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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 2

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

year allowed for said 1 ro" ty The ondsnea nation, under the treaty of 1819, shall beljudice, it must be mischievous, since it keeps promptly paid up to thia date, and a continuance of capjtai ut of ibe country yet in the rery that annuity for two year, longer oe asaeo The 5th article requires "that inawnuch aa the I Cherokees contemplate removing artproviura ir i.t fimt xrtirlfl ranirllv aa I hir numbers and en gagements will permit, the United States stipulate unu ra I 1 1ha necessary preparations therefor progress, out ot the money mentioned in ssid second a rncie, sucu sums as may trom time to time be necessary to ae i Z. 1 aW rati iray uic iuviv.v All payments and nece sary advances for the in me contract wmcn me asents, tor autnorizea io nf th emisration of that portion of the nat.oneast of the IV1 icai.ainni JT oV that during the period dreXdnTs.row"ed by this treaty forsai remo and contract to pro t7 pe ns nd 7 of said Cherokee and violence, and to trom the neCcssary es removal until their HMtinaiinn hevond the The necessary escort and protection during I he removal of the Cherokees until their arnval at their destination beyond the Mississippi be furnished, and the United States will protect the persons and rrooerivof the said Cherokeesfrom all illegal actaof neroscnmeni ana violence, nu win i i thair hMt I their best efforts with the States interested Io prevent their tht PTivution of their rights in a manner oali nlatpii tn nnoress or inconvenience any individu ri al nf tha notion. In the eighth article the request is made, that in addition UMhe moneys herein before stipulated to be naid by the United States, they further agree to pay to the said Cherokee nation, party hereto, the gross sunl of dollars, in full discharge of all claims Don the United States under the stipulations of for mcr treaties for public and private property, spalla tions, indemni'ies, and other reclamations, whether national or individual, and lor reimbursement ot ex nenses incurred in and about this arrangement," Six hundred thousand dollar, was set apart for this purpose by a vote of Congress, and to defray the expenses of the removal of tho nation to their new homes. But as this sum proves to be inadequate for both objects, the Executive will recommend to Congress to make a further appropriation in order to satisfy them. The undersigned trusts that the Cherokee delega tion will see in these liberal concessions the earnest desire of the President to reconcile the nation to the necessity of removing without any other delay than a due regard for their comfort and convenience demands and in this conviction, confidently relies upon the cordial co operation of the chiefs and head men to effect this desirable obiect.

On the part of the Government, copies nf this document, with suitable applications to the States interested, will be immediately transmitted to the several Governors thereof; instructions wilt be sent to the commanding general to act in conformity with its assurances, and a communication be made to Congress, asking the consent of that body to the provisions proposed for the benefit of the Cherokee nation. The undersigned, in closing this communication, which has been considered with great deliberation, and drawn with the utmost regard lor the wishes of the delegation, desires it to he distinctly understood that it contains the most liberal terms the Executive can grant, with a due resard to the rights and inte. rests ot all the parties concerned and therefore pre. sent" it as the final determination ot the Govern ment, and the peremptory conclusion of tbe corres pondnce with the Cherokee deputation on thia subject. J.

R. POINSETT Defawtmewt or War, May 19. 1833. THE NING POST. FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 25.

It is the King of the Asbantees, we be lieve, that retains a special officer whose bu siness it is, whenever his majesty diops a remark, to nroclaim that "the monarch of the As'iantees has said a good thing," and to call the world to admire and be astonished. Mr. Clay is better provided in this re spect than his majesty of the Ashantees; he has several scores of journalists in his train who perlorm the same office. Tbey are generally ready enough to discharge their duty, but we perceive, with so'rue sur prise, that although Mr. Clay has laid be fore the Senate of the United States a grand scheme of a national bank, nobody is yet heard to cry out the chief of the whig party has said a good thing." The truth is that Mr.

Clay has said a very foolish thing, or rather a tissue of foolish things in announcing his scheme. His ad herents.wehave nomanner of doubt, perceive this to be so, and their prudent silence arises from a regard to the old saw, least said is soonest mended." We could pick up some hundred speculators in this city, who, having been unlucky, are now at leisure, and who being smitten wiih a strong desire for cheap loans, and money on easy terms, would, any of them, furnish, on five minutes notice, as good a scheme ot a bank, to say tbe least, as this of Mr. Clay. Mr. Clay, as his remarks are reported in the National Intelligencer, opens his project with a piece of folly.

He speaks of Mr. Bid die as a gentlemm for whom he entertains a very high respect, and pronounces him to be uncommonly able, profoundly skilled in fN nance, and truly patriotic," alter which he says 'Thore is but one other person, connected wiih the banking institutions of the country, in whose administration of a Bank of the United States 1 should have equal confidence wjth Mr. Diddle, and that is Albert Gallatin, who, I am glad to learn, at an ad. vanccd age, retains, in full vigor, the faculties ot his extraordinary mind. There may be other citizens equally competent with those two gentlemen, but I do not know them, or am not acquainted with their particular qualifications." We remembered a compliment of a dif ferent sort paid to Mr.

Gallatin by Mr. Clay, in the course of a speech delivered by him in Congress some half a dozen years since, and were looking for it, when we found it fur nished to our hands by the New Era. Mr. Clay, in that speech, spoke of Mr. Gallatin in the following terms But.

sir. the eenrlcman to whom I am about to allude, although long a resident of this country, has no FEELINGS, no ATTACHMENTS, no SYMPATHIES, no PRINCIPLES in common with our people. Neir fifty years ago Pennsylvania took him to her botom, and warmed, and cherished, and honored hun and bow does he manifest his gratitude By aiming a vital blow at a system endeared to her by a thorough conviction thnt it is indispensable io her prosperity. He haa tilled at home and abroad sonio ot the highest offices under this Government for thirty year, id he is still at heart an alien. The authority of bis name has been invoked, and the labors of his pen, in the form of a memorial to Congress, have been engaged to overthrow the American system, and to substitute th foreign.

GO HOME TO YOUR NATIVE EUROPE, and tbe.r inculcate upon her Sovereigns your Utopian doctrines," Such is the character drawn by Mr. Clay, a few years ago, of the mau whom he now desires to place at the head of a great na tional institution, established to control the currency, exchanges and commerce of the country a man whom he has denounced as an alien at heart, ungrateful to the land which had cherished him, and laboring to substitute foreign systems in place of those of native origin. When the king of the Asnantees uueis such contradictions no wonder his folio wors are mute. We published the other day an outline of Mr. Clay scheme, but we did not give the remarks by which Mr.

Clay accompanied it. In laying down the position thatjno foreigner ought to hold stock, directly or indirectly, rn tbe bank, Mr. Clay said Although I do not myself think this latter res Iriction necvsary, I would make it, deference to honest prejudices, sincerely entertained, and which no pr client statesman ought entirely to disreard. The bank would thus be, in its origin, and continue throughout its bole existence, a genuine American institution." Another good thing of the king of tbe Ashantees According to Sir. Clay, hostili to the possession of bank stock by foreign 18 a mere prejud.ce and if a mere pre fae a genuine American institution." He ap peals to the rery feeling which be denoun ces as a prejudice.

