Wisconsin State Journal from Madison, Wisconsin • 1
- Publication:
- Wisconsin State Journali
- Location:
- Madison, Wisconsin
- Issue Date:
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- 1
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
WEATHER PREDICTION. TW wifcur yeaateuce fa wUM rur see: wiiitmiiti 4 vwiMwisr. I M.r ertt IM fci ir.n 4Mb, MADISON, TL'hSDAY AFTEl.XOOX, VtPTKllBEIi 11, 1jC WtUi o- a. PRICE TWO It BLOODSHED STOPS 111 STRICKEN CITY HEARST Ef 1 Hi A PRETTY TEACHERS 110 QUARTER FOR REBELS CUBAN CRY SOREHSOII VIIIS OVER SEVERSON TALK TOIilCIIT Oil II1TERURBAI1 PLAN SANE FOOTBALL" FUSIOII DEADLOCK JUMP COIITRAOTS SCHEDULE IS OUT CemmitteVa of Vatlow Cditafa Coo-vntin in AH Night taaaon. Trouble in atewghten Wit lrraae Govern meet Wttt Not Cssnacaeftia With tnasireattian at.
-SOLUTION" PAVORS REVOLT, Veterans' tggaie net Proper fer Adminttrat ta A Havana Declare to be Safe Miidleton Man Deeatc1 by Only Five Vote. RECOUNT IS NOW PROBABLE, Kraock 6u 114 Vat Over Ernt Warner Fraar Claim Majenty. fei Scnaelma'am. CANDiOATE ROAtTt RAfLWAVi. EST FELLOW" A REMEDY.
Lady Padagegue WUt Ga Where Mai Attraction Can Ke Near upU 'Am Called Align ef Teerer in Steele, Poland, Mas Ceeeed. REFUGEE TCL.Lt GRAPHIC STORY aldim Slew Without Favor and R. fdaed Allow Phyalci an ta Aid tn Wet-dd. Declare Will Nat Favor Plan ta "Harmonia With DeocraU on RaMain4r at Tickau Traction Conferee Before Commit. tea One ia i'wblic, MUCH INTEREST IN OUTCOME.
While Na Dennit Proaeeltian Be-far Council Statu af Schtasa Will THraahad OvL Bdgr Team Meet Many of tcia -Little Fallen" FOUR GAMES FOR MAD' SON. Only One Invnactano Puniti 0v Cardinal Harnest Contact LUt Tarn. By ao ofCclat count of the ballots ta luoe t'ootity at the. county clerk's offlce this afternoon by the raovassing tongbua, St-ptrwiu-r 11. IBy Tn Anwctau.1 I'm) Ilataxa.
Sept, 11. Cumetelng th present, attltate of the government BULLETIN. Btrnvrapel, Sept It- it reported hen the vlllag ef Shulguti ha beet bombarded by artiilry. In corteeqwatt ef disorder Th Inhabitant neve fled and thlr hMM ha bn dsetreysd. Th artillery I new moving against the Tiling at Petro Ife-katfc By Th Aseaelatsd Trinw 1 Warsaw.
Sept IV It was learned board. p. Sorenson is nominated for republican candidate for the asuembly Tbe term of a proposed franchise from tba city eounril allow the Uadiaon lnierurbaji A Trent ion company tba privilege to oetwuruc Inter brben line from Madisou an I run Car over tie track of th city le a qtaeetioa whira wiil be threshed out before th rouaeil street committee tonight. President Y. Warren ktont-gomery Bad Attorney E.
I B. hub-ring will present th view of tbe traction company. The meetlag will be held In the council chambers of the city ball and rltluns Interest la the projtvt at cordially invited attend. i Result af Ptitin. Tbe -revival of the inierurban fixe i prepiuued be tbe etrrula tloa of several petiltoaa by buaioew Ilty Taa Aaaociatffd Pro New Torn, Sept.
