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Sheffield and Rotherham Independent from Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England • 6

Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

6 THE SHEFFIELD INDEPENDENT JCLF 7, 18 Bishop Lima, Ditto; 5, Chemota, Mril Shannon DEVASTATING STORM. LOSS OF TWENTY-SIX LIVES AT SILKSTONE COLLIERY. Mr. W.ArcEr w' "nVW: Lrt Violet Ponce, Mr. On Wednesday, a roost remarkable and violent storm Unknown; 5, Beauty TrapTut DriwV" 5 Ite, Ditto: 7.

vi! of thunder, rain, and hail passed over a portion of the West Riding-, in a direction from south-west to aeSt White OJ i i selves heard, or exercise that control which might hare saved so many lives. It does not appear that any individual in or out of the pit had the least notion that there was any flow of water into the day hole, and therefore, when the terrified children had tormented one of the miners into a sort of half permission to go out through the day hole, they made their way in a body into that passage, and all, with two or three exceptions, perished. From the shaft of the pit to the mouth of the day hole is a distance of about 950 yards, and the place where the fatal event took place is about half way. The agony, confusion and alarm that prevailed among all the poor persons about when the dreadful truth came out. is indescrihablp.

it mav ru fainflir Green 9 tZ 7rvra1' urtemburgh, Mr U'er TT'l' Mr' DHw Buro, Arcner 4, nknown, Ditto vt Green; 6, Powisan, Mr. Driver tJZZZ 5 if it was so they were all loet, but as Providence pro vided, there was only one, my daughter Catherine. I had four children in the pit. When I got a little further, I was told they were all drowned in the day hole. I could not get a bit further then I was stagnated.

I got agate of going as soon as I could, bat I could not help to get them out. I thought 1 had not one to look at. I have no blame to lay to anybody, but I cannot account for their going up the day hole. Mr. Clark explained that what was called the jenny was an inclined plane, up which the full waggons are drawn by the engine.

By the Coroner: I have no blame to attach to Batty, the banksman. I consider it to have been entirely an accident, as far as I can tell. Wm. Batty, of Dodworth, banksman, was informed by the Coroner, that in the course of the painful duty thev had to dischare-e. in viewing the bodies, some north-east.

The chief violence of it seems to have fallen upon a line of country less than two hundred yards wide, from Grenoside," passing over Stainbro', Birdwell, Silkstone, and Dodworth, towards Wors-bro'. In that mountainous part of the country the narrow vallies naturally abouud in water courses, ordinarily small, but swelled with great rapidity by sudden rains very far bevond their usual boundaries. Mb. Macular imagined from some touching expressions of several of Not a season passes, probably, without some oartial Amiable, Ditto'; a 5 Nutme Mr. Green.

1 Best White Ground Stripe Onssa Mr Rebecca. Ditto .1 Qili a. Mr: Greii floods but we cannot learn that in the memory of me oldest person living, there has been an inundation so extensive and devastating as that Great. Mr. W.

"r- 5 4. Peter we have now to record and we are not aware that Esn 7, Unknown, not? "OSe J-S- reflections had been made on him, and he therefore would not put him upon his oath. Batty said he was at the Huskar pit, and desired the engineman to draw the men out; but he said he could not, for he uie Dereaveu parents who gave evidence on the inquest. Mr. Clark was quickly on the spot, and did everything that was possible under the circumstances.

Many distressing fears were removed by the quickness with which the bodies were extricated but many, alas, were too fully realised. The -Rev. Mr. Watkins, the excellent vicar of the parish, also hastened to the place, and anxiously rendered all the assistance and consolation, of which the case admitted. The names, ages, and residences of the sufferers, are as follows Joseph Garnett, tb father of one of the children, inquired of a boy who had come out for his child, and could only learn that he might be in the Amy hole.

I assisted to get six out bu when I got to my child, I tried to get him out, bnt so many lay upon kin that I could not, and I was so much hurt that I left. I cannot blame anybody. The Coroner stated that Mr. Clarke was present, and was quite willing to answer any questions which the Jury or any of the friends of the deceased might desire to have put. The Rev.

Mr. Watkins said he was on the spot noon after the accident and he ruuld bear testimony to the anxiety which Mr. Clark and every peison present shewed, by moving the bodies as quickly as possible, to afford to the friends of the sufferers, and the others who worked in the pit, all the satisfaction which that could afford. The Coroner having caused proclamation to be made that he was ready to hear any further evidence that any person might be desirous to give, proceeded to address the Jury. It did not appear to him necessary, unless it should be the wish of the Jury, again to go over the evidence.

