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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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PAGE TWO BLYTHEVrLLB, COURIER NEWS MONDAY, MAY -I, Society Calendar Tuesdiy There will be a May Day breakfast on the lawn of Mrs. Walker H. Baker's homo from 6 until 10 o'clock, sponsored by circle 4 of Woman's Missionary society the First Methodist church. Miss Kntliryn Lawler Is having the New Tuesday Bridge club. Mrs.

May L. Aldrldge is entertaining the Tuesday Contract club. i i The Tuesday Luchcon clul) is meeting with Mrs. Sum Thomas. Wednesday Mrs.

P. B. Joyncr is hostess to the New Wednesday Bridge club Mrs. J. Nick Thomas Is leader of the Delphian program on Spanish Paintings.

Thursday Mrs. Victor Bray is having the Young Matrons Bridge club. Saturday Miss Pceey McKecl Is entertaining the Saturday Night Supper club. There will be a free story hour at the library for children ut 10:30 o'clock. Going Away In Chic Oglesby-Robmsou Wedding Announced Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Mary Elizabeth Robinson, attractive daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Clyde Robinson, to Mr. Charles A. Oglesby, of Fort Smith, the marriage having taken place April 4. The wedding was performed at Mount Ida, Ark.

The bride, who has lived in this city all her life, attended St. Agnes Academy in Memphis and Visitation Academy in St. Louis, but returned home for her senior year In high school. Following her graduation last May she entered the slate university at FaycUcvillc where she became member of the Pi Beta Phi sorority. Among the honors ''she.

received was selection as a 'the beauty contest of the 1931-32 Rfl- zorback, the college annual. Mr. Oglcfby-who year lave student at the University of Arkansas, Is president of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity at'the university. Both contliYue 'thtlr. studies at theoUnrVeipity close of this term' when they will come here for a visit wjf.h relatives before going on a Upon return they will live 'at Fort Smith.

When In city Mrs. Oglcsby was a popular member of one of the Bits of News Mostly Personal To Have Breakfast. The May Day Breakfast. postponed from Friday because of the weather, will be given Tuesday morning from six until 10 o'clock, on the lawn of Mrs. Walker H.

Baker's home. The Woman's Missionary Society of the First Methodist church, which -sponsors this annual event for the benefit of the church building tund, lias announced that the charge will be 35 cents. 1 BY JOAN SAVOY NBA Service Writer Your golng-away costume usually Is considered second In importance to your wedding gown. Iii'a way this Is wrong, actually is the first costume that that new husband of yours really sees you in, after the din of rice, old shoes and merry farewells clears away. Can you doubt Its importance, when you look at it that way? It really should be tremendously flattering, just to make him proud ns Punch of this wife of his, sitting In the next chair to his in the Pullman, or inking a wicker chair on the sundeck of an ocean liner.

Wliat to wear, though a lioney- mooiier. Is no real problem this June. A sun; ot course. Preferably a silk one of some elegance. Best of- all, a.

crepe, back satin due that, can get a distinctive effect by using both sides of (lie material to en- rlcli the whole picture. The suit for yon probably Is the short sleeved frock and the coat to matc'li, a short Jacket or a long one, depending on what you look in. Ideal for the June bride Is a bluc-Jny blue t-oblumc, the blue satin dtess lilting beautifully to the young figure, cut effectively to point up to a high nnd designed to need no belt to complete it. It has a little dlcklc of real Al- cncon lace In natural tan behind a trio of smart boks of the satin, and tlie rather wide and low plain neckline Is most nattering to fresh young skin. The Jacket has a one-sided lone scarf, banded In summer ermine and the other side finished with one pointed revere nnd a place ideal for wearing a real gardenia or beige orchid.

There are wide bands of the summer ermine above the wrists around the sleeves that fit in that tailored manner that is so luxurious. The little hat is'by Le Monnier, in the same color as the suit. The bag and opera pumps, with the neat little jeweled buckles, arc made of the crppc side of the suit's satin Misses Martha Robinson and Marion Burns, accompanied by Miss Robinson's aunt, Mrs. Edith, McCool, spent Saturday, in Memphis. Mrs.

