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New Pittsburgh Courier from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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CoL Noel Parnsiv post Vfr. of the Tuskegee KrField. predicting that busses cf pilots at 'Joe Jr2 Command tastal rSts would be larger S.Air Force's expansion je latest contingent of JSSLUGGISII? ,00 tuplets Use sterole For est Colds 1 Mien Ccrfc2 bu Bnzutms tasnr War Lhonnr wuintupiet catch ytOxsa ttiroao and berk are aaa robbed untfc Musteroie leJ vuxterft covntet irritant. TK HAIR DESERVES THE BEST GARE IT SESALU o. 3 rai i user Jsiir anil you if ISariwr ones ftTj roarrf eaaaa FRic.V ii.

OF A ilLO So 1 StacDoo. rt i. I ffKK I GEEFLYERS RECglVimGSiiLQT, RATINGS READY TO TAKE OFF AT A MOMENT'S NOTICE In TIoiiGanto 5r 1CONSANTO. between union cTrWrfala. company 300 Hesrro members of the manaa ersL a rem eaa uterine from cal Workers Local union xwx, anu of the AFL begsm work stoppage at the Monsanto Chemical eom samr here last week foIVrwing a the Urban league and A.

JC John son. U. S. Department ox Labor concOiatm no decision was reached. Comnanv officials refused to aeries of discriminatory practices! introduced bjr the company.

meet with the Negro repreeenta The workers proceatea an oraer issued by the company forbidding the track helpers from riding in the cab of the truck with the white drivers. tives and moved the oonzerence 0 from Plant B. the Monsanto plant. to the St. Louis plant.

They iiTTyH that the Negro workers had not followed union procedure At a meeting Tuesday afternoon in their uDiscd Seen vain oes" rrierKl Lt up wits coesfcpatiao imeeryr i aw xtive. Chew E. JH oedtJtae. tkin only is oacWaga di recti cm. Next eiief oelpin yoa riv 3T FEEN A mir favorite eum.Iates vhoie anaiy 5 a ftaeEc Oil Compound (4 moBtb asit' One uciiar Dlua oot ari ar.c py postage Jfcd Perfume nd Medajo (Jb vour treatment WlWllrtil Hair rrodnct.

lw 0. Bnioktyn, N. I. i THLNG 13 OR: BSiCK WANT YOU TO BE 1 flyers received their wtngs mnd pilot rating In the. Post fchapel Honday, March IX Shown from Ml to right, first rowr 2nd Lta William sT Price.

Topeaa, Elbert JZndaon! Los Angeles. wSHam woeeuer, jjexrotv Rofaisen, Christtaaated. jroix, virgin Ialands; Vincent Dean, Corona, N. Flight Officer Char lea EL Wilson, Chicajro, IIL; 2nd Lta. Reginald W.

Hayes. Holicong, Pa, and Elton Nightingale, of Tuskegee Institute, Ala. Second row: 2nd Lta. Fred Brewer. Jr, Charlotte, N.

Albert Young. Memphia. Roosevelt Stiger, Jackson. Charlea T. Wmiama.

Los Angeles', proves, as do many others, that no suchr statement can be made about the Quartermaster units in this war. CITED FOB HONOR The following recommendation from the command to a certain Quartermaster Service Battalion driaaHi cs tomu fatigue and scomfort. offlcerVand lta tcr. tt' rust about the men of these units worked enlisted men of these units worked fSd nba you car boy' J3NUfHS: Children, atild ssbte enildreD nC people nth tsa; Kezois: fca ordinary pa far stub bam a a a bhnaon 's Bed Cn Plaster helps relievebackaches and other muscular aches and pains, for these reasons Betas ess mfAx ts sssy Ghss esestSCf ssasjai smssgs. joiinsorrs RED CROSS PLASTER jBvdi car.