11. The. quest Soa whether tba ladepesdeoew tractie atat cooiraltiea today ahall name a atraisht party ticket or, nottitnatmf William R. Hearai for governor, agr to foaioa wiih the dt-ntocrata ao far ai the remainder of tba ticket ta concerned, wa alill Bodeclded, when atato committee adjourned at o'clock UU morning. After hour of debate tba commit-U-e voted to refer tba whole o.atter to the committee on resolution, la-atrurtlng that body to report today to University sf Wteceneln Footed Schedule, Season ef October JO North PakoU ta, tMkcocsin.
at ktadlao. October 17, anal va. Wisconsin at Madison. October. 13 Ouea tpcjawibly Lawrence or lletoit) November Iowa vt.
Wlscos- am at Madison. November ig. Illinois Wis- cobIb, at t'rbaaa. November 17. Purdue (probably at Milwsukve Th Coirerslty of Wtscoftwin f'jotlall team has a acbedul ahead of It, aa iamtaivd aUve, thai ahxa aa mini Ilk the old schedule the elercaa used to piajr lhrouk and as of rival of a eoU orad ehurch on a Sunday anarnlnt 11 the punl'tllstte rvnt that wa re.
cenlly celebrated at Uoldtlld. Nevada Faetball "Merged" Football Is But to be a aeparaia part meat Uila year a usual, It baa bMCom a part cf tbe physical cult urn department of the university, (WW J. C. El sow, assistant Professor Km coctt IV Angell. and athletic! dlreetoe Hittchlns.
lata of Syracuse universltsr will act aa a committee of 3, wM will have the nprvteln of university; athletic la charge. Hmrhtaa arrived here Runday. Preltminarr prectlcn Is prohibited under the bcw rule, so the football randldatea caa do IS (tew more than kick footballs around tit their own without espert ad" vice potll the season open. Two Veterane Left. Johnnon Tarslty tackle, tad tielbaclt guard and plain, are the only veter.
an remaining frosn laat yera team. Getharn la working with a gurvej-lnnf party In North ryahota. He 1 aspect." ed in Madlaon about the middle of the month' Although 'the vwerana few. thera are a enmher ef strong candidate front btat yeef frshwer team, who will make gnotl anlveraltf ftiilheck oa the freahmaft teem. "Png" Wright, fiesV-man quart erhack, Rtiehm.
frebmn center, and number of othur promt-ln glee bnpe lo th part' isaa of the cardinal who hope to the univeralty well represented oa the gridiron tbl fall. puedue Hrot Oam. The game with Purdue, which, will probably be played at Mliwanka tJ the hardest contest on tho scheduia, Hojie had been entertained ef enn test being arranged with the V'nlvejv sit of Nebraska, but assistant Pro Um when Interrlewea tdy, atd that this wa out ef tbe qnoatton Five game only are allow an dee the new rules; four, outside th slnmnl game, which dten't csjnnf not being an (cter)llcglate 'otrnteet. The -tutcunacWavble" turhooltna'am bo her pUia to accept a po- kltioo worth 13 nwre a mnntb. ariw be has signed a contract, ti hexwn ne Ixigbear cl Slough ton.
A number i4 potitiooa have bnen suddi'uly va- ated by tba enterprising enntract- Jumpera. was formerly suppose that baaebali player had a monopoly of the rapld-eootrart-jumplng fj stern, but the temthera are giving tbcm cotu-pefttioii. The trouble la not alone here at Stougbtou. but complaint are etaer al throughout the state that the pretty school tsarber la IrresponalUe when it cooir to ohservitii th pro-vistoaa of a contract. No trouble has been eaperieneed nitb the but the ladle a-e raiaing all kinds ot trouble.
