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Wisconsin State Journal from Madison, Wisconsin • 3

Madison, Wisconsin
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL, MADISON, APRIL 21, 1K 3 STOP DRINKING. love balUd." "No Ixne Like Tblne MWI JUm, Old Chair. Be. aWa.o. MMti.

oomo wsjyihing tnuad a mw Finish Th-so aooo tri FLOM'S THEATER, COMMENCING MONDAY AFTEHNOOM AT 2:30 APRIL 16, 06 John Sullivan And His Own Company OK, Wcfe Vm IdM kwBtKl frstsMl flo My uL -IB- Owen wore tbe jellow Uet evening It 1 corrwfc A sincere rtlst In working on Uio Jew and tbir cotttuinc-s would KKn Iar that according to the Venetian law ail nsihe Jews were mad to-wear-rtd lurtisns wbii: the foreign Jews worn jHli'w Tb Jkk appears to be on, the critics. SARAH LERKHARirT KNtJAtiK-WENT. Nothing approach la silent the interest which th eotutug of Siifah Bernhardt has aruust and the dale of her apiwaranco in C'amliv. will made on April Z1. aii: unq Uomtbly be among ih rmsl Important landmarks in drninatlc annak of Mnrtleon.

Bernhardt aiwaja tm ft lOc t. jm a. vm a W1U mt lUUIll IU1I in pa-TV I Scf eowr. fiwet JVW yw as kwy, "WOOD STONE it gMmaferf The Best Wood Finish Made Uatteg bag mm) wwarw. fetter tbsa My wafer VtW fWi aMidni Aejrews cm apply -wOOO-StHNF" 4 4rin In 1 uee srjtht.

Ill til Natural and WaoJ Color Tint lOc COUPON Tills artulfWlft le WVtfe U. uu syl Qusrl eui at OO CLEAR If ft MtLEC, AgMts, 1 Bute KtreeL Shake Off the Old System f3 "YandE" Vg griUHC FACTS 5 -You can't Saw Wood with a Hammer You can't conduct Modern Business with Antiquated Letter Files and Rattle Trap Filing Cabinet. rYtwrttstng (help tkiaf -fttmMtyitjm toawttt COXM.XTI a4 CATALOG IUJT ir JTM powftli saviaj mr salcKJu walls rfiain. nder the Harvest Moon." a t-ndir conceit. iGrt-tt hen," and others fit etjiuLnivrlt Trust.

"The Girl fur Mi." "Mr Gi-riian How," "Kattu Kraute," and 'The Rocky Road to Dublin," iutnxjiKing In character tiuns the y.mgara Oliwy Trio. WARM WEATHER RENEWS SPORTS Activity In Bane. all University. In at th TRACK MEN OUT FOR PRACTICE. hew Director Will Try t3 Inspire Er-triusissm To Arranoa.ia Football Schedule.

Uiarm has biousht about a revival In thletirs the nnivenslty and (tils wt-ek msrks the betiSnnlng of sctitity in ttaitlia'l among the clauses and fraternities. Tbe lnter-f ra'ernlty league schedule has tieen e(nel snd the 9m interclsss gam was played today Tbe absence of a regular varsity baseball tilne thl year make these games affairs of interest to th atudetus aa mors can now participate. The games will be played oo tb lower campus and at Camp Randall. Tbe fraternity alnes havs been practicing for th past two weeks. The Phi Kappa Sigma nine won the silver cup the past two year and will try to keep poueiwlon thla year.

The recent action of Ihe faculty of th university la limiting Intercollegiate foot 111, adopting tha regulations of tbe Chicago conference, nd recommending general participation In ath letic by all tbe students, was approved by th regents. Provision wss made for a director of bldics, but a President Van Hise bad not selected anyone for "tbe posninn. no appoint ment was made si this time. E. IK An-gi'll, instructor in physiisl training was appointed to fill ihe oftlr of graduate manager temporariiy.

In piie of G. F. Down? resigned. The new director of athletics, was decided, is to take entire charge of all the athletic Interests of te university, including all indoor and outdoor sports, the train aud managemet.t of alt athletic teams, and the organization of athletics, so that all students of the university cso fake active part In tbem. Mr.

