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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 3

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1. 1 LIVL3 ABROAD. AsiOil I III KIDN.vrilDJ 1 I Surroundlnc" Uli i lr Tbo l'tu rt.tlaty. tlv srnnr! o. 1 Oil the lost few year of tl.e preat Arueri i larnt cwrff As tor's resi ii nce in bis unlive city tf New York, the prospect Lis soa WViJorf at any mo.

ir.etit into the Land's of kiJaipers vaa ecustantly the family sword of BiiiK'les. darkly made ia constantly arriving anonymous letter tpnuuoni, me and It.1. ire ry 1 1 lecause their; necessity cie denied inntl lonrrirlto IMS publicity Sncident to ed,, totfnve America, Crusts into Lis present 1 tt it t. 1 with the chief crsvation v. re a of lesser miseries.

ubition. longintr for distinction, 1 liit' attire ana art, una a that iu New Yoik be and lis were let i more and more the prey of the de a.ul ambitious, f.Ih'd the measure Mr. Astor'a tnLappines to the, brim. About thr years before the Waldorf Ator sv'ic there began to arrive the 1 of th" threatening letters fore l.cdinjra! iaotion of thf berr of tbo bouse. th ether genal correspondence, pisik passcuj first through the the aaitJ.

Of course pec pic cf their wealth have all kinds of mail m.U'rr sent them. '1 htreloro the comma j.u which at first took: the form of vr threats in the cane of non compliance wait certain pecuniary demand, received l. ttie iiut tcraUnaily tihe writer, ll nc.t throw in aside their nnonyilnty, eui io piore specilie, uotil the abduction oi unj Wa'Uuri was categorically thrcat cucd. 1 YOfXa WAIDOKF'8 EDVCATIO V. i Th! boy Waldorf is one cf an interesting trio of children.

HU education vtm of course, a matter of the deepett concern to Mr. Asu.r, himself an accoruplisbed icholar. Rioter of half a dozen luoeuauei, ooquahitcd the ifinei, aid well Tersed in ctLer tf knovrlec. It vrns tut a matter of course, therefore, that young "Waldorf's education, in every branch of learning and art, was carelully planned. The lanuaics, music, painting, science and the lelietri'tic divisions of knowledge were fcuccessfully pursued ty this scion of the lousa of Astor under the tutorship of ex in the respective studies.

That father and mother became wrapped np in th eir t.rt horn a bia attractive qualities of mind and heart developed, stands to reasou. Hut two motives could exist for kidnap icoiUni heir of all the Astors as he then vai The liope of iccuniary pain by the pv'ratiou would seem the weiKhtiest, and, indued, was well understood that the etective, v.ho usually reap their richfst harvest in the ureasiness by ihe possession ot had lousi before then been innrui ted to iruard against the danerer. liereioru. wherever' the Astor bouseliold "fcLabiihtJ Itself, tliera were its hired, iinwi'a and watchful guardians. If little Sv'aldorf went on a journey, his parents knew that not.

far from him. "vere thosi whunn duty it was make his personal (safety their first enrej Hut humiui precaution has its limits. The nonymous letters became less and lfss Tajjue as time went on, Knowledge of the family's doinci which could oulycome with kn.nwledfft? of the family plans, was shown by the writers of these harassing conininnJ CHtiocs. Who was the author ot the letters? For an Astor to appear apprehensive of his heir's safety would i but jeopardize that afety more; still, the field of suspicion was jrradually turrowed until the family counsellors concluded that a former servant was implicated iu the plot that threatened the family ptace. ENtijtE!) OK THE AS TOE FAMILY.

That the Astors should have. enemies is not surprising. It it well known, among a certain social set, that William Waldorf Astor, prior to his marriage with iliss Paul, of Philadelphia, had (riven rise to a rumor that he would wed young lady who then lived in an entirtly uiS'erent part of the country. Moreover, Mr. Astor had occasion shortly after his wedding to dismiss more thau one trusted ocvitor ia view of certain "disclosures coamu ted with domestic finances, Could his hou.4 ot uneasiness repcct injf the kidnupin of younaf Waldorf, and his Urly psrsonal be at tribuitublo to the saiim set of persons? Jlany circumstances indicated that su ch was ihe wl'or numerous reasons, a sum mary disposal of the whole matter was not to be thought of.

Mr. Astor personally rireails notoriety and public attention, lie sides un objection to the general interest nre to be aroused bjMhe STtend ant ution Kcal measures to protect his family, was tiie fear that another sec of schemers would. tuke up the plot wherever one set Lad btpu forced to drop it. ThH state of atl'air continuinsr. it is tvot bo wondered at that even tritlintr anxi dies tjouneeted willi the young Vl aldorf were into exquisite tortures.

On cue occasion not many years aco, when the boy still wore long curls, velvet knicker boekers, luce collar and the other details of a httl Lord Kauntleroy rwtum, he disappeared from his guardians during, a vulk. tbroujrh. Central Paris. His absence wj not noticed for some time.and his tutor taturaily dre idcd returning until the youth was found. 1 hen becan an anxious senrclu Strecti, byways and lanes were visited, but ths boy could not lc discovered.

The hours and menu while parental alarm was awakened. Mrs. Ator was nearly distracted. Much further delay would cer ta.nlv have resulted in one of the most sensationl peneral uiarms ever sent out ovcH Aew ork City. dark the boy appeared.

Amid hysterical embraces and reproaches he toid his parents "quil sVtait ev'airel" that he iad bst his way. French is a strong poiut with tho Waldorf Astors. Hi MR. ASTOfc'S DEXIA1S. Th Incident had some embarrassing con soquiiccs.

A reporter or two visiunl the licusofimt. received courteous denhvlsof any reasoiis) fo Mr. Astor smiled at the idea that his heir could be kidnaped. There no possibility or reason for such ftthingJ The; whole matter had better bo I I. In t.i' connection attention may be drawij to the Astor 'tendency to throw coubti and uncertainty upon all Astor novemcr.ta.

When Mr. Astor'g own. cn rnrnt to hi prcst r.t wife first be vL: rcrvii about, the story whs i r.ed. 'ir. denied thut Un tt le t.

to Italy, and that wfi.l 1 run tor Con cress; lie denied rus of Ms pi ted a rvi. i itid; The loan of millions s. ei i.ave a mania for the element of rvc. He denied, after the death Lit beea cii that he 1 interviewed by reporter the day I re was caf Iil I row tig'an 'd poil: I ..10 and nr.j fr. r.i hi P.i 1 lit that he wcui i have ti.) with jourr.uihts and it no reporter wcui C' 't is.

A week lie 1 ill (aette and actively iication. worries were preseinrr. irtixioits to Hvt p.broad. ar arnie truce, tt the Astor i jri'vn i cr in to tn! jiffTfufnee of the tiro family branches, 'i lie diiliculty over the intended a br ot loiters directed to "Mrs. As tr" will be remembered.

This Is but one instance of many minor miseries, i lien i was reprtsented to the head of the Wuldorf Astors that England wus the plaee for him, that there he coul I Satisfy hi every ambition and escape an unconee nuil soeial and politicsil atmosphere at the same time, determined to make ti experiment. What followed is well iiown. William Waldorf Ator Uansferred his lares aud periates London. A town house was leased f'r the season, letters of introduction to exalted social deitica were advantageously phtced, and the can er that has risen from one climax to another aud hits made this rich American a ritish news rnoer publUher, PritUh laud ownert a Lritish nal'ob and a prospective IJritish member of Parliaulert, the ectiuence ttiat is at present dazzling 'te Yankees," as Mr. Astor now cheerily styles us.

