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New Pittsburgh Courier from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 12

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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3 1 I. I if rtsrx i Meltr. Here "lw. br tha itir National gfAmusement aaa aikn at 0 1. ItiixeJ and Readv No: News 1 JA.JacRson V' oard eK7 Thaatriaal ru aM" SMaw WoH.

and There A Mittrtact betrrrrat Rrpra Mt(lTC at taa rerforuuri lartaaT tf the T. C. H. A. rlr mlt, anal the rifn(lri of the rlrcult, has been railed 8.

H. IaJr. take place la hi ffl. 1215 Seveath street. X.

WuhlaiH, I. VI. l'n will fTMnt. A full rrpor' of tha Ma will ha. arrarilrl Rlll beara1 and Courier rradrra.

Some It la la thla laane. More detail appear la the xt. CHMf Lartaa hare amarketad aotkaw kit mber. aercrdfaa to Jo. IvenaJea rd eoaapanr'a I new aumbrr la aumb Kace.

Kace. rah entitled Boot Rope la tailing; hi famed fftljtbooda to the patrons of Foi houses In SJud about New York with tha aajco uccn that male in thr olored houara. E44JO Jooea' Jasabo Bora la belnar TPtiC Xbomaa and of the forri "eacne, reported bock on Btata street at th Theatre March. 18. aftr playlnic a number ct ladopendent theatre in Michiaran ani Ail a a.

Tha Paa arknowledarr a reeelpt of bus tavitatlum to the Kaaler Hall of (be Jirettoa Hall Boya, tho moat proarrea arroap of hotel xnea In the eoun ry oat think, ot the i'anl nkltr Oreheatro and tho John C. Mnlth tt altertMitloa; at one afTalr. Inrl fKwtM7' the bora have Incorporated ke that haa been re ami oie tor Booae ot the moat fn Die tor Booae of the moat tn Indications Point To Consecutive Bookings Of Race Attractions Robert Levy, President of Organization, Seems to Have Accomplished Purpose of Combining Houses That Cater to Colored Audiences With Race Productions By J. A. JACKSON The signing of contracts last week for an extensive campaign of alver tiEinjr, together with the increased activities in the offices of the Syndicates Attractions Circuit, incorporated, indicates" that Robert Levy has accomplished his lonfj sought purpose of combining the theatres that and Beauty Presented to New York Audience at the Lafayette Theatre.

After a few days in concert halls and theatres in Philadelphia anl Baltimore, where they scored tre mendous artistic successes, and satisfactory financial gains, the Clef Club, its glee club contingent ani an auxiliary force oT girls, came into tho Theatre in New York and simply stood the audience with surprises. The house was not packed on th opening night, but we will wager that the Harlem public is the loc r. and will quickly take pains to sro that Jast Opposite Market House PITTSBURGH. Headquarters for Imported Flavoring Extracts, Rum,, J. Also all brands of malts, hops, etc.

I w.1 wv Live a thousand Tears and drink "3 IN 1" i 4 a fo, VU ajbaa i v. 1 Add Hot W.vcr I arge 3 1 3 pound can makes 5 to 7 gallons. NATIONAL FOOD CORPORATION 10 and 11 Diamond Sauare PA. BEAUSiFUL HAIR MAKES BEAUTIFUL WORIEN Who la aaoro cWaahia aaoi a Ioo tn to tho TO thaa a wowaa with a raaliy koaubHii hood of haJr Hair vmum ctwuni ka Mak rw hoar boMittfai. Yaa aaa aaaSy Boaatkty rasjr Hair br aata BX JA'S QUXXIXZ HAIR DRESSING It arOJ atako abort.

al7. kink Hair trow Uor. oorc uat Moocahio. it ia a hid? porromod Seals aad. ha draaaiaa.

