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Public Ledger from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Public Ledgeri
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

fT) THE PENNSYLVANIA HALL will be ooea ad for public on the Hth, 15ih, and lOth of present month. TM nablie generally, witneui duinction at to am or party, arc respectfully ia tod to attend. The following wilt be the order eaerved co ilia 14th. Tata DaTi Tha President till takt the chair at 111 o'clock precisely. Too Doe rtary will then read a short statement or too bk.

tree which induced tbo etoekhnlilere to erect tbo hllding. and the Mirons for which It I to bo uaed. Jso tt mat Interesting letters from Individuals at distance. 'After which, Dana Paoi. Browv, of tbia city, ounsellor at law.

will deliver an Oratioo novo Userty fa ih Afternoon tbo PhilRdelpbia Ljrceam Meet tt 3 dock. wbn an Essay apoa tno L.y team ifika of Instruction, showing its advantag as, Pxode of operation, by Victor Valor, of Philadelphia, will bo load. At 31 o'clock, James r. espy, or FbUad. will explaia the eatiM or wiqa.

storms, and other atmospheric i At 4 o'clock neveral interesting questions will bo read aad referred to different members or Ilia Lyce oai for solution at tlieir meeting on Tuesday after boor. Tbia meeting will conclude with a discussion I La a At UTI.i 1 ka i A a Wealth or Knowledge" The dt bale will be opened by two anembera of tbo Lyceum after which any aneeiber or visitor may The meeting win adjourn at a clock. XeMinjUrri at o'clock. Lecture upon Tem perance, by Toon as P. llurr, of South Caroliaa, receded by a ebort address frout Arsolb Barren, i rnilartelahia.

on the some subject. ml4 nr? NOTICE JOURNEYMEN cordwain EES. (Men's" Branch) An adjeuraed special Metinj of the llociety will be held at the Exchange Hotel, Bank street, on WEDNESDAY Evening, May 1Mb. at 7 o'clock. Tbo membere ara earnest) re qaestee io aucaa.

i4 3t J. MYEE8, Bec'ry. PENNSYLVANIA HORTICULTURAL SO C1ETY. The Monthly Meeting of the Society will be hold on TO MORKOW EVBtINO, tbo 13 iaet iu the Hall aoder the Alhenmim. at 7 clock.

muzi a. WATSON. Eee. Bee. IYr PROGRAMME OP Mb'HC n.a na HAD AWAY BABOE BALL To be held TH19 (Mnov) EVENING, May J4tb, 1138, at 6UIL Ull BAUDOT.

HadawayGraad March 11 March National 14. Hornpipe 1 tto'd, LaDamo Blanche PariUn li Uuad. Bronze Horsa 4. LaBonnambula 10. Maid of Jodah May Ooeea WiiliamTell Dew Drop Walta Maaauiello 18.

Mo 'wish 11. Custanm 11 Rake of Mellows 17. Rarberof Serilla 18. riremeo'o 19. Noma 90.

Msid of Cashmere II. Anno Bolen n. Morris 33. IVaDiaTolo U. Hadaway Reel It ffP A Stated Meeting of the PENNSYLVANIA Ilf)SE COMPANY Will be held THIS BVB NI.VG.

14lb) at the nsaal place. 8. E. eoraer of seventh aad Cealos streets, at 7) 'cloet. It Irtnu hiitfupi DV 17 wiuri 11 HKvov n.

nmuwFi.i. smti. Pres't. mU It Port of PhllaMlelphla Baa Aum tork i5. iturngtU.

im ik. It CLEARED. Brig Virginia Trader. Iluulf son, Laguayra. ARRIVED.

Brig Wm. Thatcher. Hill. St Croi. IS days.

Schr David Smith. Walton. New York. 3 days. Fair Plav.

Thompson. Baltimore. 9 days. AT MASONIC HALL Mr. Ms CLEBRf reapeetfully arquaints his friends aad the piiWic that hie CONCERT wilt take place oa WEDNESDAY EVENINU next, na whicb occasion ha win be assisted by mstlnraiHted talent.

JCT Tickets to bo had at the principal Music Stores, and at law door on the evening of perror mane. Concert to eomiieoco at uo cinca. it Oslf CillLD. MAItY EPPABO or HEPPARIJ Jj li years old. ia September bad on when fuad, (eoraer of Wood and Lawrence streets,) a pirple ailk sun pan net, tnmme i wiiu green ganse; aa old cotton shawl, 1J yarda wide; domestie gingham frock, bias aad white stripe; au old pair or leather boots.

She statoa she was broiic nr up by her grand mother. Mary Patterson, at Milford, Deiawan her another, Mary Tuba, brought her from Delaware, thia sorine. aad livea beyond Frankford. She came to taeeitv oa Thursday. 10 tb last with her sister.

Ca tbahae Eppard sbesays her sister left her for a few minotes, but did ant return from 8 to 11 o'clock. I took her into my buse, and have ased much exor. tion so find her mother, witrmut success. Any information respecting the Child will bo thankfully re ceived at my house, no. kenue street It WM.

F. MfRPHY. DORTER BirrrLES. Jtc lOO gross best ttuart Ptrtir BtUlti. 2f da Pint damp shape.

1 S3 do. black and green Castor Oil Bottles. 8000 Demijohns, half.ono. aad two gallons. 31 nackaTS flint Glass Ware, rich cut.

