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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 8

Indianapolis, Indiana
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FUTURE FOB TliE JTEBUHBAll TROLLEY NEW YORK WILL SOON BE COW' N'ECTED WITH BOSTON. MEfi OF CAPITAL AND FAITH jrK7 TOr.K. Jun il In a fcjii down br. Court oi" Appeal Authority. far as tha UtuWi ar 'cofccemed, for what Is to tbe first of hlgh grad electric railroads glv ilr.g communication, tbrougb entrance Into SNew Tar city, with Important lowti (that, may many away.

For tfcer la co d'Aitt that the of the icjisea lions of law which Lave hitherto 'tricut' this plan will make It polbI Ifor th large capital that is intereVel In jthie propoiU' a lmtnedlatalj to construct the rovj and spaeoily to extend It so Jthat there may be In th coum of a few 'years a true electric. railway trying ccm emulation between New Torli and lioe jton, vv'h iner this greater Inte rvrtrao plan tettered Id to ta original purg oa of tU railway corporation not. It cr 'ItalAljf became a part of the plan aa soon it; waa 'LaowVeretfl that by th ua of sleel rsli con'iuctor of electricity and ty 'the fin development of elec trio ap for driving train at high speexl, Jeiertntlty eouU nse4 to cotuavlrcial profit for greater unuertaklbgg than toer city transportation, i How w.l it itam railway corpora 'tltrm forafW the dangerous cornpailtlon 'which thja employment of eiactrlcity wbi I 'crraut ta proved by tba vnn3nr anl 1 iicy with wilch tha New York 4c iNew Hrn ha opposed In tha eourta Ln itft iufil' ipaUUea and In every way po eibla tba ga.iigjAtia of this corporation. Foresaw Great ProflL Tha promotera of tha plan, cot any ''of thKn' man at that tliha well known, i Woro tf tha opinion that If they could conatruot a iwrf cU4 alectrio railroad adaptad to tha transportation of cara at a high rata of apd from tha Harlem 'rtrarto tba Connecticut boundaxr Una at tha' JJyrum rlvaC they would not only 'obtain immadlataly moat profltaUa 1 traClo, but would la poaealon of a 'frauchJ and an 'operated road that wuukl la a few yeral earn anormouaty iupon, tha capitalixation, if that wara hot axriiaiva. for tha dlatriot tbrouh which it Is proposed to conatruct thU road la in part that uonsUtuetit of tha city of New fork winch, la tha borough of tha Brona.

and whScUfla baiinved to ba axowina mora rap Uly ih population and to hava a proportionally larjrer lnveatnanf of capital for taittdlna; and other axanatona ihaj any community In tha United. tttates. Tha population In this borouajh is now eatl rnitied at ttaarly JOO.ouw. If It wr tn inlipervlt niunlclpUtty It ba, with a city of New Tork Pttata of Jiia lifat claaa. It therefor furnUhes in opportunity for Ikrtre locai tranaporta tloii to md from Manhattan eU within lta own twuiidarlea.

i It will not be dlfllcult when this road la I built to extend It practically In an ail line acroaa Connactlcut by way of Hart tlioaca to Worcester, and fron. that port to Uojtton The Pfrslstent promoters. The promoters of this prJat mat With many dimhultiea in tha way of tha timidity of cUpltai. ths obatrucUnf in fiaent'a'of potrarful corporatlona as th ir promoter of ta New Ilaran railroad ayar i tern, did Itaem when ha planned a steam to connect New Haven with New jYork. Ilia son, NVllliam D.

Ulahop. now jonw of the uiractora of tha New JlaYen. Irnuat aiill hava vivid recollcriiona of th 'l arlaterioy and couraa with which hla father brat down obatacls after obatacl and ooaxed capital out of Ha ttmlJtty. aa iho yjjunr iiinhop rocantly acted with tothers of th New Haven ayaiara who l.v oppomxil thin eleotrla road. Probably It was not untu 'through tha JMmonin and tnferentialiy throun that bauku.a; firm, tha ltothachllJa.

that capital from mla.ii waa iironuaed, and after that When th impreitatva Hirur of John U. AIclonaltl. who la apeedily to deliver, If labor troublea permit, the rapid transit system of Manhattan and tha lirorix to th. curporation which will operate It, thai It twtin to no discovered 11 vat this waa no Lickmalllri schem. as on or two ether ttMiii railway I'ropoaitlon through that territory were found to hava been, bull that It waa In Una with lha now very ap "Tiarent tendency to duplicate or parallel atiAjn railway ayatema by highly IwotrV Dr.l ranroad llnwa.

It waa aeen aa soon aa the mat promoters had brought tha liel inonta and John 1. Mclxnald Into com panlonnhlp that tha conat ruction of this I road really meant an extenlon of th raptd transit lyitum of Nw ork to tha Connecticut boundary, and to Host on, Evidence of Good Faith. Our railroad commissioners were asked to pasa.upoQ tha propoettion, and they went at once to: tha heart of It by inslst Ine.thHt 'it must ba shown, lirat, that it was from tha englneerliitf point ot rlw fensibl, and second, that It waa under taauti in good faith. No waa met with in pai muidititf this board ita feaei btiity. Tb ablest electrlo engineers tU i Ccd to tho marvela that scienca has tiont of lato in porlectlng apparatus and enutpincnt by which highly electrified rail way ytont cau ba ateiy and proiitably oiHratod.

1 'lley toatlfled that" railroad of this kind, equipped with tiie moat perfect electric Mpparn.tuA. wttU lta roadbad con structrd ho aa to nitft tha atandard anted by tha iVinylvanla, without grade croalnira, ir any aharp curvea or IvAswy gradM. would be able to operate at Iaxsi 4() trains a d.ty. running safeiy 2 at from fifty to alxty miles an hour, and could eally transport paanvn gr. Tl at nie.tnt that from the Connactlcut bouud xry to the, Harlem river not mora than 'twenty lnutea' timo wouKt bo required, whereas now tha steam roads are arly thrvtquartera of an hour In maWlTiK that.

trip. It aiao aiunt that by rtM.iin of economy la tha operation that wuKl br poibl, the jprloe of trans ports tiou be profltabfy made 'much than that charged by ih New Haven read. Proved Feasible. ThU tonded. to show not only tha me chanical and sclentlno feasibility tha pl.ui.

but aUo that it contained reaaona tlo fiivaiidai promlao andj therefore, la erfctiatty rould lx expected to tempt to its support capital. Next, th commissioners had sufficient dotuotitrauon of Cite entire favor with wluVh the plan re raxded. not only by thrt inunloitialltloa throuah which the road to when built, but also by. tne HpIo. tvery munioijpaJ body, such a ai.liTitianic or vtliaaa' trusitewa.

haa granted all of the rijthts needed, aucb aa u.o make it poaathie to croaa the etreetji. lng assured that at no place there bo a crossing tho ytreet at ktsiJ.v Tho N'w iork lloard of. Alder nu not yet rasaed uixm tha aprll ritN n. but th in no doubt that it will that vera My. Sj dtd the ra.I'.road commission era gram an ilcation that It was arnt that must have been not bat a'ro so etronrly lm by ita feasibility that thvy rave in, i position not tnereay perrunotory, but approvai.

