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New Pittsburgh Courier from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 12

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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the pjTTSur.GH couiu: TWELVE GUILTY II 71 IS 1MD A SEVENTEEN baths, gas papered and rsnt. Inquire OF SURPRISE (Special to the PltUbnrgh Courier) By LS. LAUTIER i WASHINGTON. D. O.

Juno 10 'A jury in criminal court No. 2, Justice Wendell P. Stafford presiding, Jast Thursday fonnd Petronioua Don Henderson guilty of second degree murder for the killing of his common law wife, Matilda Beatrice Jackson, on March 25, last. The rerdict carries with it pun Jshment by imprisonment for life or not less than 20 years. Henderson stabbed the Jackson girt in front of 929 French street, porthweat, where they were living aa man and wife, with a pocket knife, the wound penetrating the heart She had gone to a party against his wishes and failed to return by 10 o'clock, as she had told him.

She left him lying in bed. He got up, dressed, and went into the streets and returned three times. Aa lie started out the fourth time, he Widely Known Southern Belle's Silken Hair owes its wonderful soft beauty and healthful glow to the daily treatment she gives it with that old established, marvelous scalp cleanser and hair food EXELENTO QUININE POMADE 1 heard great praise of Exel ento Quinine Pomade everywhere," she writes, "and I owe my beautiful hair and healthy scalp to its unfailing merits. Everywhere I go my hair is sure to be remarked upon for its lustre and softness." treat benefit In Ex lento Skin Soap. Jt claarad my complexion and mad a my fce aa smooth aa satin." Itia a woman 'a hair and faca that make her attractive.

YOU can be aa haadaome aa any belle by oar eaey, pleaaant war through the aae of Ex elemoOemin Pomade and Exelsnto Skin Soap need aa directed. They are sold by all drurtrixa. only each, or will be scot, postpaid, on receipt of price. Sd Wuw tedo ewf art sot vataosfe lMlM(y Utral Mai nr FIIUX7I) KEDICINE Atlanta, El AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Write Far PartksUn 'n. i 4 i met her at the door.

The stabbing followed. Henderson' carried the fatally wounded girl op the stairs to their room, where he ripped open her clothes from the neck down. He bathed the wound; and then went for Dr. Charles B. Fisher.

When Dr. Fisher reached the scene, rirl had bun removed to Freed I men's Hospital, where she was pro nounced dead upon arrival by JJr. Howard Jackson. Henderson took the witness stand at the trial and denied that he intended to kill the girl. He testified that he intended to marry her on April 1, 1926.

and was anxious about her welfare but sot angry with her at the time of the tragedy. He claimed that he pulled her to him and she accidentally fell against a finger nail file which he was holding in his hand at the time. Deputy Coroner H. E. Martyn, however, testified that his autopsy showed two deep wounds, which were made by a sharp instrument, and the police officers, who investigated the killing, declared that there was no blood on the finger nail file but that the knife which they found at the scene was bloody to the hilt.

The principal witness for the Government was Mrs. Annie M. Green, with whom tienderson and the Jackson girl lived at the French street address. Attorney John II. Wilson, who represented Henderson, sought to nave Justice Stafford instruct the jury that they might return a verdict of manslaughter, but Justice Stafford declined, holding that there was no evidence in the case showing manslaughter.

He limited his instructions to second degree murder. Attorney Wilson noted an exception and indicated that he would file a motion for a new trial. Neither the Government nor Mr. Wilson the, case to the jury. The man who listens to women goes farther than he who talks to them.

"And the twin nieces of the bride Jed the way to the altar scattering goldenrod," aays a contributed wedding notice. "Wholly smoke," cried the minister, as he alighted from the train in Pittsburgh. I iVl IT WEB nvaaoaaer i 1 1 itrVtEB tram after asm No i Savored. Keflogg'a Tasteless Castor OJ VJ the original taatelaas on. made for medicinal use castor only.

FREE Duranwa oa riniiMi WALTER JANVIER, Ine, 417 Canal New Yeck Ta ntaij aa joe. ml tU f4 eVac Mat. arc. DESTROYS Moths.Roaches Bedbugs, Flies STAMQAas oaoX( MKW JXJLSXT) CLASSIFIED WOMEN EARN J1C.00 DAILY, selling the "Medical Adviser." Unfolds secrets of married happiness, often revealed too late. 1008 page, cloth bound book, illustrated, some colored plates.