The question was, were they satisfied that this most lamentable catastrophe had not arisen from the carelessness, negligence, or misconduct of any party. If they were satisfied of that, and that the storm brought on by the hand of Providence so suddenly, had caused an excessive overflow of water, desolating, as they had seen, everything in its course and that these unfortunate children, carried by a torrent of water down the dav hole, by which they were endeavouring to escape from the pit, had there perished if this were their conviction, it was a clear case of accidental death. It had been his most painful duty, in the absence of Mr. Lee, the corcner of the district, to hold that inquiry. He had much rather that the duty had not fallen upon him; but since it was so, he had endeavoured, as was his practice, conscientiously and thoroughly to investigate the matter, and bring every particle oi" evidence that could be obtained before the Jury.

He trusted that nothing bad been omitted, and that no possibility was left for any of the friends of the deceased, or other persons, to say hereafter that the matter had not been most completely investigated. It was his most anxious wish that no stone should be left unturned, that no possible inquiry should be shrunk from. If required, he would willingly adjourn the inquest to a future day but he did not see" any probability that any further evidence could be had. The facts of the case all appeared to have been developed. They had heard from a boy, who was one of the unfortunate party, what impelled them to endeavour to escaDe had no steam.

I therefore told the men at the bottom they must wait there but as soon as he could get ready, I told them to get on, and we pulled them Magna, Arr her Yellow Ground Arclr. up as fast as we could, bringing up three or four at a time. I cannot tell how many were there, because Grand Monarrh. Vfr Rn w- Josh. Burkinshaw 1 4, Coffee and Gold.

lfeiffiTlK2? the miners ot both pits had come to the bottom of the George Lamb 6, Prince Palitzen. shaft. I did not know that anything was the matter in the pit. I did not swear at them when they asked to be drawn up, and say they might stay where they Wm Kermess, Mr. J.

Archer- 2 WJ Liov, Ditto; .3, Bell', White, Mr. Green- SI i in urn TTl .1 were, said xoa re like to wait a bit, till we can J( uukqowd, uett; b', Superb Mr. Driver. 1 get some steam. The heavy rain caused the stop SILKSTONE.

Isaac Wright, aged 13 Abraham Wright 9 Elizabeth Carr 13 Kitty Garnett 1 1 John Gothard 9 Hannah Webster 14 Ellen Parker 15 Sarah Jukes 11 Hannah Taylor 17 James Clarksou 16 Elizabeth Clarkson 1 1 Francis Hoyland 13 Elizabeth Holling 16 Geo. Burkinshaw 11 Yellow, or Orange Self Golconda, Mr. Driver Koi de Canuchinn. Mr A.k-. i r.

Sarah Newton 8 Ann Moss 13 James Turton 1 1 Wm. Womersley 8 DODWORTH. Elijah Hutchinson, aged 13 Wm. Atick 12 Samuel Atick THURGOLAND. John Simpson, aged 9 George Garnett 9 Mary Sellars 10 page of the engine.

The storm was the most severe I ever saw. The storm was so rough that we could j. i ayior, asq. 1 DST Mr Bell; 6' WeotworikTa not safely stop on the pit hill. I was not aware that anything was the matter in the pit, or that the miners were in any danger.

The hailstones were large square pieces of ice. I did not see any four or five inches round. I saw the bodies of twenty boys and girls aiww urrruna l- Yellow Ground Striped-, Melat. 4 S. Tav or.

Ean. 9 ITnlrn VI. t. 7 got out. By a Juror It has been reported that you ordered the men in the pit to put out the lights is that true? ite Mignione, Mr.

W. Arcber; 4, Earl of Driver. ii No, 1 did not call down the pit to the miners, for I Pinks, Purple Laced Criterion, Mr. idv frn-hpr Mr Wr, 1 Corbet, Mr. Wood 3, Brilliant, was not aware anything wa8 amiss.

Isaac Carr was Lady Mr 4, Seedling, Mr. Jeffreys. Pinks, Black and fVhtte Parry's Union Wnnrl 9 Seeftlincr Yf A -i 5ll the hi st man who came out, and I think he went back again. I think he did not say anything to me about Mr. Lee, the coroner of the district, being from home, the duty of conducting the melancholy enquiry which the law requires, devolved on Thomas Badger, who appointed it to be held at the Red Lion Inn, Silkstone, on Thursday evening.