Thn there waa left rotH iR1 but the courts. riia beinic r.iiij tho technicaJ wonimg of a 1 obnoleta statuto, and court ai't court ha ao paaevl uivn thla law as Justify tha corporation la unilertak i 1: ir lta project, ao tar aa tha statute la ant row the Court of Appeals ctermined th Questloa beyond fur trier Carry Freight Profitably. of the toremoat of those who vt crvctricity comrferclally ar the opinion ttat within a few years there will iten tlevcioruietit of tha third rail l.i'.'r arlHin electric railroad which will ir in raasr.Uudtj tha develop of loc.U trollty fyatcms. The fac it 'thfse ds can te C'trimerclally em 1 ye I tor tha trMri.prtation of ftvlsht tt ii rf tin lntervirb.m ctsaracter has i rtrattl ln this citv throueh ititiri of the electric ril are writ f3r yons3 tha bosndajiea Nfw York, to tie.iver suca pare: or freight aa the express cotniani handle. A lew am the iate Charles P.

Clark. pre.rst of tha New York; A New flavtn Teriturl to predict tfaf tn tUyLof tie BtiUx frion of elec tricity icr Ui 01 can tot mertiy la cl'J but btaa i nt hand. Arid be rrovfod t. fatta by and tart I of tne t.rancn lice conoeciM wnu Haa uyif m. two of tbta by ror.ji of th tr'l rail cotda and otj by the overhead trolit y.

Wlawver nsay hara brf tha exprlenc tJawh re wita tfc vte of ctncity a for iteam, tnat thasge rlrn complete satis taction to lr. Nw liau nt. While not a fair comparison If tha recer.t ipnence of tk rv atd raliroada of ilanhattaa waa rsJrcd to in cor.nL2on ni tna icictriJ'LnB; of ateaan aurlace roaa. yet tba usv of A hicJily lectrt3ed steel rail conductor for tnan a yar uiwn theaa aya'ema haa rln rea ulta tbat far la xce of th xpectationa of tho nto tirgrd. Mr.

Ooid anl Mr. Hae to iertrlfy tha elevated arstem. ialneaa haa been featly iTicreaaed. vhertii tha coat of operating haa been relatively reduced. Great Development PromfsecL If the teat that la now tinder war tha ar.thracita coal region throiigh tha oj of th hlgUy electrized railroad ayatem tha ateal rail aa a conductor la aaUafactory, and if tha ea pec tatSona of thoaa who ara now permitted to conatruct a hlfuy: lactrllled railroad wita tha ftl rail corwlurtfr atretchln from tha Harlem rirfcr th Connecticut boundary ara thn Jt may be ac cptad aa certain that In tha near future thara whl ba an enormoua tnveatnjent of capital ln electrized lnterurban ayateina.

oarUlitiva far the expansion of which em to be mlted only by tjija biundarea of tba United btaiea. IISS STONE TO TRY AGAIN. 8 ha will Co Back to Turkey to Corv tlniis Missionary Work. fJEW TOKK, June 29. Ellen M.

Ston. whoae senna tlonal axperienca among brig aids In Macedonia earned for her. worldwide ctlebilty, is' about to return to Turkey and resume her missionary labors there. Miss Stona wss captured by the brigands tn September. and held prhtoner for six months in th heart of the 'Balkan peninsula.

Th ranaom demanded for her releaae was SllO.uuu. Tha actual amount paid waa J72.0O. Uu her return to Turkey, according to th cretary i of tba Hoard of Foreign Mlaaiona. Aliaa Btona will find the mia elonary path rougher than ever. Since her adventure In ths land of tha Sultan tha TurkUah government haa thrown new obatacie In tha way of C'hrlatlan evangelists.

Quit recently tha Turkleh censors at Cotiatanllnople objected to the word 'Macedonia" In the Turkiah translation of the Hlble, saying that it waa polaJfy offenalve In St. Paul a KpUue to tha TheeaalonUina. They ordered that tha word "Macedonia" be a ub muted by tha words "Vllayeta (provinces) of Ha lonica and Monaatir." LEE GOT THE MONEY. Former Lieutenant Governor Say It waa Not for Boodle. ST.

IXIUIS. Juna 29 John A. Lee. formerly Lieutenant Governor of Mla souii. has given out a statement In which ba says that he had received 1.000 from tha American Sugar Refining Company and from tha American Tobacco Company, but says that th money was not for boodle.

says the money wss paU by tba sugar company for printing and that tha tobacco money was sanit by attorney Fulton, of. Chicago, for csonpaign expenses ln 1900. air. iee aoaa: "nvi ago i waa on frlanrflv 4 Mr ma with metuhera of tha lir gett Myers Tobaoct Co. I wrbter tha obHuaxles of some of them and bodatad Other when tney got I waa nominated for Lieutenant Oov ernor Juna 6.

llwO. I received a check for $750 from attorney Kultoa. of Chicago, representing tha American Tobacoo Company. Thla money waa for campaign exnenee and I took tt almnly aa an act of friendahlp. Another tobacco man gave Mr.

"VVickard, one of my managers, a check for for tha same purpoee." BRIEFJCOLUMBUS NEWS. Special to Tb Xndiaaapolla Newa COLUMBUS. Ind Juna 9. Miss Mabel McKweeney and Mlaa Anna Hughea will go to Hartford City this weak to attend a bouaa party. Miss Anna Hughes will entertain thia evening in honor of Miss Smith, of Hartford City.

Miss Charlotte l'oweii. or i mug ton. th ruct of Miss Mas Brevoort. Mlas lrepe Klce. of Chicago, is visiting her uncle.

i rt. li. Meek. Mra. illth Brown and Misa Edna Bre thanuer, of beymour, ara th gueata of Mra.

eter Byrne. Mr, and Mrs iilgar Cochrane, of sr the. guaata of Mr. and Mrs. a i iiea Cochrane; Mr.

and Mra. V. R. Bmith. of Tecatnr, are visiting Mrs.

KUssbeth Keyea. Miss lluby Campbell will entertain Tuesday afternoon for Miss Addle Smith. Of Hsrtford City. Misa Kila Blrglow, rtf Terra Ilauta. la the guet of Mii a Kleanor Havis.

MUs K.telle naina, of Seymour, is tha guest of Mlaa Ethel Chappie. FRANKLIN NEWS NOTES. rspeclaX to Th IndlarvapolU Km. FRANllN. Ind June 29.

Mra. Earnest Uotigii, of Los Angales. who Is th gueat of Mrs. T. K.

Valentine, will return to her homo la a few days. Dr. and Mr. L. P.

Marshall hava returned from a visit in California. Mra Loven Fiitchant wiU go to tb home of her daughter, Mra Will Snod grasa. la Bhelbyvtlie, wbera she will tha aurnmer. l'rof. ii.

vOardiner la vial ting relative in Loitanport. Mrs. Henry Harper ef North Vernon la pending a tew days with friends and relatlvea Mrs. Julia Monroe haa returned home after a short visit with relatlvea tn Indianapolis, Mlas Lotta Ward returned this morning to her home ln lru after aa extended visit In this city. i MUNCIE SOCIAL NEWS.