Plaia and pressed Red Lead and Litharge, in kegs. Crown and common Window Glass. 50 crates Eartbeaware. For sale at reduced prices, by WM. M.

MUZZEY. m)41w Noo. 17 19 Miner street. A LAD wanted, from 14 to Id yeara of a go. ThTOTlCE.

All ft rsoas indebted to the Estate of J.1 goaannaa uoaaoH. late or Kensington, need, ara hereby requested to make payment, and all per sons having claims against aaid estate to preseat themforaettlemenito HENRY YEACER. Executor, corner of West and Crown Kensington. Philadelphia. May 12th, 1838.

3t TTUT1CE Aa the persons of the rre Otrmtn are 1 kaown. they will save tasmseives a rartner ex by returning the to counter ease of the rash Store. No. 79 North Second street. ml 4 It IN OTHING.

trr THIRD Hi STR KKT MAXIMO aad TRIMMIMO KM rORIUMTh subscribers will this day open a Store, at Na 3 South THIRD Street, for the exclusive purpose of MAKING aad TRIMING CLOTHING. Thia mole of Tailoring being the most eoo aomkal aa well as most satisfactory to easterners, wo respectfully invito those who wish Clothing to rive na a call, as wo feel confident they will not re mtft it Our annea are moderate, and all orders en treated to oar cars will bo punctually atteaded to, aad dona ia the best and most fashionable style, by ml4 McDONALD fc CROWLEY, Tailors. mTO LET A neat two story HOUdE, ia Slack llorit Alley, 3d house from Second at. with two rooms on a floor, hydrant in the yard, etc. Rant moderate to a small family.

Iaquire or James IHL.U ia ceiiowain street, moot nam Sixth at. north side. ml4 ROOMS TO LET. Several pleasant Xsr to IM. laauire at No.

41 N. bi a tu Street. 14 31 HORSE. CART AND HARNESS FOR SALE. AW Xrtt rets.

Apply at Ma. PROWER Stables, Na SIXTH below Market. ml4 3t THBY KNOW IT! Those who advocate tbe old mode of practice, aad who would ondtavor to make the public believe that Da. HIGBEE'S MEDI CINE worthy of ao more netke than the nostra ma of an empyric kaow that Dr. His bee reoeived his JhdUol IMpUmo in Uit tilt, and that for the last tea rears be has pursued tbe practice of his prefas aion in the Stale of New Jersey, where the laws require a rigid examination previooa to permiesion beisg given te prsctrse.

TXtf know that Dr. Higboa has sustained afMnblemished reputation, both pro fessionally and otherwise. Aad, more than thia, then tin that his Remedy (thoogh not called or pre tended to be a speeiQc) coatiaaes to restore to health those who bad been pronounced Incurable by tbir physicians, and whose cases must inevitably have preved fatal nnder the nsaal practice. Let h.i af flictvd rail, twfore it is too late, apoa Dr. 11 1G BEE.

at 37 N. FIFTH of opon ha Geaeral Areata. Htokee Ernwa. TXi MARKET and pr.xure this Remedy. before it is loo late.

aiIl 31 1 at at Winti. lirAltiblt WANTfcD. a Msita JMa. who VV Ma hrifi tHiuxitlitnakila testimonials OS to bis character aad competency to folOl tbo duties of the situation, tbo highest wares wiu oe given, ny ply at this office. i U4 3.

WAN 'ED aeral BOYS as Apprentices to tbo nk Medlar business. Apply at No. CEOIQK flret, 4th storf sntrtMce in uwri" wait, flrt coort aboe niith street. mm iw iirN rrui uuY about Id rears ol air. as aa Aaorent.M to the VtktUttrn busineu.

Such only as caa coihs well recommended need apply at 170 Baca street, or at En Bouih cvwend st. 7 FO 8ALB Aa Aonaratus for Bawinf Marble. It can be seen at ene of tbo absve places, aad will be Mild en ip. mt 3t IITANTED aw Brstiato CUHbtT MAKkkH, tot whom coHstant owinloyuient and the bish et nrlej a tkllt ho eiven. A SO.

1W lUUXTU TU MEM aa apprentices to the above business, and 3 to aaslwt in seiunj. Apply to mm. a i mni twen3dand4th. fwl3y 1ITANT8 A SITU AT1UN. A YOUNG MAN from the country, who has been enasyed for Bva years aa Aultmt Bultiman and Bk kttptr in aeiiiiBtfv stare, wants a situation In a DKY6O0DS TORE, or COUNTING HOU8K.

writes neatly an expeeitiously and. as employment is wamea, no will, fur a reasonable remuneration, devote his time and abilities exclusively to tbd interests of his am olever. Satisfactory reference can be riven. A lino addressed to C. at this office, will be immediately aiisuoeaio.

it. va The applicant's wriilnt can be seen at this omce. 1 T7 AN TkU At the rlllijADELf HiA INTCU LIGENCB. LAND and LOAN OPPICJS Raokkeenere. Clerks.Assistanta.

Boys and Porters la iifm AuiatSDta in tlui ('are. Darkeenera Waiters. Coachmen, Gardeners, Farmers, Agents, teachers, Ladies for utris rr Uhamaerssaias, unnes Nurses JeasMtresses: 15 Girls for Housework; Cooks, 3 Servanta to Illinois, New era. voruooi. ate wisni or euu ante, will apply at No.