Injure or evert SCAR the skm. 5o. whSMi urrsoflny iisiery ef pimples, eczema and many ober tkin irrtfahons anter Jad eaLsig you agony, get Palmer's Skin Success Omhnewt qwek. aenuine Palmar' 5ucce Omfmrri has bees Droved for over pn MUhcrc ftlJARANTEHD ro satitfy or money i ter. (75c lire ccitains four times as muchjat drug snd tstry counrers.

or frcT! E. T. Browne Drug 1 27 Wafer Sf, New York City. complete complexton beauty wrm Fs me' Sin Success Soap. 25c effectrvery JSisiiT a av a a m.

mm i lnrrfKil If 9 fATrtCA flki ul mum unwn tacamiso. Am Alow IkSJlll Ik II) llllllllall I 1 ta iMiiiv laaT 1 1 am7sassai I RsrMWSS5WW aatci ilri3iFz oSSS3rS JFZr. 1 is Herbert EL Heywood, Christiansted, SL Croix, Virgin Islands: John Porter, Cleveland, Ohio; Andrew Marshall, Wades bo ro, N. Charles I Whits, St. Louis.

Mo, and Peter H.Whit taker of Detroit. Mich. 'Third row: 1st LA, Payton H. Lyle, Chicago, HL; ted Lta. Walter R.

Brown, Jr, Hampton Institute. Vs; Roscoe Brown, Jr, New York City; Ahmed A. Rayner. Jr, Chicago, I1L; Joseph L. Merton, Jr, Chicago, Rixle McCarroll.

Gary. James L. Hall, Jr, Washington, D. Gordon M. Rapier.

Gary, James A. Calhoun, Bridgeport, Conn, and Charlea E. Darnell, of Dayton, Ohio. Photo by AAF Training Command. untiringly for seven days and nights unloading boats and bringing aahore needed suppliea On shore, they cleared the supplies from the beaches, set up dump installations, and issued critical mate rials to the invasion force.

"The speed and efficiency with which members of these companies handled vital supplies were important elements in the success of the initial landings and subsequent operations. Their courage and devo tion to duty reflect highest crediU upon themselves and the Army of the United States." There were some casualties but no deaths in this unit. The following men have been awarded the Purple Heart since being overseas: Pfc. James CornwelL of North Carolina; Pvt. Russell Cole man, of Pennsylvania, and SSgt.

Milton Winkley, of Texas. i 'J i V'i UNDER 'FIRE' 9 LOVETT QUITS miotrnanTON Because they Negro Snipe i wwuaiiy, auu ue, it ironically stated, was Kicked Dy a mule. easadt wDeaslN cs oroinptiy testifies to the nart Ouartermaater iMSX'img. a throat anC tight, i units are playing toward the ulti ear arasciw au xlAa. I mate defeat of the Axis: esafr mm oreair joral "Companies and Quar ka a to auuei oronrJual tract.

termaster Service Battalion are sittnat i commended for outstanding devo jenifiejswonaertuwai tion to duty and meritorious con ffivtai cnanv urcoi snd 'duct. Soldier Kills Nazi On Anzio Beachhead WITH THE FIFTH ARMY. Ita lyA Negro soldier who once evacuated a wounded comrade in a frantic daah for a Fifth Army evacuation hospital near Naples, durinz several hoars of blackout driving is credited with killing a German sniper biding aiongaiae a frontline road, tne war uepart ment related today. A veteran of the Fifth Army's landing at Salerno, the soldier is Pvt. George C.

Veney, of ST9 Pierce street. Pittsburgh, Pa. He naa served in a Quartermaster unit overseas since April, 14. Colored Fifth Army Unit Cited For Military Honor WITH THE FIFTH ARMY. Italy It has been said that during the World War Ouar Itermaster units were so far behind the lines that only one member of such units became 14 i xrue or xaose, tne record or one Quartermaster Battalion which landed in Italy with tne initial combat forces of the Fifth Army in September, 1943, drivine an officer in my Jeep to the front," said Private Veney in recounting his adventure.

"Occaaionallv we'd hear German artUlery shells scream overhead and explode by the road. I contin ued driving on, since tnere was netting we could do about Jerry's artillery pranks. SLAYS SNIPEB when riffle shots kicked up dirt near his quarter ton truck, there was something Private Venev could do about that! He took cover in the scrub brush away from his jeep, and searched the area witn bis eyes as ne hugged the ground. The nuisance Are from the sniper's den con tinued. Private Veney waited.