ISpedai to The ladiasapolla Kewa jMUNClE. Ind Juna S3. A rourth of July celebration bias been arranged by the Country Club, and a number of out of town visitor will present at night Mrs. A. O.

Snyder, of llqua, is tba auet of Mr. and Mra. William Core. Mlaa Opal Botklrt. who haa been vialtiivg hr eiater, Mrs.

noiana ttreeter, baa returned home to Portland, accompanied by Mr. ttreeter." IT. and Mrs. John Hal ton and Miss Alloa Halt on have gone to their aummer hortn In Canada. Mia Helen Oaroer la vtsrtina; in Lancaster.

O. Hanna Attends Dedication. CLEVELAND, June A flna new citadel, to ba uaed aa headquarters for tha Salvation Artr.y In thia city and vicinity, was dedicated yesterday," Senator Hanna was chairman of, the meeting and made an address. Ha spoke a Ire oat entirely cf tha work done by the army and praised It warmly. Ha said that it ba had time to preach be would help tha Salvation Army with hla voice.

Commander Booth Tucker, la Uitroductoe; Senator Hanna, aaid that he waa a man a ho waa wU known and reepected in this country and Kngiand. SBaaMaaMMeaMMwaBBS Mexican Miners Killed. BARRATOERAX. Coahujls, Mexico. June S3.

Twenty four miner were killed and about Cfty ethers were seriously wounded la an explosion of fas Thursday night in the Las EseVanxaa coal mincfs. the property of tha Mexican Coal and Coke Company. The Otsajter was caused by the ijrmuoa of gas by the Cames from a dcftcUva Ump. THE rOTIATAPOLIS 3TEWS, MONDAY, (JUSTE 29, 1903. PICTURESQUE FARMHOUSE OF AN EARLY SETTLER OF FLOYD Home cf Pierre Volzer, a Swiss French Piopeer, Torn If Down a Few Years Ago.

x. 'W t. .1 v. OLD FRENCH FARMHOUSE IK FLQTD COUXTT. fWritten or The ladianapctla Kewal NEW ALBANY.

June 29 Is the Id French settlements of Indiana soma very interesting dwelllnirs were n'ce to be aeen. Th French cloneers of Floyd county, as carlr as lSli when New Albany cohtained'only seven or eiht log cabin came from Porrentrul. tn Switser laad. and named their little of farms among the wild southern Indiana hills for their Old "World home. The firt dwellings built by thea Swiss French emigrants were larser than the average Western Jog cabin; and were constructed, in part, of aandstone.

which abounded In the hill regions. Cellars and stables acre then built of this rock, with heavy, thi walls, while tha dwelling waa made cf hewn logs, with rude clap BIT OF OPERA WITH RUSSELL SAGE MEETING OF DIRECTORS OF A MINNESOTA LAND COMPANY. OFFICE BOY AS A DIRECTOR NEW YORK. Juno 29. The rainy weather hat has made all things dull ln tha way trad haa affected even Wall street, stid financiers who hava reputation fori promptness hava bean late to tlielr offices ln the last few days.

Russell Saga is no exception to tha list of thone who have failed to get down on time. One morning Mr. Sage was a bit lata, and when ha arrived tha day's work had been pretty well mapped out. aood morning." said Colone Slocum, hla brother in law, who for years has managed a branch of the financier's office. "Good morning." replied Mr.

Sage cheerily, and then. In reply to a Question aa to how ha felt, said: "First rate flno." Colonel Slocum said it was rather dull, and added: thought we could take advantaga of th duUuesa 'and hold a meeting of the board of directors of the Minnesota Land Compajty." "The what?" asked Mr. Sage. "Th MlniWBOta. Land replied Colonel Slocum "I thought Qovernor Morton and I owned; all those lands." aaid Mr.

Saare. looking puaaled. "There ia a board of directora," ventured Mr. Slocum. "Who ara they?" inquired Mr.

Sage, sitting down and looking around. "Well, you're chairman, I'm one and Osborne, tha cashier. Is another; young Oaborn is one. Menges, the stenogrspher. Is tone, and the i other Is the office and having run; over the list Colonel ttlo cum awaited the pleasure of the chairman of the poard.

Called the Board. "WelJ. call tha board," said iln Sage, "and wa will bold a meeting." Tha financier went Into bis private room to prepare to meet his aasociate directors in tha board of tha land company. Tears ago. when Mr.

Sage was In ha learned that the State of Minnesota was trying to build a railroad from St Paul southeaat. Th contractor was in difficulties and construction had been stopped. With Levi lj. Morton Mr. Sage went to tha 8tate and saw the Governor and others.

Tha result was that tha Milwaukee St. Paul road 'was built. "i Ona of the consideration given to the men who built the road waa large tracts of land, which bavoslnca turned but to be as rich as any ln tha State. They were given to Mr. Saga arid hla company at Various points.

Mr. Sage waa the active bead of tha land company that was formed and also tha actlva president of tin railroad. i When the land company's board of directora bad assembled ln Mr. Sage's private office Mr. Osborne, read the minutes of the last meeting.

Then the chairman askod if there was anything further befora the board. Mr. Osborne, arose and aaid: "Mr. Chairman, Is a surplus J.S0.M ln the treasury, and I move that a dividend of 2' per cent, be declared, to be distributed among tho stockholders." Office Boy as Director. Before "Mr.

Osborne had got back Into bis arm chair, a director who, at other times li office boy. arose, and, looking the chairman square In th eye. said: "I second tha motion." "It is moved and soconded." said Mr. Sage, "that a dividend of Per cent, ba deciaredt Carried. Any further business Colonel Slocum.

who has just celebrated the anniversary of hla birth. adireed the chairman. He started In a hesitating manner and hemmed and hawed while Mr. Saga smiled pleasantly. Colonel Slocum apoke of the fact that when a board of directors met it waa customary for them to receive tltt each, and moved that thi declared.

The' smile on Mr. SagVs face was not one that would not com off. It disappeared slowly. The cbeut the mouth that Is a perfect one In expressing determination grew deper. and th eyea that are att deep closed a little tighter, and there" waa a slight knitting of the brow as he snapped: "What's thstr Having recovered hlm.c!f.

Colonel Slocum moved for the $10 that should go to each and emphaelxed it by say irtr: "Ten dollars la gold. The office boy's face wss a stndy. minute he saw visions of Wealth, For a th hla dividend and the $10. but his dreairi an end. came "liuh." said Mr.

Sajce. "Two dollars Meeting ad journed." And the board! of directors faded away again to become employes cf the financier. Make Up of the Reichstag. BERL1N7 June 29. composition of the new Reichstag is as follows: Clericals.

ICC Socialists, SI: Conservatives, 52: Free 19: National Liberals, SI; Klchter Radicals, tl: Barta Radicals. South Radicals. Poles. li Alsatians. anti ft'mites.

9: Agrarians and Peasants' League. Hanovariana, 13; Danes. 1: Independents. U. Trolley" Accident at Cleveland CLEVELAND.

Jane t3. An electric car. filled: with passengers, became unmanageable while descending a hill tn Wilson avenue, early to day, and crashed into another car at the foot of tha Incline. Wax Fiiiler and Henry Zimmerman, both of ithis tv. were cauitht between tha two cars and crushed, i ulier may die.