-Bst Fllow" A Remedy The achoolboards aronad here de-clae that the only nay to be sure of a feather Is to have her best fellow work In the same city, so that there I aomethlng beside ber salary to keep ber in loan. The trouble I this happy conjunction of rlrcumataaee doesn't always nut and then, alas! for the poor contract. When there ta more money In sight, a "resignation" ts In order. Superintendent Ame Superintendent Sylvanu Ame re rently refused, to give the aececaary credential to one enterprising teach. who had Jumped two contract In Now, the yonng womj declrw that the npertniendent I "mean." The other superintendent al ao refuses to give her credentials and be alao "rnen" The young woman la now ot of a Job.
More than that. It is proposed to eiaMth a btackll against all contrart-jnmpfng teai-hert, so that protection will afforded to unsheltered a fcooi district from the "reftnlng school ni'tmC 1 RYAN ROAST! RAILROADS IN TODAY'S ST. LOUIS SPEECH, Ksbraskan Teueha on Govrnmnt Ownership for Ffret Tim tinea Addres in New York. IRv Th AnmHsled Pre I St. Ixtuis, Kept, li in an extern-iwrsneous speech at Drtild'a hall today William J.
Bryan touched the government ownership of railroads f.ir the first time since hie address al Madison Square "if there I any sentiment In the country today favoring government ownership of railroads, it 1 becatiae the railroads created the notion that they wn thd he aald. Must in proportion as the railroads regard fhe tight of Junt in that proportion, will we tset along 'The railroad ia the servant of the propl. When It seeks to become the master of the people it patirp the place not rightfully belonging to It." ERHEAT CAUSES CONCERN. 9 atattlaships' Magainea Run Hot With Staam Pipe. H- The Awwiil Pre WanhlDKton, Hejrf.
II Orerht.t la the magailne of the battleahlp Min-aesota and ia gtrlnz concern to the oWrrrs of the different bnresns which have to den! with the -protlcms or th Internal arrangement of navel btilldlng. These msgrilne are oree bestd by cteanv pfper-whtca conduct steam from the boilers to the steering engine. The pipe are covered with Bon-conduetlb! material. but even tb-y make the com part men a too warm for te ammunition which most be stored In them to make the ships cotnpli'te flrhtlng machine. To remedy the present condition the mm ripe will have to he rarrU'd throngh dlffcrrct part of the ship front mag-aitne, or air apace will have to be constructed! befwrn th pipe an) mantilne bam These cbssre can ne made at any time ani wtll not nceiitity inierfere with the use of the finistftba to take the prerident to J.
Monhan Dead? jny Ta Aaeiatd Ire 1 Lorain. OhK Sept. 11 The 8yd-aey, 8 despatch Ai 3 Motham fortnr prf-sliSent of the Ooralnlon Iron Fi'-l camn, his wife and child red. and the entire crtw of Moxaam's tacit, the AJete, are to have perfhed, LigHtning Cause Katec. 5 (iprul le lijumal i Marinette, R-pt.
11 There a a flo'ce wtnfl ad hall wimn tre tils morning, wten theCatholfce. ch'trcR was stntrk and homed. There vere teq trt from ligMMsf la 'his End ta decree laaucd by Prosldtst raJtna. General Raiacl Montaivo. sec letary of pubik works, said to the A aorlaied Press trrvuondca I today'.
"The go.eincteut has been entirely too lenient tih the reikis. Our iv ttre to aveld fraini bloodshed hsi teen mistaken for tbj illatioa. 8upt-sion of eonstitatioaal guarantees wat t-eccesary to alfct the rtvi of aevcr al senator and congienamrn wlw forn th central revolutionary com-miltee in this city, and whose art low have beta eloseir watibcj bj men of the secret setvli-e." "Salutlan" Nat Feaatbl. Asked why sue action was Ukeu at the moment nca prosnecta for neiw were fair, MontitKo answered: "The icluti'm nf Uie erwldvtn uf geeted by the Ttteran'a aseociatioa favored the rebel. It coeargttrntly was dec tout to call a Ctet log of the cabinet yesterday ta takt a decisive step." Concerning the minora that the rebel proponed Kir Havana.