There he was! Tne tmper was less uuui arm mt wir Crawlinc closer to 'the lone German's position. Pri vate Veney took careful aim at his chest and fired several rounds from his Garand rifle. No more vehicles were fired on in that vicinity, "because the sniper was dead. There are plenty of white people who would appreciate our side of the storv If they knew it! Pass year Courier along" to such a friend. URGE NATIONAL TOLERANCE DRIVE CHICAGO (ANP) At a recent meeting in Chicago of the National education association's commis sion for the defense of democracy through education! delegates, representing 200,0000 American school teachers, voted to adopt as its major objective for the coming yar a nationwide plan to teach tolerance in the schools and colleges throughout the country in an effort to stamp out prejudices and antagonism.

The program will be financed in 25 PILOTS EAGER FOR ACTION it Ions: had tried to oust him from I nd Perry EL Hudson IL Atlan office. House Appropriations com ta, Ga. Army Air rorces fnoto. mittee members welcomed there sifraation last wc. xecuUve aasis SnVto th Governor of the Vir MrLovttt became bernajort he remaineo hrm." a members V.

St affert needed Interior de riations. partment approorw Senators Promise Fair u. risa On FEPC Budget Yr vorK. N. T.

Leading member, of thSenate have prom iaed the nAAr aea Mtritlon to the ap ScSoTofthY Fair ExnPJ Practice Committee for its fiSSfiOO budget. GLP LESSEN FASTI Does Iri of natural o3s in akin cause fine, surface lines due to drrnessl and White Coid Peara sappse ments natural osls, aids these in keep im atrh arrft earl lessenmg those hfry iinea. Zae at touet eonnsera. rv f4 Isises mad WkA Fm These stalwart, full fledged pilots of 25 Mitchell medium bombers, shown standing in front of a mighty air vehicle at Selfridge Field. are assigned to the 477th Bombardment group.

Left to right: First Lts. Peter V. Verwayne, New York City; Charles R. Stanton. Portland, Charles I.

Williams, Lima, Ohio; Second Lts. James Y. Carter, Winston Salem. N. Dan iel James Jr, fensacota, Aia al aide arter wngi i 1 hill oreventing his receiving a sa auffer rrn Broocniai Astama Para riii Pv7vTi former job as seS lyrS" from eoosha.

weatas ofthe Virgin If rr Tntasaor Pt1 wTt the came with the BJrSff L. Ickea writ Quick for darlns FREE TSUAL. Offer Irxrulrtea from ao caOlad especially tented. bopal. NACOR, 85C State Life Building lautiajiapoOs.

Indiana part by a grant of $25,000 from the NEA'j war and peace fund, and according to Dr. Alonxo F. Myers, chairman of the commission, teaching materials will be supplied by such groups as the National Conference of Christians and Jews, the Council against Intolerance in America, the Bureau for Intercultural Education and the schools of Springfield, Mass. The commission plans to center at tention on the project or every state. IHLAIB MASK1N Oeat.

SattUaara, NO DYEIMQ WONDERFUL Aa fast as if is pvt on. Beck Beauty avdds gtoasy jet btaexnes to qrty, faded; liraafcsd heir. No waiting. No dysing. Aftar thst nmrjf, sppfy whsnsvsr nsod drin psst tew seconds of your time.

Back Beauty bo acts super 4 Wy Ksir oVsing. msking Kair look glossy, tofW. youeoar snof helps Hold your KeJr execrry the way yeas want to comb sfick, tovefier. THOUSANDS USE Tlmusa nds use Beck Beauty Heir Dresa drus TlVk cqs Far Ts SKOAL UffU YO0 A HILL SOX CASZ Bana aoM artna mat aa mau niu ii ra rail ataa torn Caka SitJi UM1 49 Vaa 5. Caaeaas.

M. SUAAANTitO SATISFACTION, Wrtj. You cm use it. too, on Hie guerefrtee must satisfy you morsy beck. 55e posfoeid fmd.

tea). No. Keystoa, the Refieble Co, Dept. ttc Mephts, TetM. til imniwn iiwiMiiMmnimi I mi mnii iiih Ti.ii Mm immi.

i iimm mm These are busy days for America pilots in the Nettuno area, Italy. Top photo shows piolts re 500,000 New Membership Goal Of NAACP NEW YORK Concentrating its efforts on a simultanous campaign throughout the nation condensed into the period of May 1 June 20, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is seeking 500,000 new members. The country has been divided into seven areas under the super vision of a national office staff member. The drive will be con 1 ducted from the New York office. with Miss Ella J.

