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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 5

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 NETS KOIS OF NEW YORK Aa THE WOI OF IlEMOVrXG MIXES JTIOM JEWTORK HARBOR. Spe eolatlo mm to Haw Chief everjr till CoadaetiIlf.elf rarlv El' et oae strides la. Oly Te War Ta. ws. New York.

July S. a.T work c' rraoT Ir.jr hs from the verllaire.s New "Tork bAr or Is In progress. Those la ths "East channel, of the trree to ths ocean, bar be taken up. but ira of those in. the ctan le.i to l.r.r Iflat sound were ty been Mo up, the wires beeorns enlarged that It as con ri'ere'd dxrTO to try so take them up, iney were, Kore, c.

ra in ccrx uir Ji ft tarlr.j quntr rf rr.oorp vrr thn 1 ffirH'ifd from th r're; th xrtlnet ivr. A rpctcie r. us rrj a cf tr air Ti.t J.TiT.i r3 "rf I hur fount Ir. rr r. r'i fher t.i l.e If r'd el of to err' 1 't ru tr.k.'..

t0 nfcJf "t'T 1. wT.r.ff the i.r.i;k'.ri tn1 af. rd r' 'rrr th fr.v .1 2 TV to l.s In rtf a' ''0 hois 1 tUa rTrt thai l' t. j.e to tn li.t on ih' ir 1 i 1 1 1 1 7 a Ut ti r. y.

If thr a lfcJ of i r.r. It Offl rr.ary tr 1 1 n. ti i Jt c. fr rr I. 4 fo J' rr.e tn WfO 1 re a cS In of tM 'Ut ti" i tx re hs an lr tn bS tr k.r Attls Cl tx two ckiu ttu Ci" of are.

11.00 fi sor ot .1 Ir mikuor t.e tiut Jul inJt ecusil j. tr muh At ho it Is "td tre Iwai rw fi iir ofJ in v' nan 1.jt rf t.ur an of t' nee wer rJ ka tton for but rucA mirJa tur drafts form bet a TnIl rt of Uia 'cy trfciJiI jorm.a 7 Ti cVM'fa of' the late Jay Gould liare had sn lnrea4 of in their re riive fortunes T.v tfason of the death of thetr granduncto arid the provisions ot hi, Com It us K. Bailey, who was rlne yrs of afr. lived in Ja rr.aloa. lie.

a ni.A.t iyvu. of one of hs i Ute wife of Jay Could, and will that property 10 bj elt r. or in the event of rm(ir heirs. The'F. ri.r.i to t.HriE" riad.

and hnr r. thL' share to to the i Uouid One of the Urret 'ropal churrhes In New York Ja a 'A'rfwi. of liar Tf n. The ior. the It'ev.

Vr. Gorpe R. 4yan dt; Water, ia ch? plain of the Scv tr.ty P.rpt Jleriment, and has been with ihMWi from Ms 'arlth. the nlembers of uhlrh (pre.vntd nith Insurance 1'cvicy of ii.ini. lr.

Van de Water has arri' 1 xntich rrate bv Ms active work 1st t.e frxurt in a rff ment Whk suf ff rei so pven iy in kiiied. wounded and rnifrfjriK. He Is riot a jourtr man. and is of erw wt itht with General ShafterJ There has been much unfavorable coraA ment br ause of Governor Black's re 1 ae of a nvrforloua crook. George J'oet, al ocation for patdon, had been unfavoralIy by erxior Flower.

Governor granted the jxinlon the customary rotlre was Mi sent to ihe police of the cUUsi dn Tout's release from CUn ton prison, a'onUk nce fames on coun trymen are his speclaJty. and his record Uwt men i nd of the coun try, ti' iu everM towns In Ind.anu, hvi Ms vjw linn, lie has itr i la lhi.w4.j A record is kept of the number of deaths ty tiiS lrf, and it now sfpt rates tiianra. Through roe xrr.b&atltn of clrcumstancps Ui rstion of electric cars in Brooklyn hks been fclleridud With more i than la ar.y other city. iTohahly is because they run. so much fAMer than the ii i tin st hore irs, end be di of ths nurrt'TxTu crf.s:nrs of elec Tr.c oar ar.fre la Ui re.if e.1.

iujr rt in I'vi i a. rout te rl lie ar kn jwri In the bor t.i ci a iTitrii th3rJ pt ars to have a rr fr pvr. hq are derj.rr and It frequently a.i i ve sucn vtsuors aid occ ftconaiiy to hs them arrMwi. fur this 'j a rpftial polioe la ttiiMt rath. rl au.

Lrftet we tht re wss a visitor that l.t lnJ direct if corrmu: jaxm and "'rvi to f.r ai.t i.m. ssso ar ni 1 at coxruriica a x.iuev rraJ rroti TTe are in York City In. 'f a year i ruld Ust a iSe rs bvw ai lrrr A tn tlx vniber of thv wiio death hy car in th were ut rl i iui iv i r'ur lir h.vl rBkKl to tMrty. Iajt yer rs. ord.

ahtVa 5 othrra tsx.k t. i. Ky Cej ri throt.rh n.t."i i.r a iiT ai la tl.e it arrt. ef ap al ii i a Jts n.y It thirty tor.s cf i wr frcm the cl. tu nh i mry.

A ti ever the Sr ter nT Cf a hundred yr! between thse 1' r. barir.g tiio as Its lo.ien each tr p. a tmrffrr was the result of the nie ard r. ur.t rr trcm the Gov A IpTs part cf It a.U it rs bt rvre. but cvj t.

1. la i.a st fire Ifli. nere is nw a crcrlete use has svfctem r.f rxu r. rrcra the Jersey r.rrr to i ouna Irork. i.n ir.

snd arrnrre. ot a ir 4ai vk to Ji! Trer.ron. jt TTt t.ian and tht re i alait ron.t uous trol l.v romiiM ti. )D, ttt its time j.t hft ar.yor 1 nv.rir n. ire te to rv.

le ro Ne crk to ty ti.t car. A tir.jr the saf srvtliVi rf tie cf i i tt icik rf the Ere slurry Ti ty t4 the i rf tiat jr.Ht: to sl to Kve. il ir.f It tT.s ifty f.f.y of good kept ty ti.e nun all I hie vr they 1e hj r.t to aH V.t t4 1 so k. iz nmu.a thtjr Lxe th ri "Jim l'" men have had tn prortunity to readjp ard of ritrht thouaand booka. Thla la a 4n which has loni? leen operation at the lif aaving stations aionj the eoaM.

