The Star from Saint Peter Port, Guernsey, England • 1
- Publication:
- The Stari
- Location:
- Saint Peter Port, Guernsey, England
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 1
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
NEVEB BE WITHOUT CALVERT'S CARBOLIC OINTMENT, Unequalled as a Remedy Fot Chafed Skin, Piles, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Bore Eyes, Throat Colds, Earache, Neuralgic and Rheumatic Pains, Insect Bites, Scalds, Cuts, Ringworm, and Skin. Ailments generally. Large Pots Is. ld. each, at Chemists, or post free for value.
C. CiLflEf Alto, lilCUHll PRESERVE YOVB TEETH, wd trtcii h-' (lnilrfi -( by, using CALVFRT'S CARBOLIC TOOTH vt.j ppi or II II?) 1,54 TOOTH PISTE, and e.L Pots. The bave tiij JargtHii safe oi r-r. Eentifrieea. Avcui u.
'q are rtudoerouA At Chemists, ur SampI' In Pot Tin post free it vnl.i'i. C. CALVERT Hsu Ol MiSCHESTEE. Vol. LXXXV.
ing marriage with Berry. On Wednes Ra.CE FOB THE EMPEBOB'S assassin in custody within the course of a day STOVES! STUVISi STOYISi GUINNESS NOURISHING uted Pints W. J. POWELL, GRAND CARREFOUR. ALLSOPFS ALES In bottle in Sparkling condition.
EAST INDIA PALE LIGHT DINNEB PRICES FOB CASKS ON APPLICATION TO WALTER J. POWELL. GRAND CARREFOUR SO LIE or two. Many ox the theories started in connection with the crime are regarded as altogether, untenable, In view of what has been ascertained after careful inquiry. A rumour was circulated on Friday night to the enect that a young man was missing Irom a Erivate lunatic asylum near Putney, aud that had been known to be in possession of a pestle similar to the one found smeared with bipod and hair near the railway at Wandsworth.
The police, however, after investigation, profess to attach no importance what, ever to this, Statements are also made of a man with a bandaged hand hurriedly leaving the train at Clapham Junction, and of another individual rushing frantically from the platform on the arrival of the train at Wandsworth. In each case inqujrieavhaye been made, tot nothing of importance appears to have arisen from them. A theory to the enect that a woman, actuated by jealousy, was the perpetrator of the crime, Is scouted by the police as ridiculous, neither do they attach -any importance to the story of a man with blood-stained hands being seen at a public-house near Vauxhall Station. They nave every reason to believe that the outrage, was committed between Putney and Wandsworth the journey only occupying about four minutes and that at the latter station the man left the train, it being very improbable that he would remain in the carriage after the first stoppage, in case another person entered the compartment. That the chemist's pestle found near the line was the weapon with which the murder was committed seems now to be accepted by the authorities as beyond question.
It is described by the police as very heavy, not new, and has on it the figure 6 or 9, according to the way in which it is turned. The hair upon it corresponds to that of the murdered woman. THE CAPTURE OF BIDA. TWO PBINCES KILLED. Beuter's correspondent at Bida sends particulars of the later fighting which led up to January 27, is as follows The battle of Bida was continued this morning as soon as daylight appeared.
Half the force crossed ihe ravine, which was being closely watched by the enemy's scouts. It then formed into naif-square. The guns and carriers followed. The rear half, closing up on the front, also formed half-square. The force advanced steadily, halting every two hundred yards to enable the guns to close np, the length of the square.
The enemy appeared in force about seven o'clock. They covered the surrounding slopes, which presented a splendid panorama. The picturesque eastern costumes of the enemy recalled scenes from Sir Walter Scott a The enemy closed in, aud the square was soon completely surrounded by a force ot about 20,000 cavalry and toot. The diminution in their strength as compared with yesterday was due, it has since been ascertained, to the deaths of the Princes Lapai and Aguay, rulers ot ihe Moslem stales, whose forces withdrew from the field when their leaders were killed by our shells. "The square continued to advance slowly towards the slope on the other side of the ravine commanding Bida.