In one sentence lie says, 'You are fool for wishing to exclude fo reirn capital seekinrr investment in this country. in tnc next truwucc ut See what a noble and truly national insti tution we present, you, from which foreign capitalists are patriotically excluded. But the most remarkable feature of Mr. Clay's quackery is his plan of cheap loans and discounts, and cheap exchanges. By the sixth provision of his scheme, the inter est to be received by the bank is to be re stricted to 6 per cent simply, or, if practical ble, io hve per cent, instead of nearly 6 2 3, which is now ordinarily taken by the banks.

By the seventh provision, domestic exchan ges are always to be enected at a certain fixed rate. Blow high or blow low, be the real value Ol excnan'ca wuai it may, ue 1 I i I one per cent or twenty, they are always to be effected at a certain fixed premium, and no more. A great national institution is to be erected, in which the general government is to be a stockholder, and the state govern ments are to be stockholders, for the pur pose of lending money on cheap terms to those who want to borrow, and to effect ex changes for less than they are worth. A mighty charity institution is to be erected tor the benefit of these people. Why, Con gress might as well establish, with the pub lic funds, a manufactory for the purpose of supplying broadcloths and cotton sheetings at less than the ordinary marketprices To obtain the support of those whose con veoience is to be served by loans ana ex changes at a system of artificial rates, Mr.

Clay proposes to sell the constitution. The question of the constitutional power to erect such an institution, as he tells us is no Ion ger an open question." There must bean end to controversy," he says, and he propO' aes to terminate the controversy on this point by blinking the constitutional objec tions altogether. An immense assemblage was present at the Ta bernacle last evening to hear the discourse of Pro feasor Bascom, of Kentucky, before the Young Men's Methodist Missionary Society. Tickets of admission were issued at the rate of fifty cents each. yet' the building was absolutely crowded.

The style of Professor a scorn's pulpit oratory is bia diction is remarkably fluent, and rather stately and scholastic; he seems to posstss an un common affluence of imagination, and deluges hi: subject with a torrent of metaphor, soma of which are exceedingly ingenious and beautiful. His man. ner from that Poachers of tbe ivieibodisi persuasion in general, whose Ian guage is plain and familiar, and who delight to draw their illustrations from common and every day life. After the discourse was concluded, a Shawnee Christian Indian, and a Missionary who resides a mong that tribe, arose and gave a specimen of In. dian worship by singing a hymn in th Shawnee language.

The tune was a common psalm tunc, the rhythm was that of our octosyllabic verse, but the 1 sounds ol the language were remarkably eofr, sweet and open. The Indian next made a short address in his simple manner, which was interpreted to the au dience by the Missionary. Thb LTt Philadelphia Riot. The Philadel phia papers contain a proclamation of Mayor Swiff, offering a reward ot two thousand dollars for the sp piehension and conviction of the person or persons who set on fire tbe "Pennsylvania Hall," on the night of the I7lh inst. Governor Kituvr also has issued a proclamation, offering five hundred dollars for the same object.

An individual of good standing was arrested on Tuesday, lor being concerned in the riot. He was identified by one who saw him in Pennsylvania Hall busily engaged in tearing down the blinds, and i nciting others to the destruction of the building. He was bound over in the sum of three thousand dollars for bis appearance before the Alderman on Friday (to day.) Another person was also arrested and held to bail. It is stated that a number of builders have examined the walls of the Pennsylvania Hall, and have pronounced them perfectly safe in their present con. dition.

North Eastern Boundary. A message from tbe President of the United Stales to Congress was communicated to the Senato on Wednesday last, and laid on the table tor the present, relative to the North eastern Boundary question. The message contains copies of notes which passed between the Secretary of Klate and tbe British Envoy Extraordinary. Mr. Forsyth informs the Envoy "that Maine declines to give a consent to the negotiation for a conventional boundary is disinclined to the reference of the points in dispute to a new arbitration but is yet firmly persuaded that the line described in the treaty of 17S3 can be foui.d and traced whenever the Governments of the United States and Great Britain shall proceed to make the requisite investigations, with a predisposition to effect that very desirable object." Mr.

Fox is then invited to enter into an arrangement for the establishment of a joint commission of survey and exploration upon the basis of the original American proposition, and the modifications offered by Great Britain. Mr. Fox, the British Envoy, replies that he has not the necessary powers, but will submit the proposition to his government for fresh instructions. Thus the matter stands for the present. Cherokee Affairs.

A letter from tbe Secretary of War to the Chiefs of the Cherokee nation will be found in our paper of to day, together with some preliminary observations oi the Washington Globe. Late fhOm Charleston. By the ship Calhoun, from Charleston, we have received the Charleston Courier of the 21st instant, from which we learn that the Banks of Charleston have resolved to propose to tho Convention of South Carolina and Georgia banks, which were to meet the next day, to resume specie payments on the first of November next. The Prince de Joinville arrived at Norfolk on Monday, and left next day for ashington, accompanied by his aid de camp, surgeon and three French officers. Benjamin Rathbdk.

This individual, the sub ject of numberless paragraphs for a year or more, has at length been admitted to bail cn five indictments for forgery 55,000 bail in each case. Antiquities from Greece and Asia. We find in a Paris paper the following piece of news The American Commodore Elliot has, on board the Constitution, at Malta, a large collection ol very curious antiquities, which he has taken during his cruise in tbe Levant from the plains of Marathon and Troy, the neighborhood of Athens, Carinth and Sunium, different parts of Syria, especially Bal bec, the Holy Land, and Egypt. The most curious article in this collection, are two sarcophagi oi mar ble, found near Bey root, on the site of the city of Beryta. 1 uey were aiscoverea sixteen Icet deep in the soil, by a peasant who was digging to set out a mulberry tree.

The Commodore purchased them, and caused them to be transported on board the frigate from a height of 600 feet above the sea. Five hundred men of the crew joined their efforts to carrytbese masses a distance of a mile and a halt. These sarcophagi arc of white marble, in one piece. Tbe smallest lias this inscription Mainesa Augusta. She was the mother of Alexander Severus, Emperor in the year 823 of the Christim Era.

The two monuments were empty when they were taken by the crew of the Cons'itu of in in to Thk Cask of Rector. seems the statement the Journal of Commerce relative to the impris onment of Rector's wife and brothers, was not true all its parts. The police sent for them they came voluntarily, and underwent an examination. which disclosed no fact to implicate them in assist the escape of the prisoner, who, it seems, was not confined in Ihe criminal' orison, but in tbe debtor's apartment The brother of R. ctor offer, put himself in t' ie hand of the poll until the officer were satisfied of his innocence ol aiding in cy the escape, which offer was accepted, and he wa sent to prison.

Mrs. Rec'or was discharged. An other person suspected of promoting the tscapc, was arrested, examined and discharged, 'i he icwards offered for the recovery of the convict amount to SI 000. While on this subject, we notice a reply of the Albany Evening Journal to some strictures of the New York Commercial Advertiser on a former ar ticle of the Journal, impugiunglhe honisty of the keeper of the prison. The Journal states some par ticulars that may interest the public.

