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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 12

Indianapolis, Indiana
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big rhjladeli.liia manufacturer, maae them to the order of I. H. Ajre Co in accordance with the prevailing voue, wbich demands or general ntilitv a Hun Umbrella of bordered fancv fiik. Th'eVe Umbrellas have Princes handle? of selected natural furze and boxwood; their 2G i'nch framcj hare eight ribs (the seven rib Umbrella or Parasol is a back number); their courJ are of fine brilliant silk black, wine red. green, marine blue, and brown, with white check; pin dot and fancy striped borders.

jThn'jL likely you'll find these late style Umbrellas elsewhere hereabout: if you do, sorely not for as little. as "three fifty." Pre Cottons. Lotv Trice i Choice of forty pieces French Organdie, in white, tinted and dark grounds, with floral, geometrical and small neat desijrns. These good have been seTTmjr at 3Jc and A'Jc. Now, a yard.

A full assortment of white pink, light blue, reseda, ecru, navy, cadet, royal and black St Call Swiss, embroidered in black, white, pink, light blue' and tui(juois polka dots. Width 31 inches. price 2D incn bet quality Silk Organdy, plain and doited, colors, black, white, blue, reeda, yellow, royal, tan. lielto, gray and cardinal, a Choice selection of printed American Iiatite. Dimity and Lace Effects, white, tinted, navy and black grountte, with polka dot, stripe, Dresden and floral effects a yd.

lOe, tTic Indiana' Crta1t1 itribu1 of "Dry Good The Finest Diamonds COME TO AMERICA The Finest Cutting It DONE IN lHf RICA Tou havs no l1a of tha faclllti offered Fh ts at home for sertirtnr the finest of gma. Ws will bs pleased to bavs you aU. JuIiusCWflJgori laelaaa's ttselaa Jswslsrs, Members Merchsnta' AsawlatlAa While They Last niaok lc Lisle Hose, quality 60c length white srid bl Witts and Gloves. 6te 4UHllty. Hot 10 Cast Wothlngton 9trot ONEPlCCE BIFOCAL Ko mora rnntlns or place toccthar.

QROUNO OF ONI PIECE. No rt fracture of cement; no chtppln; tarsr cunfualon; shows la, liabtar In wngftt ttian any tlfoal yt o(tred te las; CHARLES W. COMER. Rsfriot'on'it. i 13 Korth Merldlaa treet.

An Infrlngomettt Will vlcurouoly nroaa C. W.jCvmnar. patant. fiGEHCY 102 n. Ponn.

Gt. I Eatata, laswraaea, Laaaa. lassataiaaia nCll CCTITE CCPTinlTV i Utl liaaKaa UdlHIk a. WW ill I Horns Ftind at Lowset Rats la Any Amounts so. Easiest Taravs without Daisy Staeka of Iseal Baaka aa Cearatlaaa ought aa gala.

YOU CAN SAVE MONEY TIMS MONTH i i IV VOl' WILU SEE J. H. REED, Jcwelcr lrposle I S. Ayrea Co. I DIAMONDS AND WATCKXS Hi cut In prices.

Best Optical Work In BOND VE OWn AND OFFER: I3.CC3 Daltwars Co, lad Ss J2.CC3 Scott Co, led 4Si Cecatur 0.lad Rawtoa Co, 4a J2.C33 PikiCo lai Gibson tc, lal 4'g Owsa Co tad. 4St SS.C03 City ot iaditaapons St.Imp..6s Ksw TL Ut Sort 3i $1,003 KoMstTillo Watar J1.5C3 arrsa Water Co S1U.CC3 Homo Ceatiag 4L. Co. 5s S4.0C3 lnfilam. Col.

Soatasra S7.1C3 InilaaapoUl Gs 1st 6s Brotd Ry 1st. 5s S2.G03 Ci izeai' bt. Ky, ist 5t STOCKS Emtss prelsrred 6 Atattoir, preferred. cj'b P. axoa Co preferred 1 Uaica Trtctioa Co preferred 6 Celt Railroad Iaiixat Hotel .........6 Iaiiaatpolis rireJi.