It was constantly harassed by the enemy's sharpshooters, who advauced to within 100 yards oi the square. The rear and sides, with the Maxims, were hotly engaged in holding off the repeated charges ot cavalry and the advance of the sharpshooters. By ten o'clock the square, advancing half right, reached the position which was reconnoitred yesterday, aud at 10.30 the bombardment of Bida was begun, the nine-pounder, twelve-pounder, and the seven-pounders being all in action, while the six Maxims played on the gradually retiring masses of the enemy. About noon, a company under Lieutenants Festing, Gillespie, and Margisaon entered the city, which is about three miles square. The bombardment was continued at two o'clock, and at four o'clock half of the Haussa troops were sent in.
In to-day's fighting no casualty loeeurred among the Europeans, but fifteen of the native troops were wounded. The enemy's losses are enormous. Prince Laplne, the Emir's brother, any many other princes 'were severely wounded. 4. shell which burst among the Emir's staff killed two men who were within a foot of the Emir.
All the Foulah princes have fled to the north, towards Sokoto." The Grand Old Rrrsrfy fbrXfhest Diseases. In ate from the year $826. This splendid oedldoe should be in every household. IN CASES OP Onths spprhb 4 tea First Brass MAS liSU ASCENT toH OpM food dopa the TV i Wmmmmn out of Wtats ouo. carry a i orwnty ouu.
carry it off bolors BRONCHIAL AFFECTJONS Persevert with tktt medicine, and you can hardly fail to get the Cough relieved, and tht bronchial symptoms to disajfear. a lteeosaas settled or saargaa Into infia-osv take van as whoa tks take a tm the SUBSEQUEJTT WEAK. MESS of the LUNG 3, and other dhefol effort of tbli alarming d'leaie. Rev. F.
Heact; of Derby, writes "It always is ray lantr Tight, and drove out the terribln INFLUENZA lust Hay." In that very distressing diasaao, so Invaluable and terrible, especially to the aged. A 111 Ellllin ASTHMA ALSO BRONCHITIS- rLEf3UlO For HOABSEKESa fa fa CONOKEVE'S BALSAMIC ELIXIR has Bos the oass or LADY a. (Ho. XIII. to Mr.
CangTST Men tho means of wonderful rener. FOB THE MOICE Also as a IUVCfXAXlvs or Coin to Speakers going cut to all weathers. WARM AND COMFORTING AMD TEST PLEASANT taken an smaU lump or two or sugar in uie way oi a loienge. C0NGREVE8 BALSAMIC ELlXIB nay be had of all Medicine Vendors tn botUes at 1b, 4s. and family bottles at lis.
and Ki i sj i sj i ai i I ji i sss pap sna To Mothers. Mr. Window's Soothing Syrup has been used over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething with perfect success. It will raueve the poorsulferers immediately. tastt it produces day she to)d him that she would have a half-day's holiday on Thursday, and that she intended visiting two married sisters, one residing at Hammersmith, and the other at Hounslow that ore of her sisters would arrange the Banns for her and that she should purchase a few things which she wanted.
Op Thursday morning, about noon, she again saw Berry, and tbey then arranged that she should leave Hounslow by the 7.42 train, which was due at Waterloo at 8.25 and there Berry was to meet her. She was wearing at the time a gold watch and chain, given her by Mr Harris, in anticipation of he? leaving him she carried a silver handled umbrella; wore the broochvand earrings found upon her person, and carried few pounds in her purse- She reached thai house of Mrs. bkeat, her sister, at Hainmer-sinitk, before two o'clock, and remained with her two hours, leaving about 4.15 by the District line for Hounslow. Here she found her sister, Mrs. Haynes, and, when about to leave, the.
two walked together to the Hounslow Station, and the final parting took place. Mrs. Haynes ssw her lister enter a second-class compartment, and she was alone when the train went out of the station at 7.42. From that moment nothing is known, of her, until her body was found at Waterloo Station. There was no unusual poise heard certainly no pistol shot was noticed, and the discovery on Friday morning of a chemist's pestle, stained with blood, and with human hair adhering, on the railway at Point Pleasant, between Putney and Wandsworth, is the only clue to the spot where the attack was probably, made upon her.