51 SPRUCE Street. Like those wiilitnr enioiovnMai. U4 11 K. dub. ion ec trf Farms.

Lands, and City Property boaghter exchanged. Money loaned on mortgage, ace lirANTEai Airst rau WkulwighL Apply to VV STANWOOD at HKOLS, mil 3t Coach Makera, Frankford. 11 ANTKD A Man who is. experienced la Vpn inr and preparing them in the best mnnner mr use. una can uiaaa lui in a Bar weald be pteferred al the Iri ran 7'e vsm.

ia uaiiMwnill, corner otPfven.ns.. mn BOARDING. A Gentleman and Wile, and a few Single Centlemea, caa obtaia BOARDING ia a small family, where there are ao elilWrta. Terms moderate. Apply at ii VINE Street, below Second.

mv in 1 A RGB SALE OF PLANTS, IN POTS, rem XI klukit Dick's. H'utKiuigt. The SNbscrl bera beg to iufir their frienJa and the public that thev will have' their first sale for the season, on TUESDAY. Uih inst. at 10 o'clock, at M.

THOMAS BON'S, No. mi Cbesnut streeifip stairs, it win consist of 158 varieties of suprir Double Dahlias, ta pots; ver Dioeriiinf Hoses among whilo will be 50 Tea Rose varieties. Yellow isetts. Also, Camellias Cactuses, Geraniums, Daphnies, Xe. Ac.

The whole to be sold without reserve. ml 3t A BANK was received lor a BuiJvrunav. TER. on Saturday night lat. The owner can receive the same at No.

333 VINE Street, by proving property and paying charge of advertising. ml3 3t rnUKL'UEArKaT GOODS THAT WERE EVLIt 1 HEARD OF, The WESTXRM DRT GOODS STORE. Marrkt Strut, below Eighth, (soutb opens this morning a large lot or fates' ua. 100 piecca ricn riaia uingnams, an coinrs, at izt 900 do small figured French Chintzes, rij 75 do Sattin striped Painted Muslin, 16 110 do small flg'd satin striped do, 29 1 case 53 pieces neat small French Cbintx, 13 Kich andBatia itriped Muslias. 83 1 case small flsured Printed Lawns, the handsomest in city, only cents, worta 75 pieces Uaen Cambric Paiatod Lawns, oaiy 311, worth 75 cents.

3fl0 Men's rich Pongee only 56 cts. worth 81. 3 Plaid and Striped Muslins, only so cents. 1 case as. superfine Irish Linens, slightly stain ed, at half price.

75 pieces rich ft I'd aad plain Silks. ncca uiaca mnu biiiv niacn uiuut Rich colored Gro de Naples. 371 cents per yard. A large assortment of rich Chalys aad Mouralsine do Lai He; black and blue black Bombazines; Silk Stftckmis aad Gloves, of all colors, qualities and prices: richnrured and plain Satins, of all kinds: rich figured Rep Silks black Lace Veils; black Rait green liiond Veils; rich Trench needle worked uapes. Collars aad lamoiets; raney Hems Merino rwawis; Bload Laces; Satin.

Gauze and Mantua Rlboni; Cotton and Silk Hosiery, of all kinds rich Cheneal and nrosna nnawis. 'biw JUST RECEIVED, at the MXW CHIMA MTU HE, per last arrival from Liverpool. The subscriber would respectfully inform Families who were nap pot 11 ted in procuring a Bel of tho uui'KBUN Braiu CHINA TEA BETS, they can aowoDtain them Rt the usaal tow price of oer set, 40 piects. Also, a general assortmeat or TUtLcr which will be disposed of at very low prices. Kich Cat liiasa Casters.

5 Dottles, at Jfa nauai price 87. Revolving Cattora, 4 Battles, 87 cents 5 Bottles, 1 0 Bottles, $1 15, auperior to any artieie for tite price in the city. Heavy star bottom Tumblers, at at per aezea. Ground bottom Tumblers, at 75 cents per doaen with a general assortmeat of Cut and Plain GLASSWARE, at Factory prices. WILLIAM RYAN.

MV Market at. ttoors neiow ninin. mll 3t south side. A GOOD CHANCE FOR STOCKIXO MAKEUS. XV Tobeswid by Aactiea, THIS MORNING, the 14th at 10 o'clock, at Mr.

MAC Ultra AUC TIOM North Third street, 9 SUPERIOR STOCKING FRAMES. via: No. 1. S4 Gage 94 inehea wide, 124 Gaga 15 inches wide, 1 3. Gage Itt inehea wide, 1 4.

40 Gage 13 inches wide, English make. 5. 90 Gage Id inchea wide, German make. The above are all complete and newly made, and bat a short time in use. ALSO A lot of LooseiRoe.

Spools. Wrrbu aad Carriers, Xc Ac, la be seen at the Auction Store. iw TATTING WAREHOUSE. Ab. 48 MARKET St.

I'X three doers below Second street, aoath aide. The Mbecriber baa reoeived by the lateat arrivals from canton, a la rre supply or 9 4. n. 3 4. 7 8.

4 4. 44. 4 WHITB CANTON NANKIN MATTING; some of which ia of very auperior quality. 5 8, 4 4, COLORED do. do.

aad offers the same for aale at the Jswest uotkotpiittt, by the piece or yard. Cr Also, a Jot of SPAMISM MATTIMO and GRABS DOOR MATS for aala aa above. m7 9m T3ARGAINS! BARGAINS 1 1 JvlOfra tkt time AJ to Jay. Beiag a boa I te make somechanre in hia buaiaeoa, the auaecriber offers at COST hie exten aire assortment of rich Fashioaable JEWELRY, consisting of Ear Rlaga, Finger Rings, and Breasu nee. Silver Combe and raney Goods, at such prices as caa not fail to please.