will loror daodrorf. atop HaJuoa of th a acalp lac aaaho tha Hoar crow Uaa, Straight aoa1 pra tt 7 25 eoata for a eaa of Hair Draaala ar 1.0O tor fotrr caaa Hair Draaainc aad roearra aao bottef HUo'a Shaaapoo troo. Aipaarta WantedWrit tor Tarmws Wa Taaak KWa's Srrfam Baaaty Cahwo, Hl Ja Chemical Co. AMamta, OcoefeU up 'WeaJtlja' philanthropist haa bought 1 some one i.umher of the protrram piot or Kroun.1 to flonatw Wi.uhl certainlv entrar that person ha purpose of erecting; a iond thaatre. Tha C.nlafram 0 point of r.

gafimg hf Company haa been nrra a so' murn added fof tn bu.ihl;nK IIuc). 1 tvt.r of i was tendered. fiiiacDcin ami rroit ssuri urer. JlBi Bartlett, wltVi MaJamra Fahnrr SUXl FTiibert are amoni the nromornn Jjliof the enU rprfs. Loa AdKt ntiy tnonar; a anil cl) ace of ftinusi men Tt aalaatea of the laat aeaaton of ilh Elha ot the World bm.

goaao to aar deak ly coartrar of the iraaa Exalted Hater, J. Kinler WH jf. wa. A ani rey of tta eontenta revesU arreater asaaaement peoplea In toreat, than ttta tre had knoMn. Ita toatlaaal arcanliallon Inoluilm amnnic tha aflleeholdera nrlura.

bond lendrrn. park avraera, fnlr oftirlali, theatre and i a jri aoret onnrra, liotrl pmprlrtora and i 1 faaaairera and nevrapauver frllowa I laa. wander It la a rnat cronlns 1 il recalved the ruMIcity matter lt a aummrr trmr of the Tus 4 kr Ins.tlt hand tinder O.vnductor 1 i I .1 Frank i. Jrv'. The orramzn 1 numbering neai ly flrty arti.t.a 'T! tc booked Into nrst cl.i pnrks smi rirn br IL P.

Collins. HKinl, In the ut BSJEa BuMdlr.g. NVw lary TVblte Oilnajton. In nook Caat" rTlfn the arro Vrar llonk. laapaed br Prof.

Monro Work. tf Tu ttaaroa, and (Ivra quite aume Irene to tha faef thnt the theatre I nreordeil aaaalderable recognition the rnr Nat annaal. The I'ajce eonrura nrlth oVa aplnlon of th' tnlnme aa a whole, vad ah area with the profraaion a jtiat pwtdm In Ita I'einc thl al effieiol aanrllon. Tbo Bob Itnaaell enmpanv. Ttlth the Taekaoaa and othera nre In the Kop 5 hi Taeatre.

Detroit, for the week of X. The playhonae rmnpolin la aarlolnaj with the Jnekaon. for htr Son of aln." ilrnmnllr plere hat aaa oo anrrrxrullr prndni ril ha nrard tnUer.lly I'lmrra In Waahlncton. D. ('.

spirituelle. folklore. y.iz. vocal and rvthym and grace ler. ed.

stiective I i that Will ir.u classic wit li tiiP the mtor ly artists in fir rc ill coniluc'C'i v.i;j Ma: in 1 t'ook arti. try ani etriciency. For once in tljs house, the curtain arose on time, and the performance concluded at the riirrt time; at.d with the exception of a slight ar.ti i climax effect in the anangt rien the vaudeville offerings, the wh thing was as perfectlv dore. Twenty four Clef Club musicians, a glee club of eight, supplemented bv Georgetta Hnrvev. Miss K.

Mc Kinney, (out tr.e night, as was William beca iii iiisposition Will Tyers, Tom Klvtch fr. Hessie Sasso, Marie Ie'oe. and the Three Hiverie Sisters, to say nothing of Paul Robr son's bass ren ditions of folk melodies, Rass" I'os ter's solo in basjo profundo voice: Henry Saparo, "arl Wl Joe Gray. th, it was a rare of talent and beauty. NJcKissick and Haliday in a rouh comedy act provided such comeiiy relief as was needed wit'ti Tom Fletcher's comedy to break 1 TOfm' 1 vi 11 his attraction is not kept ir.tart.i anl taken on a r.atior.

