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New Pittsburgh Courier from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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(J Mmk MewUd 17' iw jm III aim Sawedl Offf In Alesaradoa Riot i I Bevued Blmd mm rain PHPOPT 1 1 AffiWf SifootaamLS Used ib' WAIF 6 inn if re i caught." ft A IARMY TODAY GEORGE S. SCHUYUa The Uindv City l.r; Dickenson's fight' 'ice Chicago Con r.Ai which has vir jjv unoccupied for! rfTi. yzrs. He looms above r.t incumbent likej EL Head over Waikiki; Stair. No Uncle Tom, he! ix i brilliant, fighting rrt adding needed mat far from bnl Not since the militant De Priest' Cnicago been ade represented in Con (HJ( ItlLJfY BAKONs sv m.

tt run. The rrM Jury; 3i), il cror and three, tttio lit drlir to smash Uj SXmf rari rarUet. Some Ne ew nxii" inrrvstew rrosii tmporertltel ta th impi irn thrir lfl fot and ra a Mit.h.!.T th real them etate4 jib ctw tmsfnesa Vt hj tmtrtbuted vastly to i.r nd rw. Sew they JxtrT "fjjx'" wSJi a fh derHiar some af n.

lit TWtat UdiCt (huaso biz bosses toi i tr. barons took for "protec bn and powerful affairs, ns of honor ralistic and irr. 1 i withj r.r es cheek. Which re is Rabelais sagv i r. nt law is like a' A.

the bip bu3 ra. T.ruuzh and the little r.M.ATlOX ha now v.i, Mad hank. Mhllf Vt Mooi 111 he accepts! hy fi Cro. the Arm)' urgeo ri Mag lnlU that be and given onl tn king tot JU The a. suttiali rw liberal on thjno in not lntst Mood u'l n.

It a. althach it rl Negroes thnele rW. The Red rov i seefciag fnada from Th hlxd business would, flighted those old' r' i. i satirists iLartail. Swift a France, because; actually no sue hi Negro or white; Ail blood donors are1 i 'r the four tj pes of r.

A jto science are ouUy 'in ALL popula of the pigj of j. donors. But' 1 a a I a'. us to be blood, nental" blood, Tactical purposes a become a ll hackled by our i "mhsj AMERICAN mil he In facte Saras "ilh Mark Mldwri In' I lhitippum. and, to other trorri in ALa and wrtd conflict vtt AlrradT Mack bays Japaaew a tt are rtastaf their the rtmonataarra, retrod to be bMtil utf war will Mtes change i There ran he little kin Ue on fojriga strands.

are bciar or full divisions yf all arms. Ne units are increas ber. The number being commission There will be aire Negro Army Ic boys from Buf r.ham. and Boga be rushinff into tnks, airplanes and i with the finest 6a PaS Coi. t) TO OUCT 17503 wm WASHINGTON.

Feb. 5 (AN'P) In tb new artny planned by the War Department, there will be unit totaling 175.000 Xecroe. or sumoa revealel at pre conference Thursday morning. The 175.000 will be in addi excited tlon to th already in ser 4 I HEW ORLEANS, Feb. 5 Esployiss the svne ruthless tactics as blood thin ty Ilaxi hordes, Louisiana State Troopers, National Goardsaea, arilis! po lice and white HP's are acccsed.

ra a rezscrt of the New Orleans Press ckb, with the allrjed killh of ten Nejro soldiers, the wounding of an indeterminate msa btr of ethers, and damage to dozens of bssznesses on Lee street, Alexandria, during the January ICth riots. This inside story on what actually happened rhren there were many hours of wide open shooting with innocent bystanders being exposed as well as Negro soldiers. The report charges the War Department with attempting to withhold the I acts from the public and maintaining strict secrecy on tne entire situation, refusing to let any newsmen in the area. Breaking trroujth the nen bar ncade set up by Army official. the Presa Club representative lathered their tory from eye mit neaaea, who have aworn tate raenta.