AIm. a laire assortment of Tortoise shell, Braiettiaa, Mock. Mora, and Ivory uumuB, ot an ainas, at wnoiesaieand retail caaas, CHEAP for Caa ROB H. HINCKLEY, m7lm 74 North rVcoad at. above Arch.

FABIIIU 'VABLE ANIJ vILK I HATS. mLikt rttucem frit tf 94 to cu. warranted to be water proof, and to retain their color dad shape, to be durable and give the weareras permaaeatsatiffhetion aa tho heretofore enid at at. Also, rise Beaver, main, nam. Black aad Drab Raia, and all kudsof Fur HAT, of I superior quality.

Tbe subwriber is enabled 10 all the above prices inasmuch as bis purchases being maile with ah. and hie manufactory extensive. eoableshim to supply the public wholesale and mail those greatly reduce prices MlWlr, n. corner or Tlurteentb and Market ata. mlS lm to npiin ATRF.

CHICf aiT tiiieet Tiill EV ENIKU, Wsy wtll bo presented (by PAUL PKY. Pry, Mr. BrtonOt). Hsrdyi wit. aunner rrana uarur, mr.

uoaner CJUa, Miis Fisher Mrs. Kubtle, Mrs. Broad. 1 Tbs Orchestra will perform a new fancy OtlUfadc to conclude witn ine amusiiif enteriilmuent of BARBERS AT COURT Kins Charles. Mr.

liar rington Maximus Burtue Msjnus iioi(aein. Mr. i nsrer uuecn, mra. inayer ca manna, kiss rinrr. A UERICAIf MUSECMf mw aCHESNUT A ana nr.

M. LAST WEEK BUT ONE of the preseat Exhibi, tion, eonsistirtgof tho following celebrated Dmrnmic and Panoramie Bpoetacleaj View of the City of fimti vrtp Brent, by Resell Smith; View near Fit tf PkilaJtlpki, by Mr. R. Smith. The fniertainmenu of tbo evening to conduce with the Panoramic fpectaclo or the I CONPI.ACKATION OF htC)tH)W.

Uniform price of admission to tho Mvsasxi and Children uodf.r 10 years of age, whvn accompanied their rarenu or Guardians, nair price. aw ir Kxmhitinn commences every even I nr. mj ciocr, OXOVAL. WM. P.

OKDDKA lias HEMOKED IV his KOOK and JOB PRINTING OPPICB to No. 119 CHXSfUT Sinn nuance from Hud son's allay. mI23t TKMOVAL JOIIN HOWLANU, WUfU AMD LIQUOR MKRCMfT, hss removed his Counting House from No. 7 South 8ecnd street to No. 0 South FRONT Street, between Cbesaut and Wal nut streets.

mlS lw COPPER, TIN amp ZINC RUOFIAG. WM. FOWLER being thankful for past favora, re spectfslly inform his friendsaad the public in general, that ka baa rsmevvi Tram his Old Established stand, 194 North Second street, above Race, to M. 130, Cm Dmt Ab. where he has on hand a largo as sortraeat of HOUSE HEADS, PIPE and CUTTER TIN, and a general assortment of TIN and JAPAN TV arc, au or which te will dispose or on the lowest terms.

Being fully experienced in the abovelme, he woaid invite owners and builders to call ana ex amine for themaelvca. All orders will be iaimediate ly attended to, aad ar low aa ay other establish, went in the city. ZINC of the best quality constantly on hand. WM. H.

FOWLER, 126 North Second street, above Race, Pbilad. mlteod3m READER Should yoa have occasion to test the beneicial effect of Dr. HIGH EE'S NEW SYS TEM OF PRACTICE, you will unite with the writer of this ia aaying thai a Medicino more mild, more safe, and more efficient, has never come to your knowledge, than Dr. Higbee's REMEDY for tVL MOMAkY named from iu peculiar and astonishingly efficacious effjets in Consumptive complaints. Yet, by reasa of ita prompt affects ia removing obstructions, soothing irritation, allaying fever, and calming mwbid excitement; not less eta carious in every other form of Chronic Disease re quiring tho use of a Febrifuge and Deobstraent, Tbia Rsmrdy may be ektained of Mr.

HIUBEB am self, at 37 North FIFTH Street, first door aoove Cherry street, lower and of Stokes fc Brown, Merchant Tailors, Market street, below minia, aouih mil 3t CARD The aabscriaer having taken a large, con venient and pleasant near the Frankford Turnpike Road, three miles from the city, where the Stages paa daily, would be hap by to receive into hr family fcJUHT or 1 CHILDREN, ao BOARDERS, from 4 to 19 yeara of age. where t'iey can attend a good School daily, free flrom charge, and every attention paid to their toiaa ners and habita. N. B. Terms reasonable.

For further inforraa tion aleaso apply to tbs sabacriber. mil it tinami mi i. GOI.IJ annSILVEB PATENT LEVER, LEriNC, REPEATING aab PLAIN WATCHES, Jt) A BALE CHEAP, al Mi MARKET Street, 8. W. corner FAgktk The subscriber has constantly on hand, which he will sell at very Huee prices, handsome assortment of Geld and Silver Patent Lo vor.Lepine.