The Commercial editor demands our authonty for asseitinp" that the slorv about to the cell with Kectoi'a breakfast is a shallow lalfcnoou." us shall have it. Two ol our citizens who arrived in New York that morntng, were in the Bridevu ll halt, onveising with Wrne. the Albany turnkey, and Rector's brother John, when the ktrptrs enact the farce of discovering that Jieetor had scoped There was then no prcl nce that the keeper gone with Rictoi's hreaktast and me wtiote tiling was so miserably got up as to leave no doubt on the minds of these gentlemen thai the keepers were in the secret. Rector was left in the old shell of a prison with out irons. His infamous Albany associates, male and female, who followed him to New York, were permitted to spend most ol their time in nis room His keepers knew that be had a large amount of money with htm.

I he whole story about DreaKing off his irons, seizing the keeper and thrunftng him into a cell, ll investigated, will prove io be an invention. We have no doubt but that he was let out, not on Monday morning, but on Sunday night, so that he had 10 or li hours the start ot any alarm. We still think that the New York papers contri buted, though unintcntioually, to Rector's enlarge nient. by impugning the justice ot his conviction. His keepers would incline more readily to the soli citations of a man who was in danger of suffering unjustly.

Rector, in the opinion of those who are best intormed, was fairly tried and justly convicted. It is so seidom that com ts and juries do their duty, in such cases, that we dislike to see them assailed. But we did nol, in the remark we made, intend to impute the slightest impropriety ot motive to the JNew York press. It is a subject ol deep regret that such a wretch as Rector has escaped the punishment he merited. A villain who crowned a career ol intamy with a ic rocious murder, should not have been turned loose again upon the world.

IN or would tins reproacn have fallen upon ns if the murderer had not drawn from the vices and victims of society, money enough to fee Counsel and Keepers." The Albany Arzus also gives utterance to like sentiments in the following words We believe but one opinion is entertained here ofthis affair; and that is that the convict "was helped out of prison by those whose duly it was to keep him in." Surely we desire not the punish ment of the cummai, except tnaiine enos oi pumic liut we can nol but regard it as an inausoicious event, that, after tho repeated acquittaU of murderers, brought about, as the whole community aro convinced, by money and influence, or th3 operation of a false sympathy when one jury had done its duty, and, so fir as in it lay, preseiilrd a salutarv exain'ule, the culprit should escape from the custody ot the law, under circumstances which will leave a general belief that he purchased his im munity." Murder of a Missionary Family. The Southern Christian Advocate publishes the following letter, giving a moving description of massacre by the Florida Indians. The writer is Su perintendant ol the Alachua Mission on the Talla hasse District Hear Broiher Capers I am ruined While enased in inv labors'in the Alachua mission, 1 re ceived a letter bearing awful tidings. It informed me that the Indiana had murdered my family 1 set out for home, hoping that it miht not prove as had as the iter stated but my God, it is. ll not even worBe My precious children, Loritk, Pierce and Elizabeth, were killed and burned up in the house.

My dear wife was shut, stabbed, and stamped, seemingly to death, in the yard. Bu. utter the went Io pack up their plunder, she revived and crawled off the scene of deiith, lo suffer a thousand deaths during the dteadtul night which she spent alone by the side of a pond, bleeding at four bullet holes and more than hall a dozen stubs three deep gashes to the bone on her head and three stabs through the ribs, besides a number ol smaller cuts and bruises. She is yet living and help me to pray that she may still live. My negroes lay dead all about the yard and woods, and my every thing else burned to ashes.

Pray for me. My family was on a short visit to my father in law, lor the purpose of having some supplies sent up from our plantation to our temporary residence in the mission, and during this brief period the awful catastrophe took place. T. D. PEUR1FOY." The nomination of Mr.

Woodbury as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Ntw Hampshire, is doubtless an indication of the wish ot that gentleman to retire from the fatigues of an office which he has long discharged with such unremitting diligence and exactness. The Boston Advocate remarks jiisily The position of a member of the Cabinet at Washington, though it calls for the most eminent talents, and is one of the highest distinctions that can be conferred on a citizen, is far from desirable. The responsibilities, the severe labor, the incessant assiduity which it requires, and the full measure ol censure it brings trom opponents, right or wrong, with nol unfrcqtient disaffection of friends all ol whom it is impossible to please, are bul poorly com pensatcd even by tho public reputation a faithful officer earns, and vastly less by the pay, every doliar ot which, if not more, the custom of society at Washington, obliges him to expend. The labors of Hie cabinet are as nearly a gratuitous service to the public, for the mere honor and uselulness ol the station, as can be rendered by a citizen." We had forgotten a fact of which the Boston Advocate reminds us, that Mr. Woodbury was formerly an associate judge on the Supreme bench of his native State.

"New Hampshire" says tho same print, "will be highly fortunate if she secures his profound leal learning, and laborious habits of business and investigation, at the head ol her Judiciary." Extraordinary EscAre. A citizen of Quincy, Illinois, lately engaged in sinking a well near that town, came near losing his life from the excavating of the earth which completely imbedded him six or eight feet. How he was extricated and his life pre. served, is explained in the subjoined extract from the Illinois Whig "His hesd was forced to the side of the wall, one arm fixed to his side, and the other outstreched from his body. Some clap boards which fell in with the sand, were so disposed around him, as to fasten him rigidly in bis position while those around his hesd probably prevented the sand from falling in so as lo suffocate hiin.

Immediate help was afforded but from the danger and difficulty of approaching him, sometime was consumed in properly securing the well against turther slides, and even then the narrowness of the place made it impossible for more than two to work tosetksr. They labored incessantly torhi8 relief, from iwo o'clock on Tuesday, at which time the sand gave way, till post 4 o'clock on Wednesday evening, when, to their great joy, he was drawn tip uninjured, alter being thus earthlast for 20 hours." Arrival of the Earl of Durham From Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. Capt. Forest, of the British schooner Albion, from St. Johns, F.

6th instant, and Halifax ICth, reports that the Seal Fishery from Newfoundland, which had commenced with good prospects, had partially failed. A brig ol war accompanying the Hastings 74, which had Lord Durham, the new Governor Gene, ral of Canada on board, had arrived at Halifax, hav. in left tbe Hastings off the mouth of the St, Lawrence, unable lo pass on account of the ice. The brig also repotted that the armed steamer which also accompanied the Hastings from Eng. land, had attempted to get into Sydney to replenish her fuel, having only enough for one day's consumption left, but was prevented by the ice.

She was momently expected at Halifax. The Pique frigate, from Halifax lor duebec, was safe at Ari chat, N. S. Capt. Forest also states that the ice north ol Halifax, extends along the shore for upwards of sixty leagues; a very unusual circumstance at this season.

Boston Daily Adv. Coroner's Inquest On Wednesday evening woman named 33y ars old, Mho lived in Gocrck street, was found dead in her room by her husband, when be returned home from hi3 work. There was no apparent cause to account lor her deal h. Verdict accordingly. Another inquest was Id on the body of an unknown colored man found drowned in the slip al the foot of Delancey street.