Dwlght H. Blackwood of Little Hock, wife of the chairman of the Arkansas slate highway commission, and daughter. Mis! Virginia, who intends Sulllns college al Sulllns, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence II.

Wilson, Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. niackttcod are sisters. E. 11.

I.yman and Sheriff W. Shaver have returned from several days cruise up the Tennessee river. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ettelson will go to 61.

Louis tonight for a visit with relatives. The Hcv. Clcorge Wendell Pyles returned to Ills home in For Smith Saturday after having bcei wilh A. M. null who Is critical!) 111.

Mr. Pyles remained for i longer visit. Spmgeon S. Patterson of Bir mlngham, who spent tin weekend wilh relatives here, ha gouc to Jackson, Teniv, for a business I rip. He will return Bat urday night.

Allan Pickard, who has bee seriously 111 two weeks from scar let fever, is now improving. Miss FICKsio McKinnon returne yesterday from a two weeks sta in Dyer, -Tcnn. J. J. Daly spcnl the weekend i St.

Louis. He will be accompantec home today by Mrs- Daly boon visiting there for scvera weeks. Mrs. Clyde Robinson, is in Fay etlevillc for a biief visit with he daughter. Mrs.

Charles A. Oglesby, who was before her marriage Miss Mary Elizabeth Robinson. Slie Is a student at the state university. She will return Wednesday. W.

P. Veazey sjxjnt ycster- I'LL tlfcfcD Tit CM? of Mr. Butt, who is slightly improved today. Kulhuryuc Denlon First in Algebra at State Contest Entertain Club Misses Edna Enrlc While and Mary Frances Stacy were hostesses to the Saturday Night Bridge at the home ot Mr. and Mrs Cecil Yellow California poppies inadc lovely decorations for the living rcom arranged blcs.

for the three ta- O. C. Hall, pastor of the Luxor.v Methodist church, performed the ring ceremony at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. W.

A. Brantley. Mr. and Mrs, Burns are now at ionic al 807 Chickasawba avenue. The bridegroom, who came here a year ago from Los Angeles, is in charge of the local naval recruiting station.

Has Club'. Miss Minnie Matthews hostess to Friday Night Bridge club when her sisters, Mrs. Joe Chiton Watson of Carulhcrsville, and Mrs Bathpowdcr went to Miss Louise Bourland for the high score prize and the cut awlird, stationery, wa won by Miss Irma Laura Barnes. Tlie hostess served a salad, tuna fish sandwiches and Iced tea. Former Local Girl Wins S500 Fellowship Miss Ruth Hughoy, daughter ol the Rev.

and Mrs- J. M. Hughcy ot Marianna and formerly of Blytheville, has been awarded $500 fellowship by the Ynrdley Foundation of Women's clubs ot New Jersey upon the recommendation of the American Association of University Women, together with the Guggenheim Foundation. Miss Hughey was also awarded a graduate scholarship in the English department of Cornell University where she will next year receive a doctor of philosophy degree. She is a graduate of Galloway college at Searcy and received a Master's degree at Columbia University, New York.

Class to Meet. Mrs. Dixie Crawford will entertain the Beta Chi Sunday school class of the First Presbyterian church at her home, 602 North Fifth street, this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Musical. The third of a series of musicals given by local musicians on Sunday afternoons was presented at the First Baptist church Sunday afternoon.

A feature of the program, which was well attended, was the organ selections. Cassidy-Baker. Miss Jewell Baker, of Armorcl, and Mr. Joe Cassldy, of Oliver Coppcdge, guests. were the only The high score prize went, to Mrs.

WaUon. For refreshments pressed Uma fish, sandwiches, pickles and cakes were served wilh coffee. Marian-Simmons. A marriage liccns was issued Saturday to Miss Lucile Simmons, of Birmingham. and Mr.