Repeating and Plain Watches; Jewelry of various kinds, consisting of Ear rings, Finger noes. Breast ias. Lockets. Miniature Cases, Keys, Seals, Chains, Ac Silver Table aad Tea Spoons, Su rar Tonts. Soup Ladles, cops, fee Gold and silver Pencils, Thimbles aad Spectacles, to suit persons of all agca, together with a great rariety or lancy am dee fm9 eodSm! THOMAS F.

ALBRIGHT. N. B. Clocks and Watches carefully repaired and warranted. Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange, "10t.D ahb SILVER SPECTACLE MAN (if AC TORY.

Mt, 1Mttth SECOND Street.tppteit tkt tig vtk Camtl Tern lias alwaya on baud an assortment of SPECTACLES, with GUwtee to tuit tU tirkte, wholesale and retail, at lower prices than caa be had elsewhere, and warrantee to a 01 tne best OMSIily. Also. Jewelry of all descnptlona, Bil ver Table and Tea Spoons, German Silver Spooae, are. a9l eodSral J. uwem ac tu.

N. Spectacles repairtd and Glasses changed LOOK at THIS. As it is something of importanoe to yung men to be both fashionable and economical at tbe same time, tbe subscriber would inform his friends and the public that ha has Just received the SUMMER FASHIONS, and is prepared lo lur nish Materials, or Make and Trim Garmenta, at the most reduced prices, for cash. Frock Coals made and Trimmed, at 87.00 Dress Coats, fashionable gilt buttons, or silk, OO Do. do.

lasting buttons, mi Pants and Tests. 1.50 Those favoring me with their patronage may de Bead 11 Don having good flu. and their wont well done, at the Southeat corner of Second and Almond (a2 lmJ WM. L. HIRST, Tailor.

STEAM FEATHER RENOVATOR. We, the subscribers, have reeeatly witnessed the reno vating and purifying effecta of Mr. GRIFFITH'S PATENT STEAM FEATHER RENOVATOR, and most cheerfully rtcemmend the same te public notice. The very uvtdtrtit tktrgt. and the great benefit derived, should induce every one wishing to have their Beds cleaned, to submit the Fearhers to (be process submitted by Mr.

Griffith, aad Bill satiafac tiea will be given. Establishment at ITS BACK STREET, three doors above Fifth, south side, aad 33 South Seventh street, 4 dears below Ctieenut. Robert Moore, M. No. 151 aoutn reurta street.

Charles D. Meiga. M. No. 3t34 Chesaut street.

David Lapelcy, No. 87 Cheenut atreet. Joseph B. Lapeley, No. Ill Chesaut street.

Caot. J. P. Jeffries, No. 223 cbesnut street, next door to tbe Masonic Hall.

a7 3m WUOD CLOCKS A consignment ot warranted first rata W0D CLOCKS, at astaaisbingly low prices, Just received and for sale at wholesale or retail, by A. W. THAYEB. a4 tf Wo. Church Alley.

COTTON DOMESTIC GOODS 5000 Pieces heavy Cotton Domestics, eeaaisting of a' variety of stripes aad plaia colors, twilled Pittsburg Cord, West End. inecRS, naitfs ana voroa ouiubio ior the Southern and Western trade for which tbe Manual Labor Bank notes, and others cuireat ia thia city, will be taksa in payment. For aale by J. O.ttKJ. W.

LMUll, m21Sawtf Nos. 1. 141 A 143 N. Second st COPAL VARNISH JiO bbls. Arst quality Copal Varaish, ia half and whole barrels, for sale low.

Manual La but Bank Nolee takea in Ap ply to J. B. A C. W. DYOTT, mui sawtr moo.

uii. iti tt ij n. secona iu AliDKIL lOHbis. Madder iuat reoeived. RHd ilA for aala low, for Manual Labor Banx notes.

AppIv to J. B. A C. W. DYOTT.

mci 2awtt Nos. 139.141 st 143 N. Second st VESSEL WANT1 Toeatry COAL to Saeo, Porumoutk, Boston, Fall River, Taunten. and Somerset, during tbe pea sun to toad oa the Delaware or Schuylkill. Apply W.F.ISRAEL.

No. 67 Staih Third aU near St. raul a Church. trs Lebifh and Schuvlkill COAL, frr sale by the cargo aad a Scales for Weighiag Coal on board of vessels. rm Awetlom SJavtee.

BT Actrs ta ciixsMur Bruit r. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, FANCY GOODS. Af imim M.rAJtJJii i rim vnut 004.) BALES OF IIOUSEUOLD FURNITURE, At I Would respectfully lafsraa Jlnttlutferi and tho public, that 1 Will attend to Sales of rarta. mcw ar unn.

Of other Onl Vr atss. at the short est notice, on low terms, aad effect a spevdy srtUo aiext with owaera. Orders left at Hie AueHeo Stosa. V5 Chesaut will receive im mediate attention. By Aa IC MOORE dkv CO.

Aatctrfa. PMiLAOKLrniA Bazna. 38 40 DOCK STREET, Secead, west a) xmg MORNING, at 11 a clock. 1 Puttie 8U ef Omaisasss. Jmnuu.

