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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 26

Indianapolis, Indiana
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comes to yommi ybiteb TICKLES," BY MRS. STRATTON "rCRTER. tO EE DRAMATIZED. rSCUHY THE PLAYWRIGHT (FpecUt I Tb ladianapells X' (JUXKVA. October Doubleday.

V. ce of New Tork. publishers of Song the Cardinal." "Km kli" citfr worts of Mrs, Oen Strsttoa 1 iter, of this place, announce that ar r. Momenta have been competed with an r.r.p::h star, rtorotttea Desmond. frth urarr.atiaattoajof "Freckle.

7 Desmoid a great aerto eomedy' Meeea mil aha vkhx ta BlSV lb MTt cf th 6ntt9 Angel. Mra. Porter re ird a letter from ber hi Julyt asking stage righta to the Ibook 1b an rakaig couatries, and as eh well acquainted with Miss Desmond's reputation la 1 gland, aha glad to ve her Consent, rvaniond then applied lo H. A. a wlV knon Lterary and critic, to dramatis the book for h.

r. lwttlr Mr. Porter haa been asked in roLa with Mr. ainubury.i Tbe i. write berHhat ehe muatveoro to London and work with him.

"as ber i.rrwiec:ge of th atmoeplier of th book j.r 1 charming gift of serio eotnedy t.ui.r wiU invaluable to him." Mr. noury rrfxm to draft the ae Ana aid r.ave ira. rorvr ionuu in Successful DramatisL ilr. Salntsbury aecessruHy dramatised The Thraa Munketeer," "Chic the Jester." "Charles XI," ate. la drama! lxing Sherlock Holmes a few year ago Mr.

niabury ao feared for th nana part be went, on tCa stag himself and lrrd th part for' consecutive per rnntirft. 8ai nts burr baa rcome ao ab ort.ed In dramatizing "Freckles' for I Mmond that ha rites Mrs, Porter ui if she will come and eoliaborat with be will araiti take to the stag and k' trie part t.f Black Jack, a character be wish some, hat elaborated for 1 iTtpereonation. aira. Torter mill aaU r.inud wbeaever rhe la needed for i of thia event, Mr. Porter i rar.Vlr.

to have hadr anr reeofnlaAd rrrrntift ar.d actra America ao In td in tnjr work would hare dhfhted rit; l.ut no on can dertr that England If or America tn art and cixlturm, to have her rrealet eerto conwdy airti end her rretrt liierary critic t. 1 dmmttlvt romblnlnr to honor toy takea my breath away." Showered With Congratulations. frrtm all aocrcea lira. Porter la being vwerd with congratulation; for this vrKJuaJ not promle fame for her but alo a anuf fortune Sht te author of "Th Bong of the Car r.L" publlKbed two yea re ago; 'TrecVles," Juat year aro, ir.J cumeroua ahort etotiei and maraklna Hrlra. Fhe ha a aerial In the Ladle' errs Jotinml fur th coming ear, and two large volumes vt nature work, with 1 twn llhirtrtitiona.

In rreaa. ws nature work In tlie' "lrr Vrl iws np ttmt Mm. Porter a.nd f1 lopel fe book "FTeck h. aM frm the honors it baa ''vel as a luerary production. Is be l.

boted hy business men4 for Win of f.ucUty to a truwt. One Chl rra ci has riven Zt cxite to i i er! and clalrrt to have realized i fr cent, on the Investment. A raJV" i Hn bas loo copies to hie men orTed I more for tha aame jmr j.e. Vnh this feellns; among business i and tbe OramallsHtlon to brlra; out t. fetion element of the book, ck bid fnir sorn I one of the meat boiks In America, as i.ow Is in i njrtind.

ACCESSORY EEFCKE THE FACT Waynt Hale Indicted, Following MurtJercf Husband. to Tb Indianapolis XlJ VALrAIlAISO, October SS. Th Jury tl.Is afternoon returned an la Mr. Jessie Ilale, Wifa AS uyne ITU who waa found dead lat August. with hla throat ei.r to ur.

fche la accused of tc i winr f'ir the fact to tb i murOer. Mrs. Hale haa raada i tifi to be admitted to bell. Ccci CUizens League at Franklin.

kl to Th lodiaaapolls Km 1KANKLJN. October 3. Seeral kt rro Jjt i'b Ktas, a laioreri Was 5 by a workman In tha kin I r.K saloon nonaged by James GU 1 at Indignation waged in tiie because of the mur i.tnl a n.a. meeting of citizen waa lit t.ion si ps i re taken to en 1 the A secpud meeting re 1 in tip orrar.iaatioft of a Oood CiU tr 1, i and tii town la now being c.i.vartMd jor hiembershlp. A meeting baa he i for to morrow night to take uh reference toitb alleged i sale of intoxicanta.

1 Adam to Sing. Joaerhlne will i.i morrow mprr.lng amTVvenlng at tha Srmd IrebTtertan courch. Thla win f. rst in a church choir ee br retuin Invm There wUl sr mvU on the ot enslon of th re. ft ti burch aud.torium.

C' rtru Fugate alng "iro by request to morrow at th xrvire of Meridian street i wuirn is id la Cib hail. lilgh tvchool. ffl Mlaa Itaael Plckena, of Spencer. 1 visiting Utxa AUbl WoodrvtC Mr, Qforge Famaworth, of Iwtrolt. la tb gueat of Mrs.

J. li. Knapp. JJr. and Mra.

fclward Pottage and family bav gone to Terre Haute to live. rr. TL O. Caylord has re tu rued tnrm a month tialt tn Colorado Pprtnira. "io Mra.