General Montalvw said there were but few small and unimportant bsnda oa the outskirts of the el'y and no latge force Br-Hava. Th city itself as amply protected. Plenty af Protection. "Areilv action now will be begun." General "agaiaat the rehrra hi Havana, Suta Clara and Ftaar del Klo proving. The weakt)f of th rerotutioa in the test named provi-e already has been proved by the of Pint Gneni." The following Indmduala were arrested todny: KxOmgreeamaa Ir.
Maloerty clerk of the hone nf representative Fetoe Ooaalea Karala Dr. Manuei Sera Jew, and the ei fftjfr of Itevann Juan Tarrtll. WarMe far IBv Tbe Ao- luted Pre. Vaabtngton, Sept lis Amerlcaii sbipiing and commerclul Interest about Havana arc to hav? the protection of an American warship In Cubaa waters. While government ofllrlali show a disinclination to lamia Cithan afflra, there can he no doubt frtmi thn attitude of iho oifldal that, IV Volni'ti, which cleared from Norfolk yesterday, la sailing state department mixKlon.
It lit mmored In oWclitl rtrcicsuhe i to InitBiediately to Havana. RooMvctt R3enibl. Preside-, Romcvrlt. it ia rumored I responsible for the sailing of the Des Molne. which has chilled the sanguinary in the oiTlclnl clr-cK of Tresldenr Pnlma'a ability to prnmprJy supprr the insiirrertion.
ft I believed hero the revolutionist are making grrfitcr headway than wotild be aiipposjil from the rneagre now fi-ora the The fact tht has become fieces-sarr to send a rrulr.er ta Cuban water Is taken as an In I-ilon that the hit-loit7tcs of the njirltiing ha bcn Joins JBjr Te AM atrd Pre Jlavana. Rert 11 Alfredo 7e)e president if the party, and trice presfdenr of the Cuban senate, has Joined the Insurg-iits ontslde Haara WIFE SPENDS SIX CENTS: IS BEATEN BY HER HUSBAND. Small Expcnd'tur far Nceitis Cause Assault Woman W'th an As Ttie A lt rM I l'aterwon. N. ept.
ihe pndltur of ix en! for household nccessitic. without her husband's approval, may cost Mm. WHIIara I-on ard her Ph-il bow in the hospital to a pre ari" i condition snd Itft hnrband i under snest, charted with, beating; ber with an aie handle. According ro the et'irr told the police Leofisrd's I'd yVsr id son, Ionard became fuiiona yesterday when he mlrs-ed all cent whith he ha-1 left in the hoote. When Mrs.
Leonard admit'ed she stent the the Uor tsra th father attacked hfr as she stvl with the niontboM IfS' In her He felled her wish-an handle and kfrked ber a she lay tm the Sw, ONE LEGGED MAN A TERROR. Btat Wtfs With Hammer Then Cut His Own TVe A''atfit Prew ft, ixui. fp.t- 11 After uarret-iing with hit toiy. FrnJjng; Walter, a one -legged n.aa, ended the argo-mect teea'lng her imelfit wl'n a hsmnsrr, choking, fcer srenl fha was itearty dsd. the cm own throat wt'h a rrsr He two hour latr.
The nosvtaa wit! over August Bwrneou by a majottty of Bve votes. Prfend of tleevrson are already cUiming that a recount --must be made and that they Intend to con test the matter. Tbe official can van gives: O. P. SoK-uson TSJ August Suverson Soreuawa' plurality The otticlal count made this morning for asaeuibtymun tbe tlist dts-irlfit.
gv Albert G. Krone' l.Ui Ernest N. Warner Kroncke pluraJtty 114 Tborarwd Nominated. Allien Tborsrud was nominated fur the assembly lu the third district. Thi afu-rrtoon the caavaaaing board comittivg th ballot for, th eb-c-tion to nil th vsxaary caused by tbe rlath of riHigrrssman It.
