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Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri • Page 6

Springfield, Missouri
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uir'SGOOIL 0ICE1IS MEASURE ON TRAFFIC FINE Ordinance Passes Body Unanimously; Provides for Issuance of Traffic Violation Citations mi i JTi proposed new ordlnanc provld. tag for th issuance by the police department of citations tor traffic vlo. lkUom and outlining a procedure which may be followed In cue wnere no criminal acUoo It Involved and the offender wiahes to plead guilty wu paaatd unanimously by the city council this morning. The new eyeum goee Into effect im 'mediately a provided In the ordl nance. Include All Rule The measure covtri all vlolattoni of rules now In effect, Includ Ing overparklng.

parking wrong, roik leg left turne. running through atop 'sign and failure to display city II cense tags. Offense of driving an automobile while Intoxicated, reckleaa driving and leaving the scene ot an accident where aaeault waa commit ted with an automobile are not included In the new ordinance, however, but will continue to be dealt with ai at present. Under the new system, the police arc Instructed to Issue citation to all violator! of the traffic rule. Including pedestrians as well aa drivers of vehicles.

These citations will be made on tags serially so the stubs can be turned in to the police station by the Issuing officer and the number of responses checked. Keep Recerd In esse tbs violator doe not report to the police sergeant within 48 hours after he receives hit notice the Sergeant will appear before the municipal Judge and enter complaint against the offender. Acourate rec orda of the disposition of each caw are to be kept by the police department so a graduated acale ot tines can be applied. It the offender wishes to plead guilty to the charge bs can sign a statement giving the city attorney ths power to enter a plea of guilty tor him at the next session of mu nlclpal court and leave a deposit with tbs desk sergeant to cover, the amount of the tine. Attorney to Make I'less Ths city attorney will then appear 'in court each mornlnp to.

enter plras 1 of guilty for those who have reported to ths police station during the past 34.. hours and who have kit their de posits with the deak sergeaut. Ths new ordinance doe not Imperil the right of any offender to ap 1cnr AU pujtie cuuib av jji cikui aim Obtain trial jfor hie case If ha does snt srlsb.ta ksvs the deposit and a r'eign ths power of attorney tdtftatttW Municipal Judge C. A. Hubbard would not comment on the ordinance today other than to say.

"We will try It and see bow it works," fines According Ths system of deposits rarHrefrom II for the first offense to tlO for ths fourth violation within 12 months, after wlilrh he olfender miut appear In court regardless of his de to psy oft by deposit ss he has. before, Ths deposit for second and third eflenscs are 1150 and 5, respectively. The deposit for failure to display a etty tag will be 2 irrespective tt ths number of previous offenses. "I believe the new plan will mean a stricter enforcement of our traffic laws a veil as be a source of In tressed revenue," Mayor T. H.

Oldeon said In eommentlng on the new Overnight News l' Briefly Sketched Bv Tat duocialtd Pros DOMESTT1C WASHINGTON Senate adopt Kor Us amendment to farm relief bill. NEW YORK Senator King of Utah says Hoover mads mistake In calling xtra session of congress. WASHINGTON Harry Wheeler, Chicago, In Chamber of Commerce address, terms present credit sltua Oflnanplal Indigestion." WAXAHACHIE. Texas Doctor kills divorces who refused his attentions unci ot victim In turn kills assailant ni la frMMl hv erand tury. WASHINGTON Joustt Shous of Kansas City appointed chairman of xacuttv commute to function at ntw Democratic party headquarter Here.

CHICAGO John A. Norrlt, Augusta, n. mint killed In clan crash. WASHINGTON Brlttsn criticises xrnoosal made bv Gibson st Geneva CHICAOO Trus) bill voted sgatnst 3 In the slot machine syndtcst in vestlgatlon, FOBEIGV NOG Alia. Honors Rebels surren der elty to federal after presidential promise of life, food and two months psy.