Chapters on Mother and Babe, Nursing, Accidents, First Aid, What to do in Sickness. Retails for $1.00. Sales enormous. Enclose 40c. for a copj (special agent's price).

Medical Press. 853 Washington St, Buffalo, N. Y. AGENTS WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES. Sell Madison "Better Shirts for large Manufacturer direct to wearer.

No capital or experience required. Many earn $100 weekly and bonus. MADISON SHIRT MAKERS. 562 Broadway. New York City.

SUCCESS PUSH your own Products MAKE and SELL Hair Growers, Pressing Oils. Bleaching Creams, Cold Creams, Tonics, Perfumery; 25 modern Secrets taught by mail. Send $5.00 for complete course. Diplomas, Raw Materials. Jars, Tins, printed Labels supplied.

Charles D. Campbell, Consulting Chemist Perfumer, 276 W. 130th Dept. New York City. FOR RENT iTwo clean, light office rooms.

Convenient and modern. Write or call 6358 Frankstown avenue, or phone Hiland 3966. AGENTS WANTED Sell one of the most popular hair dressings on the market today. No capital require. Samples upon Hustlers can earn from $10 00 to $50.00 per day.

Write O'Lay Mfg. 1303 Wvlie avenvre. Pittsburgh. Pa. Phone Grant 0169 ROOM HOTEL Two and electric, newly painted.

Reasonable izzh wyiie avenue. INSURANCE AGENCY William H. Thornton, 2201 Wylie avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Insurance agents wanted for Midland and Uniontown, Pa. For information write the above address.

A GOOD BARBER WANTED Apply at once. 1420 Washington ave fcue, Altoona, Pa, WANTED AGENTS, SALESMEN, DEMONSTRATORS Make 575.00 to per week with Chieftain Guaranteed Shirts. Easily sold to men 3 for $4.95. Experience unnecessary. Just write orders.

We deliver and collect. Every day pay day. Samples and new selling pian FREE. Cincinnati Shirt Company, Secy. 19819, Cincinnati, Ohio.

THREE ROOMS FOR MAN AND WIFE FOR RENT Gas, water and electricity, or one furnished room for man and wife. Apply in evenings. 2562 Margaret street. North Side, or phone Fairfax 2962. TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT.

All modern conveniences. Brushton District. Phone Franklin 6870 J. FIKEMEN. Bmkemen.

Bagg4re men, sleeping car, Uain porters (colored) $140 $20C. Experience in necessary. Railway Bureau ICast St. Iiuis. 111.

WANTED Columbian I'rotec'ive Association. 2201 Wylie vcnue. Phone Grant 7974. J. ffit.n.

Superintendent. THROE ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING FOR RENT. Third floor. Convenient to Hamilton and Frankstown Avenue cars. Phone Franklin 1629 R.

WANTED Men to qualify for sleeping car and train porters. Experience unnecessary Transportation furnished. Write T. McCaff fcupermtender.t. Dept.

2. St. Louis. Mo. ALL MEN WOMEN, IS to CO.

want ing to qualify for. Government 25 monthly. Home jtr traveling. Write Mr. Ozment, i 431, St.

Louis. immediately. jTWO FURNISHED KOOMS FOR i RENT. Gentlemen preferred. Sec ond Floor.

Phone Franklin 1629 R. i FIVE LIVE WIRE REAL ESTATE SALESMEN WANTED Can mke $50.00 per day. Call Franklin 0340. H. Silverstein, 7217 Hamilton avenue.

East End. AGENTS WANTED Make $100 per wek. Our articles sell them selves. Show them and collect the money. Hylon Laboratories, 2704 N.

Hals ted street, Chicago, HL ER IS RELEASED FOLIflG Wanamakcr Prize Is Again Won Bj Famed R.C.O. Band PHILADELPHIA. June 10 For the fourth consecutive time the R. C. Ogden band of the Philadelphia Wanaciaker store, won the Rodman Wanaraaksr Trophy last week by defeating the Elks' Pride of Camden band.