Verdict accordingly. Frederick. (Md.) Herald, says it is rumored that a Court of Enqtv.ry is to he held in lhat city, to examine into the conduct ot Ucn. Jeeup. in ed ed the and to to st For tt Evening Pott.

Tbe Currency. Mr. Editor Much unmerited odium has been thrown upon tbe present, and late administrations. relation to the currency. The friends of a retorra banking syetn, and the disciples of tbe old de 1 bis remains.

The Citisens' Corps, under the corn tnocratic school of politics, are most unjustly brand mand of Capt. Barnum of the army, formed the mili with harsh appellations because by following dictates of their own consciences, they depre cated a fluctuating, and deprcciaiing paper curren It may not he nnacceptable to both the friends enemies of the banking system to refer to the United Stales mint taWet and to contrast the su perior policy ol our late President, with that of his predecessors, in establishing safe, sound, and stable rnrrencv currency. From the establishment of tjie atinnal mint, in 1792, up to 1S29, the coinage of half csgles, a mounted to 1,381,319. During President Jackson's term, ihrv reeded 2.332.000. From 1792.

to 1S29, 39,239 quarter eagles were coined from 1829 1S37, they amounted to 817,731. Previous to 1829, 41,605,317 half dollars were coined; during the late administration 42,663,000. From 1792, up 1S29, of dimes and hall dimes, 5,791,813 were coined; from 1829 to 1837, they exceeded 18,481, 000. Afier this statement it would be idle to contrast the mliiioa nf the two ffreat parties now struggling for the ascendancy. "By their fruits ye shall know them." Yours, A DEMOCRAT.

For the Kvening Post. Mr. Van Rnren's incidental sussestion, in bis first message, of a Bankrupt Law for corporations. figures aain in several late whig resolutions as something of hitherto unheard of enormity. It has been denounced as a gross attempt at grasping an unconstitutional power, for the federal government.

full of danger to public liberty. It is remarkable that the discovery of the mon rous character of such a recommendation, should have been reserved for this generation of politicians, Alexander J. Dallas, and Wm. H. Crawford, two men whose opinions were lately thought by the to be entitled to some weight, principally per haps, because they both fsvnred a National LanK, both, in reports to Congress from the 1 reasury De nnrlmt nt.

distinctlv advised the adoption ot such a bankrupt bill, among the undoubted powers of I Cnnoreoa and h'i2hly expedient. Anions the rc nnhlii nna ot that dav. certainly as able and warm friends ol public liberty os the best whig of this none expressed repugnance at the suggestion, nor doubted of the competency of Congress constitution, ally to adopt it. Nay. more one of these men wiih the full krowlodge of this opinion on this head, was the candidate tor the Presidency of that part ot the Renublican party, which for its strictness of con struction, was called Radical, and was, moreover, supported by many the very men who are now most clamorous in denouncing Mr.

Van Buren as a danoerous and unfit President for holding the opin ions which Mr. Crawford avowed nearly twenty Years bclore. It would perhaps be invidious to single out pub. liclv the individuals who have thus grossly commit. ted themselves before the world.

II any whig feels a curiosity to know them, the editor of the Star, wlio is ol them, couia easily, no wouia, mmisii a tti irt.i list. Biuiiua Removal of the Cherokees. Tho following is a copy ol an official letter rom the Secretary of War to Scott, now in command of the govern govern ment troops in Georgia. It is dated at Washing ton, the 23d inst. Sir You will receive, herewith, a copy of proposals made by tbe Department to the Cherokee delegation now this city, which, it is believed, will be accepted by inem.

You are, tneretore, nereny authorized to erter into an agreement with the agent of the naiion for the removal ot their people. The expenses nttrnding the emigration of the Cherokees fire now fully ascertained by past experience, and it isorvsumcd you will hnd no dimculiy in making such an arrangement, as, while will cure their coinlortable removal in the manner most agreeable to their hitls and head men, will eff clually protect the interests nf tbi United Stales, and prevent all unneccfsary delay or us lcss expenditure. Whether the removal of this people is to be continued hy ihe military force under your command, or to be conducted by 'heir own agents, care must be takrn that it be carried on continuously, and as speedily as may be consistent with their health and comfort. It must commence in that pari ol ttie territory which has been "ranted or sold by the S'aies to whose jurisdiction' it belongs, in order that the several pp pnelors ol the laod may be put in possession of Ihtlr estates with as little delay aa possible. 1 hese prr.posalhave been laid before Congress tor the purpose of oblaimn" such legislative provisions as hey require but it is not intended thereby to retard tlin execution of Ihe treaty.and you will there fore pursue the measures you have already adopted, until the agents ot the nation are ready to take charge of the tuture emigration of their people nor wilt you then permit any unnecessary delay in their operations.

Very respectfully. Your most ob't serv't, J. R. POINSETT, Major Gen. Winfield Scott, Athens, Tenn.

IN SLNATE. Wednesday, May 23. On motion of Mr. Clay ot Kentucky, a resolution was adopted, calling upon the Secretary of the Treasury and the Postmaster General to state whether any orders had been given lor the reception of bank notes in (he payment ol public dues. A messa was received from tho President of the United Slates, transmitting a copy ol a letter from the Governor ot Maine, with resolutions of the Legislature of that State, and also copies of a cor rcspondence between Mr.

Forsyth and Mr. Fox, on the subject of the North eastern boundary question. The bill in relation to Ihe Falmouth and Alexandria Railroad was read a third time and passed. The Cumberland road bill, trom the House, was then taken up, and, after discussion and amendment, ordered to be engrossed bv a vote of 26 to 17. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.

Mr. Everett reported the Senate bill providing for the security of Indians emigrating west ot Missouri and Arkansas. 1 1 was referred. The motion of Mr. Fairfield, offered on a former dav, to print 20,000 extra copies of the whole of the reports on the subject of the late duel, was taken up and Mr.

Mason addressed the House till the hour expired. On motion of Mr. Cambreleng, the House went into Committee of the Whole, and resumed the consideration ot the bill making appropriations for Ihe suppression of Indian hostilities the question being on the amendment in relation to the Cherokees. Several members addressed the House. Messrs.

Wise Towns, Marvin, Cushing and others. Mr. Wise'occupied the floor till the adjournment. A message was received from the President on the subject ol the North Eastern boundary line, and laid on the table. The House adjourned.

Fichtino Q.UAEERS. We have full olt heard of Shaking Quakers, and U.uakcrs that didn't shake, and Phnadelphia Quakers Q.uakerdelphia, earthquakes, and other quaking things, and so on, but till yesterday we had been taught to believe that Quakers were a sort o' folks that wouldn't fight. However, queer things happen in these days, as passing events portray, to our daily experience. To explain, we shall simply relate a few facts which transpired at the Upper Police, yesterday, before justice Taylor. It seems that some days since two ol our worthy Police Marshall, Messrs.

