they might take nothing by their motion for the delinquent might keep pawnbroker's shop for the reception of stolen goods, i grog shop for manufacturing thieves and mobs, and be a punctual tenant, at a high rent, to some one of the authorities of the corporation in which he resides.

But a stranger will ask, why is this permit ted Why do not the sober citizens of all these corporations spply to the Legislature for an act to unite them nnder one efficient We answer, because the abomination of partisan politics presents an insuperable obstacle. One party has a majority in the city proper, and the other in most of the ether corporations out of it; aad to retain the emoluments of office, the politi ciana who manage these affairs, oppose the union here suggested, and leave the quarter of a mil lion of people who occupy this whole territory ceered with buildings, and which strangers mistake for one city, to the mugovernment resulting from independent and hostile jurisdictions. We advise the people, not the rabble xf boys and loafers" who miscall themselves such, and whose only bus in ess is to break the laws, but the lax ptyers, the bueinete doer, to consider of these things. They wont security in minding their own business. But they barter this security for the benefit of political fortune hunters, who would as soon thrive by picking pockets as pro tecting rights.

We advise the sober citizens of oil these corporations to wake up, to exsmine this subject carefully, and then decide for whose benefit they tolerate these iiecordunt gotenwvnU. and forego the advantages of one. Sad CasmTr Two brothers by the name Fivaaah, wore drowned at the Pry Dock, TSor tolx, on the Wh mat The elder was tooul it ACdhlKTS 01 THE FoutTH. A boy of the name of Hammond, 15 or 17 years ofsge, was in the act of firing a swivel, tt Sened Falls, N. about 11 o'clock at night, when it burst, and mangled one of his legs so badly, as to require immediate amputation at the thigh.

At Waterloo. N. in the morning, a man named Peter Rice was so serious! injured by the premature discharge oft cannon he was loading, that he has since died. 1 Siior Windows. A correspondent who calls himself Don Juon," complains of thd keeper of a China shop in Chesnut Street, not a thousand miles from the Masonic Hall, for his want of taste in hia choice of subjects for eihibition at his shop and on his steps.

We agree wilh our correspondent, and insist thst the dealer inomiAdMes might keep some of his wares a little less in sight, without inju7 to his reputation for delicacy. Among the last to encourage the immodest yoC effected modesty, we perceivf no necessity for flying to one eitreme, to avow another. We would not have the keeper ol a China shop lock up any of his wares in ostenta tious seclusion, and sell them ith a mighty pa rade of secrecy But to avoid tbia, he should not thrust them foremost as signs of his trade. Take them from your front steps, and windows, put them in your bock room, or 'the unostentatious portion of your front room, and sell them when called for, without making any mouths. The EjirotccMEXT or the Doo Law com menced in Southwark on Monday night in earnest, and during yesterday, unmuzzled dog which showed itself was made a captive and taken to the Commissioners' HalL The streets are so clear that any individual may walk along without fear of an attack from these vicious ani mals.

There ia one cause of complaint We are informed that the bodies of several dogs hich haf been killed on Monday night, were eft lying in the streets till near 10 o'clock next morning. If tbe dogs are killed in the street the ldiesshould belemovedjmmedistelf.We doubt not, however, that a little experience will enable the officers to enforce the law without giving offence to any individual. Fire is Albany, N. A fire occurred on riday evening, July 13th, at some stables, which were consumed, with several small tenements. Three valuable horses were burnt to death.

TheAVeather. After several pleasant daya, the heat has again become intense; so much so, that it is dangerous to walk in the sun. Anan fell down yesteiday afternoon, at the comer of Fifth and Walnut streets, overpowered by the heat Medical attention waa bestowed upon him, with hat success we did not learn. i PaoGRtss or Rtscarrioft The Citizena' Bank of New Orleans baa addressed the other I banks of that city, and recommended them to resume specie payments in August Mask or Respect. Tha Inquirer says thai nearly all the colors of easels in our port were hoisted at half most on Monday, as i tribute of respect to the memory of the late Mr.