BOUFE 7 board roofs.) Pierre Volxer. a Swiss French iorf er, waa the architect and builder cf thf early Floyd county farm and tha building ehown in the photosraphi (Waa his own in Clear Park roa facing a high hill, three mi lea from New Albany. The curioua old stone stable Chsy loft entered from: outside) was clos to tha rear of the log dwelling, and only on small chimney pierced tha ioDg, roof. To this cli howae. every Sunday afternoon, in tha early days, down tha rough country road, on horseback, came Pere Louia Neron Napoleonic aoldiet surgeon and priest who died at Notre Dame.

South Bend, several years ago. ago ninety. In the Volser horaestead he held veapt service for the faithful Catholics of his fural parish The curious old house 'woe' torn down bnly a few years ago. Porrentrul once numbered forty thrifty French but has dwindled to a mere picturesque tradition, i KA1AIA. CARLEION.

CANADA STANDING AT PARTING OF THE VAYS TO DRAW CLOSER TO EMPIRE OR UNITED STATES. AS TO RECIPROCITY TREATY OTTAWA, June 29. Mr. Cliamberlaln'a preferential schema has been repudiated by his colleagues and turned down by tha British House of Commons, but no intelligent observer can" Suppose that tha policy of preferential trade within the British empire la, therefore, a dead issue. It has merely been shelved, possibly for soma years, conceivably only until th next general election.

Mr. Chamterlain b'as made it plain' that preferential trade Is to be his personal platform, whatever the rest of tha government may do; therefore, unleaa tha colonies repudiate his scheme, or his health breaks down, he will bring th issue squarely before th British electorate. In the laat resort, it would seem that the attitude of tbe colonies must make or mar Mr. Chamberlain's policy; and one may even go further, and say that tha key to the whole situation rests in Canada. New Zealand ia thoroughly In sympathy with Mr.

Chamberlain's platform. South Africa Is still in doubt. Natal and tba Orange River have indorsed it, but Cap Colony has not yet been heard from. Australia la divided against itself. If Canada were frankly to accept the preferential scheme, she would probably carry with, her such, of the other colonies as were in doubt; If she repudiated it, she would net only strengthen the handa of tba opponents of the policy ia Australia and at the Cape, but she would, under the circumstances, kill tha whole schema, as.

falling the Canadian market, the other colon! ea would be powerless to (offset the loss of trade which would Inevitably follow the Imposition of differential duties. Canada's Stand. "Nov, how does Canada stand in the matter? As a matter of she Is heart and soul in any schema that would strengthen the bonds of kinship between colonies and motherland, and dojubtless if she were persuaded that tha integrity of the empire depended upon her indorsement of tbe preferential' policy, she would unhesitatingly accept It, even though it involved a considerable loss of revenue. But the fact that an overwhelming majority of tha British House of Commons has pronounced against tbe scheme throws out any argument of that kind. The safety of the empire nojt being la question, the problem resolves itself Into one of trade.

Would tha Dominion gain mora from a preferential arrangement with the mother country, and possibly with the other colonies, than would offset the loss of American trade? For it must be born ln mind that thai day that Canada opens wide her doors to British trade, she must shut them to trade with the United States. Is Canada's wisest policy preferential trade within the empire or reciprocity witii the United States? Under existing circumstances. Canada is not called upon to come to an immediate decision, and this may materially affect the result. The solution of the whole problem, la fact, may not even rest so much with the Dominion as with the United States. It the United Statea aert ously desires a treaty of reciprocity with Canada, it will never find a mora favorable opportunity than the present: but the suggestion must corao from the United States; It is useless to expect it to come again from the Dominion.

Canada the Suitor Hitherto. Hitherto Canada (has always' been the Suitor, and, with one solitary exception, her friendly approaches have invariably been met with rebuffs, more or less courteous, at Washington. The solitary exception the reciprocity treaty of has. In fact, been held up ever since, by a certain class of American politicians, as a horrible example of the evlis of reciprocity with their northern Iceighbor. As far back as ls47 the legislative assembly cf the then province of Canada passed aa act granting free entry to the natural products of the United Jatates.

whenever Congrees should reciprocate in favor of the natural products of Canada. The Canadian iegUiature at once proceeded to give evidence of its good faith by reducing the duties on Imports from tho United States from 'Va i cent, to per and they even went so far to mt et the wishes of the United States aa to increase at the same time the duties on British good from 5 per cent, to TV, per cent. Yet Congress declined to respond. In Ia the Canadian Parliament again broached tho subject, by passing an act subetantiallv the same aa that of 1MT. The House of Repreat ntativea at Washington was lilies this tima to meet the Canadian proposals naif way.

but the Senate that stumbling block of reciprocity refused to sanction tbe act. The following year Sir Francis Hincks. a member of the Canadian government, went to Washington with a urther; proposal looking to the1 aaine end, but again, the Senate stood in the way. i At last, in ISM. as reciprocity treaty was actuailv negotiated bv Lord Elgin.

cc, tng into efect the followinx year. it waa abrogated ten years aiterward. at the instance of the United States. Scattered Colonies. Upon the cor.federatior of the scattered tranadian colonies, one jf the first acta of tha tw Parliament was to pass an act providiagr for reciprocity with tha United rtates.

and. aitiousa liis act met with tins sam cool recepiia that the acts i 1M7 and lUf had Str Jchn Rose was i sect to Waahincton tbe following! yeatr to ettiavor to reopen Jse question. 1 lie murnei, however; vnsuccessiui. Sir John Macdonaid, and fci British coueaguea oa tbe joint commission which uegocvatird the Washxagtoa treaty of lvl. agjin suggested' that "the rocixrocity treaiy shoiUi be re stored, but the Am.

can, commisioners fought shy of the K2ea. In 11 the Consrrm admiciatraxioa MTButEt of the Hon. A. Mackensie. and one of the erst acts the new administration was to send the Hon.

George Brown to Washington to co operate with Sir Edwaird Thorxion. the British minister, in another attrprsp to bring about a treaty of reciprocity Oi aas ftnaliy agreed to. but the United States Seriate refused to ratify it. When the Conservative party once mare cam into power at Ottawa, in ijiTS. they Imm ediaiely offered a largely re UUirU 1 1 1 KHJ 1 tile's .4 I United Statea would reciprocate tn favor i of similar Casadiaa goods, but the United States would have none of It.

InilST. when Sir Charles Turrer weet to Washington to assist Joseph Chamber Iain and the; British' minister in nerotiat leg khe tsheries treaty, it was proposed to discuss arrangements for greater free dorw of trade aa part of the settlement, Nothing, however, came of the suggea 1 tlon. I In ISiS. 1 2 and I'M further proposals were made by Canada, looking to reci prncjty with ta I Wiled States; ana in liO several members of the Canadian government paid an' informal visit to Washington, partly with the same end in view, but all met with the customary result. I Chanje in the Situation.