Co. lailaa If atioaal Eaak 5 I'rlces and particulars upon application; Main, J. F. WILD Dsinkcrs 205 Stevenson Builtfi'ns. i i I Saturday at 12: SO noon.

iir. w.e, rc rej Co, KEUKA COLLEGE'S NAME i TO BE CHANGED TO BALL Ball Family First Actively to Associate 'Itaeif with College Reunion of the Balls. The third annusl reunion of the Ball families of the United Slates and Canada will be held at Keuka Park. Yates county. New York.

AuKUt i. 6 and In the long' lUt of the Kail. hUh has at its head Hetiator H. Uall, of Delaware; Itreseritatlve Thomas OsU. of Texas; Thomas Ball, the fuihoua sculptor, and other Bans of national reptuation, appear the names of the Ball Brothers, owners of the I'nlted States lartirt fruit 'Jar pbint, located at Muncle.

and the Kv. Ttniothy H. Ball, of Orowi1pomt. At this year's reunion tr" will te takrn to thanse the name of Keuka to Ball College. The Rev.

O. II. Ball, lis president and founder, has consented to the change, and wlshw the collg tt stand as a memorial to the Ball family. The Bulls will thus become the tlrst family actively to associate Itself with a particular cdlleg. It is proposed to have an archive in the college'ilbrary In which will ilreserved all books, pamrhlets and manuwrlpts dealing with the history of the Halls, toscther with all writings of value tlt they have left or Vllt leave.

i ZOUAVES WITH CIRCUS I Company With Wallace's Shows Made i Up Entirely cf Hoosiers. i Considerable interest is shown throughout the country In the drill of the Marlon Zouave, with the Wallace jdrcus, which be here next Monday, but the Interest In this State Is most pronounced, on account of the fait that the aouave company Is composed entirely of Hooslera. The company Is probably the best that has toured the country. It was remarkably well drilled when it entered circus life, and the constant drill since then haa made It nearly' According to the statetm nt the press aeent the members of the company are "llvln and ektmnr. dlna ry exemplars of the complex, itilrl cat military science and aru" But In mi i.timuovr in nie wainry iixii vkj ua "the boys put up a mighty good drill." Tnere is one lnereti.ig feature of the circus that has seldom been nientionHl.

and Is understood by few people. It ta the relative positions of the animal wagons In the big exhibition tent. It is absolutely necessary for the peace of the families renresenled that the. ment of the cages be the same day aftv day. The ends of tne cages are closed.) r' inn tne anin ill.

a gltmp.e of one anotoer but the beasts accustomed to the odor of their nsighbors. and if the formation of the cages Is changed the animals immedlately begln to "rough things," to show their disapproval. BARN AND CONTENTS BURNED. John V. Carter's Structure and Stock Destroyed.

Li ve A large barn, tin the farm of Jvhn V. trter. alx inla northwest of iv the, CrT nke, ws burnml to the grund about II o'clock last night. All the centetus Including eleven mulev, jtvro fine horres. farrjm Implement aaii jvehiclea and over fifty tons of hay.

The total loss is estimate.1 At about The orictn of the fire is unknown. TheinsV ts a theiry, however, inn piacms: rew on oin raiiimi con 1 pustion. incenmartsm is also Minted at. The nre llhte.J up the heavens for i around and attracted many farmers to! tne piace. ater waa tnrown on the farm house to prevent a tpread of the tire.

Th toss on tne loam ana stoca is partial; Insured, i SISTERS' DOUBLE WEDDING. The Couples Attended Each Other in "Turn Brides Dressed Alike. There was a double wedding last night at the home of Pchlffendecker. West New Tork street. The brides were the two daughters of Mr.

Schlffers decker Louisa, see Ivenlr.rAur 1 1 suiiiiti, hkc iwrnij twa. tne orlde grooms were FYancis C. Iloltia and Stan I ley A. Heetem. The siters.

pretty brunettes, werei dressed alike for the ceremony, which was performed by the Rev. lariel Ourmn. off t. The couples attended, eachl other tn i Two Smokes. I (ClTc4nriatl Comitiervial Tribttne 1 "Any objections to my smoking here' asked the offensively cheerful man, as tne vessel gave tnoiner lurcn.

"None." replied the pale chap in the I I I bere or hereafter:" ties, J3.5T; assets. A similar steamer chair. I Eat Sweet Nuttnej feIons at.WillTirs, S. ilerldian, at. SIXTY FOUR HUNDRED FEET OP HEW FIRE HOSE PURCHASE HAS BEEN MADE BY THE CITY.