now in the Prea Club ftlrt. and are Uhaf to testify befor Congressional and War Department neannrs which have been demand ed. Others, directly connected with Array camps here, have also agreed tt testify and have riven the fress Club pror of the mahous atack res aiung in the alleged death of ten sMdiers. UtAVE VICTIMS IN STUEXTT In ihis first public 'elation of (Continued on Pao i. Cot 7J THE QUEEN COMES EAST" I a 1 Miss Lorraine Blandin, pretty daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Eugene Blandin of Berkeley, who leaves for a visit with her maternal grandmother, Mrs. James Brown of 1922 East Kansas street, Springfield. 111. Lorraine plans to stay until Christmas of this year and finish her high school training there.

Joseph Photo. But. of course, there are the 2th aad 25th Infantry regiments. Thus it Is believed that the Rob erta report was "corrected" to specify nnita which were known toj 4 ft 0 raw VOL. XXXUI No.

6 CHAB tSUEDICAL i man. CALLED rConftnued en Pag 4 Colwma I) CHANGE IN PLANS 11 mm urn The onlv reason given was TO He is Major General James Whether it is in the blocking of hoital work: whether It Is the hnrrtltiff thnumber of nurses who sre permittee a enrice. whether Jt insistenoei thst the P.ed Cross separate blood THE HORIZON PAGE 13 the: chanire in rlans and use of new I materials, Radio Commentator Pays Tribute to Bravery of Mixed Fighting Forces in The Philippines. By GABRIEL HEATTER Radio News Commentator) llth GraeTaJ MacArthur there are man) Americans are children of the crucible, we are American Negroes. There are many FlUpino.

final ettdenre of man's ability rts ahoe This army will go down la hitory as more discrimination of color or creed all free men. than a great arm. It will be remember I rmn thw on BaLaan. mer. are ping a truly denUc army fa which whit, meiv I rry day.

down Negr FUlpia. and other, fought for each other. They are djtng for the great MeaJ we are try tag to kerp Aile. It a Mstory makin rpmrh In whk white men and Negroes are fighting ne; fighting for the dignity and dereskcy Of BUB. He are Aryan.

re the aaper meaw sajs Hitler. AU athers are ta be He Japs are the taper they say. nxxraey has had its day Theodore Rooaereit oaee deciared ws of every rare, color, and creed. Ml only the mil Uoaa show forebears nunc from Italy and Germanyall prepared to live aad flrbt. If herd be, to keep oar freedom attve.

Not by the sound a man's naane haH be judged his patriotism, nor the color of hia skin, nor place of bis birth, aor bis place of worship. He shall be Jodged only hy the flaming semi which haras la his heart for everything to fight for and die for if need Report A Mispriint WASHINGTON, Ftb, 5 Reputed existence of two mystery drria jtack. ions" in the United states Army caused some dairy news MMn in reorodaclnx the Roberts retort en the Japanese aciacx Paarl Harbor, to "correct" the reH port and to uaert the word "regi ment where emasa osa oven There was no available evtaence is Hawaii at the time of the at i BLOOD PLAN CALLED INSULT TO NEGROES NEW YORK. Feb. 5 Segregation of blood offered by colored neonle to the American Red Cross exist rather than to permit peeH Blood Donor Service la as much flcatloa of units which were not known to exist.

Tt in dnra been learned that i an insult to self respecting Ne groes as the Red Cross refusal to accept the hlood. waiter wnite. 1 I A r9 of the existence of either a 24tt i and. 7 "gnrrary or a Stb Infantry divtakMa, etatadlasenta were not in Hawaii at tHe uv the Roberta report to cave oeerninTTie apmsaaw iu I Ara a eaa wsa ys wswf Hreelc. of all fm Coles.

