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Huntington Weekly Herald from Huntington, Indiana • Page 3

Huntington, Indiana
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Gccd 119 aero fdm in Wabash county: for sale. Address 2t Rob ertson i Wabash, Ind. Application for: License, Comet now the undersigned, J.mea J. Ashwel, abont Ada and legal reldDtof tbe town of Warren In Salaninuie township. HuntlDifton eounty, 8tio of Indiana, ana (or more than three month last paet baa toeena bona fide and legal resident of tbe town of Warren, In Sulomonle township, Huntington oountr.

in the Citato of Indiana, hereby gives notice to the oltlxena of the lnenrport town of barren, that tie "will at the regular eeaslon of the Board Commissioners, to be hld on the first Hon day of January, 1Q08, make an application and apply for a Utmnse to retail tptrltona, Tlnouaaud malt liquors In leea quantities than a quart at a time with the privilege of allowing tbe same to be drank on the prem taea aa hereinafter described; and also for Che privilege of aelUng at less qp amities than Ave gallons at a time. The place where he desires le sell la In the Incorporated town of Warren more particularly described aa follows, to On tba first floor of a room In tba two story frame building fronting south on what la known In tbe town of Warren aa First street; that 7 ald room has a frontage of 16 feet said First street and extends baok SO feet Into aid building; said building and room aa hereinafter described Is located on a part of (he west end of lot No. S3 In the. original plat of tbe town of Warren. In Huntington county, and State of Indiana; that said room haa large doable doors opening on First street In the center of said building with glass panels at the top and at each side of said double doors Is a large four paneled plate glass window; the said room haa a rear outside door and one door opening Into the atalrway, opening upstairs to the second floor and that there are no other partitions In said room.

JAMES J. ASH WELL. Commissioners' Sale Fstate. of Real The undersigned commissioner to sell, appointed In the partition suit of Sarah J. Downey vs.

Clara B. Dili, et No. 8688, hereby gives notloe that by virtue of an order of the Huntington circuit court, he will offer for sale at private sale at his offloe In the Weber building, Huntington, on and after the 20th Da of Jantjaet, 1903, the following described real estate, situated In Huntington county, Indiana, to wit: The west naif of the northwest quarter of section 7, township ST north, range 10 east, containing 81.28 aores more or less; also all that part of trie nortneast quarter oi section 11, township 17 north, range 0 east, which uea norm ana ease oi toe center iine oi creek, known as Loon Creek, which runs across said land. Supposed to contain about acre oi iana. Said sale will be made aublect to the ap proval of the said Court, for nob less than the full appraised value of said real estate.

ana upon tne iouowing terms ana oonai tiunsi At least one third cash, one third in year and one third In two years, deferred payment being evidenced by notes of the purchaser, bearing six per cent. Interest from date and secured bt first mortgage on the real estate sold. JOHN Q. OLIN 36U Commissioner. Notice of Sale of Real Estate.

In the matter of the estate of Jacob Hams, deceased. Wll Notloe is hereby given that the under signed, administrator of the above entitled estate, win sea at private saie on tne 24th Day, of Jahtjab 1903, the following described real estate to wlti In the County of Huntington. State ot inaiana, commencing at tne soutn line oi section it, townahln 48, range 9 east, 80 rods west from the southeast corner of the southwest quarter; thence north to the center of tne nuntington ana rort ueoovery state road; thence westward along the said center of said road to the oenter of the Huntington and Warren plank road at its Jnnotlon with tbe Fort Recovery road afore aald thence along tbe center of said road to saia soutn line oi section tnenoe east on aald line to place of beginning, including parts of sections 84 and 2S. In said township and range, and containing about 80 acres. oeing tne iana purcnasea by James M.

Bratton from Peter Keefer, exoept a small fraction west of tbe plank road, sold to Samuel wolf: also that portion of section 28, east of the plank road purchased of the aald Wolf; also that certain piece of said section 13, purchased of W. O. Sutton also that part part of the east half of the aeuthweat quarter or section Zf uarter of section 84 tqaltclalmed to the said ctlon it James M. Bratton by Levi Souera. Also the following lands: A part of the east half of the northeast quarter of section i township SB north, range 0 east, described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said section 96; thence south rS cnains ana wj lines to a stone marked thence west 8 chalna and 87 links to a atone marked 17; thence north 8 obalna and 81 links to a stone marked 16; thence east 8 chains and 67 links to place of beginning, containing sU acres.