At four o'clock, the coroner met the Jury at Dodworth, and having viewed the bodies lying there, they proceeded to view those in the township of Thurgoland. After a long and wearisome circuit, they reached Silkstone about seven o'clock, and there they had to perambulate the village, and view the twenty children who lay dead there. It was a melancholy business. As the gentlemen went from house to house, sometimes taking the houses in succession, it seemed as if the destroying angel had visited the place, and scarcely left a house in which there was not one dead." It was a most piteous thing to witness the grief-stricken faces of the men, the bitter anguish of the mothers, and the wailing of the children, as the Jury passed along, inspecting the bruised and blackened bodies. At pio-ht by the day hole, and bow the calamity occurred.

The life of that witness appeared to have been saved by bis having been forced into a slit in another board-gate and he had to thank God for his preservation. If, therefore, it were the pleasure of the Jury, he would record a verdict That the deceased were accidentally drowned by the casual and unexpected irruption of water into the pit. The Jurors immediately replied that they were perfectly satisfied that such was the case. One gentleman remarked, he had some doubts at first but the evidence he had heard had satisfied him completely. Thus the inquiry terminated about half-past ten o'clock on Thursday night.

the children. George Mann, aged 13, a boy who runs corves in at the top of Huskar pit, stated that Wm. Batty shouted down the pit and told them they must stop a bit, and they would not stop, but went and met the water up the day hole boardgate. Batty did not damn or swear, but seemed wishful to do all he could to get them out. I did not see Batty do anything I thought wrong.

The engine was without steam. It rained so bard they could not get out to mend the fire. The hailstones broke the windows of the engine house. The Coroner having inquired if any person wished Do. 4, Cicero, Mr.

Wood; 5, Duke erf Devoriohire Shaded Ranunculuses Reubens, Mr. Green Nominus, Mr. Driver; 3, RoIIa, Mr. Green 4 de Perie, Mr. Bell; 5, Favourite, Mr.

Drive, Unknown; 7, Saragossa, Mr. Driver- 8 t3 known, J. S. Taylor, Esq. l- Best Plate of Panzies- Seedlings, Mr.

Sykes. Extra Prises Hoya Carnosa, Mr. Buk-h'er; Cimt, Chaudlerii, G. Wragg, Esq. Seedling Geranium, Butcher; Cucumber, bearing Fruit, grown in Pot Barker.

to put questions to the boy, one of the spectators who painful formulary having been completed, and the Coroner and Jury having taken a slight and hasty refresh Thuxoeb Storm on Wednesday. -A correspondent at Wentworth has obliged us with the following additioual particulars of the above dreadful storm. On Wednesday afternoon, one of the most dreadful thunderstorms A CALENDER Of the PRISONERS who will be tried at the commence at York Castle this day, before Mr. Bata Alderson, and Mr. Justice Williams.

Sir ROBT. FRANK LAND RUSSELL, High kmg uieui, me enquiry proceeaeo. The Coroner, in addressing the jury, remarked, that the scenes of death and devastation it had been their duty to witness, had been of the most painful kind. Many individuals had suffered materially in their property. He understood that Mr.

Darwin and Mr. Denton, of Burv Moor, had had damage dnnp tn tha visited the neighbourhood of Wentworth, Hoyland, Wors-bro', Stainbro', that has occurred for some time. Between one and two o'clock, thunder was heard at a distance, but it rapidly approached. Soon after two o'clock it was very alarming. Large hailstones fell, and the rain had requested that the boy should be heard, said the boy had told many persons a diffent story.

Jonathan Jukes said, the boy told him that the children were at the bottom of the pit, begging and praying to be drawn out, and Batty shouted they must go out of the day hole, and be damned to them. Jas. Richards and John Mitchell heard the boy say so. Mann denied ever having said so to Jukes, but Jukes persisted in his statement. Mann said he had heard that Wm.

Lamb said so; but he afterwards heard it was not so, but that Lamb said, you, make a less nois'e." Lamb said, he was at the bottom, and could not hear Batty speak. He had lost one of his own children. Batty said he used the best means in his power to amount of several hundred pounds and the jury had seen how fields and crardens bad been rWntrw1 anA came uown in torrents the roads in many places had the appearance of rivers. For a long time the lightning was very vivid, and the thunder exceedingly loud flash walls, bridges, and roads destroyed to a much greater succeeded flash, and peal followed peal in quick succes extent tnan ne could nave imagined. The scenes they had witnessed would edve them some idea nf fha fnwa with which the water must have poured down the day sion.

