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New Pittsburgh Courier from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 13

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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1. mm 3 4' FOR a h. Jy 151 a ao UL Annual Statements BY JOSEPH D. BIOS a is ri to s5" Detroit. sr uso 1 XSUC GROWS il DEMOCBACY Donald many cz uxc Btenias.

We nocim ox a flSLr UiUJ ww wbSkci ts eai bum ITS TODAYS A. Ji. Fields itest to the Secretary's ra act iatesded aa criticism. hj eencept is the tape i5a particular minority 1 cea5ured in social and jal tcrn'mr bv the American has been a great th ccustry to bring fr a republic to a demoo s. rrr.3cfac;es are not reached I ar.i bounds, and.

in have been many ti climb, obstructions 3ck zh ccrrcption, desire rxrr ar.i aelSshness. A na si rz. KEe six or eight lv mora advertisement ana net con tcat thrmseTres with, patting fak ad are seeking wlth effort. aad their briiliaat edJ aVk leadership of their scrund sad afH Ji Surance companies iee)ori newspa ennual stats resi. w.

fc vTtte ri ta c' these annnal stxte BY A. K. FIELDS oar papers ttatua against ceo ncmlc Uaci1 initiation, playing? these businesses, iron tea fry, the soma ef tha revenue of the injury which he can it and in the war" Was the Hearst news ten ir e. Uii at Ic rv cf ma: a is kazi rig a fee Mr. Prattla er all.

ia Eu SLr asa up Miiaya. 2 a a. or the hurt in arreiy to orowni up North Africa. 5 defense ri emperor." Haile a.rst vrould rally r.s. jncludins yel 'r.

defense cf a arainst the yel ISTRALL4. I dont give a "HITE Australla. a has repeatedly "rat she doesn't rr; cr my Xeero immi rxicrted that she la. aa to notify that she does irrrt combat troops now. puny seven imcunt to in hat.

is happening ef human ot much. I am even though rr.e to help them I despise them r.rerested in the humamty is; ALL COLOR beside the yel brawn vrmr the: bite man who i and sweat to William Ran la very. whatever his Ar white Americas, laaw. Auatrahan. who ssi rrv ir is loc a ttaad is doubry tzaAor ithavt aid CODU AD JTCLS ANTHONY EDEN bemoans the aHed atrotSea of the Jaj ia Hans Kong; ndas K.

Gandhi declares that the British Espire should purge its crissrieace do the harm that it has comTmtcd ca India. Sir Stafford Crhms sets out Premier of Japan ansoonced agahi that Asia should be controlled by the! Zro independence to the "dojaj ood business cad promotingl colored papers paid. Repaid when th general weUfare of thalpe certain 'tocteda cam tin1 i caaaat they aappurt curjpaiga tt whit eonrneniea. cw I inowmi nrnrawg newspapers ta urscx ATKAK which they are botnad br law to do? Th law requires that these atate taeats bo published ta asws papers ef general cirenlatJcB, COSmUTTJCS "DO NOT SXjrPOIIT 2TSZS3 eeived from distillery aad beauty Americans are Hconipsay advertisements. nntTit iA nrndentasuf v))t with southern States, through criminal poll tax.

legislation, cannot speedily! develop into a democracy waere a government is operated by a white minority group who obtain their power and control in governing affairs through illegal processes of nullifying the opportunity and legal rights to vote or nunareos i mur sands of citizens cannot, in any be regarded as a democracy. DWTXDLIXG MrXOKITT STJLS BY POLL. TAX Tnt few dan azo. in the Sen ate of the United States, the high est law maxing ooay oi our na tional government, the preservers of our liberty, and the so called mainstay of our Constitutional rights, was tola oy smiTna publisher of The Chicago Sun. that poll tax requirements have so restricted the ballot in poll tax st.fM ifeat all ikotttical decisions hare made by a vote of a steadily UwuMfiin minority.

Yet. we caii mito tm a asmoeracT. t. true that this restriction has com pletely defeateo me nmiuwuuo my of OUT nauoov ju.ciuuit i oh tatM me Florida. Tennessee, Texas, Arkansas.