Uale, merchant of this city, whose nntimely death at Cape May waa recorded in the Ledger of that day. Stage Accident from The Louisville and Lexington stage coaches, belonging to both lines, as they left Louisville on Sunday morning, the 8ih inst, were upset, aa wo leant from the Lexington Intelligencer, and several of the passengers seriously injured. The accident is said to have been caused by racing and run ning the stages sgsinst each other. Fatal Somnambulism.

Several late cases of somnambulism are mentioned in the late New York papers: one unfortunate subject on Satur day night in Warren atreet, lost his life by walk ing or leaping out of a third story window, and waa found lying dead on the pavement by the watchman. Fearful Mortalit i New York The number of deaths in New York, daring the week ending last Saturday, waa 229; and of these, 71 were caused, directly or indirectly, by Che heat of the weather, Mr dee anb Scicide ar the Same Persox. In New York, on Monday morning at 3 o'clock. a black man, named Phillip, a barber, got out of bed and cut his wife's throat ao effectually that she died in a very few minutes. The murderer then seized hia child, and was about to decapi tate it with the same iiatrument, when his molber in lsw, who occupied the Bt'jotningapart ment, becoming alarmed by the noise, came into the room just soon enough to save the poor child's throat Finding himself foiled in his second diabolical attempt, the murderer completed the tra gedy by cutting his own throat with the same razor.

Assistance waa called jud tbe wretched in. dividual was taken to the hospital, where he ex pired. It ia supposed that he had committed the first crime in a fit of jealousy. Primitive 1'mrrellas. In Michiran.

ther carry small trees to keep off the sun, instead of arooreiiaa. Tiis Philadelphia's must understand that take ice cream of Philadelohia. not because their ice and Cream are better, but because we cannot afford to use our crystal ice from Rock land Lake to manufacture the article A'. 1. Star.

You are out, Mr. Star. You take our Ice and cream, because both are better. Our farmers keep fewer pumps to a given number of rows. thaa those around Gotham.

Hence our milk in clines to a yeUoie color, while youri borders upon sure and the former at well known to anbrd the most cream. Yoa have no ice equal to our Schuylkill, excepting your Rockland Lake; and that is so rare as to be sold only as a cvrioairy. a ese Rockland Lake ice in muuftaarint ice cream, would be ukt urng gold for aukiaf era st imp iron. FROSTIER Capture of Johnson' tBargtW! learn fiom Snckett's Harbor, (S. that the I steamboat Telegraph, in the service of the Unite! States, arrived there on ihe 12th from a' cruise smong the Thousand Islands, and brought with her two prisoners of Johnson's gang, and tolled for its swiftness.

The names of the mt( are Riley Toucy and Jonathan Tumacteffe. The boat ia 23 feet long, 4) wide, clinker built' It is so light that two men can carry it with ease. She had on board, when taken, besides soma arms, an American flag. 'v' ThoM hamsdo iheir escape were William i Johnson. John Farrow.

Robert Smith, William Robins, John Van Clute.and Allen Early. They were fired on, but with what effect is not known. After a thorough search, by the whole party, mnaiaiina tit iirhfv men. their were not able tn oi 1 discern what had become of the A numerous meeting of the inhabitants of the parish of St Roch Quebec, waa held on the 4th of July, to express sympathy for the prisoners ex iled to Bermuda, and those Canadians who have fled to the United A hope is expressed by the meeting that the persons bsnished to Bermuda may, by the clemency of the Governor Ge neral, soon be restored to their families. Also those in the United States, and that the persons in prison may be brought to impartial trial.

The Montreal Herald conjures treason in these movements. There waa a brilliant illumination at Terre bonne, Lower Canada, on the night of the 4th of July, in honor of oar Declaration of Independence. General Scott having, by his vigilance, qaietly arranged tbe Cherokee sJTairs. we understand that two regiments of V. S.

artillery are ordered from thence to the northern frontier. Outrage. The Detroit Post of Joly 9th has the following: We were informed on Saturday, by a gentle wa a. man irora Hamilton, (u. v.i mat.

in pemms through Chaahatn. ho learned that a man bad jnst been snot aeaa py pony vi inuians, una. upon inquiry, ascenainea ine loiiowiug ucts: A young American, try ine name oi Alien, was on his way, alone ana unarmea, io vaui nia friends in ine interior of Canada. A body of In dians, to whom a bonus has been offered by the British Government for patriot scalps, met him be stepped aside to let them pais; and as fired at. He died immediately.