Charles P. Bates the 'well known horseman. who la nnjversally called Uates" and is one of the features of the annual Horse Snow, as been summoned court by a colored woman, becauso one of his horses, which was being exercised In the street, kicked one of her children. Bates Is conducting a larfftf sales stable at the present time in West End avenue, and the exercising of horses and ft her features connected with It ar considered a areat nuts nee. A complaiM hs been lodfl afainst hiax fn thia score also.

Pending a hearing, Hates has been paroled in the custody of tls counseL The Hudson river tunnel, whlcS) ex tends from Jersey City to a point within tan Is to be sold at auction' under foreclosure "proceedings, the mortgage on It amounting to nearly H.OXJ.OO. The bond holders propose to reorganise ths company ar.d complete the tunnel. There r.aa tecn Itttle work done on it lor many years past, but st one time there seemed to erery pro pert for Its early scc ce. and very large expenditures were mae ca it, A recent report made by the trustee efiths EpiKcopal Cathedral SJoha ths I11b. states thst the work already rTforroed has Involved an outlay of JSiO.WiQ.

sedthat ths cost a like mount. The the sura already arwiit Tth so little resoX is ac for try ths fact that raurh rot stuns wsa found a r. sci d. rtak wss er ctel. 1 txl relay tfr the 1 as l) tx rrete4 la tew ruinated SI Ahoyt tJs.tiC.a, Tt arent rf ths Fr TraTiaatlar.tlo CrtrrpmT.y wss ir4.t.:y or.

cf ths most I r.r.r.t rrma'Ttrg Ja hn the auus lock jiare this a.d ths large cwntract ccrd by in lor fcla cotnpeey that tr f.ay Let alter to btrlfcrs. er frcra pauv.m fcr;Mea cour.try. ot as a rattier bsjes pl ht ailed States tag 1P j.iked from atnCesa a. rs the art ti ar. I Ths Korth er'hai por cf tis rtir lr.r.s aiv the rt rtr.

tiaa of ali. yet It as ntn bad a n.rtuch rn th numerous raHsajs hsvirg ts T.a st irrry City. The Erie rtilroad ii: fd a frr mim! on th Jhe liani'ta rtvrr. as 3 cars betaeen Ttl 'the yards in Jerse CT.y ty nveans cf fk 4. tus secursnjr C.rect cc.mrec A Cafbone i hapel has rsr iy be ea la this cilj in 4 urUq xi lox ilon.

Jt is Uhin tho Emits of Lb Jerom Tark re Toir ev nrtually It sito be Ort plT red by wrnWT. At presi tbe are Itaiun. laborrrs employed at. the tle of othr mtlonallUea. and aa they Will be there I.r liva years to com, a church was oon i.Vvd rwc by tho Catholic author itf and th coatractor gave perselo for iia eirectiun.

In Edwin Gould accepted, on behalf of tho Contlncrstal Match of which he is president, tlO.V.0 in ch and several acr of kind In the city of nrosrwourg. X. so a bonus for the location, of a match factory there. One building was erected, but It was never occupied and the Ogdrmrjurg Board of Trad Is now takl ntr ti to necure the. return to th of the bonus wtucn was Rrvei i The CbrlMian ScientltHs have developed uffirf it strmcth In this city pur char a'daraMo ite at the corner of Fixlr etghth street and Central Park fv hre.

It Is said, they will erect a Tip churctJv Tuesday was one of the busiest days In the 'history of the quarantine station. as twrmj inree akhtn a few hours, and all had to be visited by the health efflcer. The North Arserlcan Trust Company ot rtt hoa a branch In Sajvtlajro, bein the. first New York Instl the it went Into active. directly represented.

i 1 A rtf 1 The oldest camp mietlng the United States will shortly begin Its plxty sUth Tirrual rKason in its historic grove near Slrg 1 SAIPSOS'S FRIZE KOXEI. f. y. s. The Sailors May Have to Walt Some Time for It.

Ajshtnirton. D. July 30. The sailors of Sampson's fleet who participated In the destruction of the vessels of Cervera's squadron probably will have to wait m.nmA time vef for tneir priio iuwir y. The Navy Department has prepared lists of all the crews of the Spanish vessels the our own fleet that participated the Engagement who were entitled to prise money, tor the we of he Treasury "in settling the accounts, but the Treasury Depart ment mclals, in their care to prevent any misapplication oi mo iun, requested that they be.

supplied with fur the ii information, and this re quest has nesttted the return of the ht txi rhe North Atlantic fleet of San ti. io.ifor amendment. To prevent fur ther trouble and oeiay on mis score. secretary Ljcmsc has ls.ued a clrcuiar No. i ahich as been dispatched to all comniiinavrjr onicers oi wne navy, wnn down tie rules for the preparation of the rrizi Li as ufrirested toy the order zrom ens ray cparim it.

Traailer ot Sailors. Washinrton. D. July Being abls to eneasureably the force of iravaJ suxUlary vessels employed tn pa trolir.g the Atlantic coast. Captain Bart lett, cotnmandlr.g thls service, has begun to some cf the bt sailors here tofore employed on thoss vessels to Ad cUraJ Simieos'i fleet.

He has given or ders for ths trsnsfer of 100 of these sail' or to the rvortn Atianttc reel, boms ave been vnt to NorfoCk "and thirty were sent yesterday from Pensa cola Co Bftjitlago on the steamer Tacoma for dU rrtbsrUon among the vessels of the T.tirC' Sliest of theas were from lihcels Island. New York snd Idaryland. but ths tlrty a ha sailed from cala Were recruited in the Southern Stales. Tbr axs still ft) of these acill iiy sellers avail ble, and they i'J be Cra a oa ss r.led SitnptMt rrr liswley and Chief Ea fi veer nave formal ro tui to tl.e Nary Det artmerH cf the cf s.i;:rs the enlisted i jv i ur in ine vk est ana fcku.n urt tiiiHfl. slows ta men es at New fr.earis C.

tiiv tat CieveWnd. 1 at CM (tto on ir. rr itA tn on ih. pvcmJ: i men in jetrtt. I at Sarin aw.

iviMd, ai incinnati. tt iLi wh Km. JI at I'ort Huron. 14 at Molina. it CiX.ncy.

