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New Pittsburgh Courier from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 12

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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ilIl IS 1U is i iH It: I It: iii if 11 411! ii! si! i 1 SATURDAY, March i'A Pittsburgh Cczrier WW 0 0 AT HOME, YOUNG LADIES GO ALL OUT FOR COURIER "DOUBLE WAR BaBSBW a a a aBSBs mm TQECH. ii! GAHG fob. aflo'E page twelve a i i Mi "KMiL SLOGAH 8F 2 aaaaaaaatkJl 7 4 if COLUMBIA, S. March ijuuauxi XV tt VICTORx" was the theme of the dance given at the USO dub nf ths Natfmial rath. olio Community Service last Fri Jk Ml ng oaaca wais sponsored DV the USO Staff, assisted by the Junior Hostess Committee, and was given to honor of the 69th Ordnance Company of Fort Jackson and the 744th Q.

M. Regt, of The DOUBLS FOR VICTORT was carried out in decorations and refreshments. The ballroom was attractively decorated In balloons various colors with Double Vs Hair Straightener nn mm ran women A HAIB BEAUTITIEB FOB HEN AND MOMEN A rcUabta faranria Ii ra fw susy mn as a to ttraiBttts KINKY HAIR. A KlMtlftt fmpmmd caatateJas aastatial to treirats fir Hair Strakafcttsias. Hrlst rt Itm Itcfcy Seal, itabean cases af DiaaYrf ami railiaa Hair.

A itmarkaMi Set Hair Draslas. Smart Uetoai. CARJI bale, jra ftu year kalr Is the latest stria. Saw. Mtaad.

Meaty back tf let lather, ray sestma $1.00 ply taull MMtsta caaist ar teas $1.00 Mi tq pntaet. rrlca la CARTHAGE JASPER. Ltd. Bast. PC 1133 Braarfway Mrs Yart.

N. Y. I nramm Mill hi lU 1 L7 JT sum rjlEiy i TRIAL OFFER SiagHaWrinjahl gboot year praiaaa to) thaaky! Aftarraaraef aoffariasfrna tanned dark, wwtbar bestan. coaraa, btoteltyoatwakia. wiawooderfnj paaca thai aar way or yon ecd pay noth tairt Hara aa atnaxin MEW 7 DAYS' trial offer that wiil aoabto yoa to tact Or.

rntO rWi SU WhHMr In yoor cars boma without riakinar a ain rto east sad Warn for yoaraalz why thousand iipoa thoosands of people bar) oaed this Biarrelooa prodnet. If yoor akin to tanned too dark, weather beaten, coaree and blotchy, here fe taat that aoay mean softer, loreiaer. clearer baanty that ahookl win aoeeeaa, leva and popotoricy for yoa. Make thia 7 OATS' teat. Get Se boxof theorlirinel Dr.rftED Pstmer'a SKIN WHIT CM EX from yoor drat StoC Caa for 7 daya aa directed on the packara.

If at theeed ef that Uma don't basin to as your complexion be coma) tto htar. fairer and bria bter as tsnaed. btemiabed. dark akin diaappears rrtarn for fall refund. Under raar aBte Uke tbia you don't here toriek taslai cent, so sat a bos today.

Imiat om ts soasiae. Se at all draniats. Also J0e atse at drnc and coemetie cocs tera. Uas Dr. FEED Palmers SKIN DELIGHT SOAP when yoa osa Dr.

FBD Pataar's Skte Whitsoer. Maaesaai Sasaole. "ItmA In nwlm In hlitr OALCNOL.lMS.Osa 24 Ub3m but. AltSMlSiOSW Si 'V, 19 1 Blsced at In tar vale a it Um As the quests entered the room their attention was centered on the laree Double which him above the fireplace. i 5" VV DRAFTS PLAN TO CURB BIAS IN GnVFRMIUIFM WHY AWtr 1 mm rm as I i (TANNED ll A whenyoucanhavea I nnnnrpr I ybdUW II f.

Miss Peggy French of Denver. Colorado, aws crowned the "Queen" in a popularity contest sponsored by the Inter Fraternal Council of the Fourth Regiment, Quartermaster Training Regiment, Fort Warren. Wyoming. Miss French is a student of the Denver Junior School of Commerce and represented the Psi Phi chapter of the Denver WASHINGTON TV r. XmrnY 10 A plan to curb widespread dis crimination against colored government WnrVprfl in 4im Prmitii.

Denartments and lnHMndan a. tahlishments 'Via Kaan ArrA jthe President's Committee on Fair ampioymeni lacttce, It was learn ed Wednesdav. The action of the Committee fol lows persistent complaints of col ored clerical workers and other lob aDDlicantn thnt thv mrm till being refused employment by ci vi nan personnel men in some of LOB KT)VfrTimTlT flniMmnf. mm vus uu independent establishments. In an effort, tn onmKot illarn ination of this type the President's uommiuee nas proposed that all grovernment departments and inde nendent esta.hiishmmta their employment procedure in di rect cooperation witn the Civil Service Comminn At tabub cuipiuymeni noiicies nirrr in si most every agency.

