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The Indiana Herald from Huntington, Indiana • Page 3

Huntington, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

HCXILNGTON, IXD. Wednesday, January 27, 1875. PREFERRED LOCALS. la AdTeiiiiominta under this head only uts Una fur each insertloB. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR 8ALE.

WE HIVE Html good farms for sals, both la this snd adjoining counties. arslhoases for sols iathtoetty. Also. Stb boom in ths ptsasaat village of Roanoke. Wtilwam MOT UmM Sew sad Pawing Mill in But ingtoa ooonty for sal, situated ia Roanoke; earn, the oid Mill sits ia Roanoke, together wit about $1,00 worth of material, Including OB pail of mi Franca Hill Bum, all of which will be a low for cash, or oa time wtth secaiiiy.

Ai hud ia Texas, Missouri, linai, aad Arkaaass, ror eeie or rraa. wan IBtf tr Bargaiaa la lands of every aaaerlptkta. Jar. wishing to bay or trad for property will do to eoaentt as before pwrctusing. STt Lrs, mkech a oa STATEMZHT baring pubbshad by partiM iataraatad ia otber tewing Machinal OOiihat tba "RiMraoToa" Sawing Manhlaa ia sae eau xamira' Machine, snz ana) easMssd, wa hereby charaofsrtss sack gilniat aa fmim at try pmrticui both ia letter aad spirit.

Tba entirely aaw manhlna, mvent for tba Immroi 8mn Hicun Oa by Mr. J. T. Joaes, formerly aad fork long time with the Singer Co. It has coining la onaaoa with tba Empire Machine ia and frcaa entirely aew pattarue, and la protected by rateable patents, fcv aoad etnas the Empire Machin eeoeed to axa.

Nothing but interest ooopled with disregard for troth eon Id hare prompted the etatement of the identity of tbeaa two maehinea. Allwaaakiaa trial of oar Machine to abow its superiority over all other. BEMIXGTOa 8. M. CO.

1. H1RPEB, Manager aad GaDetml Ageatfor Heatingtoa, Oraat aad Wella counties, Oftot ia Beam's Block, op p. Coart lews FORSALE. Oan VEST DESIRABLE Building Lota, ia "Rlvwsida" addttioa to the city of Hmnt Ingtoa. For prtoas sad farther perticaler call oa tbaaaderaigned.attbeomeeof Ibaeh Starts, Parties wiabiag to build can tod bargains.

lTtf W. H. MEECH. borne; terms free. Address ipUTipZUa.

Stioaoak Portland, Maine. aojanU ett Notice. A IX persons are hereby notified that if caaght iranaeeliig oa tba Mads of John Ditt, in Bockereek township, by hunting or carousing. wui be prosecuted according to law. JOHN DILL.

IN OPERATION. 'Fiafcie fc Horaman's Steam Flouring Mill, at Warren, ia ia operation, aad a share of the pablic patronage is respectfully solicted. lows ITXKLE fc HORSUAX. ASTONISHING! NEof the finest Mill Properties in the State of Indiana For tale at a Croat Bargain Inquire of SAMUEL ZIXK. JOHN DILL, or of T.

G. SMITH at Huntington, Indiana lace with W. H. Trammel. lews' CITY SCHOOL" Lecture Course.

VII. February otb. Dr. Villers, the American Iluinorixt. Fnnn People We Meet.

VIII. A. P. 15 it hank. of Chicaga Humorous and Dramatic? ReadingH.

IX. March 2fith. Prof. V. A ITnti Subject not announced.

Prof. Cox, State Geologist, will deliver a Iecture on the geological resources of Indiana, and particu larlv tf 1 fit rinartrkn firkimtv fT" Admieskm to entertainments numbered III, IV, aad IX, iS cents to others 50 cent. Children admitted for IS centa. Dee. 1874.

rr DO TOU WASTJ Tie BEST WAGON Hull, Call oa W. T. WHITELOCE aad take a aeaniae siLUi.BiiiiK,r ana yoa mm nara it. tf Bamrders Witmleel. rfHREE or four first rUea geaUeman can aecare good Board and Lodging by applying to Mrs.

P. M. Ethbx. east Fort Wayne atreat. JSTOTIOE.

flHE Huntington County Council ia requested JL to meet at tba Court Hooae, ia Hantlagton, oa Saturday, January 30, at tea o'clock a. m. It ia requested that then ba general tarn out of the P. of H. EVAN THOMPSON, President.

C. Favositc Sec "jr. Iw ROME OHM D. R. Hoover at their corner drug tore, have now obtained lilt rxn rsivr ritrht tn lianrllo tho celebrated Roe Oil.

No better material for lamp lights exists. It is clean, clear, non explosive, and brilliant. Braa't ek, Hack, Cwa'ai 17w2. CougU is a symptom by which various diseased conditions of the throat, bronchial tubes and lungs manifest themselves. But whether it arises from the irritation produced in the throat and larynx by taking cold, from an attack of Bronchitis, from incipient Consumption, or from various other causes, nothing will allay it more speedily or cure it more permanently than.

Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discoverv. It does not matter whether it be a recent attack, or a lingering cough, the Discovery is in either case equally well adapted for its relief and permanent cure. In fact, it will cure a cough in one half the time necessary to cure it with any other medicine, and it does it, not by drying it up, but by removing the cause, subduing the irritation, and healing the affected parts. No time should be lost in commencing the use of a proper medicine for the relief of a cough, for unless this course is pursued, serious and dangerous disease of the lungs is liable to result Golden Medical Discovery is sold by all dealers in THE KEY NOTE.

Stagnation blights whatever it touches. The key note of every enter prise is progress. Ever on the alert for profitable transactions, we have now to announce that we havcf bought during the past ten days, at a big sacrifice, a large portion of the stock of dry goods of a Mnjt Isrcfcait of let Turk Qtj. and we will on Thursday. January 9c a yard; real value.

20c 8.000 yard wide Prints, 9c a yard; real value, 20c. 6,000 yards dark yard wide English Print. 9c; real value, 20c All colors Paper Cambrics for Jinings, 6c; real value 10c Good Coweta, 30c; real value, 50c Kid Gloves, 50 and 60c; real value, 1.00. Double fold Alpacas, 25c; real value, 40c. Also, immense lots of lickings, Denims, Shawls, Cloaks and Furs for less than first cost to FoT Botrrs A Co I TOTOASD COUNTRY NEWS Sut.