C3 at Alton and 10 at Taetarles Xxe istted front Taxes, Lou 31 The reaeral council lat eJ and the mayor signed aa crcmanve ee new macufarriea from taxes 11 a wrttd of five vtara. The mala otjertof thetneasure Is to attract capital and fact or1 es from points taxes are. at present levied upon Indus tries and tlius supply fields for the wctk tngniaa and advance the city's positioa as a comro rvlal and manuTacturlnx cen ter. The Pjuslne men of ths cTtv hivs ri a deep interest la ths fate of the opl. nee a "vi a delegation of cvm uclxaea, headed by President ih Paoon was present lsst nlrat to watca its passsre.

31 11.T MTR I ITroas the rhyalelaa'a Staads la. V4 hep Jtcrrorh tp ren It la aJvava aut. VW if tfl Ivn! lt Xulrl e. Thtn la i' a inirr in oairr prvirs 1 us r.K vra ue smaireet my 4 a Uimrul eTet xn a conira.j st rrbi ettttai a arrv farc i. he iurlfh.r.g cnarr of 1I: r.J rrat r.

ta iri. lt ly sUrlrJ to Ptrentt entr es.k cfiuJ ea pn4 tho me it tai.k lorsl. atomarh la .1 tha faroua l.tH.aHujKti lira ilia; fcloa fc fnrr: lha tl. v.kact and marl t.a..ti lr THE SENTIMENT OF FRANCE tT 19 SOT ASTAOOHSTIC TO THE rrrrTED states. Mis pre setatioa the Preick PntSyteek of the SU lster of Coameree at the Foartk "Jmly Danqaet.

r. tCopTrlshted. hr ths fsaoc Oed Ptsas.) Paris. July at There Is a strong eslre la French offldal circles to bring about a complete resumptm of tho pleasant relations with the Unlted States which feet of the bulkhead line of achat existed previous to the trouble between Spain and America, and which were dis turbed by French, paper utterances. It Is pointed out that the hearer 'the Spanish American war comes to a close, the clearer ft is to sober minded Frenchme that public opinion la America has been mistaken la regard to the real opinion and feelrsg of France toward the United asMTt rhat ths Aiark ui TlctorUe bars rauseg a charts of optH' oa is rtant'e.

and fhstSrhs rrench a pparr ts lay think It sriser favor the con ia of the Inns tf lis FVert press tovui the Unrtsd Tate, is aaii as largagt vsel by ths cews pajrs at pr.r. Is ta ftbstane ths saxa as sd fhres tjLhP set, a i that reason ts Atn rv aJi ka Ve under lb. jEirssaion tt.t ts refers sen 9 ths riled Ftaia ad frvort.U a is costs the fart that iy 'ths iT.s rrt of rrch treas as vesd la ths ab tfirpevehea. srart rafrt as the J' dee ZVbata ths FUrsro an! ia Ttbis is pms sthers. have as favored either a As in tt M.

asd hare their r4Ts witfc sc rosrais'of the IX rest festaros cf the Coo ir.tiinc It Is argsrd. soeas of Oka iS ri'r rtstjv a of Frrtarh jreps wrs tt: rrvw wvl rtr the war. land their statri Wl room for doubttcg thst they Entertained a oordlal ferilng toward the IV ed Stairs, whne Frmch tHrxs ma who were sta iiarly Interviewed, were even mors emphatic In thflr expressions of friendship toward America. M. MarwaJ sale's peeeh.

Finally, the FreJichtnea ay" that the reoent cV.ehratlon of Iks Fourth of July here was the oocaskm of bringing forth addTJonal proof of the cordial feeling en tertainad here toward "AmortcUns. "At the banquet of tho America Chamber of Comnverce there were msrjr jroent Frenchmen present, lncJud some of the highest mate ofSeUhs, a M. Maruo Joule; the MaCal Jf of Commerce, speak lnr for th Freth rwernment, BXid: "We have been "told that far away oh the other side the Atlantic there are those who have Kstenod to calumniators tn France who asserted that Franco was forgetful of her duty and that wo have become "not adversaries, out, ac cording to Bom reports, even discourteous toward America. I protest against such en My word is wuffi clent to dispel such ridiculous idea, and iw vo hst th echo of what I say will ewt Mirried far from thla banquet hail to trvn other aide of the Atlantic, as en dlgTOuit protest against the false reports as to tne een.xuD'sa.i. America.

But, if this Is not sumcieni, lettno assure your countrymen that not a day, not. an hour, not a minute aa elapsed during whicn tne nanuu, which exists between us bm ever ran i ir vv hrnken. France has al ways been for you a second country, and no one knows etier iui. TVT iv TTrnAh fish I 'r, tBt 6i the French Minister of Commerce Is reproduced here as It Is being freely used by Frenchmen In their argu menU tending to pro that France has not Deen uraneruuy United States ta the war with Spain. They also arguTj that there is no reason why Francs should side with Spain as during the present cejitury "never been, any common ideal between the two countries." Snd that the French Aa ana nrtt led by clerical considerations nor "by the of the wxja ned Latin races," wyicn, is iur ther asserted.

Is no longer taken seriously by any sensible man. France's rowitio "From semi official source the follow ing statement was made: "From a commercial point of view, France is as much Interested tn American as in. Bpanisn trade, and ccgisequently she has no rea son to jeopardize her inenaiy reiauvii with the United States. Still, she reeis sympathy 'for her nnforfunae helsrhbor, and rejok heartily at the fact that peace is rip do arraageu, French ambassador, M. Cambon, has be the messenger oi peace.

French government ad public opinion icans, whom she considers to be a prso ucnu jwpie, wu cever think of bavjirg wnn a great liuropean power for such a trlfting object "As to the Phlilppices. if (boss lslaads are to oe lost to Spain. France, as the ruier of Indo aouM t. iK fer having the as text door fP Of UTL.wi!t "ftwace Wants, so far as ths Lmud Strctes lircs oerned. is only properconsidration of, her com merclal lnterepta.

in th.e baa etl I ri'. t. v. i 17 me dispuVedon theJn 1 Jo Eiprettlen Caersla lag. rv ered Dariag the rre at War.

Eoston. July tuc si or oonor sr th nrl.t meeting of the Massachuaer a Marblehead Neck, wide a carrfully prepared speech." in tha J. cf which he discussed ths ouestion of our foreign relations growing OUJt of thc wa in? qaesnoa T.e said: It is Impossible, with oar eve coastantty changing kalet lWope to predict. wrthrtalaty. how we am t.

a. the diacult problems Vhat, re upon ts at the erd cf ihis war with Spain. Bat of this, you may ba sure, thst the vote. of every reran feas lislaUre ia ither' House Congress, by the choice of the tT ticaji of Massachusetts, ts i lliti lJNUiAAfULlS IsEWS, JULY 30, 189a; lyto have such responsibility hereafter. wm be cast in accordance with the ion of Massachusetts.

