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The Indiana Herald from Huntington, Indiana • Page 3

Huntington, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Cfe inlrianir )txik Wednwdty; 15th. uiLtt 'Mceilaneotis Itemi Beliriom Hotice. A protraeUxl meeting, under tlie supervision of Rev. Joseph Franklin, of Lafayette, will com meat at Ui Christum Church, id Huntington, on Saturday eveuing. Feb, 35th, The meeting will continue through sevml days.

Lrrr op Joint Brown. We are indebted to the publishers, Thayer St Eldridge, of Boston, for a copy of this book. It in a very handsomely gotlen hpwork "of over 400 pages, ami contain a well executed portrait of: Capt. Brown. It has beea for, the benefit of Brown'a family, ana 10 great has been the demand for it, the publishers have already forwarded to the widow 91000 as the profits arising from the copies sold.

James Kedpath, the author, is peculiarly qualified to prepare snch a work, and those who wish to read a line book, should buy a copy. Win. of Roanoke, is agent for the work in this county, and is en gagedjim canvass in and securing subscriptions in the different townships! He will supply those desiring the work jty forgot to state in our last paper that the young men recently arraigned before Justice Clark, charged with disorderly conduct during'religious service at the Lininger meeting house, did not give security for their future good behavior, as erroneously stated by' ns two weeks ago. Bear in mind, then, all ye Who are interested, that the parties weit all voluntarily discharged and permitted to go hence without molestation. t3T If any one has been disposed to doubt the soundness of Speaker Pennington's Republicanism, we invite his attention to the ttkt of Committees in the Honse, elsewhere in this paper.

They are sound throughout, and the arrangement will meet the hearty approbation of Republicans everywhere. The attendance at the Convention on Saturday last waa very good, and the best of feeling prevailed. The resolutions adopted are spirited and to the point. We hope to see the County largely represented in the Convention of the22d. A new fine toned and handsome ly finished Bell was placed in the tower of the new German Reformed Church, of this place, last week.

It was manufactured at Troy, N. and cost about two hundred dollars. tW Steps are being taken by a number of our citizens to efl'ect an organization of a lodge of Good Tetnplers, in this place. Council Proceedings. tWadiiisdny Eveuing, Feb.

8th 18G0. Council met pursuant to adjournment. Officers preseut Mayor and Recorder. Couneil incii J. Snyder, J.

Mitten, J. Hoover, 1. K. Slusser. Miuutes of last meeting road and ap peovetl.

John McCarty was Mowed eleven dollars and twenty four cents ($11,24) forcartingenrtii, on Flint Creek dam with two teams. Jvha Collins was allowed ix dollars for work on Flint Cni dniu. James Brother was allowed six dollorn for work on Flint Cwk dam. L. O.

Pomroy was allowed fifteen dollars ($15,00) for services as Mayor." John Kenower wae nllowed five dollars and forty eight cents ($5,48) for lumber used nt Flint Creek bridge on Wsrren Street. M. B.Brandt was allowed two dollars ($2.00) for Recording rights of way. The Mayor nptiainted J. Snyder, J.

Hoover, I. K. 81usser Judges of Election. On motion Council adjourned. A.

Q. KKNOWKK, Recorder. How they Dissolved the Union. The South Carolina legislature lately eent out a parcel of resolutions inviting each of the other states to join in a Dissolution Conference. When they reached Texas the Legislature eyed them suspiciously.

Members remarked that Texas had had too much tronble getting into the Union to be in a hurry to get out of it. And they were summarily laid nnder the table. When they reached Virginia there was a long debate. Bat tie Legislature finally came to the sensible conclusion that a Disunion Conference would have no power to dissolve the Union.and if it had, that 'wasn't what they wanted. So the resolutions were not concurred in.