PARIS Semiofficial advice from Pianos to Germany warns debt que tlon must bs settled in present con frnot. GENEVA Next step In naval arma ments reduction believed up to Wash' Ington. LONDON Labor party. la pre elec tion manifesto, pledges attack on un employment at home and foreign policy of conservative. LONDON Baldwin, at banquet.

braises American debt settlement. SPORT GCnXLANB, Scotland American golf Bros, vanquished In Yorkshire Jest week, came north to practice for British open. ad that tells Is the sd thst Pa4 and uss Raws and Leader mltim witness A He saw the man with, the satchel that had the bomb In It the bomb that killed ten' people during the Preparedness Day parade In San incisco in ,1916. And it wasn't Tom Mooney, rwho has served 13 years for the crime in San Quentin penitentiary, but another, much slenderer man, says Ronald O. Thrlng, above, ot Washington, D.

C. Thrlng, ho was an apprentice sea man stationed near San Francisco at the time ot the bomb outrage. says he was near the scene few minutes before the explosion and saw the man who actually carried the infernal machine In his satchel. When the former labor leader's case comes up tor a rehearing, he is prepared to testify that it wasn't Mooney. YOUNG ATHLETE IS FOUND SLAIN Ohio High School Boy Mysteriously Killed and Body Carried to Woods By T'nt Associated Ticis PORTSMOUTH, Ohio, May 1 William Sanford Wright, 18.

sopho more and star itthlete in Wheelers burg High school, was found shot to death in a country lane near Wheelersbiirg, a short distance from here today by searchers, who had spent the looking for him. Auuiunutu, who Began an imme diate investigation of the slaying, said that they believed Wright had been shot elsewhere and his body carried to spot where found. Wright was. last seen about 10 o'clock last night at the conclusion of a moving picture show at the Wheelersbiirg High school. The youth's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Alonzo Wright, and his friends? wore unable to advance any reason for the slaying. 41ST A MKArf MAMA LONDON Police Sergeant Tanner and Police Constable lake walked Into Woking court recently and exhibited numerous bandages and cuts they had received in a battle with Mary Ann Jones, a gypsy oinn. On attempting to arasH her. Mary Ann took th two officer with stick and then with a chopper, doing quits a bit of damage.

THE SPRINGFIELD LEA DER Cities Service Oil Products Must Pass a Test 'II Jl be the last word in efficiency to render satisfactory service to the more than 60 public utility companies controlled by Gties Service. CtHet Strvice Radio Sitrsrsf sM claims srs aw sssde foe Cities SMvk oil products. Thi luptriorirr is bfief e(W entr dsr br motorists la 20 sraus. Cities Sterlet oils sad sssoltot will kttp roar tnia at hs vtrr beat and fit rout car loatr lift ssd higher ratal valut. Concerts Pridayt at P.

it. CcntroJ eiandard" Time 'w mi (Crtir kites' coil tk (Ctfwiftfm? dswwjswttJsV MAY DAY IS OHE OF HAPPINESS Secretary of Labor DSVis Gives Views of Conditions In United States May tW la Europe li ol nervous tension, ot demonstrstions by the proletariat, and sometimes of riot las and bloodshed. In Uw United States It Is a day ot prsc. and this May Day Unas employment high and ventral conditions of ths workers eooe. sere In some portions of the tends and coal Industries.

In ths followlns arUels Steretary ot Labor Davis lvs Ms views on conditions. Rv JAMES i. DAVIS WASHINGTON, May I May Day is a day of happiness and rejoicing for American labor. When the next ceiisifs has been completed the United, state will find he has nearly 90,000.000 people gainfully employed, with, the vast majority of thero In steady Jobs. 'Liberal Wage' All our enlightened Industrial lead er have com round to the policy of the liberal wage.

Those employer who tand out against that policy merely put a sprsg In ths wheel ot American prosperity. Employment this year has to far shown reassuring Improvement over the corresponding period cv, lasi year. Payroll totals are decidedly Improved. Earnings are higher while unemployment bs been reduced. Business Improved Business condition In general are such as to offer some guarantee that labor may continue to enjoy this Improved stat.

Steel, barometer of the business world, stands In prospect of sd unusually active year. Except for conditions In coal and textiles, which have not yet yielded to efforts st stabilization. Industry In genera! Is In a sound and peaceful state. Relations between worker snd employer throughout our nstlonal Industrial system have never been more harmonious. Nothing Is In light to disturb this era of good feeling In Industry.