wide tour, the i nation win miss a treat, a of managers lose a lot of more', When the Watch." a. the 'group of first night regulars who at Itend the openings a the Lafayette Malthops sugar H. ductions Company, a film concern that has made more than a dozen successful motion picture feature films with Negro artists. The following pres release sent out by the publicity department of the new organization by Alex Yokel, ne of the most responsible publi city representatives in New York, an official in that phase of the business cater to coioml audiences with pro the Mutual Burlesque Association. coming as it does just a few days a booking combination that will iafter a smail colored paper in New sure consecutive bookings to colored York declared the first announce attractions ami an equally good as to be "too premature" and the surance of the theatres having a contracting of more than a thousand steady supply of attractions.

'dollars worth of advertising space. Mr. Levy is well known in the to say nothing of the elaborately field. He was the organizer of the equipped gcneial offices, confirms the Lafayette Players, the several units i Billboard stor of a month ago, and or wnicn won lame tor the merit ot is a lesson to theatrical writers with their work. He was also the organ limited facilities for obtaining' real izer and yet controls the Reol Pro 1 inside news of the field.

lta br Manaajer Jamra llaydrn Worth Carolina. The bunrli A It 1 and Kare Assemblage or latent MM SalaSaW raaaap ha a aaaa 0 Tha Foalbland Unmrtrttr. Kill I Urtsra. Rooaevelt Wrlicbt.

Klljah Aa drew a. Eaalee Oliver. Kraarla Hroka. MeaJa MeQaeea and Jrur Ulliimn. STko ahow opeaa with rt mlnalrrl Urn part.

Will Ma rion Cook Scores Great Hit With Clefties are terme 1, of actors, men, lyric vaudeville tricnl i nves ir.linjatf as ion, it" a I'oo i 1 Lu. nig! a sophisticated collection composers, newspaper Wrifrrs. Ill vT i ei ner rn a r. here I S.i, iTTrgtVS rvw rTry contingent from the Dress CW 1 I wftk (Itiis is written I lnR ,7 rlTr7 yimmt Bmltn aar. fa tha Lo An If soul of If," tary of tho Colored Actors' Union; 'aThloa.

Naw em uespatcli. that a spunu i ui i To ns. the lhitnam Bu dinir Agent, Romeo Daugherty of the Am terdam News; White of the Age; he hicks from the Tattler, and kr.ows how many others of the v. ones; and every mother's son nt" them fount' something to rave uUut. And that's some recommer.

lation for an entertainment. The Page is not given to the use superlatives; but there is the tory, a it happened, and it is reinforced iy wired stories from Philadelphia and Baltimore. Andy Bishop Cleo 'l i Desmond Players To Tour The South As proof that the T. 0. B.

A. offl cial mear.t business when they declared at tiie meeting of the as sociation that a greater variety of rtai: vvoulii be provided for the patrons, it is now announced that l'n Merit Milton B. Starr is per ivially a tour of the Andrew Itil Desmond Players ii.rouK ti bigrer l.ouses of the cir P. manager of the 1 Tr.oa'.re. Philadelphia, who Urer.

handling1 the business of the B'. hop Dramatic Company, ad vi ti tie company will open at Mr. Starr's own theatre. the Uijou. on April 2, with a route includes Itmphis, Shreveport.

New Orleans, Jacksonville. Charleston and Savannah. This is the tour that was being rec tiated last autumn, and upon the novice of Messrs. Starr and was ueferred, no doubt with good reason. The experiment of sardwiching dramatic shows between the vaudevi.Ie weeks will be watched con.

iderahle interest by the vv h.dO' id. I 1 I ui liar. 1 rt i a fi At I. CATARRH af BLADDER yr. McClai.e called at the i.i.

week, ho was verv en I tr.e possibilities, in note the two Mr. Wil vr.trs of an advertising levees of the dance in the r.ew Olv mnir I re on Uroad street. Ha The Brown Tru v. I 11 Is. risn.t.

pirei a i I'rrabyterlan rinm in Macon. Ga on a niixrd A riier rays 1 am iurr vvilj Rrrt hrr next nvoya th aoul her jbe lft ''fi hc re fom Brothers. Herman ajid tell th vt they Diaved Jifmpnn, areeK I.t: har more ef what a. Guard Your IS. PREVENTIVE for MEN a Ta Tuba JSC.