B. Smith has returned from Florida. Chas. H. Nix aad wife, of Chicago, are revisiting our city.

Fred. Dick, left Saturday night on a flying visit to St. Peter, Minn. Fkesh oysters at Randolph fc Wintrode's. Brand unrivaled, and prices low.

The Herald for 1875 will contain more reading matter than in any former year. Hox. II. B. Satler places under obligations for the Congressional Record.

At Randolph A Wintrode'a the famous "Mountain sugar corn, canned. Try it. i A thrilling new story will be commenced in the Herald soon. Subscribe now. Tub oysters, fresh, delicious and at bottom figures, at Randolph Wintrode'a, by the pint, quart or gallon.

D. C. Vas Camp, a graduate of Maj. Sayler's office, has engaged in the practice of law in Ligonier, Noble county. Ms.

Moses Rothchild announces his intention to retire from business, and desires to close up all accounts. See his card, on this page. The County Council, P. of meets at the court house at ten o'clock next Saturday morning. A full attendance is desired.

The attention of Huntington and Jackson township teachers is called to the card of the County Saieriii tendent, in another column. Samuel Foulke, an old citizen of the county, died at his residencei west of town, alvout 1 1 o'clock last Thursday night. He wax about 60 years of age. Hesry Bridge has associated J. M.

Hatfield with him in the practice of the law. Both are capable and worthy gentlemen. Wc wish the new firm abundant success. The new Waltham Watch Movement and Case for $13 at J. B.

Keating' jewelry store, directly across the street from the postoftice. Call and sec them. This, watch warranted genuine. Sam P. Mitchel, of this city, who is attending the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Keokuk, Iowa, sends us a copy of the Daily Gate City, for which he will please accept our thanks.

A revival is in progress at Pur viance Chapel, Jefferson township, under Rev. Mr. Heidy. of the Christian denomination. Smc 21 accessions had been" made up to last Thursday evening.

The Indianapolis Journal of yes terday contained the following dispatch from Ft Wayne: Yesterday, at Huntington, a young man named Man ford was killed by the premature discharge of a shot gun he had in his hands. At a regular meeting of Silica Fons Encampment, No. 88, 1. O. O.

held on the 14th following officers were installed bv District Deputy Grand Patriarch. A. W. DeLong, for the present term: Chief Patriarch, W. A.

Zellers. High Priest, Charles Dunning. Senior Warden, S. D. Baker.

Junior Warden, James C. IVlvin. Scrile, T. J. Kunce.

Treasurer, K. T. Taylor. Sentinel S. Emlev.

Guide, G. W. Humbert. The last two lectures of the City School Course were well attended. Du Chaillu had a crowded house, and sent hi audience away delighted.

Last night, Mrs. Foss was greeted by perhaps the largest audience of the season. She is a tine reader, and fully met the anticipations of her hearers. The next lecture of the series will be delivered by Dr. Villers, on Friday evening, February 2th.

Leo. Levy is revolutionizing the clothing trade of this section, and there seems vo be no limit to his energy. In the selection of his stock his taste is faultless, as the splendid display of under and upper garments, ties, collars on the shelves, counters and cases of his elegant salesroom bear testimony. Mr. Levy is a clever gentleman, and deserv es the success he is meeting.

Read his new adver tisement, on the second page. The following la a list of the new officers of Lafontain Lodge, No. 42, LaO. Fn' installed bv Dr. Stt of Markle: HarreT Black, N.

ft. W. Zellers, V. G. W.

W. Bobbins, R. S. William BeD, P. S.

John Morgan, T. Dunning, Warden. S. D. Baker, Conductor.

J. Z. Scott G. W. T.

Whitelock, O. G. School Hocse Blrxed. About 9 o'clock last Wednesdy night school house No. 1, ia this township, was discovered to be on fire.

Efforts were made to save the building, but the fire bad made such headway the 21st inaugurate a great sale of I that the case was hopeless from the dry goods and carpets, that for outset? k. by us. ed. The building was frame struc HERE IS THE MUSIC. ture'it4iatd a mile northeast 10 000 ward Tw.u A flourishing school was Fatal Accidkst.

Samuel Hare, for twenty five years a resident of Lancaster township, was killed on ht two miles northwest 1 of the village of Lancaster, last Wednesdayj under the foliowjng circumstances: He was engaged in chopping a tree down, and had cut it so far through that it began toj fall, when he shouldered his ax and moved off mit of he way. It would appear he was so confident in regard td the direction the falling tree would take that he paid no attention to it, and was caught under the tremendous weight of Ats) top, and literally crushed to the earth. Not appearing at his ac customed hour in the evening, his sons went, to seek him ana found him, after dark, crushed and lifeless under the tree. jSince the 'above was put in type we have received a letter from wj H.Williams, detailing the facts of the case, from which we make the following extract rf He was found about twenty fiv feet from the stump. It is believed he supposed, the tree would all the south, but instead it fell north, and he, not knowing this way the tree was falling, turned and walked away from the stnmp to the north, coming' directly nnder it The boys, immediately after they found him, communicated the facts in the case to the neighbors, and by them he was taken from the fallen tree and conveyed to hls.

house. I was then sent foe, bv friends. Af ter my arrival, I examined him, and found him entirely dead. The bones of his cranium and face were crushed to pieces; the upper ribs on his left side were fractured, as were also the false ribs on the right side; the pelvis and right femoral bones were broken. Mr.

Hare was about 57 years old, and leaves! a wife and five children to mourn his J'T Lj I. Bill heads, letterheads, business cards, ostefs, and envelopes, and every description of mercantile pi'tiiting, plain or in colors, dope at the Herald job officers quickly, neatly city in and jcheaply the west. in any Bketer's Dramatic Troupe Markel. ought to have name with nu letter. Astioch wants a tiu shoj I .1 win remain here all this week.