Ernest Harlan, of Dell. Osceola Parties ovcr the week-end included two bridge clubs cnler- by Mrs. Ed Qulnu and Mrs. Chas. Rose.

Eight members were present at the two table contract club entertained by Mrs Quinn and high score prize was ft on by Mrs. W. E. Hunt. Delicious refreshments were served In two courses following the game.

Mrs. Clias. Rose entertained members of the two table contract bridge club to which she belongs and an extra table ot guests 11 her country home west of town Bird Steals Fisherman's Worms From Tin Can SHAMOK1N, tUP) The rarly bird catches the worm especially when the worm has already been dug from the ground and Is waiting for UK early bird in an unguarded tin can. Dr. Leon Tlollcnbach spent the evening in the gnrden digging worms in preparation for his annual trip to the streams in quest ot trout.

The results of the evening's digging were placed In a tin can and left In the, garden. Hollcnbach arose the sun and after dressing hurried to the garden to get tlie worms. He was just in time to sec a robin, probably a believer in the old adage flying away with the last ot the worms dangling from its beak. were Issued Saturday. a marriage license Burns-Bramtley.

Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Ruth Brantley, of Luxora, to Mr. A. L. Burns, of this wedding having STOKOWSKY TO VISIT SPAIN PHILADELPHIA. Lconoki Stokowsky, conductor of the Philadelphia orchc-stia, will spend his vacation in Spain where he hopes to hear some authentic gypsy mnslc Since he had not expected to call 0:1.

the Spanish king and he said, their absence will not change his plans. Tlie first census taken in Kng- land was in 1601. Saturn, has ten moons or talcl- liles. The electric locomotive first High score club prize was won by Mrs. Herbcrl SlnpiKn, Mrs.

D. S. Laney won high score guest prize and Mrs. R. Dycss cut consolation favor.

Delicious refreshments were served following the game. Pearl Carlwrlght. small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.

A. Cartwright, celebrated her tenlh birthday Saturday entertaining seven friends at a luncheon followed by allcndancc at the matinee pcr- formauce of "A Connecticut Her guests were Clementine Bowen and Martha Jane Cartwright, John and Boyd While, Bettie Joe Behrcns. Martha. Ann nnd Mary Florence Birch. Mesdames W.

J. Sheridan. L. U. Swift, D.

S. Laney and Miss Emma Cox attended high mass al the Catholic church in Blythcville. yrs- crday. Mr. and Mrs.

R. A. Carlwright and Miss Mary Belle Cowan were visitors In Harrisburg Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs.

M. W. Shcddan. Mr. Mrs.

E. R. Smith. and Mrs. B.

Swift drove to Jonr-s- boro yesterday afternoon returning with Miss Agnes Ward. is a student in Joncsboro A. M. college. Miss Ward spent the weekend with her parents.

Mr. aild Mrs. Ward in Osceola. Dr. and Mrs.

W. J. Shrddnn were week-end visitois In Memphis where Dr. Shrdrian was a eucsl at a banquet and ir.retlng at the I'olyclinir. Fiki.iy evening.

Bruce Ivy is altendini; Chancery Court in Harrisburg today. Miss Elizabeth Doylo. the charm- i ing daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Gco.

who alti-nds day in Memphis. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Phillips attended the show in Caruthersvllle last night. Mrs.

Alice Womack. Mrs. R. N. Neal Mrs T.

E. Tate Mrs. C. J. Little.

Mrs. T. S. Williams and Mrs. N.

M. Williams, of Armorel, wcnl to Hot Springs yesterday for the national Parent-Teacher convention. They were accompanied by Mr. Little who Is attending to business. Vfrgll Greene Is to business in Little Rock for several days.

Misses Martha Reynolds and Mildred Oliliam, accompanied by Jim Reynolds and Mildred Oil- ham, accompanied by Jim Reynolds, of Hnyll, spent yesterday icre. Miss Mary Emma Hood spenl he weekend in Forrest City. Miss Nollie Kerr went to hei ionic in Clarendon, for thi weekend. Misses Mary Moore and Hull Taylor the weekend in Marion and Memphis. Mrs.