When they reached Maryland, the whole Legislature rose up, with two exceptions, to indignantly spurn them as an invitation to treason, which message goes to south Carolina, with tbeir com pi intents. Cold (jorafort for fire eateri.tbls Al bany Evening Jhmrnal. Hollowat's Pills, a cure for eick headache and William Ksncrs, of Dover Maine, was perhaps, one of the greatest sufferers from sick headache and bile, scarcely a day passed without his feeling the dreadful effects of these for roidable evils, he pot himself in the hands of the doctors.bat they did him no good, fn fact, he became worse, until his suff erinjrswere more than human nature could and he almost sank nnder them fortunately for him he commenced using Holloway 8 Pills, which acted upon the system, clensed the bowels, clear ed the head, and by persevering with thetn for eight weeks, thoroughly restored him to health. He has ever since been entirely free form these dreadful at lacks. DC7John L.

Robinson of Indiana, ays that seventeen Douglas men, and nine Ucuwciiits comprise the delegation from this State to Charles ton. Til I I A A II It A CO Several families who had emigrated from Mechanicshnrgr 10 Virginia, just over ihe have been ordered to quit that chivalrous State. One of them, a Mr. Dorshiermer, wast drawiag. a i load of gnano to his farm, some days since, and some of it being srsUered along the road was taken to be ''gun powder by some ignorent person.

Out of this grew a rnmor that the Pennsylvania settlers were laying in ammunition, probably to conquer Virginia, Hence their summary ejectment. Read tho new advertisements. Tiik Cuwisa YuMorLirr. are often rendered wretched l.y ailments which are trifiing in themselves and easily cured if token in time. Affection of the liver, stomach, and orgnns concerned in digestion, are the most frequent.

They naturally make the sufferer nervon, irritable and complaining and relatives and friend are forced to bear tlie brunt of tli eir ill humor. The use of Htter'e Celelmited Stomach BiUors will prove an effieieirtlwnedy for this evil. It will not only strenghteu the whole physical organization, but entirely cure tlie most obstinate esses of Indigestion, Disrrhoa, Dyseutery, and Liver Complaint. The first physician in tlie eonntry are loud in their praise of this preparation. Another recommendation of the Hitters is that it is so palatable to tlie taste that it limy lie uwd even as a beverage.

Sold by.all druggists ITMrs. C. P. Blister, editress of Newark (O.) Times, writ in her paper of January 29, 1858. as follows: We know that Dr.

Robaek's Scandinavian Kcinedir are all tliev claim to he. The Dr. presented us with a few liottles of his Scandinavian Blood Purifier and Iwxes of his Blood Pills last summer, which put new life into us. They invigorate, strengthen, and leave the system in a better condition than stimulants usually do, and have no depressing effi et. We fl safe in rceomending the Blood Purifier to oil suffering f.swi dol.ilitv UtiiMtiu what it mav.

the Pills have this iieculiarity, they are powerfully active, and at the same tune leave the patient stronger and in an improved condition, different fratn most drastic remedies. Try them with the Blood Purifier and you will feel like many who have bven relieved, and willing to add your testimony to their efficacy. Si advertisement. Cash Paid for Staves, Of the Following Dimensions 51 inches long, 4 Inehes wide, inside sup, yx inches thick ou heart edge. 54 do do 4 do do In.

thick on haart edge. 54 do do 4 do do 1 do do do do do 44 do do 4 do do l'jdo do do do do 44 do do 4 do do io do do do do 44 no do 4 do do 4 do do dp do do 38 do do 63 do do do do do do do 6 do do 1 do do do do do Ti above to be nu de of (rnod.White or Burr Oak Timber, free from worms, hole's, kuots, nhukes and crooks, bucks dressed down nearly it thin as the heart edge. All to bd made of good green timber, and subject to our inspection, gross count. Cash'pnid promptly. To be delivered on the bank of th Canal, at any convenient point for loading.

Those wishing bills to get out staves by, can get them by calling at calling at Jesse Griffith's Drug Store, or John Zeigler's Store. WILLIAM II. HUBBELL. February l.lh'GG 19tf PLOWS. PLOWS.