PATRICK lTJtIOX FALLS DEAW Death Trobolily luo to Heart Dhseaae Xlie Corouer Kotlfled. Patrick Dundcn, foreman of street work, fell dead ttis morning, at Hates and Pine street. Kis body as put in a painter's wagon which, was passing, and taken home. The coroner was notified. Dafidon was fifty six years old and leaves a wile, his little child having died a weeks aco.

lie lived at 165 Meek street. The upponed: caux of death ia heart disease. Iundon tan been in the emplo the city about three years. DAILY CITY STATISTICS. JSirtU 1 turn, rflfla Heiaee, Albert and Rose.

300 Davidson, Ilerrmann, George and Mary, .329 N. New Jersey, boy. Elmer II. and Clare, 123 Highland Place, girl. Conway, t.

Q. and Mary, 187 6. Tennessee, Kesnover. James and 268 S. Noble, boy.

Bowicn, Clemens A. and Angeline, 63 lUa, hOT. llaclean, Archie and Bertha, E. Market, Ooold, W. II.

and Matilda, girt Kain. Ira and Mapg' Alvord, boy. Jreeman, Joseph" and fceia, fc W. Third, gvrh DeAth lletnrna. Mary Vonnostrand, 1 months, 110 Singleton, cho.era Jntantum.

Mary Lewis, years, 8 Wilcox, old age. Lmma Uewaid, 8a years, S33 KaUroad, typhoid lever. BIarrl 12 Licenses. Leroy Felton and Lnlu Dawson. Hert A.

iiovd and Krancee M. (ieyer. Osborn L. and Kmma L. Bergmann.

Fred Fro lt and Ono Bronhard. 1 Joseph Kobcrt Glover and Liu Josephine Foster. Joseph Morton and America McGarvey. Ileal Estate Trmnsf era. ITenry IT.Fvle to David Titrington, i lot 'A" in EnRlewocd i 60 Elmer T.

ilillete to Elizabeth A. Denny, lot 1, ilosbrook'a Prospect street 650 (0 Conrad Jennings to James H. Crews, lota 63, 70. 71 and 71 Horal Park 1,250 00 Vina E. Lewis to John B.

Cropper, lot 17, block Norta Indianapolis 1,600 CO Douglass P. Todd to John Li. Cropper, lot 28, block 12, North Indianapolis 1,400 00 Ellsworth Cooper to ah Cooper, lot 85, Mccarty's First Went bide addition. L600 00 Sarah J.Prothers to John Osmon, part southeast quarter section 14, township 15, range 2 10 00 Sheriff to Berkshire Lite Company. lot subdivision, part Berkenmeyer's 1,015 10 Olive Benedict to Msry part lot 6, square 21, Drake's 3,000 00 William T.

Havdock et aL to Mary E. Showalwr, lot 11, block 25, Beaton's subdivision of Johnson's heirs' ad 960 00 James M. Leathers to John man. lot Morton 10,000 09 Julia K. Thompson et el.

to Indiana K. Gregory, lot Lamine's sub division or part of Jianway Hanna's 200 00 Total transfers, 12; 10 Building Permits, Timothy Oriftln, addition. 313 8. West. rreo.

Mary E. Hhowalter, cottage, fsoo. i Gleorge D. Bmlth, dweTUng, villa, $500. AM YEBTISEMENTS 3L.ET 3 ROOSIS.

AND WINDOWS On route of panulaa FOR i v. ENCAilEHT 4 OSE CEST A TVOKD. i All advertisements inserted under ordinary HEADtsos on this pae of Thh Nbws are charged for at the vory lo ate cf o.vs cssi FE8 void for 'Each dt. No advertisement received for lets than tkn Cest. When blsnk cr dash lines ar? used these are bight cents per line.

One and two cent postage stamps will he received in payment of orders by mail. THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS. The clrcrtlatlon of The lndlaasv polls Xcws for the last six months, to A.usust shows a daily avorage. (exclusive ol unsold pa i pors) of. This paper gruartvnteos to artver tlsera that for the pat fire years (and at the present time) Its liona Cde daily circulation exceeds that or any other four Indiana dallies added tocethor.

HIED. PAKIN Th funernl rt BenJ. W. Dakln will oecur at Iiouhu, 414 K. West Thurday at 10 a.


WjiiTHm Successor.) IJy sshihiuiiu rerHul aiteniiow to all. itenxonaH clmrees. TUones: Office, Jo4; Whiiaett'a residence, 570; MOXVMOT. AVa DIENEK.243 E. WASH illlflOtl.

Musrx inm fc 11 It 6 1 i'PCrETYA'N CLTJB MKETI N3. Oiviktv SPKCIAL I 1EETINO OF MARION lHlep, No. F. j. till 7:15 'vioi lnrwbrk laUo Urst tie firee.

lsitora weKr.e. i n. iiAr.Ttpiox.w. IIVGU J. eerelary.

TOit TltABE. 1(oiTaiB AND I. l.t, iiN till. plxw txvstt.tfice. '1 kai 'l I.

1 1 Ku 1'KKIlS a. t.NM a. 14 Virginia a(i. L'o. TKt viiu; ifS mhemk lots lor iia nun; T.

li lott Tihh i. rirv six 1(ih e. i t.iei. uCLLOCK A liUETO.N?, Thai Iiiiit liHAVTIfl'I, A 1 anott rve xjtit XlauU Vllle, fur i. rj.

are uk Tkao i A I. TA TK I.sJ N'T .:..) to tra ie lor: fv t.f r' A JJri lt, ba. 'i it a i a fs a tT f. iuc I is i rf( ti. rnanttfucturln town in Aiiaiess li.

k. 31,358 THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 23, 11833. ANTED llfcLl olltLa.

A.NTS1 TISU 1 JILNfJO CIO AIL A UOU14 U1AU UJ HOME AVE. 'aKTkn HALVmiuiWM iijui fennyvanU wt." COOK, IMMEDIATELY. lt ILLINOIS HuHiE. AY ONK 0M)D U1N1NU ROOM iter, ltiw S. Illinois St.

TAJtrKiitHL Xlt UKNKAL lAOltE wura. wwi fcu York: st. astib P.EtXNO COOK AT iiClEL Mfor wi i vvaRliingtuust. axtko MiIHT KA KM Kits' ltk taurant. 156 W.

Washington su (iOOD tilitL FOR UE2EBAL housework. 4o7 N. Trnnmw. "VrA ladles al fi.iTna THaiili KlKdr UI BAx.ES la.llea at Famous C'luak llauw. aKTUH EXrE RIENCED SMlNIl illliL; ynnsyijnli.

'axTr iiOOD (IKHM1N I.IUL FOR UEJi "i uvutwrurii. imj im. Nlmlrelnpl. AV INTICB UOOBOIKL, GENEKAL HOCSE. work no washing; or I run Inn.

3.5 Cherty st TTTanted OOOD WHITK U1RL. UE11MAN preferred; WW.A i a. A STiiUilftW TO COME TO BOOM itO Baldwin Block good places are waiting for yon. Wanted if OCR LA DIEM TO (SOLICIT orders; salary or commission. Ca.ll al W.

Ohio. 1 AJtlsi) FIRST CLASS VKST MAKEH3 eLGAJf TREAT'S, 24 jreanayl vanla. VrMTIWH1TE OTRL FOR OENKRAL housework no washing. 124 E. Michlnu street.

i WAKTtn IABIf TO TRAVEL AND ist licit orders. MATllIEWs. H'ii 1 streets WASTED. OOOD I KB TO PO SECOND work and assist with children. 661 JM.