Since the last viiit to Washington a significant change has come ever the reciprocity question. The patient persistence with which successive administrations at Ottawa bad sent deputation after deputa tlon to the United States, suing for. equi table trade arrangement, has at length broken down. It took tha Canadians a long time to realise that the United Statea did: not want reciprocity! It may require orae patience now to convince then that American sentiment has cnanged in that regard. Sir Wilfred Laurer.

whosa farsightedness and Intimate touch of the public pulse has only been equalled by one othr Canadian statesmen, clearly read tne signs of the timea when he announced in Montreal that Canada would send no more deputatlona to Washington suing for reciprocity, and that any future suirgestions looking to that end must 'com from the United States. His announcement haa since been Indorsed from ona end of the country to the other by his political opponents as well as his supporters. The only reciprocity treaty which the Dominion would now accept, is one which would put the products of Canada upon aa advantageous a footing In the markets of the United States aa tha products of the United States would stand upon In the Dominion. It must not be forgotten also that th American tariff Is at present almost uniformly higher aa alnet Canadian good a than the Canadian tariff Is toward American goods. Soma sacrifices would, therefore, have to made to bring the scale of duties upon either aid of the border down to a fair trade basis.

Whether the people of the United Statea conaider auch sacrifices Justifiable for the sake of the benefits to be derived from a treaty of: reciprocity with tha Dominion Is a question which only 'they can decide. "BCfeROWED" CAPE AND HAT. Bessie Shuder Sent to Workhouse to Fill Unexpired Term. Bessl Shuder. a pretty seven teen year old girl, waa sent to the workhouse today to serve an unexpired term of sixty days.

Beaaie borrowed a cape and hat from another woman' la a surreptitious manner, and aha gave tha police a chase. She has been ln trouble several times. When taken to the police station yesterday afternoon she fell on her knees and Implored matron Gregolre not to lock her up. She! clung to tbe matron's dress and screamed for mercy. The girl waa arrested several months ago for enticing a child Into store and teaching the little one I to steal for her.

After serving thirtydays she was released, on condition that sha would go to tha home of her father In the country. She remained there only three days. The girl's stepfather and her mother live in Elm street. JERSEY'S GROWING INCOMES. Big Increase in Taxes from Mlscei laneoue Corporations, TRENTON.

N. Juna 29. The annual preliminary schedule of taxes levied i against New Jersey's miscellaneous corporations, which is exclusive of railroads, has Just been filed by Secretary Irvine E. Magulre, of the State Board of Aa sesors. The total taxes as shown by tha schedule amount to 12,275.

710.28, there being 6. SIS companies registered. Figures of the corresponding schedule for last year show 4,648 companies, with a total tax Of M.S60.374.H. The largest tax paying company ln the State Is tha Prudential Insurance Company of America, with $141,712.42, and the next th United States Steel Corporation, with $54.679.18 aaaeased. Stone will Arrivo To Morrow.

Stone from tha Bedford quarries Is expected to arrive at tha new Federal building site to morrow. Just a few carloads at first, but enough to sart the stone setters to work. Two setters, with a number of helpera, will begin at once, and tha fore of setters and bricklayer will rapidly ba increaaed until, by the beginning of next week, it Is thought thjat over one hundred will ba employed on the building. i For Wlrele Telegraph Service, The Indiana Senators and members of Cong rees have received notification from Secretary Moody, of the navy, that electricians for the wireless telegraph servioe wld Tiovf be enlisted by tha department. Tha pay Is only $30 a month at tha start, but It IS possible to receive advancement within a short time to a place that pays $60 a month.

Senator Fairbanks at Lancaster. Senator Fairbanks win deliver an ad drpss atj Lancaster, to on the occasion of the celebration of th 250th, anniversary of the granting of the Lancaster town charter. The Senator and Mrs. Fairbanks are the guests of Senator and Mrs. Hoar, at Worcesteir, during their stay ln aiassacauatta.

Tne Race Probtem. To the Editor of Tbe Kewa: Sir In an editorial. Juna 25. you speak of ia "reconstruction" having been begun by the enfranement of four million of laves. Your editorial "There followed the saturnalia, of car the rets a of tbe 'bloody shirt, tne rise of the Ku KJux clan and tha rescue of public affairs by th white population of the South." Ar you not mistaken wheii you.

date the rise of th Ku Kiux clan after the enfranchisement of the negro? Is It not a fact that tbe black code of the South was ia full operatloa before neuro aut fraga? Were there not operative other before negTo suffrage? Was negro uuf frajre the. result, of designing politicians who were movea soieiy to intrench them aeives. or was negro suffrage an at tempt to make; secure tha reauits of the war? I It seems quite universally agreed that i the giving of tbe election franchise to tha negro before he was prepared to it properly, wis a mistake a mistake out im II 144, 1 i wild i. 1 arisen. But when we say or infer that the men who supported negro suffrage were elthtr igrtorant or Insincere in what they or that they thought tha.

the right to vote make the nejrro a man; or when 3' try to derive the white man 'a attituda toward the negro from his suffrage, we Indeed show that we are either Ignorant or insincere. Sooner or later, it Is hoped that both the negro and the white mari wiij fajce th real Issues Involved In the so called race prob'em This problem haa two elements: First, the negro's jrhae; ondiy. the white man's phase. The problem for tbe negro is to realize his weakness and proceed to make a man out of himself. The problem for the while man Is to realize his unjust attitude toward the negro an attitude centuries old and heartily to co operate ia t.egro redemption.

2w SPIRITED CHASE AFTER COW HI NEW YORK CITY SHE TRIED TO BOARD A CAR AND BUTTED FOLKS. FINALLY LASSOED IN PARK NEW TORK, June A big. sleepy red and white Holstein'cow went oa a tetr and enjoyed herself hugely uhtll she was lassoed la true cow puncher style la Ceutral Park During her run she would have gored several persons who blocked her way If she bad been equipped with horns. But she wasn't, so she Just busted thorn out cf the way and nobody waa burt very much. A Brooklyn dairyman bought her early la the morning la a stock market and she started to tramp to Brooklyn with Joseph Haaley as escort.

Ai; Fcrty sixth street and Eleventh avw j.u she shook the escort and up jzWventa avenue on the Jump. What hiade her cross Isn't known. At the stockyards it Is said that Sha had been living with her young daughter and didn't want to break i up housekeeping. Policeman Back, who came across her later In the morning, used t3 be a cow puncher out He said she waa "milk mad." Tbe first thing sh did was to butt a train of freight cars. Then she ran uptown, scattering pedestrians right and left.

Her keeper soon lost sight of her, but followed the trail, and said later In the morning that he found a lot of people who said that sha had butted them. Ran Into a Car. At Fifty ninth street sha turned, east and ran to th entrance of tha park at the Circle, The cow and a trolley car reached a certain point of the roadway at exactly tbe same moment. Tha cow was under such headway that she couldn't stop and started to climb aboard. The passengers Immediately scrambled to make room, but tha animal, glancing at the alluring green pastures of th park, bolted ln that direction.

Policeman Back tralled af ter her, and a crowd of men and boj(a trailed Back. "Keep off the grass" sign had no terrora for tha cow. She sailed over lawns, through bushes and along the roads so fast that tha cop couldn't keep up. Ha telephoned to Superintendent Murphy, of the park department, who Joined the chase In a buggy, and Harry Joe person, a foreman, and Peter Shannon, from the menagerie, started out on the hunt. The police station tn th arsenal also sent a patrol wagon full of cops.