Terms of Sale: One third cash, one third In 11 months and one third In 18 months; deferred payments to be evideneed by notes bearing i Interest, secured by mortgage on premise sold. Bids will be received at tne omce of Lean Liesb, JUippus Block, Huntington, or by mall addressed to administrator at Newcastle, Inn. HORACE WILLIAMS. Administrator. Leah fc Leah, Atfy.

i tbU nUUIOAD In effect Sept. ll.isoi From Huntington inaiana. TSAIBTS No. New Torkand ChloagoVeitl bnle Limited, dally, 1:80 tm No. departs tdOam no, wens Fargo Express, dally exoept Monday, departs IjOpm No.

II, Marion and Hnntlngtoa ao x. eommodatlon, daily exoept Sunday, arrlves 8:40 pm Ho. 0, Huntington and Ohioago ao eommodatlon, daily, exoept Sunday, HO, Huntington and Ohioago ao eommodatlon, dally departs. 1 40 am mnti bast. HO.

4, New Tork and Boston Vastl bole Limited, dally, departs iM pm Bo. 8, Express lor New York, dally, departs ldSain Jl0jJ4, Wells Fargo Express, dally exoept Sunday, departa.i Ho, If, Huntington and Marlon ao eommodatlon, dally exoept Sunday i. am Ho. ft, Ohioago and Huntington ae eommodatlon, dally except i Sunday, llJtiS pm Ho. 18, Ohioago and Huntington ao eommodatlon.

dallv. arrlva am Trains No. 18 and 14 will not carry baggage fraln No. 18, dally except Monday ana day ioiiowid legal noiioaya. Train No.

14earrles coach naaaencers from INS, 14 Huntington to Pa. I O.WILLIS, A g. W.B.M0BRI80N, T. P. A.

Marlon, Oulo. Tr ERIE' RATES. HALF RATES KVEKY SUNDAY. The Chicago A Erie R. will sell round trip tickets at one fare rate every Sunday, 'to points not exceeding rate of Ua 'Xiukets good going and returning on regular trains, fcnnday only, and to points where such trains are scheduled to atop.

Tickets will' be honored for return passage on train No. 8, east of Rochester, Monday a. follow. log date of sale. VERY LOW KATFS one way and ronnd trip for Settler and liouieaei'kers to point In the went, north w'Ht, aouta and south, went, firxt and t)rd Tuesday of each month Until April 21, Ik t.

JANUARY 2, 1903; CITY IN BRIEF. i k'. Mrs. Weller and daughter, Sy bil; were visitors at Mi. Etna Sua A'sou is reported at rhe Joe Harkenrider home, on the Warren Misauoidie Clark, who was visiting Miss I va Leverton," returned to Warren, Saturday.

Vr Place orders for fruit trees, for spring deli very, with Lewis Shenkel. j. Frank Richmond returned Sat urday from Colorado, where he has been for the past four months. il'JTl Dan Ervln, of Lancaster town amp, returned Saturday irom a visit with his son in Indianapolis, J. H.

Hurdle, wife and family of Jefferson township, were Hunting ton visitors over guests Of Mrs. Hurdle's parents. Edward Donathan and wife. v. jusi received anewstocicoi neavy a.

a a team harness, collars, pads, etc. Sid Hall's Carriage Works. 304t626t2 Pranlc Kennedy, one of the wide awake farmers of Jefferson township, marketed 60 head of hogs one day last week, for which he received the neat sum of $700. Ervin Walker has moved into a residence on Leopold street. He formerly resided several miles from town.

It is said he expects to en gage in the dairy business soon. Emerson Simons and Miss Nora E. Holmes were married last Satur day evening, Rev. D. Robinson officiating.

The groom is a son of Oliver Simons and wife and the bride's folks live on Webster street. The couple have, gone to Fonu.du Lac, Wis. The fifteen months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Kitt, of Makin, Warren township, died Saturday afternoon.

The cause of death was pneumonia. Interment was made to day in Clear Creek cemetery, Rev. McCloe, of Gobies ville, preach: lng at the Money to loan on farms at 5 per cent. Interest. "Privilege to pay any time.

Loans made promptly. Your business solicited. 42tf E. E. Allen, Agent.

George W. Stults has an Interesting letter from "John C. Etzoldt who is now located at Monrovia, Cali forniat Jpbn writes that he has a good. position in a railroad office and is doing nicely. He also writes of the flower carnival being held there, and of his trips to various canyons.

Foe Sale Cheap. A Centrifugal pump as good as new. Inauire of E. Newcomb, EasTashington St. i.

John. Day has rented the room in the Odd Fellows', block re cently vacated by 'Squire Moffett and is moving his office equipments to that place to day from Ithe Taylor block, where he has been located for a number of years. The walls and ceiling of his new quarters have beeif nicely papered' and present very oozy appearance, rr' I want to list your farms if you want to sell.1 have the buyers. Oba Pluumeb, 19tf No. Johnson Block.