prrrsBURGH, pa satitbday, February 7, iM2 EEDciDcBttciDii0 linn HI, BIlaDCElkcBdl DBy SmrrgcBaDim. CfflLOiS WASHINGTON. Feb. 5 (ANP) It has become ap parent to onlookers in Washington, that at least some of the difficulties which have been experienced by Negro professionals in the medical branches of the armed forces have their oricin in the office of ooe C. Masee.

surgeon general 01 the, lil 1 1 nrla I (United Ststes Army. I VI II I'lMIILS our Unionan On Car Motorman SAN FRANCISCO. Cal Feb. 5 A houdovn nears In the fizht be Cleo Wright in Siheston snd tween Mavor Aneelo J. Rossi and; rr.anding immediate arrests and the Municipal Railway Carmens, action On receiving the delega i nhifallvUJUQ Dtfr LUC UiAtUllL Ui UVsiC i ww tt.t.

tt nrh sro 'i o.e on a joo as r.rrted out Maior'On the hinges General Maree said to be the. or failure of motorman.) the tne success fight to end jun i i v. j. i. crowism in ciiy aepanmenia.

of integration, development and in Coles, qualified by civil service the case of the recent Red Cross'" appointed to the municipal tr.i,tin snd freedom treet car position. Immediately from to the race. pnjiic ni frmr.s the street cars. Mayor Ros duties' in the armed forces. Al ice union ordered its members not to (tive Coles instructions on op si ordered a tour day suspension iployes refusing to teach The union retaliated with a fine, of $100 against any member who' instructed the colored worker.

Th r. tierc ntClflCCAl "s31 DlnS aurnea Dy aai. since LAUuLO UldMldOvL the city departments maintain Jim NEW TOUK. Feb 5 Rozeil Nesbitt from Chicago, hired as a $2 0rtVa year War Department in jjpector recently and assignea to jtle Sferry Gyroscope Company in Brook n. was fired a tew nours after he reported for work by cap tain Kehe in asmngton.

u. v. keep out colored employes. AFL Council Makes Plea personnel as instructors. The Council also bitterly assailed wage differential among workers doing the same type cf work and promised to use every method within iU means "to eliminate any discrimination which may exist toward any race, creed, color or ed in the use of VSO recreation center, aad the more recent at tempt to take the Richard Allen Homes from colored citizens, wrote: So Lire Features, Latest News Leader In Aicertmng, Ciradcticn end Heat Oeaa sad Progress! vi a i MSi JS1 tTrinonunnuu I 1 I PRICE TEN CENTS inoniiny (BeniicBiFsin PROTEST SIKEST0N LYNCHING TO GOV.

D0NNELL 7 wvlZCJv i 9(Jt A' it' Last Thursday a large delegation of St. Louis citizen, along with groups from many other sections of the State, took resolutions and petitions too Governor Donntll in Jefferson City protesting trie brutal lynching of strongest condemnations of lynching ever uttered hy a Stats Executive. Soma of th leaders of th group (k.neeling)axe: Harold W. Ross, president ot the St. Louis branch: National Kegro Business League: Judgre Frank S.

Bledsoe. Atty. Sidae Redmond, president cf the fit. Louis branch. NAACP: J.

Clinion. N. A. Sweet. publisher of the "American" ana Atty.

R. L. Wlthcrspoon. Among thosa standing were: U. 3.

regional vics presi deat of the NNLB: Col ambus Perry. Zaid Lenoir. Atty. Hsnry D. Espy.

Constable Jordan W. Chambers. J. E. MitcheU.

editor of the Bige Wyatt, A J. Bolton. George W. Carper, A. J.

Ford. Dr. J. Bnr Elmer V. Mosee, Mrs.

Getty Goms. Mr. and Mrs. Wall and A. J.

chairman of the delegation and I Tolliver. (Mitchell photo) Recall Of Our Diplomats Raises Question Of Status By E. W. BAKER C. Feb.