At Elsecar, George Walton, who is employed by Mr. Norton, of Hoyland, was struck by tbe electric fluid, whilst standing in a doorway at Mrs. Hall's, which left him with a locked jaw, speechless, and without any use iu his limbs. Medical aid was soon procured, proper means noie oy wnicn tnese poor children were endeavouring to get out of the pit. It would be their duty to inquire whether this sad catastronhe had been rmrelv nceiden.

used, aud about two o'clock the following moraine, his speech gradually returned, and is now doing well. It is very remarkable, another person was standing bv him at the time he was struck, but was not injured. tal, or whether it tould have been prevented by any provision which a reasonable and proper degree of care could supply. He was anxious that the enquiry should be perfect and complete. Mr.

Clark, owner of the pit, and the Rev. Mr. Watkins, their vicar and excellent resident maeistrate. were nresent. and be.

shnnld Tip inm HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY FOR SHEFFIELD AND ITS VrctNITV. The second show this seasou for the display of Ra get the steam up as soon as possible. John Miller, labourer on the Huskar-pit hill, said, when the children came to the bottom of the Huskar pit, we did all we could to get the steam up as soon as possible. The steam would not have been down, but for the storm, which was so severe that it was not possible for any man to go out. We went up to the knees in water to get at the engine fire, and as soon as we could get steam we began to draw them up.

When the children were making such a dismal din at the bottom of the pit, I told them to have a little patience, and they would be pulled out as soon as possible. I do not think the children could hear me, and we could not get down to them. I was near Batty, and if he had sworn at them and told them to go to the day hole, I should have heard him. George Bostwick, the engine tenter of the Huskar happy to put to the witnesses any questions that they or any ui rue inenas oi me deceased could suggest and should it annear that anv decree of hlamp nHafhoA tr, no.jige. I.

-23. PAUL HIGGINS, charged with sending letter to the prosecutor la a case at the assizes, when the prisoner's brother was charged highway robbery. 2 24. JOSHUA BEAUMONT, charged wutt ai, mg on the 15th Dec. 1836, at Sheffield, robbed Thoou Hadley.

3. 21. -THOMAS DAWSON, charged with havia, on the 27th of March, at Aimondburv, robbed Jackson. -k 49. MARY THORNTON, charged with an accessary after the fac in a burglary committed Brighouse and also with having received .27.

jjj well knowing such burglary to have been committed 5. 53. JOSEPH BROOK, charged with barm? the 17th of March last, stabbed Henry Slater, 01 Hun. forth, wheelwright. 6.

60. JOSEPH MORTON, charged ua bavin, on the 7th of April, at Penistone, stolen an ewe lamb tie property of John Beever. 7. 27. THOMAS LECH, charged with having Oulston, stolen a cow, the property of Thomas cott 8.

-22. -JOHN WADE, charged with not bin, appeared to answer to a true bill of indictment fom against him at the last assizes for robbery. 9. -21. MARGARET WAYNES, charged is wilful murder of Wm.

Burke, at Leeds. 10 -JOSEPH KING, charged with the slaughter of Wm. Bleasuale, at Leeds. II. 31.

CHARLRS GREENWOOD, charjedud having on the 28th April, at Batley, stolen a mare, ih property of James Bolland. 12. FOX, charged with having the 5th May, at Leeds, stolen a mare, the property William Chadwick. 13. ADCLIFFE, charged with secret-ing part of his property under bankruptcy, and with having embezzled part of his estate to the value jfl(j or upwards, with intent to defraud his creditors.

14. 23. MOSES WALKER and JOHN ALLISON, charged with the manslaughter of Jonu Piercv, at Great DritTifdd. 16. 17.

23, 32. JOSEPH STRANGEWAYS ud THOMAS ABBEY, ch arged with having on the 4th of Mav. stolen eisht ewe and einht Limlu th nrnnorio nunculuses, Plants, Vegetables, was held at the any party, it would be his care to bav him hmnrrr in the annals of this part of the country any catastrophe has been recorded which has been so extensively fatal in its consequences. The storm passed Grenoside about two o'clock in the afternoon. The rain was extremely heavy, and hailstones fell abundantly in the yard of "the Norfolk large as well-grown filberts.

The thunder and lightning were awful. At Wentworth Castle the storm seemed to have increased in severity; the hailstones there were so large as to break all the glass in the conservatories, completely devastating the gardens by breaking the fruit trees, shrubs, to a considerable extent. The damage done at this place, to the conservatories and gardens alone has been estimated at .500, and even this large sum will probably be found too small to repair the devastation. At Bury Moor, Birdwell, Dodworth, tic, wherever the hailstones fell they have cut up the crops in the most singular and destructive manner. The hailstones are described to have been literally lumps of ice, and many persons affirm that on measurement they found them to be four or five inches in circumference.