SMOOTH TONGUED rilTO muck i Pufoiic Safety yesterday 7" r. 1 The Board of afteriiocn bought feet of fire hose or HTM distributing the rrurcha mrS seven different ami. Ai. tosa. THE XDIAAPOLIS JttWS, TIItTttSDAT, JULY" 23, 1903 1 i 76fV erf close daily at 3 p.

Bor dared 7mhrellci are "It" Ttzfo Hundred Jfett One at 3.5 Bach ti th there were twejve bS ldera. It wai no few chariots In the country, and that ta leare E4)uapoitt vta Vndais Une th.t hil there rivalry there are fewer four, of horse that nryA T.T"JXt the agents to get eontracta. the can ma a mile at chariot racing apeed. fcrd moA toci car via mrnie j'rlo prtte aited for hose were the atse for At least four ectrtes wUI be necessary be nAa undj i l. ft.

berth. tourtt I lei? r. can't rti rteepvr. like grade The board adverusea inn ior nnai cor.tracia lor me throuch immt itt irave Icdiaaa It would buy i feet, but after the bids I closed. If that number of entries are tin at p.

Tweltr. August run were received the board found that It aured the Slate Board of Agricuiture 5 'bSIm bad about SS available for and ldd to byr ..) feet. fire fcoe. rubber how. In this how the rubber and the ordinary fire hce there is a rubber i i k.

v.t. 4 ton. When the board gr. ready to open the bids a.51 the agents were InvUed to step outsioe. Tbey were admitted one at a time, and each made brief remarks in favor of his goods.

One agent refused to name the company that made the hose he offered and he got nothing of the eon tract. Most of them were exceedingly smooth tongijed. The irbolied rubber hose man told of a victory he won 'over the others at Brazil, although he had not seen a councilman until the Council meeting, while another agent had brought three coundlmen tip to Indianapolis to examine the hose In the Indianapolis department. George Koehne andotber said the department already had so much of hts hose that the board knew what It was. One agent from the outside made the Ironical plea that he waa a taxpayer and entitled to consideration.

Distribution of Contracts. The contracts wens awarded follows: Kureka Hose Company. H. Pratt, agent. l.VtO feet Paragon.

S1.0. Fabric f'lre Hose CompanyJ 1 1. Noack. agent. feet Keystone.

J1.350. Gutta Ptrcha Rubber and Manufacturing Company. E. llarman, agent, 900 feet Maltese Cross (carbollzed rubber bose). p.

Boston Woven' Hose and Rubber Company. George W. Koehne. agent. jl.WO feet Boston Seial.

Vt. Central Rubter and Supply Company. Arthur C. Moore, agent. ftet jDlamond Jacket, $.

Central Supplv TTompanv. p. M. Wallace, agent. 5u0 feet Aurora.

J). Oof dricls Hose Comjiany. W. T. Tate, aaent.

Goodrich. ti. The bi.Mers that did not get a slice were as follows: Mineralized Rubber Company. George K. Wallace, agent: Miller Oil and Supply Company.

J. Miller, agent; Taylor Pmltih. Kdward Taylor, agent; Manhattan Ituhler Ominny, J. A. Hull, agent; Voorheee Rubber Manufacturing Company, Warren I.uSved.

agent. New Trucks in Commission. The board was notified by the. fire chief that the new truck at Kenwood and Thirtieth has gone Into commission. James Culllngs Is captain; Bradley Con nett.

lieutenant: Edward Lawson. driver, and. Harold lve, ladderman. Harry Ingram. John Kreber, Samuel Meyers and iennls Travis were placed on the regular force as, firemen.

The' board decided the case of John Shine, who pleaded guilty to drunkenness and making an arrest while drunk, by suspending him for thirty daya without pay. CONCERT AT GERMAN HOUSE. Chorus of 100 Voices and Orchestra of Fifty Five Musicians. The open air concert at the German House to morrow night will be one of the most attractive affairs of the kind of this aeaon. The beauty of the Illuminated garden baa been greatly enhanced.

A new sounding, shall has been erected back of the musicians' which will Improve the acoustic properties of the place. The vocal soloists of the evening will be Mrs. Josephine rem merman Edwarda and Mr. O. W.

Isenaee. 'There will be a chorus of over one hundred voices, in addition to the full orchestra of flfty flve musicians. The prcgrarn of the evening will foliowsj March; Chasseur i Orchestra. Overture. "Light Cavalry Missud Orchestra.