ISo attention waa given II ty inv luiuuimn, iuf uo naa vnij Anterican citizen." A Affair of IIosor." A duel was fought on the eveninr of Julr 4th. near Allon, (111.) be tween a Mr. Le Longe, of New Orleans, and a Mr. R. C.

Tates, of New York, Gn the first fire. Mr. Le Lenge was wounded in tbe arm; 'a proper apology was mode, and the matter termi nated. Rise of the Onto axd Cascaltt. The Ohio has risen 12 feet by the late rains.

A Mr. Par nell and wife and two children were drowned a few days since in Mill Creek, near Cincinnati, while attempting to cross the swollen current of this stream. Cou Axdrew Piciexs, formerly governor of South Carolina, died recently near Pontotoc, MM. i i ii ii Promotion. Lieut Champlin, of the Navy, has been promoted to ihe rank of master commandant Accidental Drowning.

James Wood, aged about IS years, was drowned on Sunday morning while bathing in the East riter, at the foot of Corlaers street New York. 'Rep vied far the rublic Ledger.) Coart mt Crlnataud Seaeiosio July Term. Juigt Beuxitr ea (As Bnck, KMC. Charles Deaa, charged by the Quardiaaa of tbe Peer with having deserted hia wife. This case was laid over till the aeit term.

Greason, charged with stealing some shin plasters oat of the drawer of tba Natioaal Hotel. earner mt Ninth lai Markal alria 11 a a aa m. committed. Tbe motion for a aew trial ia tbe case of Sarah Woodward aad Edward Broad belt, convicted of bigamy, was made by their counsel (Mr. Rush) this manna, and aUy argued.

It was, however, overruled. Broadbtli sentenced to one month's imprisonment, aad Barab Woodward ta two week's irpri sonasent. Jhu Barton, convicted of a conspiracy, with Watsoa and others, cao iato court this morning of his owa accord, accompaaied by hia family. Hia character was proved to be very good, by Messrs. Parr, Keati and Downing, and several of his child rea (wbo are cripples) brought before the Court, he, as it was etated, depeaded solely apoa him for support, as Barton is in indigent eircumstaaeea, and gaiai his living with the saeat of bis brow.

He was sea if seed to pay a Aae of one ceat to undergo aa imprisonment ia tbe couaty prisoa for the term of two months, to pay the coils of prosecution, and to stead committed uatil this senleace be complied with. Motion for a sew trial waa made is the case of Comley Rich and Henry Carlisle, convicted of as aaali aad battery oa tbe persoa of Willism Rich, and argued by their counKl. (Mr. Brewster.) The motion was. however, dismissed.

Coaly Rich was eeatenced to pay a nae of tea dollars, the costs of Bfoeeeutioa. aad to stand committed until this sen tence be complied with. Tbe coart tbea adjouraed till tbe first Monday ia Aogust. IT if a reference to our advertising columns. those interested wiU perceive that an adjourned meeting of the asseciatioa for orgaaiting a LHtrerf hstitutt la ths Western part of tbe city, will be held oa Thursday next, ia the irst room oa the basement floor of the Western Church, Schuylkill Third street, aear Walant.

Tbe object is worthy of eacouiagesaoat. AutaiCAi Thaatrs, fTtlnut tt reel. Te aight Mr. Marble, the jumping Taakee. whose dcliaeatioa last wis let ef the1 real, ae mistake Down Easter," then sXirdrd such rich amasemeot, com me aces a short eogagement of six nights.

la the course of this ea njemeat, wa understand Mr. Marble will produce far the frst time, a aew Yaakee melo dramatic play, written expressly for him by H. tt. Bas sister, Ese, aad adapted to Mr. Msrbls's peculiar live of besjaesa.

We suppose it will be daly aaoouoced aad have no doaM that a large assemblage of critics will be preseat to set apoa it their seal of success or CAVasemaatioa, as it aaay merit Tot this evBins atertsiamoata, vide bills..

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