Wherever these 9tones have fallen, the crops, especially of corn, have been beaten out of the ground, and completely battered to pieces. Mr. Darwin and Mr. Denton, of Bury Moor, are reported each to have sustained damage to the extent of several hundred pounds. The floods have been tremendous.

Wherever the water-courses have been at all confined, or have taken, as thev commonly do, a winding direction, there the surplus water has been for a time dammed up, till, bursting its way, it has roared along, sweeping down walls to the width of forty yards, and scattering some of their heaviest stones over the next field, ploughing the roads into deep furrows, uprooting or breaking down tree9, and from the fields and gardens carrying away soil and crops and leaving only the bare rock. At the village of Silkstone, where the principal establishment, with the colliery of R. C. Clarke, is situated, there is a remarkable instance of the extent and overwhelming power of the inundation. At the entrance of the village from the Thurgoland road, there is the confluence of two streams, one a considerable brook running in a northwardly direction, and the other a small rivulet running eastward.

They bound on two sides the coal yard of Mr. Clarke, and meet at its lowest corner. Above their confluence, the course of each of these streams, but especially of the brook, is marked by devastation. Young trees uprooted, and underwood in abundance, attest the power with which the torrent passed along. But at the point of confluence where the united streams pass under the road, we see the most striking proof of its force.

Dammed up for the time, the water appears to have risen to the height of eight or ten feet above its ordinary level. At last, overturning the walls, and bursting across the road, it sought the nearest way to the bed of the stream. On one side of the road, is a row of fine poplars, apparently of about 20 years growth. The roots of all these are completely laid bare, some of them are entirely uprooted, and several smaller trees have not only been uprooted, but have their trunks broken asunder. The damage to Mr.

Clark, at this place, not to speak of the pits which we shall have to mention hereafter, is very considerable. Timber, to the value of some scores of pounds, was swept away from his yard and at his house, situated near the village, his garden, like those of his been devastated, and the glass in his hothouses is destroyed. At the corner of Mr. Clark's yard, is a small shop, for the sale of grocery and drapery goods. The cellars of that house were filled with water; in the low rooms, it rose suddenly about five feet high and the inhabitants only saved themselves by opening the door, which let out the water sufficiently to prevent it from filling the house.

Some of the houses in the lower part of the village, we observed, had been inundated to the depth of five feet. It is wonderful, that in these cases, none of the children perished. The scene of the heart-rending catastrophe which we are now called upon to narrate, is about a mile from the village of Silkstone, on the road to Thurgoland. Mr. Clark has two pits one known as the Moor End, and the other as the Huskar pit.

Though these pits are not very well situated for facility of conveyance, the remarkable excellence of the Silkstone coal is such, that it is in very great demand, the supply of which furnishes employment to several hundred persons. Indeed, almost the whole population of the large village of Silkstone is maintained by the collieries of Mr. Clark, and of Henry Wilson, of Bank's Hall. Children of very tender years are extensively employed in the pits, as hurriers, hangers on, openers and shutters of trap doors, the givers of signals, The shafts of the Moor End and the Huskar pits are only a few hundred yards apart, and the two pits are connected underground by the boardways, made by the getting of the coal. There is also a futterill, (foot o'the hill,) or day hole, of great length, about four feet wide, and from five to six feet high, which has its entrance at the foot of the hill, in a neighbouring wood, and leads to both pits.

This day hole is used for the conveyance of horses into and from the pits, and, it appears, the miners occasionally use this way, though they ordinarily descend and ascend by the shafts. There is a constant rising of water in the pits, and at the Moor End pit, an engine of great power is constantly employed in pumping it out, the water being disgorged by a sough for the purpose. With this notice of the localities, our readers will be prepared to understand the evidence which follows. It seems that the storm reached this place between two and three o'clock, and lasted till about four. While the storm was at its height, the engine tenter of the Moor End pit noticed the rapid rising of the water, till it began to run into the sough by which the engine pump discharges its water.

He immediately informed the banksman, who called down the mouth of the pit, to order the miners to be collected from their work, and brought out but before this could be accomplished, the water was flowing into the sough so fast, that the engine could not be worked. The people in the pit, alarmed by the unusual intimation, and needlessly imagining that the danger was from fire damp, extinguished their lights, and made their way to the shaft of the Huskar pit. But there, in consequence of the water having got into the firing hole of the engine, and the intensity of the storm having driven the overground men from the pit hill, there was no steam. Among the mnltitnde of men and children collected at the foot of the shaft, darkness, terror, and a dismal hubbub," to use the words of one of the witnesses. Assembly Rooms, on Wednesday last.