Pi vo new and spleneid two homo Omnimisos, Anishod ia first rata aiyie. Also, several lota of second band liar hesa, to be sold, without reserve, to the hichest bid der. 'Terms at aale. 0 BY TU ItYNEBIAN. Auefra 833 MOATH SECOND BTJlEKT, aosoa Fla.

THIS MORNING, alt o'clock. Bale hi Oriet tf Samuel Mmlkmnt. Ltm Office of ine tnnty ei rtiiianeiDhla. A area and valuable assorimeni ni soriviice uepoeitci, consisting or aoo gold levers, lepinea, silver levers, and other watches: clothing, musical instruments, China, aad many QUO, VV. SMITH.

XwcVr, SOUTH STREET. ketmttntHetU mmd TUri THIS MORNING, at VI Ptwnhrektr't SU tf WuUktt. Jemelrv. Ftuci Ar (terse, annf aao suuwur uoUis. At the auction store, caisisiina; of coals, pantaloons, ladies' dresses and dreaa patterns, cold and ailver watches, musical instruments, fancy articles, Ac The whole to 00 sold without reserve, bv order of Aaroa M.

Dropsie, No. 954 North Third street, above Brown. tdT For particulars, set United States Gazette aad rennsyivaaiaa. ml3 9t JABIKS CLARK. Amet'r.

CORMEktf FIFTUmnd SOUTH STREET. THIS MORNING, at 9 o'clock. A Urge sjitrtmeut tf Umrtdetmtd PcaW Con sisting of cloth frork, sartoal and tight bedyeoata and roundabouta; panulooaa aad veaia; coat and pantaloon patterns; tinea and cotton shirts: boots and ahoes; stocks aad handketcbiefs; ladies' ailk, merino, bombazet, chintz and calico dresses and dress patterns; merino. crape, silk and other shawls; petticoaia, veils and capes) white counterpanes, quills, spreads, sheets, tablecloths, bolster aad pillow eases, towels, bed and window curtains, umbrellas, and almost every other article in the clothing lino, which will be aald in lota suitable for dealers and tho public in general. mlU3t POTATOES I POTATOES I Just recti ved, a lot of 930 Bushels superior Mercer and Foxito Po tatooa, which will bo sold Um fir cask, at tbe well knowa Store.

N. W. corner of TWELFTH WOOD Streets. FOR 8A LIS Tkt btttk mud Fnturtt tf GROCERY, at "private sale, as the proprietor intends removing to the West. Possession will he givea immediately.

Inquire at tbe eoraer of Duke and rroni atreets, no. 340. mt at TEETH I TEETH 1 1 Da. Canzaea, DntiU No. 70 CUESMUTStrttt.

between Second and Third sts. Hours of attendance, from 9 o'clock to li, A.M. and from 2 to 5, P. M. Mornings aad eveninga1 at his former residence, 79 BROWN 8L Ladies and gentlemen from a distaaps will Una It to theii advantage to call, as their business will ho promptly attended to, at the shortest notice.

Letters from a distance mutt be pott paid. mfi lm pi HEAP! For FIVE DOLLARS eny KJ caa always be bought at the Store of the sub scriber, a neat and beautiful CLOCK, warranted (tVr one year) lo keep good time aad to atrike tbe hour. Also, low priced Eight Day Brass Clocks. $15 $18. Also an elegant new atyle Clock with Musical Bulla aad Looking glass, at ti, (usual price $19 The subscriber is determined to supply the publie with Clocks at torn prieet, and will exchange aay Clocks sold, if they do not prove good, and if he cannot produce a good article, mtu refunt tat money.

N. B. Store open till IS o'clock in the evening. ROBERT H. HINCKLEY, m7 1m 74 North Second st.

above Arch, EIPEK'8 GRANITE. The Subscribers have at their stout Ttrt at the S. w. comer of Hcbayl kill Third and Market etreu. a quantity of extra dressed Curbstone.

Ashler, Flatforme, Steps, Window Bills, Lentils, rosts, and are ready to auppijrall kinds of dimension Stone, tbe quality of which they request the public to call and examine. They are also prepared to furnish Foundation, Select, Building and Common Curbstone, In any quantity, at tbe shortest notice. Ordera will be received, and Infor mation given, by Robert Murray, at tbe Yard, or at their Store, No 874 MABKET St. mt lm GEO. G.

LEIPER A BROTHERS. OAKD. MADAME DUatAR, thankful far past fa vors.respecifwlly bega leave to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Philadelphia, that she haa removed from her former residence 10 a anre commodioaa dwelUng, No. 5 LYNDA LLS ALLEY, between Lo eust and Walnut, and 12th and 13th streets where she will be happy te aoive all questions relative te Journeys. Lawsuits, Marriages.