The i 1 i I company has played to good houses and receives the favorable criticisms i i of jmir citizens. who writes; us from sent his I.KTTKR rKO.W. at AM A. I CmTeapondrncs of the Hunting too Perrt. Jan.

17, 1875; Ei. Herald: I have received several letters inquiring about the destitution in Kansas, which I propose to answer through yoiir columns, (with your consent). Question rls there any great amount of suffering iu Kansas? Answer There is; pen won fail to tell one half the amount of suffering. The calamity that Is upon us is as great as was the great Chicago fire to Chicago, if not greater. Question Do the people, as a general thing, need aid? If so, what kind, and to whom shall it be sent? i Answer "I hey do clothing and provisions, or money to buy with; flour and meal are as cheap here as there; but the greatest need seeu corn ana reeu to Keep teams alive wnile Dutlinar in the croo.

Send direct to your friends, as it is best to pass through as few hands asl possible. Give uothing to men traveling around asking aid, unless you know them, and know them to be honest; for the country is filled with importers. We Lave a general relief committee at Topeka (E. S. Stover is chairman), where goods may bs sent; but I think where you have friends whom you with to relieve, the test way is to send direct to them.

The railroads, as a general thin7. carrv poods free, whera properly marked and sent! as relief good, i i Question hat i is the cause of so great destitution? I I fl Answer First the cro, 6f 1873 was short bu account of the dry season 1874 opened up very favorably, but soon the chintz bug came upon us in perfect swarms; then it was very dry fromthe 1st of July to the 1st of September. I About the 10th of August the grasshoppers came so thickly that you could scarcelv see the skv for two dava? they staid with us lbr about tea days, and when they left nothing remained or onr immense corn fields except the barei stalks; all other vegetables faring alike with our corn, Some may ask; how the grasshopper travel They are not tne common grassnopper, but: perhaps what is known as the Egyptian red legged locust and believe are capable of traveling a tiundred miles a day, with a favor able breezeJ We have no fears of them this season, as they did not deposit but here. I few of their eggs while Question Do you think that many will starve to death? 1 Answer No; not as long as the fcdtst nas plenty, and is niled up with a generous people; but I do believe that hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of stock will perish if there is not some way provided to take care or It from now on til the first! of April I know of one man who moved In here last August and his all consisted of six horses. Now he has but one left the rest having If any of you send any aid, send as directed above, or, if sent br Lodges, send to Lodges here to distribute It lbr TOO.

i 1 aO 1s tvKniflllM etaW.n1 aO Wats being held in it under the charre of here. There are 121 Lodses of the J. M. Hatfield, ex County Surveyor. (LO.0.

F. distributed through the Many of the pupils had left their I tte, and Lodges of A x. ana A. books, etc. these, to the ro, a mamTemamleTmTSS were destroyed.

The Intensity of friends the dssired innjnnatiesv' I tne neat prevented an entry being nv" tried to givs it in aa concise 4 made Into the hcrase. ami in miii I as i know how. i i quence nothing was saved. The fir is'sapposed to have originated from a broken stove. The liett ItmX Fort Wayne, lad.

a alarm to bs sounded in thcity. rrateraaUjl The Marion Jbronicls: Th vvu uauj 4 iL a ar. from th. burning, boildisg oand' 1 Tu7aVT; E.KTTE rHO. NBW ssXKATM, lOorraspoaasaes of las Hsarlagfa Botala.) New Orlkaks, Lav, Jan.

IV 1875. Ed. IIirald Sir The follow ing appears in yonr issue of the 6th inst: "The Louisiana 'Legislature met on but Monday and effected aa organization amidst the wildest excitement and confusion, but without bloodshed. The Conservatives got control, of the House, elected the Speaker and seated their own members. These nrsmbers, about ten in number, being forcibly expelled by the troops which had been stationed around the.

State house to maintain order, the Conservatives all withdrew in a body." As your article seems to cany with it an impression that the Conservatives had been' outraged and driven away, as it were, by the troops, I take this opportunity to write to you the facts in the case as they actually occurred, having been present ia the hall during the entire proceeding of the 4th of January. Before entering iato the description of the organization of the Honie, however, 1 wilj say that the Returning Board organized and recognized by all parties as being in accordance with law, returned as duly elected Republicans and 53 Democrats (or Conservatives, as they are called), and flvs seats, for which the returning officers had made no returns, had been referred I Bdkiisai. to the Legislature for adjustment and determination of who was justly entitled to them. Thus it will be seen that the total number in the House of Representatives of the State is 111 but returns were made of but 106; and as no. person was allowed, according to the laws of this State, to participate in the or ganization of the House of Representative, who had not been placed on the roll as being duly elected and certified to by the Secretary of State, only 106 members possessed the necessary qalifl cations.

The law on that subject is in the following words: i Section 44 of act No. 98; approved, November 30, 1872. That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to transmit to the clerk of the House of Representatives and the Secretary of the Senate of the last General Assembly a list of the names of such persons as, according to the returns, shall have been elected to either branch of the General Assembly; and it shall be the duty of the said clerk and secretary to place the names of the Representatives and Senators elect so furnished, upon the roll of the House and ot the Senate, respectively; and those Representatives and Senators whose names are so placed by the clerk and secretary, respectively, in accordance with the foregoing provision, and none others, shall be competent to organize the House of Representatives or Senate. Nothing in this article shall be construed to inflict with article 34 of the Constitution of the "State which reads as follows Article 34. Each house of the General Assembly shall Judge of the qualification, election and returns of its members; but a contested election shall be determined in such manner as may be prescribed by law." Now, of the 106 legally retnrned members of the Honse of Representatives, there were but 102 present 52 Republicans and 50 Democrats.

The Democracy, having abducted one of the Republican members previous to the 4th of January, felt pretty confident of success; but when the roll was called and three Democrats were absent, it became apparant that nothing but revolutionary measures could defeat the election of a Republican Speaker, hence the ball was put in motion. A Democratic member arose and made a motion that L. A. Wilts be declar ed the temporary speaker. Without awaiting to hear what the chief clerk of the House (who alone was authorized to put a motion to the louse previous to its being organ iz ed), had to say, the motion was put snd declared carried.