Km ma Bamea and duahtera, Lucy and Mary, left to day for California to live. The Modern Priscllla Club tnet Thursday with Mr. Wlil'a Wolf. So.ith Kut street. Ml Lvdia Mauzy and Mlwi Berthn Ma of KuahvlUe.

are vbdting llrf. J. K. 6hearmn. Mlaa Beas KUIotl entertained the Gamma Tau Sorority Informally at luncheon yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Mmer Wlllon have returned front a vHlt to Mrs. Wllbvni slater.

In Chicago. Miss NellU Rusberg entertained last v.nln trvr Xf P.l.nrh MennifBn. Of Nathrille. Tenn. Mrs, Jinfi Bsnlett will entertain the T.

O. Oub Tuesday evening with a Halloween I Mra. W. It. Caswell will give a blrth dty dinner to aorrow at her home.

113 Highland avenue. Mra. Lydia McMahan and daughter. Anna, left yeaterday for California to spend be winter. Mr.

and Mrs. Karl Rtwenberg entertained at dinner last evening for Mr. Edward Roeeberg. jnd Mm. R.

Tl Culver hare returned Imm the countiy. where they spent the rammer and fall. The UnrwUr aftertifmn Cuterie will meet with Mrs. J. B.

Kirkpatrick. Korth Alabama street. and Mra. Lon R. Mauxy will entertain at dinner to morrow to celebrate the annlreraary of wedding, Mtaeea Eatelle and Agatha Sellg wlU receive Informally to morrow evening for Mia Cleona Uene.

of Muncls. Mr. and. Mra. D.

Dnrla a.nd famUy will go to Cincinnati to morrow to attend the wedding of Mlaa Sadie Fleck. Ml.a Unie Marshall, of New York, and Mis Mary Bon. of Brooklyn, will come early in November to rialt Mlsa Ruth Mc Culloch. Mi a KeUle Braaler will 'entertain thirty friends Tuesday evening with a witch party at her home, 07 Weat Talrty. first atreeU Mr.

and Mr. Daniel G. Williams re turned to day from a two morifa Wedding trip and wUl be at home at 2il" Belle fontalne street, The Kanoa, Aloha, Tbeta Ahuntue Club will meet Saturday afternoon. November with Mra. rnt Elliott, 20 li Morth New Jersey street.

Mra, Taylor, of Phoenix. Arts who waa at tha home of her slater, Mrs. John Coburn." baa recovered and will leave the tnlddla of. November "tor her home. Mia Margaret Gray, of EransrlUe, will com Wednesday to visit Mlaa Jose prime Mlsa Gray and Mra.

Stout attend ed Mra. Somers school In Washington last year. Th pupils of Tudor Hall had their Hallowe'en party last night and the girls went tn roatume of an kinds, appropriate td th season, and ther were games and novel features. jrhe Cenrur Club will hare a meeting Tuesday evening. Wlllltt A.

Baa tian will read a paper on "Diderot and the Encyclopedia Thera will be no meeting of the club November 7, on account of the election. Herbert Wocher la home from Purdue for two days and has for hie guesta Raymond MUlikan, of EransTllle; Arthur Reed, of Pittsburg: Arthur Reel, of Toungstown, Ov and Garnet Munn, of Louisville. i J. Warner Reubelt Is borne from Purdue for th football gam, and his guests are li. A.

Campbell, of Vlncennea Lyl Prttchard. of Watertown, 8. V. F. E.

Trlebun, of Chicago, and Cook, of Fort Wayi. Miss Caroline Burford win return next ek frcm St. txmlu, wher ah went to attend the wedding of Miss Ruth Spencer and Mr. Scott. Mia Spencer Is known to many friends la this city where she visited Mlaa Burford.

Mra. Courthtnd Van Camp. Mrs. Raymond P. Van Camp and Mra.

John T. Martlndal bav Uaued Invitations for a bridge party, Tuesday afternoon, for Mrs. Sugg, of Clinton, la who Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Samuel u. an camp.

Mr. and Mra. Alexander J. Schumacher will entertain friend Tuesday night with a Hallowe'en party at their bom In Park avenue. Th dinner will be served In the rarret "and there will be game In the basement, and music on an old fashioned Instrument.

E. Lambeth, of rhia city, la one of the psrty on th special train with former President and Mrs. Grwer Cleveland, who liar gone to Nebraska City, for the dedication of the J. Sterling Morton monument. A large number of dia tingulahed peopl ar la the The Proctor" Club will meet Tuesday with Mrs.

J. IL Wilson, Mrs. H. Gray bill will read of "The Earle of Mauxi" by BlKhop Boaauet; Mra fV. K.

Kuhn, of "Versatile and Vigorous." by Bithop Du panloup. and Mra. Margaret Peeie, of Lecordalre." The club will dlacuaa the several subeeta, for which Mrs. Reaume will be the critic. Mlaa Kate Robeon entertained at luncheon to day for her niece.

Mlaa Julia Ketchara, who la to be married November 20 to G. E. Lemmon. The decorations were chrysanthemums and the name cards bora appropriate sentiments. Tha guests were Mlaaea Joaephln and Lucll Her ron.

Mis Laura Hanna. Mlaa Gray. Mum Alice Scott and Mlaa Charlotte Ketcham. Mr. and J.

McKlra gave ao old fashioned entertainment last nighU taking a party of friends for a rida In an auto, delivery vehicle. Ruga and pillows war spread and the rueaia were seated aa in a bob led. The honor gueat was Mr. and Mrs. McKItn a niece Mrs.

John G. Wet ti; and with her; were Mr. and Mra. E. E.

SUcy. Mr. and Mrs. A. il.

Godard. the Kev. and frs. Arthur J. Francis snd Mr.

Mra. F. H. Wtngate. After the ride Utar waa anppar St th boa of tb boat and hostess.