"Her opinions on such questions are the fruit of nearly three hundred ye of ETeat and honorable history. She win not depart from the Declaration oe Inde pendence. She will not depart trefn the doctrines of liberty Jajd down In h4r own constitution." She will not consenf to be the ruler over vassal slaves nor subject peoples. She will eater upon no mad carreer of empire In distant seas. Sho will hot seek to force her trade upon unwilling peoples at the cannon's mouth.

She will not exact tribute or Tevenuei from men who have no voice In regard to them. She will not consent to entar with ship, alliance, or eontest for the plundef of China, or ths division of jkt rlcs, or for the subjugation of the eastern archipelagoes, or for compelling unwilling peoples to trade with her. Liberty Xot ob latoa. "If the American flag appears In the East. It wOi be as the emblem of their liberty, and not of our dominion.

Shs will desire to meet the great responsibilities which the end of this war seems llka ly to bring to the American people solely in the interest of the "provinces we miy deliver from Spain, and not for our own. M. I an afmrd 4 it tJ tnay wrocjfti Aaervaaa w.j not mtr tea sad pcwp4 t.aro. thtr PTrtl will enter and pvs ol rap. as rat wa sso Jl e.

as isM has larwlM w. mw 4 sr. w. cn sj sisni.s os 09 ef g3T TeriC 1: Bs jca I'krty ws easy fail as Pvata fc i fa.l Iel w.U l.J Hro rt 1 raa has arl Is frw. sad ts ilt ths jr Ur n'gra raa re rte TO 1p tvorthra twt a.

re a fccs ttu ii. w'V st TfL pd as aa arr4 Xt ta me I "Jar trimr. Ia tls fa. T5psn os ef Ir iT a 4 th la i ps. a.

fjr 1 'J 1 Eif UrI ry IV aril a Eo w.t'red a jrS ty wss tJe srnl ra i Sk9r tf 1 AsarV ak "As ar.stn rvf oe arTT sway gjvera J.V ft iUIh. r. ri and never w.ll be aor ur.y by a dexnsi wcy or a republic." The Wheat Blaasrr. the EUm sf Ths Itr.aajoJ h'ews: The article la The last evening, roncemlr the re appointment of Dames to a olace In ths bwtoftce. Is timely.

has dor moTe to demoralise the local mall service than anything else could do. According to the admissions of Mr, Ilesn. Wheat has already been called upon the green carpet twice, and he has only been at work bout three weeks. lie Is threatened with a transfer to the. post office proper if he doesn't do better.

Inasmuch as he can only make trouble, In. his present position, with three or four clerks, he will have the opportunity to harass at twenty five clerks In the postofflce. The teopara can not change his spots, nor can James Wheat keep from making trouble wherever he Is. Nothing approaching this disregard of the civil service rules has ever occurred In this postofflce, and 1 can say, from positive Information, that the Republican candidate for CongTess, who. It Is generally understood, urged Wheat's reinstatement, will be generously scratched on election day on this account.

ONE. WHO KNOWS. Indianapolis, July 29, 1S08. Reckless Drlvlnjr. To the Editor of The Indianapolis Testerday.XThursdayi, at near 1 o'clock.

while a passenger on a Brightwood cir olng west past the market, I witnessed. a deliberate piece of reckless driving 'of a carriage containing a laay and gentle man. Had it. sot been, for the instant action of the inotonnan, there would have kuuu ui um uivivrumu, lucre wuuiu iiitvc THE "START OF THE 160TB HOW. TinS REGIMENT LEFT CHICK.

iAJUCCA PARK. i Early Morning; March from the Cajnp to Ros.vllle How the Se tioaa of th Re isia ivural Trala LrfMtded for Xewport the powers Of Europe Into any partner Cor wpoadenc of Tn Indianapolis New m. Wttythe Ooe hundred ena Slxtleth In dlanaf En Route to Newport News, July 23. Aj happier regiment can not be found In the whole army. Without any Intimation or without any formal orders, we were told to prepare to move at, 'once.

Teeterday. about 11 o'clock. Major Almy, acting adjutant general of the Third Corps, rode up7 to Colonel Gander and ordered hint to at RossvUle with his rgtment as soon as possible for transportation to Newport, News. The cslonehwas sourprtsed be could sea States. It ad jHl that in spite of what P0' Lnu fy talk.

Of course, we bare beon ex I A ihrAiirh in arvd lnnuencx. I was wrTtte. newspaper, here or discussed In social clrclfs wlen the war wVlt)ttLm th, tjr rbo begaa no doubt was entertained any a ti Ar for caaklnd. if where la Francs as to ths result of the to p. pie of the' United hats come to hosT lUes.

The weakness Ml Inferiority sbxloa their fuadam nU dJctrUva. If Spain were so rrldent that. It Ii attemtt to rar rn grjal maas Of cJshnsd here. wouM be unfair now to Z. Jirl pectlng a tnoiemeot soon, but not for a week "yet.

at least, and then, the Second Division goes; and so when a Verbal order came, "and ifor us a Ion. It seemsd too good to be tre. The colonsl sent orderlies la every dlrectios," sywading tbs good news throughout the Ait drill stopped, ail details and poat. guards orerrd la. and prepared t3edlt y.

All oir fcrsorr chser was discr.ted fcy the enti duplaytd this tin. For half aa hour ths boTS led sod sacr. and sr sad yei.e. About Ce ie ths sothasiasra rwld dowa. a thr Jar was rscet ed STati that rjScler.i ears tl be obtained tl Thurpday jraor irg.

so ws pa h.l noes Xsurp. y. At Wit tsrs p.nd.t at Hk ea cS eij ka cf siep, Y.X sip wasi Ths 57 k.Ip i about cTr Ivt a ittK and svmc of ti aa ssff! tr cwM a4 est tis cvid. Brraktal Caas, At o'eL ta Li. srtlns wss it I tnsPffet ey a 7 I any ran a a wl.

a.vj wtn Jorcg to thetf Usr.4M a tt Tha. fcand py el Lrtl. and ery tarfl's es tt, Tt i Tnke fw J' esste. a.fl tzr a ICiX T. Otd Twn To Tf the ia dis light blankets and clothng re hurriedly roiled tosethr.