C. Adams. J. M. Neiaon ha a latge lead, but the vtiMual nututur of liid'iedent can.
didate voted tor Is snrpriwlng. Vole Were cast foy Prank tiium, Mr. Oftjea, Anthony Iamovan, Grant Tlumiaa, John Hayes, M. 8. Iiden.
Frear by 4,000 Vat. Senator Jamea Prear ia In tbe city thia afternoon, lie says, that be nas complete atallsuc from-all the conn-ties and til nominated nvr Frors-licb by 4.0"t) vote. The return fo the various counties arc Ixilng re-eelevd at the aecretary of atalas o(fic today. COOLER WEATHER MAYBE IS PROMISE OF FORECASTER Fralng Tamaeratwrs in Western Canaaa May Ba Induced ta Cem Hr a a Remedy. If western Canada cornea to Madison tonight It may he real cvhjI.
according to "Old Probabilities" tip la the weather tower at the onlvemuy. He say the mercury ha almoet reached a growsing potnl In that necthm. As for Madison not freeing weaiher. but probably mlr tomorrow. Then there mar also bo some light showers "Thst's the prospects," The warm 'll ha been the real thifg weather that make yon dlny.
dippy or sonielhlng Itke that. And jet Madisuni need not fwl real Indignant. The 'hot aavc haa Iws general throughout the nunhwe.t. and down along the Atlantic coast several e1tr have been swelterlrg" the past few dsjs, the mercury climbing up to But Madlwrn I not on the roast. In the meantime, keep your eye open for western Canada.
LOVE LETTER IS CAUSE OF MURDER AND SUICIDE Man Find Wife Inditing Eoisti to Hr Nephew, Kill Her and Then Himwlf "Jftv'Tii Press ri-att Hill. M-, Pept, It. John Carter, fear oi shot and kl'led his wife, aged toitav. then killed hlnisvlf la the same manner. Carter hal h'-en awav from home and when he returned he found bis wife writing a love letter to her nephew, INDIAN FACTIONS ARE AT WAR.
On Dcv Out in Orib Village in Aritena. fM Th Asweciated Pre 1 Wasktnston. D. C. 6pl.
II A tele- gtm frtira the superintendent ai th Mon.nl Indian reservation In AHuori to the comrol loner of Indian affair that there is an active taf of civil war between two fctwes ot Indian -Orelb "Tillage In that reservation The Indians baer. loaf been divided on th question of supporting the gnrernment. poltcti' and the men. sage received" todav states that, on of the parties lar driven the other out Of the Tfllsge. KILLS BAt; CUTS OWN THROAT, Crn County Ween an Commits Dovbl Trajetry While Inaan pe1 Rlanrhardvitie.
Wl, (teji .11 While Insane, Mr. Ote Olson killed her bsbv nd cut her own throat at. the home of her brother fn York, Green eontitv last Bight. he Is dying. Wilt Courtnsartial Otflcer.
fPy Aeecteted Press 1 gmjt. II pWreary Bonaparte today ordered the court manlal ef Com'y and Uenten-ant Pressy of the Aialvma, on charge of aegleet of dvy la handllnr th ship whea co'lMM wtth tb i at prTeftitw'i R. July th here tbl uoraint that the reign of bloodshed at Sledice has erased. Troops are camped ta the troet, and a ayatematic search of I bo bvtiava of Ilia peopl 1 being carried on. The exirepndot of the Associated Pre Interviewed a refugee from gledlc today.
The man aald: wa staying Saturday at the Kupieckl bote! in Sledlre. Suddenly, at o'clock So the evcalng. 1 beard two which at once were, followed by volley. la a few momenta a number of Jewish women and children rushed Into the hotel, puraned by the soldier. The shooting: continued for an hour and then rime to an end.
Then the only noise from the street was the erring- and moaning of the, wounded. Plunder Wlneraom. -At midnight aever-" soldier passed the house, afnglnf martial aonjtt. The troop had been searching tho houses In in effort to discover the member of a terrorist band. To this end tbey through, the WlklorJ hotel and pillaged the wine room.