D. OJttle boy rushing breathl. I ly op stairs.) Oh! Mama, come' down stairs and look, tltsre Is a man playing lli Piano with hla fcanrfa. own ring TIILE IT 13 TIIUE the ttU9 boy tag a tlij adTMU la' the xrttter cf Tfara, at tie same. time the Uetroetjle now Incorporated la every PUnola gad Pianola Flaao hag opeaed the way to a reallxatloa of the Inference tnteaded.

4 Pian player cSerlng' nothing putfaggg Is a nrnaoe to the high Intent for which the player was created dexUrity without masUtl Uttlligenc marks t'e dl'ertace let ween the jnoifefag and thejmafr. y.eiieat traint were cot marketable until the MttrostvJe wag lttroduced. Srrry tv.DO jlayer ftirnlghes technique but orJy est lilies the LraJng as well, and that cnt jl? the Pianola. If rr Lis the interrretlve power of Paderewaki, Roaenthal, Baaer tit 1 tl.e Metrottyle possibly loses in a measure ltg trcngrth on the ether band, each of these artlsta rfves a Tfnt lr.rer; re 'a'Jon cf the corarosiOon, Each is correct. erh A r.r V.i' riA nikal education corld be obtained in no other the fa cf the Mctroftvle.

Ita Introduction marts worll. Its immediate acctptance by the jt Its ultimate universal ose. f'cr cf the MrrofTjIe does not Aavg to use It, but It la i i' the Ilanola Piano are the only InslrnmeaU the Iletroftyle or any device even approximating it. i. is earnestly solicited.

i he Aeolian Company 5 114 Hex rz Place Ross of "The Neighbors of Ruskin." The Culture ClubwlH 1 meet Tuesday with Mrs. George McCammon. S36 North New Jersey street. The subject is "The ecnooi." Mrs. w.

1 Mc Whinner will read of Robertson. Mrs. Charles F. Remy of Gibbon and Mrsj A. L.

Lane of Huma. The Inington Tuesday" Club will meet with Mrs. CharlaaM. Cross. East Washington street.

Mra Catherine Kingsbury will read a paper on "flome't In herltano from Mr. N. Towles will read of "Cato. th Censor." and Mrs. H.

Crelghton of "Cato, the Philosopher." At the meeting' cf th Magazine Club EMturaay Mrs. K. tsacon will review the current tonics. There will be a discus ston. "Shall tne women of the future be home keepers or wage earners?" The leaders will be Mrs, J.

L. Benedict and Miss Adelaide Carman. The Monday Conversation Club will meet with Mrs. B. King.

Mrs. Brod beck will lead the subject of "Pottery." Mrs. O. L. Mmer will tell of "Wedge wood." Mrs.

Walter. H1H of "Rookwood." Carlisle 8mith of "Rosane" aad Mies Laura Adams of The Aftermath Club lit maet TVnr day with Mrs. Georg Cornellua. The club sa studying American history end lit ere ture. The program will be "Discover pre coiumoian." byMrs.

E. Lawrence Colombia," by Mrs. T. W. Demmerly: reclutlon.

"The. Pioneer." by Mrs. J. ft. Edmunds; "The1 Red Man and th Whit by Mrs.

W. P. Hall. The quotations will be about Columbus, and there will oe music, HALLOWEEN FROLIC AT Y. W.

C. A Day Shirtwaist Clasa to Be Organized Soon Sunday's The Rev. Arthur J. Francis, pastor of Mayflower Congregational church. Will apeak The Titles of Our Lord and Their Meaning." at the 4 o'clock service Sunday.

iat th Y. W. C. North PennsyU ania street. Miss1 Ulma Ax tell will sing.

I A Hallowe'en frolic wlU be day evening. All are asked mask. The fortune I ghosta and Indiana will all beJ THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 PERSONAL AND.SOCIAL INDIANAPOLIS MEMBER OF SAVAGE OPERA COMPANY VISITING IN CITY A rf jr5' I ''V I rtf a given Tues to come in the witch. there. Several new classes will formed the first week in November.

A clam in horn nursing, that hi rree to members, will be led by Mias Ellen M. Jones, a gradual nura of the Presbyterian Hoapttal. Chicago. There will be talks on the qualifications of the nurse, baths, fevers De rial car of children, and how to prepare the bom for surgical opera bins. The first meeting of the class will be Friday.

November at o'clock. A class in advanced cookery, meeting Wednesdays, will include work in cakes, sslads. desserts and fancy breads. Ml Belie Robinson will give four lessons in bead work, chains, fobs, belts and Christmas novelties. Miss Emma Roberts Is leading a rlsss in the study of Africa that will appeal to all Interested in missions.

Miss Roberts has aa a text book, "Chrlrtus Liberator." by Ellen parsons, tliat is used by the Council of Missions for the Presbyteriaa A day shirtwaist clasa has been called I Tor and wui organized soon. Evansville Company Incorporated. Artl' les have been filed wtth the Eecre 1 tary of Slate for the Incorporation of the L'O. I rfiiii Grtramond Company, Evsnrrllle. or ized lo deal In lumber.

1h capital of the company Is $5.0. and the Joseph iiertrand and Georg Meyers. 1 MRS. GEORGE EDWIN HUNT. Mrs.

George Edwin Hunt, who won distinction last season in the Henry W. Savage "Woodland" company. iaspendlng a feW weeks here with her husband. Dr. G.

E. Hunt, and they are guests of Mrs. George N. Catterson during her visit. Mrs.

Hunt will leave In a week or ten days for'New Tork for another sea son of singing. Mrs. Hunt's engagement with "Woodland" continued for fifty seven weeks, at the end of whlchTlme. she, with a New York friend, went to Europe and spent several months. Mrs.