Anneil will nsrt duties si once. He bus isiic,) a call for th tracii team for work. Is artsujjltig for dafce fur the traik team and asya that be- will betfii st on the work of getting a schedule isf football games fnr net fn: Plrei-tor Anrell's first work wilt with the track team There Is a meet wlih rhtcTO at'Kfar Shalt field on May and the men will be conditioned for this as rapidly as possible Hi iiiso try airsnpe a dfite witfi Mlrmeiot i. Footliall games will looked out for st onre under (he plan propfaevl by the faculty in he recent ruling. Minne sota.

htcBso. art-! Michlran nmst tie it tin' AnKctl said he would v. lews. NVrhrsskt. Piirtie, and: some other school at with to grrant- Ing m-rne It ef r.ininn'b'i-e th- nnvni par' incest ha.

that the culler lion-cf to defray the ex iienses of th- prniMs.ed cafftern trip nf tbe (n In line I much ej lei-thn antbipated. and that -the i how praet 1 st anyhow, Mn th Judg. 'A wort to U4 I la sfflcBt. PARK (EL SAFFLE CO. COMIEBCIAL STATIONERS.

116 STATE STREET. the subject of endless ond tlis cussion The ery of her gmluA, which caused rr ales- to be In uch a stormy opei-itinn to the dull, classicism of the and modern spirit, made bvr be come iiilstfetis of the Frearh drama and modern stbool vt acting in France To accomplish. IhU tha always earnest woman, whose art haa never brsitsted to undergo any ntH-dinJ consented to iay a mean theatre a severe repertoire In order to master the sort of rotes that i were beginning to appoat to modern piny era. Not only haa th been illus trated aa an exponent of tha Bariloo drama of passionate aad almost rrim- IdJ herolnea but aba baa been tbe supreme exempler of the most exquisite modern poetic drama of Franc that of jn Rirhepln and tulmund Kos-taod The pricea for thia engagement will Bog Beau 1100 All Lower Floor S00 Next, Fiva Rows in Bslcony 3M Next Three Rows In 50 Next Three Rows in Balcony 00 General Admission I Gallery IW Mail order when acompahied by prosa or money order or cbeck mad payable to Flward M. Fuller, with encloaotl stam ped envelop for return of tbe tickets, will be filled in the or der of their receipt.

ctpar," The "golden voicfd Al. It. Wilson In Roljert Kidney' hew play. "The Oornign Olpsy, an attraction rlrh and touching in heart iulercsf, rollicking comedy, and aide-apllttlng cllmaxea. Is to tho offering at the Fuller next Tbtrsdy evening.

The soacat are laii In America at tb pros- A. H. Wilson. eiit day, and for plrturoqui-nes- In heme and en nimble am esM to sur pass sny prodarftcn In which this genial Gerwsn dinlcct riir-tfin has ever isppe-sred Six new sont'i wiil be una! bv Mr llaon during tt- actinn (th Inrtuite WkChsemlng i and tvdopt the new You'll be Money end Time Aheo.d fer, to be occupied Henrr D. KUtj.

ball, a traveling maa. Mautx artinu fcave recantly finlvhed aoroe exoetlent work at the Dunn clear parlor aa Eaat Main treH. A rreat deal of work baa Iwen in demand of late. Madison it- coming to the for. Do not forget the work la the bay, off Greenbtteh, for tha Brlttlnffhatn Park.

Their take hort aklp to the llVnry Vllaa Park: and if you have time no out on tha Pltrhbtirf road and aee bow the lock are progressing. Lawyer and Nat'onal lrtnrer of the M. W. of A-, Charlea E. Whelan haa reUtrned borne from a winter'a aiottrn on tha Parifie roaat: and ha la a hale and hearty aa a yopna plowman; and thurb full of pood storiea.

a A. Lund, a well known buelnent man of Cambrldgp, la thta rounty. and Nuamen Howe, of DeerfMd. of Hon. llersry B.