The animal was finally cornered at Eighty fifth street and the west drive. She was pretty well tired out by that time, and Joegerson. i who is another Westerner, roped her forelegs with a lasso tha first time he He threw her to the ground the way they do In tbe Wild West show, and sha was tied to a tree for a while to get her wind back. Then a wagon took her to the arsenal. Hanley called; for her later, and on the promts that he would hava her locked up for the rest of her life she was released in his custody jand started for Brooklyn.

Fourth at Plalnfleld Boys' School. Tb State School for Boys at Plalnfleld Is preparing for the usual Fourth of July celebration. For many years the school has conducted a celebration planned to Inculcate Ideas of patriotism In the boys. Tha celebration will be beld next Saturday afternoon. Indiana Harbor and East Chicago Foundtd bj East Chicago Company UP CAPITAL ,500,000 A Eoitiea Opportunity to IMi

Indiana Harbor la only IS mllea from tbe bualneae canter ef Chicago. Haa tbe ONLY deep water hakbok in Indiana Ea Chicago and Indiana Harbor. Haa 1.400 bouaae, 10,060 population. Macadamised trt. war.

water, gaa and electrlo Ughta. 100 traiaa daily. Flv trunk and four bait line rallroada. IS Future Greatest Maatileetarlag City la the Waal tTnitad Sttsa Steel Corporation ta building ea. mnt plant to employ L600 handa at atari.

Inland eteel Mill, now employing 1400 handa, and about 2U other large plant here and mora eoaa Ing. Buy Iota bar and make money. Property baa doablad in vain la cm year. The beat ta yet to oom. Lota tl and up.

110 down, fa moat. You must be quick if you want one. CALL 0 ADDRESS J. V7. LEVIS, Gsnaral Agent NOVELL I ACCLE CO, Local Agents, 823 Laa Building.

Isdiasapells, lad. East Chicago Company. Chicago. 111. Albert DW.

Ersklns. President. ri Honor Palmer. Vice President. Potter Palmer Jr Treasurer.

Don't forget to order a package ol apl Flake to day. It is the most delicious cereal food in the world; always reads to eat Your Grocer Sell It PALMISTS, CLAiRVOYANTSETC. CLAIRVOYANT MRS. ALISANDRE advlaea truthfully oa ail llfe'a aXTairs. Readlnga too.

im Shelby at. CLAIRVOYANT Hypnotism: special for on wee, cbaracur reading and hypnotism for I guarantee satistaruon or money refunded. I furnish a sutject to work with. .40 Ashland aVcnu. CLAIRVOYANT PROF.

MANTEL, greatest living exponent of clairvoyancy. Heveala every incident of your life, your name. aga. occupation: everything you to know. 328 N.

Capitol av. CLAIRVOYANT See the great 6HERODA. Bha haa been ln yoor city for the past flv years; ber advice Is reliable on all affaire of life; no matter what your conditions nuay be. she can and will help you. Pee within reach of ail.

11 N. Alabama st CLAIRVOYANT Ptlmiit end trance medium. MADAM MONTEITH InVltea alt who are seeking to penetrate mysteries of the future, and all who are )n doubt and trouble, to cell and consult ber Her work speaks fo Itself. Khe asks r.o truest Ions, but telle you plainly all your denlrea. bpe and feara, then guides yoa aright by Se.r wise counsel and advice, thst come frora a higher urce than human agency.

clslrvoyancy a natural gift but few more a possess; tbe proof, of Ifcla power lies in the tests demonstrated by MADAM MONTEITH daily. Btu ineea advice a special feature, confld ntlal and sacred. Houre a. m. to p.

m. Residence st. BUSINESS CHANCER BUSINESS CHANCE Half interest in State agents ousiness; rcwureu. fljmwi mjjm. BUSINESS CHANCE Well eslahli.hed fire K.

9 a rm Sk 1 WUJ.UMS. Alexandria. Ind. BUSINESS1 CHANCE Wanted: Youcr. energetic man to invest in a manufacturing bust nese.

Aodreee iux l.3. News. BUMS' El? CHANCE Ciaa rroea general merchandise: best or enlng in fine, booming gas tiwn: new fcrtck room; invoice. f5ue. AUdress lies 217.

Shirley, tnti. BUSINEfi CHANCE Parties wihr.g to en gafw ln eoai and wood Hjr end feed buM ne. rl ae call on THE, CAPITOL. CITY 22 N.

BUilNEid CHANCE Wanted: A man who ca control from fVl.O'W to iZr One who has ability, energy and an ttBHtlon to do things. f'tn offer an exceptional 'opportunity for lnveeti rent nd employment to ncbt party. a fVix 1T3. News. blolNEbP CHANCE Want.

Partn I want a sober, energetic man with tZA. to TWkr.iJf business In Indianapolis: 115 per week and half interest tn tha bu.trve; permanent situation. This la a business chance. Reference required. Address U.

WIXXJsXHiNG, Peoria, 11. DIED. PARK? J'ha M. arks, co morning at Vrtnoeti n. I' unerei from of V.

T. SmUh. i Cavnp Tuesday. I p. m.

1lJ Invited. i ARK? Jha M. Parks, Saturday morning, at Princeton. Ind. Pur.eral from the reetcence ef E.

T. tniita, Cam? at Tuesday, st p. ro. Friends Invited. ilKADOW 5 Cynthia Meadowa, ci1 June J7 at p.

age as year tr.cnths. Funeral at residence. S. Senate Tuca4ay. June at 3 p.

m. Friends Invited. MAGES TMward Msgee. Sunday aventng, Jan s. iSi.

at his family re torne. K. tVeiTCgia at Funeral A eJiiciay. July 1.4. from kis lat reij.nce.

at Berrtce at Holy Croea churck at a. ta. KA a JuraSl I a. Agnea A. cf E.iwarl and nertha Itah.

at tr montns. runerai Tuesday, June 1 I. fr ii rKieac et rreet grandmother. Mrs. Wtlitam Wegixorst, ISA Madron av.

FM ni Invited. Card of Thanks. destr to tnar.k our many frienda an.1 neighbors anJ P. O. of A.

for their floral tribute and kin vines ahown to us during ickneaa and death cf our mother. Mr, earah T. Pnetir, and also th Rev. Mr. OarSld and chorus for their service.

MRS. R. Ei KililPLit aad MRS. SLAVIN. Card of Thanks.

I desire to return toy eineor, and beartfelt (Hanks to Conclave J4. In4persdr.t Order of of IrKjlanslla. for their prompt payment ef tn beneficiary policy tf the thre thousand dollars (l.i. uron th death of my dear husband. iNlcholn Luta, also wish especially to thank Mr.

Henry D. Burg helm and Mr. John Uray for th financtai aid given tn upon notice of death of my dear hus tand. MRA MARGARET LUTZ. FUNERAL NOTICE.

HOOVER Tb funeral ef ettr Oeorga Hoover will take plc at Hall Ptec M. K. church, Tuesday at 2 o'clock. Members of Ollv Branch Uvlre ar Invited to attend. CLARA HOLDER.


Meridian. Licensed. FUNERAL DIRETOKsi TVTKW11.EH, Un dertaker. 1 W. Market St.

Tel. Its. yUNKRAL DIRKCTOHS ADAMS KREI GER. 1S N. llllnola st.