We have great pleasure in stating that the articles exhibited, both in number and the superior growth of the productions, before the jury. John Hinchliffe. of Silkstone Low Mill iar exceeded any ot our tormer exhibitions at this season of the year, and did great credit to the various exhibitors, as well a the greatest satisfaction to the engine tenter to Mr. Robert Coldwell Clark, the owner of the Moor End Colliery, Silkstone, said very numerous and respectable attendance. The i was worKing tne water engine at Moor End, between trt'o and three o'clock vesterdav.

when thp awards of the judges were as under storm took place. The water from the dyke, near the pit, began to rise very high and rapidly, till it ran into the Dir. Then went and told the "banksman Francis Gnrnett, he had better call the miners out. 1 he Coroner here interrupted the evidence, to desire that any of the friends of the deceased, who were about, should be admitted into the room, as he had told them, at their resDective houses, that hp wnnld examine any witnesses they desired. Examination continued Garnett instantly went to the pit, and I returned to the water engine, which was about fifty yards from where Garnett was.

The storm was so severe, that I could not work the engine, because it damped the steam. The children G. E. Baker, of Acomb Park, near Yurk. had plenty of time to come out of the bve-pit when I went to tell Garnett, if thev had cnlv come to the bottom; but they took the wrong road.

The water did not rise to a irreat extent in the Dir. and never got into the bye-pit bottom. There were but five or six hours extra pumping ot the water from the pit. When the engine has stood twenty-four hours the water will get into the bye-pit bottom. None of the deceased were related to me.

1 do not blame, anv person on account of their death and I think that the banksmen, and all the others about it, did their duty. As soon as the water beean to abate in the dyke, I set the engine to work, and, therefore, I could not assist to get any of the bodies out. It was not into the mouth of the pit that the water ran, but into the sough by which the water pumped out of the pit runs off. If the engine had been worked, the water she pumped up could not have been delivered. The case was similar to that of a mill in backwater.

pit, said he kept firing as hard as he could, but could not keep the fire in at all, on account of the storm and the water getting into the fire hole, It was drowned out, and the steam could not be kept up. As soon as we could get the steam up, we began to draw the miners out. I was never away from the firing hole and the engine house. Joseph Holling, of Silkstone, miner, said I was working, yesterday, in the Huskar pit. Mv cousin, Elizabeth Holling, was working in the same pit.

As I was making the best of my way out of the pit, by the day hole, I was met by a quantity of water, rushing down the day nole. There were about eleven of us, and they were all drowned but me. The water swam me down the day hole, and drove me into a slit in another boardgate, and by that means I escaped. We went up the day hole to save our lives. We asked William Lamb if we were to go out, and he said, no.

We kept bothering him, and at last he said we must please ourselves. We did not know what we were going out for; we thought it was for fire but when we got into the day hole, we met the water. The water in the day hole was stopped bv a door, through which we had passed, against which it drove the children and they were all drowned against the door. The day hole is about four feet wide, and five and a half feet high. If we had all stopped in the bottom of the pit, we should have been safe.

None of the men told us to go to the day hole. We did not hear Batty tell us to go out ot the dav hole. John Lamb and Jamas Sykes came from the Moor End pit, and told us to put our lights out, for fear of fire. Another boy was in the day hole, and escaped. He was standing in a slit, and the water went past him.

Uriah Jubb, hurrier in the Huskar pit, said, I was up the board gate with the others. We heard the water coming, and Elizabeth Taylor and me got into a slit in the day hole, and stopped there till it settled. The water went past us. The slit is a long vav above the door, and nearly at the top of the pit, but a good way from the top of the day hole. I had been with the others at the bottom of the shaft, but we could not be drawn up, and I was afterwards told it was because the steam was not up on account of the water in the firing hole.

6 John Burkinshaw, miner I was working in the Huskar pit when the accident happened. Two of my children were there, and were both drowned in the day hole. I have beard the evidence given, and believe it to be true, as far as I can understand. I do not blame any body', but believe it to have been an accident. Benjamin Mellor, agent to Mr.

Clarke I have been accustomed to collieries all my life. I was at Barnsley when the storm occurred and the accident happened. The day hole commences in a wood belonging to Mr. Holmesworth, and descends, at the rate of "six or nine inches in a yard, to the Huskar pit. By this dav bole, horses are tak en into and out of the pit.