Mr. Wilts sprang to the Speaker's desk, seized the gavel and commenced hammer ing at a furious rate, declaring nim i a ww a sen speaxer oi ine iiouss amia vne numerous protests of Republicans, wnom the pretended Speaker refus ed to recognize, la a few minutes, however, Mr. Lowell, the late Speak er of the House, got' the floor, and recited the law, snowing the illegal j. a ana revolutionary manner wucn a at. a I tney nad attempted to organize tne louse.

And, here the following protest was entered: Tt i JTswIhary rglaaa stsBsjf, Ceeamsr: Sir. The undeTsirned. members elect of the' House, ILepxesenta nves or tne ueneral Assembly of tins MAtc, assembled at to Hall of the House in the State House at 12 if. this day, and answered to the call mad by. the clerk Immediately thereafter the chair wm forcibly taken possession of in violation of lav, and 'an attempt was made to organize the House contrary to law.

We cannot obtain our. legal rtguts unless the members elect are placed in possession of the Hall When ever the lull is cleared of all aave the gentlemen elected, we will proceed to organize. We therefore Invoke your aid in placing the hall in possession or tne memoers elect, that we may attend to the performance of our duties." i The above protest was signed by 52 members, a majority of two of all present, in compliance with whicn.tue uovemar caUed upon General De Trobriaad, commanding the United states toroea near the State House, to assist General Hugh J. Campbell commanding the State militia at tne otaxa House, in plac ing the nail in tne rirntrui posses sion of the lezillv elected members of the Honse of Reprssentatrves; which was done by simply exclud thetonmaL' lag rrom tn nau au parties not entitled to seats as members. But at this stage of the proceedings.

the Democratic members saw that the Republican member were de termined to hare a strict compliance with law in the organization of the House, which they had most malici ously lzaorea ana especially article 36 of tie ConstUutioa of the State, which reads: Eavch house of the Genaral As serably ahaQ keep aad publish week ly sv JewrnaL of its proceedings, and the yeas and. nays or tne members This eonatitatbnosJ provision was a ninst ths repsavtad deaaaj of aUoubacaa aa vr ths House for ths yeas ani tsTacatla election of 4kt. tlversibra when they, rexLita tlxt tas law woW turro bo eossBlisd with lusy prsrjrrsd to withdraw and raise a cry of military interferance ana outrage. i These are some of the facta attending the organization of the House on the 4th of January, 1875. I omitted to.

state above that the United States troops were first called into the Hall by a resolution passed during the time, and by the Democratic members, when they were in charge of the hall, for the purpose of sustaining their organization thns effected by revolution and fraud; and later, by the Gov erner, William P. Kellogg, to assist in enforcing obedience to the law. I will say here, also, that no true American citizen who prizes his liberty, and who is familiar with the political ostracism of Republicans in the Southern States, can do other then endorse President Grant and General in their action here. I cannot refer to a more truthful and masterly expose of the true state of affairs here in the South than the special message of the President on Louisiana affairs sent to the Senate to day, in compliance with a resolution requesting him to furnish such information as was ia his possession, etc. Murder is rampant in this country, and withe out the protection of the Federal Government the claim to freedom is a mere mockery.

Very respectfully, Ac, Amos Moreikox MMatgr mt aaaircak HARHIEBV. WOODWARD STABraT At the Kra. Daaan. ia tats ctty. Sasday ay hsv.

4. a. BoruoaMr. air. (rroaa tas Ksrald aad rrasbyasr.

IMamk. (eonaaaBdaass sf the aaUagtoa BVaraU.) En. IIxsald: commenced a protracted meeting at this United iiretnrsn Church which is better known as the Slusser Church) eight miles northwest of Huntington, on the 9th inst, under somewhat discouraging circumstances, the weather being so extremely cold thst even the minister failed to reach the church until the evening of the second day. Besids this, the society had gone down, and those remaining had been greatly discouraged for the last six or eight years. During the past summer, the few re maining members of our own church united with a few Methodist rami ies and worked faithfully in the Sunday School cause, besides hold in Draver and societv meetinira.

The Lord has visited his people in saving power, and I have never witnessed a more soul cheering time Our meetings are lively and spiritual, and the interest still increas to this 25 have been converted to God, and 17 united with the United Brethren Church. Quite a number are still seeking for pardon. May they continue till they find the pearl of great price. We were favored at this meetinjr with the valuable sermons aad acceptable labors of Rev. George Sicks foos, of Roanoke.

J. B. Bash. January 19, 1875. of lTtfc Woodward, eoadaetor aa ths W.

Raiiroad. aad bUm Clara SXaana, of the talagrapai corps, at ARDKBSOH DKRITIJIuV At tba same Usee sad bias, by taa ssaaa lalslir. Nr. DsWH Aada a akw a eoadaetor aa tba W. a W.

Railroad, Miss laaais R. Deaaisg, sisa of lastotograph ssrps at tarn istiaa. Ligbtaiag aad ataam did joa avar Ia bands af torsi iraimil togatbsrt WeB. there anmsfbing new andsr the aaa. When parson' word makes these two oa.

OUOfER KOWraSTnTR Oa Thunder baa. by Bar. Jadd, at taa nasisn of tba bridsa pa roam, Mr. nsary oosnaer aaa MM usaat no auaa, sota sf laai soamty. tnt1XMOJOWKajLl taa nadian af the brkbra filhir.

by X. Pnwaen, J. P. oa tba lTth Jsssa Rtesaraoa sad Harriet Joan, all af tamaoaaty. IED.

CHATMAX Ifoess Ohapmaa died iaa. 3, UTa, ht anaxB, Indiana, Jaanary, l(7a. the vumbtrt a MetrUt Ltigt, As. 4(3, f. sad Tear eoanatiUae to draft resalatioBe ia behalf sf onr dicimis trothar, tetania, report mloaWy Witatii, Death hag satersd thai etrols of oar wartayaad sad ateoed arotbarbood.

to saajago ly work, to Aad rest rose earthly la bar sad isfimkmeat row senary sere; waeraf era, kinkiA That wa wahbsld not from kh err the i i lnMia that hat virtaes oar heads; that wa win strive to swalsU hie good du as. toa Wf ty thsaghtaad hm hereto aaoriaeeae that stars will have Ma ova way. aad oar tears will fafi anoa hie crave. Wa will still he remind ed by the nagma syaabol ot oar faith ta im mi ml are, tas as at aa iiaspiag. sag we win be Bsaiforta by tba latiftlan that hia asinri win wiU aot bs fargotton, that bo wiS beloved by these who are sooa to follow him, that la oar archival hat mat hat wrtnao, sad last oar asarai thsrs sUR ames for aim.