Me riuian mi. V'STi FliATHEttS BENOViTIU, bont nd sold. 118 Massachusetts ave. B. F.

BUltuIa. rNTin EVERY LADY IN THE CITY loci'istKo. 2M W. Washlaa ton and see ourooo tan Oxfords. .1 astk UCII BARGAIN'S IN PIANOS and organs were never betore otlered.

WCLSCHNEKj opnoslte post office. Wastkb COOK AND OENERAL HOCHE work: apulv Thursday 10:.10. li. A. 8.

Fennsvl vanla. Ytaitki call at No. 110 h. east st. for employment at general housework in small family on N.

Pennsylvania at. AN EXPERIENCED OIKL FOR general housework in small family; good Wa.vtib EVRY LADY AND tiENT IN 't the city to call at No. 2SOW. Washington great sample shoe sale only 81, worth rASTrn LjlDY TO TAKE CHAHCE OF I stock and general agency that will par $50 per month at borne; no canvassing. Call iJl W.

Ohio. I "ItrANTiro EVERY LADY IN THE CITY to Cflt at No. 250 WT. Washlngtoii St. and get a pair tine Oxford ties at 4Uc a pair! former price 1.

i WAXT4cn TO KXKAGE EXTRA DININO room girls and chambermaids for (encampment week at the bherman House. Apply at once: good wages. 7 rxF.D a Lady who is competent vl to manage a dining room with fiftvor more boarders good wages will be offered! M. 11. Sl'A PES.

W. Market st. "lrASTEB MIDDLE AGED WOMAN WITH cliild, girl from ten to fourteen years, to do general work la smal, private family short distance In country solenoid home and steady place. Addresst l21. News.

"VVrAWTEDLADIF.f Will pay 5 12 per week to do strictly homework for os; no cart vesting and prompt paymenL O. F. EMMONS Battery march and Water Boston, Mass. "WANTED (SITUATIONS. tTt'ATtox WxrtB BY COMPETENT dressmaker, by day.

341 E. South. Situation Wastlh BY i WIDOW WITH child as housekeeper lor Address 20, News. Citcatkiv Wa.vtkd COME AND GET OCR good house girls; Call afternoon, room 30 Baldwin Block, SitcaTIOjs VAStt AS WOBKINO Hfjl'SE keeiH In small family, by a reliable person. Address 21, News.

Situation Wamtbo IMMEDIATELY; Experienced lady stenographer ami typewriter i best references. Address al, care News. i SITVATION WahtkoAH DKt'O CLfeRK, BY young aan with four years experience; good speaks Oerman and English. Address iil. News.

I WANTED AGEKTS. kxts WAXTpa) TISII I M1NGO CIGAR. UE.Ma Want ten TIMES A BR BUIOHTEN lug. New edition Kldpath Cyclopedia of History. The fastest selling book in this or any other conn try.

i ixst clasa agents wanted. W. liati, loieao. WAXTEIJ xMISCELLAXEOTJS. AV TISTC I MISGO CIQAR.

WTastku GOOD, SECOND HAJiU OFFICE desk. 2 2, News. AY antic oBL'OOY HORSE FOR THE KEEP lug. iH4K.OUi(IIL AY Taxticd BUTCHER'S ICE BOX, MUST BE cneap. noiiia.

YY TAntko HORSE, 'TO WORK FOR Ill's feed. 2 .5 crnxint. AY ANTico TO TRADE NEW SAFETY FoA a buggy 177 Vlivlnia ave. AY AN" TO BORROW CHATTEL mortgage. Address IV.

care News. WTaxticii l'()sl'MERS' tiAS TRUST VS stock. I. 1' 1 I Inr.n.11. I I Nw Ntiw A.siTKi SEVERAL CNFCRNISIHKD rooms; light housekeeping.

Address it 21, JUAMitlH TO BORROW StOO ON PROP erty worth l.lKKI. Address 21. cavre Ntiws. i Paxtkd KOOM WANTED BY YOCNH laUy In Cathoiie family. Address IT, Nijws.

Tantsm IIIUHEST FRICES PAID FOR uraiture, carpets, etc litu W. Waehlngton sjtreet. Wasub HORsK, FOR HIS FEE1. AD dress CH AS. FRCITT, corner Twenty second and Illinois.

"iVAVTKn PAPER TO HAXO. HIDE fee. celling Uc. Address A ARRSON, No. 143 E.

Wavsiiington st. AKTKO FOR FULL SWT TEETH. F.X 1 traded without pain at A HUE ART'S, lOtg Washington St. 7axt; CASlt PAID FOR SECOND hand, hich grado pneumatic safety bicycles. 31 S.

Illinois St. astbd K1 HARBEUS' RAZORS, RE ground and shop worn, cheap, wt BARBER ttUPPLY HOI HE. 2M tnrcle SU Wanteo PARTNER IN DRFRSMAK1NO II buslne would like to purchase an eatub mbeu ousiness.i ACdress r. ai, isews. ANTHO TV BUY NEW HOI RE, FOUR OR li live roomj.

with weH. etatern, cellar and (lateral gs: Irl per month, same as rent. 19 Hoyt ave. YVANTieD NICE RESIDENCE. BETWEEN Tennessee and Kroadwsy.

for caxh buyer; also, 15,000 to resiileiice in name liniita, for ca h. BOOTH fc ELSTUN.77 E. Market St. 'ASin tUlTEOF TWO ROOMS. ON second floor, front, with hoard: must be first clafs; on N.

IVlaware or Meridian; gentleman and wife. C. E. REYNOLDS lO Circle. i AIT AN Msn HERE'S A CHANCE TO (UVE Chance a chancel All kinds of Job printing i reasonable mtes.

CJIANCH MATTHEWS and Vauve Block; telephone I'Jei'i. A OU CKM gX S. YNXOtjxcsiiJKJiT; TLSH I M1NUO CIUAR. i ALT FostofHce, spencer. BeauUful health resirt.

Cold water cure. LAWX FETK FOR BEN" lift of Inthnnapolts Orphan Asylum, to night. Music by W'hu band. Re freshmen ra. I 4 sswxi km kst A FINE Ul'RIuH VV piano, sftghtly damaged, very low.

Rare chance. Wt KHNEIt, opposite postolfiee. VxxocaicsiijcMT FOR Nil EL PLATI NO and burhng co to the 1NPIASAPUL1S COMi'AXV. 71 and 73 Meri.Han St. Vsnoi xckmsntc LOTH I NO.

I gowvis, jewelrr. ih.isk h) iri munerits and fire arms sold on poymcnls at JERUSALEM 70 aud T'l MA Mnhiisetis ave. SSOl si iiXi.ST THE OERMAN IJiPlloV V. furdecorating walls and celP lncs: Is reaily lor use by at.lini; cold water. Cones In twelve colors bexfife while, and Is for e.sie the ALDAU PAINT COMPANY, 2'2'J E.

st.s 1 VssuixcriKX AT CtjRINTHIAX BAH Wttchorch to night and to morrow iiht grand cotKMTts, with aoi iiil land r.fret.hnienl. Ciiorus of tiilriv voice and a n'umhtr of Ioj k) favontis. Saiile Wbeeler snd M. Wlilir.i not ia solus. Prof.

It. B. tsheltun. dlreirtnr. 1 'his pri)mis to be the mwit enieyafjle entertainment of the Ail are ccrJiaiiy Invited and will 1 welcome.