'Hunt returned from Paris about a month ago. Mrs. Hunt, who is a social favorite. Is being entertained in a series of small and informal companies by her friends. Her voice is brilliant.

Improved after study In New York before her professional engagement and in study In Parfa during the summer. The Clubs Next Week. Tb L. L. P.

Club will meet Thursday afternoon with Mra. Thomas Tibbe. The Winona Chautauqua Reading Circl will meet Monday with Mrs. Lyman H. Pried.

904 Bellefontalne street The Minerva Club meet at the home Of Mi s. J. Frederick Payne. 939 Congress avenue. Wednesday afternoon.

The Social Do sen Club will meet with Mrs. John F. Brasler, 907 West Thirty first street. Thursday afternoon. The paper at' the Indianapolis Literary Club Monday night will be by John C.

Dean, whose subject wlir be "Social Value of Individual." The Monday Conversation Club will meet with Mrs. Leroy Mansfield, 2415 North Meridian street. Mrs. Carlisle Smith lead the conversation. The Sketching dub wUl meet Saturday witu atra, m.

h. rneoiey. it wiu oe guest dayand William Henry Fox. direc tor or the iMerron Art luetitute, win give a talk on 1 "The Art of To day." Th Irvmgton Woman's Club will meet Monday with Mrs. W.

D. Howe. Mra. Evelyn Jeffrie King will have a paper on "Angio isaxon institutions ana Mrs, Ada BynWr Davenport one on "Anglo Saxon Literature." The 'Indianapolis Woman's will meet Friday. Miss Mary Dean will read a paper en rne House or Honenxoiiern" and Mr.

W. W. Woollen will lead the conversation on 'IPclttlcal Relations of th European Powers." The Irvington Fortnightly Club will meet Friday with the Misses Richardson. Mrs. John M.

Richardson will read a ca per on "Ancient Forms of Government," and Mrs. A. B. Tnarp will read of "Con stltuUon and Modern Government." The Parlor Club will hold Its first rea lar meeting Wednesday with Mrs. Wr H.

Dye. Mrs, George W. Benton will give a biography of Ruskin. Mrs. D.

L. Wood will read of "Praeterlta." aad Mrs. David Engagements and Weddings. Mr. and Mrs.

William H. Holt announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Lillian M. Holt, and Joseph S. Griggs, of irvington.

The marriage of Miss Forrest Okal Browning, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Browning, and Howard Woodard white will take place Wednesdsy.

One of the weddings of Wednesday will be that of Miss Etta Marer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Marer. and Richard Op pel, wh'ch will take place at the home oi tne Driae parents in college avenue Miss Edna Frank, daughter of Mr. and airs, yv.

fTaruc ana iawara ciaypoo: Vajen. grandson of Mr. and Mrsj E. F. Clay pool, will be married Wednesday at the home of the bride's parents.

Only the members oi tne two i a mi ilea wiu be pres ent. 1 A number of relatives will ao to Craw fordsvtlle Tuesday to attend the wedding oi tjnnora ance x'eierson. or mis city, and Miss Mary Alice Watson, daughter of William watson. or that city, which will take place at noon at the Center Presby terian cnurcn. Mr.

and Mrs. William Linsey Hayworth announce tne marriage of their daughter. Miss Rose Ha worth, and IL Clay Grooms, wnicn too it piace October zs. tne Key. Owen Davles Odell officiating.

The cere mony was followed by a dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George William Hardisty, 2426 Bellefontalne street. Mr. and Mr.

Edward B. Sprague cele brated their jsilver wedding anniversary last night by entertaining their frlenda. The house was decorated with palms, carnations and chrysanthemums. A mar riage ceremony was performed by the Rev. A.

L. Duncan. Among the guests were several that were present at the wadding twenty five years ago. During the evening there waa music ana th la vors were miniature silver wedding bells. Among the guests were: Mrs.

Nancy E. Davis, or coiumous: Mrs. w. iJunny. of Pittsburg; Mrs.

Robert C. Ludwig, of Burwick. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Bchieu ter and daughter Flora, ot Louisville.

Annual Charity Ball. The fourteenth annual charity ball of German Ladies' Aid Society, which la al ways one of the prominent social events of every late fall season, will take place this year Friday evening. November 10, at the German House. A great many tickets have been sold by th members of the society and a greater success nnanciaiiy and socially than in former years Is anticipated. At a 'meeting held yesterday afternoon, the following committees for the ball were announced: Reception Mr.

and Mra Louis Hollweg, Mrs. Augusta Seven n. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thuoium, Mr.

and Mrs, Lou! Blelken. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kino. Mr.

and Mrs. Albert Lieber. Mr. and Mis. Julius Wocher.

Mrs. Anna Siebold. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Keller.

Mr, and Mrs. Leo Lando. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mayer, Mr.

and Mrs. F. L. Mayer. Mr.

and Mrs. J. c. Bcnar. Mr.

ana Mrs. Weslev Rhodehamel. Mr. and Mra. Theo dore 6teln.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Schmidt, Mr.

and Mrs. Adolph Scherer. Mr. and Mrs. J.

P. FrenzeL Mr. and Mrs. Fred erick Francke. Mr.

and Mrs. Paul H. Krauss. Mr. and Mrs.

W. P. Jungclaus, Mr. and Mrs. A.

M. Kuhn. Mr. and Mrs. Vonnegut.

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rappanort, Mr. and Mrs. August Buscb mann.

Mr. ana airs. w. j. xiaueisen.

Mr. snd Mrs. H. Adam. Mr.

and Mrs. F. Bxchman. Mr. and Mra.

William Kat tau. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Soheilschmldt, Mrs. Elisabeth Grace.