They pit drunk rapidly, and coming la the street began wholesale murder and plunder. -At 5 o'clock Sunday morning the terrorist who mere defending a house (m Picnkn street threw a bomb, at the soldlera. Batteries at one were Vonght into play and bombarded tn fernier'. on Plenkna and "'Warsiw erects street. The Knpieakl hotel.
eVicT wna elaTng" waa "octroyed. refugee waa fleeing throngh the airtete." and a they Yaa the', soldier, were constantly firing volleys at them. Street a Shamble. "I ma with the other and managed to roach a rhnrch In safety. Here 30 fucttlvea, nwt of them at-rr1y had rated.
"Thi wa at 4 Vlork Sunday mora. tnr. 1 had pawed down SokolowVa ni PnlTwa atreetn, and found that 'he market fcad hea burned. At the rnd of two Jack of frod and water fur ref-JKee the. church made them istp Y't nsade otir through the mreet covered with debria.
Thern re many dead tradie and wonnded P'-mond lvlnif atoiit. We finally reached" the 'Tillage of Roakoaa. -Moot of the famillea la Piedice who barricaded themvrlrea in their houaea snt of fear of the aoldlera bow hare been three daya without aufPliea. The wondd hae not been eared for, as the aoldlera will not permit phyal--Isna to enter the town." CHARGE FRAUD IN LAND DEAL. Attorney Cnrl niowty Swea ta Fa- Cover Poaaeation of Utah Paalty.
fBr The Ammrfiul Vtt 1 Trpntoc. N. Sept. It. Attorney Moody ta bmdpht ault In 'fie fedpral rourt here to recover pna-ion of 50,00 arrea of land la Urah held by the Vtah Foci eompany, i''Tirg that representative cf the c'TTCpanj.
tnditwd aeeata to apply to 'tie soTcrntnent for irranta which on I he day after their receipt were turned ntrr to tbo Ctah Feul company. The attorney renerat eharitea tljit 1 vii frandutent and demands the Tc'ira ef the landa. dM RUN TlLL ON. are.gntf, Lin La At Pultma Inati-, tvtien aed-ar Paid. P.jr Pri 1 C'hicKjo.
peH. li. The run which ictan at the Puilman lJ)an SalBir ek jeaterdaf' waa'reanmed today, workteif men and women l.r.i-d np vhen the doors opnd for AH d-mnda for payment er pminpOy met, frtfeera declare a-afemnt of trouWe le attrd. Charge Bar Wlra Kilt J. The Vm Rhlie, la Sept.
II Throe en. in romia barbed wire fence that ea rhariti-d wit eledriclty from plant of Ibe ladlanapolia Csncinrs-L Trsctip The aceidetit wm crnr t.iod. Spt. 11 Th ateamer dw here Hdndy. rn at TBrter en Kr torh rel O.
Ptensiand the convention upon th eipedienry of the lenga naming a eiraignt ticker, fuaiof with democrat, or accepting the prooaltim of William J. Connor of Duffalo, that the leagne'a eoavev Uon appoint: a committee to confer with tba committee to be named aub-equentiy by the democratic convention at Buffalo, thi Joint committee to choose th ticket on which the Independence IaagBa and taw dettiocra tic parly aball unite. To RaeolutTon Committee. In the meantime the league la to name no candidate, ft biting under stood, however, that the candidate agreed upon the julnl reiumittee chatl endorse the principle represented la Hrarit'a candidacy. During the committee meeting and expraaaed hi views.