Buy the Cheapest and Best I IIENIIV BEAVER Respectfully tu forms the publio that he man ufuc tores aud keeps constantly ou baud an estsusive slock of his I CELEBRATED Steel Plows, hich, In point of workmanship, dura blliiy aud cheanuesa, cannot be excelled in tlio Slute. Farmers ure requested lo cull and examiue them. BLACKSMITHINQ. We pay special attention to this bnsi nesn, mid are ready at all times to do work iu the best style, at short notice, jauri on fuvorablo terms. Call and examine our work and pri beforo going elsewhere.

WAGONS kept constantly ou haud or made to order, iu the best style. 17 Shop on the corner, north east of the Public Square, Huntington, Ind. HENRY BEAVER. Febrnary I860 lyl9 7 Good News for the People. PETER ZAHN BKGS leave to call the attention of the public generally to his COMPLETE ASSORTMENT READY MADE CLOTHING, Ofsuperior style and qna lily, among which may be found all styles of Frock, Seek and Dress j.

Cloth, Satinett, Tweed and CaKsimere Pants, A variety of styles of Summer Coats and Pants, Silk, Sal in nnd Marttillet Veils, Halt and Carpel Sackt, dc. Also, Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Hnndkerchlefs, Drawers, Suspenders, Umbrellas, etc. All of which he offers to the public as cheap as any other house in town. Clothing mode lo order, iu the latest style. and warranted to fit.

Please call and examine oar goods aud prices. St" re (n the room adjoining Faloon's Dry Goods store. PETER ZAUN. May 5th, 1858 vl0nl3 The Collar is Raging IN HUNTING TON CiALL AT RENBARGER'S, and he will eliow you Collars that will exoell all the stand up Collars ever manufactured in the place. Harness, Bridles, Halters, SADDLES OF ALL KINDS, And everything else manufactured la our line, for which I want the Cash, and for Cash will sell tea percent lower thaa my competitor.

All 1 oak of my customers is to say they hive the Cash when they call, and 1 will satisfy them. lome one, some all and see me. JOHN M. RENBAROER December 7, 1859 11 LIVERY STABLE. HART LEPPER, Proprietor.

Good Horses, Good Good liar uesa Ail goaad. rilHK publio caa be accommodated at any time, day or night, on as favorable terms a can be had la Ihe eounty. Give him a call. Stable south side of the Canal, near the Basin Bridge. December 28,1859 13 Who Wants to Trade? I HAVE a very comfortable Dwelling Houee in the town of Huntington, which I will trade for Land.

J. R. COFFROTII January 4. lHfif) 15 Furniture Store AN 0 CHAIR FACTORY. JOHN KENOWER, MANUFACTUSKa ANU DKALV.S IN UPHOLSTERED, ARM PARLOR, Cane Seat and Windsor SOFAS, SETTEBS, Comineu und Cettugc, Centre and Patent Extension T.A.T1T iE8, Stands, Cupboards, Book Cases, Lonnges, Safes, Hair and Husk Mattresses, PATENT BED SPRING WARDROBE BEDSTEADS, And In fuct about every article of Cabinet wuro manufactured In tliecountrv.

OO'PPINS. Of all sixes kept constantly on nnnd, and nearae to attend funerals, wnenueaireil. P.PMM u.ta V. i jr nfli'iu II i i II will please call and examine his slock and prices, nd be convinced that ho is aelliuff cileuner than any "other estahliahinent Iu the pluce. Miopen me norm sine oi ine iuuni, near JOHN KENOWER.

November 1G, 1859 FRESH ARRIVAL NEW GOODS! AT TIIU CHEAP CASH STORE it OF JOIiXT FALOON. I have now In store a full slock'of DRY GOODS! Of every variety, embracing Dress Goods, for Ladies and Gents, Cjcite, aps an!) Bonnets, QUEENSWARE, Soots and siioes QEOCEEIES, Yankee Notions, Our sleek of Goods is now larger, more varied and complete thaa ever before, and will be kept so by frequent additions. I am not to be undersold by any Store in town, and respectfully invite those wishing lo purohase to give as a cnll We are determined to maintain the well merited reputation of our houee by giving better bargains than uny other establish meut iu Huiitiugton. Remember tha'pluce a few doors north of Moore's store, juiim rALUUN. November 9, 1859 v12u7 NEW GOODS AND LOW PRICSE! i i I am now receiving a full and complete at ock of staple and fancy Bry (Groods, such as evcy iersoa necessarily wants, consisting of Prints, from si to tweuty 6ve cents peryard DeLalni from twelve to fitly cents.