Miners can enter the pit that way, if they please. The water ran into the dayhole, not very rapidly, but faster than it could escape, and formed a dam about fifty yards down then it btust down a brick wall, and, mee'ting the children coming out, it drove them back against the door in the dy hole, where the water accumulated, and they were drowned. The day hole is four feet wide, and five and a half feet high. There the children were found, covered with mud and dirt. There is a small brook near the day hole, but it is dry nearly eig.n months in the year.

The children were drowned about four hundred and fifty vards from the shaft, and about five hundred from the mouth of the day hole. The children had run, from both the pits, to the day Best Stove Plant 1, Papyrus Antiquorum, Mr. Waters, Mearsbrook; 2, Zygoplujlla Angustifolia, 3, Ardesia Creuulata. Best Orchedeous Plant, Catleya Forbesii, Mr. Waters, Mearsbrook.

Greenhouse Plant 1, Pimelia Hispida, Mr. Waters, Mearsbrook 2, Pimelia Decupata, do. 3, Mauetta Glabro, do. 4, Elichrysum Crasameoides, do. Best White Pelargonium Macranthum, Mr.

Barker. Best Dark Pelargonium Daveyana, Mr. Butcher, Park-hill. Best Rose Pelargonium Dennis' 'a Perfection, Mr. Edward Wright.

Best Purple Pelargonium Mr. Pryor. Best Scarlet Shaded Pelargonium Pre-eminent, Mr. Barker. Best Dark Shaded Pelargonium Yetmaniana Graud-flora, Mr.

Barker. Best Lilac or Light Shaded Pelargonium Captain Cook, Mr. Pryor. Best Erica 1, Ventricosa Superba, Mr. Waters 2, Ventricosa, do.

3, Ventricosa Superba, do. Best display of Cut Flowers Mr. Warris. Best collection of Hardy Herbaceous Plants Mr. Warris.

Rarest British Plant Orchis Maculata, Mr. Barker. Collection of Exotic Ferns Mr. Waters. Collection of British Ferns -Mr.

Waters. China Pose in Pot Yellow, Mr. Vessey. Best Cactus Speciosissima, Mr. Waters.

Herbacious Calceolaria Mirabuneous, Mr. Pryor. Shrubby Calceolaria Majoriana Superba, do. Best Fuchsia Globosa, Mr. Butcher, Park hill.

Best collection of Fuchsias Mr. Barker. Best Chinese Pteonia Mr. Sykes. Best Black Grapes Mr.

Howie, gardener to W. J. Bagshawe, of the Oaks; 2, ditto. White Grapes Mr. Butcher, Park hill.

Purple Grapes Mr. Butcher, Park hill. Plate of Baking Apples Mr. Butcher, Park hill. Plate of Dessert Apples Mr.

Barker. Plate of Cherries Mr. Butcher, Park hill. Dish of Green Gooseberries Mr. Bagshaw.

Dish of Green Currants Mr. Crowcroft. Orange Tree bearing Fruit Mr. Barker. Best Brace of Cucumbers 1, H.

Newbould, Esq. 2, Mr. Barker. Best Dish of Mushrooms Mr. Barker.

Best Dish of New Round Potatoes Mr. Crowcroft, Doncaster. Best Dish of New Kidney Potatoes Mr. Butcher, Park hill; 2, Mr. Crowcroft, Doncaster.

Dish of Kidney Beans Mr. Barker. Bunch of Rhubarb 1, Mr. James Green 2, Mr. Crowcroft; 3, do.

Bunch of Carrots, Mr. Waters; 2, Mr. Crowcroft. Bunch of Turnips Mr. Waters.

Dish of Spinach Mr. Waters. Best Brace of Cabbage Lettuce 1, Mr. Crowcroft 2, do. Coss, Mr.

Waters. Dish of Peas 1 Mr. Butcher; 2, do. Bunch of Winter Onions Mr. Butcher.

Bunch of Spring Onions 1, Mr. Butcher; 2, Mr. Crowcroft. Bunch of Radishes Mr. Waters.

Brace of Cabbages 1, Mr. Crowcroft; 2, Mr. Jeffreys. Braceof Cauliflower Mr. Crowcroft 2, do.

do. Dish of Curled Parsley Mr. Wood; 2, do. Mr. Butcher.

Dish of Cress- 1, Mr. Wood 2, Mr. Crowcroft. Best Dark Ranunculuses 1, Naxarra, Mr. Bell; Oeil Noir, Mr.