Howe who a mem cf the aseemMy In 181. wild MadlooD a viH thla wpek. IVwh are well known The vnf leh tit faivnij5-d iron, a heautr. made-hv Henry 3. of Ihe flrrri i of J.

Kreh! ti Bon. tlnnr. hrdwr dealera, ete will smake Ite A MISSION 25c, BOc PACKER'S HAIR BALSAM arf MEN ARDWSMEI. fo ttBatra4 i'ot taavOsM, Irfitsati-oika 4 HVMM, futllsM, M(t h4 faMft-, ft awiowsta. M- aamt aiatn WffT, Vr aa frr.

rl, a a1i' TV i CimW aat lalMNi LEGAL AND PRO- rw si i ara DA It HO Illt3. 1 First pub. Apr, last Apr. 21 STATE Of WISCONSIN. COL'NTl Court, In County Ia ProbaW, Notice is hereby given, that at th regular lerm of tbe county court, to be bcld In and for aatd countjr, at tb court houss In tbe rlty of Madison, ia said county, on tb Brat Tuesday May.

A. D. 1K, the following mattse will be beard, considered, exmiied) and adjusted; Ttio application of Wm. Bsuhs, tho exei-utor of the Isst will and testament of ADAM iUriiS. late of the town of Cro Plains, In said county, deceased, tor tbe settlement of his final account and supplementary statement as such, executor, which accounts are now on file In said court, and for th alignment of tke residu of said eslat tt thos entitled thereto.

Dated the seventh day of April. A. 1906. Murphy Kroncke, Attorneys. By the Court; A.


Built by Henry Krshl far Us on Lake Monona. Flenry L. Krehl, th -local hardware dealer, has just completed, at WllliaM Wlrka'a boat house, a galvanised iron nsptba lsunh wbith is model of grne and beauty. The boat. 1s twenty-four fel from bow to stern ud five feet, tijght Inches bam.

It I constructed what known as charcoal galvanited iron, and after tbe fashion of a wooden boat, the iron In strips and rtvlted so tnch apart after tha principle1 of boiler. It Is In wbt'e oak and brass trim ml tigs. The greater part of tt" work was dm by Mr. Krehl. Inside, the launch Is equipped with lockers and boxes.

Power is furnished by a flre-hors power Diwnan uarlne engine rapacity Is prevlded fr twenty five fH'Ojils. Air-light omiiTtmenls) In bow and stern sss'ire ssfety In of an accident. The lioat In si! that one could desir in risriihs launch tio. yr. Krehl It bad given Mt.fcfart.lnn a fsr and th' he cnnsldered It a success.

He wlH use it upon -sk Monona fir his swn plesotiire. in concoction wl'lt his. auniniee rotfapa. Itaywoorl Heigh it' be will atrend prt ct with r' family. old kind.

ooJ- -a. I aaa i-H SW4 fMafM yTSfi twwsCiet "estMHuiii tb B.ottu.1) hilla or dalea. Tha new boardlnf and aaJe atablea of M-Watty a Kehoe, on Botrih rrank-tin street shown great prngreaa tn bin.alng Work oo the eiod atory la now cuing on. Taera will Im three toriea, th Brat, letfel with the atrwt will be for rani age aad busglea, the eet-ood fot- horcMi, and th- third for hay aad other feed. i To morrow evnl eg the li I ver weeing of Mr.

and Mr. Maj Oat rtner, of Wiiiiamon trert. will tele hratd at the Turae -1111. tinder the auspice of the iniliion Mavnnerchor. Mr, iflner' inatttea ir.ait,e wai ilheimina jungmsnn, daughter of the late fUnry Jmik-iianu.

the well known rauuct maK.r, an niwrt is bli worV a And now bo prepared to rally to the grand entertalniuect to Im gtrea by the Elkj oa Toe-aday evening. May let, at tha Fuller Opera House, for the benefit of th san Fraaclaro tofferera. The manager, E. M. Fuller promptly gate- the.

frydom of the house. Now let th good people of Madlaoa ae what ran be done tor a humane ranae. Th old Ira houae oa the aouth tide of West Main at real, oo the bay of Ike Monona, where. Mala atreet nakeg a slight turn towarda Went Waablncton avenue, haa bea torn down. Il waa built to early dayt by A.