Jteestess, Tba hi bis death oar fratoratty ba tost a loyal member, tram oar social stasis brbrht star has falhw, ear towa has tost aa eatorprialag eiliBSB, oar oswaty sad Stato a Uliatid aad pita. fa! sac rant, aad oaresemaryoas tar exceeded hie phyakad etrsagth. mntitrn, tow we an Mvsa sad fries as. whs Icssws hers all, oar sincere aad asTesttoasto aympaLBy this their Usee of afflicting bsreaveaasat: that; we sag at to tba eonsoltng Uoaarht that Ha whs tomsers tba wind to taa shorn tomb looks Sown wttb taha tto esmpamt apoa the widow and tba fathartom la thair dasolsrina. aad ths Oraat Arohttost WIS fold ths arms of Hia lore aad procecUoa aroand taoat wao pat tasir nana sum.

wm. rouox. W.Saocr, Committee. A. at caiKLl to be aabswhad hi tha Bmli typspora.

i. BooTToav, tiLetaiT. Ahsallha wlsffi of Daoembar. Alfred moan saddsary osDed to CtootedaaSto by sUy. Ths (oOewtaa: wffl aarvs to bULLISaJr At Craaforda.Ua.

Iad Dae. la. BTtaelaoial. Mlllrsaa, SaaaMer at Hoa. eoeach afllrhrsa.

ta tbeMth year sf her see. Tha aaata vasah eaua for thai reeer ai aa aSDc uoa af ao ordinary messnrs. It reai who, as dsnrhtar aad slat sr. a'aelbe larhs af the faarlry stress. Fessseaadaf la niiiniwani, at aa asaouoaaaa aoan, ar Uadly araapathiaa, iaaadlttoa toasallliaaid aatadaa4 rsSasd aaanaers, her aariy death la baraaaa ami felt ta the hearts sf a large eirets of Irleaas IDaaH anttad wUh tba rtssbjtsrlaa Ohareh af WsvsbMad.

bar oa. anrsoa aBasarsa at aar ataas dlrsotiaaat lawthaagnta barorsbsr and dnrtag tba etoantc days sf her Ubsa traoted sad satefal. fraaa ayahotd fever. brssihbjc. 7 of Qod ehUdrsa: aaiaias, sot oe.

she Ihsatas a. tie taa Cy Jnst as 1 s' ar, aar OoCta Thee," Thee," looks an Thss." Tbass she ssag as 1 wa trast, to tba Soar af htosss aad taa 1 Badtbsaaaaai satTs aro aoal faaadBttrncesprasstoataaosseef aha bsaatttal soar sf 00a wuca asrs of bar sfailt, aii par oatly.wero axnressod hy ths ward whtah aba oftea rayiatia. and with the word baif I taa isss varuoaaMs of faSnleSB. tblaaa marSid ssa salary aa loryof beloved aaa Imethia. bat at a artboa to tMM grass, astd aa aanaiesaana.

to stheii who ansy bat aaftsr ba drawlag aaa ralavy af death. Ths preantss la yea aad MI wiA naesr bar. thes nor fsrasks than." aatnranarsa faaaral aerrteva ware serf orsesd by isMii Tstue, a tas ymasn. or taa esnrrei tlsa sf OsalarChs WANTED Bnsinesa Education. yOOVO MZH wiabiag a good Ml ta baatassa, sbsald gat rantiral Insrattea St ths IssTSMat dc SlMtt aasOoUsgs, 'T(lorwtiinle iWjUfc Hill StZH asul Laos ia) Mrs and Lhda anoig YOCM ta Taban'iah Oaatasors.

aad hake ana. lull aid sai i Sussi. whars he hi ar sa th. as art asl asuse lbs taatusat sf heed. Taabaaasaas lea asUMss I I.IOI oa tha Unas sOsr learaina.

wnh ir nil fraaa tW to aar saoota, shaali an a aha barrel aad aaly fiaultail lai.e;iaMh lastirale ssthslwess, Ssad mac for eitsaartoSoath srd Saaraer, ai Ssath Msriai.a otoast, lartiaa flimanDkblaaiWirMwwaM sta. Jt M. wisasare, aa taa aorta sasssf taa Canal, anaeoi nosaa, sad aaar fc a. AH Baal van ana so kwvedai. Uwo 9, Mte.

paraiad. ion afctarrad for Oysters, aad Toa diak, ay nhimi pataar as aaearvaa. Ie wsaldal pe aT, atat tt I Tea. yea enoaat try ki da slat asvwagaf nas a tow Saas fatten Is atliaiiss to deal tofeattasaMssaaideaa ww aad day treat psarirM. Ioa auadaot.

hkaJy to saCar (roamioar exrila. Tis.t aa ovarpros of food ia taa stneaara, Saalli it ablate ta digest the paags jsfdyii ii ia, aad a aoeaort bill. Da. Wauawv Tiaai lai a Tmesis Somas, taa great Teetotal BaatoraUva af taa age, withost orar airBinswnag aaa psass ar nrm sting tas ataea soa, laiparai keaUkfal appettta, proaaotaa diga tioa, ragaiatae taa tow aad knrak, aariaaa the based, aad than, iaataad af aataWag oai yaatkera. pes poaad aags, Batta PJsT SsaTTaL Fotatoes.

par baabal Butter. EgSs.fOT FLOUR AH9 ktlAL. Corrsetsd by AraoM. Taons fc Co. Chop, par 10S Braa, par KM poaade.