Telephone lit. PUNERAL DIRECTORS C. KRP.dELO sells a burglar proof vault that ahoul caa sot break. 223 N. Delaware at.


Alabama st. New ill tone IMS Old main PUNKRAL DIRECTOIJ FRANK A. LAN CHARD. Undertaker I Lady atteadsnt. Hith east comer Ohio and' N.

Delaware, boo est Of. flee. 4il; residence, FUNERAL DIRECTORS LICKNSED UMBALMRRS. Caa Ship Diphtheria and Scarlet Fewr. Lady attends to all calls for ladles and children PLANNER BUCHANAN, 220 N.

Illinois st. Both phoeea fL MONUMENTS. MONUMENTS AUa. DtENER, E. Wuh lngtoa.

Telephone 2624. i MONUMENTS H. J. OODFRET, let Mas i chusetta a vs. Phone black iaS.

SOCIETY AND CLUB MEETINGS. SOCIETY MASONIC Ancient Landmarks Lodge. No. lit P. and A.

M. Called meeting thia Monday! evening, June at o'clock. Lodge far Instruction. Members please attend. UTHO O.

UEOKUfi, W. U. Vt. R. MINKR, Secretary.

SOCIETY MASONIC Called meeting of On antal Lodae, No. 400, K. and A. Tuesdsy evening, Jun to. at O'clock, for work la th seoond degree.

Visiting brethren cordially welcome. JAS. E. KKl'PEKLEi, W. M.

EDWARD D. MOORE. Secretary. SOCIETY MASONIC Raper Cummandery. No.

K. Special conclave In Maaonlo Temple to morrow Tusday). afternoon, at 4 o'clock, for work In K. T. order and continuing ea same during the evening.

i HENRI T. CONDE, Em. Commander. JACOIi W. SMITH.

Recorder. SOCIETY K. Of P. Regular meeting ol enter Lodge, So. 214.

Tuesday evening. June 20. Last night In thla quarter for payment of dues. Election of officer for the ensuing term and other business of Importance. A full attendance desired.

V. O. PENNICKE. C. Attest: H.

HOFFMANN. K. of H. and 8. StHIilTY MASONIC My itlo Tie "UKige.

No. Vti, F. and A. M. Called meeting In Maaonlo Tempi at I o'elock.

Monday afternoon, resuming at o'clock, for work In Msster Meson degree. Visiting brethren will he crdlally welcomed. JAME 4 W. LILLY, W. M.

WILLIS D. ENDLK, Secretary. SOCIETY MASONIC Capital City Lod. No. S12.

F. and A. Masona Special meeting Tues. dsy afteriKon. June at 2 o'clock, in Maaonlo Tentple.

Work In third derre. Supper at resuming work at 1:30., Visiting brethren cordially welcomed. THOPJ. K. THICKSTEK, W.

SC. TOM ODDT, Secretary; FINANCIAL. FINANCIAL 4 per cent, money on real estate, OEO. WOLF, second noor iuemok Aimg, FINANCIAL First mortgage toansi lowest rate. JAMES H.

IXiWKS. When Bldg. FINANCIAL Private money aiwaya reedy at I and' per no delay. A. J.

UklEK 4 1H E. Market. FINANCIAL Moner loaned oa watches and diamonds; largest poaaiul amount; lowest rates, rvi Stevenson mug. FINANCIAL 1 ant a lady of fair bustnesa abll ity; hav 1100 to Invest If satisfactory position la offered me. NELLIE, phone ash WU.

FINANCIAL THB SALARY LOAN CO. Lowest rate In tb city. New phone USA ta gteveeaoo Building. FINANCIAL Loans oa farina. 1100 aad id METZfjER AOENCY.

102 N. Pennsylvania at. FINANCIAL Money to loaa ta sums of tit and aay amount; lowest Interest real tat eeourtty; money In bank. W. E.

MICK A CO. FINANCIAL Large amount of private funda; lowest ratea. 27 8. Delaware rooms 1 to I. FLOitEA UElUKSHTlCiCVR.

Law yer FINANCIAL Loans oa real estate at tbe very lowest rat; fund ar Immediately available. He aa, UaltR JUsaK. S04 Indiana Trust Bldg. FINANCIAL To Loan: Money, without com mission. Apply to DR.

P. II JAMF.SON. Newton Claypool or to HOWARD CALK, 120 E. Market at. FINANCIAL Money to loan oa bouse hold goods, pianos, borsea, watches, diamonds aad all kinds of personal property; ground goer.

J. LRTEL. 104 K. Ohio st. FINANCIAL Mortgage loan, any aoount.

with privilege ef prepayment; 4 ta pea according to amount and aacurtty. BPANN A 44 N. Penaeylvanla. FINANCIAL Money to loaa etty property and on farms In commlsalon. THE RESERVB LOAN LI INSURANCE COMPANY.

27 Ingsiis Building. FINANCIAL Lean mads to salaried people holding percneaest poalttowa wita responsible tru upon their own nsrae easy payments; strlc tly eonftdenflai. 2Q7. Indiana Tru.t hldg. FINANCIAXe per cent, money to loaa on In dianapolia city property, or on city pfoterty In any eounty seat town, or on farm property anywhere In Indiana use our own funds; no daisy partial payments.


I RELIABLE CREDIT SSUl Law Building. FINANCIAL Money fo loan on farm mortgages anywhere In Indiana at per cent. Interest; NO COMMISSION; annual or seml Interest; full partial payment privilege granted; large loans a spe lit correspondenoe invited. CLEMENTS is EVANS. CTawtordsvllie.

Ind. FINANCIAL Money ta loan; a 'large aurn rt bom funds' left in our banda to be loan.J at suras of tl'0 to i.M and upward, at lowest races of Interest; caa furnish money nut day ou ar ply. Psy Imfk when you pleaee. A. MKTO1EH AOENCY.

N. Pennsylvania. FINANCIAL i SAIART LOANS. Com In and tell us how much money yoa want and how long you want It tell us who you are. and If you ar working on a salary for resrnslbl parties, will let you hav th money oo your own name, without security, confidentially and without consulting your employer; can pay it back la Inatallmente aa you prefer, weekly or monthly.

INDIANA AND LOAN 'EbTAHLI SUED 1t7 I ROOM I UiMKAKJ) Bl'ILDTNCI. 24'4 K. WASHiNOTON ST. FINANCIAL NEED MONEY? Looking for a jrlac tyj get It reasonable? Want tfce lowest rate and plans? Want to borrow' 23. fit 1.5.

t), ll iO or UP? Want to givej your furniture, piano, hfse and wagens for security Want all left in your pUseslon? Want to pay It back wevkly or monthly? Wsnt tt for or month or one year? Want th privilege of paying at any time? Want to be changed only for the urn you fceve It Want tha full amount you ask for? "Want exieneUvri of time In case cf Mrknese or ml" Wart to pay'm few entviylng bills? Wsnt to pay off some ott. an Ctiiuany? Want everything confid, ntlal You wlU have your WANTS fuifliled If you call en u. will convince yut tliat what rny Is the truth. I EAST MARKET ST, MORTGAGE )AM Sj Law Luilding, lit L. Maakvt aC i A I A 3 i 1 ph Si AlTii ve' 1 ir.l i t.