Alabama. aOssis sippi, and Georgia. and congressmen occupy trol key spots m. aniin emment, in both House and ate, yet these very senators L.M elected to The Horizon BY P. PRATTIS wtthjTfae colored enrnpa Tries capitalized xa tha propaganda, aarichod their contra and tsngned up their Iralg ans: iwtiu ax.

ux results cantered from too unrequited efforts of the innocent pnouaoera. the duty that is Inverted npoa them to feed the Ufa stream, the adrer papera fet very Bills advertising publishers are sect to tSxht the! THE lasarmaea officials derour sa wsvm asvaa js lished in the colored press that they eaa use for their own benefits, but tram tha record it 'appear that they cannot comprehend coca an obvious community of ta reveaae. tcrest. that eaosts between our ana sen hunruiee cosh paaies, lust why cat companies with not patronize our press. gj.jef annusai laai.

au uii ilUilit at AAA One prominent insurance official, ho has always advocated the sacrificial suppoi of colored busi creu nrcnttT told he TAL iV en Con cress py poaucu mn imj Jives only an expression to a very small percentage of, electors in their different States, i gives further ox the newspaperaJ PCSSS i'W'i ri'iTn TO economic, potittcai, social aad ee UXOSJE SUrfOgT elesiastteal oatues of tha race! would be in no position to blaze the news of Sixcston, Detroit, Pearl aXfianarDor. incus, uuaa, iaterwoven aad mtertocklnr subsidiaries, do did The colored press would be in a position to do far more for, "colored business" if colored business has often nzxxled this corres Jwoald be more responsive to the wxtnoux some tana oz li aad Navy around the the publishers the Army world. 17 it were not for the press of 1 colored people woe would be the lot of this unfortunate race. We. the press, are entitled to more than compulsory irrv 1 iwcuwu from the insurance eon sanies.

We the nress. are entitled to annual support. Maybe an unexpected turn in affairs wm cause us to get it Who knows? WHERE DEMOCRACY FAILS; POLL. TAX A CKCHNAL EL3E MENT IS NATIONAL GROWTH 4 V. nnTuw r1iil Iaois wrirri tri news, malriny it TX3SSlbIe wr.irv rtis wmrin i iiae mi i if 1111 xr a.

lOilOw Wita im wmt w. yoiers to TTarhorJ December 7. 19CL who carried on against the Japs when 'jEfiSS 0 titt n'i uti iin nxii lsuiai sa.t. 1 uvoto KCI 1 Harbor tero. tne mess so opportunity of rising capacity in our Amert aff, a 5 di fcacx (tat braa'ii sr a has tie 1 tee ra j'pved by that i Ssrrace in as to taed ss: ie heart Isaacs.

attestation to the fact that America is not yet a democracy. TpCFORTCNATEL.T for the weak itaifmaclfu maioritr. whose political rights are obviated by the poll tax system, they cannot even get a fair trial in the courts of the tt Their inahilitv to vote ex cludes them from having anything to say as to how the police powers under which they live are exercised. It is not unnatural that these senators and congressmen should fight against tne aoonsn ment of the poll tax. Tney now that the abolianment or me pou tax would mean also their abolish ment in public office, raey snow that if the citizenry ox meir xe apective States were allowed to enjoy their constitutional rights of citizensnip.

men oi (uneemi lectual calibre and spiritual under itanding would be elected to pubhc office. GEORGIA IJayPIjORPS VOTE FOB. SHASECBOFFEKS tMtiflMl to in the Senate TTnirl States at the poll t. KartM br Mrs. Lucy Ban rann ef Atlanta.

that in certain tdieicm ci.uuu rnnriL landlords punaaje pro tmr BlOC ana "VOie UJeir mMt This leaves little to be said in condemnation of the spir ti attitude of the ajTCTessor na tions we are fighting. America can not continue to deceive neneu. Charity, decency and human respectability must vindicate itself at home. AMERICA'S WAR EFFORT BIENACED BY HEARSTS DEMAGOGUE APPEALS TO RACE AND SYMPATHIES OF PEOPLE i verv Tri.rtjTlCC mUSt a i.i a ns'mA nwiii inv a lu 1 a aieiAttfl mnrp nann auf white nations of the world who. by their treat ment of darker peoples, cave brought ahout me 2ii tt is the rreat fault A thir should be the great Mmitsnce.

