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The Springfield Democrat from Springfield, Missouri • Page 5

Springfield, Missouri
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Mclniire'i Anderson DRY CO. 1 10 11 1 Public Square Read Ira Every Word OUR CARPET DxUrtt 1 Mlii JN 1 J.t.L.etu.lye selections from the 1. 1 i iL. most xatneu noei 01 kuuu wtua iu United States. House cleaning time suggest new Carpets, Chenille and Lace Curtains, Window Shades, Bugs, Carpet Sweep ers, eta It is part of our policy to make the prices lowest on the goods most in demand.

That policy wilt apply until April IDtb to HERE TBEY iRL 15 dozt OPAQUE WINDOW SU.ADKS, mounted on spring fixture, only 'Sc. Think of it. 25c CARPET DEPT. Incrain Carpets at 92c, 33a, Doc, 35c. and lly buying now yon save from Ike to ISO on every yard.

Ilruhsela Carpet at die, worth WHS. llrusaels Csrpet at "lie, worth 5o. Bruseela Csrpet at 85c. worth II. Choice styles in Mounettes and Vcl yet Si pets, The largest stock of new goods ever town Id this section.

Select your sho Carpets. We'll measure your room. make and lay them for you and guar antee satisfaction In every case. Mattings. 100 piece of China and Japan Mat tings at less than regular prices.

Lace Curtains. Lace Curtains bought at auction from a New York importer at price that will enable to offer them at exactly balf their actual value. tot 1, value for S1.S5 pair. IotS, value 4 pair, for 3 pair. IOt value as pair, for 13.60 pair.

Lot 4, value 111. ho pair, for pair. Chenille Portieries. for less than 17 pair, at tl .25. Ivies' Wrappers made of the best MiM prints dark and light colors, worth tl.5U will be 87c commencing to morrow.

Dress Goods. Our second importation of pattern suits is now on sale. Come early and get first choice. two alike. Cotton Goods.

Fine Bleached Muslin, yard wide, at match It for 8 So If you ean. Pine Itable ached Muslin, yard wide, at 5a. 6iew Style Dress Ginghams, the reg ular quality, for Ho. IrM (IWhsms, rood quality and rood styles, for 5. 5.C00 yard of Staple Check Ging hams, not the (Mo alaay kind bnt ex eellent Quality for So.

loo pieere of Indigo Blue and Oil Bid Prints, for ie. 10 piece White Goods, worth (H for 5c 10 piece White Goods, worth USc for "He. 10 pieeea WhiU Goods, worth I5c for Be New Demitlee from II Vie up. Scone Batiste, a new cloth for ladies and children's dresses, tS inches wide, good style and fast color "'ie per yard. Capes and Jackets At Actual First Cost Oar entire line of Ladies' Capes and Jackets at actual cost; not an old style I If I ihwuv, tw.

Chase that proves UnSatlSUCt nr. from antr rans a ae mm vwwuw We do Dot even rare to know the reason. The fart that yoa want your money bark la sufficient for as. We want your fstnre and all our customer mutt be satisfied. Sample and Prices Will be cheerfully given.

Tbe more roe compare the more money you will save. Tbo mora business will do. Mailorders will receive prompt at tention. Mclntire, Grubbs 1 A nderson I I DRY GOODS CO 1IC 111' Public Square Local Democrat Arranging for The State Meeting. The County Central Committee Called Together.

The City Election Fenton and Hit Job ItMult of School Vote. It time for the Greene county I democrats to be getting ready for tbe State convention, which meeta In Kansas City next month and noml I Date candidate for aupreine judge, I auperintendent of public school and I a railroad commissioner. The chair I man and iMirfftapv nt thj. jOTitntw nm. Iniiuee bar called a meeting of that body "to call a county convention to I A6lfHt del? ft (elect delegate to the democratic state convention and transact inch other buainea a may properly come before the meeting." It la quite likely that tne county convention, which will then be called, will also be an tborized to elect delegate to the Springfield convention, which will nominate a candidate for congress to succeed lion.

John T. Heard. Greene oounty is entitled to eight delegates to tbe state convention. The call is as follows: A meeting of the Greene county dem ocratic central committee 1 hereby called to be held at the law onlceof W. Hamlin, in tbe Leader block on Saturday, April 14, 1894, at o'clock p.m., to call a county convention to elect delegates to the democratic state convention and transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting.