S. McCor mick and C. Missing, undertook to collect the amount of a military execution, and accordingly levied on the ood3 and chattels of Henry and James T. Birdsall, "grocers, corner of Renwick and Spring streets. Two ullage barrels of sugar were removed and duly sold at good prices but still the proceeds lacked some $2,13 of thereqiiUi amount.

Accordingly, on Tuesday 'he 2d, tho officers proceeded to the premises to moke a turther levy. Mr.McCormitk seized several loaves of sugar as the property ol the law, and Missing went to write an advertisement of the sale. McCormick, while attempting to remove Ihe goods in pursuance of his duty, wasatlacked by Henry Birdsall, thrown trom a on which he was standing, and somewhat bruised. McCormick rcmonstratrd with the other party against such conduct, and proceeded a second time to secure the property, when ho was attacked bv both Henry and James, and thrust from the premises, receivings severe throttling and serious bruises in various parts oi the body. McCormick was still held by the Birdsall', when Missing came to his relief.

The officers had a third time nearly gained posft ssion, whn the were reinforced by another brother named Suniuel, ho, with the others, succeeded in driving them from the premises, both more or less bruised. The B'rdsalls succeeded in first reaching the Police, and obtaining warrants asainst the ofncvrs a loresaiil. Justice Taylor, however, on hearing (he olher side of the case, held the to bail, for their appearance at the Sessions, to answer to the cliarce of molesting officers in discharge ol their duty. Express. The captain of a French barque lying at the IT.

E. Bar, who arrived in Ibis city to day, on a towboat, reports that bis vessel, which was bound for Vera Cruz, had been dered off by the French blockading squadron. N. O. Courier, May 13.

The late Commodore Woolsey was buried with military honors at Utica on the 20th inst. There was a general throng citizens at Trinity Church, where the burial service was performed, and at tbe grave assembled to pay the last tribute of respect to tary escort and Capt. Mervine of the navy, Gen. Comstock and bis staff, and the United Stales re cruits, occupied a place in the procession The brig Carvo, at New Orleans, spoke on the 30th uiU off Birry Islands, a British man ot war, who reports that two days previous she captured a shaver, with five hundred slaves on board, from the Coast of Africa. Toll9 ano Tradi or the Canals.

The tolls col lected and merchandise cleared at Albany and West Troy, during the 3d week, in May, 1S37 and IbJ, were as lollows, viz Tolls collected. Albany. WestTrov. Aftfc. cleared, lb: Albany.

W. Troy, 1938 313,907 85 5,190 19 1837. 7,919 06 3,997 19 6,393,500 2,514,409 3,121,100 Increase, 55,988 79 81,293 00 2,272,400 493,100 Showing an affsretate increase at Albany and West Troy, over the corresponding week of last year, ot 61 per cent, in tolls received, and oo per ceni. on merchandise cleared. The flour and wheat received trom me canai, ai the same offices, during the same periods in the two years, were as follows, viz lour.

1939 27,789 1637 13,191 Wheat. 35,017 5,950 Increase 14,597 29,067 Albany Argus. The Whaling System. The abuses in the shipment and treatment of seamen, particularly in whaling voyages, are attracting more of public attention than has hitherto ever been aroused to them. Much of this is to bo attributed to the silent and unobtrusive influence ot that most excellent and praiseworthy institution, the Ladies' Aid Seamen's Society in New Bedford.

We have rarely been so much impressed by the value ot any cnaruy as Dy this. But while we expose the abuses of shippers, fitters, captains or own rs, who ill use and plunder the careless seamen, there should be honorable exceptions as to very many engaged in all branches ot this importani.commerce, who are strictly upright in their dealings, and would sooner wrong themselves than take advantage of the sailor. To such no censure applies, and it is for their benefit that the wrong doers should be exposed. The seamen who sutler bv the cruel bargains screwed out of them, have a 'legal remedy, it they or their friends will see to it. The readiness with which justice would be done to them, and extortion put down, will be seen trom the suggestions ot udge Story, in the United States Circuit Court on Friday last, in referance to a case under consideration, hav ing a bearing on the ill usage of seamen in the whale fisheries.

He said that he had been apprised of the many abuses practised on seamen engaged in whaling, and alluded to the system of extortion by means of the slop chest, and toother like impositions, declaring that if any of I he enormous and bills incurred at the slop chest were to come within the reach of ihe Court, they would be closely and critically examined. He said that seamen in the whaling business should be considered rather as wards, and not slaves that tbe masters of vessels sliould exercise a judicious guardianship over them, and not play tho despot and tyrant. It was the duty ot sea captains to do so and not only their duty, but their interest and the interest of all concerned, from the owner to the steward. His Honor might also have touched on the "balance urder System" with propriety, if he had happened to have thought of it which is one of the most cruel means oi maKing slaves oi seamen, it is noining more than this A seaman just fitted out for a two or three years' voyage, we are told, (after his chest is packed, and he has not got a dollar in his pocket,) is persuaded, for a trifle or for nothing, to givo Ins out fitter an order upon the owner of his ship, for whatever amount may be due him on his return from the cruise thus giving away all he can earn in three yea's, and leaving it the same to him, whether the ship makes a good voyage or a poor one. When he comes back, the holder of the order receives the proceeds, and gives Jack any thing or nothing, as lie pleases.

Boston Advocate. Prom the Delaware Gazette. Hon. Hemit Clay. We noticed in our pare of Tuesday last, Ihe arrival of the Honorable Hen.

rv in this city, on the Saturday previous. On Saturday last Mr. Clay at lend. at the Rail road lintel, win re a large number ot our citizens called upon him, and extend their courtesies, and happening to be present at the time, we were politely introduced to him by our neighbor of Ihe Joar nal. During Mr.

Clay's stay in this citv, Henry A Wise, of Virginia, paid a visit to Philadelphia, and on his return, on Saturday, stopped in Wilmington, and was present on the above occasion. He also remained here until yesterday, when he returned lo Washington in companv with Mr. Clay. He has been duly honored by the Wcbb wbies nf thia city and we observed that he and Mr.Clay were on terms of the greatest intimacy. What will the sober, the sedate and moral portion of the whig party think of Mr.

Clay's making Ibis gentlcm in h's nghthand man those who have disapproved of Wise's con duct at the sent of government, on a late occasion nol to mention previous outrages which he has com milted Siucc he has become a member ot the House of Representatives? What will the Philadelphia Gazette, who has spoken of Wise in merited terms of contempt say to Mr. Clay's having permitted him to sojourn with him in this city, and travel in company with him to Washington? It cannot be said that Mr. Clay was not in fault, and not answerable for the deeds of Henry A. Wise. As well might it be urged that he was not to blame for having associated with a murderer, knowing him to be such and as a large portion ol the whig party have disapproved of Mr.

Wise's conduct, and declared him unworthy the respect of honorable and moral men, they cannot but condemn in Mr. Clay what thty would not cou itennnce themselves. There is no doubt that Mr. Clay and Wise are on the kindest terms. Legislative Anecdote.