Whea a man In the Won Wiliam Randoipu liearst the anti social impulse to rray i. Vi rommita a crime axainst the 'people of his own color as weu as those ei oiue DOVT WANT HEAKST INSULTS rtTr a rmnlv cannot stand A uof Hearst's drool tnU America has yellow citizens, rea Til II SSI 1 IB LLfUUV their blood for the freedom wmcn once lt frnm HeSXSt Or miWRi papers. i wrst in exploit rT. nr titm nation at stake, Uu, ought nt toager to be Pr ttd. Fredom of tj the nation.

If HeWst wTll not support the Amen can people, through mejr ZTTL them, the American LV, tn suroort Mr. Hearst. SMEARS PRESIDENT (Iimm times. Hearst dr vi.s.douen does sgsrffsr, tne rrw political oesurns in the conduct of the wax. he JT.

with those Axis ftuSTsVbo have been busy, for months trying to smear mej Chief Executive TTerst the COOTTTTS TtdeT iBrClUel of the Army sad Navy? Does ae ft the Army or noia aaj vr. the Navy, aas JT' i tary or aavai i a i i mm lu wav i.ns or tha actions efj Gen i era! Marsisaii or TCot that tots wnxer v. hmwi Mr. Hearst. wnuid ronruse in ui t.

wsmm vno uwu American bww? i. i know better, oy av tridenV nifiachievotae cry JT Preeident bs aend aid toGieaTai t. kT hrtr in tha PhJurppxaem. tft in thair own II rem to know. He knows that filu hone AM nil chin in tilth SHOUT SHOT STOY 9.

Tymwmr mm. C'i A welcome addition to the younger married set in North Carolina, is Muriel Farris. She and her husband, Lucian, are making their home in Berkeley, where Mr. Farris is employed at a Naval Supply depot. Double for Victory is the of their set in which many voting matrons are knitting and baking for soldiers.

Joseph photo. Co amtOUSs It IS LOai. tne flnini TJartnh a. V. V.a4afmner JTIrt ITflWlK man I An AulOulUuSiSlj rrra.

ouraen oi buub a it I think he can do the cause oi xne mTrnrm dear readers ana is aouig a.wrw doesn't T.nrR can be rescued per. ana now. niness is uo uxu I able. Not nearly as mucn nario me was dons by the religion." ne coarcn mi YES! We All Talk By MARCUS I have found life to be on. of worship.

BOULWARE as one writer has said. General ilacAimur is me i mi i i pnin i I ia 1 1 rii i Tt and ihlninr star ioniM i ov ctu effort to date. Me snows uw. vmJn to look beyond tne neignts. fiineral wer is the echo of our wailing cry.

nr. To rou who are readers of this column I extend GREETING! I AVe 4 enTi4 MrirMJftt aTBA I Arthur NOW. ..7 ct' amons our peo not now. Buz me worn oi of the greatest mora iu nmm in Hearst's position can make these Thonsaiids of vou have read it; for this I am very grateful. mcerwn ox i thi issue I nause for IWUUl(.

I oust to know wnai ne is iaulio penonaj identification. tmuu its' nOKNT know, ne a narrow We strive We cry aloud and the only an From the voiceless lips of the I i A Tnr fit I I mm I I MacAxthur. He knows mat unreplying dead, mere comes no w4Q. millions WOULD WANT to help tr and listenlnr lovs can hear the rustle of a wing. ZtJZJJtnll rirT v.

arrived at a concrosion that on. nrost love th. beautiful. these people might be deluded into wex the poor, the wronged, and give alma. One must buying the papers whlcb carry the fthfuDv discharge his duty.

It seems that "hap uai uenenu mm iwj the greatest goods, reason m. omy woo, jul. a humanity th. only religion, ana iov. me muj Haroor as can reouai.

uvm i deception and mercenary eloota 1 TRADE PROFESSION. AND HOBBY Xmerin peopT. Serving a. an apprentice to my father. I learned m.

plastering. VV I rMBentlnsr trades. Lpoa comp.eunx my FILES FORr TOASTER JOB III 6. rTHARlATTTE. Mar.