Warran. Tha old rldnc nejtt, baa been remove). All to raakit room for tha new Brtttinghaxn And thu tha good work goea on. Brora of people ware read glad a few day ago when meeting their tlm- bonored friend, Charlea E. Bros, oo the trta.

Mr. Broaa haa been vary lit for about three montha, and recent ly a report went the rouada tbat bad become a victim of paralyaia. But nrh ia not tha rase. He takaa ride in buggy with aa attendant. Pre ton H.

Sharp of thla city ia hl' physi cian. a a To "a man tap 'a tree" It appear that Lake Wingra I rapidly diminish tag; that the Indian who mado thla lake tbii Behlng ground arfl the kurouninsa their favorite hunting groun'x, are nearly all gone lb their other and last groucuis" For when tUla I done), thia body of water, arvordlng to tradition, i to dry np! The Gleaner know of but three atlll living and they appvar to ho getting far down tha line. i Wllford Way who formerly worked for A. V. It J.

V. Fretlerirkson. eon- tract log rarpentera, baa hen a real dent of San Francbwo for aeveraJ year. hit borne being on Btiah street. Tear ago be waa a member of the Qoveroora Guard, In this city, aad well known.

Nothing had been heard from him op to thl morning. HI father, William J. Way, i in mtapenee. and yet be fe!" relief when the fart eoroea to mind that the home on Buih tret ara of frame work. A greet iel of trouble ha been x-rtrif-e(I on the rnntinnatton of fair Oak avenue, beyond the new street car leirrm, ami In the rhinlty of the bridge: at the small ream whl'-h i Into the Kiarltwei'her Ihe r-ar of the snasr factory.

The cnnstrnetlon of the rat! road pnr barked np the water and the ground for- -rode- around Is aatiirared The as- of the town IHnnming ar hard fli'lng np alj PtiH msterinl Years sjro the Cleaner remembers. Tenrei- -il'ih Vr were In han Krnc'sro. b''n it pirrtiivi' cno tyt (s tr' h-- from an rtho.tske.: They, with of others, were rou(ei ff fhdr tc tf? Pen WJ sf WisS ctl yr tn tll rcrrnrla Me nf tb of aoroe (-civ pte cn ibst oreaxion. waa psrdi-nlac onlv a hvt wa-i ro -t ttlr lit tilal -ae did ni "ire T.e tocsn well in rlhut-tn SC S'tffcrfn? snd neely vtcijrpi nf pn Frhieo nd i tcrv irt It bi- 'or1-But the- lift. Wby bst not- boxea p'sd 'n the rrjonf proifilnent" pz-'n! In fiis eiiy.

til city's tVTCs for tbts purpose. Ttere sre of people who ih to rod tvtt to Sutr-'Tfng hntrtsniiy w'tho'it scy sdi f. A dcl'sr, fry or (jtiartec or. a dine, rvert ti asifve pmpie mark as h'rb as etrpiifre'K rvn by others Aird sit crjn? the awitate. R.

ht tS'-errfm cm t.e Mount "Tht thine s'ms Ifsy be in secret arid iftr Fn'her vM'b ecfc in secret self shall rev srd thee Ail mhts si'! fcv prt ed th frfiWtBfJ How g-va the wrnrld ifltb yr-B, oldtal it real it tike a fisve yets wt'S or lot your pio'le Hie fltx she r'l today? A tw the yo'l; say? 0 that 'life, flld pnrSr-Trj kscw f' the yours up tOST'. Aji3 lotnajrro Uusj throw ywu iAti, upertoc to? any apot ia Is Orrtna Will Daatray all Piir WhisMy a Br A Owar-antsad C-ra. for Nearly every drinking man think I bat aooietlrua ha wiU quit, lie often swears off. bat raa not resist the crav big tor drluk. and the tiiaeaan, for this la what It really betomea ao firmly 6l that it cannot be curvd without tue dlcal treatment.