The grave business of the Senate is sometimes relieved by an amusing incident, worthy of record. We spent a lew days with the conscript fathers" last month, and heard seme things that ought not to be lost. In the midst ot the discussion of some question, Mr. Kelly, whose appearance will be remembered by most of our readers, turned to Dr. Burden, and addressed to that veteran Senator some sentences in a Innguage which was cither Greek or Indian at the distance at which we stood, it was difficult to distinguish words.

Senator K. looked like a con queror when he had closed, and it seemed certain that he had carried the day but Dr. B. stepped to his with a clear voice, responded to Mr. K.

in pure Greek, reciting nearly the whole of the first verse of John's Gospel. Mr. K. looked astounded. Dr.

B. had tact enough to call for Ihe question at once it was pu, and he was triumphant. The Greek was irresistible. Philad. U.

S. Gaz. jT The sale of elegant fancy goods, consisting of rosewood, inlaid bronzed and ormolu mantel and pier ornaments, china, glass, toys, pictures, will take place to morrow morning at 11 o'clock, in the ball room of the City Hotel. These goods are of the finest and rarest description, having been expressly selected for this sale. Catalogues can be had at the rooms of Ludlow and Glentworih, Auctioneers.

13 S. J. SYLVESTER, Stock, Exchange, and Bill Broker, 130 Broadway and 22 Wall street, would respectfully inform his friends that be has no connection with any other office in New York, or elsewhere. my25 tf 13r Mrs. DUFF, about 30 years of age, and fair complexion, left her home last evening, supposed by her family, in a state of mental alienation.

Any information respecting her will be thankfully received by her anxious family, 355 Hudson street, 69 Canal street, or 135 Eighth Avenue. my25 A CARD. LOUIS BENOIT, Professor of Music, respectfully announces to the ladies and gentlemen of the city of IVew York and its vicinity, that he has returned to the city after an absence of three years, and he returns his thanks to them for their former patronage, and begs leave to acquaint them that he still continues in his professional line. His residence is at No. 11 Thomas street, New York, my25 2w REMOVAL.

13 MISS PRESCOTTS study for Ladies, ia removed from 89 Leonard street, to 435 Broadway, comer of Howard street Entrance in Howard street, where she will continue to instruct confidentially in all the solid branches. One hour devoted to each lesson. Ladies are requested to make early application. Terms made known at her residence. nay 25 lw SHIP JOHN HOLLAND, Robinson, master, from Liverpool Consignees of goods by the above ship will confer a favor by sondtng their permits on hoard, at foot of Oliver street, E.

or to the office of the subscriber. All goods remaining not permitted on the 2Cih instant will be liable to be sent to tbe public store. SAMUEL THOMPSON, my 23 273 Pearl street. JOB PRINTING Executed with neatness and despatch, at this office. Apply to WILLIAM G.

HOGGS. HAYWARD'S PICTURE GALLERY, is now open daring the day. Sea advertisement, TWO O'CLOCK, P.M. The packet ship Carroll ol Carrolton, hasjust ar nveJ from Liwpool, wiln ,0 27ln ult lw0 days later. Cotton hid advanced 1 SJ per pound.

Thre is no news ot importance of a poKtical na. tu.e, and we theieforado n.t ttop to make extracts. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET, April 26. The sales since Fridav amount to 25,000 bass, of which 50UU are sold to day. Prices are advanced id.

per lb. The arrivals arc, 4 vessels from New York, 2 from New Orleans, 2 from Mobile, 1 from Charleston and 1 from Egypt. TEMPERANCE MEETING. 53rA Temperance Sleeting will be field in the MethoJist Episcopal Church, in Willet, between Broome and Grand streets, THIS EVENING, commencing at 8 o'clock. Addresses will be delivered by the Rev.

Wtephen Remington, of this city, Rev. Mr. Cambridge, of Rev. Mr. Johnson, Missionary to the Indians West of the Mississippi, and a converted Shawnee Indian.

The friends of Temperance and the public generally are invited to attend. niy24 2t A SPACIOUS COUNTING ROOM TO LET. J5r A very large Loft on the second floor of Store No. 27 Tine street, with an office, furnished with a good grate, It is a very pleasant commodious room, and will be rented cheap. Immediate possession can be had.

Apply at the desk of the office of the Evening Post, No. 27 Pine street, adjoining the new Custom House. ALSO, A very large, light, dry CELLAR in the same build ing. They will be rented separate or together. PACKET SHIP SHEFFIELD, FOR LIVERPOOL.

Jr Passengers will be taken on board by the steamer Hercules, from Whitehall. TO MORROW MORNING, at 11 o'clock, precisely. The Letter bags will be taken from the Post office and Mer chant's Exchange, at half past 10. my25 JjT It is with pleasure we perceive in various jour nals some new accounts of the success of Dr. Wd lianis, the Oculist, so humanely employed in this city.

We copy thefollowingfrom the Dauy hig of Friday the May, which will be read with interest by all the friends of the poor. 'A clergyman, the Rev. Mr. Stores, so generally known as the defender of the poor negro, informed us, that he saw a multitude at Dr. Williams' house, corner of Canal street and Broadway, who have been re stored to sight of one or both eyes, and that his own child was blind of one eye and suffered much of both, is greatly relieved to day." Ed.

of the Whig. inyl4 lm The following is copied from the New York Weekly "Censor" of die StliMay, 1333: DR. WILLIAMS, THE OCULIST. "THE BLIND RECEIVE THEIR SIGHT." tT3 The above mono was used by our ctorious Redeem crawl we were very lorciuly impressed wiih untruth, as it reports ihe benevolent pi acliceol Mr. Williams, the English Oculist, who ardently devotes himself to his exalted profession in i liis country, as will appear from bis first address after his arrival, which will be found in various newspa pers, will now nilorin our trlendw tliat we considered ll necessary, fur reasons ol our own to examine for our selves, and sin the order to I'm out any imposition, resolving ioive to the public whatever might be the result nf our investigation.

It is but justice to stale, we were astounded with what we heard and saw. Illtud whodeclare they have been in that tbsiual state 30 or 40 years, begin to see, for the first liiue, of which they have any recollec uou. Ou our arrival at Providence House, the Doctor's resi deuce, we found ourselves environed bv an incredible num ber of poor, wiih many children of various ages, who appeared every one to be contented and happy. One said, a leiuale lost her sight when only 11 days old, from which period she was ihoiujht by all except Dr. to be incurable many tried their skill and remedies, but not one wus useful bul Dr.

Williams. 1 can now see almost every object I pat's as I come, and can distinguish men and women from the diiferencc in their dress, and children also, I am now between 39aiidI0y ears old. I would not sell the good I have already gained to be as blind as 1 was before lor any money, thanks to my friend Dr. Williams. Another who said he had been almost blind 33 years, said the sight he had is improved.

Another added Uiat he had been almost blind Is years, and also said his sight was much improved. Another who had been dark of one eye 40 and 17 years of the other eye, now 'sees the light and large objects with both eyes. Another who said he had been considered during 13 or 10 years incurably blind bv a Gutta berena, said his eyes always looked clear, that now he can see to walk without a guide. An elderly lady said, she had been blind 15 years of one eye and 6 years of the other, now sees to go every where she chooses, although some eminent Oculists said 2 or 3 yearssince, her eyes were entirely decayed. Another lady said, she was 63 years old, and had been afflicted for more tliau twenty years with a very dreadful inflammation in both eves, could rarely lift up her head to look anv one in the face, or anything that required vision, now she can see to read for hours toeethera New Testament.