1 chose th. teaching profession: At me present one. instructor ia speech and dramatics at me fetar. xemwiers vua Montgomery, Aia. nave iounu im ing.

and so I have built several cattery sets. DISPOSITION Not wishing to be too personal. I am an individual of pleasing disposition, quiet, unassuming, and reliable. I believe that one should not gossip, criticize, brag, or show off. Criticize not.

lest ye yourself be condemned. There are none without flaws. Therefore, let us live barmonkmsry together as one body. W. Anderson, former gprjnr HISTORY irwaT mail clerk recently fired the details of childhood.

I reached my majority at the from the postal service of maximum height of six feet two inches. 5V In hi left hand be carried the comic section or tan ounoay newspaper, which ne naa careiuuj preserved against uus occasion. Suddenly there was a distant rush of falling waters, the quick abrupt click of a released lalcn. accontnanied Dy a souno oae es caninsr steam' which swelled to al crescendo as the door was openeo. aad Wood row at this instant mov ed out into the hall heading tor the bathroom, his robe billowing out around his thin black shanks as he strode rapidly toward his objective.

Midwsy down the hall a door on nis len openea oeiateajy mnri the head of a man protruded, his face strained and anxious, then the door slammed shut, but not before Woodrow heard the vtfe pithet that the man Sung at turn. However, he kept on with head held high. A few more step and he was .1. A across me mresnoia. ne pusnea the door shut with his heeL Hen derson had not lived at Soma Pitcbe's rooming house two years for nothing.

No roomer could live in comfort and cleanliness nere until he Vi mastered his bath room technique. To have left the door open would have been an invitation to an ag gressor once to his sorrow wood naa lert tne aoor mjex, ttiim same man who had just cursed him. barged in and took possesion of the wash bowl, com pelling Woodrow to use me Daxn tnh faucets. Anyone who could get the wash bowl also possessed the mirror. in mis instance Woodrow had been forced to play hide and seek with the man.

so to speak, as he attempted to shave. now looking unaer me man arm, now over his head, a dangerous snd difficult procedure. So quickly placing his bundle on a small table nearby. Woodrow bolted the Aoar aeeurelv and relaxed with a sigh of relief. This nirht in particular meant much to Woodrow for its social tmDortance.

The "Starling Social Club's Soiree and Dansant 'w being held. The very cream and toorailk of society would be there. He Hummed me tune oi a creamy waits as he ran the hot water into the bathtub. Then he straignten ed and looked at nimseir in me mirror carefully examing his face with the tios of his flneers. Next he proceeded to unroll me towei and soread its contents out in or der, like surgeon prepannx ior, manor operation.

Beware fair guests at tha "Star Ung Club's Soiree aad Denser t. protect your nearts. wooaiw Henderson is preparing to slay you. Two hours later, purged, purified, pomaded, powdered and perfumed. Woodrow Henderson minced daint I hail mL for the from Chester, Chester County.

South Carolina, often Urmedpower jivii S3eiiv. hla whraae. I Offer BO apOJOgy. ma Mfi i center oi mw tint 1 Vtt TJzxie ia this city.

m5 rri arking believed that my sister aad should have a liberal Negro ever soa "257 which they war. denied. For thia. I am very grataruL bo 10th, was xae Vr. rw.

SLCr Johnsoxt Smith jeo jh jl I was edocaxea Hvorauwa uuv Anderson sjwbsj frS Charlotte, NO: aad tha University ox aucnigaa wner. dea? the railway mail mm rZJZZZ FINAL WORD SLscondls The resoonee that thia column has received ia so short a time is for the personal disliks aadl, tifvtne. Continue your correapondeace. ily down the haHwav. holding ms robe clutched together modestly at his throat.

Moving as he did in a cloud of sweet scent, he was unaware of the door opening on his right. With an animal like cry, the man emerged, slavering and red eyed for Henderson's throat. Th rtrtlica arrived too late. In spector Moynahan turned away IN HAWAII I Ct i i ss.V mmmmmmmwmmwmmmmmmmmmmmwmammmmmmmmmmmmmm fc wriv. iren i um tmhuvL a.

naw rr, ana we husband, a Navy man, and Vfmnts of Jna. ersiTsWrmtesadetox ine i i to ameer mm man flviajs) the war ttWfiSm i nrnnota N. hala repiy. self Mrs. Minnie L.