Kit Mil li WDnaalaM a tnkaaa St baa Tark Wrna for Clreartar Micheaux Shooting Thrilling 8 Reeler On March 25, Oscar Micheaux began studio work on "Thr Ghost of ToUtons Manor" an I eight reel film at the Bronx I studios. The outdoor work was begun on March 30, at Roanoke. mo cast leaving new oric alter a week in the studio. Anaw Lawrence Chenault, E. G.

Tatum, Dink Stewart. Monty Hawley, W. B. F. Crowell, Edna Morton and Oliva Sewall some of the cast announced by Mr.

INGRATITUDE Rumored That "Go Go" May Be Moved From Daley's Theatre to Get Away From Colored A trade paper board), states Mat I ROBERT SjtBBOTT MENTIONED FOR SPINGARN MEDAL The Amsterdam News of New York placed the name of Robert Abbott, publisher of the Chicago De fender in nomination for the Soin garn medal that is bestowed annual ly upon the Neirro that i rrirA with having made the greatest con tribution to racial advancement. In seconding the nomination, we believe mat Mr. Abbott, as the owner and publisher of the biggest journal of race, should be so honored, for tne sake of journalism and its con inoutions, as for his personal achievement in building up the great publishing house that produces his weemy tna; covers the world. Burleigh and Gilpin have been chosen from the musical and theatrical professions, and they have merited the distinction, yet even their worth would not have been recognized without the air! nf tVio nrc i iik is inifl of all complishmcnts. The Negro press has vrthirdst made; njve npinfvi trhn nfK no frthr rir, otner assist vura JLCI, anaV 1IU1I1 fl Tl rom tb ak i UkU 1 1 a lor more than a year when "Shuffle" went into it.

Since then it has been a monev maker, nn.l the agents, producers, thea 1 SUDJecl or fn very expensive lm r. blase foiks with I Proeinenl8 maae irom these earn iu iations in he profes ivrr an entertainemnt, that all. ere wa, Jack Gold lai ri. rnar of the "How ii tome hv.v; Charles Gilpin, with Mi" and Shields and Tryor of "The Kmporer Ko nmond Jolinaon from the Kieth circuit, one of the foremost musicians a. composers of the race: O.

car Micheaux, of film fame; Hawley, late of the "Salome" company: Jack Johnson, from the tic arena; Alex Rogers, the lyric writer of "Co Co," Broadway's big present musical surprise. The big the big NegTo patronage that was attracted to the house during the nearly two years run of "Shuffle Along." This seems like a bit of ingratitude from thosv whom this very pa tronage has brojght from the depths of financial despair to affluence. The theatre in had been dark inga. its ownnrs nave pain oir a very long list cf judgments of long standing; and all of th? men in voiven in the oyiness rn coiorea attraction are velvet." again a as aioiiauir Jinii nnai rarAi ai the "on The lTics ard music of "Go Go" are by two colored men, Alex lingers and Luckyth Roberts. It was a tribute to these mer.

that attractel many to the fDoninc. Even such fame as this piece has nchievei based on its admitted NeiTo char acteristies of speed, etc. It is known that during the run of "Shuffle" and of "Liza" in tie house, thnt .1 enl euner nonors or perquisites of more material character, than has any other instrjment of civilitation. Now that, in spite of handicaps. Negro writers, publishers and their journals have commanded respectful attention from th wnrl.l it be indeed fitti craft should receive this tardy recognition of its worth; and ejual ly that the biggest among I should wear it.