TAKEN Uf. 'Piiitv Cr A LOOVK WHITE COW. THE A owner caa cil 41 Woudiasg pay dau asrps aiH rvv prtperty. 'PiSK tP A RED ItEIFtK, TAKEN CP A at No. 21 Taeoiuu aVt.

The oa ner can have ty payiss damatt iand coa'. OLU. FAZE. WANTED HELT Mtj OBOYS. AY AXTKn TI8U I MISOO ClOAR.

Wantko A PORTER. 4 E. AttUl NU ton as. AY )ntTii AND ME ALU, loc. iiinj W.

Market st. AY riSTWt HOL'sK FAINTERri, AT FRANK FK jariUts. W. Maraet at. "WAXTih OOOU SHOEMAKER, FOR COB 7 rMA TO TAKE CAKE HOHisEU aui.ii'i ui 'hi piu iiiiiiviih AVaxts TO bcy bcildino aksocia tloifc Shares.

OEO. M. FOE, room U4 In galls Block. I WJ A jtTKr CAN VAH.SER O. A.

1C ST drvortlve articles. Johnson ave Call attery. ny CiOOI IIOKSE 8HOKR, money, to buy shoeing al WITH shop, with lease. VI, News. WASe NOW FOR OOOD 8UITS FOR l4riie mon.y.

I am merchant tallori ug. 24 W. Washington. R. R.

MILES. axtko EVERY FAMILY IN THE CITY II to call Unmedtately at No. 2.W W. Washington st. and attend the great shoe and slipper sale.

Wasted TWO CHICK ERINO CPRIOHT pianos, 922.1 and SJiVi each: arreat bargains easy payments. CLSCUNER. opposite postorllee. WasTKB STOUT ELEVATOR BOY, ABOUT eighteen years old. Nud bnt first class need apply.

Call at custodian Commercial Club Bolldlng, room 3.i. Wasitkd BAKBERH IN NEIOUBORINO towns to work during1 encampment at VANCE BLOCK BARBER SHOP, lndtanapo 11a. Notify us sriy. WAXTKO MONEY TO LOAN ON FCRX1 ture. pianos, horses, witboot removal; also on watches and diamonds.

OEOROE M. FOE, room 24 Ingalls Block. Wastsd THREE RELIABLE AOENT8; will furnish home and wagon to jgood salesmen. THE AMERICAN INSTALLMENT COMPAN 2ft Virginia ave: 7 ANTED MEN TO BELL BAKISQ POW II Uer; steady employment; experience unnecessary S7S salary or commission. IttNITED STATES CHEMICAL WORKS.

840 Vkn Buren, Chicacro. WAStTEP PATENT THAT IDEA OP VOUKH on easv nav merits: Inventions oerfected: Ideas made reiif. THURMAN fc WINf patent solicitors, makers of models and experimental worn, a jo a. ennsyrvania n. Wanteb SOLICITORS.

To solicit Industrial Insurance, either on Salary or commission also." good assistant superintendent. INDUSTRIAL LIFE INbURANCE COMPANY. Lorraine Building. "rANTr.n RECRUITS FOR THE UNITED li States able bodied, unmarried nien, between the ages of twenty one and thirty years; gooa pay, rations, ciofniur ana meuicai artena anee. Apply at 82a IE.

Washington SU, Indian apons, ADO. Waktko yocno Ladies and oenTlEt men for the telegraph service; positions guaranteed lessons every night. Call Lake Erie A Weetprn general office. Washington and Noble, during day; or 6pencerlau Business College after 6 p. m.

i WTanticd OENERAL AGENTS, SELLING 1 1 new art'eiea to dealers; exclusive territory; no competition; do capital required: 200to34M) per gent, profit. Samples and particulars free. eti1 4 cen is postage. COLUMBIA CHEMICAL 397 Sedgwick Chicago. 111.

JJTLDLN AJTD LOAN, Buildino i.vd Loan SPECIAL INDUCE menta to borrowers and investors at the Building and Loan OfBoe, 89 E. Market St. HOWARD KIM BALL, Secretary. BIILoino AJtn Loam THE WORLD BU1LD lng. Loan und Investment Company guarantees 9 per cent, dividends on fully paid up stock.

Call and see them before going elsewhere. Dr. J. A. Cominirore.

president: W. J. Love, secretary; Win. P. Henley, vice president; Wm.

H. Armstrong, treasurer; 8. N. Chambers, attorney, and Wm. H.

Schmidt. Agents wanted. Apply 'Jit to 33 E. Market St. ECILDIKO and Loan fHE GERMAN American Building Association offers the best per cent.

Investment, limited In Issue, with double collateral deposit of first mortgaea, dividends payable semi annually. Increase of assets last six months S125.000. Loans to date IXK). Value ot tsecusitie over 7OO.0OU. OTTO 8TECHHAN, President.

ALBERT SAIIM, Treasurer. W. BROWN, Secretary. Offices first Hoor. Boston Block.

BUbLNEsS CHANCE. Bcsrxwi' CnAN cs: A OOOD BUSINESS chance for il. Call at fts E. South. Terms.

SOc down and 2.c. per week. uniiw CBANca 30O AND will bring you $1K0 a yeurj safe and genteel. Call, If you have the cash, 4'2 College ave. BCiNSs Chanck A PARTY AVITH SHOO can buy half interest in cash business tbat pars big; raferenoea given.

Address 21, Newa oOlee. i TO LET OPTICAS AH1) STtJUES. rpo lkt okficks antj sleupino rooms. Inquire at 82 E. Washington st.


rpo Lit PIANOS TO RENT. $2 TO S4 PER month. WULSCHNER'S. opposite post offlce. rpo Lbt OFFIOF.3.

SLEEPINO ROOMS, houses; all parts city. DYER BASS MANN, 31 Circle sU rpo Lsrr BY M. II. SPADES. 65 W.

MARKET wholesale and retail bakery: a tine business room for grocery. hull or club room, on ground hoor; three rooms at 235 Massachusetts avenue. FINANCIAL. OANS lO THORPE BLOCK. Oans ON PIANOS.


A 31 Circle su Loans ON FURNITURE, HORSES, ETC. 24 In gal is Block. oans SMITH A llS W. Washington. OA NS PE RSANA PROPERTY.

24 E. aahi gton St. Room 44. LOANS MONEY TO LOAN. J.

AlFHEK II KID 10. room 18,53 N. Pennsylvania. oans ON FURNITURE. PIANOS.

11A inonds, etc. 2 W. ashington, room 4. oans MONEY TO IIAN HADLEY 4 AY, removed to 40g E. Washington st.

OankON FURNITURE. PIANOS. HORSES, etc, without removal. 24 Ingalis Block. oans ALSO BUILDINU Aa iOCIATION shares purchased.

Boom' 2 4 Ingalis Block. OANS JOANa tlO. 920, $oO. OANS ON FURNITURE AND PIANOS A Without removal. JOAKS.

ON Horses and wagons. 1 cams ON Diamonds and watches. OANS UET OUR RATES a Pont'pay old friends oans DOUBLE WHAT WE AK FOR THE a Same accommodation. "tW OANH MOKTUAOELOAN Ia COMPANY, room No. 10 Thorpe Block.

a OAka DON'T FORGET THE NUMBER IS La E. Market st, Loans 6 PER CENT. BUILHtNU ASSOCIA 1 tlon shares purchased. NEWTON TODD. Iu.

galls Block. I oans MONEY ON FARMS OH CITY property terms reasonable. THOS. C. DAY at 1 2 E.

Market st. Loans FIRST MORTGAGE NOTES FOR sa'e. Money to loan. Safest in vestments. T.

C. MOORE, bd E. Market St. Loans MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD goods snd personal property. Room 60 Lombard Building, 24ta E.

