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New Pittsburgh Courier du lieu suivant : Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 11

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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Cloak of Silence? Recently, the Courier sent copies of William Faulkner's "Letter to the North" (Life, March 5) to approximately twenty Bishops and twenty educators, presidents of Southern colleges and universities, private and public, and asked for their reaction. The Bishops depend upon Negro churches and Negro church members for their support They replte The college presidents depend upon state aid and, in too many instances, white gifts for their support. They did bo courageously and intelligently, one must certainly be CONNECTED We are not critical of these men who chose to ignore our request. But when the princes of the church speak out so courageously and intelligently, one must certainly be concerned as to whether current pressures in the South have imposed a cloak of silence on a segment of our leadership in that section; Too te ft I April 21, im THI PITTSBURGH COURItt tl Editorial ll: I The ECing Cole Uprccr The great majority of our readers befog familiar with the unfortunate series of incidents beginning with the Birmingham hoodlum attack on popular entertainer Nat King Cole and culminating with the jailing and fining of his assails, we can now turn to consideration of the reaction of Negroes to these happenings. Not without surprise we note that instead of the full force of attack being directed toward the assailants and the conditions which made their attack possible, there has been a much louder and more vitriolic attack directed toward the victim! Mr.

Cole has been widely excoriated in colored America for having (a) consented to appear before an Alabama audience from which Negroes were excluded, (b) having declined to be used as a spearhead by the NAACP, and (c) having stated that he prefers to be above controversy and preferably non political. We snare the view that in principle and from expediency an artist should aspire to be non political and non controversial, although this ambition is frequently honored in the breach, as the lives' of Chopin, Byron, Dumas pere, Paderew ski and Lin Yutang will attest, since the artist performs for all humanity regardless of race, color, politics, religion or class. But unfortunately we are confronted with a condition as well as a theory, and while Negro artists have been appearing before exclusive racial audiences in Alabama for generations, it was hardly wise at this juncture for any Negro performer to do so. Paradoxically, while Mr. Cole is criticized severely for appearing before an all white audience in Birmingham, he Is not castigated for appearing before an all black audience In the city, the arrangement being forced by the law of Alabama.

We might add that labor unions and other organizations with mixed racial membership are compelled by Alabama law to be rigidly segregated, and have been meeting in that manner for years with nothing near the uproar arising from King Cole's appearance, which, we believe, would have gone unnoticed had he not been attacked. While we regard it as unfortunate that Mr. Cole's managers were not wise enough to sense the temper of the times and cancel his Alabama engagements, we doubt that this laps warrants the hysterical attacks on King Cole that have appeared in print and have been in public. Wanted: 400,000 Members The National Associationfor the Advancement of Colored People, our first line of citizenship defense, has launched its annual campaign from coast to coast, hoping to reach its goal of 400,000 members. It is indisputable that the NAACP has done more than any organization in this country to improve the citizenship status of colored people during the forty five years since its founding in 1909.

Through its masterly efforts the Grandfather Clause was deefated, to be followed by the outlawing of residential segregation, the white primary, military jim crowism, transportation bias, lily white tax supported colleges, and finally the generations old segregation pattern in public schools. For many years the NAACP has been generally recognized as the most effective organization of its kind in the world and today it has no peer in its field even though its support has come from only a small minority of our people. Presently the association is under the most concentrated and relentless attack in its history as the day of full citizenship equality slowly jiawns and the opponents of all inclusive democracy fight a vicious rear guard action. It has the unanimous spiritual support of the nations sixteen million Negroes and millions of liberal whites, but in order to maintain an effective fighting force against racial bigotry the NAACP needs financial support of those who believe in it We believe it to be the duty of every adult and teen age Negro to take out at least a $2 membership this week or early next week without being solicited. Checks or money orders toTPJ mailed to local branches or to the NAACP, 20 W.

Fortieth Street, New York, N. Y. Views and Reviews By Georgq S. Schuyler TEEPINQ up with the Jones es is no less difficult for poor nations than it Is for poor Individuals; National independence involves more than Internal administration, development and defense. There are also external relations to main tain which call lor greater expenditure than many poor nations can af ford, but which they a not avoid.

Legations, embassies and 1 a tes have to be staffed and malnta ined, expensive com vj BIr. Schuyler SATURDAY. APRIL 21. 1951 Published ty Tha ntutrarrtk Oourttr PuDllftung Inc. Mala Offtea: 202S Centra Avaou at fraoeU Straat.

Pllts ourrn 19. Pa. Tsispboos: slUsaum 3 2000. ROBERT YaHM. 0ITOR (MEMO RIA IN AETERSA) munications have to be kept up and good, public relations established.

This runs into big money and, in the case of a country like Liberia, may run to 15 or 20 per cent of its budget With expansion of inuustry, agriculture, trade and commerce, the Government apparatus Inevitably requires more employs In order to function efficiently and measure up to the standards of larger and richer countries. Small nations like MRS. ROBKRT VAHti President and Traasnrar W. BJCVKRLT CARTfcB JJt, Publlshar dacond class matt prlYUefM autnonted at Pittsburgh, Pa. Incorporated undar laws of Pennsylvania.