'Manana' Orchestra. a "Awake" Breu "Rosetide" Spicker Male Chorus. "Yes or No" Kunkle Mrs. Josephine Bremmerman Edmunds. Echoes of 4he Ball" Gillet Ladles' Chorus: "Thes I Think of, Chorus and Orchestra.

The Sentinel am 1" Watson Mr. O. W. lsensee. "Love and Spring" Wein2ler Mixed Choru and Orchestra.

"An Afternoon Reiser Orchestra. 1 "Iji Waldteufel Orchestra. i "Hiawatha" Moret Orchestra. MUSIC BY MILITARY BAND. Incidental to the Moving Picturea at Fairview To N1ght.

An interesting entertainment Is promised at Fairview Pnrlr trv nlht i The Hn. ematograph will show two sets of new moving pictures, with 'incidental music by the Indianapolis Military Band. There also be a concert by the band from a program especially arranged for the evening. The firs exhibition of pictures wilt be between $.15 and and the final program will be given from 9:) to o'clock. To night's progrram follows: Part I Overture "Nabuf odbnsor" Verdi Selection 'Peggry from Parle" Ixiraine "Inflamatus" from "Stabat Mater" Ku phuriunt PoJo I rtoesinl Mr.

Nicolas Kembusch. Cinematograph. i Part II. selection "'RJgoJetto" Verdi Srenade "The Perrv Mele "Blase Away" Holtrmann jarmiigTpn Deny Report as to Treats, i members of the Indianapolis Bartend era" Union last night that the repirt that they are' to disi oursge the "treat and be treated" hahlt amiiic themselves is a base slander, and should be dertid The members also tlenled the statement that they irtend to force a wage scale on the emp lovers. They state x)mt tirf wage exit's, and that une Is contem ptated.

There were abotit 150 member preserd at the meettrur initiate a class' of fifty fi appUoar.ts for membership. Right Leg Crushed Off. fifteen year old col oTCxl from loutsvuie. no was bum his way llnto thl city last night. ler" a Ttelt railroaJ enerln' and his was crtished off.

He was taken to th Hospital. The boy irsstrucieft the honltal ph slctans not to take off more of his leg than necessary during; the ojwration. before he was placed un der the Influence of drues. Petitions in Bankruptcy. A petition in voluntary bankruptcy has been filed in the Federal Court by Oeorge petition has been nel Py Oeorte ti.

llarer, a laborer of Mel ford Junction, whose liabilities are e9t.i and his assets are lin i NOT MANY CHARIOTS AND RACING FOURS' IN COUNTRY. lippodrome ef the State Fair wilt a Rare Spectacle Roman Rules to Govern. Tom Ec.iy. the Bird street ii renma a Cass Cosoairtjr and Charles Do secretary of the Indiana Board of Agric ul lure.

are miking an effort to close con tracts with owners cf Roman chariot and racing tM3J for the srreat revival of the oM Rnman fciur.hfirs rfesriat nm dur I iintg the State Fair. Effort Is making to et each of thf big hippodrome racing companies of the country to enter one 1 chariot apiece: Xo more than ore entry; 1 win be accepted from any one company 1 In this revival of the an cier.t jort It touna taat mere are will put up a C0i purse snd will schedule the races one wlil be raced each 1 ox ine iitirc via. vi are nrn to all comers In this coun try. Alreadv the Vdells. of Flannlgan.

I1L. 1 i jhave signified that they dewre to enter i me rtf their best chariot teams, and J. favi rse will enter. 10m E.nsiej four that he win enter, and is having a chariot built. When the Wallace circus Is hre an efTort will be made talnterest Ben Wallace in the event and getTiim to enter his best four and best chariot Kns ley thinks he will be able to get at least six entries.

If the contract Is for the races, they will be advertised as the star feature of this year State Fair. The Roman racing rules will be codified and will govern. The State Board of Agriculture will try to get Gen. Lew Wallace interested, sufficiently to have him write the rules or attend the races one or two days. NOT IN THE DIRECTORY.

Assessor Can Not Mail Notices to Thousands of Women. "I have between eight and ten thousand documents here of interest to as many Indianapolis property owners." said Mr. Jefferson, the township assessor, to day, as he pointed to a pile of notices of appraisement that he has been unable. to mail, not knowing the address of the property owners. This is about the usual number of appraisements that! the assessor haa left over each year.