There is a report that a man was seen to enter her compartment at Barnes. The train reached there at two minutes past eight, but the evidence is not conclusive as to the strange passenger. Throughout the journey between Hounslow and Clapham Junction the train stopped every three or four minutes, so that the murder must have been committed with fearful quickness, and the robbery as quickly done, or something would have been noticed at one of the stations Leaving Chi wick at 7.57, the train reached Barnes at 8.2, Putney at Wandsworth at 8.10, and Clapham Junction at 8.13. Five minutes later the train reached Vauxhall, where all tickets are taken. The collectors pass along the train, and only opcu the doors of such carriages as contain passengers.
The particular door of this compartment was not opened, and so the train passed on, with its horrible burden, to Waterloo. A story was current on Friday as to a passenger having beeu seen on the Vauxhall platform in an excited state, and it was said that a man of similar description, about the same hour, entered the Elephant and Castle public-house, exactly opposite the Vauxhall Station, and called for brandy. He was agitated and trembled violently. The barmaids took careful notice of this man, and gave a minute description of him afterwards to the police. drove away from the 1 house in a cab but the closest inquiries made subsequently by the police have failed to connect him in any way with tti in-mier.
The caoutai: who him 'rum a has been found, aud at oce iwt the police of the place to which lie druve his ex-citt-d passenger. The probabilities are i against the supposition that the murderer travelled so far as Vauxhall, and the discovery of the pistol caused the police to consider the statement of a porter at Clapham Ju ction, and one at Ewell, as of much more significance. A man alighted at Clapham Junction by the 8.13 train from Bouuslow, and asked a porter which was the platform for Ewell. The porter told him, and noticed that his right hand was tied up in a nocket handkerchief. He was between 35 aud 40, about 5ft.
I Gin. in height, rather stout in build, with greyish beard and moustache, and wore a speckled overcoat, grey trousers, and black felt hat. This man entered the next train which left tor tiwell, aud on leaving the train at that place told the porter who took his ticket, in answer to a question, that he had met with an accident and cut his hand. His ticket was from Clapham Junction to Ewell. Chief Inspector Marshall was instructed at Scotland-yard to take up the inquiry, and he and Superintendent bin-son, of the London and South-Western Bail-way, have had quite an army of detective at work, who have made the fullest possible inquiries at all the stations over the route traversed, and in every direction where it was thought a clue had been obtained but up to midnight no arrest had been made, though the information with regard to the man who descended at Ewell was regarded as the most important.
Meanwhile, the utmost sympathy has been expressed for the relatives of Miss Camp, her late master, Mr. Harris, and for Mr. Berry, whose prospects of marriage have been so rudely blighted. Up to Saturday morning no arrest had been made iu connection with the murder of the unfortunate barmaid, Miss Camp. Further inquiries at Waterloo Station and elsewhere elicited the fact that the police are Tn possession of several clues, some of them believed to be of considerable importance, and that they are sanguine of having the Epps's Cocoa.
Grateful and Compoet- iso. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural lews which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the Sue properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Eppsuas provided forour breakfast and sapper a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It Is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a couetitution may be 'gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply With boiling water or milk. Sold only In packets and pound tins, by Grocers, labelled James Epps Homoeopathic Cnemlsta, London Also makers of Epps's Coeoaine or Cocoa-Nib Pxtract: Tea-like A thin beverage of full flavour, new with many beneficially taking the place of tea. Its active principle being a gentle nerve stimulant, supplies the needed energy without nduly exciting the system REMNANT PARCELS On rsuteed quite now and in perfect condition. Each Par. el cmrtahnttreo 4-yard lengths.