Manv may inner wun Abbotts editorial pohcy at times, but we must all concede his sincerity and the extent of his influence; ard we must admit that both he and his paper are Kir: "Shuffle Along" the club had to forego the practice for the opening night because the house was sold out. lien the first given, the house management asked 1 1 he club to withdraw its reservation 1 or sixty seats so that the public might be supplied. Since this was the Arc the season that did not 11.. ine wason that ored man wa tn. cit the show and make memoranda on 1 i Fe.

vc i.4 i .1.. "ay 1 and the critics remark upon the resemblance to those productions. D. R. Club Honors Shuffle Along No.

3 It has long been the practice the Dressing Room Club to accord courtesy and encouragement to the colored shows playing New York by taking a group of box seats on the opening night, at at one of the midnight performances. When Whitney and Tutt opened at the Lafayette Theatre with the third edition of luu.j..i cx 1 1. Thursday night at the club house on 131st street. Some members of the Lira fhow, playing at the Nora Rajes Theatre, the "How Come" people, now in rehearsal, and the econd edition of the Plantation rehearsing at the I.a fayette Hall, together with a large number of the club members were present. Jesse Shipp, the club president; Sam Tolson.

the custoiian: ofiF.rt.mett Anthonv of th.e "l.iza" show, and Mr. Salem T. Whitney were the speakers of the evening. It was a most pleasant occasion, and greatly emphasized the growing harmony, as well as growing numbers of our group in the amusement world. Jackson, represented the Rage.

TO 1ICHTEX FOR THE roi care or THE BAIK AGENTS rTAJSTZD fin. i yDujaLiTfiea TID yoa erer stop to think how muct depends upon your Toots Tt ts by look that you attract people to you, and there is to reason why you should not be as good ick rg as any one You can have a beau x.iui complexion, plump, velvety r.eck and arms and soft, smooth oy a sing as thoujanci Co and use Dr. FrJ Praparmtiooa as directed below. Palmer' Skit hands Wbitanar T'o matter tow 5ark yrr It eaar to rt "iart riM Cltnff Dr. Frf TaJmar 'a Skla Wbitooer Olatmoat by tiiotiiaads cf ca tnl iremrn as thj most delightful, rnott remarkablt ana moat aatlafartorj tt all akin whltrner prrparatlooa it o.ok kly na trr ti7 aara.

Tonr lrarrlt cia aopjly arct pci cpoa rrcelft cf prtc. rV. yon. or too terr a cr ahtcr eoarilex'on. and want a aoTt aaiooth.

trr nalnj tba nnrxorl3 Ir. rrd ralotr'a skla irbJlearr foap. aJ It Dr. Frad Paim.r a tar, Towdor. wLici jou fi.d drltcately parfaaiM arj adds life and loa to mr aaia.

in. a la a trrrr ralllcg' trratnaat. Get tbeta from lrcsrlat. cr rct postpaid rpon receipt cf prlca. C3c each.

7oar It raicer tai derelope I th moat ironderfc! Hair Presalsr kxi'. to aclence. Make hair arrilrbt. aoft. lonr and lmnriant rrmorra dandruJT miku tta acalp healthy and belpa tha hair arrow.

Ho batr too etlff cr crinkly tor It to laprorc Get a box ot Dr. JTrod ralaaar'a Malr Dreaalax froa jour ircgfUU cr sect roBtfala cpoa rrcalpt of prt. for thU lloo cf beaoty alda. Tbrao praparatlona an rapidly Bpoa their merit; aa ererjtody know, about tbffl. Wrlto today for our liberal ioti' 1 FltED PALJIZa'S LA IIO AT Doat, T4.

ATL15TA. OA, 3fP2 1 il Co L. gier. accv cosmetics Cne trial rcri VarnelFs Review Star Theatre. Shreveport, La, March 19 McGarr and DcGas ton's Steppers with Julius McGarr doing a straight, and De Gaston as principal comic: p'eton Fletcher, second comic: Betram Coins, tecond comedian.

and the following girls: Kutji Trent. Lilly Yuen. Add ColeT'H Johnnie Mae Berry. Francbv f' out mm i rwrt Joraon. wai.

the week's attraction. The how was a snappy one that run an hour and twenty. five minute. It registered a 93 per cent both on costumes and material, and played to a full house in spite of tho freezing weather. The show opens with the introduction of the girls before a special drop that is only partly 'r a new, hy i ritdy for poor skins.