J. U. rsEwnn.i., w. C. IIohnuiak.

Secretary. Chairman TUB ClTT EXECTIOX. I'eople talked about the result of the city election all dsy yesterday and Lewi Pipkin was warmly congratu lated by democrats. It turns out that Jim Dunphy was mixed up in the movement of the retail grocers last winter to iret a bill oassed bv the leir Mature to protect grocers from loss by The labor organizations of the State thought the bill unjust and succeeded in defeating It. J)unphy went to Jefferson City to lobby for the bill.

This fact lost him many vote among th local labor organizations and was largely responsible for his defeat. It is agreed on all sides that the A. P. A. cut no figure whatever in the content and It is said thst the society baa leas than 100 members here.

Tbe returns published in yesterday's Dkhocrst were about correct, 'lhe official vote will not be announced un til the next meeting of the city coun cil Tuesday night when the returns will be canvassed. There is much speculation a to what Mavor Klect Kenton will do in re gard to the flier at his dis posal. My and with the consent of the council he appoints all tbe police men, a street commissioner, building inspector, janitors, paid firemen, etc As the mayor and council preceding the present one are republican and tbe ofllciala an satisfactory to that party it Is not iK iievea there will be any radical cliaojes The city clerk and engineer are u.irlr in the hands of ths council. Clerk I). W.

Hackney i a democrat, but is so efllcientiand faith ful that haa been retained no matter hat tbe political color of the council might be. coi'XTsr ruKciscr iiitAKn mo School district No. 4, which takes in l'ick wick place, held an election Tuesday. The question was on dividing the district. One section gave II votes for division while tbe other voted 42 against It and I for It.

This places the mstter In the bands of tbe county school superintendent who can divide the district If an ap peal is taken to him. This will be done. If both (tiktriets had voted for division the district would have been separated without any further ceremonies. It is not known when the appeal will be beard. Ash res A UIVUKCE.

A fxllUa rl4 With the Clerk Clrsall Csart. A. B. Bray has Bled a petition for a divorce from hi wife Katie V. Bray.

Tbey were married la lwo but. Mrs, Bray deserted ber husband one year later, according to the petition. Yea terday circuit court proceedings were: Kokeen iron works vs. Eobberson avenue railway company, lien; answer of fourth, national bank and Mississippi valley trust company filed. W.

W. and U. II. Donham vs Flora and R. A.

Moore, damages: motion by defendant to require plaintiff to elect wnicn MtioB wool ored to try. Moist lumber company vs Frank ritcn deceased: continued antil next term by agreement, elothing company vs Charles H. Brothers, replevin; amended answer filed. Springfield strata laandry company vs C. I).

Oiliette et injunction; motion to dismiss, T. II. Bars vs A. Coomb, re plevin; by agreement judgment for possession of property. In re to assignment of J.

r. fortune: application tiled for appointment of commissioners to set off exempt Boot A Traory vs W. O. Meed, sale of real estate; defendant givea until Js'y 1. to file bill of exceptions.

i'etrr A. "oil Joba Vtnehtmaa. damages: dismissed for failure to pr operate. ueraiey vs i ity of prinrnii; dsmages; dismissed by agreement antil aett term. Central national bask rs Americas national bank et el ntoeey had; eon tinoed by agreenteet.

Leara Boose rs Charles M. Bonae: to eascel dexi; deposition for plaintiff opened end filed. Aa Important strike of sine or bss bra bsIi near Mamfield. The ore a It of said to lie ia a true fiaeart veia I ks the Only Beeches mi ear coast THE DEMOCRAT: SPRINGFIELD MO THURSDAY MORNING. APRIL 5, 1094 been traced for several mile.

'Shafts have been sunk along this vein and a depth of 184 feet has been reached with the shaft still in ore. On tbe sur face the vein 1 twenty inches wide, and gradually grow wider as the depth increases. One shaft was started at the tide of the vein and was sunk in a slant, one side being sine and the other rock. be thickness of the vein has not been tested, but it is known to be twenty feet wide in one place. Tbe land adjoining, to tbe extent of 12,900 acres, baa been purchased by capital ists of iietnlehem.

l'a. FIRE AT CAVE 81'IUNO Two House Belonging to Sloan Kelsos Beduosd to Ashe. News bas just reached the city of the burning of two bouse belonging to Sloan Nelson near 'Cave Spring. One of bis barns was also destroyed. The two bouses were about mile apart and it is believed tbey were burned: by enemies of Mr.