Dreams, Loesee, Gaina, and all lawful business, Sickaese and Death, mre lm riAL'SiS AND LFBCT. 7'k CAMOMILE end FAMILY APERIENT PILLS, manufactured by Dr. WM. EVANS, of New York, do not requirp his explanation or their acknowledged emcacy; for the most eminent physicians throughout tbe United States will freely, if applied to, elate tbe reasons which have induced them to recommend them so extensively and warmly as they do. Physicians, moreover, see that they are not offered to the public open any quack theory or purifying tae blood, to tne utter destruction or the stomach and bowoie.

ruriry the blood from all diseaaed humors, they andeniably do; but not by destroying those viscera by which alone the blood can ae sustained they do not Puri rr MEN to GHOSTS, and make them look like be lags too refined to remain long ia thia world but they make them as human as passible, aad fit them to encounter tbe hardships aad fulfil tbe occupations of a sublunary life. The FAMILY ArERIENTPlLLB, if tbe stomach be affected with wind, bile, or coated colleeliena, clear it oat by a natural but almoat ia aeasible solvent action, and cleanse tbe whole all meatary canal without griping, aad leaving it as free, without debility, as nature ever designed it te be. They DO NOT take off the akin of the stomach and bowels, and leave them like a piece of rod oelcet. as all physicians know the strong drastic Pillado; but they take Nature by the head without crushing her fingers; they cleanse the system without im pairiag or injuring aay parts. Vfhea thia ia effected, aa it usually is, by the use of a few of the FAMILY" APERIENT PILLS, thea come tbe celebrated CAMOMILE or TONIC PILLS, to atreogthen tbe stomach and be we la, which perbapa were weak and foul, and thus endow them with strength te perform thsir important functions without tbe aid of physic.

Tbe CAMOMILE FLOWER, when its valaabfe pria cipleo are chemically extracted, haa bee a acksow lodged by an pbjrsieiaas, in every age, to be the best Vegetable Tonic known ia tbe science of medicine. The efieete of these Pills are not oaly perceived ia aa increase of appetite aad geaeral health, but la a restoration of the system to that aniveisal vigor, in all ita functions, which iadicatee tbe return to perfectly aound health; tbe face aad general complexion apeak volumes in their favor, and thousands of FEMALES caa teatify how much they have eontri baled to their comfort, their complexion, and their strength, vvtjj every ether remedy bad pravod worse than useless. In nerveaidiseaaus of lit kinds, tbay are now aekaowledged to be pre eminent, gradually restoring AnarieM to tbe body and mind, without those annoyances and changes which other Bsrvous remedies occasion. For further particulars of the efficacy of tbia InvalsaVle Medicine, the public are particularly directed to tbe different certiorates ia anuther part of thia paper, which amy be uVpeaded upon for tbeii strict and acknowledged truth. Tbe purchaser, nowevrr.

should oe ireful to set them gtnuint at theGENEKAL DEPOT, 10 N. EIGHTH Street, or of authorized Agenta. aald lm COFFEE! COFFEE! I COFFEE 1 1 1 ROASTED COFFEE te be had fresh every moraiugat the' Old Established Coffee Factory. No. Zt BRANCH Street.

Tho Groeera th with to purchase Roaat on Loaee at price eorresponning witn timae cnargoa call at my Factory, aa I will sell at cost, charging only oae cent par poaad tot Roasting. Great advantages are gained by my tmprnei ma tbod of roasting, not only by increasing the sales but that rich flavor aad exhilarating quality of tho Coffee ia preserved ia perfection. Families wonld find it better and cheaper ta boy plan, via. raasn and watt, roasts. BJ" Call bad examine foryoarselvea.

Coffee aow la Store Fine Old Java, Maraeaibe Laguayra. Rio. St Domingo, Cuba, Ac. BNCES. Whole and Ground Pepper, Cinnamon.

Ginger, Rice, Cloves, Jtc ls MUSTABD. Englishaad Americaa Mustard, ia b4tls, jars aad ksgs. 1 tf 1 Fresh Irish and Bethlehem Oatmeal; Roasted aad Croand Cofioa carafulry packed for exportation. T. CAMPION, i r.

B. Remember the Old Stand, Ne. 94 BRANCH Street, above Third and Race streets. me Sw. riv KOMB EDITORS, AND TO THuSE WHO 1 WILL UNDERSTAND: To Insult doea net re quire a great deal of genius, but to cure diaease requires sense enough to acknowledge a Tr.aa Pai cine, and talent enough te make a medicine to put itin practice.

1 The following statemeata from tbe most respectable of the LeKPon Farias, ia soma evidence of tae' high eatimatioa Brandretb'a Pilla are held in and those mean Editors who, from irtirrbtrp mo Tivas, have endeavored to do the character of the Pilla injury, may aow try to prove these noticea are, aet genuine but their ahafu of malice will he ana vailing. Mr. BRARPRrra rtftrt Mr. Wright 1 tutl tute atent, "The most popular and highly appreciated medi cine in tbe naval and military circles is aa invent 110a or mr. vrsndreioi, anowa aa Braaorotn a nil.

This awdiciae ia deservedly spokea of as aa excellent eorreetive, aAer the iadulgeaciea of the table, threaten and produce those unpleasant next morning's which never fail to annoy, worry, aad perplex the ton eicaat." Londoa Ktaa dard. Brtuirttk't PiOt.kt aa Rdmirable domestie mediciar, these pilla sannot be surpassed. Ia board, ing schools, ia the neighborhood of the metropolis, they have been introduced by their respective pro prietors, with tbe moat happy results." Herald. Brandretb'a Pilla, which have attained a celebrity ia tbe Aanala of Physic' unequalled in ancient or aiouVrn timea, have performed raeh astoHishiag cures that numbers of the faculty have publicly re corded their opiniena of their wonderful bealta rsstoring we feel both pleaaure and satlsfactioa ia recom mending to all our readers Brandreth'a Vegetable Pills, as the moat certain, most safe, and invaluable mediciae extant." Times. We have Just heard of a most surprising euro ef fected by Brandreth'a Pilla.