Washington. Loans ON FURNITURE, PIANOS. DIA monds, wsiches, or any security; low rates; conldeinlal. 2s W. Washington, room 4.

1 Oans PRIVATE FUNDS ON REAL ES. tate; no OclaT any amount. GEORGE jiKlDENSTlCKEfl, room When Block. Loans SUMS OF 100 TO SlOO.tHX). City prlerl and C.

E. COFFIN CO OO E. Market St. OANS fltsTlO eHO.tVSJ, NOW REALTY: IN a terest aud commission reasonable; information cheerfully given. 1L1LII 42 N.

Delaware Joans MONEY AT AND 7 PER real estate morKrajes, notes bought and sold. FRANKS. FOfcTER, No. 101 Commercial Club Building. oaks MONEY TO LOAN AT JlW'T rates, from SlOO up, on mongsge loans: made on day of application.

UROVEit it nEGULM. 2S E. Market st. OANs BUILpINO SHARKS purchased. aCFDERHEID 4 ZUMPFK, rora Is Bijc.

northeasi corner Market and Pennsylvania tis. ANsliN PIANOS. FURNITURE. HOKSES, 1 Ai wagons, diamonds anti au ui fl; any amount; node.iav; itnout removal and strictly coutiden tiaL i's N. leiavare.

room Loa ifH 1 A i UN liS ON FARM AND eitv property larire luana on busme pmp erty. 6 per cent. fcTANToN fc SCOTT, til OJ I.ombar! Block. 2t E. Washington eu 1 oans ANY ONE Ii IRINi To MAKE A quick loan ufon their furniture, piano, horse and carriages, on the very easiest terms and wlti Ihe utmost pivacy, will do weu to call ai2oO E.

Ohio SU Loans TO LOAN MONEY IN ANY auioout. in sum of "si to on very ea sy tt rms; low rates: no tit hty; con accotnmo late ou tDo aame day that apply luans on c.ty orfariii i. C. W. OolC H.

15 Virginia aye. ans MONEY TO LOAN: A LARGE rUil of home fund left in our care to be loaned In sums cf $PM and fel i and upward, at l.iwr.t rte of interc st; can mouey ame duv you anniv; par baek wbu vou pitas. A. METZ oLil, odi i iiO iiaiL to Lrr nooMs. rpn LS.T TIS 1 I UO CIGAR.

fpo I.IT FOUB ROOMS. 6041 COLLEGE A avenu fpo Lkt FURNISUED ROOMS. SI W. Market t. fpo Lkt NICE.

FURNISHED ROOM. 10i N. Tennessee at. 'po J.arr FI BST CLASS LODGING. 146 W.

New York at. rpo Lict FURMISHED ROOM. WITH AL cove. 341 N. Illinois.

rpo La strWO. WELL SITUATED ROOMS. 14t) N. peuurylvania St. rpo Lkt El.FtANTLY front room.

7 IS N. Illinois. FURNISHED 'o Lbt THREE ROOMS. UNFURNISHED; rroond floor. 131 Cliriatlao ave.

it FURNISHF.D OR UNFURNISHED rooms, with bath. 847 N. Illinois. fpo l.v.T BALDWIN UPRIO Hf I LSCHNElPS, opposite Uta itomce. IPOWT TWO CNFURNISHFJ BOOMS FOR housekeeplnK.

124 W. New; York at. rpo Let loan N. MERIDI. X' tished and on furnished IN FCR ioms; one nice front suite.

rpo Lft ONE OR TWO FU1 IS1IED OR A het. very desirable rooms reason able. 21 E. North, FOR ENCAMPMENT. WKEK.

IVR ExtasiSEXT' CHEAPEST A. R. 1 cards In the city basement, i 8 and II Vance Block. I' os EN'CASrsRXT WINDOWS FOR PA rade day desirable space for lunch room. 79 VU Ur.itilmrftm at 7oa KxcaxPMtxT WEEK OP ENCAMP a mrni: large store room iot louging SO K.

Washingtow sU Ioa gsCAsrxKN'T HOTELS AND FAM llies who will have desirable rooms and hoard, and those who wish rent window which are located along the lines et parade, or giving good views of fire works, etc, can insert advertisements under the above heading for 1 cent per word for each Insertion. i TO IIMIBCELLAIsOTJS 1 I.arr KNABE SQUARE PIANO; GREAT bargain. WULSCHNER, opposite postollico rpo Lkt THE HANDSOME DINING ROOM X. in Windsor Hotel Building: low rent to the right M. H.




24S W. MARKET, three rooms, $7. rpo Lkt NICK FLAT OF THREE ROOMS. X. 7019 Indiana ave.


rpo Lkt HOUSE OF SIX ROOMS, NATURAL A. gas. a attcnigan st. 1o lkt five room Cottage, 6s harrT son st. Apply 23 W.

Georgia. 'o Let CENTRAL. SEVEN ROOM tage, 517. 24U N. MisslssippL COT rio Let BRICK DWELLING, SEVEN rooms.

842 S. Meridian sU loLtl SEE LIST AT HADLEY A FAY removed to40Vs K. Washington St. fpo Lkt 220 W. NEW YORK: 17 AND 189 Douglass.

Inquire 261 N. Meridian. rpo LtT SER LIST AT OO E. MARKET. A ground floor.

GREGORY Jt A PPEL LBT SEVEN ROOM HOUSE. NEWLY painted, both gases; $14. 6S Melkel St. rpo Let FIVni ROOM HO USE. 21 ROAN A oke st.

Between North and Michigan au fpo Let HOUSE THREE ROOMS. NATURAL 1 goa. etc. 43 W. Morris st, Apply 39 W.

Mor Tis st. J. LKT SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, GAS. N. West su.

adjoining nark. Add1v274 W. ew York. rpo LlTT SQUARE PIANO. S3.5 AND UP wards: easy payments.

WULSC1TNER, opposite pofltefHee. rpo Lkt FIVE ROOM NEW COTTAGE. VER mont et. near Darman, VANCE BLOCK BARBERSHOP. aV Lrr HOUSK FIVE ROOMS: NATURAL gas glO; Ft.

Wayne ave. and Sahm St. Cull 80 Massachusettes ave. ri Lirr 18 N. PENNSYLVANIA.

SEVEN rooms. In thorough order, 926. Inquire 137 Commercial Club Building. rjVoLiCT SIX ROOM HOUSE. MODERN CON.

sentences. 32.1 Bellefontatne St. RICHARDSON MoOREA. No. 7 E.

Market Est NEW FOUR ROOM HOUSE, WITH porch, cement walk and gas: k0 per month. 107 Columbia eve. Inquire UU2 Massachusette avenue. rpo Lbt BEST BLACKSMITH STAND IN fheclty: No. 27 Pennsvl vanla formerly occupied bv Sclierfev A Welzemann rent reasonable; no better stand In the citv.

Call at once A. METZOEH AGENCY. Odd Fellows HalL STORAGE. Stobaok IIOW1AND, CONDIT CO S. Pennsylvania, i See us and get rates.

1 FANC1A1, 1 Loans ON CHATTELS. 24 1NQALLS Block. Loans J. H. AUFLERHEIDE.


67 W. Washington: 0ANS 7 CASII FOR INDIANAPOLIS NA tloual Ue posits. NEWTON TODD. 7 Ingalis Block. Loans ON FURNITURE, PIANOS.

HORSES, without removal. GEO. M. POE, 24 Ingalis Block'. oans MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, watches, diamonds, or any articles of value.