G. II. Orcar spent tin weekend in Senrcy, whei' she attended a recital given Galloway college by Miss Mar Applin Smoot assisted by Mis Kntliryn Grear. Mr. Grear an son, George, Mr.

aiirj Mrs. A. Haley and Miss Frances Hollani drove over for her Sunday. O. C.

Ullmer, of Springfield, II! spent Friday here. Accompantc by Mrs. Ulluier he went to Mem rcturnhi here Sunday. I Mrs. tJ.

M. Cox. who has been i Miss Katharyne Deiiton, Miss Lillian Brlscoe and the girls' Irio, rtiade up of Misses Lillian Briscoe, Grace Elliott and Othus Bracken, won honors for Blythc-vllle high school In the annual literary division of the Arkansas high school meet at Conway held Friday and Saturday. First honors In algebra anci fourth In plane geometry were won by Miss Denton, Miss Briscoe won second in girls' voice and 10 trio also won second place. In the district contest at Jones- oro recently Miss Denton won firs onors in algebra and last yea' on first in geometry, making he Iso eligible this year.

At tlv meet Miss Briscoc won secom i tlie event In which she placed rst, in the district meet. The trii won first honors at Joncsboro Twelve points were made for this chool. Hot Springs won the sweep takes with 24 points, Newport wa ccond with 21 nnd Pine Bluf hird with 20. Kl Dorado won 15 Fort Smith 13. The St.

Scholastic cademy at Fort Smith won 10, De "itt 8, Jonesboro 7 nnd haJf, plus for weekend, been solemnized April 7. The (Rev. i came into use nbout 1885. BRIDGE BY WM. E.

Secretary Ann-dean Bridge League In our previous article, we gave showing how to arrive at slam bids with ace showing. The fol- owiug examples a'iso employ ace showing but the contracting is stopped at a game-going declaration. HAND South (Dealer HAM) I) North Smith Dealer) Hand South apparently has only three losing Iricks hs also has tv.o biddable five-card suits. When hold- Ing two suits of coital rank, both biddable, the higher ranking suit should be bill first, therefore South should OIKMI wilh two spades. Wt will iv-Mime that East and West chance and sacrificing game for a doubtful siam.

Hand South, holding two ar.d one-half quick tricks and a biddable heart suit, should with one hear; We will again assume that, EaM and West always pass. Noi'lh ha.s sufficient, strength to put in a forc- ng overcall. He does so by bidding two spade: which Is one more thai: necessary. South has more thai 1101 mal support in his partner's suit, therefore he bids three spades North starts to show his acc3 bj bidding four diamonds, thereby nying the ace of clubs. South goes to four spades which closes the contracting.

His four-spade bid advises partner that he cannot see any possibility of a slam. HAND -North South (Dealer) A-K-Q-5-2 ll-K-J-l-D-S Q-C-2 Hand It must be thorcughly understood that ace showing cloes not take place until alter one or (he TODAV IS always pass. North bids three spades, setting the suit. other of the puu South now starts to show aces hy I forcing bid. even tliouch bidding four clubs.

Norlh, witli a on the suit. In hand South four-heart bid, shows the ace five hearts nnd five "pad's JOI-FKE'S CHICAGO VISIT On May 4. 1911, mission an-ivcd in Chicago fnr a tour oi the middle western Marshal Joifi'e delivered Jus firit address, as follows: "My friends, I am to have in my the Ameiican flag, which is to the Anvrican people what the French fbj la to the of France, a symbol of liberty- I in my hand the Mas of France, who has given of her best, her and her uravest, and which stands lor liberty. I had to C3n-y the French flag on the Held of tattle-, and I am glad to join the -lag of. many battles to ilie ling that 1ms never known defeat.