Tbe party te whom wo allude waa en the very verge of the grave, when fortunately aba waa induced to try the effect of Dr. Brandreth'a Universal Medicine, and the result waa her speedy restoration te perfect health." BeU'a Old Weekly Messenger. "All who value their health will do well to make trial of Brandreth'a Vegetable PilU." Weekly Po lice Gazette. "As aa aati bilious and aperient Pill, we believe them to be as far before all others, as the travelling upon the Manchester railroad ia to the two mile per hour jog trot of one of Fickfbrd's stage wagona. Weekly Despatch.

The use of Brandretb'a Pilla will prove of great value in the preservation of that invaluable binning, health "(Globe. Brondrtth't Pi lie. We have had submitted to ua a list af cares they have performed, which are Iral miraculous." True Sun. "aTrendrsU'a Piilt.TM tcitimoniaia wo navo bad submitted to us. ia favor of thia admirable medi cine, folly justify our speaking of licet Pills in terms of the highest Londoa Free Press.

Mrrom tne amaaing number 01 testimonials w' have oeen in favor of Br, Brandreth'a Vegetable, Pills, we feel eatisQed they will become the moat popular medicine of the present day." Gloucester Chronicle. .1 We cannot do less than call the attention of our readera te Brandreth'a Vegetable Pilla, which are or extraordinary emcacy ia the cure of most of the 'ilia that flesh is heir (Yorkshiremaa. An excellent remedy for bile, indigeatien, lose of appetite, nervous affections of tbe head, ice. will he found ia Dr. Brandreth'a Pilla, aa established vegetable medicine of upwaida of eighty yeara' stand ing." Greenwich, Woolwich and Depiford Gas.

The component parts are entirely vegetable, and as a remedy for bile, sick headache, and nausea et the atomacb, it would be difficult to find its cquRL" Leeds Timea. "The medicine ao universally known as 'Bran dreth'a Pills, has performed such extraordinary cures in numerous confirmed cases, that maay medical man are ia tbe daily practice of prescribing it to their patients, and with perfect success. I sua. Brandreth'a Pilla, aa original vegetable an ti bilioua medicine, ia well deseiving tbe attention of those of our readera who may be suffering from bile, nervous affections of the head, and in nil eases of iBdigestion." New Weekly True Sua. trl One thinir is most imperunt either to pro cure GENUINE PILLS, or to procure NONE.

The emit toft wtw ia to procure none except at my own Offices, 43 CHE8NUT 8treet, and at the Principal Omce, 8 North EIGHTH Street. It is bot aara to aao aay Pilla, evea of Agenta, unless they can produce a New CaaTtncATa, dated 8th of May. 1838. and aigned 1 U. BRANUKKTH, M.

oeis rrtprteur, ana ml2 lm BRANCH GREEN, PHueipoJ Agent. r) THE PUBLIC MORE PROOFS of the emcacy of Dr. WM. EVANS'S CAMOMILE TONIC and FAMILY APERIENT PILLS. Mr.

Joshua Swaia, Cape May County, N. effectually restored to health from tbe followiag distressing symptoms; Extreme debility, attended with constant pain ia the uiit. back and limbs: giddinees and dimassa of eight: sickness at the stomach I impaired appetite; difficulty of breathing; great pressure aad weight at the atomach after eating; depression of spirits eoldaese and weakaese of the extremities; flying; pains in the cheat eosliveness, and other symptoms not necessary to eaaeaerate. Mr a. Swaia, wife of the aforesaid Mr.

Swain, has also been restored to health by tho above invaluable medicines. Her symptoms were, Nervousness, headache, pal a ia the aide, looa of appetite, distaroea resi.eruciaiioos, Ac The public are hereby informed that their motived for making thia declaration are, that otbera afflicted with like symptoms may receive information of, aad be cured by the same iaeetimabie modi sine. r3ftflteerr the sale of thia Modiciae No. it EIGHTH Street. Philadelphia, where many testimonials of the aaoat respectable per sea testifying cures ejected by the aaedioiae, may he see a.

my Ma W1NBS. X0 Pipes Dae flavored Madeira It half pi pea of pale gold and brown 8berry do. Muscatel do. TeaeriSe 10 do. Lkaoa 50 do.

Malaga 38 do. fine Old Port, for which Maaaal Labor Baak aotea, and others current ia the dty, wilt be taken ia pajmeat. For aale by i. a. at v.

v. um mil Sawtf Noo. 139. 141 A 143 N. Second at.

AnfuTi Packages Dnigrisu' PACKING BOTTLJU 1UIAJ an(i shof FLRNITt'RE, from the Djott vifle Factories, for which Manual Labor Baak aotea will be received ia pay01 Apply 10 J. B. A C. W. DYOTT, mtl Sawtf Noo.

OH. 141 A 143 N. Second at. 30.000 Dozen SYRL'P and OIL BOTTLES, of superiat quality, the Dyottvilte Factories, for which Manual Labor and otbee Bank aotea current in the city, win be received in payment. For sale by J.

B. A C. W. DYOTT. mil Sawtf Noa.

130. hi 142 N. Beroud st. HATTfctU' BILK PLLBii 4000 yarus s.perior quahiy Stlk Plush, Just received, and is ouVred in lots lo sait purchasers, for which Manual Labor Hank aotea will be taken in parment. For sale by J.

Jt C. W. DYOTT, m21 Sawtf Nos. IX). HI A 11? N.

Second st..

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