Saorts, par poaada. Bye FVoar, par BUTTER ARD EOOS. Corrsots4byHesstoSon. "rk.ts. sella.

lew School Fund ISTotice AJOTICK isaaraby gtesa to si iS waaat for SoaoolVmad Iataex las tataraat ia paid soaa. tas Bnn wiaaaaaartiaad foe aaia, MsssssaUbi 11 liiBiaai Beapsetfauy yowra, KOBT. SlaTOHTOS. nu 9V, af Hsatiagtoa coaaty. HTAntLngtoa IXarke t.

OBAU ARB SXADS. Oorrected by Baat. Sanaa nsa Co. Wbest.Ko.1 Cora, sar Oora aaaaVd Cora, Bew. Tiatotb Flax Seed.

.11 04 IN 1 GROCERIES AXD noVISIOXS. Oarsaaaad by Haasbert OXeary. Lard, par poaadn 13; Basaa, par 1 HX6J AppiM. dried, par faaobss, dried, par poaad in 3S 65 02 1 as Hogs, dressed, 1M psaada 7 ie OocTss, Bio, par poaad OoaTss, Awa, par poaad. as Sogar, par poaad X1H Sagar, poaad.

sa. grssa, par pewad. to 1 Sf Tea, biack, per peaad. to 1 as OS TS 1 eO 1 40 1 Se as atfe oasa, 46c: potatoss. sOasOe baMsr.

J6c aa piaa, leytSOc; agga, We; oaliaa, $126. Counrau Cm, Ji oora, aae; oats, sic; Eggs, 10c; lard, lie; tL Wheat, 0e tt sac; awoar, saiona, $1 at; BUaant. aa. llWhsat. Us oora.

ate aork. St MT as, aas batter. He; agsa, lie; fanaber. walaat, to 4 poptar, ta; sab, SI So. BLvrrroB, Jaa.

tl. Wheat, Me; eara, new sar. Toutoo, aaaary Oora la fair aasaaad lowadxad. 1X Fionr dsH. Wheat Sal Btra whtta aTliihagaa ft UH.

aad lowan bark BmrimMSkc, ieXc Oata steady; watts (ae. dorer 1 bogs, mi goat St. Naw Yorx, January 2a. Fresh offerings 1,530, making 9,470 for the week ajrainst 8.520 last week. Market ruled doll throughout ves terday and to day, and closed weak at a decline for the week of i(d lc.

Common to extra native steers. 91 (gl3Jc, snd a few lots sold at 13i(a Sheen ReceiDts vesterdsv and to day 9,320, making 25,470 for the week agaiast 28,050 last week. Market fair for choice sheep, but dull and weak for common to fair. Ordinary to Rood, 546c: choice to fancy, 77c. bwine Receipts 12,340, making 35,470 for the week against 37,940 last week.

None offered alive. Dressed firmer at 8ft? 8fc for city ana tc tot western. Frsdscs MstrkoU New York, January 25. Flour more active and unchanged. neat irregular and unchanged; winter red Western, (1 201 25; white Western, 32; amber West ern, $1 261 28.

Rye quiet at 9496c; Barley The market is quiet and unchanged. Corn more business and 4c lower; mixed West ern, new, 84 854c; white do, 85c; yellow do, do 85 86, Oats quiet and unchanged; Hay steady and unchanged. ggs heavy; Western 3031c; Pork firm; new, 119 45. Lard heavy; prime steom, 134 13jc Butter heavy at 18(2 30c, Western. Cheese firm at 816c.

Clover scad steady at $11. RLT1R or rer their baaeftt. Ths stock STT KX OLD CUStnECS UJUI NEXT GO DAYS 1 Has eat wined to doss sat bis Ennr.s zzzzzi ctccxi or aooas a COST PKI0E3 for GASH. Be4ySljanle Cloth Iw sr. Plew Oa the BfatrSllsfcislg ItOahalat QaVtaV CsSfaSe atcc He tu mi.

to gres bat oat fries is tba baftt of AStiLSY J. M. ASHLXT. Baaib lasrldiaa sweet. ladlsa.

I sarnuaa ee 35 PER CENT. ok. est bytba arst of AarS, wasab is sertaln. ry yery noerel proposttioB. Hcmuaiair, iaaasry 3 1, 117a.

Wotrc to All Indnbted. A IX ruSOXS indebted to taa aalarslgnad J. are aorlSad that ths 1 asasl by taa Saw at Versa, 1 TO, atthsr by ba a. aMywfflsaro troablsaad ba abistesstUeat ary store. CnOTIIBRal lBlatraVtora Salt) Catata Yvtrtaeef sa J.

8. ASHLXT. Earbcn snd Hdr Drccccra namtlattom Iae 4osMwih 1 Rl af taa Orsait Coarhi af a. 1 aot astd at yet rate oats Thursday, March the 18th, 1875. aaaa aaaiTm aia.

a eioty bsst aad awrsst "a a su, taa mmrmmm i ss I paaa, sao iird iaa av sas Hind la I a a sxa at a eeeat. 1 I fraaa yaf umsss4 ,1 aaaiia a ea 4 a af aa. ni f. I aaaoea a. a.

taa iheaB. I 1 J. a prsaa BMSatprt I e'saaary raaea b) at. I L.AH. FOR 1875 A.

W. T. Ci. Fr ice, Osatee saaotlic (lie Carwrt oh JflerSoat pJireef. IK.

la agreat rariety of styles of binding, tni AT THE LOWEST PRICES ALr.lAIUACS! rOR 1875. EflGLISH AND GERMAN 1 I A DOZEX DUTEBXXZ XTJEIS, FROM 5 TO 50 CENTS EACH. A. VT. DeLOXG.

PAWIC PRICES! (TICHOOLIakiat and tO oeB taper bottle. ay tuaxea, eta aadapwards. ar slopes. lQ and IS eta per parks ga. Oaed paper at 8 10, I sad SO CM par fairs.

4 3 Lftad Pencils for a Dime aad other articles at proportional prices at the Book Store of A. W. DtLONfi. FAMILY BIBLES! AND Photograph 'Albums. Bb LartKt and Greatest Yiiiety IN TOWN At the Very Ix west Prices.

A. W. SHORT HORNED CATTLE. I bars sight heed of cow sad heifers, of ths Dacheei hUkers and Lonan'a family, for sale. Ths cows are sr reliant ml Ik Si and all ar wen adap ted for ths improvement of farm stock.