Wright of Mobile. Ale is caught ia the midst of the war ia the Pacific aad is unable to return, to her home. She went to Hawaii to Join her railway! Address your cuestions ts J1ARCCS si BU enloving th. Paradise Tot tha Pa iu. TALK, the State Teachers' College, Montgomery, Alabama Fori cjqc when tha Japs struck.

Hex hrusoand ship now seising on his tha ciroaa tv Dy Dr. George Little Complete in. This Issiae TTENDERSON stood tensely before the partially opened door of his room. Singleness of purpose SSonto thTtoesi Wy, paJdisit wastojrxstanlon, but also the gnm set oThiTr Wootow was tan and thin. In his Mliantly colored bathrobe, his straw shppers and his LJ Hark majidarinabout to set off for a court function held by the Emperor Confucius.

InTrtkht clutched a bundle made of a toweL This bimdle hd a ety razor rusn and comb, toothbrush! cream, toothpowder. a smafl jnnent f.f Kink pomade, a box of Brown Skm powoer, a oar ox we A graduate of Pittsburgh aad Howard Universities, Dr. George W. Little lives in the steel town of Homestead. Pa, where he has studied aad learned the life of mffl folk.

Ea TUC A I ITU AD dowed witn rich wit and a. facile pea, he I IlL AU I llUfU has translated this life into numerous stories which have been widely published during; the last twenty years. Courier readers wm remember bis stories, "Crisis aad Appeasement at Smith's." 3an Steel." Tough Guy," and "Andy Jaclcsoa Gees to Work." HER SET JOINS IN Oil capsulrs. i from th. thing in the which had once been Henderson, with a sudder.

"Why why did you do a thing like this?" he asked the man who had killed Henderson. A great dry sob shook tn. mans body, he fumbled in his pocket and handed an empty ootue to me inspector as he began to speak. "He saw me take that this morning. Inspector.

He even told me how orange juice would make it taste better he knew my condi tion all the time he was in there. the man waved his manacled hT toward the bathroom. "He knew how I would be waiting and listening for the click of the latch. REFUSED TO TRMtl flEGRO; SUSPEjIDEO SAK FRAKCISCO. Mar.

19 fBy Lien. M. Wysinger for ANP) Mo torman John D. CoarteHo. who baa been employed for 17 years by tha municipal railway, received his first oiemlsn on ntm i ecmu regally by being suspended cc foar days when be refused to instruct yr old Audley Cole, Jr, Negro applicant for a platform job.

Suspension of Costelio was la line with an order by the munid pal utilities manager last Friday providing for increasing periods of layoff followed by "filing of charges looking toward dismissals, if necessary." for repeated refusal to train Cole. Ten platform men have already been given two day layoffs for such refusal. SINGING STAR OKAYS 'W 0 sv "3 Lovely Etta Moten, in one of her most recent photos okays the Double for Victory campaign now sweeping the country. Miss Moten, whose lovely voice has been heard on radio and stage is currently on a concert tour. Joseph photo.

corner how I would pace the floor, torn between doubt and rear not xnow insr a momenta rest wniie ne wallowed in a perfumed ftatn. while be postured and primped I hi to struggle in oroer to maintain my integrity in the face of terrific odds and then" the man could go on no further, ne oroxe down compietexy. Tears coursed down the wrinkled cheeks cf the inspector as ne reached for the manacled nana ox the prisoner. Have no zeax, my friend. When the jury sees this bottle they will certainly render a Lja.t.1 9 verdict or jasnnarwe mmimvm.

The inspector looked once mora at th. label on the bottle. It read. Castor OiL" NEGRO JUROR REFUSES TO VOTE WHITE WIAN GUILTY BLOOMINGTON. Ind, Mar.

1 (ANP) Oae of the saost novel explanations ever given by a Juror of his vote tn a case was that offered by Maurice "Shakespeare" Evans a week. Evans was the only Negro oa the Jury whica i Mnr unable tn reach a verdict tn a i i i case where Mrs. Caroline Payne, white, was accosed at lag her former lover, Charles Mattlngty, also white Evans, who Is approaching 70 aad who has beea the town for years, was oae ef the three jurors wao haag tha i fnthir tir vote Mrs. Pavssi areiltr. Knot amid, think a man of my race should ever help to to prison." tfcis( dSs ta Jsxy fCopyrifffct, OSASV TAa Pitta bstrpk U1 'If I.

Mi i.

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