Another had been blind 9 or 10 years, another 5 or 6 years, another 4 or 5 years, another 3 years, another 2 or 3 years, another iweivc can now see 10 go atone any uay. A fine little boy was presented by his mother, who said, that all the physicians of eminence in this citv had nrn nounced the boys sight lost, after some of them had kinrilv exerted their utmost to relieve his sutTeruigs during two or three years, and a ided the little fellow is now learning his letters. Several olher children of different ages were also brought to us by their mothers, who said their children could now see. aitnougn quite bund when brought to the Doctor. Many grown up young persons said they had lost the sight of one eye, some of them for many years, now that iiiey saw us wun ooiii eyes, i ne iniant child ol an Ita lian iau urew our aiiennonine moiner said ner child was uorn uiina and could not even see ihe light, but now she distinguishes objects; die very grateful expressions of the animated countenance and dark eyes of the joyful mother.

confirms the fact she endeavoredTo explain by words in broken English. We must not omit the cure of one from the State of Massachusetts, a young man, a sailor bv profession, said he had been blind three years, all of w'hirh period he was under the superintendence of our scientific Oculists at Boston without relief, in fact was dismissed as incurable. He was one among hundreds more or less benefitted by Dr. Williams: in the year 1836, within three months he could see toeoto sea, and is now in an honorable employ in the city of New York. What we heard and saw is very strange, but is nevertheless true.

We could fill a journal with the details of minor cases we saw and conversed with persons of all ages, and all expressed their gratitude lo their friend, who appeared to be quite in his element whcnencircled by the poor. A noble work, Doctor goon, we wish you complete success for the sake of those who suffer. You have now your reward in the joy you evince, whilst communicating relief to others. myS eodlm d. s.

W. C. THE OLIO, OR RARITIES OF KNOWLEDGE, Published at 162 Nassau street, opposite the Park, in weekly numbers of four pages, at one cent per number; in parts containing five numbers and a cover, once five weeks, at 6i cents and a sheet containing four numbers, once in four weeks, for circulatien by mail at 50 cents per annum, in advance. 1000 Agents may be profitably employed in circulating this work throughout the United States. iny24 lwis BACHELOR WISNER.

INFORMATION is wanted of JAMES WHEALIN, of Kilmore, county of Tipperary, Ireland, by his father in law, Thomas O'Brian. Said Whealin embarked at Waterford 24th May, 1836, and landed at Quebec. A line addressed to THOMAS O'BRIAN, Stockbridgc, will be thankfidly received. The Canada papers will please copy this, my 243t A CARD. fCMRS LEWIS, pupil of Henri Herz, continues to give instruction on the Pianoforte, Singing and Thorough Bass.

For terms, which are tnivin. rate, apply to Mrs. 422 Houston street, corner ot viuBuy street. JU2b Zoological institute. Time of entering the ose, at r.

ana in tne evening, in place of 3 flnH hftlr rtaat n'lnntr 1 aeo WM. BRYAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Avocat Francais, my22 16 Chambers street. CLARENDON HOUSE, NO. 304 BROADWAY, Hew York. E.

F. COREY. apl6tf SPLENDID ESTABLISHMENT. WILLIAM HILL'S New and Inimitable Style of Hair Cutting SHAVING DONE IN THE NEATEST STYIJ3. Constantly on hand a general assortment of Pebfcmerv, Fanct Ahticles, fec, at JSo.

86 PEARL STREET, (Up Stain.) mar 2Stf GEORGE CHATTERS, HAIR CUTTER, No. 96 Nassau street, New York. An assortment of Perfumery always on hand. NDY PETHICK, riAKO FORTS StAKESS, 204 BLEECKIB, CCBKEB Or HANCOCK STREET. An assortment of their Instruments for sale at ATWILL'S.

201 Broadway. KEF.LER PYNE, FASHIONABLE HATTERS, MORTIMER BU1LDISG, 4 Wali steet, New York. WILLIAM BELLAMY fit SON'S CLOTHING Nos. 95 and 97 Chatham street. A largo and general assortment of goods, suitable for th trade always on hand, or made to order.


4 Wall street. I SPLENDID ENGLISH rr An extensive collection of th fint EnolisM Eneravinps are now arranged for exhibition al VJ KAJN'US, KJCHAKDS I'l Auction Room 7 196 Broadway, to be sold THIS AFTERNOON at 4o'clock. The collection embraces many of the choicest pieces ever offered at auction in this country, many oi which are magnificently colored such as Trial of i Queen Catharine, Chelsea Pensioners, Covenanters) Preaching, Monks Preachin? at Seville, Woolsey re cemnjt the Cardinal's Hat, Wellington at Waterloo, splendid full length portraits of Walter Scott. Duke of ueorSei etc. Kemhie as Koiia, oeau ufnl Scripture pieces, Landscapes, tc.

Hooks of Engravings. Also, beautifully illustrat en works the celehrstprl Si RovnnM'J works, 2 v.4to: Sketches liambra Robert's sketches of PtKl Pnl rot nHL Towns in Snain Rnnka nf viotxr. rl asa Taiivun Vllin vi. Europe. Liber Ventatus, Or the Book of Truth.

3vJ Truth, iono, spienaia worn. Catalogues at store. my 25 AUCTION NOTICE. ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS. fCP" A valuable Collection of choice Paintings, neatly framed, lately received from will be sold hy EZRA W.

SNOW, at thelarire Saf. Koom, ZOi Broadway, (up stairs.) on SATURDAY EVENING, T6ih instant. This collection was selected by a Connoisseur ir Paris, and abounds with many raregems. Among iiiuec wuriuv oi particular attention, is jo. 307 Christ Feeding the Multitude," by N.

Poussin, from the well known collection of Mons. Henry, thecele brated Parisian Connoisseur, at whose sale it was purchased No. by Demance No. 3, Piazette No. A.

Cuyp; 15, Tintoretto 47, R. Ruysch 43, Backhnygsen SO, Rembrandt; 56, Cinani 133, Dela Hyre; 127, Hughlenhnrg 320, T. Wyrke 200, Bruendet 14C, a Gem 150, P. Veronese; 269 De Heem 299, Tintoretto 228, Van Echout 212 R' thnnhamer; 315, P. De Lvr with a rmmhernf others by the best masters of the old schools.

They are now ready for examination, with catalogues. The ruuui wm ue nguieu on naay evening tor the reception of visitors. The ARTISTS' SALE of MODERN PAINTINGS takes plnce on Saturday evening, 23d June. Particulars at the store. mv24 3t ONE OF THE MOST VALUABLE fJA OP ANCIENT PAINTINGS EVER IMPORTED INTO THIS COUNTRY, BELONGING TO AN ITALIAN NOBT.EMAN, BY flATAT LUDLOW of f2 ArHDAlY' 30'h "hr Academy of Fine Art street, adjoining Astor Housi at 11 clock, a Gallery of the most valuable ancient picture most of which areoriginalsof esteemed masters.