The contest was held in Convention Hall, Camden. It waa almost midnight when the boys blew the last note and the judges started to deliberate. It was a close contest and after a long discussion the judges decided in favor of Grinnell's aggregation. Judge Edward Henry was chairman of the committee of award. I School Gag To Be Fought In Court NEW YORK, June 10.

Legal action will be taken to open the schools of New York City to speakers and organizations barred by the Board of Education as "un American," it is announced by Samuel Untermyer, attorney for the American Civil Lib ertien This is the latest de velopment in the conflict between the Board and the Union arising from the refusal of Eugene C. Gib ney, director of Extension Activities, to permit Arthur Garfield Hays anil James Weldon Johnson to speak at a Peace Week celebration in the Morris High School on May 17, and ti3 denial of the Unions anphea lion ior a iree speecn meciin" in the Stuyvesant High School on May Crime News Breaks Up Poker Game LEWISTOWX, June 10. Sheriff Prints received a telephone message at 2 o'clock Sunday morn inor inf ormin tr him that women had been shot and killed in the "shanties" near the Beaver Bakery. The sheriff and all his dep I a w. uues Durneu up me nice feak Ocean to Ocean hichwav tn Wwrn.

ham only to find all quiet in the vl cinity. As the corpse failed to material ize they investigated and learned i that a colored woman, whniui hue. Dana was playing poker in one of ine "snanties" had sent in the call in an effort to break up the game. She succeeded. LYNCHBURG, VA.

The thlrty elirhth annual commencement exerciaea of Virginia Theological Seminary and College began lriday. May 28. and continued through Tueaday. June 1. Friday waa obaerved aa rlaaa day.

Tha exerciaea began at 2:30 and were followed In the evening by the reception to the faculty and aenlora by Preaident R. C. Woodi. rr. David IZ.

Over, paator of the Union Raptiat Church. Haiti more. delivered the baccalaureate ermn Sunday afternoon at 1:10. Monday evening the cloalng exerciaea of the academy and normal depart menta were held, when C. C.

Hpauld ing. prexident of the North Carolina Mutual Inaurance Company, Durham. X. C. addreaaed the graduatea.

The commencement exerciaea of the college and aemtnary departmenta took place Tueaday at 7:30. The graduatea were addreaaed by Dr. C. H. Wealey.

head of the department of hlatory, Howard Vnlveraity. Elghty eix per aonn graduated from all of the departments. Twenty of them received degree. These exerciaea marked the close of a very aucceaeful year for the institution. The alumni reunion waa held in the afternoon of June 1.

The annual aermon for the graduatea of Dunbar High achool will be held Sunday. June 13. at o'clock tn the Dunbar achool auditorium. Rev. Som in era.

pastor of the Good Shepherd Kpiaropal Church, will be the speaker for the occaaton. The commencement exerciaea of the Dunbar achool graduating claaa will take place Tueaday. June IS. at, 8:15 p. m.

at Main Street auditorium.) Claaa motto. "Launched. Hut Not Anchored." Claaa flower, cream rose, and claaa colore, blue and srolri. Claaa oRlcera: Mlaa Eleanor White, president: Mlaa Vivian M. Pinn.

vice president: Mlaa Loulae M. Sneak, secretary: Mlsa Elisabeth liflng, assistant secretary: Eugene D. Irvine, treasurer; Theodore R. Tynea, valedictorian: Miss Ruby A. Smith, aalutatorian.

A number of our boya and girla who were attending achoola of other cities have returned home to spend their aummer vacation. The studenta who have returned from Hampton Normal and Industrial Institute are Misses Gwendolyn Scott. Evelyn Humhlrr. Vivian Flag and Ber nlc Those who have returned from Morgan College, Ttaltimore, Md are Misses Frances C. Herry and Florence i nennette.

Our students who hive returned from Virginia Vnlon I'nlveraitv. Richmond. are Messrs. John Iewis Anderson and James O. William Jones, also a student at this university, will apend his vacation In Atlantic City.

Samuel Isurford la expected to arrive from the unlvers'ty in the near future. Jamea iluchM will 'return to the nnlver slty to continue his studies at the summer semester. Our girls who are attending Hartshorne Memorial College. Mlasea Inea Cheaxer. Annie Schrarl and Thelma Ward, are expected to arrive the latter part of the week.