Coburgs, Bombszines, Alpacas, Ginghams, De Irish Ijlnens, pluln aud barred, Canibrick Muslins, Swias find Book Muslins uIho, a large stock of Gloves and Hosiery, black and fancy Cravats, Silk, LI lieu and Cottou Hand kerchiefs. A general assortment of Aleu's Woollen Goods, Sheetings, Baitings, Checks, Ticks, Denims, Ac. Groceries and Crockery, Also, a large slock of regular Custom made BOOTS AND SHOE3, MEN'S AND BOY'S READY MADE CLOTHING All of which will be sold at Small Profits for Ready Pay. I will also sell Men's, aud Boy's Custom made Boots by Ihe cose at manufacturer's prices and transportation, as my slock is quite large. I will also sell Fancy Dress Silks, alt wool Merinos, Ladies Cloth Cloaks, and variety of other Ladies Dress' floods and Trimmings, AT COST, As I want to clear oat my stock of all such Goods, leiving them to the Ladies Ksncy whore 1 think they properly belong.

Now, Ladies, please give mo a cull, und get bargains in these Fancy Goods. S. MOORE. November 2:1, 1859 9 GROCEKY AND PROVISION STORE. THE undersigned iuvilea tlie slteutionof the citizens of Huntington and vicinity to Ills well selected slock of Gioceriea and Provisions, Consisting of Coffee, Sugars of all kinds, Mo biases, Golden Hyrup, Teas, Spices, Candies, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Nats, Crackers, Wooden ware, Candles, Ruisius, aud all articles usually found in a Grocery Store, which will prove satisfactory in price and qua lity.

Lager Beer, Pore and Sparkling, from the celebrated Brewery ol Pder Leuk, Toledo, 0. Also, constantly on hand a colli ce supply of Foreign and Domestic Liquors, CONSISTING or Rhine, Claret aad Port Wines. All of which are offered to the public on the most reasonable terms for Cash or Produce. A call la respectfully solicited. ID Store in Ihe Brick building lately occupied by J.

Roche. W. II. REINHARD. November 9, 1839 7 LJVERYSILR tt.

D. WELCH, Proprietor. The subscriber is prepared to accommodate tlie public with good Horses, Carriages and Boggles, Oa the Host Favorable Terms. A share of public patronage is respectfully so lieited. Call at the American' House.

November 30, 1859 10 ALWAYS AHEAD IN i QUALITIES AND PRICES! A NEW AND ATTRACTIVE 8TOCK OF DRY GOODS JDST atCKIVIO ST SKILES DA VIES' CHEAP CASH STORE "Small Profits and Quick sales." rilllE undersigned are in almost constant re .1 eeipt of large supplies of New Goods, and olWIng to the public tlio handsomost and best delected stock of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET Their large stock, now on hand, compriaea every variety aud style of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, SUCH AS Cloths and Cassimeres, Boots it Khocs, Hats A Caps, (Groceries, Hardware, Glassware, Queens wore, Bonnets, Ribbons, Notions, Ac, fee, Ac. We Invite the special attention of the Ladles to our unusually hue stock of Consisting of Black and Fancy Silks, Poplins, DeLaines, DeBngeS, Brilliants, French Muslins, Lawua, Ginghams, PRINTS, All Colors aud varieties of Patterns. In a word, we have every thing needed by the Farmer, Mechanic and Professional man, and their wives, sons and daughters, and at Lowaa raicra for Cash or Produce than Goods have ever been sold In this markot. Our terms are for ChbIi and Produce only, and our motto la "Small Profits and Quick Sales." Plesse call aud see us, iu the room opposite the Post Oflicwf before purchasing elsewhere. SKILES A DAVIE.