With Cni.s I bring lo you the salute cf the French army to the American PC-pie, our stanch ally in the common cause." The marshal then joined the two flags of red, white anrl blue, whole asse seats and cheer wai enthusiastically welcomed and hospitably entertained Chcasu, and thence proceeded to Louis. 'orrcst City hud Jasper seven and carl To uth nm 'eaves opens with the higher r.inkiii! half each, 1 Comvay and Eng- and 6 points each, Russcllville 9 a half, Little Rock and Searcy i points each, Harrison, Marked Tree, Marianna and Booncville 3 Minis each, Clarksville, Camden, Uson, Warren. Lewisvlltc and esburg 2 points each, Iloxie one and a half points, Helena, Rogers. iergmfin and Paragould, one point each point. and Cotton Plant a half Luxora mounts heercd.

Tne the difuiond suit open, and first, by bidding OIK spa-Jo. North MONOXGAHELA, therefore he relurns to his spade shows normal support in suadea by Despite a broken suit, bidding four spades. North shouirt pass. It is quite true that jf West held the ace of diamonds, jas neither has made six odd can be made, but as you I ace showing should are almost certain to get a dia- I South shows his second suit by bid- rt Three physicians were re going to two spades. I fillst round Teddy Smirk, have asicKl on the same suit, but boxer, commute! suffered Weil the made a lorcinj bid, i lx)llt lo lvi bv a technical knock- not- be 1 ovcr his oppuncnl, Red Ken- mond opening, due to the fart that you have shown control of all other suits, it.

is not worth taking a ciing three hearts. North lakes the contract to four hearts whit-p. should close the bidding. quired to set the fractured arm. Luxora Churches Hear Chosen lo Rciiin at for the post week, is belter today Mrs.

Elva Joe and Joe Barnct molored to Jackson, Tcnn, Sun day for brief visit. Clarke Portis, of Laurel. Miss accompanied Harold Slernbcri home for the weekend. Both arc students at Southwestern university. Memphis Mr.

and Mrs. N'cwbcrry John- .11. of Steele, spent yesterday In the city. Dr. nnd Mrs.

L-. S- Briscoe spcnl Friday and Saturday In Comvay where they attended the state meet when their daughter, Miss Lillian, was a contestant in the piano, voice and girls' trio contests. Malcolm Hood, of the government hospital at Gulfport, is tlie guest of his sister, Mrs R. N. Ware for Mrs.

C. Patton wil spend lo- norrow in Memphis. Miss Mary Louise Taylor had Old as her guest yesterday, L. of Norfolk, Va. J.

Nick Thomas of Memphis, spent, the weekend hero. Miss Larrie Lewis, who has been the guest ol I)r an.1 Mrs. C. S. Poltcr and their ria Icr.

Mrs. Wllilam O. Potter of York city, for several weeks. leave tomorrow lor a visit in Philadelphia. Mr.

and Mrs. Berjry B. Brooks of Memphis, spent Ihc end with Mrs Brooks' i Mis. Allan Walton. Mrs.

W. M. Tayio: has to Lexington. to be vuih mother. Mrs.

John M. Taylor, who is critically 111- Following a days ago when she broke hi; she has contracted Because ol her age rccovtrv v- college, has doubtful physicians George Williams, say. of Si. is attending to business hen-. Doyle of Osceola Joncsboro A.

been eleclcd vice president liiri Robert Blackwell, of rth travels at a rate of about dramatic club and srcrrlary ar.d vlstlcd the family of Mr. and Mrs Famon Owen entertained a number of young people at their home Friday evening. Dancing was enjoyed until a late hour when refreshments were served to the following: Misses Mary Lynch. Dorothy Brown and Pauline Seaton. Messrs Carrol James, Harold Smith, Dyer Garner.

Woodrow Turner and Charles Billingslcy, Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Brakenselk.

Mr. and Mrs W. Clauston and Mr. and Mrs Odell Eeaoln. Out of town gimls were Misses Vivian and Laverne Scurlock.