Acts Itoth Wavs The one cloud In the horizon to give labor the slightest uneasiness Is the continued extension ototuton.Ttlc machinery with a tendency to displace workers for a temporary period. Tills problem Is now receiving attention on every. band, at the hand of employers ns well as by labor and by governmental agencies. The fact Js recoijnlzed that auch unemployment as results from the Introduction of machinery la only temporary, nevertheless. Employers have seen the patent fact that business In general suffers when any considerable number of our ptpl are reduced In purchasing power for even a temporary period.

FRISCO SOIL EXPERT AIDS IN DAIRY WORK expert of th Frisco railroad's agricultural department bore, Is scheduled to spend most of next week In the vi cinity of Muskogee, Ok assisting Earl Smith, county sgent. In dairy, work. A meeting Is scheduled for next Monday nlRht at Haskell. Tuesday the to will viklt many dairymen In and around Muskoare, and will at tend a meet Inn. of ths Muskogee Cow vieiting awociniion at tne courthouse the evening.

They will hold a meeting Wednesday nlgtit at Fort Gibson. Thursday thev will visit dairymen In the vicinity of Webbera' Palls, and that night will hold a mcellng at Porum. FOKKrVI KIKK HVGINC SAN BERNARDINO. Cl May 1 Thousands of acres of valuable timber lands were threatened with destruction by forest fir that broke out In th mouth of Day canyon, near Etl wsnda. That Never A FTER the most of of a it a of a a by In laboratory and refinery, Cities Service oils and gasolene are subjected 4 to the erueline test of constant dav 4 and night use by the Public Utilities Division of this $800,000,000 organ.

ization. These oils and gasolene must CI tie starlet Oil Cemptuiy College Trustee Speaks at Drury Chapel Meeting Jay T. Stocking, Congregatlonallst pastot of St. Lout and a trusts of Drury college, spok today at th regular Wednesdsy chapel program of' the college on th general subject "Coming to Term with Stocking, who I her tor the state Congregational church convention, spoke to th student of Jaw th world and th necessity of finding the way to life. Ther art this Idea of th universe, hs said, and explained them to a follow: First, th idea thst th universe has hostll attitude toward mankind.

Through It dements the world make bard for a man to live a straight life. Schopenhauer, quoted, as saying thst ther are two way of living a life; on to not 11 It and th other to go along with a good grace as possible. Second, he said, there 1 th attt tud of Indifference, which men believe th unlvers display. In such case it is just and right tor mankind to chose It own weapons to get along. Third, be said, Is th friendly universe, which appears to be on th side man, aiding him to make a living.

He closed his address by reading th final line In Oscar Wild poem, "The House ot Judgment." ADMITS THREE WIVES BUT DENIES OTHERS 8T. LOUIS, May tAP) Ed ward Schwalm, 31, who is in Jail on bigamy i charge, admits he has three wives but denies he has five. Schwalm is under arrest because quarrel with his most recent motherinlaw led to his Identification a neighbor as the husband of a friend of the neighbor. He is charged with having mar ried Mrs. Marie Schwalm In 1827 while he was married to Mrs.

Car' rle Schwalm. Both women reside in St. Louis. Carrie Schwalm told authorities she left her hus band because she learned he had three other wives from whom he was not divorced. Schwalm is a ma chtnist.

THIEF TAKES GIRL'S RUNS AWAY Miss Sue Hash, 35 Esst Madison street, reported to the polic last night that as ahe was walking north On South Jefferson avenue about o'clock a man stepped quietly from behind her, snstched her purs and fled west on Monro street. Th pure, according to Miss Hash, contained 15 In currency snd two 2.50 gold places. "Other artlclea that were in th purse would be ot no value to anyone except myself," said Miss Hash when describing several "keepsakes" that were taken by tb thief. The police, said Mia Hash, arrived sv tfnr sevTM ws tow awr si is ao minutes after being notified and found that th thief had left no clues by which might traced. LON CHANEY ILL BEVERLY HILLS, Cal, May 1 Suffering from influenza, Loi Chaney, screen star, is under care of two physicians in his heme here.