October 3(1, 18.V 5 NEW STOKE! NEW GOODS LOW PRICES! J. J. W. PTJRVIANCB I'NVITE Hie attention of the publio to their splendid stock of Goods, just received from tliu Lasleru cities, consisting in part of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC ry (Roods, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, BONNETS, Ac. Broadcloths, Caaslmeres, Caalnelts, Sail net Is, Demiugs, Fancy Cottouailes, Prints of every style, Flannels of nil kinds and prices, Woolen DresrGoods, Plain and Fancy Silks, Meriuoes, Delaines, Lawns and Brilllauts, Brown aud Bleached Muslins, Together Willi every urllcle usually kept in first class Stores, nil of which have been purchased with special refereuce to this market.

Our Goods are all new and fresh have been selected with groat care, and as we expect to do business ou the Ready Pay System, we Invite a call from the public, feeling satisfied that our Inducements will be entirely satisfactory to all classes. Bring along yonrCHsh and Produce, aud be convinced that we offering first class Goods at THE LOWEST PRICES. Qj Store iu Dr. Grnyaton'a brick building, ou Jefferson Huntington, Ind. J.

J. W. PURVIANCE. August 31, 1859 TEEEiBLE Conflict BETWEEN HIGH LOW PRICES. Low Prices Victorious.

rilHF, undersigned, having materially iu I creased his business facilities, embraces tiiis method of informing the public gtenraily that he manufactures and keeps ou hand i LARGE STOCK OF FARMING IMPLEMENTS, consisting rT or Steel Plows, Warranted to do better work, nude of belter material, and in every way superior to any article of ihe kind offered Iu this place. Harrows aad Cultivators. ALSO, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINED REAPERS AMD 3VE ERS. There is alo connected with this establishment a first clsss WAGON CARRIAGE SHOP, Where vehicles of all kluds are tnade and repaired on short notice, in Ihe beet manner, and ob the most reasonable terms. BLACKSMITH ING, la nil It Various Branches, Is carried on by the undersigned, and persons leaving work may rely upon getting it well done, aud at the time promised.

GIVE ME A CALL. CT Shop on Market street, near the office of Drs. Mills a Urayston, tlunliu gton, Ind. S. S.

HALL. August 3d, 1859 TllaSO SNYDER A GODDEN'S BOOT SHOE STORE. They keep on hand a full stock of mm mm, Chiefly of their own make, which they wsrrent to be orsuperlor quality. Tnelr Kastein work bought far cash, from the beat manulaotur ere, and they sell at the lowest terms. Being practical workmen, they will give particular attention to Home made Work, And can warrant their artlclea to be well and faithfully made, and of tlie best materials.

Calf and Kip Boots, Stogie fc Ladies Wear or all Htnas, Kept on hand or made to measure. Call and see us, In the room lately occupied iy rreu. uica, nuniingion, mq. October 27, 18M 5 Zeigler's Column. ITEW Dry Goods Store! The subscriber has jut returned from New York, where he purchased a null stools.

OF Einbrahlng a General Assortment of all the various articles usually found In a country Dry Goods 8lore, consisting Iu part as per follow lug liaiau.guo i Domestic Ticking, Muslins, Cheeks, Whirling, Stripes, Cotton Flannels, Denims, Wool Flannels, HiitinrttN, Cnssimeres, Print, Ginghams, DcIliiRes, DeLnines, Tweeds and Jeans, Alpacas aud Moriuos, Together with numerous other articles in the line of Domestic Goods, all of Ihe best fabrics aud colors. Print, from to 12J cents jer yard Fancy Dress Goods, Silks and Furs for Ladies' A Very Full Line. i 0 SUA Ie HAY STATE BLANKETS, Vc' STEEL HOOP SKIRTS, French Work Collars, Linen Hand Worked Edging. WALL WINDOW PAPER. 4 500 Pieces Window Shades Cords and Tassels, from Hlg lo cents per boll.