Tbaasaaimait win bs sold at very reasonable prices, I Farther psiUonlsrs mads known on pbcatkms to the sabscriber at his residence near Antioeb, Hnntingtaa connty, Ind Hot. 11. irU 13w. FRANK McKEXVR. 1SDBAHCE fflCY The undersigned representf the following reljablp compaics: alns, of Hartford.

Faornix. of Brooklyn. Sorth British, of London. Home, Colanibne, 0. Aseets, Assets in 10,000,000.

Also represents the. HOME LIFE INSURANCE CO. Will OF NEW YORK. iusure dwellings; farm ami business hovses, and. iu short, every insurable at the lowest rates.

December 3418T4 U. J.G.PRICE. FURlllTUitE ST0EE A. Q. OWEE BecslesTS to inform the citizens of Huntings sn nanny that ne is mannractnriaf aad dealing ia MB.

ILL ROTHSCHILD, Saperi.rArtieles if FnrnitBre, WATISOfsJyreaortotatlrefrsssthseloOt llhfl ia thie eery, arsald whh srassb they hare fevered sac aanag taa SUCH A8 JPmnel End, Zouave, Cottage and Common Betlsteads, Break fast, Dialac, aaw Pateat tlUe Extension Tables, Chain, Chairs aad all Umite Partor Chairs saw, all klnae of BoeUaa Sillrnn. aad Bprln Bottoaa Bed. A tern stock of LOOKIHQ OXASSr! and In All Kinds of Furniture aaastoaMaadta U.aaUy found In Fint ClistL AB of vhlehh will sell CHEAP FOR I CASH. inVDEatTAKIIVCr. mi.

Wa have ths taest Hasras fat tas sity and keep I aad Wslnas coaVas sad aastalM lahaWhnhl oarsslree ha read Jsataawaiss. W. hope br to baseness to eat 1 a liberal snara March 1881, alS. SheriiFg Sale, Byrhtaaaf aesraasdennyafhlMoveo toan sHraotod, froaa tha Oars a OOiaeef tha Hanalagtoir l.wwa uan at rjmm wsia uia vaaraw tu MX a aaiaria, aaa wnnaa. Jt.

joaen aad aurgarat B. Joasa are SifaailiaH, tsqatrtng naa to make or aaa tsnaaiad Saw hundred aad at Soflsrs sad lennai lis ht eaBta. arttk atpabtteaahtothahiiMudsroa Saturday, reTnary A. P. MT, tal ana tasbonraaf MaUookAi sadas'olook a.

K. of said day, at ths doof tha OoartHoaasof asid Hnntiogtoa suanly, Indiana, tba feats aad profits for a tana aot swroaiitlng aseea yeara, af Mas foOowlBg dsarrlbeil real estate riiMMilm at the Booth earner of lot arnmbsr otity. ta Draeera ash eThena of aeonoa riaraaar anasa, township ssaaij aai aona, as range aaamar anas east, rsnnlng theses northeast s.uary Srs test oa las nss of ioa ana. (nofBBSfcBewtBwds. Irtoa sasas Boad; thaacs at nsrht saglaa aorta.

eesa se. 'y, la nas I asst aararysaa naaorea reei; lasaei anareawaa. aaa assT (VI waroiy as asary ssreai ia.aje niwww a laao handrad fset to us pweso. oegianing, ta femuirua soaaiy, utuaoa. Ii aaca rtmts aa4 will not Ball Soman.

Irlrat Sana lo sauary saia aearee. tnt e. I at oeaie wataanS yaaa. erpoee at a' aiwuaa ut an real estate. lahsa as us property of William aoaea sad Karnrat S.

Joass at tha sna af Charlss H. Mix. wtllae saaae wuhoat swy rehaf what ralaauoa ar stun 'aaai avwa. SherlS of Haatiaaiaa anaatr. Indiana.

isaaaai. Jaaasry au, us, iw January 13, 1875. Come and see lie November '2'k 1S74. TZ Msssau aueet. New York.

YOUHGMEH. Dive GOODS. ALSO, L.LKGi 'OTS OF I i PREPARING FOR THE BATTLE nuimmm FIRSTS GUN FOR REL10VAL Mil Ml KflM i New! DoiWe WMl bs bnfU by tu alonfjuide of the Poeloffice, and to ran through from street. This being tbsf Ae bwt winter we shall remain in onr OLD STORE, snd being determined to MrrIowe no Old floods into onr new one, dedfled tof 1 Mark Down and Sell for CASH onr entire Stock of Winter Goods, witliont anyJRegard to Cost. All Merrimack Prints down to 7c.

i All Sprague Prints down toj 7c. All 'American Prints down to 7c. All 10c. Prints down to 5c. All 11c.

Prints down to 6c. LOO Waterproofs down to 70c $4.50 white Blankets $3.00 a pair. 75c. Farmer Jeans down to 60c. $3.00 Shawls down $5.00 double Shawlsjdown to $3.00.

30c. Dress Goods down to 20c 75c black Alpaccas for 50c.) Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Tickings, FURS CLOAKS FORILESS THAIRST COST To the Manufacturer, FOSTER BROTHERS Fort "Wayne, Indiana. Randolph Sc Wintrodc's Grocery Provisiow Store IS THE PLACE TO BUY THE BEST AND CHEAPEST GOODS I IV I11IXTIXGTON. A FULL LINE OF FAMILY GROCERIES, Embracing Coki'Ei: Teas, Slgars, Spices, Fruits (Canned and Dried). Iloans, Peas, Rice, llominr in brief, a thoroiijrhly, full and carefully selected stock of Family Groceries, and a well supplied sUK of Provisions, such as Suar Cured Hams.

I Bacon, Potatoes, Flourpetc. Butter, Eggs, and Poultry An! in fuel kinds of Garden and Farm Produce. 1 ALSO. A FULL LINE OF GLASS QUEENSYARE. Oysters Direct from Baltimore ONSTANTLY OX HAND, my from us, and be benefitted.

New Advertisements. FREE Randolph Wiiitrode. BAMPLE to Asents. lea' Cam bin ai ion Needle book, witli Chromns. Bend etauiD.