Nelson. Tbe loss was about $2,000. Some one started a ru mor that three of Mr. Nelson's chil dren had been burned but it was not founded on truth. i MR.

WILLEKE'S MILL. A. IS.OOO Xlfe Inauranon Polloy For Miss Edith. The Rest of tbe Property Divided Be tween the Three Daughter Of the Deceased. Tbe last will of J.

G. Wtlleke. wbo died last week, has been filed with Judge A. W.Lincoln of the probate court. It Is very brief and disposes of a considerable amount of property in a few words.

G. M. Sebree and Dr. 8. Johnson were tbe witness.

Mr. Willeke carried 15.000 life insur ance in the Jewelers' lesgife company, of New York, and he willed this sum to his daughter, Edith, absolutely, All his other property, real, personal or otherwise is given to his three daughters, Edith, Helen and Jose' pbine, share and snare alike. Uis wife. Sue Willeke. is appointed executrix of the estate and she is not rLAH inu rLATRKS, i Those wbo have a leaning toward scenic features of the play were Weill enough pleased with A.

Y. Pearson's company in tbe stage version of at the Baldwin hvst night, Rider Bag gard's extravagant fancy had full wing for both eye and ear: foc.dil gent efforts were made to keep the voluble line well up with red fir nd scenic displayes. is expect ed to be somewhat boistrous through and through, and this idea was not lacking last night. A large audience gave conservative Interest at the start but warmed up to frequent applause as the elimaxes were worked ud from declamatory speeches, dramatic situa tions and weird pictures. miss I.I1.L1AM Liwis.

Everything points to large bouses for Miss Lillian Lewi at the Baldwin Saturday matinee and evening. "Credit Lorraine" will be the matinee bill and Uood By, Sweetheart" by Hugo at ight. Misa Lewis hss in these oppor tunitles for display of ber strong dra matic work. "Credit lxrranie la a tale of apeculstion or stock gambling and "Uood By, Sweetheart" a story of the heart. THE rxXClXQ MASTKn.

A notable event In local theatical circles will be tbs appearance next Mou' dsy evening at tbe Baldwin of Mil Marie Tempest assisted by the Whitney opera company, In "lhe lencing Master." Two year ago she came to America and was seen In "The Red 11 uss and severs! other opera that were being presented by the Uuff opera company. Palmer's Theater, Kew York, on the nifht when "The Bed Hussar" was presented for the first time in America, was the scene of a great ovation to Miss Tempest When Uanager J. M. Hill secured "The Fen cing Msster" from Messrs. De Kovaa A Smith be engaged Miss Tempest, who will sing the title role this season only.

a th is to bead an organization ander ber own nam next year. OBOBOB RBNXAH, George Kennsn whose writings on Russia gave him fame, will lecture at the Baldwin on next Tuesday evening on "lhe bast Siberian Convict Mines. His lecture Is woven with exquisit skill ss to shades of temperament, aow path' tin, now descriptive, now humorous, in a manner that i entrancing to th liatenar. A rosnd. clear voice, distinct srticulstion.

a wondeifnl command of plain Anglo Saxon, and a carriage of simple greoe, blend to make of tbe great traveler a matchless performer upon tne piauorm. TBB BSLDWIX lC. A new orchestra la charge of Ethel bert W. Grabill. with Mias Bertie Rob erta pianist, furnished musie at the Baldwin last evening and will continue for the seasoa.

Tbe eight pieces ar equal to all expectation and interest and serve to mske the Ba.dwin's musie feature that will please. Knl'i mt Kw Tors. Tbe second edition of "King's Hand book of New York comprise M.OOO copies, half of which ar needed to fill advance orders. Tbe book baa beea sent th world over, to give to other nation aa Idea of th magnitude and freadenr of the Americas metropolis. contains handsome pages, anor than bow photocrsrhie illustra tions.