HATS OA. IPS. Winter and Nhiiker Donnets, Pluiu, White nnd Colored, Keuches aud Flow ers, reuch aud American, Umbrellas, fee. BOOTS AND SHOES. For Ladies and Geutlemen, Leather and India Kubber, Iu every variety aud style, from fiUd Congruss Gaiter lo aStogu.

Cut aud Mill Saws, Axes, Shovels, Spades, form, walls, oio. GROCERIES! A very full stock of every article in the line of Family Groceries, such as Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Spice, Rice, Mackerel, syrup, tobacco, Vinegar, Soap, Candles, Indigo, Starch, fee, flic. In all their endless variety And now I would respectfully solicit all my old friends aud customers, and all who want GOOD AND CHEAP GOODS! To call aud examine' my stock before making fiurchases elsewhere, as I shall certainly make your Interest to purchase your articles of merchandise at the HSiTSTfiBB. 5 Next door to George Corlew's Stove Store, and one door north of Juin a R. Slack's Law Office.

JOHN ZEIQLER Huntington. October 36, 1859 5 jjlRead This, GREAT BARGAINS BOOTS! SHOES! J. P. J)REIBELBIM Is now offering to the public a general and complete assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES. His stock hi complete, aud embraces every variety and style of Bronze, French Kid, fancy Gaiters, Enameled Boots and Buskins, Goal Morocco wear, Misses' and Chlldrens' Gaiters, Fine and Heavy and Boys' Boots and Shoes, Stoga, Kip, and fine French Calf Boots, embracing Home made and Eastern Work, So that mil fin accommodated with any k.l at lL mug 1110J ntmj wiau, Very Lov Prices for Ready Faj.

Repairing aad Custom Work Of every description done at short notice and in lh very beat style Sole Leather, Upper Calf Jt Kip Skins Uleaiagft, Pegs, tc, Kept constantly Oh hand and for sale cheap We solicit a Call from those needlnv article. In oar line, feeling satisfied that onr mode of dealing, and our Work aud frtces Will De loand entirely satisfactory to all QhuoMS. IT Store ia the Herald Building, opposite tin roet Umoe, Huatlngloa. j. P.

PREIBELBISS. November 16, 1859 8 ITlRESJI Salt and Molsases, for ale cheap ul BL. CKBI.MN'rtL HOSTETTER'S STOMACHJBITTERS. The proprietors aad msnufseiurvrs of 1108 TETTKIl'S ATtD STOMACH HITTERS can appeal with perfect ennndeneo lo fb) sicinns and ciiivns generally ef ike Uniletl Slates, hocnusp Ihe article has nitslned srepn tntion herciolore unknown. A few fane apna this poiul will speak more powerfully tknm volumes of bare assertion or bliivuing puffery.

The coiisnmwtinn of Hosteller's Stomach Bii lers for the last ear amounted lo over a half million bottles, afsl from ils nutuil'est auady iucreuee in times pnat, il is evident llint during the coming year tlie consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold but for Ihe rare medicinal properties coulniued In Ihe preparation, and the sanction of the most promises physicians in those sections of Ihe eonntry where ihe article is best known, who not only recommend Ihe Hitters lo their patients, but are ready at nil times to give testimonial to lis efticney iu nil cases of stomschio derangement and ihe dlsesHos resulting Iherelrom. This is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in ihe way of trumpeting the qualities of the Bill ers, bul a solid estimation of an Invaluable medicine, which ia destined lo be as enduring ss time itself. Hosteller's Stomach Itinera have proved a Godsend lo regions where fever nm ague and various oilier bilious complninis have couuted tbeir victims by hundreds. To be able to Itste ooundeotly Hint the "Billera" are a certain cure for ihe Dyspepsia and like disoii.c.H, ia lo the proprietors a source of an alloyed pleasure.