They are in fine order and were framed before exportation. Conniseurs, ameteura and he public general are invited to examine the paint trigs they will be ready for inspection on Wednes day, the 23d, and will remain open daily until sale from 1 1 to 5 clock. Catalogs can be had br 4 uiieaiion to me auctioneers at their sales room T' 11 Broad street, and on the day beforelhesaleatv exhibition room. i MIJ1UIBI V73Y TDOLlAR3 REWARD. IT LOSI.

Last evening between 9 and 10 o'clock, is passing from the subscriber's store, 38 Maiden Lane to No. 35 Courtlandt street. A BROWW LEATHER POCKET BOOK, wrapped I in a pap and tied with red tape containing upwards ot two hundred dollars in bank notes: also, ihe following notes of hand, payable to the order of the subscriber not endorsed, viz 1 Note drawn by Dean Cutler, made payable at the City Bank, New York, dated May 1, 1837, at 6 months, 5219 83, on which there were three payments of $50 each, endorsed. 1 Note drawn by Dean Cutler, dated May 1, 1S37, 8 months, 3219 60, also made payable at Citv Bank. 1 Note drawn by Dean Cutler, dated Septem' 22, 1936, 24 months, S500 00.

1 Note drawn by Dean Cutler, dated September 10, 1837, on demand, S266 29. ote drawn by A. D.aCutter, dated September 20, 1827, at 6 months, $292 85. 1 Note drawn jointly by Hinman Elliott T. B.

Fitch, Henry Thomas Davis, John Wilkinson, and payable at Manhattan Bank, N. dated Mch.4, 70,75. 1 do drawn and made payable as above, dated Mch 4, 1837, 24 mos. 72,99. 1 do drawn by Fields Cornell, dated May 2, a JO.

11 110. lit, lOt 1 do drawn by D. W. Dean, dated May 2. 183a 6 mos.

1 do drawn by D. W. Dean, dated April 13, 1838, on demand for about 53,00. 1 do drawn by Hyde dz, Lovett, and made parable at the Wayne Co. Bank, N.Y.

dated April 30, 1838, at 6 mos. 463,20. 1 drawn by E. P. C.

MetcalC April 27, 1833, at 6 mos. 110,42. 1 drawn by S. Carpenter, April 24, 1838, at mos. 275,46.

1 drawn by M. Hopper, Dec. 27, 1837, on demand, 15,65. Also, a note 15, dated April, 18th 1838, at 6 months, drawn by ihe subscribers in favor of, ar. endorsed by Kunzler.

Payment of tt notes have been stopped, and the public are caulk against receiving them or any notes made payabr our order. Some other notes and papers were in ti. pocket book amongst which ia recollected a lease store 38 Maiden Lane. The above reward will be paid for the return of said pocket book and contents, to No. 38.Maidei.

Lane. The notes and papers can be of no use to any on except the subscribers. A liberal reward will be paid for them. May 23, 1838. my24 E.

P. KINGSLAND. REWARD. 0s Escaped from the City Prison of New York, about 5 o'clock this morning, THOMAS RECTOR, lately convicted of Murder, in the county of Albany. Rector is 6 feet high, stout, broad shoulders, light haired, full lace, dressed in blue frock coat, black satin vest, blue pantaloons, fur cap and boots.

The Handcuffs remained on his wrists at the time of his escape. I tie oboue reward will be paid for his apprehension. New York, May 2 1, 1 838. For MICHAEL ARCHER, Sheriff of Albany county by JACOB ACKER, my21tf SheriflofNewYork. RKMOVAL.

MILFORD, (Agent,) Formerly Proprietor of the American Hotel, 229 Broadway, haa removed to the CARLTON HOUSE, (Corner of Broadway and Leonard street) 13 This new and elegant Establishment has very superior accommodations. A large number of Parlors, with Chambers attached, are provided for the reception of Families, and Gentlemen desirousof ob taining that kind of arrangement for their occasiona'." residence in the city. The Drawing Rooms are situated on the cor" Broadway and Ieonard street, and consist splendid apartments, connected by folding devoted exclusively to Families not having Parlors. A Parlor is also provided on Broadway for Gentle 1 men. All the arrangements of this Mansion are calculated to ensure attention, comfort, and privacy.

The dining hour for Ladies and Gentlemen, no having a separate table, is 5 o'clock but a table is laid at half past 3 o'clock for those who prefer an earlier hour, or leave town in the afternoon boats. The charges for Board, Wines, 4c, will be found more than usually reasonable. my23 3tis VZf WHITNEY FOSTER, have removed i 150 Pearl street, where they offer for sales genera' assortment of FRENCH GOODS. myl9 tf REMOVAL. MARTIN O'CONNOR, begs leave to inforrr his friends, who have kindly patronized him in th Jefferson House, on the corner of William and Duar streets, that he has taken that old eslabfishcd stam THE AMERICAN STAR, opposite the Washingto.

Parade Ground, where he can accommodate severs Societies and Military Companies. my4 lm DIVIDEND. Manhattan Fibe Inbubance Co. 56 Wall su Jj A dividend of six per cent, for the last si: months has been declared, payable on the first June next. The Transfer Books will be closed ot the 25th instant Per order.

my22 lmis T. BULL, Jr. Sec'r) LA FAYETTE BANK OF THE CITY OF NElv YORK. J3T The stockholders of this Institution are here by notified that the annual election for Directors anw Inspectors will be held at the Banking House, Tuesday, the 12th day of June next The Poli be open from 12 till 2 o'clock. ALFRED COLVILL, my24tJeI3 CARDS AT STOUT'S, 172 BROADWAY.

aj viauiAU UAKDS, in plain writinr, th Italian and fancy hands, printed on the POLISH ED GERMAN PORCELAIN CARD, may be pro cured at the corner of Maiden lane and at STOUT'S ENGRAVING whpra anorinfnna mm lu sum Also SILVER PLATED DOOR AND TVttut BER PLATES, the plating of which is uncommon 1 ly thick, tbe silver being rolled expressly for the vertsser. MERCHANT'S COMMISSION CARDS exel" cuted with distinctness and taste. LETTER STAMPS, CONSULAR and NOTA RIAL SEALS engraved to order. BRASS DOOR PLATES, KNOCKERS, STOUT, corner of Maiden lane my9eod3ni and Broadway OFFICE. CI ssJ 24' BROADWAY, NEW YORK, 241 isDr BRANDRETH'S PRINCIPAL OFFICE fc the sale of his justly celebrated and far famed "VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS." The higt reputation of this excellent medicine ia now so gener ally known, from the testimony of many thousand of individuals who have experienced its salutary i fects, that it is unnecessary to revert to it in this NO TICE but it should bethe particular care of all whli 'he "GENUINE BRANDRET' PILLS, not to purchase of any individuals in tl i city who nave not a certificate nf aeencv aealed signed B.BRANDRETH, 21.


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