18 yards to alL Oiiy Wigan CaUeo. 58 FlaMOlrtte. fcaward rtintll Onion BhlrtiDi. TS HonDun FmL a-; White Natural or Fancy Flannel, Black or Nayy Boys serge, fjarriege Said to any Railway station, LUTA6 LMJHlVeGa I 1 CUP, By the courtesy of the Hamburger Yacht Club, the lachtmg World is able to furnish a chart of the Elbe and Weser estuaries, which, in view of the forthcoming race to Heligoland for the Emperor's Cup, is of particular interest, giving as it Goes, even in its greatly reduced scale, a good idea of the difficulty which is presented by the narrow navigable channel on the Elbe. At the annual general meeting of the Boyal Yacht Club, just held, Dr.
Stapley called the attention of the Executive to the fact that the Committee appointed to carry out the arrangements in connection with the race for the German Emperor's Jubilee Cup had decided to restrict oofcries -c-. boats over 40 toils measuremen. llis ivfWctiouIio sail pressed very hardly on members --of the Royal Corinthian, many of whom, owning craft between i5 tons and 40 tons, would gladly have entered for the cup. He thought that the committee ahouH approach the authorities with a view to having the conditions amended in accordance with bis views, or else the club might organise a handicap for the same date, over the same course, also to commemorate the longest reign. Such a race mieht be started half-a-dozen hours earlier than the big event, and mieht be made a 5-euinea sweepstake, with added money by the club.
In conclusion, he thought that, if the sug gestion were carried out and the German EmpOror approached on the matter, a fita tow would be provided to take the boats on to Kiel for the racing there. The general feeling of the meeting, says the Yachting World, was in favour of something being done on the lines suggested bv Dr. Stanlev. and it is understood that Mr. A.
G. Wildy At ii- it wut unug me master oeiore tne committee of the club at an early date. PREMATURE BURIAL. The following resolutions were unani mously adopted by the executive committee of the London Association for the Prevention of Premature Burial: 1. That a medical ofiicers called inspector of the dead, should be appointed in each, parish or sanitary district by the local sanitary authority or the Local Government Board.
2. That no burial should take place without a certificate from this inspector independently of the medical attendant, stating, in addition to the cause of death, that every means of resuscitation had been employed in vain, and that after a careful examination of the body it had been found that putrefaction, the only certain sign of death, had unmiatakeably set in. 3. That for sanitary reasons, and as protection again premature burial, waiting mortuaries where the apparently dead can be deposited and frequently examined by the inspector, as in Austria aud Germany, should be established as soon as possible; 4. That it is desirable to take immediate steps to approach members of the Legislature with the view of passing laws to carry out the objects enumerated.
TROUBLE ON THE GREEK FRONTIER. Something serious is brewing on the Greco-Turkish frontiers, Bays the Athens correspondent of the Daily News, but what is not exactly known. It is reperted that the Turkish Government is forming marauding bands of Albanian Ghegs to break into Tbessaly, and paralyse the Greco-Macedonian movement. This is extremely probable, as the Porte is doubtless conscious of the impossibility of a regular ar with Greece with the present state of things in Macedonia. Greek troops are being pushed forward to the frontier, and in view of the high tension of feeling in the army, it is very probably true, as reported, that a collision has taken place between the frontier posts.
THE BINDERPEST. Capetown, Feb. 12. Dr. Koch has discovered a process by which cattle can be rendered immune from rinderpest by means of a mixture of serum and virulent rinderpest blood.