9jch wirk 4rsn not dooe veil aod a srors of ferrnt sonci were b.g surg st t. same Utse. I mm ease bonr es wars bur. of the rubbish we had to leaTe. At a almal all tents fell, and the wacorts werS packed.

Two wagon weret aikrwsd to each company, and three to the red mental frc era. Ten wasrons were lent us the brigsds headrjarterli. ami theoe ass in moving the vay, the bind large wagon, all the time tappin his mafu news to MaJor Kyle. Capt, bell, when the carriage deliberately, left Foxwfrrthy, stewards Starrett and Soin position near the curb and near the mers. i rear of the car arfil "made an attempj why we should be' so fortunate.

v. i.m aa to ihA frsiAsf erred to ttie First division burning so qright In every "heart. A thought came to me as I followed your "geometrical Why could not "the chain letter" be employed In wiping out our national debt? Every State in the Union could have Its own chain, toe amount placed' to the credit of the State, and' the whole amount Jo be employed fa lifting the na tional aeou i MAKQARET F. PEE LLC Indiana pollsj July 23. The Moat Eipeaiire To tha EUltor Tha Indianapolis Nws: An'rlem bi your Scraps' column ssys: "A London specialist says the most expensive drug called physosUgmlne.

It Is prepared from the Calabar bean, and Is used In diseases of the eye." This Is far from correct. Merck's Report, the authority ln such a matter, ouotes Dhv sostlgmlne at 5 cents a five grain via or 13 cents a.1 grain, and horaatrophine. aisi "used iaaeae or the eye; C2S a flve grSla vial, or three times as much as the former, Hyosrine hydro bemate, a 1s quoted at 0 rents a slrgle yrrain. Even these ars not the mos? expensive, but will serve to show th IncMTectness of the above Item. Ctacatoej now cheap, was once XI grain.

B. Cmi the Thistle. To ths Editor of "The Indianapolis News: If there Is any process by which the suppression of Cacsda thistles can be brought about la this, city," 1 trust you will do what you can to bring about that result. 'There are now several patches of fhemJ la ths city that vara ripening and spread far and scar. No one who has not suffered from the pest can have any Idea how bard they are ta eradicate.

i About throe" squares north of Washington street, east side Jefferson avenu It Is said, there cs be found a ljrg patch, sid several more can be easily E. July J. TTae CwlTsertsow Aaaaalt. To tha Editor of Tha Indianapolis Nwa: I wish to correct one statement re garding' MY. Culbept son's assault upon me yesterday.

Thit Is, thst I had at one 'time treated him or had him as patient The fact Is. that I never had anything to do with him In any way whatever, except once, when he had cut hi Throat, with suicidal Intent I assisted iri saving his life. LTVTver knew a single emoer or ws ramny. W. B.

FLETCHER. July ta. Jost the Thlws. I Oi ice co Reccrd.J the "oldiers apfreciate those night shirt we sect them" I should Ay eo; thty used them to dean theu THE) EtXPBCTAXT 15STH. Jleia Thlnlc They Could be Ready to Move 1 Tvro Honrs.

Correspondence of The Indianapolis News. With the One hundred and flfty elghth Indiana Infantry: Regiment. Chickamauga Park, July 23. Moves and rumors of moves have kept oui regiment on the alert for the last two days. W.e are so ready for marching orders that It is thought that tents could be struck and packed, blanket rolls made and the regiment under way "within two hours.

In the meantime the. soldiers are taking farewell trips to the point of interest around camp. Chattanooga and Lookout mountain probably lntere) us 'most of enough to get passes yesterday, and 1m medlatelv after battalion drill at 90 ln the morninjf we brushed our suits, polished cur button and ojr faces and started down the road rh Lytle. The pass Is a formidable document the one from Company bearing the of First Sergeant Rosen McCrea. Colonel Smith.

General McKee and Lieutenant fV ren. ald de camp ta General Poland. A Towa Wltkoat a nesUeaee. The famous town of Lyt consists entirely of stores and stand built of rough pine boards, and la probably the only town la the world of Its slxe that does not contain a single residence. Here.after showing our pass to the provost guard.

we boarded the train for cr.uaogu and upon arrivm there we at once trk the street ears and then the Inclined rail way for the top of Lookout mountain. Then dinner at Lookout Inn a 'real dinner, without beans or bacon! Perhaps we shall never know whether its success was due to Its Inherent merit or to the contrast to camp fire, but It will long rank first in our memory. To Vit in a chair and to be served at a table, on which there is table iinen and china are ln themselves luxuries of great magni tude. After dinner we want frj Puinf Lookout, the abrupt point at the north ern end ot the mountain, and saw what Is probably the. most impreaslve scene in America.

Before us, hut l.sro' feet below. Cures 2n. Deafness The Vfnnyoo cf3e are thoroogiiy lor ths treatment of every form ef catarrh. special apparatus reacaes an ui aiseajoa ana sor spots and efTec sl posiUra curs. If you have Catarrh or.

any Throat or Lung Complaint. ca'J and rscelvs a fras 1 trial local treatment Jdsdicsi exaaa voos ana aonoej tor al assesses sbsoiutas fraa. ALaJtjrtlo liuUdlng, corner ya ia and Url suruw stretched the squares of Chattanooga the farm fMds around, looking? like a gigantic checker board, spread mi our feet, while winding about It wai the sliver thread of the Chattanooga river. AbT Rila Storm. While hefe a rain storm came up jn the vaney below ua.and we had the somewhat novel experience of (watching storm from abovs the clouds.

Seven States are Said to be visible from fh point, but. as Bill Nye has said. Suites look muih alike at this season viiai ti is (eiucuic to them. If this war can be called an 111. wind.

It certainly blows good to ChttaTwr The city ts crowded with soldiers; in every shop that ws visited we round them officers and privates side by side and wi ins uiirexis or mousanda of dollars expended bv the Gove Cam Thomas, certainly a srew.terj pro iiutj iia way .10 tnis one town, in a soldier's camp little srtlclesss sums an importance all out of propenion to their real valoe; A bit of string 1 always worth saving, a board or a box Is always of considerable worth, and It is en every day occurrence to ace some ot the men making a trade of. say. ners that Tge camera enthusiast of the regiment frreanVMa traxlrirton. He has J1J up ar room ln h' He has so many orders for phtojeraphs in this and adjoining regiments that the work takes up a great part of his time. I B.