Most of them are oi property that Is owned by married women. The husband's name la In the directory, but the wife Is not mentioned, and Is impossible to find her addresa. "The appraisements will be held a few days before we begin to enter them In the books." said Jefferson, "and all persons who have not received their notices may call at the office and get them." NO SEVERE CASES, SAID THE SCHOOL OFFICER. Then Severe Case of Smallpox Broke Out In His Own Family. Smallpox In a mild form has been reported to the State Board of Health from Marshall Several cases of scarlet ever are also reported by.

the county health' officer from Argos. The officer wrote to Dr. Hurty that when he tried to close the schools at Argos the president of the School Board objected, saying there were no severe cases. Later a severe case broke out In the president family. Will Study in Old World Hoepitals.

Dr. W. T. Got't. of Crawfordsville, secretary of the State Board of Medical Registration and Examination, left last night for New York, jwhere, with Gott.

he will sail on Saturday for Europe on the Columbia. They will be gone until October, and a great part of the doctor's time will be spent in study in the hospitals of London and Heidelberg. Real Estate Company Incorporates. The St. Joseph Enterprise Company, of Mishawaka.

Incorporated yesterday afternoon with 114.000 capital to engage In a general real estate and bond business. The directors are Andrew Anderson. James DuShane, W. G. Crablll.

Albert G. Harlan and' Andrew DuShane. $2 Per Week Secures a Home. Clifton Place lots. S2.

Highest point In city. Sure to advance In values, for information WM. 1 ELDER, galls Ulock. Send 1 In Ktmoval Anoennraiaeot. We twg jto knnounrc that we have moved eur entire business.

Including our stock cf Car riage. Automobliee. Bicycles and Supplies, to our new store. 111 113 11? Market street. any other! establishment of like nature in thla We will be pleased to see all our old cua toniers and many new ones at eur new quarters.

Very respectfully. H. T. HEARSET VEHICLE CO. Loans 'St Lemeke Itnildlag.

Accommudjtlon loans. terpis. IIsattBg. Wa'do hatina of every decrip Ion Ccmtrsct ore for complete power plants. V.

JOHN SON SON. 503 and Delaware BI KruM and 1 wanter Celebrated warm air furnaces. 4 42S E. Washington st. I) r.

XY. It. Craig, Veterinary Kargeea, Lioga treated. Office. Wood's Stable.

Tel. 11T. Louisiana Pnrchttt Kx position, St. Loals. 1904.

The first of every month, beginning Auruat 1. 9Q3. I ill give away a (iret claaa return ticket to the St. IUta World's rair and In cash. Every purchase cf 15 cents or over will receive eouoon.

CHA3. vbr hat drpot. Try tit Old Scotch Kboamatiii Xruggista, 50c and tl sixes. iTrsstmeot Bausetr aas Barker Snsnll. E.

BODINE at TT Ohio. Falrvlaw Park, for meals, tuacbea. soda water. Ics cream, by dish, quart or gallon. Telephone ue7.

Install Steam and Bot "Water Plants Kruse A lewenter. 4T7 429 E. Washington A tioldnsh Fr With Each Ponnd CLIMAX TACKAtlE OFFEE. Ask grocer. K.

xpert Trail Fttting. ZIMMEIt. 13Z E. Washington St. Wood A Morrison, yiceat carriages in city.

Tel. SZZ. ti. II. Clay, M.

Dontiat. Pcsr fourtawe years with the New Tork Dental Company. Now located, at III S. Illinois st. Laafseakamp Unas Works.

FVnmdrs and finishers IW 14I K. Cecrrguv. Brase. Bror.xe arvl Castings. A Gold fish Tree With Eaekt Ponsd CLIMAX PACKAGE fOFTEE Ask grocer.

rtostnc Oat ade Harness, fly nts. wfclpa. etc. tt MuchLfj are. ESOLID sterling Silver KNIVES FORKS SPOONS SI.IO to SI.25 per or.

T'e only grxyi made by the foreraost makers. Chris. Bemlostir 139 East Washington St ar arm a a a. "MflBv sHSasa'w 1 1 1 mmi a i i 1 1 1 Canpic Twr. TI Mseta Beith Tuesday, Aert TikK Jr.

all Seod for itlBrary. R. P. ALUEO, big rors ROUTE. XirnlM NIAGARA FALL? EX.CTTRSION.