Baker, national; director of branches, in charge. Youth councils and college chapters of the association will stage: an advanced campaign in order to gather in members before the colleges close in May. WHS sawawpwpawi i i.ijjp a 'I? MADE FROM HUMAN HAIR Reasonably priced Also many sty tear of hair attachments Write for FREE CATALOGUE HARLEM HAIR MODES. Inc '74 West 125th SU. Dept.

New York Clrr 27. N. Y. Wm turning from the alert area to the operations tent of a Spitfire fighter squadron. Pilots take turns at being alerted.

In bottom scene, a jeep loaded with pilots pulls up in front of a Spitfire at a fighter squadron airfield. There is a pilot at every plane, ready to take off at a moment's notice. U. S. Army Signal Corps Photos.

WOULD YOU BE iiul forft. rr sfw ssjay raaay yvrr a 04 IJ.U.M.YJ! I aw itno nuiErs sna wntiiEi Lighten Skin TAKES MINUTES apply new NIX UrmH Bleach. Igatea tag film adds ttaUchtaese to akia musutes while active bleach lagredleati works from bcaeata. Ucfet eae at once. Cse aaytiata.

Ne si mnmm. Hal pa err aurfaea plmplaa.i looaea blacfrhoaas. fade CreeUaaTFtael powder base. Druggists Tug 1 mm Yes. rejoice now if your outer skin is tanned too dark blotchy, rough, coarse, or its beauty marred by externally caused minor blemishes! A special ingredient in Da.

Fred Palmer's Sxm Whiteneb is smanng. helps lighten and brighten tanned too dark skin, also loosens blackheads for easier removal. Don't be troubled Go to the drugstore today and get the 25c box Dr. Freo Palmer Skin Whiienul Use as directed ONE WEEK and if you're not delighted with the new way your skin looks, YOUR MONEY BACK. Don't wait kxigov Start this great NO MONEY RISK test tonight! SALIMrtl.

COw BOX M4, ATLANTA. OA. Alao use Dr. Fred Palmer a Skm Dencfet Vaiwatiinj Cream aad Bats will be real aiaa to akia In 1 1 Each. 2Sc eeaaaiojaaajimnaa ffldDILILYWdPOPIID AIL Hcrlern's Famous Creator of "Peg" Pants Now YOU Can Bay by Mail Where ALL New York Buys Newest "PEGS" TOP QUALITY AT BOTTOM PRICES Extreme Draped Pants, with cuffs, pleats, extra wide knee, PEG narrow as 13 inch bottom, high waist, for MEN and WOMEN.

EXCLUSIVE, SHARP PATTERNS, ALL COLORS Send Postcard for Free Catalog Many Sports and Theatrical Celebrities Among Our Thousands of Pleased Customers HOLLYWOOD AL 2116 Seventh Avenue New York 27, N. Y. (In The Alhambra Theatre Building) ON THE ALR EVERY DAY WITH SYMPHONY SID TO CALL ON BOTH RACES EVERYWHERE TO INTRODUCE A Magazine designed to brino; about BETTER UNDERSTANDING among all RACIAL GROUPS. This Magazine should be in Every Home, Leaders in CHURCH, SCHOOL, LODGE, BUSINESS. PROFESSIONAL AND INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATIONS will find 'PULLING TOGETHER' a source of great help.

A citizens Committee in a Southern City used an EDITORIAL from PULLING TOGETHER' as a FULL PAGE ADVERTISEMENT in a daily newspaper to help bring; about better understanding between employers and employees of a corporation worth MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. The ideal of 'PULLING TOGETHER' are such as to be acceptable to all Americans. TULLING TOGETHER shows the BEST in all racial groups. Every individual a prospect WHITES sold as easily as NEGROES. LIBERAL COMMISSION.

Free Editorial Booklet mailed each subscriber. Exclusive territory. Full or Part time. Average salesman earn from $10 to $20 a day. WRITE FOR DETAILS IMMEDIATELY.

'PULUIiG TOGETHEir Tuskegee Institute, Alabama.

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