F. P. Gllck. Bed ford, llassachusetU. 16w4 Smupthinnr fm Vnn ead UniPAni Ad: 1U1 lUU.lreaa D.

HU11HT, 75 and axvr rmxx. We want writable person ia XHWt Wanted to learn Telegraphing and take of. noes on new linea which ws sre ornisbing with operators. Salary from tuo to S100 per month. Particnlara mailed free.

Ad. a. W. Telegraph Institute, JancsvWe, Wis FOR Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Ana ail rnroat Diseases, USE Wells, CarboHcTablets. Put np only In BLUE boxes.

A. Tried and Sure Remedy. Sold by DrnggiaU generally, snd Uwt rUT.T.r.B fc rllLLEB, Chicago, III. ALL BOOK AGENTS SHOULD KNOW That the people everywhere are eager to bay the ealy aathentle and eomptete birtory of LIVINGSTONE His wonderful diacoreriea snd thrilling adventure, during 90 teabs In ths wilds of Africa, and hsraee tuiti. BeantifaUy illustrated.

Writs for antra ha ma, or.if yon wfah to begin at once, send SI for outfit. Valley Publishing Co Cincinnati, ar Chicago, 111. 18w, 7 Hare yoaTrled JURUBEBA? Weak. 'NerYOus or Debilitated? Are yon so languid that any exertion requires more of aa effort than you feel capable of making Than try JCRUBEBA, the wonderful tonio and InTigorstor, which acts .0 benenctellT on the eeoretiTe organs aa to Impart rigor to all tha rital forces. It ia no alcohjlic armetixer, which stimulates for a short ttma, oaly to 1st ths sufferer fall toa krw ar depth sf laasrr.

but tt at a Tegetable tonio not. ins; diraotly on the her aad spleen. It reguletes the bowele, quiete ths nerves, snd gtrsssucha healthy tone to the whole syatentas to sooa auks ths tnralid fast Ilka a new person. IU operation is not violent, bnt ia characterized by great genlhiness; the patient experiencea no soddaa hinge ao marksd results, bat gradually ha treubies V. thsh tsnts Bksthe Arabs, And silently steal swsy." This Is aa new sad ne tried diooavery, bat baa been lone need with wonderful remedial mmlu ssdispaeaounced by the highest nasdieal suthor iuss, Hha assst pswarful tonio sad slteraUrs snows.

asst your druggist for it. eals by 1" oiler I uiier, Chiaaffo. Ill lw SAHPLES Aada Complete OUTVll iEUPLOMENT. neiiihiioTaood to take ordare aad deliver goods for sarianliMhed O. O.

P. Haaaa rMapla and family goods of ail kaade la eoastant ass sod wear. Tbs oldest C.O.D, houss In Amerios bales over baif a million In U74. Iuutoa cash bat to the right Parana. A real rhanna far all, mala or female, ah roar hesaea or travUar Jo riak.

If yon so to work ws wiU send yon rem and tmroaal Short Postponement Day Fixed Full Distribution. First Orawd Gift Joaert Montpclier Female Hnmang AssociatioiL A Alexandria, Virginia, MARCH 29thf 1875. LIST OF GIFTS. 1 Grand Cash Gift I Grand Cash Gift 1 Grand Cash Gift 10 Cash Gifts, $10,000 each IS Cash Gifts, 6,000 SO Cash Gifts, 1,000 100 Cash Gifts, too 1,000 Cash Gifts, 100 each 1,000 Caah Gifts, SO each. ao.UOO Cash Gifts, 20 ZMTSOeah Gifts, anumntang .1100,000 so, 000 35,000 100,000 TO.000 to 00 60,000 100,000 80,000 iOO.QOO niJIKH OF TICKETS, innivwi Mrx.

1 OT TICI1TS. 1 10.00 Quarters 6 09 Eighths or each Ooiaaii 5 Tickola for, The MonfrjeHar Xvw.l. rr J.hartr2 by the WUlaturs of VirglruTandtol; Circuit Court of Orange ooontv. arooL htI Grand GUt Conor'Tn? eiSSS' anodow7 I norae ior tne via, Innrm, and Destitute Ladia. of Virginlm; at the forWVatddlnos of President James kladlaon, JTT.

Oorernors Offloa, Richmond, JuryV igrs. It affords me pleasure to thai tT. rpe'ller r'e ffi AaaS reaide In the vicinity of mTjhoraTada dence, iZTn represented among them. L. tEMPZB, Got.

Virginia. loom, mend them aa gents of honor and lnierriiy. and folly entitled to ths oonfloano. "thSJ B. W.

HUGHES, V. 8. Jodgs Xaata IMst. Vs. rorther references by psrsiasloa; Ht.

Xxeci. lency Gilbert a. Walksr, Ex Oovarnor of Hon. Robert E. Withers, Lieut.

Gov. of anJ U. 8. Senator elest; Beasiors aad Members af Congress frees Bernfrtsnoes for nckets amy bs made by express. Hot.

jAina Barbour. KrlAhIr Sffiflla annra a liaaaf saaplas sad eeompleta oatnt. Address Hving at Jaooh faculta at oaoe ana ssoure yous lerruary, 11, 4, BALL fc IUr. ssoob multa. OO, H.

Howard st BaUunore, ltd. Utwt January, WT5, tf U4 VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE Pnbliahiad Qamrterly. January arrm her Juat Issoad, sad eontslas over loo SOO eiiavine deeorissiona of aaore than SOOof oar best Flawara aad. Waara. taihlaa, with dirsotlons for cuUnrsT aSiwd Plate, eto.

Ths moat useful and elegant wcVkof th. kind in tha world. Only tSS tha year. Published In Knghah sad Osrmsa. Addreaa, JAataa TICK, Bocheetsr, N.

T. A Farm for ITent or A "ABM of Eighty aorsa, sitoated ta Onioa a auka aortbssst of Hanuna fon, oa tha old Fort Ways road, oisln ths ad Charley Lewis farm on ths north, for sals er money rent. The fine has ahoaa. Aftv Cleared, good bail intra, a wll, and aa orohard. aor runner parueuiare eau oa tu aaoamvaed.

ia viyaiu uus riow. ar T.Iaoltila..

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