HOWARD GRADS ANSWER CALL TO ARMY DUTY WASHINGTON M.rrV, 1Q Twenty two graduates of the R. O. T. C. unit at Howard university were called to active duty in the U.

Sw Armv thie. wk it wna rp. vealed by Col. Lloyd Zuppann head of the Department of Military Science and Tactics. The addition nf tViea nfTIpsn jto active service, brings the num oer or Howard graduates now serving as Army officers to over 200.

The following reserve officers have been ordered to Fort Ben ning. to attend the Infantry iscnooi in trerjsra.tion for mihwJ quent troop assignments: I First Lifutrnanti' Tmn1 Edward Gardner. Laurence I Kobe rt Hough. Thomas Iring. Benson D.

Mitchell. Oswald Monro Lemuel A. Penn Vinr nt Browne. Wilbur Goodwin. John Hamilton and Charles Wesley.

Second Lieutenants: Benjamin Hunton. Wendell T.nraa Tnn T. Turner. Samuel Tvree. Charles Hunter.

Chapelle Cochrane. Eric Edwards, Louis Ridgley, Robert S. Scurlock and Robert F. Ferebee. vv PROMOTED TO MAJOR FORT CITSTKFL Mih r0 ia UANP) Cant.

Rsvmond WetVin. for 21 years a member of the 184th Field Artillery (formerly Eiehth i Illinois Infsntrv) was nrnmnlH to the rank of major this week. A native of Chicago. Major Watkins 2 AA is years oia, a lawyer, a rormer Inspector of the IT. S.

Denartment of Acrif lllturp. and crradnata of the infantry officers school at Fort Benning. and of the artillery officers school of Fort Sill, Okla. 'QUEEN" 1. ak Many inquiries have come to the Editors askine for an interpretation of the "Double This campaign launched Aire 10 auupiy an enort to put into a plain every day symbol the hopes and aspirations of a racial eroun who is and continues to i nun.

if i The "Double is a segment or ine American popula ov.up.Eu I'tjiu rtiiifiica as 0.x. "Siua9 ot us iraaiucnai patriotism to the ideals of the "Four freedoms expressed by President Roosevelt as representing the aims UI lne democratic lorces Oghting the Axis hordes that would enslave mankind. 9JPjiuhle stands for victory against the enemies abroad and fory against the forces at home who would deny the Negro run ana iree participation in every phase of national life. Therefore tne Jegro is fighting on two fronts: as aimed soldiers on the far flung battlelines and as production soldiers on the assembly lines at home to help make this country of ours secure from without and real democracy within. The "Double combines in very terse fashion ths im and m9i.

of all men. black as well as white, to make this a more perfect union oi peace loving men and women, living in complete harmony and equality. THAT IS THE MEANING OF THE "DOUBLE The following letters are but a few of the hundreds being received aaiiy attesting to tne popularity of the Negro war slogsn: A PROGRESSIVE STEP Dear Editor: Your campaign for real democracy at home and abroad should be hailed by Negroes everywhere as a progressive step. The "Double campaign should be pushed with all the courage and power at your command. we should have "Double buttons by all means.

Victory abroad should also mean victory at home for our people. You have certainly aroused well thinking Negroes, and rightly so. It is a step in the right direction. More power to you. REV.

M. B. ROBINSON. Harris, North Carolina. "VV flIILWAUKEE'S MAYOR PRAISES "DOUBLE utar I note that your newspaper has launched a "Double victory at home and victory abroad campaign.

Anyone who sponsors such a movement in these days of national emergency should, of course, be commended. maintain that before long, if the war continues Its nresnt everyone fn the United States will be working In unity to eouin our nation for. total victory here and abroad. We can't escape from the times in which we todav. Thav can for an all out effort, for tolerance and for understanding, so that defeat to those who have thrust this upon us will come at the earliest possible time.

My greetings to your many readers. CARL F. Zir.DT.ER, Mayor. ANOTHER Dear Editor: JOINS THE CA5IPAIGN 1h "DoTjblo campalxm la the raTnrelgn of the hour. Our From the rock bound coast of Maine to the sunny gates of 'Frisco, the "Double campaign is sweeping the nation.

Pictured above are pretty and charming young ladies form many sections of the country who have joined the bandwagon to popularize the "VV" war slogan. Top photos, left: Two prominent Milwaukee, Wisconsin socialites pause in front of The Courier's Milwaukee office to give the "Double salute. They are Misses Mavis McCallum and Adrienne Bland Center: Joining the St. Louis, Missouri younger set who are actively campaigning for the is Miss Evelyn Sutton, student at Stowe Teachers college. Right: Pretty Chicago stenographers stop their work for a few minutes to show their hearty approval of The Courier campaign.