Mrs. 8. Nllius. Mrs. Anesbaensel.

Mrs. Charles Klein. Mr, and Mrs. Otto Stechhan. Mr.

and Mrs, Henry eprengnei, Mr. ana Mrs. tmu Marun. Floor commute Mr. and Mrs.

O. H. mA A Mr. Richard 'Lieber. Dr.

and Mrs. Paul Martin. Mrrand Mrs. Henry SeveMn. Mr.

and Mrs. wiuiam upring horn. Mr. and Mrs. J.

G. Mueller, Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Schnull, Mr.

and Goepner, Mr. and Alas, carl walk, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Karroian, Mr. and Mra.

Robert Lieber. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Steropfel. Mr.

snd Mrs. Ferdinand Holl wra Mr. and Mrs. illiam Bchaefer. Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Churchman. Mr. and Mrs. O.

Stechhan, Mr. snd Mrs. Julius Keller. Mr. and Mrs.

Karl 8chnlder. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Warrender. Mr.

and Mrs. William Mannfeld, J. P. Frenael, Paul Krausa. Otto Nllius.

Anton Vonnegut, Carl Krausa, Frank Bopp. Herman Sielken. Albert Mass. EmU Keller, F. M.

Bachraann. Edward Kallmann, Erwln Happersberger and Otto Mueller. Decoration committee Mra. Charles Krauss. Mrs.

Robert Keller. Mrs. Edward and Mrs. John Bertermann. Refreshment committee F.

M. Bacbmann, vonnegut. Otto Lieber and Robert Klpp. Church Concert, A concert will be given Friday evening. November 3, at the Third Christian church.

Thirteenth street and Ashland avenue, under the auspice of the Aid Society. The concert will be given by the Colored Jubilee i Concert Company, and will consist of plantation songs. A worn an of seventy five years will play a guitar. said to be tne instrument on which her husband gave lessons to Abraham. Lin coln, when.

he was a servant In Lincoln's home. Woman Insane Who Killed Husband. rPpeeial ta Ths Indianapolis Xewal RICHMOND. October CI Mrs. Al mlra Keever.

who shot and killed her bus band at Pennville. this county, several months ago. to day waa declared to be of unsound tinnd and the will be transferred to the Eastern Indiana Insane Hospital, i 4 The Kon Kro Klub WU giv lis seenna I dance Fridav evening at the Assembly Hall. a a W. K.

Mcrarianu. wno attenuea mo Chicago horse show, will return Jtome Monday. Mr. and John' B. Wood and daujjj I ter have returned from a vialt of ten days in Chicago.

I Mrs. Alice Wheeler IV tree has returned 'from the Eist and I with Mra. J. W. iChipman.

at the Colonlpl. 1 Mlsa Vivian, Greene 'has gone to Fae ramento. to th winter with her alxter. Mr. John Greene.

Mrs. Juraen McAhiin and daughter Miss Maude McAlpln. of Columbus. are visiting the Mie Kudiaella. in Park avenue.

Mr. and Mr. M. H. Spade, apent aeverul weeks with Mrs, George W.

Sloan. w'U return to their home In Chicago Tuesday Mr. und'Mrd. Lloyd, of Ixulsvllle. who are vinitlng Mr.

'arKl Mrs. Oeorgo Grieb. will eturii. Wwine next week. Mrs.

LToyd wrs Ml.s jNettlw Grieb. Mrs. tTiarb a Ingralutm and daughter fornla early in the winter to spend several months. Mrs. Harriet A Bingham, who la with Mrs.

Kregelo, will with her daughter. Mra John V. Ditteroore, and family. i Mia Susan M. Ketchain.

of New York. who la vlaltlng relative here, will re turn East November S. Miss Ketcham aMftlntn.t(u1 la 11 I V. UAM ln.l... nir H.njiTiil i Mf.

rttary of the Woman's Art Club and ice president of the Art Students' League. Miss Ketcham. will enter her work in the exhibition of the National Academy of Design and the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Mlsa Ketcham spent the summer' painting on the coast of Maine. Mrs Julius Wocher.

Miss Irma Wocher and Miss Edna Randall have returned from Lafayette, where they attended the wedding of Miss Frances Russell and Thomas Russell Cook, of Fort Wayne, Wedneaday evening. Miss Wocher was one of the honor maids and wore a gown of pink point d' esprit The wedding was by candlelight and the floral embellishment was unusually handsome, Th bride wore a gown of baby Irish point made over liberty satin. Mrs, Roy Eldom Ad ams, of thia city, played the wedding music Mr. and Mrs. Cook wiu go to Fort Wayne to live after their wedding trip East.

Mlsa Russell has invited Miss Wocher several times Gen. Arthur 8t Clair Chapter Danes. Young womesi of the Gen. Arthur St. Clair Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution win give a dance Thursday evening at the Propylstum.

The patrons and patronesses for the dance will be Dr. and Mrs. P. H. Jameson.

Mr. and Mra J. K. Lilly. Mr.

and Mrs. N. Gladding, Mr. and Mrs. F.

M. Ayres. Dr. and Mrs. Edward F.

Hodges, Mr. and Mra. Frank Nichols Lewis. Mr. and Mrs.

C. 8. Denny, Mr. and Mrs. John, Wright.

Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Potts, Mr.

and Mrs. Lucius B. owirt, Mr. and Mrs, H. Brooke Sale.

Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Rich ardson.

Mr. and Mra S. H. Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs.

Samuel G. Van Camp, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh H. Hanna, Mr.

and Mrs, William Charles White. Mr. and Mrs. E. A.

Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Carey and Mlsa Eliza G.