It in h.ilt an hour wLit nave not cone in vrnrs. i enough to obtain "ht ne iV.s. A fresh, rad ikin is the fi fI requirement of beamy. Dr. HuiT's worxlcrful, discovery nial.fs it to l.avc or.c.

Th.e cot little. Koftilts nre gair.rd in 30 rnin ites. LilackJicadi and pirr.ples cis irpcar after a use. It was given almost providentially to Icctcr to discover this safe and easily followed method of rcKaininsj o. hud bloom.

For years he wanted to tl tain a ncv rerr.cdy especially tvd to the ncctk if ti.e ui is now tie IiaJ lccn cx rirrrntiiig in his laboratory' with an ir inD c.av. an ape cd compound. io it r.iVxl an active ivvcr client. He tK r.Jcfl the two. IV.ucr tcit he saa the new substance purify the skin.

What It Doe Irapur ticS the skin. This disOK cry at ris frets the fcrcs. 1 wish cvcr" re.i::cr ri this pa; cr could sec. a I have, v. hat wonderful results are tTccted hv it.

They are really marvellous. Vorr.ea are overjoyed with the benefits received. Men, too, are fir.dins; relief in it. and eld its praises. The strain of modem li ic exacts its Every rrccre carries impurities.

Hard, fintiike dust lores into the skin. Co'i chills and closes the pores. Tersyiration and dirt clog thtrru Faces bi corr.c Beauty fades. Like the prophets cf old. fcvi.rir.g ccvxl tidings to an oppressed rcct Ic.

cr.ncs Doctor Huff wnh this put to the race It is Tissulajc a eland, harmless put it on the face like a thick, creamy lotL.n. Go about yocr work, cr rest In 30 minutes the skin The tissues are CTK rpijed; the fores ere cta.ujtrJ. Dirt and impurities that lodged in the pcres are flushed away. are drawn to the surface and absorbed by this new achievement in science. The natural, skin oils are aain released.

The tissues are im i ratcd. You feel them plow. Thsulax dries in 30 minute Wash ucigniea wncn vou Ii I Riass. All ACEVTS: If I raised at first. The first sonr number went over weJL as did Fletcher's dance offering.

De Gaston and Fletcher put over a line of talk, to the delight of the audience. It was clean and clever stuff. A cafe scene wherein Fletcher and McGarr attempt to eat with pay. the attempt going wrong, due to one failure to make an appearance at the proper time, pulled rounds of applause. McGarr and the chorus then ang "Ten Little Fingers." after which DeGaston put over a recitation on mother that was a riot.

McGarr does "a nice "Straight and shows a great deal of personality. It was a great evening's entertainment. Boa an a a over aaitc M.vrvrill. nSUIUt in 3VI ITIinUtS jut', in ir.e blackhead, and spot of irritating rt ill be gone. Use it 'every slcorS it By Ellen OtU day for tne Crst week.

Then once a ric Socn the tissues will act of th. msclves. Your skin will have resume! us soft texture and bloom as Nature intended. Such are tho nefits of Doctor Huffs discovery the kboraton 'a latest jrift tO ClTTT people Look Your Best You crc it to yourself to look yonr best, to tive cride to the race. Know what 13 to be the ccn ler of the admiring eyes of all.

Enjoy your rightful bricht, clear skin. Dr. Huff makes it possible for vou to have these jen s. Science, adopting Nature's meaiis, shows all the way to a clear arid beautiful complexion. Elood circulation and pore elimination ire Nature's beauty secrets.

They arc now free to the race." You can stir the whole, face to life and bloom. Build firm facial tissues. Restore youthful outlines. Iianish wrinkles. Nature's way does this.