1810. uaacfttPTiON IATeS Is Caatlatatal UaitH Stats. Alaska, Piiarta Rita. Virsis itlaass ta oo mo viARt 7 OO ONI Tf A 4.00 SIX MONTHS FORIISN 10 OO ONI VIA 00 IIX MONTHS IN CANADA a a oo oni via 1.00 six months Tna PttutrorRh Owner dots not ruaraa tsa aiifiar lha us or raturn of lutaeifciud matxiierfpU and pbdtograpaa. Panama, Yemen, Jordan, Libya, Syria, Ceylon and Bolivia are similarly bedeviled by the burden of st tecraft In this coun trv they I lave to maintain two embassies (Washington and New York).

Aside from administration costs, they have to hold five or six entertainments yearly with a couple hundred guests at each drawn from the diplomatic, press and social elite. There is also the considerable cost of public relations. Multiply this by the number of diplomatic and consular officers required to be malnta' ted (Washington, Paris, London, New York, etc.) and you get the general Idea AN EMBASSY may get along with reasonable expenditure until something happens which requires stepped up activity. Take the recent complaint by the International League for the Rights of Man against the Republic of Liberia for alleged violation of human rights. The league charged to the United Nations that a member of Liberia's opposition party (Independent True Whig) had been dragged through the streets of Monrovia at the end of a chain fixed to a jeep; that election ballots were pre marked and small boys were permitted to vote in Courier Verse Black Things And Black Folk Black shoes and stockings, suits and shirts Black umbrellas, and sox and shawls; Black sandals, ties, and hats and spats.

Black dresses, autos, and whatnots, And e'en black dogs, some mor tals love. But of black folk, they disapprove, NOEL J. L. GONSALVES Toronto, Canada. Love Love is In the eye of every on.

who sees me. Love is in the ears of every on who hears me. Loyels in the tongue of every "one who speaks to me. Love isn the heart of every ona who knows. me.

Love is in the consciousness of every one who remembers me. Love, which is God, is before me, at each side of me and is back of me, And the Love of Christ Is within me. So, All is Love, rAuthor Unknown the last Presidential election when troops were concentrated In the capital, and that editors of opposition newspapers had been jailed. SUCH CHARGES' have to be answered before the U. N.

Commission on Human Rights by the Hon. C. T. O. King, Liberl an Permanertt Delegate, even though he has branded them as false and "unrealistic." It is an unanticipated and burdensome expense.

It would mean little to a rich country, but a great deal to a small, poor one. It involves, if properly done, releases to all press wlr services, radio and TV news bureaus and key columnists. It calls for considerable lobbying which can run Into money, what with the cost of elaborate luncheons, preceded by dry martinis. Maybe, all this was net in the small budget, but it has to be done. Many a diplomatic battle has been lost for want of good public relations men who know the ropes and do not toll for peanuts.

All of this can make a big dent In a national budget of only three or four million dollars. There is more to being an independent nation than most people imagine. Around the U. By Marguerite Carlwright THE Southern Cameroons, as well as the Gold Coast, now boasts a woman member In their House of Assembly. In Dag Hammarskjold's annual report, he noted that the U.

N. should favor initiatives in the field of human rights "lead i forward without introducing the risk less, sterile, controversy." A six man team of Inter a tional perts will sur various methods being used to im P.r0V,8iIvil)g Dr. Cartwrlght a ndards In rural communities. First of its kind to be carried out In Africa, it is one of a series of regional studies conducted by the U. N.

IN ONE of the discussions on Africa, It was noted that. In order to develop the natural resources of the continent, the white man has had to educate the native to new skills. The native gets improved living standards, the death rate from disease goes down, he becomes more prosperous, demands more education, which means more nationalism, more urge to govern himself. So the white man starts out as boss and ends up lucky as partner. And there are not many who are sorry.

In Africa, Independence is Just rfs magic a word in 1956 as it was in the United States In 1776. Through the U. milk has been provided for 20,000 malnourished chjldren in British Guiana. Begun in October, 195 1, the project has now been dubbed "an outstanding success." Also in the West Indies, the Island of St. Lucia Is recommended for an anti malarial campaign.

It "was Interesting to note, that, on this entire Island, there is only one private doctor. ACCORDING TO U. Spurgeon Keeny, the life of tho Asian child is undergoing six changes, and these changes are equality true of the African child. They will: 1. Move faster away from tradition in the next generation than in the previous one, at least superficially.

2. Grow up into a society that has considerably more Industry than at present. 3. Be accustomed to traveling more widely in their own country, but will seldom go out of it. 4.

Not be much richer than they are now. 5. Probably eat better than at present, both in quantity and quality. 6. Benefit from great advances in education, for which there Is great hunger.

IN THE Trusteeship Council, th U. S. has expressed the view that specific long range target dates for the attainment of self government or independence art unrealistic. They are too rigid, and usual ly will achieve little that can not bsachieved by the imposition of short range, intermediate target dates for economic, social, educational and political advancement." SLC Establishes First Negro Congregation CHICAGO, 111. (NLC) For the first time in the history of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, a mission congregation of the church body has been organized in a predominantly Negro community.

It Is Community Church in Chicago, temporarily located In the premises of the inter synod leal Lutheran Home Rescue at 1701 West Monroe Street in the heart of Chicago's blighted area just outside famed Skid Row. Only three of its 153 baptize members, who were receive Into rambersbip oo Eatr San day, are white people, i.

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