Browning. This chapter always gives pleasant affairs, with good muslo and supper, and this dance will be one of the first parties of the season. A large number of Invitations Were sent out for it. The proceeds win go io uu new Metnoaist xiospitai. BOARD RESENTS CRITICISM.

Elkhart School Board 8ends Letter to Dr. J. N. Hurty. President W.

H. RIblet, of the Elkhart School Board, has written to Dr. 3. N. Hurty, secretary of the State Board of Health, objecting to an Implied criticism of the school board by Dr.

Hurty. The Secretary has received a letter from Dr. I. V. Short, i secretary of the local Board of Health, in which complaint was made of a certain school bulldine In Elkhart.

where seventh grade pupils were compelled to climb two flights of stairs, about eignty steps in au. The letter said that the local Health Board and the fire chief bad condemned the building, but the School Board did not relieve the sltuation.though new buildings were continually being Duui. several cituens naa taken their children out of the schools. In replying 10 mis tetter, ur. urty, alter saying that the State Board could not help said that "the officials usually care littia for th health and lives of the children, but car more ror max ing a record for what they call economy.

In his reply. President RIblet designated Dr. Hurty as "having a head like a pin." and further says that th Secretary's statement relatlnar to tha neaitn was a lie. 'If I have been correotlv informed bv Dr. Short, aa to the real condition at Elkhart, "I stand my ground," said Dr.

Hurty to day. "It is almost criminal to make children climb up and down eighty atena eight or ten times a day. I repeat what I said In my letter that this condition la slowly, but surety killing children of th town, and the local papers should take thu matter up." SOCIAL SIDE OF CHURCHES. The Floral Circl a of MemArial hrmti will meet Monday afternoon with Un. Newnao, 2214 College avenue.

The Aid Society of the Fourth Preahv. terian church will meet Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. John Dyer. I7a Ruckle street. The Women's Society of Memorial church will give a social In the church parlors Wednesday evening at o'clock to the members of the church and The members of tha aid social nr tha Sixth Presbyterian church gave surprise party last night the president, Mrs.

J. D. Cox, 2S14 East Tenth street. The even tag was spent socially. The Missionary Bocletv of th first street Baotlst church will he tatned Friday afternoon by Mrs, Brasler.

Miss Dearborn will read a paper on "Foreigners in Our Own Land. The Second Presbvterian church wfcl.h has been remodeled and redecorated. wUl uirovn open noay evening, November for a social aratherlnr anl an in spection of the entire church. The social deoaxtment nt th. Friends' church will hold a.

nwiai iw day evening, October 21. The young wom en ot in cnurcn are in cnarge and promise an occasion filled with Halloween IncU aents. The Women's Home Muationnr so ciety of Hall Place church will meet Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Emma 3303 North Capitol avenue. The society is soliciting new material for its missionary Th Fellowship Club of the North Con gregational Church Will hav Mallow.

een partyat the home of the Mis Helming. 1134 South East street. Tuesday evening. This will" take th place of the usual November meeting: The Chapel Club of PR Peter an nr. will be entertained Fridav evenina Vol vember by Mr.

and Mrs Maurice Donnelly, at the Denison Hotel. Thera win cards and dancing. The entertainment will oegtn at ciocx. At the Tuxedo Park Baotist church to. morrow, the pulpit will be occupied In the morning by the Rev.

8. A. Sherman, of the Thirty first street church, and In the evening by the Rev. R. of tha Emmanuel church, the Rev.

6. 8tin tng, of Tuxedo Park, supplying In turn for those pastorg. The Aid Society of the Central Christian church will meet in the church parlors Wednesday afternoon at 2:3 o'clock. The omen of the same church will aire a basar In the church parlors, Tuesday nd Wednesday. December 3 and 6.

with urper each evening. Mrs. F. Gardner is chairman of the supper committee. BEAUTIFUL HEW STORE IN INDIANAPOLIS LIST D.


BuMain and 30 Nortn Pennsylvania street, which opened to day with a reception to frinds and visitors, that they may see wh. has been doing for many weeeks behind the great 'sheets of chalk covered glass that make the crystal front of this store, 1 This house was eatablUhcd tn Cincinnati ln.l anl in this dty In JS74, The Indl anapoiU managvr. Edward G. Heretn. To h.

iZ ie.n vTi i i.Vin i wonderful progr. of thla 'lSgr. reapon lbl for the new hoi a engaged In an art school. Dr. and Mrs.

O. S. RunneU. Mix Ruth M. OulUx and Scott Clark Runnels have issued invitations for Wednesday evett ing.

Novomlier 8, for a rewption and dance. Mr. and Mr. Charles K. Haverfleld entertained friends last night with a euchre parly In observance of the ninth anniversary of their marrlagu The rooms were decorated with white and yellow chrys I nnthemums and the Ice were sered In miniature pumpkins.

Mr. and Mrs. John Wood and Mr. and Mrs. John Saulter as slsted the host and hostess.

Captain Cheatham and family, who Jived at the army post. Ft. Benjamin Harrison, will come Into town Thursday end will occupy tha home of Mrs. Charles E. 1 VI auU ill mt tn r'oll.

The storerooms' are decorated with American Beauty roses, chrysanthemums ami palms, and the of piano is saVl to be the choicest ever made in this In Addition to th regular styles of pianos there Is a special showing of Instruments which bear the distinctive nam of art piano. One of these, a grand in Louis XV style. Is valued at 110.000. It is made of amaranth and tulip woods elaborately mounted in heavy gold decorations of exquisitely carved figures, .5 American Arif Another Is iin American art grand, valued at It Is of light and dark mahogany, and. the body is decorated with landscapes by J.