A Mlrblgat drugglei, H. G. Coleman, ha mad a thorough study: of tbe var iotta enrea for th liquor habll. and gtvea thl a a result of hi lnvettga tlos: "Befora taking the agt-nry of Orrtae. I went to oonsiderabletrmsble to learn about II and t--ani eon8drtt that It wan a thoroughly boneot prepa ration and put out bv an honorable firm.

1 have sola it for year and can truthfully say that nty confidence In it grows stronger th more I aee of Its re believe tbat any man who real iy denirns to be eurtnl of the liquor liabtl ran eure hiws-! with the help of Orrtne and be rid of the bad efffKt which the habit baa upon himself and Orrlne Is ia two fnntia, No. 1, the secret remedy which raa be given with out the knowledge of the patient; No. for those who take tha remedy of their own free wilt. A cure fa absolutely guaranteed with either form of treatment.

Writ for fra pamphlet on th cure of alcoholism to tbe Orrine Washington, D. C. In t.i"5ot ia a registered guarantee which entl tie yott to a refund of your money if Orrine fails to effect a cur. Tbe price of either form Is box. Orrln is for sal by Menge Phar- Unaciea, Jg V7.

Mifflin S29 University Ave, Kadison, Wis. Th tteam side ia rough, old pal, When aaed to tb velvet plush Out it's there you learn, old pat, and am A placa In th fevered rush. It Isn't the calm, imootli sea, old pal, That learn fe man to aall It th bumps yo get and th lump you get When trying to ride th gale! Sh'a rather a strange old craft, my boy And she's hard to understand; She' grave today and tomorrow gay So where doe a fellow stand! But stick to the ship, eld pal, I say; Stand fast, no-matter where; Uuat treat her right and youll win tbe fisht. All rlRht side: up with car. 31 fig; for the seamy side, old pat Away with the care and fret! Dont fume and rallyou'lt rid the gale, Safe to the hsrtxir yet.

The- clouds will break pretty soon, old pal. And the blue come rifting through; She's a good old orld. and her fiat's onfurl'd At yon, old psl, at you! The aho was sent by friend to Ernest KVfcueJt. old railroader, now anchored on Williamson street. rVeVSeVHrWVteVVW DRAMATIC WILLI VM OWf'N.

IliiaiTi Own fs Kli)lork In embrt-o. P.y hati and insittirt has forniod the promising chrysalis; wlih fprfenc and. illsrerntnont the perfect chBrnctcr must result Mr Owen thai the chnrscfer was r.ft-cienr'v him yet. He has the rleM r.ipr-tnn and is working toward lis exprcKston He Is orirlnat and nrfistlr In his mcth-oft A'hn'ih o' ii oiiFS cllmptic whs HtJ and M-nv fii In the i-rhamcter the recruit net tf.e-f rat two iiri 'r nn jw flltier fcr the ccriv( (' iic si mln rrv rf nnbetWf. love, Is alt Sew, mUh tnif his min-r, is in rf the i sc-'ck shnim tho r.f I frnr- The fnious court ronw sr -ne was bf'trrt-d by a Tcrtis.

bylmck's eiit Owpn fci 'oiih fhi1 greai na cvi.ir3. ve ft ftrt the if mi bfwtiM'y rould subd'ie 'ht-n bis ha' f-vr Ch-ls-lsn virtues hi iff' ptfa, srjrlce And yet that rt-vt cjflt piied ssltv, F'-rv atom kinirews fn "ie Je rta'ire bad been itraineif osit lnttrse. Aaotber year, of fndy and a w'r ccre'rf, big. aut, a n-mnunsent in srt of Mr tv. Mr j-Uyea the Rassanio with pnrtvk'lon and freedom -He bmtight irme snd to h' nsrt, snd was ever Heal ee-ir'er Piirt'a I fk9 beso'v 'he coo-edy.

la the brd-s of Miss Maltark. th fair eleaietit gestly over.isi)ceI tv ihe of th-fTay, JfhVick wty so trst.y ac're-ees- re a'-er trethods ee.It:ng her w-ith mscbtpe -nstrirs They tie-er cs- he pewe-m-tSe such a tsiehct and tbe resilt SO Tb trnri list eTCalnf wrr haad- cm and in g- to. Me. m. SobM-0 aevereiy crl'klsH in hf hat tho c5i! bte -lldeont iip acrrww Jake Mmon r.ilTit, SunHir, the pr)m epof OB the Ornvo) JUP STONE'S CLEANINGS The" weather being favorable tomorrow get out and admire Dame True It Is that in the death of Mm.