Messrs. Duval Penn and Henry Greene have arrived from West Virginia Institute. Institute. W. Va.

Mr. Penn left the city Saturday evening for New Tork. where he will spend hi vacation with Chauncey Spencer and W. Owen Day. who left this city about 10 days aco.

Jamea Chaffln Haa returned from New Tork Cltv. wlurt he spent a few. days friend. COB WASHINGTON. June 19.

Baeaaa the court believed that William Proctor, charged with assaulting: a pi iceman, ha received sufficient' punishment, he waa released on his personal bonds following his conviction before Judge Mattinfly oa WedneHay. Proctor appeared la th. courtroom with his head covered with banda7e, through which Mood stains dearly showed. According to testimony the stitches wsra taken at the Georgetown hospital as the result of the oneounUr with the policeman. The eficar said that no found Proctor intoxicated and was struck by him.

when attempting to make the arrest. Tho policeman admitted striking Proctor several blows after that. A small boy was passing along the street when parrot, from its cafe oa the porch, creamed at him, "How do to dor" The boy stopped ia astonishment. The bird called a second time and a third. Tho lad removed his cap with a aoliU bow and said: "Very well, thask yoa, sir.

Excuse me for aot answering yoa sooner, but I really thought yoa were only a bird. 'if II' fir jvfe I LEXINGTON, KY. RbsssU school closing program netted $15 from door receipts. All money ralaal by tha gradee aad Parat Tcars Xaaoclatlod go to bur plane, vlctrola and necaaaarr extra equipment. Prof.

W. A. lavld Is principal. Mrs. Carrie Ellis gave baneflt entartalnnrant for the New Testament Church located at Fifth and Toner.

Do re a a Circle Of Fleaaa at Green BaptUt Cnarch net Mooday evtnlag with Mrs. Itenla, Bland, aus Whitney avaoue. Centenrlll Baptlit Church celebrated tae Lord Bprr Sunday. A special program tn the afternoon waa rendered by the Old Land sO.rk Club. Robert Brown, president: Howard Coleman, secretary; Kev.

Vnv Alexander, paator. The Sons and Daughters of Xlon Club met Monday with Mr a. Annie Tatter. Mrs. Margaret Dlllard.

brealdent. Mrs. Emma Garner's drama Tae Ten Vlr glne," was played Monday at Uberty Uaptlat Church. The trfuid Mark Uatlding Club of Evergreen Baptist Church gavs a benefit eupper at the realdence of Mrs. Orace Campbell.

Richard Waters, president. Rev. Wei llogton 8. Saaoders delivered the annual aermon to lh Union Benevolent Society of Calentown Sunday. Mrs.

Ethsl Thompson, lie Charles svsaue, vary little Improved and wiahea to see her frleods. Mrs. Amanda E. Miller died Friday at Cadentown. Kh leaves a husband.

Oaorge Miller: ehU. dren, Thomaa. Maud. Nora Miller; a later. Mr a.

Cecilia. Hrowo; brother. Jamea Brown, and other relatives. Rev. Terry Lewis preached Sunday for St.

John's Pentecostal Church, of which Rev. John H. Jonas Is the pastor. Evangelist Marie Jackson of Winchester preached Sunday for Phil llpa Chapel 11. E.

of which Rev. U. Haklna Is the pastor. Mlaa Roae Berry man died Wedneaday at Prince town. She leaves a father.

Howard Berryman. and step mother, two brothers and other relatives. Mrs. aeneva Christy died Wednesday at St. Joseph's Hospital." She Is survived by husband.

Scott Christy; a on, Morgan Christy, and other relative. Rev. Wm. Bell spent a few days In Covington with Revs. Wm.

Taylor as mm is i bj i fj av Waah the hair frequently (if asmsary) is ssft water (rata water). Ofvsae from cooking, dust, dirt and caal dust from household duties ar harmful ts the hair A tablcapoonful Madam Walker VetTtahU Shampoo mixed in cup of lukewarm sort water makes quick lathering, safely cleansing liquid. Rinse and dry the hair well in On aw if possible. sa am l. "ssn i r' shv.