July Acrot lth. a For particular see cieplay ads. PEXXSTLTAXU TAXDiltA LtX ES, Tfc Official Kot 0 lJHtnpmBt, G. A. aUomal Frcie, Cat.

TrkMa A Inl. TI A tunurt 14 Ibflocirft TV imdouiirtni injeclai trj be reer ei fmtre St. Louia arvt Oiicairo In both standard and tourist sr eclat sieepers and torrntkoa ttn arpllratkin to any ticket ent Kor j2VZV. a n'i 1VIT'rT 1Jrr RHHAWox a P. Inumiv LAKE KRIE WEsTKRN K.

rewasatly Cwadaeted. T.OO Magmra, Tails Excwrsiew $7.0 Tnarsday, Aagast ft. For fatt particulars call on or address A H. 6ELLAR3. I.

f. a. Illinois at. BETHANY ASSEMBLY. Rethaay Fsrk, laid.

Pennsylvania. Uim wilt sen excursion tickets front all points la Indiana July 3 to August 17. Return limit August la Children's day, Saturday. July li. Special low fares from I.

A V. tMvialoa paints. W. V. RICHARDSON.


15.00 Roand Trip 41S.O0 Vtav, C. H. II. Jfc O. W.

and It. A O. Atlanta CJ'y. Fa lale City. Cap May.

Ocean City. Tickets good twelve dar. Stopovers permitted at Washlria toa and Philadelphia on the return. Through sleepers and roaches on 2:6 p. m.

train. P. ALGEO. r. p.

a. i LAKE KlttE TTtSTERX R. K. 15 Atlantic City. and Retara $15 Taasday, Aagast IS, Tl Lake Kbore Lehigh Valley Rente.

Through sleepers. Return limit twelve dara Stopover at Niagara Falls and Lake Chautauqua. FYr berths and full apply to A. It. 6ELLAKS.

D. P. 3S 8. Illinois su THE BIC rniR BtOCTE. Kironloa Sunday, July Lawreaeebnrg.

Aarera and Way Tolnts. LOO sr Lass Round Trip. fpeclal train to letva Indianapolis at" 7:30 a. returning to leave Aurora at 7:30 p. m.


LOO Terra Haute mad Retarn $1.00 OrencaU and Retnra 75o Sunday, July 36. Leave Indianapolis 7 a. m. Returning, spa. clal train leaves Terr Hauts 7:25 p.

m. NIAGARA FALLS KXCCRSION. Via n. A I. and F.rle R.

R. Tuesday, August 4. T.OO Rouad Trip $7.00 Tickets sood twelve' days. Epeolal train of through coachea and sleepers will iaave Indiana poila p. m.

tjtopoTers permitted at Cha tauqua Ilce and Cambridge Springs. R. P. ALGKO, U. P.

A. LAKE ERIK WESTERN R. R. IZ.OO Sandusky and Return $4.00 Saturday Night, August 1. Leave Indianapolis p.

m. For berths, apply to A. H. SELLA R9. D.

P. 28 S. Illinois st. PENNSYLVANIA LINES. $LXS Madison and Return $1.15 Sunday, July 1 6.

Leave Indianapolis a. m. Returning. lav Madison p. m.

Eteamboat excuralon up Ohle river from Maatson. twenty mllaa and return. 23 cents for round trip. i I LAKE ERIE A WESTERN R. R.

$1. 35 Michigan City and Return 1.23 LOO Rochester, lutL. and Way Points tl.OO Monday, July SA. Ieave In)lanapolls 4:30 a. in.

Clnlanatl and Return Via H. St I). Ry bunday, July X6. Raaaball Cincinnati vs. flttsburg.

Two special fast trains; the first will leave at :30 a. making no loral stops; the second lH ave at 7:13 a. stopping at Rushville. Connersville and Hamilton. Leave Cincinnati returning 4 JO p.

m. East Time to Detroit vis Lake Erla A Western and Wabash Roads. Leave Indianapolis 12:20 p. m. Arrive Detroit p.

m. Indianapolis Martinsville Rapid Transit Co. is running excursions after p. except Rat' urdsy and Sunday, to Mooreslll ind return. Bethany Park, Sic: Martinsville, hue'.