5 With the appearance on Washington streets last week Crow regulations of their to of Clifton R. Wharton. Consul to Las Palmas. Canary Islands, his wife and children, at a time when the recall of Lester A. Walton Minister to Liberia, was being discussed, the iquestion is raised whether or not the government is recalling its few Negro Consult from tratejic geoji pcir.ts Ju' ire this wrnd inaia Jut vs the War Department his miiitary secrets, the State Di has its and a result an explanafon t.iese two colore'l fl.plomat ha Veer, to Washir.gtoa is zjx at present.

MOBILE. Ala, Feb. 5 The local ,2 OTHERS IN Central Trades Council of ViOK rusi AFl. trmit a. forthrieht nosition on 'the Negro in a resolution adopted Their recall hire leaves only two colored persons at iU meeting last week and for i al present lames G.

Caner. rni repy 10 ntunci, pneral merwne sr. lan service in Ruprt uovc or Marland. clerk the Let a lion. I Monio Liberia, appointed in! 1941.

MeGhee. of Missis i uppi. cleric in Monrovia, appoint (Continued on Pago i. Col. SJ THEY HAD WHITE FACES! Dailj Newspaper Reporters, Dressed as Nazi Sub marine Cczusanders, Go Unheeded Through the Streets of Philadelphia.

PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 5 Two enterprising newspaper reporters of the Philadelphia Record (white) dressed as Nazi boat commanders and paraded through the streets of "Cradle of liberty." They went everywhere, un molested by the busy white citj sens, the policemen or the soldiers These reporters summed np the situation thus: We wonder why the Creek bothered about sending a wooden hone into Troy. No Philadelphia horse is necessary. A Nail can just walic into the city in On hearinr of the story, a re sourceful colored reporter. recaHini the brtter fight on whether colored soldier.

Bardlar the City of Brotherly 2xrve. should be discriminat The white folks are so bosr keep ins tetr feet on the Negro's neck they don't have time to look for thetr real enemies who have whits The Record reporters ere dress ed in foil Nazi reralta and spok with a pronounced German accent i out trey passed thousands of white people, ate crowded restaurants. spoke to sailors, soldiers, policemen and waiked the busy waterfront with its vital and costly defense saippieg. No one said 'nary a word but offered them all the pleasant consideration one expects from a friendly visitor IDEE3T OF YORK BTV iBiroeiL iLASTS RAC mm International ice president of MiulAascar. French Atn I Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Por William G.

George, thi ters and mamber of the President's vi consjl at Monrovia. Zjl Fair Employment Committee jbena. Vo recently returned to trsgU, HaJUDton AudieUCe That U.S. FaCCfl With In taltms one of the most liberal ati hr w.w. stands of any labor union, the i Also in the diplomatic corps are: Council gave its full support to a three clerks: Miss LiHie May Hub training program for Negro work of Mississippi, appointed inj ers ana onerea tne neip ox srain.

and i a aomas. i Long War Unless Negroes Are Included in Every Phase of Defense Projrara. Race Justified Hm HAMPTON, Feb. 5 Blasting the "segregatiun idea" of the American Red Cross in accepting Negro blood donors. Newbold Morris, a year president of the New York City council, revealed to a packed audience Sun I rtirr iuC If.

I I I 9r day that a Negro had devised the bank. The eminent liberal, a trustee of Hampton university, slashed at racial discrimination Jdea in a Founders' Day address here. Said be: "The American people are entitled to an explanation of the ibuck paasing going on between the American Red Cross and the Army 'and Navy. This la racial prejudice carried to an absurdity! Whv." he continued, "it was Dr i Charles Drew, a Negro physician of the faculty of Howard univer sity, who devised the blood banlc (Coetieaed on Pa 70 Cot Proposes Reward to Apprehead Ljcchers WASHiNGTtiN. C.

Feb. rawer cf ti COO for infarmatkm leading ta the speedy punishment of those responsible for the gruesome "lynching of Cleo Wright in Sikeston. Missouri, en Jinmrv 25, was prerosed by the National Fed eratKm for Constitutional Ltertlea, tow arda which the Federation it. self pledged S500L it. fl I i' i.

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