Helen Ralph nnd Ralph Hedges and Vernon Days of Osceola. Miss Lois May Powell of Memphis vislled her parenls, Mr. and Mrs. C. P.

Powell this week. She was accompanied by Mr. Al Schmitz who remained here for several days visit. Miss Virginia Terry of Blylhe- ville was a Luxora visitor, Sunday. Members ot tlie seventh grade class were entertained with a party at, the home of Mrs.

John Cockron. Tuesday evening. Mrs. S. J.

Smith, Misses Eva Cookc and Elinor Shoaf, Sunday school teachers in the Baptist church entertained their classes with a picnic Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Joe Dean and daughter of Tyronza were Luxora visitors Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Elliott Williams spent Monday in Memphis.

Mesdames Richardson, Crockett and R. Ashmore of Osceola were Luxora visitors. Friday. Mr. E.

A. Moffitt was a business visitor In Embodcn, Friday. Mrs. Raymond Owen was the guest of Mrs J. A.

at Bly- thevillc Thursday. Rev. P. B. Klnsolvlng was a Memphis visitor.

Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vollmer returned Thursday from Mississippi where they have teen on a business trip for the past two weeks Mr. and Mrs.

B. W. Thwe-al wrrc Osceola visitors, Friday. Caruthersville Lawyer LUXORA, congregations of the Methcdist and Baptist churches held a joint service ast evening when Attorney R. L.

Ward, of Caruthersville, spoke of The Trial ot Christ as Seen From i Lawyer's At the close of the service there tvcre two additions to the ilaptist church of which the Rev. P. B. Kinsolving is pastor. Penu Stale Alaskan Mineral Survey to Continue This Summer i WASHINGTON', tUP) Efforts to determine the mineral value ot Alaska will be continued this summer by the Department of Interior with the aid of S250.000 appropriated by the recent Congress for this investigation.

The main field of effort will be at the Anthracite Ridge coal iicld near Use Alaska Rnilrond, but oth- Bcautiful Women. Love New Powder Beautiful women, for youthful complexions, use GLO. the new wonderful French process fare jxnvder. and smcothc-st powder known. Stays on longer.

No flaky or look No grime or grit. MELLO-GLO never smarts or fceis dry. Blends naturally any complexion Dsmand MELLO-GLO. 1 er investigations be made in the Willow Creek. Fairbanks, Copper Mountain, Girdwood.

Kar.tlsli-i atul Mossc Pass districls. It has been pointed out by the Department of Interior that, the purpose of the survey is lo reveal the economic Importance of Alaska's natural resources, the results will be published as rapidly as Is poosible. In its orbit the sun. treasurer of the sophomore class Mrs, A. M.

Butt- yesterday for the coming school year. day because of the 10CO miles a minute. Even at this rate it takes a year to complete Its orbit of aboul 600,000,000 miles. Mrs. James Roosevelt.

7fi. above, mother of Governor Franklin D. Rcosevelt of New York, is ill with infh.crr/,1 in a Paris hospital. Her Jon. often mentioned as a Democratic presidential possibility, plans to all engagements and rush lo Europe If her condition becomes worse.

as! Royally pretty? Gut cf tht Mr.y. loo. is Anna Mcllir.gcr, above, of Lancaster. PJ She'll reign over tile May fehiivata nt Pennsylvania SUttu College on Mav. A total of 836 conjrefses.

semblies and exhibitions was held! tcss than of higti in EuropD during 1030. Air. 0 the! most unusual weic the tiounl Congress of tcrr.ational Congress and a gathering ot 20.000 hrfrms lishermoii- WAS raMing thrmsch a crilii-al tln.o my Itfo. nml I suff.r, ,1 qrr.U" F.IJ-S Mrs. X.n, ft very irr.rcli I lin.l wkp I c-ir- fivo tatli cue of llurn nt I her fllil ivoul I t'-ll All rf In lliolr l.r.n'-.i.

nil lx-. bclur for taken lu" .7 SOLO AT DRUG STORES.

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