HNAN I JM. 1 a i IN A AL a li. I I It K.N a ix. SiNANt'l Aly6 and 4 tr ti I. ti" i according to urtty a to un la, any here In In 1 ar jn ia tiy auiour back sr i A il.r; AUK.Vf, 1 nlt funo.

I i It i i i to suit on Ir d.entiLv'.i irti.i 'r a central Indiana, st low rate Pf lrepajriT at Interen i i lXi Ht ourternia HANK it N. 1 ernyivsn: rr t. Vui4f van a di 1 lower niia thia a uy ottn cum; tt, Civy; eaay ivvruerits; strict, CSNl RAL UUS 5 ON I fKi'ONU KUmli, i IN ANf lAl A OCx'O KiSUi'S' (, i Cl RITr A UIANj ur r. i 1 good nxiith fr 4 a str. PoaitloA with a (Irra, ra.lir,I cr tan Njrrow money their own tr' ConrldeoHat.

retaotttt tiaJ ie, the MORTGAGE I AN t. Odi Fellow liulljng. Penrjtylvsnla an asMngtnii. Wll.l. MONET HELP itl IF SO.

CALL ON US. l4n money on hiiuaehoM goo. Is. rianos. teams, fixture, warehou receipts, iOi oat removal.

i loan aJty amount from 119 to 1X4, Our rate ar low. Our tin, a long. I Our tvraents ar small. Our business Is conl.tntlaL Her ar some of the terms of our new weekly payment plan, allowing you City weeks to py off th kan: 4 la the weekly payment on a I'S 'loan. 11.20 la th we kly pa.vnu nt on a I' Ksn.

li Is th weekly pameiit on a 31 JO lusrw thr amounts la same irotortl, n. We alo hav a monthly and pay. tnent plan. You tan ray back that way If ru wKjh. INDIANA MiRTJAOE IjOXH COL, (F.stahll.hed li7 ROOM Lombard 2, r.

WAKMINOTCN bX. BOTH I llONr.H 4 i PlNANCiAI IU TOU NTCfcn MONEY? If ao, five ua a call, for we loan money la sums of to tJM on furniture, placu. oriar.s, horses, wagons, warehouse receli.ts. out removal. You hav thus tb us of bitk property an I money.

giv you plenty of time to par the money back, from one month to on year, la weekly or monthly payments. WK TAKM NotHlNO OUT INI ADVANM. tV glv you In plain figures what ths cott of tb loan will so there can 00 misunderstanding. 1 We glv yuu th privlleg of pnying'tlie l.rn in full at any time, and, chaj Ir the tlm you hav it. 1 loan money to pay your grocer, tetori, rent.

Insurance, lease on urultur og fe any other. purpAe whatever. 1 I also pay oft loans held by ether omt panlea end ban you more nioney, to. hava plenty of money at all lime.

nl offer th loweet rate consistent with gowoi bti.lnee principle. loan money for ih interest and you nee 1 have no fear of losing y. ur. gootls on account of sickness or other nit.foi tune. Do not be misled by advertised ratea which appear cheap, but ar uot what they seem.

We shall he pleased to farther explain ocr method of doing buslnsa at any tlm. All our dealing ar strictly confident 11. make no Inquirlta among your frlrnd or neishbnra. Call and see ua before borrowing i SECURITY MUHT'lAtiE LOAN CtX, 2" Indiana Trust RulMing, Corner Washington (at. and Virginia av.

Old main U. New ihons fAA FIN A NCI A OOOOO MM MM 8 8 MM MM MM OOOOO rxiN'T Ron now. BORROW MONEY FROM UA. Thla company was orranlx.d for ths eprl be lie fit of th masses.

will loen you money I on furniture, platios, horsey etc. MONEY SEVKN Al.f, LOANED I I TUB ON EAST CNTV TIMf? PAYMENT I'ER Yolf I'LAN. YFAH. WANT. he WFFKLT PATMl Nl t.



E. urner Pennsylvania and Washington, FINANCIAL k. 00000 a jt 5, 9. A A A A 8SS3S AAA A A 0 A AN SI a LLLLL OOOOO; A A S9SSS I WE DO WHAT A Bank won do. i loan money on a few hours' ntle.

In any amount from upward, on Ft'RMTf'RE, PIANOS, horses, wagons, h'okr pix TUIfCfl, WARKTIOUHW REt '1. 1 a AND PERSONAL PROPERTY" of all kinds, leaving them In your pH.lon. This la the company that wss organised for the exprr.s ptirror of supplying th people of Indtsnepoiis with money at the very lowest ratrr, and nak Ing paymenta within the reach of all. Following ia our nw Bulldliig Assoctattua plan, allowing fifty weeks to pay; weeklv payment only 4ho. tun, weekly payments xuy turn.

$100. weekly payments only 1 Other arrcounta In tha me proportion. ran. If desired, make monthly paymenta; or, In fact, any way to ault your conn tilwncn; tli best of peopl will sometime run ehr.rt cf ready mopey, and It la far mors arrets to a to borrow Ina bustnesa way than to nek the accommodation from a friend. do rv Inquire of your neighbors, and you will find our business strictly private.

(mr capltsl Is large, and aooommodate snany more people tiisn any ether cotnany, because we off' th let inducemeni. Call and be convinced. Inf'irma tlon cheerfully given. Our office la enetly found. CENTRAL WAN COMPANY, Room 1H Slevenc llulldltig.

IS Washington I Second. Floor. Front Room, i Progr Cfcthlng tUjre, Old (phone 3li2 New 4T fInanct a LKT Vn PAT TOUR RILLS. WK WILL UiAN YOU TO PAT TOUR RENT OR MO VI NO KX FENS EM, TO PAY YOI TAXri. your iorroR, OR HSHI'RK MAN.

WE WILL PAY THEM ALL AM ADVANCIS MOHR MONEY, HX No loan la too large or none t' smell to eelv our careful attention. Itcmemler, make ao Inqulrlea among your neHtrihor friend. Ntrr do publish your tranaartloav Any amount from 110 to iv) loaoed on hou bold goods, planoe, organs, horses, wagons, la WITHOUT REMOVAL. TOU GET THE MONtf. 1 MAKE TliE PATMENTH TO SUIT Yor Lf WE OIVK YOU ANY LENGTH OF TIM.




THE INDIANAPOLIS MoHTGAGii AN1 1 wan uomi Roora 10 Thorp Block. i7 E. Market ft I'EIi V'jNAL Money loaned on watchea anil' diamonoa: largeet vmviw rat a. Steynsoa i' ii'g. PF I IS'N A ou can jlainly see a ln oualiry and make up 1n Stout ierial nd It ladies shs.

4 E. iWaehlPgtnn su AL If you havei rhtunuilKm I wt.l send you free sampirs of rein 1y whi ho eired ni.ny otisllnete ri. Adlre.s E. I JIATTHttVC, I'ostaJ Telegraph Itiuldlng. ar Ind.

REMOVAL. ItEMOVAIz Ilr. If.iung removed to rrn 1. Alansur i BivH Auoai.ia and Inctcn at 1 Tt rrtu KJ jf it Kit YY iiM gglXB.

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