Miss Mollie Hilgenberg is again doing service in the sheriff's office. Sbe is assisting Sheriff Crandal in closing up his business, and will do the office work under Sheriff Mc Carty, she 'having accepted the po sition tendered her by the latter tntleman. Miss Mollie's knowl edge of the duties of that office is well known and she performs them acceptably to all concerned. She is a valuable acquisition to the office. Elmer DeWalt and wife returned to day from Bangor, where they had been visiting Mrs.

De Walt's two sisters, One of the sisters re sides in the city and the other four miles in the country. The sisters had not met'for several years and of course' It was a happy meeting. Each sister had a sleigh at the depot waiting Mr. DeWalt brought some fine Michigan fruit home with them, also some canned fruit and some apples. The crowned heads of every nation, The rich men, poor men and wiser All Join In pa ring tribute lo Ie Witt's Little lriv Risers.

H. LWilltarns, San Antonio. Texa3. writes: Little Early Riser Pills are tae best ever used my family; 1 unhesnc iciy recommend them! to everybody. They cure Consti raticn, Eilliorr rs, ick tui ljivEr, 1 r'l liver trcublc i i P.

A. Allen, former editor of the 'Bluffton Barmer, rwa Hun tington Tuesday, and made theHxHAtp a cordially welcome call. If you have an or; 40 acre farm for sale, list it with me. I have buyers forthem: I9tf. Na 2 Johnson Block.

Rev. Geo. Ease shipped a box here from Ortenyllle, to his father.lHenry Ease, whicli was received Tuesday. He also sent two R. D.

Smith, who has been at home for the past week," left Tuesday for Urbana, where he is engaged in the construction of an electric line of railroad. Worthlngton J. Gregg, trustee, Henry S. Sprinkle is" the title of a complaint on. contract filed in cir cuit court by: Kenner Lucas, at torneys for plaintiff.

Insure your farm buildings in the Continental. tizz Oha Plummeb, 19tf 2 Johnson Block Win S. Bash and wife, of New York City, were visitors in this city, for a brief time Tuesday. Mrr Bash is a successful, commis sion merchant in "Gotham." The heirs of Frank X. Sell, de ceased, of Wabash county, were in the city Tuesday making final settle ment of the estate.

The settlement was made In the office of Spencer Branyan. Reuben Jeffrey, wife and great grandson, Gordon French, went to Monticello, Tuesday morning, to pay their respects to a new great grand son, born Dunaay, to J. 1 uraice and wife. F. 0.

Dennett and wife, who have been visiting here and at' Mt. Etna, returned to Chicago Tuesday. Mr. Dennett has been bookkeeper for the Collins Brothers in Chicago for some time. Miss Mamie Kaufman was in Warren, Monday night, in attendance at a holiday gathering of Ober lin students at the home of Miss Mabel Jones.

There were students there from several surrounding cities. For Sam. Good cow. Fresh Wm. Windemuth.

Stwti wkti soon. May Move South. Lewis A. Shutt left Monday to re sume his duties at Bowling Green, Ky.f where he is erecting a building for the Southern Electric com pany. Mr.

bnutt informs, tne Jeb ald that he is thinking seriously of moving to Bowling Green, at least temporarily, for it. will be some time before his work is ro'mpletedi It will be a regret to their friends here to learn of the intention of Mr. Shutt and family to leave the city and it is hoped If theytlo gtf that it wiironly be for a temporary stay. Mr. Shutt thinks of moving In about four or five weeks.

list of lettTtC Remaining in the Huntington Tost Offloe, Mondayr December 29, 1902, If not called for in two weeks, these letters will be sent to the dead let ter office. Persbr scalling for "let ters in the following list will please say advertised, and give date of list LXDtKS. Cook, Mrs. Martha Slack, Miss Helens Hendry, Miss Eva Smith, Sarah M. Snyder.

Miss Myrtle Stanltx, Miss Rosa Sprowl, Mrs. John M. WiUiams, Mrs. Maud QSJITUMKIt. Boaohake, J.

R. Thomas, W. H. Darls.Geo. W.

Wilson, Mr. Frank Williams, Mr. Frank Soott Cole, Postmaster. Terminated la This paper some days ago noted the critical illness of Mrs. John Anglemyer, at Texas, Ohio.

The illness from which she suffered resulted in her death which occurred early this forenodnTShe leaves sev 4 eral children. Her husband died about five years He was a brother of the well known Angle myer brothers of this The funeral of Mrs." Anglemyer will be held Wednesday at 10 o'clock. Relatives from this city will be in atten ance. One Hundre4 Dollari a Box ia the value A. Tisdale.