David At wood Madison lost ao admirable old lady. The oapitol park I coming forward In fine shape. The new system of top dressing ia a Us flower and hn)bbry beds are doing; well. Takt a ride or a stroll to the corner of West Wilson and South Broom street, and tak one good lone farewell of the old Fourth ward school house.

The "Italic'' band not only brought spring, but a pretty pood specimen of mramer weather. By and "by the Mind maa with the hand organ will task en th? comer Th grand old of the: vu well rweHred ai the rut Ojierm House last A many old time lnver ff tfuvj drsn wrre on hand 1 The millionaire do'not g've tn the aid of the poor and they frr building momitnerte that bon 'r name. "T1 tr'ie: tli tm. pity, and pity 'J 'tin true" A general cleaning up of the city ki lnsug'irstd, anj msry nf the with e.en c'Htors huti. iit on I Wring style.

and gardens- are recctvfgs proper aenlon. bl cf i be m' a i' tlje Chcerhit ftce-vts rt-pi3H nts of WIHismson street, from ii''. tjiorc" ani P'S nd a majcrisy tf Ibe 'Mifion Br', trmtr ni'iiiig t-i are pnah'n? in a tIonjip.g to Frd Rm at n-a real-w hi or. lVkntifD strpit. pear Jcnl- tMasBi WXMk ill VI i But it' nvcr CJ) i I I i I LACES If Rc-i' T.i-'h..3.

Real R'-nl Kt'- I III la a Fne e-mrin-ert of iei- c. sn-l nu t'i 05 jee a r-S. yj 1 WHITE BELTS I'itiia srs'i Tbe lit nij (jt a.vf 2j 'lt! f''-'rns The Only and Criginai SILKI2ED POPLIN Made. Sold -ty us at outhern actions be watched with a groot of-tntereat fior lhr Ik sn -o jw-rt-in-liv fnr ch 'i relict, eh'vb rir.rrl- i so a fen- weeks seo tn Jreei)t fitr a much more! wnrtfiy cause He shnll inok for hctvy enrrwi row RemeTrVr that "fie thet ha'h istv' l-vr 'he it t.n, wit's ten Pnld fn 'h Uh of April. ye-s an K-lward Haiirle.

be f'm cf fi i itrtl'lio, fwtn Olssgow; his native tisnd, V'-nn jnd soon arrived in vrMcn rn'J. -rs e1n if not a l'ttle bit II i antra man df lido of fif- tf bsi newer learned to often piunfvjj, i J'WIIL. MIS too lata for tb Heather Tatfsti Pttti-j Hats. CO'S- ii. lis: of Sim I The kind St n'3 1 for g-ir asic" Iswti 'e 2.75 wtJi 'b, yiv y-i vov-stlvti 14 a g-sat bla'k snd colo's betvr Ufi tb Sprcatis se an! sy!" tf.

S.W. tt'Mm't Hail. A erv tia erf cklidrsu'i bats straw and wfc Ey silk Crvrr White Dirity i SI A t'l ihs? Is used ia jiSBM Tt h.iet'A! File, eejit to AJ! the Bnv aaJ Atsi and ir iu Jft qoantr4 on for and I'ghtwe'tb', tUtsijr atvlsst tn whiu tAroU. riala dl tfiamL. g1 In d'neVe rr'- ViVk i (Otor ten unWa.f'ir BUHDICH MURRAY CO.

I loanisao r31 Urn. Crooaartti i fcrina ywath to hi tWd 1 owt feet. ISA Wk.

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