Tis fuhx it You can feel its vitaliz refreshing ac ticru iu cool, draw will bcrrcftmrlf who niy feel the stated resi with lifd jps i it 11113 it wanted them to enjoy itrst lit I asked me to make this public nourcemenc. It has beep arranged that he can row tell you by letter wriS eacn user of Tissulax. His letter tells It is so clear that' anyone can obtain ddightfulTtsultll Guarantee Daciod by Depoilt in the Binra State Bank 4 1 lu.c:e cl tmralcc All jSdSni frirmU writ, for fidetL.l fita of fM. aa4V a i nio Theatre la ii 0 TWELVE THE PITTSBURGH COURIER SATURDAY; AKRIL! And eviews Of Tlieatres cUtex. toy 4.

A. JACKS OH lyedlcate Attractions Clrciiit Feilctio aar ,1 i Mews And MavisU! iS it 'in Ready To IS. Heboid anr LarleoW bMW oo if i tat Mm Tp eztTarU. It I an exc i 1 rero'ar III k.J I Marrrl Vedlrtne Schenlej: 2955 vv; SCOTT Hausej Painli In All ft Brchej 2707 Wylie Avk, i toil mwiMfaiim I fl II hi I i 1 li ii I i fci I I 1 1 1 1 bU I 1 1 rs. rt a.

a. arm a a i I Fie '(A wm 1 fronts. A cX ls 1 oo m.Ll 1 lL 11 1 "i possible for men i' i Spread it on tne face Results and women to en Every piiple poiht. blacVhfU 1 attained in 30 minutes )j joj i clear and and pot iirt tlmrr beauTTful com i i A cy ha' cc ts aftjr an zzi rutted uo rsf I awaf avr a tate whether it vill helpvec I Vou may hrie your first jr cniy tfce bare 4crst cf your TUs is t3 cnbifl one to! obtaui Tisiulai. For4 ited tSr.e Doctir v.i fc? a rd full sue $Z50 iar at Kiboraiorj 4 I 1 Only sziJLirt Uaers Say of Tlaaalax aa ao that I urfd "Tiam Jo took rvcar aririce.

It akia; wonderfully. I find tiit it ia bPJT Tcrr aunple but also a rrSr .1 thank yoa tgtia far: your ad vice and hope that the efhera iU! auao tare your advice acn ase it inwniy VDuts. M. L. A.

Chtcaso. EL. tcpt. i9. 19Z2.

Docrots The tar nt TSaxita A ..4 tried it at onoo. Ertrytliitj: tt aoout it eatre true. My face Slowed aftrri tuini it. Mr fkia is dear and smooth now. It; ts a I wtmderf ul and Ica neTerj reallr thank vou fr it.

i I Gratefully. Chicago, in. ixa Da. Hew: i 1 fcare exaaiard TlaraUx bannlwa L'nHrr cbvrrval tioa I found it bad maiied cgecu' a cojcpicxios. i iTrTZ ey Uck r.

il Sept. 27. lS2i an I reefed to hfi carrv! lis i i Tit I ccn f.gredtv not evaTswcj at onte. rcccire your jn iv cr.c tne tiie stace. i le ilke five cf Tis5ulax.

docs! net b1 stntrd rents rumti vS strkilos. Srr.d no tt new cdess to tc oS ut so, enclose livered pest? wuh the S3J3 suarafctec. Pauty a r1 grasp. fheKjtuv crrn atiftn t. a beaotif jL clear Tk you or nly rcJ'ffist a or.Hus gfve cu Alio kail fjiscuvrrT' rr hta a.i WILLIAM fcj.

HUFf. PH 6. Liacoia Lavoratprwt. .4204 W. LalVStrtat.

I Ckicate. lid I rfoa red tft i riaaae aad a.i i eomea I wili dpo.i I it ltli tbe 1 1 easily be i Mrntct It ftii I If I aa i a i Straet City a a a a mmm 'a. i jf (Writ i iara wtm. mnn nmrr. wrrj Writ today, a i V.

I 1 I ir i i Hnarmaceuticai secretary of NationsI Met Assoclatron, discovers quick method to rlr rf T.T.. I rS) restores hl 7" vu.cAtv..

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