'Dandruff thin and falling Hair Two or three times a week or before tons oM. a emaJD portion of Madam C. J. Walker's Cloarine (hooM be applied to the inaer turlacs of the hair and brushed out wardly with soft, clean bristled brush. A little ia ample for Oloaeine is very oCy Used sparingly bos will laat (or weeks.

i out ths dandruff frees ths Scalp, and sae Us. J. Welksrls Wss darfal Hair Orswcr. Twios weak with tha tips of the Lagers apply Madam J. Walker's Tetter Salvs ts the ecalp sad rob la wdL Where disease ia' noted, consult a Madam J.

Walker agent. Brsth tha hair violently night sad lr rrmirg. When not ort ins a dirt avoid tha use of boudoir cape. They prevent tha hear breathing sad force ths to and Loeuat of the Baptist faith. The Missionary Society of the First Baptist Chareh.saat Wedneaday with Mrs.

Mary Tolfs. president. Tbs Xadies Aid of Gunn SC. K. church met Wednesday evening.

Mrs, Katl Clay, prealdent; Rev. M. I J. Bellinger, pastor. St.

Rebecca Temple Now 4. S. M. met Wednewday. Mrs.

Carrie Rice W. Mrs. Mary It French, sscy. The Dunbsr RusssU Alumni Association met Thursday ran Ing. Mrs.

I Thompson, Ptw W. H. Ballard. Jr, pre aidant. Christ United Holy church ta holding spsciai tr rvixigB, xev.

n. oaao prsaehlag. Rev. Charles Lewis, pastor. Jos Williams died Mondsy at uooa naxnaxiiaa nsipiiai uitr sri lunesa, CAVE CITY.

KY, Mlar MxrV Lee Overatree haa been vary 111, but ts much Improved at this writing. Cave City and vicinity Is placed on the rusp for fetter roads. Dr. and Mrs. Weathers, of Versalles, wars the breakfast guests at ths Ootaon Restaurant on their trip from Mempbla.

7na, and Alcorn, Mlea where thy bsve recently visited their relatives and attended ths com mencemeat axsrelses at Alcorn A. dt M. The two most prolific causes of punctures are nails and white pants. LEAKS V1LLE, N. C.

Mrs. Eatalla Wilson wss hostess Wednesday svealng at her boms on Loftue street at a party given In honor of her i teat. Mr. Petress of West Virginia. After ths social hour, ths hos tess, aaalsteo by Mr a.

jettls Jloa. served vunHi. les cream and cake. John. Small' furnished muale for the occasion.

Among ths out of town guests was Tom Martin of Eprsy. Salem Scales. Jr. haa at hie Matrimony Height horns a splendid tennis court. All tennis lovers are asked to romt out and play.

Mrs. Psttls' Scales has a beautiful flower garden tola spring. Miss Verens Broadnox i u.JAY, JUNE 12, 192J! ana the beautiful roeord of Floyd Collins at ths Odd Fsltows hall last Monday night, while Jjass Hsirston was at ths piano. Ths May Pole Platting waa a a sees as Mondsy night and wss snioyed by eJW Miss Ethel Roberts ts homo from Newark. K.

to spend ths summer and shs Is a week end guest OT Mies Venae Broadnox. Miss Roberta attended tbs Sunday school at ML Stna Baptist Church last ounoay. gueet. Ws think wo will bsvo two weddlnrs on Matrimony Heights very soon. Two girls are wesrlag engagement tipga.

E. O. Matthews was over to call on Mias rn Arww Sunday. fr. and Mrs.

Alex Hsirston, st Gresnaboro wers over laat Sunday In their nsw closed ear. Ws ars very glsd to havs Honey Fraaler ana Misses Llllls Wsrd and Matllns MllUr and Mss Martin back hems from Bennett College. HARRISONBURG, VA. mm Ths commencement exercises of tha Efflortr Junior High School wers held last Friday evening at Assembly HslI snd Rev. J.

H. Peters, pastor of Augusta Street M. B. Church. Staunton.

Va, dellversd ths address to ths graduates. 8upt. W. H. Kaleter presented 14 diplomas, to" graduatea.

w. Lee, 1C of R. has been sleeted as dele gets to ths Grand Lodgw K.ef P. which onvenes st Staunton. Va, Juns 15.