Tickets good only on day of aate. Wbr to liny A a totnobl laa. If you srt looking for a reliable runabout yoo ahould go to J4 I Monument Place, where the Indiana Automobile Co. has the ftneat selection of automobiles to. be sen In Indiana.

The Hat includes the famous Waverley Klectrlc. the Waterlesa Knox, the Northern Runabout, the Pord two cylinder, the Perrleaa Touring Car and i ethers. Bargains In second hand machines, and machines for rent can be had at this place. Vv Vnrk IlMial A. P.

IIERROS. When Bids. Ovar twenty years in this city. Just 'Been as fhe Mad Them GooOoo Eyes will compel me to order a nice Chicken Pry Ilk they serv at Hltxelbergrs Cafe, Roach and Canal. For Information phone o9 new.

A Gold Hah. Free With Each Poand CLIMAX PACKAGE COFFEE. Ask arocer. Gas, Gasoirn and Oil Stoves. Largest variety and lowest prices In th city.

C. KOEHRi: Jt BBO S7S HU Virginia a. Peed your horse Janes's dust less oats. i 11 Mrs. Wlnalow's Soothing Kynjp for Children Teething reets th child, comforts mother, iic Craxner A Thoxnpaoa, Photographers, Surceseors to Stewart M.

Pouder. avs. I A Goldfish Pre With Each Ponnd tjLIMAX PACKAGE COPPEE. Ask grocer. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children.

Tbs Kind Yea Hare Alwajs Banght Bears th SiSHAture of ALL KINDS THE H. 1 a Don't Be Distracted by primaries and conventions, Here's something of more importance to men of all parties. What? Where? At Ye Sign of Ye Pantaloon From fabrics hitherto made up Into $7.00. and Trous ers we' will. For This Week Only make to measure, tn our best style.

Trousers at FIVE DOLLARS DON'T DELAY Kahn tailoring Co. Maker ta Kind Cletaes Csatlentea Wear. The question of dollars and eanta is an important one. therefore your money should be ell tnveated. little real ratal never wa a disadvantage to any man.

Tou may keen it." improve it. live upon it. or sell It. and every hour you own It. you will realls advantages which alt men of property knv.

We have some chotc pieces In which we sou id like to se you take an lnlmar. They will cost little: and yield good returns. A. J. MEYER 144 E.

Market Phones New, 92; Old, Main ISO NOTHING FINER THAN ARCHIBALD'S $3.00 HATS Thla Is a faet already ea tablltbed. are now at work build In up a similar reputation for our Our priag Deroy cuoxi iirsa and will soon be known as th READY TO WEAR TAILORS of Indianapolis. Gerritt A. Archibald Co. aa East Wasblngtan Street.

IN FOUR SIZES SMOKC OUR ED ANSCtlUETZ, tndlaaa4la, Intl. CUT PRICE ONLY CUT PRIOE DRUQ STORC.IN INDIANAPOLIS Tbere are soma imitators. PEARSON e. SiiM Is 3 2 "Wo Fool the Sun." INDIANAPOLIS TENT AND AWN IN i e. w.M.ras Both Phones 1122.

AKE OX Torv CL M. WESTINQ, 219 Mass. Ave. BEST CLOTHING ron LEAST HONEY AT Washiagtna. Car.

Dalawar St. AND ALL RELIABLE III LIEBER CO. Cameras Are Not LiKe Automobiles that break dosrn in the middle of a trip. Not the camera we would sell you, anyhow. Ton could trarel around the v.orld with a Kodak in your pocket and not swear at ft once in fact, now a daya you could not travel without one.

Call on ua before you leave for Michtean or the seashore or ro camping, and let us show you a. Kodak or the i New PocKet Film Premo (Slx4J) $3.60 THB H.XIBBER COMP'Y PHOTO PRINTERS FOR THE AMATEUR i tj nj any i im gapji Hi And hcrt is tlio best quality of clothes at melted down made by these skilled workmen. S3 Men's Gating Suit rtHluctnl from $8.50 and to Men's fl.50 and fl.00 fin 'cents 25 cent liow Ties. 7 cents 50 cent 1 How Ties. cents mm tnaMBwaaji 8 Gafoo After TlzZo, LIYjfj VJHB Lacft no BD27 c.

nJcirrovj, FrSgajpr Co i Ladlco Full TcIIcrczl Cxito will Isa acid at Do your fl fH PP V' tho morning Ll il SJ'LJ A Sztzri THE BIQ FOUR ROUTE The 37th National Encampment A. and, G. AT SAN FRANCISCO, ROUND Tickets at the above rata will be sold good to return until October with strtpover at and fM of Culnralo ripsclal throuch sleepers will leave ln11 napnla at 11:45 a. nrnfnlv. I and Monday.