It is aa exoepitonally fin erwe of tbs book maker's art. and Is worthy of a eonpicoo place ia everv library and drawing room Ity tbe aid "king's Handbood of New York City" eayoo eaa know every thing that ta generally worth knowing about the foremost city of the Weotrra hemisphere. Its pnee Is merely eopv. sod its editor sad publisher is Mooes king. Hosioo.

Nsss. Regular Bowels follow the nse of Tatu Pills. I I I I I I of 1 A Were Elected to tbe Penitentiary In the U. S. Court.

Willie Hendrlx Gets Three Tears For Counterfeiting. W. Dodg and Frank Fuller Be celv Sentences Elijah and Polly Ann Ford. It occupied just two hours In the United States district court yesterday to examine all the witnesses in counterfeiting case and sentence tbe defendant to three year at hard labor in the Missouri penitentiary. It was tbe case of Willis Ilendrix, a negro barber, wbo grew too anxious to get rich while living at Bois D'Are about a year ago.

By some mean ne outainea a spurious (20 bill. Whether he made the bill himself or procured it of an other was not shown at the trial, but It was nrovAn that ha tried to nalm it on good money several times after having been Informed that It was counterfeit. Only a weak effort was made at defense and tbe jury were out but a few mements. Polly Ann Ford and Elizab Ford are an aged and decrepit couple wbo look as though they might have made mud pies with George ashington. During the late war Elizah carried a musket and a canteen across tbe continent and emptied many a leaden missile into the ranks of the Confederates.

lie thought be earned a pension. He and Poll Ann fixed up a scheme to get one. Tbe scheme was a little out'of the regular order prescribed by Uncle Sam. they drew J704 from the government before the crookedness was discovered. They answered in the aflirtnative when Judge' Phillip asked if they were guilty, but it was explained that they were led into tbe fraud by dishonest pension shark, uut of compaasion Judge Philips gave them Jau nnce oi inree montus, wnicn mucn 'ess Wan the customary pun isnment, ana aecreea mi tney suouiu pay back to the government tbe money fraudulently obtained.

J. J. Hodlmer. Charles Rodiiner and 0. W.

Dodre were arrairned on charge of countorleiting. Tbe two Wodimers asserted that tbey were Innocent and ill be given a trial later on. O. W. Dodge said was guilty and forthwith was sentenced to serve three years in the penitentiary and fined $100.

frank fuller, an oiu man, was louna guilty of impersonating a United States oQioer. He was sentenced to tbe ueui tentiary for two years. UfctOMJSa VilHV INTHUKSrlNO. Ths standard end Troy Oil ('panl la Territory. Oil magnate from the Pennsylvania fields ar prospecting around Ft.

Scat, Kan. The two great oil com' paniea of this country are firmly con vinoed that tbe oil fields of Pennsyl vania must eventually find successors in those of southwest and western issourl and eastern Kansas. Tbe competition between the two eastern syndicates whose representa' tires are securing oil and gas leases on Bourbon county (Kan.) farms with a yiew to prospecting extensively, is very animated. Messrs. Guffey A Daley who were first on the ground, re pre sent the Standard oil company, whose men are now at work, represent the Isrgest oil syndicate ontside of tbe trust.

There are now twenty three agents representing the Troy company, working in Bourbon and Allen countiea, who have their headquarter in Ft. Scott. CARTHAGE COt KT Hot UK. II la te Be Kallt at Cl af eaa.nno. In th recent letting of the new courthouse at Carthage there were eleven bida from parties in Minnesota, Iowa, Kansas, Illinois and Missouri.

Th bid ranged from 17.000 to SM.OOO, Tbe contract was let to the Divelbiss company for (X9.000 in all, which In, etude extras, Mr. Dlresbise says be will begin work on th building be tween April 11 and to. He says It was his intention to employ Carthage and Jasper county mechanics and la borers exclusively In erecting th build ing, except two or three bead men who alway worked with bim. lie ai la ted that home material would eeive tbe preference. MET ALLOW KU ACCOl KT.