IL Geat, a Cincinnati artist. The carving on this piano Is by C. T. Barn horn, also of Cincinnati. Besides jbese there are upright planod tn light and dark contrasting mahogany, of the colonial, Empire aad Renaissance styles one In Circassian walnut, one in antique' oak finish and several other high priced instruments.

A stringed orchestra will furnish music this afternoon and evening, and souvenirs will be distributed to visitors, Mr. Hereth Is assisted at this recent ion; by the employes of th hou and other managers from over the State, The bouse will give its opening piano re cital on November 10. DEATH PF MRS. M'CASUNy Saw Commissioners Make Surveys and Boundaries of Indianapolis. The funeral of Mrs.

Hannah McCaslln. who died at her borne in Wayne township wUl take place at o'clock to morrow She' was one of the oldest residents of Marion She saw the commissioners appointed by the Legislature to find a site for a capital make the surveys and' establish the boundary lines of Indianapolis, She waa bora In Wayne county in ltlS and with her parents and Elisabeth Mar: tlndale, Mrs, McCastla removed to Wayne township, this county and took up her residence at the old Martlndal homestead on the Crawford rvllie road in 182L in 183S she became the wife of the Lte George McCaslln, who was well known to the older citizens of the county aa the millwright, who built most of the old mills and other heavy wooden structures in the early days and who worked on the old covered bridge over White river, at Washington street. Soon after her marriage she took op her residence at the McCaslln homestead, where sh lived for more than seventy years. her husband dying 1891. She waa the mother of ten children, three of whom died when they were children.

She Is survived by Martin McCaslln, of Benton county, George, Hunter. 111 lam, Frank, Edna May and Mrs. Alice Jones, of this county, and by fourteen grandchildren and five gTeat granacnuaren. Mrs. McCaslln preserved her mental faculties unimpaired up to the hour of ber death and was" deeply Interested In all that went on about her.

was partie ularlv entertaining In ber talk of the early davs of Indianapolis and vicinity and could relate many interesting Incidents bearing upon the growth and development of the city. HIGHER COURTS' RECORD. SUPREME COURT MINUTES. 3065L William W. Vsrey va.

Sarah L. TL'srev at Gretna ApeUeea ob )eetlona and affidsvtta oa appellants' petition to rsinstate. SK72. A lota Mnier vs. Btat at iaoiaaa.

Al len Appellea's brlaf, APPELLATE COURT MIKUTEB. 87S1. Antloeh Coal Company vs. William Rocsey. Sullivan Appall' brlsf.

istL Margery R. Andanoa vs. city ot Hunt tnatna. Huntlngtna Appallant brief. Ull.

Indianapolis treat Kail war company vs. Lswla Bolln. Marloa a. Appellant's ad dltlonal authorttla. uh.

Ft. Warns Tree and meal coarpany va James R. ParsalL Dekalb Appellant's netitioa for oral armm.nL Ui. Western Vnloo Tslagraph Csmpaoy va, Charles O. Sefrlt.

Davleas Appellant's brief. i SUM. Arthur I Fllckner et vs. Arthur Lambert. Warrick C.

Appellants petition aad brief to reroer to Supreme Court. MM. Lake Eri a Western Railroad Corn Deny vs. Burner Moor. Hamilton Appellant's brief.

SAPAAIE WAS FINED Sl6. 1 Indiana Avenue Saloon Keeper Ap pealed His Case. A Sam an Indlana avenuV saloon keeper, was tried In the Police. Court today for selling liquor after 11 o'clock. The patrolmen they walked into a room in the rear of the saloon about 115 o'clock and found several men drinking.

Saparie, who pleaded not guilty, said th men houa ht the drinks before o'clock and he told them to step In the back room and drink, as a bad to close up. juage Whallon assessed a fine of tie and coat and the saloon keeper appealed the case. Th police said Saparie Is making a fight to keep the records from showing another conviction aa ainst him. Henry Greening, a saloon keeper, was fined tiO and coats for allowing the dice box to be shaken la his place violation of a of th Nicholson law. Contract Let for Fountain.

Th contract has been let for a fountain on the north side of the red era! building square. The cost of the fountain, with the necessary pump, will be something less than 83.000, and there will be no superfluous ornamentation about It. The baslnt was built whan the pavement north of th4 building was laid. The water will beiintroduced Into the fountain by way or, simple bronse pipe, and will come from one of th deep wells In the basement of th Federal building. It will be used over and over again as Is th water in the Soldiers'.

Monument fountaina. Work on the completion of the fountain will begin to a short time. False Alarm at State House. "Purdue special wrecked again." The word was hurried through the State ket street, and that from this cirrunw stance th story started. No one was Injured, but the crowd unloaded outside tb station, Charles Davis Loses House and Barn.

(Special Tha Indiaaapells News.) CLARK8inLL, IrwU October a. The Charles Pavls. south of here, caught tire last night from a oerectlve Hue and burned. The large bam ami contents wre also consumed. Only a few of the household goods were saved.

The kiaa Ui amount to t.fl. Sire. Crosley's Oriental Party Mrs. A. Crosley has returned from" rnroi and has H)mnletivl nrrnrminu nt a for another delightful Oriental tour.

She will sail from New York lX. with the fifteenth Hnnuat party, visiting Egypt, including th Sue to tlK first cntarurt, Svria. Piiit stiiie, Turkey. Greece and Europe For itineraries uiply or address 3" East Fifteenth stret. mm fo) I i in E3 HOUSEKEEFKG APASTULITS.

a Coylon and India Tea Is delicious and absolutely puro. Another new ana beautiful store fca gfJLD ONLY IN LEAD PACKETS. been addc t6 the attraction of Indiana Rn rf 1. 1, uUrnilni of tl. I ClasU Klxsd, cr CsJc.

ct all cnccins. arraitu 1. a.uwia i. mnwMTioj op xoirrw ixottu STkurts aJit HAS.utuii.rTi a ita feait ait, wnl ausal nartai assn. wltat a bmutsi tai iw.

ttatreelv aeea llMga. wta Uwat. fmse ewteauaeaa. auuw axalr wara. aa 4 etesms asipr i rfcea.