WHAT THEY TMISK. ABOCT PE.tCE, V1e Offleera of the lSSth Ia rflaaa Iafaatry. of The N.eaJ With the ChuaJred fTrty lbV IsdAiaa Irtfarrtry. Chickamauga l'srk, July 3. TN.

heavy rain this wek axl live c. Uik from have m4 lie eamp of ths Oae vired a Ij nts a aknigh of deppo.l. Ul: ieirry fT re ftd the cMJl of the wt UarJcet from the Aa rfa rps the tm rttars cf ths men: ojrit a nj be ai7ut somuli Fsrt it ks not. Th. of i i s.

ths a.j ut iivrrlews pre wj i jt ta ja. e.ti am to wiu V4ll Wl.I Tery h.ia t. erase of retu a aa io BUf rr BjI I army w'il th 4 ii t.i a f)f Ewny rnjhA, a ar vt troup he retailed in tu Kfrxn of their s.i.l:ent. If only a ft susice to tk Cv, may tui rev ii. a great auany to retain, posses, son of I is corxrra aUntt Torto The vypi there are more intelligent and w'll accotnmodAte eiY, mors to the changed wnica Ameiicens will inauru rate.

The most serious situation will be fronted In the' Fall lypiaee. but I do the "post exchange," bot! or which harei appreben.1 any serious corrroli cations oecome permanent features. of the regi with Germany or any other power. Our The march to Rossvtll W.n i. "ht ww nd tact m.

Colonel Gumier and staff leadinr the I 1 enou11 to wort ny emergeacies that appropriately playing I rr annouga I admit that ia. 4iuuuuK inrt ogn ueorgia. as we roun ea uie iena in the roa.1 and turnwi Into" the uayette road th hnniifi.i iy oiiea oeen oiaoe to selaa the hot end of the ookee snu Lookout Mountain came into our view, I optimist as regrards the sltuU in reys ot me rising sun naving just I ji teei, aa ne men ao. im touched the tooa The march, without Incident, required less than two hours to make, and we were ready to move at once to Newport News. But not a car wt.

to ba seen. The Start. Before 8 o'clock a train of flat cars came in and Inside of thtr.y minutes the train was ready to start with our wagons. This constituted the first section, and was composed of "fourteen cars. The second section pulled put about 10 o'clock, and contained 1C9 mtiles and twenty horses.

A guard accompanied both these sections. At 1 o'clock the third section took Colonel Gunder and staff, band, ft portion of the Third Battalion and three cars of provisions for tha Kentucky regiments. The fourth, fifth 'and sixth sections start some time to night, the railroad cdn par being unpardonably slow. little of Northern enterprise would change imiigJ wirrtut luuy. iiuai iwn ww dor and a.

te)r Jfi mArdfested been a serious accident. As we neared practicing the vJrtue. dt patience. "STttWi reprocSl reio he comer of Market ana At a. ate hour last night General Wade COffineCUOa W1U VU T.

sav. Kea was a Aa wrvK41 ti ji .1. tw motorman was following very slowly a stewards to return to the regiment. This patient and eager to do somethin. I am llllag to bide our time and take what ever comes.

Major Rich. wct Iafoi med. Major kich was facetious, and said The Prwtdont has not yet corn muni cated the lnsidn facU to. ma I am pectins to hear from him next however, through the columns of the New York Journal, and aa soon as I do. mm give you unetner interview." Lieutenant Poland asrcei with Onlonei Smith In the main, tbut was disposed to think rather better! of diplo mcy.

He tLbughr If were corrciuoea to mororw. there would be a ned of garrisons to the number of perhaps 150.0U0 men and a standing armv of 60,000 at home. It would be a long time ceiore any ot the volunteers would be mustered out, but troops which do not leave here before August 10 will probably remain until October or November, and then be as garrisons ia the Philippines, the Canaries. Cuba. Porto Rico and Haw at Captain Allen was of the opinion, that the war would last lohger than if with any other power thart Spain.

"As the Duke of went on Capt. Alien, "bpain is easy to defeat, but hard ZhtoLT: Nowl' aTe to, Tmt to the 1. conquer She never. In ail. her hl3 such recklessness'ln driving around the which had expected to go, before us.

tory. had a Short war. To be con market, Jt to1 time arrests were made We understand the One hundred and ril ditlona are changed now. and modern before something serious happens. The ty elghth would also like to precede us.

wars, are neceesarlly chort. They must man was angry because he could not Later The last three sections arrived at be, unless one or both parties to the con dash in. and run over the whole blockade. 4 o'clock, and Major Miller's battalion? fiict are I think that France is and thought it funny that the motorman Idaded on the fourth section, laJorA penind. ail this movement for peace.

She could not see him and prevent his vehicle I Backman'i battalion on the flfth section is not only the intemedlary, but the in ruooiiLK uie car. ne luiic3 snouia rich i inn Mflior tianers Da.iia.u4ju i uin Mrs these, people. July 23. CITIZEN. Chain the hatlonal Debt.

To the Editor of The Indianapolis News: I was interested in the editorial In last evening's News, in regard to the. "chain started by Miss Natalie Schenck, to provide ice for the soldiers. I am proud to say I was a link ln that chain. Now, the letter" 4s not a new idea. 1 Churches charitable Institutions 'are continually tryirig" the.

efficacy of them, but I hav never beard of any of them meeting with the euc rn France are perfectly aware that thelces of Miss Schenck' letfXr. I suppose United States will no longer be satisfied it was an evidence of th'e' patriotic fire With the mere Independence oi uta, considering that the war has cost, her considerables sacrifices. Consequently, the French press, especially the Journal Dee Debats, and the Temps, are already taking Into account that Important element In' the settlement of peace. They only hope that America wll not claim too much. Not iat France feels envious, la view of the Increasing powrr of ths United States; but.

simply because too onerous conditions on the part of America would make peace dlfnculu In fact, it deserves to be pointed out that France does not make any objection to the UnKed States kit either fts strength or Ks dominion. The reason for a' iet feellnc of France In this matter Is that she Is convinced thst tf such an Increase la any way threatens' any Eu ropean power, she is not Uant power. Even the annexation of Hawaii, wht gives ths United States an Important po suion ln the racinc ocean, has cot dls luroea rraoc ia uie siigntest degree, her possesslonB la America, being email ana unimportant, conslsttng only of some cttle islands and French Guiana. Therefore, ahe feels sure that the Amer the rear. We ail ehali get out or tanooga this evening.