HUDSON. WyrTfIiyD.ath toll the Rudolph Vssco family here fronieatlng poisoned home canned besfis reached four today. FOR PILES AND HEMORRHOIDS USE COLAC PILE PILLS Two with swallow of water each Relief In one day In many Instances. 40. Tablets 71 Cent at Drug Stores Ends exhaustive tests in 4 1 COLLEGE CLASS OFFICERS QUIT Drury Junior Leaders Resign to Await Second Election; Much Wrangling After a half hour' wrangling In 8ton chspel this morning, members of th Junior class of Drury college flnaly came to an agreement whereby all class officer, nominated and elected last wselt, should resign their potts and.

await a second election which will be held shortly after the opening of th college next tall. Th election In the Junior class this yesr has been mors exciting than any at th college for some time. Charges thst "factions," composed of combine of th fraternities and sororities, had run th election to suit themselves wer heard every where on the cam pus of the college today. Kerr Winner Although the Junior election wa supposed to nave, come out In a tie for Annabell Kerr and Cell Fowler supposedly receiving th asms amount of votes, th ballot later were counted before th dean ot th col leg and two wer thrown out, thus giving ths flection to Miss Kerr. These ballots, so the students on th counting committee, reported, wer Illegal.

On bore the name of a student who had dropped out of col leg several months ago. The other was cast by a student who was not at th election and who said she bad not given permission tor her ballot to be used by anyone else. Still Contested However, even sfter this had been taken care or, the election was still contested and meeting was held Tuesday to try to reach some conclusion. Backers of Fowler declared that th whole election had been conducted In a wrong' manner and said that th nomination of Miss Kerr was Illegal, thus making her election unjust Back and forth the battle waged. Roberta Rules snd Orders were given th one over snd the twice over snd slmost dismembered In order to find th truth of the' situation.

At last th class voted to adjourn and In th tarns motion decided to meet again next Tuesday with some faculty member at the meeting. But they forgot the name of the faculty member and as a result the students were notified this morning of a called meeting In the chapel. More or less disgusted with the situation, th students voted first ot all on the sponsor, and then Fowler offered his opologles to the class and suggested that the election, however It goes, would be little honor to any person tnd that he would withdraw. Headded the provision that this was only In case Miss Kerr, whose elec High in Low in Pffnee There's a big difference in tires, although they all look pretty much llkc. Borne are made with skimpy, short stapl cotton.

Some have an overdose of "filler" In the rubber ot the tread. Some are long on look! and short on quality. But you won't need a microscope to be sure that the Goodyear Tire you get from in la a real buy. Goodyear mileages tell th story ot World a Greatest Tire." Goodyear are performing so satisfactorily for our customer that they Invariably com back not with a hick hut with a boost, and for another Goodyear when they need tire equipment. have your size in fresh, new stocks at low prices.

320 East Walnut WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 1, 1929 1929 MARRIAGE PERMITS INTO INCREASE OVER 1928 ii Marriage licenses Issued during th first four months of 1939 totaled considerably more than during th corresponding period In 1938, It. was announced today by Jack W. McKee. Oreene county recorder. At the asm time Mr.

McKe announced a tlsesble Increase In the number of chattel mortgage bandied by his office during ths first tour months of th yesr, and employe In the office saw a possible connection between th gain In marriage license and mortgags Automobiles, homes and house furnishings' ar BARBECUE' AND DANCE, PLAN FOR LION SESSION Officials of tbs Lions club announced this morning thst they have completed plans for a barbecu and dance to be given at Cherry Crest park next Monday evening In honor of the members of th club that will attend th Lion club stale convention that Is 'to held hsrt next week. The attending delegate and their wives will meet at th park at 8.30 o'clock that evening th hour th POLICE RAID TWO HOMES, ARREST. 4 City, police officers raided two Springfield residences lsst night and arrested four persona Elvy Wilson, 33, and Mary Lee, 31, were arretted on East Madison street. Paul Ensign and Bertha Minor wer arretted on North Main avenue. Wilson snd Mlas Let entered pleas of guilty before Judge Charles A.

Hubbard this morning In municipal court and were fined 858.15. Ensign and the Minor girl pleaded not guilty and were bound over to the afternoon session. OFFERS $25,000 FOR PROPOSED AIR FLIGHT May 1 (INS) A new trans Atlantic air flight, from Rome to New York and thence to Dallas. Texas, was outlined to President Hoover today by Col. W.