Wsrh Iks Cnaty CMrt Tb Caart County court was ia araaioa all day yesterday and allowed a big pile of accounts. Since the bond election the members tbe conrt are being constantly asked what la ta be done la regard to a Dew courthouse. "Don't know le th standing reply. It Is thought thst tbe present court will not do anything more in the msttrr. Awsrtsd illatieet Honor World fair.

na most rikrtcT mm? i 1 "sry MMiE. tr 4U pur "i 7 t. Trs ier. sJuNer A Watch and With every suit from $10.00 up sold for. CASH at the "STAR." This offer may not last long COME QUICK, as it is a Perfect Time Keeper.

Our entire Spring stock is' now in. We will save you from $2 to $5 on a suit, besides giving you a nice watch and chain. silver lode of Colorado. The veia has tina TM Room Fa a. saaetLowet PROPR'S 'Us 1 JfctaEMrv? GROCERY C0 322 SOUTU ST.

1 pail full weight 8yrup. .3 .40 1 pail 17 lb Jelly 45 iS pkg 1 lb Corn Starch 1.00 13 can of Tomatoe 1.00 12 can of Bumpkins 85 5 lbs 1'runea 35 6 lbs Raise ns 2i 5 pkgs 1 lb Arm Hammer Dwight Soda 25 pkgs 1 lb Self Rising Buck Wheat 25 2 pkgs clean Currants 15 Good Corn per can 05 13 Cans of finest Corn A in tbe city for ft Bevveveye.t California Fruits. 11 can of Grapes. 1.S5 13 can Egg Plum. 1.40 12 can Green Usges I 40 13 cans Apricots 1.50 13 cans Bartlett Pear 1.75 13 can of 3 lb Apple 1.00 13 cans 1'le reaches 1 00 13 can Mustard Sardines.

13 cans A. M. Ssrdines. .60 12 cans F'lnest Imp Sardines. 1.40 13 cans Full Vt't 1 lb Oyster 13 can Warren A 1 Salmon l.TS 13 can Good Salmon 1.10 13 can String Bean 80 3 pkg Tie I Ye pars Ion 15 30 lbs Good Rice 1.00 We haven't the epuco to DieDtion any others, but call and let enow you through.

We guarante everything we cell to be the bent goods and loaest pricrs. SOUTH SI REET GROCERY COMPANY. We retail at wholesale price for CAlill money to Loan. On Karma and City Property at per eent interest and bo com TTv.RAGLAI).,,s,.!l::r' Mprtnanll. ill IllMoarl JOHN U.

IOITKIt. Mar S.lss. STOCKO. BIMIIInnnvlll trwt. LEVIN W.

SHAFEK i CO. Lands. Loans Collections If ABfjtf ft avU If fm eVese lr) lrv tr4 eojtBii Hi avv 4mf yfny 1 Wr 4 twifcif 4rttm, mm mnwmmm 4 Wh. hrmm mS mt Um4K All Ii riM 7MURf JO work irtsunl Will please eUl at oSiv of A. ist.

Isssrsso KmI Otaie and r.nJ ArU. eer Si iional Loaa aae lim jaeet le. MW llllllt 1 au.1 BawaNasNSTaNaSxNSasNM II Chain Given fdKE. I Tf Awav frnfouse TOP STONE. (ThoronKhliisd.) This handsome young stallion la a clever race horse and royally bred, sired by Ten Broeck; dam Helena by Longfellow.

Pedigree recorded in liruce's American Stud Book, Vol. 5, Eag 343, in company with Denmark the greatest saddle stallion in Southern Missouri, and the popular combination stallion. Diamond Denmark, will made the present season at the old Westmoreland stable on Olive street, Springfield, Mo. O. O.

CKOTRER8, Owasr. If You A re Wise, LIKE ME, You will have your laundering done at the TROY STEAM LAUNDRY, the best in town. Good work at reasonable prices, and piompt delivery. Telephone or send postal to the Troy Steam Laundry, 212 Walnut and will call for. Telephone 179 RUDOLPH KOEPEN, BEAUTIFUL Now in Full Bloom.

a Specialty of Ont Flowers and Funeral and Grave Dealgna. Pot riant of all kind now ready for outdoor transplanting, (all for lovely Buttonhole lloqueta. 0 ive' Sileb? BILL Te Innrist COOK'S Eczema Cure! A ur tmr far Trr mm in w' its mijkgvm. SYPHILIS cvr.z on no PAY. saw ass pLORIST JL IUllloonvlllHt.

SarclaNci Roses.

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