There is one iea ure of our Journey this time which is nicer. All the men have sleeping cars, and these are almost all Pullmans. F. W. F.

stigator. She Is Spain's creditor, and is regarding her own interests. I have no Idea that Spain will concede all that our povenunent will demand at first, although will ultimately be compelled to do so. and the United States will lay down her ultimatum ut the outset, end not I do not rerari the substitu tion of the One hundred and sixtieth In tliana for the Fifth Illinois as affect'ng tha situation materially, or the probabilities mat the One hundreo and fifty eignth wiU be a part of the ey Veditionary forces I attach no credence to the report that Fitzhugh Lee's corpsj will take the place or General Brookes In the expedition. They do not want many major Kenerais down there.

It would be sure to create friction. A treaty or peace wouia not mean me mustering out or trie army, we snan require least 50. uw men in Cuba, as many, or more, in the Philippines, and probably Mb. Everybody ought to know all. out as oniy one VVa pany Is allowed each day for these 01 tn 'WOnCleriltl llientS 01 places.

It is somewhat of a lottery as to pBelrS Pine Tar Uoiiey Who goes. I A crowd ef four of us were lortunaie aS a COUn CUfe. 11 nCVCf Pj ss ,1 fails to cure and leaves the lunis and bronchials in a healthy condition. Laws For sale iy all drurrlsfs. sure you get DR.

SELL YIN.E TAR llONET. CHAIRS lMlMWIIM fat to anf money HtaalftaS CSI03 T1T83, EiH Burhj, mfortablo, Physicians Office Fumiturcr llljest Standard ot Excellence. 1U least saath Street. Quick Action C'saa priaticr. slm s.iclty, psrmasent lod accurst ign a lew featarss oi the tfilllngtoa resoostMs party on receipt jnrsnlerd or retaodrd tyt' trial.

Ctalta sa Sea Sa SaaliMaaa. Ca. Bcx uuba.T. XT 4 DENTIDT A. UTTUB 629 STxrao Birncnra aruui nos rJ ft mmmmmm I I 1 1 1 1 I rr.yTAm nt I trT nnitiiiTlf nun 4 r4 T4 unr i I 1 I i round of th department and the V3.m rn Porto Rico, beside what we shall need for the poet at home." Captain Monlcal confessed to some cha rln that th4r services of the One hundred and Cfty elghth did not seem to be la demand but." said "we ars like a belt on i we must wait for our part of the belt to come up.

and it will come when the puli. gets around. We may not needed for a martla campaign, (but we shall certainly be needed as an advance guard in the campaign of civiUaUon. which ought to have been undertaken long ago. We shall have to be part of an army of occupation to humanize, and AtiKrlcanlrs those Is'ands after they pasj mto our hands.

I have company of rr.en who sre capable of enduring a great deal, and I should like to see them put to. the test; but We are prepared to of any use that we even though a less glorious career than rwe hyped for may lie before Us" Material Chsise. General McKetJ says that there Is no material change ln the situation. The quartermasters and commissaries hatre rrelved no hints cf any modiacatlor.rof their orders, and mrre troops must fd to Porto Rico. These? troop wlU naturally be those of 'neral Brooke's own jpm mand, for the ge.

ural will rot go without his corps, lie has already had the opportunity to do. that and declined: Just as. I finished the last sentencs a report came that the One hundred an.l slTleth. which starte4l this morning, had a ordered back to carnp. The rumor iaoir.

confirmation, but I shall 'probably kn more definitely before I close my letter. It ts not as unlikely ss might at first appear. Thai Fourth OfchV started foyf times befors it actually moved. Th i Fifth Illinois started twice and "was re called eacfi Cm. The Jlrt Ohio Calry lock Are starts and sM afraid mak any demonstrstlon finally until ths cv wrs twenty miles on their way.

it wir, than In anything pe. it la the un xpectd that; ens. far Coal Is at Ik.Jt M'ru. to tv and so I fi Tj srtv ure a.i later writ him. but remark! a.

a Liwrtf e. this m.wrrir. to rt tr. rw 1 ty a blow twra tl .4 or II i s. event

but Uo 7 sad ar get bac Vu lo r5" nd In th script (. Mi of th ns. rt ar nr. ir. I i.xi ar a.

ta si Cacjp Thoraas. th rv: r.i; t.rae; but smonr s.4rn of thr ri.ik a.i I fll i rtinvrs are nj t.i trv itt a'arl tii S'r et I rnl r.i,1.1 priva: tr thit fn. iJ written a thtr tr barracks were eret tl X') tieJ. by iiv l. ni r.

nt ll w.nt on (i i.l amwtnM i t.i piX.isof in trj. 'u ail i. 1 i.u.t t.vr.? wers to aNjj sit il rooms. ech twelve fet sj are. thre btiriiip orv wh si te sccorr.t Cats rr ive nin.

'ThP wis to bo co ip: t.J and worried, he s.ud. by mi.1 li of "Otober. Others are cr r. fl ler.t tht th Au liy w.U teir last In the army nti ar carinif at ut for "Joos at hrrve. others are still for or'iers to mort sny hMir.

ai.l are wonderin what kln i of openings I'm, and Porto wl.I afford for busint ns careers aftr they ars from uia army. Ths safest pbilosphy fur an Amert can volunteer soldier is to expect nochinar but tha unexpected, and then dl. ppoitnrient and surprise wU be lmpossihle. V. D.

N. i Annual'Salss over B.0CC.000 Boxes such as Wind and Pain la the Stomaoh. Giddiness. Fulnesi after mea's. Headache, Dizziness.

Drowsicesa. liuslgs of Heat. Loss of Appetite. Cnstiveness, Blotches on the Skin. Cold Chilis.

Disturbed Sleep. FriiThtjtil Dreams anl all JS'ervous ani Treniblln Sensations, TgB TEST TOSS VOL GITE Ttrr.rrp 15 TWT itTJTE3. Every guqurer ycuL acknowledge th44ja to be i A WONDERFUUIEDICIllE nrFXIIA5T8 PILLS, taken juidirect ed. wilIaalcklyrstor9 to complete health. They rroroutlv obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem ana cure sue it ueaaacue.

for a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion 3 Disordered Liver IM MEN. WOMEN OR CHILDKCM Ceecharh's PUI3 ero yVJithout a Rival And ta LARCEST SALE Df any Patent Medicine ln the Wrl3. 25a. at all Drag Storea, i am positive I would not he Iivii todAy hut for your wonderful Thillc Hert Cure. I hxd heait disease femr.

yean and doctors failed to fcelp me. vTra I began taking this remedy I was unfit for tut for six xnontiis I Kave felt perfectly vrelL Mrs. Mart. Wsldroff. 1 C.