It removes all morbid mailer from tlie stomach, purines Ihe blood, and imparts renewed vitality lo the nervous system, giving it that lone and energy Indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates apon the stomach, liver, aud other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soou restores them toaeondilion esseulial to Ihe healthy dischurger of the functions of nature. Elderly persons may use ihePllters daily as per direct ious on tlio bottle, aud they will Bud iu It a stimulant peculiarly adapted lo comfort declining years, as it is pleosaul lo the pnlute, Invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a Ionic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evidence of thousands of aged nieu and womea who have experienced the henellt of using this preparation while suffering from stomach derangements and general debility; acting under Ihe advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested Ihe merits of this article. A few words le Ihe gentler sex.

There are certain periods when their cares are so barns wing that many of them sink under tlie trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly lender, that Ibe mother, especially if she be young, ia apt lo forget her own health (n her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during Ihe summer season, the Dear of body nnd mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant lo rreupe rate Ihe energies of ihe system, and enable Ihe mother to hear up uuder her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mm hers generally prefer the Hitlers to nil other invigora tors I list receive Ihe endorsement of physicians, because it is agreeable lo the Inste as well as certain lo give a permanent increase of bodily strength.

All those persons, to whom we have particularly referred above, lo ail: sutferers from fever And ngue, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or dcrnngemenla of Ibe stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving lo Hosteller's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial CAUTION. We camion the public against using any of the many imitations or counterfeits, but ask for HosTKrrr.s's ('sLsssrsn Stomach Bittiks, and see that each bottle ha the words Dr. J. Hosteller's Stomach Bitten" blown on the side of Ihe bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature isoa Iht label. kf Prepared and aold bvHOtiTETTBB 4c SMITH, Pittsburgh, and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the UuitoU Stales, fckmin Am rtoa, and Germany.

For sale J. W. Griffith and Jesse Davics, Huntington MoFadden A Sproul, Warren Amos 1'arrott, Antinch Wickersham A Wright, Mt. Etna Hatfield A Lesh, Markb S. M.

Blount, Roanoke. feb 8 ly) BOERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS. TUB CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMRDT TOR DISEASE OF TOE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, we aura A SM IC And tlie various affections consequent Upon Disordered, Htomactt or uver, a Such as Indigestion, Aaidity of the Stmnach, Colicky Tains, Heartburn, LoTn of Appetite, LVsponduncy, Costiveness, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic and Neural gic Affections, it has in numerous instance, proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. i.l.l..

1 linv iv purviy veirewuiu eoimiouiiu, om pared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the celebrated Holland Proft asor, Bccrhave. Its reputation at home produced its introduction here, tlie demand commencing with those of the Fatherland scattered over tlie faoa of this mighty country, many of brought with them ana nanaea down uie tradition of its value. It is now offered to the American nublic. knowing that its trulv wonderftil medi cinal virtues must lie acknowledged. It is particularly recommended to those persons whose constitutions may have been impaired by the continuous use of ardent spirits.

or other forms or iissi nation. Uenerally in staneous in effect, it finds its way directly to the seat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and infusing new health and vignrin the system. Read CAXirriLT I The Oenntne highly eoc), eentrated Ikerhave's Holland Bitter is put up in half pint bottles only, and retailed at one noLLAa per bottle. The great demand for this truly celebrated Medicine has induced many imitations, which the public should, guard a gainst purchasing. Bkwask or Imposition 1 See that onr nam is on the laliel of every Ixittle you buy.

BENJAMIS PAGE, Ja. Sole Proprietors, Pittsburgh, JV, R. Browning, Indianapolis, wholesale agent. Sold by Jesse Davies aud Jesse Griffith, Huntington, Ind. Wm.

Schoonorer, Antiooh. June 1st. 1H59. Iy36 WHEAT WANTED I fl Oriri BUSHELS OF WHEAT 1U.UUU wanted at the Mejealca Mills," on Ihe Salameny River, for which tha highest price In cash will be paid. HILD EBRIND tt B.RO, December 7,1859 11 THE IMPENDING CRISIS! BY H.

R. HELPER. A few copies of this important bas created such a seniation thrvogout the entire country, just waived and fur sale by W. R. PURVIANCE.

January 18, I860 JUST leceived, a lot of Tobacco aud Clgaoy which I wil! sell low for.

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