The treatment produces active immunity within a fortnight. Dr. Koch is now further researches with a view to finding if immunity can be obtained in a still shorter period. He is convinced that rinderpest can be eradicated Srithin a short time and with little difficulty these methods. MINERS BURIED ALIVR Two coal hewera, named Thomas Dawson and George Kent, taefe with terrible deaths while at work in Deaf hill Pit, Trimdon, county Durham, on Friday morniog.
A tremendous fall of atone came away from the roof, completely burying the poor fellows, and at the same time dreadfully mutilating them. In consequence of the sad affair the colliery was closed for the day. Deceased leave wives and families. An earthquake shock was felt at Messina early on Saturday morning, and also at Catania, Syracuse, xroggio, ana other points. Cadboty's Cocoa is guaranteed to be absolutely pure, and is therefore the best Cocoa.
It is at once a refreshing, stimulating drink, and a nutritious food, containing no foreign substances, such as malt, bops, The fact cannot be too strongly impressed that Cocoa must be pure and unadulterated to ensure its fullest beneficial effects as a beverage and a food. The Family Doetor says CADBUBV's Cocoa is light, refreshing, and invi-eroratine to the jaded mind and body, delicious to the palate, absolutely unadulterated and free from alkalies." FREE TO MEN. When yon are tired of taking nauseous and mysterious prescriptions and compounds, which do you no good, but only ruin your digestive organs, write to me and I will send you a book which describes a QUICK AND CERTAIN cure for lost strength, wasting weakness, from whatever cause arising. NO STOMACH MEDICINE, NO ELECTBICITY. Sent in envelope on receipt of two stamps for postage, A.
J. O. ,9293, Bftl flWWt'WW POEM BY BUDYABD KIPLING'S SISTEtt. Under the heading of The Prayer of the English in India" there appears in the Allahabad Pioneer a set of verses signed the nam de plume of Mrs. Fleming, Mr.
Eudyard Kipling's sister. What lends the verseB additional interest is the fact that it was in the same paper that Mr. Kipling's earliest verses, signed R. used to appear. Lord Christ, who fed the multitude In byegone days on earth, Look down upon Thy people here Oppressed by drouth and -dearth.
Ihe earto is iron uuaeriooi. The sSry is hums o'erhead, The water dwindles in the wells, The grass is burnt and dead. The pestilence in darkness walks, A terror threatened, vague, An arrow in the noonday flies The plague, dear Lord, the plague Grant in Thy mercy, we beseech, This scourge may pass us by If not, then let Thy power teach Our weakness how to die. 1 Oh God of Mercy, Goodness, Love, Who savest man and beast, Bend rain upon the barren land, Show glory in the East Grant unto us, who cry to Thee, For when was prayer in vain The miracle of mighty clouds, The manna of the rain! So shall the seed be prosperous, The earth give her increase, The dew from heaven plenteous, And dearth and terror cease. Have mercy, and avert from us The turning, flaming sword From famine, plague, and pestilence Deliver us good Lord.
THE MURDER IN A TBAIN. SEARCH FOR THE ASSAILANT. Up to an early hour on Saturday morning the police had not succeeded in arresting the murderer of the young woman whose body was found in a second-class carriage at Waterloo Station. The train, which had started from Feltham at 7.25 p.m. on Thursday, passed through Hounslow, Putney, Clap-ham Junction, aud Vauxhall, and reached the terminus at 8.25 m.
That a murder had been committed, the appearance of the body afforded conclusive proof, for the face and head were battered in. That the crime had been committed only a very short time prior to the arrival of the train was also evident, as the blood upon the face aud upon the dress was still warm, and the blood which was upon the floor of the carriage and on the walls had not even dried. The discovery was first made by Lee, a carriage cleaner, and he was at once joined by Phillips, a porter, and, before they had time to summon the higher officials, the passengers had left the train and passed out of the station, wholly unconscious of the crime which had been committed. Under the direction of Superintendent Kobinson, who has charge of the police at the station, the ambulance, which vas near at hand, was brought up, aud the b. dy placed thereon for removal.