SsaSsaiel Srtll Inn. aaahagaaiy Sataaw UK auai a. klw awai avMaaea. refrtgaiat ga rmavgea. Sterna beat, electrt ligta.

Friers vry A. METZCEft.ACENCY, 102 4 W. PINNA. ST. Don't E3 Penny Visa and atteinpt to do your own renting Aa winter i proaches with the possibility of lie annoyance and inconveuience of attending to It yourself, the Trust Company oers a solution with its efficient service and moderate cost therefor.

If you hare a vacant house and want a tenant, a rented house and want aa agent, or hate sold; and want to buy or rent, we can help you. THE CENTRAL TRUC7 CO. 150 154 East Market Street The i4 health. once, and ail. as speoaiiy as can be used to advantage.

A special building for exchange purpose will be erected on. a site already secured, and a constructing engineer Is preparing plans for the improvement. The Terre Haute men. who founded the company several all Ktul. atnelr in tha new organisation.

W. P. Dams, who was nreaMent. la now trlce Dresldent: ill. rorater, president of th Kinloch company.

6L Louis. Ig1 president of the orgaolsed company, and Roy McCanae, secretary ef th Kinloch company, is sec rete rv trea surer er tne letr iiiuib ia the cause had not appeared. State Cofventlon, Y. M. CrA.

Special to jThe Indnapolls News) MUNCIE. Ind October 28. B.Mum tna. Htat secretary T. ji.

came her to arrange Tor the meeting of the State convention, called for the tvl of November, and continuing till the iTth. Inclutive. has lieen notlned that Oovernor HunlV will eceek on tli ecenina oeautuui urn resioence 01 Mr. arul Mra.4 night. There la 110 local X.

Al. A. in thin city, and the S'lte organization Is endi avoring to estibiixlt one here. ivc rrtttry Mumnia reports that there fully lorn and boy In this city eligible to membership In the A. Mrs.

Danx Goes to Prison. HARUISBCRG. October 3. Gov in the World If. IS goings barefoot in the.

morning dew vto aia nis aigesuon ana oring oacs his strentrtn 1M CARTON a Will putr his shoes back oa his feet and producewhat all the 'U money in world 'cannot bjiyv It will do the same for yrra. A Large packager for 10 Cts. at the jGrdcery Souvenir Pott Card In 'every packae emor 1'ennypacker jester lay l4 s. to life Imprisonment the deatti w' fuoe of Alr.t'ntli:trl!ie in. me li lil.

Worn. in arho ed.i have i himlMiut with i I i lJerpe liiiiey, a Hli'T. Who i under "lull' ilc ii'i a liar h. i r.l riitnuf ivtnraji.ii ir Mi, i meet 'i l.t 4 cneett DEAL AN ESTABLISHED FACT.

i i KinFoch Interests Now Control the Terre Haute Company, (Special to Th Indianapolis News TERRE HAUTE. Ind October 28. The On November 7th, the xoi ers of this city will be called upon to elect a mayor and. other officials to serve for r3tJ next fouf years, Goinci which has purchased per cent, of the stock. It is understood that th capital tork will Increased to $375,000.

and ultimately to ITM.OUU, Th new capital, will be spent improvements: 8100.01 at dent witrr. this event? it would be well for I you to elect this strong com pany the depositor' for your. not' only fori years, but inde6nitely Ye pledge ourselves to give you courteous treatment, the best of service, ancTabsolute seturitv of both principal bV Tn, and interest Don't waitun: 7th dtcide to llsrventure. are not concerned; trr AHi tr Terre Haute purchase. UIO 11 lO Uay.

OPEN CHURCH MOVEMENT. Friends' Church at Richmond will Test the Experiment, i Special to Th Indianapolis New, Iat, October The "open church" movement originated by the South Eighth street Friends church. In thia cltv. is to be carried out durlns the coming' winter tni.a more elaborate way than ever oerore. i cnurcn ouiia Ing and its adjuncts are to be open every dav and evuiung.

not only for members. tut for th general public, A reading room and a splendidly equipped gymnasium, will at tb disposal of vial wrs without cost, aad in addition ther la a restroom, where' lunches may be brought ana arvd. Saturday evening free lectures Ipn populsr subjects by local men and worsen wilt be on th program. The Rev. Clarence M.

Case Is pastor and he is devoting much tune to the "open movement. POISON KILLS THREE. I Seventeen Children'. Taken Suddenly Ill in Orphan Aaylum. i BURLINGTON; VU Oct.

M. lf became known to day that seventeen girls, whose ages range from two to six years, at the St. Joaerin's OtThao Asylum In this city were taken suddenly III last night' ana three of them died within three, hour. At an autopsy heid to day under the fwt I auspice of the State Board bf" Health tt House this morning, and alPer the waa' ,1 UMt the dfaUt of the gens thereof tried to get confirmation. In three girls due to poixoung, but that vesttgatlon proved that one of the Ln fsrette special traction cars hadbvn derailed In turning Into the station In Mar 'the JNDIAKA TRUST CO.

Capital Surplwe' ml i Hsvenbte 1t C. Jkrr whoQrer Cd Ltd A keeo ia rpi free of chr. a 1 sett boutf at hers eoe; lag It or uior. 4 IX. EXT 15 ST.

re .1 Skmth street. Th. fi; .1 ryt fir 1 Xi.t.T he I dru 1 1 r'. it fl a.

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