Driver 3, Admiral Keppel, Ditto 4, note, or iuttenll, (or toot the hill,) by which way they can get out, instead of being drawn up the shaft by the engineer. They rarely go out by the day hole, but are generally drawn up. Francis Garnett, banksman at the Moor End pit, said, John Hinchliffe came to me when I was in the engine house where the coals are drawn out of the 10, 1, iv. ax, 0,5. imujias iLti, BLACKBURN, and JOSEPH GitEENSMiTH, dm ged with assisting in the man-laughter of Henry JoMjos, otherwise Enoch Guest, at Gleadlexs, near ShetfieM.

21. -20 JOHN BEVERLEY, charged along ia Nos. 18, 19, and 20. 22. 33.

-JOHN TAYLOR, charged with havinj the 19lh of May last, at Gisburn, stoleu three iheen, property of Allan Carr. 23 36-JOSEPH BARRETT, charged with a bu-glary on the 2nd of June, at Halifax. 24. JENNINGS, charged with iiavinjt the 6th of June, at Otley, wuuuded Wm. Nicholla, mik intent to do him some grievous bodily harm.

25. -47- WM. SELLER, churd with the wdM murder of his mother, at Old Malton. 26. 2-L-BROAD BENT MASON, charged with forgery, at Leeds.

27. 26. ROBERT ANDERSON, charged with baring on the 14th of June, at 3ilton with Harrogate, rubben Jane Anderson. 28. 45.

JOHN REED, charged wiih foigprj. Besides these, three men were coniiDitteU yesterday. for horse stealing. See Town-Hall Report. CORONATION INTELLIGENCE, AND ANECDOTES.

Thr Coro.vation D.v in- London, -t his been remarked that the peaceable and orderly bch-iviour of to dieda of thousands of people in the middle ami lower ranks of life, during a long day of excitement, "i'h crowding and waiting that create conflisMMi Md roilisiofc and also produce thirst that is not always moileniM quenched, wa not the least striking characteristic proceedings. It was a Htth! that dre forth tliJ idni ration of foreigners especially. Great praise i due1 WW temper and firmness with rhich the police did their cut; the soldiers, especially the household oops ve re patient and forbearing, is they usually are un such nrcasioift The arrangement wee in general excellent; mil a single accident occurred ilnriuj; te whole day niiiht, tjreat as was the pressure on many nnints of line. The Queen is said to have expressed a tt" natural to an amiable spirit that no -iceident would n' the festivities oi the day. Her Majesty's senstbil'iurt were somewhat excited by the formidable j-'fmm; 0 roade by some of her escort of their swoi Is, hack the etonrd who pressed on the state roach ll; Mall East, and the too free exercise of the tram the police near the Adminlty; hut, excepting I pleasantries, and the trivial accident of rj teafc "-one of the traces of the state carriage in ill Mai), no-tiling otherwise than pleasurable occwred to tiistur!) equanimity during the long route to and from the All the theatres, the Italian Opera-house were open gratuitously on the coronation evemoa, rilled by well-behaved," though rather motley auuieoe4-The confusiou incidental to an indiscriminate free aum sion was obviated by furnishing tickets to aj pit, and he said the water had risen and was running up the drifts and into the engine pit, and I had better call the colliers out.

I went to the pit bill and shouted down the mouth of the pit and told the hingers on to tell the colliers to come out directly, and they shouted "throw nought down," and I answered get on." The depth of the pit is 1 00 yards all but afoot. One of the hingers on got on and came up, and during the time I was setting the motties (the sticks that come up with the corves to shew who ntis sent tnemj down, a man named Ixeorge stringer came out and said the water was coming into the bye-pit, and he would go down again and tell them to go out at the Huskar pit. Edward Goddard said be would go, and he went down the shaft in a corf to tell them. I had hung my slate up. I went to the bottom of the jenny and helped another man, named Lockwood, to take the water barrel out.

John Hinchliffe came down the iennv and said we were to go up to the common pit to help to get the men out prevailed. Their fears suggested to them the belief mere, wnicn we uia, drawing mem up wun a norse and the power of men. We Dulled two men and bovs out, and I asked some boys who were coming up that they were danger ot an immediate explosion of fire damp, and ignorant of the war of the elements that was raging above, they could not imagine why they were not drawn up the shaft. Such was the noise and confusion, that the brave and sagacious men who retained their presence of mind could not make them irora tne day hole it they had seen my children. They had not.

I then set off to the day hole and aeain enauired of some bovs. who said thev had seen the children go up the day hole boardgate, and I knew.

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