Loans made for tbtrty. sixty or ninety days. Money on hand. No dlay in making loaua. S.

P. HAMILTON. 11 S. Alabama sU Loans $2,000 TO LOAN ATONCErMONEY ready. ARTHUR B.

ROVER. 13 Lombard Building. I AN MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD A lurnllure, pianos, horses, wagons, watches, diamonds, or any article ot value. Loans made for tblrty, sixty or inlnely days; money ou band; no delay In making loan business strictly confidential lowest rates of Intereet. Call and see me before placing your bn.

J. C. ERTS.L, 24 E. Waslilu'ton. rooms 41MSO, Lombard Block.

OANS BuctitrtY Mof toaos! Loan CoarAKt. Pl'BXITIIBS LOass, Saxx ClixstKcs BuiLoura LOAsta CENTRAL LOAW COMPAKT, I ll1 N. Meridian room 6, Loans money on furniture, planoa, horses, vehicles, warehouse rtceli. and all other kiads of personal property, without removal; loans also negotiated on wau.Iies and diamonds; payments arranged ou the weekly or monthly Installment plan, or to sut your couvenience; lowest rales in lb city. Busiaeaa strictly conhdential.

CENTRAL IXJAN COM PA NT, IIS3 N. Meridian sU, room ft OANS MOXEY ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, 1 horses, wagons, office. store fixtures and all kinds ot personal property. In sums to suit, without removal, in the quickest possible time and at the lowest possible rates on watches and diamonds.

You can pay It back In weekly or monthly liiataHmeuXs, and each small payment reduces the opst of carrying the balance. Business strictly confidential. W. SLA1TS, room 24 logalla Block, southwest corner ot Washlngtoa aod Pennsylvania sta, LOAN LOWEST RAT 13. EASY TERM A STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL LOANS MADE ON SUOnT NOTira loanH on furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, stora ti xtures, ateh jufi receipts and aU V1niarf property.

In any amount froia iO VpvHrd. li pruperty to remain in yourua dlsturiiAd ssion. tVe loan mouey oa atcties i Yf can tay hacic the pmoii In or rrontijly au i have ttie co reduced proprtiotii. If you owe a balance on your furniture or piano, v. pay the aaoue fur yoj and carry It lon as yo Ci sire.

charges taken otit In aUva c. Caul aod K'f? before goin eisewtiere EstabU.heu lHh7. INDIANA MOBTQAUiT LOAN COMPAN Loom IS Isaiiraac EVick. ainw arket and PsniwylT FOB 8 A LE It AL ESTATE. It gAt, ETat TISH I min'go cigar.

It UL Estatk MILLS Jfc SMALL, lla N. Meridian su UaAL Estatk 1X)ANS AND COLLECT IONS, IP Vance Block. Ukai. EmtaTK HOUSE. FIVE ROOMS.

FINE near North; price, Addrvas 2. Newa kal Eatatk Will' V.IAH'K PIANO. I.V: easy payments. WULSCHNER, opposite potrtoitice. RatAl.

Itate PROPERTY OF. ALL KINDS. HADLEY A. FAY, removed to oe Aw Wawhington su RCAt, HTTI CLEAh LOTS AND CAII Pr rental property. W.

STEVENSON, 74 E. Market at. KKAt Est atc SEVEN ACRES, FOUR miles northeast, natural gaa. At. stall 7H.

market house. KlL. Khtatk FIRE, LIOHTNINO, CY clone. gas explosion and. life insurance.

HADLEY A FAY, removed to 40 E. Washington st. KKAl. Etatk DO YOl'SWitST A GOOD live room house, natural gas, well, stab and cistern at low figures and eaey terms Address 21, News. RKAt.

EeTATB NEW, MODERN. TEN ROOM hoese. WoodrulT place, jS talanee r' per month: east front. U. H.

fclHOlaE Vance Block. 1 KAt, wanted a hood bivi uess property, centrally located, that will net purchaser 7 pee cent. jUANCKEX. A AR RICK, OU K. Market SU KEAt, Ectatis LOTS FGRSALEON WEF.K iy payments on Prospect E.

Washington St. and In Krlnktnan HIU a.ldiUoo. BRADLEY A DENNY, 20 N. Delaware. KEAt, Estatk GARDEN FARM.

6U, ACRES; new six room house, three miles out: only CtiOO cash, balance on time. GEO. W. PANG BORN A B4 E. Market St.

Kkal Et ate handsome, elegantly tiDished and complete residence of ten rooms; handsome and complete stable. N. Delaware st. C. F.

WAYLES. 77 E. RKai. Estate HOCSRi AND LOTS, HOYT ave. east of State fla easy terms or claims en Bank of Commerce.

W. E. ROCK WOOD, ISO S. Pennsylvania at. 7At, Estate BEAUTIFUL MODERN SIX I room cottage, Andrews St.

Nine room residence. Illinois near rlfteenth. Will take good lot, balance easy terms. 60 N. Delaware.

Reai Estate CHEAP LOTS: LIBBER'S addition to North Indianapolis; Shot well's addition to Irvluirtoru Electric lines; easv payments. Houses all parts city. DYER A RASS MANN.8I Circle st. KEAt Estate WE HAVE THE BEST BA ll gain indwelling property, northeast, paying over lO per cent, gross; call and convince yourself; It must he sold in lew days. UANCKEL ARRICK, td E.

Market st. 1eai. Estate FOR SALE OR TRADE A AV good fruit farm in Morgan live miles east of Martinvlile; good four room house, geod out building; located on Martinsville gravel road. Address 15. RKAt, Estate TWENTY LOTS, CORNER H.

East and Tompkins north of Belt railroad, will be sold at auction on Mc ndav morning, August 2S. at lO o'clock. A. METZGER AGENCY. Ortd Fellows' Halt, IEAt, Estate NEW.

DOUBLE DWELLING, 1 north, renting 'JiO annually: ten rooms, gas, etc: electric ears; will sell equity for tl.lsal, claim on Indianapolis National. ARTHUR li. GROVKR, 13 Lomltard Building. Real Estate SPLENDID INVESTMENT; two six room houses, with good tarns, all In flrst claas condition: northwest; rent for 324 per year: price $2,000 cash, aud or live years. Inquire t301 Massechusetta ave.

REAL Estate N. MERIDIAN ST.jDOWN down U2 feet front, deep lot. corner property is paying percenUon would take small, well located dwelllncs In exchange, or subdivide. See GEO. W.

PANUBORN 94 E. Market st. T)EAt, Estate WANTED A PURCHASER AV for a piece of residence property In best residence part of city, paving per cent net on Investment of SlH.msj; this la first class and must be sold In few days. 1IANCKEL ARRICK. 08 E.

Market st. fy EAZ, EaTAtS N. ILLINOIS AND T1IIR XV teenth new. elKht rooui dwelling; bath, reception hall, wide front and rear pore hea, cement walks, 40 feet front eo proerty and make us an otler; price, I GEO. W.

PAN BORN A COL. t4 E. Market st "IjEAl. Estate BAROAINr'IF YOU WANT i one of the very choicest lots In the city, consult us about General Morris's addition fronting on Alabama, New Jersey sts. and Central asphalt streets, cement walks, water, gas and sewers; we want to sell thesw lots and will make special inducements to earnest parties.

NO. SPANN A HO Market SU REAL Estatk WE OFFER AT A DECIDED bargain, for the next ten days, a choice business corner property, on E. Washington between Delaware and Nuble. HT feet ronj on Washington, with two business rooms, and lft.t feet on cross street, with three dwellings at rental income of 8 per cent. net.