He said "i-ira opposed to thi proposition (Mr. Connor' a baa been aald, there la no one la the hall who la la fivor of It. It the democratlcj party bad completed it primarfoa. had elected men who represented the rank and file, and net the rail mv Ryan Belmont Interest and bad assembled la a coo veotloa declared for principle Identical witb oura and bad wished them to QnJie with i a combine nxalnat nnlted oppctaMorii It wotild be onwlne to refuse to consider in noueet propo- al. It thin ihla.
ot because I am nartlcuTarly anxious to be elected governor, but becaa 1 am not willing to be elected governor by any aae-rlllce of iriiK lllje. but (hlnk It due the people who followed and otir anpIorter to be elected to something some time, and put Into pTctk-J operation the principle me stand foe. not for our own benefit, but for the benefit or the peon' of tbla country and state." CHINESE BOYCOTT SHOWS NO SIGNS OF ABATEMENT Mall Advice From Orient Dquietig to Foreign Rsldnta and Those Financially Interested. tn Th a'M'tat1 Pre 1 Wanhlnstofl, Sept. 11.
Mall advices have been received here from China, disquieting to American baring ftnsn rial interest In the orient. There Is do abatement of the antl forelim feeling and the animosity Is no longer con-ftned to Americana, but Include, all foreigner etcept Japanese. A for-mMahle pny ha arisen and ia con ducting an active propagnd. It Is known the -Restorer of Rlgtiia" and la pnrpoee 1 to drive foreigners oat of business In China and ta that end bfft'n by rendering valueless the foreign investments, la some quarter the Chinese goemment I alleged to sympathize with the movement: and at any rare capitalism InteresSed In Important concetrms are complaining that Chinese officials are destroying bnidlpr and their agreement everv tttm. Jfore than anv other the Fngilh are aald to be injttriotiiiiy affected by the anitnde of the Chinese government, The rnoTctnent to destroy or regain control of eotjeesttor! held by foreigner the tte said to bare been begun when the famous HackoCacu.n rallwav conceIon wee reeaiaed by the government bv prcbase from the American and.
since then every new enterprise in 1 be -war of ptitilic B'illUe in China baa. been officered and named bv the Cfctneoe thems-ve. foreign evperienre and directing be In WliUHl only to point where the Chlner.e were abse tt aclulr the knowledge neeesary to operate them CKOCtKi CENSURE LA FOLLETTE tut Praise Lwioe Attitude Wag til. ureal Mliwsekee. Sep.
11 The Retail Grocer today censarrd Sen ator la fo'ilette in resolution for hi cif the wage eaernptfcua lw wbil be was gwvemwr BJ pravd tnnrn a'! orser who voted In orer- men of the city asking for a raeor.eU- i rat Ion of th nuttier. The petUion were signed liberally. The tount tl drew a fraathiae aometlOM ago, but it waa rejected by the otrtrer of tbe traction tompauy. It now be lieved that the city and con come to a compromlae oa tbw matter. The meetin toaight will be Informal and Chairman How ley ssld to-day he did not believe the committee wouht -o anything other than l.sten to the different Vlewa pceoft.ied There will be ao voting on the prepo aition, a there is no franchise before the committee to i mom mead to th council.
the Fair Ground. The extension of the local line to the tkane ctJiaty fair ground, will likely Imi flu I she. I jn time for IB op enlng of i be fair. To date th work ba pro-wded sa far a the Bt, Pgui tracks. The crossing at th Northwest- rrn tracks has nut yet been built, but there will be no hltrh regarjlng this auuer, according to tbe local traction people.
A gang ef workmen, number ing about. I kspt suatltng so 4 th rate's low to the tatr grntttMNi ta going along nicely. Pwkw the nnerpected hapneo. the line will be ready frrt ose In time for the pumpkin (hew. ThU will give the pulRlir three route to th fair grminds-by steasihoat.
steam rs 11 rd and trolley. Msrica May Resign. fIe-tl ta Stat Jimrnsl I Milwaukee. Re)t. II Prof.