CO. Gaines. sltemate. Miss Bsrsh O. Johnaon and Mlas Lxtr othy Davles.

two of ths teachers In our city, left for their homes In Petersburg sad Amheret. Va. Mias Onldls Frsncls arrived from Florence Villa. Fla. last Friday, whsre shs has iiurM achool for ths nast session.

Shs left Mondsy for summer school at institute, w. va. aiasier i nomas Aus tin Is Improving sftsr a psrlod of III niu The IIIimi C.IOISS LSnirr. Chepas. Elolas Wslksr snd Mr.

jonn H. Christian ten ror tneir rtipfciin ynmmm VI nn Am 9 morning, after a successful year as teachers in ths city schools.1 Prof. F. Nicholas or Wsyneabnro, Va, who has recently arrived from Florence Ills. Fla, where hs tsught this past season, wss a visitor la our city last week.

The improve uouv Housewives with large families, school girls with little pin money. wouuug eis oi smau earnings, ousy, modest, unthoughtful women who never frequent beauty shoppes, should not and need not neglect their beauty. It is far too priceless and may be preserved and enhanced at little cost of time and money by using Mmm JWalkeks Home Beauty Treatments The skio, especially that of ths face, requires food se aourisrrmant No better ia ta be had thaa Madam C. J. Walker's Cold Cream ap pued ssgbtly befara retiring.

Ts protect ths akia against cUmatic renditions Madaas J. WaZkers Witch Haaal Jeuy shoald ahvaya be aaed. Best results from the use of these preparations may be obtained under the direction of a Madam C. J.Walker affent n. i.

tyegin these treatments now Madam C. J. Walker's 18 preparations for sale by Walker agents everywhere (there's one near you), good drug stores, or direct by maiL Daughter Elke gar a lastVrlday er.n!nC looks the Skin mm Cleansing the i Protectim andNtmrish A mthe SKin aaBBBBBSaBSBSBSBSSaSaSBBBSBBBBBBBBBl'l I I 1 Madam J. Walker's VsiMahirig Cream, as a perfect brw ior Madam Walker's facs fVwder. white, rsse.flesh or Oas srsaca or Rouge Natsrcue tench ad to the checks, forehead snd duo.

wB ghre yes the color of youth. A drop er ss of Trcko perfume here sad thars afaooc jros complctas ths chann yen arg sure ts ksvs. i LfT.r a WIFE continues to lmpr.n. 'ScwV Star Lodge month of June, rrV' t2 Items to Floater an been given the n. VX b.

newsboy. Leonsri NASHVIUE, TEKt Mr. Ida V. Askv a ami vs. all Fido Mr.d Tb success from its The park ia a pr: and controlled pv who has spared t.

J'irU. in It and mak. everyway. The Juk a school entertain 4. 8a Friday night at i place was bra 'V.

Lawrence White. Juniors, made tre ttj while John Seniors, made clasa la the larK. the school, thrr All enjuyed tht r. v. Mrs.

R. IZ. AnJ w. s.T Una. and Mr i lens.

Ark are ths i. JTf slty. Mrs. An4, the rraduMtion aa did Mrs. 1 att r.

if gradaation of 3 hi Miller and 4 tires snd fri Vn' 'IiJ'! Rev. W. Uwrm.c pastor of Spru. if In the city looking f.j, acuuaintance. Prof, and Mrs.

v. at Eleventh at. VJ" bcra of the by the stork ct fact they are verv mV Lynn Hunter. vr rounger unes. 1, ft nT Xuli, i.

wl re i. VL tlves. Mlsji ilu i relatives in before rcturnn Ji, I I If III' liMl. 1,1 mi mim xsir wjm "mm tnat actuaUt theHair frfggfssa ms iiiisjiiiiiin. iuii Hiiiii.i iiniu k.

Too frequent akin ia hanfy hkelr mOd pure soap like stalaat J. Walker's CpleEs gas aiwaya shaall be plenty soft, clraa, eeis. Hat baths fo3oeas sy ss runes te dase the ska oss arc advaabie. the bands Madam Clrruisi Cream skssM liberally pp'J off with soft snoot Note tt dirt that osaa Our Tsa Orf sops move taa. tnKte.

and geoerslty tss bghtcn the skis. I i i I MnTP mm A0 oar roods packed with a coupe ootes la our Trip Around the World Use them. Madam CJ 640.N.West Ind. noodW iCocto 1.

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