E. Easter wood, wealthy Dallas sportsman, who has pasted 135,000 sa a prize for the successful pilot. Eaatcrwood said his offer was open to all, th flight to be started any time after Jun 1. The flight from Rome to New York would cover 41)00 miles, and from New York to Dallas nnothcr 1600 miles. tlon had legitimately been upheld by the dean, should resign or withdraw.

She conceded and aa a result the class decided on holding th election next fell, Announcing the ROBERT (BOB) to Having associated lhat I formerly wher we you have mortgaged rather trsely by many newlyweds. Marrlag licenses Inf Oreen county during April this yearlote led 47, Mr. McKe ald, oompaosd to a total ot 46 last year. Thtr was a big Increase during tbb month also In chattel mortgage, th mortgages totaling 1685 compared to 1321 In 1938. A gain of 35 was recorded in th marrlag license total for the first four months of this year compared with the Sam period in 1938.

Th totals war 349 and 334. Chattel mortgage during th first four month of 1939 totaled 5753; In the same period In 1938, 4783. barbecue Is scheduled to begin. Th Springfield club, under whose direction th affair Is being given, has acquired ths service of Charles Love, manager ot Loves Market, to stttnd to th process ot barbecuing th meat. Mr.

Lov I well acquainted with the process of preparing Isrgs qusntttles of mest over an open fire. An ample upply pt beef, pork and rib baa been purchased by the club. Th barbecu will featured by several "stunts" by th visiting club on an open air rustle stag. Several members of th club from Joplln, Nevedt, Kennett and Webster Orovct ar already booked for such performance. Following th barbecu and "stunt performances," th guests will be honored with a dsnc at the Cherry Crest pavilion.

Music will be furnished by the Joe Hayrura dance orchestra. TONlGHTr The FLDTT OlDIER WLW 0 P. M. EVERY WEDNtSOAY WIGHT Removal of 1 iii hlW AIB MAIL BOfc'TB err. Louis.

May i (AP) Tw plane of th Universal Aviation oor. porattoa took off from Lsmbrt 8t. Louis Field at 7:35 o'clock this morning. Inaugurating air mall and pas senger servlc from fit. Louis to Omaha by way of Kansas City.

WASHINOTON Wlf of Justice Holmes dies. i HAPPINESS GOES HAND IN HAND WITH HEALTH Happiness it tb reward ol health protection miserr is th penalty foe RnliTin that, thousands of women tvtrywbert ar ulnf nd recommending St. Joseph's 3 ny FAMILS LOA NS 110 XO S00 OeducUonti tbsoluts oris, promptDtss, courtesy. to tt monthly, plus lawful lattratt, rtpart 110 la lloa cssb lota. IS to 410 plus lawful Inlsrtst, rep 7 1 iioo to 1300 east) lota 110 to II monthly, plus iswlul tnttto est, rsptrs 1200 to 13 oo estb loea.

tvair rtparmtnl rtduett tht Inures! tott, 011. writs si Phone 3 5 2 0 PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY Mm II rltllsaa BIS. Sr llsor, It, tails ss St'sr Opto SO Saturdays 1:10 to I Licensed Sr th Stats Bonded so th publie MOVING TRANSFERING STORAGE We Pack, We Ship We Crate. We Haul Moving $4.00 Per Load Storage 12.00 Per Month 8SS" EXTRA rh nl? fitrtt beat) is Ua ttitl earaU room ff trfnt fnl lar. fan aao tocfc tatt aarrf th hat If ma.

SAM HERRICK Transfer Storage Phone 427 Phone 4 College 4 the 320 East Walnut St. (Formerly Yellow Cab Building) purchased Ihe Interest of Mr. John CJurke. ho has bftn with me in the Headley Garage, I am plensed to announce' have secured a long time leas on the lnrce garage hulrllng occupied by the Tellow Cab at 320 least Walnut Stroet. will be to render the same satisfactory service that enjoyed for several years at our former loiaiiun.

i A Complete Stock of All Kinds and Sizes' of." Goodyear Tires and Goodyear Tubes and Goodyear Repair Service a Hour Storage 41 Service Car Washing Greasing Dixcel Gasoline DRIVE IN DAY OR NIGHT Cars Called for and Delivered TELEPHONE 1350 MlP Prop, li i "a i i i 'irfi a A i rnoneioau.

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