Summer ton, S. C.r places on DeWitt'B Witch Hazel Salve. He says: "I had the piles for 20 years. I tried many doctors and medicines, but all failed except De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve it cured me." 1 It is a combination or of the healing properties of Witch with antiseptics and emollients; relieves and permanently curc3 tllad, bleeding, iichinjand rrc'niiI 7 tores, cut3, lr 'i r' THAT OfflCE TI.IHY Two Sett of Architect lostramentt Stolen From M. D.

BrinematL D. Brineman, the architect, who has an office in the Midway block, is a victim of the thief who has been making raids on various offices in the city during the past two weeks. He is minus two sets Of instruments, used in doing archi tectural work 'and of the value of forty dollarsT Just when the robbery was com mitted is not known exactly, but Mr. brineman is of the opinion that it was some time between Friday noon and Saturday morning. He is positive be locked the door when he went away Friday, and upon going to the office Saturday morning, found the door unlocked.

The fact that the door was unlocked did not arouse any suspicion for the reason that on several occasions before the doors were found unlocked, and upon investigation on these former occasions, nothing had been dis turbed. 'After starting a fire, Saturday morning, bo got everything in readiness to draft some plans, and in opening the box, in which the. in struments were kept, found it empty. There were fourteen pieces taken, composing an old and new set. The only pieces to the new set which the thief overlooked were a scale and triangle, which were kept in a drawer in his drafting table.

There is absolutely no clue to the Identity of the thief. The. police were notified by Mr. Brineman Sat urday morning. STOLE AN OVERCOAT.

Several Minor Matters Reported to the Police Sunday. Marshal Nevius is suffering in tensely with Ihebiruponliis knee which became noticable several days ago and has stayed with him since. Saturday evening two men came to the Windsor Hotel and rapped on a back window. They desired one of the girls employed 'there to open tbe window for them and were very indignant when it was not done. They vented their wrath upon the hotel proprietor by breaking the glass from the sash and the matter was referred to the police, but prosecutions are not expected as no affidavits have been filed.

The parties were known however. Joseph Kauff, who is employed at the restaurant formerly owned by David Abendroth, on Washington street but now the property $of John Snyder, lost a new overcoat Saturday night. A stranger de scribed as about forty years old, ight complexion, heavy setrren tered the restaurant and hung his coat on the. rack. When he left he decided to take advantage of the op portunity to replenish his ward robe and so took Kauff 's overcoat instead' or his uw The difference, as figured by Kauff, is $14.50 as his was a new coat and cost $15.

He notified the police who are on a lookout for the man but he has not been found. It is thought that his identity is well established and the police of neighboring towns have been told to be oa thelookouf for him. Will Probated. The will of Nicholas Fisher, de ceased, was probated Monday. Ample provisions are made for the ridow, and all personal property is to be divided equally among the childrenirTTheTnstrument was executed January ,1892, in the pres ence of Bals.

and John M. Eisen hauer as witnesses. At Their Brother's Bedside. Matt Brooks and Mrs. Oler, of Green's Forks, and Miss Brooks, of Winchester, airivecTTIbndayTand are at the bedside of their brother, A.

Brooks, who is suffering from at his home in College Park. The afflicted man is some better but is still In a serious con dition. He. is rational and when spoken to makes an effort to speak but Is unable, to even, whisper, a word. A Scientifio Diaxjovery.

Kodol does for the stomach' that which it is unable to do for itself. even when but slightly disordered over loaded. Kodol supplies the natural juices of digestion and does the work of the stomach, relaxing tne nervous tension, while tne in flamed muscles of that organ are sl owed to rest and beal. Kodol di gests what you eat and enables the stomach and dijrostive organs to tx all food Into rich, red L'rco. ju tied.

iin Usefu li 1 1 a vss Boys HatsnTCffi. Caps, Gloves, Shirts, Underwear, Umbrellas, CdNES, SPECIAL! Men like such needfuls as these" and they are all appreciated. F.Bick' CLOTHIERS The John Strodel Company Wishes. you all Prosperous New Year, and herewith i than ks the seueral public for their generous pat roage duriusTthe year just past. 17atch This Space for Next Week's Announcement.

whilo thoy last. HanSchifatrl 6 Mas. HwdTaikmJ Trunks, SWEATERS, BATHROBES. House Coats, Overcoats, ANg FURNISHERS a. Happyuatid A SUITS Ono lot of Ladies! Hufobers 29c.

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