Some difficulty was experienced in this, because the head had been forced under one of the seats of the cf rrriage in which deceased was riding, while the body aud legs stretched across the flo r. The deceased was a fine young woman, of dark complexion, well nourished, aud apparently thirty years of age. Ho time was lost in conveying the body to St. Thomas's Hospital, where an examination convinced Br. Dyhall, the house surgeon, that the deceased had met her death by toul play, and that the wounds inflicted upon her had been of such a character as to produce almost instantaneous death.
There were marks of only two blows, one upon the face and the second at the side of the head but the brain protruded. The face, was, of course, covered with blood, aud so was the front of the dress. A broken silver-handled umbrella was found in the compartment, and it was reported that one of a pair of bone sleeve links was also picked up. A broken gold neck chain was said to be upon the body, as well as a brooch and earrings. There was nothing to furnish any clue to the deceased no one was seen in the compartment with her the door, was closed and it was only when the carriage cleaner opened the door and casually glanced inside that he made the discovery.
The identification of the remains, however, was very shortly afterwards established, for Mr. Edward Berry, a greengrocer, of East-street, Walworth, had been waiting for Miss Camp before the arrival of the train, and not meeting her, according to appointment, was strolling up and down the platform, when the commotion attracted his attention. Hearing that the body of a young woman had been found, he followed the ambulance to the hospital, and recognised in the mutilated remains those of Elizabeth Camp, his Jianeee, who had beeu housekeeper to Mr. Alfred Harris, landlord ot the Good Intent beerhouse, which stands exactly opposite his own place of business. This information quickly led to the unravelling of the whole story ot the young woman's day out," which had ended in such a melancholy way, aud greatly facilitated the work of the police in making their investigations.
There was no mystery about the movements of the deceased, who appears to have possessed an exemplary character, and the day had been spent in completing arrangements for her approach- THE TYSON DRINK CUBE. ALL degrees of Insobriety absolutely cured by home treatment in 21 days without confinement or restraint, and health, nerve strength, natural sleep and appetite fully restored. Reports of public Tests and terms on application to B. Mc Doug all, (Dr. Tyson's provincial re presentative), 37, FENTON STREET, LEEDS.
Dyke Road tc Preston Laundry Works, Brighton July 2Srd, 1886. To Messrs. BECKITT and SONS. Limited. Gentlemen For twelve years I was the Manager of the Laundry at the "Grand tad I found your Blue the best I ever ased I ha been in business for myself dnring the past nine years, and I still ase your Blue, as I find it tht It is superior to all Liquid JUat, I am j) ON'T iosc your Piiiiits when you can save tnm at a very Little Cost by usiug out ot the OARBOTP.ON STOVES the uuiy Stovt know a to tin a without proline? ne Sn.okeSjoeti, of Fume-.
A la Lock oi Stoves Fuel nat received. A. 6o a Larse Svock of OiL STOVES Ot tit- ftl lesip dt -ry low Prices, A Ireful Iratsi is iL CAEBCrlbGN SELF-HE ATKB- tor HcasehoM, La or Tailor THE VN BE VS EVKKV DAY AT J. W. )F JERSEY'S ironmongery eni, 7 and 3, WOltMUOM StSSSK, .4 Tory Larv Sloek A the New.
56 LAMfS reeeiftd J. TV De I. keeps on! the X. 3 KOTaL par Mm ALEXA.5BTU ROVER CYCLES Are rescoetfollv lquaatai piiura t'-oi-Orders with E. W.
FTJZZEY witb ut osa of, as very the ahve will not be obtainabh-- fW tht CHANGE OF PiitCES. (rentleceL's Rovar 20 gs. Ladies' ImDerial 20 I Rover Cob 20 I Imp. RcTBf Road .19 Mh 19 jis Sowr lu'di 27 IS. it) Roadster i9 gs.