Belongs to an estate. Must be closed out. Reasonable cash payment; five years' time on balahce. Your nioner 111 be rate In an Investment of this kind. POWELL A PHATH EK, OS K.

Market, exclualve agents KEAt, EaTATE AT AUCTION. OWING TO the very nattering success that we have had in our last sales at auction, we are now induced to olfer to those that wish to place their money in a safe and paying investment, either for homes or future Increase in value, the fine and nicely located lots on S. East and Tompkins just north of the Belt railroad, at public auction on Monday morning at lO o'clock. August 2S, 181M. These Iota will be sold to the highest bidder without reserve.

For terms call on the A. METZGER AGENCY. Odd Fellows Hall. KEAt. Ektate HENRY COUNTY FARM, 7m acres.

12 acre woodland. oee mile north of New Castle court house; residence known aa Red Gate, North road; exceedingly picturesque site and surroundings; ornate modern two story frame Cottage, with stone basement, ten rooms, three halls, double parlors, seven Hreplaeea, with large chimneys; recentlon ball, with Queen Anne stairway; three perennial springs; price. Vfiot, on easy payments, or In exchange for North side Indianapolis or Chicago reaideuce. W. E.

MICK A No OH E. SJarket su. Indianapolis. NOllCt. XToTlca DR.

II. C. CASTOR, 36T MASSA i chusetts ave. Telephone 3iS. XJotice NEW, UPRIGHT PIANOS, s.tio is and upward.

WULSCHNER, opposite toat ofhee. "VJotice IIAKI'MAN PIANO, $100; EASY il paymeuta. WULSCHNER. opposite pust orHce. 1 XT otice PANTS CLEANED AND PRF.SHtl.

is 600. SMITH'S DYE WORKS, 67 N. leuu sylvania st. rV" OT ics7 JOSEPI GARDNER FOR TIN is roofllng, guttering and spouting. a Ken tucky ave.

Telephone 3'J2. aJotjc 1WJOMS AND POWJiR TO LET FiR A.S manufacturing purpose at WRIGHT'S Power Hall. 113 S. Tennessee st. XJOTICB SEE VALETTA WfNSLOW.

OF tl California, in dlsarte and elocution, at Blac rd ai iu BL cuurcu nigl)T. VOTICK MEX'S PANTS SOLD AT PRICKS AS to meet the times; see them Perore yu buv; knee panis cheap as dirt. 24 W. Washington. 1c R.

MILES. OTICE SWEARS IfE PELI AT 1ST. A tutavlt apiieared In this tmper. Wail naer price lc. 2c.

3c. 4c, 6c and cp. "orders per Lolt am price. REED, wail paper jobber, 1U3 W. Washington si.

OT tt THE UNDERSIGN ll. AS lii SEE of Gecrae If. hofieM. win atS'rivate aale at No. S2 E.

Washlugtou a lot of carts, wagons and tiarni'H, beginning Moudav. Aueust 21, IH'ri. and continuing from di.y today until the property is sold. Call at once. W.


Notice is berobr Kiven thut the nnderiiriieJ Im. duly qualified as trustee of the rights, credits and effects of Joseph M. Ryder, of Marlon county, Indiana, by virtue of deed of atsigrimeiit made for the benefit cf creditors. THOMAS HANN'A, Trustee. August 0.

1803. IS: OTICK The trustees of Ihe Central Indiana Hospital for the lriHaue will receive, sealed prosa' up to Friday. August 26, at 1 a. 111.. for furnishing a full 1, ne of suppl'." for the month of September.

Reciuisitlon book Iw 1 11 be on at rr.m 4.1 state Hou from and aMer Aummt 21. Wet, Also the dntract will be let to furnish fresh jjiliktoaaid hospital for one r. order P.OARD OF TKt'STl TF.f. ot icR Notice of arrx'ftment of Assignee of frtand ard MsBufftcturiiig t'ompriny: Notice is herebv aiven that the urilcnilL n' hns Ifpen appointed aa lince of tlie MandnpJ Manu facturlPa Company a corporation, of tun city of lodiunapoli. Jr.d..

bnder and bv virtue of a ft of alijliniei.1 bear' date on this day, ft. tilel for record In the uOav of ll a recorder if Marion county, Id'1 THE UNION COMPANY. Ancnst 21. of Indianapolis. Ind.

IN oner notice of 1 1 lbs tiiidersitfiiel have uric 1 a nershlr CArrviiitf on a penerai i.u i''e? iti I estate, the collection of rents, the negotiation cf Plans arid re r. itii: i hre apd Pte u. 'iraiH to conitlCi 'l at ti: e'lico hi ri tofiire oi ty HaiK kel. No. Murki the cttv of hi li.iri:ij'f.i", hr re tl Wi.l bo picuaed to see the.r li ls p'rl Hl.NItt S.

IfA.VCKFL, ILlr'FOUD Al.P.icK. TOIJ SALE Jlt TliADE. 1.S0R OK Ttllill A G'l fur citv pr. pr rt. WM.

1 i pairlw ew. 1 T) 1 it DON, lOi KRY 11 I son fLk oh 1 a spk HA.Nus A ANr at prp es t. rt.ta to the Wt'JX 11X1' IOK Sill: en IN ri.i.i t.tiii .1 T' I bea'fiof tru; a care Newa. J.V A i 14. ac PKP.SQXAI..

"JlA'as vt L' RP.N'Z liMUT, e. i I ti Nl. 1 vviuiua tiits i.Ai.w, S. aU Tatl ALE MIisXTELLAlCEOryei. oa Sale T1SH I MINOO CIGAR.

VSiarA 1 1 OINTER DOGS, WELL BRoKLN, A K. Ohio, 1 1 nAiAAI. INviUlatE K. vrasoingion sc. LV'HSaik WIRE AND CANVAS COfS.

TOO I Vf tf a airt itiian Sale HAHbEa sUOP. INQUIRE AT a IP K. Morris st. Sale LaRGE HALLS SAFE; CHEAP. 1 Roiim 'I tmrp Bto k.

SAAJt NEW PXEl'MAlli: lilt: ViiLk; tllrp. a i is. MississiptH. ok 8 a La ha LOON; NINE MONTHS lH cense. Address 20, New.

Lsoa Sals TWO THORyl'ollUBED KE tacky houpda fs3 Wilson su LH SALAi AilCYCLfci. good c. o.s.'oiTioji! vi i aaii 2S I Washlninxin LB Sale SAFETY BICYCLE. WILLAAM" S. CAXFIELD.

31 Virginia ave. LSi.b Sale HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. I good condition. 2H9 Tennessee. 1su Sale 2H INCH SAFETY; tlOtiD UU der; very cheap.

112:1 N. Meridian at. LOB 8LE SALOOX, ONE HALF ISqUA KK A iroai court house. 21tf K. Wah ngton at.

10 a Sale 3,000 rxiAf OK I'IRT. BY C. ol WALTER, contractor on N. MirsiaMppt st. Ij'oB SALk NEW AND f'ECONP A hT cyelee.

cheap. AL SMITH, 2r6S. Illinois IOB Sale SECONIl AND MACHINERY. Call on O. M.

CAMPBELL. Ifca K. lilt not au Fob Sale OFFICE, NICELY FUrIT HED; sViO cash; cheap rent. Address 2U. care News.

Ijou Sai.eK.TABL1SHFD tinware store; good location. Addrvsa IS, Newa Sale ROSEWOOD PIANoJ sVI. EASY Apaynesnta, WULSClfNR, opposite post SAi.r ITOK SKC'UN HAN BRICKl A. C1IEIKLK PRANG E. 424 VaS ngton at.