Auu 10. aleo at U' 01 nildnl(ht. Augutl 10. Iticse ei ir throu(h via St. IJouia.

Denver, Colorado apriiifa. pueblo. lailvlJI. ialt lk itv i Ui ii. with atoiKjver at Colorado HprinfS anJ Halt Iake.

Hate. Hi in stanilard e.i and 6A In" tourist sleeper from Indianapolis, snd 111 In ataiUrd and 4 in touriat fioiu kt. Loula to baa Francisco, with a sllg ht extra rharce for stoiovera. Bleeplns; ear accommodations will also be reeerved from 4'hlraso inj ft. Louis la both standard snd tourist sleepers by all routes July tl to Ausuat 14.

Call at Bit Four Office, No. I Eait ahln(toa street, tlck te atvl reaervstlfnii. M. M. RON SOU.

A Q. P. A I THE DIG FOtm ROUTr VELLOUSTOrJEI PARLi PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSION compose) entirely of stsndard sleepers, will lesvs Indianapolis at t.SO Tiieiv August U. Returning, arrt In lianapolla August it. Hale covers sll n.

of trip, meals, berths Ir. sleepers, hotel sccnmntodatlns, guMea. aiagea. etc. For full particulars call at Dig your offices, I East Washington street, or I nl Station, or agents along the Una.

H. BRONSON, A. P. A. AXrWAY INairST 11KCAUHIC yon are not paying for CHHOMOS.


Loula Cn! ttiada To FJi3ofiTOVn "'Frnda mm i rv i i i 1 1 i i 0 LL judi Those Bargains for All Day. Polka Dot All Wool Msn's Psreale Man's JIn' Iuek Skirt. Broadeloth gammer Wrappers, sent Ifl nt all tlJV and Hklrts. silk hammer flounce, llOones. trimmed.

Coau, ll.ftO ons, Undrwar, Btraw fJurt, 69c 03.68 19c 69c 10c ICo Fine Ptira Aeeordion Sstrles Bop Msn's t'VM Plaited fin L'nder Ht nnnln, on dollar Llnon Skirts Bklrl. blna skirts. $IM Stopping; Fancy Wor.tei or black. aadlioq, Bags, wu.t. 98c 03.48 88C 43c CC.C0 ftllk Costa, Man's 50 dors Mn" Kimonos, Men's et'ra best Taffeta.

Uo.a sblrt I1J!) and trimmed. Panu, waists, J0 nss, 17.toi, 02.85 48c 29c 8c 7Cc 4Gc All. Woo! ChHlrn'B Whlta Man's Boys' Un Men's Walking Halts. fhlrl jsc nl 'S fcont Bktrts.upto UoU sialsts. 21? fSjOOones.

years, U.fri ones, Fancy oi, Whirls, Belts, 02.50. 98c 69c I4c 15 2Zo Brllllantlne Ma's Past Man Men's t't. Men's Unen T30ent 'Thn. On l5ot" Vm Wrapperss Fhlrfs. Hhlrts, Pelts.

02.69 IOC 39C 350 21c 45c 25c KNOCKS S' A UNDEU Till: PesuiinizHju. down tlie irie. Hero it in the ond of July and we bave entlh to rjoso out; if your sire i Lore, prab it quick. "This eountry has letter r' t. better mluated.

better fei, Unc eldthed worktnKRien of a type than are to be found In try foreign country." President Roosp 1 1 Un Offlclal Route to the CAL AUGUST 17 TO 21 RIP for all trains July 11 to Auiuil 14. InrlinH. ON aKTrixa A. nnn i i i i i 1 1 i JL AUu', 211 213 Soutli Illinci r.lOCQUITQ CITIIC. Do mosquito poison you? CURA will relieve the pairi instantly i i drive the poison from the syste n.

A CURA will cure Eczema and alloihef diseases. Liquid, applied unpleasant to use. aal t.c. all drueristss.

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