JkfJ iflj Royal Royer lb 10s. I Papular Rover id 19s. Light Popular Rover. 14 10s. Tht filovf fwj nrc tfri'ush.
E. W. FUZZEY 20 S4, MILL STBEET, ham: you a Qwmi SYRUP OF CAMPHOR BEST KNrOW. i' x. of Voice.
DiMculty of Brei.r-ju. nr 1 -Mi of tL-j ijvt it I Will HIVE REUEF. Ptiee 10d 1 6 pss bottle, u. Te iv a i fjilyvale, March 1 boend eo expso rav -vnraj praii. to uga Mi- icipe, k.w,- i as Aiider- bvrui -f ui oi j.rop hj youT-vlf, having obia tu mi'mn: beaehi.
ib ct.v, Ixth mylf feadly jeurs. medicine h''- ri 'My hisen i. very trying a iuv to1f cv rtuinly pr0ve alo immense benefit to iS will only mjko oi it, when tbej frp uriiet. vith I aa. yours faithfully.
Tint 'nonluls wen H. D. ANDERSON, Trinity Square, Guernsey. ALDERNEY CHEEBOUKG The Mail A -f N. WHALES Commander.
TYTILL LEAVE Guernsev for Aldemey on VY TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS after the arrival of the English Mail, but not before 9 a.m. Alderne; for Gaefpeey every WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY or SUXDAY. For CHERBUl! RO -very TUESDAY, returning every WEDNESDAY (via aLDERNSY). Tht Company reserve the right of Towiu under any circaraetaneo-For furtfcer particulars apni7 to G. .1.
SON, Agents, Steps. NOW ON SALE. TE3 SEOCNT EDITION TUPPER'S HISTORY OF GUERNSEY DEMY Illufetratd, Eniarged, BaviSed atd brough ap to the present time, PRMCB i 12a. 6d. MAY BR HAD AT THE STA3 OPFICE 'S EXPORT STODT Per Dozen.
3s. 3d. CScltEW 2s. 6d. i Per Doz.
Bepd, Pta 33 Per Doz. Imp. Pis Screw Stoppers, 29 ALE MAISON ROBERT. BORDAGE BAKERY, Grocer and General Merchant SEEDS OP ALL KINDS FOR PARM AND GARDEN PURPOSES. Bran, Pollard, Oats, Corn Chaff, Also Good FRENCH BRAN, Sold at the Lowest Cash Prices.
CHAFF ON THE PREMISES Sole Agent for Simpson's SPICE CALF-MEAL Also for LAMBERTS CEBEAL MEAL, A well-known Poultry Food. Cakes of three kinds made for Teas and Plc-nies, SPRATT'S POULTRY HEAL, BIRD SEEDS DOG BISCUITS always kept iR Stock. COFFEE BOASTED on the PREMISES Good Potatoes for Table Use. Goods delivered to all parts of the island on the shortest notice. Note the Address MAISON ROBERT.
Adjoining MAISON ROBERT TOBACCO CIGARS of the Best Qualities. Jnst received a large assortment of Meerschaum Pipes and Briars, Cigar and Cigarette Tabes at all Prices, Cigar and Cigarette Cases. Also a large Assortment of Sticks and Fancy Goods of all descriptions of the best qualities at the lowest prices possible. Call and See for yourselves. Fumigating Tobaeco for Greenhouses Always kept in Stock.
Note the Address 15. BONDAGE STREET Plpiouth, Channel Islands ft Brittany STEAMSHIP LIMITED. r- i iiinn iwm-screw oceamsrup 1 CHANNEL QUEEN will kl, run as under (circumstances JANUARY FEBRUARY, MARCH, 1897 Plymouth for Guernsev. Jersev. and St.
RriAnn. every Monday, at 10 p.m. Guernsey tor Jersey and St. Bneuc, every Tuesday, (not before 7 a.m.) Jersey for St. Brieuc, every Tuesday, according to tide.