They are Misses Juanita Jackson and Cora Lee Stimpson. Bottom row: Some more St Louis students indicate their serious concern that victories for colored America must be won on two fronts at home and abroad. Left to right: Miss Mary Willis, beauty school student; Miss Ruth Thomas, student at Stowe Teachers college, and Miss Inez Bruce, student at Sumner high schools Photos by Courier Photographers. local weekly, the Evansville (Ind.) Argus, is also stressing vnur nnvw. campaign.

I am ready to give you my wholehearted support of this cam i mi axucxiv.o nuuia maica mis rnnntrw a true democracy. ARTHUR R. WADDY. Evansville, Indiana. A TRUE WAY TO DEFEND DEMOCRACY uear The Pittsburgh Courier's "Double camDaim is resliv th way to defend democracy.

May I suggest that thousands of Tivi campaign buttons be made and sold to Negroes and whits Tioni. si i over me country 7 who are fighting. F. D. MATTHEWS.

Birmingham, Alabama. SURE WAY TO WIN Dear Editor: i am a patient in a sanatorium and a constant reader of your paper, i minx your "JDoubie campaign Is a wonderful thins, an I feel that If all colored men and women in Amertea wrmM your campaign, all would be sure to win this fight. There Is not much I can do but do hope and trv tot. awuvw THOMAS LEWIS. Cleveland, Ohio.

BEANTOWNERS ALL OUT FOR "DOUBLE Just In case anyone wants to know what Boston thinks of the 'Double campaign, tell them that Beantowners think It's itrUw the tops. To my mind, this campaign is the most nt17 on the part of any organization, yet expended In the right direction of real help in the eventual building of a real democracy. It is the only way. as we see it. to win the peace.

TOKI SCHALK. Writer. WE SHALL FIGHT FOR VICTORY uear saaor: There la going the round a lot of loose talk about tha 27gx an4 TT V. i VV vlH 3 i jL ih it' IV '5 "tJ 4 iif 41.. a 'rM' svf.

fi 'rv. s4 I 'lit' "ylilli C7rS 1 hf ri? La 7 'I la I si rf yl I 7 fey lr 1 r' I'll TWnr TMnTrri 1 sTMaaaSSse aaWsawyaaS 1 ALL 6 KALLY AR 0 TH "III SLE SLOBA Ml iruuvj the war. Some commendable, some unworthy to be ti groes have not enjoyed full participation in all the f.r.e this country has to offer. Though loyal every i this loyalty has been rewarded by rebuffs and witnessed this at the close of World War No. 1.

Naturally as true American citizens, we rescn. We did it then, we have kept it up ever since. Ari to keep it up until Negroes have found opened where other American citizens find them. Yes. shall while we are fighting the Axis.

This is the "Doub. launched by The Pittsburgh Courier, It is the fines posed for America. REV. CALVIN K. ALNArl: Toledo.

Ohio. nv' MORALE IS LOW Dear Editor: The morale of our colored people is alarmsrwr'y ari point of view, justifiably so. What with race uots gation from essential war work, etc. My real purpose is to congratulate you on your paign and to make suggestion which perhaps you ma had in mind. This camrjaism will iva nur nnnlp cr1 Who wm that our of Itrlend.

muca oTAaaricans. ThaS TOougnx to txy this FSaWS PS an aroxmd leT rf AUSI I I KKos swesatHsrte frewvd affw sesni keg mm 9' DsrnrB mm ra awira i msvm sssrieMna tMs A Osw Case t) HeBlN.m'ia' esrew ifHIM' ZANOU 5038 Is Your Laxative a Popular One? "iiiaT arxxra a. mwb ld uia mm nr.rua ira i. top and ata BLArrrr rkt itwun 1 ough, yet usually tlon when simp lowed. have iM i iur for.

It Will build Un morals in mir rpHf.rwr.f: "Double is not sufficient. Let us therefore organize ALLAN L. Spring Valley, New York. DDir. Mayfin)ir(dl ILojjaii lis (KiTeSiniittedl Leav w.t Ul eVt7 Vr.

Raytord VV. Logan, professor ui niBLurv si mawb rri arrived in Havana. Cuba. last Tues piane irom Miami, It was revealed by university officials. Dr.

Loean wss mtityi i SenCS fov the linivanitv mester to make a study of the con w.uuuuns oi uum, Haiti and the Dominican RTmhii solidarity. lrn plans to spend a month in each of the three countries and In enrA.con,r,nce "which ts being fi 0r Purpose of bringing tuoiavr irom the Unit ot the Latin American emi ntH gged in making studies of the iLMat SEND NO MONEY! ffxg) ftT'vsr v. pu fill The main reason Lju! a "tonic laxative tone lazy intestinal rnt 1.

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