Merlra of Ijiwrenre university la In Cincinnati ar.d may accept the superintendent of tbe refuge there. CHANCE AT LAST IS SEEN FOR COURTHOUSE ELEVATOR Helman-Sevaecen Combination I Brokan and Much Needed "Lift" May Installed. Madison will keep It r-JV on Buper-rf Severson of IV Forewt when th hoard meet here this winter. In th one sided flghl lnt the proposition to esitahl aa elevator la the Dane county cotim house, be has lost hi partner, Supervbsor Ne! Molmaa of IVertlel'L With the romcenatlon broken there la a reawnabte possibility tbt thia wiatcr the board com dowrn on earth aal give th elevator a fair shake. "Ine lrtrxiii(tiOa of this prososl Uon bv a.
Madison euut-rrnor haw al beti the slgtisl for a tierersoe objeflloo. FVom then on be would "monkey" around and finally be the asnvlsg apirit In hating buried alive. Hi attitude towaf tht worthr measure apparently sat grown to I force of habit. Rut be has not Holmaa to help bits bow. an 1 a nd determfned ef fort wrtl be matc hi winter to get an elevator for the ce'ichouae.
With view io mind, one supervisor has peart lea II promtl to hat th city of Madison wi: ray towards th Tttilnteti jf of an intor. Thus th old prujicttijj will he brought hrfet th board ia a new ligbt TYPHOID EPIDEMIC IN LODI. ViHs I Much Cresed Over As-sesrance of Vlrufret D'Sea, IRrwU' Btafe J.vm.l 1 Itdl, IK TBe appearance In tbl vlllagv of what appnars be an ejrtdemle of uphold fever kaa cauacxl mtwb erttnetit here the paef few day. That bo precautjons agalcat spread may overlooked sample of the city water and the fttrriliihkd by the varlons dairies hav been placeij the band ef 8se Chemist Fischer at Va4isn. five case of tjpaoH have appear tbo now til with the diaea.ee being Fred Sevf'ie.
P.oy Ohrerht." Km. Chrl Chl, Mrs tieorge Wlilfe Bud Peart sosa. the la'ter aseurtaat eaah-it-r of the Xodl Bta'e Bank, None of the cae i far eem to ha owsgemu, bnt eooceca ba fcrflUJiout ts! Icia.tf are alreswiy contracJed for, aad the) fth, will be either with Lwrwnc 08 Peloit. Mad 'sen Gat Many (tame. Most ef the game will be Btaysxl rat Madison.
The only "big" crmte. to be played will he that 1'k lowv 8t 4nt rarttctpa.4 and snthtarUuua Id brnkej tipno aa a dotibtfut quality. Td tew sUylsg rtlea make auoh oonatker sbl change in the game that tha oM "faaa era HkHy to lose out la th ate tempt to understand th new lotrlc rle. Vest, to Mh-Blgaa coach la twnorO ed to have Jokingly remarked "We'll Injure mor than ever onder th n. mlea.
Mrh douM fa praedj 8 the game Improvensent, Cechem Go to Miseeurl. Edward Tt. COchems. formerly ass 'sittait toach of the nnlverelty fool ball tn(, aad last year "coarti a f'lemson enlverslty, Clflmson, R. Car, will eoach tfc of Mlsensirt ftotbaJ' tem i hf coming sesoa Corheme already ba hut men at work? Bar Wakeh.
Missouri is not-nnde the new mlm, and preliminary pr satire 1 permitted Mystsfy In 0aapprac, Mi.t J-vjrnl K'U'xhn. Sept. 11 The potirp have been tiked to- search for Mrs. Mary If Forester, wife of K-nrnt Per eetw, a well known contractor. Phe Paturdsy night, "ravin; her two little children sleeping.
Coy Loom Bath Ft. IKrerlil tMts Journal I fhelmytan. ti': Jetikln. a li year old boy. had bet kls: leg cut off ha the NorthweiiteTn yard thi morning asd reay d'e.
tUi foot capght rn a frog. E. B. Rojsr Navy Paymaster. fv Tse AeHs44 Prvvs Washington.
Bcpt. 11 necratary Bonaparte Benotmeed tDday that tie preefdent ha-t aelecfei Pay rcte fiaite tt. R.tr tt paste grneraj iff tha bivt, Silt th T9U.
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