1 TpO" Sale ONE LOT OF BUGGY TiiPSL wheels; wtUaell cheap. AL 25S S. Illinois. pon Sale three large "glass show; A cases and counters; Weotenuesk. Call at 2kl N.

Delaware at. Toa Sale LARGE INVOICE OK BPNTIvTJ rn Laker a thorn TON j. s. Meridian. BEAUTIFUL ANTIQUE OAK.

Bradbury piano; great bargain. WULSCH ncr. cppoalte postuCice. SALE FINirixjNED. CPRIGUTPI ANo bargain.

WULsCH. ER, OppositVpontomce. TDob Sale ANY ONE CAN BUY A PIANO tue rrlces and terms we Oiler. WULsCH NER, opposUe fKMtoBW e. Fob Sal A Lf K) FIXTURES.

COM. plete. with or witlxmt pool table; cheap lor cash. Inquire at 16 Indiana ave. Poa KAlia TWO lULLK'fl DAVIS 175 n(l 2oo each; easy payments.

WCLSCHN ER. eptKwite postollle. Sale ROOMINti HOUsK! twha rooms, elegantly furnished; full of good pay fng rooruera A ddress 20 care Newa. Lob Sale A BIG JOS f.oT OF WHEELS, A dashes, tops and cushions; I must sell them at once. AL SMITH, 21 a.

Illinois' at. IOB Sale STEAM PEANUT ROAST E1C confectionery and tee cream parlor; good lo catloo; cheap rent 213 W. Washing. on st. FOB SALE A twenty fic7hsk POW er boiler snd engine; as good as new.

ELLil. A llELFENBEROKR, ltw S. Mjsstsslppl st. Sale COMPLETE OUTIrtf foR batching and rearing chickens: Incubator ana hot water healer; half price, Adtlresa 21, care Newa Sai.k JUST RECEIVED A BIG LOT HV new and second band buiriies and surrersi must sell them at once. AL SMITH, 206 S.

Illinois su Iob Sale MILLINERY STORE. A RARE Chance, at a bargain; HI heal 11 cause of sell, lug. Addrees D. IL No. 4A H.

Fourth St. La fqyette. Ind. 1 IV OB Sale OR LEASlj CORN MI LLINO plant, with well arranged; corner Belt railway and W. Vashliigton su Ad tires SAMUEL HARRIS A CO.

14ob Sai.k PIANOS AT special BAH rslns and on easy terms; Wio, 75. 46. jil2 to 9226: comeesrlv and get first choice. PEA 11 SON MUSIC HOUSE, b2 and S4 N. Pennsylva la st.

A terms, 910 rash and 6 each month; also a fine Decker Bros, plono at a bargain. PEARSON'S MUSIC HOUSE, S2 and S4 Pennsylva tila st. 1rOB Sals SPECTACLES AND EYE glasse fitted on scientific principles. Prtce In steel, from fiOoup; In from 4 up, at LEO LA DO'S, opticlau, 02 Ei Market sU, oppo.lL. poMtofhch.

I70HUAA.E VENETIAN BLINDS, Dumb waiters. a Sliding fly Koreens, lltltldtnir bMTMr. JOSH ZIMMERMAN, 133 K. Maryland. FOB SaLK 1 At 2oO W.

Washington northeast corner West, Bale on woodenwesr, groceries, boot and Shoe, 26c for 3 wooden hucknt. Wk! for 1 No. 3 washing tub. I 86c fori No. 2 washlug tub.

4ic for 1 No. 1 washing tub. 91 for IS lbs Rtdgewood A sugarl; 91 for 26 lift golden sugar. 2c for 3 lb pail ail kinds fruit buttsr. (3.6 rx bbl for be.t liKli grade patent Hour.

$3.20 per bhl for roller process flour, $.1 per bbl for fnmMv Hour. $1 for COO pairs fine aarnfile rhoea, both for ladle and gents. Telephone 1307. EOItSALE IIOltSES AND VKIIJCLKS. Job Sal eTISH I MINGO CJOAR.

1.0a Sale HORSE AND SLEIG1L IN'AVJRR 76 N. Illinois. oit Sale TWO GOOD DRIVING MAUES at 4 Jt) Park eve. soa Male GOOD WORK offer. Wl E.

MsrfeeU HOKisE. MAKE I sob Sale ILK WAGtiN. NEARLY NEvV. RA ER, 2 16 E. Market Sa Mt STRONG Til HY.K iil lIiijrh Ji' waon.

127 N. Arsenal ave. Cob Sale HO Its CAl fp UOfll boircy and wairun, UH N. i'liie. LN) Al.

FA Af I e7n7 EY eXk3 old; perfectly sound. 3nl intliana av. jioii 'r le itA FT 1 fT; j'. 7c 1 1 A ILL take piu In is'ro eri foN. leistare.

Toa Pai.k a Prp: iitftriTT'ilTTJsTJ') FVnTa A vehicles, cheap. No. 'IS S. att ai.t '51b MA.E NT ItO A d'aN 1' I 1. rCi ing cart put up for my own use.

N. TenncMee. IOB Sai.k FIN lilllVI i A.NH mare; sound gentle; s'ule bar and liarrn iw. Address 21, News. 1,1 olT" sa y'li uo aII I years old, smind.

gxod worker and driver. Address 17, care News. TL'ok SAi.rsTt.'jN'TItA FN'l spj i xTT, Jt plnno hex ip biixt. )' M'lieap for cash. 11.

11. GIBUS. 17 N. Tennssee.i no ji a A nes j. Inonire lit 5i frntn 1 1 to 1 ami 4 to 6 p.

rti llnois st. tail IJh 8aI.e XEW. KMriUMl. pia So 1 tup biirpv. worth i il take cat ii, H.

If. CIIKBS, rr N. Teiinjee. 1. a 'S I I) A 1 I' I 1 etons, hiiirle, make, gtrlctlv prime.

HO BR INS, Oenrgfa st, H' palring ei lte. I'll A s. pur E. Ioh Sale 2 I'Hi us "NT. OFr oW ALL tpl ft.ure vehp le arjtt a hafcrnen cai customer for few iHivs.

A. 11. nil'iLTv VA NT Jt VO.i 'S S. penflvr.n!at. 1" EWi tspRIN'O WAftoV ttvo ttew leather j''es.

una seat surr' citie nnd hi pirnl us stand fjiil i. i. C. JoN ES. 1 ACCTItlN A I.K A rcrtosf L.

N. PLRR A I 1 I I. A E. Wtshliictpn. i t7.

it. i IM tixna. IILNT. ALtll K. Vnhi.iitirvc.n si.

A vci'luS "Tt 'SPI A Mi era. 1 'I'l W. si ria 1 ALii 't Ci.rpeT.. ti We il rn.tir i'ijifi li nir jtt f) 1 o' a jMtt W. 'a( 1 till" Pr.

i.t.a i with at r. i.t i 4 v.alru;t wp .1 1 Mnd an 1 rrta P' p. v. 0 1 one 1 i on1 spi inj a a sorte rtKl.eri.. r.H P'.

r. 'i'l iiij rniri ritrrwia. cn c' i rultr.n.f.ip 1J i Kpiral 1 e.i t. it s'i 't Cih.i" tO'it K. la apd a' ran.i'.5, GL silN Jl iit ers.

I I.I 1 1.t HL W. a. C. r. i .1 i.M ITrii 'i wi i.i 1 1 I a a.

7 Xj and ow uer a i fc'. 'i ti i 1 i A I A I i I 1 i 1 1 i.i.A.. a v. II..

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