St. Brieuc "for Jersey, every Wednesday, according to tide. Jersey for Guernsey and Plymouth, every Thursday, leaving Jersey 4 p.m., Guernsey 10 p.m. Guernsey for Plymouth, every Thursday lOpjn. Por time tables, fares, apply at the Offices, North Quay.
STEAM S1EYIGS BETWEEN BRISTOL, THE CHANNEL ISLANDS AND BOULOGNE. The Powerful First-class BBSteama hi "ISLANDER (George Blampied, Commander,) IS intended to sail from BRISTOL about every eight days for GUERNSEY, JERSEY and BOULOGNE, taking goods at Through Rates from and to Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow, Dublin, Belfast, South Wales and the Midland Counties, returning direct from Boulogne for Bristol. For rates of Freight and other particulars apply to Mr. J. Blampied, 16, Esplanade, Jersey.
Mr. G-. James Coles Son, The Quay, Guernsey. Mr. Bobsbt Bennett, Buloge.
Ox to the managing owners, Mask Whit will Son, The Grove, Telegrams Whitwill, Briato1." LADIES ISPEKSABLE TO LADIES! Info vhodeetreaoalek and reliable remedyf oi all obstruction and Irrerfu- medicine which cures (usually In a few horns) easea which have baffled tiia of ttta beaS medical men, No lady need despair as the most obstinate ft hopeless cases have been immediately relieved by this remedy. Mrs. Wilson, ot Honor Oak Park, Forest Hill, says: "Tour invaluabla remedy took immediate effect; In la than 13 Honrs I waa an right, after IS srteSa of misery and hopeless. MO. Aproperhreertised guarantee Is enclosed vtth all testi-EBonlals and medicine.
One package at 6d. la usually sufficient Icraoy caee. Ladles send at once fully directed en telopo for particolars and proofs. I will forfeit 1000 far eyery testimonial that Is not genuine. Xhcuaends of testimonials haTe been received.
Established otct 100 yean. Do not be misled by ahenry advertisements and oiher remediaa which are otierfy worthless. Write privately, once, to NADABSE FRAIN, mOIOaii IHBTITOTE, HACifflET HOD (Opposite ShoTsditcb Church), fcondon, MA DOESNOT CORRODE THESK1N KEEPiLJJ SMOOTH 'ELVETVI CREAM (for Itching, Burning Rash) llJy 19 POWDER (for Redness, Roaghneas, ftc)l-, 19 G. WYATT, REGISTERED PLUMBER NORTH CLIFTON. Bath rooms fitted up on the Latest Sunitaru Princi- les; drains tested hydraulic or smoke tests.
All the latest line, of Sanitary Wares Seamless Lead and Enamelled Iron soil pipes kept in stock hot water circulation forbath-room. P.S. The only Plumber in the island holding a certificate from the Worshipful Company of Plumbers London. Regular Weekly Steam Communication Prom British and Foieign Steam Wharf, Lower East Smithfield, London Xsoafan to Jersey aad Ghiemsey. ACCOMMODATION FOR A LI- MITED NUMBER OP PASSENGERS.
PARE fll. EACH WAY. jgB NEW STEAMSHIP SCOTT HA RLE ILL LOAD (D.Y.) IN LOUDON FOR WILL LOAD (D.Y.) LOUDON GUERNSEY EYERY WEEK. For Particulars of Freight apply to th Agents, Mr. Feed Cheeseweight, late Ghebsetweioht St.
Dunstan's Hill, London, E.C., Mr. C. W. Lb Blancq, 3, Commercial Street, Jersey Insurances Effected and Goods Lightered and Carted at Low Rates. G.
J. COLES SON, Agents. ffisfe North fibrBtepst Qw. Gwwey l(faV IE arTtflil 'inlrlr 1 natural quiet sleep, by relieving tuecnua trom pain, and thelittlec herub awakes as bright as a I button." Ot anOhemi8ts I Jd. per bottle..
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