Grand Forka, Minn. LiiU i.Jil.Z tin sold hy all dr urr'jta on guarantee first bottle beoi 'a or couey buck. liotM on heart and nerves ut lree. Dr. M.I Medical Company, Elkhart, Ir.d.

CtmtTl ct the Wivm. K7r po tsbl Fy arrmnsed rr.tft. ba IX el7Mt anil waate batn: eur to nrt: has direct con Bnlf'n wita the cttrti ao.t or tsoh cltjr iirr wnraa.J.. It 4s lmprol lur Wu oil io lute.y Mfe anJ Te.krra.

srhlch ala keaxa Xh.r u. t'aii anil se la cfrn tujtv. 1'HKTt. W. Kejser rlxt i'laoe).

14? N. il kois ft. l.4CfP1iS 4 Ai J. ,1, Tti. S.

I S. iUr ut. X4u 4 r. i 'TC2rrsSr. t.a'l4'iL, vm a 1 y.

4 ECZEMA WORST "JilO Face and Neck One IrJJarnrnaticn. N'ot Abte to See. Unabl to SIsep fop Weeks frcrn Severe Pain. 7 Frien3 Did Wot Reccgnfie Ms Face So Swollen snd Hideous. Three Doctors Could i Relieve.

1:12 vhecs I have snared with a cajie cf Ectema cf the worst kind, my face and oek dowtrto cy shoulders were me iatnitlon, viuivn 6 abls to seeout cf niy eyes foe anJwas nnal.le to sleep forwefc, on iiwitt of ths severe pain, which nearly drovs re ta sane. ly face and neck sere aad made xam look hideous. I hardly 1 yself ia a mirror, and ray frltuuH not haTe known rpe, only on account of try Clothes and carrtir torself, i Three doctors, tf srood practice, at .1 ref tiroes were atttn'hnj me, aad not of thern cool. I me of my pain. and 1 rTe all op.

A friend Mrrea me to fry Cm Kw. I it 1. and there Sras immr4uiS: grrit i.n it.t shouldfrs and neck tarninx their r.Ainrvl color. I um1 three bottirs of Cr rt Us St vLrcrr, fuor bojes Cfrtrsta mmtueiit), three cairs of Ct.tktbji ir.and my nen.ts andonsof thsJi. torar' :rr.e.l.nj "Woo enred Tfi" ar4 tej 'r CtTTrca rmr." J.

pir March 4. 2k hois St S. t. i tl iitu o.i i mi U.r nniif, 4 1 ip. m4 tin iitf, wirl iamtmtU rmm u4 (Mlfr, tna a4 poii 4 tia.

R. V. DaCCETT, JAMES B.LU1U3. i I JT 4 Euytn? poor paint has rrove! over and ovr acn a tj I btter rMl or tr a Cnt4. Hi t.

am IrtuHnf rimaa, a huge mm 'Tl U.r 1 it than to ts of it on hou. i ine CaMtaJ OtV rtra of Fa Ms n.r pure l4td oil paints and i tra: i red. 4 1 iiaUiMf uli rj.l I PAI.T MAKXUS. i Dealers la Plate aa4 Vluiw tlaas. p.UMTny sil'PLins.

tO to 24 Mass. Ave: Moae 1770. JL Jt 4 1 eU3 nl Cnshei" Per til 7 Indianapolis Gat Ctpisj. 1 zA tlc keti call at clce, Eatat3llahea In H08 R. P.

a rrVT a3 oa uaio sn r. Taiepftoft 9 I 2 niir. CAitn. i CyS snd'8antir. July Zi, 1 ua mm luow ntrai euaiii.ri 1 traiJs cter X.viOX RAILWAY STAXIC.v.

P. M. Tl.ns ln Ulaete Fae T'r r.rltl Iha: I I 8e.Kpsr, lor Car, li lr Car, 1 im C' X. CIX, C1U. ST.

LOCIS IVY. Clevclaad Dlviaion Four I cr Ws dr klaaele 11 1 tt p. ii. CiceiiJ Wall ex 1 aod'B Bii 15 I ii UCW Cr Hits Aila 1 Uc dy. ex, cy, lu.ia St Loals Dtv Illtp Koar.

Pttoul etj 7lHT(t tt 4 '1 8 dy. sr. 11 1 M.lS ii i ll il a aJO i. L.J'il fi.40 I i VaC so, Su iuirtTi'M sr a i iw Tori Si. tx, uy.

lli iOj Ciaclnaali Die nij. roar, a Lou ft, Sr. s. 4" cr.i 7 11 i ri. I an MleUlsaa III III Koar.

BntnoHr 'r, ts it Hwac, 4.ji "1. Cla fal dy, Loa i Lul Iat uia 1 1 4 4. 4 1 rnu Jj i a i I L. I I Uy. 0.

and i. Lui. Jy .....11 Chleaga i Voar, I.afTt cc'm 7: i f. m. 1 I (jl Oi, 4 1 a(f'ia Ul Uiii.

4 4 I uuaii. 9 r.a.'art'itfl, I i L. af' Ui 417 a a.i it Peoria Dir. ht Four. Paor'ae.

mag 7 i W.i i' I i a i I r.a i 1 Cul.a d. 1 a at, n.y tt I feurla Ulr. Kuur. ii rf 1 By ie 4. JI Ot.u.

i vl 4 PITTS till. Jt srrLolIJ T. lad'iilt UlT l'fai(. I I lira. lasf rs a 'v fci.

.1. 3a OJ l.a.a .4 Ol hleSsa Dlra Praot. Liars. tind. a i 1 Sfcca, s.

.1 LoaUvllls Dl Llaea. i I Nt 'l u. Ul1 1U Ma.1 lad MJ a ClV, lUMlLfO.l Ca rrmi, dr. Vmmt i r' i 5 a 1 4 Cla 4ly. JO.

1 i' 1. .1 1 1 ul I fca m. ay. fcou. an .) .1 1r fl, 6 Ind pla CfoiVan Oy.

I'rUJCl 4 I I a .1 i ifi 5 4 I 'i .1 I i iv i .11 uj b. I IVT01 4.1., 5 4 A.C 1 rL, i i 1 I. I K'r 1'Ionot 1 3 sl. fit 'a I ft I at H. i 4 4.

i 1 rtat, 4 J.i. di i. Mdri 'f" a 4.. ti, tc: 1 1 4. L.iKii I tn: (..

rx at 4. .1 1 ri: 4 Ivtt.all'l Lite, Jrrrm rt. 4 U'' i a Man. (1.

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